Blue Skies

Bible Prophecy (Truth & Deception)

Fetality and the Elderly

Using Fetal Heads for Products

For what?

What are fetal heads used for as products? I would love to know how one can use a fetal head or their brain! I want to understand how one can possibly believe a bunch of nuts because they act like nuts that are on those videos talking about the prodecures involved which I have never seen those procedures . I don’t think they have seen it in reality. I think it’s their imagination.

This is the show of The Five who are defending Ben Carson’s stand on life and his believe that it starts at conception which is the French View and many others. Course a lot money riding on his viewpoint which could be the resin for his viewpoint.

“Only Eric Bolling of the Five has had the courage to watch the videos all the way through,” said Dan Perrina and she admires him for that courage (BIG FUCKING DEAL. HE’s  A LIAR) and doesn’t have the courage. I don’t have the time nor the desire to sit through a bunch of hired nuns/guns and listen to their fantasies about something that is not occurring at least not in the way they say it is occurring or for the reasons they say it is occurring and is

used as an excuse to kill the elderly

 without even a mention.

What does that say about The FIVE?


The reason it was done that is, in reality, was as a procedure was for the spinal cord fluid and brain stem research I think to help those that had some disabilities caused by falling off a horse. For Superman. Christopher Reeve who we witnessed in Congress on TV pleading for the privilege because he fell off a horse and broke his neck but lived but was paralyzed from the neck down.

I have no idea what Congress did in that regard. I only saw snippet of it on TV and I was young at the time. I thought they nixed the idea. But it is not a new idea it started around 1963 with the assassination of JFK in Dallas.  This was around the time skin serums were being sold via TV and claiming it was the fountain of youth from a European Company that had some form of baby by-product in them using the embryonic sac that a baby is born in and that comes out before a baby is born when water flows out and I didn’t use it once I realized. First of all it was confusing what they said in the pamphlet so I didn’t quite get the gist of their claim.

I don’ t have a problem with someone who thinks life begins at conception. It’s called germination.

A seed is watered and germinates above ground because the soil is so shallow. It develops roots as it grows and develops upwards also.

We are not plants. And humans develop differently than a plant. Plants can’t walk and talk so it is hard to compare the two but the plant world is life. Are we plants? I think the nuns and the guns planted in Planned Parent hood are plants.

In the bible of the Old Testament there is a plant that is very very hard to pull. By pull i mean out of hiding and pull up. I think they are called mangroves I mean mandrakes but they are probably harvested in mangroves that were farmed and Rachel of the bible employed them. Like I’m saying in essence making girls and women get pregnant using devices: alcohol and other things to have a harvest and then blaming the women of course other women, but not herself. GET MY DRIP, DRIP, DRIP, DRIP. They have long roots but they don’t grow downward, but sideways around people and their possessions. They spread out over a wide area to cling to the dirt. There is a special way to uproot them that has to be employed in order to not have them grow again from their roots that is lets say if they are cut. You have to get the whole thing or you are wasting your time.

It’s magical. Mangroves were used by Rachel as a way to get people to fall in love as in witchcraft and other things They scream when you pull them out like you would a dragon or an evil spirit inside a human being. It is thought to be a fable, but I don’t think so. They can look like people and act like people but they aren’t people. They stand in the place of people and do a lot of dirty, nasty work inside people to mess with people including who they impersonate or possess.

Hence what I saw in a photo may very well likely be that kind of work. Michelle Obama with arms that Obama himself mentioned at a press dinner is a good example and she looked like she didn’t understand what he meant. I saw her expression as like, “What?” and she was laughing, embarrassed a little to be highlighted by his comment, unless it was an act. She was not wearing sleeves in her magenta pink dress I think and has pretty muscular arms but in the picture at Benghazi it was those same arms and shoulders her neck and same face though swollen from surgery 46 days ahead of the next election. She was not wearing a wig so had her natural hair what accommodates wigs easily. The Election day is a big day for the first lady to look her best and many people do have surgery so it’s not a sin to have plastic surgery and she did look great after that. She didn’t look that bad before it but had aged and weathered as we all do. Everyone can look real bad and I have seen some other pictures of her at her worst I think her worst. I have seen pics of Goldi Hawn at her worst and other actresses. Photographers love to show them at their worst. They get paid lots of money for those photos like my sister probably got paid for her shots. Like Princess Fergie and some actress with cellulite on and off season of her career or life. It’s degrading because they usually go after women to degrade them expecially famous ones but sometimes men as well. It’s really bad though to go in their living room or on their porch sunbathing or as in Fergie’s example in her yard behind a fence. It helps for the regular people to see once in a while some of those pictures that aren’t posed to not feel quite as gross for not having those attributes or traits because of lack of money or time or their injustices to their figures and face like when they are on the street wearing sunglasses. I don’t want to see them at their worst if i don’t have to I like to see them look normal if I can but I don’t often buy magazines about stars (I don’t know if I ever have bought one) but they are on the aisles at the grocery store for our edification and i do every once in a while flip through one while waiting in line if I have the privilege of buying groceries and those magazines make a lot of money degrading stars in many ways and propping them up because they end up being products instead of people which is done in various ways besides photos. And of course they touch it up if they like you and they touch it down if they don’t like you.

Most people do not travel during or after surgery especially via airplane because of possibility of blood clots and other problems they might have after surgery, so if she was there at BENGHAZI after surgery she took a big chance but in her other hand was a syringe. OF course depends where she had surgery and what kind of transportation she used.  You can tell it is a syringe  because of how her fingers grasped it unless she was squeezing a resin bottle, but they have tried to make the picture less clear since I wrote about it quite a while ago soon after Benghazi occurred.

There are better ways to travel these days. It’s not for everyone just for thrones that get to use it.

Hence Queen Elizabeth not dolled up.

“Mary, Mary, quite contrary”


Mary, Mary, quite contrary
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockleshells
And pretty maids all in a row.

We all have doubles and maybe triplets and quads etc. There are people that look similar because I think there are just so many variables in traits of people but they can be combined in may different ways and then make up and so forth.

They use old shows to make us think they are young and shows that didn’t make it early on and store them for later use to fool the public and to make money. All the while we thought they made their money in one great movie and they or others were working like slaves to produce a bunch of stuff that one person could not possibly produce in a life time and the same with authors unless they did it in a vacuum or somewhere else.

During the JFK assassination investigation that I pursued I found out about some places that seem to be a types of temples where I think there were passages inside them. Ley lines? Travel spots. LBJ was a builder of dams early in his career and unearthed these places or so it was written about. I can’t say for sure. I wasn’t there. It seems there are at least four places that were rebuilt in other places to use. One in Spain, one in Manhattan, one in the Netherlands, and one in another place and probably others. One in one place was rebuilt the wrong way and so had a different result of that blunder all having to do with the number 153, 135, 531 etc. anyway Jackie Kennedy received some things from these places as gifts from Egypt for their help unearthing some places and her help somehow or another. She was the one that shot JFK or her double.

Which also has to do with Josephuses footsteps I wrote about a few years back that others have tried to write about as well or have written about and problem solving type the riddle of those writings about the footsteps having to do with poisoning and suicides especially of the jews and enemies of Rachel using tunnels and other things.

“Another shall gird thee and take you where you would not go, follow me.” is what Jesus said to Peter who denied him three times when the cock crowed three times during that night of the arrest when he followed Jesus to see the end which was not the end because other people witnessed the crucifixion and when he said follow me was after the crucifixion a few days later at the Sea of Galilee. Meaning he went to see the point the stuff that happens in-between we don’t see behind the scenes such as the inquisition Jesus went through and maybe some other things we don’t know about not written about in the bible because we are not privileged enough to know about it or trusted enough, etc.

Then after the Gospel of John is the Book of Acts which goes into what happens either before or after the Gospel of John. Some of it is after but seems like it is before so it’s kind of confucious. It’s kind of gross some of the things that did occur and extremely cruel for money, power, and control.

During the trial and after Nicodemus or Arimathea begs for the body of Jesus. That can be construed differently then what is normally relied upon for the masses. The body could mean the people of Jesus. The body could mean the DNA of Jesus. The body could mean his body in actuality to bury and probably other meanings as well. (Could be talking about Necrophiliasm. Making love to the dead or having sex with the dead.)

Hence the Synoptic gospels.

Jesus of the Gospel of John is the only one that props truth.

Remember it was Pontius Pilate very piously said, “What is truth?”

But back then people did not punctuate sentences so it could mean something else.

Could mean he said “What is truth!” and then after the decision to kill Jesus washed his hands.

as in


 which we heard a bunch about from evangelicals recently (avenging angels used to confuse the masses, the fallen angels or those that are deceived by them which of course don’t know any better than to deceive because it is what they are taught to have faith in and it’s not their fault it’s the deceivers fault and GOD knows it)

obviously opposite in a sideways kind of way to


WHICH IS A NAME of GOD possibly the only name of God and he is the one saying what it is (his name) in Exodus but there are other names of Gods that are written about in the OLD Testament and the NEW Testament. Some having to do with his traits or just from the times when people worshipped devils, demons, plants, animals, and things.

When doing the JFK assassination the woman with Jackie in the limo (John Connelly’s wife Nellie) when he was shot in the head by Jackie Kennedy or her double with big calves was dichotic speaking. When he was turning that fateful corner she said as he neared the time of his death she said. “You can’t say that Dallas doesn’t love you” because of the crowds that greeted him however they changed the course the route of the drive at the last minute. I don’t know if he was aware of that change but it is written about in the transcripts I transcribed as best I could and at that moment a shot was fired or that may have been when he grabbed his throat. Now if you change the punctuation it could mean something else. Not saying she did it on purpose but from within she chose those words. IF you put a comma or a period after the word “that” then you have a whole different meaning.

“You can’t say that,. Dallas does’t love you.” There may have been the word anymore after it but I don ‘t want to check because it is not important to this reasoning.

He was about to give a speech at a luncheon at the Trade Center in Dallas and it was gonna be a good one. I think he was thinking about what he was gonna say and how he was gonna say it and she probably overheard him

“Thinking in a Lincoln.”

Course he might have fooled her with his thoughts knowing what was gonna happen because he made a taped version later to be released just in cases he didn’t get to say it in Dallas when they made a switch hand off at the airport and it was handed over to some people in Dallas but that could have been a trick as well. THE WOMAN ON THE RIGHT TRIES TO GET THE EXCHANGE GIFT THAT HE IS HOLDING BUT HE HOLDS ON TO IT AND GIVES IT TO THE GUY IN THE LEFT PICTURE.

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Think about this we hear in our mind not just in our ears and sometimes those thoughts aren’t ours. One of the Pauls said we would be judged by our thoughts and that is not true. I don’t believe that. How could we think if that were the case. When we think we think thoughts that aren’t always what we would have thought if we could. So in a way JFK was having a conversation not just with himself and the same for the people involved and they testified to it. I documented the handover and so that the average viewer would notice using snap shots of a video to demonstrate because if you don’t look real close you miss it. Course he could have been handing over a button as in nukes but one lady tries to get what he hands over and he makes sure he hands it to someone else and he walks off with it. I imagine he might have been involved in a switch of some kind having to do with the people he loved. It is done now in IRAN with hostages so could be he was dealing with a hostage situation then or a kidnapping. He did a gesture of his lower button on his jacket during that time as well, twisting it.

My mom when she was a young girl with her brothers and playing around because she was a tom boy and very silly which is some of what I loved about her because she was a stinker and very funny (with a great imagination) was playing in their automobile with her youngest brother Ted. He was a tot or a little older said to him “Don”t you do that” when he had his hand on the part of the car that would unlock it to roll either the clutch or the gear shift and changed her tone and inflection to make it mean Don’t you. Do that.  I think she said it in a few different ways and he did that and the car rolled. I’m sure her eyes were big and she had big ones to begin with but she was prankster in way in her personality. It was a lesson. My brother and I did the same kind of stuff with the words: “Fuck you”, saying it to each other in many ways being silly one night and not meaning it but being funny. And it was.

My brother and I had a lot of fun together growing up. He told me in my mind/heart somehow “to never stop exploring.” He does’t talk to me anymore since quite a while ago after the last trip I saw him and we didn’t really get along at all partically because of my beliefs and his and my sisters faith but we got along after we smoked a nub of marijuana and got a tiny bit altered. He was very into what he was reading a book called The God Particle so it is a start and the last time I saw him after we drove down Purgatory Road. The last thing he wrote was “Delusion much.” it had a question mark but that could have been added on the way to my e-mail box.

We explored together a bunch as kids and as adults in a different way.

When at an army base known for educating about war that we were stationed (a war college) we made some friends. I had a boy friend named mike and he had some siblings one named Dallas. My sister rolled in a Volkswagon with Dallas on the way to date a boy at West Point because of strong winds. Later we visited them in Hawaii when on R&R the second time. The mom was a senator and I went out with the middle boy who took me to a movie to see while I was there. I think it was an irish type movie about woman who was in love with a ghost and how she was treated like a whore by the townspeople, I can’t remember why, probably because she was different. The townspeople were kind of like the people that met the travelers on a river raft in the mountains who were not made well as in inbreds and that movie was called: Deliverance. However they weren’t quite as bad as the ones in Deliverance they were mentally as bad or worse because the young man in Deliverance could play the banjo quite well so he was different than the other inbreds in and around the area but he was still dangerous because he wasn’t right in the head.

It was a long movie and lots of interesting characters to say the least in that depiction, I’ll add the name later of the movie I saw when I recall it. I found it: Ryan’s Daughter.

He later died in a car wreck hitchhiking in the states soon after. I don’t know the details just that he had island fever and wanted to do some traveling. I saw his older brother on a bridge walking and bouncing a ball recently. We didn’t talk I just recognized him and he did not recognize me.

It wasn’t our Volkswagon it was their Volkswagon although we used to have two Volkswagons. It totaled the Volkswagon and they were lucky to live with out too much of a problem physically. I don’t recall any physical damage to my sister but I think Dallas was injured. Her leg. I could be wrong about whose Volkswagon it was because I was only a kid. We did get another car and it was olive colored in another state later on and one of the Volkswagons had had an attempt upon it’s ownership when a guy went AWOL. I love Volkswagons the ones in the past because of their output in mileage and they were so easy to fix. I don’t think they are as good anymore, but cute.

Anyway these portals or what ever they are (temples) are in different order in one place and affects their names and their language and their meanings as does punctuation.

I am terrible at punctuation as far as the rules go but I think I do a good job as far as the meaning goes and tend to do less punctuating as a rule which is convenient.

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SOMETHING WEIRD ABOUT THIS. Looks like something in her throat like a straw and she has arm around something .

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ROY KELLERMAN THE SS AGENT THAT JFK TRUSTED AND HE IS LOOKING AT A CAMERA THAT HE KNOWS IS THERE. THE REST DON’T SEE IT. HAS A LOOK LIKE MY DAD. Kind of like he is saying: watch this or watch carefully and I noticed Jackie behind him and some other faces and started to examine. I’m probably not right about everything b/c nobody is correct about everything. But lots of stuff going on in matter of seconds or less and in those frames.

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Woman in front looks as if she is trying to get what is in JFK’s hand and then he hands it to another person. A relay. Spy stuff.

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look way deep inside

The first shot or second was not a shot but something thin sharp and long went through his tie and the tie stopped the object which is impossible. The wound came from the car and entered from the back like an automatic type contraption built into the car that went back out the same way it went in to the tie because of the wound it made which did the same and if he were shot in the neck his neck wouldn’t be there anymore and a massive amount of blood would have bled at that time and it didn’t. The car and the jab in the back was designed to hold him in place so that Jackie could finish him off with a shot to the side of his head with the gun she was handed in her roses at the airport with he noise make the puppet Lamb chops to shock and awe the spectators and a device to injure and drug JFKs secret service agent and friend (which I document from the films with snapshots to illustrate what happens to him afterwards) just to be sure so all the crap you read about the assassination is cover up and like the many things written about the bible – a flood to divert and very much like Benghazi and the books written about it and shown on Fox for the most part and a lucrative way to make money for those that are leeches of life and leeches of the living: The mob and they run the show in the Vatican and elsewhere. They think they do anyway. I think it’s changing.

And I don’t want to get stuck on the that and the this or the me’s, the i’s, and the you’s etc right now to express myself but there is difference for other reasons.

Funny ad about it in the Geico ad with the me and the you and the you and the me.

When I was a tot i followed my brother to school one day. The school called and told my mom because I was sitting in the classroom. They sent me back through the field and she said she could see my head bobbing up and down through the tall grass. I don’t remember it except by what she told me about it. The house we lived in had a pole in the middle of the room. My dad at that time had a broken back or sprained his back and was in a bed but I was only a tot and remember the film of him on a stretcher much like the stretcher that JFK was on when his back was broken somehow with Jackie. Same timing, I think. Some similarities that are kind of eerie.

We went overseas by ship. Took about 8 days. It was impressive when I first saw the ocean and the ship and it even had a theater. Watched Bambi. I was about 7 years old. Weird out in the middle of the ocean. The skies and the water. The reason we went by ship was because I had hearing problems so it was the safe way to go.

When living overseas my mom had a date with the Queen of England. We also saw her at a parade in her carriage and all the stuff about it I think it was her birthday and it was filmed by my family while we sat on the bleachers. They are really into hats and parades over there. Went to a private boys school for a while and then to a public school. That experience was quite an experience and kind of magical. we toured and camped it and other countries while there and sometimes inns. I didn’t know that was why we went overseas but that is all it could have been. We had a twisting party and JFK was assassinated during our party. We could barely see it on TV because the reception was so bad and no telling if we were getting it in REAL TIME but however long it took to get to us.

 Now when one says











which is why were WERE DEFEATED


and as I said i got some messages from them that they were aware.

We can change our future but GOD can change our past present and future depending on our awareness and if GOD feels like it.

What will this man do asked Peter to Jesus and he said What is that to thee, follow me. (If I wilt that he tarry) he said that too in there somewhere.


My mom used to like to scare me for fun. LOL. She would take out her teeth after a party and liked to see me freak out because I was a scaredy cat. She was acting like a warlock and fearing me which is what you do when you are a warlock in a game of WOW and it is defeating when you get feared. It wasn’t cruelty it was entertainment. I don’t recall her ever hitting me. She pinched me a few times but not very hard.  She cussed once that I know when she said shit. I forget why but it was a first and the last time that I ever heard her cuss. She put me on restriction a few times. but that was pretty much it. On the other hand the siblings did kind of get physical sometimes. I saw my older ones acting like they had some turf fights and my youngest and I had some turf issues like when I drew a line in the bed so my sister wouldn’t cross over but she did because she was kind of cuddly and I would kick her. I hope I wasn’t too hard on her. For the most part we got along and i think my dad and my brother had one physical antagonistic confrontation and neither won because both were pretty equal forces but it hurt their relationship for a while but they healed and learned to respect each other. My brother liked to get behind me and hold my shoulders and stick a knee in my back to make me submit with my knees on the ground which he never outgrew pumped my stomach a few times till I couldn’t breathe for fun and once smeared some snow in my face but nothing harmful it was how we played. When we were young dad had a paddle he never used  twice as big as a ping-pong paddle and twice as thick. I don’t think he ever used it he just showed it once in a while. Only once could he catch me to spank me because I was very good at dodging and that was when I told some girl she going to hell or something like that for something she was doing, said, or did on the playground where we played tether ball (and i felt like the whole neighborhood watched it was embarrassing) which was one of my favorite sports besides horseback riding and dodgeball which I usually won. The boys hated me at school because they couldn’t get me out of the game and I like tennis too as long as I don’t have to run too far. I used to like to play it in a cage with a wall for practice.

My mom had a lot to get over in her life being an abandoned poor black child by her dad who left his wife of seven kids for a rich woman without kids but in actuality she was white. My grandmother when she was left by her husband had her teeth removed to avoid costs since she still had kids and had teeth problems and didn’t want to have to worry about it and she was a bit freaked out having to cope. Like i said in another post the kids sent her money when they worked a little here and a little there. My grandmother was kind of a pioneer and a member of the Daughters of the Revolution. DAR She was a bible believer though I don’t know what she knew or didn’t know because we never talked about it which is too bad. She had great sense of humor and suffered quite bit losing one daughter who was said to have committed suicide off a roof of a building a two story or one story building hanging her laundry and found to have bleach in her body when they did an autopsy. I found out from my mom that she had been driven down a dirt road by her husband/future husband in order to abort her pregnancy but I didn’t know when that happened after her two kids or before. He got custody of the kids which my mom also was hurt by because she didn’t just lose her sister she lost touch for the most part of those kids. She did reach out and write and visited them but he moved far away and made it difficult. I think what happened was it was a cover up. She probably was poisoned with bleach. You don’t jump off a building from one story or two if you want to commit suicide you pick a high building to make sure it works. She did break her neck from the fall, I think, so this haunted my mom plus witnessing the Pearl Harbor from the roof top of some homes in the area or near the area when they saw the planes come in.

Kind of eerily like what happened to my niece who witnessed 9-11 from a rooftop in Brooklyn.

And Paul McCartney witnessed from an airplane on the tarmac. Not that he had anything to do with our family but I was thinking at the time of adding a song of his because I do that sometimes in my writings where it fits, but I forgot which song. Maybe later I’ll figure it out.

My little sister had a friend whose son did the same thing (jumping off a building) with one shoe and one sock on. An unusual way to dress because usually you put two socks on and then the shoes. He was an engineer or going to be one like my dad was interested in as young man so he wasn’t stupid and he lived in Chicago. His parents were holy rollers. They prayed over him (laid hands on him I think they call it) the day he did what he did so it had no good effect or affect. He had complained or reached out to others about his paranoia of being stalked spiritually and physically and they thought he was out of his mind, I think, delusional which many are these days and not by accident. He had I think touched my sister’s boob one night just to see what it was like. She had had implants so it is kind of natural to be curious. I think he is the one. I did the same thing as a girl to a girl named Penny. Everyone laughed about it and didn’t let me live it down as families do. It was there and I wanted to know what it was like. I don’t think it was anything to die for, I’ll tell you that much. Even Penny laughed embarrassed and blushed big time but she was a young teenager and she laughed about it. I doubt my sister would think her boobs were to die for. She had kind of an open heart in some ways. They did not have an affair because i think she would have told me since she told me lots of things that were not good about herself or from guilt and she felt a little guilt perhaps because of the divorce. She didn’t tell me everything but she was for the most part an open book which I appreciated though I have mocked her since I was handled the way I was by her and others. Like shit. I was trying to also wake her up during my travails ant hers.  It was probably used against her somehow but it wasn’t anything to cause a death over. It is a natural thing that isn’t that bad. So anyway he felt he was being hunted and he was ignored till that day. She went to his funeral and gave her prayers and good wishes to the parents during the divorce so it seemed to be a way to see her family that she desired still because she loved them which is very natural for her. We all think things out of order. So it wasn’t her that caused his death it was something else. I think I know what it is it is who she was indoctrinated by and the kind of system it is. An occult. Jealousy. The Journeyman. He was only a young man and had a beer or two, I wasn’t there but I imagine that was the case with this thing that happened. I would imagine my sister would have blushed unless she was drunk or high on booze and she was indoctrinated by the antics of some friends and family not to give a hoot. When she was young she was maybe too sensitive but still had sensitivity when she grew but alcohol kind of blurs things and feelings. It was an unfair and tragic occultic crap. Like the dust of the temple I wrote about in regards to jealousy that is written about in the bible and like what Gary did to his daughter at a young age whether anything happened out of order (which it probably did some guys don’t like brunettes especially when the wife they hate is a brunette. It has to be something like that and that is a type of psychopath that does that because she is overbearing and she is very very overbearing and probably black mailed the family possibly with innuendo or something? or it is because of me and my ideas threaten them? or just a plain ole collision ) outside in the jacuzzi or not he did it to me and my mom and his wife and thereby our family because it spread like a wildfire the effects and the bad feelings. It was gross and needless. The baby hadn’t even been born so how could she have been jealous. Sure she had jealousy in her towards her older sister as everyone has jealousy at one time or another with siblings, friends, marriages etc. it’s a part of life and is something that has to be reined in by the person who is jealous and it takes practice. So when you hear O’reilly snort know that usually is what he is snorting about. I have heard it in the ex. What a night. Whew.

The occult has to do with this person who talked about girlie magazines in regards to pornography and can’t seem to get with the times. Franklin Graham, a sex pervert full of false guilt. He used that expression to sound like a little boy or those pictures you see of Jesus on many catholic walls with his eyes looking up as if “who, me?” There are pictures of Billy Graham and Franklin Graham praying or thoughtfully looking up and it’s propaganda BS. They knew they were being taken of him being holy which he isn’t. He has a lot of holes.

I don’t know if you have been in a church to see people when they have to sit through a bad sermon but they fidget and fuss etc. They are forced to sit and watch some idiot lighting candles and walking down the aisle with whatever it is that they carry in robes and lace and chant the same thing over and over again. It’s sickening and I doubt GOD is honored. Like sticking little flags on my dad’s grave. Meaningless BULLSHIT and then to take a picture which is why I’m trying to get through to my sister and I compared her to a woman that was alleged to have murdered her two kids in their sleep and on their birthday sprayed silly string on their graves with her family watching her which is even worse. obviously the woman had problems and they did what many do with alcoholics go along laughing about it as if it is normal and like with politicians holding them unaccountable to their duties thereby propping up shit.

I heard a story that GRETA told about how a POW that was kept from death at a camp in Japan or some island involved and was taken out of the camp because he had some kind of talent and i think it was hitler who did it for this POW. Anyway it was some kind of perverted indoctrination of some kind. That’s how low these assholes are and to think she thought it was a good story. It wasn’t a good story because HITLER killed 6 million jews and then and I don’t know how many Russians and Americans and English and French and Italians and Germans  and so forth. She is kind of macabre and likes to tell stories about weird crimes that are unsolved. She travels with Franklin Graham on trips where kids get shoe boxes full of shit after calamities that Christian donate and feel good about themselves which is cool except that one is feeding the others appetite and many of those christians are the ones profiting because that shit is bought from somewhere and I don’t think you get a choice where and who it is bought from.

 God says I AM A JEALOUS GOD in some of the commandments i have seen and not some I have seen. I think it was added. I don’t believe GOD is a jealous god. Why would GOD be jealous of a false god. It’s ridiculous,.And why would he tell us he had a bad trait. Only a god would be jealous of GOD because he hasn’t the power of GOD or the creativity of GOD. It doesn’t make sense and in my opinion a bunch of rubbish. The reason GOD doesn’t want us to have other gods before us is because of the confusion which I have encountered and because it is dangerous. Not because he wants our love more than this other god or needs it. He can just go out in the universe and create another universe which is why god is jealous of GOD. The reason that was added was because one of the commandments says Thou shalt have no other gods before me. So some asshole added the addition to it out of jealousy. So often times there will be two sentences or three of four and you have to kind of separate or part what you read. Like an egg: the white from the yolk. One makes a heavy cake when not separated and the other an angel food cake which is not bad for health unless you add too much sugar and stuff and each person does it from their perspective but it changes when you read, learn, and experience more as you go along. Building blocks. But there are those that don’t want you to do that and refuse to grow up and do a lot of things to undermine you growing up.

My mom did not breast feed us. I didn’t notice the difference. We were raised on bottles and canned food often which was the style/fad at the time. The first time I saw her bosoms was on a camping trip up north in a shower we shared at Yellowstone National Park. I was amazed by them and could not take my eyes off them and I bet I embarrassed her. One of the times I saw her last she said I love them and we asked what she was talking about looking down at herself under her gown. She was talking about her bosoms. And my sister and I told her we loved them too. That was when she was in one of her weird zones but it was cute as can be. Someone somehow may have made her feel funny about them because they were doing some mental stuff to her at The Arc to prove her lack of mental skills like Dementia to prove COPD which encompasses just about every disease known to man kind of like GLobal Warming encompasses everything to do with Climate Change which is like saying we have seasons which we already knew (COMMON CORE CRAP) and perhaps it was spiritual as if they did not suffice anymore but that wasn’t what we loved about her only it was her everything even with the bad. She had a drinking problem that lasted many years but it was not a daily thing or even weekly. It came in like storms on a GRETA lake up north. We could see them coming. LOL and learned to recognize what was ahead.

But they were bad storms when they came sometimes. Letting off steam and probably hormonal as well and those demons we all have for a number of reasons.

Women have it worse in some ways because of their treatment but some don’t seem affected by their demons and some do because some are attacked harder than others. Catholics tend not to be too affected by their demons usually because they are catholic. They forget and are indulged. Some of us don’t forget so easily and aren’t indulged. Some of us are less a threat to the status quo than others. Some put on their blinders and while it helps a horse to cross a bridge it doesn’t help when a snake is nearby.

Instinct and experience helps etc. and so does GOD when you learn about Him.

I never saw my dad hit my mom. I was told about it and she a few times languished in her bruises though I didn’t bite. I kind of ignored the languish so that may have made her less trusting but I knew her pretty well pretty deeply and understood her I think the older I got. She had fair skin, very fair and delicate. I saw him drag her down a hallway by her arm once when she was really bad. Just happened to be the person who caused trouble for me was there that night. He was also there the day that my dad had a TIA. All the bad things that happened Gary was there. (even visited me at my abortion, which was weird.) When I showed him some stuff about Sandy Hook Elementary Hoax he seemed amused and like he knew what it was. Though my sister his wife didn’t buy that it was a hoax but she only watched the man who went up to the podium and was laughing and then started crying about his dead daughter and was the one that was holding a woman at the scene of the hoax who was slanting her eyes with her finger like she could not see very well and acting as his wife and my little sister used to do that as a child to see better and looked chinese when she did and we used to called our Lotus Blossom for other reasons but that was one and then we realized that she needed glasses but since has had laser surgery for her eyes and sees way too much. WOW. They also vacationed at Augusta yearly and took my dad once for some reason.  near the end of a healthy life. “While membership is strictly by invitation only and limited to around 300 high-paying members per year, Augusta is still a must-see for any golf fan.”  They went by invitation. And he would have reason to be attacking me now. But i did get my hope chest and a few portraits one my mom did and one small one portrait that I did but forget to put masterpiece the 8′ by 10″ portrait that is hanging on her wall that I gave my mom. My best portrait and I had already given one that was pretty good to my older sister but I think its a claiming kind thing because the picture of my little sister in the same pose behind my mom’s head when I got some strange notes and pictures of my mom from my sister which alarmed me. They also hung out with the Bushes up north. I find that interesting.  OIL BUSINESS. Conoco OIL. Mr. John Kircher was the President of Conoco Oil his wife was named Dorothy as well. They called her Dottie. and they lived in Greenwich, Connecticut in a mansion and Texas in Houston for a while. They went to SMU. The Kirchers. Gary Kircher. They had a 2nd/3rd wedding in Durango, Colorado. Had a potato farm up north. The night when we were together in San Antonio for birthday celebration for my mom when I was watching their grandkids on the walkway as we all walked and Diane said “Don’t watch their kids. Let Tootie do it.” right by the river at night and she had three then running wild and has since added more. Diane was drinking and wanted me not to care and because Lori/Tootie didn’t really care. They let everyone else do it which was typical so Diane was right but you can’t do that with kids. Gary was thinking about my butt because he had to mention it when I was adjusting my clothes getting up from the table and made a special point of talking in my ear about it and they sent underwear in the hope chest inside a bag . THEY ARE SO FUCKED UP! I have to send the ex to ask for the portrait that I painted that took months again because she doesn’t want to give it back. He didn’t ask even though he was there. DUH. She also worked for the Republican party in Dallas and a very successful real estate agent. But didn’t remember when Diane’s first husband saved their son from drowning that’s how much she cares about her own kids. Billy Graham was the Bushes mentor and many of the Presidents except Truman because he knew he was a crook. He had common sense. Anyway my little sister does not look like that woman except what she did with fingers to her eyes to unblur her vision it looked more like Greta as a witch. They have similarities especially because of the eyes and in between and facial surgery and like my older sister in ways that I don’t like. She’s not a pretty thing to begin with but she certainly looked better than she does now. IMO.  And when my sister was drunk when I kicked her out she had been over at their house and when I had my first COPD attack eating those walnuts with listeria and the sour grape. I think I was set up. LOL So this is cooked up by the Bushes and Billy/Franklin Graham. It was a weird night and I said as I was about to leave, “Enough of this bullshit!” I was right. Remember what George Bush said about wanting him back. What a choice. Stinks.

Baha Men, “Who Let the Dogs Out” 

Anyway John Boehner Left the House recently and Paul Ryan Took Over

Rep. John Boehner ends tumultuous speakership with budget fireworks

WASHINGTON — John Boehner’s speakership will … and a short-term spending deal about to expire, Boehner said he was simply making good on his promise to “clean out the barn” before he leaves the House and …

I guess he was pooped but I think he was right about those false prophets in the House making promises they know they can’t keep.

It’s because of Billy Graham and Franklin Graham and the BGEA and GRETA VAN SUSTERNE. Gary was the one that gave me a website about a conspiralist which I’ll have to find it. I included it in another post what he was suggesting was going on. He liked to collect Roman things and Nazi stuff. Not only that he for a long time slept with a gun under his pillow because of his courage and then eventually under his bed which is kind of dumb. Real nice people. I bet he did rape those women with a ski mask in Dallas. The Kirchers treated them each year to a ski trip (probably in Colorado and trips to ride horses possibly on their potato farm but I think they did it on a ranch as well.) When he took his young daughter about 2 years of age before their John was born (my sister was very pregnant and he was still in her naval) for the Jealousy lesson to the Jacuzzi at night in the back yard he carried her there in his arms. It may have something to do with when I wouldn’t let him carry me to the car for my cigarettes or matches. It was ridiculous. I think he resented my mom being there because she was a good mom and he was drinking beer sitting in his chair. They live on Glen Aire if anyone is interested. I think he resented my dad because he was good dad who was not there (not sure why) but I think it may have been a Grandmother’s Day at Hockaday Private School for Girls in Dallas.) Now I know why my sister did the CAN_CAN crap with the 500-CLub. Because my mom did it as young woman but much better. MOCKING MY MOM but probably was something that influenced her and them inside her. Tootie wasn’t much of a dancer or anything else. a cold fish. She couldn’t do the hula worth a shit either and my mom did:  I guess you have to have grace. They don’t dance much but my mom and dad did. They loved to dance together and he knew how to hold a dance partner. You didn’t mess up even if you didn’t know the dance.

I think Gary was the demon. His own little sister changed her name which may have something to do with the stupid movie I had to watch about the couple whose little sister said she was raped and ruined their life. I have no idea why she changed her name, but I ain’t stupid. She went to college in Ft. Worth and got involved with a criminal type and had to leave and had to be guarded etc. Then married a real jerk who wan insane and married her for money and had two kids, two boys and got a divorce ……..Her name was Elizabeth.

Gary enjoyed throwing his first daughter into the air very high especially near ceiling fans and enjoyed the reaction of others getting scared and she loved it because she was a tot and didn’t know better. Proving he was in control even in a tight spot.

When Gary would put things together that had to be built he never did it all the way like swing sets there were always screws loose, or electoral things there would be wires exposed and things that might hurt if an accident occurred.

And if you followed Gary in another car like on a trip he loved to make it hard and dangerous switching lanes at the last minute in heavy traffic especially in SA, TX. I have no idea what that disease is that caused him to do these things. Like tickle his first daughter from a far reach to touch her in the wrong place and I saw her ration she jumped up and was not enjoying it.

I think it is the difference between a sociopath and psychopath and think he went to the right in regards to those two terms but he was able to hide it around others for the most part but I don’t see how they could not have known that there was something not right he left clues but because his dad was MR. KIRCHER who drank a lot who put on airs because he was the

PRESIDENT OF CONOCO OIL he got a way with a lot.

Obviously he was showing us what was wrong with him:

he had a screw loose and wasn’t wired the right way.

It was a sick way of showing it and it took a lot of time to put it all together because things happened in fragments and over a long time. I think alcohol made him worse and he probably should have been on some kind of medicine but it went unnoticed. As far as jealousy he was jealous of his brother the doctor and Mr. Kircher I think enjoyed making him jealous treating his first son like a king and he was not that smart as you think and mistook how to deal with his second son. So the jealousy thing in the jacuzzi with his daughter was a lot of things all rolled up in one and he wanted us to see for some reason. I guess we were supposed to figure it out for MR. JOHN KIRCHER and for his mom MRS. DOTTIE KIRCHER. They raised him, didn’t they know? They knew something but didn’t warn us.

His dad did said he was caught by company he worked for at something he did that was illegal or wrong and it changed his life somehow and that is what my sister told me. Entrapped? I don’t know cause I don’t know what it is but I they used it against him.

I was gonna change my name after my operation. I was pretty messed up. I did divorce eventually but kept the name for the kid’s sake, but I plan to change it when I think the time is right. I like my last name that I grew up with it has a nice RING besides the fact that I love my family (It was a wonderful time) and it’s easy to remember because our last name was ROOT.

The woman that fell off the roof who had bleach in her system she was my mom’s big sis

 her name was Lorene the same as my big sis.


but that’s what happened!

My sis didn’t even have a middle name, isn’t that kind of weird, but we called her TOOTIE

Little Richard, Tutti Frutti

I think she earned her nickname as Tootie when she was a kid via her best friends “the Rattans”,

the one that called me and gave me the GRETA advice:)

i guess I could have said when Nancy called me that day

why don’t you ask Gary

but I’m sure he would have said

I have no idea what she’s talking about

So i did what I did

and let it play itself out

Know what I’m talkin’ about?

Frank Sinatra I Did It My Way


‘My mom met John Glen a long time ago. (the astronaut). I think it was him one of them that were famous. He had some strange stuff happen to him out in space I think. Which might interest some people. I have seen strange stuff as well like quiet flight at very fast speeds one second it’s there and one second it’s gone kind of stuff. Had light light up my room and soon got pregnant 14 years after I was married, but it was weird and no sound but it was like a helicopter without sound between the houses or something. I wasn’t the only one to witness it. Shits happening. I guess my family are in the number 14 or something. Perhaps it’s genetics.

 I don’t remember mom bruising that night or the day later but I could be wrong. The few times that happened when she languished in her bruises I didn’t see what he did. I’m not saying he did or didn’t but I used to get scared when she was drunk. It upset the whole family and usually it was around Christmas time or special celebrations. I remember once when she had a bottle in her hand and I was walking ahead of her down the hall and i got the chills running down my spine because she could have killed me with that bottle but she didn’t. She never hit me or pushed me or anything just said some shit. LOL. She accused my brother of stealing her diamond wristwatch which was no big deal and he hadn’t taken it because she found it later and he wouldn’t have stolen it anyway.  Sometimes we as a family huddled in one room when she got drunk in order to sleep. It may have been only once but I remember Gary was there huddled between us. So she had her demons. She had thrown up a few times though I didn’t see it. I heard about it from my little sister. She sang Felice Navidad at about 5 in the morning to me and my husband on the other side of the door when we were first married. LOL. It was weird but she was kind communicating something IMO and didn’t know how or what she was trying to say and I didn’t ask later but it sometimes was her way and I have often thought about it retrospect. What she meant. I loved her. I sure remembered those things so it must have mattered I’m not sure I would have remembered otherwise and maybe that is what it takes.

Sometimes I think maybe something came from within and caused those bruises and blamed my dad and she may have hallucinated it being drunk. I don’t know. It could have been she was possessed sometimes because that is how drunks act. But let me make it clear it wasn’t everyday, or every week it was once in a while that she did that so it made it more confusing because it was so rare so it took us a while to learn how to deal with it. If she did it everyday we would have been able to determine the problem quickly that’s what made it kind of weird. But the bad times that she did over do it kind of got bigger over time in our minds. You tend to remember weird things more than things that are normal. I guess you call it negativity when most of the time it was pretty cool.

Catholics sometimes bleed out of their palms and suffer that kind of thing which is spiritual and demonic. They also are proud of bleeding eucharists as if it is a good sign from God. I had my hives, my nervousness, my panic attacks, and my anger. He probably lost his temper though because he couldn’t stand it when she was that way. Nobody could stand it. She was not herself which was really sweet, loving, intelligent, funny and graceful and many other great things that I could not fill the world with how great she was/is and the same with my dad for me. I would go through it again and again to be with them.

He took us finally to a place for families of alcoholics to learn how best to manage when it cropped up. And we learned not to cross her and to vacate the premises or whatever was convenient but we didn’t hold her accountable. It wasn’t like she didn’t know. She knew but over a period of time every one would cool down and get back to normal. That’s why they say its a disease because it is partially a disease. So he would leave the house sometimes overnight but usually for about 4 to 6 hours or more to avoid trouble and to avoid being implicated or losing it and causing more havoc. She made some bad phone calls in the middle of the night but I think she may have had her reasons but it made her look bad. Some people know how to get under one’s skin. She got better and for the most part rarely drank after a while but it took some time. I think she was frustrated with the world and from what I can tell she had reasons to be upset.

Her art helped her quite a bit and she communicated through it and the movie theater helped my dad quite a bit and golf.

I guess in regards to my dad aspirating on a pill they gave him at a hospital they could have done the straw in the throat to let him breath. It was hospital after all. I guess they don’t do that at hospitals, just in restaurants and in movies? Where they cut the throat a little and stick a straw in there. They call that a tracheostomy:The terms tracheostomy and tracheotomy are often used the same way. Tracheotomy is the name for the operation, but tracheostomy refers to the actual opening in the neck. But I remember it was called a tracheotomy. They did it in Mash. Jackie in the picture has a straw in her throat and a tray with something on it that she is hugging. I think it was a Methodist hospital in SA where he aspirated and the Methodists in Dallas played a big role in the assassination of JFK. At the time it was the largest Methodist congregation in the world and they weren’t alright in the head. You can find out about that as well in the JFK stuff I wrote about which is quite extensive. Too bad about medicine field now and what did the Republicans do about it when they had the chance? Ted Cruz what about those promises you made and others. Are you holding it hostage? I think that is what Planned Parenthood Debacle is about partially holding hostage health care and using Hospicing of the elderly as a threat. Some really bad politics going on. All of these issues should be separated and not one looming on the other such as the bills in Congress adding shit in which messes up our country.

Massive ‘crack in the Earth’ opens up suddenly in Wyoming’s Bighorn Mountains

One night when they got older living in SA their front door blew off the hinges and there was no storm, I don’t think. Anyway I think it has to do with faith and chapter 4 or 5 in the Gospel of John and the secret admirer which isn’t a secret so why does it say it was a secret?: It talked about the weather, but it wasn’t the weather. I think he was besieged by something bad that had hunted him down (my family). They lived through it but it was if they had been stalked by something invisible. Their door front was fixed. Dad wrote a synopsis of  his and my moms life an accounting stapled it and gave it to the kids put into folders.

NIcodemus. Old Saint Nick. As in Santa Claus ie SATAN.

and shoe boxes of shit

“Simon, Simon Satan hath desired to have you the he may sift you as wheat.” is what Jesus warned in one of the Gospels.

in place of who or what? Not sure.

You want a talk about courage. My mom was a LEO and it was a good fit.

She had courage the kind that old Mr. Eric Bolling and Miss Dana Perino wouldn’t dare dream about.

Change isn’t easy and it isn’t always clean.

Anyway I know she’s still there somewhere cause I felt her I get communications in weird ways but I have learned to listen and to separate the white from the yolk for the most part. I have learned how they communicate when you can’t see them. I can differentiate if it’s evil or good as far as I can tell depending on the context of what I’m experiencing and common sense,

When my niece was going through her stuff after New York she moved south because it wasn’t a good experience for her.

During a family reunion my eldest sister te insisted  that we get my mom a little white poodle mix of some kind from Mexico or near there and got her daughter a Cocker Spaniel to keep with her in her apartment they rented for her and we all moved her in to that apartment having her tuff from up north and in her families home moved in so it was not just a vacation it had a purpose. She didn’t like to work so she got everyone else to do it for her. LOL That is how my sister worked it. Kind of piled it on a reunion/vacation. It wasn’t like she was effortless, she wasn’t’ into sweat type work/physical labor. You could spend a day with her doing errands and she loved the company and details were her thing. She would drive you nuts with details. So we moved her daughter into an apartment with a spaniel and found a white mix toy poodle because my mom had everything she needed. It was a brainstorm that she poked up. That was the year we went over the border to Mexico in the middle of the night and had dinner with my tot in a stroller and at the time I thought she was nuts. I had never been there and they wanted to go and assured me it was okay to go and so we went to Mexico.  we lived through the night and a had  good meal and a few drinks. Although I don’t remember the meal that much it was more of an experience.

Anyway my niece met her future husband and had a bunch of kids. I don’t know what happened to the cocker spaniel because I never asked but I never saw it again.

I don’t remember much about the vacation because that was the highlight of it but it could have been the same time my sister and i had heard that olive oil was good to put on the hair when out in the sun so one of those days we put it in our hair and sunbathed on the beach. We looked ridiculous and laughed about it later. It didn’t really help though it is good for the hair it was how much we used and not what you should do on public beach,

I don’t really know what happened to the lithe white dog but I heard my dad entrapped on it or it was underfoot and may have crushed his head on mistake. I do remember my dad sitting on the back porch with the dog on his knee and seemed very serious with his hand on the dog in deep thought. I think I was sitting with him or he was next to me. Surreal.

I don’t think it’s wise to give old people something they can trip on. DO YOU?

 These BOOBs are made for walkin’

and that’s just what they’ll do

One of these days these BOOBS

 are gonna walk all over you.


Republican Debate

3rd Debate I saw the look in Gov. Christies eyes when he was asked a question he already knew. And i noticed they didn’t ask Ben about the debt and what he would do. He isn’t running for Physiciadent.

Raising the retirement age is good and makes sense keeps people active and it’s better for their health (to pay for entitlements and if you raise minimum wage use the difference to do the same until entitlements runs out.).  Rand Paul

Dying Cancer Patient Sees His Beloved Horse One Last Time

“The emotion was overwhelming and there wasn’t a dry eye in the ward.”

Finding cures is another good idea. Huckabee. Get rid of health insurance and they will have a reason to.

Get out of our bedrooms and who we marry or divorce.

Starting at zero and knowing where it’s going is very macro and very smart. Carly Fiorina

I think Trump could definitely change the finances of government and is very practical which is very good and would make good trade deals.

Kasich proven himself imo in his own state and is a fighter and I think very honest but still too involved in social issues and he probably should continue doing what he has been doing in his state since he is so successful. Why switch horses. bigger is not better. Maybe your state will get bigger. 

Im’ sorry to say the others are not thinking out of the box even though I think all of them really care about this country.

Screw the unions and let the market and the talent rise to the top and is good for competition and the ones that aren’t talented can find something else to do which is obvious. Sometimes that’s GOD’s will to get them to the talent he endowed them with or can foresee them do and for a number of reasons besides economics and if you aren’t into GOD you can figure it out. Use temporary workers to fill in the gaps and to find other good talent training a work force giving them opportunity for non temporary jobs. It’s a great way to find talent for companies and for a worker to figure what he or she is good at. And some will start companies once they figure out what they are good at creating opportunities for others even the elderly.

It will create a more fluid kind of an economy and more fair.

That’s my opinion.

Medicare and Medicaid are fine as long as it’s not used to fund ObamaCare because it’s a tax. Scrap it.

Go to Consumption tax it will eventually even the debt out naturally using Fiorinas ideas about smaller government and starting at zero.

Get rid of the IRS and forget about the debt until it is viable. Get rid of the signs about it and quit telling us because it is debatable whether it really exists.

Forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors from the Lord’s Prayer

without the amen

Everyone will be more likely to make better decisions spending wise based on what they have instead of the waste in spending we are guilty of in the US and the House of Representatives will have something to do. They should be able to handle what the IRS does because they are the purse so they should be held accountable and in control of the consumption taxes they collect.

We don’t vote for the IRS.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Favorite Ruling Of Her Career

Screen Shot 2015-10-29 at 12.14.33 AM

I think the bible put it backwards in the Synoptic Gospels.

Mankind was betrayed by the sons of men as in amen.

I also agree with what was said by Kelly of the Kelly File (I don’t know if it is her real name) at the end of her show. The very last things she said after the discussions about the debate seemed very true.

It isn’t easy doing what they do but how about what they are eating at school!

Fourteen generations is somehow involved.

The Odd Parallels Between Kennedy and Lincoln 

and it may have to do with the false covenant.

Before Abraham was IAM.

stirred up the people at that time when it was said by Jesus in the temple i think and written about in the Gospel of John.

You knew Abraham….you are not yet 50 years old? They asked. If he had been 100 years old would it have been possible? and everyone thinks Jesus died at the age of 33-36 years of age or something like that.

All of the religions/faiths say that Abraham was the Father of the religions/faiths and we are not supposed to call any man father in the bible it is written as no man instead of any man….because of the priests called fathers which they aren’t supposed to be fathering kids especially if they are celibate.

So we have two famous Abrahams and there was also a covenant made having to do with penis doodles.

A Covenant was made with some PRIESTS? at the Last Supper in the Synoptic Gospels which had to do with blood before Jesus was crucified.

I have no idea about Abraham Lincoln but maybe we were not told of a covenant.

And then Kennedy there might have been a covenant that we were not told about as well. I do know that the Vatican propped him up in chair up high as they do kings in the past with priests holding him up at the Vatican and then he was assassinated.

It could all be related in a pattern kind of way.

Kind of like Jacobs ladder children’s game,  criss crossing each other using DNA string.

The Lost Tribe of Dan who may not be lost it may be everyone else.

DNA: Say D is 1 N is 3 A is 5 which if you use Jesus in the Gospel of John is 153.

N is also used in math to denote power isn’t it? or unknown power or something like that at least in equations.

Something to think about.

I don’t know how many generations between the two but there is a pattern. Maybe 14?

Then the generations are written about in the Gospel of Matthew possible 14 again and there is a catch -22 which I wrote about having to do with the abomination of desolation and few other writings in the bible Zechariah and some other places which you can find these posts and perhaps study yourself to further knowledge about it since it might be one day when we don’t get to further knowledge because we didn’t even try even though we knew something is very wrong because everyone seems like they are suffering from PTSD since Obama became President.

Merangue’s Blog

isn’t it funny the word abomination very similar to OBAMA in sound and austerity is used in the Gospel of Luke and Obama also used that term to control the people and put them down.

Politico on Drudge

Bush Campaign manager confronts CNBC PRODUCER comments:

Do you like puppies? do you still hit your wife?

Ed Taylor

The questions seem quite different than the Dem debate.

Dem question: Do you like puppies?
GOP question: Do you still hit your wife?

9-11 was in 2001 about 14 years ago?
Hmmm I wonder what that means?
Might be a count down of some kind.
Not sure DNA is gonna work this time. We shall see.
My dad was a libra.
When my dad spoke about my mom he put her first.
Dorothy and I is how he referred to their relationship.
When he named his business it was Dorwalt and he did most of the work, but she helped him and he helped her raise the kids.
He didn’t call her the wife, my old lady, etc.
He didn’t say you ain’t pretty but you are good for having kids.
Course she was pretty in her time depending on how you judge that kind of thing.
When women have kids they kind of give some of their beauty away which helps to multiply otherwise no one would.
The more you have the more you lose. LOL Not sure that’s true, some people age well.
She had a miscarriage or two and no one seemed to care. We didn’t talk about it except I knew about it. It was between kids. I guess GOD aborted them for no reason or her body wasn’t ready and I guess that soul just disappeared. sorry charlie fetus. What happens to miscarried fetuses souls?
OR did they not get one yet until they were born.
Why would we need to replenish it? Restore it, etc.
The great deluge?
The Greta Delusion?
I recall when she said Game Over and a tree was split by the wind in my yard pretty soon after. I remember when Billy Graham had an interview with her and sort of fit inside her. I wrote about it and it is in one of my posts. I saw him adjusting.
Joseph of Arimathea was a just in the Gospel of John and they omitted the word man for some reason
(it could have been in the Gospel of Luke but it’s in the bible)
 Billy Graham authored a book called
Just As I Am
standing where he should not? (I think he does it a lot) His own wife said he slept with his eyes wide open
 He said he never got on an elevator with a woman which is weird! why? maybe because he might blossom. (He must have changed his mind.)
(Let the reader understand) which was in the Book of Daniel and moved to the Gospel of Matthew recently.
We filled the earth and now we have to subdue

To hospice i.e. to watch death is not the way.

In the bible and in Genesis times they lived about 900 or more years. So obviously hospicing is not the way. My mom wanted to live to 105 to outlive her grandmother my great grandmother. Instead she was hospiced by my sister 2 weeks before she died and whoever else was involved for some reasonings she had. She did not have COPD. She was missing a part of an artery in her chest that the doctors early on in the middle of her life found out as I recall.

[200 years from now are people only gonna live to approximately 50 years of age?]
So let’s not be stoically stupid.

Who should control our own bodies?

Chancellor Merkel, President Obama, Pope Francis?

Ourselfs, perhaps?

Me, myself, and I

not it.
Abortion is a glorified miscarriage unless we enjoy it.
Miscarriage is a glorified abortion unless we don’t enjoy it.
It was not fun, except for the men (and women) who exploited it for numerous reasons mostly to self grandizement of their careers and those that love to chastise females and their families and other occult reasons. They had fun. Did they do the same to the women and their families that had miscarriages resulting in the same thing? No usually they gave them treats and indulged them and many of those miscarriages were purposeful.
Here honey, I’m so sorry you slipped on the ice getting the groceries out of the car when I was at home. Here sweetie pie, I’m so sorry you fell off the swing when I pushed you too hard. Here my dove, I’m so sorry you were poisoned with the food that I brought you after you threw up that morning, I wonder if it’s related. Here dear slut, I’m so sorry you were in the woods when I shot that gun or on a bike and fell off the cliff when my leg for no reason kicked your wheel. Here my dear love, I thought you could swim.
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My brother’s favorite actress, Natalie Wood

Let’s get real.

I gave Rand Paul credit and I shouldn’t have because now he is saying to raise the age for medicare hence a hospice admirer. Is he stupid?
We should lower the age of eligibility for Medicare and Medicaid
and raise the age of retirement. It will work itself out.
God never said for people to retire, did he?
Did God say:
And when thou is 60 you may retire and get a watch.
Men as a whole just won’t give it up.
 Jesus didn’t commit to man because he knew what was in man.


Maybe we should have a retirement age for Congress, the House, The Senate, the Press, and the Presidency and raise the age of eligibility. Would that do the trick?

I bet it would. I bet it would end the cronyism in government and naturally it would make it smaller.

This is a prick.
The chain came off the gear of our garage a few minutes ago which might be some sort of a set up or a sign, don’t know, but the timing is weird.
But there is a thing about a chain in the book about
The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea
I guess the chain holds back the unicorn in the crest of someone in the Royals,
a mythical creature.
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And there is a unicorn or a one horned creature in the Book of Daniel.
In the bible it talks about something that is held back
On Fox they just said
“out of the track” in reference to something and she laughed.
Geez I wonder what the ex was doing a few minutes ago before the chain came off.
He is catholic and he probably does’t remember.
Donald Trump said that he negotiated the debates from three hours to two hours and they said it was always two and he said you know that’s not right basically in a nice ways saying you are lying after they basically said he was lying.
I have no idea if he’s telling the truth but it was a short exchange of ideas. He didn’t exactly elaborate a bunch which I appreciated. It was sickening to watch Ted Cruz and his act especially his pronunciation of the word  question and that’s what he did. Basically impressing for donations. He knows he’s not gonna win.
Why does he persist? MONEY
During the  assassination of JFK at the airport there was a guy there and he looked like he was muslim but VERY different than the ones you see in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Libya, etc and to the places we have witnessed via TV and the news. And it was like he was in control of the whole thing at that airport. Pleasant look on his face as if knew what was gonna happen as if it was his delusion. There was something in the sky that wasn’t normal when JFK was at the airport that I noticed. It wasn’t a plane or a helicopter it was something else.
This person reminded me of the guy you see in weird movies about space and a race of people that are not human who think they are gods type of people and Obama acts like he thinks he is a god but he is actually possessed so he isn’t, know what I mean?
Madness isn’t superior. It’s Possession and very Excessive as in Excession which is what occurred in Dallas with JFK in 1963
I see Obama when he talks if you watch him and stop the film a bunch some weird shit going on with his eyes and eye lids. Like someone else’s eyes using Obama eyes and eyelids. Sort of like a blind sheik who can see. And I think Obama is possessed BIG TIME.
You have to stop it a lot to see what I see.
In the JFK assassination stuff I transcribed to see some things that might help you see things going on these days because it is similar and related and check it out on Merangue’s Blog and then he has a huge diatribe about some jacket in this film. Definitely madness in his eyes so he is in there somewhere and being used.
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This is a really weird picture of his mindset and his hand is kind of weird too .sort of a salute


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Anyway he seems to have the heart and ego and madness of: Isaiah 14:12-14

Check out what he does in this video at o:40/2:08 and 0:41/2:08 and he mocks the bible. I wonder if he had anything to do with it.
There is another video I have no idea at the same site and I have no idea what he sees in it.


And he brings up in the sides of the north in Isaiah which could have something to do with the sermon mount sermon.

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Morphing is easy to do in the film industry and using computer technology. But this is what they present.

It has a song in there I’m assuming is called “Somethings Wrong With the World” which is kind of a cool song but the hand could be poser shit on top of film but this eyelid thing is significant. I think he possessed by many, not just one. I see a bunch of people in him and I think they want to be seen warning ya. His mannerisms are really weird like he is the Prince of the world and he is just a slave too.

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He is trying to read his own mind and looks cross eyed.

IT’s the BLIND SHEIK that’s what is wrong with the world. Looks like he is having some conversations in there but ones that have kind of morphed too much.

He looks possessed and acts it too.

I think he needs to be exorcised and it might help to get rid of that blind sheik in him for starters.

He looks as high as someone on heroin and as if he is listening to Jimi Hendrix trying to multitask between it and the music of ISLAM thinking about his loved ones, and trying to take a cat nap. He needs some analyzing.




examine methodically and in detail the constitution or structure of (something, especially information), typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation:

“we need to analyze our results more clearly”

He also visited Billy Graham. It’s something these guys do for some reason and he is not good for our country.

I saw Denzel Washington as well but I think he may be holding him back and making a difference. Keeping him more sane and also showing us. Keeping him saner.

We all take in the people we see, our peers and theirs, the things that impress us and they affect us and we use those things and it is hard when there is so much and so many and we have to feed the good dog in us and starve the bad in us for control of ourselves. Listen to the good voice and ignore the bad as much as possible though it helps to weigh our thoughts but we have to be smart about it. Sometimes those good things in us sleep and sometimes they are aware same with the bad. Sometimes the bad have information that we would not have seen otherwise. Working it out inside us. Evil is dumb because it’s easy. even our enemies have something to say because they are dealing with the same things and other things and you have to listen if you want to learn things. Awareness.

There is time and time has seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks , months, years, decades, centuries and all those others in-between. In those seconds are other times that are even smaller. We see things sometimes that we don’t recognize or catch but they are still there in our psyche. When you go into shock like when in a car accident time slows down our perception. That is why shock and awe is used on the population to slow down our perception to control us such as the JFK assassination, 9-11, attacks upon us in order to control us and to have power over us. That is why war is hard on people and those that HAVE TO fight. War is hell but necessary sometimes yet we have been mislead by certain people that used war for their personal gain and not for the people. Doesn’t mean the military is evil but the politics often is. (War is usually cut and dry as far as the physical but there is so much more going on. Sometimes to divert and fool the opposition. Not like they are gonna tell everything because they can’t tell us everything.) And then the insiders write a ton of propaganda based on their misconceptions, interpretations, perceptions to make a bunch of money on these shock and awe situations and to affect us. I didn’t buy those books much. But I did read the CBS transcripts of the assassination and I did learn but it took a few times. Watched films and stopped them to discern often over and over again to gain information from the different characters involved. I got a ton of information that way. I didn’t play them backwards but I bet there is information that way as well. We are not all on the same plane, and then think about other worlds, underworlds, over worlds, inside worlds, and how they perceive and communicate, they do. Even the smoke and the air when the Challenger went down had information: (A wrench and a Y as in WI as in ISLAM and possibly the Chinese as in the game system and The Game/Game over/Greta and who she travels with and computers the cause for the glitch a wrench. Like sometimes doctors leave a tool inside their patient;)), I read what I thought was important in other events. Gleaned. Their are double and triple meanings because sometimes other people talk through the people involved or witnesses etc. Such as in the assassination:the Lamb Chops puppet and some thought it was little white dog and it was a noisemaker but it had meaning to some people.  Some are helpful and some are not. Even the colors have meaning of what they wear and why. JFK was said to have picked out Jackie’s dress and he might have had his own reason but something inside him may have influenced that decision if she was telling the truth. Psychological warfare and sending messages to things often we are not aware of to others who are aware. Spiritual warfare as well. We are also dealing with the occults and many faiths which often are wrong. I saw the ex president of IRAN (who was a believer of some things-prophecy) and I can’t remember how he spelled his name

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

but i thought he ran real quick from Obama once spiritually, I thought anyway when Eric Holden (Dep. of Justice) bowed-wowed to Obama. Could have been propaganda and manipulating scenes and photos but that is what I saw.

Think of film: lights, action, and speed and other things same with our vision and our perception.

I did not see Senn Lindsay Grahams debate but watched him a bit on TV and I think he is pretty smart in some things because of experience in different ways. I think he needs work on the Russian aspect of his vision. I think Putin needs to do the same thing. I don’t know what I think about him. It’s hard to say.  I know I hate McCain. He’s a chump.

We need some vision in the office of President and so far I haven’t seen it except in a few,

but only in part.

Trump, Graham, Kasich, and Hillary seem to possess it to some degree and while Ben may act thoughtful so did Obama in New Jersey, Billy Graham in his photo ops as well as his son Franklin Graham but they were posing. Thoughfulness is important but you need other things. My dad had other things beside thoughtfulness. He wasn’t a wimp. I saw him going through things because he was being attacked inside especially when he was weak which is the opportune time for some to attack a man like my dad when you can drug him, and when they are old and young and when everyone around you is going nuts. Some people say what you want to hear which is not believable if you aren’t fair and by fair I mean fairness with reason.

The USA needs someone with a vision, common sense, and belief. Someone who can part intelligence from different sources and be a good judge of character and someone’s intent with fairness. I remember this when I first started my stuff and everyone has motives and you should always question them in others and in yourself or you will never see. It’s human nature.

I used to be totally against Hillary Clinton but I think something happened to her and made a big difference and I think it is what she went through in regards to Benghazi. Things and experience change people. I still think she knows things but may not realize it nevertheless it was not a small change. We will see.

White House says will not release emails between Obama, Clinton

in any case I don’t think our idea of control is in our control and it will come out eventually but probably not via e-mails. I don’t think she knew what she saw or understood it even if she might be somewhat involved but I bet she was used,


I don’t think people like Mr. Schooze funny man sidekick for O’reilly (though I enjoy his humor) in our government realize what is going on behind the scenes in government and in the press and what we are up against as a people besides our own demons we are up against theirs and their major and minor personality disorders and flaws which are many and some stupidity. It’s daunting, but not impossible.

The most exciting candidate is Trump. No nonsense kind of candidate.

Maybe he is in the bible.

Tarantino is doing good. Calling murder what it is. Calling the murderers the murderers and the murderers the murderers. Not exactly sure what he meant and I’m not sure he even does. I doubt it had to do with one specific murder or a specific cop. There is problem in the police union and they have to get rid of the shit in their own eyes. They’re task is daunting because they have to deal with criminals on a daily basis and nuts and the lower human element in all of us but they still have to clean it up in themselves. As far as his timing goes for his outrage if you read Ezekiel it makes sense. A wheel within a wheel. Notice the reaction of the unions?

The reason I don’t think he knows what he means is because he says names don’t mean shit….. well……..his first name is Quentin as in San Quentin so I think they mean something, don’t you? But I read that on line and then saw it again another way the first name is what i’m talking about. Nevertheless obviously there is a lot of misinformation, propaganda, etc going on and there are reasons for that good and/or bad. What is good for the goose is good for the gander and i guess until changes are made it’s gonna continue………what do you expect it to do? 

I have heard O’reilly talk about black on black crimes so the problem must be the blacks but recently heard a person argue that most white murders are white on white crimes which is true and I guarantee that most cops that are killed are killed by other cops. Like those two in a car and some at Ferguson etc but it’s easier for cops to pin murders on a civilians because they are cops and can work deals for pleas, barterism, and for things and probably use the money they get to help them cover a lot.  I think Chris Dorner was one that was set up by other cops for some reason and then they didn’t really try to arrest him they just burned him up because they didn’t want him to survive because of what he knew and probably would have implicated the ones that burned him out. Probably has to do with drug cartels in our country the mob which obviously infiltrate the police so they can move about. The unions are not helping the situation and protecting themselves because they like the power they wield and other cops are afraid to speak out that is why unions need to go. The sheriff that gets a lot of air time on Fox is who I’m talking about as an example. He is afraid so they use him to substantiate their views. “Who ya gonna call,” asked Judge Jeanine. I don’t want to call him that’s for sure.

When I went to make a complaint about a police officer I talked to one “he gave me the wrong papers” said the next one I had to talk to who said he would get back with me and he never did. They skirt about and they wear you out. This is how they work which is very corrupt. The one that I was complaining about did me a favor later but he owes me some after all that. I don’t consider us even though I’m sure he thinks he does but since it was a set up we still aren’t even even.

You think I’m stupid, Stupid? You better think twice.

Watched Tarantino again who did not apologize but he did explain himself and it was a good explanation and he should not have to do more than he did because it is true what he said. He doesn’t have to get specific we have all seen what is going on with the police and the people. Each case is different but there seems to be a theme, we aren’t stupid. Problem with the system is, it is unfair. Not all crooks have a history of being crooks as O’reilly says, my cousin went to prison at Huntsville for a few years for marijuana possession and he was a good kid and remained a good person through it all. Everyone knows not all cops are bad but it is bad when they as a whole won’t stand up for the truth which will destroy their institution allowing the bad to takeover. Basically feeding the bad and not the good.

Blame it on the unions because they are to blame and certainly are propping the bad.

Viggo Mortensen: Police Unions Condone Brutality By Attacking Quentin Tarantino

“As disturbing as the police brutality that we’re talking about — these instances of abuse of power that have unfortunately caused the death of people, unarmed citizens — as disturbing as that, if not more so in the long run, are the people who are condoning it, these heads of police unions, by going after Tarantino instead of sitting back and going, ‘Yeah, we know there are some issues.’ It has become endemic because these people are condoning it. That’s what they’re doing when they go after the messenger like that.”

Seismic Station in Alaska Records a Disturbance That Wasn’t an Earthquake: ‘Something Big Moving Out There’

I liked the questions at the debate because they were kind of unusual. Certainly two hours can’t give us what we need to make a decision. You can learn a lot from questions as much as from the responses. (not answers because many weren’t but had some good information)

Jeb Bush should have attacked Chris Christi but he got mixed up and attacked Rubio who said somebody made you think:

why do you persecute me (in essence)

it isn’t gonna help you.

wrench ranch wrenxh ranch wrench ranch wrenxh ranch

Manson stuff.

I WILL TRY TO LOCATE THE PICTURE OF THE BLIND SHEIK WHO SORT OF SEES though his lids but he was weird looking and acting at the airport BUT I HAVE TO SEARCH IN MY FILES AND LOTS OF ENGLISH ROYALS HANGING AROUND THAT AREA before they leave the airport after they meet the crowds.

Rev. David Wilkerson and Evangelicalism

As far as the new starfish eating themselves. I think it might be impossible for a starfish to eat itself (not like they have knees) but they are turning to jelly as they were a while ago. Japan has to leak out radiation and the cleanup from Fukushima in stages a little bit at a time. That was a decision that was made because they have nowhere to put it. The oceans are pretty hardy.  I would stay away from tuna which collect mercury in their systems and sushi for awhile, probably crab meat and things because as recall bunch of crablike things hitting the beach in Mexico and moved up the coast or something to do with BAHA because they weren’t getting the plankton they need which produces oxygen. As I recall the plankton provide a third of the world’s oxygen but that could be a myth. So you can see why it has to be done in stages. It was a bad man made accident having to do with the Neocatechumenal Way.

Millions of starfish along Pacific coast are dying due to a mysterious disease that causes the sea stars to devour themselves

What if a day is seven years then what is an hour? I came up with that poser because of the ” a day is a thousand years as a thousand years is a day” (that peter says in the bible) and how it was determined that an hour was ten years which is 100th of a thousand years and so from there the term 24/7 b/c of the convenience store 7-Eleven.

I thought it might be interesting. If only I were a mathematician. I will think about it when I’m in my right mind, maybe.

How do 7,000 people just disappear in the EU camps?

Physical Evidence Scant, Focus Is on Statements in Kayak Case

Some form of communication I think is what this story is about

  1. As far a the Kayak story on Judge Jeanine my little sister was gonna buy some kayaks for the little lake her house oversees in Texas that she was able to get with the money from her ex by their divorce decree. Her present husband by the same first name didn’t put in a dime he has already been married two times before she was on his mind and he was at the hospital at the time when my mom died being hospiced and they couldn’t make up their mind between the ARC the hospital or the hospice is what I was told  that my little sister was beside herself while this occurred. But it was for that $35,000 that her present husband wanted to hurry along. o I think the plug has to do with that decision that she kept of my mom’s money in her savings account until my mom died and wanted to hospice earlier on we nixed that idea and then my other sister thought it was a good idea for her COPD that she did not have. But they use that term to cover a whole bunch of things that are caused purposefully because of their incompetence in the medical industry since Obama took office.

    It’s called a coup in AMERICA DUH

    Hospices is just one of their tools to Roman Catholicize and eventually push Israel into the SEE.

    Not guilty plea in Hudson River kayak killing case

    If we don’t get our shit together we are all gonna die:

    Course Country Joe McDonald didn’t have any brains and didn’t know why we were there, but he should have asked. Instead everyone got high or drunk and blamed the military it was their parents.

    It’s called World War Three they just forgot to tell us for some reason I guess they didn’t want us to know. But then why was Hitler the third reich in WWll? So possibly this is WW 4 or perhaps between the two.

    But I think we missed something in the beginning and history rewrote itself but possibly the first world war started in

    A MANGER or a stable.



    and not only that but

    Pope Benedict XVl was born at Markti am Inn in Bavaria.

    But lately it started again in Japan with the Neocatechumenal Way with Pope BENEDICT XVl and the tsunami in JAPAN when the JAPANESE RC refused the Neocats Way and asked for a 5 year delay because a rise in suicides when they experimented on them which caused a nuclear accident using HAARP technology called microwaves and blamed Global Warming and now it’s called Climate Change.

    War profiteering

    That was Gore’s idea.

    Actually it was borne at the Vatican

    as was the Benghazi video tape excuse, as was Hospicing by Muther Teresa who then was made a saint for her GRETA IDEA for a good coverup, etc

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    Notice the woman in blue/green? Pope Benedict with the wives at the 35th G8 meeting in July 2009 Everyone else had to wear black. I have no idea if she is Hindu but nevertheless what is the deal plus why is she wearing a green quilt?








    Talk about radical!

    Do you see a pattern here?

    (It was the sarin gas, no it was the rice that was shipped. It’s about the Golan Heights. REMEMBER?)

    First they came………


    because he was jealous that we won the war and now we have to do it again

    because we let our guard down and trusted his BULLSHIT.

    I DIDN’T but many did still most of us got sucked into the shit by those that did.  LBJ awarded him the big brother award even still and NIXON caught him on tape

    and that’s why he was booted from the hill in reality and I guess the VIET NAM WAR was a mistake and it had to do with the FRENCH who have this very bad habit at NOTRE DAME. HEROINE. THEY ARE USERS OF MEN and they work in conjunction with the VATICAN so people like Christina Lagarde can keep tanning on her yacht using our tax dollars and heading the International Monetary to fund it based on a false premise that we owe a huge national debt and we don’t and that would be a good place to start and forgive them for their pleasures and forget about the inane debt because we don’t o it they owe us because of our parents.

    Our generations owes a debt to our parents and to our kids to do the right thing. Let’s proceed and progress:

    I think it might be a good idea to admit the truth that the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seeds and may be it will help to get us on the right track because I think that is where this started a very long time ago.

    And not allow our government to fund hospicing our parents using medicare and medicaid because it is twisting the truth about their purpose being Free (without a doctors care which is ridiculous) and because they were born it’s retribution with malicious intent and they fought for our freedom and because we are supposed to honor our parents. It’s a commandment. Death watch/hospice does not honor our parents! so many are using abortion to hold us hostage to kill our parents and accept the hospice crisis even though abortion was legalized because they don’t want our parents to live long lives and want to rule our personal lives tempting us with their lies: inheritance/retirement savings/(they sold their house to get in on the deal at the ARC in SA Texas and I think was a mistake) using free insurance type incentives. Basically punishing our parents. Those that are for hospiciing don’t want us to have possession of our own bodies. they want to make those decisions because they think they have the moral authority to decide who and when one should get pregnant to twist up our lives and they make those things happen in various ways mostly using booze and other agents. We have to stand up for our freedom to plan our own lives without their interference.

    Jesus doesn’t say anything about conception in any of the gospels but he talks about being born if that makes a difference to all you moral laurels.

    I don’t respect those that say life begins at conception because they don’t respect me!

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  2. The strangest thing my elder sister did was make a big deal with my Aunt Patsy who was my God mother and my Aunt Mary Helen.

    My sister made them give me her Vintage Rosenthal China made in Hand Malerei, Germany  6831 that was my grandmother Gams that my Aunt Patsy I guess took when my grandmother died.

    They were in the Title Company Business which was in front of the parking lot when I almost lost my legs while leaning into her car to get her samples out for decorating her house and another van backed up ran into her car door and the car that I was leaning into and squished my legs in between them the car door and the car, and boy did I get sick. Luckily it didn’t break my bones. I turned kind of green, I think, because I guess I was in shock and I wanted to throw up but I couldn’t.

    And Tootie demanded they give me the green elephant that my Aunt Mary Helen had that my dad brought back from Viet Nam.

    And made me go along. She acted like it was really really important.

    I wasn’t really into china porcelain that much except when I painted it with my mom and learned how to do portraits. I wasn’t really sure of what was going on but I think they were at war with each other Aunt Patsy and my sister Tootie.

    It was a strange thing to do but she seemed adamant.

    I added this because I thought it mighty be important. We don’t always understand what and why people do the things they do and I still don’t get the meaning of it but I think there is something to it.

    Anyway some very big birds in the very big tree a ways off just went nuts as if they were laughing really loud for about 5 minutes. I wish I knew what they were laughing about because it was obviously what they were doing in a bird way.

    The Ten Commandments

    Mustard is leaven and makes bread rise and Leavenworth was a Federal Bureau of Prisons so I think it is a BIG SIGN.

    8. Mustard & Leaven

    but it was also a poison ingredient used in mustard gas and other things like Agent Orange which caused a great deal of sickness in Viet nam and sarin gas and other bad things and seems to have affected a lot of people making them drunk on parables that had some value but were not true because it isn’t the smallest of seeds but grew fast maybe too fast like the RCC.

    Former U.S. senator, actor Fred Thompson dies

    I told the ex when he had a chance to call my sister about that portrait that hangs in her entry way that I painted and gave to my mom which she took of my mom’s possessions because I don’t think she should have it after all that has happened but he didn’t say that but this is basically what she said in return

    She said that she loved me and that the portrait she considers it to be the most valuable art (or valuable thing?) that she has in her home and that it would be fine to return it if I give her something of mine in my house to replace it which is insane.

    And I said “that’s not right!”

    And my ex understood and saw her point. Brown nosing my sister which is one of the problems we have.

    She’s a toughie but this is the chick who used to schtick peas in her nose so she wouldn’t have to eat them.

    How do you deal with people like that?

    Peace, peace and there was no peace.

    Because, even because they have seduced my people, saying, Peaceand there was no peaceand one built up a wall, and, lo, others daubed it with untempered morter:
    And in those times there was no peace to him that went out, nor to him that came in, but great vexations were upon all the inhabitants of the countries.
    I think the house that the wind blew out the front door was a sign but I didn’t recognize it at the time.
    It was like Pearl Harbor or Fukushima, a surprise attack. I think the dream Joseph had about the wheat bowing down it actually was grass. When the Pharaoh hired Joseph he fed the people the wheat he stored because it was meet. (14 year period 7 he stored and 7 they ate.) The wind made the wheat/grass lay down in the dream didn’t mean they were bowing 


    to him.

    There was a wall built around the Vatican about 20 feet high. The fact is they want to control everything.

    The people, the grass (marijuana), and the wheat (the food for the brain, the body, and the soul).

    That is the problem we have. CONTROL FREAKS! That is where much of their money is made and laundered and how they are able to entice the young to pow-wow and get screwed in various ways.

    It is the line that we have to take from them. A front line. By legalizing marijuana it definitely will help to keep the mob at bay and keep the mob away from the young.

    OHIO voted against it which made O’reilly snort because I suppose he and his friends think booze is better and it isn’t. It’s poison for the most part and what it does to the mind.



    I believe in moderation and that’s what we should try to enforce and there are various ways to do that once you legalize it. (strength, the amount, the location, the price, the tax, improve it making it better for who buys it so it’s not laced with a bunch of crap,  push out those who buy and sell it illegally vs legally so they will want it buy it legally, making the rules in regards to it, etc) and so far the tools at our disposal on controlling alcohol intake have not been utilized either which would definitely help like limiting the amount they’re able to consume at a restaurant or bar and do the same at the alcohol stores that sell it to help limit it’s use. A yearly allowance of alcohol and make it more precious, and when you go over the line you pay twice as much and then three times and then get the feds because the person needs meds. Utilize a sin card when purchasing alcohol and weed with limitations. As far as eugenics the problem is not necessarily the DNA but what we consume.

    “The American eugenics movement was rooted in the biological determinist ideas of Sir Francis Galton, which originated in the 1880s. Galton studied the upper classes of Britain, and arrived at the conclusion that their social positions were due to a superior genetic makeup.[8]

    Now come on which do you think is superior:

    This?                                                                                                             or                                                                                          That?

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    Diana was what helped their impishness for their next generation.


    I don’t think it’s always up to us to raise the standards I think it comes with some help from God but even so only an idiot can’t see the difference.

    The problem is that when you marry generation upon generations within the same sphere it deteriorates their makeup, I think. And because of their position they think they have achieved something but was passed along and if they were so great why all the troubles in Great Britain and the world.

    Prince Charles had to dip down beneath him to find something better to lift up his genetics and then he wouldn’t share it with those he pretends to apotheosize. That’s what partially brought down the Pharaohs and their kingdom.

    I know he is into veggies but there is more to consumption than just food. Common Core probably was born somewhere besides by the Bushes and intentionally sent to dumb down our nation which O’reilly and Watter’s World (with his collar up) love to share. I bet if you went overseas and did the same thing it wouldn’t be any better. I know that the school I was sent to after a boy’s private school in England was RAF Greenum Common and the only thing I remember about it was a big cement playground and swings that swung very high and an hour long ride on a bus and watching a kid on the side of the road that was run over. I don’t think I learned anything except that some of the English were jealous and didn’t like our presence for some reason. My brother had ink smeared in his face at a private school by his teacher because he made an ink blot with the ink pen on his paper by mistake. When I went to the privates boy’s school I ran races and won and received a motorcycle as my reward. I didn’t really like it. I still won the race. There was definitely competition between the english and americans even though we helped them but I don’t think the Royals were too happy with the results I think they were on the wrong side of their nation undermining it.


    Why let the mob have control of marijuana and the kids? They call it the gateway drug then control the gates and the gateway and so far the tactics that have been used have failed and out of control so I think to do that you have to legalize it and which will help to cut off the mob when you circumcise it. It will definitely help.  It’s a popular drug because it is fun and for the most part harmless compared to alcohol. Marijuana makes men and boys less potent and less driven by sex, less belligerent, and less likely to brawl and rape, makes doing menial tasks more pleasant, and girls like it for various reasons, it helps when in their periods with their angsts and helps those that are upset with each other to agree to disagree, etc. And I watched a panel with Bret Baier and the same old ideas about the drug war were discussed as if they haven’t learned much course they are on the payroll of Fox.

    To win the war on terrorism and drugs you have to have control of the gates.

    When we gave up control of the Panama Canal we opened the gates. My mom was born in Panama so I think it’s important. She was at Pearl Harbor too and I think there is a connection. I think the reason for all these family connections is partially because we were attacked without notice and because we were a good family once and because of the truth which I think I found because of the crap going on around us but it’s not like the enemy is gonna show their cards and so we got trumped. (THE BRIDGE) I only learned to play bridge for short while so I wasn’t that good but my parents played quite a bit. And not only my family but our country was trumped as well but it isn’t over yet. I don’t mean to disparage Trump but I think it’s a sign of some kind and not to be taken lightly. I think the world has also been trumped because of the Tower of Babel.

    I think Carter gave away the Panama Canal and did that while dealing with the Iran hostages crisis (a diversion) and it was a nutty thing to do but probably was a coup that he may have been a part of.

    Either do that or blow up the gates so no one can use them.

    Anything O’reilly thinks you better understand is the opposite of what we should think!

    Has he ever said anything about the hospice crisis? His kind made Muther Teresa a saint that’s how much he cares for the elders. But he sells those wheel chairs. He should give them away for all that he and his have done. He is a War Profiteer and touts the sale of his book he advertises each night as if that’s a big deal. Now Judge Jeanine is selling her book “He Killed All of Them” without even interviewing the killer because she didn’t really want to know why. And she will succeed to profit off death instead of trying to circumcise it. What is wrong with learning why to figure out what and who and the reason behind it i.e. THE WHY! It’s intentionally being deaf, dumb, and blind as if not asking why makes you a saint. It’s doesn’t. It makes you part of the problem. It will open our horizons if we take back control of those sidelines.


    QUELLE to kill or put down


    The Synoptic “Q Source”

    (a post I wrote a long while back and I’m positive it could be improved but will give you some clues.)

    That is what the marijuana issue is about circumcising the mob so we can get a handle on it

    and until we do we are fucked.


    Noticed O’reilly change his tune about why all of a sudden now he’s attacking George Will and vehemently and snorting real loud.

    In any case another thing my sister did: she threw her sandwiches out on the roof (but I don’t remember what kind (probably pimento cheese kind and maybe spam sandwiches) from a window on the second floor. I’m sure it means something besides that she didn’t like them I just haven’t figured it out yet but wanted to add it in my memoirs. She was older then I think and it might have been after she rolled in the Volkswagon with Dallas on the way to West Point, not sure but we didn’t live in many 2 story homes and it was the same year I think the cat got lost in the vents and in the walls of the house and we had to get the firefighters to save the cat once it found its way to a place we could see her. Strange because throwing sandwiches on the roof is something a tot would do but she was not a tot.

    Probably the Neo Cats of the Neocatechumenal Way (They started in 1963 so probably installed stuff during the JFK times) are listening in between the walls of the house using the NSA (anyway the cat was part persian what ever that means.)

    Today on Fox they compared the Russian airliner that went down in the Sinai desert that killed a bunch of people and 25 children to the explosion in the air of the Challenger because of the sign of the smoke in the air that was made a “Y” compared to the debris that was collected to make the same sign on the ground a “Y”. I guess a piece of French cheese called Brie caused the debris to magnetize into a “Y” to respond to the sign of the smoke in the air of the Challenger that the currents of air formed caused by the explosion was French Camembert and what was already there in midair and was not caused by man collecting the smoke in midair. There is a deference.

    deary me it’s not the same thing in response to this and my last post which is really weird.

    They prefer Camembert to Brie which are pretty much the same damn thing repackaged differently as was

    Napoleon when he ousted the Pope that caused the deadly wound that was healed with a new deal

    or why ERECT the Court of the Gentiles at Notre Dame in France, for no reason? Just in case you didn’t know that is prophecy about judgement and killing people that don’t go along with the Roman Cafroglicking of the people. I think it has to do with the Jesuits since they seem to be involved in all sorts of places that have been news which usually isn’t good and the Pope is also a Jesuit. (And so is O’reilly a supporter of the Jesuits because he likes their tactics.)

    I DON’t. I think they stink to high heaven.

    Lateran Concordat of 1929 – Papal Wound Healed!

    Lateral is sideways!


    I wonder did the French cause the downing of the Russian air liner leaving Egypt? I suspect they did being the Queen of Clubs, their working the other strait for access to oil and Iran on the other strait of Hormooz.

    That’s why they introduced french underwear to split the farts in too. (upharsin in the Book of Daniel haarp)

    “And Egypt shall not escape” They have to control Egypt to have control of that strait. Right? Miss Isis. Jaqueline

    CAN-CAN here  and a  CAN-CAN there ……….  everywhere a CAN-CAN

    We ate a lot of canned food because my parents were not rich and had 4 kids and it probably wasn’t good for the health high in salt so my dad had high blood pressure but then it was the way it was back then. People didn’t know back then what we know now.

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    That’s why they introduced french underwear to split the farts in too. (upharsin in the Book of Daniel)

    Funny because when I visited a family farm as a child I somehow entered a cow pasture and was in the middle of a bunch of cows and they started to moo a bunch and started to get closer and closer to me. Someone saved me. It was scary. I didn’t understand what they were saying but they were communicating and surrounding me meandering closer and closer. Same place I had my first peaches and cream/milk for breakfast.

    Jackie Kennedy clubbed her sister over the head as a young woman at least that’s what her sister said.

    I noticed lately on Fox a news story about some guy hitting someone over the head from the back of the car and it was not like that in my case. Twisting things, the kayak story on Fox, lots of other things they do on Fox. I don’t know exactly what they are doing but it isn’t right. Trying to scare people and play with their minds and partially why we are having problems in this country. Exaggerating and lying to everyone and on the internet. Not sure of the mental state of those that are involved. Trying to influence and put thoughts in our head. I have accounted some things that are unpleasant about my family as an example to demonstrate some things and because it is important for understanding what is going on and the attempt to silence the people and I have counted on God to protect them in order to do it because He can can.

    How hard can it be to admit that the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed? Only a bunch of mentally deranged nuts can’t do it!

    Pretty bad when people write false information about your own mother in her funeral brochure. RIDICULOUS!

    Not only that I have a bone to chew such as the story of moses and the burning bush. I think that is fabrication of the story of Moses. Lots of insertions and/or assertions. I’m sure it has to do with the mustard seed and the BUSHES. George Bush saw God in Pope Benedict’s eyes: He saw himself. George Bush the dad who lost his daughter in his biography :  blah blah blah I saw the possessed look on his face. BULLSHIT!

    Perhaps she was the Bush that didn’t burn.

    They take after Hitler’s friends. Rudolph Hess or someone like that. One of his men that I think the Vatican hid and then our government got involved with the Vatican snuff. I think it has to do with the occult. IT’s NASTY!

    Do you want to evolve?


    Battered by scandals, Rome set for mega mafia trial

    I think in regards to my sister I’ll let her keep the portrait and make me another even better, I think, like I did when my other sister scrunched my pastel painting of lady in the The Kingdom of God

    in her RV

    when she unexpanded her space and I did it two times later and I definitely improved it with the practice that I needed. One of the last things my mom said was to “keep painting” and I think it is good advice because they taught me the ropes of the art and they knew how to love.

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    One other thing she said when I visited my mom with my younger sister at a different time we sang You Got To Have a Dream and my mom said “A voice in my head said I think you should leave.”

    It was pretty cute and I think she was talking to both of us since we both sang the song.

    It ain’t that easy being cheesy but I see it down the road and I will take a big leap after I work on myself.

    2 Protesters Rappel From Balcony at Colts-Panthers Game

    I rappelled  with the Rangers and I met the person who sabotaged me. So I don’t think I’m gonna leap because I’m not a frog!

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    Taxing the rich and raising the minimum wage ain’t gonna help. It’s like the difference between camembert and brie. It’s a trick that’s why they call it a leap of faith, you see, to get more of your taxes and it solves nothing at all except that the federal government and their employees get a pay raise and the federal government grows and prices go up so that the extra you make equals nothing at all. Kills small business that’s why Walmart and Target are all over the place and then they raise their prices when their competition go bankrupt.


    Consumption tax

    is the answer to raise incrementally as we keep our promises to those we still need such as the elders,

    because the Nouveau Rich will pay more of the taxes that way as they consume more than they need!

    Walmart Raising Wage to at Least $9

    It’s really F…ed UP!

    We have to try to learn from our mistakes

    if we want to be free.

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    Listened to Rubio on Greta’s show and Rubio said that if someone misspends while they are overseeing such as the Department of Defense spending 43 millions of dollars on a gas station in Afghanistan worth $500,000 or something like that they should be removed from their post BUT NOT ONLY THAT they should also have to pay back what they allowed to go on along with those that they entrusted with that kind of money that are responsible for the waste and mismanagement of the funds they received. Obviously it is more than those two excuses such as: fraud, deceipt, and money laundering and stuffing their own pockets somewhere down the line. That is the only way to stop it. Removing from their post isn’t enough they should have to pay it back with their assets and possibly jail time, because someone worse will step in just like what happens when you remove a world leader and end up with something worse. If they are gonna take such an important post they ought to be accountable and clean up the institution they are heading and take it seriously or they don’t have a right to those taxes at all that support them.

    And not only that possibly those things they invested in ought to be burned down legally if is proven they stole from those funds that were earmarked and wasted to make a point but that could be a bit overboard nevertheless it needs to be more than a mere changing of the guard.

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    Merangue’s Blog

    Trump and Carson are getting Secret Service help which means they can’t make a difference. The NSA is offering it for their protection and I think it’s the opposite intention to control them instead. They ought to turn it down they would be better protected if they believed God instead. And whoever wins the office of President should get the Secret Service out of the White House and have it vacuumed of all the hearing devices that are there and plug up the tunnels and have it wiped clean or live somewhere else which is probably the easiest thing to do and then don’t ride in the limos and use your own car or you will be mincemeat and under their control.

    Ben Carson, Donald Trump Receive Secret Service Protection

    Isn’t it funny the establishment that are against borders built a 20 foot wall. Get the Vatican to tear down it’s walls.

    I’m not gonna give up. So it’s a stalemate and I guess we’ll have to wait to see who wins. I think I’m on the right side because I’m not out there doing stupid stuff anymore and I haven’t forgotten which seems to be a big problem for the rest.

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    If illegal immigration is a problem there ought to be an adjustment made in the borders. For every illegal immigrant you should take so many feet from the border to expand to make up for the increase. If 20,000 cross over multiply that amount by how many feet to house them with a yard say 2000 square feet of land into Mexico and make it America per illegal immigrant. Just keep moving the border each time a group comes in. I imagine that would help. It’s a decent option since we have had so much illegal immigration because of their failures in their own countries. I think you have to count the breeding one person can do especially if they are Catholic. Figure most families are abut 3 generations at a time. If they aren’t Catholic you would count it to about a multiple of 12 and if they are catholic figure it to be about 144 and multiply them by the 2000 squares feet for each person that comes in illegally. So if they aren’t a Catholic it would probably be about 24 thousand square feet of land and for Catholics 288 thousand square feet of land which is a pretty good deal. But again you would have to adjust those numbers because usually there are 4 generations but for Catholics you have to add one more for stealing one generation from the other. And that is what is happening because they don’t like to control themselves using birth control or abortion and laud themselves for their big families and their ignorance, so then you would have to make another adjustment and add one more for Catholics for that inconvenience. 4 generations and for Catholics 6 generations. And then you would have to consider what they might do to a country such as killing their opposition and replacement theology and they take it literally so you might have to add about 10 more for that. Anyway the Pope tripped on the steps and had 5 mob guys to prop him back up. SNL (who the ex said wasn’t any good anymore which I haven’t watched in a long while) decided to cave I guess in regards to Trump for the unions I suspect and because some latinos kids in a video saying some very bad stuff and even had a grandmother and I didn’t watch what they said or did except in a glance but that’s so typical of Rome and the unions to use kids and grandmothers because they are insane. Losing their moral authority isn’t gonna fly very soon.

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    Like a big mushroom cloud.

    You better watch OUT! It’s happened before!

    I think you crossed the line.

    Shall you not know it?

    IF we have 12,000,000 illegal immigrants (*now Kasich says it’s 11 million* Did he send some back?) we already own Mexico (758,249 sq mi) and we already own Central America (524,000 square miles ) =1,282,249 square miles Cuba square miles is 42, 803 add that to the total and you get 1,325,052 so we should cuba as well. The square miles of Columbia is 52,491 sq miles and Venezuela is 352,144 sq miles so you add that to the total and you get 1,729,687  

    SeaWorld Employees Place Orcas In Plastic Bags Of Water While Cleaning Tanks

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    If you total the square miles of South America all together it is 6.89 million sq miles we own all of them. We own Cuba, we own South America and we own Central America

    So Trump is right about illegal immigrants to be sent back in droves by the millions

    or we take over those countries and/or

    they pay America what they owe America yearly in taxes.

    I think it would be a good idea to reclaim those countries as part of the United States.

    I guess that is why the South America is America we just forgot that it was also America,


    Possibly while we trying to free the europeans they undermined us and colonized the southern part of America.

    They called us the Sleeping Giant!

    I can’t believe that was just the USA.

    I think the reason is that ROME did something to make us forget

    and we need to oust that church.

    (Probably because of Dragon’s Breath.)

    What’s in a name? AMERICA and America is US.

     The way to re-own them it is to take over

    the Panama Canal

    and clean out the mob from those countries and send them back to the Vatican

    or they will reclaim the United States of America.

    That is why illegal immigration occurred was to take over the USA for the Vatican

    and we can’t let them.

    What’s wrong with Ted Cruz’s tie: It’s way too long when he sat down with Neil Cavuto, that’s whats wrong with his tie.

    It was profane.

    I’m sure it was purposeful folly! Vetting. vetting with the same design of material a Saudi wears on his head. The new style of ties. VETTING IS THE NEW BUZZ WORD OF THE PRESS. HAVE YOU NOTICED? A FAD! I GUESS TED CRUZ KNOWS NOT WHAT HE DOES OR WHY, MORE THAN LIKELY.Screen Shot 2015-11-14 at 8.15.50 AM





    Trump’s ‘Saturday Night Live’ gig draws ire of Latino activists


    IT should never have been shown on any media and is a disgrace.


    But they showed the show an hour later so I guess it was a bunch of fluff. Some funny stuff so I guess the ex was wrong about SNL.

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    It was quite funny in parts I watched about half of it and then left. I couldn’t stop thinking about what has come down the pike and kind of get where I feel like suicide but what keeps me afloat is I want to witness the end of the RCC. I think it’s soon, I hope. Then I will be satisfied.

    Land for people.

    God established the earth forever so it would be a good deal for America but maybe not for you.

    Bada Bing Bada Boo

    (instead of Land for Peace)


    When Pope Benedict XVl retired or left the popeship it was quite dramatic and left in a white helicopter. I was very hard on his popeship at the time but I felt  like my dad had something to do with it. It was very emotional experience for me and I think he helped to give him courage to say some things and to be a bit different and maybe vice-versa, probably. The last house my dad built and designed with my mom’s help was on Sawgrass and an english tutor style home and I think it was a sign whether at they time he knew it. My dad flew in helicopters when he was in Viet Nam and jumped out of them as well. He also signed up for the jet pack design when they asked him what he would like to do. A survey type thing but they gave some options and he really liked that kind of thing. He had imagination. 101st airborne. They loved England and so did there kids. It was very magical in some ways!

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    Report: Ben Carson lied about West Point acceptance

    As far as Ben Carson and his West Point Scholarship debacle about his Scholarship offer from Gen. Westmoreland it seems to be hinged on a few words or a misunderstanding however my dad worked as Secretary for Gen. Westmoreland (during or around that time) and thought he was a bit tall and a little bit stupid (an air head) his head in the clouds so it’s not necessarily that great of an offer because of who was behind it. People are impressed by men that are tall didn’t mean he had much more to offer but he wasn’t black so he couldn’t play basketball. Just kidding! Anyway there seems to be some distance in time between what Ben Carson thought occurred between him and Gen. Westmoreland as opposed to what occurred on the records which seems to indicate something strange going on. In regards to the Pentagon and the military things got super strange for my family and our friends in the military especially near the Pentagon because of political shit. Like hearing Geraldo who recently said 5 % unemployment when 90 million are out of work. Politics, politicians and the press do a disservice to our people and need to get their heads out of the clouds and come down to earth. That’s where it started to go whacky was when we were near the Pentagram.

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    Lots of very bad stuff which I have inserted in other posts and I think it’s emblematic of what it represents. I don’t mean war because sometimes it’s unavoidable I mean spiritual deception, disintegration, and confusion like the book of Acts in the bible and the Tower of Babel.

    A guy from the mob has appeared on Fox News and says the root of the problem is the deteriorating family and of course not the mob which is an O’reilly angle.

    Blame the victim.

    An an interesting thought just came to me in my misery that the ex’s mom’s nickname was Nubby, when her real name was Violet, in real time I think.. Not sure why so I plan to ask him, I assumed it was because of her club thumb which the ex inherited. Luckily the kids didn’t.

    As in NUBIAN, maybe. The kind from the SUDAN.

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    The other day we ran out of coffee and had some bags of coffee beans on the counter. Then I looked up and there was some ground coffee high up in the cabinet so I used it for a few days. While in work space/room/garage the ex started to walk out with some coffee beans in his arm tucked under his arm pit to grind the coffee and I said we had some in the cabinet. And he was surprised. It was like he was a robot or something the way he did it. Then I saw a COSTCO ad with a purple tiger and I thought about does a tiger change it’s stripes? Like the leopard that changes his spots? Anyway we ran out of coffee very fast like in a couple of days. It sounds petty but he has tried to kill me a few times so it’s not that paranoid to be paranoid. He said he wanted to bury me and me to bury him a few years back when I was divorcing him but he meant it romantically or something which wasn’t very attractive. And recently told me “mind over matter” as my blood pressure went sky high and my pulse in the 140’s and went to bed and could have cared less and various other things that have occurred. I wondered out loud why we were out of coffee so fast because it was at least 2/3 full or 3/4 full a few days ago and he got very defensive. Told me I was accusing him. Overly defensive but I was in my mind accusing him but I didn’t say it. Got very upset with me about it like he had been caught and he said I go through coffee because I drink it all day. Not necessarily and drink it pretty weak when I make it so I decided to buy individual bags of coffee instead on the side. NO JOKE! It was weird. So far about 2 individual bags a day. But what got me was the way he walked out with the bag under his arm tucked in the arm pit as if trying to get one by me and look innocent and he is snot. OH I forgot to add because of the psychology I think is important he started to vacuum which he does house work when he gets caught. Cleanliness is next to Godliness catholic stuff. There ain’t any way to keep the house clean with 6 cats and 4 dogs. Only one I am responsible for. The other pets my kids brought home for various reasons and we can’t seem to get rid of Zeus the black labrador who is evil in my opinion. Funny he rarely makes coffee and made some today. So I drank it. It’s some sort of strange macabre game. I will never forget how he reacted way overjoyed almost to the point of leaping about his moms good health right after my mom had died as if he won something, and he didn’t. I think he may be in for a big surprise.

    Turns out her nickname was Nubbins and eventually morphed into Nubby and her son/my ex thought it had something to do with her fingers. Anyway when I went to a certain hospital and ended up in mental ward for a few hours just for admitting I ha thought about suicide in a certain period of time being honest about it and the woman that was  guarding me in the hallway and looked an awful lot like her but she was much darker and talking about divorce to some nurse and it was obvious because of the number of years she included about it was near the same as mine. It was a strange experience but I didn’t check out her fingers. I should have but like many things that occur I wish I had said of done this or that but I tend to weigh things later, etc.

    “Scientists have successfully genetically altered a goats embryo with the DNA of a spider.”

    Speaking of spiders do you remember this video and I think there is another one as well:

    Raw Video: Spider Bugs Pope

    Pope Benedict XVI Greets Shuttle, Station Crew

    May 21, 2011

    This is not the video but

    as I recall in the other video he was not in Prague but seemed to be at a place like NASA and he was outside because the wind was blowing and also the spider was on the camera lens and not on him but it could have been another place that launches rockets/space vehicles but was earlier than 2011.


    They have a space observatory type place either at the Vatican or at the castle that he resides in or did reside in at Castel Gondolfo! He was pretty interested in space signs and wonders and astronomy.

    And Obama did talk about something in space and to let it out of the box and let it stretch it’s legs to teach a lesson that will not be forgotten for a long time. That was around the same time as the Safeway shooting in Arizona of Gabriel Giffords whose husband or his twin  is in space and a district attorney was also killed who was involved in Fast and Furious and other people.

    Not everyone thinks Starbucks’ new holiday cups are so great

    Screen Shot 2015-11-08 at 8.54.46 AMπretty wild abut the news story on Media Buzz on Fox about the Untold Story of John Lennon and you have to wonder why people embellish/lie sometimes. Why would they make Yoko look kind of crazy. She kind of didn’t mind being herself an artist I don’t think she needed help in that regard. I do I know often people I have known get mixed up as to who did what in regards to some past memories in families. I do know that Billy Graham said somethings about John Lennon but I can’t remember what it was but I think it was after John Lennon said that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus or something like that and made some people mad but I don’t think he meant any harm by what he said and I doubt Jesus would have retaliated unless he were a false Jesus. I do know it was the religious nuts that got mad about what he said and seemed to be incensed. Most people knew what John Lennon meant but I think that was why he was killed in reality. Retribution and used a mentally unstable person to do the deed. Real men don’t have a vendetta because of something so small. Kind of like what Tarantino said and it was way overblown and the unions and some of the press got mad as fire ants. Totally unreasonable reaction. Pandering to the mob (and possibly the Grahams have some control of those unions) and maybe from fear. I have a reference by Billy Graham somewhere in my posts about JFK because it was relevant and also his accent etc.: Does a leopard change his spots?) I think he may have something to do with it in a spiritual sense somehow affecting events in a very bad way. But because four people say one thing and one says another doesn’t mean they are right. However, I would think that Yoko Ono remembers pretty clearly what she did since it was her husband and backtracking is kind of schmaltzy by Dr. Lynn.

    Did he get paid to lie?

    Funny though: the one that took credit for a lot in regards to the Emergency Room experience of the death of John Lennon Dr. Stephan Lynn has the least memory of the events. Perhaps he put himself in their place but the sheepish reply was a bit weird (meaning he knew he lied if it’s true) to his doctor friend blaming it on the press. Reminds me of those heroes in France that received the highest medals of honor The Legion of Honor medal from the President of France Bertrand  I mean Hollande and they the heroes mentioned having black outs during the event which is convenient and they don’t even know what Bertrand, I mean Hollande said during the ceremony because they didn’t understand French which is ridiculous. I’m sure they had an interpreter.

    I wonder why Roosevelt Hospital didn’t respond to

    The untold John Lennon story

    And why Yoko Ono is speaking out

    Conclusion of this Post

    The Untempored Mortar is INDIA and/or Pakistan

    *(and may involve other places that are mixed up)

    The ink smeared in my brothers face when he was a kid because he made an ink blot on the page.

    The elephant my sister insisted we retrieve from my aunt was green that my dad got from Hong Kong when he was in Viet Nam and had an R&R.

    The elephant that Jackie rode in India and received something that JFK couldn’t because I think he was already dead.

    The Taj Mahal is in India.

    She changed her appearance after her visit to the Taj Mahal and everything was opposite after that because of the reflection pool in front of the Taj Mahal. It was a sign of some kind. She suddenly had big calves and her purse was in the other hand in front of the the Taj Mahal. Then the man at the airport I think was the blind sheik.

    India has nukes and so does Pakistan.

    Pope Benedict allowed one woman to wear green and all the others had to wear black at the G-8 meeting which coincided with

    the accident my ex had before that infamous trip up north when the Indian Ocean had a tsunami which tilted the Earth’s axis was with a man who ran into him in the fog and totaled our car which ran amok at a gas station and the man was from India. The man from India was very erratic and lied his ass off. Barely missed the gas tank at the gas station.

    Perhaps Benghazi is about the fog. I mean frog. LOL

    The woman who almost poisoned me with a bad prescription that would have given me seizures because it was an overdose and would have killed me (but I caught the mistake because they had to overnight it which didn’t make sense because it was always readily available medicine) when I went to the hospital that JFK died in was from India.

    The very latest doctor I saw just a few days ago was from India a woman from India or Pakistan because it hard to tell the difference and she lied to me about the prescriptions I would receive and didn’t give me the right medicine for my prescription even though she said she would because the another nurse told me she didn’t know how to use the computers, I guess. Maybe she lied as well.

    She knew i had something in my finger that hurt and wouldn’t pull it out. Told me I might have to have it lanced eventually. She refused to fix it. She’s a doctor.

    Seems to me a conspiracy of some kind with doctors from India trying to kill me or make me sick or not heal me etc for no reason just because they are considered to be smart and aren’t necessarily all there. immigrants that have been given a green card because they were educated but by whom?

    The woman that allowed the baby to fall out of the shopping cart on cement floor at the grocery store because it wasn’t her child. She was just a nanny and didn’t care at all. I witnessed it. Not sure why she didn’t care but they have so many kids they can’t keep up with them and to her it was just a job not a child. They get married when they are 12 years old because of their religion and have some problems as a result. It affects women and girls like others I have known. IT’s abusive and abuse breeds abuse and negligence.

    The poisonous rice that was sent to Syria came via China through India and it was not Sarin gas that killed those people in Syria. It was a farce. It was the poisoned rice.

    I think that is the untempored mortar of the wall of the Vatican , I think that is Isis (Jackie Kennedy),  overpopulated country because of their beliefs, the green elephant is the big clue.

    So the jealous god is from India and the religion is Hinduism and has something to do with the Taj Mahal and nuclear weapons.

    That is my guess with all of the clues I have been given.

    The green elephant in the room and the snot in the wall probably has to do with India and Pakistan and the Taj Mahal!

    And the Gospel of Matthew and the mustard seed?.

    I think there is gonna be some trouble there soon and that is where there is a great amount of population which could add up to about one third of the worlds population which may be prophetic because 1/3 of the population dies eventually because of war and famine and may had something to do with Iran.

    Makes sense in a weird way. All these people and their signs. They probably are Indian Persians and not to mention but I will the cat (she was part persian) that got lost in between the walls in the house at Carlisle Barracks (which is a war college), but we did find her and got her out with the help of the firemen who saved her when she could be seen in-between the vent slats on top of the house. Then Greenum Common  in England. The RAF? Cement. Lately noticing Hillary and the Fiorina wearing green. Birth control and abortion are also involved because of their idiotic notions about life beginning at conception and not when born which is not true. Life begins when you are born otherwise if you aren’t born you aren’t born. Know what I mean?

    I know it sounds weird but these are the signs I have accumulated over MANY years.

    May have something to do with the Neocatechumenal way may be causing trouble over there, that’s my guess. Some strange stuff going on there. Definitely has something to do with Catholicism birth control or lack of because of Catholic beliefs and a plane went down with a christian man in India early on when the Pope Benedict was the pope and this guy was very popular. It adds up to something going on doesn’t it? Black ops. etc.  Peas in the nose. The green giant. And I think it has to do with Obama who probably is part persian or something. Maybe from Iran. Makes sense doesn’t it. Maybe Bobby Jindal may be involved somehow happens to be governor of Louisiana which is very Catholic because of the parishes Perish the thought France and England which colonized India didn’t they or England did. It’s all kind of mixed up like mixed veggies.

    John 3:16

    The carrots that were given to Pope Francis by Obama. Don’t know what he was talking about but it happened. There are wild carrots that actually poison people that grow in the wild. I heard about some kids that died that way a while back eating them. Could be how they clone themselves, those kind of carrots so they can continue to populate the world with their poison. Rape young girls and get to a hospital  etc.


    Bethlehem, Elizabeth and the leaping in her belly leaping frogs, etc

    Those cows, they also worship cows in India.

    Refusing to believe that the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seeds because of faith FAYET a new concept to enlarge the mass which is silly since it isn’t the smallest of seeds but very parabolic. DUH

    Not understanding truth or caring about truth which is poisonous because TRUTH MATTERS and has to do with Jealousy and way too much pride.

    Probably because I figured it out 

    and you didn’t.

    Of course I had a lot of hep getting there because of the flies, I mean lies and the coverups etc.

    I investigated those things and learned a lot and i didn’t sell out.

    The last visit to the hospital one woman told me that her husband didn’t retrieve stuff from their home to bring to the hospital when she had her babies and I guess she was trying to compare to what my ex did for me while I was there . We live a block away so it isn’t that big of a deal. LOL. I am getting a lot of crap for my divorce from the Catholic Church and from my ex.

    Now I am supposed to take some steroids a bunch the first day so I hope it’s not poisonous. You can imagine how suspicious I have become because of the events lately.  And the ex came in concerned that I take them which is unusual in a way. Being concerned. LOL Plus the doctor wouldn’t give me the stuff for my nebulizer machine even though she said she would so she lied. OR someone lied about the prescriptions. This happened similarly at the last hospital I went to before this one. IT’s ridiculous. The doctor the Pulmonologist was an ass and didn’t listen to what I had to say and could have cared less. The nurses basically run the place. The doctors check in for a second or two just to make an appearance. Things have got to change the medical field is Pucked up,

    Anyway I’m supposed to take 40 milligram pills of steroids 8 today (5 mg each) and for two more days, then 4 for three days (20mg), then take 2 tablets for three days (10mg), then one tablet (5mg) for 3 days and they are all in the same bottle so I think I will space them out just in case. It’s really getting hard to trust them. The ex brought in the phone which is unusual and said for me to make sure to take my pills.

    Anyway you can imagine why old people get mixed up with their medications because it is convoluted in some ways.

    The doctor who prescribed them is Dr. Sylaza Kantamneni!

    The pharmacy is Walmart on Rusk Road in Rockwall County. .

    Just in case something happens.

    The ex is the one that went to the pharmacy. We went through this before and had a big mixup with the drugs that I would have died if I had taken for the nebulizer because it was doubt the strength and the pharmacist had to have it overnighted and I got suspicious and had the ex check it out and he called the doctor who said “absolutely not” even though she prescribed it and the pharmacist told the ex I would have had a seizure and died if I had taken it now a whole new situation which could be kind of scary.

    You can see why I am a bit paranoid, can’t you?

    While I was at the hospital on the last day there the sky marks in the sky made a big Y right out my window.

    Anyway I called the pharmacy and talked to Karen Green the pharmacist and she said that that medication is cool that I just got but I warned her about my ex and the last experience between the doctor and the pharmacy and him. Now she is gonna call the hospital and talk to the doctor to find out if I am supposed to receive the nebulizer medication (NUbe) for my Nebulizer machine that I was promised and the ex said that the doctor made a mistake to see if he is lying or they are lying. So I am supposed to call her back to see what is going on. Crazy shit.

    You would think I would be receiving the nebulizer medication but for some reason I didn’t  receive it even though she promised and I thought the nurse went back to check it and acted as if I got it on the new prescription and she checked because the doctor left the hospital so I had to stay an extra few hours waiting for the prescription I never got or so the ex said. That’s insane and the nurse said it was because of computers was why the doctor didn’t prescribe it in the first place because she didn’t know how to use it and she straightened it out yet I don’t have the prescription still. So I called the pharmacy to have them call the doctor to check it out and am supposed to call her back because the ex just changed our phone number because he changed the way we get internet in the last day or two so I don’t know our home phone number at the moment. Doesn’t it seem like some kind of trick going on? Sure does to me especially after what I went through before this time.

    Called her back and still no answer from the doctor to her.

    Then called the next day and turns out she was a fill-in Pharmacist and the Pharmacist on duty today said that they did not receive a phone call from the doctor from India or wherever and they usually don’t. I said I wish she had told me that in the first place. I get more information from a pharmacist than you do a doctor which is ridiculous. Not the fill in though who was less than helpful. Anyway I think I’m gonna  hire the Black Panthers and pull a Patty Hearst and get a machine gun and demand all their nebulizer medicine. LOL That is how bad our medical field has gotten that you almost have to take such measures for something so easily produced and needed, I paid my taxes the years I smoked. Hell I could have sued the doctor for malpractice for prescribing me overdose if I wanted to but I didn’t so I think they deserve a Patty Hearst/Black Panther run on their Nebulizer medicine for not cooperating and prescribing what she said she would prescribe and in the first place it should be over the counter and not have to be prescribed. It’s ridiculous. I will hope and pray that those in charge of stupidity in regards to those kind of medications get pleurisy and call it COPD and don’t get disability or relief or my pity and we can watch their death. Oh well another Fukushima release might do the trick. Give Pelosi what she deserves. Have you noticed ink pens are shit these days and I found out it is because they are made in China. We need to start producing good pens in America that last more than 2 days. That would be a great place to start manufacturing something simple, stupid. Make them last at least 6 months. Then we don’t have to buy them by the 100’s and can be a space saver type pen and time saver not having to try to write and not be able to write until you find the 30th out of a hundred.

    We have to change the way the medical field is being run because it is not right anymore and probably why my dad died and my mom. Purposeful fuck ups to kill off the elders our parents who protected this country for years. We need to fix it. I’m pissed off to say the least because they were my parents and I loved them. And because India and Pakistan and the catholic way overpopulating the world because of old notions about birth control and abortion etc. Finally the ex a catholic though not active but already poisoned by it being raised that way that the countries that immigration has occurred in Europe and America are from Catholic countries. And trying to Catholicize the USA and it is ruining our country but he doesn’t notice the prejudice of Catholics because it hasn’t affected him but I have noticed because it has affected me in many evil ways.

    They do not have the moral ground and should not have authority.

    How many catholics does it take to read a bible. THREE.

    One to hold the book, one to turn the page, and the pope to read a verse and ponder.


    Must have attended Texas A&M

       Aggie Jokes

    My eldest sister told me that three was the nuber of perfection when we got off the elevator at the hospital my mom stayed at the second to the last time she was in a hospital when they said my mom was naked all day long and we had been with her for 5 hours that same day and she was dressed but when we came back from lunch she was naked. Three or four men walked in the hallway to the elevator when I told my sister that three was not the number of perfection and that I don’t believe in perfection and they laughed as they got on the elevator as we got off the elevator and Monty the nurse is the one that said that my mom had been naked all day long which was very stupid so I complained and in those five hours Monte wasn’t in my mother’s room. She never showed up but supposedly was my mom’s nurse. Then we got some other nurses to help my mom get redressed because she was too weak to dress or undress herself and Monte overlooked the other nurses and didn’t help. That’s plain old dumb about the number three being the number of perfection but my sister was educated by the BGEA and the english woman across the street and the women’s retreats in North Carolina that she attended and her husband Gary’s ideology . I hope she wakes up! The woman that was an angel that heaped her during her surgery when the German doctor screwed up and cut her ureter and almost killed her till they figured it out and she had to deal with a bag for a while. The woman that acted as an angel at the hospital resembled this woman and obviously assimilated her appearance sort of like the women did that followed Jacky Kennedy chicness wearing her style of hat etc at their last breakfast, I think :

    Screen Shot 2015-12-02 at 6.59.00 PM

    Anne Graham Lotz

    after the apostles lost Judas Ishcariot because he was hung and his bowels came out as told by Peter to a bunch of people (and I guess everyone knew it or Peter witnessed it) who had little fires over their heads (I think that was when he explained what happened) they cast/drew lots to replace him as an apostle because I guess they had to have 12 at a time. DOZEN that sound like a dumb reason, but that is what is written about in the Book of Acts.

    “A baker’s dozen, also known as a big or long dozen, is 13.”

    Sort of a business decision of some kind.

    Anyway the woman that assimilated Anne Graham Lotz look suggested that people shouldn’t get operations on a Friday because often doctors are overworked because of their strange schedules and 12 hour days, etc.,

    and I suggest they usually are dying to go on vacation.

    Anyway they took her under their winkles and screwed her up even more than she already was and more than likely why she didn’t remember on her own accord that one brother in law of the same name as the next one my little sister married saved her son from drowning and had to be reminded by me because she was too busy trying to take shitty pictures of him hugging me as if that’s a sin and probably why she did many bad things later like not inviting me to my mother’s funeral that she arranged and probably why many facts in the brochure of my mom that I received by my daughter were incorrect about her own mother, facts she should have known and probably why on one visit we shopped for two hours or so for her to find a pair of flip flops because she had a blister while visiting to see my mom yet “money was no object” she said. Probably why she wanted to see the movie called Atonement again with the family as if that was entertaining. Sorry it wasn’t, and we didn’t watch it to soothe her soul about her and her Hubbard.

    My little sister was indoctrinated by the BGEA as well and saved $35,000 of my mom and dads money in her savings account till my mom died using medicaid/medicare and the hospice situation she and her husband desired. It wasn’t hers it was my mom’s money. 35 more days till the next Republican debate and Fox news calls it the “death watch” by the man I saw as a boy giggling on stage because my sweater unbuttoned and my breasts popped out though they were contained in a french bra and I think it was his mom who turned around and scowled at me but didn’t tell me why I had to figure it out and he looks older than me and I was at least three times his age then if not more. I think I was four times his age at least.

    Dallas was where the supposed 2nd Vatican occurred changing things in the bible and the non-denominationals were involved. Bible believers changing the word. Appeasing.

    paul simon song I know what I know

    So we have a problem and it ain’t gonna fly.

    A house exploded in New Jersey due to gas explosion and I heard on Fox about a day or so ago someone on that network said “turn up the gas.” or something like that.  (Nov-12th) There can’t be very many reasons a person would say that on the news, can there, unless directing some kind of directive. It was a woman that said it and she was part of a panel discussing stuff with kind of long hair if that helps and also they were not talking about cars, that’s for sure. Could be wired or something. They say some pretty suggestive stuff sometimes like “I was waiting for you to say that” like they did to me when I said “she has such pretty eyes” about the cat lady (the one on outnumbered) and she turned to the camera just to say it right after I said what I said because they are in touch with people in their living rooms and they are seeing you and listening in on some people.

    Might be mob related and possibly REVING it up.

    New Jersey home explosion kills one, injures 15

    1 Dead, 15 Hurt After Explosion Levels New Jersey Home: Officials

    The Latest: Person unaccounted for after New Jersey house explodes is found; 1 dead, 14 hurt

    Home explosion caught on police camera injures 15 in New …

    Fox News better watch out what they say, I think.


    “This is for Syria” said a witness of a masked man attacking Paris said Shephard Smith.

    Does Mrs. Heinz live there?

    Honestly, if it were of Assad’s regime or his people that they would want to attract more interference in their country. Do you think he wants more trouble? Oh but Obama does. He is dying to go there. He has been wanting to do it since he got in the White House.  RIDICULOUS. Obama certainly was prepared. Sends 50 special ops to Syria. ISIS threatens Russia and then France gets attacked. It obviously was kids that were killed because of the bands name ( I have no idea) I can imagine it’s very difficult situation. I doubt it was ISIS I think it would be someone who wants us to to to Syria to get involved in a morass of a situation that we should stay away from and let Russia handle it. Probably some Saudis organized this because they started it in Syria and commissioned it in the first place like they did in the USA when we were attacked on 9-11 and we reared up and attacked Afghanistan and then Iraq as if that makes any sense WHATSOEVER. Should have held the Saudis accountable and it might have not turned into this INSANITY and we should have held Florida pilots responsible for teaching them to fly airplanes. Whose idea was that? So now Bertrand, I mean, Hollande says they are gonna conduct a war without pity against who but they need our support. Did they ever help AMERICA? EVER? I don’t hate the French ……I hate their lies. They aren’t too friendly and love to mock as in MOSQUE….. MOQUES and aren’t past anything in the past to get people to war.  REMEMBER VIET NAM? It’s their way and they want the USA involved. And OBAMA is more than happy to give his hand (TIME) which isn’t gonna be very long in fact it’s getting shorter day by day. WHY WOULD ISIS advertise themselves to get the USA to fight them for France? That is what you have to ask. To elongate the Vatican’s life to draw it out because of it’s death knell is tolling and they know it. They want the USA to save it from what: themselves killing Christians in Syria. They want to get that little important spot and have been of a long time The Golan Heights. Replacement Theology. They are the Eternal City they think. yet the Gospel of John doesn’t agree.  They would sacrifice their own people to do it because they don’t give a shit. It’s politics.



    Paris is also known as the City of Light where Notre Dame is located

    and where the Court of the Gentiles is located

    and Jesus in the Gospel of John said his burden is light.

    Screen Shot 2015-11-14 at 3.18.34 AM

    It’s possible even perfumes, makeup, toothpaste, coffee, tea, sugar ………all sorts of ways to control people.

    I think Rome is involved……I don’t know but it sure seems like they have their hand in doing all sorts of bad things. The Courtyard of Notre Dame is prophetic self fulfilling prophecy and if I were Paris I’d get rid of it.

    Rome introduced The Court of the Gentiles through Pope Benedict XVl and it was to court people (gentiles) about an unknown god using music and other amenities but in the bible it is a place of judgement. (HEBDO) Also Raqqa is a place of judgement which used to be part of Turkey (Paul of Tarsus) now part of Syria and Obama is going to Turkey tomorrow. Coincidence? 

    Why would the French get in bed with Obama after what he said at the UN about ISLAMS prophet/profit and after HEBDO? So who was killed in France? Americans? Jews? Who designs those awful Vatican guard uniforms? It’s gotta be the French. Who is in charge of the International Monetary Fund? Is that the profit Obama is  talking about? Christine LaGarde who is from France.

    Thank god it wasn’t Geraldo’s daughter who got killed. So who is in bed with the French? Who is in bed with Obama?

    She called on air and he and her had some emotional words and it was…….. well, it’s hard to explain. “Do you want to come home?”

    Screen Shot 2015-11-14 at 1.31.41 PMThe Press? Spain?

    And to top it all off Greta Van Susterne is looking more and more like Billy Graham and the guy on the right looks like the guy that was in a cage in Syria with the weird music that was burned up alive. REMEMBER? The JORDANIAN Pilate? The one that Isis drug around for show and then we got to watch some really gory videos of Obama’s favorite music. Talk about deception. So who is in the past and who has a future? I guess we will find out pretty soon.

    Screen Shot 2015-11-14 at 1.54.35 PM Screen Shot 2015-11-14 at 1.54.22 PM

    Uncut: Medal of Honor recipient Florent Groberg

    Islamist militants kill 19 in attack on hotel in Mali’s capital
    Did it happen to be shopping center as well? Now Fox News is saying that what happened in Mali is because the US is not helping France enough. It was suggested in a round about way. What in the world do they want? MONEY? Was Mali a French colony? I have no idea but it makes sense that it might be.

    Obviously Libya was: Give me Liberty or give me death.




    If only the King of Jordan ABDULLAH SCHMOOLLAH had parachuted with his men! HE JUST PUSHED THEM OUT!



    VIDEO: The Islamic State Burns Jordanian Pilot Alive in a Cage Screen Shot 2015-11-14 at 3.09.13 AM

    Well the Paris attacks happened just in time for the Democratic Debates so they can concentrate on terrorism instead of the economy , stupid. What a life saver!

    TALK ABOUT DILL-USIONAL AND IN DENIALScreen Shot 2015-11-14 at 2.19.29 PM


    One of the Jesuses in the Synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) one of them talks about being in danger of hellfire and damnation if they say the word Raka or some variation of spelling in regards to it and I say it and I don’t fear it. It is on the border area of Syria and Turkey but it was a part of Turkey in bible times. Paul of Tarsus/Turkey also said that men would be judged by their thoughts which is ridiculous especially in this day and age because of subliminal information and subliminal type tactics that are easily achieved by cell phones, internet, computers, tv’s, radio, anything that can influence the thoughts of mankind. Everyone especially in this day and age has to sort through thoughts to arrange them in their own mind and to make choices and try to use good and sound judgements. It’s a part of living life. Problem is alcohol and drugs and especially drugs people don’t realize are affecting them especially if they have been compromised with a substance they don’t know they are partaking of such as Dragon’s breath (seasickness ingredient grown in Columbia where diamond mines are located and other places, the Hanging gardens of Babylon) and the perfect place to include it would be in the Eucharist (or any other food used in religious rites and who knows what else) and so devilish too since Jesus of the Gospel of John said he was the Bread of life and that substance (Devil’s Breath) makes slaves of people for about 4-5 days who are not in charge of their own thoughts and actions. It may sound outlandish, but it isn’t. It’s documented what it does and you can look it up on the internet. “Nothing propinks like propinquity” Diplomat George Ball saying to control leaders and famous people etc whoever they want to control to do what ever they want to do. I have no idea of the memory affects of that drug but it’s just one of many tools that are used and spiritually things people say and do that are on the wrong side of things are apt to do them without a drug and may not remember doing it or understand that they were and are used by evil. I see it all the time. Catholics forget a lot. It’s in their DNA. Bred into them. The foxes have holes (in their memory like sieves). That is why you have to denounce Catholicism and then you will start to notice a bunch more. It might save your life because you are nothing in comparison because there are many involved: “Love is a dunghill, Bette, and I am but a cock who climbs upon it to crow.”

    One of the terrorists of the Paris attack that so far has an estimated death count of 158 said, “I am from ISIS.”

    Too bad he didn’t give his full name, his DOB, his address, his social security number, his dog tags, his license, his phone number as well and sell his biography while he was at it!

    You betcha!


    By the way just watched one scene of the attack in Paris on Fox news and it’s the same place that was attacked during the HEBDO attacks a place that was very well lit inside and was a glass store front. So I think what is going on is they are reliving it with different results different people different date. Sort of a cyclical repeat of what happened before or one was warning about this one.

    Anyway on Chris Wallace Fox News Sunday Miss Perfection was in her apartment near by the attack and narrowly escaped and it was very surreal for her. And then a can of carrots fell out of the refrigerator. Incentive. Must be a male shortage in France. Didn’t Obama give some “carrots” to Pope Francis recently?

    Finding a Syrian passport on one of the attackers was too too too much!

    wee wee wee, wee wee weeScreen Shot 2015-11-15 at 11.19.13 PM

    I suppose her flat roomies weren’t good enough specimens to showcase. She means serious business. Anyway if you’re interested in getting involved in WWlll and possibly a nuclear showdown come to Paris the City of Light and you might have a good time or you could end up in a cage in Raqqa.

    Jack Keane needs you!Screen Shot 2015-11-15 at 11.01.31 PM

    The way I look at it if you aren’t gonna fix it permanently, then don’t bother you will only make it worse.

    By that I mean get rid of the ideological inspirations (Mecca & Medina) that drive muslims wild and affects their minds  like the Taliban did to the Buddhist monuments in Afghanistan by blowing them up. I guess they wanted to send a message and it worked. Made big news. And we are still there dealing with them and it should have been handled along time ago by blowing up their monuments in Saudi Arabia.


    ……..Continuation of the WHAT THE FRENCH ARE GONNA DO

     I got kind of sidetracked.



    The sooner they do it though the sooner I will gain what I want. Go ahead and we will be able to watch as a certain group of people have to bury their weapons for months (6 months which might be talking about bible times which are much different than regular times so could be longer) of the dead that occur because of some kind of gas or nuke or whatever it is that immediately melts the tongues out of their mouths. Read about it in the Bible and get prepared. I don’t think gas melts the tongues out of mouths immediately but I think that usually means some kind of nuclear designed weapon and then contamination. And when that wind blows you better hope you are in the right spot.

    North? West? East? South?

    Not to mention those crops. Food and cattle.

    You better hope God is on your side. Doesn’t seem like God is on France’s side as of tonight.


    who am i to go against the wind Paul Simon

    I thought France was for open borders?

    140+ DEAD


    That’s why we let them get away with sending Saudis to New York to collide with a few buildings because Obama said at the UN

    “The future must not belong to those who slander the profit/prophet of Islam.”


    Can you imagine what would happen if those Abominations of bullshit MECCA AND MEDINA were destroyed?

    Might make a big difference and turn some red and white heads around. I think those places are driving Muslims insane. Might save a lot of lives!

    Like the honey bees that get infected with killer bee sense. Attacking everything that even makes a tiny noise or like a fire ant if a person

    stands where he should not!

    Remember Paul of the New Testament? Remember the story about when he landed on Malta a place in the Mediterranean Sea (a very strategic spot at least at that time) that looks like a bee or an ant depends on your perception of the shape of the island/s. He did something that made the people think that he was God and he was with Luke the doctor. Paul moved about because he had backers and financial support like a pope would travel about.

    Anyway it was when his ship wrecked on the island. And I have a feeling he’s in Virginia because of something in my past that I remember that may have been provided to me for some reason. Don’t know of course. Lucius, the doctor of the church, I mean. I don’t know about Paul but there were times Lucius wasn’t with him and sometimes he was with him but gave him courage when he was with him. It may have to do with Microwaves because of that sign, tip, clue, from the past. 


    Screen Shot 2015-11-14 at 12.11.39 AM

    Anyway we will be hearing Fox News, the politicians, the diplomats, and their clergy say a bunch of times, “Our hearts and our prayers are with you.” as if they memorized it and which they say about everything they report that’s bad which is a lot and I doubt that they have hearts and actually pray much. Like saying, “Bless your heart.” and has become an overused and an empty cliche. If they really meant it they would tell the truth and they would admit that the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seeds for starters.


    Maybe it is time to test FAYET.

    Anyway as I understand the bible ISRAEL GROWS TREMENDOUSLY FOR SOME REASON.

    Ever hear the expression BEYOND JORDAN?

    One thing for sure ISIS has a problem with direction. ISIS Jihadi John threatened Rome from Cuba and and ISIS threatened Russia and attacked Paris. Does that make sense? Maybe this will actually have something to do with that sign about 1600 furlongs as in possibly referring to The White House (1600 Pennsylvania) and the Vatican and the blood rising up to their horses bridles.

    By the way saw a great Seinfeld show about a woman walking around in a bra and everyone was freaking out while I was at the hospital. Very funny show sometimes.

    Anyway just had dream about trying to find lipstick in my purse. A real long drama about it. Before that in the dream a lot of people hiding.

    While I was at the hospital this last time I woke myself up from a very bad dream it was starting and I wish I could remember it but it was about the world. A secret I figured out or the secret came to me and then it disappeared from my memory. I’m sure it will come back to me soon maybe in another dream that occurs. It didn’t look good for the world!

    We found that part persian cat in the woods in Virginia when she was a kitten. we assumed see was persian she could have been parisian we don’t know because she didn’t have papers.

    Screen Shot 2015-11-11 at 3.17.15 PM

    Victoria’s Secret 2015.

    VETTING Ben Carson

    As far as vetting goes Ben Carson is obviously lying if he says he was offered a scholarship by Gen. Westmoreland unless it wasn’t Gen. Westmoreland that offered it to him. As far as vetting goes he admitted to getting an organ after he was caught having used one didn’t he? and not before and admitted that he could tell it was human after much ado about abortions.

    That’s a lie Ben just in case you didn’t know it.

    Then he said we should tithe 10% to the White House as if it was the temple,

    did he not? Obviously much of it being laundered to Rome or we would be see in an improvement in  our economy.

    Whether you were at Kennedy Center or where ever it was someone was up there that looked like they were up to no good a mechanic and the Challenger blew up in the air.

    I wasn’t invited to be a speaker at a prayer breakfast for the President, but you were which made you enormously famous. How did that happen? Was it a mistake or good fortune? Did Gen. Westmoreland offer you a scholarship if you attended?

    What is the smallest of seeds?

    Notice Christians never answer that question? Wonder why? How about Islamic faithers?

    If you really were TRULY a neuro surgeon you should know the answer to that question and you wouldn’t be afraid! BRRRRRRRRR

    You say you come from an outrageous family of 28 or so and only one turned out good which is not a good sign obviously bad DNA distribution and so we are so supposed to be impressed that it took that many kids to come up with Ben Carson and not one sibling will corroborate your legend not one neighbor will attest to your stories which proves that more is not better. Do they pay a 10 percent tithe to Washington DC?

    Ben Carson West Point controversy divides Republicans
    I’m not running for the office of President Ben Carson,

    but you are!


    He is an imposter, that’s all there is to it.

    I heard a little bell ring in my right ear. DING.

    What proof do you have that the Chinese are involved in Syria?

    asked Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday/

    However, I think Ben Carson is right about the Chinese being involved in Syria not necessarily on the ground or providing arms but they sent the rice that was poisoned or somehow tainted either in China or in India or on it’s way to Syria and a bunch of people died because they didn’t have their HASMAT gear/suits like the people in Africa when Ebola struck because only the doctors were protected until it was noticed. MR. HEINZ i.e. JOHN KERRY after having dinner with President Bashar Assad and his wife Asthma and with his well-connected wife MRS. HEINz; what’s in a name? (the same guy who met the many witnesses of Benghazi in Germany after it occurred and we never saw them again) and who readily blamed Sarin gas for the poisoning of the Syrian people because of a taped conversation of someone in the Syrian military who was stupid enough to be taped by the Germans and happened to be in the right spot to be overheard by the Germans in order to blame Bashar Assad’s regime.  That’s why people were not wearing real masks at the Sarin gas contaminated areas because it wasn’t gas it was poisoned rice. So that is involved, isn’t it?


    So it appears it wasn’t a very congenial dinner?

    In the bible it states clearly that Damascus would be a burdensome stone to the world and I think that includes China.

    Bashar al-Assad Blames Paris Attacks on France’s Foreign Policy

    Anyway after all that and the Paris attacks being blamed indirectly at Syria because of ISIS or so some suicidal maniacs said via Fox News Bashar Assad has the gaul to say that France and ipso facto the USA and the EU have some foreign policy problems.

    Maybe it’s NATO?

    The europeans often accused the West of being wild, Geez Louis.

    Kerry Vows ‘Despicable’ Daesh Will Be Defeated

    John Kerry’s explanation today was bullshit. What’s going on is way more than he would like the people to think but for him it’s about the survival of the Vatican/and their baby and it’s control. It’s his bed and he is married to it.

    His Kush.




    Oh, What A Tangled Web He Weaves

    “In the last few weeks we have seen Republican Presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson defend himself against the press for allegations of lying about his past. This got me thinking, is he telling the truth about anything? I have to admit that I’m anxiously waiting to hear him say the words, “I’m not a doctor, but I play one on T.V.”……….

    Now Fox is saying that Ben Carson is so kind because he won’t reveal the name of the person he stabbed unless the press is kind and won’t harass tons of people he wrote about etc.

    The guy is nuts and what’s worse is the press. Just because someone talks softly does not make them good. I know some people who know how to seethe their anger in various ways that no one would suspect their evil intent for instance Popes in the past and present and President Obama. It’s called being of the devil. If you believe there is evil going on in this world than you have to assume there is someone behind it. It just doesn’t happen out of pure dumb unluck. Immigration is part of it and it was intentional not by those that immigrate but by those that made it impossible for those immigrants not to immigrate causing havoc and they came from Roman Catholic countries. Is that a surprise? Hey if they lose their rule they want everyone to be destroyed. You have to overcome the Roman Catholic way that is why they didn’t allow catholics to read their bibles for eons.  A WORLD WITHOUT BORDERS. GLOBAL WARMING. CLIMATE CHANGE. NEOCATECHUMENAL WAY. OPUS DEI. UNIONS, BAD UNIONS, BAD COPS, BAD CLERGY, DON’T TALK BAD ABOUT SOMEONE IN YOUR FIELD EVEN IF THEY HAVE COMMITTED CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY IN ORDER TO PROTECT EACH OTHER IN THE RELIGIOUS FIELD AND BECOME A ONE WORLD REUNION, DON’T FIRE  BAD DOCTORS AND NURSES IN ORDER TO KEEP THE INSURANCE BUSINESS IN BUSINESS, DON’T FIRE FEDERAL EMPLOYEES AND BAD TEACHERS, LIFT UP THE BAD NOT THE GOOD, DON’T LEARN FROM MISTAKES, DON’T TURN IN CHILD MOLESTER PRIESTS JUST MOVE THEM TO ANOTHER PLACE, APPLAUD THE POLICE EVEN WHEN THEY MURDER THEN PANDER THEM AND THEIR UNIONS BECAUSE WHO YOU GONNA CALL TO GET SPECIAL TREATMENT:

    To ex·ac·er·bate

     To make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse:

    Create AUSTERITY


    All of this kind of activity is EVIL!

    You can read about it in the Gospel of Luke

    which illustrates the Abomination of Desolation!

    Fascism grows this way and so does Roman Catholicism to Catholicize the world.

    You scratch my back I scratch yours (BGEA).

    Call evil good and call good evil.

    Don’t reveal the hospice situation of the elderly and vets and use abortion as an excuse even though it is legal, make people get insurance even though it does not prevent death, sickness, or the ills in society, don’t find cures just insure to create a very sick population which is a scam because once there was no insurance and we had to find cures and people did, use Obama Care to hide purposeful man made catastrophes and for the purposes of fascism and ruin a country from within. Tax the shit out of everyone except those in Congress. Don’t hire certain people but make excuses for their unemployment (deception), create a national debt that doesn’t exist, it’s all about making people submit to Roman Catholicism. Divert. Political correctness so you can’t describe a person so crime can run rampant so good cops can’t work in a safer environment and people can’t live in a safer environment.  There is so much more to it but it would fill the world if books were truthful. It’s the flood in order to keep you blind and many people died and are doing it again. History repeating’ itself. Lots of books out there, aren’t there?

    Pontius Pilate: what is truth!



    Hey, if you can’t even admit that the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of the seeds

    you got a problem and deserve a:

    Mad World-Gary Jules

    and it will destroy you.

    If you read Revelation Roman Cathlocism doesn’t survive in the end so it would be wise to get on the right train if you want to be a part of


    He didn’t need a seed not even one that isn’t the smallest of seeds.

    He didn’t even need a woman or a man.


    Who is the Greater? The one that needs a man or a woman, a little seed or one that doesn’t need either. Who do you think will win?

    Before Abraham was I AM




    The Great State of Mexico votes …..

    The Great State of Brazil votes…..

    The Great State of Central America Votes……

    Consumption tax and lots of business

    for everyone.

    I bet the Bushes would feel threatened but they might get over it.

    The only thing is it would not work unless you give up and denounce Catholicism & organized religions

    since basically they are the same but with different formats and instead

    Believe in I Am That I Am and grow up and not grow out.

    I think it would be worth it.

    Independent thought and a personal relationship with God instead of en-masse and getting lost in the translation.

    I heard that Hillary Clinton said at her debate that we are not at war with radical islam. No, but they are with us. Bernie Sanders said that the most pressing problem of the world is Climate Change because climate changes. I heard that Assisi of Egypt had some strong things to say about the religion of Islam to his Muslim neighbors portraying itself very anti peace because he thinks it is the religion of peace which it obviously is not a religion of peace.  I agree with Newt Gingrich that the problem is psychological at least to some degree but the truth is spiritually the world and it’s religions are at war with God because of deep seated deception and that is why the world has the problems the world has including climate change and I don’t think that will be rectified until the world isn’t at war with God. I think the world can be cured but it takes a while. Obviously since the GREAT DISCOVERY that the MUSTARD SEED isn’t the SMALLEST OF SEEDS and no one wants to admit that it isn’t the smallest of seeds then there has to be something up with that kind of adversity which isn’t diversity because it seems to be a world wide calamity

    which is RIDICULOUS. Anyway there is a story at the bottom of the page about my sister and my cousin which I didn’t witness but heard about and I think that is what is kind of occurring world wide.

    Screen Shot 2015-11-12 at 4.56.43 AMI thought this: Alter of Pacis (ARA PACIS) might be what was transported to Israel in a big mac truck when Pope Benedict XVl visited the Dome of the Rock, the very first pope to actually do that or so it was rumored and it would take a BIG MAC TRUCK to do that but it could have been something else really big but the entourage blocked off the roads so none could see what was in the truck. When they did their sermon in Israel televised that was when I felt I heard “On the Precipice.” Then soon after all that fluff their were many tunnels from Egypt to Israel (within a few years) so it could have been more than one thing or tunnel digger equipment. But a Palestinians did say they were blindfolded to the tunnels and ordered to dig. Not sure what it was that they brought or why Pope Benedict felt a need to visit the Dome of the Rock. Never did say what they transported and I’m positive they wouldn’t tell us if it was something to undermine the Israelis. Could be they took whatever it was to Notre Dame in Jerusalem or other numerous places that are Catholic leased or owned in that city. But those tunnels were elaborate and wired that Sean Hannity showed us a while back.

    The Mayor of Rome Alemanno (the one with the cain) did some weird things around that time as well having to do with the “wound that was healed.” involving the Vatican Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone of the Catholic Church and some taxi drivers unions and talked about conjuring up something invoking. He’s a Celtic Catholic I think. Cleaned Rome of gypsies after one young gypsy girl was murdered, I guess he had to clean it up. (Might incriminate him or his son, you know what I mean? wipe clean) Anyway he set up some strange signals and he also visited Jerusalem. Didn’t hear much about his visit. I’m sure it was important whatever it was or he wouldn’t have bothered. I have been watching for quite a while and for good reason. He has a son who is also in politics and looks just like him in another country in Europe.

    1. make (something) appear unexpectedly or seemingly from nowhere as if by magic:
      to invoke:to call forth by incantation: conjure
      It could have been who I saw in that face in the restaurant with my daughter who looked possessed and freaked her out when she saw him as well. For no reason he would direct his attention at me from across the room and eventually I told her to check it out this guy is acting weird and she turned and flipped back real fast because it scared her. He was with some country folk but what we saw was in his eyes. A maniac.
       Mayor Allemanno loves the Catholic Church and the unions. Gee I wonder why! He’s a Nazi that’s why.
      Screen Shot 2015-11-12 at 5.57.46 AMThe vent fell in the garage on an old air conditioner all by itself.
      Fox morning news has a guest on saying “Lighten up, don’t blame, don’t whine, drink it up. This is so-so Catholic.” Forget what we do and let us (them) keep doing it.
      F… THEM!
       What about 6 million jews and all those new intended victims?
      They have no conscience because they indulge themselves on a regular basis. The Roman Catholic Church needs to be trained to have one. Maybe they should be wearing training pants.
      My aunt and my mom left the room where their tots/babies were in their cribs (a boy and a  girl) and came back to find both kids eating their poop. I guess they hadn’t changed their diapers soon enough. I THINK RICHARD DID IT FIRST.
      enough.Screen Shot 2015-11-13 at 6.29.44 AM
      I hear that Paris tourism will be for the most part closed . The eiffel tower and other places that are public sites. Sounds like the government shut down in Washington D.C. a few years ago and the closing of our monuments which are suppose to be free just out of spite for not being beholden to Obama and his federal workers who Billy Graham is counting on.
      Screen Shot 2015-11-15 at 12.13.48 AM
      This is why the massacre occurred in Paris that’s how small some people acts who think they are god.

      Low and Behold

      Notre Dame is gonna hold some events honoring those that died.
      It’s syphillis of the mind of the BGEA and who it shills for all for a rally in support of Notre Dame.
      Why can’t we take these bastards out? asked the reporter who sounds exactly like Carlos Sheen (Martin/Charlie or a Sheen) in regards to ISIS because of our military might to Obama at G20. First of all it would help if you would remember who you are. You are an actor, not a reporter and you are Roman Catholic and I think pentacostal. That’s why.
      It depends on what is is!
      There are more than one group called ISIS and I imagine some aren’t on the same side.
      Just like those in the Vatican itself are having internal problems because one faction wants to control the others as they have for years and years. Some of those that are creating anarchy in their countries or other countries may be brutal but have been reacting to the fascism/unfair practices/insane control in their countries and ours. So some may be very confused but that is what happens when you lie to the people and all the tactics used to keep them profoundly deceived and call it civilized.

      Paul McCartney – Too Many People

      Ordering Austerity was a big mistake and extremely stupid and kind of a clue especially if you have read the Gospel of Luke.
      I think Syria would have been better to have been left along and there wouldn’t be Syrian refugees. They lived there for many years and while Pres. Assad was there as well so whoever invaded Syria in the first place which I think was Saudi Arabia is involved. They were funding it somehow. Why?
      That is the zillion dollar question.
      “The future must not belong to those that slander the profit/prophet of ISLAM.”
      We decided to be a little different since things are so different and instead of Turkey we are gonna have roast beef brisket.
      Screen Shot 2015-11-16 at 5.04.56 PM
      As stated a few times by me my mom told me she wanted to live to 105 years of age to outlive her grandmother and one sister kept $35,000. in a Savings Account UNTIL my mom died of my mom’s money and they hospiced her instead FOR 2 WEEKS AND SHE DIED! And there are two other siblings besides me and if you add up $35, 000. times three you get $105,000.
      Is that perfection?
      The last conversation with my oldest sites she said mom ha died and that she knew she would not have wanted to live that was: with COPD a wide variety of things that might cause breathing problems real and manufactured and so she got mom a hospice cair-giver which means she was planning for my mom to die and which means that is the purpose of the hospice cair-giver to allow death at any opportune moment instead of trying to save her life hence the argument between the staff/doctor at the hospital, the hospice cair-giver and the retirement center on what was prudent to do for my mom and she died during that time hence it was purposeful fair given to my mom to make it happen and money was no object as my older sister said when she bought those flip flops.

      Whoever took on the name of the cair of Ho-spice and promotes that kind of treatment is the




      who is being awarded sainthood by the Pope Francis.

      They tend to do that in the Catholic Church such as fulfilling the prophecy of

      the Court of the Gentiles at Notre Dame.

      The reason told to me by my mother-in-law for her love of the Roman Catholic Church was the latin used which made the church mysterious because they didn’t understand the language of pig latin or latin which is a dumb reason to love a church which was the

       Mystery of Babylon!

      Anyway those that influenced them, the policies that influenced that kind of action, the religions and government institutions involved may have made a very bad turn for themselves that will bite them back so hard and it will hurt. My parents were good people and deserved much better. Anyway I think about that story in the bible about Lazarus and it helps because I think that is what will happen to those powers that deceived my family and many others. Shouldn’t have done that to my mom and dad.

      Terrorist Alert: U.S. State Dept Warns Americans Abroad to Steer Clear of Vatican

      Their Jubilee is approaching soon. I think that means a 50 year celebration. When was the last one, 1963?

      Probably be wise to allow the Syrian refugees into the USA! It’s why we are here and are supposed to do since we are America and might actually be good VETTING for America!

      By the way have you noticed that Fox News (Vatican) has kind of stopped harassing Planned Parenthood and those that had abortions lately since the crises of ISIS. I guess their self  preservation has taken hold of them and it just isn’t as important to them as their surviving terrorism.

      Abortion has taken a backseat so to speak.

      Funny how that is.

      Screw other people’s babies, eh?

      Republicans to Obama: Keep Syrian refugees out

      August 2013 was the Queens Jubilee Celebration. And this year is the Vatican Jubilee Celebration/ Jubilee Celebrations occur every 50 years or so. Sure it wasn’t the 12th?

      “The jubilee year will begin on December 8 and run until November 20, 2016. December 8 is one of the holiest dates in the Catholic calender as the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and is also the date on which the Vatican II council closed in 1965.”

      ” The council, through the Holy See, formally opened under the pontificate of Pope John XXIII on 11 October 1962 and closed under Pope Paul VI on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception in 1965.”

      But they didn’t mint any coins on the date of the Immacualte Conceptions but minted coins on the 1963:

      1963 John XXIII Second Vatican Council

      So in actuality the Jubilee should have been two years ago since the 2nd Vatican Council was in 1963.


      yet the Queen’s Jubilee was in 2013.


      I think I saw a putty cat!

      Pope declares jubilee in powerful reform signal

      It’s the Immaculate Jubilee he is trying to thrust upon the world but they are body searching people that come to visit the Vatican. DID MARY SHIT IN THE WOODS?





      They call them ananus!

      When traveling in Europe on our family camping trip the first time I saw a hole in the cement posing as a toilet was either in Spain or France. It was disgusting. Luckily there was an ocean near by called the Mediterranean Sea.


      Massacre of the Innocents

      “The Massacre of the Innocents is the biblical narrative of infanticide by Herod the Great, the Roman-appointed King of the Jews…..”


      “……….In Matthew‘s account, magi from the east go to Judea in search of the newborn king of the Jews, having “seen his star in the east”. The King, Herod the Great, directs them to Bethlehem, and asks them to let him know who this king is when they find him. They find Jesus and honor him, but an angel tells them not to alert Herod, and they return home by another way………”

      Kind of weird and kind of twisted!

      I guarantee infantice occurs mostly in Muslim and Roman Catholic run countries of the world and that is no accident.

      I have been trying to figure out the part of the verse that says the birds of the air have their nests and I think that has to do with Look-Out perches which on a ship are called Crow’s nests.

      In hunting, a crow’s nest is a blind-like structure where a hunter or a pair of hunters commit themselves to stalking game.

      On Fox news Bill O’reilly says nightly, “We are looking out of you.” or “we are watching out for you.” When Jesus says the verse about the foxes and the birds and calls Herod an old fox he is talking in reference to the temple since it was called King Herod’s temple run by the ROMANS (NOTRE DAME in Paris and it’s Court of the Gentiles) and Herod wanted to kill Jesus at that time. O’reilly wrote a book called “Killing Jesus.” Kind of wild, huh? And it was Herod that had some baby boys killed up to the age of three years old.

      So there may be more to what is going on at Fox News than meets the eye.

      note: Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis said she was a hunter.


      Job 41 [Full Chapter]

      Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down? Canst thou put an hook into his nose? or bore his jaw through with a thorn? Will he make many supplications unto thee? will he speak soft words unto thee?
      I’m praying for Rome’s destruction
      (It is very deceptive and evil, insidious, controlled by the mob and has created havoc by it’s deceptions all over the world and they can’t see the forest for the tree but Kerry thinks it is “civilized” controlling others in every aspect of their lives. )
      and all of the other ones in the world and the destruction of some sites mentioned already and every business they are involved in. I prayed about it a minute ago and I will keep doing it when I remember to do it.
      Those places and those people that are a part of this junk knowingly deserve their own destruction ASAP.


      I hope it’s really soon.

      In the bible it says that God puts it into the heart of a certain unknown army to destroy the Vatican. It will happen.

      We just have to teach them geography!

      Screen Shot 2015-11-21 at 7.34.25 PM

      Watched Watter’s World with Jesse Watters and his panel laughing about how if the Dems thought that terrorism was caused climate change they would actually fight terrorism

      How about this comparison:

      If Catholics knew that Catholics caused Islam and ISLAMIC terrorism they might actually fight them.

      Radical Islam is Radical Catholicism.


      Islam was created with the help of a nun and it is not a mere coincidence.

      It may be too late by the time they figure it out. If it can happen in nature it can happen to ROME.

      Ain’t That A Kick In The Head – Dean Martin


      Maureen Dowd Slams Hollywood Sexism: ‘It’s a Sick Society – Like the Catholic Church and Saudi Arabia’

      Watched the movie directed by Angelina Jolie and it was fantastic. Made the Italien olympic athlete into Jesus with PTSD of WWll and she did get to see the Queen of England afterwards or during (propaganda) but in order for her to be a director I guess this is what it took. I wish they had beaten up a great white shark to eat but maybe next time. Not sure the queen can help it either. She did a good job in any case. Anyway I guess Fukushima was called for, huh? Surprised that this story wasn’t made into a movie when all those WWll movies were made. Guess it wasn’t believable at the time or didn’t pass the smell test while those that were involved were still alive. In the past the Protestant Queen Elizabeth has been portrayed as a queen that liked knowledge and pursued it whereas the queen of england in our times is more of a figure head like a barbie doll as is her family.

      Recently my ex said that he loved the film by Angelina Jolie and I agreed it was good but totally unbelievable and he said, “What’s not to believe?” He’s was raised Catholic.

      Huckabee on Fox said that the Syrian refugees should stay in Syria and let the BGEA (with donations from Americans handle them.) I know that Angelina Jolie was a spokesperson for Syrian women for quite a long while.

      Maureen Dowd Slams Hollywood Sexism: ‘It’s a Sick Society – Like the Catholic Church and Saudi Arabia’ –

      I think Maureen Down is right at least this time It’s a sick world where men aren’t men anymore. We didn’t have computers way back when to search for information *knowledge shall increase* and had less chance of comparing things of the bible and now we do and we don’t exercise it to get it right which takes a lot of gaul to ignore it like ignoring the vetting of our vets and their wives using stories without evidence about Planned Parenthood. By now you would have thought there would had been a real investigation by Congress of the makers and actors of the you tubes about the malpractice occurring that has been revealed by a bunch of vatican nuts.


      This is why.

      When good is evil and evil is good.

      I had a dream about the pope and actually had a conversation with him and there were these things that came from the sky that were quite scary ORKISH and were in the clouds attacking and hunting people on the ground and the trojan horse was a huge black dog. Anyway I told him he had to change, or else.

      I said, “Do it for family, do it for friends (DIFF-DIFF) or the cult of the RCC and it’s  people which are many will get left behind.

      Buck had a big neck: the lady that had to be bucked was Notre Dame and the lady had to lay down.

      The rest of the dream I was running around with Rand Paul trying to find my car and a certain neighborhood in Alexandria, Virginia while this big black dog was looking for something or someone. It was night time so the dog didn’t see us between houses and none else was around. By big I mean it was the size of the radiated giant in that movie about a person who grows into a giant because of radiation that gets caught up in telephone wires. Very scary dream I guess you would call it a nightmare but I too suffer PTSD and had to take a pill last night to sleep  prescribed for stress and anxiety.  At one point I was climbing cobblestones which was quite inconvenient because they had already been paved.

      “If you’re going to tell the truth, you better have one foot in the stirrup.”

      Pretty weird dream.

      Then while looking for my black rimmed glasses that I lost somehow in the house I uncovered some change on the table and hoping the ex wouldn’t notice but he did and scarfed it up. It wasn’t that much change,

      maybe a dollar or so. He was raised Roman Catholic.

      Kind of funny.

      The Smell Test

      Listened to Hal Lindsay for about a minute the other night. I thought “I wonder what he has to say.” and he was reading something Paul said in the bible about being killed all day long and other things that is part of being a Christian and it fit with the sickness that has been taught in the name of Jesus. Basically promoting martyrdom and masochism. I think he was a sick man. I think Hal Lindsay sitting on his little perch is sick as well because he is teaching what Paul taught and this kind of teaching fits the picture above of Obama with his eyes crossed. Teaching pacifism.

      Female genital mutilation

      For reasons  behind female mutilation alone the Islamic sites (MECCA AND MEDINA) need to be obliterated along with the Vatican because it is partially their fault for not allowing birth control for years and their stance on abortion, aids prevention devices, etc because of their insanity. Obviously the Vatican influences Islam and vice-versa.

      One of the reasons is because Saudis and other muslims think women smell. Geez they are smelling themselves. Men’s ejaculation stink. That is why God made it (sperm ejaculation) to go inside of a woman instead of on the outside on their belly or thigh to avoid pregnancy but we have evolved and have birth control devices and drugs. I love the way I smell when I have sex with myself but I hate the smell of sperm. Honestly. Real men like it too. I have a good sense of smell and believe me their is a difference between men and women. Only a sadistic psycho would think a woman stinks. The only time women smell bad is when they are menstruating and that is why God via Moses had them separate from the rest of the people because it is foul and considered unclean but a necessity for life or if they are working out in a field in the sun which they are not meant to do. I know when I started to get going in real estate my nemesis was afraid I would show him up because he wasn’t that good at certain aspects of it and wanted to keep me down. It’s an insecure man that is this way but there are plenty of them *(mary types).

      “Sperm or Semen is created in the Vas Differens by mixing Water, Sugar and other things from the male body.The Sperm is then transferred up into the Semenal Vessel where over 100,000,000 Sperm cells are held until Ejaculation.”

      Without menstruation there would not be life eventually even with modern day technology. Sperm smell is equivalent to the smell of menstruation. It is because it comes from inside your body and is stored in there for a while. Where as the lubrication that is involved in sex that women excrete is meant to smell good to a man in order that men would be attracted sensually and actually be able to perform and the nose is one of the senses God gives humans to attract them and it is an attractive smell. The reason the clitoris smells good is like the difference between an oxygen tank that can explode and an oxygen generator. The clitoris excretes as it is generated whereas sperm is stored inside a worm sometimes for months or more and when it is lucky enough to find a willing partner it is like an oxygen tank and it stinks like a gas and that is why there is a thing called a rubber. Not just because of disease, or prevention of pregnancy, but because sperm stinks. I certainly would rather have it in a rubber bag than on me and I’m sure most women agree if they were truthful. I guarantee Robert DeNiro of Taxi Driver and others who do that kind of business would rather not smell it or clean it up because it stinks.

      The reason Jesus said to Mary not to touch him after he had risen and before he went to the Father was because she wasn’t clean because more than likely she was menstruating at the time and back then they didn’t have Tampax, Kotex, etc. And another reason because the worship of Mary has caused so much woe to females and it is obvious a particular Mary was not admired by a particular Jesus. One of them (Mary, the Catholic one) was a woman hater. Back in the old times women used cloth as a kotex and had to rinse them etc like parents recently in the past had to rinse kids diapers in the toilet to get the poop off and then put into a washing machine once we (THE USA) invented those great devices. Probably if women were equipped with inventions like washing machines it might help the sexuality and sensuality between muslim men and women that are full grown and educated. If you don’t educate the females she won’t know what she should do and will listen to some stupid women’s wives tales who weren’t taught either or some insane Islamic (Vaticanized muslim) who enjoys a woman’s misery. They are a sick society and they need a revolution.

      Obviously their religion is a problem and misinterpreting the bible is another problem and why we can’t seem to know who the REAL enemy is.

      Women’s natural lubrication device the clitoris does smell good but the problem is when a female is young or too young it doesn’t smell so good because they are kids and aren’t into their femininity yet. They run around like boys and their bodies aren’t developed and that is why they might smell worse because it was meant to deter real men. The problem is the age of the female that muslims like to assault. Saudis like to screw little girls and they are more likely not to smell good because they don’t have things working correctly in a sexual way until they are of age in their bodies and minds because God made them that way and then girls have to learn how to deal with their female cycles, moods, the pain, the hassles and all that it entails. Saudis and muslim men just want to screw little girls because they aren’t man enough to seduce a woman with all of her faculties working because not all muslim men’s faculties are working obviously (they forgot to evolve) and they don’t know how because they were not taught how. Probably why they wear those red and white checkered table cloths similar to Italian table clothes you see in Italian restaurants but decided it looked good on their head instead of on a table, that’s pretty weird to begin with and they use them to wipe their stinky head sweat and spilled sperm as they ejaculate when John Kerry walks by. French and the English used to wear wigs, same difference. In some courts they still wear a wig.

      The lubrication that comes from manipulating the clitoris is what makes sex good and pleasurable for both female and male. It is numbing for the vagina for her comfort and for the penis to preform for a longer period of time without ejaculating the moment it enters the vagina hence creating a great deal of dissatisfaction for both female and male involved. It possibly is what swells the vagina to make it more comfortable for the male: “Making a silk purse of a sow’s ear.”  A line from the movie Rob Roy starring Liam Neeson and Jessica Lange.  I don’t think my sister had a clitoris or knew she had one because she asked the doctor to make her bigger in the entrance of her vagina i.e. to have herself enlarged during the time she gave birth the first time in order for her to enjoy her husband who was quite large in the penis department. I know because he showed himself to me on a family trip. I don’t think she knew that she could help sex along by manipulating herself during sex and before sex thus making herself produce that good juice for their enjoyment so that sex isn’t only a duty but a fun experience otherwise she would be bleeding and sore for days not wanting to experience sex anytime soon as in rape.

      Why Did People Wear Powdered Wigs?

      They need some good hairdressers in Saudi Arabia? I’m not sure I have ever seen a Islamic man’s hair. Is it curly? Is it frizzy? Does it look like pubic hair? Is that the problem? There is such a thing as a wig, toupee and other inventions! They themselves are the epitome of a wetback. I think they don’t think too highly of their own race (self loathing) because they have been taught not to more than likely hence rolling out the red carpet for a pope and if they had they would wear normal clothes and get with the times. Some sort of mental illness involved. They come to the US to screw american women who still have their clitoris using diplomatic immunity and rape drugs so what is good for the elite is not good for the regular guy and partially why there is this thing called ISIS. They also want to be on top. They are having a revolution because of the elite and because their religion teaches them shit so why interfere? Maybe their revolution will evolve the race of muslims and the Saudis a degree or two or even more. They certainly need it. Our American revolution evolved us as well after our Civil War. I hope America stays out of their business because in the long run it might be a good thing. Europe might suffer but who started the mess to begin with?

      One world government? Notre Dame? The Vatican?

      If we get involved as a country in war in the Middle East we should be attacking Saudi Arabia since they attacked us in New York on 9’11 and we should attack their ideology (Mecca & Medina) as they have attacked everyone else’s ideology such as Capitalism in New York. That is if we want to conquer it. If we want to win. There are people that don’t like to succeed or are afraid to succeed and others that won’t let you succeed. FOr the life of me I cannot understand why American and the supposed free world protects their enemies ideology. They will not protect your ideology when push ones to shove. I’m sure there was a company they were trying to teach a lesson to that was housed in those two buildings that were rammed with airplanes and the lesson should be taught back to them. In the long run it would be helpful in the minds of those that practice the religion of Islam to know that they can’t get away with terrorism without a very good response. I imagine if every time there is an attack of terrorism a response by destroying some mosques would be very helpful to eradicating a major nuisance that teaches that terrorism works and has become a way to take away the rights of others in a free society as a whole. Every time a clit is slit a mosque ought to burn down. I think terrorism might eventually be a thing of the past if those that are threatened by terrorism would respond in kind to an ideology that attacks civilians and is obviously mad if they are guilty of clit slitting, that is INSANE. Instead they want to attack Assad’s presidency when we should be ousting Barack Obama.

      Did President Assad fly airplanes into the two towers in New York? Did Putin? 

      They were Saudis, every stinkin’ one of them.

      Obviously ISIS isn’t going to beg to be attacked in Syria by attacking France. That is ridiculous. Leaving a passport should be a clue to those that were attacked that ISIS isn’t the real culprit. It’s ISLAM that is the problem.

      If they are stupid enough to cut off the clitorises of their own women

      they deserve to lose power in the world

      and they deserve to lose control of the oil industry.

      Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers,

      nor the desire of women,

      nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

      Lagarde International Monetary Fund, regard, lamb, ram

      I think Hollande of France and those that are afraid to deal with Islam succinctly (Cameron) are ashamed of the past. Can you imagine?

      The sign of Jonas in the 70’s generation was Jones Town, Guyana

      I linked the verses that are applicable to the sign of Jonas.

      Jonas was a prophet and was a sign to the Ninevites and also the Son of man who is Jonas. These signs come from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke!

      Peter in the Gospel of John is the son of Jonas and was told to follow Jesus of the Gospel of John. Obviously there is more than one Jesus.

      The last thing I saw about Guyana (could have been Kenya) was a woman who had twins that she named Barack and I think the other she named was Paul Ryan.

      It has something to do with cloud nine and the fish people which I think are Roman Catholic.  Possibly if you want to get off that wheel you might follow the Jesus who talked about truth and things like that if you want to make a difference.

      John Kasich Video Links Donald Trump To Nazi Germany

      John Kasich is sick. 

      The Catholic idea of a Covenant with Mohammad, the false prophet/profit?

      Do you want to win the war on terrorism? Do you want your daughters, granddaughters, great granddaughters to have their clitorises slit in order that they might appear to be immaculate for an Islamic fuckhead. Unless you are another Scott Walker you ought to not compare what your own religion fostered in WWll.

      I like Miriam Ibrahim  but have not read her book. She was received by the Pope in Rome who I think helped to get her released along with Ted Cruz because at the time it was convenient politically and I think she may had been used by Rome. Hopefully she will depart from that mindset. Roman Catholics and evangelicals maybe partially why she was slit in a round about way because Islam came from the religion of Roman Catholicism via a nun and a false prophet Mohammad. It was the VERY least the Rome Catholic Church and evangelicals could had done was to help to get her released but they owe her much more than freedom. They ought to cut their own gonads and eat them at the VERY LEAST.


      Lt. General Thomas McIerney on Fox I thought had a good perspective on the shooting down of a Russian fighter over Syria by the Turks. Basically he said that the Turks should not have shot down the Russian fighter jet. The reason I added what I interpreted that he said is because Fox News tends to forget or have memory lapses. Maybe those are the holes. Like movies that are edited and much ends up on the floor. I think they (the Turks) are protecting a part of Syria RAQQA probably since it used to be part of Turkey. Anyway I think they want it back. That is their intent IMO for shooting down the Russian fighter because as the general said they used to be secular society and now have made a wrong turn in their leadership heading toward Sharia Law and Islamic-ness so it would make sense that they want some territory that has to do with their religion and it’s history.



      Tortured for Christ?

      When I was in my early teens a General’s daughter (He was Italian and Roman Catholic) told my mom that I was a bad influence on his daughter who was 2 years older than me. I never dared to have booze and pot parties at my parents house when they left town. She did and quite a few. Mu mom responded by taking us to a psychologist. It didn’t help. His wife whom I saw only a few times rarely spoke and looked like a ghost. I think she had bad mental problems because he was dick obviously and blaming me for how his daughter behaved. I loved her and considered her to be a good friend but I didn’t date a guy who put cigarettes out on my arm and hand….she did. I thought she was beautiful, talented, and sweet but she was not perfect. CAPICHE?

      I knew of a couple of guys that she dated one was italian and I doubt was the one but the other was a police captain’s son. He was blond and had a crush on her. I didn’t know him but he was the guy that drove by my house the day I found quite a bit of pot in my drawer in my bedroom when I walked into my room. The house was dark, unlocked, with the front door wide open, my mom was at work and I walked into my bedroom and a drawer was pulled out on my desk and there it sat in the drawer a big bag of pot. So my little sister and I freaked out and I threw it in the storm drain. I was being set up. It was a joke between my sister and I for years but what was eerie about it was after that occurred he drove up in his red Camaro. He reminded me of a young Chris Matthews.

      Jesus in one of the gospels said, “Simon Simon satan hath desired you that he may sift you as wheat.” SANTA MARIA…SATAN….NICODEMUS…Joseph of Arimathea WHICH IS COARSENING!


      Screen Shot 2015-11-24 at 7.54.44 PM







      You can read about Racca/Raka/Raqqa in the Synoptic Gospels. It used to be there in the bible (I can’t find it at the moment but I have a good memory about it) but it’s an ever changing book it seems. Anyway it said whoever says racca to his brother is in danger of hellfire and damnation. I have no idea the meaning of that word (might mean hellfire and damnation) but it makes me think of torturous. Obviously it is kind of a cursed place. It was a deranged threat or warning by the Synoptic Jesus. There may be a reason for that threat or it may be warning having to do with end times type prophecy as if it might be a sign of the times we are in and possibly a tipping point. I would take it seriously because it is so out of place in the gospels, IMO.



      There is another thing that is said by the Synoptic Jesus: Some scribe said I will follow you anywhere and he says The foxes have holes the birds of the air their nests but the son of man hath nowhere to lay his head. I think I can fairly say that that is kind of an odd response. LOL

      In this day and age we have Fox News, the President of Turkey (Erdogan) his name starts with ER pronounced air, not to mention but I will anyway the Muslim Brotherhood (whoever says to his brother Racca/Raqqa/Raca is in danger of Hellfire and damnation. ), etc. Kind of coincidental and maybe a warning to Erdogan and/or to the Muslim Brotherhood. Could be saying your prophet is not worth dying for even though Obama said at the UN the future must not belong to those that insult the prophet of Islam.

      Turkey’s President Erdogan sure looks like Jordan’s King Hussein as if they are cloned brothers except I think he has a hair-lip (no offense). Reminds me of my aunt who was in a receiving line sometime or other and made a huge social faux-pas and when a person with a hair lip received her she imitated his voice thinking he was joking because I guess it wasn’t apparent that he had a Cleft Palate except for his voice. Anyway she was immensely embarrassed.  LOL

      Seems like everyone has skin in this game!

      I think protecting some skin is really important. ISLAM STINKS!

      France and Obama are chumps now and perhaps they will get their due due.

      And the way that the French (Parisians) used the situation they may have created to get people to go to Notre Dame. It was sort of predictable and definitely a grand maneuver. What are the three M’s of a psychopath/sociopath? Manage, Maneuver, Manipulate and that is what the French are proficient at doing. REMEMBER VIETNAM? IT WAS FRENCH INSPIRED. WE DIDN’T WIN IN FACT WE HAVEN’T WON A WAR SINCE THE BGEA AND THE GRAHAMS WERE PUFFED IN AMERICA.

       WE WON WWll but they hadn’t puffed Billy Graham and we attacked Japans IDEOLOGY and it worked. We didn’t have much choice because they attacked us and we had to fight a war on two or three fronts and they were suicidal using kids so it had to have been a bad ideology as ISLAM is a bad ideology and should be dealt with as harshly a Japan was in war time. Just because they shake hands with members of the Vatican and their agents like Kerry doesn’t mean they aren’t the enemy. The ideology of Islam is the enemy because it doesn’t stop. It might help with ISIS if we attack the ideology of ISLAM in Saudi Arabia. They might stop.?????? Obviously Saudi Arabia is not planning to stop because they think they have the upper hand. If our country is not willing to attack their ideology (MECCA & MEDINA) they must be in agreement with the ideology of Saudi Arabia and hence ISIS is needed to help to equalize the confusion. I have not yet heard one military person mention the possibility of attacking the ideology of Islam so I don’t think until I do hear someone in the military be brave enough to “do the math” and speak it out loud that they are serious about the war against terrorism. It can’t be that difficult to do! It can’t be that difficult to realize that they are the enemy. They attacked us and they were from Saudi Arabia no matter if they were hanging out in another country that they should not have been in. The Saudis have to contain their own people and if they aren’t gonna try and they didn’t and take responsibility for their people and they didn’t they need to be held responsible by those that they attacked. THE USA. Screw EUROPE and their interests. 

      THE USA MATTERS and we lost more than 200 people. We lost more than 3000 people. What happened in Paris doesn’t even come close and they had plenty of warnings. The people had plenty of warning unlike the american public. Did France come to our rescue or did they help to give us the correct INTEL? I DOUBT IT or we would  not have attacked Afghanistan and eventually Iraq. We would have attacked the country that raised the children that attacked us. We might as well have attacked Finland and makes as much sense as what we attacked. Obviously France was protecting it’s interests over our interests and probably was in charge of NATO at the time and whatever other groups that help to misdirect us that we have allied with for the protection of EUROPE. Obviously we get intel from the Vatican because of what was put forth by the Vatican in regards to Benghazi came from the Vatican. And we get it from Germany because of the false tape of the military officer in Assads military that was caught on tape lying on tape so that we would help Colin Powell (because he is a light black man like Obama who isn’t really part-african) with his assertions for why we attacked Iraq instead of Saudi Arabia. If this were a game of darts we would have missed the board.

      Anyway that is why Islam MOSQUES us

       as in MOCKS.

      Just because someone has a french accent does not make them superior.

      President Hollande is as dumb as the King of Jordan.

      Obviously there is something else afoot when it comes to foreign affairs. I think I know what it is. That stupid little mustard seed that isn’t the smallest of seeds and the incompetence of man to cope with the truth

      I AM THAT I AM

      and deal with it like REAL MEN. Yea it kind of is the seed that broke the camel’s back and kind of breaks down the fat in the bible,

      but it isn’t a total loss. LOL It kind of is a betrayal of the son of man, isn’t it? But it is understandable because of the reaction it has received in our day and age which should be above that kind of stupidity and should have grown up enough to handle it with intelligence. Matured. Evolved. I think the public has exceeded the intelligence of the government and it’s employees at this point in time. Instead Obama and Hollande are gonna blame ISIS for climate change and try to whiz that farce by the public. Next they will blame Assad because a tree fell in the forest and they didn’t hear it.

      Here are some posts that are written on those subjects that were written quite a while back but seemed to have caused some problems with the pea sized brain with S_L_O_W synaptic impulses of those that can’t admit they are wrong and they were wrong.

      I Am That I Am (The Sign) -Revised *

      I AM THAT I AM (Part two)

      The Mother of Jesus Christ: SHALOM!

      I Am the True Vine


      What is the smallest seed in the world?

      The Parable of Faith – Part two

      Pope Benedict XVI and the Mustard Tree

      Parable of the Mustard Seed Part 4

      The mustard in the Bible versus the Quran (1)

      Harry Truman called Billy Graham a charlatan but history has somehow changed that view point. It’s so catholic. Luckily a few people remember unlike Catholics who tend to forget because Foxes Have Holes. They do however tend to act out their angsts.

      But what is that to thee?

      Screen Shot 2015-11-24 at 7.00.24 PM

      I THINK THIS MAY HAVE TO DO WITH MARY OF FATIMA AND HER LIES. Many of the so called immigrants came who are supposedly from Syria are coming also from Croatia and other places where she appeared. She appeared in Portugal in 1917 but if you have seen the video of it, it is paranormal and I truly believe an honest broker would not appear to children because of their vulnerability and lift them in the air which is like that movie called the Exorcist. So obviously she was a very dishonest broker whoever they saw or thought they saw or were coaxed into lying about but Catholics love to use kids. Fat-i-ma (I am Fat) obviously anti-God. The sign of the cross that Catholics make as they pew-pew. The world will be at war with God and that is why we have a major hornets nest occurring these days in our country and all over the world which coincides with Catholic and Islams desires to Catholicize/Islamicize the world and the one world government that has been a major disaster and will implode and is imploding. Jesus obviously didn’t think the catholic Mary was immaculate or he would have let her touch him.

      In May, 2000, the long-awaited “third prophecy” of Fatima was finally revealed by the Vatican. For some, it was a relief and for others an anticlimactic disappointment

      I think I agree with Meriam Ibrahim who got me going on the clitoris tragedy going on in Islamic countries when I watched her interview and I think she is right about learning from the Israelis. I think the American police need to be militarized and run by the military but be a branch of the military under the direction of the 5 branches of the military somehow. I think we need to copy what the Israelis do in that regard. They need oversight because of the unions that are indulging police brutality. I know that the military for the most part is honest because they are taught to be that when they go to places like West Point etc. They had high standards I don’t know about now but when I saw Lt. Col Thomas Mcieney he seemed pretty honest though I have disagreed with him on occasion and I have no idea what branch of the military he is in or his religion we need that kind to control the police and we need to oust the unions which have been Catholicized/islamicized and are like the mob which usually means ROME.


      I agree with this guy about Islam but not about ISIS because I don’t think it was ISIS that attacked Paris.

      It was the Columbians hired by Saudi Arabia.



      The Jesuit Oath Exposed

      “My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a Reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among other Protestants, generally to be a Protestant; and obtaining their confidence, to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and even to descend so low as to become a Jew among Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope.”

      “You have been taught to plant insidiously the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and to incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace; to take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.”

      One of Billy Graham’s victims was a preacher who wrote about the exact subject on his last blog post and was killed soon after in a car accident: Rev. David Wilkerson who was puffed by Billy Graham as well. He eventually resisted and exposed Billy Graham which I wrote about in the JFK posts which you can read about on Merangue’s Blog. Lots of good stuff on there.

      The Jesuits are even instructed to impale babies;) Planned Parenthood Debacle hoax or real,

      but the Jesuits are involved and definitely some nuns.

      Then there are the Masons and the Free Mason Society which obviously are involved in some secret stuff. Many Presidents and writers of the Constitution as well as Benjamin Franklin were involved. But Billy Graham was a confident with many of the Presidents in the last century and a shill for Roman Catholicism. I think he was also a Mason. So they infiltrate each other and work off each other in various ways. And it gets kind of HARRY.

      ” In Europe of the middle ages and beyond, the Catholic Church ruled with an iron fist. Galileo was placed under house arrest till the day he died for claiming the Earth revolved around the sun. In those oppressive times, secret societies served a vital function, as they were one of the very few ways to preserve and foster knowledge suppressed by the church.”

      Sea of Galilee….knowledge 


      and now honoring Mother Teresa (Jeb’s foster mom) who I have read about that didn’t have any semblance of truth which is typical of a church that wants to decide who lives and who dies, who works and who doesn’t work, who attains success and who doesn’t, who decides what segment of society should lose their clits, who decides what knowledge should be allowed and mocks the ignorance they foster, who decides if females should be barefoot and pregnant so that they may receive more donations and more pew sitters, who decides if one is worthy in their eyes, who decides what women/girls to humiliate and which to stand on a pedestal, who marries who and who is allowed to divorce:  Basically communism with a heavy dose of a fascism. And so my belief is that the Vatican, Mecca and Medina should be destroyed for the sake of humanity and then every time a clit is slit a mosque and a catholic institution should be destroyed, and every time an older person is assisted to die (as in assisted murder) a mosque and a catholic church should be destroyed because it is evil incarnate and if that doesn’t convince them, and every time a massacre of civilians occurs then their businesses such as oil, their modes of travel highways and byways, their tools to enslave (the mob) is destroyed because they will devolve mankind if we don’t react in kind.

      So far the military is dancing and they ought to be in the fight to win and should start with the ideology! But that’s what happens when people are deceived thinking they can’t live without mosques and churches that deceive for a prophet and deceives the men that die and are maimed and eventually murdered using assissted murder that is sanctioned by the biggest church on the planet. Their mode of Thankfulness. But every once in a while to get attention they are awarded a wheel chair bought with donations by O’reilly or a hurrycane which is part of the mock of the American military and the elderly that they abuse and if you think being Catholic or Islamic will protect you, your beloved wife, your children or being pretty will protect you when those wrinkles start to grow and those boobs start to fall…


      There is no honor among thieves!!!

      The military ought to get their shit together and win the war against the ideologies that foster terrorism which means


      They teach the shit they should eat the shit when the shit hits the fan.

      Screen Shot 2015-12-01 at 7.41.59 PM

      It shouldn’t be that the future belongs to those businesses and to that kind of tyranny or to those businesses

      that support those kind of ideas IMO.

      It’s a take off of what I read in the Gospel of Luke written about in this post and Obama’s adamant design about profit and his prophet at the UN early in his administration.

      What he said at the UN was a big SIGN of his intent and his kind of diplomacy such as using terror and climate change as his mode to govern the world to enforce Roman Catholic and Islamic Ideologies which SUCK BIG ASSHOLES! I hope Obama and his merry men get a burning ember up those ass holes as well until they change their tune.

      The 10 Most Elite Secret Societies In History

      Anyway I think they have all somehow met on the same road.

      And there is going to be a Great and Terrible Day of the Lord

      and if you call it a game that day will be the end game

      and it won’t be a GRETA DAY (GAME OVER)!

      Luke 23:50
      And, behold, there was a man named Joseph, a counsellor; and he was a goodman, and a just:

      Here is a post about Joseph of Arimathea which kind of applies to that last statement”

      Joseph of Arimathea (A JUST)

      Actually Luke doesn’t say he is a good and just man……

      Luke says he was “a goodman and a just:”

      Leaving off  “man” after just?

      (if  you can call him a just)?




      I Am the way, the truth, and the life.

      So I guess James Foley and O’reilly are not into truth or life or the way.

      I want to see the Mosques depart from our country or be destroyed. I don’t believe freedom should be free for those that don’t believe in freedom (Islam) or want to Catholicize the world which is not freedom. They don’t allow jews near the temple mount in their own country so why the hell do we indulge them? I think they should not be allowed to congregate without oversight and being monitored by the military especially these days and we would be stupid to allow them freedom. We were very hard on the Japanese and we need to be very hard on Islam. They are at war with us, no doubt about it. Not internment camps unless they earn that privilege, but VERY strict oversight even of the ones that speak softly because I don’t trust their lies and nor should anyone else. They never speak against what they should because they are cowards hence are part of the problem. I don’t want Obama in charge of our military because he is ISLAMIC. He should have been arrested by the military about 8 years ago or so for fraud (place of birth) and for being a traitor to our country and to the world IMO. He does not love the world. He does not care one iota. He CAIRS but he does not give a shit about freedom or people. Whoever colludes with him will regret it.

      He speaks in DARK SENTENCES as the bible forewarned. HE IS THE DESTROYER but luckily he has been held back by truth.


      “The future must not belong to those that insult the prophet of Islam”

      and the whole world heard it when he said it at the UN which is not an insignificant point because whatever was meant by that prophecy is something the whole world would hear. So some very clumsy attackers attack France leaving behind their ids, dog tags, ss numbers, papers so they could be identified within a day or so which if they were ISIS from Syria they would not be that easy to identify but were obviously mostly from France itself which would make it easier to identify the persons involved and because Hollande doesn’t want to offend the prophet of Islam even though he acts as if he is defending those that do offend the prophet of Islam is going to get involved in a war in Syria because he thinks his future depends on it because he believes Obama who is a known liar and a fraud. Talk about dark. BLIND.

      President Hollande of France is probably defending Christine Lagardes job of spending American tax money and obviously prophet means profit to the French government. He will be one sorry son of a bitch.

      OBAMA knows he is going to be impounded for a thousand years and wants to take as many with him as he can and that includes Muslims, Islamics, Catholics, and the FRENCH

      When men don’t stand up for women (clit slitting and stoning of women for adultery) they don’t deserve a country. Islam does not deserve to rule over people or to teach BULLSHIT.

      Neither does Roman Cartholicism deserve to teach the people any more. THEY FAILED!!



      They don’t know the difference between truth and fiction and need to go find a ditch and lay in it in SYRIA perhaps.


      Nevertheless I must walk to day, and to morrow, and the day following:
      for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem.
      I admit I thought this was one weird thing that was said by Jesus in the Synoptic Gospel of Luke (or so it says). It made no sense whatsoever and since prophets tend to have perished out of Jerusalem perhaps it is meant for a particular prophet such as the one that doesn’t like to be insulted.
      Maybe this verse is referring to the prophet/profit of ISLAM that Obama was referring to when he said what he said at the UN.
      I think he was referring to Mohammad, but I don’t read minds. However God does, but I do not believe he judges men by their thoughts as Paul of Tarsus, Turkey said but in this case it might be different. But it doesn’t make sense in the order of words written which is very bewildering and seems to infer he is a prophet which does not sound the same as the Jesus in the Gospel of John who does not call himself a prophet. He doesn’t say, “I am a prophet.” DOES HE? and I would think he would have said that if he considered himself to be simply a prophet, a caster (exorcist), a pedicurist, one who fixes things like elections and marriages, or a doctor. Either Jesus of the gospels had multiple personality disorder or one of them isn’t the same as the other persons, because his personality changes a bunch and not only because of the different authors but what he says and does.

      In context Jesus was responding to hearing a threat from Herod and says32 And he said unto them, Go ye, and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures to day and to morrow, and the third day I shall be perfected.

      Anyway in the verse above (Luke 13:33) he must walk 3 days and then the part of the verse (Luke 13:32) he only walks 2 days and is perfected the third day. So he is kind of contradicting himself. 

      Sounds like an inference to the Bushes walking Walkers. Two times, and then perfected on the third time – (roman) JEB who I guess doesn’t get elected from what I can ascertain.  Also I think a bush of the bush family was somehow or another one of the guys in the press room at CBS during the assassination of JFK. I mentioned it in the CBS news transcriptions that I transcribed where he adjusts his belt up (girds himself) and appears to be George Bush pacing and directing what they could do and could not do or could say or could not say and there are some thugs in the room with the reporters and the reporters seem to be stifled by their takeover at the time and it is quite apparent if you watch closely. they had to be discreet about what they said but they did give some clues. Gary did the same thing when I walked through the office towards his bosses office. LOL. He girded himself adjusted his belt. He didn’t expect it though he should have because it wasn’t the first time I had confronted his affront.

      (I was very diplomatic and I didn’t even bring up the past only what happened at the office and the reason for that is because it wasn’t their business what he did in the past or what I did in the past, but the office manager laughed. She didn’t care and I think she knew. She threatened me about another man at the office who said I spilt a drink in his car which was laughable because I didn’t though I had a drink but he wanted to prove that I met him in his car and he was lying for some reason probably to protect himself and his job. I told her I had permission to meet him though he didn’t know I had permission because he didn’t ask and nor did she so when it came up it didn’t hold ANY water which I’m sure was a real pisser for them. They were trying to scare me. I told my husband what I was doing before I did it and he went along with it. It wasn’t as if I wouldn’t have done it without permission, but I was trying to be careful because I was dealing with some very big assholes and I was trying to gain some information from him because of the things that were going on at the office and at the real estate school I attended. They knew I had a case for sexual harassment on the job and they were protecting their business hence what occurred at the real estate school and the other man. So i was being followed and harassed even more and ended up very sick in hospital near death because of their harassment and it hurt deeply because they were family. Nevertheless I was morally in the right place comparatively and stood on higher ground and I survived. I didn’t sue but should have but I was too weak physically at the time which affected me in many other ways. I also uncovered some shenanigans: illegal stuff going on with a deal at that office that I learned was illegal when I went to school that my sister and her husband and the real estate company had been involved in involving one of their clients but it wasn’t worth my life. I kind of stumbled upon it but it wasn’t my aim/point (I could have cared less about that aspect for the most part but they knew I knew because they were watching me, and they were afraid of me so they had all their big guns on me and I think it was for the benefit of my sister that she had done something illegal so that the office and the company would protect Gary and her. Sort of sneaky stuff. I guess it would be considered VICIOUS and VILE to the nth degree. PRE-PLANNED. I was basically one person against many fuck heads. I was new to the business that my sister really wanted my help so that her husband could do what she did but he didn’t really want to do what she did. She offered me the job and used it for vengeance for the past when he violated me in my sleep. Absolutley ridiculous. The company was Virginia Cook on Forest Lane and the manager’s name was Sheila Rice, a real bitch; My cousin whose husband was in the oil business the one that said that it was impossible to have experienced an earthquake in Texas, a geologist, said that Gary was “the Golden Boy” of the family during her visits while I recuperated and told me about the pictures my sister showed her of Gary dancing on a table nude and drunk at a Frat party that she seemed proud of or she wouldn’t have showed them to our cousin who is in my estimation a son of a fool! )

      When a person loses a great deal of money on the stock market

      such as what happened on that fateful Tuesday in October

      who keeps the money?

      Back to CBS and what I discovered during my investigation: It was sort of a takeover of CBS News at the time. (Which you can read about via the links provided on Merangue’s Blog having to do with the CBS Transcriptions of the JFK assassination which had to be done twice because of the information that was gleaned after the first time through it.) Anyway something to do with the burning bush which is an insert/additive possibly to the bible about standing on holy ground having to do with Moses when he meets whoever was talking to him from the burning bush that didn’t burn in the desert I think it was in the desert. Could be referring to their daughter. Tells Moses to de-shoe himself because he was standing on holy ground. Possibly rewriting of history. Mocking perhaps? Smack dab in the bible which if I were evil I would go straight to the bible to alter it if I wanted to impugn the truth and take over the world which seems to be the intent of Islam and the Roman Catholic Church which makes them evil for having that intent. It could be a kind of fair warning to the Bushes.

      Who takes off their shoes when standing holy ground? The Japanese?

       Which is where George Bush Sr. tossed his cookies, wasn’t it in Japan.?

      Then, of coarse, the Dutch with their Holland-ish shoes because their shoes make a lot of noise?

      Screen Shot 2015-12-02 at 3.55.47 PM

      I don’t think it is a tradition of the Jews? It’s definitely an asian tradition.

      Georgie porgie pudding and pie and pulling out a plumb saying

      what a good boy am I.

      Kind of weird very. LOL

      Anyway you can read about it via the links on

      Merangue’s Blog

      The Bushes have a lot to do with Augusta, THE MASTERS golf tournament in Georgia

      and I am positive the rewriting has an awful lot to do with the BGEA, Billy Graham Evangelical Association.

      I suppose if one can rewrite history history itself can be redone.

      My dad at a breakfast on a family trip asked if he ordered his breakfast or did he throw it up jokingly unlike what BIG George Bush Sr. did once when he lost his cookies literally I suppose from that cookie jar. My dad got to eat his breakfast. However he did attend one of those golf tournaments with the Kircher family as their guest once and that is when things started to go sour, VERY SAUER, in my family and I think that was a sign, but things have a way of changing. I’m certainly counting on it.

      Also sounds kind of like Obama. I shall write it like Obama’s directive at the UN:

      It cannot be that a future belongs to those that insult the prophet of Islam.

      for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem.

      Sounds eerily similar.

      Will there be an IMAX theater at the Climate Summit in Paris?

      Another danger of ‘climate change’: Giant flying boulders?

      I wonder why the words are separated between the “to” and the day specified. It sounds lunatic-like but he might have been meaning Fox News ahead of time. Strange name for a news programming, isn’t it? Why not “Doves Fly News” or “Birds of the Air News”

      Lež News

      I think the press needs to be overseen as well because I think they are doing a lot of lying and are being controlled. It’s obvious. Until we have a free press again there is no point in tolerating their propaganda and their games.

      I do cures either has to do with tanning or fixing marriages because Catholics hate divorce from their religion which usually is the cause of the divorce or both and because Roman Catholicism clergy don’t marry because of the money aspect of divorce and what it does to the church. Divorce is better than the alternative such as knocking off the spouse for money (or beheading) which happened in the past or locking up a spouse in the Tower of London all because of the idea that divorce is a bad thing. Often it is a good thing. In olden days divorce was blamed on the woman not producing a male child in a timely fashion when other reasons were the true cause.

      As far as divorce being caused by wives not producing male offspring in a timely fashion

      “The father provides an X or Y chromosome; the mother always provides an X chromosome. Therefore, the sex of the child is determined by the chromosome of the individual sperm that fertilizes the egg.”

      but we didn’t know that when King Henry Vlll was King of England

      and because marriages were arranged for a dowry such as John Kerry and because like dipshits don’t want to work. Roman Catholicism is basically a male institution of guys who like to hold up a book and one to find the verse and one to adjust the braid on the back of the pope like the Hearsts relative or son Georg Gaenswein. They call them hanger-ons. Yes-men.

      Anyway I don’t think this is the real Jesus though he might think he is. LOL  I think he is an exorcist and planning to be healed on the third day. I don’t think it works from what I have read in the bible and I think it probably is a real pisser to those that are uncovered and why the nations rage because they are freaking out because it ain’t gonna work out as planned which is apparent:

      The real Jesus did not want to commit to man because as a rule they were/are asses because they were/are taught to be asses.

      A society grows up and evolves because of a

      few smart women.

      Anyone can have 20 children and possibly out of 20 kids come up with a fraud such as Dr. Ben Carson. Or like my brother- in-law Gary Kircher (his dad was President of Conoco Oil for some time) try to cause problems in a family by taking his two year old daughter out to a Jacuzzi at night in front of his wife, mother-in-law, sister-in-law to teach his two year old daughter about jealousy before she had a chance to be jealous or their son. I do remember the night that I had had enough of the shit with Gary and wanted to sleep and couldn’t because he was acting weird and had been drinking was the same day I think that my mom gave me a new dress and it was a blah and red peasant dress that laced up the front. I think my sister was jealous that she gave me that dress or that I wore it. She didn’t stand with her husband but hung out on the other side of the room most of the night which was kind of weird. Maybe they were not getting along and didn’t announce it at the time. She seemed to be acting kind of snobby like at Kimberly’s first wedding. HAUGHTY. I hoped her to shop for her dress but I guess that wasn’t good enough which believe me was GRUELING.

      (When I jacuzzied with his family or him and his wife his legs would stray my direction so you can understand he was not intending to do good with/for his daughter or for/with his family. And I have laboriously written about other things he did so it wasn’t my imagination. Though when we met years earlier about his problem he said he would go to church and was already a Baptist which he did attend church and neither the Baptist church nor the Non-Denominational church helped him but I doubt he asked for their help he just attended. If he had asked for help I doubt they would have given him the right kind of help and either would have kicked him out of their church except that he had money. You have to want to be helped to be helped. The non denominational church that believed in the bible fundamentally had a school and taught “Be Careful Little Eyes What You See” and incrementally raised their prices yearly and eventually were to expensive for my children and other families. It is the bible that had their own bible with meanings on the side of the verses in order to interpret the bible for you which is the Schofield bible. They were involved (I think) in the 1970’s or 80’s with the rewriting parts of the bible for the unification of the churches to assist in the Roman Catholicization of the US and to help people like Rick Warren’s who got his start then. The Warren’s (though not sure the same family) wrote the Warren Commission Report about the JFK assassination which lied about the whole affair and was first published by Doubleday Publishers who hired Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis as an editor of Doubleday Publishers and I think for the Warren Report for a while and it was her with the smoking gun or someone that resembled her. As with the Warren Commission the bible was corrupted by the many Jesuses (warning that many shall come in my name) that came in his name injected into the bible in various ways at various times by various authors and mostly at the direction of the Vatican. Soon after Kennedy’s assassination we got embroiled in the VietNam War via the French (it had been their colony – the President of Viet Nam dedicated his country to Mary before that (I think) and soon was assassinated with his brother – LBJ was the President of the USA when we bit the bait and soon JFK’s brother was assassinated and via Nixon who exposed Billy Graham were able to leave though he resigned because of a break-in called Watergate-Kissinger was his confident and Kissinger was hired later by the Vatican [who Billy Graham was a shill for] because of money laundering charges, drugs, and pedophilia accusations of their priests to fix their reputation and Kissinger by grooming Obama and because of his reputation helped to get Obama in office as the President of the USA. Religion is not good. It’s best to read the bible on your own and research it on your own with lots of information out there to sort through and eventually you will get something resembling truth if you are interested. I prefer the Gospel of John to the others but it has been corrupted as well in parts especially chapter 4 by the secret followers who obviously were’t a secret but secreted but it takes time and critical thinking to identify the areas that are corrupted and why. Parts of the Old Testament have also been messed with such as the Jealous-Nesses and Nellies of God when the books were stolen and taken to Rome and edited by Josephus son of Matthias adopted son of the Flaviuses who hired him for propaganda purposes in Rome after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans a few times. In this day and time he probably would be a part of the press.

      Obviously catholicism isn’t good!

      Why Callest Thou Me Good?

      Schizophrenics sometimes think they are Jesus. Remember the guy doing sign language at the funeral of Mandela. I don’t know if he is a schizophrenic but there are mental disorders that humans suffer from and it’s not their fault often times. And maybe because prophecy type stuff is kind of confusing because of time and hard to understand and certain religious groups tend to try to self fulfill prophesy such as at Notre Dame and the Court of the Gentiles. There are people and entities that mess with our minds. I CERTAINLY CAN ATTEST TO THAT PROBLEM in order to drive us nuts or manipulate humans such as the NOTRE DAME PARIS MASSACRE TO RESTORE FAITH OR FOR A REVIVAL AT NOTRE DAME and TO GET PEOPLE INTERESTED IN BOMBING THE CRAP OUT OF SYRIA. THE THEATER SHOOTING IN AURORA COLORADO IS ANOTHER EXAMPLE. THE MAN INVOLVED WAS UNDER THE CARE OF A PSYCHOLOGIST AT A BASE  THAT DOES SECRET TYPE WORK NEARBY THE THEATER IN ORDER (TO ASSASSINATE SOME PEOPLE SUCH AS THE WOMAN WHO WORKED FOR FOX SPORTS NETWORK AND HAD BEEN AT ANOTHER  MASS SHOOTING AT A MALL IN CANADA A FEW MONTHS BEFORE.) TO CATHOLICIZE THE WORLD! ONLY INANE NUTs WOULD TRY TO HAVE A ONE WORLD ORDER! APPARENTLY IT HASNT SUCCEEDED.

      As far as the third day if y0u count a thousand years as a day than this is the third day from 2000 to 3000 A.D.

      My sister who was BGEA’d by the English woman acrose the street told me on the elevator that three was the number of perfection because she was taught that probably when she went on a woman’s retreat in North Carolina.

      1. a chief officer, magistrate, or regional governor in certain countries:

        “the prefect of police”

      2. BRITISH
        in some schools, a senior student authorized to enforce discipline.
        Fox News now has an ad very similar to the one asking for donations for the Jews because they are hungry doing the same for Walmart employees . They are mocking and Fox News is aiding and abetting the mock.

        I think they have lost their marbles.

        Screen Shot 2015-11-27 at 12.37.42 PM

        “This is the Lord’s doing and it is marvellous in our eyes.”

      (PS: I love this portrait. I painted it years ago with pastel when I started to learn about pastels. Might do it again for the fun of it.)

      Fox News said that Obama has been notified about the hostage situation in Colorado near a Planned Parenthood  so everything should turn out okay. Just kidding of course.

      UPDATE: Gunman near CO Planned Parenthood remains at large…

      Roman Catholicism clergy and their secret societies DO NOT deserve to rule over people either and should be monitored and watched closely by the military for quite a while. They have abused their rights and the rights of others and Roman Catholicsim has to cease to be allowed to get away with what they have caused. They need to lose their power in our country at the very least. They should not be allowed to be in any position of power until we get a handle on terrorism because I think they are aiding and abetting the Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia type insanity for their own benefit. IT’S SICK!

      800 Colombian Soldiers Hired by zionist Saudi regime to Fighf in Yemen with $1000 Weekly Salary

      Must be feeling desperation and can’t spell. Obviously a connection between Saudis and Roman Catholicism! 

      Who pays the Saudis to pay the Columbians?

      I think Armageddon is going to involve Turkey because of the name of the President of Turkey. Sort of an anagram. And because of Raqqa and because of Paul of Tarsus, Turkey. I have no idea what happens in Armageddon but I don’t think it will be pretty!

      30 People Were Injured In A Bloody Pillow Fight At West Point, So It’s Banned Now

      On 11/25/15 This happened already and was in the news at least a few months ago.

      The True Story of Thanksgiving

      provided by Rush Limbaugh which I appreciate. I happen to love Thanksgiving much more than Christmas. Lots less pressure and you don’t have to eat turkey if you don’t want to and you don’t need to buy gifts. Friendly time. Christmas is a farce created to help big business get their asses out of a hole because of taxation so I don’t buy before Christmas anymore or very little and like to give my kids money after the 1st of the year to take advantage of the sales and to buy what they want thus not being a part of the problem indulging big business from it’s own overstock, etc. People ought to celebrate after the first of the year in support of small businesses until things change in favor of small business and the self-employed tax wise and given a chance to compete, otherwise you get what you deserve TYRANNY, ANARCHY, and eventually a REVOLUTION especially now that we know their game.

      It’s hard to because my kids were raised on Christmases until I got wise. It’s hard because of the public schools and private schools teach what they teach about Christmas and they expect a lot, so you have wean them off Christmas. It’s a scam what occurs at public schools just like the one year bible to keep people from the truth that I’ll bet the clergy have a lot to do with so they can live easy on the people they are supposed to shepherd and teach instead they do it for their own edification and lusts. That is a few of the reason that the unions need to be eradicated in federal government, police, health business, teachers unions and tax breaks for religious businesses need to be eradicated so that they either get with the program of fairness and accountability or they go to the consumption tax, demolish the IRS, and give the power back to the people which is undoubtedly fair.

      Another way to help is to buy from small businesses to help them grow or succeed however many small business are owned by big businesses. I don’t have an angst against a business that is big and capitalizes on it’s products but when they take away the rights of others to do the same they have stepped over the line and when they inhibit some (quite a few) from working or succeeding they deserve to lose their business. So to me the best route is the take advantage of deals which are after the first of the year when stuff is dirt cheap. It’s picked over but worth the wait or another way is to buy throughout the year which I never do. It got so bad in my family my daughter had a panic attack on Christmas eve and we had to get her a paper bag to breathe in. That’s ridiculous. More suicides occur around this time of year because of the pressure socially and financially. I imagine there are  more alcoholic related deaths as well because of the partying that is involved. My mom used to have more of her drinking bouts near Christmas because of the pressure and high expectations that are not ever fulfilled. I remember I found a painting I loved at a very nice shop in San Antonio with a quail or some similar bird. It was a very small painting with a very cool frame carved like feathers. I hinted at it so many times and I didn’t get it and was sorely disappointed. I had no idea of the price but it never occurred to anyone else that I wanted it, I guess, and possibly my hints were intentionally ignored, but after that experience I started to resent Christmas. That is not why I do what I do now although maybe in small part. Our Christmases grew and grew until they were unaffordable and very stressful partially because my family some of them were quite well off and their Christmases grew and grew. It got out of control. Then the night before having to wrap gifts was grueling. I have two girls and when I give them money after the first they go together and have a lot of fun shopping and spending a few days together otherwise they wouldn’t and they get what


      When they were very young they didn’t know what they needed. Christmas is bewitching but that is not necessarily good for a population when you do the math such as watch people fight over a sale on items to give to their kids for Christmas, and watch Santa beg for money ringing a bell, etc.

      I’m still working it out because their dad is the way he is and it tends to make me look bad in their eyes, like a fuddy-duddy but the truth is we are getting sucked under a rug because of Christmas, overtaxation, price gouging, inflation (inflated prices), a lot of waste, insurance that is outrageous, unaffordable, and unreliable causing our population to expect the least in the field of medicine and even the hospice crisis for the elderly (assisted murder) which is ignored by those that call themselves


      By the way I have noticed that the immigrants I have seen in the news tend to be better dressed than me. So there is a game involved in immigration in ways we don’t realize. Used to be immigrants looked like they were in rags. The ones I have seen look like they shopped at Old Navy. Of course I am investing in my talent and working on a some skills so don’t waste too much money on clothing for now and in comparison its astounding. I basically starved myself of clothing, hairdos, makeup, etc until I get my business going someday and eventually will be able to give what I have collected to my kids otherwise I wouldn’t have anything to give them and hopefully will be able to change my appearance. Might not because of the anti disposition of those to my way of thinking and it has been difficult but I will never surrender to their unenlightened and cruel ways and means. In my opinion, the world has become irrelevant.

      Watched for a short while the show called Holy Money about Propaganda Fide and the Catholic Church and the Evangelical arm of the Church and out of the many billions they get 2.7% goes to charity I guess because they about that much truth. Problem is they don’t account for what they take in often so there is no telling if that percentage is far less.

      Roman Catholicism is like snot you can’t wash off. You have to burn it.

      Reminds me of an old friend who actually starred in a movie as Jesus years after we knew him. His dad had something to do with the nuclear site in California. I think he had it built, financed it, or something. Not really sure. He talked us into going with him to parts of California to showcase him to music producers etc. We didn’t have any money so thought he was gonna pay for it. He knew we didn’t have money at the time and he kind of hijacked us on the tail end of vacation/month trial gig in Vegas. He was well off. Nothing good came of it. At one point he sang to us with his guitar on the side of our bed while we were trying to sleep one night and I guess came up with the words as he sang which basically was Misunderstood. It was gross. It was like that snot. He sent us a bill including the price of some grapes he bought. We did not pay him. His house was full of newspapers row and rows up to the ceiling that he collected. Very weird person. He could sing and write, but he was as obnoxious as a person could be. Finally we did get rid of his friendship by not answering the door one night when he came for some reason and we could not stop laughing though we tried to be more mature about it. We had to turn off the lights etc. I can’t remember all of the circumstances of that particular night just that it was gross. I felt a a little bad about it but he was really gross. Sometimes there is not a nice way to do things giving a wrong impression like in the movie Dumb an Dumber:

      Dumb and Dumber ‘There’s a Chance’

      What I conclude to some degree about some males in my family (not my dad or my brother) is they punish another woman when they can’t punish the one they are upset with. My brother-in-law Gary Kircher punished his daughter (and me) or acted like it because it was his wife that was jealous of other females and their relationships I think and VERY overbearing so he took it out on other females because he feared his own wife and she let him which is the worst part IMO and my other brother in law who bragged that he beat me up to his family up north that I learned from his brother (which he didn’t ) but he did beat up another girl, a friend of the family’s daughter. I didn’t know them that well but it was what I heard trying to rape her.


      As far as my older sister goes I think it’s why she got to spend $250,000 a year or more. And she spent it trying to look like she had class.

      In the Bible 

      The Gospel of John (chapter 21:1–14) includes the narrative of the miraculous catch of 153 fish as the third appearance of Jesus after hisresurrection.[6]

      The precision of the number of fish in this narrative has long been considered peculiar, and many scholars, throughout history, have argued that 153 has some deeper significance. Jerome, for example, wrote that Oppian’s Halieutica listed 153 species of fish, although this could not have been the intended meaning of the Gospel writer because Oppian composed Halieutica after the Gospel text was written, and at any rate never gave a list of fish species that clearly adds up to 153.[7][8] It has also been noted that the Tetragrammaton occurs 153 times in the Book of Genesis.[9]

      Screen Shot 2015-11-30 at 11.35.33 AM


      Not twelve apostles? hmmmm.


      1. the abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief.
        12 apostles plus 5 disciples equals 17
        but Jesus did not commit to man so I doubt the last fact is relevant!

      By the way the 153 fish I think has something to do with the Presidential candidates since everyone of them made abortion their issue though not necessarily by their own free will but because the RC press made them.

      There were 17 Republican candidates which is the amount of integers in the

      153 (number)

       and I think what might be meant in regards to that number

      and the fish that were caught by the fishermen on the boat with Peter

      that Jesus amassed on the right side of the boat

      but Trump who said he didn’t respect anyone that got caught though I’m not sure what he meant by that could be talking about infidelity or other things but he was pressured to give his opinion on the controversy of

      Planned Parenthood

      (by the press)

      and a bunch of stuff was alleged to have occurred at the Planned Parenthood though never proved but only alleged and seemed to involve Roman Catholic indigents probably doing the Jesuits work (devils) of impaling fetuses to oppress and burden women, girls, and their families and was brought to our attention by Fox News who have holes and I think some of their holes serve two masters and more than likely serve quite a few masters besides the obvious two masters but they can’t reveal them or they would lose their jobs and possibly lose more than their jobs

      and might get a new hole which some of them deserve.

      (and lately O’reilly has been on the war path defending his stances. You can tell because he snorts!)

      When asked forcibly on the question of Planned Parenthood Trump called it brutal and the others called it barbaric.  I think those were the words he used which happened to be the most liberal viewpoint on the issue of Planned Parenthood of the whole bunch and could have meant many things by that reply other than what was assumed such as the intentional undermining of the Planned Parenthood and the right it gives women (families and men involved) to have safe abortions in opposition to abortions performed by the Roman Catholic Mob in an alley or in a rudimentary bldg/warehouse/shack without the proper equipment, drugs, and proper physicians, care, etc. losing mother, child, sister, daughter, friend, embryo and/or fetus which is barbaric to the nth degree

      but in any case I think Jesus may have meant:

      up to 17 weeks and including the 17th week for embryonic age and possibly after that is considered a fetus meaning that the embryo is rudimentary up to the age of  17 weeks and including 17 th week and therefore is not a fetus but an embryo


      up to 17 years of age and including the 17th year of the female (possibly at any time when the fetus is a fetus)

      after the age of 18 years of age up to the 17th week and including the 17th week of the embryo with exceptions for rape, incest, and the health of the mother because all three affect the mother’s mind to make quick decisions and have to deal with some very nasty people and possibly be forced to report them for the sake of their wellbeing or we could leave the decision to abort between the mother, Planned Parenthood, and their God because it takes time to figure it out. Most of us aren’t given a choice what religion our families are born into or were raised into and takes time to gather evidence and access the evidence to determine what is believable and to develop a critical brain because of the many deceptions we have to overcome and other factors needed in progress.

      Ted Cruz: GOP isn’t ‘condom police’

      “Cruz said the charge that conservatives are anti-contraceptives is a “made-up, nonsense example.”

      “As I noted, Heidi and I, we have two little girls.

      I’m very glad we don’t have 17,”

      he told the hundreds of people in the audience.”

      Now not sure why that is in the article but it is yet I can’t find the tape of Ted Cruz saying this in particular about the number 17 but there are recordings of what he said before and after this particular concept. But later there is a recording of Peter King saying that Ted Cruz has a big mouth though probably not in context with this idea however they seem to talk in code.

      A GOP Presidential Candidate Just Told A Room Full Of Donors

      To Get Real About Rape and Abortion


      “Cruz, who opposes abortion, even in cases of rape and incest, said it comes down to the issue of winning. “The only Republicans who have ever won have run on all three legs of the conservative stool: They have run as fiscal conservatives, social conservatives and national security conservatives. If you chop off one of those legs, you don’t get to 51 per cent.”


      “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”

      KARL ROVE?

      Screen Shot 2015-12-03 at 11.34.25 PM

      Most people aren’t convinced till later in life who God truly is and isn’t and sometimes people are still bewildered since history doesn’t care much for the truth and tends to rewrite itself with the help of O’reilly who has demonstrated and gloats about the ignorance of his potential book buyers using his chosen pupil Jesse Watters of Watters’ World to mock and sell O’reilly’s lies. A deviated septum in his own right especially after O’reilly taught him that Hitler wasn’t a Christian. I think he was Roman Catholic or a mix of both but definitely mixed up.


      In human development, a fetus (/ˈftəs/; plural “fetuses”), also spelled foetus, is a prenatal human between its embryonic state and its birth.

      Medical Definition of FETUS

      :  an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of its kind;specifically :  a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth—compare embryo
      THE 153 FISH/17 INTEGER  would mean women after the age of 18 or 19 years of age and above would need to abort if they were to abort the fetus/embryo before the 18 week and probably would have the wherewithal to know, with the exception of rape, incest, and her health and ability to care for a baby AND THE MENTALLY DISABLED.
      Many woman that do not have the ability to raise a child lose their children early in their development after they are born. Financial ability is just one aspect but since our leaders believe in enforcing austerity they bear the blame for many abortions and many deaths of children in various ways after they are born and the elderly which they are purposely ignoring such as TED CRUZ and all the other candidates on both sides based on their stance on abortion which is based on fallacy and lies holding the elderly hostage over Planned Parenthood as Obama and his imperial friends holding the threat of terrorism hostage over climate change in order to rape the public of it’s funds either with hoaxes and real massacres. He’s a liar as i have come to find out and cares only bout how much he has amassed while running for President as if that makes a difference to the voters. They don’t get to spend it. And since most politicians don’t keep their promises that get them voted into office they too bear the blame for many deaths of mom, dad, embryos, fetuses and children. False prophets.
      Many women continue to have periods (menstruation) throughout their pregnancy tricking them because humans are not perfect. They should be allowed a great deal of leniency as well. I think it takes a few weeks probably 17-18 days for a pregnancy test to be considered reliable. All these things take time and can delay a prompt reaction that is doubtful if in the hands of men to do if they were a female. Such as occurred with Obama Care and all those unkept promises but there sure was a lot of

      weeping and gnashing of teeth.

      I could be wrong but it seems possible that is what was meant by Jesus at the Sea of Galilee.



      WHAT ABOUT A FEMALES right to freedom to make female decisions about her own body?


      Trump cancels event with black pastors after other clergy raise concerns

      We have been barraged with a lot of shit about abortion by the Press and the Roman Catholic church and pastors of the black race who kiss the BGEA’s ass but it is this population of woman who have had more than those in other races so they don’t want to forgive their own women of a legal reaction to unwanted pregnancy which is their right to do under the laws of the land and possibly and in my opinion sanctioned by Jesus of the Gospel of John. (It was only a half century ago they weren’t allowed to sit in the front of the bus and it was a woman who changed that, not a man.)

      Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come.
      Anyway on Fox News a few Californian Muslims one associated with Cair apologized or expressed grief for the victims of the massacre in a social services complex in San Bernardino, California, etc.  I think they didn’t have much choice and more than likely was a political move to allay justified fears of not only radical Islam but average Islamic ideology which is radical in order to further their cause. Interesting this occurred a day after Obama (like Caligula) met leaders in regards to climate change and terrorism tying both as if one will be used to help the other advance and both are bad. Hostage situation to delay a good response. It is their strength and it works for them. Blackmail everyone and putting everyone at risk. There is no nice way to handle ISLAM because they won’t and don’t understand a nice way. Political correctness only encourages them when what works for them ought to work for us but in a different way. I would if I were in charge of Department of Defense or the Pentagon destroy a Californian mosque, for starters in California and I would go for the biggies (Mecca and Medina) in Saudi Arabia and I bet we would be hearing a lot of apologies and a lot of names, locations, and be getting a bunch of help. What happened in San Bernadino obviously was planned to some degree. And possibly destroy the White House if need be because IMO OBAMA is behind the cue ball of the murders in San Bernadino by what he said the day before more than likely. It is what he says: those dark sentences that need to be taken seriously even though he says them coyly. When Muslims and followers of Islam say it is okay to insult the prophet of Islam then I might think they were sincere and when they say it is not okay to slit clits, it is not okay to behead gays, it is not okay to stone women for adultery, etc. then they might be somewhat believable like about: 1/000,000,000,000 of a chance to be taken seriously. Recent history is hard to forget. Just like it should have been okay to insult Jesus by saying the Beatles are more popular than Jesus, but Jesus didn’t assassinate John Lennon, a lunatic in Highland Park, Dallas, Texas (a very exclusive neighborhood where the women tend to dress alike often like paper bags you get at the grocery store) shot him in New York under the influence of someone or something that is responsible for the assassination of JFK in Dallas Tx. How he got there is another story.
      At this point after all the things that have occurred since Obama took office I would be rounding up the Islamic people that are in this country like happened when Japan attacked us because if it is fundamentally clear that they are influenced by evil and those COY cues. Their religion teaches them that they will get with 100 virgins by doing suicidal massacres and that has got to stop. Obviously they want us now to attack Qutar but lets start from the beginning 9-11. Thousands were killed. Playing us with this last attack/trick more than likely and a few good strong bunker busters at Mecca and Medina and the Iranian nuclear site would probably do the trick or change the tide. I’m positive it might change a great deal of the Muslims populations and their ideology. They might recognize and comprehend that their god and their prophet/profit is SHIT.
      When my daughter after much harassment and hospitalization because of the physical problems that occurred due to the harassment left school to go to another type of education  business eventually and was approached by an Islamic girl. She was trying to engage my daughter with propaganda for the purpose of radicalizing her, but she didn’t bite. She was only a junior in high school at the time the Islamic girl approached her and her friend. Don’t believe anyone because they might be making a fool of you especially if they are Muslim and/or Islamic because they have declared war on the USA but lying is their forte.
      What was their response to 9-11?
      Except for the Palestinians.
      Screen Shot 2015-12-04 at 7.20.15 PM
      I think the lawyers for the killers family think Americans are dumb.
      They are feeling a back lash and are afraid and they should be afraid of a back lash. Touting their belief in freedom of religion and 2nd amendment rights and the amounts of bullets they own and guns which is predominantly a male inclination for target shooting, etc. Sorry if that sounds politically correct but it is the truth.
      Screen Shot 2015-12-04 at 5.04.17 PM
      Trying to make the man involved in the shooting seem normal and his thug picture makes him look like a thug. He looks like he thinks he is superior and has a problem with others in general which is the problem with Islam. Often when Obama says things he looks very normal but what he says isn’t normal. A good sign of a sociopath. Any good and determined enemies of the USA are going to try to appear as if they are normal in order to gain ground in their quest to Islamicize the world but they aren’t gonna tell ya that is what they want to do in a country that is based on freedom of religion but use it for their advantage which is what they are doing, IMO.

      Would they mind?

      Would they mind while we at war with Islamic terrorism if their mosques are cordoned off temporarily for a few years or more until we are not at war with Islamic terrorism? Would they mind if we investigate the mosques?  Would they mind if there are cameras put into their mosques to be watched over by the NSA and the FBI for the safety of the USA citizens including themselves since all they do is pray in those places, they don’t actually meet to plan terrorist activities. Would they mind for the time being and for the well being of the USA citizens and the freedom it offers to citizens of other countries to step back and allow truth tests on their segment of society just to be sure of their intent or their state of mind and to gain trust?
      A small sacrifice by the believers of Islam for the good of the USA
      and it’s freedom!

      I doubt it.

      We didn’t achieve the freedoms we have easily. Why should those of the Islamic religion achieve it easily in the USA without some offer in compromise temporarily

      to prove allegiance to those freedoms and to the USA!

      The Japanese-Americans did (because OBVIOUSLY there were spies) though reluctantly

      and it was tough on them

      but the Japanese were contained on an island and were a lesser threat to civilization.

      It will be tougher on believers of Islam

      if they don’t offer in compromise

      real soon!

      Why is it that these Islamic lawyers are not using their talent and brains in Islamic countries to help the women that are being stoned to death for adultery, clits slit for the fun of it, gays beheaded and thieves losing their limbs, helping woman earn the right to drive, etc?


      Do they believe in these rights for women and gays?


      We have plenty of lawyers in the USA (good and bad), we don’t need more however you cannot say that about Islamic countries and shouldn’t they take that needed skill back to their religion and their countries where it is needed the most?

      A small sacrifice for the good of Islam (which is not good) and muslims.

      Or are they relying on the USA to do it for them? If so then get right to the point and take out those ideological places that spur them to believe they are invincible: Mecca and Medina. Until you do they will believe it and keep terrorizing and taking whoever is in the room with the few jews (the intended targets  obviously) such as roman catholics, african americans, presbyterians and whoever is there at the time. They don’t care especially when they are possessed by their spiritual leader: Mohammad who hates everything other than followers of Islam.

      I would add after that for Roman Catholics as well after we overcome Islamic terrorism to be sure of their allegiance to freedom since their religion has the same goals as ISLAM along with the MOB: To rule the world.

      And then after that the W.A.S.P.’s!

      After that the mud daubers!

      It would help the cause of freedom in the USA and for the religious freedom of Islamic citizens in the USA to take the first step of disarming themselves and their brothers and open themselves to logical scrutiny of our protectors in our governments since Islamic terrorists took the first step in New York on 9-11!

      Here is what they looked like:

      Screen Shot 2015-12-04 at 6.29.54 PM




      Then the same goes for Roman Catholics and the mob after we overcome the infamous threat of Islamic tyranny and terrorism.


      Deductive Reasoning

      Deductive reasoning, also deductive logiclogical deduction or, informally, top-down” logic,[1] is the process of reasoning from one or more statements (premises) to reach a logically certain conclusion.[2] It differs from inductive reasoning or abductive reasoning.

      Deductive arguments are evaluated in terms of their

      validity and soundness.


      An argument is sound if it is valid and the premises are true.

      It is possible to have a deductive argument that is logically valid but is not sound. Fallacious arguments often take that form.

      The following is an example of an argument that is valid, but not sound:

      1. Everyone who eats carrots is a quarterback.
      2. John eats carrots.
      3. Therefore, John is a quarterback.

      This is what americans sacrificed in WWll:

      World War II Rationing


      People offered scrap metals, their utensils, and other things in order that we could win the war on systematic ethnic cleansing and fascism. It started with the Japanese because they started it with us. It should start with Muslims (Islamic, Christian, or whatever faith) for this effort peacefully, otherwise ……..

      Rationing might be on the horizon for americans if they don’t quit being politically correct and ignorant and expect what is prudent in regards to muslims and those of the Islamic faith that have waged war with civilized nations and eventually the RC and the mob after that which have done the same to civilization and should be apparent to them as history can’t help but demonstrate over and over again and should stop protecting unearned trust of those of the Islamic faith and muslims who live under the most savage circumstances in their countries which is self evident because of their religious beliefs. I think internment camps for muslim-americans might be on the horizon. It should be self evident to Roman Catholics the affect of their religion on the countries they have overwhelmed who immigrate away from those same countries on a regular basis and often in great multitudes.


      Some really good posts:

      Merangue’s Blog

      Another problem that needs to be overcome is the male attitude towards older women who have sacrificed quite a bit in order to have children. Often men cheat on their wives while she is pregnant for various reasons and don’t appreciate wisdom of older women. Young women take advantage of older women because of naivety and ignorance about men not realizing that youth is fleeting and men take advantage of both

      have cake and eat it too

      which is morally wrong and shameful to do to young ladies and to motherhood.

      Granted often marriages suck once you realize what you got yourself into but women deserve much more alimony since they are held back immensely.

      Divorce has taught me a lot about who I married. He was worse than I gave him credit for and if I had known what I know now I would have divorced him a nanosecond after my second child was born. Some things I can never forget or forgive that I have enumerated quite a bunch in my posts that were said or done by the ex. For the life of me I can’t figure out why he keeps me around or what he gets by keeping me around. He must get some kind of compensation somewhere by someone. The latest outburst was that I was worthless and I know he does not possess much pity because of the other outburst MIND OVER MATTER except that he truly wants to bury me and holed me up like a piece of dead wood to be some kind of trophy for his religion as in the Angelina Jolie movie, Unbroken.

      I am hoping he is wrong and deceived and that I am right and will get my right of way instead with all the hopes I have and only God knows.


      On a personal note and I hate to be a tattle tale but it has helped me and it is my right:

      The Ex (former RC) admitted that my sister did offer my painting back to me and didn’t want to fight about it a month or so ago and what he said she said was that it wasn’t worth arguing about even though she said it was the best art work she owned and for him to pick it up and we never spoke to each other since she made the offer of trading it for something comparable in my home. This is also after he insulted me and told me I was worthless and then soon after a man who was in school in the field of art and who came to the house said my artwork was impressive. The ex didn’t tell me till a month later because he said he forgot. LOL.

      Reminds me of what happened to my little sister on New years Eve an the dress debacle with her husband for not showing off her boobs because of his partner at the time’s wife was showing her boobs (a competition amongst men about whose boob job is better) and a man came and complimented her looks.

      What kind of personality trait is this phenomenon?

      I have no idea what this trait is in reality but it is really F….. UP!

      So I wonder about that invitation to my mom’s funeral and the information she might have relayed to him? Of course they don’t send out invitations like a wedding but I wasn’t even apprised of the funeral and all the other things that go into that kind of a gathering until my daughter was there a day or two by their invitation and paid for with the funds they have kept of my mothers money. Of course I didnt want to go and stated it in my home because of the comfort zone that has been established for my family to me because of unwanted incestuous tendencies and unwanted punishment/excuses for those tendencies and my obvious detachment to family ties because of those tendencies stated by the guilty parties to isolate and ostracize me in order that I might return to the fold without their regrets, remorse, apologies, and admissions. LOL.

      The ex told me I needed to learn to compartmentalize which in my estimation might be why the US has so many problems. I disagree with Forbes even though he finds it extremely offensive that what was offered to the victims is mere platitudes very much like the Beatitudes. I didn’t get comforted when my mom died from BGEA’s followers (my sisters) or from the RC (ex.) In fact he was in competition with me in regards to his mom’s health vs. my mom’s health and which mom deserved to be given physical therapy which turned out to be his mom because she was RC (who had pictures of Jesus in her home and a BIG bible on display while he grew up at least that is what he told me that she never read and warned her kids not to touch it so they would not learn from it) which he then expressed mocking GLEEFULNESS right after my mom died without any deference to my feelings and believe me he was wrong. My mom deserved physical therapy! She was so much more gracious than his mom and to his mom as well. She wrote letters and invited her to stay with her etc. It was his religion that promoted and even sainted assisted murder of the elderly, vets and their wives, who fought wars for our country. (His dad fought also WWll and had a heart attack because of a wound he received in WWll on D-Day which probably was the cause of his early death in the long run but he told his wife that she wasn’t pretty but good for having babies which she resented or I would not have heard about it. She did have five sons and he was the fifth son of a gun. Perhaps he didn’t really try to win the war because of his religion [a spy among the real soldiers or a Nazi sympathizer? KInd of like the Islamic sympathizers today defending freedom of religion even if it wants to rule the world like Roman Catholicism wants to rule the world ] and thus was wounded, only God knows. Probably was compartmentalizing his-self when he received his eventual and consequential deadly-wound.) He was a mechanic that worked at several gas stations in his career and also worked for his brother who owned an oil business that distributed gas and oil in Lindstrom, Michigan. (Not sure of the city) HMMMMMMM.

      A PATTERN!


      I found out those details because I asked the ex just now.

      Anyway I don’t think the ex knows what he does and I think it has to do with his religious upbringing because he saw her point (my eldest sister) about me offering her a substitute for my painting that I painted that was of the same value back to her (which i already had given her a painting the first of anyone in the family of a young girl that was beautiful and not a family member but she probably forgot but it hung in nearly the same place as the new one she absconded) which was ABSURD and SELF SERVING to punish me for divorcing him in a

      no-fault divorce settlement because it takes two to tango.

      “Forgive them father for they know not what they do”

      kind of shenanigans

      because I think they do know what they do and then they forget what they did and didn’t do

      till it’s beneficial, advantageous, timely, and convenient for them to tell.

      In the meanwhile, I have to try to get through this crap as best as I can in very harsh circumstances which has been very difficult for me understandably and why it is necessary for me to take anxiety medication to assist me through panic attacks because of my pain and suffering which is extremely deep and needn’t have been if I were dealing with people with understanding. All of this could have been handled so well many years ago! It’s rather sad the lengths people will go to have it their way and got paid very well for their shit.

      Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 1.25.04 AM

      My other sister didn’t tell her ex spouse (whom she still loved who lost his granddaughter on her third birthday party because she drowned in their pool and loved the rest of the family that knew her) that I painted the portrait of their granddaughter so that they would think she found an anonymous artist to do it and paid more than what she paid, which at first was free and then she gave me 100 bucks for it out of her measly divorce settlement that her new husband will live on for the next two years and have been living on for a few years already besides the $35,000 she got from my mom’s estate after the two weeks she was ho-spiced that she put away in that savings account till after my mom died because I guess it wouldn’t look right. I never met her grand daughter but she kind of struck me when I saw her picture on the funeral brochure because we were having some family problems: me and my brother-in -law and sisters. I think my sister wanted some credibility back which is kind of normal since she was kind of bullied out of the family and made to feel worse than she was because they were just as bad in many ways which I have enumerated in other posts. But she had no mercy for me when I got divorced and in regards to my mom but wanted to keep that money or her new husband wanted to keep that money of my moms. It’s confusing because in a way my little sister was going along with what her husband wanted and what he wanted wasn’t his. I imagine in two years he won’t want her either.

      My youngest sister also is a subject of the BGEA. She said I was Satan and the Devil for revealing my problems to the family finally in toto as best I could because they threatened my mom in strange ways but mostly by having her ho-spiced because they loved her so much and wanted to advance Muther F…..’ Teresa to saint hood for ROME and promote an opportunity for generations to come to scarf up what is not theirs which is typical, isn’t it? To quicken others for inheritance sake. TO TEMPT YOUNGER GENERATIONS! But my little sister isn’t very bright and drank too much which she learned at Texas Tech and at Texas A&M with her boyfriend.Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 11.01.46 AM whose dad was a preacher for the Presbyterian religion. Guzzling vast amounts of beer. “…..some Presbyterians played an important role in the ecumenical movement, including the World Council of Churches.” IE the One World Government and One World Religion with Teeth!

      (Their grandson go his sister was killed at a gun range by accident in the last few years or at least we think it was an accident. Was that the third generation after the dad that might have been involved?)

      Maybe it doesn’t pay to backtrack, devolve, and appease!

      (Rick Warren’s son died of suicide as I recall! I know he was involved in the ecumenical movement (One world religion). Maybe Rick Warren doesn’t really care about his own son that was born. Probably cared more for the unborn of others who abort. Platitudes. And maybe if he changes so will his son.

      Read the scriptures: in them you think you have life…..maybe you don’t. Maybe you ought to read the scriptures and not take the pope’s word for it or Bo Diddles. I think only the Old Testament had been written at the time and The Gospel of John kind of sums it up except for chapter 4. which screws it up. You don’t have to be born again you had to be born and believe eventually when you are able to learn without all the deceptions going on around you or even amid the deceptions. The reason for the born again is for confusion about rudimentary ideas about abortion and to prop the BGEA: St. Nick. ) What happens to babies that are born but die 6 months later for all the reasons that they do. Well trust God on that but they never got a chance to be born again as is understood by the evangelicals. They probably got to be born again because they didn’t have a chance to believe in their short life. The same people that put forth their rudimentary ideas are the same people that make life hard for people, for women, girls and their families and then get you to donate to their business of someone they have inducted into their evangelical family with lies so they can give junk to the poor that lost their family because of their politics (HAARP) which is evil to support their ideology. He also knew what would occur later I’m sure to the scriptures but there is truth in them but you have to find the truth. Do you think Islamic terrorists have truth without knowing anything about it? I doubt even Forbes has life even though he is a rich man. You can kind of see it in his eyes. How would we ver have known anything if we didn’t read about it. The Pope? Santa Claus? Plus he was talking to some assholes when he said what he said who were guibbling with him about cooking corn on the Sabbath. Silly stuff. I know I do because I get the signs and I understand them as well because I have fine tuned my understanding which most people don’t even listen much less care, because they are taught not to notice by Christians churches and aren’t aware which tends to change under some circumstances but there is a war going on around you to either silence, equip you, warn you, make you aware, make you not care, and other things that you can’t see. Instead they are taught to speak in tongues that no one not even the one doing it understands what they are saying which is self evident. By allowing Mecca and Medina to inspire terrorism (which it does) you are allowing many people to die because of it, or lose limbs, or stoning of women for adultery, slitting of clits, etc and bear responsibility for their ignorance and end up deserving the terrorism we witness in the news or because of political correctness and antiquated Roman Christian ideals that are based on fallacies about freedom of religion because it isn’t free!
      Nor is the press free! The USA is not independent.
      FEAR and IGNORANCE. Terrorism is working because of fear. You have to have strength of character and understanding to know what it’s gonna take to stop it. 

      ….I wonder what Paul Ryan

      and those eager beavers and those moral laurels in

      Congress think about that?

      Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 11.47.29 AM

      What does Mr. Forbes think?

      I do ask for signs even though the Gospel of Luke says it is an evil generation that asks for signs, but I don’t believe it is evil to ask for signs, and I got one the other day as I was about to do something and my blanket that I put over my shoulder when I get chilled by the climate change (it was cooler) recently and a string of it was snagged on a dumb bell that I had situated on my computer table on the side of my dad’s picture because I was gonna try to do some arm exercises while I sit and write though I don’t do that and I should. Now you might think that it was saying I was a dumb bell but that is what my dad called Gary (my brother-in-law) to me once and I remembered that he said it. I didn’t compartmentalize it because it was immediately what I thought when it occurred. It was a sign to me a good sign and for you if you “get my drift.” It was good because I was feeling bad and it helped me and I got a good chuckle. You should ask for signs and you should look for those signs to help you do the best you can in lousy circumstances because that is how God and our loved ones that have died communicate if God allows it and He did allow it. It is not evil to ask for signs. Another sign I got was when the trash men were doing their tasks and yelling to each other while I was in the garage tinkering and one said (which I picked up on this particular segment of the conversation): “Do the best that you can,” and it hit home. I get knocks behind me, in front of me, to the right, to the left, etc., and lots of signs often and I have learned to listen because of my writing, and because of my circumstances that are out my control at the moment. They help me.


      Take that to heart. It happened and it might be helpful to those who have swaggered or regressed a bit. And as I said my mom did say that she knew and others knew about what I was involved in: my writing even though she was in a nursing home and didn’t have access to a computer. That’s a miracle. But my little sister who taped her saying that was supposed to send me the tape which was extensive and never did send it for some reason but more than likely because it was proof. I think be causes she got sucked in by the BGEA and hopefully she will get out of that occult and be my Shirley Temple and Saturday morning cartoons buddy again hopefully not in a nursing home, LOL.

      My mom was very lucid at times especially when in the hospital and when on prednizone. i remember the doctor at the Arc tested her for dementia while I was there and he wasn’t very nice so I noticed she was defensive and feeling attacked by his questions and there seemed to be more going on than meets the eye. I think that was what he was doing testing her memory. But at the hospital and sometimes even at the rc her memory would be quite proficient so it wasn’t a full time condition which dementia is a flu time condition so I think she was affected by the drugs given to her at the Arc for other problems. When mys sisters were still acting as sisters we visited a few times to find my mom without oxygen which an affect memory, of course. She was once below 78 percent which is very bad could have been lower but it was ridiculous and she was bent over when my little sister went to see her because that is what you do when you can’t breath and it took some phone calls to get them to take care of her. Drugs can also affect oxygen level and other outside antagonist. She had sinus troubles most of her life. The reason my ex said that his mother probably got the therapy my mom didn’t get had to do with her dementia but as I said she didn’t have it when on prednizone for the most part. His grandmother took steroids for a long time. If you multiplied his mom by ten she wouldn’t even rate to my one mom in talent, grace, friendliness, personality, or beauty and sweetness, IMO. My mom was aton more interesting too. To have a conversation was struggle with his mom though she was bitter because of her life and did not get along with coworkers because they never did their jobs as well as she did. My mom sometimes would lean over and grab my feet and massage them gently which she used to do to my dad as well. It was so sweet. The difference partially and  probably was in who she married, how they were raised and how they believed. As a daughter in law which is obviously a critical judge of a person his mom was like a flat note in a song or a cold fish, but she was a good cook. When two of her abusive alcoholic sons divorced it wasn’t their fault and of course it was their fault. They went out with the boys regularly but didn’t like it when the girls went out with the girls. Double standards. The girls got wise. She lauded over men and women were not as important to her and she had five sons. Her sons could do no wrong as Catholics laud about

      IMMACULATE Mary their Mother of God 

      who Jesus would not allow to touch him before he went to be with His Father.

      (Not hers)

      So my educated guess is Mary wasn’t Immaculate in his estimation.

      The ex’s mom, my ex-mother-in-law didn’t like her mom. Not for sure why but when her mom died her mom said something like: “I won’t go with him” in her delirium and it pleased my mother-in-law at the time which is weird. I guess her mom wasn’t nice to her husband or her and they didn’t get along. She thought maybe it was her husband meeting her mom in purgatory or something. Could have been someone else. Her mother was not catholic but when I met her once she seemed very warm to me when she spoke to her grandson. Odd comparison. My ex’s mom could hug but it was more of an expectation then a hug. That could have been how I was feeling towards her. It was obligatory both ways I think. I remember watching her reaction to something about my ex at the time my husband (her son) about something that wasn’t nice and it was a weird reaction and I was offended by it. Ridicule. She wasn’t that nice as she tried to act. Once when we went shopping together which was a drag (obligatory) some guy noticed me and I can’t remember what he looked like probably a long shore man or a lumber jack and she kind of acted funny about it. It wasn’t a big deal, but bigger in her mind.

      She loved growing violets, which coincidentally was her name. That is weird. I had not put the two together as why she might like them so much. My dad on the other hand had a green thumb and liked to shape mountain laurels in the south, and grew tulips in England in little groupings, and grew roses and knew how to trim them three sets of leaves of some amount in a cluster and then snip to grow more roses. His name was not Rose, Tulip, or Mountain Laurel, or Golf.

      She loved to read romance mysteries.


      If you have read one you have read them all.

      We Remember The Victims of the Terrorist Attack in San Bernando, California

      (As Hannity said on his show do you remember the victims names of gun violence in Chicago to one of his guests who admitted he could not name them all and nor could Hannity or he would have tried.) So when they say they won’t forget the victims

      big F……’ Deal!

      Fox loves to twist words. Using Bo Diddle, a cop, the most ridiculous character in the world but the fact is I believe in self defense and the 2nd amendment as he says he does unless between a civilian and a cop which he doesn’t believe a civilian has a right to defend themselves if a cop is involved. The terrorist would have used deadly force on anyone that defied his will and would have found ways to kill even if he didn’t have a gun such as the box cutters. Catching people off guard and the fact is we don’t know what other weapons they used in 9-11 because all we have is the testimony of a person who died in an explosion who was the Post Master General’s wife and she was seen later in Poland.

      How gracious of them, “We will remember you in our prayers,” is another platitude often used on Fox News by the lady with cat eyes. If she did pray she would be praying all the time. She is weird.

      Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 12.56.22 PM

      She has holes!

      My little sister wasn’t interested in art which is too bad because she might have wanted my mom to live to that ripe old age of 105 that she wanted and to surpass her grandmother and because we should want that to be the goal of our GREAT COUNTRY: TO SURPASS THE LAST GENERATION. We used to have the MOST sought after healthcare in the world and people far and wide came to be tended to in our country and instead we got hi-jacked by politically correct nonsense to confuse the masses and promote Islamic and Roman Catholic ideals which are substandard and easier to achieve

      and I guess instead decided to devolve as the romans have done in the past often times.

      I think we should not allow ships to cross the ocean anymore to devolve even further.

      WHAT SAY YE?

      Those evangelicals, I’ll tell ya, they got a screw loose. Radical.

      Here is some more of my work but instead a pastel on watercolor paper of the woman that played in the movie Kingdom of Heaven who I thought was quite beautiful and so I took a snapshot because it was striking and painted it with my own adjustments. It took me three times to get it right because my sister destroyed the first one on mistake in her RV and scrunched it. She was gonna try to sell my art but anyway it took her a few months to admit to me what she had done to my artwork and not just this one but a few others as well. She was afraid to tell me which was kind of silly and I was nice about it. I enjoy it so it wasn’t that hard to do again and improved it. She never did try to sell it and told me I needed to sell my art dirt cheap like her skills which she has. She did help to start and it might have been her idea the apartment aspect of her first husband’s business, but she didn’t get credit for it. Maybe this is why.

      You can find my artwork and other examples on

      BY THE SEA

      and some porcelain art that I was able to photo though photography isn’t my forte And I plan to add that other picture that my eldest sister is going to give to the ex eventually that I painted and gave to my mom because she taught me how to paint portraits on porcelain.

      Porcelain Portraits and Art by Beatrice Root

      And eventually I hope to paint again because my mom wanted me to continue painting.

      Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 1.29.44 AM


      Have you noticed Kelly of the Kelly File and her alarmist style which I would consider her to be  a pro at freaking people out (an alarmist) and she gets paid extremely well for her roll. It’s the pace of her voice when talking about whatever she talks about. What occurred is alarming and  we got to see the terrorist dead in his pool of blood dressed in his gear but I am suspicious of the circumstances and the stories we are being told about the San Bernadino event.

      There are some conspicuous details that shouldn’t be overlooked.

      1)The timing after the Climate Change Summit and Obamas veiled threat. (To Jews?)

      2)How the weapons were obtained.

      3)The victims religion. One was a jew. The main victim. And another was also Jewish and probably the others that were with them it was their misfortune.

      4)The lawyers for the killers of the jew and others that got in the way and what they had to say and their motives for what they said vs fighting their fight for freedom for men and women in Islamic controlled countries that prop their religion but that would be against their religion, wouldn’t it?

      5) ISIS claiming responsibility (after the fact) yet the wife involved in the mass shooting came from Pakistan and visited Saudi Arabia and she did not join ISIS at the time of her trip. I think she suffered postpartum depression more than likely because she had an ISLAMIC ass for a husband who was rattling her chains and I think when the bible talks about sowing (evil) at night I think there may be some dream/internet sowing going on with buzz words/cues to spark a reaction at a certain time to make planned attacks at a certain time specified such as after what Obama said at the Climate Summit…dark sentences. Cueing them. That is why it is important to monitor Islamic people and muslims in this country because even if they are innocent they may be being used while not realizing it. It’s like with Hillary if you don’t ask certain questions she isn’t gonna answer in regards to Benghazi. She may not know what she saw or understand what she witnessed or heard or understand it’s importance but it might be IMMENSELY important. Like a missing piece of a puzzle.

      As far as Sen. Lindsay Graham and Sen. John McCain traveling to the middle east to get questions answered in regards to ISIS or terrorism why on earth would muslims/arabs or Islamic people tell them the truth? WHat is in it for them? These are the two guys that helped to bring the Muslim Brotherhood to Egypt and from what I gather they funded them as well by the things that Lindsay Graham was reported to have said in regards to the money they threatened to stop sending to Morsi of Egypt. So why Judge Jeanine would take what he said seriously is beyond me. I think he use to have some sort of knowledge about things over there but things have changed dramatically because they are in a position of power unlike they were before the USA stepped into their messes. We are their enemy and they know it. LOL. Look what happened to the guy who helped the USA in regards to Osama Bin Laden. He ended up in prison and the USA did not save him!

      We don’t need to be compensating for the silent majority of muslims in this country. When they get the upper hand in this country they will not be kind or gentle to anyone including Catholics and Evangelicals. Look what happened to James Foley.

      If I had a magic wand I would bomb the shit out of Mecca and Medina on their holiest days and I wouldn’t feel bad about it either. I would pray that God would get the people out of there that should not be there during those days and proceed.

      Family Lawyer Brings Up Terror Suspect’s Online Allegiance to Islamic State, Then Stuns With Analogy

      “All there is thus far is some nebulous thing that somebody looked at something on Facebook,” he argued. “I mean, any one of us may have looked at something on Facebook. It doesn’t mean we believe in it. I’ve checked out a Britney Spears post and I hate Britney Spears music.”

      I have no idea what she is doing music wise because she tends to gear her music for the young and females in her art or at least she used to because they tend to buy music and go to concerts. So an Islamic lawyer doesn’t like her music, who cares. He shouldn’t because her music isn’t geared for Islamic men in suits, is it? Isn’t he a bit old for her style of music? But I bet he likes her in a lustful way and it must disturb his ideology to have those feelings. Better learn to control those feelings.

      Everyone has those feelings but you had to learn to control them.

      She is beautiful and she works at it very hard because it’s her bread and butter. She is known former dancing as well which is part of the entertainment besides the music which there are a few that are good songs like: Oops I Did It Again. It’s funny as well. I have no idea of the meaning nor do I care. I enjoyed her dancing for the most part because she is energetic and entertaining but never bought her music.

      It’s the American way.

      Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 1.10.12 AM

      Why would he check out her post,

      if he didn’t like her music?


      Do Islamic men use closets?

      And now Paul Ryan is going Islamist on the USA. I bet he doesn’t like Britney Spears music either.

      When was the last time he decided to grow a beard?

      You would think under the circumstances that we are under he would shave it for appearance sake,

      wouldn’t you?

      Is he an evangelical?

      EVIL angel?

      Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 12.45.44 AM

      I believe it’s my turn to get paid really well and receive my rewards.

      *And for those females who want to turn off their husband during sex or to shorten the experience start talking about shopping and how much you spent or say I think your boss called a little while ago, or look at the ceiling or walls and talk about painting, or tell a good joke or say “that’s okay, maybe another time.” as if he isn’t doing well! Whooooosh-the sucking sound!

      Amazing Evidence For God – Scientific Evidence For God a Catholic site has some interesting facts in one of it’s programs about biological life but they still have a few things in it that aren’t correct in my opinion or unprovable but they put it like it is proof which is too bad. But you can learn from it never the less. Talks about the complexity of the human cell and the universe etc to prove a point…… but so is a brick. It’s made up of microscopic stuff that we can’t see that hold it together LIKE GRAVITY FOR ONE but we don’t use every brick we receive especially a half a brick or bricks still in the process of baking. BRICKS ARE AMAZING IN THAT THEY MAKE A HOUSE, ETC. BUT THEN NEED SOEONE TO BUILD THEM INTO A HOUSE.

      I guess that is why some planets don’t have life and some stars explode etc.

      In the bible there is a place in it that talks about the world wishing someone wasn’t born who happens to be he. Not all life is good but made up of the same components. Hitler also had cells. Obama has some too but he definitely ain’t good. Comparing terrorism to cancer but shows how insane he is. He probably is addicted to it and it has become predominant theme in his term as President of the USA. And it seems the victims families want everyone to collectively mourn which is probably what Obama likes because he likes to feel UR pain.

      UR. vs RU?

      a take off of the name given to Moses for God to give to the Hebrews

       I AM THAT I AM


      It’s like this:

      Global warming, a trend in climate is now Climate Change

       Terrorism, a tactic in warfare is now Cancer. 

      Both global warming and terrorism

      are BULL SHIT and both are blackmail, no offense!’)

      It also says in the bible that whoever is speaking he knew them in the womb, but did they know it?

      Did the sperm cell that made it to the egg know what he was doing?



      It was forced into entering by ejaculation and landed by chance on the right spot at the right time. Did the egg say thank you? (Mine did not the first time it occurred because I wasn’t prepared! The second time and the third I was prepared and let it progress and purposefully didn’t take even a half of an LSD once I realized I was pregnant and fed it good food like high protein drinks sometimes daily in succession, went to the doctor frequently, was married at the time as well, etc I did have trouble with smoking because I was addicted but slowed down as much as I could and tried not to drink alcohol once I realized my condition,)

      Did the sperm say I love you to the egg and the egg say I love you in return! It didn’t the first, second, or the third time, but I treated it lovingly because I wanted it regardless if it was a male or a female WHEN I WAS PREPARED FOR GOOD REASONS AND EACH PERSON IS DIFFERENT THAT WAY!)


      Did the sperm select the woman? Did the woman select the lucky sperm?

      Did the sperm care if it was rape?






      Another thing as far as patterns goes: When my eldest sister had to find some flip flops (for about two hours) and in her words the cost was no object my little sister gave me a pair of used flip flops where I stayed  that looked exactly like the ones my eldest sister bought but very worn. I didn’t think much about it at the time but there is a pattern to these things that occur and even though it sounds insane it is for real and with the other things that have occurred similar it’s like some sort of imitations going on for some reason to confuse and deceive. Since both were involved in hospicing my mom I think they are the imitations and both collectively had memory but individually forgot some real important things such as my eldest not remembering that my brother-in-law the first husband of my little sister saved her sons life from drowning in their pool when he was about 3 years of age the same age as his granddaughter that did drown years later on her third birthday party a week after her birthday in another home that they moved to when they moved up in status and wealth. And I had to remind her but at the time she was more interested in taking pictures of me being hugged by him when he came home from work to greet his house guests and family to prove some insane point which she showed to me an my husband later with a BIG GLARE in her eyes. It was absolutely inane. She was the one dreaming about kissing him (the first husband, David) on a bridge while my little sister watched and told my little sister which is really odd for someone who was viciously attacking me with stupid photos. I did have dreams of her husbands prick in my face but I didn’t want to have them. It was after my operation when I nearly died and I was suffering from PTSD and he had exposed hisself quite a few times in strange ways over the years and had done some very shitty shit to me and so had she and it was not desirable to me nor did I want to kiss him sexually though as a family member I did on his cheek greeting him but it was not because i desired him. IN FACT, I WAS NOT TURNED ON BY HIM ONE IOTA! HE WAS NOT MY TYPE AND HE WAS MARRIED TO MY SISTER. I THOUGHT OFTEN HE WAS AN IDIOT. I DID MY BEST TO GET ALONG AND WE WERE ALL FRIENDS. We were trying to be normal amongst a freaking pair of nuts while she was trying to prove I was the one causing it which I didn’t realize was her game all that time. I thought better of her than I should have. There is a difference between kissing and kissing but to her it was proof I asked for it and I didn’t. I didn’t sneak on my belly while I slept to fondle me while being two to three inches distance from her. She said three was the number of perfection so I wonder what she meant by that or why she said it later in life?

      Anyway the picture of David and me was harmless but his arm was under my arm and we hugged quickly and I was in a bathing suit and he was in his work suit: BIG FUCKING DEAL. Anyway the picture made it look like his hand was near my boob which it was but it was not grasping it. LOL

      There is some psychology in this of some kind.

      Then saying that that the cost is not object about some fucking flip flops and then taunting me about not visiting my mom in mother’s day because I was in the hospital myself for my own physical ailments. She told me it was going  to be wasted and in hr words “money down the tube” a $400 ticket to San Antonio if I didn’t go and get the cash even though I didn’t buy the ticket, she bought the ticket but it was in my name. I didn’t get the cash partially because she was so bitchy about it and I thought I was being set up again, which I dare say I think I was being set up by her for some reason and probably has to do with the money she hoped to get from my mom’s estate by hospicing her soon after. A fucking $35,000 more than likely, the same amount as my little sister put in her savings account till after the hospicing was to occur.

      So it was like being between a bitch and a bitch and being harassed throughout and sent taunting letters with photos of my mom saying weird shit like “her eyes are clearer now” and her eyes were closed in the picture with a very sad look on her face that would make anyone that loved her cry.

      My mom wanted to live to 105!

      I hope my sisters fuck each other over real good.







      When my dad had a TIA at the hospital visiting my sister Tootie/Lori and her husband Gary for the birth of their daughter’s kids (she has about 5 now or so, their grand child). They had to drive in 5 or more hours he started to talk with weird words kind of backwards but not in the right order etc Gary was sitting on a ledge. His eyebrows went up and down like he was amused by it. I told my dad not to talk anymore because every time he tried it talk got worse. I knew he knew what he was meaning but it wasn’t coming out the right way. Tootie and mom went to find help in the hospital where this occurred. Gary was amused by it while it was occurring, never got up or anything. I remember hearing weird sounds like we were in an echo chamber though I don’t know what that is like but it was spiritual and it was alarming. It was surreal in a way because of the sounds like in a very hollow place. Very strange so I knew it was important besides what my dad was doing.   It was amusing later on in a funny way because he survived it and got the potassium he was light on because probably the meds he had been on getting ready for a trip, driving the trip, and going to the hospital etc without a nap more than likely. Tootie pushed people to their limit. You would go shopping with her and often it was excruciatingly long experience – I may be exaggerating but seemed like 8-12 hours. I think Gary resented her and took it out on her family who tried to help them because of her obsessive nature and his fucked up nature. To decorate her homes she would obsess about the materials for days and days. Gary sat the whole time observing and I will NEVER forget his expressions. I think she obsessed because of him to find solace but she was paid well for her troubles because money was no object.

      He could have cared less.

      My dad cleaned up after my sister when she was puking and having diarrhea at the same time when she poisoned herself with Calamine lotion when she swigged it thinking it was Pepto Bismol in my little sister’s kitchen in the dark (while we were watching The Last of the Mohicans when Gary exposed himself while on the floor at a family gathering) but her husband didn’t help her, my dad helped her. Diane and I were amused by it because of how she acted with pink stuff on her lips and told us what she had done. We called poison control.

      Gary didn’t help.

      He observed and came down and told us what my dad was doing.

      He could have cared less.

      It became a joke because it was foolish to do in the dark: to swig from a bottle in someone else’s home in the dark but kids do that kind of thing like I did with sour milk once as a kid and I never did that again. I’m sure she heard about it from Gary and it probably pissed her off.

      Seemed like everything that could go wrong in the family always involved Gary

      and whatever it was that he brought to the table


      My dad expected the same in return I would imagine in regards to his wife, her mom.

      He put my sister in charge of the estate to care for my mom and from what I saw and heard

      near the end she didn’t uphold her end of the bargain,

      not even close.

      I saved Kristen’s kid from falling off a very high ledge that would have killed him because there was no barrier and he was a curious boy. By saving I yelled at him to go back from beneath because no one  was with him and he listened. Kristen wasn’t there at the time but her mom and dad (Tootie and Gary) didn’t notice that he was missing. We had to walk through a neighborhood down a steep hill to get to the bottom to see the little lake by the ARC in San Antonio and he must have not followed us and it was their grand child, not mine. I hardly knew him.

      That may be the trip when I watched Kristen’s kids walking the river at night all Gary could think about was my underwear. NOt all he could think about but made a big deal to whisper in my ear about them as I got up because I guess he was amused and couldn’t stop himself from letting me know he noticed.

      He could have cared less about her kids.

      He or she could have said “hey thanks for watching out for my grandkids.”

      A son of a fool!

      I will never forget when he pushed my forehead with the palm of his hand to degrade me after tussling my kids foreheads and hair and my husband at the time and then came to me and pushed it and then asked the ex to bring the lawn mower over to the house because theirs wasn’t working and after I told the ex not to “Don’t you dare, he did anyway.” This was before I went to his boss. He was trying to scary me from telling on him. I didn’t get much support.

      Another time driving in San Antonio and I was following in heavy traffic he sped up so that I couldn’t follow easily and changed lanes a bunch. Fucking with me. He was a real sweet heart.


      A $100 million home in Dallas: Is real estate at its peak?








October 28, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Jeb Bush Hanging By a Chad


The Donald Doubles down on previous comments
 Where did the 9-11 pilots get trained to fly airplanes?

They were trained In Florida when Jeb Bush was Governor of Florida. They did not come as immigrants , I don’t think. How often does one train illegal immigrants to fly airliners. I think they were educated here because of immigration policies I think they had Diplomatic immunity, more than likely which is a State Department license. The terrorists came from Saudi Arabla, not Afghanistan, armed with box cutters

SO some SAY.

No one lived to see their weapons except on those planes. We heard about it by the husband Postmaster General at the time whose ballet dancer/press wife was on a plane using her cell phone before it was shot down. She was seen in Poland later on. So she probably didn’t die. t think they were enticed to perform by the thought of hitting the White House and weren’t able to fulfill that quest and were intercepted in Pennsyvania by our air support.

Hence Donald Rumsfeld’s interesting witness.

George Bush saw God in Pope Benedict’s eyes. I think it was a reflection his own image in the popes eyeballs.

Both George Bush and HIllary made a you tube about 7th day adventists wishing them a happy anniversary mocking their prophecies. I wonder who influenced them to be so ridiculous.

Their spiritual big brother puffed by Time and the Hursts in Germany.

Strange things going on Alex Jones documented about the Bohemian Grove with David Gurgin (the Press) and others full of inference to black babies being altered.

I don’t think I have ever seen two high ranking officials in government ever stoop to that level.

Certainly didn’t do it to the faithers having faith as small as the smallest of seeds the mustard seed (spoken about parabolically and written about in the Synoptic Gospels),

which it is not, though it be small they isn’t aren’t smallest of seeds.

When the planes hit the buildings in New York President George Bush was found at that very moment n a classroom reading a book to schoolchildren and alerted as to what had occurred. Obama made reference I don’t care whose kids they are they can’t fly in Manhattan after their curfew etc at his first Press dinner making a joke of many that were there and talked about Micelle’s muscular arms saying no one has the right to bare arms as she was pictured to have had arms in her muscular arms at Benghazi etc then trying to disarm americans still in many ways with attacks on arms facilities and manufacturers, chemical sites and on the average citizen.

In 1963 when JFK was assassinated the deed was blamed on a man who worked at the Children’s School Book Depository in Dallas Texas with evidence of a rifle and spent bullets. He was called THE OSWALD by Henry Wade (Roe v wade? coincidence?) a lawyer judge at the time.

When LBJ was sworn in as President on a plane on the tarmac with a Catholic Bible by the Judge that was involved in Roe v Wade with some english guest and some jewish ones as well.

The Catholic Church was involved in the 2nd Vatican (I think it actually was the third or fourth probably some things occurred during the dark ages but under a different name. Another occurred in the 70’s changing things contained in the bible to entice other protestant leaders so as Jesus said he would fulfill every jot and tittle and also promised to curse those that change one word in Revelations)  which involved many religious zealots to prop up the Gospel of Matthew as the preeminent gospel of the gospels and the birth of Opus Dei and The Neocathecumenal Way and other secret groups in the Roman Catholic entity and in Dallas research on Bio technology and Bioethics was being discussed and employed.

1963 in Israel

The woman that drove the judge to the plane where LBJ was made President was involved in psychoanalyzing the kids involved in Sandy Hook Elementary Hoax whose sister was “assassinated” supposedly. She interviewed them for the record.

LBJ was known for dam building. The Kennedy’s received some gifts from Egypt for their part in those dams that uncovered some temples and artifacts some of which ended up in Manhattan near the Onassis apartment that overlooked the display. I think she thought she was ISIS (egyptian goddess) as in the woman and her painting of herself.

Catholics while JFK was visiting the pope and the Vatican propped him up as the Son of Man. Picture of him in a chair with priests holding up the chair. Painting of Jackie n the limousine with his head in her lap but it wasn’t in her lap as the dress demonstrated the airport. No blood on the front, or not enough blood on the front of the dress. That has to do with The Son of Man shall be betrayed and the Son of Man has no where to lay his head prophecies in the gospels. Her son salutes his casket at the funeral having to do with Salute no man by the way Biblical/gospel stuff.  She had had a miscarriage right before that trip whether purposeful or not. Might have been an abortion or an abortion/miscarraige. Anyway she was upset but well enough to proceed. They were supposedly near divorce for some reason. He got off the plane at Dallas and was limping down the stairs after a visit to Hawaii where he got tanned as spoken about by the Press humorously. Jacob in the bible had a thorn in his side after wrestling with God as if God wrestles men physically andy he prevailed/vailed the same person biblically in the OT who slept on a stone and had dreams of angels going up and down a ladder known as Jacob’s Ladder. Angels shall rise and fall on the Son of Man in the gospel told to Nathaniel by Jesus in the Gospel of John written by someone we have to assume is John (not the baptist who is beheaded already by Herod and his girlfriend.) The entourage included a man called Secret Service agent Jack Ready (hence the Get Ready America by Dep. of Defence Chuck Hagel who never question the motives of Obama a must quality for defensive type people or defensive jobs, the queen’s ring man at the Diamond Jublilee 50th or 60th anniversary) who was at the airport in Dallas Love Field seems to have had an unusual physical change in appearance and hair cut looks like Billy Graham. Jackie receives a lamb chops puppet (famous character used as a noise maker during the assassination) in her roses at the airport over the fence line with a stinger or syringe in the bouquet in order to pierce the trusted bodyguard of JFK near the fence line after she dips her head in a strange contraption that looks like a bloody baby brain that was handed over the fence line by a few people on whose dad I think is a priest at the time and gave their alibi soon after as if the y received the news in Rome as did BIlly Graham gave his alibi as being on the radio at the time with other friends that don’t tell on each other I think and was involved in Three’s Company and who has since died of cancer. Watched the Jack Ready have a conniption fit because he was seen on camera and knew it pointing to someone in the crowd or in the entourage and it was a bad mistake and his reaction was even worse. I think there were people on the roofs filming the event because of the importance of what was occurring knowing someone and something was afoot and probably had good reason and they did,

Billy Graham wrote a book called Just I am a mock of I am that I am written about int the OT when the Hebrews were led out of Egypt and in the Gospel of John with one the Jesuses giving statements about I AM the Way (weigh/scales) the Truth and the Life. I am the Vine reference to the asp on the poles in the desert during the 40 year journey of the Hebrews from Egypt when the snakes/harpies that were in the grass/sand testing and messing with them. I am the bread of Life, etc.

I am the Lord thy God

Thou shalt have not other gods before me/thee

First Commandment of the Ten Commandments.

In that book. mocking/mosquing God, he gives his alibi for the assassination and his feeling about it before hand (a cold was why he didn’t warn the President his friend about those prophetic hints) and his testimony about the visit JFK’s son had with him and with the Cuban Jesuit President looking for evidence about the death of his dad and then soon after was shot down somehow by Laser/HAARP technology??? on his way to some visit with his family with his pregnant wife and sister-in- law and a pilot in the cockpit during the time he was running for the same seat as HIllary Clinton and she won the seat while he was the publisher or creator of George Magazine because there was no one running against her. No wonder Bernie Sanders said what he said at the debates changing his stance on lives making him look like a fool.

Nothing is past some people to get their reward.

Such as hanging chads in Florida (dade county) and Al Gore lost the election by a CHAD, but won a billionaire business in Global Warming now Climate Change to shut him up about the unfairness of his loss that was first floated by the Vatican and he ran with it and made mucho dollars on premeditated microwave heating of the land and oceans of the world causing havoc on the food chain and other things and changing the system of how votes are counted using technology that can be wiped/ swiped clean as Hillary’s e-mails making elections moot except for earning thousands, millions, billions of dollars of support for nothing



During Jeb ‘s governorship a woman was taken off feeding tubes for her husband who longer wanted her around for various reasons which probably include premeditated murder of his wife by him and she lived to threaten his freedom to remarry. She was in coma. Her family wanted her to live but he was an ADAMANT STONE and she was allowed to be hospiced by those in charge and while history may repeat it also rewrites itself. I don’t recall Jeb interfering in her stead though as I said history rewrites itself.

A boy from Cuba was sent back to Cuba for the dad who was rising in ranks in their banana despotic  government of FIDEL CASTRO whose mother died trying to get him to America during the Clinton years while Jeb was Governor and Janet Reno (NERO) was in the Department of Justice .

Patriarchal shit.

During the CLINTON YEARS a place in Waco, Texas a Davidic cult was rammed and torched having to do with Adventists I think in any case some in the Reps and Dems don’t like competition. Severely paranoid of others.

And if you don’t think the elections don’t have anything to do with religion you are a fool.

Happened in Australia too with wild fires on their assembly.

SInce when do politicians send birthday wishes to a religious groups

if they don’t have any steak in it?Screen Shot 2015-10-20 at 6.44.55 PM

Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

It  was a mock of their mistaken interpretation of true and false prophecies which is understandable since there are false prophets in the bible but Obama said at the UN that the future must not belong to those that insult the profit/prophet of islam which is also written about in the gospels, mostly in the Synoptic Gospels.

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Amazing what big hair can do for a figure. I wonder what would happen if she wore her hair high instead of wide how that would affect the image;)

All of these people mentioned have been deeply affected by the BGEA, except for Truman who knew he was a charlatan and was able to change the course of history at that time ending a bad actor at the time and their immoral war as bad as it was, it was bad. (Using kids and suicidal maniacs because they are the MUTHER of …Martyrs…….. said during the push of the Neocats in Roman Catholicism in Japan around Screen Shot 2015-10-20 at 6.52.23 PMthe time of the nuclear tsunami because of the rise in suicides because of the test trial by the way of the neocats they wanted a delay and didn’t get one) that has affected many of us in a multitude of ways using Obama Care to cover it up and to treat some and hose others as in ho-spice the elderly and the sick and the military in a multitude of ways. I think probably because of el nino affecting others on the other side of the globe.


In our case it is a COUP d’etat. They take a while if not thwarted with better intelligence than where they have previously been receiving it: the Vatican and their allies. (a video tape for instance)

The Secret Service HQ’d in MARYland used to and probably still advice the Presidents on their talking points for each day. That’s a lot of influence.

Potus Flotus etc

The Press are involved as well.

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I think if the militaries of America wants to survive

they better change their allegiance

because spreading the military thin is part of the tactics used to destroy

our power.

A consensus does not make policy or thought good or successful. Often times it is the opposite. It’s just peer shit.

In another post on another blogsite (Eye of the Needle, I think) I wrote about the number 1600 having to do with Furlongs and the Vatican that is mentioned in Revelation.

Fuhr long is measure of some kind.

as in Fuhrer as in ADOLF.

And the blood rising to the horses bridle in both places.

It’s a very strange prophecy and ought not to be ignored.

Destruction of possibly of both and destruction of others and might be good time to scatter

for the sake of living another day.

 The District of Columbia is possibly a mock and reference to what grows in Columbia.


and those hanging gardens of Babylon.

One air duct system one thought.

For instance:

Harry Reid Hopes Paul Ryan Becomes House Speaker

Defunding Planned Parenthood is another however a business and a service shouldn’t have to depend on Federal funding but oversight by someone to keep it honest as is done with alcohol in order to avoid nuns infiltrating the service to prop up Roman Catholicism. I think they think they are responsible because of LBJ swearing on a Catholic Bible on a plane


Some kind of Occult trickery on both sides of the issue since both sides are entrenched in the OCCULT.

I think the federal government should pay for federal funded rape and those pregnant by those in the federal government.

In my case, that was the case though we did not have Planned Parenthood then. I didn’t know his religion and perhaps they should have been responsible as well.  An RC priest was on that plane with my sister sitting right next to her of all times! Never happened before or after to any of us since then.

Ecclesiastes 1:9 [Full Chapter]

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be;
and that which is done is that which shall be done:
and there is no new thing under the sun.

It was handled appropriately by my family and me, IMO. And I believe GOD agrees with me. The proof is in the pudding’.

I think the State Department should pay for those raped or impregnated by those in their organization all over the world.


and allow the planning to the families and the victim.

I can’t remember the car ad’s ownership and will add it when I see it again but I think it is for renting a car and he gives himself a 10% raise and sits with himself in his rent a car talking about me and you. Very cute ad partially for me because of the verses in Gospels which can get to be very confusing. First person type stuff and language which can be often misconstrued. It is kind of mind boggling and I find myself getting into some weird thoughts sometimes.

It’s pretty bad socially while playing  CIV some of my humor I have with the game and myself because I have been isolated and other things. But I still have some laughs once in a while over weird stuff.

No man sees the Father but by me!

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
while I was grieving momentarily I prayed that I wanted to fuck over whoever did what was done to my dad and mom. WE TRIED TO HANDLE OUR FAMILY PROBLEMS WITH GRACE AND SOMEONES WOULDN’T LET IT GO. My ex made some noises from another room abruptly twice with a half a minute between and I thought he was barking at the dog named Zeus, the one I yelled at a few times to “Kill the dog” because he was attacking another dog of ours out of jealousy. I had a flash while in my prayer which was a bit earthy because of my words and the depth of my feelings it came to me the SUEZ as in canal. I asked if he was yelling at the dog and he was sneezing. Interesting since that canal is right in the thick of things in the middle east. I remember someone else mentioning it in our government when things really weird. Maybe he had a flash of some kind too.
My family without me had a visit to Egypt on a cruise and brought back my name on a little charm in hieroglyphics in silver and gold. The Suez uncovered some things that may have been meant to covered, more than likely like temples and those steps libya, to somewhere else in the Book of Daniel and the order of some of the attacks of terrorism and precious things that were taken/stolen during the first Egyptian coup, artifacts and, the first one when Roman Catholics who were assisting the Muslim Brotherhood. against the President (Mubarak) at the time who was defending his country and has been in a trial off and on mostly because some people didn’t like how he spent the money given to him via American tax dollars probably laundered by the Vatican which I think he used for tourism type things. While he was President of Egypt the Palestinians living in his country seemed content. SInce then they have not been content and seemed to have had caught that african bee madness that affects normal bees in a bad way making them nuts digging tunnels towards Israel and in Israel and when they hear a noise or something it makes them attack like a killer bee attacks and as has been going on in Israel lately. The people that seemed to support the Muslim Brotherhood coup had some statements such as McCain and few others in our government I guess those on the Ways and Means committees?
Mike Rogers? Lindsay Graham? Made some statements about the canals too and seemed to be afraid of some loose nuke lost in our country.
I wonder what those light beams that were witnessed emitting out of the Dome of the Rock a few years ago and whatever it was that was transported to the Dome of the Rock by Pope Benedict might be related.
I think there is something to it.
May seem far fetched but recently got a new puppy that my daughter named Arbor and the blade in my arbor of my tool to cut jump rings broke. The apparatus that I tried to invent and took to the company to have made if only I could get investors for the legal shit. They loved the invention and thought it would make money too, but couldn’t get a few in my family interested heck they wouldn’t even look at the diagram because we have our past. Alerting me about my moms hospicing NOT  two weeks before they say she died. Never sent the tape. Never gave me what was given to me by my parents. Dishonest assholes.  I might have made some good honest money. I replaced the blade and it works now. The timing is what made it interesting. They love holding me back every chance they could. They would rather make money attempting to manage-trois me.
We need to revet our differences;) which will require you having to reinvent yourselves.

If Hillary is the best the Democrats can muster,

Why have an election?

I guess we have to figure out who is going to be President. Obviously the Dem’s threw in the towel!

Biden isn’t gonna try for the presidency because he thinks time is running out.
As my ex said to me one night as my pulse went up to 140 something and I think I was near a seizure:
Mind over matter,
and then went to bed. LOL.
If I had had a gun at that moment he would have been sorry.
Or another time when I think i was actually having a seizure and said, “Water?” to me was bother moment if i had had a gun he would have been sorry.
I know one day he will be VERY SORRY.
Probably on this day:
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But I don’t have a pipe
It ain’t over till the fat lady sings.
Tomorrow Hillary on C-Span dissing and hissing more than likely
Hopefully she will nail herself and some others as well.
Amazing speech by Trey Goudy and I hope he succeeds
Cummings is a schmuck attacking Goudy for doing his duty.
I want to have a copy of Trey Goudy’s opening speech.
It is so full of the symptoms of deception by the administration,
The State Department, and Hillary Clinton.
Impossible task to get to the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Both Trey and Elijah Cummings said because of the political atmosphere!
Who chose to run for President of the United States while this investigation has been stalled in every way?
Trey Goudy, Elijah Cummings, or Hillary Clinton.
Who had a head injury and couldn’t testify for a long time?
Hillary Clinton
Who is stalling?
Hillary Clinton
Who was in charge of the State Department during the Benghazi massacre?
Hillary Clinton.
I thought she wanted to take responsibility for the deaths of Americans?
I guess she lied about that.
I wonder why? The Vatican?
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From what country and from what port did Christopher Stevens depart from on his normal getaway?
The Santa Maria, La Niña (“The Girl“), and La Pinta (“The Painted“). to get to Libya?
La Santa María de la Inmaculada Concepción
(Spanish for: The Holy Mary of the Immaculate Conception), orLa Santa María,
was the largest of the three ships used by Christopher Columbus in his first voyage.
Her master and owner was Juan de la Cosa.
The other ships of the Columbus expedition were the smaller caravel-type ships Santa Clara, remembered as LaNiña (“The Girl“), and La Pinta (“The Painted“).
The Red Cross left and so did the British embassy before the attack and the Vatican set up some mass demonstrations in other places in North Africa like the surge to America now.
This is about RELIGION and the fallacy of The GOSPEL OF MATTHEW
and it’s mustard seeds that aren’t as small
Small , smaller
What about man’s seed? sperm
What gospels besides the Gospel of Matthew said they were the smallest of seeds?
The Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Luke.
What about the Beatitudes:
When one mourns thou shalt be comforted.
What difference does it make?
Who was the cousin of Mary: ELIZABETH whose baby leaped in her body when it met Mary and her baby in her tummy but back then they didn’t realize that sometimes that happens and it has nothing to do with babies meeting each other in utero in different bodies.
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without fringe
The prince of this world cometh and he hath nothing in me was said Jesus in the Gospel of John:
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Who cooked the books?
The cook, the tailor, or the candlestick maker?
Who took the books and cooked them as well and where?
Josephus Flavius son of Matthias, adopted by the Flavius family of Rome admitted he did in his writings and they hired him for propaganda purposes to reconstruct the holy books (I believe was the purpose because he had access to them having stolen them) and used him to betray the people of Jerusalem and the world and I have no idea if it was voluntary or not, kind of like federal income taxes and are not the same as tithing to the Levites priests of the Hebrews because our government are not the Levites or even Hebrew for that matter and nor are Roman Catholic Clergy and federal income taxes are supposed to be voluntary as is written in the tax code so it is kind of fitting like a glove,
The tax collector and raiser of taxes and used Santa Claus as a bribe to pass out the junk in place of living the abundant life in order that they elite would remain pre-eminent along with the Gospel of Matthew and it’s little seeds. Seminarians, etc.
Besides the seed of man being smaller there are other smaller seeds than the mustard seed in the plant world but Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels hadn’t traveled that far and didn’t know it.
You would have thought God would have told him, but He didn’t.
When thou gets old another shall gird thee, Follow me.
That is what Jesus said to Peter at the Sea of Galillee because he denied Jesus 3 times:
The synoptic gospels add up to 3.

Three is not the number of perfection:

Ménage à trois

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I guess the French got involved. LOL
John 3:16
Perish/Paris/Parish-Notre Dame of Paris
 the Court of the Gentiles
and the inquisition.
The Gospel of John is not without it’s problems as well: the parts that prop up the Synoptic Gospels.
It’s a conspiracy as is Benghazi.
Ambassador Chris Stevens is alive and well!
All you have to do is listen to his mom to know it.
And then watch the you tube of Benny Hinn and the young boy who I think is Chris Stevens.
He might be the stepper in the Book of Daniel.
And Egypt shall not escape: The coup in Egypt by the Muslim Brotherhood which was a mutual democrat and republican intervention.
This isn’t just about Hillary as Trey Goudy concluded. She is but a pawn and no one wants to believe that the video tape and demonstrations were caused by the Vatican and the Jesuits and the excuse was from the Jesuit Father Frederico Lombardi and has to do with the change in popes from Pope Joseph Ratzinger Benedict to the successor Jesuit pope :Pope France and the Court of the Gentiles an this attack on women who have had abortions to give the Catholic Church preeminence in moral authority which they don’t and started with the JFK assassination and the swearing in of LBJ on a Catholic Bible by the judge involved in  roe v wade.
Problem is abortions are not new because there is nothing new under the SUN and under the Eucharist
Read a post of mine and what they did to women basically causing the poisoning of women in the Temple using mustard seed derivatives to lick the floor of the temple (either Notre Dame of Herod’s Temple) especially to married women that were caught in affairs that got pregnant via rape or in compliance with drugs and the efforts of religious men who could not resist to enter her temple, her body, and if it was not Catholic seminarian semen or one of their mobsters it was destroyed if it was Catholic layman it might have been indulged.  It just depended on what they decided was good for the Catholic Church, ETC or the woman was sent to a nunnery and other institutions to institutionalize them the Catholic way orphanages for the kids if she died from childbirth and if tubular pregnancy occurred or a mob abortion in a warehouse or alley, just wash your hands. Often kids that survived were abused by the nuns depending on who was affording it, funding it and whatever was convenient for whomever was responsible to protect the Catholic churches ASSES and their allies and their assets and often they were used to squeeze people for money and donations thereby having moral authority of some kind to Catholicize the world they were attempting and have always attempted to rule.
Catholics only have miscarriages and annulments
not abortion and divorce.
They don’t have incest and their Fathers don’t have sex
but they are the direct descendants of the apostles.

It’s a


by a


with a



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He used an axe to get in the door.

“Axe not what your country can do for you, but axe what you can do for your country.”

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4 hours or five hours ( I saw it written that way on another occasion) or 45 minutes when you measure time it’s hard to know how long he would do that

but since Peter said “a day is a thousand years as a thousand years is a day”

it might not be that important to be that exact.

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Probably however long it takes.

Anyway it is bible scholars that say that an hour biblically is 10 years.

Since time is hard to imagine in GODLY terms I think it may be hard to imagine or quantify.

I would imagine for Hillary Clinton an hour probably feels like a thousand years at this time in the Congressional hearing

but it is necessary!

“Someone stands where he should not” in the Book of Daniel was always thought to be the Temple in Jerusalem (Ariel Sharon in the past, and many others recently at the Dome of the Rock or the Temple Mount and at Notre Dame in Jerusalem where the 3-d image was displayed of the burial clothes from Turin and other places because there are quite a few.) Could be talking about Pope Benedict XVl when he stood at the Dome of the Rock the first pope to ever go to the Dome of the Rock and with a transport of some kind that was huge, could have something to do with holding a sermon at the Garden of Gethsemane (GOG) by Pope Benedict (that was when I had that feeling about ON THE PRECIPICE which may have something to do with the hospice crisis (which I believe is very pertinent to that verse in the bible because of Iran and the hostage crisis we had with Iran years ago are connected in some kind of weigh. Not abortion as some would like to connect as a blackmail device and tool as if that gives them the right but many in the clergy and many who follow clergy are simple minded dimwits obviously and so many people are looking the other way on purpose and silent about it and it is probably gonna cause a huge upheaval of the world such a the world itself so beware of this delusion and the hoaxes involved which are many thanks to those dimwits. THEY WERE MADE AND COMPLETED i.e. BORN, because it might be you next before your time and you won’t get a pass in the door of life in the after life and I know my parents did get one because they let me know it),

“Someone stands where he should not” in the Book of Daniel could be the meaning is in place of someone else perhaps?

Anyway it occurred to me tonight (this is my latest entry in red that possibly it has to do with moral authority about others and why they do what they do.

And in that verse or what ever it is

it says

he should not 


Could be talking about O’reilly talking about barbarism and abortion. I mean really, could be talking about O’Reilly.

Could be talking about the man at Benghazi that was not Ambassador Chris Stevens or vice versa and then MIchelle,

of course.

That line that was in the Book of Daniel (let the reader understand having to do with standing where he out not stand) moved to the Gospel of Matthew recently.

I just watched Manson and some people discussing him and his reactions to their questions and lack of shame and he actually has some legitimate gripes as far as the Jews that were killed and other crimes in the past that we do regularly when we go to war for the Vatican. If you read some articles in my posts there are lots of crimes by the Vatican in the past inquisitions, tortures, burnings,  crucifixions, poisonings, wars,

it goes on and on and on.

In the Synoptic Gospels it talks about the Son of man and his last name happens to be MANSON.

Also talks about the Son of man in Ezekiel and other books of the bible in both the new and Old Testament so there is more than one Son of man.

What does that mean : Born of man pretty much sums it up.

Came from man’s seed.

In the Old Testament God tells Moses his name or identity and in the Gospel of John Jesus one of them because there are a few with differing personalities and messages says the 7 statements about I AM. The Old Testaments says that God says to Moses to tell the Hebrews: I Am That I Am. They recognize the name somehow and follow Moses out of slavery and do some growing up out in the world for a long time and receive

The Ten Commandments.

In the New testament it talks about the Son of man being betrayed into the hands (times) of men and everyone assumes that is Jesus or some of the characters (real people) written about in the books because he was betrayed and some call him the Son of man. Jesus talks about the Son of Man in different contexts in all the gospels as well, I think.

I’m not gonna check on it because that is a big task.

My brother when I discussed this subject and showed him a few articles said to me


mocking me because he liked to do that and because he is an ass sometimes and dispelling my desire to talk about it with him sometimes because he had had some experiences about religion and so did i with him like getting sick and he probably had some without me.

Me and My Wall

He liked to possess certain chairs especially a red one we had. No one in their right mind would have dared to sit in it. I had a wall I possessed when I was about 7 years old but I grew out of it. A huge black spider tried to crawl in between the wall and the bed and made it even scarier. But at about that age up to nine I used to think I cold move a statue we had the size of a figurine with my mind. It was called The Thinker made of brass and quite heavy for it’s size and it moved one day and scared the crap out of myself and ran out of the house. My brother was/is a lawyer and he didn’t like BS. He liked people to say what they gotta say kind of person which is kind of funny because he is a lawyer but that’s a different language in a way with lots of differing meanings to certain words like the word: “fifth. “We had our ups and downs as brother and sister and through many things good and bad. He fell for Al Gores crap who got his crap from the Vatican. That is where it started. I remember and so did some other shit like the hospice via Mother Teresa who has been sainted by the Vatican and the Pope. As far as him falling for AL Gores Global Warming psychosis there was global warming caused by man and by sons of man at H.A.A.R.P. located in ALASKA  and other places when they used technology that uses microwaves to cause all kinds of storms and find oil and causes earthquakes tsunamis etc and I’m sure it has progressed in other ways. There obviously are other kinds of places as well that use other technology that affect the earth and I don’t know their names. I think there is a place in the Everglades and others all over the world in retaliation for places like H.A.A.R.P.

There are different definitions of son of man. One is good and one kind isn’t necessarily good. By the way Jesus in a gospel says “why callest thou me good?” and then goes on to say essentially that no one is good but God.

A YAM is a potato. A starchy TUBER

Yam is the common name for some plant species in the genus Dioscorea (family Dioscoreaceae) that form edible tubers.

These are perennial herbaceous vines cultivated for the consumption of their starchy tubers in AfricaAsia,Latin America, the Caribbean and Oceania. There are many cultivars of yam. Although some varieties ofsweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) are also called yam in parts of the United States and Canada, sweet potato is not part of the family Dioscoreaceae but belongs in the unrelated morning glory family Convolvulaceae.

He killed and/or his followers killed a woman name Sharon Tate and her boyfriend or husband at the time and other friends. They searched for them to find them. They did not happen to be in the neighborhood I guarantee you. They were a communal group of nuts. My ex said a day later when we discussed it for a minute that it was a ranch rhetorically and that Manson supposedly ordered the murders and stayed on the ranch. I have no idea but the show said that he tied them up and the followers murdered the people. The people they killed lived in a real neighborhood in a house I assume in luxury to some degree because she was famous for her beauty, obviously.

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Whether he was in full charge of his faculties or was a total maniac or whether he did it or his followers did it or whether he has a conscience or not the fact remains her last name represents a potato.

TATER TOTS are made from potatoes. The man in this picture below is probably eating a steak with tater tots. In fact that kind of looks like the way my brother eats VERY close to the plate. He liked baseball. Usually watched Baseball and ate at the same time. I don’t know what is proper in that regard, but my brother sometimes had a ravenous appetite and took it seriously. His wife was/is a great cook. A way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, they say, but first things first you have to be attracted and then you have to be able to tolerate each other etc. and then depending on your station in life or your desires in life: fulfill other qualities.

Tater Tots

“A tater tot is a side dish made from deep-fried, grated potatoes. They are widely recognized by their crispness, cylindrical shape, and small size. Tater Tots is a registered trademark of Ore-Ida, which has become generalized.”

I definitely think that Manson is crazy but not as crazy as some. He was responsible for some really nasty bloody murders. I don’t think he is honest about his feelings but defensive and the doctors are about as nutty as they get that interviewed him and made there opinions televised about him. He is definitely confused and you can see it in his eyes. a lot of trauma and a lot of disorder and who is to say who was possessing who? DId his followers actually possess him and use him because of his name? He got the attention he wanted and so did they but he is not incurable. He is somewhat aware and if given the right treatment and the truth he probably would have been cured by now.

I know that that is why she was killed because of her last name.

Perhaps he was possessed by a demon and so were his followers but her name represents in some capacity because of the mocking

IAM that IAM

She is beautiful and she was pregnant

in fact she was 8 1/2 months pregnant.

What about the dog food?


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It is good dog food and maybe they were possessed

when they named their product.

I don’t know when MANSON became possessed but it could be because of his name.

He might have been a baby when it occurred and it might not be his fault? Possession is with some heavy duty bad spirits. Manson asked not to be released so there is something to that that he would do that. A conscience and some awareness. So many people think they are above it all and it couldn’t happen to them, but it is in the bible and I have seen and experienced some that were indoctrinated in certain ways and some that weren’t that did things they would not normally do if they knew they were doing it and why they were doing it and other adverbs. I have seen it in my own family what can happen when someone is controlling someone else. Just like what happened to the baby of a very well known man who preaches the truth as best he knows it about THE ROMAN CHURCH AND ISLAM. He was raised Catholic and his baby had some problems and that started his questioning of his religion and his investigation into what was going on in his life and in the bible and in the world because he loved his baby.



Videos of walter veith

 (I learned so much from him and his discoveries. Very enjoyable to listen to.) I did not search out God when everything was cool and when nothing could rain on my parade kind of living. I searched for the truth because I suffered not what they suffered but I did suffer and it led me to investigate and I incrementally followed my heart out of curiosity and because I lost some people I loved dearly before and in the process of searching who I believe were killed for their faith and because they believed in God and because of their name by those that sold us down the river for money, fame, and an easy living telling lies and teaching lies:

PRIESTS and because many of them are deceived.

Because of Jealousy and other human crap that all of us are guilty of at some time or another.

There are so many people that because they are in the occult do not want the truth out because they are afraid of the truth and afraid what might happen to them if they tell the truth because of bad people possessed who might hurt them for challenging evil and because evil sells souls so they sold out the truth when it came to MANSON and a VERY PREGNANT WOMAN WHO WAS FAMOUS, BEAUTIFUL AND FROM WHAT I COULD TELL VERY NICE AND VERY DESIRABLE HUMAN BEING AND HER FRIENDS AND THE MAN THAT SHE LOVED AND MILLIONS AS IN SIX MILLION JEWS OF OTHERS IN WW2

The Holocaust in Russia








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In the Book of Exodus God used a man named Moses who murdered a man. He murdered a man because he was beating a slave. I don’t know how he felt about what he had done but he left the area for safety possibly because there were witnesses? Didn’t say in the bible that I know of but they were looking for him. He was in the Royal family after being sailed in a basket down the river as a baby to a woman who adopted him into the Royal Family because they were killing babies under age of 3 years or so especially jewish ones or hebrew ones and and I think the mother sent it that way down the River Nile because she knew this woman somehow, or they had a deal, she couldn’t have kids of her own, maybe to nab a husband, possibly black mail and was caught in the act, for money, or could be she thought Moses was cute and had expressed it once to Moseses mom. There are all sorts of reasons someone might adopt someone else’s baby: some good reasons and some not good reasons, but it happens and it doesn’t really elaborate on why the woman in the Royal Family did what she did. But the reason for the deaths of kids around and under the age of 3 was IMO

 because of prophecy.

Infanticide happened also in Jesus time because of prophecy.

Names are pretty important so much so that even RC Pope Benedict XVl was VERY interested in people names because some of them have meaning by heritage or just by artistic liberty as often African names are or by characteristics, etc.

In Genesis God creates man and woman one from dust and one from a rib.

Adam And Eve.

Could be he created man from dirt and back then they thought dust was dirt. Does anyone know how to create dirt the kind you grow plants and trees in and the kind you walk on and often people grow in dirt too because they have no choice and they learn. Perhaps it was dust from the floor of HIS temple.

He did not need a man’s seed to do it. But in the Gospel of Matthew he uses Mary a perpetual virgin (Just kidding. I have no idea if she was a perpetual virgin) to create Jesus and it does not say whether or not it was with man’s seed.

Via angels and via dreams and some form of communication Mary gets to have Jesus as her baby. God either asked permission and she accepted the proposal …their deal and/or if it was not above board a dishonest deal then he schmoozed/seduced her with man’s seed and impregnated her to fulfill prophecy using modern day technology or he raped her in her sleep and deceived her with dreams.

It’s one way (it happened as stated in the gospel of Matthew) or the other (She was tricked or she was tricking the public) or neither (it didn’t happen) in the Gospel of Matthew.

Man was not made by a bubble. Nor were the creatures we see in the world or the structures we see that even we build or the landscape we enjoy. I know Donald Trump did not build his buildings using bubble technology and I’m not saying he is in the bible or is god but merely a man who achieved somehow some success. Lucky for him.

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Creation came from an idea like many inventions man makes more than likely with the help of God if it is good. Often inventions are both depending on the possibilities. Creation is artistic to be sure. Many think because of the age using carbon technology that they can determine age which I think is fantasy but there are traces of evidence of monkeys turning into man yet there are still monkeys. So either they landed late in the game or that is not how we were created. I do think it is possible God experimented like a scientist but the bible says he thought creation and it takes thought to create. It takes time but he did it in a day to a week. Perhaps he did it in a black hole or in a vacuum where there is no time or in another part of the universe and transported the whole thing somehow.

I cannot explain God Himself but lets say He was a survivor of a different time who knows, I don’t,

but in the OT He says I AM THAT I AM meaning He is alive and well and has the power to do things man can’t yet do.

Pharaohs and Kings and people like that often thought they were gods because of their powers that they had learned or were gifted via heritage, inheritance, practice, science, etc

Manson probably thinks he is a god. I think my brother thought he was a god. LOL. He was born with a huge head and I’m not talking about his penis though I don’t know he was not a show off except with his brain power but he lacked common sense like not filling up his car with gas before it ran out of gas, stupid stuff like that and not just once. I think that he did that because he threw a bottle in the air and stood under it when he was kid. It was bound to have affected his mind afterwards and before or he wouldn’t have done it. That’s pretty stupid. He tried to sell me to Jack -in -the-Box a few times when we were together but when he was a dad he had the wherewithal somehow or another to prevent his son from diving from the roof to their pool. He had been sunbathing up there on the roof. I know the sun can make people drunk because I have encountered it when sunbathing. A lot of men think they are gods and so do women. We often get kind of narcissistic and think we are more than we are, including myself. Can you believe it?

It might have taken eons to do what God did but a thousand years is a day and a day is a thousand years so I don’t think it really matters how long it took to create and I think God is still doing it and some of what He created took on a life of it’s own as often things do even bad things take on a life of it’s own. Doesn’t make it good because it lives, doesn’t make it right because it continues, doesn’t make it what many would like to call life.

Because something lives does not make it good, holy, innocent, godly or …….

Germs live and they can be good and they can be bad and they can be both good and bad.

Below is a sight on the internet that is faith based about life in their opinion and their logic though they still won’t admit that the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seeds even when shown the evidence. They still believe Jesus cursed a fig tree the one that his Father used the leaves to cover Adam and Eve when he kicked them out of the Garden of Eden because of some things they did and how they reacted to what they did and none of them live in that Garden so far that we know of so they are a bit illogical and unyielding to logic and truth. They don’t think truth is that important even though it is important but they think they own it and they don’t. They are against abortion but they don’t mind killing jews for their faith or killing africans for an ebola cure or killing babies to divert prophecy to have it their way or for that matter to kill Jesus or to build on the temple mount an abomination and they protect it’s right to stand where it should not or to allow a false Jesus to stand in place of the real one that spoke about truth.

They used to have faith that moles were from the devil and killed the babies born with moles, defects, or things they imagined were from sin or they killed people for swimming because they thought they were witches when in fact they had learned to float and move in water, they thought the earth was flat thereby using it as an excuse to dispose of peoples that crowded them when all they needed to do was build a boat and float it out to sea to find more land or space technology to go to other planets or inventions to go in the oceans and the seas to live or kill those that were not productive or enslave some and many other things and it took them eons to admit it and some they still deny vehemently or look the other way: such as hospices based on faith tactics making them stoically stupid to CATHOLICIZE THE WORLD killing our parents and eventually us when we reach a ripe old age or when we aren’t desirable for one reason or another and because they have some knowledge that some don’t want you to have so they can live off you like a leech.

Faith-Based Pro-Life Thought

Here is a tactic of faith:

I Saw What You Did 

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She also reminds me of my mom. The brains and the wit. Twern’t no fool aspect of my mom.

Jesus said in the Gospel of John to Nathaniel: I saw you under the fig tree.  Nathaniel followed him and jesus said “you believe me because i saw you? then Jesus said, Greater things than these thou shall see “angels shall rise and fall on the son of man.”

Perhaps Manson is one of those sons of man who got messed up by deception and those that don’t want the truth. It was an interesting show and worth watching but there is lots of deception in the show.

Jesus healed some lunatics either because he had the power and/or he knew what was in them and was their leader in the spiritual world, hence the exorcists in Roman Cathlicism. Someone or something rules them. Like I said there is more than one Jesus written about in the bible IMO.

No mention of a fig tree for the rest of that book but in the Synoptic Gospels the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, and Luke which are similar in many ways and why they are called Synoptic and because they don’t know who inspirited or wrote them but the books were named regardless. Often the excuse is “it’s the Q source.” meaning they don’t know or they don’t want you to know. There is a lot of information in them when compared a very instructive and helpful. Like germs. Many vaccines and cures came from germs and Germans, Russians, and Jews and if you would allow Africans and females opportunities they might cure you in the future or find another world to live in happily or they may find the fountain of youth.

In those gospels Jesus of this gospels curses a fig tree. All three accounts are not consistent in details or facts in many ways and by quite a margin of error if you compare them. The fig tree dies and amazes the followers he is schmoozing and seducing and they fall for it.

In those days they had tunnels and even an city underground written about in some other history books that are esteemed and studied often where people lived, traded, bartered and there were even some people that lived in caves and caverns some who had diseases or were outcasts. They had tunnels then that were used by spies as in Rome and middle easterners as in Islam and to assassinate etc Some people were afraid of getting stabbed in the streets (Sicari sounds italian to me) because of the turmoil a few times in the areas that were important. They were occupied a few times or more by their enemies so they definitely had an underground system in Jerusalem because it is in bible and because of prophecy was coveted by lots of peoples for different reasons. If you read the book called Salt which is hard but I had to read it to my kid in school it enlightens the reader about the commodity of salt and it was precious stuff back then especially because it preserved food such as meat. We didn’t read the whole thing but it was interesting in some parts.

Anyway I think Nathaniel was a follower of the Synoptic Jesus or one of the Jesuses written about and may have either assisted in the poisoning of the fig tree to help schmooze and seduce those people using a mustard seed derivative which can make poison or a root killer such as we have today for trees that we don’t want in our yards, and mustard gas probably sarin gas and probably led to some pretty nasty weapons, etc.

I think there may have been a trade war between the Dates of Lebanon and the Figs of Israel. the meat in them is used for trips and long journeys and especially for the religion of ISLAM that eats them after their diets and religious fasts, etc.

Rome was occupying Jerusalem at the time and they were not kind to the people. So it is possible it was good thing for their rebellion to poison the fig tree hoping to move a mountain meaning Rome to another place and out of Jerusalem for the time being. I don’t know but the temple obviously wasn’t a good one then and they were persecuting people hence the veil was torn “from twain to twain” (as in Mark Twain i think a time sign or hint) or something like that when Jesus of the Gospel of John was crucified and water came out of his body when he was pierced to make sure he was dead beyond a reasonable doubt which I think may have to do with piercing his liver and may have to do with his baptism which he suffered to do and for some reason it was a suffrage as in women’s suffrage and because they were afraid of Jesus.

 History of Woman’s Suffrage

I’m sure there are plenty of other great sites and books about it but most women realize the suffrage at one time or another and truthful women make a difference in that regard, I think those that aren’t indulged out of an obligation to lie for their faith (some are forced to lie a suffrage of faith) or those that admit their suffrage hence the liver controversy at Planned Parenthood made famous on Fox News for the RCC to debilitate  women and the female from her own body, her temple and to degrade her body for entertainment and for power over the female body, her future, her career, and her self image to degrade for entertainment and to be able to determine her destiny for herself instead of allowing her to determine her own destiny using every tactical and deceptive means that were possible to shame her, to ridicule her, to keep her barefoot and pregnant and a merely a toy to be thrown away when messed up from all of the above using the one thing that a man can’t do naturally using faith to fool her when in actuality they used to do much worse to both mom and child and fetus and degrade the child because they don’t really give a shit, IT’s Politics. If they did give a shit woman would have great jobs to bring up their children that they decide to keep and would not be hindered from improving herself and those stoically stupid would not fool the faithful making them think that their morality is higher quality than those that believe in God and those that believe the Jesus who spoke about the truth so help me God.

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Look ma…. No veins!

Not only that ma my bag is made of saran. Not really saran, but it is fakery.

This is disgusting. Using fakery to fool the faithful. And I can tell it is fakery because of the creases. I’m an artist of portraits of tots and people and so was my mom.

And the same faithful who condemn those that have had abortions prefer this:

Barefoot migrants

 as if they care about families and the decisions they are forced to make.

This is computer rendered and I used Poser way back when I was in to computer art.

Jesus said he created everything that was made.

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This is batter and you are not supposed to eat it because of the eggs in it that might make you sick because it is not cooked all the way and the cake is not made yet. It also doesn’t have veins.

This is a cake that is edible:

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Obviously Jesus was not talking about cake or batter but the difference between the two is what I’m trying to demonstrate and it is not fakery.

I understand the passion but if you have to resort to lies to win an election or sway the faithful you don’t deserve to even discuss the issue and should shut up about it. That is how important it is to those that have had abortions, might eventually have one out of need or in the future to save your beloved daughter’s life, for those that have daughters who might get raped or fooled, for your beautiful new wife who might need one because she has tubular pregnancy and it will kill her, for your mother who might need one in order to continue to be your mother and not have to be raised by a wicked step mom which sometimes they are as in fairy tales. Truth is stranger than fiction. There are all kinds of reasons and a big one: to avoid being raised catholic in a monastery or a nunnery with some real messed up bitches or they wouldn’t be there who have been hood winked. And last but not least because it is my temple and I can grow what I want in it when I want to grow it so that it is successfully made and can survive this really wicked world and I have the wherewithal to make those decisions because God Made Me That Way.

If you want to stand on the highest moral ground you offer a woman or girl everything possible to make her succeed and eventually be a good mom for the next generation.

The pill and other types of birth control, some rules even if she breaks them without beheading or stoning her and making a more of a child of  hell with occult practices, offering education, abortion, the right of transportation, protection, opportunity, truthful pictures of  sonograms so she can make an educated decision based on her maturity and her own conscience which is learned, psychiatrists who cares about females, rehabilitation afterwards, other options, so that she can contribute to mankind and the future of mankind with a healthy mind and body, and self respect and most of all the truth

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and make men happy doing it and maybe down the road a ways we might not need abortions.

paul simon I know what I know

Found this article on the net by the Got questions people and thought it might help but I won’t attest to everything that is written in it but Jesus said something like that He was the door, the entry way and the exit, the gate, the place where his sheep travel and are comin’ and a goin’.

Question: “What did Jesus mean when He said ‘I am the door’ (John 10:7)?”

Rome and it’s offshoots for the most part are not doing that work to bring truth (there are always exceptions Thank God;) but those mentioned have not done that. The clergy are self-ingratiating to stay in power and obviously have failed miserably to do what is morally fair for females and the populate as a whole and deserve to not continue.

They need an abortion. Start over and do it the right way.

God does not throw souls away or sell them. He restores them, and he makes them, and he does not waste them so that ought to make you feel better about my abortion. He puts that soul somewhere else where it is able to survive and is desired.

He has foreknowledge! He is not stupid. So if someone has an abortion he knows they will and he does something about it so that the fetus does not feel it though it may react but so does a sponge. This I believe unless He doesn’t care!

If abortion is murder then miscarriage is manslaughter and all deaths of infants are negligence by parents, state, or government responsible and should be treated that way proportionately in a court of law and able to be pursued with lawsuits if migration and immigration, bad economy, austerity, wars have any share of the blame for the deaths of infants and that could be a nightmare for the legal system and insurance business, the economy, jails, and prisons, state and national debt putting everyone at risk of lawsuits.

“I am” in John’s Gospel

Now lets work on the hospice situation and quit using abortion to ignore the real debate and the real crime that is being committed for money, to disconnect us from our past knowledge and our families and their knowledge, their experience, and their love which is how knowledge is builtScreen Shot 2015-10-24 at 6.38.46 PM

 and for punishment of those that don’t want to be Catholicized or Islamicized by a bunch of assholes wannabes because of the coup occurring around the world and in our country to return to the saying 

SILENCE IS GOLDEN to protect their empires and their own HYDES even though SILENCE is not GOLDEN unless you are watching a really good movie or reading a really good book or on the phone or making babies in a crowded home, etc

My last name growing up is Root. I’m proud of it because of those people I love and those people that they love and we were not golden nor perfect by any means but we did try (not to be perfect) and sometimes we failed for various reasons but we should not stop trying. As my niece said “we are a work in progress.” She was talking about her dad specifically.

I still haven’t finished any of my jewelry projects. I start them and really work hard on them but I never seem to finish them so far. I’m still learning how.

I was intimidated and so were others in my family, and everyone in our families by things we did not understand and misunderstanding each other and I’m sure it is that way in the world for most people.

The picture in another post of a tot inside a plastic bag looks my daughters as tots (Tater tots) and looks like my niece when she was a tot who was beautiful and her and her family were attacked by evil but our children did not use pacifiers. Who in their right mind would put a tot in a plastic bag with a hole in it?


Personal note: INCEST

I’ll tell you a feeling I had years later when my sister was caring for my dad in the hospital before he aspirated he watched her every move and he couldn’t talk at the time and I felt at the time he was depending on her so much that he would not take his eyes off of her and thought it was nice and then later when I learned some things that happened later I reaccessed that memory. And because of how my sister’s were indoctrinated and by what or whom I realized it wasn’t innocent. Maybe on her part but something inside me makes me think it was something inside her maybe controlling her. It was like he didn’t trust her. He was drugged, sick and SUPER weak and he would not close his eyes and couldn’t talk at the time or take his eyes off her every where she moved in that room. It was weird. When I had my huge operation she was gonna take care of my kids….promised to do it and then instead had to go home and do laundry. When she was caring for my dad she went home the day of he was gonna go home and someone gave him a pill that he aspirated on supposedly while she went to their residence at the ARC to clean it up for his homecoming. That’s what she said. Now I don’t know who gave the pill to my dad or when. We were so excited about him getting well and that he was going home that day to be with mom. I flew in from Dallas to San Antonio after I got the call and that is when I saw the dove in the yard under his window dying so I moved it to the shade or the sunshine. I’m not sure which because i was distraught before I went to see him though he was unconscious. Anyway then she tried to hospice my mom with her 2nd husbands direction (his 3rd marriage, one died and still receiving my sisters divorce settlement for 2 more years which is hefty) recently and was denied after some controversy because she told me it was free with medicaid and medicare and would not include a doctors care. So I looked up the traveling doctors service and said she could still have doctors care and she poo-pooed the idea because it cost money. She held on to $35,000 in her savings of my mother’s money until my mom died from my mom’s estate as if that made it right or honorable or kosher or honest. I didn’t get $35,000. she had sent email of her putting some flags on my dad’s grave and a few pic of my mom with junk jewelry on that a 2 year old would wear and so I wrote to family members that she was mocking in so many words. And then they bought a shepherd’s hook that The Arc suggested for the hummingbird feeder outsider her windows that my sister bought out of that $35,000 or perhaps out of her own wallet with blinds and which is blinding and in one of those pictures talked about my mom seeing clearer now. Her eyes were closed in that pic with a very sad look on her face.

She had a huge diamond ring that all of us contributed to for a surprise I don’t know which sister got it. Previously, I borrowed 6 thousand for a car that I needed and did not pay back as I should have. My older sister borrowed money for huge 2nd wedding for their daughter with all the socialites you can imagine from Dallas and it took them a while to pay back. Then my older sister said they hospiced my mom two weeks before she died in their time. The one with the brother-in-law in charge of her estate. There was controversy between the hospital, the hospice people, and the retirement center and somehow they couldn’t agree about my mom and she died. Somebody held up good medical attention and blamed it on COPD and she never smoked. My older sister said she knew she didn’t want to live like that yet my mom told me she wanted to live to 105 to outlive her grandmother, my great-grandmother WHITE.) That is what my older sister told me after she died and she said she loved me. Didn’t warn me they were hospicing her which is insidious and didn’t invite me to the funeral (IS THAT LOVE?) or the other events and I had been previously ousted from my little sister’s home near by the hospital and the residence so I couldn’t stay nearby. But as you encounter things you  don’t realize things that help you to understand that takes time to unfold and so I wasn’t prepared for the many deceptions I have had to cope with.

My sister stole a painting (didn’t ask for it that I know of and I asked for it back and never heard back about it that I painted for my mom that took me months to paint on porcelain and hung it in her entryway) and removed all pictures of me in her home that I could tell. I suffer from supposed COPD and need good care. There are so many things that happened to get me there including poison. (Almonds or poisonous walnuts listeria and admitted later her recipe was with walnuts even though she told me that her dip was made with almonds? inside jab around the time of the listeria outbreak in walnuts and I got really sick but was diagnosed with COPD for a reason.) Why lie about it if it weren’t premeditated. She told me in a conversation near that time that she had thrown away all the pictures of my parents friends that they had collected and is that okay? She and my sister were the ones making decisions about the stuff in the warehouse of my parents things deciding what to do with their things and their memorabilia. Not sure of her intentions but it occurs to me now either she was protecting the friends or hiding who they were for other reasons (especially since that general, his daughter, and son were in those pictures. Sort of a Helter Skelter decision without telling the older sister for some reason kind of thing or she was under a spell of some kind. Said she didn’t want to deal with the pictures she threw them away before she asked and then asked if that was okay. Leaving no evidence behind. I wash;t into pictures photo of people other than than my parents or family a few friends but didn’t occur to me she might be un-tanning a rat. Protecting the guilty. Covering something up. I was just reacting to her whims without any choice not knowing her reason or her intent, trusting in her love for my parents. I don’t think she was in control at all or the things she was doing and had any idea why. She never thought much about much. She just wasn’t all there. HEnce, Praising the Lord when she found her cell phone like Fox news anchor woman with the pretty cat eyes in regards to a news story about a parade ambush about the people being in our prayers. saying “they’ll be in our prayers.” RIght. Like a greeting without any thought and just BS. Things people say and that they don’t really mean it’s just a formality of some kind without any meaning. She was the same lady that when I said how pretty eyes she had out loud in my living room she said to the camera I was waiting for you to say that. That’s nuts for ya and it is not me, it’s them. She had found a letter she told me about in their things which was probably planted by my brother in law and his wife – a letter from my brother to my dad about her lack of brain power and felt hurt by my dad even though it was not from him. Could be she was lying. I have no idea i never saw it.) When she lived with me she took my recipes to organize them and put them on computer and I never saw them again. She was kind of scattered. I probably would not have gone to the funeral because of the controversy in our family about me and him and all the shit in-between because it was that bad. My daughter went to honor my mom and my relatives told her that they weren’t mad at me for not coming. LOL Crazy shit.

The daughter of the incestious shit married another White and wears an ankh tattooed on her shoulder/arm. She thought my mom looked peaceful without air when she was having trouble breathing and she is a nurse at least that is what was told to me in an e-mail. She didn’t want my sister to reset the oxygen tube to her nose because she had a habit of taking it off in her sleep. She didn’t want to help with the eye liquid to help my mom’s eye infection because she had a bunch of kids with her in the room that she I c guess was having problems controlling in the hospital room. I thought that wasn’t allowed and she thought that the nurse in charge should do it even though it was her grandmother lying there but she did insist that the nurse do her job which she should have without insistence since she it was her job. She is probably a victim of incest but has been mind vacuumed and fucked with when she went to see a psychiatrist, I think. Gary didn’t think she needed a psychiatrist for a long time, but needed her space. She shaved her head in Highschool, put a tattoo on the crack of her butt that pointed to it, cut herself purposefully tp bleed, and the school she went to, a very prominent private school, had rumors afloat of a dad abusing their daughter that my older sister told me about.

He gave his daughter a jealousy lesson in the hot tub in the back yard (that’s what he said it was) one night when my mom was visiting them from out of town when I went to visit her at their home because of the 3rd child that was about to be born. She was 2 or 3 years old. She married early and witnessed from Brooklyn from the top of a building the towers being attacked on 9-11 in Manhattan. Was beaten up by her boyfriend at the time in New York and moved to a safer place far away and got married ASAP and had bunch of beautiful kids. But she is not well even if she thinks she is and married a kind of funny guy with may tattoos and he liked those big holes in the nose and ears. His name was LEVI, but they matched and were happy. She used to keep all her art work and papers on the floor and it covered just about every inch on her floor (just like the daughter who filled every inch of her paper with her crayon artwork with her mom from Newtown) in her bedroom when she lived at home as a teenager. Her alarm to wake her when she least expected it.

The incestuous shit’s sister changed her name from Elizabeth to Jessica when she was quite young.

He danced naked for his college frat on a table and my sister showed the pic to my cousin who told me about it….when I was sick

so she was definitely proud of him and it. The dick that she had to have surgery to make herself bigger to enjoy sex she she had a baby and a boob job and face lift and nose job to feel good enough.

Now does that sound innocent having a jealousy talk with a 2 or 3 year old daughter alone in a jacuzzi at night in the backyard? Was it O’REILLY necessary?

He had been drinking beer probably on all accounts. It was a bad habit and was an ingredient for much of the mess we had to deal with.

In fact, she got his attention when she noticed him the first time by dumping beer on his head in a stable or barn party so that he would remember her and he did.

When he molested me in my sleep he did it when my sister his wife slept a foot away from me. We had been to a wine tasting party having to do with their business their Cheese Shop.  I was about 18 years of age. My mom wanted to know why I didn’t scream: Because I loved my sister but I did kick his hands off me when I realized I wasn’t dreaming. It took me a time that I cannot evaluate except i had to figure it out when it was right and he slithered away on the floor the same way I imagine that he came into the room where we slept. I really had a right to sue them then. She had asked me to stay so I would not drive home and made him and their male employee a young boy about 16 to sleep in the bedroom with the bathroom in their one bedroom apartment and the girls slept on the hideaway bed of their couch in the living room to keep it kosher and safe and so we wouldn’t drive intoxicated home from their business party and I guess i slept on the wrong side of the bed. The next morning we went to breakfast and i was still trying to figure out what the hell happened. He acted like nothing happened. I was still in shock. I will never forget it. It was surreal. I went to see a friend who didn’t understand and he could have cared less. I cried on the side of my house. I started to have panic attacks which grew into an extreme reactions and physical manifestations: Urticaria. Very big and painful hives.

The kind of hives that can grow to be the size of a football and hurt to the very bone. Very deep and long lasting pain.

 Got on Allegra for a while and eventually Effexor which takes care of both panic attacks and allergies.  I overdosed on the pills when I went to see my sister at the office to tell her about the butt grab. It was an accidental overdose. The kind that you use to get off of effexor in stages is what i used and I forgot how much I took. I did go to the hospital for that. I had eaten a dorito around that time that I think had glass in it. I had been knocked over by my ex for slapping his face for not believing me that I was being followed by investigators even at the school I attended trying to improve my circumstances and he didn’t like that. He was afraid I might outdo him in real-estate. The ex accused me of being paranoid and I was paranoid but I was being followed I know because of how the teacher treated me trying to hug me and it seemed like it was for a picture. It didn’t seem natural since we didn’t know each other and it was from afar distance meaning it was unnatural and for no reason, just out of the blue. The ex said I knocked him hard but his glasses fell down to the ground and not across the garage as he remembers. He was into wrestling as kid so when he came at me i was flattened on my back with a fist in my face though he didn’t quite hit me. I licked envelopes for the last job I did for them, (about 2000 of them a fulfillment advertising extra job). I think he may have poisoned me to shut me up but it is not provable because I didn’t know I would get sick. So I’m not sure what made me sick. All of the above. The ex said it was from the fall i had at the wedding when I stepped on my skirt that I didn’t hem because of the time and the hemline of the skirt while dancing with my brother and it was not a hard fall and we were laughing: it was a slip on a very soft skirt full length almost like a hoop skirt that full. I think I bought it the night before.  But my sickness happened a long time after the wedding and  after that garage scene that I looked like I was exploding and was pregnant by about 7 months so that even the crossing guard said “I didn’t know you were pregnant” when I walked to school to pick up my kids from school. I ended up at the doctor who got me on antibiotics then went to the ER at the hospital and they took me off the antibiotics and they misdiagnosed me and sent me home and then I went the next day after throwing up and a high temperature and feeling deathly ill and was taken care of by some good doctors.

There is so much more and that is what my sister did to me in retaliation besides trying to make me look like I was being hugged by my brother in law innocently by both of us while she dreamt of kissing him on a bridge and telling her dream to her younger sister his wife. The brother-in law that saved her son’s life from drowning at their pool when he was 3 years of age when she was trying to take a bad picture of me and him hugging and she didn’t even remember that he did save her son’s life after his granddaughter died on her third birthday party from drowning. I had to remind her that he had saved her son’s life because she was in touch with him during his separation from my little sister. I didn’t think I had the right to be in touch with him nor was I with her husband when they separated. I stuck with her. So I told her because I thought he probably was distraught to remind him which might help him in some way what he had done for her and she called him to console him with the information she had forgotten about her own son. I don’t know if it helped but I realized something is weird about this. She also stayed in touch with my ex but we weren’t able to separate during our divorce because of lack of money and because my younger sister who stayed with me for 2 years during her separation and divorce  in my daughters bedroom and many drunk nights didn’t want to ruin her new marriage by me staying with her. I learned I didn’t want to stay with them when her husband said don’t bring friends and I thought wow he has a room in the garage where the cars are stored. What if? So I chose not to visit just in case he had something planned. Not often do men make stipulations about a kid bringing a friend for a visit and that is what he was doing about my kids around the time that hospicing was being discussed and I didn’t know what they meant by hospicing until some conversations later and it meant basically hosting death. (Just bring your own kids not anyone else kind of stuff for a visit. It occurred in my little paranoid mind (eye) since the guest room was in the garage that it would be so easy to poison my family with CO. OOOH yea. ) Money was riding on that decision. She has two more years of divorce settlement to swindle and he knows how to rattle her chains. I wonder what he will do then to her being the third wife, one has already died etc. He did not put one dollar of his own into buying the home they live in. So I warned her in an e-mail and she called me Satan and the Devil. When we got stoned without him on a family visit from a joint she got from a friend basically a nub of a joint that was left over after they had smoked it the night before we dropped my brother off at his son’s town and on the way drove on a road called Purgatory and we kind of mused about it. That was the second to last visit but that joint helped us to get along because we didn’t get along otherwise. That was when my other sister wanted to watch that movie and they set me up on the dining room floor to sleep on their blow up bed because my brother was sick in a wheel chair etc though he wasn’t at all sick when we met him at the airport and walked like he always had. Before that my sister knew that i needed a certain kind of arrangement for my safety and peace of mind while I slept with family around and I guess she forgot. After the molestation my sister often asked me to spend the night and I don’t remember doing it but a few times but ever so watchful because it wasn’t worth it. The reason I had to tell on him was a visit with my family in San Antonio a few years after i was married and he started his look and wanted to carry me to the car for my cigarettes because it was raining or wet outside and I was barefoot in the house and I declined and came up behind me anyway while I leaned into the car so I couldn’t sleep all night because he was possessed and i left in the middle of the morning without telling anyone because I wanted some sleep, I was tired and it upset them that I left so early without a word. A girl needs her sleep. I didn’t want to deal with it then or anytime but I had to when they asked and they asked. She used her best friend growing up as her messenger THE GENERAL’S DAUGHTER and she called me and asked. So I told her and I was upset and she advised me what to do and I chose the better of the two to tell it to and it kind of ballooned from there.

It took on a life of it’s own and was out of my control. LOL

A Schizophrenic named Johnny

The best friend’s dad had a funny habit which got to be a joke of walking in on the Roots when we were on the toilet because we had a habit of keeping our bathroom doors unlocked even when having parties. We just didn’t think about it especially the Root kids but he would do it like: “AHA, I Caught ya!” when he opened the door wide and it became a joke partially because of how he did it. It was weird and it was kind of funny and obviously happened a few times and had been discussed in passing and sort of a muse. I don’t know how many stars he had but it was impressive. He was an MIA in the Congo for a while and I don’t know the details. He lived through it somehow but it was in the news and was a concern at the time. He had some kids besides my sister’s best friend and one was a Schizophrenic named Johnny who imagined during his episodes with Vincent Bugliosi who wrote the book called Helter Skelter before they got a handle on it that he was Jesus. Nice kid though I did not know him well because they were not my best friend’s family but my sister’s best friend’s family. When on a mutual trip as kids in Europe my sister almost drowned  with her friend in the ocean when their raft went out via a current too far and they were saved by another boat that happened upon them. They lived in one country while we lived in another country in Europe at the same time so they visited each other during that time as well.  General Rattan was not a Gummerson who took some privileges he should not have when I was only a kid when my dad was away (probably trying to find the Parthenon and distinguish the differences between it and what ever he had already seen during his trip that he took without us when we camped without him for a while in our trip around some of the countries in Europe. We did both with and without him but that was the plan that my dad made for us and for him because he was in charge of his family at the time) or we would not have thought it was so funny him walking in on us when on the toilet and figured out his scheme.

When I had to kick her out of my home it was not the first time but this time she had my mom in her care. The reason was because while driving home from a family gathering where she was drunk she started slapping my head from the back of the car while I drove my mom in the front passenger side with my kids in the back so much so I could barely keep my head up high enough to see over the dashboard luckily we were close to home. It was a family argument that went amuck and she was drunk. So I was pissed off and she was livid when we got home and she was breathing fire and brimstone at me and it wasn’t dissipating quick enough to my satisfaction which is why I made her leave which made my mom have to leave since she brought her. It reminded me of Mel Gibson on his horse before his army in Brave Heart right before they attacked the English. It was late and I’m sure that has something to do with it and some of the things she did later. She was going through a really horrible divorce with very few allies. She didn’t always show what she was really feeling hiding things like sadness and shock inside her and expressed it using booze and partying to cover it up. Her family turned on her and her future ex was totally innocent. He had the company in his name, what do you expect. It was his second marriage and her first marriage and she didn’t know any better and he was prepared. He took advantage of her naiveté and so did the hangers while they could. In essence he had her up against the wall like red-necked mother fucker even though he was better than that. He still did it and so did the lawyers, their family, their friends and acquaintances and I didn’t understand the depth of her despair because she hid it. I knew she was in trouble i just didn’t realize how bad it was. It wasn’t easy living together in my home at the time but I had a family and my own problems, too. She said when I was on the phone trying to listen to to what was being said on the phone and she talking at me flip-flopping by in her sandals being very busy, “Can’t you multitask?” I guess she wanted to know where the laundry room was located, something trivial at that very moment while I was on the phone. LOL. So we did some bickering here and there. The first time she I kicked her out of my apartment at the time was she was drunk again. She never drank when she lived with mom and dad growing up except once that I remember when I found she had gotten into some vodka with her neighbor friend. She was about 13 years of age, the neighbor whose dad took some privileges with her she said as he picked her up over the fence between our houses and I guess he touched her in the wrong place. That was near the time another little girl was either raped or attempted rape at the age of about 12 -13 years of age in the woods near the elementary school across from our house. She was undressed and I don’t know any more of the details but she was one her way somewhere to a friends house and got waylaid. Very pretty blond girl. I don’t remember her name. She was friend of my little sister at that time. Don’t know who did it and we didn’t see her again after that. My youngest sister started to drink beer in college. When the brother in law my ex’s oldest brother lived with us before I knew he had been stealing from us although he lied his ass off about stupid stuff and probably more than we even suspected and a loser  but needed friends. My sister was kind of needing friends and I thought they might have fun together as friends. Have someone to go places with in the meanwhile. He took it too far and came home with her to sleep with her and I thought I wasn’t gonna let him take advantage of her drunkenness. So I made her leave and it upset her. I think she was crying in the parking lot looking for her car. And then he was kicked soon after that. My other brother-in-law of my ex his brother thought I was ridiculous for protecting my sister because she was old enough to take care of herself. She may have been old enough but she wasn’t in her right head. So I think we never resolved that night somehow or another and she may have resented it. The reason I wanted them to have fun together was both were lonely at the time and I thought with each other they might meet someone while out together and that was how I stated it as well to both as I recall though I don’t remember the conversations I had with each I know that was what I was thinking. I didn’t want to to have family affair. It was embarrassing for her though she really was better off not having slept with him because we found out some time or other he might have raped a friend’s daughter it was alleged though not pursued. He was leeching us while he was going through his divorce. Getting paid by the ex while I worked for free. When the eldest got back to his northern frontier told his brother and mom that he had beaten me up which he didn’t but I think he wished he had. What a weird thing to tell them.  I guess it was the friend’s daughter that he beat up. He went to live in the hill country in a tent for a couple of years. He was the one I think that stole the paint rig the second time he mooched off us after everything was forgiven when his other brother was going through a divorce or something like that. They are catholic and it’s okay for catholics to get a divorce if they are male. We all forgave each other but I think there were some resentments. They drank a lot of beer and smoked pot. I didn’t drink that much because I don’t really like beer that much except on a really hot day or every once in a while i will partake but i smoked with them. The reason I didn’t like drinking because I did it for a while and it never was a good ending.

Anyway while adding this information that I recalled while editing because my account is a bit disjointed an exaggeration LOL in this attempt I started to have an allergy attack itchy throat and stuff and found my dog with an unopened box of equate for allergy relief and she wagged her tail but she chews on anything she can find chewable so I think I will take it but gonna jut take one because I can’t read the instructions the writing is so small but the advertising is quite easy to read which isn’t very older friendly. How weird is that to get a suggestion from a puppy?

Anyway both brothers are a bit crazy and worked at the auto shops in Michigan one lasted a long time and gets a decent pension for sticking with it off and on. He learned all the skills and became a utility man and could sit around most of the time making phone calls and getting drunk and got paid for it. They weren’t all bad and I liked them but they had no respect for me or females in general except if they were children and their mom of course she didn’t care if they lied their asses off and didn’t mind blaming the wives because her sons could do no wrong. Well they did a lot of wrong. The brothers would get together all five sometimes just four and go fishing while the wives stayed with their mom and kids cooking and knitting and chatting about nothing. So I would go fishing not because I like to fish but because I liked the outdoors and didn’t like what they’d did and they were nice but the moment anything serious came up they went blank. Put on their blinds. I remember when I brought a book from the south to the north and it was about Jesus a series of books I collected at the time WHO also wrote abut Elijah and other prophets written by a pretty good author Phillip Yancey one sister-in-law looked at it wistfully as if she wished she could read it and she was a school teacher. I reached out to her when I was upset and got the blinds. The mom had a picture of Jesus on her bedroom wall and a bible they were not allowed to touch much less read and you have to admit that is ridiculous.

I remember doing a job that had to be finished in 24 hours. (Quite a few times I made it happen.) A spa in the country. I did it and finished it. It was still wet but it was finished. Anyway it was a tough life and I would definitely not do it again with the same person but I love my kids and they are worth it. So if it meant not having them I would do it again but I would have gotten a divorce much earlier when they were tots when I saw the light hopefully much earlier and if possible would have raised them myself with the help of my parents. I think they would have been much better off.

I know they would have been better off.

His family the women were used and I mean used to have kids and to screw (but they don’t realize it) and to use as a maid to degrade and to chastise except for their mom. The two sons that had some divorces blamed their wives for having affairs and they were doing the same thing before they were. They owned their wives and the wives did not like it. Only one son seemed to have a grip to some degree about females and was sweet to his kids and his wife. She was/is good wife but she wasn’t very deep or if she was she didn’t show it but very sweet. The handsome one had a hard time figuring out why he wasn’t allowed to get information about his mom from the hospital she was at for some emergency health problems and why they called the one that was the alleged rapist. (Not that he tried that hard to understand) I had to sort of say out of my own experience because he probably has Power of Attorney and was the eldest son. The one that was handsome didn’t think about that even though he worked for company named ALCOA and was very successful with the school teacher wife. There is something wrong with catholics and Catholicism.

Experience is a good thing even when sometimes it seems bad. For me it was both. Some times it takes a while but is unlike anything else. I wasn’t much of a reader of books until I became interested in why I was watching clowns on TV speaking in tongues and acting like jack asses, asking for donations, and smiling like cheshire cats when talking about Jesus. They were sick. Every once in a while though I learned something through them. Then I started to read other peoples books about Jesus and the bible. Eventually I read the Scofield Bible and read his additions and interpretations. Then I tried for a short time the One Year bible and got turned of because it was ridiculous as was the Chicken Soup book I received and eventually started reading the bible skipping the begetting parts. I don’t think I have yet read the whole thing. Then I started reading on the internet prophecy sites and listening on the radio about it and was concerned because of  things going on in the world. Then read some other things related like Apologetics (I guess because of the flood) and was able IMO to fit some puzzle pieces together. I did the same with JFK’s assassination and came to some unusual conclusions that no one else dared to do but they made lots of money doing it like Bill O’reilly who brags about his book sales while advertising them nightly on his yak show of Fox. It would be impossible not to sell a lot of books plus you get a tee shirt and sometimes a free mug and if you O’reilly lucky you get a hurrycane when you least expect it  after he sells ya down the river. Anyway he is about as useful as catholic moms in a different sort of way. SNORT SNORT He does that a lot especially when he knows he’s wrong. His way or the highway which is the same thing.

It was kind of funny coming from her.

When I started a designer jeans business under her tutelage as my boss she had a party to help along and said she invited 300 people and then 500 and 2 people showed up. She didn’t think I was prepared or energetic enough. I wore out quickly because of the operation setting up. I have no idea if she really invited very many people because she did exaggerate in the past. I got a message in a different kind of way which was not very kind: OUCH. She bitched at me for not being good enough when no one showed up. I sold two things one thing for about 15 bucks that took me abut 15 hours to make off and on. It was really disappointing and the girl wanted another for a friend and I never did fulfill it. It was really nice leather bracelet.

Another time when she had neighborhood sale thing going on invited me and my daughter to participate with our jewelry that we made and other things and her neighbor came over and she changed her tune with me. Told me to move a mirror I brought to sell that I had made, a mosaic (my first), to a better place because it was distracting the neighbors or the shoppers and I guess that was why they weren’t buying or approaching her home. It was by her front door leaning on the bricks on the ground and was only about 18 high in order to be out of the way of the shoppers or the tables. She and her neighbor sat in their chairs by the road and I accused her and her friend of distracting the potential shoppers. I think I said, “I think it’s you guys distracting the customers.” It was a garage sale, for heavens sake. I wasn’t out of line, even my daughter (the one that gave up her bedroom for two years) thought she was ridiculous at that time and she looked up to her most of the time, but it was because of her friend. She did not like me and I didn’t even know her. If looks could kill she was sending some my way.

I think by that time when I kicked her out of my home after two years she may have gotten Power of Attorney over my mom’s estate to help with the costs of the divorce she was involved in which had a lot of money riding on it. The lawyers were expensive and not on her side even though she hired them. My mom probably willingly was trying to help. my sister sort of lived with us the last half year to a year off and on but still occupying the bedroom but using her RV intermittently that she was able to get with the lawyers help in order to travel and get away from my family when she needed her privacy and space. That was after the time she scrunched my pastel portraits in the expanding part of her RV forgetting she had stored them there and didn’t tell me for three months.  She finally let me in on the secret. I did one of them over again a few times and it turned out better so it wasn’t all that bad and it’s not like I sell them. I was pretty nice about it because it was understandable. She wanted to sell them for me and screwed up in her confusion. A few were really good portraits though only one was sellable as far as desirability for decor. But the rest showed my talent as an example and I redid the one I thought was desirable of the lady on her horse close up in the movie Kingdom of Heaven because of the snapshot and my style of pastel painting. She had me do one of her step grandchild from her brochure at the funeral. She was the three year old that died on her birthday party in their swimming pool. Beautiful kid. Never met her but she was penetrating and sweet looking. So i did it twice. I think i did a pastel and a porcelain on her. She gave it to her ex and her step daughter and I didn’t sign it because I usually don’t. Haven’t got a great signature and so it remained anonymous and she wanted them to think she found an artist and had it painted for them. She did find an artist and it was me but for some reason she didn’t want them to know it. Makes no sense except that my reputation proceeded me? They knew me. They knew them.

She was not a perfect wife nor was her first husband a perfect husband and they together became successful. She often did the shit work for him like taking care of kids in her home his, hers and his, and others to help. She suggested I do the same and I knew I couldn’t handle it so I didn’t. She was great sales lady and started a very successful part of their business in fact it was her idea. The apartment side of their business which he bequeathed to a friend one of his followers after it was developed and up and running. He like to have an entourage most of the time causing problems in their marriage. The ELvis type. Part of the problem was that he was generous to a fault and that attracts people not all of them bad. They drank a lot and partied a lot and traveled a lot. Before her he had not reached successful success with his first wife. so my sister made a big difference. And he used her looks and personality. She had to get a boob job in a dirty room somewhere to keep him happy and he berated her one night on the New Years Eve for not showing them off  like his new partner’s wife who had boobs that looked like water bags on her belly button. I saw the picture of her and she was not anything I would consider attractive. There should have been some paper bags around just in case. My sister was pretty. People often compared her to Raquel Welch because of some of her natural beauty, high cheek bones, pretty neck, beautiful smile, long legs, pretty skin. I shopped with her for the dress she wore that night and she looked beautiful in it. It was a classy black dress backless to a point. She had pretty long legs and the dress showed them very well and she looked really classy. But her husband drove her to tears that night because of the boobs of the other woman and my sister went to gather herself together and luckily came out of the bathroom where they were celebrating and a different man told her how beautiful she was. Believe me she had her moments. He noticed.

Another night she was partying with her husband and his entourage and ended up at Dennys for breakfast and was forced to watch a woman suck a man’s dick under the table across from her and she did not want to watch and resisted and was berated by her husband and his friends. I think it might have been a company party they had attended of their company that he took full credit for even though he knows she helped unless you don’t think your own kids by the first wife and their kids are important. She was abused by him and by the situation which often occurs with second marriages. He was a wonderful guy in many ways and so are all of his kids from both marriages, IMO. They loved each other but when one gets successful and you have hangers ons its kind of tough for everyone involved, parents, kids, marriages, etc. Its a balancing act and excessive drinking doesn’t help.

Older men loved her; she made them laugh because she had a great sense of humor and liked old people. She saved her husband’s dad when he fell once. I forget the details and circumstances but he was alone at the time and said something funny to her when he found him and assisted him off the floor. It was a cute story. She made a point to see him for her husband and they were great friends but not so with the mother in law who put her down all the time but they were divorced for good reason. She was not a sweet lady. Always comparing one wife with another of her sons and even putting him down and comparing one son with another. And the other brother was married to a dog. Not really that bad. She just is not what i would imagine as attractive except she had pretty skin. My sister tried to help her when she and her husband divorced until it became impossible but he dumped her because she got Lupus. She wasn’t too bad before that though but not that great either but one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder i just didn’t beholden to hers or his idea of beauty. She was a pear which is sometimes beautiful on there right person. I don’t know what lupus does to a person and it probably affected her though I don’t remember liking her very much to begin with I didn’t really know her but I’m a pretty good judge of qualities I think but have been fooled as well. We didn’t know each other very well so but I heard some things about some behavior that just was caddy about her and under the circumstances she was taking it out on the wrong person, I think. She was not treated fairly by her ex or the mother in law and guess by me at this time but it was only an impression of her. Women can be hard on each other in families when the family grows.

As far as her family goes my sister rarely called when she was happy but when she had something to bitch about was when I heard from her. So I didn’t hear about the good stuff much which is usually the case, I think.

She was my Shirley Temple buddy when we were tots. I was 13 month older. We ate ice cream and potato chips while we watched those shows and many cartoons. We liked to dip the chips in ice cream: mostly Neapolitan ice cream. We would wake up super early before sunrise to get a good start on our fun together. That may be an exaggeration. We flew in our bedroom together like Peter Pan and Tinker Bell. We saw a hobo with the knapsack and a dog in the woods together from our window in the back yard. We saw monkeys at the castle over the tree tops together. She was usually dressed in soft pink and usually fuzzy and I was in blue kind of crisp stuff when my mom sewed for us or bought outfits. That was the color code she used I guess to tell us apart even though we did not look alike. She was the lotus blossom of the family. I have no idea what flower I was.

For some reason my dad was glad I had a long nose. I was given that impression somehow and it’s not that long but what is interesting about that is my older sister when she had her surgery for deviated septum who started with a pugish nose though it was pretty kind of like Marilyn Monroe but had her nose changed to look like my little sister and it did her no justice. Made her look hard/harsh unlike what that similar nose looked like on my little sister. She competed with my little sister and I guess felt inadequate having all those surgeries and would not admit to them even to her kids. Maybe something was going on I didn’t know about with my little sister and her husband. I have no idea but I didn’t ask nor did I even suspect till lately. Not that anything happened except the night we watched The Last of the Mohicans at my little sister’s house on a family trip when my sister swallowed Kaopectate thinking it was Pepto-Bismal. She didn’t check and it was very dark in the kitchen and it was not her kitchen. She had stomach problems because she couldn’t handle corn products, so she opened up the bottle and swigged it not taking a tsp or tbs of the medicine and came in to tell us. I didn’t see her do it but I had seen her do it in the past so I knew that was probably what she had done.  We called poison control and she threw up and pooped a lot of the night as we found out later and dad cleaned her up and the mess that was made upstairs. That same weekend Gary was shown’ hisself and I nudged my little sister on the couch so she could see. He was on the floor and hanging it out his shorts. It was one of the first times he was doin’ it so others could see. She saw and she mused about it. It was a strange reaction, but she had been drinking and so had i been drinking though I don’t drink much. My sister and i could not help but laugh about my older sister which a strange reaction but she came in with pink lips like a Japanese Concubine (no offense) and the expression on her face was startling, kind of funny, and it was scary, though we didn’t know the depths of her sickness till later and it became a family joke though I don’t think she was amused especially then. Her husband reported to us what was going on upstairs and we let dad handle it. Another time was at the beach on a family trip sharing condos and the shower was going in their room, I think and I walked by their open door next to the living room where all of us were and he was stark naked in a standing pose stroking his dick and looking at me. I guess she was in the shower or in the dining room. It got to be a schtick, but it was sick. He was huge and I guess it was problem for him. Past abundant to the nth degree and I think that may have been part of the problem. He was oversexed, perhaps.

He was so big he could have sucked himself so that is kind of over doing it trait-wise,  but I don’t think he ever tried. I don’t think it was fair in a way for someone to have been over blessed or over endowed since she was uncomfortable, I was uncomfortable, and perhaps others etc. So I don’t think it’s all his fault, necessarily. But to base pride in one’s size is too bad because it isn’t necessarily a blessing, but a curse.

On one trip we took she played a joke on dad as he drove and covered his eyes with her hands while he drove on a highway, I think it was, and we lived through it. On another trip, my mom wore a wig and the wind was blowing and she said, “Mummy, your wig is blowing off.”  real loud and embarrassed mom. I think we were traveling on our camping trip in France at the time. She used to call her that because of where we lived at the time and her age. Mummy this and mummy that. We hiked up a mountain on an Appalachian trail with backpacks with my dad to a pretty place and ate dehydrated food that we hydrated in the stream and other times shopped for yachts with dad for fun. We rode horses together and apart. We did a lot of cool things as a family and we sang together as a family. We were a pretty damned good family for the most part for quite a while. Dad organized us and mom helped and they made wake up early when it was still dark to take trips to show us things and to learn to camp though she and i didn’t really do the work. The older kids did the work setting up the tent and stuff. But we did imagine together a bunch. He changed our diapers and gave us baths to help mom and she did what she could do to help his career and raise a family. Nobody is perfect.

He quit drinking late in their marriage and expected her to follow suit and she wasn’t ready when he was ready to quit. I think he was planning to divorce because he had had an affair when her first kid was young or was caught at the office with her late at night and ended up marrying her after their divorce and her husband conveniently died at the right time so that they could marry and he called her his field mouse. I never saw what she looked like but I can imagine at the hospital with Queen Elizabeth.

Just because I was on morphine for 10- 14 days doesn’t mean I lost my memory and I’m not a schizophrenic.

[No offence.]

She was abused and he wasn’t. Then the wives of the friends and it gets kind of dicey. The second daughter in law (second wife of first son of her husband at the time) who sang like an angel at church, looked like one to some people but not to me and complained to her in laws when her husband his son didn’t pay attention to her while he was watching football when she sucked his dick. They did divorce, thank God. I could see right through her. When at the wedding the first thing she said to me “you have something in your eye.” not, “hi, you have something in your eye!” I guess it was that christian saying about a log in the eye. My calves are not great anymore or anything for that matter since I have been sick and even before I was not happy with the calves but her calves were like well Hippo comes to mind. that maybe over stating it but ……..Spoiled brat. So you can see why divorce came to my sister. It was an untenable marriage at some point, probably New Years Eve but they take time. When her angelic daughter in law talked she ate chips that fell out of her mouth because she wanted to do both at the same time.

They had a big company that was worth a lot of money and on some top Ten lists and it may have been the cause of much of their problems. The last time I saw him was when we went to pick up some things in a truck that belonged to my sister and she asked me to come along. We shared some wine and they talked and then argued and we left so he wouldn’t get sick because he had already had a nervous breakdown and had been in the hospital. She meant a lot to him but I think that other woman figured out a way somehow to part them because of that company they had built together. It was worth a lot of money and got maybe too much notoriety. It’s a mistake to get published in business magazines if you want to keep your family.

That’s the world baby at it’s worst.

 I think they got divorced last I heard. It’s like a game of some kind and some people have information that can be used against you and know how to wiggle in with the right neighbors who are there when you need them as occurred to her when she jogged, friends, acquaintances and I think it has something to do with the church, the NSA, and other type conveniences for why they can rob and steal.

My older sister received 250 thousand dollars a year after I was molested from her in-laws who were in the oil business in fact he was the President of a prominent ENGLISH oil company. Gary wasn’t really into shopping he was into the female thing and had a big dick he liked to show at family gatherings and family trips.

She was a shopper.

I was confused.

I loved her. She was my older sister by 6 years. I looked up to her.

They schmoozed her before they married with a trip around the world where she stole a pearl in Bangkok or Hong Kong that she told me about when they displayed a bunch of gems to her future family because I guess she wasn’t satisfied with the one her dad bequeathed to her that he bought in Hong Kong when on his first R&R during the Vietnam war. That is a dangerous indulgence to steal in a foreign country, but she got away with it somehow. She cut my brother’s eyelashes when he was tot and she was only 2 years older than him because she was jealous of his eyelashes and the comments about them from people. She spoke for him for three of his first 3 years. It took him a while to open up and talk.

Gary had problems and I believe it is spiritual especially when he got baptized or indoctrinated with his friend Bob who was Baptist minister of kids during his divorce he tried to date my sister who was one of the kids. Gary grew worse and worse IMO and so did his drinking and belligerence such as the hot tub event with his kid to prove something to my mom, to me, and to his wife. My mom and I freaked out and it was obvious we were freaked out because our eyes got really big and I know my heart was racing and my sister noticed and I know she noticed and that did not help my niece or our relationships in the family, it was so surreal.



 Soon after when her son almost drowned a few years before she printed a picture of me with my other brother in law hugging around a pool while i was in a bathing suit when he came home to greet his guests. It was nothing but a hug by a man who was 6 foot 6 inches tall and never showed sexual interest in me. Believe me I know the difference. It was a normal greeting and my sister tried to make it into something else to me and my husband at the time and glared at me way too long. It was weird and untimely since what occurred I think it was the same weekend with her 3 year old son.

Premeditated shit.

I don’t hate him though i do. He had his qualities and some were good and i know why she loved him besides the beaucoups of money. He loved her too. He loved his kids as much as a man like that can. They loved him too. He wasn’t all bad which made it confusing. I even helped her when they were separated and was her confidant often and when my time came of confusion I didn’t get help. I got shit. I got retribution. I baby sat their kids she baby sat mine using her kids once or twice. I babysat so they could go to hotels to make love, entertain each other, anniversaries, on trips and some trips they took without the kids. My parents did the same. Though she promised she would take care of my kids she didn’t offer when I almost died and the other sister had to do laundry when I was on morphine for 10 to 14 days. But their dance teacher did take care of them and also my neighbor.

We tried to handle it as best we could each of us in our way, but we didn’t know how,

each from a different vantage point.

It would have been so easy to have handled him being his wife. All she had to do was get help and she didn’t.

They relied on the church which I wrote about that care about money and not their purpose. And the church didn’t help.

The Roots tried but it was untenable and very confusing. We did our best but it fucked us up in our relationships with each other over a period of time and not like a molestor and an exhibitionist is gonna show his stuff to the males of the family if he has a thing about females in order to continue doing it without a piece of furniture ending up in their throat.

I alerted her before their second daughter was born about her husband and I paid a big price for years and she got paid a big price for years and she lied to everyone. She was hurt and confused but it was her responsibility to handle it, not mine. And she didn’t. He should have gone to get help but he went to the church. That was his idea when we discussed it after I told on him and they settled down and wanted to make amends. That was what he said he would do after I alerted her after he told me I was fucking liar on the phone. I was advised to tell either him or her by her best friend over the years and she worked for a hospital so I thought it might be good advise and I didn’t feel comfortable with him so I told her as nicely as I could leaving out much detail partially because of her reaction which was weird (I’m calling mom and dad to tell them you are attracted to Gary) so I was taken aback by her reaction. I got screwed in so many ways over the years. But I really loved her, still do in some ways, but it’s past a certain point when one turns into a killer to protect their reputation.

My daughter was abused at school called a whore tripped on the steps at the school pushed around by people and had to leave the school and was in the hospital a few days later bleeding from both ends. And some strange things happened. But she is doing the best she can for having been a virgin at that time. I guess it was retribution?

They accused me of making a phone call that my daughters made as kids on their own when the shit hit the fan and I was not involved but no one believed me. The kids did it saying, “Tell the truth, you are hurting my mom” to my sister and her husband. They did it because they loved me and knew that I was upset. They had overheard some yelling etc in the garage and between me and my family on the phones and other ways. They were not immune. I thought it was cute of them and I appreciated it and they were just kids but I didn’t know about it till I received a phone call from my mom who had been alerted by my sister that I had set up my kids to make this awful phone call. They had some spunk and expressed it. I’ll never forget it when I had to question them because my sister told my mom and she called me accusing me and asking me if  I did it and I tried to tell my mom I didn’t know. Big FUCKING deal. It was a tough time for my mom, for me, and my dad because of the lies and lies can be tough to get through to the truth when one is upset and everyone was upset. There were many lies. And soon after I went to the hospital. Got a 14 inch deep scar and poisoned with sepsis and peritoneal abcess was being followed before that when I went to the real-estate school and because the company they and I worked for were protecting themselves against a lawsuit i  had a right to make  because he grabbed my ass at work pretty hard which is considered sexual assault in most businesses and is not allowed.  Against the law. They knew it and I know they had a film because I know they had cameras at the office going but I didn’t sue after many threats and being followed because I was afraid for my life (because I was being followed) and having such a prominent company on their side and they were ruthless the company and my sister and her husband. I have no idea who hired the investigator but while I never saw the person I know I was being followed  because of the actions of the teacher at the real estate school was very well I can’t’ think of the word known and involved in the business well connected and I believe he was paid somehow or another or maybe it was just a favor.

It was too much for one woman to handle.

The real reason for the retribution by my sister is because Gary lost my uncle’s money and his own on the stock market one Tuesday in October. It was a lot of money. He didn’t divulge it to his client my uncle, my mom’s brother, for a long time and was freaking out for a long time about it. He looked as sick as he could have ever looked and they were having some marital problems as well during this time and he lost his mojo big time. My uncle called me asked and I said “yes he lost your money and is trying to get it back.” Later he offered me a job and I declined. I didn’t tell my sister but since they delayed telling him by about at least 6 weeks or so I think I thought he had a right to know since he asked. I didn’t call him. He called me. Same goes for their daughter. I didn’t call her, she called me. She and her family had to move down the road because their dream home was too expensive for the loss they made and blamed my mom and me and my dad for their mistake though they didn’t know it. They applied material on her walls and other things to decorate it for free because my mom sewed and dad could staple and apply it etc. it was a beautiful material for that dream home. I think they did some other type work as well like wall paper. It was really tough having to move into a house with a swimming pool, a jacuzzi, 4 bedrooms, a study etc.  Can you imagine?

But her friend from college, Babs said in my company, ” It is harder for those that have had money to lose it than those that don’t.” She was married to a banker. Tough to be rich.

If I had lied to my uncle I could have been sued or charged in some way during a process that might have occurred if I had lied and the truth was found out so i did the right thing and possibly for the wrong reasons but I didn’t call him, he called me and I told the truth very succinctly. Short and sweet. My mom and i were put between a rock and hard place by their frivolous shit and punished for it as well.

But after that I didn’t realize it I was their enemy and i didn’t know how low they could go but they went really low all because of money. They barely earned what they received fucking with me and those that I love. I can’t think of how many homes they lived in that they were able to buy. I owned one home in my life for about 3 years till I got sick, we divorced, and the ex went bankrupt, etc.

Pretty dammed small of them, wasn’t it?

When I felt that my mom’s life was in danger by my sisters, possibly my niece who was messed up, and brother in laws the new one of the younger and the old one of my older sister I wrote some letters and they were potent to settle the matter.

I made it a multi generational problem because it was. The Whites?

It had been agreed upon before that to keep it in this generation with the help of my brother and little sister for the sake of my parents and the kids but my older sister wasn’t willing to hold to that agreement and wanted to shovel some shit in me and my family trying to show a movie about an english woman and her husband whose marriage was affected by her younger sister who accused her husband of rape falsely. I saw it once with her without warning that she rented and her husband went to bed and she tried to do it again when the family visited again to see my mom. She bought it. She lived in her own little world of make-believe. I was getting little digs here and there and that was not the only one.

At my dad’s funeral her kids and her were in the first limo with my mom.

I guess they didn’t any know better. So much for their upbringing. Real classy, huh?

I was sent to the back limo the 4th and I was the third child to hang out with cousins and aunts.

My older sister was in charge.

That was my mom in that limo and my dad who died

 and I refused to ride with my aunt and cousins and stayed in my own auto.

It was a deliberate fuck you from her to me when my dad died and when my mom died.

I wonder if they aren’t’ responsible for their deaths. Sure looks like it. Sure convenient.

 I sent out letters to lawyers about my mom before she died and no one responded because I don’t have money.

 I was livid and started to get sick around the time of the 2nd wedding of their first daughter the first I think was annulled even though they are Protestants. Not sure about that but I think it was annulled and it was a very bad first husband who shot cats in his yard but he could cook like her dad. My sister didn’t cook for her family or rarely. So he had his place and so did she rubbing shoulders with people she should not have and fucking up her big head. She sold me down the river for $250,000 year so I guess I was worth it and I’m selling her back. LOL

WOULD YOU TRUST THEM? WOULD YOU WANT TO GO TO THE FUNERAL. Would you want your daughter to go. I begged her not to but how do you explain to a young woman what I had endured? Impossible to make one understand what incest does to a family and believe me my dad was not who I’m talking about. He was a wonderful dad and so was my mom. Could not have been happier with who they were and are. If I were to wish upon a star for every person on earth I would hope they would be so lucky to have parents like I had. But I hate the world right now.

Do you see why I feel the way I feel?

No telling how much each sibling got, I have no idea and they won’t reveal it. I’m supposed to receive a hope chest my parents willed to me but haven’t gotten it yet. Never saw the will and I know they left one but they were killed.

My sisters were indoctrinated by the BGEA through his crusades and the other by the english woman across the street.

Really made her worse. She was ready.

My mom set an example for me years before and didn’t show up to one her parents funeral and I think she knew I would face this someday. I felt her hand on my shoulder about 2 months or so before they said she died after I saw her the last time.  I get messages and a lot of help from them and others to write what i write not necessarily about this personal stuff because it was hard for them to understand from their vantage point. It was hard for them to believe it and it is messy stuff but about the really important things. And my mom told me the last time I saw her that she knew about what I wrote and so did others and she doesn’t have a computer and was in a place that would not support it. She was in a wheel chair in assisted living. It was spiritual. It was taped what she said and was promised by my little sister to send and she never did. I Wonder WHY?

THE BGEA? The shill.

I didn’t mean to rewrite all of this stuff again but it crops up sometimes especially

when u.n.c.l.e.s. intimidate ya.

My uncles never did, but I’m talking about those that don’t want certain information to get out.

Probably someones FATHER as in priest.

My older sister was dreaming about kissing her brother in law on a bridge when I went through my hardship I was having nightmares about his dick in my face. I had PTSD, obviously.

My sister was real busy body communicating with exes or separatees when she shouldn’t!

She thought it made her look good. I guess she wanted attention? The money was not enough?

How about that nose? boobs? etc

She wanted to be the most loved by the males in the family. Probably because of who she married.

Kind of whirl pool of crud.

Let that be a lesson to others. It’s manipulative. OVERBEARING!

Sexual dysfunction is sometimes caused that way.

I learned something through all of this.

I could have handled her problem like I did with my ex when he was sleeping with his daughter and a far as I know he never did again. I embarrassed him privately using the internet. And he had enough sense in him not to do it again however he set me up and physically abused me we had to call the police. But I got through it with a lot of hassle.

Things can get really weird just by a misunderstanding. The kid next door when we were renting in  a really weird neighborhood used to do the farm snort thing and it’s not like she did it all the time but I witnessed her doing it in our yard. She was really cute, vivacious, smart, and little low class type but a very interesting kid and a friend to my daughter when she was tot. My daughter caught a cold and her nose was stuffed up and forget how we got to what she said but I thought she said: My nose is fucked up. SO I assumed she had learned it from the neighbors kid and got upset. She was attending Christian private school at the time and it was scary because she might say something like that at school and I was a bit nerdy as a mom for the first time and bit nervous as a mom partially because of my past. It was around that time I was having those hives etc. Anyway turns out she said “My nose is pucked up.” meaning, “My nose is plugged up.” The neighbor used to try to pawn her kids off on me over the fence. One would try climb the fence and then she would start handing me her kid for no reason. She had two kids one was a climber driving her nuts and the other was energetic. She lived with a guy and seemed nice enough. His nickname was “Frog.” I really learned to like her over time the more I knew but it bugged me to be pressed upon to be her baby sitter but she had a lot of family stuff happening and guess was desperate or something though I never asked what the deal was. And of course on the other side of the house were other neighbors that came and went that were absolutely wild. Gypsies by the dozen that would just enter your home and start chatting, and a peeping tom weirdo with a gold necklace italian type. I caught him peeping while I was in my kitchen and it was weird from then on dealing with them. On July 4th and New Years Eve you had to worry about guns going off in the air so sometimes I would just kind of hide in the house. I stopped going out on New Years because of kids and didn’t really enjoy it that much. USually the ex then husband was playing in the band and it got to be extremely boring. so when I moved to home that we bought it was really exciting and my sister was the real estate agent and we ended up paying too much per month which was kind of surprise at the closing but we wanted that chance and we got it (It was the ex’s dream home location, he found it) and it was over our head eventually through various means and no help from banks and things. It was a mess and i think it was purposeful. I helped by getting a loan from my brother which was extracted from my inheritance even though it was not in the contract because the ex wouldn’t even try to sell the house and I was too messed up. He wanted to bury me. Still does I think.

I know what I know paul simon you tube

I lost my wedding ring on the way up north because my hands were swollen from working. It was given to me by family and was an heirloom. The ex hocked his around that time. While his brother lived with us our van was repossessed because of the times and other things. Hocked the silver my parents bought to a friend named Nick (who his brother might have raped his daughter [I don’t know]) for a wedding gift with the promise I would get it back. I did quite a few years later with additions added. He got a lot of pats on the back for a  Christmas gift to me, so it’s mine now. Lost the pearl my dad bought me in Hong Kong somewhere. It disappeared. My diamond ring that was an heirloom from my mom disappeared that I used as my engagement ring. Caught my teenage daughter wearing and got it back and then it disappeared. I wasn’t wearing it because the silver was wearing down and I was afraid I would lose it. Our truck was stolen. Piece of shit anyway. Two spray rigs stolen and one blamed on a friend who was an addict who had about three of his own and very good business so he didn’t need it. The ex’s brother when we had to kick him out because he was stealing from us and mooching off of us started a business using a spray rig up north within days or weeks of ours disappearing and very little suspicion by the ex or his family about it.  He used to tell lies about serving in Viet Nam when he was in  a safe haven of GUAM and other lies to girls in front of us about his combat. A bad habit. They were raised catholic. My kids weren’t and I tried to unconvert the ex but he still doesn’t believe history about Roman Catholicism. Unreasonable. Now what in the world happened to those things? I think I can guess and I’m probably correct and he probably conveniently wouldn’t remember. But I got my milk shake.

Won’t keep his word about our daughter. Fickled. ONe minute he doesn’t want her to go and next he does depending on certain things. Usually something I write or think. Weird. It’s about fun regardless of safety. She’s young and can’t miss one thing as if it might hurt her even though a day ago he wanted to make her stay home because it was safer and now it is safer for no good reason.

Honestly I think he is insane. I don’t think he realizes he is being tested and is playing games with my kid and me. I have no say over it. It’s a power game that i do not enjoy but it’s a Catholic schtick and it will fall and it will burn I think forever pretty soon. Eternal HELL and he will with it if he doesn’t get a brain. He will lose everything imaginable, I truly believe it. I consider him to be a fool.

Mind over matter.

Hillary Clinton



What’s next?

And just as I was getting somber and displacent I decided I can’t change what happened and through it all I still really love the worst in my family but I don’t want to accommodate the worst. I thank God for my mom and dad and few others often. I felt like why should I keep trying and then decided to keep going…. learn some more….. try to finishes some things i started such as jewelry…… and catch up on some stuff…… maybe I will even change my clothes, LOL and then I see Hillary on TV looking like a dapper dan saying after her first hearing in a long time “one thing she is not is a quitter.” Weird. Wired? Not only that she had the biggest rally for her since the age of time applauding her come back while she made her comeback and she has only been tested for about a day.

Anyway I think it’s deception of some kind. Just a feeling. It’s that kind of day but it still is almost over. In my right ear I heard three bells.

Personally I don’t want to see her destroyed by events in the news, or what occurred at Benghazi, I want the truth. I thought she did a decent job at the hearing. I felt they questioned her for too long and I would rather see the truth come out with her in tip top shape. Shorter and more frequent hearings. I know that is a ploy to wear out the defendant but isn’t necessary in order to get to the truth. Good questions are the way to get there. If you aren’t willing to ask her truthful questions I doubt you will get to the truth. I ‘m positive and pretty sure she will not be able to answer a good question if it were asked. Trey Goudy did a great job but is still avoiding asking the right question IMO, which has to do with the Vatican and stuff like that. When she isn’t able to answer is when you know you have something but I think her life might be endangered if she answered those kind of questions and then she will have to take the 5th. You haven’t gotten there yet because you haven’t asked counting on her lawyerly good sense to evade, which of course she will do, because she has to evade.

She still is not fit to be President but neither is anyone else that I can tell.

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IF she had written to Chelsea: Elijah Cummings just put a pubic hair in my coke. Would you have defended her then?

I wonder why. Getting something out of the deal, eh?


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Maybe we won’t get to the truth until she is acting as the President. Sure isn’t happening now.


Just because she wrote one thing to her family and said one thing dissimilar to someone else doesn’t prove anything. Everyone does that. You cater your language and your suppositions depending on who you are directing your conversation with.




I have not heard one question about the Vatican’s involvement, Jesuit Father Lombardi, the picture of Michelle at Benghazi because you don’t care. I think Hillary may care more than even the families involved. Sometimes things are difficult to understand or perceive because of the deception involved when being deceived and that may not be her fault. She may be a patsy used by the administration and lots of people. If that’s the case she is doing a good job. We don’t know because you (Congress and others) are too afraid to ask and that might be a big mistake not just because of the election but because of more important things way over your head.

Back to the subject at hand: Notice that it didn’t say she stands where she should not;) and believe me if it could have been blamed on women it would have been: The Garden of Eden, etc. Only women can naturally produce.

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There are bikers and then there are bikers. Know what I mean?

could be Pope Francis on his stand about abortion and for that matter many on that controversy such as Fox News and other politicians, but could be speaking of Paris as well (Notre Dame, Court of the Gentiles – self fulfilling prophecy) or in Washington DC and could even be talking about Dr. Ben Carson at breakfast for the President, or at Benghazi itself or all of the above (let the reader understand) and it might mean something else and whatever is meant is important enough to be in the Book of Daniel of the OLD TESTAMENT written thousands of years ago


 Obama stood before Abraham Lincoln’s Memorial on Martin Luther King’s Day


Ambassador Chris Stevens also stood before it for his video tape thinking like he was in a lincoln.

I know people who own them.

Perhaps that is what the “video tape excuse” is all about.

I could mean that The Dome of the Rock should not be standing where it stands and could have been part of the conspiracy involved in those cooked books the Holy ones stolen and edited by Josephus (BIN/BEN/ARI/SON) of Matthias adopted son of the Flavius family of Rome.


I think these are the onuses of the matter, the cruxes of the matter,

and it matters even though we are dealing with many


Even the uncle of Sean Smith who thinks the death of his son and the conspiracy  is about the election year, but then if he’s lying about his son then more than likely he is part of the deception as is the mom of Ambassador Chris Stevens. I don’t think anyone who cared about their son would say what you said in order to dismiss the testimony that might be helpful to your nephews memory  or to honor his death and obviously you don’t care but then you are only an uncle. You know what they say about uncles:

BEWARE of uncles

Good mothers say that to their daughters but you probably didn’t hear it when they said that about you.

It is not my duty to tell my sins to you or anyone else 

I don’t work for the American government, Rome, The Vatican, or Islam.

Here is a hint for the Man from U. N. C. L. E.

My soul and my family’s souls are in God’s hands and He knows the truth. Thank you

Get over yourself and your allegiance to a false god. It will behoove you to stick to the task

or you may grow some hooves yourself.

Read the Book of Daniel and contemplate what happens to those that aren’t credible.

Take this to heart:



comes a time 

by neil young

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Is Congress gonna question the Ambassador’s mom AND DAD before the American people as robustly as they do Hillary or are they gonna do what they did with Jackie Kennedy and use her femininity to obfuscate the truth. She will lose her composure because she is lying and can only handle a little pressure so she is good candidate for the fleet seat and great entertainment for C-SPAN and FOX NEWS!

It might backfire if you don’t and then you might lose your soul by your own petard.

Damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

Better to have the truth than lose your soul trying to avoid it

because you sure don’t want to be fooled by an election.

We don’t really know how much time we truly have we can only guess and it may be your last hour.

Trey Goudy so far was awesome and one other questioner was pretty good until he fell into political morassidic. When you go for the truth you get armed with something unfathomable and when you do the opposite, you lose. Proof is in the pudding.

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Islam was started with the help of a nun.

That they do not partake of but accuse everyone else because a woman’s body is theirs in their

maniacal opinion.

And it isn’t.

Because of those Damned Protestants that they tried to burn
those damned Jews
and to
using mustard seed derivatives (poisons and gases)
from a bunch of nuts!

When Jerusalem was attacked the first and second and other times was because the Temple of Herod wasn’t the true temple, anyway and the son of man was betrayed by men and a generation betrayed the the next generations

with Bull frog stuff.

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Generational sin hence the mental diseases throughout the world and that awful forgetfulness of indulging it for those laundered tax dollars.

Heavens to Murgatroyd

“The first use of the phrase wasn’t by Snagglepuss but comes from the 1944 film Meet the People. It was spoken by Bert Lahr, best remembered for his role as the Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz.”

Watched Bret Baier on his repeat special that he has shown quite a few times with the three men that wrote 13 Hours at Benghazi. One of them said and I caught it half way through the connection which I caught to what Hillary said about Benghazi:

What difference does it make about the three guys.

Are they dead?

because what Hillary said is that those three are dead in reference to the guys out on the street one night.

One of the writers said he was on building three and pointed to it in a diagram and said he saw a guy on the roof and he said to himself, “I wanted to shoot him this guy, or thought, was he just out trying to take a wok?” This is what I heard from one of the three faces of Bret Baier tonight on his show about Benghazi, one of quite a few and all different and they don’t agree who wrote books marketing Benghazi. Funny it seems to echo Hillary Clinton or vice versa. Were they out taking a wok on the roof (out on the street?)? Why would he think that? Do people always take woks on the roof?

While watching them again while I ate my dinner I said out loud how they seem to act like convicts. mannerisms etc. (Leathernecky). Not saying they are convicts but they seem like it and their stories reek of nonsense. Dead men woking. I’ll reassess it later when I find the time. I have other things to do. But I remember what one of them said while changing a tire with a bad arm though I don’t remember exactly what he said I remember being alarmed by it and thought it was weird.

I have to see the show again to get the exact quotes and obviously I spelled walk as wok instead but there is a connection here with what this guy said and what Hillary said and she said what he said after he said it, I think.

Or is Bret Baier sniffing Kryptonite again?

Actress Maureen O’Hara dies aged 95

One of my favorite actresses died Maureen Ohara who I watched often in many great movies who had a really great daughter who also was very talented and was very funny: Orange County with Jack Black and some funny stuff. Funny movie! Reminds me of my mom too, her spirit and spunk. Not the best picture of Catherine O’hara but she didn’t mind being funny.Screen Shot 2015-10-24 at 7.26.33 PMScreen Shot 2015-10-24 at 7.39.50 PM

W-ant to hear

something absolutely wild?

I called time because the skies are so dark right now and have been most of the day instead of using the computer I called time and it had a FAITH-based verse on the telephone repeated to me as 2Chronicles 7:14  which is

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
and instead of saying “seek my face” said “seek my FAITH” on the phone.Screen Shot 2015-10-24 at 7.24.49 PM

Is that ridiculous or what?’

It’s a fatwa I tell ya against my beliefs and a

fatwa against the truth.

That is what fatwa means FAYET: FAITH and it is a WAR as in TRIBULATION

How many faiths are there anyway? How many religions are there in the world?

How many Fayets or religions teach about I AM THAT I AM? The name of God.

Creation took thought and planning and it was masterful. We should have a right to plan our lives and not be ambushed in every which way we turn which is Schmotherly love and is not helpful as in Big Brother and LBJ gave that award to Billy Graham and his crusades. I believe the true God supports that kind of family planning. Probably should start educating boys and girls that way early and I think we are delinquent and derelict in that way in our schools and institutions

Common sense and Common Core are opposites of each other one mocking the other.

2 plus 2 equals 4, not 5 minus 4 plus 3 minus 2

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He can taste it, he can smell it, he can see it but he can’t get it. Why? Because his arms are too little. LOL

Some things in the past really are better than some things that are being fed to us by listerical nuts.

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Ad on Fox about chicken pox and those bloody looking sores you get if you get shingles threatening because he wants what’s in the bag not because he cares about the poor which on this person in the ad was near the eye. Its an indirect threat as Franklin keeps reminding us that christians are gonna die. That’s an OCCULT.

He wants THAT TATER TOT thats in the bag with the pacifier. Not sure why though but it’s near the eye.


This one:

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Remember what he did with  ebola?

Watched Judge Jeanine last night for a part of her show and she was reading the teleprompter that was illustrated on the screen of comments about where the buck stops in essence about something I think referring to Benghazi and it said 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue and she read it that way. She kind of flinched when she had read it. The address of the White House is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and I had previously written about the 16oo furlongs (a measure) written about in the bible: the blood rising up to the horses bridle and in another post connected it to the White House and the Vatican by the clues.  I wonder, what is 1500 Pennsylvania?

I think it’s the Department of the Treasury.


They show it twice usually again on the next night and I bet they change it.

That would be LEW HEad of the Department of of Treasury who writes his signature like a muslim.

which is also very interesting which I included in a post quite a while back.

Saw a bunch of big birds again but they were higher in the sky and not near the roof tops. They were big and they were not geese and lots of them covering a big huge swath of an area and I went to answer the phone came back and they disappeared. Gone. But the ex who didn’t see it said it was probably geese but geese fly in formation. and they were swirling and hunting for something. Hundreds of them. But they were too high to tell how big they were, but definitely big. In a matter of seconds they were gone every one of them and the side of the area that they swirled in was a few miles. Reminded me of the birds in the hobbit movie because they were predatory birds of some kind but not evil as in the hobbit movie. Maybe they found what they wanted and took it up or something, How do that many birds disappear in a few seconds over that big an area?

Then saw an ad on tv about a guy who is out watching for a comet and drops his phone and picks it up as the comet flys by and misses what he was there for.

Merangue’s Blog

some posts you might like to read:

I Am That I Am (The Sign) -Revised *

I AM THAT I AM (Part two)

I Am the True Vine



What is the smallest seed in the world?

The Parable of Faith – Part two

Pope Benedict XVI and the Mustard Tree

Parable of the Mustard Seed Part 4

The mustard in the Bible versus the Quran (1)

Joseph of Arimathea (A JUST MAN)

Abomination of Desolation

Abomination of Desolation Pt 2

The Covenant with Many


There is a way that seemeth (seems, sows faiths) right unto man that leads to death.

I think that’s the hospice and the mustard seed because it sows and it is based on a lie: It isn’t the smallest of seeds.

That should matter.

Hence the BS on my moms funeral brochure about her sewing everything for her kids which she didn’t however she did sew some things. Like I said we did shop at Sears and Penny’s and other places. She also knitted, painted porcelain sold real-estate, cooked, and she danced. etc.

By the way the woman I saw was Mary Fallin, Governor of Oklahoma who looks an awful lot like the woman in Visiting Angels (one is blond one is brunette) advertised on Fox often as a nurse hospicing/home care service that is supported by Medicare and Medicaid because it pays for it without doctors care and is a trick and ought to be fixed. I saw her with Romney she was with him in his group when he first ran for President in the beginning of his run once perhaps he was in Oklahoma but nevertheless Visiting Angels I think leads to death of those that aren’t desirable? Whether it is her or not it is someone acting like her. Might be one of his wives. At the time when I first started writing she was acting as his wife. and then the other one with MS was used. I don’t think she is on the right path.

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Ben Carson wants abortion outlawed, even in cases of rape or incest


Carson said: “All you have to do is go and look up the many stories of people who have led very useful lives who were the result of rape or incest.”

REMEMBER the Challenger?

Was it useful?

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They heard his voice from the ground and then he jumped from a burning tower and the Jews thought he was on their side:

His name was Niger/NIgel, wasn’t it?

Of the New Testament

I read about it in some writings about the History of the Jews.

Times are a changing’ and don’t think you aren’t about to experience that change.

Ill never forget that day most of all the dad of Christa McAuiiffe.


I can’t find the picture but it was heart wrenching.

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Ben Carson Tormented By Periodic Rational Thoughts

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You ought to watch it.

And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.
When he received that organ in the mail i guess

Ben Carson could tell it was human.

He bought it. Didn’t he know?

Ben Carson’s violent past

What if he has a flash back?

I think people can change but we are talking about the Presidency and that is different than allowing someone a job at Walmart. I chased my sister around a table once with a pair of scissors, I think it was whatever it was it was sharp and luckily there was a table between us. It wasn’t nice but she wasn’t very nice but I scared her to death and I didn’t actually use them. I can’t remember what started it or got me so angry but the look on her face stopped me. She was horrified and scared. I think I might have looked like she looked in my house when I kicked her out.

Perhaps something he does will help to stem and tie off him and his intentions and bite him in the butt and put him in the annuls of


I think something is headed his way but he won’t see it coming because he doesn’t believe it will come.

Here is a reason that a certain baby should not have been born: It’s Ben Carson. He should not have been born. He was a mistake and an abomination of the term baby. He needs to return to his mom’s womb and be terminated.

Is that a good answer, Ben? It’s true.

It would have been better if he had never been born.

He’s a fraud and was groomed by someone to look as if he was an accomplished surgeon.

(The propaganda about him is so perpetrated and obvious with a picture of him in a surgeons suit etc How many surgeons were chosen to speak at Obama’s prayer breakfast?)


I think I saw what you did with the wrench way up high on a ledge next to something big and white.’

Maybe he is the one that was standing where he should not on that ledge by the Challenger.

Space Shuttle Challenger disaster

I don’t know how much it cost the USA but it isn’t anything that Ben Carson can pay back or ever make. He may have altered the course of mankind in a multitude of ways and if he had never been born it might have been successful but he likes women to be barefoot and pregnant because it makes him feel superior and that is the only way that that can be achieved, and not flying into space finding cures, finding other worlds, learning to travel at the speed of light and may have doomed this planet. WHY? Because he couldn’t go. He wasn’t chosen. Jealousy.

Believe me it would have been better if he had never been born.

Why do you think he just happened to be at the same breakfast Obama planned. A prayer breakfast because they have faith in the same god.

It would be an insult to their prophet/profit if a woman could do those things and he couldn’t and many other things.

Can you beat that?

This is just, isn’t it? LOL I bet my dad is laughing in his chest. And my mom would probably say I taut I taw a puddy tat. 

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Is this my breakfast or did I throw this up? Said by my dad. He often ate grape nuts for breakfast when he was at home.

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I chose this picture because it is rendered like the picture of the fetus above. I could have chosen a real pornographic picture of a real woman or girl showing her boobs to demonstrate out of billions and billions of pictures on the web of boobs. I know I tend to be crude but decided not to be crude this time. It’s a fettish.

Ben Carson needs a boob job.

Would that help?


: a strong and unusual need or desire for something

: a need or desire for an object, body part, or activity for sexual excitement

: an object that is believed to have magical powers

Fiorini said she witnessed a baby kept alive to get a organ. Show it then.

If you saw it then it it’s on film, right?

 James Brown I feel good

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What I think I saw 

Truly what I think I saw was a black man on the side of the challenger on a ledge a mechanic type worker in uniform of a mechanic either blue or white and it is on a film somewhere because I saw it on TV . (Maybe he’s a pope.)  I don’t know if it is Ben Carson but I think it is doing a favor with a wrench high up in the air before the Challenger was launched obviously and with a railing. It’s vague but I remember it. It might have been a few days before, I don’t know. All of the propaganda around Ben Carson and the things he has said smack of falsehood even if he is soft spoken. (Popes speak softly too and  happens to be when the Vatican was waging war against women gang banging them for doing what they would have done in their place) and that is biblical prophecy: (He shall speak like a dragon hisssss and they lick and lie a bunch) Could be someone impersonating him, but it was not an accident. Could be a spiritual manifestation inside him. One of the biggest things: You get what you deserve which is a lie…….When talking about the organ he bought after he was caught in his lie he said: I could tell it was human (which is pretentious as can be like having a conversation with a socialite)……….Tithing in regards to taxation (which is laundered to the Vatican where the USA gets intel and many trust it hence doing it’s business). ………… and being at the Prayer breakfast with Obama (what a coincidence) and making it really big after that and GOT Extremely FAMOUS …………and not answering the Pepsi Challenge: what is the smallest of seeds (avoiding it at all costs? Why because it’s a lie and he doesn’t want to admit he fell for it because he needs those faith votes who have faith as a mustard seed of all things. why not a rose? or a forge-me-not, no he would rather have faith in a sore made by shingles and chicken pox……….even though he is a doctor and knows about seman. and in the plant world as well knowing it has been outed as not being the smallest of seeds. That is stoically stupid. Comparing abortion to slavery to divert and get unmerited attention (because he is AFRICAN/American and he is rich) now which are two totally different things that are not comparable and then bible things I have learned. And playing Poor me at the debates when he was not questioned for quite a while and probably couldn’t have answered the questions anyway which is all manufactured to get him to do say what he said when he finally was asked a question. Probably more I have forgotten but Ill add it later if I remember. I don’t hate the man, I find him humorous, intelligent, handsome but that ain’t enough. He has some real problems in his psyche that are problematic and probably because of his religious fervor and evangelicalism and what he has faith in. He learned to control his anger and he probably had a lot to be angry about. My dad learned to go to AL ANON and to escape to the theater to stop him from reacting to my mom when she drank too much and that was a good way to handle it because it worked and settled my mom down, She drank less and less often and she had a lot to be angry about. But my dad didn’t say you get what you deserve in the context that Ben Carson did (and I don’t know if he ever said it he was sorry he did because he loved her proven by their relationship) and he didn’t equate tithing with taxation (which is absurd ) and he never threw abortion in my face nor did my mom (since it is not born!) and never mentioned it because it is my body until it is not in my body. He didn’t attend a manufactured prayer breakfast to fool the public. He took the hit of losing his career and his dreams to be a general for negros/african americans and I was bussed to a black neighborhood and a black school and I got pregnant that same year. We took a lot of hits for African Americans to give them a leg up.

And then years later a lot more hits by some African Americans and all kinds of people.

Would Ben Carson do that for women?



He isn’t ft for the presidency touting his shit about abortion using false information knowing it’s false. He should have said something about having bought an organ before hand it would have made a big difference.

Which reminds me of that church that bought a new organ and was struck by lightning and burned down.

It was an Episcopalian Church behind my house. That was before the movie The Exorcist.

Aren’t we supposed to grow up not down?

When we find out that moles aren’t the mark of the devil we stop killing people born with moles.

When Ben Carson figured out that the organ he bought and received was human, did he use it?

To Everything There is a Season

1To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

4A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

6A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

7A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

8A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

The Excellence in God’s Works

9What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth? 

10I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.

I think that is what is happening to sons of men because they have no respect for women and the decisions they have a right to make and sometimes have to make because they are women. IF you take that right away from women then you have no right to decide who you marry or where you can reside and/or which neighborhood you can live in or decide what restaurant you want to dine in or decide which seat you can sit in on a planes trains and automobiles and should go back to slavery. We’ll send you there.

Sow your seeds and then watch the world turn right side up and we’ll see what happens to those seeds.

Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion (GRAPHIC)


Let’s talk money: This is what Ben Costed:

What economic impact did the challenger disaster have?

Is he worth it?

Does that give you a clue?


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Carson’s violent past: Bricks, bats, hammers

“As a teenager. I would go after people with rocks, and bricks, and baseball bats, and hammers. And, of course, many people know the story when I was 14 and I tried to stab someone. And, you know, fortunately, you know, my life has been changed. And I’m a very different person now,” said Carson.

Some maniacs learn to hold it in for a while. They are sociopaths and psychopaths that hold it in for another day when they can let it out on a bunch of people and besides only a dip shit would say what he said about taxes being tithes. Taxes aren’t tithes because our government is not the temple. So he is lost his ever loving mind and cannot be trusted in the office of the President or near it because he isn’t in his right mind or he would not have equated the two and doesn’t know what he is talking about.

He’s a blithering idiot.>>>>>>>>>

I don’t think Ben Carson’s aspirations are gonna solidify or succeed.

I imagine these discoveries are affecting the value of some art in the past which could be hard on some art collectors making Monte Python skits more valuable than million dollar paintings. We’ll see.








EU STANDS FOR THE EUROPEAN UNION OBVIOUSLY and when my daughter was tot in the tub we had a whale made of plastic that she played with that she called ooee.

It was black and white and known as a Killer Whale.

Sounds adolescent but since they have tried to unify they have been a big problem and it is prophetic. Not the whale in the tub, but the EU.

Oklahoma woman charged with plowing into crowd had mental illness: lawyer
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Adacia Chambers

While writing about Manson and his desire not to be allowed out of jail or around that time or whether or not I wrote it it was his desire not to be released from prison because of his demons and his confusion and trauma IMO about what he is alleged to have been involved in with the murder of Sharon Tate and her friends a woman ran into a parade in Oklahoma, a flood occurred in Navarro County in Texas and a train derailed because of the flood due to a hurricane named Patricia. Probably other stuff too we haven’t yet heard. It is reported on Greta and/or on Fox that she doesn’t want to be out on bail after coming out of an ice-cream shop crying and plowing into a parade for the (Oklahoma State University homecoming) and they are now saying it might have to do with diabetes which can cause blackouts and all sorts of stuff. You would think by now the field of medicine would have figured out a way to cure diabetes but they would rather not do what doctors and scientists used to do in the past because of Insurance. It’s easier to ride the disease and look what happened: kicked out the talent in the medical field. Didn’t Ben Carson retire? He kicked himself out. A lot of those seals overseas that were given France’s highest honor in the EU by their President Bertrand also suffered blackouts during their heroic deeds on a train fighting terrorists. They didn’t even know what Bertrand said to them it was so french. Did they have diabetes too? One seal ended up stabbed a few times in a bar fight outside the bar by japanese people somewhere or other. Alcohol may be involved in this tragedy as well. I guess they serve alcohol in ice cream shops in Oklahoma, now. anyway supposedly some people were killed, I guess. I would think the bar or the ice-cream shop that served her alcohol and the University ought to pay for her bail and for her lawyers and surely they are insured for that kind of a potential risk.

She isn’t my daughter Thank God but she doesn’t look like the type to premeditate this type of a hoax or if it is real this type of an incident. My daughter is doing well but very close, but no cigar.

This is what occurs when you try to enlighten a bunch of nuts that can’t handle a few answers to some controversies in the bible. The powers that lied to us will do just about anything to hide the truth. It’s ridiculous, short-sighted, and ignorant.

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 Ben Carson reminds me of the doctor that visited the White House in Obama’s first term. Discombobulated a bit, the same in essence.

My name is Benito Muchacho Laquisha Mogwa Amuud Amad

Screen Shot 2015-10-27 at 2.28.53 AMI was the 18th child of a black family of 21. My mom was Catholic when she was 5 when she started to have babies and eventually married a few times. They got her used to sex using a stone to get her ready for the experience but before that they stitched up her vagina to keep her a perpetual virgin for as long as it took. The first husband was separated by two trees tied together and then someone cut the rope for some crime he committed and the other one was my uncle. We lived in a shack. My uncle eventually abandoned us for another 5 year old.  I used candlesticks, lead pipes, and flamethrowers when my anger arose because of my anger issues, evenso I got educated in a junior college and got my degree in separating quadruplets. I speak softly. I think tithing should be 15 percent. While I was separating quadruplets, found an organ and it sure looked like human organ but I don’t know where it came from. It appeared out of nowhere and I had nothing to do with it. I think men should be castrated at the age of 15 to avoid pregnancy in young girls and woman because it’s barbaric then we wouldn’t be barbaric.

Can I run for the Presidency?

Mixed views on Ben Carson’s abortion stance: #tellusatoday

“Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s comment that abortion should be banned, even in cases of rape and incest (but not when the mother’s life is in danger), re-ignited debate on the issue.”

October 20, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Twelve Tribes of Israel

Don’t ask the names of the tribes, because I don’r remember. I know a few but don’t know the majority of their names and before this is through I will look them up on the internet but I remember the story of Joseph.

Joseph had a coat of many colors. In children’s books it was sort of a rainbow coat that his dad gave him.

HIs dad was Israel.

He had a dream that he told his brothers who were also shepherds. They were out working the fields and he was kind of spoiled and went visiting them for his dad to give them something or other, a message of some kind, so he was also “the messenger,” and you know what they say about the messenger: Don’t shoot the messenger. Anyway the dream was that his brothers would bow down to Joseph. The dream entailed wheat and other ingredients and since not only was Joseph the son of Israel by a second marriage (I think, I’m pretty sure that was the crux of the matter), he also had received a new rainbow coat, and he was a messenger, Joseph was also dream specialist. He knew what the symbolism of dreams meant or thought he knew what they meant and boasted about it. In the dream the wheat bowed down and I guess the brothers were the wheat and the wind must have been making the wheat lay low. I wonder who the wind was. It doesn’t say in the bible but it can be inferred if you read the Gospel of John near or around the fourth chapter. Anyway his brothers grew to dislike him to the Nth degree because they thought he was a spoiled brat and they sure as heck weren’t gonna bow down to their sniveling pathetic younger step brother in his new rainbow coat when all he was was a messenger boy for their dad plus they were working and he wasn’t working and they didn’t like that either. Israel gave him the coat and they didn’t have a nice rainbow colored coat. Their coats were dingy and colorless and Joseph was the son of that new b-itch. It had to be pretty bad all the details of their relationship for them to have thrown Joseph in a pit.

Recently it was announced via internet and news that there is a new weapon an Invisibility Cloak that I heard our country had developed but the Ex read it was some British Research Faithility that developed an Invisibility Cloak just like in Harry Potter movies and books although I don’t know it is just like it, but Invisible is invisible.

Last time I was in the hospital or second to the last time I was in the hospital I shared a room with an old woman though we never talked because there was a curtain between us. She had some visitors that came often to see her a few men and a woman with short blond hair. She reminded the old woman that she had been on morphine for a day. She said it numerous times in a monotone voice so I got the message as well. She seemed to be delighted with her task to remind the woman over and over again that she had been on morphine for a day. It was weird. She liked to hear herself talk and played the doting female of the group. She was with some men who were kind of big compared to her and she seemed kind of small and bouncy like a little mouse. I guess the morphine had had a bad effect on the woman or she wouldn’t have been telling her about it as if that was why she was where she was.

“A thousand years is a day as a day is a thousand years.”

During that same hospital stay a woman that looked an awful lot like Queen Elizabeth but not dolled up and her son (she was pretty old so it had to be her grandson) came to visit the old woman. I don’t know how we got into a conversation but he told me from the other side of the curtain that he was a Schitzophrenic but was taking drugs for his condition so he was cool and he seemed to be quite entertained by the surroundings and his state of mind behind the curtain at the hospital with some old lady visiting a woman in the hospital who had been on morphine for a day, a day , a day, a day, a day, ad ay, ad ay, ad ay…… It was as if he enjoyed where he was and with whom. It was a strange few minutes. That side of the curtain was pretty strange and her visitors especially the little woman with the blond bob repeating the morphine line of excuses.  I have been on morphine and it wasn’t that bad though it was not sufficient for my pain or for the pain I was not prepared to endure for a woman trying to stick a tube up my nose in the ER before my operation for Peroteneal Abscess and eventually Sepsis.

Sandy Hook Elementary school teacher interview:

Remember the beautiful blond teacher from Sandy Hook Elementary that was a heroine as well and who appeared on a CNN news panel discussion group who proposed that for children to calm themselves down if they are scared to look at a box on the table, as opposed to whistling a happy tune, taking a pill (LOL) or hiding, when an insane man/boy comes to their school and tries to shoot them down? Back in the days when teachers traveled abroad to teach a foreign country they didn’t have tranquilizers. In the case of the movie The King and I what’s her face AANNAA was with her son on a ship heading towards Siam/Persia now Iran to teach the king’s children. Obviously, she failed. OR DID HE/SHE?

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The King and I Whistle a Happy Tune

I was one of the kids of the king when I starred in a play at school.

The Teacher Kaitlin was interviewed again by Fox News in a red skirt definitely dolled up a day or so ago. She was absolutely perfect. It’s hard to take when the whole damed thing was a hoax to begin with to have to watch this person talk about being a teacher and her hopes for the children and their relationship and her relationship with the parents of the kids that survived the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre Hoax that have since grown up a few years anyway. I guess the survivors have birth certificates so they were able to continue with their education. The ones that didn’t survive were not given death certificates for some strange hoax  they were not seen but hidden from investigators of the hoax so obviously they didn’t die or the investigators would have been able to witness their death certificates and their birth certificates, but Fox News isn’t into that kind of information. It is neither here nor there as far as they are concerned because it is useless to them and their agenda.

Agenda 21?

I don’t read about Agenda 21 or what ever it is called but I know we are dealing with a big problem and that is the Vatican and their desires. Maybe has something to do with Area 21, lol. That’s some place in Nevada, a secret place with hangers for air craft, though I have not seen it.

 I wanted to transcribe the interview because sometimes things don’t resonate unless you read them. Watching someone with great beauty, poise, and agility it’s real easy to get wrapped up in them instead of what they are saying to understand a hoax. She really doesn’t say much that is worth writing about and since it is based on fabrication it seems a bit silly so on second thought I think I will refrain from transcribing it if I could find it because news of her is everywhere and I think it’s way overdone.

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She is being accused of cashing in on the tragedy that didn’t occur so going on tour to Australia to sell her book selling hope and I guess school teachers don’t work in the fall. Choosing hope as in Bill of Hope Arkansas. Those Jesuits are pretty convincing. She sure favors that woman from the south that Bill had a thing with before some of the others. She made some money for a while too and then she kind of went invisible. What was her name? POLLYANNA?

The Wells Fargo Wagon

cute video!

Looks like she has a pain between her eyes or clearing her tear ducts of sand.

In her sales pitch about her book she refers to some chapter you don’t have to read which one calls the hook so she’s definitely a trained professional sales lady.

I remember President Obama whistled a tune at the White House when he couldn’t get in the door. Somehow he was locked out after a press briefing of some kind and it was kind of funny during his first year at the White House when he was 44 years old.

By the way Trump is more woman friendly than anyone in the “construction business”, or so he says.

About to reveal his Vice Presidential hopeful? Kaitlin?

Some of the women of Sandy Hook who lost kids imagined their art projects that they did with their kid that didn’t exist and were not gunned down by a murdering kid armed to the teeth. Many Catholics involved in this charade because of the aftermath involved them at funerals for the families left behind.


This has to do with the JFK assassination and the judge who swore in LBJ with a Catholic bible on a plane who was later involved in Roe v Wade i.e. abortion, recent within 40 years ago to now child abuse accusations of Roman Catholicism priests and their reaction to the accusations The Courtyard of the Gentiles at Notre Dame in Paris (self fulfilling prophecy) to find the mote in our eyes using places like NSA in UTAH using technology against the population as a whole such as our TV’s to spy on Americans in their own living rooms and computers using cell phones in order to survive as a church and control and ruin our lives in their endeavor to run the world and Catholicize the world and to prove that they have the moral authority they seem to think they have using EVANGELICALS and those types to IMPRESS upon us their AUTHORITY. LOL

SICK and that is why Catholics tend to suffer DEMENTIA partially and because they usually are indulged for a price and causing GREAT MENTAL PSYCHOSIS IN SOCIETY to WASH THEIR LINEN SO THEY CAN CONTINUE TO LAUNDER MONEY ATTAINED THROUGH THE MOB AND TAXES


and were used or in conjunction with Obama to take away our rights to defend ourselves using Gun Control and mental illness they create, develop and nourish and infiltrate our own government and utilizing their mental disorders: NARCISSiSM AND PSYCHOPATHETIC TENDENCIES. Abortion was and is a way to defend our bodies from the whims of men and women (of Rome) so Rome sent some really twisted people to Planned Parenthood and to the Pentagon and to many other institutions to ruin America our healthcare system and used the insurance business to do the same. They are so evil everything they do is evil it’s totally defunct of logic, reason and morals, using every trick in the book to create confusion and deceive the world and it is hanging by a thread that hopefully will be burned ASAP.


The funny thing is the more they do the worse it gets for them though they aren’t smart enough to realize it. The problem the population has is if they go down they want you to go as well. Mutual self destruction and the population needs to understand their ways in order to survive them. IF they don’t make it they don’t want you to make it so they use you to keep afloat and the population ought to try to get from beneath their control in every way possible.

Screw taxation. I have not heard one leader or candidate talk about consumption tax because it works and keeps a lid on things such as overspending, debt, and every other evil in society. They want to receive money without earning it, hence the ongoing election that has not ceased since they were elected. DON’T SEND THEM MONEY.

Disearnesty is their passion

Jim Webb sure resembles the Grahams, doesn’t he?

Jim Webb: CNN Debate Was ‘Rigged’ For Clinton And Sanders [VIDEO]

Reminds me of Mike Rogers of Michigan. His genes get around, don’t they?
It has something to do with the MASONIC LODGE/Large as JFK would say which leads to Rome.

So anyway Joseph is in this pit (and Daniel was in a a Lion’s Den and was not hurt by the lions) and some marauding travelers happened upon him and took him as a slave. I think back in those days you were either a sheep herder or a marauding bandit in between the major cities such as between Sodom and Gomorrah.

So these men take him as a slave and he is eventually sold to some diplomat or something similar and the wife of the diplomat tries to come on to him because Joseph was handsome while he was working and sweating in their fields and he flees from her desires because he wanted to work for a living and I guess he liked the man he was working for and didn’t particularly want to have an affair with his wife. She accuses him of seducing her to her husband because he turned her down and he gets in more trouble and ends up in a prison all the while believing in God.

Then meets some people in prison a cook, a tailor, and a candlestick maker. Anyway he has a dream about some prisoners and one is hung in the gallows over it. HIs reputation gets around as being a dream interpreter. When a dream interpreter can have someone taken to the gallows by his interpretation it is no wonder he gained a reputation.

King Nebuchadnezzar’s son (Belshazzar the king) starts having dreams that he doesn’t understand and inquires among his soothsayers and wise men and none of their interpretations suffice to the king and the king threatens their life and they suggest Joseph in order that they might not lose their own hydes.

Here is the dream and here is the modern day interpretation of the meaning of the words:

 Daniel tells Belshazzar that God’s judgment is at the door.

“Then the fingers of the hand were sent from Him, and this writing was written. And this is the inscription that was written: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. This is the interpretation of each word.

MENE: God has numbered your kingdom, and finished it;

TEKEL: You have been weighed in the balances, and found wanting;

PERES: Your kingdom has been divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.”

I found this on the internet having to do with Daniel and King Belshazzar

which is linked if you want to read their interpretation of part of the book of Daniel.

Joseph interprets the king’s dream basically saying he was about to lose his kingdom and turn into a beast of the fields like a buffalo for 10 years or so. OR ISIS type beasts, the mafia, etc.

It seems I’m getting mixed up between Joseph and Daniel but their experience is similar as if history repeated itself though Daniel didn’t have a rainbow coat and Joseph did. LOL But Daniel would not eat the Kings meat and Joseph did. Just kidding I don’t know about that. He might have eaten then again maybe he didn’t. Daniel ends up being trapped for not praying at a certain time (ISLAM) and other things and has to get in a fire and doesn’t burn. Joseph ends up being the King’s assistant and saves Israel, his dad, and brothers doing some strange stuff like sticking stolen goods in a bag so that his brothers would get in trouble and have to be beholden to him so he can find out what happened to his younger brother


to see if he is still alive, etc

since Ben was the son of the same woman that Joseph was the son of in a second marriage to Israel.

(I have dreams and they are totally whacky like the last dream I remember that I had today was stealing big rolls of cash from my brother-in-law and Angelina Jolie kept finding where I stashed them. ‘Course I didn’t stash them in good hiding places and even I could detect where they were. Why Angelina Jolie? She looks like my niece? I don’t think it means anything. Weird dream! Perhaps it means Angelina Jolie will bow down to me. Probably not, lol not that that is my desire to have her bow down because I don’t even know her and she isn’t the type and even if she did bow to the queen she probably didn’t mean it but she kept outing me in my dream TOME and not to others and I kept asking her not to tell or rather hoping she wouldn’t tell, it was sort of a telepathy type communication. We all do things to get by, I think. most of the time because we are not prepared for what we encounter at a given moment or know the reason we encounter it till later, I was pretty tired having stayed up all night.) Here is a post I wrote with the help of the links and their writers some scholars some not and kind of gives some intelligence to the problem of being unprepared for what happens to us. The gotcha moments. Anyway sometimes we have to recommit ourselves to a purpose when we fall.

Kind of like when you see the light of a star in the sky you are actually seeing the past and that star might not really be there in that location at that point in time that you think you see because of the speed of light, distance, size, age, time and other measures we can’t possibly calculate in our perception.
There is this guy in the press that I recognize, I think, when he was a boy an experience I had with him even though I didn’t know him in any fashion when my sweater unbuttoned at a school/church function involving kids and I was in the audience and was scowled at for having allowed my breasts to show held together by a bra and I didn’t know it except and until by his reaction and I guess it was his mother’s reaction that looked back at me as if I had done it on purpose causing her son to act like a laughing hyena. He is much older now and looks even older than me and he was much younger then. I could be wrong about my recognition of him but he is pretty original in his traits. It was a reputable school that I think was/is deceived. It became too hard to afford because it kept raising it’s price leaving out quite a few people probably purposefully and because it was not dedicated to it’s stated purpose and I think was involved with the changes made to the bible a few decades ago to accommodate the One World Religion and it’s agenda and some false teachers and false shepherds who were popular. Perhaps that perception has been provided for me to comfort me because it was very insidious what happened to me (and to my family that I grew up with and the family that I achieved) unbeknownst to me the reasons at the time because I wasn’t aware at that time as I am now of those reasons.

Josephus and His Footprints

When Benghazi occurred and the men that wrote a book about it and appeared on Fox I called a liar in my home and I saw GREAT EVIL in his eyes back at me. It was one of the threesome that Sean Hannity hosted and interviewed. I know of remember it was a twosome in retrospect I think because one of them I sort of recognized in a familiar way but the other one looked like the profile of Josephus Flavius provided by a bust made of him in the past. He was the one that glared back at me at that time. The other one seemed to be his patsy I get the two interviews mixed up with the one that Bret Baier had with three people about Benghazi that wrote a book as well and soon after his interview about the assassination of Osama Bin Laden. All of them had little Pentagon diagrams with stick figures that seemed to impress both interviewers as if that makes it legitimate like a football game. There is only so much a person can handle sometimes and I have had to handle quite a bit as most of us have since Obama came riding in on his pony.

Since it seems we repeat history a lot lately it made me think of Libya and Iraq’s leaders, Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein. Muammar Gaddafi went to Rome when the G8 meeting occurred in Aquilla, Italy with Pope Benedict XVl or around that time to receive a car company or part of a car company located in Detroit after it went bankrupt awarded by Obama. Soon after that Gadaffi was killed.

Plus not to mention history repeating itself there is this problem we have with replacement theology which seems to play a part in history repeating itself over and over again.

A day, a day, a day, a day, a day, etc. is a is a issa issa issa issa issa 

thousand thousand thous and thous and thous and years is years is year sis year sis year sis a day a day  ad ay ad ay etc.

There is a train of thought with scholars about the relationship of Numbers and Dueteronomy and the duality of the bible so the stories of Joseph and Daniel being so close in meaning and content isn’t that unusual with two different endings. They say it had to do with Moses using his staff on a rock to separate the Red Sea during his escape with the slaves of Egypt or to drink water that they needed on their journey and he doesn’t obey God perfectly and hits the rock with a vengeance or twice instead of tapping the rock or something like that. I guess he lost his cool a little and wanted to be dramatic. I don’t know but it has to do with a rock of some kind.

a rock a rock Iraq Iraq …….

Watching Anderson Cooper question the candidates and he doing a great job which I expect from him to do a great job but extremely talented in what he does. Though so far nothing about Benghazi.

Clinton looks fantastic, the best she has looked in years and had a great speech but she is so wrong about the NRA and gun rights. Bernie Sanders is so close to being in the right place on that issue and most issues but his language makes him more liberal sounding than he is. Climate change is not pollution. Pollution causes some climate problems in certain areas such as it did in California and China etc because of the features of certain areas and emissions, population, etc. California was successful in helping their major cities with some of their problems and most pollution problems are not worldwide but local. That is how pollution will be overcome, not overall and each city should tackle it’s own troubles caused by it’s own excesses without Federal intervention or world government intervention.

Bernie Sanders is correct about Syria and ground troops and coalitions schmissions of Hillary have caused way too many problems in other countries and her ideas are multi-perplexing which is good for her class and bad for the middle class and lower class. Haiti? Central America? Remember those failures. Chechnya? The Baltics?
Yemen?, and other places her husband was involved in and often abandoning the military he sent, etc. and then of course she did at Benghazi, but what does it matter to her? Or what does it matter to Senator John McCain or John Kerry?
Bernie Sanders is a coalition schmission believer as well and does not believe in unilateral type leadership and that is a mistake on his part. Being sure about foreign policy sometimes requires unilateral actions if you know you are getting the right information from the right sources which is the problem with our military and our government agencies getting information from the wrong sources and trusting it however Bernie Sanders is less inclined to jump as Hillary is usually a leaper and then a denier. Course most of us do change our positions as we learn from our mistakes.

Unilateralism is courage and leadership oftentimes.


That is what leadership is unilateral, and should not be frowned upon. Often the world is wrong in toto.

If you aren’t willing to act unilaterally you shouldn’t act.

Do you think Putin would be successful if he was a believer in coalitions? LOL. Whatever you may think of him he doesn’t rely on the world to give him permission or to do what he thinks is right or necessary for hisself and his country.

The Democratic race so far in my opinion is between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton and the other two are weak in a number of ways. I think Hillary’s problem are her backers who she wants to please where ever and whomever she receives funds which is extremely dangerous. I don’t think Bernie Sanders is a schmoozer and the Clintons are the epitome of schmooze. Turns out there are three others but who is counting? They are insignificant to the Democrats race at the moment because they lack imagination or don’t seem to know how to communicate it to be heard or questioned.

As far as mental health goes we do need more help for those in need which seems to go hand in hand with crime rate and intervention from those that use them for their agenda. There is the problem for the mentally unstable…those that use them  to accomplish deeds to enable their policies. That is what we need to overcome….those entities that abuse the mentally unstable.

Every country should follow the lead of Parkland Hospital of Dallas Texas in the past…..not present. They took care of the needy and immigrants and educated their doctors and nurses and was known to be the best hospital in the country in that regard at that time about ten years ago. It was a great institution but invaded by those that wanted to destroy it’s attributes using Obama Care and other ways to screw it up kind of like what happened to Planned Parenthood by those that had an axe to grind in regards to abortion and used the mentally unstable which includes doctors and nurses (more than likely a coalition constructed by the RCC’s slaves attracted like moths to a flame to use against women and girls because they are into unprotected sex and have been for years devoted to aids, disease, degradation, etc.) to accomplish a great injustice to a place that helped females of all ages in distress and great need to Catholicize the country under a directive that is based on their creed which is coating their faith with false beliefs based on lies. The earth was flat …..remember? People besides witches like to swim. Moles are not marks of the devil,….etc. Masturbation does not make one blind and is not a sin unless you do it in the public library. It’s like spitting on the ground is not a sin unless you do it in a building, etc. You can snort out snot while on the plow but don’t do it at the theater. LOL. (Let me explain. I was on a trip or traveling somewhere in the car and saw a man on a plow do it who was farming and it was astonishing but part of my experience.) So be sure and wash your veggies! You can urinate in the ocean but don’t do it in the pool, ETC.

Hillary is cackling

 (not very attractive, believable, or a good sign)

about Bernie Sanders hope to squash the e-mail server problem she has but if a spy was killed because she exposed him purposefully as Head of the State Department she should be held responsible for that person’s death and lose the candidacy for President and be barred from running. I think it was a person that was either taken prisoner or killed at Benghazi and if Bernie Sanders is covering for her, he shouldn’t. but could be he is being hoodwinked by her and her friends. He will reap a huge set back if he does if her lapse in judgement is associated with Benghazi. The attackers that had cellphones had the passwords of The State Department and used them during the attack. so either they tried to kill a mole at Benghazi without a trial or Hillary was the big mole for the Vatican killing good ole american spies or something else all together which is probably the truth. In any case, I think she has a lot to answer for in regards to Benghazi and I hope that South Carolinas Trey Goudy gets to the truth but he needs to ask the right questions and so far he hasn’t that I know of come to an understanding of how important Benghazi really was and who was responsible. WHO came up with the excuse? The Vatican: Jesuit Frederiko Lombardi (the Popes Jesuit GIRD where we get much information and we do not want or need to partake of eating the king’s meat, their way.) gave the excuse to The State Department and they used the excuse using Susan Rice’s substance to feed the excuse to the press. We should be suspicious of any information they toss. Essentially supporting the whims of the MAFIA! The Red Cross (Vatican) and the British Embassy left before the attack so it was premeditated.

Get to the matter. >>>>The meat.>>>>>> The Vatican and the Jesuits.




should not be ignored or covered up.

I was falling for the antics and the charisma of Barack Obama at that time and what occurred at Benghazi and the extensive aftermath was a huge warning and still is, so it worked quite well. Not to mention the failure of Obama Care to proceed unhindered with many setbacks and glitches which were definitely premeditated and for good reason!

I think Benghazi and Obama Care’s glitchy start are connected to one or more of the victims of Benghazi. And I think the departure of Pope Benedict Xvl is involved as well and the election of Jesuit Pope Francis is also an indicator like a Big Bollinger Band in the currency exchange market and of course what Obama said to the Federal employees during the Government Shutdown to stick with him and the shooting death of an unarmed woman with her baby at the back gates of the White House during that time that looked like my little sister in one of the photos provided of her by the press and similar and by similar I mean almost exactly the same image and pose of her in an old family photo, except for her skin color. Reminded me of what occurred in the 70’s to the members of a religious sect The People’s Temple at Jonestown, Guyana and the same type personality traits of their leader and some of our leaders including Obama and the devotion of his political/religious party.

I think it was meant to be a fair warning for US citizens and to the world. 

Longtime Hillary Clinton Aide Huma Abedin Set to Appear Before House Benghazi Committee Friday: Report



25 or 30 of those witnesses should be questioned by CONGRESS for the citizens of the USA to see LIVE.


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“The Borg are a fictional alien race that appears as recurring antagonists in the Star Trek franchise. The Borg are a collection of species that have been turned into cybernetic organisms functioning as drones in a hive mind called the Collective, or the hive. The Borg use a process called assimilation to force other species into the Collective by violent injection of microscopic machines called nanoprobes.

The Borg’s ultimate goal is “achieving perfection”.

I did not hear the debate about black lives matter v all iives matter but Kelly of the Kelly File is talking about it with Ben Carson who thinks taxation is tithing.

That is the ultimate of sub-borgination.

Of course how did Ben have the honor to appear at the PRAYER breakfast with Obama if he were not his

chosen one. 

I guess he has been perfected? probably because he equates taxation with tithing to a temple and Obama thinks he is that temple!

Obama To UN: ‘The Future Must Not Belong To Those Who Slander The Prophet Of Islam’
 And since he speaks in dark sentences as told in the BOOK OF DANIEL he ALSO means profit!


I do recall that Bernie Sanders in the news on the internet said all lives matter or lives matter and not just black lives and now in the debate is saying black lives matter so he has been borged or something since then, probably in preparation for the debate to make HIllary look good because he did help her to appear that way and the other candidates did the same and they didn’t do anything for the most part. That is how one makes Hillary look attractive as a candidate is to put a bunch of losers around her.

Anyway between her cackling ABOUT THE EMAILS SHE MAY HAVE DESTROYED OR DIVERTED (it happens to mine) and her asserting herself act it detracted from her in my opinion.

She needs to stop waddling. LOL

And he said unto them, Go ye, and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures to day and to morrow, and the third day I shall be perfected.


is not evil but does need to be reined in that I agree with Hillary about except i disagree on how it needs to be reined in.

She is the epitome of BIG BUSINESS that keeps the middle class down regardless how she grew up. At one time she was a flower child and she smoked pot, I guarantee it.

Capitalism needs to accommodate the self employed and the entrepreneur, the inventors, the scientists, etc. and often times they accomplish their inventions and cures out of need and then are screwed by BIG BUSINESS and FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS and sometimes OUR COALITION STYLE GOVERNMENT. THAT NEEDS TO BE CURTAILED.



Oh Yea that would be unilateralism and that is frowned upon because it requires independence.

We ought to separate the military for it’s own good.


It has been corrupted by the world’s delusions and deeply and successfully infiltrated by the enemy of the USA.

If you were going to undermine the USA’s strength and agility where would you go? You have to make it difficult to be screwed up by those that would like to make us a banana republic and a slave to their agendas.


needs to be



their soldiers, their leaders, and their facilities and the people of the USA

otherwise one branch of the military will destroy the other.


(Obviously air cover helps ground cover but you better not count on it especially these days.)


NATO backing ISIS in proxy war against Syria, Russia

I’m no expert BUT

I think the military needs to read about the burdensome stone in the Old Testament and I don’t think we ought to mess with Syria, Russia, or anywhere in the Middle East while we allow Barack Obama to be in the White House unless we are willing to destroy Mecca and Medina which I believe are Sodom and Gomorrah. And if we are willing to destroy the Vatican. The Dome of the Rock ought to be destroyed by Israel and then the claim to part off Jerusalem by Islam because the third holiest site of Islam is located in Jerusalem is a moot point. LOL

Experts weigh in: How can Israel quash this wave of terror?

Might prevent some madness in some of the souls of some pretty mixed up people.

Palestinians torch burial site
of biblical hero Joseph

3rd holiest site in Judaism set ablaze, severe damage reported

Whatever happened to “an eye for an eye” when you need it?

I thought it had been destroyed by ISIS out in the middle of nowhere a while back but I guess it turns out it was Jonah’s site they destroyed. I have no idea where these graves are but what if they accidentally destroy Abraham’s grave thinking it was someone else? Or Ishmael? LET’S HOPE THOSE SITES ARE INSURED!


Who ‘Owns’ the Land of Israel?














in order to be effective and make a difference and do it judiciously telling the people to leave the premises as does Israel before they destroy some buildings. Problem with the middle east is they are willing to put their own kids as targets like they do hostages. That’s when you have to trust God to protect them.

You would do it if you cared about the Israeli’s that you were elected to protect, Netanyahu.

But be sure to insure it first.

I think the democrats were at the same two pot parties.

Bernie Sanders is right about Marijuana and RETHINKING THIS WAR ON DRUGS.

Legalization and regulating marijuana is a start to winning the war on drugs.

I have written about it numerous times and basically the goal should be to separate drug users from the mafia which is HQ’d in the VATICAN and protected from BIG BUSINESS in the USA and OVERSEAS.

Big Business doesn’t want marijuana to succeed for the most party because alcohol is their bread and butter and gets them sloshed to take advantage. Why do you think they give away free alcohol in casinos? Great way to get someone to do what you want them to do give them a few beers or a few martinis. Females are more susceptible than males!

BIg Business and The Vatican/World Government work together to screw the average person and our government is or should be aware of that dilemma.







It helps for equipment, cars, homes, and anything that can be replaced and for itself.

The insurance business protects itself most of all, which makes it easily corrupted and the biggest problem with the business is it prohibits and prevents talents to be attained or discovered by those in the business of insurance and is destructive to the health business and business in general.

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Does he look like he cares one IOTA for the ills he has caused in the world?

This is what you will get if you elect Hillary. “Don’t ask, don’t tell.” Really helpful and O’reilly hopeful!

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Look familiar?

Hillary represents the insurance business and all the ills of America.

“it was a video tape.”

 Same spirit in those frowns. It is too uncanny to be ignored.

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Famous Scientists

They were not insured.

God uses believers and non believers for his purposes whether they know it or not.

HIllary is only an extension of BIll Clinton and vice versa. Bubble gum government.

I feel your pain shit.

Back to Joseph and the Book of Daniel.

The Book of Daniel reveals a Covenant with Many which could have something to do with MENE in the story of Joseph. (And I guess in the book of Daniel that is found in bad shape.) I have no idea what the last statement in parenthesesI that I wrote meant when I wrote it but I have a feeling I misspelled something causing the sentence to have absolutely no value except to confuse so I put it in parentheses to clarify. I’m writing this stuff from memory about what I remember about Joseph and the Book of Daniel and have not referred to bible for clarification or correction. I doubt most people have read it at all but it might help them if they did because much of what we are experiencing in the world have to do with these things. There is also a covenant made at the Last Supper in three of the gospels that are known as the Synoptic Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke where Jesus makes a deal with the men at the table even though he had not yet been crucified having them drink his blood – one gospel says in remembrance and another says for another reason and something else etc. So whose blood did they drink? or how was his blood acquired, through intravenous devices? It is the only covenant made in the gospels and I think it has to do with the Covenant with Mene/Many in the Book of Daniel and then there is that Covenant with Abraham where they have to cut their penises. Since the Covenant with Many is prophetic it must be the one in the New Testament that Daniel is talking about, I think, but I don’t know for sure unless the penis covenant happened after Daniel and not before. The important aspect of that Covenant revealed in the Book of Daniel is that it is a FALSE Covenant with Many:

 Daniel tells Belshazzar that God’s judgment is at the door.

“Then the fingers of the hand were sent from Him, and this writing was written. And this is the inscription that was written: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. This is the interpretation of each word.

MENE: God has numbered your kingdom, and finished it;

TEKEL: You have been weighed in the balances, and found wanting;

PERES: Your kingdom has been divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.”

Joseph interprets A DREAM ABOUT WHEAT (not the above) that there will be a famine in the land and the Pharaoh hires him as his aid so he figures out a way to get wheat stored for 7 years (via tithing) and is able to feed the people in the area he is in charge of for another 7 years and feed his family during the drought/ AND may have been an attack of locusts. So I guess there is a 14 year period.

One for storage and one for feeding,

Often times famine is for the word of God as the flood could have been referring to a flood of lies that drowned the peoples senses which seems like what we are going through via the press and the hoaxes we are enduring for some reason or another. There may have been a physical flood and a spiritual flood. Same thing goes for the famine in the story of Joseph.

Anyway he is able to reunite with family and they forgive each other and have a great time but through some really weird tricks but Joseph was dealing with some strange brothers, jealousy, misunderstandings, false accusations, etc.

It’s kind of confusing but often times events happen sort of in a paradoxically or at the same time on different planes and that makes it hard for our minds to understand.

Of course take into consideration that the interpretation of those words may be incorrect and misunderstood as most of the bible seems to be or have been in MENE ways.

But there seems to be a string of thought from the OT to the New Testament and

There and Back Again:


“There is no there there” said Barack Obama in regards to Benghazi.

It sure hasn’t dissipated and it keeps regathering, regrouping, like a bad dream and I don’t think it will disappear until it is understood, IMO, even though MENE would like it to go away.

Might have something to do with



as in


HARP (upharsin) could also refer to Oprah/Harpo Marx, etc ( I heard a description by the man that helped to create the manifestation who was concerned how it would be used) of how HAARP works using microwaves and the description included strings hence the name. It can cause earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, wild fires, mass deaths of ocean life, climate change symptoms, microwaves heat food fast so you can imagine it must feel awful good to make a killing on Climate warming knowing it’s done purposefully as AL Gore has done but it wasn’t his idea it was the Vatican’s idea. Anyway I think he is in the Book of Daniel symbolically,

probably in chapter 8 talking about the time of the end.

Wasn’t it Time (Hearsts/HURSTS of Germany/Hertz) that puffed Billy Graham?

What a hint – death


By the way don’t heat your diet foods or frozen foods with the saran wrap that they tell you to keep on the product  while you microwave because during the microwave process it emits a gas that is poisonous, at least it used to and it is bad to eat. I make up the difference by microwaving for an extra 30 seconds instead.

In the Gospel of John when Jesus is taken somewhere and Peter denies him three times it says he followed Jesus to see the end but a lot of people saw him crucified so it must mean something else.

The interrogation, the inquisition, the porpoise, the point, etc

The reason and the why.

What was written on the walls of Benghazi?

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I saw wi


Wi is an Arabic term as well, but I knew it a while ago but have forgotten because I’m taking in so much information constantly it seems and then there’s the game machine. WIFI etc

Here are some pictures:

benghazi cell phone2014-11-11 at 12.49.08 PM

Notice the cell phone in mouth using passwords from the Sate Department so it was well coordinated. One of the guys killed or taken played WOW. COULD BE THIS ONE. That ain’t Christopher Stevens.

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This corpse looks like my dad, his mouth, his chin. But could be antagonistic psychological type tactics aimed at me because some people don’t like what I have to say in my blogs. I don’t know. It’s that type of war these days and we are in it. ARMAGEDDON.

Why would whoever posted this picture bother unless it posed a threat to their very existence.

I’m just a peon.

I do think when Israel gets the nerve to destroy the Dome of the Rock things will change in the middle east as fast as the damage that nuclear bomb makes in seconds. I could be wrong but I think it is detrimental to their existence and vice versa. They just need a little impetus or the right amount of a nudge. They are getting it lately. Woe to those that might be affected world wide. ALAS.

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Elton John

Just to burst your bubble gum mug I have seen my dad since he died even on TV who helped me to know that Obama Care was not good when he was with the BORG and he since left the BORG and felt him near me about other things that are personal and precious quite a bit doing a lot of good things and he loves to whistle, dance, and sing and he makes noises sometimes so I can know he is near and not just in a book shelf usually when I’m thinking about some things and working things out in my head on particular subjects that i write about


Don’t Worry Be Happy Bobbie McFerrin

I felt him as well

and I felt my mom’s hand on my shoulder before she died by a few months after i saw her the last time.

Did I tell ya about the dove that saved my life? I did on a different blog.

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Then the picture of michelle in heels with rolled up jeans is also interesting which I included in a bunch of posts on most of my blogs. Whether she was there or not she has a weapon and Obama mad reference to her arms at a Press dinner and our arms many times. It’s hard to see in this version but I have better ones on my blogs and it looks like she was in the middle of plastic surgery, but it’s her.

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COULD BE a message in code of some kind! I’m talking about the message in the Book of Daniel

To keep it in tact for a long time because it has been around a long time. I read it many years ago.

MENE could mean enemy. MANY or Many enemies, Doubles, clones, MANY ENEMY HARPS

And as far as TEKEL I can’t imagine. Kettle/DESPOT(Qadaffi?) To kill? Keitel, Kite el ,ET EL, okay?

ete past tense of the verb to be also means summer in french

keel which directs a ship


a place where roads meet or cross and the k for okay as we say these days and I have hears said by my friend (mon ami)

Really interesting:

Then it says Peres instead of Upharsin and gives meaning to Peres and not the word Upharsin in the above warning from God to Belshazzar (son of Nebuchadnezzar) in that dream THAT DANIEL INTERPRETS which is a indication something is amiss in the writing in orange above which is in the bible. Go back up to the orange writing and read the meaning to the words and nowhere is Peres in the writing and Upharsin is ignored to give a meaning so there obviously is a reason for that indiscretion/discretion, don’t you think?

so did peres or president betray netanyahu?

I doubt God interpreted the dream for Belshazzar, LOL. So who did?

Peres could mean Shimon Peres of Israel…..Paris…..President of E

(energy)……. the PRESS……(Energy, entertainment, fathers as in french priests or french fathers: père partridge in a pear tree/pairs: we are siamese (Siam-Persia-Iran) if you please, neocats-neocatechumenal way-catechism)

usin’ HAARP

What was that thing in space that President Obama

said to let it out of the box and let it stretch it’s legs

I think he said him

and teach a lesson that will never be forgotten to something or someones?

Was he Joaquin?

$100M lawsuit filed in Hurricane Joaquin cargo ship disaster

Was there really a sister ship? Strange seeing Mashes co-star talking about a sister ship, wasn’t it? Anyway that’s a big amount of money!

Lots to consider in these strange times we live in.

Tekel could mean : TheTechnology (Tek) or kettle as in the pot calling the kettle black etc LOL

as far as the persians and the medes are the same. Iranians. One is aryan and the other siamese?

So the ex was wrong about the iranians being persians. YUK YUK YUK WHAT AN ASS HOLE. LOL

He meets a few Iranians that are persians and thinks they are all the same.

It’s like saying Denzel Washington is the same as Idi Amin.

So giving the kingdom to the same group is redundant and doesn’t make sense in that statement about the Medes and Persians..

Hence it has another meaning, I think it means the opposite they lose their kingdom because their king is dumb.

Besides the fact that farsi (pharsi) is a language of the Iranians and in the gospels it says beware of the Pharisees which I think is referring to the farsis and the saducees which I think are the italians/Romans. Why? I don’t know but a while back I had if figured out that it was the Romans in collusion with the farsi/pharisees, which makes sense during the time that the tunnels that were found in Israel  (Rome has theirs as well) in the west bank and the UN and churches harboring weapons in Israel and priest smocking the Israelis when they warned them of destroying the buildings saying: Where would you have them go or something like that and Hillary defending the un building storing weapons and now wants us to sell ours using the buy back shcheme. it’s late so I have an excuse for being incoherent.

A while back I watched a video of Eric Holder bowing to Obama (it looked like a bow) and I noticed in the video whether or not it was altered the previous President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (before Rouhani) departing from Obama like a spirit or something. It was strange so I presume that Obama is their king? Why would Eric Holder be bowing otherwise? He lowered his head for him.

History of the Medes

I think the medes might be referring to Medvedev- The russians.

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev

 I doubt HAARP could part the RED SEA for the HEBREWS but could have parted the REED SEA. There is a discrepancy as to which sea was the RED SEA and I think it was actually the MEDITERRANEAN SEA SINCE IT’S NAME HAS CHANGED IN THE PAST FROM THE SEA OF PALESTINE AND THE SEA OF PETER, ETC.

The Strangest Question asked at ANY DEBATE

(and odorless invisible noxious gas) 

I have to admit that it was a strange question to ask at the Democratic Debates that Anderson Cooper asked:

Do all lives matter or do black lives matter?

And the answers were just as weird.

They had to have been drugged and their answers were obnoxious. Silly debate.

About 20 years ago maybe less in Russia there was a theater that was attacked via the air ducts. IT was a weird situation and I guess Putin had to allow the deaths of everyone in the theater or something. It’s been so long I can’t remember the details except that he had no choice in order to not allow terrorism to proceed though it did a few times but I remember the air ducts were involved. He has a tough job because it is a tough neighborhood. I don’t like Communism but I sure don’t like Fascism.

I noticed at some Presidential White House briefings with the press that Obama had such as the one where you could hear a pin drop when he made a big deal about his birthday and other times as well it seemed that the press weren’t really asking much and also at the President’s States of the Union Addresses the reaction of the audience seemed surreal as if they were not in control of themselves. i wondered then and I did write about it in a post in one of my blogs the fact that usually Obama was about 15 minutes late and how long it would take to READY his audience with some kind of odorless, invisible gas or powder via the air ducts that might intoxicate the audience and the guests to be compliant to avoid that situation Obama had at one of his first State of the Union Addresses when Rep. Joe Wilson yelled “You Lie” to Obama.

Daniel 8:15-17

15 And it came to pass, when I, even I Daniel, had seen the vision, and sought for the meaning, then, behold, there stood before me as the appearance of a man.

16 And I heard a man’s voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision.

17 So he came near where I stood: and when he came, I was afraid, and fell upon my face: but he said unto me, Understand, O son of man: for at the time of the end shall be the vision.

Daniel 8

Angels shall rise and fall upon the son of man O – SO there are a bunch of them (sons of men). In Ezekiel, in the gospels, etc. Jesus was said to have fallen on his face in the Gospel of Luke when he was in the Garden of Gethsemane (GOG).






It looks like he is eating a Graham cracker!

But I have seen his speeches at the white house and other places pinching something.

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Videos of you lie obama

I wonder if that isn’t what occurred at the DEMOCRAT debates in order to receive the answers they gave to that



 I don’t think Joe Wilson is Catholic so he doesn’t probably or didn’t probably partake of the cracker that many Catholics partake of once a week.

In the transcriptions of the JFK assassination that I did twice because the further I got the more I learned why he was assassinated and by whom (which can be found on Merangue’s Blog) there was some film footage of Jackie Kennedy licking at some flowers at the table at the breakfast before he was assassinated that I included the pictures to demonstrate her strange behavior. In the bouquet were some flowers that look like Dragon’s Breath which kind of appear like hanging flowers when grown in the wild because they kind of hang like you would think would be the kind of flowers that might have adorned the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The flowers make a drug that help for sea sickness but also can be used to drug a person to do something they would not normally do such as rob themselves. Prostitutes sometimes use it to rob their clients and I think its use and it’s attributes have been pretty well known by the Church of Rome for a long time and used by them as well for a long time to control their flock. The flowers grow in South America which is partially why I think it would be a good idea to reestablish our claim to the Panama Canal since we built it but it was given away by President Jimmy Carter probably under the influence of Dragon’s Breath. In his presidency he had a lot of trouble with the Iranians/Persians/Aryans/Hamas and all those other tribes that encompass the Iranian population. They held American hostages for quite a long time and it might have had something to do with Dragon’s Breath as well. IT doesn’t take much to drug a person to be a slave for about 4-5 days. It takes only a whiff and it is odorless and invisible. My prescription for that dilemma is taking back the Panama Canal and establishing a new United States border at that particular location because it is about only a few miles wide as compared to a few thousand mile wide border we are incapable of controlling now. Not only that there is marsh land around the area of the canal making tunnels impossible from South America. It would solve the immigration problem we have with Mexicans and Central Americans and improve the USA in many ways and improve their countries as well that is if we want to be a great country. Here is an article and you tube about the odorless invisible drug:

The most dangerous drug in the world: ‘Devil’s Breath’ chemical from Colombia can block free will, wipe memory and even kill

Scopolamine – Colombia’s ‘Devil’s Breath’ Drug Information from SoCal Rehab Facility

you tubes about Dragon’s Breath



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I wonder if scopolamine causes schizophrenia, narcissism, and all the other ills of the brain. The pictures of what the schizoid brain looks like do not look like a brain so no wonder we have problems with the world of men.

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This is a brain of a human


I guess that is why males do this and walk around it in one direction with a bunch of other males because they are so screwed up. Porn movies? What would cause this behavior. Shouldn’t we find out?

Screen shot 2014-05-10 at 8.18.54 PMThe ex invited me to go to Choctaw to gamble for my birthday comin’ up. KInd of an insult after gloating about his mom’s health right after my mom’s funeral and all that it entailed. He probably wouldn’t understand the insult which is very….but words can’t describe it. Degrading?

It’s amazing to witness such vacancy in whatever it is that is in him. A brain? Maybe he didn’t get one. The straw man.


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Jesus did not commit to man because he knew what was in man. What about what isn’t in a men? You can see why! Hopefully he’ll learn why soon.

I think I’lll ask for a big fat joint. I deserve one, lol.

It’s really tough to cope with the circumstances so I think that’s a good option.

I have grown to hate this world conveniently forgetting. I hope what happened to me and mine happens to you 10 times as bad and by ten times as much I mean to the tenth power as earthquakes are measured. I hope the earth quakes beneath this world and turns it upside down to it’s core and mostly to those responsible for the deceptions I hope don’t survive.

Doesn’t sound very nice but i’m angry about some things.


Detailed maps of hospital gathered by Afghan and US before airstrike

So typical of the enemy to use sites like these and those that allow it are responsible such as Doctors Without Borders. They should not be there and obviously are the enemy as well and Obama is using them for his purpose in my opinion because he too is a bad operator. Samaritan’s Purse proved it’s the enemy when it transported Ebola to the USA. If it had sprayed Africa with insect killers to kill the TSE TSE fly and eradicate their existence for the sake of Africans in Africa it would have proved itself a good operator since it obviously is the carrier,

but it didn’t.


Borders are good things. They are like rules.

Operator Jim Croce

 I noticed the lady that I get as an operator when I call information is the same voice of one of the moms of Benghazi. I have good hearing. I recognize voices very well. I’m sure it is to mock. Another of the Benghazi mom’s is on an ad on tv for something like tupperware. sometimes when I write on my blog and when I feel I hit a nerve I get phone calls and at the beginning of the phone call is my little sister’s high pitched voice for a second or less which makes me think it is her. So I know I am being harassed to rattle me. I guess it comes with the territory when one resists the BORG and it is not futile to resist, it’s gonna pay me back in many ways (in billions and billions of ways and I won’t be able to carry it in a purse’) that I have resisted and I will succeed if I don’t commit suicide in the meanwhile which is the point of the harassment, LOL. They aren’t the victims of Benghazi that are portrayed and that’s part of the deception that I hope is rectified and those that are involved and silent or hiding witnesses,  get it up the ass. And I hope Obama (he and his) gets it up the ass to the 10th power so they never are seen again or want to be seen.

In other words I want you to lick the fucking floor of the temple THE ONE IN THE ARTICLE LINKED BELOW. Hope you read it so you might perceive it:

The Stones of Amen

Defense Secretary Robert Gates is half right and half wrong.

I didn’t watch the interview but what I heard said by Chris Wallace about what Robert Gates said about Russia, Syria, Iran Hezbollah and Hamas etc, but it is typical of Fox to prop up half truths and half lies and call it interesting. And more interesting to watch Sheppard Smith ponder the preponderance of evidence.

What do you want to bet those missiles that hit Iran weren’t by mistake and were a warning?

Obama’s Comments on Clinton Emails Collide With F.B.I. Inquiry

Shouldn’t President Obama be forced to resign since he is trying to influence a criminal investigation?

THE COCK HAS COME OUT OF HIDING AND PROMISING HE WILL ENFORCE HIS TRADE AGREEMENT LIKE HE DID IRAN’S NUCLEAR FAITHILITY and changed his stance on Afghanistan since the Doctors Without Borders incident occurred.



It won’t be so funny when Iran is READY.

Humice Abedin

is testifying with Trey Goudy so who is guarding who? I don’t think she is merely an aide to Hillary Clinton. I think HIllary is aiding and abetting Huma (and may not have a choice since she had that head injury a while back), meaning Humice is guarding HIllary Clinton not that she is responsible for that delay.

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Huma Abedin’s testimony dampens Hillary’s campaign momentum

I do not think I have EVER seen anyone more transparent in my life than HUMA ABEDIN. She has to wear bright red lipstick so we can see her. Not saying she isn’t pretty. EXOTIC. I think she is a Harpy. I listened to her blurb for cameras as to why she is talking to Trey Goudy and it was total crap -To honor those men at Benghazi. Something like that. Why didn’t she offer herself and her testimony before she was forced to testify:

To dishonor the men at Benghazi?

She was mocking!

“In Greek mythology and Roman mythology, a harpy was a female monster in the form of a bird with a human face. They steal food from their victims while they are eating and carry evildoers (especially those who have killed their family) to the Erinyes. They seem originally to have been wind spirits. Their name means “snatchers”.

“Harpies definition, Classical Mythology. a ravenous, filthy monster having a woman’s head and a bird’s body. … from Old French harpie (14c.), from Greek Harpyia”

“A predatory person.”

(might be referring to Hillary, herself.)

I didn’t make this up.

I have no idea if she is filthy but she is not merely an aide to Hillary Clinton!

She may be PROTECTING OR HARPING HIllary Clinton, but I think

  she is definitely a GUARD of some kind.

Maybe has something to do with French Christine Lagard the woman harping the US for money all the time.

I looked up harpsichord which sounds like an odd thing to do but there is a relationship to names and items, their meanings and their uses or their purpose. So I will link it for your edification if you want to edify yourself.


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Antwerp is in Belgium. Rectors are Episcopalian leaders and the Episcopalian Church that I was was confirmed at the clergy was named Mr. Rucker. After he left that post/position at that church it was struck by lightning and burned down and soon after they invested in a new organ. I find that kind of interesting whether or not you do I added it because when we lived near it a lot of weird things happened to my family growing up especially around that time when my dad worked at the Pentagon. This blog and my others are as much for me as they are for you. I do it for my own satisfaction but I offer knowledge i find to anyone interested whether it is good or not. I wrote a post about Jesus of the Synptic Gospels called:

Why Callest Thou Me Good?

Clinton aide Huma Abedin questioned on Benghazi attacks

Her first name Huma which is an interesting name in that Hummus was prescribed to America with a vengeance by Michelle Obama and I just found some in my refrigerator door, but I don’t buy the groceries. No one I know eats it in this household so it was a mystery as to how it got in there except that it looks like the margarine containers so might have been bought by mistake. I hate the stuff! It’s like eating mashed up cardboard AND I’M NOT A CHICKEN. It’s supposed to be mashed up chickpeas I think and it is supposed to be a health food but homogenized milk was supposed to be healthy once, and then it wasn’t.

East Jerusalem, Bubbling Over With Despair

“…………….The uptick in aggression did not begin with the two dozen attacks that have killed seven Israeli Jews, five of them in Jerusalem, since Oct. 1. (At least 16 suspected assailants have been shot dead by Israelis, including four Saturday, along with more than 20 other Palestinians in clashes with security forces). East Jerusalem has been a hotbed since July 2014, when Jewish extremists kidnapped and murdered Muhammad Abu Khdeir, a 16-year-old from the Shuafat neighborhood. The police reported 1,594 stone-throwing incidents in East Jerusalem over the next three months, up from 1,216 during 10 months of 2013; more than 700 people were arrested for rioting in Jerusalem during that period in 2014. The police said they had detained 380 between Sept. 13 and Oct. 15 of this year, 171 of them minors…………………”

“……….Arab East Jerusalem is not a single place but a series of some two dozen disparate satellites. There are isolated villages like Sur Baher, Jabel Mukhaber and Issawiya, where Israelis rarely venture, but also relatively upscale and accessible Beit Hanina, where international aid workers and diplomats live and Israelis flock for


The Kings meat?

You never know if that’s the problem but I sure wouldn’t partake. First of all you are supporting Michelle Obama and her friends because obviously she is PROPPING and PROPHETING from the product because she promoted it in school lunches etc and second it might be rigged like the EUCHARIST.
Remember what happened in Syria when they were accused of poisoning the people with sarin gas and it turned out to be poisoned rice that came from INDIA or CHINA or somewhere in between as far a I could ascertain.
The UN came in with their suits and couldn’t find the sarin but knew it was there because some dickhead caught on some tape acting like he was in the Syrian military and a part of the incident and somehow Germany taped him (they just happened to be tapped into that area and taping in that area) and that was their evidence kind of crap and women running around in the area with kids unprotected, etc,. wearing painters masks which is like putting on a bandaid around a deadly poison gas. It was ridiculous. And later we heard about the rice being poisoned. Then Obama attempts to send a US carrier to the arrier to unseat Bashar Assad who happened to be the President where the Golan Heights is located between Syria and Israel. It was a big bunch of shit and I think that happened after Benghazi so it was for his benefit to divert attention from his criminal activity that he participated in at Benghazi or why would Michelle have been there? It’s  a big mess.
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together,

even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together,
as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!
Anyway I think Iran and France are allies and i think they have demonstrated that relationship in MENE ways.
THE COURT OF THE GENTILES (self fulfilling prophecy) AT NOTRE DAME (YOUR LADY) and of course Roman Catholicism.
Trump used the eagle recently in his bid for the White House whether or not he is in the bible has been discussed in the news because he thumps one. Says it’s his favorite book. Anyway there are trumpets in the bible in Revelation and a trumpet is a bird’s nose/horn. so he might not be in the bible, but trumpets are in the bible and so are many birds and I guess they represent signs like the signs in the sky and out in space. There are all kinds of signs and I think much of what is occurring in the world are BIG SIGNS and worth noticing.
The French are known for speaking double entendres. Diplomacy is kind a french thing and usually very dishonest. But during WWll they had to be dishonest in order to survive hence the french underground. When you say a negative in french you use two words to negate something. MENE, MENE, SIMON, SIMON, O JERUSALEM, JERUSALEM
I know that Jesus said when answering a question to say yea or nay and not to expound. The more one does the more one lies, I think.
Say someone asks,  “Do you have any money?”
You can say: No!
 or: NO, I do not have any money!
or: No, I do not have any money ….(under my breath) in my purse.
I tend to go for number three in this instance. It’s honest doublespeak.
At one point in my life I carried around a ping-pong ball with a picture of an eyeball on it and one with an I on it so I could not have to answer truthfully because I was getting grilled by my enemy: My ex
I was often entrapped by him and his allies and it helped me to learn to deal with entrapment when I was quite naive.
To me entrapment is evil and coercive and the tool of many occults. One of their ways is to alienate an individual to make them submit to their occultic ways. (peer pressure is another) I don’t like it but I have to cope with it because I know i am in the right or on the right side. The occult is very tricky and deceptive.
My brother in law suggested to my family to alienate me/isolate me so that I would come back to the fold so he could fuck with me and them and of course, that would make him look innocent. He was the one that caused much trouble for me in my life and for my family and affected many things in my life. I didn’t always handle it well nor did my family always handle it well but he was a huge liar and had some big problems that I could not deal with. I tried to deal with it correctly by reporting it to his spouse when I had the nerve to and it got worse for me and my family over time because he had an axe to grind with me and so did she and that axe grinding spread through my family because they didn’t know or understand my difficulty or what I was having to deal with. I was the problem. I was in an untenable situation and no matter what I did it was wrong. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. I didn’t enjoy my part and had to part. And someday I will be able to say to my ex
I hope it’s soon but when you have kids it’s tough to do it right and at the right time so it won’t fuck them up anymore than he has already.
But the reason for the simplicity of Yay (yea) or Nay is when you are in a court of law it’s best to keep it simple. Liars tend to exaggerate or increase or enlarge abnormally.
I think we will eventually find out.
The answer given by Mrs. Clinton has gotten so famous and obviously it was an evasion but that so we might not remember the question . And I don’t remember what was asked and I have a feeling it is much more important than her answer.
I’ll try to find it to add to this post:

Oh yea she was trying to evade that it came from the Vatican.

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Qaddaffi was a guest in Rome around the time of the G8 meeting when the Italian Prime MInister Silvio Berlusconi met him at the airport on June 12, 2009 and around the time Obama awarded him some car company in the USA in Detroit and then he was beaten to death. I think he was beaten to death around that time as well mob style. No trial. Perhaps because of the Lockerbie plane bombing. I think he may have been suffering from some form of insanity due to sexual diseases. He surrounded himself with female guards. But never the less the Vatican and the Italian government did prop up leaders in some African countries obviously and if you screw up they kill you. There is a prophecy about some steps and it starts with Libya. Silvio Berlusconi might be the hiss in that prophecy.
Silvio Berlusconi reminds me of Eric Bolling of The Five on Fox News. Probably just a distant family relations?
Also reminds me of the brother in the Boston Marathon fiasco with the


I would suggest that those involved might check out the Book of Daniel
and the prophecy about the finger of God and what it says because it might affect you in a big way.
Just heard on Fox News Gates saying we got rid of Ghaddaffi.
By we, I think he means ROME and Obama.
The visit to Rome and car company.
Course recently he was wearing a neck brace and that usually mean something.

Usually means


Get the rangers for the dangers up ahead.

Uma Pemmaraju and Rep. Zinke

 Spectacular interview by Uma Pemmaraju of Rep. Zinke of Montana about HIllary Clinton, Benghazi and the speakership of the House. I disagree with him about Paul Ryan being a fantastic choice for the House Speaker even if he has a intelligence (a great mind). He lacks other qualities, IMO. I think Paul Ryan should head the IRS, though, LOL but then I fear many would feel a great deal of pain. He is too partisan and biased to handle that job even if he is sharp. He needs a leash and a choke collar in other words he is too eager for our beleaguered nation to deal with in that capacity: Speaker or the IRS.
I was trying to think of someone or some type of person and it was Tip O’neil.
Hillary gave a hint about who erased some of the her e-mails (laundered the e-mails i.e. The Vatican) whether it was based on truth, who can say and whether or not she meant to say it.
I can’t remember exactly what she said but it is in one of my posts and the hint hinted that it was priests. Wiped clean or something like that.
l’ll go back and try to find it because I wrote in one of my posts what I thought she meant. But since the excuse of Benghazi originated at the Vatican Jesuit Father Frederiko Lombardi it makes all the more sense that it was priests that laundered her e-mails.

My Friend at Benghazi and Huma 

I wonder why they didn’t clean up the statement that got Huma in betwixt Trey Goudy and Hillary. The statement Mon ami at Benghazi. (my friend at Benghazi). You would have thought that would have been redacted in Hillary’s e-mails but conveniently left for what purpose or was it added later.
I know e-mails aren’t secure because I have seen some that came my way that were altered by something or someone.
I used to live with a girl who owned a dog named Noname and indian name for no name. He used steal shoes out of cars if their windows were down. I wrote a couple of posts called Tell No Man and Salute No Man and they were kind of my or nearly my first posts about what is in the bible and why the gospels do not harmonize and kind of got me started. The gospels harmonize as much as bag pipes harmonize which they don’t.
Those posts are on my site Merangue’s Blog.
The statement that interested me in the gospels was when Jesus came down off the the mountain where he gave his sermon on the mount healed a lunatic and charged the people around him to tell no man I am the Christ. I thought, “What a weird thing to say!” which got me off and running. The reason it seemed wierd is they were fasting with him and there were quite a few people on that mountain and since he sermonized to them why would he say for the people to be quiet about it. It made no sense. You don’t give a speech to thousands of people and then tell people to shut up about it. And then what is said after that also peaked my interest : The more he charged them the more they did publish it. Of course they didn’t have publishing companies in biblical times, did they? It’s been a while since I wrote the two posts so it may have been the sermon on the mount or where he fed thousands of people but this double speak is found in the Synoptic Gospels. You have to read it to get the gist of my curiosity. Obviously the bible has been altered quite a bit.
What I liked that Rep. Zinke said in essence was that the committee headed by Trey Goudy is trying to find the truth about Benghazi and what happened and why and while we keep finding out things such as the Hillary Clinton’s E-mail server it is but a cog in the wheel of Benghazi. It is important and needs to be investigated but it is not the end all of Benghazi.

It is a symptom.

I like her style in reporting and seems to ask the right questions at least this time, but I have noticed her before and she is very impressive, thought provoking, and thoughtful! Does a good job. Kind of gives me hope about the press and it’s purpose.
When I find the hint I will try to remember to include it in this post. It is probably on
since I wrote quite a bit for a while on that blog.
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Remember what that nut Jim Jones did with the People’s Temple in Guyana
that is the mind set of a cult leader and they will take with them as many as they can even themselves to do it.
Those colorful objects are dead people. Black lives didn’t matter nor did white.
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Got Hospice?

Word of caution: I don’t know what Pope Benedict transported in that huge truck to the Dome of the Rock when he visited Jerusalem. He was the first pope to ever visit the Dome of the Rock. They put up road blocks for that transport to keep it private and a secret. “On the Precipice” came to mind at that time for some reason while he preached in Jerusalem I think at the Garden of Gethsemane (GOG). Lots of nuns dotted the hill in awe of their pope and his Mary men many in burkas, still.
I believe hospicing is a political and religious form of suicide for those people don’t want to deal with anymore for many reasons.  A few years ago came up with an idea about angels and home care and I don’t know which came first but they have a thing called some thing like that they advertise on Fox with a woman I recognize in few different places and time or something and do not like one IOTA. I also was impressed with the traveling doctors that have become a business lately because of Obama care but have not tried.
When Mitt Romney started his presidential run the first time she was with him in his entourage at  first just for a few seconds that I saw it seemed like an airport they were at with a big window. Then in Oklahoma or Arizona in some capacity meeting Obama about austerity as he did Merkel of Germany.  Anyway she is not to be trusted and I believe a fallen angel evangelical and evil and up to no good even though it sounds good she isn’t good. That’s a good cue, I think of her intention. I don’t know if it is the same business linked above but it is often advertised on Fox and she speaks in it and then poses at the end with a short dark bob of haircut and bangs and it is a tease and a mock with her hand on her chin posing. AMUCK. I’m telling you, watch out! I don’t know why I notice these things but I think there are reasons for it. They want to get us coming and going and they want it their way.
Uses medicaid and medicare of course as does hospicing and is why people use it because it is a free death watch.
Reminds me of the photos of the africans carrying dead bodies without covers on their own bodies the suits to protect them at the start of the Ebola outbreaks and a woman was with them her back to the camera with long dark hair and I think she was some kind of death angel or a watcher. Then later they altered the pictures to make it look different. That’s the internet.

Gog and Magog

I’m not saying it is or isn’t i’m inferring it might be an acronym for the garden.

Was that visit in May?

I can’t remember why but it was what I recall. On the Precipice. Could be he took the Altar of Pacis (peace/pacifism) but I have no idea how big that alter is, but whatever he took was huge. Then tunnels were able to be dug under Jerusalem and some Palestinians said that they were blindfolded and taken to the tunnels to dig and paid by someone. REMEMBER those tunnels that Hannity did a few shows about the tunnels and on Israel and then he interviewed Dore Gold?
Anyway peace/pacifism isn’t working, is it? Palestinians stabbing Israeli kids.
I think The armies that surrounded Jerusalem occurred when the Roman Catholic sermoned on the mount. Head for the mountains of God is what is proposed unless you decide to do something about it. Like destroy the Dome of the Rock and shock and awe some people. It would be quite effective and then threaten the the other two places that are considered holy by Islam. They make beau coups of money and would alter the future of Israel in a good way. IMO
At the same time in Jerusalem they were showing a 3-d image of one of the Cloths of Turin images at Notre Dame in Jerusalem and it was a big tourist attraction of course.
That same year of the pope’s visit to Jerusalem and the Dome of the Rock I traveled up north after my huge operation and there was a blizzard and the Indian Ocean had an earthquake and a tsunami that killed a bunch of people. While in that blizzard I was driven over two bridges in Kentucky over flooded rising and rushing icy waters that had no barriers on the bridges that were iced over and they were one way one lane roads without chains on our tires but the other way was blocked and people were being rescued by snow mobiles. It was nuts and my family that I have had much problems with (the brother-in-law) were on a cruise ship in the Carribean Ocean and they felt the shock of the tsunami that was in the Indian Ocean I heard later. The earthquake/tsunami in the indian ocean ALTERED THE EARTHS AXIS which is no small thing. We are talking about the planet earth and the altering of things that keep the earth in balance, spinning, rotating etc. The earth also symbolically represents Israel in the bible. I don’t know what the axis of Israel was before or after but it does seem to be changing. Netanyahu seems to be communicating quite well with Putin as I witnessed on the Greta show his description of their relationship.
I think it is all related.
The Pope’s visit was not the same year but a year or two after. I was on morphine for 10-14 days or so in August so it affected my mind a little. LOL. And then many pain pills later before I cold turkeyed myself off the pain pills which is a no no as I found out after a few days of extreme discomfort. I forgot what I was gonna say but I wanted to clear up that timing problem. I played WOW for quite a long time for therapy and for fun after the operation because I wasn’t able to do much else.  At one point when I got home I couldn’t even hold up a one inch artists oil brush for more than a few seconds. Those WOW times were fun for me and a great help to me and my mind and body but some things happened that altered my life. Some people took advantage of it and tried to make me swallow a bitter pill. It was very tough and then later my dad aspirated on a pill and died the day he was going home, my little sister got divorced, I got divorced, ex went bankrupt, lost my inheritance, lost my home, and my mom was hospiced without my permission and she died two weeks later and I was not invited to her funeral and lied to about everything involved. I was told she wouldn’t want to live with COPD even though she didn’t have COPD. She never smoked cigarettes but you can drug someone to have the same symptoms if you want to with a combination of the right stuff or allow them to be infected with the right type of illness to cause lung pleurisy. She had had tuberculosis as a young woman and had a collapsed lung etc. Had allergies. She wanted to live to 105. she told me numerous times anyway I was removed from family. Dispelled. Disowned. and many other rotten type occult tactics in many little baby steps but added up to a BIG DEAL. We were fucked. I guess some in my family had need of her money (which she and dad had saved, so much for saving, eh?) which wasn’t that much and was gonna keep her in care and possibly in order to get to the money she had to be diagnosed with mental disorders like the ones elderly get which they say causes COPD, the catch all as in a catch -22. I remember her being interviewed by the main doctor of the place and I could tell it was unpleasant for my mom and for me while I watched and I imagine it was a soft interview because I was there.  I resented it but thought doctors know best and that’s not true. I know that now, they are often lazy. I think they were trying to fuck with her mind (like they have done to me in many ways because of my beliefs which I had shared with her in simple ways and she was kind of defenseless being cooped up) and prove dementia and I think it was spiritual battle because of lack of care for something or someone that isn’t able to screw with as often women are physically screwed. Lack of respect for the elderly. Anyway the ex uses her dementia for the excuse of her untimely death when that can be manipulated in many ways since he knows she did not have COPD, but my sister said she did have COPD and she was the executor of my mom’s estate and didn’t invite me to her funeral. She and her husband had an old axe to grind that altered her life so much she had to live in a different neighborhood down the road from her other home, a small dip in the road. When on prednizone and other types of medication my mom was smart as whip. I mean sharp. Sharp as she ever was.  So there is something to that that helped her and might help others that have because of disease and medication be cured of Dementia or other type elderly conditions. If they can figure out a way to make it so it doesn’t thin the blood too much causing bruising it could very helpful for the elderly and those that suffer chronic diseases and less brain activity. There was probably none that could play ping pong better than mom. She was so fast even when she was older. She would barely move and you could not keep up with her or she was so fast I didn’t see her move. LOL. I know my parents loved me and I loved them and no one can take that away from me or them.
If you think those salary deferrals like 501 Ks, 401 Ks are gonna help you
that is, if they let you live.
If you look the other way and continue to do so count on this:
Those retirement plans are only as good as those that respect them
and not necessarily good for the retiree.

Since when did Nazis respect anyone?


The root causes for my families problems: UNWANTED INCEST FOR MONEY, but the Roots didn’t do it. They did the right thing when they were able to, except for one. IN-TOTO.
But a sign of the times is everyone betraying everyone. some would say my blogs are a betrayal of everyone in my family but i had nowhere else afforded me to express myself about our troubles and I thought it was pertinent to these awful times and what most of us are in some form or fashion experiencing.
Israel and Netanyahu are being passive-aggressive and it is antagonizing and causing problems.
Encouraging the Palestinians and their allies.
Passive-aggressive behavior is the indirect expression of hostility, such as through procrastination, stubbornness, sullenness, or deliberate or repeated failure to accomplish requested tasks for which one is (often explicitly) responsible.
You are getting raped so hit them right between the thighs.
GIve them the good ole leg up and hit their little balls.

Destroy the Dome of the Rock.

Then Mecca and Medina.

Then wash your hands.

Ancient Jewish History: The Twelve Tribes of Israel

This will tell you the names of the tribes.

Verse of the Day

The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant. Mine eyes are ever toward the Lord; for he shall pluck my feet out of the net.

If faith was the new enlightenment said Pope Benedict then he is admitting that chapter 4 when Jesus meets the secret follower Nicodemas (Santa Claws-Cleopas) was added later. Obviously it wasn’t a secret since it is written into the gospel the most read book in history which doesn’t make sense. If the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seeds which is the Synoptic fatal mistake then the faith chapter written into the Gospel of John is there to substantiate the Synoptic Gospels because the mustard seed being the smallest of seeds is about faith. Covenants are made usually with enemies. Covenants are peace pacts/accords/treaties aren’t they? One of the Jesuss said, “Before Abraham was, I am.” Then Abraham is not the Father that Jews, much of Roman Catholicism Chrisitendom, and Islam pretends.

Why would you need a covenant with a friend?

Gowdy warns GOP to ‘shut up’
ahead of Clinton Benghazi testimony

Anyway I think my time is almost up. I kind of got some indication it might be soon whatever that means. Hopefully a good sign.

You think I think negatively read this article:

‘America is a bomb waiting to explode’

Actually this isn’t really an American problem it’s a world wide problem more so in other countries than our own as demonstrated by the immigration overseas and their lack of space for the influx of immigrants. They have maxed out it seems already bitching about it and it is of their own making  (Nations without Borders:) which is kind of funny. I think we are in far better shape over here than

over there.

 I think it’s a world wide exorcism! Purging us.

Jeff Goldblum (jurassic Park) is running in his earth shoes with Palestinians carrying a masked man from the mosque in Jerusalem:

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Muslim women surrendering:

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Pig saves man:

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Whoever took these photos


gets around

Oprah to Weight Watchers: Be your best self

Oprah Winfrey bought a 10 percent stake in Weight Watcher

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They misspelled stake they meant 10 pound steak

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Edward Scizzorhand’s Imam

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o blah di blah da

I don’t mean to be mean but and I am curious why the wailing wall. Is there a reason to stick wads of paper n the cracks of the wailing wall? Is there a covenant  or something having to do with this practice? When I was in Europe as a kid with my family we took pictures of us holding up the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Everyone does it when they are there.

Not everyone does this:

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A migrant’s child sleeps as it is seen in a rain cover at the border crossing from Slovenia in Trnovec, Croatia October 19, 2015. The Balkans faced a growing backlog of migrants on Monday, thousands building up on cold, wet borders after the closure of Hungary’s southern frontier diverted them to Slovenia. REUTERS/Antonio Bronic

That is insane.

Luckily my children didn’t use pacifiers.

By the way had tuna a few time for a few weeks and noticed my sciatica nerve pangs but a lot less than a year or so ago.

I think when tourists go to Israel to the Wailing wall ought to lie down with their hands on the wall as if they are holding it up or holding it on their back which would be less noticeable unless done in a Santa Claus suit or in a Hunchback of Notre Dame costume.

I want to see that photo if it is possible with someone that makes it meaningful!

Eritrean Dies After Israeli Guard Shoots Him, Mob Attacks

“……Police say that during Sunday night’s attack, carried out by an Arab citizen of Israel, a security guard mistakenly identified the Eritrean man as a second attacker. He shot the migrant, and as he lay on the ground a mob of people cursed him, kicked him and hit him with objects……”


“……The daily newspaper Yediot Ahronot left no ambiguity as to why it thought the man was shot. An article in Monday’s paper was headlined: “Just because of his skin color……”

I kind of figure out n my opinion why Israel is unwilling to destroy the Dome of the Rock and I think it has something to do with the Iron Dome somehow so that they are being attacked from within instead, whereas the Iron Dome can have no affect and in essence a twisted trap if there is validity to the connection. But I bet there is a connection.

Otherwise the power in Israel is being duplicitous, and I think may actually be a YAHOO

People should be more important than a shrine or a tourist attraction. If it causes so much grief destroy it!

And if you fear it then try this in little test runs to embolden you:

Dismantle it brick by brick, stone by stone, joist by joist, beam by beam, shingle by shingle, bolt by bolt, dormer by dormer,  etc.

Excavate it like they are excavating you. Do the same to the autre Notre dame in your land.


What is the smallest seed in the world?

The Parable of Faith – Part two

Pope Benedict XVI and the Mustard Tree

Parable of the Mustard Seed Part 4

The mustard in the Bible versus the Quran (1)

I Am That I Am (The Sign) -Revised *

I AM THAT I AM (Part two)

I Am the True Vine

How is it That Ye Do Not Understand?

Abomination of Desolation

 Abomination of Desolation Pt 2


Merangue’s Blog


Mary’s Spikenard and Luke’s Parable – Revised


 Prophecies of the Betrayal of the Son of Man

October 14, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

No Leaping and Doves Descend

King James Bible
And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

The Baptism of Jesus

(Mark 1:9-11Luke 3:21-22John 1:29-34)

13Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. 14But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? 15And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him. 16And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: 17And lo a voice from heaven, saying,

This is my beloved Son,


whom I am well pleased.

John the Baptist had been baptizing around the river Jordan and while

John the Baptist is baptizing Jesus comes to be baptized and basically is introduced to John the Baptist

and John the Baptist is introduced to Jesus

as if they didn’t know each other.

NO LEAPING, but there was a sign and he heard a voice from heaven1

They were not at Thanksgiving day celebrations or at a family member’s home having a reunion such as a birthday celebration, family barbecue for Memorial day or Labor day or because it was a free meal by a rich cousin or sister to bring your own meat/beer, etc.

While in the wilderness John the Baptist was prepared by God for his purpose: to prepare some people to follow Jesus and to be the sign of introduction. I think he was teaching some people about the truth that’s why some of his disciples left John the Baptist to follow Jesus. John the Baptist didn’t even think he had the right to tie Jesus’s laces of his sandals before he met Jesus so it’s not like they were familiar, as in cousins. And he said that his work was culminating when Jesus came to be baptized of him to fulfill all righteousness. So Jesus had not been baptized as a baby (Catholicism) i’m assuming or Jesus wouldn’t come again to be baptized and more than likely would have said I fulfilled Catholicism’s idea of righteousness when I was a baby and now I want to fulfill baptism again. I doubt he went to every religion in the world to fulfill their ideas of righteousness such as getting ashes on his forehead or the Hindu mark on the forehead (same thing, eh?). I don’t think it is mentioned at all in the bible that Jesus was baptized as a baby so you have to wonder why Roman Catholics think it is appropriate to baptize a baby (sprinkle babies with holy water they holy-ize, ever hear of water babies?) except as some kind of ownership rights, etc. I don’t think the River Jordan was holy water and doubtful any priests were transubstantiating the river Jordan.

 Baptism is supposed to be voluntary and not forced upon a baby who cannot defend itself.

Obviously it is also a testing ground once a person is baptized.

Suffer it to be so



  1. experience or be subjected to (something bad or unpleasant):

    “he’d suffered intense pain”

    synonyms: hurt · ache · be in pain · feel pain · be in distress · be upset ·

  2. dated

    “France will no longer suffer the existing government”

    synonyms: tolerate · put up with · bear · stand · abide · endure · brook

    Maybe that is why they sprinkle babies? So they won’t suffer as much?

    There is a true story about a baby that Walter Veith had to cope with. His own baby that was having big  troubles and at the time he was Catholic and that was the beginning of his search for truth because of his baby:
    His site will help you to see the relationship of Islam and Roman Catholicism as sort of a tug of war with humanity in the middle. They work off each other and tend to help each other though they would never admit it because that is their tactic.
    Anyway that is what made him question Roman Catholicism and the way he was treated by the nuns after his mother was sick and died. Anyway you can listen to his testimony and witness and learn a great deal about Roman Catholicism and Islam and other things such as history. Very enjoyable and insightful.
    And as far as history goes concerning Roman Catholicism and their desire to Catholicize the world you can read Ian Paisley’s input and studies which are also helpful if you prefer the historical witness against Roman Catholicism and their crimes against humanity.
     Which might help you understand their tactics and their desires.

Obviously, Jesus was in Israel near the River Jordan and He was Jewish.

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I think the baptism of Jesus was the beginning of the three year teaching by Jesus about God the Father,


It was also a test of his character from that point on till he was crucified.

No one knew who Jesus was till then or they would have tested him before that point in time and we would have testimony of it in one of the gospels, but we don’t so  obviously he was not tested before then.

They have their stories about leaping and gratuitous greetings of John the Baptist and Jesus in the tummies of two women but it’s only hearsay of two women who felt flutters which most people feel at a certain point in pregnancy and sometimes because of blood pressure, gas, excitement, etc:

FEELINGS Barbara Streisand and Julio Iglesias

Jesus allowed it to be so because he was prepared by God to handle everything that was thrown at him.

Most of us are not that good, talented, or prepared but that doesn’t matter to ROME or ISLAM because they are pricks.

Look what happened to John the Baptist. He was beheaded because some young woman danced before King Herod and he liked her dancing and he asked her what she would like and she wanted John the Baptist’s head for some reason. I think it had to do with her mother who was screwed up and John the Baptist affected their area of rulership in a way that caused some problems for them or possibly because John the Baptist didn’t want to have sex with her mom (story of Joseph) who knows but it is a weird thing to desire the decapitated head of a person on a tray who was baptizing people. I imagine she was offended somehow by John the Baptist….possibly having to do with divorce and remarriage or something and back then people were not forgiving of others and especially of women (They blamed everything on the woman). More than likely King Herod wanted his head anyway and used a woman and her daughter as the blame. It seems more likely. Anyway King Herod probably suffered from Syphillis/Gonnoreah/DRUNKENENSS or similar kind of problem and it affected his mind so that he imagined something or other about John the Baptist and was crazy enough to have him beheaded.

Pope Francis still won’t allow women to be priests or bishops etc because he and the laity have something to hide from women such as how they betroth people and how they entrap people, etc. that aren’t yet catholic and

Launder DIRTY BLOOD money, make sex slaves, sell drugs, and all the other shit they do. Women tend to be more sensitive about those things as a rule and more protective of others because they are blessed in that way INTUITION though some males also have that in them but tend to be ensconced by how they are raised in a



a man needs a maid by Neil Young

and those nuns don’t have anyone to clean for so they end up cleaning for those who don’t have anyone to love because they are afraid to live like a man without a fraternity of men, marry, and have children and the nuns are like Father Jonathan. Usually illiterate, don’t have any understanding of life, and mangy other reasons that are probably caused by bad dads and so forth.

They are so full of crap they come up with the idea of HOSPICING to spread their misery on those that are infirmed, unable to talk, or aged,

thinking they do God a service.

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Death Queen of Hospice

of Romans

Why do Pope’s squeak?

they seem to sound the same from Pope Benedict XVl to Pope Francis at least they talk like they barely have a voice and yet people flock to witness the Pope I think mostly to say they saw the Pope and to see the entourage of mafia boys next to the pope protecting him.

Everyone loves a parade and a circus so they flock to see the Pope and it’s menagerie but it doesn’t mean they give a crap as much as a clown making balloon animals.

Ever hear of emoting?


That is the question.

I know that Pope Benedict XVl spoke a few languages but it sounds an awful lot like Pope Benedict XVl talking in spanish, doesn’t it? Could it be? And if they believed what they said they would be more passionate and speak louder:


What does a dragon speak like? a mouse?

I have never heard one speak and I know they have to deal with their tongue slithering in and out though we can’t see it because it’s a spiritual slithering so maybe that is why they squeak like a mouse.

I watched Pope Benedict talk to a crowd in Italy I think and telling them not to join the mafia, It was rather weak and that is what Pope Francis talks like, very similar, as if someone else is speaking, mocking.

Anyway I noticed the Pope was having a hard time balancing and walking and I imagine when under the control of someone or something that might happen. There ought to be a law if they can’t balance they shouldn’t talk (in regards to Popes)

You would think a much as the Pope reads the bible or pretends to read the bible the Pope might not need a bible handler at their podium. It’s not like he reads more than a paragraph: ever hear of memorization by rote? That way it sticks in the mind and actually has an effect on the mind and affects behavior.

Oh well, he’s a spartan and wants everyone else to be a spartan with him. NO THANKS.

I can’t help but remember how MR SPARTAN Pope Francis stole a necklace off a dead martyr so that he might gain the martyrs’ courage and was proud of that act so much so he recounted it. Thought it was cute close to Benghazi time. Could have been after Benghazi. That was when the Jesuit side kick of the Jesuit Pope Francis gave the excuse for Benghazi which was the video tape.  Anyway Pope Francis confessed his sin of thievery to the world as a tribute to himself but Roman Catholics like to keep corpses around a while just to be sure they are dead and then to steal their bones so they can display them under glass, even fingernails have been under display claiming to be someone or other. Anyway that is the character of Pope Francis stealing a necklace from a dead martyr to gain courage and it doesn’t seem to have coalesced. Oh yea he rides around in a pope mobile with 50 mafiosa’s running by his side with out a bullet proof top. BIG DEAL. We now have cameras watching everyone so it’s not like whoever would not get caught the moment someone attempted anything. So it’s a pretty safe bet. Why kill the pope when they will just put in another. Replace him on a  moments notice with a big todo using smoke signals like the indians in the old west. And then send Father Jonathan of Fox News (Watter’s world’s alter ego) the worlds most stupidest human on earth to laud everything the current pope says, eats, drinks, drives, walks, carries, swallows, etc. It’s gross. It really is gross.

Why bother to kill the pope when he is killing his own followers. They just don’t know it yet. 

My ex is in the sound effects business:() LOL So the extreme applause and vocalization is a bit over the top. Like the pressure cooker bombs that went off at the Boston Marathon seemed to get louder as time progressed in the films shown on Fox and other stations and as backpacks changed colors and set behind and in front of the fence line of the audience where the Sandy Hook Elementary survivors sat  and prosthetics falling off and reattached to victims who supposedly were injured.




Roman Catholic LONG TERM PLANS to rule the world?




HIs way of warning when he couldn’t say it out loud or would have been martyred and replaced

or is that what actually happened?


so maybe he actually rose to the occasion unbeknownst to the public at the time.


Maybe it wasn’t the Jews fault that Jesus was crucified, he said.


One World Government & Religion

>>Catholicize the world>>Neocatechumenal Way>>

Tsunami in Japan/nuclear accident/poison water>>Obama Care>>

Hospice using Medicaid>>

Coverup using Planned Parenthood HOAX

to look like they care about babies

(check out pictures of Pope blessing woman who is involved in the Planned Parenthood hoax below)

when they are responsible for the HOAX


People like Ted Cruz know it too and know they are being used as a distraction

and their 2 year run for the White House is the same. 

He’s a scam artist!

It’s a monumental coverup, Catholic Style!

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on any documents








If this helps those who want to know I never felt fluttering or a leaping feeling the first time I was pregnant when I aborted. I don’t remember the second time or the third but I do remember the feeling very well. I wasn’t the type to keep track at that time about those kind of things. Forgot birthdays etc. Course I have changed since then having to defend the truth against a barrage of lies.Time isn’t always what it seems;) It can go forward and backward, etc. I did not enjoy pregnancy even  when I kept the ones I kept. I didn’t advertise it or walk around with some kind of attitude. In fact I continued on with getting on a ladder and painting a house while early in pregnancy until I knew for sure I was pregnant and that it was a keeper in the sense that my body had kept it on it’s own. The feeling was not fun for me to be pregnant I hated how it felt on my bladder most of all. I know some women go around like they were the Madonna but I didn’t. I see women over doing it on line as far as their pregnancy goes or their breast-feeding goes. You can do it in public in any place because you have to but it would be nice to be a bit less proud. You are only one of millions. It’s pretentious and a bit over the top.

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Pride goeth before a fall.

 I loved breastfeeding for a lot of reasons. For one thing it was relief because it is painful not to breastfeed when it is needed and you make a mess as you are standing at the counter in some store and look down and your shirt has a big wet mark. LOL I however enjoyed watching the women in the army breastfeeding because it was cool this I find offensive, but that’s me. IT’s a necessity and it is beautiful when you do it but not for others. Does she love her kids or her boobs? I think she likes her boobs more than her kids. I’ll guarantee a rapist would too.


Those boobs will shrink someday after they suck em dry especially when you have twins. And you can have breast implantation but they aren’t the same as real ones. I have never had it never needed it, but for those that do please don’t be offended. I have a deep 14 inch scar on my belly which was my best asset physically (my waist) and caused by a lot of bad input some self inflicted because of sexual abuse, emotional, psychological abuse by my enemies. And I lost some other important things as well via this suffering. I didn’t flaunt it for a long time but worked through it and found some truth along the way which I am sharing for free. I didn’t ask for donations for my blogs and accept a million dollars in the first week as did Ted Cruz for his contribution to mankind (knowledge of the US Constitution which has been for the most part useless in his hands. Remember Obamacare and those promises and he still attempts to make promises he won’t keep for if he would he would have already with a majority in Congress unless he isn’t smart enough) nor did I consider that an endorsement or a disapproval from God. Don’t get me wrong I would love to be rich. Doesn’t everyone wish for that? No that’s right Pope Francis doesn’t wish for that because he is the Pope of the largest undiscerning congregation in the world.

Thanks for sharing though because it fit this post If that was the reason? Only God knows.

Let’s hope no one gets raped over it.

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That’s cute. LOL

I think God knew ahead of time what I was in for and what I would do and supported my decision and the help of my parents because it matters how I conceived in HIS JUDGEMENT or I doubt I would have been so fortunate to have the children I have now. I can’t say that for some Catholics I know who annulled their first marriage and had a late term miscarriage which is a nice way of having an aborted fetus and can be caused in a myriad of ways with or without their knowledge. Course you can’t say you didn’t know you got married. It wasn’t a good marriage or mutually satisfying but it’s not like it didn’t happen. I think it is a judgement of some kind in regards to Catholicism and their penchant for indulging their own though she was an Orthodox CAThOLIC WHATEVER THAT MEANS, I DON’T KNOW. I don’t think it was necessarily a judgement against her personally but for her faith in a notorious false religion that has caused so much needless turmoil, grief and sadness in this marvelous world.

Amazing watching the Pope who has never been married or had children of his own giving advice about families and raising them and about taking care of the elderly when it was their own follower the famous Mother Teresa who made famous the hospice death with intent to kill the elderly so in my estimation the pope was mocking when talking about the elderly especially recently what has occurred to them. The reason he does it so well without much notice is because he is evil and so is his religion.

Anyway Mark Wahlberg the actor is on the TV introducing someone having to do with the pope’s visit in Philadelphia and it really irks me especially since he was on Fox acting as the weatherman a while back in one of those time loops in his ruse about the man imprisoned in Mexico a few different times same person different body.

This is Roman Catholicism at the height of it’s power at different times and what they did and they seem to be pretty proud of their heritage and I think they should not be so proud. They aren’t the navy, army, marines, or the air force or the military they are a religious STATE camping out in almost every country in the world to do their evil shit and I guess Mark Wahlberg is one of them:

The Fruits of the Vatican

 You ought to read some of the things done in the name of Christ by the Vatican, mind you, but most Catholics ignore it. It couldn’t happen to them. It can. It can turn and rear it’s ugly head and rend you.

The Bloody History of Papal Rome – A Timeline
In 1940, French statesman Baron DePonnat stated “Roman Catholicism was born in blood, has wallowed in blood, and has quenched its thirst in blood, and it is in letters of blood that its true history is written.” Indeed, the history of papal Rome has been one of brutal torture, slaughter, and mass murder. The below list provides a sampling of papal Rome’s bloody history.
1096 Roman Catholic crusaders slaughter half the Jews in Worms, Germany.
1098 Roman Catholic crusaders slaughter almost all of the inhabitants of the city of Antioch.
1099 Roman Catholic crusaders massacre 70,000 Muslims and Jews when they capture Jerusalem.
1208 – 1226 The Albigensian Crusades in southern France. Roman Catholic crusaders slaughter   approximately 20,000 citizens of Beziers, France on July 22, 1209. Both Albigensian Christians and Catholics were slain. By the time the Roman Catholic armies finished their “crusade,” almost the entire population of southern France (mostly Albigensian Christians) has been exterminated. During the six centuries of papal Inquisition that began in the 13th century, up to 50 million people were killed.
1236 Roman Catholic crusaders slaughter Jews in the Anjou and Poitou regions of western France. The Catholic crusaders trample to death under their horses 3000 Jews who refuse baptism.
1243 Roman Catholic mobs burn alive all the Jews in Berlitz, Germany (near Berlin).
1298 Roman Catholic mobs burn alive all Jews in Rottingen, Germany.
April 26, 1349 Roman Catholic mobs burn to death all Jews in Germersheim, Germany.
1348 – 1349 The Jews are blamed for the bubonic plague. Author Dave Hunt tells us, “Accused of causing the ‘Black Death’ Jews were rounded up [by Roman Catholic mobs] and hanged, burned, and drowned by the thousands in revenge.”
1389 Roman Catholic mobs murder 3000 Jews in Prague when they refuse to be baptized.
1481 – 1483 At the direction of the Roman Catholic inquisitors, authorities  burn at the stake at least 2000 people during the first two years of the Spanish Inquisition.
1540 – 1570 Roman Catholic armies butcher at least 900,000 Waldensian Christians of all ages during this 30-year period.
1550 – 1560 Roman Catholic troops slaughter at least 250,000 Dutch Protestants via torture, hanging, and burning during this ten-year period.
1553 – 1558 Roman Catholic Queen Mary I of England (aka “bloody Mary”) attempts to bring England back  under the yoke of papal tyranny. During her reign, approximately 200 men and woman are burned to death at the stake. Her victims include bishops, scholars, and other Protestant leaders.
1572 St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre. French Roman Catholic soldiers begin killing Protestants in Paris on the night of August 24, 1572. The soldiers kill at least 10,000 Protestants during the first three days. At least 8000 more Protestants are killed as the slaughter spreads to the countryside.
1618 – 1648 The Thirty Years’ War. This bloody, religious war is planned, instigated, and orchestrated by the Roman Catholic Jesuit order and its agents in an attempt to exterminate all the Protestants in Europe. Many countries in central Europe lose up to half their population.
1641 –  1649 Eight years of Jesuit-instigated Roman Catholic butchery of Irish Protestants claims the lives of at least 100,000 Protestants.
1685 French Roman Catholic soldiers slaughter approximately 500,000 French Protestant Huguenots on the orders of Roman Catholic King Louis 14 of France.
Circa 1938 –  1945 Catholic dictators such as Adolf Hitler and Monsignor Tiso slaughter approximately six million Jews in Europe prior to and during World War 2.
1941 – 1945 The Roman Catholic Ustashi in the fascist state of Croatia butcher up to one million Serbian Orthodox Christians. Roman Catholic killer squads are often led by Franciscan priests, monks, and friars. This genocide is choreographed by two Jesuit prelates: Aloysius Stepinac and Ivan Saric.
Compiled by Darryl Eberhart.

I do hope and would love to see the Vatican, Mecca and Medina, and the White House crumble to pieces and all the businesses that support them go broke and from what I gather that I have read they do and they will.

But war is hell and we are in hell and in a war that has not been introduced. The enemy uses all kinds of ways to implement their suffering and one is the Pope visiting the East coast mocking America and americans who don’t know any better and the Press cramming it into our consciousness with their courageous stupidity adoring the pope adoring Mary. LOL

When they get you into their fold by compromising this and compromising that in regards to their blessed doctrines because of the world and it’s demands and needs that they caused indirectly and directly then they will they will turn their canon laws on you and renege on their progressiveness and their temporary liberty. They place their canon laws above truth and above God. They don’t fight wars because they lack courage they undermine humanity by causing wars, austerity, starvation, immigration, joblessness, plagues, and every vile thing know to mankind and look holy while they do it although I don’t see holiness I just hear about it from the press who are obviously conjoined in their stupidity. The Pope is no more holy than Matt Drudge and both have extremely long chins.


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Looks like the Huckabee’s clerk a bit aged getting her forehead rubbed and a woman crying in the background. DOESN”T LOOK LIKE A JOYFUL MOMENT!

Actually it looks like the woman in the Planned Parenthood videos recently released

Why her in particular? Why is Pope Francis touching her forehead? Because more than likely she is the one in the Planned Parenthood video?

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“Oh what a wicked web we weave when first we practice to deceive”

Pope Francis praises women’s ‘immense contribution’ to church during Philadelphia visit

Listen to this video and the sound effects of the crowds as his car is driving up and the volume is the same and no variation in the sounds as is the case in real life. It’s ridiculous. He isn’t the Beatles. The people he is chatting with at the stairs hear him and they aren’t yelling. No one cupping their ears to hear because of the loud noises around them etc. Probably a host of nuns helping to make noise in those sound effects. The pope while reading the sentiments of the pope about the church sounds like Inspector Clouseau from The Pink Panther and can barely stand at the alter with his alter guys and steadies himself (probably a bit drunk) Good thing it wasn’t the Ark of the Covenant he would be dead at that moment. Does it again. It’s not an alter but a communion table but isn’t that what communion is: altering the truth in order to commune.



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This video is like in the Book of Acts speaking in tongues everyone talking at the same time in different languages and no one can tell what the hell they are saying except perhaps the japanese because of the loudness of the japanese woman (chinese perhaps? (They all sound the same to me. LOW CHOW PAN….No offense, LOL.) Ted Cruz is singing in a soprano voice. Do you really think people sang their prayers in the olden days? This is about the time I would be wanting to go home feeling faint and vomity when they are sitting across from each other and the organ is playing. Talk about a turn off. These are grown men acting like numb nuts. A bunch of pumpkins are sitting in the pews together.

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Then singing “his mercy is on those who fear him from generation to generation” with a trill in the


 of the word generation in a soprano voice (Ted Cruz). This is not a musical though they think it is. I would not have mercy on this crowd. IT’S GROSS as they take communion.

This whole scene is not a demonstration of fear but punishment for those who succumb to their antics. If I’m not impressed

I doubt God is impressed. Not that I think myself is God but I know that having witnessed this display in this you tube that I would not attend this church ever again.

I want to write though in all honesty and because it is important in my estimation but when my dad had a TIA and was speaking funny, backwards it was a very hard time for me to watch, I felt some strange feelings as it occurred echoes and I heard some strange effects as well and one was like the way this amphitheater-cathedral’s ambiance sounds in the room when he suffered his exhaustion at the hospital where we met and where he had his TIA having driven in from San ANtonio to Dallas to the hospital without a nap to please my sister’s whims. Not that having a grandchild is a whim but it could have waited a few hours. He was old and deserved to be respected. ANYWAY he loved kids but I think he would have been honored if my sister had honored his wife in return in his absence.

He went to grandparents days and so did my mom for their family and every Hockaday event you can imagine and yearly ballets at McFarland Auditiorium, babysat even the grandkids kids which is WAY beyond the call of duty IMO and put her in charge of my mom’s welfare and estate and in my opinion she turned her ugly heads and rended him, my mom, and me and maybe a few others though they fear her instead of God.

I didn’t even get invited to the funeral of my mom. Though I would not have attended because of the rank defilement by my sisters. Didn’t even know she was hospiced two weeks before she died. They would not communicate with me out of vengeance. THAT”S LOW, AS LOW AS YOU CAN GO. THen lied on the brochure about my mom as if they didn’t know any better.

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 Bocelli Schmochelli

By the way that heroin addict I wrote about in my last post on the blog Eye of the Needle his name was Botello a very good singer and songwriter and guitarist.

I don’t believe their abortion/appenDIX story one iota about the opera singer. I don’t believe Catholics.

He sings well and so what. The ex and his catholic friends at his gig last night were saying in regards to the coverage about the POPE


 and mimicked him kissing a kid in a wheel chair with palsy and the reaction of the family about the pope kissing the kid. Was the kid healed? Can Bocelli see?


I believe the doctor probably botched the birth and was protected by insurance. IN any case it is being used politically for reasons our Congress is trying to defund Planned Parent hood because a bunch of nuns infiltrated the institution to have their way.


I don’t pray to HELL MARY. THEY DO.


snark snark snort snort

And what does that  have to do with his blindness, anyway? DId the appenDIX strike him blind? LOL

It’s hearsay and nothing more. Unproven and not provable.

Proof is in the pudding.

Read Revelation.

Super Blood Moon to Make a Rare Appearance

“Most people are unlikely to detect the larger size of the supermoon. It may appear 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter, but the difference is subtle to the plain eye. But the reddish tint from the lunar eclipse is likely to be visible throughout much of North America, especially on the East Coast.”

In coordination with the visit of Pope Francis to the East Coast. Notice he didn’t go to the West Coast or even the Bread Basket of the United States and remained on the East Coast Boston, Philadelphia, and Washington DC. Noticed the cathedral of Matthew in Washington had a depiction in stained glass of THOR, It looked the way to me anyway.

I hope the places that accommodated the Pope and his entourage will crumble to pieces by an act of God. 🙂

 Is that wrong?

 Hurricane Joaquin with 85 mph winds and building strength heading to the east Coast and what do you want to bet it hits Washington DC, Philadelphia, and Boston hard and if it does I hope it hits St. Matthews Cathedral with a vengeance. I thought he went to Boston but the ex says he went to New York. Vaguely remember that but we were barraged with his presence in the most disgusting fashion on our TV’s and I hope it never happens again.

What does he have in that brown bag? Buttons?

Hurricane Joaquin means wet weekend for East Coast football, baseball

bummer, lol

Honestly, I really feel that way about the visit of Pope Francis to America. I think he’s a pretentious little prick and a self described thief and proud of it. He should not be allowed to come to American and spread his voodoo and we should not have to see his ugly face in the news and hear about what a great guy he is because he is not.

I hope the Obamas have to move to Mt. Vernon and the Senate and the Congress can’t convene caused by the hurricane winds and the damage because they don’t do anything anyway,

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Then I would love to watch Chris Christie’s support and mob bravado dwindle to a drop of water and see him and his sleazy friends slink back into the woodwork and like a cockroach lose that color and never want to peek his little turd out in public again. He is a pope ass kisser and so are his financial backing and they deserve to lose their social standing and their assets and Chris Christie deserves to lose his position for kissing ass. He did it before with Obama and now the Pope. It’s sickening to see a presidential candidate kiss so much ass. That is not what America needs in office or in any office. I’m sure that will not sit well with Eric Bolling but he’s similar in character and he should follow Chris Chrisite.

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When my sister was a tot she came home

with a bunch of Roly-Polys

in her purse

and I hope the same goes

for Chris Christie and his newt RICH buddies.

I hope everywhere the Pope goes the places that harbor him and entertain him

get screwed up financially, physically, mentally,

so that no one will ever invite him to their country or their state or their city ever again.

He will be isolated.

I hope this hurricane will be some kind of lesson, but I ain’t God.

Found this on a site:

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Where in the gospels does it say you have to confess. That’s like the inquisition. Jesus in the Gospel of John said to some people that asked “what may we do to do the works of God?” and he said to them: “BELIEVE.” Believe in whom?

God the Father. The one he teaches about.

I Am The Lord Thy God.

You don’t have to tell one soul what you believe and/or why, how, when, where, what for, who, etc..

The above 4 Romans verses are Roman Catholic Dogma as in the picture below:

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for the purpose so that they can trap you, or entrap you, or make you suffer, or pressure you, manipulate you, manage you, squeeze you for $$$$ (charge you), occult you, tease you, belittle you, use you, torture you, guilt you, organize you into their perception of where you should be and how you should appear, how you should act, how you should vote, etc, intimidate you, violate you, rape you, cheat you, undermine you, molest you, try to make you go crazy, isolate you and eventually destroy you if they can,

hence HO-SPICE the invention of Muther Teresa and Roman Catholicism:The largest CULT in the world.







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Pope Pushes Malthusian Elite Agenda In Historic Call For New Global Order


Here is my personal story about suffering:

I listened to Greg Gutfeld talk about naming names of mass murderers such as what occurred at a community college in Oregon and how it glorifies the person doing it to name their name which makes another mass murderer want to outdo the one before which is BS. That is the epitome of politically correct. It doesn’t glorify them whatsoever and dishonors their name and their name needs to be publicized for the purpose of witnesses and acquaintances and the information they might be able to provide in regards to that person named which might be helpful and while we are at it it helps to identify their religion and their race and anything else that might be pertinent so that just in case there is a copy cat aspect involved we might be able to ascertain a connection.

Anyway I said out loud about my feelings about it TO THE EX and said for similar reasons as the incident in Aurora Colorado where a man acts like the Joker and gets into the theater to commit a mass murder with the help of an insider (person in the theater that let him into the theater)

kills a bunch of people and in particular a woman who worked for Fox affiliate as a sports announcer who was at a mass murder a month before in shopping mall in Canada (witnessed the murders) and a month later was killed in a mass murder in a theater which happened to be situated in a town that had some secret military base where the shooter was getting medication and treatment for mental problems or some kind of problem (probably Ritalin) and the theater where the mass murder took place was where military men and women frequented which sounds like a traitor within the military killing the military. (Probably during blackouts.)

THE EX compared it to someone going to Iraq for tour of duty three times and comes home and gets killed in a mass murder at home.


THERE IS NO COMPARISON BETWEEN THE TWO coincidences the one THAT HE CITED vs what I cited!

His was a coincidence whereas my example isn’t only a coincidence, it’s collaboration and it is complicity of some kind.

A Cabal.

ANYWAY he has been shampooing the rugs in the last two day yesterday and today.

He was taught “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” It’s Catholic DOGMA! Though I do live in the same place as he does. LOL

He does it usually after he has done something he shouldn’t have, so I’m wondering what he did!

The man that took down some terrorists in France went to college at that same community college. I call that not a mere coincidence and there is probably connection.

Anyway, that’s suffrage, is one kind of suffrage, there are other types as well. IT’s called having to be living in the same house with the EX who is mind boggling stupid. LOL

CHRIS HARPER MERCER was the guys name who did the deed in Oregon and I will guarantee there are some important connections to Obama’s religion of Christianity (snark snark “The Future must no belong to those that insult the prophet of Islam” he said at the UN a few years ago. IS THAT CHRISTIAN?)) and this desire to disarm the American people and connected to the man that took down a terrorist in France and the President of France who gave him the highest award yet the man didn’t know what the President of France said when receiving the award because he was traveling around in France with his buddies and he didn’t understand French. All three heroes had BLACKOUTS! Really makes no sense not to know what was said in an awards ceremony especially the most regarded award in France given by the leader of that country. That is nonsense and so there probably is a connection between the President of France, President Obama, the man that received the award and the college where the mass murder took place at Umpqua Community College in Roseberg, Oregon, the man that did the deed, gun control, mental illness, BLACKOUTS and RELIGION. I think it is likely related to Sandy Hook Elementary mass murder as well and I think it is orchestrated especially since it was not done in a fit of anger but premeditated and with a warning. The Sandy Hook Elementary mass murder was hoax. None of the victims had birth certificates or death certificates and were not provided to the public for the obvious reasons and it was in a Catholic town and many priests were involved with the families afterwards at least in photos and so was our government involved. The shooter in Oregon hated religion and lived with his mother, I read. A mama’s boy. Sounds very Catholic.

Not to mention, but I will, the mass murderer in Aurora looks like my nephew and the woman killed in the theater in Aurora looks like my step niece by marriage both in the same family of my little sister who is a follower of Billy Graham (that was how she was introduced to Christianity by his tours (CRUSADES) which started in Britain.) She didn’t know him that I know of but that was how it started for her GRETA journey into Christendom.

The Fog of War

Watched for a minute or so Dr. Bob Arnot on Judge Jeanine of Fox News on SUnday night and they were discussing the tragedy of Doctors Without Borders where I guess US military hit their location and killed a bunch of doctors but that there was artillery fire going from their location of some kind and so it ended up being a target of the US military. The same doctor that came out with a fetus that lived I presume that he grew somehow out of utero to prove some kind of point.


I guess Doctors Without Borders is an international program. I know the Roman Catholic Church (Pope Benedict XVl but more than likely not his idea alone) wanted a World Without Borders for the One World Government/Religion with Teeth) so I understand that it must have been inspired by Roman Catholicism and probably is sponsored by Rome in war torn countries or anywhere they want to rule. I guess it bites hard when you are the victim. What the hell do they expect in wartime….total safety? Doctors WIthout Borders was also in Africa working on the Blood virus Ebola (I believe caused by the tsetse fly but the powers that want to be are afraid to spray to contain the tsetse fly or eradicate the tsetse fly because they the Africans won’t need their help in that capacity. Coincidentally at that time was the African Summit with Barack Obama akin and seems that Samaritans Purse was trying to consolidate some kind of deal for Obama akin to trying to disarm the US public so we have school shootings like the ones we have witnessed lately.) a while back and were trying to find a cure for that disease and came up with a serum for a few doctors that worked for their company doctors while a bunch of Africans died of that disease. By The Thousands. The doctors were flown to the USA even though it was dangerous and caused some problems at some hospitals in the USA and a few people that were infected because of their overconfidence and pride. I saw pictures of the Africans that were not protected by suits so no wonder it spread at that time. Took advantage of their ignorance which is typical of those involved in those companies. Luckily those few doctors lived and were flown out of Africa by the planes owned by the Grahams business called the Samaritan’s Purse (Franklin and Billy Graham). So I presume that they are involved with Doctors Without Borders as well since they are shills of Roman Catholicism. Their company is calling it a war crime but how can they complain when working in a country at war? Did the Mash units in Vietnam call it a war crime when they were attacked in Viet Nam/Cambodia/Laos etc. Do you think the enemy in Viet Nam cared whatsoever? Doesn’t make sense but the Benedictine Order in Germany complained about a place (Monte Cassina which you can read about on the site hosted by Ian Paisley of European Institute of Protestant Studies and put in a search about Monte Cassina to compare their reaction)  that was bombed in Germany that was harboring the enemy the Nazis and we were at war with the Nazis at the time. They bitched about the incident and wanted revenge.

Reminds me of what is occurring in Syria with the Russians bombing some groups they called ISIS ( I think there are a few different groups called by that name that aren’t necessarily connected top each other which makes it confusing) and we accuse Russia of killing Syrians insurgents attacking their own country of Syria and President Assad’s regime which is called civil war occurring Syria and we are afraid they will kill our people that are in Syria (our people that should not be in Syria without a Declaration of War but they are there I presume working with the Saudis that invaded Syria in the first place and we say that Russia is working with Iran and the Hezbollah.) 

Anyway I don’t think we know what we are fighting except that Barack Obama wanted to get to that Golan Heights and has wanted to for quite a long time and I presume Roman Catholicism would like to do the same.


Because it is a very important border for Israel, so I see an IRONY in that whole situation.

Don’t you?

Turkey Dragged A Kurdish Man Behind An Armored Vehicle.

Then It Got Worse.

The images reignite doubts about the government’s fight against Kurds.

Hey if it works for the Palestinians on the West Bank it ought to work for the Turks.

Also reminds me when Hillary Clinton defended the use of empty UN buildings that were harboring/storing weapons used to cause problems in Israel by Palestinians/Hezbollah/whoever else (the RC) was involved and Roman Catholic priests complained when Israel warned some people to leave buildings because they were gonna bomb them in response to some activity from the buildings and the RC priests mocked Israel and those that were being warned and said: “Where do you suggest that they should go?” I would have suggested: Go to the Vatican, they have plenty of rooms at their Inns. It’s hard to deal with that kind of an enemy and I don’t think they deserve warnings anymore because they are impossible to deal with.

Illogical and unrepentant

in other words

they are assholes and should not be allowed to do business as usual in the USA.

Noticed what Benjamin Netanyahu said on Great’s show on Fox in regards to his speech at the UN where he demonstrated silence for she said 45 seconds, he said 44 seconds, and I wonder what’s the difference?It seemed to make much of an impression at the UN and seemed that it fell on deaf ears and they were silent.

Are we talking about parallels like the 49th Parallel, etc?

I wonder what difference does a second make?

44th Parallelnorth

In my opinion, Netanyahu ought to disregard the UN as being a TOTAL waste of time. Don’t bother. They are worthless and might as well sell girl scout cookies. No offense to the Girl Scouts. I love their thin mint cookies.

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Notice the red line?

The biggest thing that happened in Israel besides becoming a state was the 6 day war (WIkipedia says it was in 1967 (June 5th – June 10th) i thought it was in 1968) so are we talking about

What a difference a day makes? 

Esther Phillips

By we, I mean, Benjamn Netanyahu.

I think he meant something, but I don’t read minds. LOL


“Local pastor Randy Scroggins has said his 18-year-old daughter, who survived the shooting, told him the gunman gave an envelope to another student and instructed him to give it to police. The envelope contained a flash drive, Scroggins said.”

“Also Monday, some faculty, staff and students returned to the campus for the first time since the shooting, while President Barack Obama announced he will travel to Oregon this week to visit privately with victims’ families.”

Hide it.

Ben Carson defends comments about Oregon shooting

Dr. Ben Carson is right about what one should do unless you want to be a martyr for a nutcase

which I believe are driven nuts by a bunch of nuts. 

This shit didn’t happen until Obama graced our White House at least not to the extent it is occurring these days and especially ever since Benghazi!

South Carolina got hit kind of hard storm wise by Hurrican Joaquin. I wonder if that has anything to do with the the investigation of Benghazi and who is in charge of the investigation in our government. Trey Goudy.

Shut Down the Benghazi Committee

It’s understandable when one doesn’t try to ask the right questions because of political pressure and one’s religion so that no information can be gained that is important and everyone goes off on little witch hunts that have nothing to do with what occurred but a HUGE SIGN that affects everyone, obviously.

In any case it is a conspiracy to prove that truth isn’t the right way or the life as stated by Jesus in the Gospel of John and it is illogical and a ridiculous way to demonstrate some moot point. It’s like what happened in WWll when some people only fed the prisoners bread to prove that one can’t live on bread alone written about in Elie Weisel’s book though I forget the title. I don’t think Elie Weisel even understood the point of that experiment: Misinterpreting scripture in a Catholic kind of way: Cleanliness is next to Godliness (my ex starts cleaning house when he has done something that is bad and forgets: A day is as a thousand years as a thousand years is a day and relying on that verse to keep them afloat and sinking as we write or this shit would not be occurring as frequent as it is occurring like a toilet flushing though now we have to flush it twice to be successful thanks to Al Gore. LOL.

Poop, flush, power!

Fox news in the morning interviewed Ben Carson about the Oregon event and talked about giving up one’s life for their faith as the highest calling and that is insane. One has nothing to do with the other. Jesus wasn’t saying we don’t have a right to lie if our lives are in danger because of some assholes on a revenge trip about the demotion of the Gospel of Matthew by it’s own petard. Some can’t handle that the mustard seed is not the smallest of seeds and have been freaking out about it for quite a while. I guess many feel betrayed by the truth. Anyway you can read about it on some posts linked on that Merangue’s Blog.

The ex (the insignificant other) just advised me which is kind of infrequent but means something by his actions that the Golan Heights has struck Black Gold. He doesn’t do it often and there are reasons for the treasons. I have prayed begged and scolded God with vigor to release me from his madness and help me out of this mess of a situation. I will never forget his excitement about his mom’s health soon after my mom’s death. It was revealing as in Revelation and like I said he proved that the Gospel of Matthew is a farce in regards to the attitudes when one one mourns for someone they love. It was as if he had proved something by my mom’s death and his mom’s health improvement. I won’t forget EVER. There is no comparison between the two. NONE!

I don’t think he appreciated me reproving him in a gentle way to not sleep with his teenage daughter for whatever reason.

He will have to answer to God for those reasons, pretty soon, I hope and for the other things he forgets. Things do seem to be winding up and down.

I have read and heard that rape isn’t about sex, it’s about control. Though I think sometimes it is about sex but why force it when you can buy it or jack off (and not go to jail even if it used to be considered a sin by Roman Catholics.)

As far as oil goes in the Golan Heights i believe oil is like blood in the human body. It’s everywhere. The earth is a living body and oil is its lubricant like blood is in the human body. The earth shifts probably because of the oil consumption but luckily the earth produces more however it does that like we produce more blood when we lose blood via blood drives or accidents. My cousin’s husband (a geologist) found oil with some kind of technique in Texas and when I told him I felt a small earthquake years back he told me it was impossible. He was wrong. We have had small ones since then that were recorded so either he lied or he was overconfident in false information. Anyway the news reports that oil is super plentiful in the Golan Heights and guess what that’s not the only place. Pretty soon we won’t need it so it’s kind of silly and the hoopla about it except for what is occurring in Syria these days and another excuse for some kind of deployment.

I am including this post from Rush Limbaugh not for it’s content but I liked the picture. LOL. But I agree with Rush Limbaugh about the funny timing.

Could Oil in Israel Change the Middle East?

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Anyway Jesus in the Gospel of John didn’t say or suggest to martyr oneself for some crazy nut. The Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark & Luke) however did suggest it and seemed to promote it. So I would surmise those that are supportive of the Synoptic Gospels are responsible for the craziness of these events such as in Oregon and Sandy Hook Elementary to prove absolute madness, etc. Illogical.

In my opinion, the Oregon school shooting was a set up and in one of the pictures I saw of three girls one crying it seemed that two of them looked ashamed looking at her as she cried, as if they were in on the event. I can’t find the picture anymore but one girl was crying her eyes out (it looked like) and a girl was on either side of the girl that was crying and they didn’t act right or look right and reminded me of the kids that were being interviewed in regards to the Sandy Hook Elementary hoax. An interviewer (psychological type interview) at Sandy Hook looked just like the woman that got in the car with a judge before she swore in LBJ as the new President on a plane soon after JFK was assassinated. IMO. (You can read about it in the JFK series linked on Merangue’s Blog.) Though her skin color changed. (The Judge was the one that was involved in Roe v. Wade.) The kids that were interviewed were the siblings of a female teacher that was killed in the Sandy Hook hoax. LOL The two girls were excited about their interview and the part they played even though their sister had supposedly been killed (exuberant acting) and the boy didn’t look like he was proud of himself and very quiet. These events are politically motivated using religions and if they can’t get our guns they gonna try to get us using the mental illness (a very fuzzy line) to put away those that are against their One World Government with Teeth and it’s political and religious agenda which fluctuates depending on public opinion and however the wind changes like currents in water change depending upon the tides, the moon, storms, El Nina and El Nino, solar flares, etc. So whose nuts?

I’ll tell you who is nuts: Bill O’reilly. LOL

talking about traditional values and comparing the dems to the republicans and as far as I’m concerned traditional values are not exclusive to the Republicans. Ridiculous to suggest that it is. Ben Carson isn’t right about traditional values having more successful families: BULLSHIT. (Depends on what you mean by successful.) I wish it were so but it isn’t. The Occult is not traditional though they have their traditions and Bill O’reilly is an OCCULTIST AND THAT IS WHY HE SUPPORTS AND PROPS UP THE VALUES AND THE TACTICS OF THE JESUITS. HE IS TRYING TO ACT AS IF HE HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH THE WAY DR. BEN CARSON TURNED OUT AND HE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CHARACTER OF BEN CARSON.

He developed his character hisself.

Hey, I enjoyed Sanford and Sons. LOL Just Kidding. I hear Dr. Ben Carson is being attacked racially which is silly but some attacks aren’t attacks but in fun kind of stuff. My problem with him is I feel he may be Obama’s “chosen one” because of the breakfast that both attended which made Dr. Ben Carson famous. I had never heard of him before that even though he was a renown in his field of medicine, I guess. Nevertheless it could be boondoggle and he might be a great president. However tithing and taxation are two different concepts based on two different type situations.He suggested that taxation was tithing and it is not comparable. The White House is not the temple. LOL Nor is the Senate or the House of Representatives or the Supreme Court the temple and the practitioners of all these houses are not the Levites, etc. Though it is interesting that he said that since some of our tax dollars are being funneled to the Vatican and it is not the Temple either. The Vatican is an Abomination but I did notice a great interest in him after he stated what he stated about tithing to the government and ears perked and he got ver popular and I’m pretty positive that Laura InGraham and others in the press probably became intensely interested in Mr. Carson hoping for some Christmas bonuses.


In any case it has to do with the choices but it doesn’t help to be entrapped or tempted by those that like to corrupt or adulate for political and religious advantage

I wonder how his twenty something siblings are doing! Never get to hear or see them.

It’s time to exert our attention to the

hospice situation in old folks homes and retirement centers.

It’s a cover for offing a generation of people that contributed to making America great, using Medicade/Medicare and using inheritance which are tempting good people for nefarious reasons and offing those that are not desirable to the advancement of the NEW WORLD ORDER – A World Government with Teeth, AN ABERRATION,

(and to punish their children.)

and it’s agenda which needs to be destroyed. The New World Order does not appreciate America and those great Americans (many in the military and their spouses) and wants to diminish it’s power and character and is going unnoticed by many. It needs to be noticed by Congress and there needs to be some action devoted towards that protection and stop the forced suicides and stop the mental tampering of the public for nefarious reasons by false news stories to promote gun control. Everyone knows that is the tipping point towards FASCIST type governance and we do not want to oblige and only the crime bosses and nazis will be able to use guns against the population with those false news stories.

They were born and created by God and deserve respect and protection

 and quit using Planned Parenthood and the hoaxes involved as a decoy for advancing that agenda, (which is evil.)

Might promote the alternative to the hospice death trap by providing doctors care and take advantage of the new traveling doctor business that is a direct response to Obama Care. Give it the good ole American boost and while we are at it provide access to certain treatments without consent from our doctors every 6 months or a year requiring a visit to see a doctor which is pandering doctors on medications that are not likely to be abused or to get high or to make a profit such as asthma treatments etc. (That is my personal request.) That is abusive to the public and it is blackmail and should be punishable with fines to the doctors that use that excuse to get business in their doors. Most people are mentally responsible and aware enough to know if something changes to see their doctor but those changes don’t usually come bi-yearly or yearly and the citizens should not be treated as infants. You can always put a surcharge on the drug prescribed in the first place to go to the doctor that prescribed it but otherwise it is forcing oneself on their patrons and that is abusive and controlling and needs to be


Also sometimes the past has some better medicines than the present.

When I was younger my mom very rarely but when I was uncontrollable, visibly upset, losing my cool she would give me a quarter of a tranquilizer to settle me down and it worked and there were no after effects. It softened my edge. I was given recently from a hospital that prescribed a drug to help me sleep and for my nerves and I took one yesterday and a day later I still feel sluggish and heavy from that drug. Too bad doctors don’t prescribe tranquilizers instead of these psychological drugs that I think are less effective and damaging to the psyche than tranquilizers. I’ll tell you the name of the drug: HydrOXYzine HCI 25MG NOR which is the substitution for the same thing without the NOR. It would have felt much better having a portion of a tranquilizer. Prescribed by a different doctor from the same hospital and same visit that prescribed a albuterol in the strength that would have caused my death with a seizure that I investigated because I was curious why it had to be overnighted by the pharmacist because albuterol is usually in stock at a pharmacy who then got curious about the strength and alerted the ex that it would have killed me and called the doctor that prescribed it to me and she changed the strength to the normal dose. Her name was Raashee Kedia and was working part-time at the hospital but normally worked at another hospital so wondering if it was a trick or a mistake intentional or not. Could be spiritual like when I received an overabundance of Cat scans without the proper preparation even after notifying the nurse of the lack of preparation I had to partake of radiation that was needless and indulge her schedule because I was too weak and drugged to thwart the abuse. I think that was deliberate negligence on another occasion when I nearly died. Don’t know if I can ever find that out about Raashee Kedia but luckily I was suspicious. Lucky for her, too! Have to get a refill from her and hopefully she will represcribe the inhalants so I don’t have to make a trip to the hospital that I don’t need and shouldn’t have to make to receive medicine that is important for my well being. I would think she would be agreeable since I did not sue her for malpractice. There is always a reasonable doubt as to her intent on the physical plane but on the spiritual plain I think it was intentional without her knowledge which is a conundrum for humanity. Anyway, doctors are not perfect human beings and they make mistakes and older people are more susceptible and much more vulnerable than the average person having to rely on their practitioners that aren’t nearly watched as they should be and can do great harm to the elderly on their whims without much intervention, however in my case I think it has to do with my beliefs.

Like the laws in Texas about restraint which are abused by retirement centers which allow patients to have falls that affect their longevity, their bones, their organs, overall health which need to be reviewed. I think they allow the falls intentionally because they don’t like the laws and would rather duct tape their patients and drug them up to keep them asleep as schools would rather put kids on Ritalin to control kids that are overactive.

There are some bad apples in the business of the elderly as there are in the business of childcare. They are attracted like moths to a flame. Take for instance Planned Parenthood.

You know what else is weird this morning I found a quarter on the floor which is not that unusual except where I found it was unusual so much so I wondered who was on that quarter because my eyesight sucks and I was sluggish and still fighting the sluggishness I feel. It’s George Washington. My mom reminds me of George Washington and kind of took after Barbara Bush in her later years. She had teeth problems as I do and so did George. My dad reminds me of Benjamin Franklin in a way. Something about the nose and mouth of George Washington and the gaze and the mouth of Benjamin Franklin. That sounds weird but I needed a sign for my beliefs, my hopes, and my desires. I lost my way a bit because I have been so upset because of the things that have happened to my parents and to me obviously being deeply affected and I got one, the quarter, which also says In God We Trust.

My mom said when I visited her before she died that she had read my stuff (knew about it) and so had others even though she does not have access to a computer and was in a wheel chair in a retirement center and it was on a tape that my sister recorded but won’t send because she considered me to be Satan and the Devil rolled up in one because of my angsts that I revealed in some letters that were sent to family members that were true and concise to settle the matter and because of their actions and their deliberate ignorants. And because I think that her faith seems to be competing with my beliefs for some reason. She exiled me from her home which was near my mom and they didn’t invite me to the funeral but they were not mad that I didn’t come to the funeral. LOL. Talk about insanity. Maybe it’s jealousy.

By the way I still think that Rand Paul is a good contender for the Presidency! I like what he wrote to Hillary Clinton about Benghazi in response to her prank.

Back to Bill O’reilly and Dr. Ben Carson:




Fox is suggesting Newt Gingrich as the new Speaker of the House to replace John Boehner which makes snarlingly good sense to me that they would since he is Catholic.

Not sure this verse applies but it might especially if John Boehner is replaced by another catholic as if that is a requirement for that seat. Talk about complicit.

And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear,and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
Newt Gingrich has been sleeping for about 6 years (haven’t heard from him in ages). He had an affair I think and then got a divorce and then divorce was recently within a few days authorized and INDULGED by the Pope especially to closet catholics and those willing to remarry a Catholic and Newt becomes Catholic and starts vocalizing his deep thoughts on Fox and now he is their proposal for a candidate for that seat. I would rather have John Boehner anyday than Newt Gingrich. UGH.
He will be a puppet, no doubt.
(The first one aware there was a problem with Obama and didn’t hesitate to reveal it,
which was very courageous.)
Alan Simpson would be really good too.
Joni Ernst would be fun. LOL
A ton of people in the Senate would be able to do the job and I don’t think they would be puppets with the exception of John McCain who I think is a traitor (a suspicion of mine!)
 I think that Joni Ernst is Catholic but I think she’s got spunk and class and the right stuff.
Louie Gohmert could also suffice and is tough enough.
The Ex suggested Jason Chaffetz and while I really like him and he speaks his mind very succinctly the fact that the ex suggested it worries me, but I think he would be very aggressive (could be a double cross kind of trick.) So he could be a good candidate as well.
And I love Donald Rumsfeld but he might be too old, I don’t know his age.
Still a lot of good people in our government if only it worked for the citizens of the US so that the unemployment wasn’t so high and so misrepresented by phony numbers. If rent wasn’t so expensive and medicine and healthcare weren’t so screwed up. Crime rate is a good indicator of good or bad representation and the diminishing middle class and growing lower class. Fewer small businesses by those with imagination and less competition, etc. If taxes were simple and I think ought to be based on consumption. And if the alcoholic club would let up on the marijuana users to separate them from the mob influence like was done for alcohol users in the past, it would be kind and considerate to many people that are having a tough time and can’t handle booze and it’s effects on their own bodies (vomiting, bellicoseness, rape, incest which lead often to abortion and things like that ) and the effects on their friends, family, and relationships. So I think a bit of an open mind to other people’s preferences would be justified having put them through HELL for about 10 years and regulate marijuana to keep them safer as was done for alcohol.

Try a little tenderness

Otis Redding

Whoever it is that replaces John Boehner if in fact he is quitting his post has to have a conscience, be a realist, have imagination, love truth, and can handle dealing with Nancy Pelosi and not fall head over heels for her shirt , I mean shit, or Michelle Obama and care about freedom and independence, and believe in God, IMO. I think all of them do have those qualities/characteristics. I don’t care about whether or not someone had an affair once or sinned in some way or another because it is the nature of man and women and hard not to be found guilty of something untowards or inappropriate in someone’s eyes especially in government or entertainment businesses or guilty in someway, but to care about it is important.
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I know nothing about Kevin McCarthy.

Bill O’reilly has a lot of work to do within himself on his own character;

Remember this?

“Hey, that’s not fair!”

I could go on and on, but it would be redundant. 

As my dad said “he’s a blow hard.”

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Belle Donna Stevie Nicks

Bill O’reilly thinks Paul Ryan would be a good candidate and I don’t think so because he is unrealistic, lacks character in that he thinks he owns it, lacks imagination, doesn’t give a crap about independence or freedom, uses people in a John Kerry kind of way, capiche?, etc., Not saying he isn’t good for sump tin but I’m sure it will catch up with him someday or another.

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The Ugly American and Sons of Trump and the Ugly American

I didn’t know that Mexicans had a sense of humor or rather I didn’t know Mexicans had a good sense of humor.

Even got Saddam Hussein to comment acting as if he’s a Mexican.

A few seconds of fun.

Caller from 2009: I Was Wrong About Obama

“CALLER: I called in 6-1/2 years ago and got to speak with you, and you let me have it. And it didn’t take me long to realize after you let me have it, how right you were and how wrong I was. I worked on Obama’s first campaign as a volunteer in Lorain, Ohio, and, you know, I was a staunch supporter. And I believed the — I guess — nonsense that he was spewing. And since then, it didn’t take me long to realize what a mistake that I made and what a mistake that this country’s made in keeping him president for two terms.”

By the way, for those that are going through some shit because of the Roman Catholic and Islam’s desire to rule the world and their punishment to those that aren’t Catholic or Islamic they get theirs, DOUBLED. It says so in the bible: When the tables turn they have twice as much to swallow as everyone else swallows. So the more they dish out they more they get.
Hope that helps, it sure helps me;) So I guess God isn’t into Tit for Tat or What goes around comes around.

He says GIVE IT TO HER DOUBLE and HE means it.

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Hummingbirds Drinking Out Of Red Solo Cup Are The Best Party Fowls
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My mom used to say to her kids when they were upset at someone for some kind of harm or slander:


It helps sometimes.

Sometimes it’s a cop out. LOL Depends upon the situation.

There were times she would say that the person acting bad towards us was jealous and sometimes that wasn’t true and sometimes it was but she couldn’t be with us all of the time to know. It was a way to cope.

Although my little sister didn’t understand that concept and believed her every time she said: “Oh, they’re just jealous.” and it had a great impact how my sister regarded herself, way to highly. For years she had lousy sight but had her eyes fixed with laser surgery later in life and she wouldn’t let anyone go without squeezing a black head or two. She went after my dad’s back quite often (He sweat profusely when he worked) and a few places I tend to get them. I wish she had never gotten so microscopic. She isn’t even an artist. It got to the point near the end of our relationship that when I visited her at family gatherings I would pray casually, “Please let them see me as they want to see me.” And she did and some of them did, too.

Almonds or walnuts? (a personal inside jab which I wrote about in another post but don’t want to again,)

I still love her just hard to forgive and I can’t forget because more than likely I wouldn’t live to see the next day.

Good thing I don’t have a $35,000 inheritance. Eh? Black hearts, etc. Kiss kiss.

Probably has something to do with who she married!

My mom used to say to me: “You would give the shirt off your back.”

And I would say, “Oh, Mom.”

When my sister and I were still friends (although I may not have been aware of the motives of my sister then as I have become aware since) while visiting my mom in her room at her retirement center, we sang a song that we used to sing as kids from South Pacific of the two little girls who sang: Happy Talk – You Got To Have a Dream (though this video shows the elderly version) and animated it like the kids in the show and my mom said annoyed I think because we belabored the song:

“A voice inside my head said I think you need to leave.”

Anyway the next day after the day before when I had washed some laundry and was warned by my daughter that she wanted to wear my shirt that is green and black and I said no I just washed it (it was hanging to dry) and I want to wear it. Anyway she comes in the next day wearing it so I made her take it off. She had worn it without permission overnight against my wishes just so she could (IMO) vie against me and what I had written which is typical of my life these days with my Ex and her dad. It’s a Catholic phenomenon. My daughter is not Catholic but her dad is and that is his influence and his friends (really messed up spirits) upon her somehow. First of all that they would waste their time on such a stupid antic.

I saw his mom at the hospital recently the hospital where the doctor was working part time that mis-prescribed me drugs to overdose and to kill me but she was darker (I mean she was african american and I don’t know why she appeared that way) and younger and acting weird (like an ape the way she sat and scratched her head in the back like you would imagine an ape to do) but brought up stuff about marriage and a certain amount of years that coincided with my marriage to a nurse by me, etc. Her sons were never wrong when they were divorced it was always the fault of the women they married even though both men were alcoholics and were married a few times. It was her spirit even though she is alive up north. She was guarding me in the hallway of the hospital because I had admitted to the staff that I had thought about suicide within a certain time period. Suicide because of her son for one thing and all the other crap going on. It isn’t easy for me. Everyday is a struggle to want to get up and cope with the mess in this country and world and in my life. It was a strange episode in my life that particular visit and what I had to deal with. I saw some recognizable people having trouble coping (some famous ones in their natural state that married a catholic that were going through a divorce. She was on a gurney in the hallway fidgeting with her phone every 10 seconds or so and I wanted to tell her get off the phone it might help but didn’t have the nerve to interfere with her nervous breakdown.) His mom once told me about her mom when she died who she did not like and that her mom said, “No, I will not go with him!” and was very upset by who she would have to be escorted by during her death knell and his mom thought that possibly it was her husband because her mom wasn’t very nice to him. I doubt it. It was probably the devil. LOL  Just kidding. It was only a story and her imagination about her mom’s death and it made her happy. It gave her satisfaction that her mom was unhappy in death having to deal with her husband who she didn’t like. I think her mom mistreated her as a child but so did her husband when he said “you aren’t pretty but good for having babies” kind of shit. I think Catholics don’t care for people divorcing them and will harass them if they can to death or back to the RCC which is the same thing, if you ask me. IT’S AN OCCULT and IT’S MEAN AND INSANE, IMO.

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Sometimes it feels like this to have gotten a divorce from a Catholic but I am determined to survive it and outlive it’s demons and go my way soon.

HIs mom was the one that kept a huge bible in her house but would not allow her five sons to read it or touch it and had a picture of Jesus in her bedroom and she was raised Catholic. She had her good qualities I must say ( she could cook) but she had her bad ones not caused by her as much as by her religion and what it does to people. When I got home which was tough because I spent a day in a psych ward for having admitted what I admitted even though I am very strong in my spirit but honest which is a problem for the world they called me to make sure I made it home on the drug that they gave me that day. The drug was potent and it was hard to drive, but I managed. It lasts for days. Very heavy sluggish kind of drug. They weren’t too concerned when they allowed me to drive on it. When I had to reveal some stuff about my angsts they brought in 4 or 5 people to listen as if they couldn’t access it with one person. They said the reason was so I would not have to repeat what I said which was cool however one person should have been able to handle it. But then when you see Pope Francis give a sermon he has to have someone hold the bible and turn the page for him for one paragraph he might read of the bible so they need 5 people to do one task.One to hold his train and one to adjust his braid in the back, etc. If they didn’t wear that shit they could manage their clothing themselves but for appearance sake they wear a fish hat and long robes with sashes, etc. The nurses, men and women, stood around in the hallways most of the day trying to work on their machines, reading them, being directed by them instead of dealing with their patients. The machines are running them. Devry machines no less. I don’t know if they are Devry machines but that is where many get trained, I think. I saw a doctor in the hallway for five minutes at most for at least a 7 hour day and she was the one that prescribed me deadly medicine either on purpose or by accident, either way it is disconcerting. It was a public county hospital that used to be a great hospital as far as training excellent doctors goes and is a mess now. It’s like going to Disney Land but less clean. The people were nice for the most part but it was RIDICULOUS. Mismanaged to the nth degree and even though going through construction it was crazy and the staff seemed nutty. You didn’t have to wait as long as I did in the past but you weren’t treated as well. The ratio of doctors to patients was very low but nurses to patients was I think there were many more nurses than patients but they were a confusing bunch and most of the time doing nothing, Nurses are so important to a well run hospital. They do most of the work normally. I wonder if they have UTI’s going on in their bodies affecting their minds. In any case it was like I was drugged somehow even though I didn’t drug myself before going to the hospital having to deal with that woman that looked like my Ex’s mom. Honestly I have no idea why she was african? LOL I didn’t make her that way. What was the point? Why would she appear that way? I have nothing against her being an african american however in real life she isn’t so I have a problem with her being portrayed that way. I think she represented a slave to the RCC. It must have something to do with Obama, honestly. Before he came to America this kind of shit didn’t happen. I read that the horse that Mohammad rode in on was called Baruk that my ex told me about on the third comments page of an article about Jihadi John which I have not read and don’t feel like reading it now. I’ll read it later, maybe, but it made me think of the four horsemen of the bible.

Former ISIS hostage says ‘Jihadi John’ beat him, forced him to dance Tango

 Here is a pretty extensive post on another blog that I wrote. I hope you read it:

Person, Place, or Thing?

September 26, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Python of Roman Christian Dichotomy

I visited a retirement center for old folks and while my sisters were in the bathroom I whistled with some cockatiels, a male and female, and we talked. I don’t have any idea what the conversation was but it was interesting and fun. When my sisters were finished we walked down the hallway and turned the corner and there was a woman on the floor and a puddle of blood. She was bleeding from her nose and I think she was stunned. My sister thought she was dead because she wasn’t moving and after freaking out about it told the nurse at the station in front of her that there’s a woman on the floor bleeding.

They couldn’t see her because the nurse’s station was at a certain height and I guess the woman on the floor wasn’t visible to them because of the height of their counter. They often set their patients CLIENTS in wheel chairs in front of the station a little distance away for some reason probably because of the nurse’s station I think so they can watch them but they missed this one lady for a short time.

The woman on the floor was connected to an oxygen machine I think. In any case I think she got up and fell, but I didn’t witness her accident. I think she wanted to go to the bathroom and didn’t realize she couldn’t do it herself. So we alerted the nurse station about this woman and they got emergency people to her within minutes and she started to groan so I knew she wasn’t dead and her nose was still bleeding and her hands started to shake when they turned her over on her back, and when they got her into the gurney she said “I need to go to the bathroom” (something like that) so I knew she would be okay, I hope. I prayed for her that she would be okay.

The wheel chairs they use to set their clients in don’t have foot pedals for support for their feet to keep them off the ground when you wheel them around as do many hospitals and to help them stay in their seat without sliding which might help. But this is only a retirement center that has gone down the tube a bit since the person who built the place either has died or isn’t able to manage it anymore. I think he would be astounded and very disappointed at the lack of care the older people that invested their money into this center to protect their mate and themselves. Pretty shabby treatment. Supposed to be a reputable place for retired veterans of our armed forces and their spouses.

They set their patients in wheel chairs in the hallway without much protection such as something like a seat belt or barrier on the wheel chair to keep them in the wheel chair. (Some of them have dementia or other mental incapabilities.) Barriers such as you would if you were taking a ride on a ride of some kind. Usually a bar or I think a desk top with a pillow so they can rest their arms or heads when they are tired since they probably drug them to keep them sedate or under control like they do with kids that are out of control sometimes like kids with ADHD. I don’t know that they do that but I am suspicious that they do that. I know my mom was visiting people at a certain time in her stay at the residence because of her mental kid like condition and more than likely had some problems arise because of it such as falling. Possibly she suffers from the same like kids do sometimes. Older people tend to become child like at a certain point. Anyway it is natural for them to slip out of their chairs without additional help such as a desk top apparatus to lean forward on from the hip or waist and foot support especially if they are using drugs to inhibit them which we can’t prove of course. Pretty stupid if you ask me that they don’t do that kind of protective measures for wheel chairs for really old CLIENTS. Perhaps it’s on purpose, but I hope that changes.

When at the hospital with my mother before they transferred her back to her retirement center a woman named Monte a nurse who was supposed to be nursing my mother made a big mistake.

We had been with my mother because she had a urinary tract infection and pneumonia and had had a temperature of 105 degrees and was taken to this hospital ….A METHODIST hospital. She had a couple of other problems as well but those two were the ones causing her great sickness. The other nurses were fantastic, but not MONTE. She had been on duty supposedly starting at 7am and with my mom for about 5 hours from about noon to five. I sure didn’t see MONTE much.

Went to go eat after about 5 hours and came back and my moms blanket’s and sheets were at the end of the bed. Her hospital gown was off. She was totally naked. She didn’t care because she is old and didn’t realize she was naked without her blankets and sheets.. So I went to the nurses station and asked why my mom was naked without sheets and blankets on and the nurse sent me to another nurse who was supposed to be her nurse (MONTE) and asked the same question and she said “Oh she’s been doing that all day” (not sure about exact wording) And I said “No she has not. We have been with her all day (for five hours).” By way the other nurses came in and cleaned her up and got her dressed and covered again. Anyway I think MONTE had motives that were not nice for my mom because Monte lied which was a good indicator. She looked like a nun without her habit. A bitter old lady who lied about my mom to her daughters, me and my sisters. A person who should not be working at a hospital because she stunk as a nurse. Really CADDY woman and it was strange that she would say that about my mom since we were with my mom that day and didn’t see that nurse much in those hours. Unlike the other nurses who loved their job and showed it.

At the hospital we had a bunch of fun with my mom and brought back some memories to her and sung with her some songs my sister had recorded on her IPad that helped to bring back memories of her husband (my dad) and even old friends from high school, her sister, her kids and grand kids etc. My other sister danced to remind my mom of her dancing the hula that she sort of taught my sister and her friends when she was young. My mom was quite happy at the hospital even though this woman lied about her, but she didn’t know she did, but she did. My mom was a fantastic mom and I wouldn’t trade her for any other mom. I was and I still am blessed because of my mom and my dad.

I hope MONTE loses her job at that hospital for being a turd and I plan to report her for that crap. She should get a job she likes and doesn’t lie about her patient (my mom) to her daughters. Kind of stupid. At the least I hope Monte takes the hint and improves her service and her job for her own sake as well. Sometimes it takes a little scolding and I hope she reads this.

When my mom was transferred back to her retirement center at the Arc Community Center in the B Section though I don’t think she was quite well enough to go back strength wise from the hospital to her residence we did get to visit her near where the woman had her fall. My mom was not nearly as aware anymore for some reason but a woman came in who has worked there for a long time who helped to organize my mothers belongings and her room. My little sister had bought my mother a bunch of shoes and clothes that ended up disappearing and complained about it after she noticed they were missing and the retirement center said that they were not accountable for things missing for one reason or another. So stealing I guess is okay in retirement centers but it was my sister’s effort and money to give to her mom because she loves her. Anyway this woman who helped to organize my mom’s residence (room) was called NINA who reminded me of my Aunt Patsy. Really pretty for her age and charming. (WHEN I SAID OUT LOUD “SHE REMINDS ME OF PATSY” (which made me suspicious of her) MY MOM IN A LUCID STATE SAID, “THANK YOU,’ DIRECTLY TO ME AND LOOKED SUSPICIOUS, KIND OF DISAPPOINTED, HURT, AND DISGUSTED.)  My mother had introduced Patsy to her husband when they were young. She broke off her engagement to another man for my mom’s brother when she met him. Anyway she didn’t treat my mom with respect because of my mom’s infrequent alcohol problems. Patsy was tea totaler. Thought highly of herself and the same one that said “Beauty is as beauty does. ” to me once in a real weird way. She was beautiful but she wasn’t very nice to some people for some reason such as my other uncle (behind his back) who was a big alcoholic and came into some money later in life and became very popular and sought after he became rich. So the moral of this is you can be rich and an alcoholic and that’s okay, but it is not okay if you are not rich and especially if you are a female. It’s that christian dichotomy that seems to persist in so many “christians.”

I loved Patsy for her few attributes because she did have some good things in her, but I’m glad she was not my mom. Her sons love her. Her husband loves her, I know. She did take care of her husband when he couldn’t, which is a plus. She was lucky she met my mom or I doubt she would have met her husband or had those sons.

I hope she knows that and keeps that in the back of her head.

My younger sister trusted the woman that resembled my aunt quite a bit. But I felt distrust in her because of her resemblance and what I had been told about my mothers belongings given to her by my sister and the attitude of the place when it was told to them that many things were missing in those belongings. Not saying it was her but appearances can be deceiving especially in Christians at least that has been my experience in the past. I don’t hate them I just think they are full of holes. After I said out loud that she reminded me of my Aunt Pasty my mother said “Thank you” to me.

Earlier a few years ago my mom companied about a couple of women who she did not know who were not very nice to her for no reason.


Years earlier my older sister made Aunt Patsy give me some china of my grandmothers which I didn’t really need but by my sister thought I did and I guess Patsy had claimed some things that didn’t belong to her. I have no idea I was no in on the logistics of who got what but more of a ‘Oh. Okay, kind of thing.” So there may be some kind of retribution and redistributing going on. I don’t know but it does seem coincidental. Patsy and her husband were in the business often where they would get peoples things. He was a lawyer and she worked for him. Title company. So she may have been quite a pro at getting things.

I also met an African American woman named Mary at the Ark who I had met a long time ago that my sister befriended quite a bit. Very chummy together.

Sorry I’m not politically correct I don’t believe in political correctness. I think it’s a veil and is stupid. When I see something or someone I think it’s wise to be able to describe that something or someone.

Shall we call plants by the same name to be politically correct. We have all sorts of different varieties of trees, but I don’t think it would be wise to plant a palm tree in the Rocky mountains of Colorado, do you?

Here is a comparison of the Synoptic gospels and the Gospel of John of a certain event and my interpretation of the differences between them which I hope you read:

A Desert Place (a Different View) *

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Kind of reminds me of the ships of Christopher Columbus: the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria

and the weather changes called

El Niño and La Niña

Meaning of Pinta:

    “an infectious bacterial skin disease of tropical America that is marked by the formation and eruption of papules, loss of pigmentation, and thickening of the skin”
    Which happens to older people!

Pint is a liquid measure

but there is also a dry measure such as:

an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

“La Niña means The Little Girl in Spanish. La Niña is also sometimes called El Viejoanti-El Niño, or simply

a cold event.

“El Niño means The Little Boy, or Christ Child in Spanish. El Niño was originally recognized by fishermen off the coast of South America in the 1600s, with the appearance of unusually warm water in the Pacific Ocean. The name was chosen based on the time of year (around December) during which these warm waters events tended to occur.”

Paul Simon I know what I know

I also plan to talk to the retirement center for my dad (because he loves my mom) for those improvements.

I asked the same doctor that oversees the retirement center about possibly helping with something that might help her with her immune system since old people are very much like babies except with less immunities. Babies get milk usually breast fed but have high immunities for urinary tract infections even though they poop and pee in the same diaper. I think anything to boost the immunity for old people might be smart and possibly save some trips to the hospital and prevent infections and hospital beds etc. They started her on cranberry juice (or extract) to hopefully prevent urinary tract infection to see if it might help at the suggestion of that family medical doctor that oversees the retirement center. So it might help. They put barriers on hospital beds to prevent people from slipping off their beds I would think it might be wise to do the same for wheel chairs they leave them in for hours at a time in a hallway. My sister has another idea that might help as well which she will unfold when she is able.

While at the retirement center I tried to take her pulse and her oxygen rate with my little appliance and couldn’t get a reading. I tried numerous times. I could get a reading on my sisters and me but not her when she was at her retirement center for military veterans and their spouse at that place her husband afforded for her and earned by defending our country and serving his country. The nurse came in to do a reading after I asked her to and she took my mom’s hand the one that was clenched in the center finger which was arthritic to give the reading, not the forefinger, but the middle one that she could not straighten,which is weird. They always use the forefinger for a reading every time I have been in the hospital, but not this nurse and she got a reading. She said it was because my mom’s hand was cold that I couldn’t get a reading and I had no idea that was a precondition to get a reading. But why would a nurse take the finger that was screwed up for a reading? Talk about abusive, I think it was abusive. My mom was sluggish as could be and barely could keep her eyes open. Also when she was moved back to the retirement center her feet and ankles turned a deep purple and were swollen because they had her out in the hallway. That’s what they said was the reason. So it might be nice to come up with something to keep their legs up part of the time when in the wheel chairs to help prevent some problems for old people, if they give a shit.  if their legs dangle the weight at the place that the legs hang might cause a lack of blood to the extremity food areas whereas if they had foot pedals they have support fro their feet and they might not lose as much circulation. Perhaps socks that circulate their blood flow in their ankles and feet and keep their feet warm might be nice for their CLIENTS! What would be the cost?

Proceeds from another home?

Perhaps wheelchairs and a barrier such as a desk tray with a pillow on top for their arms and if they want take a nap in their wheel chair. Like kids do when in school on their desks sometimes. I did anyway. But they didn’t have pillows so if they fall asleep bring them a pillow.Texas law requires no restraints such as seat belts or anything that restrains them so I asked the nurse about trays with pillows on the to act as a barrier and comfort on the wheel chairs. The reasons for the foot pedals on some wheelchairs and not on others is for exercise. Ridiculous. EXCUSES. They only lift their feet as they are wheeled around so it isn’t gonna make much difference. Socks for circulation that vibrate would be much more appropriate for them. Anyway there are only two doctors at that retirement center in that particular part of the center. SO I’m gonna ask how many Dr. Denham has because he only is present 4 hours a week. There seems to be quite a few patients, so I’m gonna to ask to him tonight. Tried to call him with his business card I picked up a few days ago and the phone number in not a working number. I think he works in West Virginia though not sure. I ordered the rental of an oxygen machine because found out my mother’s oxygen was at 88 and at 85 you can’t barely breathe and no wonder she was acting out of it when my sister visited her yesterday. Had a nasty phone call with a nurse yesterday about it because I was supposed to get the results of her reading on oxygen because my sister was on the road going back to her house and didn’t get the answer because the nurse said she found the reading to be at 88 and wanted to give my mother a treatment of some kind breathing (for asthma though not sure) and got it back up to 91 instead of calling my sister which is the right order but she could have called afterwards but maybe we didn’t give her enough time. The phones were crackling so it was hard to communicate with them and  she had to repeat herself to me because of it which seemed to upset her which upset me. So I think the nurse on the shift before her may have been a bit too relaxed about my mom’s oxygen rate. So in order to get oxygen treatments I had the nurse that was in a good frame of mine the next day to order the rental of an oxygen machine (oxygen concentrator) that makes oxygen as you inhale it (because others are a fire hazard) and asked her to keep it at the lowest 91 and try to keep my mothers oxygen rate in the mid 90’s. And she said she would. You can buy them rebuilt so they are far cheaper etc than new ones. So eventually will replace the rental with a new or used oxygen regenerator so it will be cheaper. It’s quite an expensive rental but better than nothing. I’m surprised the doctor didn’t ask us about whether she should have one. So they are going to give her treatments throughout the day and have her wear the oxygen apparatus in the night even though she is apt to take it off in the night because she doesn’t know any better but hopefully they will soon train her to wear it through the night. When she left the hospital she was weak because they tend to let patients leave earlier than they should because of hospital beds etc. But you would have thought the doctor at the residence center would have suggested we get her an oxygen concentrator so she could take advantage of the therapy it gives a patient or an older person who isn’t getting enough oxygen for one reason or another. But he didn’t suggest it for my mom so I did. I can’t reach him because his phone number on the card isn’t a working number so will call him tonight when he is there for his four hour/week visit. Last time I saw him he was at the front desk in the lobby where those cocktails are caged.. MY MOTHER LOVES THE NAME OF DOUGLAS, WHICH IS HIS FIRST NAME. Both my sister’s cell phone mailboxes are full all day long, so far so I can’t reach them. One probably is packing for a cruise and the other is probably working. Both have GPS and cell phones that are supposed to remind them when their mailboxes are full but I doubt they know it. Technology is great if you know how to use it and if you keep using your own brain at the same time. It isn’t supposed to replace the human brain. Both sisters have offered to give me their extra cell phone and a GPS but still haven’t received it. They are convenient since I can never remember my own home phone number and have a hard time with directions on the road. I’m technologically illiterate, and don’t have a working cell phone or GPS and I would like to have both, however I fear that they might make me stupider.


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The Tulips of Mecca

that they don’t,

do what they can to keep their patients from falling on their faces and having to go to the hospital as that one woman who was bleeding a pool of blood from her nose on their floor. They said she would have quite a bit of bruising as a result of her fall.

How hard can that be in any way? Kind of thoughtless they don’t try a little harder to have a little tenderness.

I hope the Denhams might read my latest post on The Eye of the Needle called

No Laws No Life Literally

because it may soon have a dire effect and may affect them pretty soon;)

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

if for no other reason


 it might be you next.

You’ve got to know when to hold ’em

Know when to fold ’em

You Gotta Know When to Hold Em,

I know that sometimes a business management makes a big difference between a Chili’s and a Chili’s. And sometimes people get complacent and lose their edge. And sometimes things seem to go wrong all at once. Criticism should, I hope, bring a change for the better. Used to be The Arc was a great place and I think it should try to be that again and improve itself. The goal of a doctor should not be to live in a castle but to improve on the quality of life for his or her patient or they should retire and move over for doctors that enjoy their profession and their talent. and the staff that get a paycheck for their input if they have lost their passion should move on to a less important job such as managing Walmart that sells vegetables and fruits and allow those that have the passion to replace them in the business of health care for people like themselves.

I heard recently that the home of Kenny Rogers who wrote The Gambler was on sale for $56 million which I thought was kind of repugnant. He was a good writer of songs (not one my favorites) but nevertheless no one should own a house that expensive. I doubt the White House is worth that much, hopefully. How many people could live in a $56 million home. At least 56 people or 56 families or 112 families. That’s insane. I think we have set our priorities in the wrong way or direction in America. Capitalism is a great way of life, but that’s taking it to the limit.

The Outer Limits.

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Take it to the Limit The Eagles

While we are at it it might be nice to have seat belts in buses that bus the children to schools

to keep them safer

if we really care for the children of the world.

Walmart is having some plumbing problems recently and has had to close a few stores. I went into Walmart the other night and spoke to a very friendly lady about a job because I need one even though I have physical problems and she told me they really needed workers and help and I waited for the manager and he told me they didn’t need my help. Anyway I hope they go out of business in favor of smaller companies that can sell fruits and vegetables just as easily.

At the hospital I frequent (because of various reasons) that my daughter just recently was healed at they don’t give certain types of pain medication to children or teens for pain and I asked if they used topical pain relievers like Bio-Freeze or similar products and they don’t, which would decrease pain for the youth suffering from infections that are painful that can be rubbed into the area that is causing un-needful pain. Why would a hospital be remiss about harmless ointments that could make a difference? Isn’t that really stupid and possibly sadistic. I wonder why would they deny kids painkillers if they aren’t willing to subsidize them with other products that are very helpful?

CNN to Highlight National Consensus on MedicalMarijuana With ‘Weed 3’

Probably would have helped my child and my mom.

I do think sometimes when in acute manifestations of some kinds of diseases or sicknesses the hospital likes to know what level of pain a person is in for the sake of knowing if they are succeeding in their healing so I think it depends if the pain is chronic or an aberration pertaining to a temporary sickness but at a certain point in the ordeal of sickness it would help patients and the nursing staff so they don’t have to deal with people wailing. I do know that Marijuana that isn’t medical helps females be nice and jovial to others when in premenstrual syndrome or during menstruation which should be incentive for the legalization of marijuana on it’s own merit. Believe you me it will be worth it for most families and couples. Females were separated during their menstrual cycles in the Old Testament for everyone’s sake. They should have the right to stay home from school during that time and go to the bathroom whenever they need to go to the bathroom to prevent UTI, Bladder Infections, Kidney Infections, embarrassment from heavy menstruating, etc. There is a lot of wisdom in the Old Testament if people would look for it. Those that are against that are really backwards when you think about it. The only reason I think there are people that are adverse to the idea of legalization of marijuana is because they resisted in the past and sent many to prison for possession of marijuana, entrapped and set them up, and are afraid of repercussions because of that fear and if that were settled it might help to get marijuana legalized. KInd of like African American rights and wanting to be paid back for what happened 50 years ago because of the laws that were in place at the time. And another reason is they aren’t in on the profit and want to be. Drug companies are probably in the fight against marijuana as well because they aren’t in on the deal. Another good reason to legalize marijuana is to free kids from the influence of mobsters but the Roman Catholic Church would not like that because they depend on mobsters to keep afloat and to enforce their religion on many countries. Another is they are afraid that alcohol sales will slip even though alcohol causes many deaths and many rapes and they also like to rape easily so they want to keep alcohol at odds with marijuana and defy marijuana legalization. If they made it illegal to drink booze at beaches it might help the businesses that depend on alcohol sales. The amount of deaths on campus due to guzzling alcohol in fraternities ought to be reason enough to try to replace alcohol consumption with marijuana consumption avoiding deaths, fights, rapes, drunk driving accidents, and belligerence. Have they tried medical marijuana on the elderly in pain because of falls from UTI infections that cause Kidney and Bladder infections? Why not?

 Families would get along much better if they used marijuana to cool off family arguments. I can bear witness to the effects of marijuana between siblings who are extremely contentious about their beliefs or family problems. It really does help in moderation. I don’t think operating heavy equipment or driving ought to be allowed for people high on marijuana because I have witnessed the effects of that as well. I think it should be like guns at home. However they have to purchase marijuana in order to have a supply of it whereas gun ownership is a one time purchase unless you own many guns. They need to come up with a container for marijuana that is like alcohol so that it can be transported to the home and stay unopened during the transport. I think what they use for fresh vegetables and jams might be the ticket : resealable storage jars.

Certainly help those that are worried about overpopulation of the world because I can bear witness to the effects on the male sperm and male desire for sex over a period of time. It would certainly make a big difference instead of the other methods used by the Roman Catholic Church and those that consider humanity to be like germs such as the husband of Queen Elizabeth. (what’s his name?.)

Makes populations more peaceful as well which would help to avoid unnecessary conflicts once the mobsters are constrained. China ought to consider the use of marijuana for their population control and for their workers to be happier and to help with their pollution problem, I would think. Would help in India and Pakistan as well. Probably would help those of the Islamic Faith! LOL learn to laugh a little and certainly would help them oblige their religious tenets:

The Religion of Peace.

I don’t think marijuana can help Bill O’reilly. He needs to be isolated. LOL

Some people prefer misery to happiness. Those that are lovers of misery for others need to be isolated and forced to smoke marijuana and then studied. Not really because forcing a drug on anyone is wrong,

but denying those that like to drink alcohol and beer and the evils it causes should be denied their rights until they legalize marijuana and medical marijuana

I think that is what it will take.

I believe in toning marijuana down so that the content of THC or other additives is minimal just like is done with beer and some wine coolers. Labeling is a good idea for content and additives. Make a certain strength of marijuana illegal. It has to be limited but I think it will solve a big criminal element in the USA and help young people not get involved in the mafia and it’s deals. I don’t think that would make Bill O’reilly happy. I think he wants young people to get involved with the mafia. Jesuits are part of the mafia so it makes sense. The Jesuits and it’s mafia need a way to lure kids so they can use them.

Do they really care about kids?

Or do they have an axe to grind for some kids? Lack of pain medication, even topical ointments.

While at the hospital my ex heard a man screaming quite a bit for night and no one helped him and he didn’t alert anyone either. Why not? Recently when I was being treated I had to alert people next to me that were nurses that a person in the room I was walking by down the hallway for exercise after my sickness to improve my condition was wailing as if they were deaf and didn’t hear and then they went in to help him after I mentioned it to them. I think they were nurses. It’s hard to tell sometimes. Then when my daughter pitched a fit because I brought her a shirt instead of a tee shirt which she asked for because I wanted to use the shirt as a message about a a girl on a bicycle and the message about mistakes and getting back on the bicycle in defiance of her mother’s advice caused a scene and an argument and refusing my motherly counsel nurses were running to her room that were quite far away in comparison and were in her room quite quickly. The same place that ridiculed me for having my daughter checked for Ectopic Pregnancy during a sonogram while sexually active when 3 years before the physician at that time suggested an Ectopic Pregnancy test for her acute physical ailment that she encountered after bullying and being pushed around at her high school and being called names when she was not sexually active that inferred that she was sexually active which made the physician suspicious for her sake. Luckily the physician this time agreed with me that they should not have ridiculed me with my daughter this time for trying to protect her life and said she would deal with the staff about it, whether or not she actually did and said she would have had her checked for Ectopic pregnancy as well for her sake and because physicians some of them actually have intelligence and care about their patients and this one I think cared as well. I asked for a social worker to help her after her fit of anger and was told by the Ex that the social worker refused to talk to me about my daughter because of my daughters wishes to only talk to him, the same Ex that slept with her in the lower bunk bed when she was 16 years old for a while but luckily I shamed him by getting on the internet and asking “Should a 16 year old female sleep with her divorced daddy” and read the responses without my daughters presence so he slept on the couch after that. He cleared off the top bunk bed around the same week of the boxes that had been stored on the top bunk for two years making it unavailable for anyone to sleep on. Never has covered it with a sheet. Then I was assaulted by him over a cell phone soon after which I reported to the police with a description of all the events and was told that if I pressed charges I would have to leave her in his care for shelter for myself for my safety. Which I refused to do but have been threatened numerous times to be homeless by him and her. I’m sure the events are related being so close in time and because he didn’t like being shamed and wanted to show who was the boss and probably embarrassed  and then was told by another police officer that he would get back with me within the week and he never did about the claim during the visit about the abuse against a police officer. At the time of the assault I was treated very badly by the three cops who acted like thugs and had Chicago/New York accents in Texas who told my Ex to evict me over the unlawful act of picking up his cell phone off the table and being assaulted by him. So I asked the nice officer at the station to take pictures of my arm that was bruised a few days later that even worsened over time. I had my cousin also take pictures as well to document the assault and I put in a claim against my treatment by one officer to that police station said after I asked if he had a business card and said he didn’t “are you just an escort for the other officers in his car” (something to that effect) insulting him I admit it was purposeful because I could tell he was a jerk and had a beer gut) so much that he threatened to hand cuff me to prove he was a cop. I yelled at him that God was on my side blah blah blah even though I wasn’t really sure of it but I didn’t like being threatened for nothing. They never got back with me about my claim against the officer. Makes one wonder what the heck is going on? Is it my beliefs that are causing a stir and so that they might quell my views in favor of their faith and grace by their

cultic behavior and abuse of female kids and women?

In the meanwhile I found out that it is against the law not to report possible abuse of children so I had to tell the people at the hospital in case they didn’t know and they said they have to report it as well. So I really had no choice in the matter since it’s the law which I had no idea it was a law until I learned about it via whoever it was that told me. SO if i didn’t report it I would have broken the law and if I did report it I would be assaulted by my Ex and abused by the police of Rowlett and they didn’t get back with me at all about it in favor of protecting the EX and the bad cop but not me and my daughter. The case worker said that my daughter should not be on restriction and should be allowed to go wherever she wants and to make her happy under the circumstances event though that same daughter pushed her mom in to a ballet bar with hangers-on it 2 weeks before which caused me to go to the hospital with injuries and be on pain meds for two weeks and I’m still in pain and that same daughter has had intercourse with her boyfriend of 19 years of age more than once a multitude of times and got a job recently only to  found out she was boat her job but at her boyfriends house and she lied about it. So we (the ex and I) put her on restriction for 2 weeks for lying and during that time because the daughter wanted to go out anyway she decided to have a fit and push me around. But that isn’t a punishable offense for the ex, in fact he rather likes it. And said that we have to obey the social workers (case workers instructions) and let her spend the night with her friends even though she is on meds antibiotics and her other friend also has a kidney infection. Now who is pulling strings the case worker or the Ex? The daughter called me a bitch for not giving permission even though the Ex and I agreed she should have another week of restriction before the Case worker got involved. Case workers really like kids to be having intercourse at 16 years of age and the hospital that she has a job with is on Scenic Drive in Rowlett Texas and is called LAKE POINTE MEDICAL CENTER. I THINK THE CASE WORKER IS CALLED PAT. COINCIDENTALLY. There are only two case workers and that’s on e of those names. The friend makes really ugly art such as masks that have tongues hanging out and pigs faces. Is the daughter doing the Ex’s business as well pushing her mother around and what an EX he is! His name is PHILLIP ROY RODGERS of MICHIGAN, a painter of houses and a saxophone player that works at Eddie V’s a seafood restaurant located in Carrolton, Texas on Sunday night and some other night. Sometimes he works at a french restaurant in Carrolton Texas called Cafe de France, every other Sunday or Saturday. I just asked the names of those restaurants and he said “You better not pull any shit” and I said “Like what?” and he said “Anything.”. I didn’t tell him I was writing it in my blog, of course. LOL. My beef really is with the Ex and I hope he dies a painful death and finds the bottom of hell when he does die and never is released and loses everything he owns and everything he cherishes forever and ever as well as the case worker and those that go along with him not allowing me to be a mother to my daughter and come between us until they learn not to. But as far as the Ex is concerned I don’t want him to have any leeway whatsoever or any chance for he doesn’t deserve it and it is not in my daughters best interest but his own. When i was about to take her to the hospital he tried to get me not to take her by telling me her pain was due to the couch she slept on a few nights before and it’s ridges so I thought maybe he was telling the truth and she insisted that her pain was more than that and getting worse so I did take her in spite of him. He didn’t take her and frowned upon it. He slept on that couch in her room the night before (does that sound premeditated?) and did again since for some reason (which he never has done before)! I want what’s best for my daughter and not the freedom to do what ever she wants at age 16 which is going too far and for not being on restriction for lying and pushing me around is going to far. Kidney infection can also be caused by intercourse and not urinating afterwards and or cleaning oneself afterwards. Her friend also has relations, I suspect, with her boyfriend. She also is suffering from Kidney infection. 16 is too young for active sex and a 19 year old boy who doesn’t work should not take the chance. Luckily my daughter talked to her boyfriend. HIS NAME IS PATRICK (just in case some girls want to entrap a boy who has trust funds. How many can there be in Forney Texas?) via her cell phone twitter account saying that she would not have intercourse any more supposedly after I had talked to her about it. Her boyfriend had been accused in the past of getting a girl pregnant and had the DNA checked and wanted her to have an abortion but turned out it was his friends baby and she ended up in prison for theft ($20,000 worth). NIce wholesome crowd. I guess she was after his money and his fortune which is in some kind of trust fund so I guess he doesn’t need to work. He is from Forney, Texas. So I would imagine she was after that trust fund. While on restriction after my daughter pushed me into the ballet bar her friends picked her up after she snuck out the window and locked her bedroom door with out telling me. They knew she was on restriction. So because they all worked together and with her dad were affronting me IMO, purposefully. Did they take her to the doctor? Did they rub her back and her feet for a few nights and talk to her about her condition to help her to determine or try to determine her condition whether just a muscle ache, a pinched nerve because of the activity about the ballet bar, or many other things? She was on restriction so I doubt it but would they have. I don’t know the answer to that. Some parents love house guests- other peoples kids- to entertain their kids so they don’t have to deal with them and I think that is the case in this instance. Just keep them happy but don’t teach them.

The following is pretty funny, but I think this person maybe on to some truth about kids:

The Teen Brain: It’s Just Not Grown Up Yet

I’m not sure about alienating a kid if she means restriction. I did it and it didn’t hurt me. I’m not sure it helped. However punishment and teaching a kid what is right and what is wrong is important. What should we do for punishment when injuries occur that have one have to seek emergency care? I knew when my daughter didn’t apologize I could see her pain in her eyes for what she did, but with the help of her dad she has learned not to care what and why she did what she did to me and that is wrong. I still am dealing with the pain in my side under my ribs. I don’t deserve that under any circumstances. I can’t afford another visit to a doctor and so have to rely on TYLENOL and other drugs. I think a kid should be restricted for that kind of behavior and not be able to spend the night  a day after the hospital care for kidney infection, intercourse number of times and bullying her mom. But her dad thinks she deserves to be with her friends overnight as a reward for the above. That’s STUPID! More than likely he will reward her in other ways as well just to be an asshole and hoping he can keep her in check so she will side with him sleeping with her when he shouldn’t have and is over 50 years old and should know better and more than likely get her to lie for him. That’s evil. rewarding them for evil is wrong and to get the upper hand to be allowed to bully her mom or so that he can. Restriction is a punishment that is kind and gives limitations to a kid for others and for herself. I allowed her during her restriction for short spurts to be with friends with limitations and I”m not allowed to in defiance of me and I hope he pays for what she does in the future for not trying to be a good parent just to screw with me not because he cares about her, it’s about him and his ALIBI! I think his actions that I have enumerated prove it. It impressed upon me that my parents cared when I was restricted but didn’t change my rebellion as a kid. I never forgot it and I think she needs to learn to respect her mom which he is trying to teach the opposite and so I write about it to teach her about lovelessness love of her dad and his lack of development of a frontal lobe. I was restricted for month for going to a drive in movie after their curfew without telling them and coming home early in the morning. I tried to restrict my daughter for two weeks for being with her boyfriend and not at her job and lying about it and then another week for my needless injury for restricting her even though I let her go to a concert so her friends wouldn’t waste their money they had already spent and to not blame her and I allowed her time off pretty much each day to spend with her friends and boyfriend in spurts and she started to seem more balanced but that was not what her daddy wanted.: success in child BEHAVIOR because of her mom. That is an affront to me. Ahe got sick soon after with a severe condition. She just got out of the hospital a day ago and he is forcing me to let her spend the night while she is still on antibiotics and needs a lot of rest. I was going to allow her time with her friends but not a spend the night Nope he wants her to spend then night because I don’t want her to spend the night. I think she could get sick again if she doesn’t and isn’t limited for her own good. I truly hope he meets his demise soon as well as Pat in both hospitals for their wrongful influence on my child and my mother to punish me for my beliefs and I believe that is the crux of the matter. My child is their tool and so is my mother and I hope it backfires on them in a huge unrelenting way. I want what is good for them. Should I send my mom to spend the night with friends or go to a hospital? I hope they pay the ultimate price for screwing with my kid and my mom and screwing with their well being;) 

What does it profit a man or woman to gain the whole world and lose their own soul?


I didn’t know I tried to open her locked door with my butt because I was afraid she had committed suicide even though she had injured me severely because she wouldn’t answer me. She once threatened suicide and was taken to Green oaks or some place similar (I forgot the name of the place) for a few hours. While trying to open her door I found out she had snuck out because I called her dad and he finally told me she had snuck out but never called on his own to alert me even though he knew. He didn’t mind after all she was disobeying her mother and had injured me which is basically doing him a service. In fact he doesn’t think she should be punished at all to this day about that itsy bitsy hatefulness and uncontrollable madness. So you see why I hate his guts? I hate his family all of them even though I never met them. I would love to see Phil’s end and would love to see him suffer a great deal but not at my daughters expense because she did not get a chance to be raised right because he is a mother fucker and could care less how she turns out in the end. I do care and I want help for her and for me. He wants to bury me but I really don’t want to bury him, never have. But that’s his idea of love and marriage. He told me so. I don’t really want to see his end just the end of him in my life and my daughters lives even though they mistakenly love him because he is their dad and hate me because of him.

I want Wise help

 from I AM the Lord thy God

and the opposite for my Ex, my daughters dad, and his friends for: obstruction for aiding and abetting for her dad in his pursuit to punish me for divorcing him and because I have no respect for him and his religion, his faith, his grace (lack of for the most part use adept at being a dumb dick) or anything in fact I can’t even stand to look at the back of his head and his neck. He is so gross and disgusting in my opinion. That’s what I see when I look out my bedroom when he is playing WOW on his computer. And I’m gonna pray for it and to punish those who are an obstruction for her upbringing and to my motherhood and her health and my health (mental, physical and spiritual.) I wish upon my Ex our health issues to deal with in his own body and not receive pity or help because he doesn’t deserve help. He just told a dog in the backyard not to argue. Is that nuts or what? They growl and fight, but I wouldn’t call it arguing. I think he is insane.

(I’m not saying they don’t communicate but it’s not like they are debating and it gets out of control. I know that my animals have communicated intelligently but under the control of spiritual intervention. Like telling me to turn up the oxygen control or things like that when needed but I don’t think the pet knew exactly what it was doing just moseyed over there as if being controlled or he would have turned it up for me, he does have paws. They are affected by spirits. I’ve seen that same cat freak over something in the air and hide because of it. So I do feel that I am being watched over often and communicated to via spiritually even through animals, noises, flickering of lights or lights going off etc and not all of it is meant well and I can pretty much determine the difference by the meaning of the communication and determine it’s source whether it is abetting my Ex’s devices and delusions to mess with me;) It’s called discernment just as determining the reasons for things that occur in the bible. The actress Marilu Henner of the show Taxi received a gift recently as well as others having to do with knowing the exact date of things that happened to them. I received via hypersensitivity and maybe was tempted to read minds and chose not to because I didn’t like what I was hearing especially when around my Ex but learned enough to know he wasn’t on my side, he didn’t have my best interests in mind, and was possessive to the degree of POW kind of stuff so I know his intent and intent of his friends and allies to intimidate me and use my kids who are immature, naive and very inexperienced in the ways of the world and to the spiritual world and those in this world physically who have their reasons (most of the time not good ones and based on their own personal madness because they don’t discern and they don’t care) to manipulate them to mess with me for diabolical reasons. And he and them seem to not really care the affect on my kids which is unforgivable IMO. They deserve better than that and should not to be used that way. Any dad that would shouldn’t be a dad. It has happened so often there is no turning back. I prefer discernment. Now in the Old Testament God makes King Nebuchadnezzar and turns him and others in his kingdom into an animal for so many years as a lesson or something because his kingdom was found wanting of morals. But when the dogs have it out with each other over jealousy and claim of a person or of food they aren’t exactly getting into the how and why of the matter. I don’t think they call each other names either like we do to illustrate what they think of that animal. However I have a cat who when the other cat came indoors actually put his arm over the cats shoulders greeting the other cat, but he didn’t meow Aloha. And when my cat disappeared for 7 weeks before he left he did kind of communicate as if saying “I have to do this lovingly” In the gospel of John Jesus was able to know where and how to make a certain amount of fish get caught in a net for a message to Peter. Cats like to chase lights from a laser and they never seem to figure out that they can’t catch it and they do worry such as when people are sad or are not getting along but when another cat is sick they treat it badly. They sense things like danger.)

I’m testing HIm, the Lord, because Phil and his friends and allies are testing me.

My daughter said recently that she doesn’t believe in God and you wonder why? Her daddy is why.

She is against my blogs but has never read them and you wonder why? Her daddy, even though he says i’m prolific and should write a book to make money but doesn’t believe in who I believe in and doesn’t go to church and doesn’t pray with his kids and doesn’t really know what the heck he thinks about anything he just wants revenge and using my kids for that sake and other people as well like cults do. He is a lousy dad. And if you think I will pay for my treatment at the hospital since it was caused by my ex and his friends you can count on the fact you will never see one thin dime in the future from me. Might try Phillip Roy Rodgers instead for the funds. As far as I’m concerned the hospital owes me a great deal of their business and money for the harm they have done to me and my girls in favor of a dunce head. The Rockwall school district owes me as well for their bullying and causing my child to get sick and they owe her monetarily and many other ways. He used my inheritance that I borrowed to get the house for a down payment on the house he yearned for and went bankrupt without trying to sell the house to pay off his debts. I never saw that $16,000. It went to him instead. That was while we were married. But he knocked me over for slapping him and about a week or so later I ended up in Parkland with a peritoneal abcess and sepsis and almost died and not the same person physically since and unable to work regular jobs and am mentally hurt and spiritually hurt and physically hurt and not happy at all. And I hope he pays a big price for his impotent dick attitude but not at my daughters expense either , for they are innocent of his crap because they don’t know any better and were raised by a dumb ass who was raised as a Catholic fuck head and dealt drugs at the same time. Who thinks he is a good person and he is anything but a good person. He’s a dunce head and will always be a dunce head. He is vengeful and indecent and should not be able to exist in the same 300 miles of his daughters or me. He should lose everything and be treated like cow dung at every opportunity.

Why would anyone help him?

My dream

I had a humorous dream about  my Ex. He was in a wheel chair and I put him on the track of one railroad track with a bunch of others and miscalculated which track and the time of the trains and he disappeared and I looked at my watch  (which I don’t have) and said, “I thought the train was coming later on.” Or something similar.

So I called and called her friends to bring her back when she left without telling me out a window of her bedroom because she was on restriction and she is my daughter and asked them to bring her back numerous times and after the first call to each of them they refused to answer the phone and I threatened her boyfriend on the telephone but he never spoke to me. I begged them to have her call me and to bring her home. She came home about over an hour later. So i don’t really care for her choice in friends anymore or care one iota about her boyfriend except that he has had a DWI and may be on parole at this time even though she mistakenly loves him. He brought her a brown blanket to the hospital that she uses at his home. I think they are really mixed up kids. He is 19 and will have a birthday in June. He is still a kid in my opinion and lacks good judgement but nevertheless I still resent him now.

My Ex loves animals so much that when his cat was dying in front of me and he was at a gig and I was holding my ten-day old baby in my arms crying and upset he wouldn’t come home for a lousy 100 dollar gig even though most people would have left under those circumstances for me, for my first daughter, and for the cat. NOT the unconcerned PHIL RODGERS FROM LANSING MICHIGAN! He’s a fake and a fraud.


Why do I hate him? Let me count the ways! I learned to hate because of him. I wish for those that support him that they get to marry as well as I did and get to have clones of Phil Rodgers as husbands and wives to learn why I hate so much the ground he walks on, his smell, his looks, his mind and everything about him, except and excluding my daughters and our pets. Pets don’t argue, they fight. Kids argue. He doesn’t get it. He blames mexicans for stealing dogs on construction sites. He is a turd, the fruit of his church the Roman Catholic Church that he was raised by.

Me: Do you know how gross you are to me, Phillip Rodgers?

a takeoff of the line in the movie Rob Roy between Liam Neeson and Jessica Lange:

Robert Roy MacGregor to Mary MacGregor: Do you know how fine you are to me, Mary MacGregor?

I’m thinking he might be a psychopath I just didn’t recognize that possibility until recently. I hope he comes your way anyone that stands on his side of these things and you get to indulge him and he you to your death and destruction until you release my daughters and me from his craziness and deal with him as he has dealt with me because he is absolutely screwed up in the head.

Oh have your eyes not seen, nor your ears heard, neither have entered into your heart the many things that I despise with all my heart about you, Phil Rodgers? Have you not read my blogs and the posts?

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You and Your Friend………ssssssss 

Dire Straits

The village are the idiots and I think it is because of who they trust spiritually and how they were raised and the city of Rowlett and Rockwall and it’s way of handling kids both female and male and women probably because we have the Abomination of Desolation in the White House currently who are pawns of or are pawning the Vatican in Rome and the daughters of the Whore of Babylon.


I THINK THERE IS A MEDICARE OR MEDICAID FRAUD INVOLVED AT THIS HOSPITAL AND I THINK MY EX IS INVOLVED TO GET MONEY VIA THE FRAUD AND I WISH SOMEONE WITH INTELLIGENCE IN THE LEGAL REALM WOULD INVESTIGATE. I THINK I OUGHT TO CALL THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AND SEE IF THAT IS LEGAL AND IF THEY MIGHT INVESTIGATE THIS POSSIBLE FRAUD. Just found out lat night that my mother is not doing well and on the way to the hospital but he nursing home The Arc (a retirement community for military families) in San Antonio Texas wanted to know if we wanted her to go to the hospital in favor of letting her die instead. My sisters and I said we wanted her to go to the hospital to get help instead of staying with them who would love to see her die because they got caught being negligent and they know it and lied about it and I know it and now anyone who reads this knows it. It’s not a good place to go when they have a woman on the floor bleeding out her nose without help in front of the nurses station without notice. That is absolutely NEGLIGENT AND OBSCENE. The doctor who runs it is named DR. DOUGLAS DENHAM, a woman hater and a freak of nature who this he is superior to those that are infirmed (not physically or mentally strong) or the elderly. I watched him in an interview with mom years ago dealing with her dementia and I didn’t like him then because of the way he treated her and the way he talked to her. He talked down to her and acted like a NAZI. No wonder he hired Pat Sturn or Pat Stern to oversee the place who lies and is negligent as well. He lacks the right heart for the job he sucks off of. He should lose his business and his fortune he made off the ills of other people because he doesn’t deserve anything good for the rest of his life and I know this is retribution from him and his staff. I think he also has business in West Virginia because he flew there recently allowing me to get his business card with a faulty phone number at the time which I alerted him about once I was able to reach him. Really a together business person an doctor, isn’t he? Mentally superior, isn’t he? He only works at the Arc 4 hours a week on Wednesdays and was sitting at the front desk in the lobby when I arrived acting really busy doing his job sitting there doing nothing the last time I went to visit my mom and sister. I hope he turns into a cranberry and rots away on the leaves that it grows upon for the sake of others that he uses for his personal gain.


There are nurses and then there are nurses, as there are social workers and then there are social workers, there are cops and then there are cops, etc.

Probably time to sift them for the good ones that aren’t of a particular cult that like to abuse females. Probably time to hire better ones when some ignore wailing or ridicule mothers who love their daughter regardless whether they make mistakes instead of protecting the dad who should know better and obviously knew better or he would not have moved the boxes and would have continued on with his potential unlawful behavior for who can read the mind or the intent of another person but only can judge their behavior before, during, and afterwards and the behavior of others in favor of potentially unlawful behavior towards a female teenager and the problems caused by such behavior such as blaming another female and assaulting her. Sex isn’t always about sex. Sometimes it’s about power in order to feel sexually potent or manly when obviously they aren’t. Probably time to rid the police of bad cops in favor of good ones that aren’t Yessa-ing on Fox TV just to look like they are good when they are part of the problem because of their lack of courage to stand up against bad cops while good cops are getting killed in favor of bad cops who probably are hiring the killers or are responsible in a detached sort of way by using drugged up, brainwashed psychos that they use for the benefit of unions or union bosses, etc.

It’s not like females go around with a sign and their telephone number on TV enticing a phone call from someone that might be causing a stir which would be like rolling a bowling ball down a dark alley. Kind of stupid.

Fool of the Week: America’s lap dog, lamestream media

The Arc and the woman named Pat lied to me over the phone about the woman on the floor bleeding out her nose in a puddle of blood that was unattended and which when we arrived had to alert the nurse at the nurses station where the woman was lying on the floor.IF you had see it it would have repulsed anyone if the have parents that are elderly and actually love them. I just heard from my sister that she thought that Pat was there at the time so it wasn’t that she lied because others lied to her but because she was there at the time. I told her that she was lying but tried to give her the benefit of doubt that maybe others lied to her and so she was ignorant. She tried to intimidate me over the phone and I told her I had three witnesses to the event. The place and the nurses lied and told me they had ordered an oxygen machine for my mother and found out later they didn’t for some reason at one company but didn’t try others at that time which was about a week and that instead they dedicated a machine of their own for her which I suspect is a lie since they lied numerous times to me over the phone. Why would they need to lie? Is the machine they dedicated a good one and did they continue with the albuterol treatments or forget to to help the oxygen machine work better? I believe they have purposefully put my mom at risk because they are idiots and vengeful. They blame the fact that my mother takes out the tube from her nose which probably is true sometimes because i have witnessed it but they can try to help her not to as much as possible. I don’t think they try at all unless people are around to put on a show of care as if they give a crap. They obviously don’t. If you are doing a good job you should not have to lie about it under any circumstances.

 Post in progress in other words I ain’t done yet because I’m pissed off.

I noticed that one sister couldn’t remember something she did as a child and the other couldn’t remember an event when recalling another event that reoccurred and she was there with us, I think. They tend to follow the wrong people about spiritual things and their opinions matter too much. ONe sister I had took months to figure out what material to have her couch covered with. I ended up being hit by a car backing up in a parking lot while leaning in her car to get some samples that hit her car door with my legs in between and almost lost my legs but they didn’t break. But the reason is to impress her friends in her octal circle which was impossible.

These were memorable experiences lost somewhere in some black hole.

Strange memory lapses.

While on the plane one attendant thought there was an empty seat in the back and asked about it to another flight attendant out loud from the front. I didn’t have a cell phone with me. Probably the only person without one and I filled that seat I think. Then they got all gushed up about a bag I had that my mother gave me to carry on. Said it was a classic. Also noticed almost everyone ordered water for their drinks except for a few. Really weird.

Perhaps they were fasting for some reason? Based on the sighting of a Crescent moon?

Did we have a crescent moon lately?

2013: The Year of War for Israel?

Dates of lunar and solar eclipses in 2015 and 2016

I think the airliners that are running into mountains are being assaulted from the ground remotely such as the one in the French Alps that went down. It’s possible. Then they can blame it on someone with problems as if everyone doesn’t have them, nowadays.

It’s called Blind faith.

After our visit at the center for residents to see my mom I visited the cockatiels out in the lobby and both cockatiels were on the floor of the cage lying down one at each corner of the cage in the back and weren’t talking.

The Beatles- Blackbird

Rook uses stones to raise water level and get food 1 

a series of experiments with a black bird and seven stones.

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Beware Oh brother, beware don’t you listen to the words.

The tender lies….

It’s rather obvious no one really knows what the heck is going on by the sounds of it in the news in the middle east, europe etc.

Watched the movie with Matthew McConaughey and Matt Damon and Anne Hathaway called Interstellar which was pretty good. The folds of time kind of peeked my interest. I think like tucking of material. Not sure about gravity but recently there was some kind of gravity thing going on in Canada or lack of gravity in Canada. Not sure which but happened about a year ago or so and was purported to have been somewhere in Canada and was in the news and also a movie called Gravity.

By the way when I’m thinking I hear noises around me as if spirits are talking to me. They don’t hang out in a bookcases but it’s like the closet in that movie with little kids

and sometimes the lights go out in the house at funny times, trying to influence me, In any case I interpret the meaning of those noises and odd occurrences and decide if they are reasonable. It helps. Every incident isn’t necessarily a good sign or meant well. I decide by what I’m thinking or doing and ask myself why and try to discern. I notice and take note. I tested a spirit once with a question it couldn’t answer. It was a pretty good one. Sounds nutty but it helped me at the time because I was very fragile then and felt like I was being attacked and bullied mentally and spiritually and I felt a little stronger because I confounded the attack. At least I thought I did! Anyway the answer to the question was Jim Thorpe.

It’s called testing the spirits.

Not too long ago the door to my parents house was blown off by a gust of wind or an intruder of some kind. I recall it but I wasn’t there and now know that they were being attacked spiritually and physically.

When my dad was about to come home from the hospital a nurse gave him a pill that he aspirated on and physically died soon after and I don’t think it was a mistake I think it was spiritually intentional though the nurse may not have known it. I wasn’t there at the time of the aspiration but I was there when he died. After my sister picked me up from the airport and took me to be with my dad we saw a dove dying in the sun in the yard outside his part of the hospital. We put it in the shade.

I think it looked like this:

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It’s a mourning dove. I don’t think it was a coincidence

I took some seeds from the mountain laurel in his back yard hoping to plant it because it was really pretty and reminded me of my mom and dad’s home. I can’t find them though (the seeds) but I have them somewhere stored in some container and I have looked for them from time to time but anyway was going to try to plant them. They used to have families of birds that would hatch in the spring and summer on their backyard porch light appliance called (I can’t remember their species) and they used to kind of raise them and protected them. Remembered they were swallows like the ones of San Juan Capistrano mission.

Jolie delivers empowerment message at Kids’ Choice Awards

To a point! 😉

Oprah got in front with “hands up, don’t shoot” and it was based on a lies. Remember? Like the pied piper.

Isn’t breast cancer and rape enough? She is approved of by the Queen after he accident. I like her too but I am suspicious of her tactics. My mother also went to a luncheon with the queen early in my childhood. I never did hear what happened, but I think something did happen and that’s why all that other stuff happened and her expressing herself in her art possibly and other ways which has helped me. There is some imagery in the bible about it. Heck if I know what it means, but I can imagine the intent, especially because of those blood diamonds and other things we are experiencing these days. How many crown jewels does one need? It always seems to come down to money. It reminds me of the Bermuda Triangle. KInd of weird.Since writing this I kind of felt bad about what I said about Angelina Jolie. I don’t know why. Maleficent was well done by her and whoever produced it. Funny my niece reminds me of her and Ellen Degeneres combined very deep and bright. I don’t think females have been empowered much though and part of it I think is not sticking together more against the powers that are working against females. LOL. I think very deep sometimes makes people think they are affected.  Anyway kind of like two sides of a coin.

Right as I wrote that my daughter asked for money and I had a dollar in cash. Too bad the powers of the world aren’t SMARTER ABOUT ECONOMICS and have found many ways to make it hard for everyone.



Or taxing the shit out of them and making it hard to do business.

Taxation was the problem in the Gospel of Matthew

(the subject comes up a bunch in his account and I THINK the other synoptic gospels of Mark and Luke coincidentally),

Europe when the Protestants left,

and now.


Independence FOR REAL. Consumption tax is far better than Income tax and if we don’t like the consumption tax on the product we can throw it in a lake, river, creek or burn it, or not buy it then the customer/citizen/disaffected voter has some power. Screw the debt.

I don’t believe in the national debt of the USA anymore.


My dad paid it and so has the rest of the population for the bad governance of our leaders. Let them pay the debt themselves. It was their duty to keep it under control and they didn’t. And the EU if they are gonna use our troops they need to pay for their salaries.

Pay back AMERICA!

IRS chief to GOP: You can’t abolish us

Oh, Yes we can.

The Governor of each state can hire an accounting firm or firms to collect consumption taxes depending upon the business. He can allocate what taxes received go to where they should go and also be close to the people who can hold him accountable.

The Crown/Rome/Islam and I think it started in Bethlehem. Then there is France and Germany. Five pointed diamond? It is definitely based on the occult many of things that have happened to some good people even leaders and their wives. PEOPLE MOVED FROM EUROPE BECAUSE THEY WANTED FREEDOM. MOSTLY RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. THEY WERE PROTESTANTS. THAT WAS A DIFFERENT ELIZABETH THOUGH BUT WAS INFLUENCED GREATLY BY ROME AND OTHERS. THE ONE NOW IS GERMANIC I THINK. Now the protestants returned a few years ago and have been edging that way for a while. I think that is where Islam comes in. A tool. To help reunite the religions a back to Rome and The Crown.. I DON’T KNOW IF THAT MAKES ANY DIFFERENCE BUT IT DOES SEEM AS IF WE ARE STILL IN WW11 IN A DIFFERENT KIND OF WAY. I DON’T THINK THE TREATIES WERE HONORED AND THEIR INTENTIONS NEVER CEASED IMO. IT’S THAT NIMROD THING WANTING TO UNITE EVERYONE AND IT SEEMS TO ME EVER SINCE THEN IT HAS CAUSED A LOT OF HARM TO EVERYONE. I DON’T THINK IT’S GONNA FLY. SO FAR IT HAS BEEN A WHOPPER OF FAILURE FOR MOST PEOPLE AND I THINK IT WILL GET WORSE.

There were four that were killed at Benghazi and there were 4 martyrs that were honored on a bridge by Pope Benedict XV1. I don’t know the date of their martyrdom or the date of their being turned into a memorial or his visit. They may be connected somehow. I would imagine that Ambassador Chris Stevens is alive and well riding donkeys somewhere. Maybe the Grand Canyon? Switcharooni kind of thing. What his parents (especially Mary, his mother) say in the few interviews given pretty much sum it up. Ambassador Chris Stevvens as a boy looked like the boy that Benny Hinn may have intervened with whose parents were preachers as well. He looked like he was afraid. I have it in one of my posts and I’ll add it later. Benny Hinn is Palestinian, isn’t he? He’s an absolute nut, too, but get’s a lot of attention because of his absurdity.

There come’s a time ………..Neil Young

I say beware.

Maybe it’s just the way it is. Seems to be that way but then maybe it’s not. We will see. It sucks. LOL

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 since I had to endure the strange things I encountered soon after and the unnecessary and unkind slights and haughtiness. Anyway that link is for you to look up what the word haughty says in the bible: it talks about long necks and mincing, etc. I had to perceive the signs and add it up with other things that were occurring at the time of my dad’s death, before, and after. I sure did learn a lot about evil and those that know not what they do. I guess I was receptive to learning because of a bunch of hard things to understand which is probably occurring with many people these days. I swallowed a lot of jabs and mocking and have for a long time. I’m looking forward to the days the tables turn. One of my sisters was being taught about bible stuff from an English woman who had some influence on her that lived across the street and went to a woman’s gathering recently in North Carolina if that gives you a clue who is influencing her. It certainly is a hint. I have been there myself to the beach. She’s just getting started, though, so who knows. She does tend to be inquisitive.

 I know both my parents deserved to be treated better.

Have you ever heard of anyone suffocating themselves with a blanket?

That’s what the woman on Bret Baier’s recent special called

Fox News Reporting: Unholy War–The March of ISIS

said that some of the Yazidis did to avoid being victims of ISIS. I would guess they did it to each other if it happened. I don’t think a person would do that to themselves or could do that to themselves. Seems extremely unbelievable and reminds me of the hearings before Congress by the Kuwaitis. I think they are making some things up for attention or they were tricked into thinking they died by suffocating themselves. I can see it happening to a baby, but not a full grown person akin to strangling oneself with your own hands. Hard to do. How about this one: holding your breath to death. C’mon. They are pulling our strings for someone or for some reason and I don’t think it is necessary to lie about it if you really are experiencing some bad stuff. DOZEN MAKE SENSE.

Why would she say something so ridiculous? I wonder what else she said. Oh well I don’t want to watch it right now. Maybe some other time. I don’t really appreciate stupid tactics. Maybe she is forced to lie for Fox News or getting paid to lie? Desperate people do that for money, I would imagine. I think it would be really wise of Bret Baier to have questioned her and really listened to her to find out what she meant by asking her but I think there is a political and religious agenda and it helps Bret Baier and his team. KInd of like that book he promoted about Benghazi. It was so PAT as in Quelle.

The Synoptic “Q Source”

(money has nutting to do with it.)

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Neil Young Comes A Time

That or they edited out what they didn’t want to be kept in the documentary about the unholy war. I guess you possibly could call it a documentary, sort of anyway. Not very in-depth if you can’t represent accurately or precisely the situation of the Yazidis and makes me wonder why! No wonder the Yazidis are misunderstood. Maybe he could go back and ask her what she meant.

Recently heard that you have to be careful what you do or say (such as asking for what drugs a patient is on who is a relative) or it (meaning the place where the patient is: hospital or residence and their staffs) could turn on the patient. I guess a patient with her faculties was missing that day for some reason. One that might spill the beans.

That’s pretty bad that one would have to worry about that. 

Tiny Tim – Tiptoe Through The Tulips

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Somebody has to be mindless of their INTIMIDATION or it won’t change for the better!

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I still got some lips on my fingertips.

Anyone ever hear of a General by the name of Cushing or Cush?

I have heard of a Cardinal named Cushing. He was at a Navy installation on the East Coast when JFK was killed.

Purportedly General Cush-ing went to see my nephew recently about my dad.

At least that’s what my sister said. I guess he told him he was my dad’s commanding officer at some point in time?

I don’t ever remember hearing about him other than from my sister.

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And the sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan.
And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.

Habakkuk 3:6-8

He stood, and measured the earth: he beheld, and drove asunder the nations; and the everlasting mountains were scattered, the perpetual hills did bow: his ways are everlasting.

7 I saw the tents of Cushan in affliction: and the curtains of the land of Midian did tremble. Was the Lord displeased against the rivers? was thine anger against the rivers? was thy wrath against the sea, that thou didst ride upon thine horses and thy chariots of salvation?

I think he’s a kuk!

There are other pictures of Cardinal Cushing and he looks quite a bit different so there must be a few of them. Screen Shot 2015-03-30 at 12.31.50 PM Screen Shot 2015-03-30 at 12.32.12 PM

There’s a movie with him where I think he is singing in Latin or some other language after JFK was killed. It’s in the CBS transcripts found on Merangue’s Blog and I think I linked his melody to the picture of him. 


Jackie Kennedy also said she was a hunter! Cardinal Cushing married JFK to Jackie. He gets a round. Maybe someone ought to tell Fox News and Bret Baier. What do you think? Screen Shot 2015-03-29 at 10.08.11 PM

Nimrod—Who was he? Was he godly or evil?

Obviously, he was not good.

It’s a tug of war between Islam and Roman Catholicism, occurring in the area on the map. IMO.

Everyone in-between I think is screwed because they are drunk on revelry, power, and oil.

And the media is too. Otherwise they would ask legitimate questions like:

What do you mean the Yazidis women smothered themselves with blankets?

Anyway I think she was trying to prove that they were unwilling to convert. True conversion doesn’t occur this way anyway so she shouldn’t need to prove it. But it makes for great publicity and media fodder. Not sure where they are going with it or if they even know. But if you – the media – don’t ask they ain’t gonna tell ya. That is called a great opportunity/power to control: manage, manipulate, and all those other M’s and then have O’reilly say Who’s looking out for you or We are watching out for you when in reality they aren’t.

More than likely has something to do with the election and the


The elect.

Linked it so you can read what the bible says about THE ELECT and discern for yourself the meaning.

Anytime someone wants to rule the world they got a problem. 

I went to wash my face and the disposable face pads that I use I found had a red line on it which reminded me to add RED LINE into this post. That may sound silly but it reminded me to add that into the post and it made sense. Kind of a sign…an important sign, I think. Now I could have gotten another pad and not thought about it but I was in the midst of writing this part of the post.

Those that want to rule the world tend to like masochists. There seem to be many.

When my daughter lost her dog off the truck and Bill O’reilly was on TV and used the word unleashed (in a ghoulish kind of way like it excited him because he is a nerd) as I walked in the door after the first day I searched. After we had searched a couple of days though didn’t give up on the dog I took my other daughter to share a lunch at a Mexican Restaurant and had her apply for a job because it seemed like a nice place and she was interviewed. When talking about it to my oldest daughter who was with her dad he said that Mexicans steal dogs off of construction sites. Now if that ain’t a give a way I don’t know what is. I think he was jealous. We only had a half lunch. I thought it was a funny comment about Mexicans. As if they lie in wait at construction sites to steal dogs. LOL.

We got the dog back:) It was a miracle. And the dog is helping me walk everyday a few times a day. LOL

But even when miracles happen people forget or just won’t accept a miracle as being a miracle however it happens, it’s still a miracle. I have had quite a few of those even through tough times, and they do help me.

He fixed the L-Bracket above my head holding the garage door fixture that was about to land on my head and showed me, but it wasn’t that way before. He just happened to notice it one day even though we have been here a few years. An attempt to save me from himself.

I can’t number the amount of times I have had to deal with stupid stuff like that with this person and it is not a coincidence. It’s called a set up.

Left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing or vice-versa. I did not require him to cut his hands off as does the Gospel of Matthew. While it was offensive I know what the trouble is. He doesn’t know what he does sometimes  I think. Regardless, I hope he gets his act together for himself and for his daughters and stop with the BS. I could go on and on about it with so many examples but it would bore most people. Islam requires it though, but I’m not Islamic.

Masturbation used to be sinful as far as Catholicism was concerned (and scared people by saying that you would grow hair on your palms), but I doubt many had their own hands cut off for it.

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Then they made eunuchs! Just kidding. I have no idea when or where the practice of eunuchism came about.

Nimrod & Semiramis Symbols Babylon

“Nimrod was the first man to seek power for its own sake. From this will to power came cruelty and decadence.— Mark Booth; The Secret History of the World The ancient Greek historian, Diodorus, reports that Queen Semiramis erected a 130-foot obelisk in Babylon and it was associated with sun worship and represented the phallus of the sun god Baal or Nimrod. Some Masonic researchers say that the word ‘obelisk’ literally means ‘Baal’s shaft’ or ‘Baal’s organ of reproduction’. It is for this reason that the obelisk also represents the Illuminati bloodlines.–David Icke Fish were originally worshiped as a symbol of Nimrod,  Each priest is depicted wearing a fish-head mitre. One of the names of this God in Babylon and Philistia was Dagon (dag=fish, on=sun) “The head of the fish formed a mitre above that of a man, while its scaly, fin-like tail fell as a cloak behind, leaving the human feet and limbs exposed.” Layard’s Babylon & Ninevah, p. 343″

 Bible verses about Semiramis

Two key figures in the origin of Christmas are Nimrod, a great grandson of Noah, and his mother and wife, Semiramis, also known as Ishtar and Isis. Nimrod, known in Egypt as Osiris, was the founder of the first world empire at Babel, later known as Babylon (Genesis 10:8-12;11:1-9). From ancient sources such as the “Epic of Gilgamesh” and records unearthed by archeologists from long-ruined Mesopotamian and Egyptian cities, we can reconstruct subsequent events.


Putin letter to Arab summit triggers strong Saudi attack

“SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt (Reuters) – Saudi Arabia accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of hypocrisy on Sunday, telling an Arab summit that he should not express support for the Middle East while fuelling instability by supporting Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad.”

Thought so. I knew the Saudis were involved in what occurred in Syria and wrote about it a long time ago just like they were involved in 9-11 in New York. 

I’m sure Putin is upset. I think he has been called worse things over the years by his own people.


God at some point (at least the bible hints) puts into the heart of some army to destroy The Vatican (The White House)? What if that army were IRAN’S ARMY. I guess we will find out soon enough because I think it is soon.

Al-Shabab militants kill 147 at university in Kenya

HORROR: 140+ students killed in Kenya University attack…

In Kenya the Al-Shabab asked if people were Christian or Muslim and killed the Christians. Why didn’t they ask if they were Catholic? I’ll guarantee there are more Catholics in Kenya than there are Christians.

Blood Moon With Total Lunar Eclipse & Eerie Biblical Message Rising Over U.S. Easter Weekend

“….The action begins at 3:16 a.m. PDT on the morning of April 4 when the edge of the moon first enters the amber core of Earth’s shadow…..”

John 3:16: For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that those who believed in him would not PARISH/Perish.

But I don’t love this world. It needs an overhaul and I think it’s coming.

“….According to the King James Bible, “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord comes,…..” (Joel 2:31)

And then the last Blood moon is supposedly September 28th which is some Jewish Feast I think:


      a major Jewish festival held in the autumn (beginning on the 15th day of Tishri) to commemorate the sheltering of the Israelites in the wilderness. Also called

Feast of Tabernacles

Where did the word Nazi come from? Nazareth?

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Cornucopia floral centerpiece

Matthew 12:1-3

12 At that time Jesus went on the sabbath day through the corn; and his disciples were an hungred, and began to pluck the ears of corn and to eat.

But when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto him, Behold, thy disciples do that which is not lawful to do upon the sabbath day. But he said unto them, Have ye not read what David did, when he was an hungred, and they that were with him;


Middle English anhungred, alteration of Middle English ahungredahungered

First Known Use: 14th century

Screen Shot 2015-04-05 at 12.24.45 PM So I guess his disciples were deer? DasherDancerPrancerVixenCometCupidDonner, and Blitzen (dutch words thunder and lightning) to German equivalent: Dunder [Rum] and Blixem [Cure for meats]) and of course Rudolph Screen Shot 2015-04-05 at 8.38.17 PM Something “Lost in Translation” perhaps?

The Lectern: Corn in Ancient Israel

Corn in Ancient Israel

“Americans use the term “corn” to designate what is generally known as maize in the Old World (although American culture continues to infiltrate its usage since the end of World War II. MAIZE :I AM EZ The term “corn” in English usage at the time the Masonic ritual developed, meant any grain but most often wheat. ‘Corned Beef’ was originally beef cured with salt granules, the size of wheat grains or wheat ‘corns’. So! No! There was no corn in Israel or Egypt or anywhere in Eurasia/Africa until brought over from the New World after its rediscovery by Columbus in 1492.” “The term once characterized the bulk of the Middle Ages, or roughly the 6th to 13th centuries, as a period of intellectual darkness between extinguishing the “light of Rome” after the end of Late Antiquity, and the rise of the Italian Renaissance in the 14th century.” So perhaps Jesus of the Gospel of Matthew capitulated to Jesus of the Gospel of John sometime after the 1400’s and after the dark ages because they were pretty rotten.

Luke 22:31-32

31 And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: 32 But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren. Maybe Simon, Simon got wise. And to clarify with out too much notice in those days because they didn’t know what we know today. LIke the press does when they retract a statement but much more mysteriously with a hint in an anagram style. Probably had to in order to keep it in the New Testament. 

Have you ever plucked an ear of corn to eat. You have to boil or roast the corn in order to eat the corn otherwise it’s kind of hard to eat. Maybe Jesus of the Gospel of Matthew is talking about popcorn? Still you have to cook it, don’t you? While I’m not a fan of the Pharisees I really am not sure what David did when he was hungred, but I doubt he ate a fresh ear of corn off the stalk. An apple? Perhaps a fig?

The Fig Tree – Blessed are the Barren

The carbon dioxide problem  and the answer to the Carbon Dioxide problem is photosynthesis and wheat, wheat …….:

Ear (botany)

In some species (including wheat), unripe ears contribute significantly to photosynthesis, in addition to the leaves lower down the plant. Screen Shot 2015-04-07 at 10.16.51 AM

Wheat: Love And Death

Instead of blaming cows for farting we just need more unripe wheat! We had the answer all along if only we had listened.

Yet the Lord hath not given you an heart to perceive, and eyes to see, and ears to hear, unto this day.
Might be partially why Jesus of the Gospel of John said I Am the Bread of Life. (wheat)

Obama: I’m Concerned by ‘Less Than Loving’ Comments From Christians

Not sure what he is talking about but included it for the sake of a good tag line for today. Everyone says bad things sometimes, don’t we? He got a lot of laughs although I can’t tell if they were real laughs or a laugh track. It wasn’t that funny though but because of who he is (the President) people just laugh to please him, I think. MANIACAL.  Anyway the clip of the movie above is  funny.

Power outage strikes much of Washington, D.C.,

including the White House

Timing is funny concerning Obama and the loss of power. Of all the times to have an outage it occurs after his statements about Christians and their “less than loving” comments.

Is that a sign?




The Fruits of the Vatican

Flat tax exacerbates the Roman Catholic degradation of women and God. Stop doing it and you would be surprised at the results. Stop nerfing God, Jesus, women, and girls. How many children does Hannity have? TWO? How many times has Hannity had sex? Twice? You are a liar and a thief. Does Hannity have sex between his wife’s thighs? Are you guilty of spilling your seed on your wife’s body or in a rubber and down the toilet? Think of the possibilities you wasted because of lust and cheating the system. I would say you are as guilty as any woman or child who had an abortion but guilty a million times more each time you had protected sex. Billions and billions. Fix your church and do not support a flat tax which enables the destruction of society as a whole. Stop supporting a pope who steals a necklace from a martyr to give him false courage and teaching false notions about gaining character instead of developing it through experience and believing. Is Hannity willing to forgo getting over paid for his faith? I doubt it. None of these guys in government or in the press deserve what they have been paid and not earned using American tax dollars and the IRS. They like the IRS and they love manipulating candidates. DRUNKS! I hope you bear responsibility for every illegal abortion and woman or child in a dark alley with a hanger, or tossed off a building, mountain, poisoned, kicked, drowned, choked to death, shot, smothered, thrown down the stairs, tripped or murdered beheaded or stoned to death or by suicide and religious chastisement because she (any female) got pregnant by any of your drunk friends and foe alike. Quit using the only feminine way out that is safe for the female and have a second chance to have a baby or babies in the right circumstances:

It’s too easy!

Like I said if you believe in God would He have allowed me to have babies after having had an abortion. Well He did and I love them and I believe He loves them. Pretty much proved it quite a few times. And I am not blessed for being barren, but the opposite though it isn’t easy being a mom these days with assholes like you in the world. Hanntiy and his seminary is controlling the candi-DATES! Have ye any meat? That is what Jesus of the Synoptic Gospels did after he was raised from the dead and visited his friends and acquaintances in different places asking for meat. Does that sound coherent? Messiah-ish? Someone in their right mind? Does that sound Godly? Sean Hannity is the epitome of smugness as his pope.I think his job, his beer and his religion contributed to his regression. Screen Shot 2015-04-08 at 3.35.52 AM In my opinion you are no less sleazy than you are smug. Looks like he has had a few beers already. If he cared about pregnancy and abortion he would be a lot more critical of alcohol and his beer that he consumes daily and the havoc it causes in young girls bellies. An aunt of mine had a baby who was severely impaired by a drunk doctor and as I recall they had to have him in a special place and were not able to raise him themselves and I don’t think he lived very long. Are you willing to go after the businesses that use alcohol? I don’t think so because you like to have a six pack and it In your opinion doesn’t affect you. But obviously it does affect you and has had a long term effect upon you that isn’t good for you and made you sanctimonious in other words caused a lack of humility in your own character over a period of inebriation. Just because you can handle beer the more you drink it doesn’t mean it hasn’t caused some long term affects that you don’t notice, but I sure notice it. I noticed that Rand Paul had a gathering in his own honor at a bar on St. Patricks Day I think it was.. I suggest you start with your faith of Roman Catholicism and try to reform it and then work on the alcohol problem your faith upholds over and above the truth. Getting the mob out of your religion would be a great start which obviously love the effects of alcohol and what it does to young females and young males as well. Just recently Pope Francis welcomed the mob back to your faith but I sure don’t remember him kicking them out. Screen Shot 2015-04-08 at 3.52.49 AM




Along side of cutting off the foreskin maybe stitching the corpus cavernous of the penis so that blood doesn’t fill them or fills them very slowly to prevent quick erections (being cautious of gangrene) until males get married might be a solution to the abortion problem. Instead of a bachelor party the night before the wedding boys and men could have an erection party. Is it a worthwhile endeavor? I like that idea and I think it would work. Prevent rape, unwanted babies, sexual diseases, abortions, and cruelty to women after the fact for decades. A small gesture for a big cause. Probably feel like a little pinch and far less invasive than the alternatives. In addition to Circumcising we could utilize Circumventing! LOL A religious rite for those that are against abortion and want to make a difference in popular culture. I think Rome Catholics ought to head that cause for their benefit and for others if they really want to lead in a healthy way for all involved and not be total hippos. By leading I mean actually having it done to yourself and Roman Catholics for the world to follow if it is successful. Start with the clergy, government employees, and the press. Then test it’s reliability and employ the practice on your flocks to prove the sincerity of your values. Maybe Father Jonathan of Fox News, George Ganswein, Sean Hannity and Mel Gibson might lead the way for this noble cause. Prove your sincerity and devotion to life! I imagine it would only take two or three permanent stitches on each side and could be done over and over again if divorced or in case of annulment of marriage. Military men and diplomats and their entourage could also receive this procedure before going to war or overseas so that they don’t have unwanted pregnancies to women and girls in war torn countries in honor of Angelina Jolie and leaving them to fend for themselves. Help prevent spy weaknesses as well. The CIA could also get involved and all the other agencies that are vulnerable to sexual favors. Most boys are circumcised as a baby but this procedure of circumventing could be performed at the age of 13 years of age and up. I’m sure a good physician such as Dr. Ben Carson could experiment with the procedure and what it might involve to be a successful deterrent to unwanted pregnancies making abortion unheard of in centuries to come. He could also study it’s effect on the male brain over a period of time making improvements as we learn more about the procedure as I’m sure was done in regards to circumcision. He could lead the way in the study of human behavior after circumvention of the male penis. I had a vein in my wrist sewn (because it went through a window pane) and it was painless. Create jobs too. Could even make a religious celebration of it with invitations to a party honoring the circumvented which would also create more jobs and a whole new line of Hallmark cards. Could receive gifts etc. Now I’m wondering if circumcision was like the bra movement in the 60’s and not really a part of some covenant. Why would the creator have foreskin on a penis if it were useless. There must have been some reason for foreskin and perhaps it protected women and girls. From what I have read it did and helped to increase pair bonding. The thing is or the crux of the matter is removing the foreskin did not stop Catholics and others from idolatry as it was supposed to. Jesus in the Gospel of John said Before Abraham was I am. Abraham was who made the covenant with “a god” and it didn’t work. DId it? IDOLATRY IS PREVALENT IN ROMAN CATHOLIC RELIGION AND FAITH IS PREVALENT EVEN THOUGH  Passover in Egypt happened before Abraham existed. The main religions of today say that they have a common father Abraham but Jesus said call no man your Father but your Father in Heaven (in noncompliance with priests who are called fathers and can’t forgive sin and usually don’t but save it your sin for reasons later on to hold against you as does Rome who promote faith in unbelief) and I think therein lies the problem. UNBELIEF! For if they Believed they wouldn’t need Rosaries which is not faithful because they are just a bunch of beads and it isn’t as if they are invisible which is what faith is dependent upon “not seeing” “not hearing” “not saying” and yet saying a bunch of Hail Mary’s which can’t possible remove sin or forgive it and it is evident they don’t forgive sin by their indulgences for they would not need to indulge sin if they forgave sin. Writing on a chalk board 100 times doesn’t forgive sin either but it is good for memorization with an “e”. Bunch of silly nonsense and idealogical poop that even Pope Benedict said faith was a hoax (to gain more attendees I suppose.) How many faiths are in the world? Keep the Faith. What does that mean? It’s the same as hope. That’s why they don’t read their bibles and for that matter didn’t read ObamaCare before they signed it. Faith. Yet they say faith came by hearing so they want it both ways. Nancy Pelosi said ObamaCare was worthy so they signed it. (Not exactly in those words) I guess the difference between hearsay evidence (so and so said which is why there are three synoptic gospels basically recalling what the others wrote or heard or said and the Gospel of John an eyewitness account and proof: HEARSAY EVIDENCE. The evidence of those who relate, not what they know themselves, but what they have heard from others (like fathers/priests who don’t usually read the bible and have to hold up the bible so that the pope can read a verse for his audience even though bibles come in smaller sizes but that way they can earn their salary doing next to nothing or straighten a braid in the back of their mantle/cloak like Ganswein did for Pope Benedict) and

proof (experience)

Anyway I doubt removal of a flap of skin on a penis is as important as the Ten Commandments. Don’t ask me why I just have a feeling about it. LOL I think it’s relevant. Otherwise: what is sin? Laziness? One of the 7 deadly sins of Roman Catholicism is laziness. LOL ANYWAY MIX UP SOME LETTERS IN “FLAP OF SKIN” AND SWITCH THE WORDS A BIT AND WHAT DO YOU GET.



Abrahamic religions


Nazi chants at Dutch soccer game expose an ugly blot on ‘the beautiful game’


Like Baptism is a rite as is circumcision. So circumcision is done now with babies and so is baptism in Roman Catholic and similar religions. They sprinkle holy water that they holy-ized somehow or another. PROBABLY SOMETHING SAID IN LATIN SO IT’S A MYSTERY HOW THEY MAKE SOMETHING HALLOWED. Abrahamic Covenant is a religious exercise. It doesn’t forgive sin. It doesn’t make you believe especially done when you are one month old. SAYING YOU WANT GOD IN YOUR HEART (WHATEVER IT IS THAT BILLY GRAHAMS FOLLOWERS SAY TO MAKE A CHRISTIAN) DOESN’T MAKE YOU BELIEVE EVEN THOUGH IT IS A MATTER OF THE HEART, BUT NOT LITERALLY. THOUGH IT MEANS WHEN YOU SAY IT THAT YOU ARE AWARE THAT GOD EXISTS UNLESS SAID WITHOUT ANY THOUGHT WHICH IS POSSIBLE LIKE YOU MIGHT DO WITH SOME RELIGIOUS NUTS THAT WALK DOOR TO DOOR SELLING THEIR RELIGION AND GET A FOOT IN THE DOOR JUST TO GET THEM TO LEAVE. I HAVE LISTENED TO PRAYERS OF CHRISTIANS GO FROM SIMPLE TO REALLY WORDY VERSIONS THAT SOUND LIKE OTHER PEOPLE. I CAN’T STAND IT. weird: got a phone call of someone that has learned to pray that-a-way. Public prayer which is usually very obnoxious and I can’t explain it but like the pope who deplores often the behavior of those that he is in  bed with because of his beliefs and I think he is responsible for that behavior in some ways. When someone can say something in one sentence they make it a 5 minute ordeal which is obnoxious. I love this person but it is a learned style of prayer that often one hears at Thanksgiving, or at church depending upon the preacher, or in prayer circles which tend to be overly obnoxious. IMO. even though they mean well. To me it’s a turn off. Think about if you were God and had to listen to a ton of them does He turn it off too? Restraint come to mind since I just read it and seems to fit the crime. The crime of over wordy prayers. I don’t think it is how many people pray a similar prayer that matters, hence the prayer circles and the power they think they have via the amount of people they involve in their circle.  Same way with armies or religions. The more doesn’t mean the better or mean superiority. The Six Day War is a good example comparing the amount of people on both sides of that war. Same goes for World War 2. In the old Testament the Jews picked warriors by how they drank the water from a stream vs how many drank the water from the same stream. WIth caution watchful of the enemy and wary of the enemy. Experienced. They chose the experienced.  Got Ham and The Insanity of Sgt. Bergdahl  (Green eggs and Ham) With Sgt Bergdahl who was swapped for 5 leaders of some terrorist group a few guys were killed who were searching for Bergdahl and that is the complaint of many for his release and hoping to have him imprisoned because of the deaths of the ones searching for him. Who ever was in charge of those that were looking for Bergdahl should not have taken the chance of more men dying to get him back in the first place. He ought to be dealt with harshly because that is bad leadership and it sounds like entrapment. They could have been smarter and more patient. I don’t think Bergdahl should have been allowed to have been in the military in the first place by the sounds of his upbringing, his personality type, and his beliefs, his talents (ballet) and possibly the person in charge of those troops was in cahoots with Bergdahl. Sgt. Bergdahl was bound to go AWOL. Why would our military include those of the religion of Islam (green eggs and ham) into their ranks knowing that they have an ideology that makes them at risk to do something extremely Islamic such as suicidal tendencies to kill a bunch of other people who Islam isn’t appreciative of and desires to be wiped off the face of the earth. I call that absolutely ludicrous. just as ludicrous as having islam taught in prisons. They should be separated from the other prisoners and put with like minded in POW camps such as Guantanimo because that is what they are: POW’s. Ludicrous is a word that Mark Levin often employs. Would Jews in the Six Day War have included Hamas in their ranks? If they did they would not have been victorious. I wonder not for joy what Senator Chris Cruz would say about that? Also I wonder about Ted Cruzes ties with oil in Canada I would love to hear more about in the press and since he was born there. Did he know ahead of the time before he was Senator about the possibility of an Oil pipeline from Canada? Screen Shot 2015-04-11 at 12.11.35 PM Now he is saying to not listen to his words but his deeds. Yea like what? Please explain but use sign language instead or speak in tongues.

There’s Something About IOWA 

and CBN


(He said that his father said that he would be a great man. (hearsay evidence) I think he was until this (proof): Screen Shot 2015-04-10 at 3.41.38 PM

Hundreds of Pastors Pray and Lay Hands on Rand Paul & Ted Cruz (PHOTOS)

Was Ted talking about his dad or his priest? I guess this is the IOWA CAUCUS Who is the guy in the middle? Isn’t he that billionaire? Ka-ching Ka-ching Warren Buffet possibly!

Hedge-Fund Magnate Robert Mercer Emerges as a Generous Backer of Cruz

Anyway they look like their eyes are closed and their eyebrows are furrowed which I think means they are concentrating hard together because they are one entity (borgish) because they are laying hands on each other to give them strength in their prayer. Probably repeating each other in words …….not sure about their thoughts. Ted Cruz is probably thinking: “What the hell am I doing here.” Probably wondering where Rand Paul and his wife are going for dinner. Screen Shot 2015-04-10 at 4.27.03 PM Caucus is a legislative body that are members of a particular political or religious group. Where does the word Caucus come from? Caucasus Mountains which are a coup of mountains separating Europe from Russia I think. Caucasian is a white person but the link says skin tone has nothing to do with it. Maybe religion does have something to do with it. Every Caucasian I have met has been white. (Think about those surveys.) Caulk is usually white unless you add tints. Something to do with Zinc. Opaque white. And then of course there is the COCK. Screen Shot 2015-04-10 at 3.38.26 PM Rand Paul is probably thinking: “Is this really necessary?” and his wife is probably thinking: “I wonder what restaurant we should go to?”

Sandra Bullock’s chilling 911 call played in court:

‘I hear someone banging on the door’

I’m not sure Senators make good Presidents. I would think governors and private citizens with business sense or even farmers (which at this time would not be a bad idea someone with agricultural sense) have a better sense of governing a country successfully rather than a Senator. Common sense really is a plus in the Presidency. But not Jeb Bush for a number of reasons first of which is his mother said he shouldn’t and I think she probably has good reasons to have said that in public. Second is what happened during his governorship were lots of bad decisions and proving he is not trustworthy and I think his religion had a lot to do with those decisions. I like both men (Rand Paul and Ted Cruz) and they have some good ideas and I like Ted Cruz’s desires to dismantle the IRS but not his ideas about a flat tax which is frivolous and cowardly not trusting supply and demand and the premises of Capitalism which makes me suspicious whether or not they haven’t been brain washed along the way into Socialist/Communist/Fascist ideals. Fascism being a combination of the three with dreadful results. Don’t they have FAITH in Capitalism? Their position in government alone allows them firsthand knowledge of under the table deals and things they know are on the horizon in government and business because they have a lot to do with what goes on in government In fact they probably would get richer if they allowed Capitalism to prosper and quit supporting the mob and their unions which always are helpful at first because they need support but turn on their members eventually swapping places with the one they unionized against. It’s not like they won’t still get heads up on some deals even if it is wrong and sneaky. I wish they would back off the abortion controversy until they have a better grasp of the situation in America and other countries around the world and the females caught in a very lousy position and start to question the male counterpart for it’s duplicity and look for a solution in the attitudes of men and boys and their upbringing (moms, jealousy of nuns) and religious notions (priests called fathers) about females and first fix that situation before you make a huge mistake.


A girl or woman does not inject sperm into herself. It takes a certain amount of energy, momentum, mass, and force to enter a female (her home). I don’t believe any female has ever been able to rape a male commensurate with blaming the product for being stolen by a thief. Start with the object that invades. Fix that first than work your way out from there.


Anti-aging effort moves into ‘foreskin facials’ Just a few decades ago people were using placenta for anti-aging serums, now foreskins. What will be next? Testicles? In a JFK blog post a priest said that aids was God’s punishment for homosexuality, but babies and hemophiliacs were also included in that wrath. So it seems kind of coincidental that the foreskin covenant would include them as well. I know that the Royal Russian family that was mowed down their son was a hemophiliac during the Bolshevic revolution. (Tsar Nicholas) and their spiritual leader who had befriended the wife of Nicholas. Kind of interesting.  Screen Shot 2015-04-22 at 10.07.49 PM

The Waiting Tom Petty and the HeartBreakers

You take it on faith and you take it to heart, the waiting is the hardest part.

Why not a mammory gland covenant?

Casino odds and Roman Catholic and Christian duplicity in regards to innocent unborn

Can a life insurance be taken out on an unborn child?

“….. life insurance cannot be taken on an unborn child. This is mainly because the newborn has to complete at least 30 days to be offered a plan…….”

Hmmmmm I wonder why!

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Secret deaths: CNN finds high surgical death rate for children at Florida hospital

Perhaps insurance on the unborn ought to be available at the same number of weeks or months as when legal abortion is prohibited? And when abortion is prohibited and totally banned then the unborn ought to be insured with life insurance from the first week of pregnancy. Would that work? If you aren’t willing to sell life insurance on a baby in the womb or until they are 30 days old you must not consider them to be viable (capable of working successfully or feasible)- Meaning it is unprofitable in the estimation of life insurance business.  I guess the odds are against them. Isn’t that right? Should Roman Catholic sell life insurance….. should Christians sell life insurance if they aren’t willing to sell it for an embryo, fetus, or baby in the womb? Should they work for agencies that don’t insure the embryo, fetus, or baby in the womb? It’s a moral question having to do with abortion and/or miscarriage and the judgement they judge females who make a decision when pregnant before they are ready to be pregnant to have an abortion?. Shouldn’t Roman Catholics and Christians who judge them be judged as well if  Roman Catholics and Christians do business with those that sell life insurance to everyone but embryos, fetuses, and babies in the womb? Should Roman Catholics and Christians do business with those that force abortion on their populations such as China or even buy Chinese products if they are against a girl or woman who is faced with that decision? Or India where they force some women to be unable to have children because of population control? Or how about England where people are considered to be germs by their royalty. Or Saudi Arabia where they fly planes into buildings and don’t take responsibility for their people such as al qaeda? Put your money where your mouth is and prove it.

Obamacare Regulation Effectively Bars Catholics from Owning Health Insurance Companies

How many life insurance companies were and are owned by Christians and Roman Catholics? I would imagine quite a few own them or work for them. In my estimation life insurance is immoral no matter what  because there are no guarantees and because it invites criminal activity, but the churches (Christian and Roman Catholic) were never against life insurance that I ever heard of, or read, or saw.

why not?

Roman Catholic Foundation ‘What are the tax implications of a gift of life insurance?” is one of the lures (Come-ons) of this particular business. And the answer is you can invest in their schools, parishes, etc and in effect their businesses etc. and be dependent upon them for your viability. Pretty Cushy Philosophy. e.g. self gratifying.

Casino Rules!


Entrepreneur and artist aim to curb global infant mortality rate

IN the past Roman Catholics really liked being in charge of who lives and who dies as WW11 demonstrated because Screen Shot 2015-04-12 at 8.21.32 AM “they are looking out for you.”

Here is a good example of the difference and where I think is a red line in regards to the abortion issue. Urinating and curtailing of urination. Men have a longer contraption I think it’s called the urethra that helps them to hold their urine easier and women are made with less of that contraption. Get my drift? When I think God (the Creator) expects men to protect women from pregnancy (such as my dad did for me because he loved me and I asked him for his help and he never (not once) threw it in my face unlike THE MANY as in Covenant with Many and he believed deeply in God though he was not educated that way because he was a soldier and defended his country trusting a bunch of thieves. A very wonderful man and loved his wife, his daughters and his son and very forgiving unlike what I have witnessed on Fox, Roman Catholic Hierarchy and it’s daughters, or in the press) not the other way around and I don’t think GOD the Creator appreciates the females being constrained from protection by religious assholes and their spouses who keep them down just to have an edge. (Like I said the more/many isn’t necessarily the strongest, nor the best in warfare neither in lifes decisions in general.) He was and in my opinion I believe still is very smart and logical. Smarter than those he had to contend with in his career and definitely more courageous and he was like a square peg that didn’t fit into a round hole like most males. If he is an angel he sits on a higher and much bigger cloud than many. Be wary of the candidate who wears his faith on his sleeve By Cal Thomas Screen Shot 2015-04-12 at 1.47.27 PM Before Abraham was, I am, hence: before David was, I am. The story of David is about 5 or 6 books past Exodus. His son was given the honor to build the first temple but it wasn’t necessarily Jewish. Solomans temple and then there was another temple and that must have been Herods Temple and that was not jewish either from the sounds of it. I think the temples were Catholic. I ll have to check it out sometime later on. to see if that’s true. Obviously somewhere between Exodus and the book of Samuel they got involved with some false stuff. Makes sense now about “Daughters of Jerusalem weep not for me but weep for yourselves and for your children what is done in a green tree what will be done in a dry tree?.” statements or something similar by Jesus if the Catholics were running the show at the time in Jerusalem since Roman Catholic charlatans were occupying the city at the time. so I think Catholic mothers and daughters ought to be wary. Daughters of Jerusalem is transferring blame to the Jews in that statement because it was their city before it was invaded by Roman Catholics and they were in charge at that time. Daughters of Jerusalem was a good switcherooni statement by a false Jesus. Very tricky stuff. Very Synoptic. The only blame they carry in that regard was trusting Roman Catholic hierarchy who have since made themselves very transparent by their history of martyring everyone in their way to continue a cushy life style even at the expense of their own followers. Just get them a union boss that will really help them adding another middle man. Typical-to be held unaccountable then add another and another etc.Make a crisis if that doesn’t work or hold an election.

Talks a bit about King David and his wisdom, but remember King David also had one of his men (Uriah the Hittite) who trusted King David put on the front lines so that King David could obtain that Uriah’s wife (Bathsheba, also spelled Bethsheba which is VERY interesting, as in Bethlehem) by his death purposefully because he hungered for her body while she was bathing in the moonlight (I could be dramatizing the bath because it might have been daylight when he saw her bathing or beth-ing, hemming and hawing?) and lost their future baby in the process somehow or another. Hard to say how exactly but their baby died after birth and they grieved a long time. He also lost his other son Absalom by another marriage for other reasons. So he wasn’t THAT WISE but had courage when fighting Goliath the giant with a sling and some stones but was not allowed to build the first temple, I think he was a believer in God just made some mistakes due to human fallacies and lust though his life was used for an example and teaches quite a bit about man, woman, children, and God, in my opinion. I DO THINK BATHSHEBA/BETHSHEBA CONVENIENTLY WAS BATHING IN THE NUDE SO THAT KING DAVID WOULD NOTICE HER PRETTY BODY  BENEATH HIS BALCONY SO HE WAS KIND OF SET UP AND TESTED. SHE PROBABLY WANTED TO BE QUEEN and may not have been happy with Uriah the Hittite and used him because she knew he knew King David and probably wanted to influence him using her beauty. Perhaps Uriah the Hittite was involved, who knows. Perhaps the whole thing was a set up and he didn’t die in the front lines as David had hoped. Remember? Balls Rule of Law:Nothing propinks like propinquity.” Anyway his close friend and spiritual advisor and confident came to him about his sin so he found out somehow or another (which is suspicious at best) before the baby died however it occurred. His son by another marriage campaigned against King David so he might have been involved and so might his spiritual advisor been influenced. Very interesting part of the Old Testament and the Bible and very heart wrenching as well. A lot can be gained by reading about King David with many lessons that apply to modern times as well as olden times. They blamed God for the death in the OT. But could be because she was pregnant at the time of their marriage by Uriah the HIttite or it was Davids baby but because it was produced out of wedlock. The spiritual advisor warned about the baby’s death…..I think but can’t remember for sure about that, but if he did he may have had something to do with the death of the baby. The baby died and perhaps they made up reasons for the death afterwards or sanctifying her body for the future birth of Soloman which was the excuse for the deaths of people dancing around a bull when Moses came down the mountain with the Ten commandments. They used the excuse that God was sanctified by their deaths even though it was not done by God. I think it was the tribe of Levites that killed them, but not sure.  If Jacob who was the son of Isaac whose name was changed to Israel relocated to egypt to escape a severe famine in the land and Joseph (was Isaac’s son) who had the coat of many colors and got thrown into a pit and ended up working for the Pharaoh and then feeds his family through his purse set up and regains them. This is where it gets mixed up. Because the Pharaoh made Joseph the second man in charge of Egypt. But it was not his family that got lead out of Egypt by Moses as much as they want you to think it is. Replacement theology again. This Pharaoh was nice to Israel and Joseph whereas the Pharoah when Moses was growing up was not nice and they were slaves but Moses was raised by the Royal family because they were killing the babies in the land that were slaves. Two different Pharaohs. Two different times. Because if so then how was Isaac a son of Abraham? How can Joseph have happened 400 years earlier. They say Jacob was named to Israel but as I recall it was Isaac and he was the father of Jacob and Esau. Anyway the binding of Isaac has something to do with the mixup and the covenant made that was false may have been the binding in actuality. Where was Joseph then. Couldn’t he have saved Isaac from binding or was he the binder. IN any case this is the point of time between and betwixt Moses and Joseph that they get screwed up and has something to do with that false covenant and the precepts of their pricks. One has nothing to do with the other. IN my opinion it was happening at the same time. Over here was Moses leading the Hebrews out of Egypt and out of slavery and over there was Abraham was coming out of the land of Ur leading his guys back into slavery. I think they were concurrent events! Though I think Abraham coming out of the land of UR was in response to the fact that the Egyptians lost their slaves and army and needed to save face and needed to replace them hence, Replacement Theology. It was also a tactic….decoys. Reminds me of the Lincoln ads with imposed clips of Ellen DeGeneres and Jim Carey with Matthew McConahuey. Roman Catholicism is like a houseguest that lingers. Kind of what is going on now with the Roman Catholic Church and their fall and the rise of ISIS some are bad and some are doing some good things like getting rid of some idolatry. Isis is definitely not unionized and are not working together. It’s super confusing but there are reasons for it such as putting into the heart of some army to destroy a certain place. And then James Foleys doubles beheading a bunch of people hoping to get attention to save Roman Catholicism while threatening them in Cuba with orange suits from Guantanimo. The Big shuffle in a Big card game called WAR and it’s a world event. Tribulation and the 1000 year Armageddon war afterwards. But a 1000 years is a day and a day is a 1000 years so no telling when it will be over. It’s related differently in the bible but I think it was altered like many things are. That’s why everyone is confounded and no one knows what is going on which is evident in the press, politicians, religions, the military, and Intel, and the leaders of the world including Obama who thinks he knows but is fooling himself. I guess it just depends on whose side urine.

I Know What I Know Paul Simon

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The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
However I don’t believe this verse but I added it and applied to this situation and the situation caused by The Whore of Babylon as long as she is able to continue which isn’t in the cards, thank GOD.
Rev: 18:23
23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
Read it and WEEP.
Screen Shot 2015-04-12 at 11.36.15 AMScreen Shot 2015-04-12 at 11.54.49 AM

18:24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth. Whose fault is it? Then we will watch as she eats humility for real with precision to a finely tuned hum. (By the way earth usually represents Israel (Isaac) in the bible whereas the world is the others that try to destroy Israel (Isaac) and Earth. Kind of like they did in the above Moses vs Abraham with Jacob vs Isaac etc But I’m not sure about that just what I think is occurring. Son killing the Father kind of stuff – wanting to rule the world ahead of schedule.) Happens a bunch in the bible and in the world. Synoptics Jesus (came in his own name) vs Gospel of John’s Jesus who represented the Father (came in his name I AM), Kings knocked off so sons can take over, Inheritance type temptations, Popes knocking off other popes, etc EG I kind of think Syria may be inferred by this in futuristic terms and Bashar Assad’s wife who is quite beautiful. Obama, the Saudis, TURKEY and many in Congress and the press have been anxious and very ANTSY as can be about Syria from the start. I do have a big imagination as well ( though leaning heavily towards narcism, who isn’t; which is not only a flaw but an asset because you tend to also walk in others shoes sometimes a bit easier), however, Syria does seem to be a Burdensome STONE as described in the bible. LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION


our Government and Presidential Candidates ought to

Think PRECIPICE and it might SOBER your thoughts and your prayers. The Gospel of Luke helped me to see the disparity between the Synoptic Gospels and The Gospel of John and these low down preachers also alarmed me about Christianity. If I hadn’t seen it I might not have been curious and same goes for if I hadn’t read a few exaggerated parts of the Gospel of Luke I might not have noticed some things that differentiate the gospels and led me to investigate further. They made millions doing it on the backs of many people which is too bad, kind of like Congress I think because they are scum but not sure they would have gotten the message across had they not been exposed. However it still isn’t right and would have been better to teach the truth and made millions but as the game of Civilization says “if you speak the truth, have one foot in the stirrup.” (metal foot part of a saddle of a horse)

Like Paul Revere

had his feet in the stirrups probably both feet were in the stirrups when he warned Americans that the English were coming in the American Revolutionary War  which was 


“The English are coming, the English are coming.”  linked above to read about his adventure. Which is far better than Bill O’reilly who uses his programming to mock the American public and mostly their kids about their ignorance instead of teaching them. HE WAS A TEACHER!  HE IS ALSO A JESUIT I THINK AND THINKS THE JESUITS ARE A GOOD SOURCE OF DISCIPLINE: Yes, they may be disciplined in one way and undisciplined in the other and they protect the papacy the source of false worship and idolatry, thuggery, thievery, murder, drugs, arms, infiltrations of independent governments to enslave them, unnecessary wars, christian martyrdom, roman catholic martyrdom, islamic madness and martyrdom, and excessive means to keep control for personal gain, LIES. (They make a deal with the devil! witch is undisciplined ) at all costs no matter who they hurt in the process. O’reilly taught Watters’ World, Jesse Watters, that Hitler wasn’t a Christian on air and as far as I have ever known or heard or seen Hitler thought he was a Christian and made deals with Roman Catholic Hierarchy or they made deals with Hitler so it doesn’t really matter what O’reilly thinks: Six million Jews were killed and many others from many other countries: Because the Bible Tells Me So Obviously Bill O’reilly wasn’t a good teacher and still isn’t. He’s an asshole, and an ignorant asshole at that. I highly doubt Roman Catholicism will have the last word no matter how clean they try to appear;) Revelation of the bible doesn’t think so either. Screen Shot 2015-04-11 at 12.42.38 PM Al Quaeda is disciplined, but that’s no excuse.

CBN Christian Broadcasting Network who brought you 

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Ted Cruz: ‘Outrageous And Indefensible’ That Fort Hood Victims Will Be Denied Benefits [VIDEO]

Hillary Clinton

If Hillary Clinton runs for President she should first have to answer a bunch of questions about Benghazi such as where the excuse came from originally, the phones and how the terrorists got the passwords from the State Department, what happened at the White House during the event before and after, about the photos taken at Benghazi and who took them, conversations with the President before and after, etc and many more.Why the Red cross and the British embassy people left before hand, what cued them to leave, Why Ambassador Chris Stevens a friend of her went to Benghazi that day. etc There are millions of questions she should have to answer first. She should be grilled about it in every angle, nook and cranny. What happened to the witnesses and who are they and who do they work for and where are they now? Who silenced them and how? And why did Donald Trump say the things he said about Ambassador Chris Stevens and what occurred such as male rape at the site in Benghazi and how did he know? Give a minute by minute account of what occurred that day and night and the next day where she was minute by minute and why. Who was in Las Vegas the next day with the President? Why did the Democrats not attend the hearings with one of the mothers of the victims. And should be asked to get answers from each and every one of them that did not attend the hearings as to why they skipped it. Which witness or witnesses were at Bethesda in Maryland? What was the conversation with Senator Lindsay Graham with them and what was said and why did he say they were afraid? Why did Senator Kerry visit the witnesses in Germany and what happened from there on out in Germany to those witnesses? What was Kerry’s job in Germany with those witnesses and who sent him there? Who was he representing and why?Did she see Michelle Obama during the event before and after?What intelligence came from the Vatican during before and after Benghazi and to whom.  What intelligence came from Russia/Putin during Benghazi before and after. What intelligence came from Saudi Arabia during Benghazi before and after and what intelligence came from the Red Cross during Benghazi before and after and what intelligence came from Britain during Benghazi before and after and what intelligence came from Germany during Benghazi before and after and what intelligence came from Mike Rogers of Michigan during Benghazi  before and after? And who took the pictures during Benghazi with the woman/man swollen in face with weapon in high heeled sandals and in jeans rolled up and what is in the other hand of that person in that infamous picture and who is it? Hillary Clinton ought to have to wear a lie detector apparatus as she testifies just like the CIA took tests of their agents and of the State Department with lie detector tests who were involved in Benghazi. Which agents were given those tests weekly and why and what was asked and who authorized it and question them! I THINK THE ABRAHAMIC COVENANT IS WITHOUT REASON. IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE SO IT CAN’T BE THAT IMPORTANT! THE TEN COMMANDMENTS MAKE SENSE SO I THINK IT IS IMPORTANT. HOWEVER THE ABRAHAMIC COVENANT DOES HAVE A PURPOSE WHICH I HAVEN’T QUITE WRAPPED AROUND MY HEAD YET BUT I HOPE TO SOON FOR THIS POST BUT GETTING CLOSER TO THAT REASON, I THINK. IMO IT HAS TO DO WITH FREEDOM COMES RESPONSIBILITY. AND WE HAVE NOT ACHIEVED EITHER BECAUSE OF MALE DOMINANCE (EGO) AND THE EASY YET SIKH EXCUSE TO BLAME THE HUMAN FEMALE LACKNG COURAGE AND STRENGTH OF CHARACTER TO EXERCISE RESTRAINT.



Screen Shot 2015-04-10 at 9.36.00 PM LOL Cool design! Experience comes in handy oftentimes and obviously whoever wrote about the covenant didn’t know about Hemophiliacs (and other blood diseases) at the time and whoever wrote about the Abrahamic Covenant wouldn’t have been so stupid. Kind of like the smallest seed debacle.


Besides the fact that God renamed Abraham to a new name: Abram. So why make an everlasting covenant with his old name the one that God changed? Probably to nix it, defund it, repudiate it, disapprove it, upbraid it, and condemn it as a  false covenant. Don’t you think so? Notice the word EVERLASTING in the Abrahamic Covenant which is used in the Gospel of John if you believe in Jesus of the Gospel of john you have an everlasting life which the Abrahamic Covenant is OBVIOUSLY mocking. Because you see there is another covenant in the Synoptic Gospels that is not in the Gospel of John at the Last Supper. There is a covenant that is false spoken of in the Book of Daniel. So either it means the Abrahamic Covenant and/or the Covenant made at the Last Supper and Paul speaks about a covenant that is binding between men and the Book of Daniel speaks about the dissolution of a covenant-Breaking it- in essence and Paul speaks about catching people in their GUILE: (DUPLICITY) and (TRICKERY) and (ENTRAPMENT). Screen Shot 2015-04-10 at 9.38.16 PM WAS OR IS HAM THE FORESKIN? WHAT DOES IT MEAN? HEAD STRONG AS IN PENIS YET BRAINLESS IE BLAMELESS AND WILL COME TO A HEAD AT SOME POINT.

The flap of skin (foreskin) is called the prepuce.


which I think we are ever so close to ever since Pope Benedict XV1 went to Israel and was the first pope to visit the Dome of the Rock. A very important signal and the many other signs since. “IF I DID” KIND OF EXCUSE. NOT REMEMBERING, ENTRAPMENT,  ETC WHICH ARE VERY CONVENIENT BUT I THINK A SOURCE OF EVIL THAT GOD EXPECTS US TO DEAL WITH EVENTUALLY HENCE: By the way Abraham came out of the land of Ur, not Abram. Many writings are going in the opposite direction and saying that Abrams name was changed to Abraham. So did Abraham go back into the land of UR instead as well after his name was elongated? LOL Gosh that could be bad news for Mecca and Medina and the Wilderness of Sin which I believe are Sodom and Gommorrah. But have it your way;) Ever hear of the word



Who is the Father of Lies?

I think it’s ABRAHAM. Makes sense to me! Fools the whole world! Doesn’t that make a lot of sense? I don’t even have a bachelor’s degree and I figured it out. I think I deserve a reward for this. A BIG ONE! LOL NO WONDER THE WORLD IS A MESS! (Knowing this kind of changes things, doesn’t it?) Here is a site about Abram and Abraham and it doesn’t make sense. Why because it goes back and forth to Abram then to Abraham to Abram to Abraham, either Abraham had a dual personality or there were two and one was mimicking (aping) the other and seems the same thing happened to Jesus in the New Testament between the Synoptics and the Gospel of John, etc: Abraham, The First Hebrew I know that Samson used foxes as a ploy against some tribe or town by tying their tails together and setting the tails on fire and as I recall Abraham did too but I could be getting mixed up about his tactic using torches on cattle to look like a big army because a town had captured part of his tribe but I don’t feel like finding them in the bible right now. I think Abraham inserted himself perhaps to mock? Anyway Islam says that Abram came out of the Land of UR and the Bible I think says it was Abraham and God renamed him after he did what he should do. And I think because he doesn’t God does via Revelation and punishes those that don’t where that little boot lies. Could also be why we can’t find Sodom and Gomorrah! Maybe it didn’t happen…..YET! Possibly because of UNBELIEF! And Duplicity: Faith and Grace I don’t think I have witnessed a person who has faith who also had grace except at Thanksgiving before the meal.


The same reason the USA attacked Iraq and Afghanistan instead of Saudi Arabia when it was 12 Saudi disciples with box cutters who attacked the USA in airplanes and rammed them into the buildings in New York City with innocents (the unaware, citizens going to work) inside them, the planes and the buildings. And Duplicity: THE OIL BUSINESS They say there were 19 Saudis but one plane didn’t make it to it’s course which I think was intending to go to the White House and another hit the Pentagon. Perhaps two different things going on at the same time. Like the Boston Marathon. One planned and one not planned. Sandy Hook Elementary. Benghazi., ETC May have something to do with our intelligence which comes from the Vatican who are not really our allies. And possibly England. PERHAPS GERMANY. THE CROWN OF ENGLAND ARE GERMAN! The two entities that left Benghazi early before the attacks were: THE RED CROSS and THE BRITS AND THE ONES THAT ATTACKED A FEW OTHER PLACES THAT WERE PLANNED BY SOMEONE WITH FALSE AND OBLIGATORY RIOTS OVER A VIDEO TAPE NO ONE EVER HAD HEARD OF OR HAD SEEN EXCEPT JESUIT FATHER FREDERIKO LOMBARDI, the pope’s right hand man and side kick. REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED AT CAMP BASTION? THE BRITS LEFT THEIR POST AND AMERICANS WERE ATTACKED AND KILLED! I THINK THE JESUITS ARE INVOLVED! UNDERCOVER CATHOLICS PROTECTING THE POPES INTERESTS AND THEIR INTERESTS. I THINK MANY BAD THINGS OCCUR BECAUSE OF BAD INTELS INTELLIGENCES BECAUSE OF SPIES AND STUPIDITY AND THE REACTIONS TO IT. What is the mark of the beast?  OR Maybe the unmark of the beast?

Calls it everlasting covenant yet it lasts about however long it is till he renames Abraham to Abram. and/or possibly however long it takes to destroy false worship and idolatry, perhaps.

The flap of skin (foreskin) is called the prepuce.




Child mortality


U.S. Senator Salaries – How Much Does a Senator Make?


Flat Tax vs Consumption Tax




Rand Paul hits bumps in first week of campaign


Europe’s Sex Education Goal: More Babies

I sense a morsel of fear on this subject but it makes absolute good sense to tackle this moral challenge at the nub and still be able to go to the pub. No more rubbers (pollution). No more birth control pills that cause blood clots and other problems (very expensive). Less rapes and easier to pin a rape on the real culprit, Etc MIght even lead to cures of certain kinds of behavior for some men that cause problems in marriages and families. Less venereal diseases. It’s a win-win kind of solution. IT MAY BE UNCONVENTIONAL BUT PERHAPS IT WOULD BE A SUCCESS AND A WORTHWHILE ENDEAVOR. This could be monumental for the human race and not turned into an election ploy and prevent the insincere piety of certain groups to gain favor and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and actually solve a big crisis without banging over the head women and girls who had to make a decision in a crisis and in a timely fashion when many or some couldn’t deal with the crisis maturely or weren’t ready to raise a child or didn’t want to entrap a male and probably prevented their own murder or death in a back alley or some abandoned field or creek bed etc. Could help with the mental health of many girls and women (and males) that usually flare up later in life due to unusual reactions to brutal or bad behavior, disbelief, senseless psychological and physical bullying of victims AND THEIR FAMILIES and religious folly, bullying, intimidation, etc. IT WOULD HAVE A GREAT AFFECT ON THE CHILD PORN INDUSTRY, PORNOGRAPHY, AND THE MOB. IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR MANY PEOPLE. LESS MURDERS AND LESS SUICIDES. LESS DRUG USAGE DUE TO THE PAIN AND SUFFERING AND GRIEF THAT COMES BECAUSE OF SEXUAL INSANITY, STUPIDITY, MALE DYSFUNCTIONS AND RELIGIOUS ZEALOTS WHO HAVE LITTLE UNDERSTANDING OF THE TRUTH ABOUT THE LIVES OF OTHERS LESS FORTUNATE USING PEOPLE (ENTRAPPING THEM) TO ENLARGE THEMSELVES, ENLARGE THEIR RELIGION, ENLARGE THEIR OWN CONTROL AND THEIR OWN POWER TO FILL THEIR OWN POCKETS AND BANK ACCOUNTS AND TO GET ELECTED! EVERY ELECTION ABORTION COMES UP AND BY NOW YOU WOULD THINK WE MIGHT HAVE SOLVED THE PROBLEM AND MAYBE THIS IS THE ANSWER IF IT REALLY MEANS THAT MUCH TO YOU TO:


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Are you REALLY pro life

or merely pro pious about your convictions for the election and to hobnob with other pious pimps. If you aren’t interested in solving the abortion dilemma it appears you are using it as a tribulation sport!

The press when it lies doesn’t just lie to one person they lie to many people so they ought to be careful, IMO because it seems to be without remorse. They never check out, neither include, nor inquire about what the truthers (for free) have documented about the lies of the press on many news stories in the past few years and in regards to the hoaxes. Like they say in regards to Tsarnaev who they say is without remorse, you have to teach remorse and if you teach lies in your religion you aren’t teaching about remorse, are ya, because you don’t seem to care about the truth! The Boston Marathon was proved to be a hoax. Not one piece of evidence was offered by the press for examination obviously because it was a hoax otherwise why would they be afraid to include it as an option and who or what is stopping them i.e.: HOLDING THEM BACK. THE HOLY SPIRIT? Hiding evidence is untruthful and is evidence tampering by ignoring evidence and they get paid to lie. It has been proven over and over again (thanks to the truthers) with each hoax that has occurred since Barack Obama won the election and since Benghazi. Tsar (Tsarnaev) is another form or spelling of the word CZAR which are rulers of Russia in the past (history). What did Obama call his appointees? Czars. Naev could be another form of spelling of NAVY or NAIVE or KNAVE? LIndsay Graham feared a loose nuke on the run was on the coast of his state a while back. Is that why? Fear? If you really cared about mothers and the unborn you would have thought about the idea I put forth as an option or a potential solution instead of using abortion for political fodder to gain a seat in Congress or the Presidency. How many years have you had to come up with a viable solution? How many years have you used this controversy?


TIT FOR TAT…YING AND YANG is what I see occurring in government and religion. How about the truth or including some? Dost thou get a kick out of being Sikh pricks? Screen Shot 2015-04-09 at 1.46.10 AM It’s so easy for thee might as well learn Bhangra Punjabi dance steps for your lack of credibility!

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Take some lessons! OOOOHHHHHMMMMMMMM. How many Sacraments do you have in your Catholic Faith? Seven. The Seven Catholic Sacraments Screen Shot 2015-04-08 at 8.05.15 PM

Seven deadly sins

And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
For some reason they call them hills.
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Revelation 17: 4-5 

King James Version (KJV)

And the woman (church) was arrayed (dressed) in purple (bishops) and scarlet (cardinalscolour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations (Obama Nations?IRAN) and filthiness of her fornication (screwing people): And upon her forehead was a name written, (ashes: Wednesday’s child is full of grace, but not really just plain old B.S.Grace is holding sin over your head for as long as they CAN unless you receive an indulgence via paying them off or ally with them, or annulment as long as you are faithful to them.) Screen Shot 2015-04-08 at 7.57.59 PM  Mystery (latin), Babylon The Great (abortion), The Mother Of Harlots (churches in alliance with Roman Catholicism and the RCC is the hen) And Abominations (nations in alliance with Roman Catholicism and all the other BS they do) Of The Earth (The planet we live on). Screen Shot 2015-04-08 at 7.55.40 PMScreen Shot 2015-04-08 at 7.54.39 PMScreen Shot 2015-04-08 at 7.57.03 PM

For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath (tribulation via the wine press and other tactics : abortion ) of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
No other religion besides Islam competes with Catholics in the injecting themselves in the politics and religions of the nations of the earth. Does Islam drink wine?

Umm that doesn’t bode well for the elect.

What say ye, Hannity? O’reilly?

Can these verses be any more explicit? You have to read Revelation to understand what’s in Revelation, and guess what… your religion/faith is in Revelation with it’s allies and offshoots etc.

Who killed Jesus? Who was in control of Jerusalem? Roman Catholics.


Tea Party rivalry brewing between Cruz, Paul in 2016




‘Allah Akbar’ or ‘Allahu Akbar’?


International Pillow Fight Day: People are clobbering each other with pillows

around the world (photos, video)

‘SNL’ Spoofed Church Of Scientology With A Scathing Fake Ad


which happened right after Pope Benedict XVl pressed the Japanese to accept the ROMAN CATHOLIC Neo-Catechumenal Way and the Roman Catholic Japanese (the mother of all martyrs) resisted and asked for a 5 years delay because of the suicide rate had increased dramatically on their trial run. Why doesn’t Sean Hannity or Fox News investigate Fukushima and the Neo-Catechumenal Way and it’s connection to Roman Catholicism’s desire for a One World Government with Teeth and Obama Care and Nancy Pelosi or are you afraid what you might find? It would be a noble love (Chernobyl) to pursue the truth about your religion and the pain and suffering it has indulged itself upon the earth and those living on this planet. Or the effects of the cell phone and mind/population control. Or how about the connection between the Jesuits, the Popes spokesman, and the excuse for Benghazi or are you afraid?

Oh, that’s right you don’t get paid for the truth: it’s the election, stupid.

There Comes a Time by Neil Young

People commenting on tv about everyone else have no idea how far off the mark they are concerning reality and truthfulness and sanity. The truthers proved the insanity of the press many times. Take the story about Fukushima and the comments which prove it as far as I’m concerned the press is “The big liar” machine. What about those starfish that turned to jelly? Memories like sieves. That is why one of the Jesuses is said to have said in one of the gospels – Simon, Simon (not Simon, simon as in Amen, amen) Satan hath desired to sift you as wheat- or whatever he said because of the memory gland in the heads of the press and in males as a rule of thumb. By the way how many of the many have come in Jesus name? All they care about is the next election. As far as people and their problems or conflicts the press bears a great responsibility for many of those conflicts in this world as far as I’m concerned because of their shallow reporting and their lies. Good luck when you need it, cuz you’re gonna need it. The winepress….drunks. I think it is getting time to turn off Fox News, They have proved over and over again they don’t care about the truth which is intentional which means their intent is bad and don’t deserve any attention. So i’m gonna do my best in that regard from here on out. I think they are a cult. DUH, I guess.

Chicago’s first-ever mayoral runoff election nears end

Tough to win an election when elections are fixed. What happens when the power goes out will Rahm Emanuel dare to walk out his front door?

When the IRS is abolished what in the world will New York do?

Have you ever had a cop call you acting like the IRS? LOL I have a good memory and an ear for voices. What does it mean? I DON’T KNOW.

It’s EERIE, but true though not truthful!

A Kind of Romance

I think Scots like to be Scot Free of responsibility for things they cause and will go to extreme measures to be innocent of their kilt. MY ex is part Scottish and Belgian (and part noodle head), even using their daughters for this dirty deed because he wants to bury me. I keep getting up again. LOL

Harry Reid Says He’s Blind in His Right Eye


Think about the verse in Zechariah about

Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
This video about John McCain is quite interesting as well as the comments that follow. He was playing video games during the Hillary Clinton hearings about Benghazi (or John Kerry hearings). Not sure which one. But he should have been interested enough to pay attention. His Vietnam POW buddy died at a convenient time recently. The woman Senator Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head at Safeway which happened in Arizona as well as the district attorney I think it was who was investigating Fast and Furious. There was a strange out of control fire in Arizona when a bunch of fire fighters were trapped and it happened at a convenient time. Probably to hide some kind of evidence. He blinks a bunch when he want’s people to like him and accept his lies which is very irritating to watch. He supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. He keeps getting reelected which means something is definitely wrong at the polls such as voting means absolutely nothing anymore. He was photo’d with Ambassador Chris Stevens of Benghazi and obviously involved as was Hillary Clinton. He is just sucking off the American taxes as most of the Congress. He obviously wasn’t interested in testimony of Benghazi because he knows more than he is letting on. A lot of coincidences. In any case he’s a wash in that there is nothing worthy about him. Obviously Ambassador Chris Stevens is still alive but something happened there but not what we are hearing or seeing but I don’t think it’s gonna pass by as if nothing happened as much as they wish it would go away. They ought to fess up and face the truth before they get sucked into a big worm hole in space. Add it up with the stuff about Viet Nam in this video and you got a traitor. I don’t know whether he was tortured or not in Viet Nam but he doesn’t act like a hero in his activities as a Senator. Could be he was brain washed and sent back to America to be a traitor. Now he’s there for the ride (easy money) and not for the good of Americans, Egyptians, or anyone else for that matter. I think he is just a very weak person with weak character and no scruples and used his injuries to get elected over and over again. I think he’s a coward and very lazy such as playing video games during a hearing that was important and misusing funds earned by Americans to take away rights of many people. I think thats evil. 
When I think about John McCain I think of the words:

Milk toast.

Now May Be the Time for John McCain to Retire

A long time ago would have been better.

Both John McCain and Harry Reid are Federal Senate representatives for states on the border and that ain’t no coincidence and probably has to do with arms and terrorism. His POW friend who died recently probably was a way to keep McCain in line. HIllary Clinton’s injury was to keep her in line. Harry Reid’s injuries were to keep him in line. Benghazi was to keep the administration of Obama in line.

That’s how mobsters work and that’s what terrorism is about.

Roman Catholic Papacy and Islam are the culprits.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

By the way, if you change the spelling of Guile you come close to the name Luige or LUIGI


federico luigi lombardi.

He is the Jesuit Pope Francis’s spokesman and is also a Jesuit who came up with the excuse for Benghazi FIRST:


(A mobster and a half)

Both are haters of females and have demonstrated it over and over again in their deeds to protect their false church, false worship and to protect their ill-gotten assets

(obtained by duplicity, lying, thievery, murder, and terrorism)

It is ruff-age for thee to poop against the hemorrhoids, the glory of the olives, and/or priests, bishops, cardinals called fathers that don’t reproduce?

However it’s not that hard to kick against assholes just be sure to wear shoes.

Hillary Clinton: Granddaughter led me ‘to speed up’ political plans

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wonder how many photos it took to get this one. 200? Must have been grueling. LOL She loves it so she wants to be really busy so she doesn’t have to baby sit. They hire nannies anyway more than likely: a kid is like a doll you put it on the shelf when you have other things to do. Quality vs Quantity time -wisdom. Let someone else change their diaper and educate them such as the village with Common Core teaching the study of study. Analyzing analyzation, 2 + 2 =5 if you insert a 1 later one. Dumbing down for the sake of the common good: ROMAN CATHOLIC DOGMA giving Bill O’reilly and Watters’ World, Jesse Watters something to do : mock ignorance that they teach!

That’s obnoxious. She is really looking forward to having time with her grandchild fund raising, press conferences, debates, and hopefully Congressional hearings about Benghazi. Maybe it’s time to retire, Hillary. You don’t have to die though, you can still influence with your ill-gotten wisdom. I can’t imagine Hillary running for President and hasn’t answered hardly anything about Benghazi by stalling with Clintonian dexterity (sounds really old doesn’t it? Clintonian “Don’t ask, don’t tell” HUSHHHHHHH Little baby don’t say a word, papas gonna buy you a mockingbird……..)

I do think if they took a video tape of the birth of Chelsea’s child they should provide it for public consumption. DNA testing should also be provided so that we KNOW it’s Chelsea’s baby and whoever it is she married while we’re at it and not Bill’s love child or a mere prop as many candidates tend to do for a vote: Telephones, etc. to make Hillary seem child friendly. She only had one child in her marriage so is she using her grandchild and pictures to soften her image? I’m sure they wouldn’t mind providing proof: video tape of them interacting with the baby or during child birth since we get to see them in action and hear them in action with their grandchild instead of a mere in a photo, something usually reserved for good friends and family

for gift’s sake.

Why not have a video tape running all the time in their house so we can see how they interact all the time and how often Hillary is willing to baby sit between her duties as a Presidential candidate and the same for Bill Clinton so we can see how much time he is willing to devote to the grandchild between fund raising, hobnobbing, and backing his Presidential candidate, his wife and how they make determinations about their future hopes so we can decide if they are doing it right and if and how they handle the pressure under pressure so we may learn.

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Is the baby insured now? Was the baby insured during pregnancy? If so ….HOW and how much? What company? Will she ride in a pope mobile with the grandchild and will the public be able to kiss her grandchild? Will her grandchild be with her at the Iowa Caucus? Will she allow them to lay hands on her and her grandchild and pray? Will the grandchild be allowed to speak in tongues? What religions will the grandchild be raised in? Will she take the grandchild to Benghazi, Libya and/or the hearings about Benghazi? Isis territory? Syria? Israel? Egypt? What doctor will the grandchild go to? What will be the grand child’s inheritance and where will it come from: fund raising? Haiti? Central America? Argentina? Saudi Arabia? The Roman Catholic Church? Vatican? The Jesuits?

What is the grandchild’s name and social security number? Where will the grandchild bank at?

What difference does it make, at this point……..?

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Beginning to look like Bill O’reilly or vice versa! I suspect on the horizon we will experience an attempt by Roman Catholicism at a false covenant of some kind having to do with anuses. I’m pretty sure that Pope Francis will be involved somehow or another. Seems fitting if the shoe fits. Hemorrhoidal attempt to hold on to the status quo.

Does the grandchild have any recognizable marks such as freckles or moles etc? Will the grandchild be covered by Obama Care? Will the grandchild go to public schools and learn Common Core and eat the required calorie intake by Michelle’s suggested lunch program? Will the grandchild have dental records provided just in case there’s a mix up? Who will be the God parent (Sean Penn?) and why? Will the grandchild be allowed to immigrate to Central America unchaperoned? At what age? Will the grandchild be allowed to marry an African American or anyone of another race, creed, or color, sex if desired? Will the grand child be allowed to travel with the Secret Service in the future unchaperoned? Will the grandchild have diplomatic immunity when traveling? Will the grandchild have religious liberty to pick it’s own religion? Will the grandchild be baptized, sprinkling (Catholic) or full drench (born again)? Why? Will the grandchild be circumcised and by whom? Will they encase the flapdoodle of their grandchildren and show it at their Presidential library? What blood type is the grandchild? At what age will the grandchild be allowed to have sex? Will the grand child be allowed to go to Spring break in Florida, Texas, California or Overseas?

Will the grandchild be restrained in a car seat when traveling? Will the grandchild be restrained in a seat belt as it ages when traveling so it won’t fall flat on it’s face if an accident occurs? Will the grandchild be bundled with gates on the side of it’s crib so the grandchild won’t fall out of the crib while dreaming or in the state of REM or needing to urinate and fall flat on it’s face? Will the Clinton and Chelsea help the child learn to walk with or without help? Will the child be restrained in a stroller or will it be unrestrained even when strolling down a hill? will the grandchild be allowed to be unrestrained in a cart at the grocery store? Will the child wear warm socks and warm clothing in wintertime? Will the grandchild be breast fed, fed from a bottle, or fed from a drinking glass at the start? Will they provide breathing treatments and/or oxygen for the child if needed in case of asthma or because of a weak constitution? Will the grandchild be required to go to the doctor every time it needs medication for a prescribed chronic ailment or will the child be given leniency to skip the doctors appointment saving time and money and be allowed the medication because it was prescribed until something obvious changes? Will the child be able to pick it’s doctor when it gets older or will the Clintons disallow their grandchild the freedom to choose between a good doctor and a bad? Will the Clintons hire a doctor with a bad reputation for making mistakes in the operating room, drinking while operating on a patient, bad hygiene in medical devices, bad reputation for making false statements, and bad reputation for many bad diagnoses, and a bad reputation for providing negligent care?

Will the grandchild be allowed to dye hair, tattoo, or body pierce and at what age? Will the grandchild be allowed to own property or rent property? Will the grandchild be allowed to be employed? Will the grandchild be allowed to serve in the armed forces? What friends will the grandchild be allowed to rub shoulders with? Who will be the grandchild’s nannies? What religion will they be? Why? Will the grandchild have an ironing lady? Who will guard the grandchild and why? What will be the grandchild’s inheritance? Will the grandchild be protected by armed guards? Will your grandchild provide you with protection from falling flat on your face? Will the grandchild provide rational common sense restraints, warmth, medical devices and medication, food and lodging, entertainment, and the care that you provided your child (their mother) or tried to provide for you child with intelligent people trained properly who aren’t ignorant and negligent because of a lousy education system forced upon the population and not offered to some because of beliefs in their wiley ways or because they might have common sense ideas and inventions to help fix the problems caused by a bunch self righteous avenging idiots who can’t see the forest for the trees motivated by political and religious fear, intimidation and blind occult and cultic devotion to Mary and the degradation of other females for the sake of mankind and their flapdoodle covenant?

Will the grandchild have to wear pantsuits or a red and white checkered shirt?

What does it matter?

What if the banks fail world wide and the money you thought you stored up means absolutely nothing thus the power you thought you could depend upon disappeared. That’s what.

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For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?

What about that point?

Ryan’s Hope was a good movie though I don’t remember how it ends because it was a long movie and a bit depressing. I saw it as a teenager when I was in Hawaii with a young man who had been a neighbor in the past and soon after he died in a car wreck trying to get on the mainland or after he had gotten to the mainland via hitch-hiking, so I heard. Pretty strange. Kind of felt like it was a message looking back but I think it was a misguided one as so many are. I was pretty ignorant then about the world and about God and the times we live in as most of us were. His mom was a Senator. Very nice family. Since I think I have seen a part of his family though we didn’t communicate.

I have had some strange events in my life like a fire ball shooting into a home I was in and other otherworldly type things. And I know I have taken some guff because of my beliefs that seem to upset a lot of people. Little ole me? Ridiculous that it does make people so irritable and unhinged, but they like their apple cart even though it seems to be rotting. However in my estimation I will be victorious with the ones I love regardless how it appears at the moment because appearances are deceiving.

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There ought to be a rule that if your leaders are still wearing garb from the 16th century and their woman are wearing garb from the 3rd century you should not be allowed to have modern warfare weapons such as Iran however because of that it will probably backfire.

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The Pope and Darth Vader are planning to reconcile their differences. Took long enough.


If they try it in some states they may actually be dealing with a dirty bomb kind of like what happened in Boston at the Marathon when they were training rescue people and actually had to rescue people. HArd to fight the effects of a dirty bomb with out the proper coverings. Kind of stupid to be thinking of attacking Americans by your own government. Gosh there will be some sick national guardsmen if they don’t watch out. Might backfire.

Alan Colmes: Hillary derangement syndrome has begun

“Alan you say Hillary derangement syndrome has begun:”

“(Alan Holmes engages in unintelligible rambling trying to begin to read tweets about Hillary Clinton and then finally says:) Republicans think she was Jodie Arias, I mean (laughter) I mean (laughter) you got, listen Steven Crowder tweets: Let me clarify my wife not a bitch, Michelle Obama not a bitch, Hillary Clinton total bitch. Chuck Johnson: The only way to stop the bitch is to think like her…………”

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Senator Marko Rubio has announced his run as a Republican for the office of the President

and he brought a small paper cup of water with him to announce his intentions

and took a sip of water and continued forward with his rationale.

My advice: Don’t go to Iowa! You don’t need to!

Carly Fiorina

I’m not sure I trust Carly Fiorina from what I watched on an interview on a Sunday on Fox News Sunday and her dependence on electronics. There are other issues in our country besides what Hewlett Packard is involved with which brought her up for their reasons, I’m sure. Their product. I hope she can elaborate more in other kinds of ways besides what the world more than likely will destroy itself by such as the inventions and intervention of devices to impede on our privacy and on our rights. I’m not sure I want Hewlett Packard ruling our country not that they don’t have good qualities. Just not sure I want a world without the human touch. Robots are really amazing but I don’t want them to take over, do you? They don’t have souls, spirits, or consciences and are merely facts and figures that can be manipulated to lie, take over jobs, making humans nonessential when the earth was created for humans by God and not for robots to control humanity. ALso saw her on a show talking about gay marriage and she was asked if she had or would attend a gay marriage and said she attended a reception but felt uncomfortable if she would attend a wedding at a church. For heavens sake a church is only a building and doesn’t have a mind to discern the difference however the reception does have a mind and knew she attended. I think she blew that answer. What she should have said is it spends on the couple getting married. There are gay people and there are gay people. Some are cool and some are not cool. Some are extroverts being gay is a game and not a reality for them, but merely entertainment. Fakes. Attention getters. There’s a difference. Like naked women painted in flags in New York city walking in heels like they worked in Las Vegas with big showgirl feather hats. Fakey attention for their own egos. I’ll bet if they were 50 years old they wouldn’t dare but the one I saw was slinking around getting off on the attention. I have no earthly idea why they were doing it in the first place but must have been advertising of some kind near the businesses. Good thing the cops didn’t slam them to the concrete with a choke hold and hand cuff them, but the businesses didn’t seem to complain.

Just Hannity!

Sell sex not cigarettes! Political correctness gone awry.

Did they sell more american flags that day because of it?

I don’t care what country you live in or how united a country seems you don’t have the same destiny and it has nothing to do with race. It’s plur-privity, which is absurd. If it were true I would be as rich as the Clintons or the Obamas and that rich feeling wouldn’t feel that rich since everyone would be the same. Prices would definitely rise at an alarming rate. It’s nonsense. Even when seemingly united some nut case went after Lincoln whether it was his wife in a trance or some guy in a theater. A potato chip wrote a poem to Mrs. Lincoln about grace. I have no idea if this is true or not because it talks about having blood on her hands which is weird but typical of nuts. Kind of an unforgiving poem which is typical of grace.

What does ballet, swans, saying grace, and grace have to do with forgiveness anyway? It’s Roman Catholic dogma and makes absolutely no sense.

Kind of reminds me of the guy forgiving another guy of beheading a bunch of guys a day later to prove his faith.

He didn’t know any of them if it even happened, so it hardly had an affect on him. If it had been his son who was beheaded he might have felt differently, more than likely. And if they do forgive a day later they don’t mean it and they didn’t obviously love their son that much. People say things in shock and because of peer pressure. That’s my opinion. There is a lot of peer pressure in Christian religions to prove something and I think they (religious assholes) get a kick out of it. Just remembered it was a COPtic Christian who forgave the beheaders. I don’t. I don’t forgive them even for the mere fact they made a movie about it with Islamic mocking music like the one with a man burning in a cage and it’s putrid music. Obama’s kind of music.

It was Dominic.

Maybe the reason for the forgiveness by the COPtics leader is fear or compliance. How can you comply with that kind of


 But they got the Jordanian King to randomly bomb a site for Obama because of fear.

Another word for compliance is appeasement. That’s all it is but wait for another day and they will be compliant and appeasing the shit out of themselves LITERALLY.

Like for instance IRAN. When they are developing nuke technology to destroy everyone appeasing them but the moment they use it, believe me it will be the end of appeasement. What happens to a dozen guys for a movie won’t be an issue because a nuke is a whole different kind of ballgame.

There won’t be kings anymore.

(nor Presidents)


We will all be simple folk.

Rick Perry hits Republican presidential candidates over experience

Rick Perry, Gun Control, and Border Security

We need to be able to carry guns in Texas and any state on the border of the USA since some ISIS are out for blood in the USA and terrorists of all kinds are a threat whatever they call themselves. I think some that claim that Isis is responsible for everything in the middle east are mindless since before ISIS terrorism was occurring quite frequently and spread to Europe, Russia, Africa, South America, North America and The USA. I don’t believe all of ISIS is the same but our borders are not safe and therefore we should be armed if we want to be armed in those states to protect the borders until the borders are secure and so far they are not, OBVIOUSLY. However guns should not be allowed in anyplace that serves alcohol with in so many feet or miles from places that sell alcohol. If someone has a BEER GUT they probably shouldn’t own a gun or be allowed to because their mind is not in tip top shape including COPS. There ought to be a law against beer guts and alcohol tainted brains and carrying arms. They tend not to have sound judgement longer than while they are intoxicated, but beer guts tend to illustrate quite readily those that are influenced by alcohol and should have to work off the BEER GUT in order to carry a gun and have their brains examined frequently with ultra sound or X-rays to determine the damage done. IF you are affected by alcohol you should not be able to carry arms in public places at all or get paid to be a cop or keep their job (if they are frequent users (weekly) of either alcohol or drugs), and only have guns just for protection in the home. Same goes for marijuana use and carrying guns. There should be standards for cops, the Secret service or any other law enforcement that carries guns or use weapons of any kind in public places. Probably psychiatric evaluation might also be required if done fairly with a variety of psychiatrists from different political/religious bents.

So I guess they ought to work on securing the border first in order to implement laws that are ridiculous and suicidal! I would like to hear more from the former Texas Governor Rick Perry in regards to the border and what he would do about the things related and written about in this post. I think experience matters and being a Governor of a state is far superior to being a Senator in regards to that kind of experience that is needed in The White House. Senators are merely good at talking most of the time that I have witnessed and not really doing. HERE, HERE.

I would think that Rick Perry would be the most desirable because of experience and being on a border state since the job of the Federal Government is for protection of the shores and country side of the USA. That’s why Federal income Taxes were introduced into the tax code and IRS in the first place and as long as they collect Federal Income Tax they ought to secure the borders because that is the job of the Presidency. I think Rick Perry knows the ropes and the pitfalls in that regard. Makes him the best contender IMO for the Presidency of the USA not all the other rubbish they try to inflict upon the citizens. Otherwise all Sentors that want to become President ought to live 10 miles over the border from Matamoras or similar cities of Mexico that are on the border with border states of the US just to gauge the danger or have a real sense of the danger of illegal immigration that includes some that shouldn’t even be in Mexico much less crossing the border amongst normal people for their cover such as probably occurred when a bunch of kids supposedly crossed. I think Rick Perry has some experience as to the possibilities more than for example: Nancy Pelosi .

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Mike Huckabee

Mike Huckabee is running now for President. Hw was on the Kelly File and said that one lady sent him $10  of the 38 she had in her possession totally and softly bragging about it. He should send $10 back to that lady, I have watched his shows and while he may think he is a good guy I think he is full of it. He could be a wild card that screws it up for someone more desirable. Sometimes that is what these guys do, steal votes. I don’t think he could possibly be even handed as a President because of his religion. He yucks it up a lot. I think he is a typical of some christians and not reasonable. In LA LA LAND. Anyone that feels they have to play with every band that is on his show is gross. IMO He has to pay to play, not that he doesn’t serve a purpose which sometimes is good. I don’t think he’s intellectually honest, but soft-spoken. He reminds me of my Uncle Ted. Easy faith. Not much substance otherwise he would be truthful. That’s important. Kind of looks like Pope Francis and evangelicals do represent Catholicism. That’s where they came from based on deception. I liked my Uncle Ted but he was kind of dishonest in some ways. He was the youngest of a brood of 7 and a bit wild so he has a pretty good excuse for his ways and all the other things he went through as a child and adult. Talked softly but wasn’t one to stand up against the odds. More like a sponge. Sorry Ted you are still a good guy in some ways in my memory. Not much courage! And we as a country need to have courage. His life has been to easy for Huckabee to really understand but he makes one think that he is concerned but I don’t think he really is. Just bragging about the woman that sent him one fourth of her cash is kind of sleazy to prove he is in their camp or has suffered much lately because of his beliefs. Trying to get votes by his donators suffering is kind of cheesy. Run on the issues and say what you are gonna do to change it. There are a lot of poor people these days and it would be a shame if they fell for his humbleness. I think he’s kind of a fake. HIs humility isn’t believable and especially since he is untruthful and can’t possibly understand what it’s like to be poor. Plus I noticed he was using the audience adding as he went knowing his schpeel wasn’t sufficient. I think he is more of a vote stealer and has enough money to waste on stealing votes and will use poor people to trick voters. There are tons of poor people now so it isn’t dumb, just sleazy. Lot of poor people spent their last 30 bucks to see Elvis Presley forgoing what their kids needed, etc. Poor people aren’t necessarily the wisest. Could be Huckabee needs some dough. If all the poor people in his state or the country gave him ten dollars he’d haul in some bucks. LOL We don’t need a mama’s boy as a President.

Thumbs down!

Whatever you don’t vote for Ben Carson he had something to do with the Space challenger’s space disaster.

The o ring.

The most ridiculous subterfuge is the minimum wage hike. 

Feels like high school politics.

Clergy and hospital parking lots

Clergy get special parking places reserved at hospitals so that other people coming to visit family have to skip their parking place that is empty to wait for others leaving the hospital to get a place somewhat near the entrance. That is absolutely ridiculous. Next thing you know they will provide a pope mobile for the clergy to visit patients. Makes you think they profit by the sick and those that are hospitalized. ONe day it was just empty. The next day after writing this it had a car in there for a little while and today all day long. I didn’t dare park there for I didn’t want to offend.

They don’t deserve a reserved parking space, they can walk upright can’t they?

I was in the hospital 2 weeks ago, on pain medication and I would have liked that parking space to park in to visit my kid because it was convenient and empty. Still is.

You would not believe the hoops I have had to jump through in terms of the old folks retirement community center in San Antonio and still they resist doing what they should do and are untruthful when caught being negligent in regards to what they said they would do or what witnesses observed. It’s a tough business and could use some good hardworking intelligent people to make improvements: THEY REALLY NEED TO GET WITH IT and BE WHAT THEY ADVERTISE TO GET PATIENTS TO SELL THEIR HOMES TO INVEST IN THEIR BUSINESS. SO FAR THEY HAVE ALLOWED THEMSELVES TO FALL TO THE LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR AND THAT”S CALLED LAZINESS, STUPID, HEARTLESS AND FALSE ADVERTISING. THEY TRY TO INTIMIDATE THE FAMILIES TO EXPECT THE LEAST AND THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

To be fair there are some state laws that they have to adhere to that make their job harder when handling old people. Somehow there needs to be some common sense brought back to the laws vs. what is best for each patient.

Restraining laws seem to be a problem obviously so they don’t restrain them unkindly and hurt patients however they take it to the nth degree to the detriment of the patient such as the woman found on the floor bleeding out her nose in a puddle of blood in front of the nurses station and no one was attending her. Obviously they can’t tie patients down with duct tape. but to say they can’t use seat belts in wheel chairs is ridiculous so that they don’t leap to the floor bleeding profusely like you would a child in a stroller. In the past there must have been some abuses that required legal action in the restraining of patients so the over reaction is to put patient in peril just to make some kind of stink. Talked to the overseer (not the doctor that spends 4 hours a week with his patients but) the one that is in charge of the whole section. She told me that the woman on the floor who was bleeding was not true basically calling me a liar as a few others but she wasn’t there and I said I have three witnesses and mistakenly she blurted out the name of the patient who was on the floor bleeding though I didn’t get it exactly. Then she tried to tell me it wasn’t true that my mom was at oxygen level 75 because she was in the hallway sleeping on her own lap and I said she was not telling the truth because my sister happened upon my mom in that position and in that condition in a wheel chair. (Third time’s the charm i.e. the cock that crows, so let’s hope they don’t go there.) I tried to suggest earlier in the week with a sane worker that tables which are found in their bedrooms would help them while in their wheel chairs being set in the hallway for an hour or so before lunch so that they could rest their heads and upper body on the table instead of relying on the air to keep them up. I don’t know what drugs they might use to restrain but let’s hope that is not in the equation and I doubt they would rat on themselves if they do. Both times Pat wasn’t getting the right scoop about her workers and the patients and system that she oversees. Not entirely her fault though where with who is responsible? Where does the buck stop and with who? So state laws need to be a bit flexible for the sake of the patient and the retirement centers workers, nurses and doctors. Seems to me to be extreme type tactics to make some kind of statement at the expense of those that need good care who are paying for it and deserve it and because of their promise otherwise false initiatives used to gain oversight of old people without merit.

Then found out the oxygen concentrator they said they would order that they (as time went by) said they did order they did not order because the one company they tried to order from would not accept an out of city medical provider. So they hadn’t tried any other company and were lying about that they did receive an Oxygen concentrator to be dedicated to my mom’s breathing problem and then said they have their own and were providing her with dedication an oxygen concentrator 24 hours a day and I said then how come twice she was below 80% oxygen once at 75% another at 78% so had to reiterate strongly that the hospital told us that she needed to be in the 90% or above 90% oxygen for her health and now they are gonna try to do that but she said they can’t watch her 24 hours a day even though that is their job. That is why they have workers through the night to check on them 24 hours a day. Otherwise they would be an 8 to 5 business and that is not what they are or what they sold to those that bought their product of care. Excuses Excuses Excuses. They do have limitations but they also should attempt to be much much much better than the least common denominator.

Families of patients at these fine businesses need to get to know each other so they can compare notes and treatment and do their part to help each other and keep the staff in tip top condition especially when dealing with military families whose officers and men were expected to behave that way in battle and on the front lines to protect the people in the USA when serving in the armed forces. The woman bloodied who fell on the floor unattended and had to be taken to the hospital her name was Berglia or Berglian something like that. They aren’t supposed to give out information on other patients but it kind of blurted out of Pats’ mouth in the heat of the moment. Still I know it’s a tough business but if you can’t handle it let someone fill the spot who can handle it. Pat was the name of the overseer. Anyway I’m gonna deal with Pat as much as possible to help her on my end to do better job on her end with common sense improvements. It isn’t her fault if people lie to her but that seems to be part of the problem and it has to be rectified.

Pat tried to intimidate me and what she got was deserved however I apologized for her sake and to be kind knowing that she must be struggling to be the least she can be and maybe there are reasons for it and with reason and common sense we can work it out so that she can be the best she can be for the sake of doing a good job and for the sake of our parents, their patients and for the sake of their business. Someday it will be her so I would think it would be wise to keep that in mind and hopefully there will be care 24 hours a day in actuality to the extent that is possible to give 24 hours a day care. They get paid to do it so they need to try harder to do it. And if they want help in the state laws overseeing them (marginally) they ought to ask so that they can do a better job and not resent those that want what’s best for both parties: the patient and the retirement center business and their workers and thirdly the families of the patients so that they don’t end up in a really nasty law suit filling the pockets of lawyers instead of improving care for themselves in the future, their families (their loved ones in the present), as well as the businesses that provide care and provide good paying jobs for now and for the future. Obviously a doctor overseeing a retirement center as one of two doctors expending 4 hours a week with his dedication is making beau coups of money or he wouldn’t do it at all. He ought to get in on the act and try to improve his future as well. Changing his business card provided in the lobby front desk and put the correct phone number on it that actually works so he can be reached would be a good start or as he said he will get the phone number fixed. Why not? It’s kind of important! But as I said it turns out that Pat was there at the time of the woman falling because my sister said she thought she saw her which I found out yesterday via  phone call about my mom’s new sickness and bd health. Wko hired who? Did Pat hire Dr. Denham for being a scumbutt? OR did Dr. Denham hire Pat for being a scumbutt? Or were they hired to make life miserable for army families because they aren’t actually patriots of the USA and possibly work for another government? Are Pat and Dr. Denham spies or are they getting paid by another government. is our government medicare involved? I think their accounts and tweets ought to be investigated for premeditated harm to military families for the Obama administration or for ISIS?


They never ask for the middle finger!

(Until the last time I went to the er a few days ago the nurse or what ever he was did it on my middle finger for the first time which is after I wrote this and the first time I ever rode inane ambulance only a few streets away from the hospital but zI couldn’t breath because of the panic I felt because of what has happened to my mom, my little sisters games about hospicing her and the reactions to it and her trying to earn that $35.000 she keeps in her bank account until mom dies which could be used on my mother instead since DIANE has everything a girl could want. She sent me some clothes of my mothers recently via the Post Office and the timing was kind of funny. Sent some of her clothes too which is kind of funny as well clothes she could wear. WEIRD. But she was told through meeting at the arc that by her diplomacy suggested she hand a bird feeder by mom’s window with a






I wonder sometimes if my mother has undergone some purposeful trauma at THE ARC in SAN ANTONIO.  

(She did mention some women who weren’t nice to her for some reason and she did not know them.)

IT APPEARS THAT WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who trained her to do that, Pat?


I have witnesses, again.

Army Residence Community

Brian Kilmeade on Fox morning show called Fox & Friends interviewed a guy who reported that Putin is selling $500 million surface to air missiles and some other stuff to IRAN showing pictures of Putin shaking hands with some people and comparing our arms to their arms and Nato etc. Then invites people to come to some kind of Freedom picnic or something like that. I wasn’t paying too much attention, but instead devouring my bacon lettuce tomato sandwich, and I thought that’s really gonna help.

Now Christians are supposed to wear orange in solidarity with the beheaded by ISIS. That’s really gonna help!

Maybe we should make it a holiday. Like the Valentine’s Day Massacre.

When that day comes written about in Revelation everyone can wear red and purple in solidarity and make it a holiday.

How many Pats are there? I asked for a case worker for my daughter in the hospital and the name of one of the case workers was Pat. Hopefully she isn’t the same Pats I have encountered recently. I want my daughter to get professional help. I hope this woman named Pat means well and isn’t intent on punishing me using my kid because of my beliefs but it wouldn’t surprise me. We shall see. Everyone else does.

I have found that Roman Catholic Christians really don’t like freedom of speech if it reveals things about Christianity that they don’t like.

So they really aren’t into freedom, are they. They tolerate tongues and frauds all day long, but someone tries to discern the truth and they don’t like it.

The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so:
and what will ye do in the end thereof?
I get ridiculed for trying to teach my child and to protect her and I get tricked and pushed around.
I hope I truly hope to see the tables turn SOON.
Spring Break and the Hannity Show
Why does Hannity make a big deal about drinking on the beach when he consumes vast amounts of beer? A business ought to be able to sell drinks to adults that are legal age at a resort. I’m assuming the legal age is 21 then how do these kids get booze? Booze or beer should not be allowed on the beach. By the time an adult goes to the club they sweat off the alcohol walking back to the beach because it’s not on the waterline or walking back and forth unless they guzzle vat amounts and usually wouldn’t be able to get to the beach if that’s the case. Beaches aren’t that easy to walk when the sun is bearing down on the sand so most of the time those getting drink at a club on the boardwalk or safe building site of most businesses on the shores aren’t gonna walk back to the waterline to act drunk when they can look at the water from a distance and sit in air-conditioned club with lots of waiters or waitresses to wait on them. I guarantee the majority were drinking concealed drinks in flasks or drinks in their coolers they bought at a liquor store and refusing to pay the prices for individual drinks in a bar restaurant and because they would be carted. Why is everyone acting so dumb? Why don’t cops station themselves at convenience stores instead where the kids are obtaining their booze and checking the cars for minors with older kids. Obviously some parents (chaperones) are assisting in buying the booze for them to have on the beach. I think they just like to show the girls doing the dance in their bikinis over and over again and discuss moot points because they don’t intend to change anything and get off on it like the little Cop on Fox who has the brain the size of a hamster brain and got off on how heroin addicts act when high on drugs as if he is any better. He doesn’t need heroin he is already an idiot. Maybe the heroin addict are just trying to emulate cops and need a little help.
If the cops want to stop the madness why not make sure they are legal age at the club and check out the coolers and flasks and take their booze. Find out where they got their booze and blame whoever sold them the booze or bought the booze for them. It is so weird to watch Hannity act so vacant and skip the important part of the problem.
By the way sunshine can also make a person drunk. If you are out in it too long it can affect your senses and make you drunk in a way. That’s why often times people get burned because they fall asleep because of the sunshine and the wind even when cloudy. So you should try to wear hats or cool off often and use tents for protection to sit in or umbrellas besides using skin ointments.
In context:

Jeremiah 5 King James Version (KJV)

One strange event that took place between me an my daughter is I took her to a friends pad… where they were meeting up with other kids and on the way I was kind of mad at her because of the fog. I thought it was ridiculous to be going anywhere in that fog and she acted like I had taken her there the week before but I was in the hospital at the time when she thought I had driven her there and I hadn’t. So who did and why? Anyway the Ex wants to get me out of his life and hopes to win the Lotto which will enable him to rid himself of me. So why does he allow me to live the house? GUILT? I guess he feels trapped when I want the same thing which is pretty weird. He doesn’t want his kids around either. He thinks it’s okay if they are gone all the time or as much a possible and definitely doesn’t want them around me or influenced by me. He is playing WOW.

FBI Admits Elite FBI Forensic Unit Lied In Court For Decades

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They look like sperm educated in a Seminary.

Semen, also known as

 seminal fluid

is an organic fluid that may contain


One thing for sure because of the abuse by Christians and Roman Catholics ISIS will grow to eat up Christians and Roman Catholics because they refuse the truth. I can see why people are joining! It’s too bad, but probably deserved. If only the truth mattered it might make a difference to Roman Catholics and Christians. Screen Shot 2015-04-20 at 6.43.15 PM Back to Federal Income Tax and it’s stated purpose and it’s beginnings which were to protect the USA and was voluntary and still is but most people don’t realize it. Because Christians and Roman Catholics prefer the Synoptic Jesus they pay taxes to the IRS, but if you believe in the Gospel of John’s Jesus you don’t.  Thus making the Roman Catholic Church your spiritual leader plus they have a douche bag for a Pope. Make’s sense that they do, too. The guys in the picture above clustered together didn’t make it. Because that is where most taxes are sifted to their ideas of the world and what it should look like such as be borderless and their idea of Jesus and their idea of God and their idea of women and their place in society which is wearing habits and falling for their mischief. the guys in the picture above don’t look like they know anything that other people don’t know but they get special parking and everyone lauds them as if they do and they don’t because if they did know they wouldn’t be what they are. I bet everyone buys their dinners when they are out thinking they might get to heaven. Their idea of heaven is having the Pope mock women with pictures of embryos or placentas WHY? Because males can’t have embryos or placentas. SO it’s picture perfect jab at women who have to make hard decisions when they were raped or made a huge mistake at age 15 or can’t afford to raise a child because they are a child or because they had too much too drink and get pregnant, but Catholics love alcohol. If they really cared about embryos and placentas and the unborn they would be suggesting no alcohol to themselves and others until after the child bearing years of women and for men after their sperm is totally depleted. Notice they never bring that up? Just spring break kids acting drunk on the beach and blame the guy with a business serving drinks about a mile away. INANE. Screen Shot 2015-04-20 at 6.47.09 PM Michelle Hughes of the CPS stopped by just now at the house and left her business card. Said she didn’t want to talk to the EX or me just to the daughter who is at a barbecue with friends …one called Christian who was busted in Padre Island falsely for a drug ( I think it was a molly) passed to him by someone and he passed it on to an under cover Homeland Security Agent on Spring Break and spent a night in jail the first night they were there because the daughter gets to do what she wants because the EX paid for it. The Ex and the Hospital Case Worker said so just a few days ago because the daughter is an unhappy girl and needs to have the freedom to do what ever she wants even though she should be on restriction. I didn’t give her permission to go to Spring Break but had to comply with the EX and the daughter because the EX paid for it. I think he paid the fine or someone did instead of having to go down to Padre Island to contest it. SHes 16 and isn’t quite ready to do whatever she wants even if she thinks she is, she isn’t but the Case worker (from the hospital) told the Ex since she is unhappy and hence should have the right to do whatever she wants which insane. Is the Case Worker gonna take responsibility for what she does? They don’t feel she should not have to say sorry to her mother or be on restriction for pushing her into the ballet bar with hangers on it forcing me to have to go to the hospital for X-rays and pain medication for two weeks. Nothing broken luckily just bruised what was in-between the ribs like my liver and kidneys. And it still hurts without over the counter pain meds. OR causing a needless scene at the hospital about a shirt vs a tee shirt or ridiculing me with the sonogram lady for having her tested for possible Ectopic Pregnancy for her sake even though the physician said it was a good idea just in case. The case worker from the hospital ought to marry the Ex and go off into the sunset. He won’t take her phone away when she acts up , restriction is out of the question now because of the case worker so what is a mom to do? Just because she is 16 years of age doesn’t cut it. The girl is unhappy because she was bullied at school when she had friends and was a cheerleader and called a whore, got sick and had to got to the hospital for emergency care, etc. it affected her but she blames her mom I think and he definitely doesn’t mind that, obviously. It’s a nightmare in a way. And I hope his turn comes and their turn comes because I think he’s in bed with some real assholes and they are in bed with him and using my daughter for their lack of moral ground and to have power over her their way so she can be what they want her to be and make me watch because they are probably Catholic. My hope is to see the ex reamed big time in a number of ways. As in roto-rootered financially, spiritually, physically, mentally, and for the rest of his life so that mom (me) can take my daughters some where nice where nice people live and live well in all those ways he has squandered just to be a stupid prick. They are on a power trip and Against Mothers who are for their Daughters. Of course at 16 years of age she likes to be able to do whatever the HELL she wants, but deep down inside I know she loves me and is sorry but the daddy doesn’t and isn’t sorry. It probably made him feel all tingly inside making up for the tingles he never had. IMO they are MAD as MADHATTERS……… Screen Shot 2015-04-20 at 7.25.29 PM and IMO the Ex is an SOB Viol-eting my rights as a mom for his mummy who happens to be called VIOLET. MOTHER OF 5 CATHOLIC BOYS! AND PIUS SHE IS. Every woman that divorces her sons are the problem ….not the sons.  One was a mormon girl he used to beat up. Do you think this is jealousy for the forget me nots my mother used to paint mentioned in another post and some of my invention ideas? I THINK SO! When I have visited her in her pad when the families got together the sons would go fishing leaving the women in the pad to, I guess, SEW? Make blankets? Conversation was polite and boring. I always liked to go fishing not because I like to fish that much but because of the other things I would rather do than polite conversation and anyway because I didn’t marry his CATHOLIC sister-in-laws. Sure didn’t try to help me when I needed it. I started to tell a problem and she did not want to hear about it and rather do the dishes. No having a polite conversation is not what I enjoy. What’s the point? See what I’m dealing with is absolute DISGUSTING SHIT! Their mom was told she was ugly by her husband but good for having babies. I tried to tell her she wasn’t, but at the time I didn’t realize how disgusting her son would turn out to be. 3 sons are divorced. One 3 times (the black sheep in his own words), the other lived with us and stole things from us mostly tools and sucked off us for quite a while during his divorce and aftermath we had to lose a van over it which was repossessed and a truck which was stolen and a stolen paint sprayer rig (which my uncle helped to fix that problem for the Ex as i recall, actually for another rig he had to rent in it’s place that was stolen because my ex doesn’t learn from the first experience of losing a spray rig which is kind of suspicious ) but the other rig that he owned that was stolen before that was blamed on a heroin addict friend even though he had one or more already and was their employer (he was mexican and a song writer guitar player) but not charged even though the older brother of the Ex ended up with a spray rig somehow or other when he went up north soon after to start his own business. Both two sons drink excessively and could be considered alcoholics.The other is the EX who gets off on it when his daughter punishes mom etc for sticking up for her and trying to teach her right from wrong. Anyway the Ex brought in the card (of the CPS lady) to me in the garage. She only gave the Ex one card but he wanted me to have it. LOL She wants to talk to the daughter first by herself, but he told her she was with friends. This occurred at 7:30 at night. So we shall see how this unfolds. I lost my wedding ring when I worked for no pay with my Ex and his brother after they stopped working for their employer because my hands were swollen on a trip up north. He pawned his wedding ring. MIne was handed down from a relative in the past. I did it to save money. My engagement ring was a pretty diamond ring my mother gave me at least a carat. Can’t find it. I found both daughters wearing it at different times. Love to have it back since it was my moms ring. Probably got pawned when I didn’t know it! HES A LOSER THRU AND THRU! The silverware set my parents bought for a wedding gift he pawned to a friend because of the VAN. He talked me into it saying he would get it back. He did years later but you would have thought he had bought it in the first place by the way he acted. It’s mine too because he gave it back as a gift. LOL Screen Shot 2015-04-21 at 8.20.15 PM Probably a facsimile and/or a copy of the real thing with out the real metal…I wouldn’t be surprised. Probably luster instead of gold on the trim. LOL. I don’t use it anyway and was going to give it to our daughters. May melt it down and make jewelry, instead. Their daughter of the man that he pawned the silver to and who added to the collection was mistreated by my Ex’s brother the one that stole a bunch of stuff. Not sure if it was rape or beating her. I don’t know the details. I had set up my little sister with the Ex’s brother to go out and have fun and had to kick her out of my apartment because he went too far and she was really drunk and soon after got him the heck out of the apartment which wasn’t easy. I just didn’t want her messed up by him and realized after finding some tools of ours in his bags that he was a mess. Even putty knives. LOL Yea she was of age (which was his other brothers excuse) make her own decisions but she was drunk and she was my little sister and my older sister was on the phone with me when I did kick her out for her sake and rooting for me. I know I did her a favor. LOL Should never have trusted any of the Family of my EX and of course him because they are F—ed UP. I think it was their lack of upbringing lacking quality and instead trading quality for quantity. There were two different times his brother lived with us so it’s hard to not get those times a bit mixed up. I think my sister came first then NIck’s daughter. But could be the other way around. You begin to add things up and it doesn’t look good.a schlicky schleppy schlock. The brother also lied about going to Viet nam when he hung out in Guam. Anyway he knew we knew he didn’t but he still would act like he did and about his college degrees and nobody said Hey, You didn’t you go to Viet nam you SOB you were in Guam. You don’t have a degree. Lying was acceptable and not confronted in their family. Is that raising your kid? He told a story to his family that he beat my up when he didn’t. I think he got mixed up. Oh I bet he wished he did. LOL.

Screen Shot 2015-04-23 at 7.44.18 AM The mom had a bible a very big one that she set out and I guess it was an adornment of some kind and when her son touched it she whacked his hand and they never read it. They were taught not to read the bible or touch it and when they went to english instead of latin services it upset her because of the mystery of latin since they didn’t understand latin. She also had a picture of Jesus on her wall similar to the picture above. I bought her a book about the pope at the time for her by Pope John Paul and she read that. That was when I was still really naive. When I brought a book about Jesus or could have been Elijah, Joseph but possibly some other ones I bought from the Charles Swindoll collection the daughter in law seemed to be interested mildly. They are good books though and I would suggest them because he is a good writer and kind of gets you into some things other writers don’t about bible stuff. Anyway when dealing with the average catholic you are dealing with some real doozies and it is very problematic. I think the most the Ex has learned is a day is a thousand years and a thousand years is a day and no one knows the time, etc. He uses that line every time the subject comes up. Ding-a-ling-a ling. But they don’t know what Jesus looked like either yet his mom had a picture of Jesus and his religion sells the image of Jesus on a cloth for tourism.They spend their Sundays with doilies on their heads and the Islamic guys wear table cloths on their heads and the priests like George Ganswein wears little white frilly frocks and you gotta wonder what that means? I think that is how Catholics work the system and families to gain favor. Come out looking like a nice guy when he is anything but a nice guy. It’s called  “It has nothing to do with me,” the Ex says when it comes to his daughter. Yeah right. Screen Shot 2015-04-21 at 2.32.39 PM It’s that damned female or whoever he is dealing with. The guy is a pretzel and twists everything and  he says “he’s in the dark.” I think so too. Never takes the high road always right and any misunderstanding has NUTTING TO DO WIT HIM: Screen Shot 2015-04-21 at 2.38.59 PM

Neil Young Comes A Time

I don’t know what the disease is that he has but it is definitely mentally deranged. Went to the beach in North Carolina to see his brother and to go to the beach and left my favorite beach tent and chairs because for some reason we had less room coming back. He said we would go back and we didn’t and his brother got evicted out of the place I think because of a divorce or separation. On the way back something bad happened between the two of us and the Ex promised I could have anything I wanted. He wrote it down in a letter. I have no idea where it is. Said the same thing another time around the divorce but I doubt he meant it because some Catholics lie as if it doesn’t matter and after a while it does matter and gets really old and tiresome. They shrug it off, but one day they won’t.

 Comes a Time by Neil Young

(instead they’ll be a shittin’and a gittin’) I think it’s time for a bath. LOL My mother is in the hospital again and my other daughter just happened to be reading a book called DOROTHY MUST DIE Screen Shot 2015-04-20 at 7.57.22 PM SHE STILL LIVES THOUGH LUCKILY! And so does Gary’s mom who happens to have the same name as my mom. but I think they would love it if she died because she probably has some money they could abscond somehow. Trying to coax my daughter to goto the state near where she lives better not be a way to frame her for something you want done to get that money you desire so much. I’m gonna try to get her to stay home and not visit KIMBERLY because I THINK TOOTIE AND GARY HAVE SOME NEFARIOUS IDEAS. THEY DIDN”T HELP HER WHEN SHE NEEDED IT EITHER. HOW COULD I NOT BE SUSPICIOUS OF THEM AFTER ALL THEY HAVE DONE TO ME AND MY GIRLS BECAUSE OF THEIR SEXUAL ESCAPADES.  My mom is a really sweet lady too and not a PIUS Catholic. Gary’s mom is real sweet as well. My mother was very gracious to VIOLET. HIs mother stopped going to the Roman Catholic Church once her husband died because they were not nice to her AFTER HE DIED. ITS A CULT! They don’t like women except Mary. When the leader of Viet Nam DIEM (and I think Haiti, probably Chechnya) devoted his country to Mary they were demolished, raped, and pillaged. He was assassinated. So it’s not a good idea obviously. Roman Catholicism should not be allowed to spread in any country and their shrines should be demolished IMO and same with Islam. If they want to worship in private I guess that’s okay but it wasn’t in the days of Queen Elizabeth when they wanted power they did it undercover and did what the heck they wanted. IT’s really not about beliefs with them its about power for if it was about beliefs they would talk about it openly and explain themselves. they would have allowed the people to read the bible. Their masses would not have been in latin. They would not welcome the mob. they wouldn’t steal a necklace off a martyr to steal courage as Pope Francis did and tell about it as if it was cute. They would not ride around in a pope mobile like cleopatra. When a religion or political group talks about uniting and taking over the world it’s time to knock em down to size. That means they have lost their minds and think too highly of themselves. Circumsize the power structure not the dick and if that doesn’t work then Eunuchize them! And then they won’t want to rule the world. What is a eunuch in the Bible? What does the Bible say about eunuchs? I don’t know why Matthew thinks they earn the kingdom of heaven because they are sexually inactive is a bit strange. Whatever happened to be fruitful and multiply. Matthew’s Jesus did not represent the creator I guess. Didn’t much care for kids either so why do Christians and Roman Catholics believe him? Taxes?? which is why priests probably were not allowed to marry to keep the church strong hence no settlements in divorce. So maybe the answer is to force marriage upon priests if they want to serve the church they have to marry a woman. Perhaps that is how to circumvent and circumcise the church that has too much power and give power to divorce and receive settlement through the churches possessions and valuables. I think that may be the key to success of squashing Roman Catholicism.

Make them merry.

Or perhaps force them to read the bible and be fluent before they can become Roman Catholic, vote, and earn a living, or donate to the church.

Like you would someone who has to know certain facts in order to be a citizen.

They have to have a license to be catholic.

It’s time to mow down the vatican. Not it’s people but it’s structure and things that empower them. Same way with Islam and it’s shrines and structure. Time to disenfranchise them.

deprive (someone) of the right to vote:
“the law disenfranchised some 3,000 voters on the basis of a residence qualification”

One of my ex’s favorite shows is the one that people leave their things in their storage units for some reason and can’t get back for some reason (death?, debt ridden?, bankruptcy? sickness? divorce?) and others bid on them sight unseen. I think it’s disgusting! I don’t think it’s entertainment! It’s probably a catholic kind of show. Like the one on Fox where people reveal their RARE COLLECTIONS so that someday down the road they might get ripped off. Revenge My daughter the one I’m currently having problems with watched a show last night called Revenge. Bunch of well dressed pretty and a bit aged bitchy ladies bitching for the most part. Great show if you like that kind of thing. Anyway they aren’t very expressive in their bitching because it might cause wrinkles. One of the actresses is the one that I thought was beautiful in Last of the Mohicans and I think she is too good for the show and ought to stretch her talent more in another direction. Stage, perhaps? The show Revenge doesn’t help her reputation or leave a good lasting impression of her skill. Kind of a take off of the show Dallas with less older men and more younger men who are rebelling against the bitchy women for some reason. The women don’t move their mouths when they talk so it ought to be called Ventriloquist’s Revenge. I am hoping my daughter doesn’t learn from the show what I think it teaches. I’m having enough troubles with her moods. My other daughters boyfriend went on a binge after he was falsely arrested at his job for a traffic ticket he had already paid and taken to the police station and he was never the same. Started acting like a real jerk and looks eerily like the cop that was watching as the man that was handcuffed and strangled for selling cigarettes in Staten Island. Now is not her BF because of it. Something weird goin’ on! Today I wished I had never met THE EX and had daughters with him. However I love my daughters I just don’t like what they turned into because of him and if I could undo what he has done I would and will keep trying too. So if you can pray, pray for me and my daughters and my mom. I could use some help. I think I will get them back someday in the right way in their right minds and hearts. Michelle the CPS agent is gonna come to the house tonight and the Ex said it won’t take very long whatever she has in mind according to the EX. How does she know that and how does he know? Why did he add that in the second conversation about the CPS agent to me? KInd of fishy so I did something to help me hopefully it will be sufficient but at some point you have to take measures to protect yourself against LIARS instead of being a fool. Michelle looked just like a nurse at the hospital. By the way Andrea Tantaros and the show Outnumbered you guys really lack substance, but you guys look very pretty. Something happened to Andrea Tantaros around the time that Andrea Tantaros lost her brother around the time of the Boston Marathon and the hoax.  I remember the look in her eyes and her fear. I will never forget it. Someday you will understand, I hope, and be free again, but for now you are posers (dense)…facsimiles at least on that show! She sits very poised and that makes such a difference to the show and it’s quality. She used tone so in-depth and seems mostly sitting in heels with her hand on her lap just like she should and really doesn’t add a whole lot to the subjects they skim over most of the time and how is that gonna make a difference except that most of us don’t have their beauty or grace. I think she went the way of the step ford wife or was replaced by one. In any case if I don’t write another post you will understand why and see me acting like them but I plan to be protected with the kind of protection they don’t understand or believe:

I Am That I Am (The Sign) -Revised*

I AM THAT I AM (Part two)

I’m still here. This dog below is the same dog that conspired with Al Qaeda and gave them a heads up you can read about it on another blog post below of the accusation against the same damned dog. I guess he barked when he shouldn’t have and so was found to be a dog spy for al qaeda which got some other people in harms way. Probably when they were trying to find Bergdahl. Supreme Court: Cops can’t hold suspects to wait for drug-sniffing dog

As far as mentioning names of some of the cast in my story I think their names are pretty damned pertinent to the envy and the vitriol they have wielded against me and the people I love. I was gonna leave the names off recently and thought no I won’t  because it matters and seems to show a pattern of abuse even in regards to their names and reputations and the names and reputations of those they have tried to hurt.
Screen Shot 2015-04-23 at 12.36.24 PM
I think Benghazi may be related somehow to Nebuchadnezzar and turning the kingdom into beasts for 10 years. LIBYA
Nezzar may have to do with Nazis or the nose signals, reasons i have noticed from even the journalist reporting the assassination of JFK and Obama. What JFK said about getting swallowed by a tiger, and the many things said in jest by Obama at his press dinners about Christmas, Al Green, Michelle’s arms, etc etc etc Kind of interesting.
There is also a ten year period with the beast in Revelations. AND THEN…….
well I think we will see what happens because I think that period started before Benghazi. It may have started with Pope Benedict XV1 which was 2009. His term as Pope began April 24th, 2005. His early departure which was pretty significant and poignant and the few things he said and did while acting as pope.  Hmmmm.
The celestial picture behind Benedict and the first ladies of the leaders of the G8 group. Kind of a big picture.

The Hermit Pope Who Set The Precedent For Benedict XVI

The Earthquake in Aquilla left the remains in tact. Anyway what is said in the article I think is BS but I added it just because I remember that the earthquake happened and the meeting and the remains were the only thing in the building that remained without damage and the famous clock picture at that time which indicated something else. I remember that Obama gave Chrysler or a part of Chrysler in Detroit (something like that) to Libyan President Khaddafi, his visit to Rome, and he died soon after of a beating. I guess it doesn’t pay to accept gifts from Obama. The broken arms and legs of leaders around that time and around the time of the hearings about Benghazi coincidentally delaying some testimony, the deaths surrounding Benghazi during and after, and the disappearing witnesses and those phone passwords of the State Department phones that were obtained and used for the purpose of Benghazi. The deaths of some important people in our country which I think were untimely but convenient even for a Hawaii vacation to make it seem legit. I think it’s kind of between and betwixt Joseph of the OT and Daniel of the OT kind of dichotomy going on in a mixed up kind of way. Joseph had a dream about being ruler over 12 brothers/tribes Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that Daniel had to interpret or else, both dreamers and their dreams had consequences.

So Ben raisin’ reason?

Screen Shot 2015-04-23 at 2.03.20 PM I had a dream too kind of a day dream, where I sat a few people on the beach in chairs and put CHET’s hat (hatchet) in front of them and had them catch a live grenade in place of a can of beer and said “I think you are supposed to eat it.” LOL I don’t have access to those kind of incendiaries or I might be tempted. Screen Shot 2015-04-26 at 4.17.14 AM

Diminish a miracle that I hadn’t even written about but there are reasons ‘Here is a case where someone may have been tempted. I have one of my attacks where I can’t breathe I believe because of the wound on my stomach 14 inches scar that when I eat sometimes its tough to breath. Gets stopped up in my intestines I think due to scar tissue or a malfunctioning intestine. So out of the blue the ex gets me some water which is highly unusual because the last time I had my pulse go up to 145 and was not doing anything to have it be so high and he said “mind over matter” and could have given a shit and went his merry way to bed. This time got him to order the night before some stuff that I use with my albuterol which last time it was the last time for the albuterol but not this time which is weird . I actually had found some albuterol in a funny place when I needed it before I just got it and it was a miracle IMO and I think it may have something to do with that to make me think or others to think that it wasn’t a miracle that I found it when I was out of it. So I take some pills to help me poop and they did and helped me to breathe but not until ex leaves so he thinks I’m iffy. I have the phone nearby just in case. So ex goes off to work in the morning and I get to get on the computer and the internet is off as well as the phones in the house so I went to the convenience store and call the ex and he tells me what to do with the modem unplug it and replug it etc. I think he was surprised to hear from me by the way he acted. Go back and it was unplugged already. It sits high on a shelf so he must have unplugged it or the cats did. So I feel like I’m being radically messed with. I don’t think he wants to cause my demise so that everyone else knows it but I do think he wants to bury me soon. Kind of personal stuff but if you knew what I have been through with this person and what I have revealed is the tip of the iceberg you would understand my dilemma. Like Austin replacing a lost dog with another and then says he doesn’t want either and doesn’t love either of them starts making out with a girl on the couch in front of his live-in girlfriend after breaking up with her after the missing dog comes back miraculously obviously to hurt my oldest daughter. Games we are in the midst of I think because of unbelief, unbelievable good will, and faith vs belief. Obviously wasn’t intending to stay with her or something even more nefarious. ANTAGONISTIC CRAP! Like being a doll in a doll house and the dolls are real people and the person who is the child playing is nuts. AKIN to those type nurses and /or doctors that hurt people to help them. I think that is what is going on at homes for the elderly oftentimes and in the case of The Arc in San Antonio. Sick shit. TO BE NEEDED kind of insanity. TO BE RESPECTED kind of insanity. IT’s easier to do with people that have dementia but when they are lucid they know. And believe it or not if the world continues as is each of us is gonna be dealing with it and we ought to improve it for others and for ourselves and stand up against the insane ones. I talked with my ex about a bit of what I saw at the place and he reminded me that his mother was a a bookkeeper for a while at an old folks home and that it stunk and was not a good place for old people. I don’t know how involved she was in the place other than her job as a bookkeeper which tends to be in an office away from the living of the people that are old. Perhaps she listened to Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels: “Let the dead bury the dead, follow me.” when a follower wanted to take time to bury his dad. Nice of Jesus in the synoptic gospels to show concern for the dad and his son. Gee, I’m so sorry for your loss or we will wait for you or when you can, come back and follow me or is there anything I can do such as raise your dad from the dead? like Jesus of the Gospel of John who said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life”.

Ferguson and Baltimore 

What’s goin’ on in Baltimore should be goin’ on in Washington DC if change is gonna happen. It’s the Federal government that is the problem! It is what gives federal money to the Vatican and all the other black holes and white holes in space. That is the only way I think to gain independence and to stop enabling them. I don’t like looting either but the Federal government is looting the people and that’s the root cause of why the people are so upset because they don’t have any alternatives. Notice Fox and all the others are enabling them too and Fox is pretty much aligned with the Vatican and it’s causes using Islam as it’s anti force when in actuality it’s their ally. But it is getting closer to Washington DC which is progress. How far is Baltimore from Washington DC? Only 39 miles away. Getting ever so close. The Secret Service is in Maryland somewhere which is maybe effective if they take out the Secret Service which controls the politicians in DC because they are agents of the Vatican. Without the Secret Service, who is gonna protect the President? It is silly though to burn down your own neighborhood. It’s not smart. You burn down the White House, the Senate, and the House, IRS, but leave the Pentagon to defend the country etc and they are gonna have to govern in the states in their capitals and be more responsible and responsive to the people of their state instead of incestantly running for office. I think it is bound to happen because of the federal debt that doesn’t really exist and if it does it doesn’t mean a damned thing. It’s only paper backed by nothing. Throw the politicians out of Washington DC and make them go home. Absolutely useless sucking off the people. ET GO HOME! Get some buses and bus them back! Then cut off the press and we can get back to business as usual. Baltimore Protests: What Smacked Baltimore Teen Has to Say Abou… I think she loved her kid and was trying to get him out of harms way. But I’ve had the same thing happen to me and it wasn’t for my good it was abusive by someone drunk while I was operating a vehicle with kids in the car and their grandmother so it depends the reason for the whopping. But kids should not get involved in riot type activities because what a kid thinks one day may change when they are an adult. Kind of like using kids with a bomb on their back and not wise to include them because most kids are clueless, kind of rebels without a cause. Parents should be concerned though about what is happening by a few bad cops that need to be dealt with harshly. However I don’t think this is just a bad cop hurting a black guy I think this is more revolutionary than that. I have no idea how many kids were involved in the revolutionary war many years ago but probably a lot were affected somehow or another. I think the cop abuse is a sign of tribulation type activity and the press is trying make it a black and white issue such as the other night the way the press handled the congressman, Elijah Cummings, which was quite abusive IMO. I don’t normally like the guy but he had a right to be there and the press were antagonistic to him for some reason. I guess the press doesn’t like being called out for their self involvement in what is occurring which I think he called them out on and I think he is right! They wouldn’t get out of his face which was really nonsense. The questions they asked him were trivial and combative. He has a right to talk to the people and it seemed the press didn’t like it. Does Elijah Cummings work for the press or the people? We have  bad cops that are making hay mostly on blacks but also on whites or whoever they feel like abusing and it has got to stop. There is no excuse for what happened to Eric Garner and and that was all we got were excuses. Chris Darner imo was also manipulated, managed, maneuvered to act the way he did and was killed and that was their intent to begin with. Until it does change their ought to be a halt to insurance for cops of all races and creeds to inspire them to clean up their act in police forces throughout the country.It’s gross to see one black cop defending another cop who would shoot a kid 7 times for cigar theft. Talk about Uncle Tom the ones that come on O’reilly , Susterne’s show and Hannity’s shows are exactly that. Do they get something out of the deal? What happens in a Secret Grand Jury should be taped and shown to the people after the proceedings to prove it’s honesty and it’s worth. Otherwise it looks like KKK is running the Grand Jury System. I think we have a situation of witness tampering and jury tampering and the system while some have faith in the system are actually subscribing to lynch mobs in a way and a license to kill. I sure don’t have faith in the system that I have seen and also been intimately involved in myself and think it has to do with religious zealots who think they have the right to determine when someone should be executed, who can marry who, and many other issues. I think the cops I have seen seem to be very dumb people and I think there ought to be a law against stupid cops and glad handing Fox news. Seems like Fox news is creating some folly. The ex cop that is on the daily show commenting often on Fox is so emblematic of Fox and their frame of mind. DUH. When I see him and hear his commentary on any subject I think of drool. O’reiily is an ex teacher and the same goes for him especially in regards to the people he wrote books about. Drool. It’s a catholic perspective which I think represents drool. Like watching Father Jonathan. DUH. A boy telling catholics what to think. How stupid can you get? They do keep trying, don’t they? It helps to know who you are at  odds with and it isn’t just cops that are bad its a bad system controlled by unions which are Catholic based because they want to control the world just like Islam does. They are playing the black card but truly it’s about religion and lack of belief in favor of faith based shenanigans which is rooted in making money off everything they do and don’t do. Nazis. They can’t see the times they are in and it’s gonna take them by storm and if they do see the times they are trying to get ahead of it. They are afraid of losing their CUSHY jobs and lifestyles and deception has worked in the past ………Really does having Geraldo walk around gloating help? The Press are so self absorbed it’s scary. Just watch Outnumbered and you would have to agree. Harris Faulkner: Common guys what about…… MOCKING. When a political religious system delves to the lowest common denominator and neglects the truth we are in deep shit. I can’t tell if they know that they are an accomplice but they are aiding and abetting ignorance.

Revelation 14:20 (KJV)

20 And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs. which equals 1600 Pennsylvania Ave….The White House

And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.
I think this is the Vatican. I kind of figured it out in another post in one of my blogs but was not able to use search on blogs anymore because for some reason that feature disappeared somehow, I don’t feel the need now to go through it again just to make a point but hopefully that number will ring a few bells in some people to take notice that I think the blame for the deaths lies squarely in the hands of whoever lives in 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. I think it’s a sign written in code many, many years ago. And in my opinion the Vatican is the last measurement who we get intel from proven many times by them and who runs the Secret Service who make suggestions for the Presidents daily briefings and other things. etc They manipulate the Presidents and their agenda. Whore of Babylon I think is referring to the Vatican who work with Islam (Babylon), though they aren’t gonna shine a light on it for you to understand that but I am.
Fur (furlong) equals Führer sure do sound alike.
Manger equals german.
“The Word” it plays too. And what does “The Word” play?
Nancy Perlosi: Her Favorite word “The Word”
When referring to the great winepress of God in revelation I believe it is saying that the press is drunk and they act like it too. Anyway you ought to read those verses above in context at the site linked.

I can’t tell if they know that they (all of the Press) are an accomplice but they are aiding and abetting ignorance, deception, confusion, and a lot of grief and make a lot of money doing it.

Common guys, what about…….

I Am That I Am (The Sign) -Revised *

I AM THAT I AM (Part two)


Matthew and Cyrus, Ellen and Jim Thinkin’ in a Lincoln

A bunch of good posts on this site

which compares the gospels of faith to belief:


Thought this was interesting:

The Milky Way

When observing the night sky, the term “Milky Way” is limited to the hazy band of white light some 30 degrees wide arcing across the sky.[33] Although all of the individual stars that can be seen in the entire sky with the naked eye are part of the Milky Way,[34] the light in this band originates from the accumulation of un-resolved stars and other material when viewed in the direction of the Galactic plane. Dark regions within the band, such as the Great Rift and the Coalsack, correspond to areas where light from distant stars is blocked by interstellar dust. The region where the Milky Way is self-obscuring is also known as the zone of avoidance.


I think this woman is brave and needed these days. So rare to see.

It does hurt to pursue the truth but worth it I believe to overcome fascism which is rampant.

I hope she succeeds!

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When I saw the man that said he was in the back of the van with the man that died in police custody I thought either he is lying for the police or he might have been the one throwing this guy around in the back of the van so that his head was injured or couldn’t see what was happening and assumed he did it to himself, which is possible if on certain drugs. Often bad cops use criminals to do their dirty work, like the mob does.


But it could be more Bullshit as so many of the things going on are in this country since Obama came to Washington.

And I’m thinking the whole rigamarole is Bullshit just by the picture captured of this woman makes me suspicious.

Type casting.

Its Ice. The whole matter to make you think Justice will be served finally and it won’t because it’s Ice not just. Another diversion to stop anarchy in Baltimore when it should be going strong against the White House. How many of these we have to get through before you realize it’s BS. Ever since BENGHAZI and MICHELLE In her sandals and rolled up jeans with arms in one hand and a syringe in the other because only Michelle has the right to bear/bear arms.So they bat African American woman to look official or something like they are making headway when they are

only making hay.

IE Food for FODDER.

I just saw Hannity with Geraldo Rivera and some lady correspondent (kind of recognize her and never liked her I think Tucker is her name but not sure) on June 10th talking about Mosby’s conflict of interest because this (Freddy Grey’s death) happened in her husband’s district and you can turn that around and say maybe this was done on purpose in her husband’s district so that drugs can continue to reign in her husband’s district as punishment by bad cops of the mob teaching her husband a lesson and her a lesson about their territory. I don’t know what her husband does but it would not surprise me because that is how bad cops work that work for the mob. I hope the truth comes out what ever it is for everyone’s sake. I think the mob is causing this trouble between right and left black and white and hispanic and black or white. They had him in the back too long and that is the crux of it. Freddie Grey should have been taken to the police station immediately instead they did other stuff messing with him! OBVIOUSLY!

It won’t stop till Michelle has to answer some questions about Benghazi and then lies about it gets caught in the lies and has to eat school lunches. She’s PATHETIC pathologically like a black widow. A blood sucker with false eyebrows on her hairline. Pretty soon her eyebrows will be approaching the northern part of her occipital bone and her eyes will remain and man she is gonna look really weird. Maybe then everyone will notice there is something pariah-ish about her and want to defang her.

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Mariah Carey – Star Spangled Banner (Live) (with lyrics)

Thank god it’s not Barbara singing. I hate nasal singers.

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Juliette Bracelet

friendship bracelet made of parachute chord with a childproof clasp when wet alarms parents tot is in pool.

By Beatrice Elaine Rodgers



Root is my family name and it is gonna win!

(Rod as in Rodham?)

 (I’m protecting myself against flagrant robbery of my intellectual property and pursuit of happiness. The company deemed it unimportant in favor of less important ideas because of Bath and Body, etc)

I hope you check out my idea to save lives of kids pursuing happiness as well and grandparents who deserve to be cared for by their children and grandchildren and the common sense approach to making their days more comfortable and add quality to their lives that they deserve.


Right before I came in and saw the advertisement on TV on Fox ˜News I prayed and asked what are we up against because of the many things I have had to endure for quite a while and I got my answer as i walked in to the icing room:

On Fox News this morning they are advertising SWIMBAND A device kids wear on their head and or arms connected to a cell phone to alarm parents when they are in the pool. It’ looks rather stupid looking and I can’t imagine a kid wanting to wear it  but the device looks like it was made in CHINA. I have seen it before they just added a plastic wrap to apply it headband etc,and connecting it to the cell phone industry. It sells for $79. So I think what our country is up against is CHINA and FOX NEWS (Rome), June 2015. I don’t think having it on a cell phone is gonna help IMO. I think it will hinder and make each child a victim of whoever wants to victimize them if they want to so they may end up dead for wearing this if the device is connected using cell phones. The control device is the important part of the product in that you do no want connected to a cell phone. You want the alarm to be separate and apart from a public type application as our cell phones are the problem in our society and if your kid is not suitable they won’t get saved. Meaning cell phones can be controlled on the other end if you care about your child you don’t want another industry or big business deciding who lives and who dies such as Roman Catholicism or China. You want to have the control totally separate from the cell phone industry. You would want the control device to be without access from another country, religion, another influence, etc. hence making the control device controlled by the parent of the child.

Timing is what saves kids from dying. One minute can make all the difference. So lets say it works but is delayed that won’t save your kid yet you can do nothing because you were alarmed and you can’t sue because how can you know whether or not the alarm went off at the right time? It’s quite disconcerting if you think about it. Anyway I had the idea on Quirky about a month ago and wanted it to be not connected to the cell phone industry. What happens if there is a solar flare on the sun which affects cell phones? Solar flares happen frequently and depends on the strength of the flare and they are unpredictable and you can’t see them. How about an electromagnetic storm of some kind. What if the cell phone gets damaged? Sand, dirt, water, cracks, moisture, extreme heat, extreme cold, corrosion etc. (My cell phone got wet and my kid drowned in the meantime) What happens if your phone service is disconnected? (my kid drowned because my husband forgot to pay my bill. Damnit George you said you paid that!) What happens if their is a glitch. Parents are gonna have to keep up with uploading upgrades constantly to keep on top of this dumb idea. (Maggie 2nd wife, didn’t you say you uploaded that 9.2 upgrade? Oh that’s right I’m so sorry dear husband, but I don’t think it would have made a difference with YOUR son: KEK KEK KEK Now my kid can own the company ) What if you are in the wrong area or service area for your cell phone? What if you drop the phone and then your kid drowns? I know that you can’t often reach people on cruise ships and they have pools and recently they had a drowning. There are lots of things that can go wrong with cell phones and I sure wouldn’t put a life saving device alarm on my kid and depend on the cell phone industry to save my kid. Who you gonna blame? Have you noticed that sometimes you get messages and sometimes you don’t or sometimes they are delayed for no apparent reason. Sometimes you can reach who you call and sometimes you can’t. Why would anyone want to depend on a cell phone to alarm them in a life or death situation if you can’t even depend on them when you want to talk to someone often times.

Can you sue the cell phone industry for a product that uses it? Can you sue the government?

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I think this is gonna be lawsuit alley in my opinion.

What if your account gets hacked as you are sitting tanning by the pool and your kid sips in?

Have you noticed when you call information to get a phone number how one it takes to get the information now that we depend on a voice with out a person.

For instance have you noticed that when people use GPS often they get lost, delayed, and sometimes screwed up by GPS. I’ve seen it a number of times for people that depend on GPS. You will find them, but when is the problem. My sister was late for dinner and her husband was upset with her on the phone about being late and she used her GPS and we had a problem getting there because of GPS. What if there are a number of kids wearing this device run by a bunch of different cell phone users it might get quite cumbersome and confusing. 

When knowing a kid is in water is important but often that isn’t enough. It’s the timing of the alarm that is important and if the cell phone industry and it’s workers are delayed it won’t help. And how will you know if it was delayed or not if it can be controlled electronically via cell phones and it’s pioneers and their slaves and from another place. What if someone in a car runs into a pole that happens to have a cell phone comptroller etc thus making some that are connected wirelessly screwed. I think you would want a device that is totally in the control of the user the parent to switch on and off and to test it’s reliability and not in control of BIG BUSINESS or the GOVERNMENT no matter which GOVERNMENT. The control should be totally free of influence or favor or unfavor depending on if you are desirable to the industry or not and how will you know if you are desirable or not desirable ???


Cell phones are not free of influence because of who owns it. My alarm for smoke does not depend on the company that owns it. It goes off if there is smoke and the sensors sense it. That is all you need.

The sensor is the important part of the invention. The parent needs to be in charge of the sensor that senses if the kid is wet….you do not want the cell phone industry to be in charge of the sensor in order to alarm the parent. It is like putting a priest in front of a kid before they sin and that sure hasn’t worked.


know what I mean?

It’s adding a third party to the equation when you want there to be only 2 parties to the equation.

It’s safer that way.

Do you want a union to control whether your child gets saved in water?

What if the union boss doesn’t like your kid?

I hope they do get sued for a number of reasons and since I had this idea on Quirky quite a while back and was mislead.

They Besmirched the premise of the invention by connecting it to the cell phone industry and they also stole my invention via Quirky and I think they will regret it because they missed the point of my invention and Screwed it up. I think more kids will die because of the cell phone aspect involved as more kids sin when depending on priests to stop them from sinning.

*What a travesty of a good idea just to beat me to the punch. I hope they pay in a ton of lawsuits if this invention is sold to the public. It was my idea and they dumbed it down.

When Obama took office the first thing he did was or had to do with CHINA. The 100,000,000 million man army (not necessarily troops in uniform) and the Euphrates did dry up to make way for the Kings of the East.

Comes a Time 

by Neil Young

I have e-mails to family I might add in my pursuit for the truth and the deception I have had to endure along with health problems caused by my pursuit to tell it like it is at the right time and place.

So watch out!

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I sure would hate to ruin the other family names but I will if I have to because of their faith

and my beliefs. If they think their lies will cover their bodies and their future they are so wrong.

Covetousnes? Incest? Many lies? Pre-destined Inheritance? Theft? Malfeasance?

I revealed myself and it’s getting close to the time to reveal you.

A shepherd’s hook recommended for a bird feeder? May your gods barf on you.

Is that supposed to be your idea of some sign from God? What a strange detail to include? WIll you worship it as well?

Diane fell for Billy Grahams BULLSHIT! she “doesn’t really know what he thinks of her.”

And Tootie (LORI KIRCHER (TOOTIE ROOT) & GARY KIRCHER) the eldest and most refined who used to work for Virginia Cook Realtors and now Lori Kircher Homes. It was her husband that started all this shit.

Hope their business isn’t affected by this in any way, sometimes though bad publicity is better than no publicity.

Peephole. People who love peephole are the luckiest people in the world.

She and her youngest and least refined took this little game to new levels because they are the  shepherd’s hook.

Diane Dorothy Root Howard-Sherman

is the youngest and the absolutely sweetest fart you could ever know and by that i mean JUST ASK HER AND NO MATTER WHAT THE AGE “SHE’S READY.”


Dorothy and I dared her man’s root.


Walter Herald Root

Sherman…..Shire is what that name means which is an area of land

“A shire is a traditional term for a division of land, found in the United Kingdom and Australia. The word derives from the Old English scir, itself a derivative of the Proto-Germanic skizo (cf. Old High German scira), meaning care or official charge.”[1]

In Britain, “shire” is the original term for what is usually known now as a county; the word county having been introduced at the Norman Conquest of England.

How much wood would a wood chuck wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood DOD CHUCK HAGEL-GET READY AMERICA. THE QUEENS Stone of Scone man.  It is also known as Jacob’s Pillow Stone and the Tanist Stone. Check out the queens Jubilee and watch the man with the pillow. Temptation of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels turning stones into bread, etc obviously to degrade, mock and demean “I am the bread of life.” Compare the three synoptic gospels in that one event and they do not match.


anagram of my sister’s names. I don’t know if this means my ex or her ex and new hubby or if this is about BILLY GRAHAM.



Hoist with their Own Petard 

Following the Gospel of John,  PETER has a few people killed about their land sales. Sapphira and her husband ANANIAS which I think was really testing Sapphiira and her husband who I think was in on the deception for how would anyone know how much they sold the and unless they were the buyers or sellers. HE WAS SEEDING A COMMUNE KIND OF COMMUNITY. SEEDING like they do at bars for bands to get more tips. THEN THE PEOPLE WERE AFRAID because of what happened to SAPPHIRA and were afraid to lie to the holy spirit which Peter thought they did and thought he was the holy spirit. ANANIAS APPEARS ALSO WHEN HE MEETS WITH PETER WHO LIVED WITH THE TANNER. ANANIAS HAD TWO LIVES OR SOMETHING but an UNUSUAL NAME AND ONLY IN THOSE TWO INCIDENTS. But that’s what i got out of that story. I think she was railroaded by her husband and lied for him and him for her and Peter PTAH had them carried out by little feet or something like that (ANTS) etc. IN ANY CASE IT”S A TURN IN THE BIBLE FOR THE WORSE FOUND IN THE BOOK OF ACTS.

BILLY GRAHAM HAS A TEACHING ABOUT ANTS AND BASICALLY ABOUT setting up people In other words: ENTRAPMENT like what happened in PADRE ISLAND WITH SOME KIDS and the UNDER COVER Homeland Security agents handing drugs to kids and they pass it along and they get busted by the HOMELAND SECURiTY UNDERCOVER AGENTS that they pass the drug to in order to MAKE SOME EASY MONEY AND HURT REPUTATIONS FOR THE FUTURE. WHO IS GONNA DRIVE TO PADRE ISLAND TO CONTEST?> MOST PEOPLE WILL JUST PAY IT> TRICKERY.



Samaritan’s Purse in Japan, Nepal, Haiti, Oklahoma, Arizona, Operation Christmas Child, etc.

(All of these places are linked and this is how he exists off the suffering of others and helps make it happen!)



HAARP: Weather Altering, Earthquake making machine

RIght before the Earthquake Tsunami in Japan that caused and is still causing environmental problems because of Fukushima Nuclear accident Pope Benedict XVl insisted on the Roman Catholic Church of Japan (Muther of all Martyrs) to accept the Neocatechumenal Way against their will. They tried to get it delayed by 5 years and then came the earthquake and tsunami and the nuclear accident causing starfish to turn to jelly found on our coasts a while later (they only have one nerve which includes their mouth).

Now we have some bigger fish dropping off the coasts of California, maybe it’s related, maybe not, but I sure wouldn’t ignore the probability of the mess made in Japan and now reaching California,

Fourth whale found dead along California coast

 the food chain, plankton: what would happen if plankton disappeared?

This answer says something about the oxygen of the planet would also disappear by about 1/3-1/2. So the Fukushima disaster, the Neocatechumenal Way of the Roman Catholic Church might responsible for a lot of problems on earth as well as whoever and whatever caused the earthquake in Japan to promote the Neocats (Charlie Sheen and his friends)! I think he is a Pentacostal (another dividend of Roman Catholicism) but might be evangelical. I know whatever it is, it’s radically stupid. If you read Acts it’s obviously a deviant-aberration of the Gospel of John and the message sent. (I AM).

 Sheen was in France during the Hebdo cartoon fiasco: wasn’t he kissing the Prime Minister of Paris, France near where the Courtyard of the Gentiles is located at Notre Dame? which is prophetic and somehow involved in the other strait by Yemen and some casualties in Yemen for access to oil because Iran controls the Strait of Hormuz. (No, I’m sorry that’s Rome’s former mayor Gianni Alemanno’s son: Manuel Valls.) I mean Sheen was kissing the President of France Francois Hollande. Seemed like a bunch of shit to me.

Then came Obama Care. I guess to cover up the damage of Fukushima and for the sake of getting money to retire in California which they will certainly enjoy. Blame flaps on breast and tooth X-rays to the Bridalwood moms by Dr. Oz a few  months after the earthquake and nuclear disaster. Then we read the tweets of another was on ti’s way by Barack Obama and Charley Sheen blah blah blah and the Samaritan’s Purse was rearing and

Ready to go!

I sure would eat a lot less tuna since it is the fish that soaks up the poison in the oceans. Maybe the flapdoodles of the whales are the reason for their deaths. My brother had some major health problems and pain in his legs and couldn’t walk (supposedly , however when I saw him at my sister’s house (Diane) visiting he was in peak condition for his age even though I was told he was in a wheel chair, something not quite right about that intelligence) and I did too (one leg and I think it was the sciatica (I thought it was the asiatic nerve but now it sciatic nerve kind of a anagram of asiatic) nerve damage from tuna. Interesting since he may be responsible.(Ananias?Graham? “Qing David” of the bible said at the Nixon funeral by Billy Graham) Used Beactiv and it helped a bunch with pressure points. It helped him too but he eventually went ahead with an operation of some kind for other stuff. When my brother was young and working as a construction worker in his college days he would fix a loaf of tuna sandwiches with ketchup and worcestershire sauce and eat them for lunch so it makes sense he might have poisoned himself with too much tuna in later years.

Thank God for volcanos! I think they help! But in order to help to offset the damage, people lose their homes and lives as well. Ventilation system of earth. Might be a lot worse if we didn’t have them in the design of earth. Anyway the weather seems cooler lately. Might be why a bunch are very active and for centuries been asleep. Isn’t there a volcano near Rome?

Rome (Italy): new fumarole near Fiumicino airport


Now, I have no idea if Pope Benedict’s XVl was responsible personally for Fukushima or was JUST being helped, but Evangelicalism was born from Roman Catholism or vice versa, just like Global Warming now Climate Change came from the Vatican (and given to Gore as a conciliation gift for losing the election and he took off with it and derived many including my brother a follower of their deceptions) and all the other messes on Earth including WWll, WWl. I wrote a post about “the Just” as in Just as I AM (a twin? a clone? a carbon replica without a brain and heart? an ant and something to do with Matthew anyway It’s been a while and is on some posts in the blog mentioned but leaves off the word man so as if he isn’t one, maybe a mutating amoeba of some kind. Watched him fit himself into Greta one day and that is also on a post when she interviewed him. Very weird. Subtle: renting her substance. Perhaps that’s the 200 million man army of Revelation. Makes sense to me like the man of Louisiana Bill Cassidy: they all kind of look alike. Might be a good idea to check their DNA and start putting them away behind bars where they belong and stop supporting his maniacal crusades and strangle his businesses. That is if we as a human race want to survive. (There are a lot of parishes there in Louisiana so makes sense to me, too! Perish the thought!)

Is it a plant, is it an ant, is it a crustacean, is it a crab? IS IT A MUCK FISH? What the hell is it? We need to figure it out. Mandrakes? Very hard to pull and they scream when you pull them out like people that are possessed scream. Mike Rogers of Michigan is one of them. LOL. NO JOKE! Whatever it is is needs to be done away with. IT STINKS. 

After the Box: Kids Take the Greatest Journey

 I think the kids would prefer their parents alive and not have to go through needless earthquakes and tsunamis, and ebola, needless hurricanes and tornadoes. Probably would prefer to live in their house still standing. But if it makes christians feel good that’s the important thing. Destroy their property and kill off a bunch and then get Christians to fill some boxes bought at his friends businesses or his own businesses and makes Christians feel like they have really helped the world mocking and build up his empire. NICE GUY. How about learning what the hell you believe? His businesses are non profit and of course he doesn’t have to deal with taxes so why were they worried about the IRS? The profit comes when the scarf up the stuff from the damage and rebuild using your donations. It’s ridiculous and ought to be squashed and it will be but probably not by Christians or Roman Catholics. And he and them will be expelled eventually from earth by God himself, I think.

in the gospel of Luke or John and Pontius Pilate’s wife’s nightmare about him that was pretty scary to her saying,” Have nothing to do with that man……” to her husband at the time of the inquisition of Jesus in Jerusalem. So check out Merangue’s Blog and read what you haven’t been told about the bible, the gospels, and the Old Testament. Perhaps from there you might be able to see a bit clearer instead of reading the one year crap making mincemeat of some important issues.


Yes, but the IRS audited the Grahams. KEK KEK KEK

Agent Ready was a Secret Service agent when JFK was assassinated and looks and awful lot like Billy Graham with a funny haircut at the airport. Billy Graham wrote his alibi in the book JUST AS I AM (thinks he is god! but about to find out he is not GOD) and also about his visit from JFK’s son who was investigating his dads murder and trying to get a Senate seat of Hillary Clinton. He died soon after with his wife and child and sister-in-law in a plane crash of a suspicious nature.

He had his alibi aired on the radio that day as well. He was quite worried, I guess.

A crab has a shell that he uses that is what we are dealing with. The shell is the human body when it is taken over by the crab.

During the old days in Jerusalem there are some monuments of old (warnings) when massacres took place and one has the crab inscribed on it as a sign as was the Nefesh (mausoleum/death) and other things like a harp (HAARP).

Anyway you can read about it on Merangue’s Blog on a few posts and read about the

“Q Source”(inspired the Synoptic Gospels) and part of the Gospel of John. Acts, etc,

and other interesting posts with many links to back it up and get a grip on reality of False Worship, and the False Church inflicting a lot of pain and suffering on the people of the world and they can’t even hold up the bible they read from needing two guys one holding it and the other with a microphone so the pope can recite some verse about nonsense they know they don’t understand. They didn’t even allow people to read it in the past. IT WAS FORBIDDEN. Obviously there is a problem with the church and the world and if you don’t wake up it might overtake you. POPE FRANCIS IS A DUNCE! THE VATICAN IS THE MOB. OUR GOVERNMENT IS INVOLVED AND ALLOWING OUR COUNTRY TO GO TO SHITLAND.

I think his real name is Rumplestiltskin. LOL He looks like he might be that person.

Paul Simon-Graceland

Greta van Susterne Franklin: Graham’s woman of Fox: HAS SHE EVER BEEN RIGHT ABOUT ANYTHING? ZIMMERMAN?  and on and on and on about everything she reports: Even about a hero made in a prison war camp who was able to avoid punishment in Japan to give HItler the nazis credit for making of an Christian. (more like he was a spy, IMO):  I wrote abut it in another article but it was disgusting but Greta was inspired.

Inspiring Grace

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Greta travels with him and is his substance like Susan Rice is Obama’s substance (BENGHAZI), etc.

Willing to lie with them, for them, about them, to them, and to the world, etc.


I will compile all the e-mails sent my way and if you give a poop you can read them and see how high class they really are. They are really into loving children and watching out for them when in danger, and into loving on my mom and dad. $35,000 at stake. In other words if they would do that to them just think what they might do to you, if given the chance.

I’m pretty sure they are loving DOTTIE (Dorothy) KIRCHER BIG TIME AS WELL. JOHN KIRCHER’S WIFE. HE WORKED FOR CONOCO OIL for quite a long time was President of the company. I think it is now CONOCO-PHILLIPS.  I think it’s a British company, though not sure about that but looks to be British by the name that follows CONOCO. Kind of revealing. He (gary’s dad) loves Jews as well. sometimes Gary talks black” when around African Americans and really likes them too. He does it for fun at home as well. R.E.S.P.E.C.T.



However, they didn’t offer their seat in the first limo at my dad’s funeral to me. No…. they sat in the first car as the first family of the Roots. Perhaps they don’t really know how to handle their mom and dad but somehow I think I would feel funny having the 3rd daughter in the 4 limo with the ant Patsy. They were not raised by my dad, I was. They were raised by their daddy. I wonder how that funeral will unfold? Put Tootie (Lori his wife) in the trunk of the limo, perhaps? LOL

So you have to wonder what they think of themselves in comparison to the rest of the family kids. I imagine they think very high on themselves when they should be embarrassed. My mom was was in the first limo. My mom didn’t raise them, she raised me. Lori raised them and their maiden name is Kircher, not Root! My maiden name is Root.

Here is the last letter from my sister after I wrote a long revealing letter and sent it to her kids who are now grown up instead here is a picture of my sister’s business card when with Virginia Cook Realtors and that ought to be enough for now until I feel the need to disperse more crap. I can’t get to that stupid letter. One of the kids was trying to talk my little sister into letting my mom die blissfully without air, at least that’s what Diane told me with a bunch of little black hearts in her e-mail. So I knew how FUCKED UP they had become because Lori Kircher had raised them and probably it was all about Uncle Ted’s money that they went off the track. The abuse to them was: I don’t know it was to them? The abuse and ridiculous stuff they did was so foolish and I kept trying to forgive them as we went through our lives, but they didn’t want it. They wanted to humiliate me and it definitely is/was a spiritual morass. My brother was wrong at the meeting we had not to tell the kids and protect Gary and Tootie. Of course, there was no way to tell everything in an hour meeting or whatever it was or explain the problem sufficiently. I was reeling and suffering PTSD and being alienated and lonely. It just gave Lori more time to find a movie called Atonement and twist the knife a little more. I don’t think he realized her motives or thought to question her character or her madness. It only made her worse. She started to think she was Keira Knightly. LOL That’s ridiculous. I wrote her to give me back the portrait I painted that she stole IMO from my mom’s things. The person who should have it is Diane (because of her attempt, though a bit skewed by other rationale, to do what is right in regards to my mom), but I was rebuked by her. It’s only a portrait that I spent many hours painting and cooking in the kiln and it isn’t as good as the original artist but Diane never got one. She rebuked me as Satan in Jesus Christ’s name because I was ever so blunt and because of the games they have been playing about mom and whatever money is left under Lori’s executorship of mom’s estate and in Diane’s savings account that she is saving until mom dies and was gonna hospice her without a doctor’s care [diabolical] and which is really weird as if that makes it right) which are truly hard to comprehend. They are influenced by a cult and it has had some bad affects/effects on them as it did me for many years. Something has possessed them, in essence. I think the black hearts in the e-mail may have something to do with it. The kids are now grown up and need to address it for their mom and dad and change their direction because I sure can’t seem to do it. They are way too whacky for me to handle with their strange communications. Totally untrustworthy and seem to have been trying to lead me off into the outer limits. This is the epitome of generational sin and what it does left to bubble over into many lives and will have a bad affect on their future in a spiritual sense such as: killing off the elderly for money and thinking it is blissful for them to die from lack of breath. (Kimberly E. Kircher, Heb’s wife is in the insurance business, I think.) That’s ridiculous and leading themselves down a primrose path of destruction and for their children and trying to do the same to mine. And because they are wealthier than me they have more friends that are “as fucked up” it will turn on them and THOSE FRIENDS as well pretty soon, I think. We have had signs of it in the night sky and it is OMiNOUS and in many other ways throughout the world especially dealing with political and the religious system prevalent in the world today. Taking the eye off the Bael that is screwing everyone and confounding them to a notable eclipse of some kind worldwide.The kind of destruction that may come that money nor reputation can stop it’s rampage.

You don’t want what Chuck Hagel said to Americans, I KNOW THAT! 

A way that seemeth right, but leads to death.

billy graham and the presidents

Chuck Hagel was Secretary of Defense and said he didn’t have any reason to question the motives of President Barack Obama which is really stupid but he was appointed by him. I think that nonsense should stop. I don’t think Presidents should be able to do that anymore. It’s like the criminal system of the Grand Jury. Really stupid and corrupt and corrupting all of the above in this paragraph.

 My sister reminds me of Greta NOW. OUCH! She used to be a nice person but I guess her dick got her all messed up.

Santana feat. Everlast – Put Your Lights On

In truth i think because of what I have found out I think my family including them (Tootie and Gary) were attacked in retrospect and attacking me.

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Santa Claus is just so difficult to get over.


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That was years ago she looks a bit less energetic. She kind of sold her own soul to something, not sure exactly what (I think the Grahams more than likely), with their lies. There once was a person that was really cute inside and out but was taken over with revenge and I hadn’t done anything to deserve it. All she had to do was get some help for both of them and their marriage. I tried to help and give them time at hotels and watched their kids so they could be together. I think she baby sat my kids once and used her kids to do it. Now with Dave Perry-Miller Homes in Houston and San Antonio and Lori Homes in Dallas. Someday she will find sorrow and maybe change, hopefully. But in the meantime I plan to make it hard.

Down the street from them or close by where they live were some friends/acquaintances of theirs relatives that got caught in the fraternity scandal recently reveling in their prejudices which is kind of revealing as well. Diane lives in the hill country near Austin Texas in a beautiful home with a newly built pool on a small lake where deer roam freely and she feeds her deer. My eldest sister works for the Republican Party in Dallas and is a fine specimen. Sometimes have mingled with the Bushes up north at some place they have or entertain. The eldest sister was christianized by the woman across the street from her who is English and I guess they went to a woman’s gathering for a weekend recently in North Carolina. The Graham’s home state. Billy Graham’s Crusades began in England sent to us with love from the British Monarch. Puffed by the Hearsts of California and the Hursts of Germany. The British Monarch are Germans as well and obviously Kircher is a germanic name. The crown visited JFK right before he was assassinated. (the guys with the big black hats) were seen and reported about at the White House and you can read about it on the JFK posts I transcribed which is kind of interesting. Anyway JFK is heard to say at one of his last performances in Dallas and Fort Worth that Jackie was worth waiting for because it takes her a long time to get READY. She came in late to that particular gathering.

The pope’s right hand man (Pope Benedict) is a Hearst at least he sure resembles the Hearsts named Georg Ganswein. He made sure the pope looked good. Plays tennis and is a heart throb to many in Europe.

Hearst Company sign in the Dallas Downtown area where JFK was assassinated on top of the building near the Book Depository where the alleged assassin worked. Of course everyone by now knows it wasn’t him.

I’ll add the emails asap in order that they came and were responded to. Well the ages will show it I’ll just add first the main ones. and then include the others as well.

I don’t think Gary wears a ski mask anymore.

I’m doing this because I need to for anyone who cares at all which doesn’t seem like hardly anyone does care. If you do read it you can imagine what it was like to be between two money grubbing sisters competing and having to deal with their shallow heads and hearts. It was and is still very hurtful to witness and be involved with I think because of their faith and false pride. They were and are sick and it must have to do with their religion and of course money and definitely has to do with Gary Kircher and his strange attraction. Kay (my cousin) used to call him “The Golden Boy.”

So sue me.

Letters are coming, but there are so many it may take a while to copy and put in a folder for this post.

I meant e-mails but I got some snail mail too.

Just goes to show you don’t want to know the Grahams if you can possibly avoid them you should.

The Samaritan’s Purse is on a rampage about the recent volcano in Nepal and gonna make some big bucks at their expense and yours. That’s his gig. The demolition man. That’s his coup d’etat and it works quite well for his business of religion and I guess all those mentioned that puffed him are helping him too.


Charlotte North Carolina I guess they had to name their baby for the Grahams. Talk about servitude. They have a lot of courage don’t they. Like I said that’s where the Grahams got their start in their crusades.

A shepherd thou shall not want.

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Stranger in Town


…..Better watch out,


Can H.A.A.R.P. cause earthquakes? How about SURI and the others. They sure can. I think they are responsible for the earthquake tsunami in Japan recently for the common good of the Neocatechumenal Way, Opus Dei, Roman Catholicism, The Vatican, The British Crown, Obama Care and for that ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT WITH TEETH and also for CLIMATE CHANGE for the new pope, POPE FRANCIS that insignificant other of popes.



My mom and dad are wonderful people and deserved better but I think they helped me in many ways understand the things going on and while they were deceived about me they loved me still. That’s how sweet they are but they also have their faults as we all do but they never went after other peoples inheritances or businesses or anything to screw people or to control them. They deserve more than a bird feeder at my mom’s window. Both my parents were raised in poor families and survived most of them through the Great Depression. They were and are amazing people but it shows what money does to people that don’t deserve it. When my sister wrote the last of her e-mails it was totally disrespectful and mocking. I don’t know which sister wrote the e-mail because I think they are two peas in a pod but really fucked up women not all by their lonesome though. They had a lot of help. They are gonna try to influence my eldest daughter through their beautiful talented daughter without her realizing it but she hasn’t understood the depths my sister and her husband went with me in the guise of protecting them from me. LOL. I love their kids and their kids as much as one can love them having not seen most of them in years.  I’m sorry I had to do what I have done responding to maniacal psychopaths and their politics, religion, and sexual problems. It started when Gary snuck up on me when I was asleep next to his wife after partying at a business party of theirs a wine and cheese tasting party because they owned The Cheese Shop in Richardson Tx at that time and having too much to drink and told to stay at their apartment separating Gary who was instructed to sleep in the bedroom by Tootie which had it’s own bathroom and my sister and I slept on the hideaway bed in their living room. That night a blond woman they befriended sat in his lap who we had gone to the First Tuesday/monday sale thingy that happens once month in some city nearby. And when he snuck up and molested me with his hands while he lied next to me on the floor and I woke up and saw my sisters face sleeping and I kicked him off once I realized what was happening and when it was easy to do so near my leg and avoided a huge scene by screaming and was trying to protect my sisters feelings. They were newly married by a couple of years. I think I was 18 or so. It was a shock and I was not awed. I was discrete and it snowballed over the years that I knew them and loved them and their children and mine.

I don’t want my kid to be their folly but she’s (my daughter) is not experienced enough to know better either of them (my daughters) and I don’t want them to be their pawns to make me look bad. And that is what they are doing to make them look good and benevolent using their daughter who is benevolent, but wishfully wistfully protective and not being honest which is hard to do when dealing with her parents. I know, I’ve been there, done that. It’s what people do that manage other people and manipulate other people even using their kids for that purpose. I don’t think that is love. i think it is demonic.

Tootie’s danger ranger more like Ranger Danger, huh?

On a trip to San Antonio or the beach with Tootie’s kids in the back of her van once we were having problems with the kids. I can’t remember what it was that they did I think they were not getting along, probably arguing, but they had a TV in the back and they were cramped in the back because of a bunch of stuff in the back of the car with them and in order to gain control of her kids she stopped the car somewhere near Waco. They were older then but still. Anyway it was night time and stopped the car at an empty parking lot in a place we had never seen before and made them run around the parking lot.. Made them jog around a parking lot just to make them settle down. It was weird. I was uncomfortable with the idea. I would not have done that with my kids because of the danger of it. But that was how she controlled them. Now some people might think that is good however a strange town, an empty parking lot, night time, and your kids jogging it just to control them? Not very protective. Control freak. Managed them quite well but I sure don’t think its good And yea people lose control, not this one. She has it tuned to a fine art. Kind of a scary woman.

They call it Damage-Control what they did to me but they don’t want to have to pay for it. They want to get paid for it and deprive me of a decent living by interfering in my life and using the powers they have to prevent me from making a living or being a success and believe me I have talent. Many talents, IMO. They keep me poor for their sakes. And uplift elevate their own kids above all others. And their kids ought to change that and not allow it and tell the truth and do it believing in God for someone who has been bullied, assaulted, demoted just about all de’s there are and I have proved myself in many ways to be superior to their sensibilities. When they die I’m sure they will be extremely sorry. I hope their kids change the course of their family dynasty for the sake my kids, my mom and dad, and me. And for themselves and their kids.

My little sister- I have no idea what happened to her except Billy Graham type christianity and selfishness but was caught in the middle too and isn’t very nice or bright but puts-on a good show. Corrupted by lots of deception and human foibles. She was though once. Still has moments that are sweet and real but doesn’t get it or feel for others much.

Ex just got home and brought in the mail: One from CPS saying both of us have to be meeting them at our home at a certain time with our daughter to present her. Then got another letter and it looks like a letter from Gary But I will have to see when I open it and a certified letter notice left in the mail box instead of being signed for at the front door to our address which is probably an attack by family. It was just an advertising for floors throne that looked like Gary’s writing in a frenzy on the envelope but the Ex came in right after I opened it up and said “what was it, a letter from Tootie?” So does EX know something or not. Coinci-dental. Tootie doesn’t often write me letters (like not!) except at Christmas with a letter abnormally long (6-8 pages typewritten) but in the last few years abnormally short (one page) and/or her magnetic real-estate refrigerator ads once a year. The last e-mail from my little sister about my mom and the bird feeder was kind of mocking as I said: This is what it said:

Bird-feeder I Promised Winking face

in the title of the letter and a picture of the bird feeder.

I’ll add the rest in a while that have transpired before and since. I think she is watching my every move. I think she has been deeply affected as well as I have by her letters because you should see them. I don’t really know how to take them but they are whacked out. Like that night she whacked me in my head a bunch as I drove. I do think it has had some dire consequences in her head as well. Anyway the e-mail talking about eating two cupcakes which could be kind of sick. Not sure. I don’t really know what the heck she means if it is a SHE!

Good thing I’m taking pain medication or I would be a nervous wreck. Still unnerved but less than I know i would be especially after some e-mails i have written and sent and received. This kind of stuff is really really hard to deal with but I need to.

Really weird writing on the envelope of the one mail and has a kind of emotional feeling to it but I could be reading into it. I’m a bit wrought.

It’s not really important what Gary and Tootie do (accepting that it is bad) as much as what everyone that knows about it one way or the other does about it. Just because you aren’t committing the trouble doesn’t mean you aren’t part of the trouble – aiding and abetting, obliging, asSISting, serving, encouraging, implementing, arming, making good of the bad, allowing bad behavior to thrive by silence, etc. and if they did what was right it might actually change his behavior and circumvent hers PREVENTING THEM FOR EVERYONE’S SAKE.

(You need to have courage, though, and not defer)

Come out of her my children that you may not partake of her sins!

When I started to confront this problem later in life I had nightmares. The dick one and after my operation and the nazi one clicking heels and then being driven in their white van all over the place in a big warehouse type place with many rooms and levels, ramps, kind of like a parking lot mall with levels and people and then being taken to a place nearby our house, near a creek and looking behind me and seeing some men and I recognized them but not really in real life just in the dream and then they used that stuff to cover my nose and mouth to make me fall asleep and that was it. I assumed my dream was being dumped by the creek. They said I suffered Post trauma Stress Disorder after my operation because of the operation and how I was acting at the time which was pretty wild -I heard that I was cussing and threatening etc. I was pretty high too. Morphine and other type pain relievers besides the SEPSIS which is blood poisoning all my organs so no wonder i was delirious.

I tried to put the letters into a file on the Hotmail site and lost the important one that I sent to the kids. I imagine I might get it back sometime soon hopefully but it’ in e-mail mode somewhere. The others lead up to it but it basically is a copy of a letter sent to family that said Mom and You on the header the OOPS added. Must have been plucked in e-mail heaven somewhere. So  if I get it back I will put it in this post but until I get it back I won’t put the others in till then.

Not someone you want to deal with because she is cold turkey. A cool cucumber. Though I ‘m sure Gary rebelled because of her ways he also got a great deal of protection by her tactics. In a way he was a victim but a destructive one.

Once after some bad stuff occurred he went around to everyone and put his hand on their head affectionally playing with their hair and when he came to mind he took the middle of his hand which are large hands and pushed my head to put me down. No one else noticed, but i did. Like he had control and that is how they coexist.

Pretty gross.

He wasn’t very cautious and loved to throw Kimberly in the air and she loved it but it scared people who watched and he loved it. He also wasn’t very cautious with swing sets and things and their nuts and bolts, wires. etc. Pathologically deranged kind of shit.

Tootie spent a lot of time and money buying rich people silver trays as if they didn’t have enough already just because she sold them a house. They loved it,

her being their slave which she is.

The girl went shopping for shoes in San Antonio and spent 2 hours looking for the perfect flip flops when we could have been seeing mom or eating or anything else. It didn’t matter the cost either she said. She would buy a pair for 200 dollars if she could find them just to prove she could.

She was generous but there were reasons for her generosity.


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Grueling kind of shopping. I’m not much into it probably because of it. She used to fart a lot when shopping. So she would move to a different wise. Corn. Corn was really hard on her system and so is milk. When she was younger she was okay but boy she sucked down the Sheila RIce snob attitude and the Highland Park drones and became really gross. Highland park women and men tend to wear the same clothes as each other. You can usually tell if someone lives in Highland Park by their clothing. Khaki this and Khaki that. I think they all shop at Old Navy and most belong to the Methodist Church the largest congregation in the world at onetime. The leader of that church was the investigator of the JFK assassination at the Book depository and was at the World Trade Center and blamed those in the audience for his assassination. So I think they are sort of slaves of some kind. I guess they were caught applauding the assassination at one Methodist school or Highland Park school, like Palestinians do when Jews are killed, though I think this is even more sinister than that. I wrote about it in the JFK posts on Merangue’s Blog. At the time some controversial stuff going on religiously about the Gospel of Matthew and it’s preeminence, Neocatechumenal Way, Opus Dei, and other things such as cloning/robotics and whether we have the right to clone, and abortion which I think has to do with Replacement theology and for what? as I wrote about in this post and the one beneath that or on the Eye of the Needle blog.? IF Abraham is a lark than all of this is for naught. So I think it’s quite possible we are dealing with that these days. Carrot seeds as Obama called them I think he might have been talking about recently with Pope Francis which I goes could be sought by rape and other medical techniques.

Whatever you do don’t let Lori Kircher decorate your home. LOL It will never end. i was leaning into her car once getting sample out of the car and woman backed her car into Tootie’s car and pinned my legs between the car door and the car. I went into shock but didn’t break a bone. Pretty amazing because the dent on her car door was quite large but luckily the lady in the van was backing up slowly.

The beach trips we had to deal with her on the phone constantly and wouldn’t often times get out to the beach till 3:00 because of her incessant NESS. A real boar.

She acted like one to when she was mad her nose would flare. Seething kind of anger.

You could always tell when she was getting upset if you watched her nose.

She marched often head first, then shoulders, feet last, and you knew she was hot about something. Proving something to someone.

She has a portrait of herself with Kimberly as a tot and it is at least 8 feet tall. Had it painted in San Antonio an oil painting on canvas. It’s in her entry. It was in the dining room. Disproportional too I might add, but the main thing is she is in it. It wasn’t really about Kimberly, her toy. Anyway that’s how the painting looks. And right by it is a picture I painted on porcelain of a famous portrait by a famous artist, of a woman in a garden with black and maroon bonnet and black lace gloves and her finger on her chin which reminds me of a photo of my little sister in the background of the picture she sent me of my mom. I painted the portrait and gave it to my mom wanting it back obviously if she couldn’t use it. Did my sister ask? I don’t remember that she asked for it because my mom at that time was still with dad and living in their home. No she just took it and hung it by her portrait in the entry. I had already painted her a portrait of little girl on porcelain that was really pretty. I had asked for it back too The one below and never heard a word about it thinking it was still in the warehouses where my mom and dads things were stored. That’s how my sister works her work. She just takes what she wants. Anyway I painted a copy of this painting on porcelain and it’s in her entryway next to her Humongous portrait of herself with this weird looking kid that looks totally disproportional as if it didn’t matter. What mattered is how Tootie looks.

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Type of Beauty by James Tissot

This is more like my mom than Tootie could ever be.

I have a site where some of my pastels are kept online: Hope you check it out:


Pastel Paintings by Beatrice (Portraits of movie stars, imaginary people and places, animals, and kids that I love)

Never said thank you. It took weeks or more (more than likely more but it’s been while) to paint it because it is cooked in a kiln and painted in layers. My mom taught me how to paint on porcelain. Tootie was never interested in art except to steal it. I would have loved to have had it in my repertoire of paintings to show my talent. It might help me gain some clients but that would not be productive for LORI KIRCHER since she hates my guts! I was forced to move from the place that my kiln was set up so haven’t done any portraits on porcelain since because living in a rental now and don’t have the 220 plug to get it started for a few years and I have been sick for a long time. I have invested in jewelry making tools learning some things and have a few inventions one is at the patent company but don’t have the money for developing it but still hope to eventually. A tool for soldering metal to metal. It got through some level that is hard to get patented and is a really good idea plus a money maker if I could do it I would. I don’t think out of all the pictures she shows framed or unframed in her home did she include me and I’m talking close to at least hundred or more she cleaned house of me after Virginia Cook Realtors and my stay at Parkland when I nearly died. She’s a real wing dinger. She showed me what her daughter wrote about the time we had that was what broke the family apart and her daughter wrote something about the devil. It was in some book handwritten and insinuating I was the devil.

I’m really not. I just stood up to them and was whalloped quite a bit and told the truth and they lied about me.

Her last e-mail said I can’t find it (it disappeared) but said something to the effect:

I do wish you had gotten over that whole affair a long time ago……….and said she is going now to San Antonio for Mother’s Day even though Diane said she wasn’t and told me that i was the only one who could use that ticket with my name on it that she bought to go to San Antonio a few days ago but I was disinvited by the little sister Diane, of course, because of my letters to the family including Tootie’s kids. So I’m not going and they are making it so I can’t see my mom but said for me to get the oxygen concentrator etc which I wrote I can’t I’m sick and haven’t received it because it hasn’t been bought and in a city a ways a way and is something you take in a car and not on a plane. And hoping Tootie would take care of it I just wanted to get the leg work done on it for her. It’s also weighty and they are kind of large. She never went on a trip alone in a car or even to do errands but mockingly un-expects me to. She is mocking about her control of mom and her life. She rarely does things by herself. How you gonna get there? So I have bad feelings. I can’t stand to see them do well. Honestly it’s hard to take. It’s hard to see them gloat and antagonize and agonizing in a way. EVIL.

It’s like getting hazed by a fraternity. And many are afraid that they go a long as long as it’s not them. It’s a changin’.

The ones that seem to be the most afraid are the males. Fraud of a woman, lol

Mocking me and the fact that mom might be without an oxygen concentrator depending on The ARC of San Antonio and what ever it is they maintain that they do or not do depending on who you talk to and when which I explained earlier. I think I did.

Anyway having lots of fun dealing with the woman I tried to protect when her new husband (2 or 3 years married) molested me. They as I said are 6 and 7 years older than me. They were married at 21 years of age I think. HMMMMMMM

I don’t know how old I was but it was pretty sneaky.

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He’s a bunch older now and kind of got a lot of wrinkles and is the wife’s boy toy.

Our family was changed when Gary came into our lives and it was not good.

I sent an e-mail back to the company he works for Dave Perry-Miler and where Lori sent some NASTY emails from to me and he sent back one about about Agenda 21.

The Son of man indeed goeth, as it is written of him: but woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! good were it for that man if he had never been born.
They attend Scofield non-denominational church in Dallas and you will notice them Tootie usually weeps when she hears the church leaders words of wisdom: the sermon. They are a private school as well. Were involved in re-editing the bible during the time they did that with Rome I think in the 70’s to make the Gospel of Matthew pre-eminent and for the one world government that is so successful now and inclusive. About the same time that Ricks Warren’s bible came out as well or beforehand. I think he had something to do with the Warren Commission or his relatives during the JFK assassination who prospered the one bullet theory for the masses to eat and to make bunch of money on ridiculous books about it competing with the bible publications.

She magnifies him in her vagina course the doctor had to enlarge her…after birth, because she was tight and he needed more room. I guess sex wasn’t that fun or she couldn’t enlarge herself. She had other things enlarged as well so she wouldn’t appear to be a heavenly pear. I do so wish she had never been born and Gray as well but they were. HAIL THE KIRCHERS KEK KEK WHEN YOU SEE THEM. IF they would come down to earth and act nice I would feel differently but they are a bit hard to swallow and the things they have done are outrageous. What they do to other people is disgusting.

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This is the bishop i think and the first woman to be one in the Episcopal religion or the Church of England or both in England I guess and looks eerily like my sister, Tootie and Kristen in a way. The short hair and the neck. A combo.

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 I was looking for the one of her hugging some man with white hair on the day of her ordination and it was so close to looking like Tootie when she hugs people, like you were her long lost friend after being a hostage for 365 days or something. Her name is Bishop Libby Lane. Kind of took me back in some ways watching her greet people, LOL with all her heart.

It looks like mysister Tootie2015-06-02 at 8.27.19 PM

She looks just like my sister Tootie aka Lori Kircher. She used to look different but had a nose job similar to my little sister’s nose but she told us it was surgery for a deviated septum. LOL Right! I remember her taking off her bandages and checking it out and that’s because it was surgery for the shape of the nose vs the deviated septum. The deviated septum though probably made the surgery cheaper and insurable, don’t ya bet? While you are at it……etc. It was done at The Medical Center on the first floor in Dallas off Forest Lane, I think. I was with her in the waiting room for some reason…Oh that’s right we were sisters then. We did things like that with each other Hang out, do errands, pick up kids etc. Now they remove all  family pictures of me but keep my art work. Absurd. I keep asking for it back via e-mails NOT A WORD BACK the last chiding me about a 200 dollar ticket she bought down the tube and I was in the hospital taken by ambulance. God I wish she would give a crap about my mom and dad’s hopes in her that she would take care of mom properly and not be an asshole to me. He probably would appreciate it if she would try to be a good daughter and sister. It’ isn’t that hard.

 The moles have something to do with the movie Guardians of the Galaxy. I AM GROOT! Not exactly sure why but in a twisted way I can see her point to a point. My dad had some moles on his back. One big red one we used to like to wiggle it. LOL. Diane used to like to squeeze blackheads on our faces and on his back. It was rather irritating but she was into microscopic flaws and noticed often when others didn’t. She meant well. LOL.  Our family when we sweat we don’t glow. Except maybe mom and Tootie. But the rest of us sweat drips of sweat. If you saw my dad mowing the yard you would know what I mean. Big drops of sweat! I loved the movie Guardians of the Galaxy! Fun movie! Yup, it’s a good movie!

Gary was the one that got Christianity going in the family and yet look what he did. Course it was a cover. The iies are probably why my parents may have dared Gary, could be someone else they are talking about. i question just about everyone in my family in that regard. (However Diane was christianized by Billy Graham crusades early on.) Her pastor she ended up dating during separation of he and his wife with kids (I think he had kids) and he became a manager at Gary’s deli. Just because someone is a pastor doesn’t make him good or perfect.

My Kid’s Phone Call to Tootie

Before I had the operation my daughters left a message to Tootie on the phone to stop harassing me, to stop bullying me and to stop lying about me. I received a phone call from my mom who must have heard from Tootie that I set up my youngest to call Tootie. She let my mom hear some of the conversation I think because she brought up some things from the conversation. Said that my voice was in the background prompting my youngest daughter which that must have been my eldest daughter prompting the youngest. It was a total surprise to me that they had called until my mom called accusing me of using my youngest child and my eldest got her little sister to do it with her. It was cute of them to stick up for me. My youngest was in the first grade or so (somewhere in there) and my eldest five years older and they were upset, because I was upset. Anyway I got in trouble for that with my family and I had nothing to do with it but obviously having an affect on my kids. So she lied again to my mom and accused me of abusing my kids that way and using my kids. I didn’t. I just remembered this when talking to my youngest who is much older now who brought it up which I had forgotten about this episode in the Kircher’s saga. I was asking her opinion of what I am doing sending letters to lawyers about the $35,000 and the inheritance before the death of my mom and told her about the funeral procession and said, “That’s messed up.” LOL her style of communication at this point in time (but at least she knows the difference unlike Tootie’s kids and they are older by a mile than my kids), and that’s when she brought up the phone call to Tootie reminding me of what they did in their bedrooms and the phone calls after about it accusing me when I tried to assure everyone I didn’t do it or set them up or prompt my kids to make that phone call and it was on their own initiative for their mom, but at the time I thought it was really cute of them and outrageously ridiculous the reaction by the family and another form of bullying on false information. My sister lying about my kids to my mom and another reason for my sickness as far as I’m concerned and another reason for not talking to the rest of the family any more at that time because they did not believe me again. Another reason for me to not want my eldest to go to New York to vista their eldest child. I think they will use it somehow against my eldest because it is not beneath them to use my kids for their folly. It was an unbearable time dealing with their problems and their abuse. They were adept at twisting everything out of the norm or reality! This is the one my Ex (because we aren’t married) won’t let me teach my kids and she is the one that was in the hospital that freaked out about the t-shirt and the bicycle/horse lesson but maybe it will stick later in her conscience as often lessons do after first being repulsed by it. Who knows.

My husband and now Ex is in the sound effects business, voice talent business, is an engineer of sound and owns a sound studio. Mostly does car ads for some clients and mixes music as well and sometimes writes music for various reasons.

Ex said he heard it. I don’t remember hearing the message, but hearing of it so he may vicariously have thought he heard it. He tried to tell me that they didn’t have the technology then to change a voice and of course I know that’s not true and his reason was because one voice on top of another would change both voices but I said what about someone changing one voice when it’ s in between the voices which I know can be changed without changing the other voice. He said they wouldn’t spend $150 to do it. LOL. Oh yea? I don’t remember hearing the tape or message they left just heard about it via my mom, but the kids admitted to me that they called when I asked them if they did and I called my mom and told my mom after the first call that they admitted calling Tootie on their own.

The Ex just said he doesn’t know why I’m worrying about it now anyway!

Of course, he doesn’t read my stuff, LOL, but says I’m prolific and should write a book. LOL. at least in the past he has said that I doubt he would feel that way now. LOL. He thinks I’m an idiot as well. Trying to tell me they didn’t have technology 10 years ago to change a voice. DUH!

Gary used to call my husband at the time often: Phili-pone without the n sound as the french sound of the ending ant as in croissant in disrespect for him and it got old and I told my mom about it that I didn’t think it was nice. This went on for  many years and I guess made Gary feel superior to him and able to harass his wife. It was a put down. Phil didn’t like it so I told my mom and I think she mentioned it to them and it stopped. Signs of an abusive couple in the family.

Anyway I feel since I did handle it correctly in the first place at our meeting and telling discretely about it to Tootie he should have backed off for Tootie’s sake and his kids. Instead he lashed out in belligerence and kept doing it and when someone makes a mistake it’s okay as long as they don’t react that way antagonizing by doing it more and isolating and all that kind of stuff. And then have Tootie doing her business on top of it was also hard, even harder than his weird problems.

I do so wish he had gotten over it a long time ago.

Trying to get the family to watch The Atonement is not getting over it.

She must have bought it in the meanwhile.


She already made me watch it at their house when we were still talking to a small degree and Gary went to bed. I was clueless what it was about of course and even had to go to the store with her to rent it. Anyway she was trying to prove something in my head and hers as well. It was grueling watching it the first time.

That was less than a year or a year ago. Geez. LOL Seen it, Thanks It was enough.

Not the most interesting movie except for the costumes. Who would suggest that for a gathering of family? You know? Let’s steam some clothes while we’re at it!

Anyway she has some delusion about her and Gary. I can not imagine Tootie in the love scene with the curtains. or whatever it was in the movie. If you watch her do the hula you will understand what I mean.

Also what is weird when I had my abortion as a teen Gary came to visit with Tootie. She came to alert my parents but why did he travel over a 1000 miles to visit? Very odd. Were they on their way to the Kircher home in Greenwich, Connecticut? I know they j had had one as a couple before they were married, an illegal abortion. But why would he be at mine? Mine was on base.  My brother didn’t even know about it for a long time. Was Gary at Gaby’s abortion as well? Gaby is die-hard catholic. Her parents were die-hard catholics too. I never did ask why Gary was there but I guess it must have been a family affair? Of course I’m sure that’s why Patsy said the thingy about “Beauty is as beauty does” real snarkley at her house. I thought what the heck and not sure what brought it on but she often was putting her foot in her mouth like the time she was in a greeting line and talking to hair-lip and started talking like it. LOL She thought whoever it was was kidding. No offense, but she actually did that. KInd of like what Gary does with african americans nearby and far and talks jive talking like he’s an Uncle Tom.

Just to get in the spirit of it I’ll add this song which is really a good one by Otis Redding:


I know that General Colin Powell made general because of the new policy in the army/military about African Americans and it worked for him I thought I heard him say. My Ex did the book on tape about Colin Powell by Colin Powell years later in his studio. Wonder if there’s a connection. He was the general that swore about the Iraq chemical weapons that I guess was why we attacked Iraq instead of Saudi Arabia after the Saudis attacked the Twin Towers in New York. Something like that. Strange reaction. The Iraq and the Iran countries had some wars where both used chemicals against each other. They didn’t get along for some reason, probably their religion had a lot to do with it that Saudi Arabia (MEcca and MEdina) perpetuate. Now Iran is close to having nukes. (I dink we made a big mistake, one of many camel butts! Colin Powell had a lot to do with that decision! Perhaps it would have been better my dad had made general. Oh well. I doubt they were in contention between themselves it was more of a percentage type quota.) That’s why partially we were busted on base by the military police just to make sure my dad didn’t make general and a few others colonels. Not my problem anymore or my dads.

It’s UR problem.

I know what needs to be done, but no one listens to me. I wonder why?

 Add that last ump (the bust) which was definitely a set up. The Bust of the colonel kids, not colonial. Tracy and Brad Powell were there so their dad was affected and some other older kids Walter’s age. Brad gave Walter the cold shoulder at his wife’s funeral and Walt thought possibly Brad had helped his wife with a kick on her bicycle go down a big hill somewhere with the spike going into her kidney and killing her. Anyway Walt didn’t understand why Brad was acting weird and told me the rumor of his. He and his wife Walter and me did a certain drug and went down the Perdernales Falls when I was in college nearby. Real outdoorsy kind of couple. But Walter didn’t do anything about it. For a former District Attorney for the Air Force that’s kind of weird reaction. NOTHING. What does it take to get a handle on things? Be proactive? Brad’s daughter was a friend of Kimberly (Gary’s an Tooties daughter) when they were young. Makes me wonder if the pregnancy wasn’t either since I don’t remember a lot of it. I will probably find out one day in heaven. Of course a priest happened to be on the plane sitting next to her and she talked to him abut my upcoming abortion. So you have Gary, Tootie, and a priest. Never heard the content of the conversation but I’m sure she did her crying thing and forgot to mention her own abortion. Obviously Patsy knew. I didn’t tell her. My mom didn’t tell her, I know that. So who did? Not someone you would want to divulge your secrets. Patsy never called me I don’t think she ever did call me even for gatherings . Usually went through the head of the family kind of person like Tootie and she would call the rest of us.. After the big meeting at Virginia Cook she called me and I did not answer. I knew she was Tootie’s compatriot. She was who I was supposed to be in the limo with at my dad’s funeral in the fourth car. No thanks. I refused. I knew she was up to no good. I think it was Tootie one upswing me somehow. Undermining me from the start. That’s what I think. I think I was around 20 years old then when Patsy said that to me on one of family gatherings. Why did they invite me in the first place?

I went to a gathering at Tootie’s house with lots of family and had my first attack breathing wise on the way home. Was it the sour grape or was it the cheese dip with almonds, I mean, walnuts. It was sold to me with almonds and found out after inquiring if it wasn’t almonds but walnuts and my little sister (DIANE) blurted it out on the phone as if confessing. Weird. The ex noticed the sour grape that I didn’t continue to eat and put in a napkin. I guess he watches closely. I thought I was discreet about it. Lysteria had poisoned some people and the source was walnuts at that time. Anyway soon after about a day I got diagnosed with COPD. I was at 85 oxygen rate and barely could breathe. The doctor gave me a treatment and sent me to ER. We were only a few blocks away. Coincidence? And have been labeled COPD since and have had many problems since breathing wise attacks. Though some are due to my intestines because of Sepsis and the peritoneal access years ago that 14 inch scar that caused probably blockage with scar tissue. Pretty hard combination. Lots of poisonings going on and excuses excuses excuses. I think that was a set up because Patsy’s son was acting kind of different. Really whipped kind of personality and used to recite to us bible things and other poems. Turned into a one worlder somewhere along the way. Lost his ump. He reminded me of the press guy Dick Morris. Sort of looked like him that night when he asked: When was the last time you saw your mother? And I said “with the family when they saw mom.”

It was kind of accusatory sounding and odd since Tootie and him were very close and I’m sure he had talked to Tootie that night. They were the same age and were once caught eating each others poops as babies. That’s how close they were. They were competing as babies..

Whats odd too is Gaby (my brothers wife) mentioning the money in the lobby of the hotel we stayed at that we owed yet they had already tapped into moms money via Lori way before that for that debt. Doesn’t make sense. That’s why I think gambling is involved and maybe punishment for that meeting Gary was inquisitive about. Did Walt payoff a gambling debt and not tell Gaby? Did Walt, Gary, Tootie sue for damages of Diane when she was poisoned in California but not tell Diane, Dave or Gaby? Or was Dave involved? Got a settlement out of court?

I didn’t say this though the time that I went to the car for a lighter or cigarettes and told Gary I didn’t need to be carried to the car (I was barefoot and it was wet outside but not raining) and Gary came up behind me as I bent in the car. Did that kind of thing a bunch enough to be gross. NIce guy. SLEAZY. There were friends of Kim’s that I think were affected by him in a negative way. Can’t prove it but I kind of noticed some stuff. Little things. So he didn’t stop, obviously.

I guess Tootie just didn’t have what it takes at least not for long.

Of course who would want to for that STUPID DRUNK prick.

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I doubt Kristen would be blissful if I hadn’t prevented Malachi from falling off that ledge at The Arc

and I doubt he would have felt blissful either.

Ignoring the obvious. Negligent and cold. Your faith is screwed up. Why would Kristen say that not breathing and dying is blissful. Has she done it? by the way that is what Diane told me that Kristen said in other words “let her die.”

When the idea of a hospice came up Diane finally admitted it meant a way to die and wouldn’t include the care of a physician because it cost money and the hospice would be free using Medicare while she has $35,000 in a bank account saving it for later from my mom’s account. So the hospice didn’t go through because my brother deferred to Tootie the executor of mom’s money but I doubt it was because of that. Instead my mom got a bird feeder out her window to watch the birds on a shepherds hook, which is nice but it isn’t a $35,000 hook.

Thanks so much for standing for up for death.  Would you have liked it if I had taken Diane’s advice about your son, Kristen?

Your kids?

You said your dad was a “work in progress.” Mighten you help him along? Teach him a little about his problem?

Instead of enabling him and enabling your mom to be a witch with a bee in her butt.

Can’t the three kids stand up to their mom? Kimberly, Kristen, and John? You are old enough. What’s it gonna take?

How about Babs? Barbara Kinkead? Canda Brown, Scotts ex wife? Kimberly’s friends and you know who you are? Hockaday school? Scofield? Merrill Lynch?

When Kimberly was a little girl she had so much cuteness and spirit and now she’s a Stepford wife.

Lacks personality, though very sweet, but a shell of what she was. IMO

Kristin was/is beautiful and definitely spirited, but angry as a kid. I used to call her Little Miss Opposite. I think she married to get the hell out of that household though and I think she is happier, but that isn’t saying much. She loves kids and work but they are mixed up spiritually. I can’t imagine having parents like that and I hope the kids get it together and stand up for themselves against that kind of parent that they were cursed with. The devil is in the details and it was their parents that caused the problems and blamed everyone else. I don’t think there is one person in the world that they (Tootie and Gary) behind their back talked nicely of unless they have a bunch of money but that usually doesn’t last for the others that do have money.

They will find out when they are old and realize what they did and didn’t do and wonder if it would have made a difference and it will really sting especially when it affects their kids.

I prayed about it outside in my driveway the way I pray and two doves (mourning ones, I think) came to the tree separately. I asked for a sign from my God if he will show his power. And each roosted a small bit in the top of the tree and flew away. I don’t know what that means but it was a sign to me. Could have been the same bird because they looked similar, but it was reassuring and I think it was meant to be that just like many other miracles I have been blessed with. I think I’m not done with that 10 year period we all get to go through.

I heard about Kristen and a man that was near death at a hospital and she washed his body and he died. Tootie told me.

I guess that’s her job is to send them off. Miss Mother Teresa without a clue. What about Malachi?

Kristen stood her ground (about the eye drops) then at the Arc because she had her brood with her even though she is close to being a doctor herself, why not for my mom? Tootie and Gary (because I don’t think Tootie would had turned out so bad if not for Gary) have really done a number on the kids and the family. I hope they pay dearly for it. Not as much the kids except for their accepting being their mom and dad’s coverup. But it’s complicated as well.

It must be tough though having a molester for a dad and bitch for a mom. The perfect fit to ruin some really good kids. But they prospered because of it so it must not be so hard for them after all the intimidation they went through. Gary did not want Kristen to have therapy. Why? Good question. She got it later though via Tootie by a Christian therapist.


I have no idea if it helped but i think she was vacuumed or something. Her memory. That’s what I think. Probably for their faith and their sakes.

I was invited by Kristen via Tootie on the last trip to San Antonio to go visit anytime I wanted to go where she lives because of the beach nearby and she even offered me and my kids to stay while she and her husband are off to Colorado for 10 days without her there which is pretty nice but that was before the letters. She told her mom to encourage me or at least that is what her mom said.:”Encourage her, mom” I called her a few days ago while at work and she is supposed to call back, but we’ll see. I love the ocean and it would be good for me and my girls because they missed out on a bunch because of family retaliation about Ted’s money that they lost but I don’t like being treated like dog poo by her mom. They mossed out on the family stuff too with my parents because of Tootie and gary’s retaliation. It hurt them. I don’t like my mom’s life threatened the way my sister does and I can live with out the ocean if I have to. It’s not as important as my mom or my kids. Tootie got my oldest daughter a ticket to New york via Kimberly for a weekend because of a bad boyfriend culminated with some bad behavior by him and hurt her tremendously though she is over it and I just a day or so ago asked that my sister cancel the trip because of her strange kind of behavior bribing, IMO? My daughter wants to go though and it was sweet of Kimberly but I know whence her mom is coming from and it’s not good, I don’t think. I don’t trust her obviously. I wanted to, but I don’t. The ticket Tootie bought for me for Mother’s day to be with my mom, her, and Diane in San Antonio. Diane disinvited me because of the letters and Tootie wasn’t gonna go to San Antonio according to Diane and then I got the cup cake letter from Diane and now Tootie is gonna go so I warned Diane via e-mail that a turd was on it’s way actually did it before I knew that but it does seem like a fulfillment of the message. Then got a message from the big sis and the little sis that she didn’t show up for Mother’s Day so maybe the turd is still coming. The emails were kind of spooky from both sisters. LIke they have something up their sleeves and possibly some insanity in them. That or trying to be funny? I kind of got a message about that trip that something wasn’t right in the way that I get those kind of clues. Cues. So I feel my family is at risk and so I am gonna write about it to lay down my defense just in case they are up to some shenanigans. I feel like that’s the best I can do and pray. I’m not a big prayer-type person in the sense I don’t have long winded prayers, just posts. My prayers are usually short. I don’t like being screwed with and I don’t like people entrapping others and me. I don’t like it at all.

Diane said that Dave and Diane asked for an accounting of mom’s accounts awhile back and Tootie sent a pencil scrawled very short message back. Sounds like Gary to me! That’s the way he was. Obviously it wasn’t an accounting at all. I guess she resents being harangued about it. Though I don’t think it was too much to ask and should have been important for Tootie to prove her honesty and forthrightness in regards to my mom’s money (that dad earned) since she is the one that was honored with the job of “executor of her estate” for my mom’s well being by my dad. He trusted her. You would think she would have taken the time to do it for them. She spent an awful lot of time lying to mom and dad and everyone else about me and Gary. Gary wanted to isolate me which they have. I guess her priorities are a bit skewed, but why?

I do know that Tootie wanted to be top woman of the men in our family. She just needed that extra love or respect and would go to great lengths to get it. After a while you just say to yourself: FUCK IT. I don’t care. She can’t seem to fulfill herself without screwing others especially females and kids.

She didn’t want to invest in the pulse/oxygen medical tool for Diane to take care of mom. It was on sale at the drugstore for about 40 dollars. She said “what do I need one for?” Well for one thing finding my mother at the middle 70’s a few times in the oxygen rate would make one think it’s important, but not Tootie. I think that’s a sign of intentional negligence in regards to my mom. I don’t think dancing the hula is quite as important. I was trying to get Diane to buy one for when she visits mom which is often to help her. Diane did buy it and it made a difference once. IF you knew how many times Tootie got us to purchase something as a gift and be indebted to her and how she would do an accounting to the cent Oh man it is unbelievable how she has changed when the tables turn.

On the elevator at the Methodist hospital with Lori (Tootie) and Diane in San Antonio the last time I was there before I think it was the same day we found my mom naked in bed with covers off on the end of the bed which is hard to do when you can hardly move, isn’t it? My moms nurse said that mom had been naked all day long and we had been with her for 5 hours that day before we went to get a bite to eat out somewhere. On the elevator Tootie said that 3 was the number of perfection something I’m sure she learned from Gary the bible scholar or the English woman across the street (another bible scholar) and probably while in North Carolina at her woman’s retreat. i’m sure it has something to do with that Synoptic BULLSHIT. I said “I don’t believe in perfection” as we were getting off the elevator and a bunch of people, mostly older men laughed and made a joke of it.

Is a ménage-trois perfection?

The synoptic Gospel a lot of the three that are considered synoptic having been cued by a “Q source” supposedly are very similar in many parts of each (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) comparing them is quite interesting. The differences in the similarities are interesting. Gospel of Luke kind of illuminates the differences quite well or in a big way. Which I have tried to show in my posts located and linked on Merangue’s Blog. Some of the differences are kind of humorous a well.

I’m sorry but I’m pissed when someone tells my sister Diane who is not all there sometimes to just let my mom go blissfully. Oh Kristen but she didn’t want to put those eye drops in herself which wasn’t her job and had to make the nurse do it. Diane does have a sweet side but doesn’t have a clue either. She was willing.

I remember I had a designer jeans party selling jeans with my hand made jewelry and Diane invited 300 friends and then it was really 500 friends to her home for the affair and 1 showed up. I don’t think so. The work involved was quite a bit for a woman who was cut from chest to my caesarian scar to the innards of my body like a big upside down T and have her lie about that. I recall she insulted me that day because i needed to rest or something and I wasn’t energetic enough, like her.

How does one invite 500 people and 1 show up? There might have been two. I guess they were distracted by a mirror I hadn’t made yet or had I? “OUCH” as my sister would say.

Anyway i think she ought to become a bishop for the Church of England, like Tootie.

I think they are actually hindu-cized christians!

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That’s my mom. She’s a very fine woman. I’m not being facetious. I love her.

Too bad about some of the Stanford’s falling for Buddha. My sister left her picture again rather touched up a bunch on face book just to be TOOTIE. Sure would be nice to get my portrait back.


I wrote her and asked for it, we’ll see what she does. Probably send another portrait of herself touched up extremely! In real life she ain’t all that. LOL!

The one that had it on his Facebook is spiritually not well. He is an artist and a sweet guy but he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, obviously. Been in a wheel chair a long time.

I heard my brother’s screams on the sound affects of the game WOW. Every time I hear it I know it’s my brother’s voice. Not sure why. I’m sure he would say: “Delusion much?”, or “Don’t go there, Bea.” He said that about the Sandy Hook Elementary hoax that I was trying to show was a hoax to my siblings and the man with his wife whose child supposedly was killed laughing before he got up and cried about his kid which was on you tube all over the place on the internet but they didn’t notice however Gary did. Like a plant, the ones you hear about in the bible in the Old testament that are hard to  pull. Walter also said that what Tootie and Gary did was called “Self Preservation” at a meeting we had when he wanted me to reconcile with mom and dad in his bad health and because of Walter and Diane, we did reconcile. Gary was pretty frightened of that meeting. He was asking leading kinds of questions to my brother that i heard about while he stayed with them. I guess he felt ganged upon but my brother was diplomatic to some degree and wanted the family to reconcile and flew in town just for that. After the meeting we had agreed to not tell the kids. I guess that was his job or maybe he did it for their sakes. They aren’t kids anymore, are they? Of course, I told mine discreetly and not very detailed but for them to understand to some degree for their protection and to be leery of Gary and Tootie. The one that was bullied at school kind of understands but the older one isn’t quite there yet and I think they want to royally screw her. She is head strong and the eldest, the one that Tootie via Kimberly are going to try to turn against me and already have with a trip to New York City. Pandering. Of course I don’t trust them. Who could, except those that are totally vacuous? I know that God will help me if she goes. He has so far and it is their folly. Too bad they keep digging in deeper into their own devises and demise. My ex seems to be involved as well by the things he has done lately and in the past few years that I noticed and the things he has said. My brother years ago told me that Phil was a loser. He was right. He obviously knew something I didn’t know ahead of time. I should have but I didn’t. Certainly have plenty of evidence of it now. I sure hope they get their shit together for their own well being. They better not mess with my kids or I think they might truly regret it!!!!! Rejection is pretty tough I guess. I certainly have felt it and I guess Gary couldn’t handle it hence the isolation stuff he told my sister and the payback for his crap. It’s pretty complex what occurred in my family and we loved each other I think. My brother was quite emotional then after that meeting and seemed real and I appreciated it. He thought he was right in what he was doing. Of course how can you possibly explain in a meeting what had really occurred. I don’t think he understood the depths of their deception and those involved who helped like Sheila Rice of Virginia Cook Realtors (better watch out, better not cry…I think the tables are turning) and I do think it is because of religion to some degree. I know I couldn’t explain to my mom on the phone when I was so upset about not screaming or taking a job with them as my bosses. It was hard to explain sufficiently. I don’t know about Tootie and Gary. Being banished even in pictures is a bit weird. Talk about delusional and denial. WHOOOOSH. Having to watch Atonement almost a second time is really weird. She threatened us with watching that movie (she obviously bought it and vicariously deferred to it on a trip to my little sisters home to see mom.) Kind of scary like Dr. Jekyl and Mrs. Hyde. I understood that it was self preservation but what the heck I’m doing the same thing and I didn’t start it. The difference with my brother was I threatened to file a law suit (I was highly emotional) and that is not good to do to family as far as he is concerned the same guy a lawyer who defends people on the job against job discrimination and abuse on the job but not his sister. I guess he wasn’t gonna make any money off my case. He made a bunch of money off of a lawsuit involving Federal Express. It wasn’t as if Tootie and Gary didn’t threaten the same to me with letters that were sent though snail mail the kind you have to sign for. I doubt he knew it unless he helped and using the company of Virginia Cook so I think he was representing them. Thanks Walt! He used to smash snow in my face and pump my stomach. Kind of a bully. Once a bully always a bully especially if money is involved. They (Tootie and Walter) were in a hurry to put dad down when he had aspirated on the pill as he was about to go home to my mom. My brother looked at me funny at the funeral. Watching my reaction to my dad’s death instead of his own reaction, which I think is kind of weird. Somewhere between the time he had that meeting and staying at Lori and Gay’s house at that time and the funeral something happened to him I think. Maybe by Gary because Gary was afraid. When Diane was afraid of something she allowed to happen between her and boy at the time drinking was involved of course and he died soon after. He wasn’t a boy anymore but it was in Chicago when he supposedly committed suicide with a sock and shoe on one foot. Most people put two socks on first. NO this person put on a sock and a shoe on one foot first, and then jumped. Diane was at his funeral to console the parents, her friends. They prayed over him the day he jumped. I think they were Pentacostals or similar. He was paranoid and thought people were trying to get him (kill him). He was a friend of Diane’s son Andy Howard. Something that wants to place Diane as some saint which is ridiculous if only you knew. I love her but she is not what she thinks she is. She has a very sweet side though but lacks something on the the other side. Telling me to concentrate on mom when a woman is bleeding profusely is a bit strange and a strange thing to say and then telling me not to watch Tooties grandkids at the river a while before is a strange thing to say. Let Tootie do it…..They were a bit wild running around but really cute and they were Kristen’s kids. We were all together my brother Lori and Gary, Diane and Dave, Gary and Kristen’s kids. It was night around the river that is black blue in the middle of San Antonio at the river walk.. Being told he was in a wheel chair and then not being in one and being in ‘it seemed perfect condition’ at my sisters retreat in the hills and telling me not to go there in regards to the Sandy Hook Massacre hoax. “Don’t go there, Bea,” he said (eerily like Eric Holder said to Louis Gohmer), when I was trying to show Diane who is very hard of hearing spiritually. My brother had some gambling problems in the game of baseball. I wonder whether he was in trouble or something and figured dad didn’t have the quality of life anymore. Until someone is cured the quality of life sucks when people are sick. He might have gotten better but I think the timing was funny about when he died soon after their conversation trying to talk me into whatever it is they were thinking about doing. He died in front of us soon after that conversation about letting him die (blissfully?). I don’t know. Dad owed Tootie and Gary money for his business Dorwalt Homes that he couldn’t pay back (his health and the economy) and possibly Gary and Tootie decided to fuck him over because of that meeting when we discussed what to do about Gary. Did Gary pay back Uncle Ted? NO, I DOUBT IT! Uncle Ted’s son sure did die young. Uncle Ted died soon after the mistake on Wall Street, as well. The last e-mail from my brother was “Delusion much? NO I don’t delusion much but there is a lot of delusion around.

He is a believer in the Global Warming Scam and The God Particle! Delusion much?

If I had a business I would not hire them such as Dave Perry-Miler Homes and I sure wouldn’t let her be your real-estate agent if she works for anyone including her own business: Lori Kircher Homes.’ 

If she would do that to her dad which is a possibility, and to her sister, possibly her daughter, God only knows what she could be capable of. What does she need an oxygen/pulse reader for? Executor of my mom’s future in a way. OH but only a rich person knows what it’s like to lose money then someone who never had it. She is married to a banker. Bab’s (Barbara) Kincade member of the biggest congregation of methodists in the world The Methodist Church of Dallas on Preston Road.

t was paid back on a loan for the house I was part owner of with the ex who went bankrupt and would not sell the house via mom and dad’s money that Tootie was executor of even though that was not part of the contract that we signed in regards to the loan/gift. I was too unhealthy and emotionally unfit to fight him over it. She and Walter did it anyway. Walter was supposed to get it off the sale of the house if it wasn’t paid back and if it was sold. Then of course Gaby thinking they didn’t receive it when I was told that they did by Tootie. So they probably have been lied to by my sister or something all together more sinister. I feel kind of railroaded but I was very weak from my operation and family abuse. It set a precedence for the rest of my siblings to get that same amount off the top of mom’s money (that dad earned) to take care of mom. And now the excuse for the lack of care for mom is money. That’s what you call negligence? I think so. Intentionally early on. Seems kind of illegal to me. I think I was tricked when the getting the house as Tootie was the realtor because the interest rate went up from what was agreed on the day of the sale. We had never owned a home and were kind of naive to the difference it made to the price monthly. It seemed like fudging and wanted it so badly. The house we had been living in a rental every new Years and 4th of July I had to worry about bullets flying or landing on my head, peeping toms, a nut walking around with a bat bringing me food that smelled like mothballs, a neighbor wanting me to take care of her children, rising creme rate, a guy who picked up dog poop with his hands, gypsies walking in my house, animal poisonings, kid next door breaking into my house for my kids toys he stuck in a tree out front and got his younger brother to climb in the broken window glass, a really great neighborhood. I was obviously dying to get out of that area. lIke living with a bunch of crazy people. We were kind of desperate for a better life. The house that Phil loved near where he had a gig at the chinese restaurant on the lake. what i liked were the bedrooms sizes the view of the lake and the neighborhood pool which turned on us because of the fear of drownings and insurance costs. So went through beaucoups of trouble about it trying to keep it open and was a great entertainment for the kids and something to do in the summertime in 100 degree weather. Reminded me of the neighborhood pool we had in Virginia and knew my kids would love it and I did too. It was a part of the deal and the attraction of buying the home and that deal didn’t last. It was part of the cost of the home in my opinion and we got screwed. ROYALLY! I recall when working for Tootie and Gary there was house that she sold or was the listing agent that may have been some form of illegal stuff. I can’t remember what it was but I had kind of found out mistakenly when I was really sick looking into things and I think what they did was highly against the law and that may have been partially why they went after me continually afterwards because I was a threat to them and the company of Virginia Cook Realtors which was involved knowingly. Something I found out but lost along the way because of sickness and despair. They have deadlines in regards to that kind of thing but it was a real shady deal. That was close to about ten years ago or so maybe less I can’t remember the dates exactly i was so frazzled by it all. Maybe 7 years. Not sure anymore it was so long ago and I kind of gave up then in a lot of ways because of the intimidation and my frame of mind at the time and physically, of course being poisoned by Sepsis is tough stuff. I thought maybe licking the envelopes might have been involved in the last job I had. There are a few things that happened that I can’t pin it on. My ex likes to pin it on my brother and I dancing at Kimberly’s 2nd wedding 2 months before and I slipped on the dance floor (on my skirt that was too long and didn’t have time to hem it and really never planned to hem it because it was a really long hem. But it was pretty and on sale and filled the spot for that night. I think I had bought the day before the wedding.) it was no big deal because I wasn’t hurt and it was funny to me and embarrassing. But he said that I mentioned it to him (Phil) as maybe the cause of my physical ailment just recently and of course don’t remember blaming the slip on the dance floor for that. I don’t recall that so I think he is trying to put thoughts in my head too. I do remember slapping my ex when he wouldn’t listen to me telling him that they were watching me with hidden cameras and things like that were going on following me because of their fears of a lawsuit and I was wrought and very paranoid because of the things they were doing to me and slapped his glasses off his face and the glasses fell down (didn’t break so it wasn’t that big a deal) and he said they flew 20-30 feet which would be impossible. But he slammed me to the floor from a standing position and put his fist in my face. So I thought maybe that was the reason for my sickness however I had lost a lot of weight before hand and was bleeding a lot for a month or two (maybe the change of life kind of stuff) and was totally emotionally bullied by my family and the company of Virginia Cook to save face for Gary, the golden boy. when I told the woman in charge of Virginia Cook realtors in a meeting and I was very discreet however they knew i was there but it pissed them off when I had the undisclosed meeting. I didn’t go into details about Gary as I should have and the woman laughed. I felt harassed. Gary spanking my butt Not really a spanking as much as a totally degrading grab  unexpectedly real hard on the job in the office isn’t harassment? I think it is. That happened before I was fired obviously and it was unexpected. Sexual harassment obviously because of the past. It shook me up and I was shaking all over immediately after and I know they have cameras at work. It affected me and pissed me off and was very scary. And I know they know. I guess he couldn’t resist the temptation and they didn’t want me to live after that and I did live though not very well, but I lived. They circled their wagons and Tootie got promoted. I got on line after my operation and started to play WOW as kind of therapy and to have something to do. Couldn’t do a whole lot else but that because of my health, isolation, hurting emotionally for family that I loved but I couldn’t deal with them or them me. I prayed for help from God. I was a mess by then in a lot of ways with a lot of help from them. I wouldn’t say that I was the devil in this whole debacle. I was defending myself against radical assholes and trying to get information because of that one deal that I stumbled upon and from people that weren’t exactly open to offering information because of fear. I was trying to figure out what they were up to in regards to me. Anyway I think they ought to open up about it because I don’t think they have a whole lot of time left if they don’t. I think they think they are in the cat bird seat but I think they are about to go down town.

Downtown by Petula Clark

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Funny those Christmas letters are so short now: Seems more like Gary’s kind of a letter than Tootie who writes the longest of letters detailing every little accomplishment of her kids and herself and Gary. Tooting. And then saying “What do I need one for?” in regards to the pulse/oxygen tool she didn’t want to invest in for Diane and my mom. When my sister Diane was food poisoned in California at a sushi place she and Dave wanted to sue and Walter was against it because they treated him like a king. Diane almost died and suffered for sometime afterwards as well she said however no one notified me of her poisoning or that she was in the hospital. Only heard about it afterwards which is weird.  I wasn’t there because I wasn’t invited or I didn’t have the money They had disowned me at that time for the most part  I guess for fun things and I didn’t even know it happened till weeks or more later maybe more. we were talking but not really close, like family. I feel like the guy in the movie Cable Guy. I desired the family and my reputation back. We grew up together as army brats and were very close. Oh well, that’s would be expected. Tootie said “That’s Pathetic” that my brother thought of the restaurant owners as friends because they treated him like a king when they served him. LOL, etc. A social dummy. I guess Walt thought they were his friends and they pressured my brother not to sue and I think gave him the cold shoulder and he succumbed to their intimidation and pressured my sister not to sue. Something about Gaby is involved, but I can’t remember what that was. Gaby is his wife the one that my ex boyfriend supposedly molested or made a pass at. Kind of coincidental. Not sure which but was told about it via my brother. I don’t remember Gaby talking about it just Walter. She hated David Howard, Diane’e first husband because he was a hunter. Usually didn’t want to be where he was except she didn’t mind being in his condo at the beach, but other than that. Her mom or her dad (one of them) died on Christmas day and from then on they did not celebrate it on that day. Her sister died young of cancer I think. Barbara. My brother said that Gaby never farts. I hear Kimberly doesn’t either. I heard Gaby’s voice at The Arc as one of the nurses that I had an argument with about either the concentrator and/or my mom’s oxygen being at a level 78 to 75. Gaby’s catholic. She even got my brother to go to church with her even though he is agnostic and thinks god is a particle.

He is the deferrer to Tootie in regards to my mom’s well being because he cares so much.

Get him a collar and a leash!

I don’t understand why all this has happened or the way it happened or how it all happened but I think it is related to whom they worship and their faith. That’s what I think. Kind of a microcosm of what’s going on in the world and a prototype which is a good example for the world to understand, maybe that’s why it happened to me and how close we are to some big events that are detrimental to the world.

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For What It’s Worth’ This Is What a Diamond Mine Looks Like Compared to the Precious Stones Taken From It

Interesting. Blood diamonds I wonder?

 I don’t think they even understood or were necessarily aware of the pattern or coincidences which is pretty unaware. They weren’t too affected by it is probably why they weren’t too aware of it. So even though I wish sometimes mean things and I have a right to I hope they get their shit together and stand up for the truth and take care of my mom with zeal.

I heard some things my mom said the last time I was there and I think she knows and other people know by what she said not as coherently as I would have liked but that’s not her fault. She did say when looking at Tootie kind of affectionately holding her chin

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“Can you beat that?”

I know what she meant. I doubt Tootie gets it, but she needs to. I think Gary gets it. He did understand about the Sandy Hook Elementary hoax pretty readily. She said some other things as well that were quite interesting. Diane needs to send that tape! :

Wake Up Little Susie by the Everly Brothers

I feel like I heard Kristen’s voice in a women wearing a burka in a beheading video or something saying; “I did not kill….” a few months back in Saudi Arabia or Iraq. Sounds weird but it sure sounded like her.

Woman beheaded in Saudi, in the street.

By the Police! Now the article says she said “I’m a saudi”, but I sure didn’t hear that in the you tube I saw and heard earlier.

Can’t find the you tube but it really sounded like Kristen and I saw a little girl that looked like Kristen on a bus at 3 in the morning. Looked a lot like her as a child and kind of like my mom as a child. It reminded me of them.

Just like the hand on the man that burned in a cage or the hand that was bulldozed but stuck out of the dirt reminded me of my dad’s hand. I loved his hands and my moms. They could really dance.

I think I’m being intentionally tortured in various ways because of my beliefs and because it just doesn’t fit with the FAITHERS and their religious sensibilities. Trying to change my position and it seems rather important to do so by them if they have to go to such lengths which of course strengthens my beliefs even more to their detriment, I think, and magnifies their fears. You have to wonder why all the fuss over my beliefs? Got to be a reason, because the reaction to them is so volatile. Must be a reason for the resistance. Don’t you think? Anyway Im going to try to outlast those that have a problem with my beliefs. I think those will change.

But so much deception on the Fox News it’s hard to tell if they aren’t a big part of the problem going on. The press and their sick games. I know that sounds funny but I have seen a lot of weird stuff and heard a lot of weird stuff. I think they are Jesuit controlled to protect the Papacy and the Crown and are very cruel. That’s probably how they get paid via our taxes via the papacy more than likely. Strange days and nights we are enduring. God knows I love them (my family and the kids and the kids that aren’t kids anymore who know the truth, but aren’t telling.)

The plants that i talked about in this post in regards to my Ex are called mandrake plants which have a certain type roots that are hard to pull (something like that), I think. Written about in the OT having to do with Rebekkah and Leah parts of the bible. Something to do with dragons. There are reasons for what is contained in the OT and I think they are pertinent today. I’m sorry, it’s Rachel, not Rebekkah, I think.

My ex as he went to work was in his everyday clothes and had his painting clothes with him and I said are you going somewhere before work and he said something that he always takes his painting clothes with. Since when? Didn’t do that before a few years ago anyway and that was for many years. He lied. Of course he probably doesn’t know that he didn’t used to do that. You get it? But very defensive about it so I think he does know. Or he doesn’t know but something inside him does.

Anyway I think that is what my mom and dad meant when they dared someone maybe someones

in a name (dared their roots of their faith)!

The grown up kids that know more than they let on I hope they wake up and do something

before it’s too late. Head for the mountain of God. TELL THE TRUTH for their sake and for their parents if they can. When you have children of your own it’s time to do the right thing for their sakes and their futures.

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Do not go gentle into that good night!

Dylan Thomas

Maybe it will all work out in the end but I don’t think you can reconcile without the truth. It’s kind of like allowing Iran nuclear weapons. Good things take time and as Kristen said “a work in progress.” I’ll let you know if it does.

I hope so in honor of my mom and dad and their love.

My dad had a TIA because of Tootie because she pushed and pushed people to their limits to please her. She made them come to every little Hockadayday to honor her kids which was honoring her. Diane and I just kind of let it go. Our kids were in the back seat because Tootie and her kids were all important. When he had his TIA he had driven 5hours in that day for some reason I can’t remember what and then made him go here and there. NO rest for the weary. He started talking funny backwards like he knew what he was saying but kept coming out wrong. So I told him not to talk anymore. And he got the help he needed but she just drags people down and you can’t let people do that to you. PUSH PUSH PUSH.

NOT VERY LOVING, UNDERSTANDING, AND DEFINITELY NOT CARING. If she had she wouldn’t have done that. Talk about an egomaniac. She needs some help in a different way. She needs some hard knocks at her own expense and at no one else’s. She needs some really tough and rough knocks to get her to learn not to run people into the ground and deserves the truth about herself and her possessions.

I think she thinks she is the Queen of England.

An 8 foot portrait is ridiculous. Usually people hang portraits of the people they love or portraits of other people.

She hangs one of herself. That’s sick. It’s not that good of a portrait either. The artist was average at best.

Leave no stone unturned

I’m working on it. LOL There is so much I could add, maybe in the next post and the one after that.


While I sat in my garage thinking about it a bird flew in and around and out of the garage and back in and around and out of the garage.

I think that may be a sign. I have no idea what kind of bird but it was. It was raining outside.

I think I have something to look forward to. LOL

Why did Kristen when I talked to her after telling her I was in the hospital recently and needed a vacation say “How you gonna get there?” To the beach. I don’t know if it was conscious, but it was said.

It’s spiritual and derogatory, IMO. She hasn’t called so I guess “Encourage her, Mom,” was conditional


I guess she had heard from Tootie without the internet.


I think there will be consequences if they do.

Pretty sleazy how they work it.

Recently Diane sent me a box of mom’s clothes because of the nurse telling her they were not responsible for the things in mom’s room that are mom’s. I get another box of clothes of Diane’s. Perfectly good clothing. Dave (Diane’s husband) tells me the last visit to just bring the girls no friends for the next visit especially after the cup cake e-mail.

I don’t think it’s wise to go there.

But I have a 200 dollar ticket if i want to that only I can get redeemed and I don’t think I will. I think they are up to no good. Plus i’m not invited.

They are on the Hoard side, as in WOW. The girls initials are KEK (1) and KEKW (2). I don’t know Heb’s last name.

I don’t think they know what they do, honestly they are possessed IMO at least to some degree. Like many muslims are possessed because of their faith. They are pawns of the Crown, I think who consider people to be germs yet they are German. Self loathing like HItler.

Heb’s dad looks just like “The Steam Roller” guy, the older version of James Taylor, as he is now.  Honestly he really does. James Taylor did a thing with US Secretary of State John Kerry about the Hebdo stuff recently. I’ll look for a picture in their last Christmas letter and see if Kimberly’s father in law had his picture taken.

UK wants to put old people down like animals. I think they have a business investment probably they want to see expand and exploit. Possibly has to do with Prince Charles wanting the crown. IDK. He had a conversion on the way to Damascus (became a muslim) and had his kids tagged with a little rice like apparatus a veri-chip i guess because they are royalty and they don’t want them to get lost. What kind of person would do that to their kid with all those warnings abut the mark of the beast?

My cat went to to my dad’s picture and nudged the corner of it: I think my dads in my corner. It is the cat that kind of communicates via someone else but the cat does it in such a way it is really cool. Looking for what it is that someone is telling it to do and does it. Really wild. Cats aren’t normally obedient. Usually they have a mind of their own, but not this one. It’s fun to watch the cat look for the object and i can usually tell when the cat is trying to tell me something otherwise just acts like the rest of them. Just call whoever it is The Cat Whisperer. LOL

Speaking of poisonings I just went to a part of my mail on line and saw an old letter from my sister Diane giving a precautions for mammograms and dental x-rays by Dr.Oz who said thyroid cancer was the fastest growing cancer among women and the reason could be improper usage of x-ray blocking such as the thyroid guard when getting an X-ray that was sent to her neighborhood of Bridalwood moms. That was in 2011 August she sent that letter to those 300-500 women but in 2011 I read that Fukushima occurred due to the earthquake/tsunami. So the timing seems right however I thought that the tsunami happened in 2009. I’ll have to check that out in my posts because I wrote about the coincidence and the attempted conversion of Roman Catholics to the Neocatechumenal Way in Japan and they refused and asked for a delay of 5 years because of the rise in suicides on their experimental try of the Neocatechumenal Way and then an earthquake/ tsunami occurred and the Fukushima nuclear site was greatly affected by the tsunami. (I think Sheen was a neocat, but I don’t know) And then in 2011 is when Obama Care came into existence. It was a letter from cricket to my sister who lived in that neighborhood of Bridlewood. Nope it was 2011, So Dr. Oz knew that thyroid cancer would increase in women because of mammograms and dental X-rays. Why not in men also? Perhaps talking to women was the reason because men don’t watch his show like real men don’t eat quiche? Hence, the jellied starfish on the coasts of California. Seems the press knew something we didn’t eh? He works for the press right? Gets paid by the press so therefore he is the press giving false information to blame mammograms and dental x-rays for the potential rise in thyroid cancer

which is also called

damage control.

How much wood would a woodchuck wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood (DOD) Chuck Hagel? (SOD)Secretary of Defense Hagel said he had no reason to suspect or question the motives of Obama even though it’s his job as Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel. Obama care was for a coverup in part.

Even though that’s what defense is, stupid. What is the next move of the teams etc and why. But if you can’t even do it after the fact it’s scary. Meaning it was a coverup for sure using Dr. Oz., et al. also means alibi.

There were some interesting tweets at the time by Obama and Hollywood stars such as Charley Sheen and Obama mentioned “another was on it’s way” except he said “is” and BGEA was on it’s way like they are doing now in Nepal India because of an earthquake and advertising it as well. Quick production for Fox news. Wasn’t sure he didn’t mean another earthquake or a tsunami at the time.

What’s really funny is Diane’s husband sure resembles Chuck Hagel in a big way and his name is Sherman which means Shire in British terms to divide the land, etc:) KInd of biblical, in a way. And both resemble the queens pillow man at the celebration of 50 years or is 60 year anniversary of something. I think it was the Queen’s Jubilee. He is the one with the diamond on the pillow or a diamond ring. Kind of all coagulating into some kind of doodle. A hard on?

A flap not used for women in mammograms and dental x-ray to guard against the radiation from x-rays.

Instead of a flapdoodle for men, it was a flap for women.

How weird is that?

Truth might have been a better way, but then we would know the game and the players of

abominations and devastations!

I guess that is what Chuck Hagel meant when he said “GET READY, AMERICA.” recently.

He never did spell it out so that we might know what he meant. Like listening to crickets and not knowing their language it’s kind of tough to figure it out without a little more information. When crickets stop chirping that usually means something is in the area.

“Another shall come in my name, him ye shall receive” bible quote… of many warnings.

“The prince of this world cometh and he hath nothing in me”…….another quote from the bible.

Anyway I think that is what my dad and mom meant

in their dare.

I think they read my stuff because of what my mom said that was taped at a visit lately. And by that I mean not via the internet but those that have died know what is going on and are trying to help. And they don’t sit in bookshelves either. They affect people some are good and some are bad. Mine are good. I think they are trying to help in their way to waken people. I thought I saw my dad a few times in other people and he is no longer alive but somehow, somewhere I think he has the will to live, but I noticed some familiar gestures in care of me and mine and hopefully everyone that reads this. We need all the help we can get and need to help each other to see the truth. It’s important for everyone. Even if it’s a bit wild that’s because of deception and it’s attempt for people not to wake or notice or be confused etc or attack witnesses and/or attack victims etc., because they make lots of money at our expense not thinking maybe this will be their last chance. We don’t really know when that is but there is a time when that is.

I think it matters what kind of person you are, hence my dad who is no longer alive, but is trying to help on his end. Maybe he is alive in a way we can’t see. Another dimension. The spiritual world and I do get messages via the spiritual world in lots of different ways but have learned to listen and see. I think when one is isolated that happens a little easier. The devil’s business is to keep people busy and without spiritual sight or spiritual sound so as not to awaken them. Keep them off balance. Some men like to do that to their wives like Dave Sherman, Diane’s husband freaking out because she was gonna be a little late after visiting her mom at the hospital over a dinner out. She got all nervous and in a hurry just to get to the Olive Garden on time and which caused a tiff between her and her older sister over it. He couldn’t just have a drink with her son for 15 minutes? When we got there though he acted “all cool” like he wasn’t a shit about it. So he does a lot of acting. He hasn’t spent any of his own money on their home in the hills overlooking a lake. She is still getting her alimony from her first marriage and when that runs out and that $35.000 in savings from my mom’s account runs out,

I wonder, what then? One of his earlier wives has already kicked the bucket kind of early, IMO. He wrote on face book about his “dear wife” getting in an accident recently. I think it’s a bit slurpy sounding. It’s kind of degrading, IMO to have written it that way: Didn’t mention she was unconscious, had a bump on her head or black eyes though she told me later. I wonder if he tried to get her to go see a doctor just in case like a “dear husband” should!

I do know that people that murder or abuse they like to bury things. Evidence. So the whole family thingy going on is bewildering and I’m sure it was a lot to do with my beliefs that I have been barraged with some strange attempts to bewilder.

I think my dad could have lived longer if some people had let him. Nevertheless, I think he is affecting things in a good way. I haven’t received the tape yet of my mom from my sister, but it was quite revealing some things that she said.

They loved each other!

The Roots of Obama’s Rage 

Fukushima, Phosphates, Obama Care and X-Rays

Now I just saw in the bathroom my Ex uses to shower a book on the top shelf he must have gotten from my daughter called The Roots of Obama’s Rage.

I will have to check it out I would imagine the roots of his rage has to do with ISLAM.

HIs favorite music, remember?

But it certainly has nothing to do with my family, the Roots. I saw my dad warn of OBAMA CARE in a way I can’t explain, but I think Obama Care had to do with covering up Fukushima and the nuclear accident that was caused by man-made HAARP or similar type of place to threaten them for not accepting the Neocatechumenal Way that the Pope at the time was urging and they were stalling or wanted to stall for 5 years because of suicide rate. I would imagine Common Core has something to do with it that suicide rate and probably part of the Neo-Catechumanal Way as in NEO-CATICHISM and when Nancy Pelosi was talking about “the WORD” and the BGEA went over there to act as the demolition crew (clean up crew and probably found lots of treasures left behind) with Charlie Sheen (Mr. Pentacost) tweeting about it. Remember?Then after that the shores of the California coast inundated with starfish turned to jelly and whales beaching and other things, probably Tuna is affected since it collects mercury and more than likely why my sister got sick on sushi and had to be hospitalized in California. And the long term affects could be even worse since they are now trying to convince people that women are gonna get more cancer because of radiation flaps not used by dentists and those that take x-rays. LOL. LInked is some information about phosphorus:

Phosphorus cycle

The information under Biological reasons for phosphates says that phosphates are good for teeth enamel. so I guess Obama wanted us to go to the dentist more frequently to be x-rayed incorrectly?

Sure seems coinci——dental

Maybe we should go ahead and allow phosphates in our dish soap, one of the first things that Obama and his merry men and women managed to pass in some bill or something and now our dishes look like crap. Did he plan Fukushima ahead of time?

“A catechism, is a summary or exposition of doctrine and served as a learning introduction to the Sacraments traditionally used in catechesis, or Christian religious teaching of children and adult converts. Catechisms are doctrinal manuals often in the form of questions followed by answers to be memorised, a format that has been used in non-religious or secular contexts as well.”

What I heard about it was that the teachers and the students were upset and crying all the time and bullying kids and possibly teachers and I heard it from a teacher and a student. Heard it a few times from the same people over a 3 month period. My kid was bullied out of school as were many other nice kids and not only that some kids (though hushed up) committed suicide in our part of the outskirts of Dallas in another county, hence the shit for police that I had to deal with, etc.

Here is the e-mail:

—– Forwarded Message —- From: “” <> To: Sent: Tue, August 30, 2011 12:26:11 AM Subject: [bridlewoodmoms] (More) Precautions for Women from Dr. Oz

Subject: Precautions for Women to take


Precautions re:Mammograms and Dental XRays/ A Useful Warning On Wednesday, Dr. Oz had a show on the fastest growing cancer in women, thyroid cancer. It was a very interesting program and he mentioned that the increase could possibly be related to the use of dental x-rays and mammograms. He demonstrated that on the apron the dentist puts on you for your dental x-rays there is a little flap that can be lifted up and wrapped around your neck. Many dentists don’t bother to use it. Also, there is something called a “thyroid guard” for use during mammograms. By coincidence, I had my yearly mammogram yesterday. I felt a little silly, but I asked about the guard and sure enough, the technician had one in a drawer. I asked why it wasn’t routinely used. Answer: “I don’t know. You have to ask for it.” Well, if I hadn’t seen the show, how would I have known to ask? Someone was nice enough to forward this to me. I hope you pass this on to your friends and family.

That was the letter sent to a bunch of ladies in the Bridalwood area.

I know my dad had the will to live just as much as George Bush Sr. who I just heard about parachuting out a plane 5 months after his own son George Bush jr thought he was gonna die (my dad was a paratrooper and had a lot of will to live in him) and I think he was waylaid. Hi-jacked when he was weakened. My mom also has a will to live to 105 years of age. I think my dad had a debt to Tootie and Gary having to do with Dorwalt homes and I think that may have swayed them a certain direction. It certainly seems to be swaying them now about my mom because of the lack of money, or so they say. Diane is holding out with her $35,000 in her bank account saving it for later. I don’t think she is thinking right but it doesn’t help hearing BS about the blissfulness of dying. Most of the time life is a struggle in various ways besides/and including physically. I think my dad might have lived if given the chance but I think the elders made a decision without our knowledge. Perhaps he is alive.

Gee if only Uncle Ted had done the same to them.

Forgive your debtors. Isn’t that what Chrisitanity is all about. Forgiving? Not atonement, but forgiveness. I guess that was just a farce, hmmmm? That’s Billy and Franklin Graham kind of Christianity, ain’t it? Of course Dana Perino wouldn’t write a “tell all book” about George Bush SHE’S A SPY. I caught her in her faux pas of language a long while back and wrote about it in a post on one of my blogs. George Bush attacked Iraq because his dad’s life was threatened and not because he didn’t want to hit camel’s butts. I guess he wasn’t in a forgiving mood then. He used his position in government for personal vendetta but his dad was the ex president and you can’t threaten their lives in reality or you are being dumb. I think he knew she was a spy all along.;) Kristen watched in Brooklyn as the twin towers were attacked on a rooftop. How appropriate. I hope she gets her shit together and heads a different direction for her kid’s sake if not for moms. It might be the difference in 20-25 years or more when people decide that after the change of life a women is no longer useful. It depends on the psychobabble at the time of these kind of decisions. Seems money is the deciding factor now, but that can change. Next it might be moles. Skin rashes. Club thumbs. Hair lips. Deviated septum’s. Small boobs. Tattoos. Pear shaped bodies. Amputees. Stupidity. Allergies to corn. Flatulence. Cellulite. Skinny calves and fat thighs. Short waisted. Thin hair. Small vaginas. Small dicks. Big dicks. Masturbators. Exposing one’s genitals. Pouty faces. Butterfingers. Social climbers. Tax evaders. Bad Reputations. Scribblers. Long letter writers. Too many kids. Imaginations. Messy cars. Childless. (Anne Boleyn). Bitchiness. Being a witness. Not being a witness. Pride. Prudence. Impudence. Pretending that girlie magazines are the reason. Acting like the IRS is harassing you. Life insurance. Dreams, etc.

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What is an ankh?

It is known to be the key of life, breath of life, key of the Nile, cross with a handle, also a new (NEO) age sign. It seems to embody a lot different ideas so I don’t think it knows what it is, but this is on Kristen’s arm as a tattoo. “In their 2004 book The Quick and the Dead,[6] Andrew Hunt Gordon and Calvin W. Schwabe speculated that the ankh, djed, and was symbols have a biological basis derived from ancient cattle culture (linked to the Egyptian belief that semen was created in the spine),”

  • the ankh, symbol of life, thoracic vertebra of a bull (seen in cross section)
  • the djed, symbol of stability, base on sacrum of a bull’s spine
  • the was, symbol of power and dominion, a staff featuring the head and tail of the god Set, “great of strength”
  • The ankh (/ˈæŋk/ or /ˈɑːŋk/EgyptianIPA: [ʕaːnax]; U+2625 ☥ or U+132F9 𓋹), also known as breath of lifethe key of the Nile or crux ansata (Latin meaning “cross with a handle”), was the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic character that read “life”,
  • a triliteral sign for the consonants n.”

EYE Nun Ha See this is not good. I think I know partially why Kristen liked getting tattooed.

There are reasons and their are reasons. She had that particular tattoo when she was married so she was quite young and impressionable.

Tootie saying that 3 is the number of perfection so I suppose She, Walter, and Diane are perfect. LOL KEK KEK or her own kids. However, she didn’t feel that way after I told her about Gary. KEK KEK KEK Whatever Gary’s reason to have a daddy-daughter talk (3 or 4 yrs old) in a jacuzzi at night alone about jealousy is screwed up the same night both my mom and I were present as guests in their home and obviously made Tootie an enemy that night and on some kind of a holy crusade. What was the purpose behind his charade? He is demented.. Yea he has a great sense of humor but that doesn’t mean he should get away with this. Does it? His sister Beth changed her name ….I wonder why? Screen Shot 2015-05-21 at 5.14.53 PM

HuffPost What’s Working Honor Roll: Turning Poop Into Power

sounds GREAT! Instead of marking them for being pollutants by the CROWN because they fart as if the Queen doesn’t do the same when no one is standing next to her unlike my older sister who makes a habit of it when shopping and so others have to walk through her invisible cloud. She has an allergy or something similar to corn even cooked corn so it makes her a bit dicey. LOL Can you imagine a woman having an 8foot portrait of herself hung in her own house stealing a portrait I painted on porcelain for my mother and to be given back to me obviously if my mom can no longer use it and hanging it right next to her 8foot portrait of herself, and not bothering to buy a pulse/oxygen meter for her mother on a trip to see her mother after having found out that her oxygen had declined to a 75 oxygen rate and 78 oxygen rate on two different occasions and the cost was only 40 or so dollars saying “What do I need it for?” and she is the executor of my dad’s estate to take care of his wife and had her daughter (a nurse in Brownsville or near it working in a hospital in neurology) visit the other youngest sister Diane and tell her that dying blissfuly is a good way to go. What bunch of maniacs. Loving aren’t they. I guess they have plans of some kind and they better watch out! I was told there was a Mexican man that was in very bad health and when Kristen took him to bathe him he died at least that’s what my sister with the 8foot portrait told me. I guess she wanted to blissfully send him off to death with her bath.

Muther Teresa!

That is why a freak for a dad can hurt others and make a shit for a wife can cause great harm even to those she was trusted by her dad to take care of her mother his wife. And thus making a weird nurse for the world to beware of: Kristen Elaine (Kircher) White wife to Levi White in South Texas. Soon after the visit from Kristen to see my lithe sister at the hospital my sister was rammed by a tow truck from behind and collided with another truck and luckily lived. I call that lousy luck and possibly a message: a real loud and clear message from God. I hope she listens and ponders that idea just like Gary should have when he lost a ton of money on the stock market and tried to hide it and then blamed others. I sure wouldn’t trust him with money or young girls or his wife who is his defender in chief. At least that’s what her “dear husband” said. Dave Sherman about my little sister’s accident on Facebook. They live on a lake about 45 minutes from San Antonio where there are deer in their yard and have a big pool and have stored 35,000 dollars from the estate and holding it till mom dies so they won’t feel bad. Not as if they need it at all. Just greedy. Except for the shepherds hook with a bird feeder for my mom to view outside her window. I think some of the money was spent on a huge wedding a second wedding for their daughter Kimberly Eaton Kircher Heb’s wife or to pay back loans by the big sister Tootie and her molesting husband Gary, I have no idea of Heb’s last name but they live in New York City and she is in the insurance business and he is rather successful. What companies were attacked in the world trade centers, I wonder. Merrill Lynch? That was the company Gary worked for when he lost a ton of money and tried to hide it hoping it would go away  blaming others for his blunder. Was it a sign from God and he misunderstood how to react to it? DON”T MOLEST FEMALES AND ESPECIALLY AFTER THEY TELL YOU NOT TO AND DON”T WANT TO BE TOUCHED OR SEE HIS DICK WHILE WATCHING A MOVIE OR SITTING WITH FAMILY AT FAMILY GATHERINGS WITH KIDS AND GRANDPARENTS. RIDICULOUS! I GUESS HE DIDN”T REALLY KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH IT. One of Kim’s friends I think also was affected but I doubt she would have the nerve to say it but she went through some major changes that were apparently unfortunate type of changes. THEY ARE REALLY QUITE A FAMILY THOSE KIRCHERS AND THEIR REPUTATION MEANS SO MUCH TO THEM. I wouldn’t call that a loving relationship. I think it’s gross, PERVERTED and evil. That’s what my family had to deal with which was not an easy task. Even if I had screamed I doubt it would have made a difference. Anyway I deferred to Tootie on it a long time ago. And she said Im calling mom and dad and telling them that you are attracted to Gary. Can you imagine that kind of reaction? I was flabbergasted to say the least and upset. She thought I was talking about that weekend specifically and i was talking about the first time when she talked me into sleeping on her hideaway bed with her in her living room and he was supposed to be in the bedroom and decided to sneak on the floor on his belly to molest me while I was asleep next to his wife. Screaming I doubt would have solved this problem and I would have been exiled from my family early on. In a way I think it would have been better but I tried to protect her feelings because I loved her. I don’t love her now. I want to ruin her now deep inside. I want people to know what kind of woman she is and what she protected and how she does it and uses her kids and their reputation, relationships, successes as her veil. I want her to learn that her reputation is SHIT! I don’t think North Carolinian excursions with women’s groups of the Christian church of Billy Graham is gonna help her. She married the guy still married to him! He never got therapy. They never got therapy. She never got therapy. She never complained about his problems so I guess she likes it. I doubt that dad or mom if they had known the whole truth would have made Tootie (Lori Kircher) the executor of their estate and of mom. Often truth takes time to come out, takes time to assemble, and most of all takes quite a bit of time to be understood. Still hoping others come out and take a stand for the good of others and themselves and in the end for Tootie and Gary. Takes courage. LIES ARE A SHORT CUT!

Hems and Haws and unFringe Benefits

Tootie had an operation a while ago before mine and her ureter was mistakenly cut during the operation by a german doctor. She almost died. Can’t remember why she had an operation but he cut her ureter and I think she sued the doctor. He was a german doctor or had a german name at the Methodist Hospital in Dallas. She had a woman friend who helped her throughout the time at the hospital just to make sure everything was fine. A woman with whitish gray hair. The reason is they think because the operation was on a Friday however I’m not sure about that. But I guess doctors get tired on Fridays? That’s what she said she thought might be the reason, I think. She had to go around for a short while with a bag to pee in and eventually healed or it was treated. Been a long while. Weird I can’t remember why she had an operation in the first place. There had to be a reason. No I think it was the Baylor Hospital in Dallas. Course that could be where Uncle Ted died. Perhaps a tummy tuck was the reason. Babs (Barbara Kinkead) had a job done on her fat. Sucking fat. She was born a pear but beautiful in the face and married a banker. She was the one that told Tootie at her swanky house on Inwood Road that it was harder for a rich person to lose money than a poor person. How would she know? She was a Highland Park girl and attended the Methodist Church on Preston Road. The one that was the largest in the world. Tootie didn’t want her kids to know she had a boob job and her deviated septum was actually a nose job because they made it look like Diane’s nose. She normally had a piggish nose which was pretty. I think that was at the Methodist hospital was for the nose job. Kristen questioned the nose job because of pictures of Tootie earlier in her life.And she didn’t tell her the truth which is really weird, the bob job, and just like the neck jobs etc. Probably got in a bunch of trouble too. IDK about that perhaps not so she would know. There is a pattern and I have to figure this out why she had an operation and had her Ureter cut and who that woman was that helped her that Tootie considered to be an angel. Reminds me of Billy Graham’s Daughter with the bright white teeth. At Virginia Cook the person that closes the deals on houses looks like another person having to do with the dress or suit who had it cleaned. The one that John Connolly’s wife wore and had the fringe removed. Nancy something or other Sayers I think is the name. Abington? She closed the deal on our house when the interest rate changed and changed the monthly payment by quite a bit on that day and made it really unaffordable to us but we bit the deal anyway being naive. Gee I wonder if that wasn’t purposeful. She was Sheila Rice’s daughter the one that laughed when I told her about Gary’s assault at the office. Sheila Rice looked an awful lot like John Connolly’s wife (nellie) in some pictures that I wrote about her dress, the one with the fringe removed for some reason even though it was evidence they had it cleaned as well. Anyway I noticed the lack of fringe when no one else did. Abingtons (brother) had something to do with the Highway Department in Dallas and changing of names of buildings etc. I wrote more about it in those posts and shows there was definitely a conspiracy involved and it was was a religious conspiracy about the Gospel of Matthew. Lineage of Jesus and Elizabeth the cousin of Mary. Bethlehem. Hems. I wrote about it in another post or posts that is found on Merangue’s site having to do with the assassination of JFK. I’ll get down to the bottom of it eventually. Screen Shot 2015-05-09 at 2.23.48 AM

How you gonna get there Bea?

said Kristen to me on the phone.

Not with the help of Christians, I’m sure of that.

Hopefully I will get to show ya!

I’m not sure she understands where thoughts sometimes come from. It’s like at the same time I was trying to get a patent on an invention O’Reilly was producing his book about General Patton. At the same time I was writing about my mother Dorothy my daughter bought a book called Dorothy Must Die and was reading it. The world goes in different directions in different planes and word gets out and there is a reaction against and for, etc.  The things that are in the bible and their fulfillment aren’t necessarily on the same time width or breadth as another fulfillment of bible concepts in both the Old Testament and New Testament. I also think most people are in compliance with the wrong side because it’s easier but it’s not better.

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Watched the The Kelly File again about the man, Freddie Gray, that rode around in a police van for 45 minutes before he was taken to the police station which is the crux of the issue of how he died. The police are in charge of him who went around the city with him in the back instead of directly to the station and are responsible for his life once they have him stashed in the back of their van and he was killed under their care. They are paid to care for those that they incarcerate in their vehicles because they aren’t guilty until they are tried in a court of law and not in the court of TV or Fox News.

But if I were to make a judgement I would say the police are guilty and ought to go to jail for about 15 years each without parole or pay and that might nip the stupidity, negligence, and brutality of future police in our cities and towns in the USA but I fear they would fake it anyway because who is supposed to check on them later to see if they are still in jail and serving their sentences, etc. Lots of holes in the system:

Pink Houses

AIN’T THAT AMERICA John Mellencamp

Miss Kelly is absolutely beautiful but uses her personality or is used as a prop for men to converse with her such as Chris Stirewalt etc and they get to indulge themselves in her virtue, beauty, and social prowess. She is a lawyer so she knows enough to know not to ignore some aspects of a case such as why were the police driving around with a man in the back of their van for 45 minutes and she conveniently neglected that part of the case as do every sleazy contributor that broach the news stations, cable news and Fox News and that get paid to ignore the obvious. I think she really has found a new low. She does that so well. PHONY BALONEYS and FAKES mocking the man on the street and the power they wield over them with a very corrupt system and the people that fill those jobs who have been corrupted and compliant like little ants!

I would not be surprised if that’s their true appearance!

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They have sirens to get them to places quicker for their convenience but instead

I think decided to make a patty melt

out of Freddie Gray.

Tsarnev gets to be lethally injected by the feds for a hoax. GREEEAAAATTTT!

Prosthetics just don’t fall off someone’s body before they get a prosthetic


Enhanced visual effects and noises…HOLLYWOOD style mass delusion.

Constantly driving the population on the brink for kicks and to keep the ball rolling so they never have to admit their involvement in the takeover of the USA and BENGHAZI.

Obviously the guy on Fox talking about his friends who were hurt was/is lying.

Sure looks familiar like a relative of someone I have seen in the religion of BGEA.

Must have many copies that get more corrupt as they are copied over and over again.

Barbarians at the gates: Syria says ISIS approaching ancient city of Palmyra

I have to agree with ISIS at least the ones that say these relics and shrines etc promote idolatry. Of course they do, but so do many other things. By the way it’s written that God puts it in to the heart of some ARMY to destroy a few places and seems to infer ROME and the VATICAN itself. It’s coming and it is unavoidable. TSK TSK TSK That’s what happens when you go to far and Catholicism has gone too far.

ISIS needs to screw the Companies

if they want to actually make a BIG SPLASH

Just heard on Greta that Iraqi troops are leaving behind arms and loot for Isis. I dare say they are donating to ISIS the loot. Have you ever heard of any troops leaving loot behind by mistake?

Dempsey: ISIS didn’t drive Iraqi forces out of Ramadi

I do believe they are assisting. Not sure if that’s good or bad either, sorry to say. It’s a strange part of the world and we have not as a country dealt with that part of the world with the proper knowledge and I think since 9-11 made some strange decisions and possibly because we were deceived which may have something to do with the spiritual leader that presidents prostrate to. The only one that didn’t was Harry Truman and we won that war. I don’t think the presidents now want to win.The only President of the past ten that would have nothing to do with Billy Graham and called him a charlatan, and they are (The Grahams). And of course Charleston is in that state that they horned in on. Their crusades as I stated earlier started in England. Prince Charles,,,,get it? They don’t  want to win the war on terrorism or gain independence, just suck off the people and get rich. Started with the JFK presidency. He tried to get us involved in some things with Europe and then I guess they turned on him anyway (and because he was trying to take on the mob but I don’t think he understood the relationship to the Vatican), like they did Ted Kennedy at his funeral even though he went along with them. They ignored him when he was really sick. It doesn’t pay to abide the Vatican eternally and in the short run even if you are catholic. One wrong step and kaboom. And he trusted Billy Graham which was a mistake, since he was there at the airport in disguise and because the Crown and the Vatican work together. Benghazi: the Red Cross and the Brits left earlyI Camp Bastion: the Brits left their post and americans were killed. The Crown is germanic and that is their allegiance. I guess blood is thicker than water. I don’t know about Parliament. Lets say I think we have the same trouble they do knowing who is working for who? It’s a big problem and the enemy is winning because of that problem.

When 12 saudis attack with little knives (or however many there were) used for opening packages or boxes and ram into buildings and then we go to a different country and engage them. It makes no sense. Saudi is not Iraqi. Not that Saddam was a nice guy or anything but it was the wrong country and none of those guys that rule them are nice guys. PErhaps has to do with the ten kinds that give their allegiance to someone but I still think that prophecy has to do with ASEAN which is mostly Muslim. Whoever advised the President was not thinking correctly and perhaps bewitched somehow. It would have been better to engage the Saudis and make them control the Saudis.

ISIS claims responsibility for Saudi mosque bombing

That’s kind of an interesting twist!

Now if I had been President I would have sent a clear message and destroyed mecca and medina and then engaged the leaders of Saudi Arabia and I think it would have worked. I don’t think we would be dealing with the confusion over there now at all. Like I have said in many posts when Japan attacked America we did not go to China and start bombing them. We attacked Japan. That was Harry Truman that did that. It was harsh but so was a surprise attack. I think things were quite different then and we didn’t have the resources we do now. Planes didn’t go as far etc. I hate that civilians were hurt so badly but their country was fascist and even using their kids for suicide missions. They lost their moral ground on that issue alone. Like the Hamas using kids. The Leader of Hamas or the Pope calling Mahmoud Abbas an angel. An angel of what? Of course, Pope Francis (he really looks like what i would think Rumplestiltskin would look like if there were such a thing) has no moral ground and neither does the Fatah for all of the shenanigans they both have inspired. And if I were Israel I wouldn’t even put up with their shit. The Palestinians would be living in Iraq or somewhere else.

Jeb Bush said the problem with IRaq was the intelligence. I might add it was purposeful lies and stupidity. My ex said it was British intelligence (not sure how he knows that but he is Roman Catholic.) We get our intelligence obviously from the Vatican because of what happened at Benghazi and the intelligence came from the Vatican on that event. Jesuit Father Frederiko Luigi Lombardi. The Jesuits. The Brits left early and so did the Red Cross.

I think the destruction of Mecca and Medina would solve a lot of problems and of course the destruction that will occur to the Vatican and the Papacy and I think life will be easier for everyone.

Ousting the Grahams into the area of Medina and Mecca first, before we destroy it.

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That is really absurd. If Jeb really said that. Course, he is Roman Catholic!


JEB BUSH WROTE A BOOK ABOUT NOT ENOUGH SHAME …WHAT ABOUT TERRY SHIAVO AND THE BOY FROM CUBA WHO RISKED HIS OWN LIFE TO HAVE A CHANCE IN FLORIDA AND HE WAS TURNED AWAY AND BY THE WAY ABORTION IS A PRODUCT OF SHAME. WHY DO YOU THINK KING DAVID”S BABY DIED? WE DON’T KNOW HOW THE BABY DIED WE JUST KNOW IT WAS BECAUSE KING DAVID SINNED! AT LEAST THAT”S WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT KING DAVID AND THE MAN THAT WAS HIS SPIRITUAL COUNSELOR/ADVISOR AT THE TIME. WE DON’T KNOW IF GOD KILLED THE BABY THEY JUST ASSUME GOD DID, BUT NOT NECESSARILY SO. IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN URIAH THE HITTITES BABY (her husband that King David put on the front line so that he would be killed so that King David could be her husband) IN THE FIRST PLACE AND AN EXCUSE TO RID HER OF HIS HEIR. AND NOT TAKE A CHANCE ON HER LIFE TO HAVE AN ABORTION THEN BECAUSE HE WAS IN LOVE WITH HER AND MAY HAVE FOOLED HER. I think Barbara Bush George Bush SR.’s wife and First Lady of the Bushes was right about Jeb Bush, he should not run! By the way Jeb may be one of those people that has no shame and they are called psychopaths or sociopaths and it would belike a psychopath and a sociopath to write a book about shame, wouldn’t it? I don’t recall him ever vocalizing his position about both those things that happened in his State when he was governor of Florida. WHy doesn’t the press ask him about the boy from Cuba and Terry Shiavo? I don’t think he likes women and I think he is not fit for the Presidency even his mom thinks he is not fit.

He loves mexicans just not cubans?

Remember he wasn’t allowed to build the temple and more than likely this is why.

He might have committed Infanticide or allowed infanticide by his spiritual advisor.

(The fact that he set up his own man Uriah the Hittite doesn’t say much for David.)

Another thing babies are hard to recognize unless they are alive and you hear them etc. Could have switched the baby on David and killed another. Lots of intrigue back then, We are talking about prophecy and people trying to fulfill it: self fulfilling type stuff which makes people do a lot of strange things especially Catholic hierarchy! They poison their own popes and other leaders were often killed by Popes orders. They are a bunch of nuts for the most part. In any case, they could have sent their baby in a basket down the river or up the river for someone else to raise.

I don’t think this was the David the bible prophesied about anyway and hence Soloman’s temple was a false temple as well as the second temple which was destroyed and the veil was torn from twain to twain when Jesus died. If it was a legitimate temple I’m sure it would still exist if God wanted it in the first place.

If ISIS really wanted to screw America, England, the EU and screw those that rule over them they would go after their business and holding companies such as Berkshire Hathaway headquartered in Nebraska and Heinz, Mars Incorporated, Coka-Cola Company , IBM, etc. That’s the power that has to be eliminated if you want a piece of the pie. They are the ones that make the rules and suck off everyone else and strangle their consumer’s businesses. A mere suggestion! I wouldn’t want any harm to come to them personally but commercially they deserve to lose their shares. IMO.

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That picture sure got darkened. Before we could tell it was Michelle Obama with a swollen face and in sandals and rolled up jeans with a syringe in one hand, but it’s hard to see those particulars now. Perhaps 

Esam Al-Fetori
could help us out with some better photos.
Still trying to figure out why she has a syringe in one hand. What is the significance of that object?
Who was injected with it?  A prisoner?
Notice that the photo of the other attacks didn’t seem to make the grade. It would help to be able to meet the witnesses (quite a few or were they the attackers from Germany) that now Secretary of State Kerry (then he was just a Senator) met in Germany soon after and I’m sure they could tell us more. I’ll bet the one in this picture got to Germany.
“Only Michelle has the right to bare arms” probably hitched a ride back with Senator Kerry to the US.
Maybe Trey Goudy might call Jesuit Father Frederico Lombardi in to testify since he gave the bad intelligence about a flash mob and a video tape and the photographer. Would that be smart?

What is the purpose of the Jesuits?

To protect the Pope and the religion of Roman Catholics hence, that is the purpose of the State Department, obviously, and probably the purpose of all State Departments in all of the countries of the world which are the tool of the Vatican and the Jesuits.

Does the USA want to be independent? Doesn’t look like it.

I don’t think the senators or representatives for the US House of representatives want independence, otherwise Congressman Trey Goudy would have called some witnesses long time ago. Not sure why except they are deceived and are afraid for the USA to be independent. They are afraid of Michelle Obama. So they dance around a bunch of e-mails for a few years hoping that might stem the tide of what’s ahead and it won’t. And then when God says what did you do to help your fellow man? THEY WILL HAVE TO SAY: I LIED MY ASS OFF TO DECEIVE!
The same church that thought the earth was flat. In a way, they were right.
The same church that killed people for swimming.
Or killed people for having a mole or discoloration on their skin.
The same church that killed 6 million jews.
Because they love Santa Claus.

Ever hear of making a new holiday?



Ought to screw the businesses that have strangled other businesses by not buying  Christmas gifts. A good start to independence. The reason for the date of Christmas is because of the end of the year and taxes and has nothing to do with the solstices shit. Anyway that would be a great start gaining some independence and for small businesses. The more big business gets screwed over on their excess stock the more chance small businesses can get a better chance for the next year. Forget the decorations which are big business. Instead buy some fruit and veggies in the summer from small farmers and make jams and things and give that away instead. The only people that receive what they want for Christmas are the ones that exploit it in their big business. This way eventually they can’t.

BIG BUSINESS will have to eat the loss of profit they make at Christmas time.


Give your kids a check or money to spend on or after the first of January. My family is hard to convince but it is the only way to strangle Big Business at that time, then Easter is another one that needs to be stomped on. They can make Easter and Christmas decor via big business much cheaper than little business that’s why you have to control yourself and not buy decor for these holidays. Don’t buy cards and don’t buy trees and it will eventually make a difference. 

That way the kids get what they want or need

without going broke

or go into debt.

And artists will eventually make money.

Robert DeNiro might have a problem with this, but who cares!

Robert De Niro Tells Graduating Art Students: ‘You’re F***ed’

Go see a movie and/or have dinner out, take a trip, stress free and Fock Christmas!

You may have to do it incrementally because of family traditions but try to do it. They will scream like mandrakes especially if you let on what you are doing, but in the long run it will help. The suicide rate at Christmas time is a pretty good indication it’s not a good tradition.

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You should not donate to the BGEA in any form or fashion! EVER. You are contributing to needless deaths of people that the BGEA is more then happy to oblige for their crusades and AMAZING journeys using HAARP!

Don’t buy diamonds.

Buy something original from a good artist. It’s not about how big the diamond is or the cut except to the socially aware it’s about the union. So don’t have the wedding at church …BIG DEAL. They have abused their power and don’t deserve to be a part of the marriage.

HAVE IT AT THE BEACH, in your back yard, etc.

Only good thing about a diamond is they cut glass and metals precisely. KInd of like marriage spouses. They cut really good and when you are finished with that marriage you get to see it precisely. LOL

When you die ask for a pine box for those excess fir trees they couldn’t sell ya at Christmas time. Use one limo if possible even if you have to lie about how many are in the family. It’s a white lie to save money and to cut costs kind of like what everyone whether they know it or not lies on their taxes because of the multitude of tax laws.

Use hand me downs at weddings and don’t rent tuxes. Don’t buy into the florists either I know they are mob related. Usually they are called Vince or Guido, etc.

When someone is in the hospital buy them fresh peaches and plums so they can poop sooner INSTEAD OF FLOWERS THAT ARE A HASSLE TO GET TO THE HOUSE AFTERWARDS AND YOU CAN’T EAT THEM AND THEY DIE WITHIN A WEEK.

Don’t donate to Fox News and Wounded Warriors. Let Fox pay for it since they cause these conflicts with their lies.

THERE ARE LIES AND THERE ARE LIES! Let the military pay for the wounded warriors if they can afford:

Boondoggle HQ

The $25 Million Building in Afghanistan Nobody Needed

Let the military cinch in their belts and take care of their men and women like they should and keep them out of conflicts they don’t need to be involved in SUCH AS THE BERGDAHL RESCUE or do it intelligently and use better intelligence i.e. if it comes from Europe, the EU, The Vatican,  or The State Department it’s not good intelligence. Otherwise how can one explain the Iraq war after 9-11with a bunch of Saudis and their box cutters?


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Let the military explain this building BOONDOGGLE. Demand that Now-Lt. Gen. Peter Vangjel pay back this debt in prison after he is court-martialed and be BRANDED Foreclose on his properties and find out the businesses involved that contributed with their products and workers and make them pay it back and foreclose on their properties and assets and the Representatives in government that went along oust them from Congress.

 Promote those in the military that disputed the waste when it could have been spent on the veterans that are being cheated, mocked.and pandered to, but for what?

Don’t buy or believe in anything Bill O’reilly pushes. (He’s a Jesuit!)

How many shows did he devote towards Benghazi? Deafening.

Do you really think Saudi Arabia can be trusted with a nuclear weapon bought from Pakistan after 9-11?

SEE YA LATER NEW YORK! And those that prevented me from my good works It will be on your heads and you will be held accountable for those kids, the elderly and the families that suffer for that breach and for loss of life and suffering!

Flashback: Benghazi attack

Internal emails show Clinton got detailed intel on ‘planned’ Benghazi hit


talks about the hit as being planned one month before…how do they know that? That Ansar al Sharia took responsibility for the attack even though it was al Quada

but then how did they get those

cell phone passwords from the State Department?

The enemy are the Jesuits first and foremost and whoever protects Roman Catholic popery and their mob which use Islam and vice-versa. The spies within that act like they are on the side of Christians when they aren’t like the Grahams. They protect the popery and Islam. Unless you like wearing a burka and having your head chopped off you ought to do something about it in our government. Our military hopefully is learning!

Bill O’reilly said the Jesuits were good for discipline. How would he know?

Because he is one. They take a vow to the devil

for the papacy.

Wounded Warriors is a pittance and a mock …….as in mosques (mocks).

They work together.

Military tributes at baseball games:True honors or hollow gestures?

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Nazis were patriotic as well.

The HItler Reich celebrating Thanksgiving

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The shows that O’reilly loves to show about the ignorance of Americans. (CORE) Take note. If he was pro American he would teach the truth: He said that Adolf Hitler was not a Christian to Watter’s World, Jesse Watters on O’reilly’s show a while back. I thought I noticed Jesse Watterses jaw drop when he did, too. Hitler thought he was a Christian and he used Roman Catholiism and they used him. (protected each other at the cost of many others.) The people above in this photo are avid patriots of the HItler/Nazi regime and blindly did some very rotten things. We beat it and I think we have to do it again even within our own country. There is also a Cathedral of Light in California. Looks different, but has the same name. You would think they might have changed the name a wee bit under the circumstances of what our country had to endure and other countries and those that we fought WITH in WWll and who we fought against and why we fought at all in WWll. The Roman Catholic Church screamed when we destroyed a location in Monte Cassino that housed some Nazi’s within and swore revenge for the destruction at war time. At the time they were still at war with us and had not surrendered and obviously if they didn’t want destruction they wouldn’t have been complicit.’ They used their sites to protect the enemy of decency and freedom and later we got to watch The Sound of Music which showed a different TUNE. So you got both. I loved the musical, by the way, but it was a bit OVER-GLAZING of the truth of what occurred in WWll and I think that kind of show may have blinded many of us quite a bit to the dangers of Rome, It’s church, THEIR IGNORANCE, and their tactics, the Vatican and their BAD intelligence.

Kind of a spiritual thing as well that is involved that many who claim to believe or have faith have nothing but ashes as in Ash Wednesday. That makes them somehow superior?

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They don’t even read the bible much less understand it. Such as Nancy Pelosi, poor thing, jumping on the Iraq war debacle. Wouldn’t it be nice if she suggested what should have been done in response to the bombing of the buildings in New York by Saudi Arabians with box cutters and explain that the bad intelligence came from her religion! Admit some truth besides using the debacle to gain her seat again or a majority down the road?

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There were probably many examples of good people doing good things, but plenty of bad ones doing bad things. That’s bad when you use wars politically and religiously costing lives and don’t learn and revel in the ignorance of the average person in America (CORE) and use it to justify O’reilly’s treason.

He was a teacher. He needs to be pupil.

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You don’t lose 6 million jews for nothin’!

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Probably having to do with Jesus saying “I Am the Bread of Life”

in the Gospel of John and the desire by some to have the Gospel of Matthew preeminent. I guess they don’t like bread.

I have to think of that woman from Turkey who works for Fox and wrote a book about Tsarnaev family that they were obviously watching closely before he was made into what they made him into otherwise how would she know she likes to add her idea of what the US should do in regards to foreign affairs and especially in regards to the Ukraine and the Russians. THe Russians (Putin) actually warned the FBI about the family of Tsarnaev so obviously her book writing was quite convenient way to frame a person (never read it because I don’t like her opinions) and possibly causes their activities. If they were watching them then why didn’t they stop them????????Turkey has played an important role in the EU making people do all sorts of things to please them I think because of LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION. She is the propaganda woman of foreign affairs and her name is KT McFarland. Reminds me of a friend I had who was orthodox catholic and was worried why she choked on a cracker. I had to tell her it’s not the important thing. It took her a while to get over it. She cried about it. She had a daddy that she said she got some memories of abuse somehow. We parted ways a while back because she was a bit syrupy, but obviously part of the deception. This is a good picture of her but there are many others that look like someone else all to gather so no telling what the deal is but she is a deceiver what ever it is that she became.

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I don’t much care for her input. Some people can only thrive on others and their lies. She has no pity and no regard for the truth and I think perhaps helped Tsarnaev and his brother lose their mind if it indeed happened which looks like a hoax from the falling debris i.e. prosthetics falling off victims before they got the chance to get to the hospital and get fitted for one. I think it will bite hard when it does to those who don’t face it. I read it has soothing to do with tongues and eyeballs melting in their mouths. It’s in the bible. Sounds nuclear. Taking months to bury weapons and stuff. Could be right on the horizon.

Israel does the burying this time.

Part of the problem with the USA and our foreign-middleeast-oil foreign policy. We kind of made enemies like Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein etc and I have no idea how we did that because that stuff is CIA type activities (not for the public to know redacted kind of stuff) but obviously the Vatican was involved since that is where we get intelligence from as demonstrated at Benghazi. Trying to get us into war for the Ukraine against Russia is a bit stretching things and has to do with religion and oil access. Anyway she is one of those that turns my stomach watching her piety (something about some catholic piety is so prevalent and yet so far away). I think she ought to be ousted from the USA and sent to Turkey where she belongs. I think her religion screwed her up more than likely and of course Fox News. Her middle name is Troia which is kind of interesting. I don’t think National Security is her talent. LOL Peeking on families without helping them might be and then writing about it and helping them get convicted. Probably controlled by the Catholic eucharist (usually made by nuns) for about 4 days a week. Dragon’s Breath. So not responsible for her bad behavior which is soooooo Catholic. Like the pope said he is far from about not having certain knowledge which helps him maintain his lifestyle not in those words but similar. Being oblivious to the crap they do and the crap they cause.

“If I did?”

kind of malfeasance.

I almost had one of those crackers once with my daughter and it fell out of her hands

and you would have thought I had dropped her, the expression on the clerics face (methodist), or whatever he was.

It was fortunate, I think.

Does Islam eat the eucharist? Might explain a lot.

There was book written about what happened in WWll testing of feeding only bread to prisoners and things like that because of the gospels. Ridiculing and mocking. Not quite getting the meaning of it and taking it literally.

It’s pretty good book called NIght by Elie Wiesel

My mom had a book though I never read it because it was too thick for me called Out of the Night something like that but I will check later might even read it, Getting tired of watching Fox and getting lies every which way.

Military tributes at baseball games:True honors or hollow gestures?


Great site if you want to learn what O’reilly won’t tell ya:

European Institute of Protestant Studies

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I found a picture of Japanese man whose back was injured severely because of HIsroshima (I’ve seen even worse pictures of the injuries that occurred) but at the time planes couldn’t fly very far and they were bombing ships with suicide bombers, siding with Hitler, and mixed up spiritually, using their kids because they ran out of men, so they were being stubborn as well as on the wrong side and their leaders obviously were lying to their own people brainwashing them (or they wouldn’t be sending their kids) for their mission of evil at the time. You can’t fight an enemy that is willing to commit suicide (because of brainwashing and spiritual blindness) without a good plan of action. We were fighting on two fronts or three fronts and had to alleviate some pain in our ranks in order to win the war and save lives. No telling how many lives were saved because of it. Probably millions. That is why Hiroshima occurred as horrible as it was. Perhaps there would not have been a jew left at all if we hadn’t which was the their plan because of ineptitude and ignorance. I believe when that day comes there won’t be a world for anyone so it’s extremely dumb.

So my idea about Mecca and Medina I think is appropriate to fighting what we should have fought in the first place in regards to the attack on America. I think it makes sense and will help even their own people. IT sounds harsh but so was 9-11. Their mindset is suicidal and destructive to everyone and they use kids and abuse women and they won’t stop until their religion/ideology is obliterated.

Then we have to deal with Roman Cathoiicism/ the Vatican. Either they capitulate or they don’t. It’s simple.

IMO the Papacy and it’s lies needs to be contended with and cease to exist because they have proven to be INCREDIBLY EVIL! WHY WOULD ANYONE DISPUTE THAT?

THEY TURNED EVEN ON THEIR OWN PEOPLE (Roman Catholics) IN JAPAN. Glorifying being THE MOTHER OF MARTYRDOM IS SICK. That is what Roman Catholics obviously teach their people and it needs to be eradicated (that kind of thinking.) Not the people, but the religion. They rely on the mob to keep them in power and all their other tricks (the Jesuits) and it’s EVIL. NO ifs ands of buts about it.



They are even trying to make the Chinese Catholic. LOL, ROMAN CATHOLIC. THEY CAN’T BE THEIR OWN KIND OF CATHOLIC? THAT’S WHAT THEY DID IN JAPAN RECENTLY and now we have jelly starfish and other things that are not good going on in our oceans (bad tuna) and climate alterations that they make via HAARP and other places probably from space to engorge themselves on the resources left after the damage done in the countries of the world. How about the Indian ocean tsunami? That actually altered the earths axis. Would it surprise anyone if that were a man-made atrocity? THEY HAVE NO BARRIERS. THEY DON’T KNOW WHEN TO STOP. THEY ARE MAD AS THE MAD HATTER! LIKE A MACHINE WITHOUT A BRAIN. and won’t stop until they have to stop. They have to be stopped and sending a letter like Ghandi did to Hitler ain’t gonna stop them.

Neuroscientist Explains The Similarities Between The Brains Of Praying Nuns And Psychedelic Drug Users

I imagine that happens during fasts and ramadan. POSSESSION

I remember Linda always talking about the Stanford name as being so important. They failed. Tried to get some family to read the stuff I wrote and they glaze over in a fog. Then my sister prefers little retreats in North Carolina with a bunch of other stupid women probably because of some stupid woman across the street with an english accent. So what? Who cares? That makes her better? She hasn’t yet learned to talk right?


Pope Benedict XVl is wearing accompany helmet (hard hat) and they are celebrating their acquisition.

I think the company is BMW! Headquartered in Munich Bavaria Germany. Parent company of Rolls Royce. The Big 3 includes them and Audi and Mercedes- Benz. This picture occurred around the time of the Detroit Chrysler sell off/bankruptcy and Libyan Ghaddffi appearance (in the guise MIchael Jackson) in Rome before he was beaten to death near the time of the G8 meeting in Aquilla, Italy.

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A Desert Place (a Different View) 

(A post comparing the same incident of Jesus and his followers from the 4 gospels.)

Will the real ISIS please stand up and do something that makes sense. Actually Americans should do it, but Americans are too stupid and afraid. They fear independence and that’s why they are dying at a high rate because these companies are killing them.

During the JFK and LBJ terms there was a bunch of interesting exchanges by Egypt to the Kennedy’s and some dam building by LBJ that opened up (unearthed) some ancient sites and building of temples in various places. I think they are far more important than realized or given any attention except as tourist type stuff when in actuality they serve another purpose and something Jackie received at the Taj Mahal that her husband could not.

I wrote something that seemed to get erased so adding it again. Too bad about the Stanford’s who believe in Buddhism. Went to Hal’s Facebook and he had a big picture of Lori that she posted of herself of course extremely touched up and does not look like that especially in real life. Not what I remember seeing. She’s just mocking. Good at it. Lots of slogans and advice type pictures on his page and he is great artist IMO so was his mom. He has been in a wheel chair a long time and too early in his life and is a bit mixed up. Had a thing about forgiveness on his site and that one that does not forgive is the prisoner.

By the way Catholics are getting special treatment these days. It is purposeful folly and a lot of people are being excluded.

Drunk on themselves AGAIN!


WWl the first cock that crows? 1914-1919

WWll the second cock that crows? 1939-1945

WWlll the third cock that crows?

IN a world war kind of way?

Mussolini wanted to take over Egypt during his campaign but was supposedly hung or something before he had a chance to take over Egypt. IT doesn’t really look like the pictures of Mussolini only in a strongman kind of way but the expression isn’t really similar. I have no idea if this picture is legitimate as far as a building like this back then. It seems a bit silly.

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Looks like James Foley

after he became Islamic in prison after having been raised a Catholic and photographing in Syria as a free lance photographer (sure thing), interviewed on O’reilly’s show, (then how did O’reilly know about him and how did he get a hold of him to interview him.) and then going back to Syria to photo the things going on (burdensome stone) in Syria.

Where did those photos come from that proved the sarin gas attacks by Bashar Assad was bullshit since none were wearing gas masks (they were wearing paint masks that you wear when painting a house or mowing the yard) and nuns not wearing gas masks, nor children being hauled around sarin contaminated areas by those nuns (impossible), and dead bodies changing clothes and moving around, and some of the sites looked as if they were taken in Argentina (Pope Francis’s home) by the tee shirts warning of it in some of those photos, etc. And the rice that had poison in it we found to be sent by someone (from India, and another place before that) and sent to the people in Syria glossed-over by the press so that we might send a ship that-a-way and start banging the war drums. This was before the Ukraine saga.

And then finding out via letters to his parents he was being incarcerated by someone in Syria as if they allow letters and someone to send them (Do they even have a working post office?) Parents posing at church as if they have been enduring suffering as if they couldn’t stand on their legs because of their religion of Roman Catholicism and taking interviews. Writing letters he had become Islamic in prison after being raised Catholic (not too far a stretch). Then beheading prisoners asking for ransom from the parents of the victims via some kind of intelligence or mail out in the mdidle of the dessert, and then marching out on a beach beheading bunches of guys who look like they are Cuban in orange suits (as in Guantanimo Bay suits with pockets,…..pockets for what?) growing to be about 7-8 feet tall and multiples of the same person on some beach in Haiti with sharp knives or something using a green screen and threatening Rome from Cuba (as if Rome was DUE north of Cuba)? KEK KEK KEK


Also looks like the military leader in Egypt, now.

Abdel Fattah el-Sisi

And now we are fighting some different groups in various places calling themselves ISIS

and they don’t know how to swim.

Also another group of multiples that look like JFK’s son JFK. I think that is the CUBAN aspect of this stuff.

Another coincidence when JFK had a broken back, so did my dad. I think that’s coincidental, don’t you? He was pulled out of the Korean War for some reason and his troop or the troops he was with were all killed with bayonets.

Homecoming Queen Dies in Texas Floods On Way Home From Prom

Part of her obituary says:

‘Faith grows through hardship. Faith does not grow in a garden of property, but in a desert of tribulation. Even though it is never pleasant to experience hardship, it teaches us to persevere and to cling to God. He will never desert us.'”

Strange but I have avoided many things I didn’t see coming so I think those that defend faith ought to go a little deeper and forget the word “faith”. There are many faiths and the meaning of the word itself is a misnomer. You don’t have to go through hardship to believe nor should you be required to make a lousy journey for the sake of Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, the BGEA, Great Greta (miss macabre), to make a bunch of money and screwing vast populations just to influence them …It’s an excuse for faith and bad weather, tsunamis, nuclear accidents, altering earths axis physically, earthquakes, ebola, and other intensely evil things and blame it on global warming. Pope Benedict XVl admitted that it was a ploy added probably by Rome in compliance with Billy Graham puffed by the HURSTS/HEARSTS/ HERTZ rent a car for that special day:

Pope Benedict Says “Faith was the True Enlightenment”

Which I think means that part of the Gospel of John (the fourth chapter?) with the secret follower NIcodemus and the prediction of weather might have been added later for “enlightenments sake” to recharge (like a battery) the followers. Might have been lagging or sluggish and does seem like inferring something to do with Old Saint Nick. (Santa Claus) Doesn’t it?

I think Faith was the Norman Enlightenment!

(Tell NORMAN; Salute NORMAN by the way)

linked are the posts that explain what the heck I think was going on before the lack of R became a possibility No man vs NORMAN, It’s plausible:

Salute No Man *  An Holy Kiss *   Tell No Man *

Seems probable if adding commas was employed to change the meaning then so was leaving out R’s. LOL especially after what Pope Benedict said about Faith being the new enlightenment.

I kind of got started writing because I noticed some strange sentences about telling no man as in noone who Jesus was which seemed kind of odd since he had just had a sermon and they knew who he was so started to investigate why Jesus would say don’t tell anyone who he was when they all knew it, and sounding quite a bit like a lunatic

in the Synoptic Gospels ( Matthew, Mark, and Luke) Linked are the sentences with those exact phrases in the bible:

Tell no man vs Tell Norman 

Salute no man vs Salute Norman

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And he charged them that they should tell no man (NORMAN): but the more he charged them,
so much the more a great deal they published it;

The Moor vs the more vs Rome vs the many

Above is the Coat of Arms of Pope Bendict Xvl and at the top left of the coat of arms is the Moor Head.
So I think we have some obvious strange transliterations that we ought to look a little closer and not be so hell bent.
They wrote in stone in the year 33 or 66 hence the stuff found in caves, etc. I don’t think they had publishing companies at that time so it kind of makes sense. I don’t think we had paper though we had papyrus which came from Egypt The Holy Books were taken during one of the destructions of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple which may have happened in 33 or 66 There were two Roman destructions of jerusalem and one time involved the temple as well . When Jesus died the temple veil was torn from twain to twain (Mark Twain)
IN 1066 was the Norman Conquest which is kind of coincidental.
Sort of like a reoccurring dream of something kind of like what’s been occurring lately in the world.
In 1066 we may have had publishing companies. But the King James Bible was published in the 1600’s.
Mark Twain visited The Holy Land:

Mark Twain’s visit to Lebanon, Syria, and the Holy Land in 1867 was published in “The Innocents Abroad”, where he described Palestine as follows:

“….. A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds… a silent mournful expanse…. a desolation…. we never saw a human being on the whole route…. hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.” (The Innocents Abroad, p. 361-362)

Quoting Mark Twain out of context on Palestine

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Anglo-Saxon oath of fealty. An oath of fealty is what knights said to their lord as a promise of loyalty. [1]

By the Lord before whom this sanctuary is holy, I will to N. be true and faithful, and love all which he loves and shun all which he shuns, according to the laws of God and the order of the world. Nor will I ever with will or action, through word or deed, do anything which is unpleasing to him, on condition that he will hold to me as I shall deserve it, and that he will perform everything as it was in our agreement when I submitted myself to him and chose his will.

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Anglo-Saxon Flag


Anglo-Saxons (or Anglo-Saxon) is the term usually used to describe the invading tribes in the south and east of Great Britain from the early 5th century AD, and their creation of the English nation,

to the Norman conquest of 1066.

The Anglo-Saxons were a people who inhabited Great Britain from the 5th century. They included people from Germanic tribes who migrated to the island from continental Europe, and their descendants; as well as indigenous British groups who adopted some aspects of Anglo-Saxon culture and language. The Anglo-Saxon period denotes the period of British history between about 450 and 1066, after their initial settlement, and up until the Norman conquest.[1]

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And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.


History of the Jews in England (1066–1290)

William I to Henry I: 1066–1135

There is no record of Jews in England before the Norman Conquest in 1066.[1] The few references to Jews in the Anglo-Saxon laws of theRoman Catholic Church relate to Jewish practices about Easter.

Believing that their commercial skills and incoming capital would make England more prosperous, William I (William the Conqueror) invited a group of Jewish merchants from Rouen, inNormandy, to England in 1070.[2] However, Jews were not permitted to own land (as most gentiles were not allowed to own land) nor to participate in trades (except for medicine). They were limited primarily to money lending. As Catholic doctrine held that money lending for interest was the sin of usury, Jews dominated this activity.

History of Israel (linked)

The history of Israel encompasses the history of the Jews in the Land of Israel, as well as the history of the modern State of Israel. The area of modern Israel is small, about the size of Wales or half the size of Costa Rica, and is located roughly on the site of the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah except that these ancient kingdoms also included what is now the West Bank. It is the birthplace of the Hebrew language spoken in Israel, and of the Abrahamic religions. It contains sites sacred to JudaismChristianityIslamDruze and Bahá’í Faith.

Although coming under the sway of various empires and home to a variety of ethnicities, the Land of Israel was predominantly Jewish until the 3rd century.[1] The area became increasingly Christian after the 3rd century and then largely Muslim some centuries following the 7th century conquest until the middle of the 20th century. It was a focal point of conflict between Christianity and Islam between 1096 and 1291, and from the end of the Crusades until the British conquest in 1917 was part of the Syrian province of first the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt and then (from 1517) the Ottoman Empire.


And they compel one Simon a Cyrenian, who passed by, coming out of the country, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to bear his cross.

Salute Rufus chosen in the Lord, and his mother and mine.
During the Middle Ages, usury, or lending money for interest, was considered a sin by the Catholic Church. Therefore, Christians were forbidden to work as moneylenders and Jews were called to that occupation and were able to set high interest rates. They played a vital role in maintaining the British treasury and, for a time, the Crown watched over the Jewish financiers and their property, though they also taxed them onerously. Disputes between Christian clerics and Jews in this period were supposedly encouraged by William Rufus (1087-1100). Another influential English figure was Henry I (1100-1135) who granted the Jews a charter of liberties.

The House of Normandy

William II Rufus


Rufus and Religion

The bible talks about usury in the Gospel of Matthew and Luke so the Catholic Church may have considered usury a sin but they sinned anyway probably usurped and indulged themselves in the act of usury. It also talks about usury in the old testament and prohibits it to the poor and others which you can read the link for


and read the different verses that talk about USURY plus these two verses in the New Testament about USURY:

Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.

Wherefore then gavest not thou my money into the bank, that at my coming I might have required mine own with usury?

The obituary in the article about the Prom Queen and this thing called faith reminds me of Zimmerman with a fire extinguisher trying to fix his bad reputation. Look, they got caught in the lie about the mustard seed being the smallest of seeds in the three synoptic gospels and the “faithers” are reeling about it and need to get over that word and move on.

Serenity and Forgiveness

 In regards to forgiving family who continued to abuse, lie, and punish for years and years: IMO, Forgiveness is a wonderful thing, but not until the abuse is admitted to, stops, and changes made, then forgiveness might come, but not till then. Atoning for others sins is not forgiveness. It’s stupidity. The prisoners are Lori and Gary and their kids and those that cater to them such as weak, infirmed, stupid, and those that were deceived and doing the devilish work, trying to gloss over something that was avoidable and could have been a positive improvement if one can overcome their foibles instead of enabling them : The Stanfords and those helping’ them and mocking me and what I had to deal with. Thank you;) Because of my moms problems with alcohol at times and dad’s reaction to those times he went to Al Anon and learned to go to the movie when she was in her altered state of mind. It worked for him and we learned as well. Course she wasn’t lying, stealing, and molesting; she was having anger issues out of frustration so the serenity concept of Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon helped my dad with my mom, but it doesn’t help when dealing with liars, thieves, and molesters. That’s a whole different ballgame often times because they are in a cult and the cult protects their lars, thieves, and molesters (indulges them.) My mom and dad loved each other deeply but some things are hard to handle at times. It helped her as well in the long run. It worked and they got over it. Enabling is not wise and usually becomes worse growing into absurdity hurting others for sake of revenge.

You cannot be at peace with liars, thieves and molesters

because they just keep doing it to destroy others and indulging themselves

and those that help them are aiding and abetting them

such as the grown up kids, the siblings, etc.

Hence, generational sin and the consequences of their silence.

I think Gary is probably proud of what he did to his kids. Corrupting them for his own purpose to continue being an ass and have a wife that protects his ass with children that veil his behavior and enabling it. It’s sick. Their children will probably suffer the same or be the abusers and may have to pay dearly for it somewhere in time. They may get off scot-free, but their children may not? Who knows? Something to think about in any case because I think this may be true. Being at peace with evil deeds or enabling it is probably considered just as bad as doing it themselves because of the effects/affect it has on the victims and their families. I have seen what it has done to my little sister. Whew. I have been rebuked as being Satan in the name of Jesus Christ a number of times for revealing the truth to her as best that I can and been forbidden to go to her home when visiting my mom which is more expensive and inconvenient for me and at the same time rebuking me says she wants me back as her sister as if that is sane? The old sister is also playing mind games talking about me wasting 200 dollars on a ticket because I did not go because I was disinvited to stay at my little sisters house, rebuked etc, and then the older one saying I do so wish you had gotten over that a long time ago as if I could with her harassment of me in various ways over the years because she never had to deal with their problems because the rest of the family enabled her and emboldened her to be a NUMERO UNO BITCH accusing me of lying about his molestation and ruining her relationship with him and ruining her life even though it was the opposite. TOTALLY INSANE. My life was ruined by it, my relationships were ruined, my ability to make a living was hampered in various ways, my children were punished by others in retaliation and then I’m supposed to trust my older daughter visiting their oldest daughter in New York when the oldest knows enough of the truth about her dad and mom and doesn’t do anything about it? My mother is being abused and her bank account that they are supposed to protect is being robbed and inheritances given before she is dead? Excuding me of course. They took money that I owed on a loan for a house that my ex went bankrupt on and made it the premise for their taking that same amount even though it was not in the contract but was supposed to come out of the sale of the house which never had a chance to be sold…..Isn’t that FRAUD?  have no idea anymore who has Power of Attorney and they won’t tell me or give an accounting of the account of my mothers that is supposed to take care of her which I have heard is very low….Is that LEGAL? My eldest sister is supposed to be the one in charge but she has been pissed off about the fact that Uncle Ted and the money they lost of his on the stock market and that he was not told by them about it for quite a while and later was admitted to by me via a phone call from him to me asking and I had to tell the truth about it. I said, Yea Gary lost your money and he’s trying to get it back (because that was all I knew about it) and taking it out on my mom and me. It didn’t really matter that he molested me and acted the way he did at family reunions or whenever he had too much to drink but what mattered is they had to deal with Uncle Ted even though they would have had to anyway. They schmoozed him for  access to that money and blew it in five minutes and my mom and I have to take the brunt of their FUCK UP. If I had lied wouldn’t I have been complicit in a cover up legally? Damned if I did and damned if I didn’t. Either way I could have been in trouble if I had lied. I think so. So no matter what I did I was up a creek without a paddle and a victim of Gary and a victim of Lori and her sweet character, a victim of her children because of the lies and the truth, My mom is an old woman who deserves to be treated with great care and she wouldn’t even invest in a pulse and oxygen meter and said “What do I need one for?” even though my mom had readings twice in the 70’s for oxygen at the ARC ARMY RETIREMENT CENTER of San Antonio. My dad served in two wars for our country and his wife is in a precarious spot because of revenge, payback, coverup, misuse of money, possibly fraud for some of that money, lack of respect for both my mom and dad, and both the eldest and youngest have homes worth over $250000 at least and some other properties, pools, one overlooking a Canyon Lake, beautiful furniture, fine cars, lots of decorations for all those Christian holidays, clothes out their KAZOOs, trips, cruises, my artwork unreturned, etc. The eldest shopped for two hours for flip flops with cost not being a factor as she said and then later writing and telling me if I don’t pickup the ticket she put in my name for a Mother’s day visit to see my mom that would be $200 down the tube yet I was rebuked, harangued with their mind games via e-mails, disinvited to stay at their homes, put through all kinds of crap for Diane’s wish that she prayed for with her dear husband to Hospice my mom without a physician’s care because it was free (medicare/caid) which basically is a death watch and a political football right now (and they are on the wrong side of this issue both followers of Billy Graham /Franklin Graham though the oldest doesn’t realize it because she is stupid) and the youngest had $35,000 of mom’s money (her inheritance) before the fact in a savings account (no telling how much has been stolen and hidden and given to the brother and themselves) to be used when mom dies as if that makes any sense and definitely an incentive for my mom’s death? Why? Because I told the truth again and will continue until something is done in the right direction for mom, me, their theft! 


SHHHHH Don’t rock the TITANIC.

“Isolate her” said Gary to Diane about me. So she might allow more prick games and harassment from the wife?

Thus rehabilitating their reputation and destroying mine. 


Gee Hal (my cousin who is a Buddhist and in a wheel chair) I’m not so sure you have the quality of life

because of your religion and your physical state. Maybe we should have done something about it a long time ago.


Not so sure Linda has the quality of life having never been married.

I don’t think Diane or Tootie have the quality of life being followers of the Grahams

and all mixed up like a can of nuts.

I think Gary may lack the quality of life having to expose his penis at family reunions and drink excessively.

I don’t think Ben or Andy have the quality of life since they haven’t found a woman to marry.

Kay doesn’t have the quality of life because her husband is a tight wad and drinks too much wine.

Kimberly doesn’t have the quality of life because she married an atheist HEB.

Walt doesn’t have the quality of life because he is agnostic and defers to his older sister, hence he is her patsy.

Gaby doesn’t have the quality of life because she has a twitch and repeats and rambles in conversation.

Kristen doesn’t have the quality of life or she wouldn’t have felt the need to tattoo a great deal of her body with bible verses and ankhs, shave her head. cut herself, etc. There is such things as paper, pen, and courage.

John doesn’t have the quality of life or he would have asked his dad not to grab his aunt’s thigh  from the front of the car to the back of the car (not like I was sitting next to him asking for it) or videotape her thighs while carrying her baby (Bernadette) on her hip while looking at her niece’s new van for his mother’s sake.

Would have been nice to erase it but instead enabled his dad and his mom.

Was it on the wedding tape, KIM?.

Why didn’t you video tape Kristen cutting herself and have that on that wedding video?

Was Kristen with her shaved head included on that video tape?

Too bad I didn’t video tape all three of you jogging around an empty parking lot at night in a strange city on a trip?

Too bad I didn’t video tape a lot of things that weren’t nice. Daddy’s Money, Lover’s Lane, Burr Road, Winedale Drive, etc.

Course it was hard to know when things might happen a head of time. I wasn’t prepared each time something occurred because I didn’t know their intent.

Johnny doesn’t have the quality of life or he would have sat in a different chair all his life.

Patsy doesn’t have the quality of life or she would have known better than to talk like she had a hairlip to a hairlip.

Love to know how Walter went broke and lost his home and had to live in his office for quite a long time. He was well off and a very successful attorney. Made a bundle off Fed Ex on a discrimination on the job lawsuit. Lived in a nice home in a popular neighborhood in California overlooking the ocean and with a pool. He promised my mom that he would pay to have Bernadette educated when he was doing well. Pay for college. She never got educated at college except through a student loan for a year and was lied to about it that prevented her from getting educated. My other daughter bullied as a freshman cheerleader in high school and left the premises and two days later in the hospital bleeding from both parts of her body and dropped out of school. Then he took mom’s money for a debt unlawfully. HMMMM. WEIRD. Yet Gaby, his wife, didn’t know about that in the hotel lobby years later when visiting mom and family. This was after he had a meeting with Diane and I and stayed at Lori and Gary’s house and (Gary was asking some leading questions which he told me about at the meeting and he told Diane at that meeting as well, (Does she (Diane) deny this?) about the meeting trying to find out what it was about. I think he was afraid and since the meeting was with me he must have known what it was about because before then I had been isolated totally from the family (self inflicted for my sake because of the insanity of it all and denial by everyone) except with Diane via the phone once in a while. She got credit from Walter for keeping in touch and getting the family back together for a short while before my dad died. Did something happen to Walter at Gary and Tootie’s home that weekend because of that meeting? It doesn’t make sense.


Soon after when dad aspirated  on a pill which I still don’t know who gave him the big pill as he was about to go home to be with mom though Diane was the one in charge taking care of him at the time but said she went home to clean the house for his return that day, kind of like the laundry excuse when I needed help with my kids while extremely ill? “I’ll be there for you,” she said.. Tootie said she would baby sit my kids many times when I baby sat her kids so that she and Gary could have fun without the kids once in a while but Tootie babysat once using her kids to do it. Then Walt wanted to have dad put down because of the lack of quality of his life though most people that are sick do lack quality in their life while sick but it gets better when they get better even if old it just takes a little longer for old people to get well and normally don’t aspirate on a pill on the same day they are going home which is suspicious. Soon after that conversation….which Tootie and Diane agreed in that conversation with Walt, dad died within a couple hours. Coincidental? All three got inheritances, but don’t tell Gaby.


Then Diane get’s poisoned at a Chinese Sushi Restaurant on a visit at Walters. Ends up in a hospital, almost dies. Dave wants to sue but Walt advises them (pressures) not to because of his friendship with the owners of the restaurant (who pressured him not to) because they treat him like a king and supposed friends of Gaby.

Then Diane serves me almonds in a cheese dip at my Lori’s house, some kind of new cheese dip (she’s not that original and doesn’t usually add new ingredients to recipes, been stuck on mud pie for years), and I have a breathing attack on the way home but diagnosed with COPD and find out about Lysteria in walnuts and I ask if it wasn’t walnuts instead that I was served because of the severity of the attack and later by phone Diane admits it was walnuts. WHY LIE ABOUT IT in the first place. The first breathing attack was when I had pneumonia as did my eldest daughter and felt like an elephant was on her chest and I felt the same. She went to a football game and scared us to death because she couldn’t breathe to get back to her car and had to bend over to walk and we stayed on the phone the whole time until she was able to get to her car but they diagnosed me with COPD even though I had the same exact symptoms as my daughter and was sick within the same week.She didn’t have COPD EITHER. I guess they want me to have COPD really badly. I have been telling them for a long time my problem is my intestines from scar tissue that  gets blocked and makes it hard to breathe and causes my blood pressure to rise etc, because of my earlier operation that was so severe. I guess afraid of where the responsibility lay for that sickness in the first place. My sister and her husband and mine as well. My personal doctor told me that it might be a problem because of scar tissue a blockage could occur and make the intestine get gangrene and die and have to be replaced which is serious business literally. LOL. So I have to watch my pooping habits whether I’m constipated or not because of that potential risk and my weight which was out of hand and not only because I cried every day for a long long time. Sobbing often which does not help the breathing. Then people acting kind of weird like Richard at that same party at Tooties house, “How long has it been since you have seen your mother?” he inquired. Not “How’s your mom?” I dared not ask “how long it’s been since he had sex with his wife.” but should have. I always think of a good response later after the fact. Not like he was interested in my mom before, but more like an attack on my devotion to mom in comparison to everyone else such as my sister Diane fawning over mom with 35,000 dollars in her savings account when I answered -when the family went to visit her the last time- or something like that and not like he ever gave a hoot about her in the first place. His mom didn’t like my mom because my mom had a few problems due to alcohol. I haven’t seen Richard the cousin in years and supposed bible scholar surrendering to a world government and world religion with teeth because of that family courage. Yet Tootie and RIchard were closer because of age and their experience together as kids such as eating their poops and bonding on that experience as children among other things. I guess they were in the same crib and got bored and decided to explore their diapers and i guess Patsy was busy. Where was his mom when they ate their poop? The bible warns about it (not eating poop) so why would a bible scholar want a world government with teeth. Then Betty taking pictures which is not like her (never did before even by cell phone) at any family gathering, That was Tootie’s fervor often constructing them such as the picture of me and David hugging like normal relatives without an exposed penis.)  I think Betty has been on Morphine for a long time. LOL Lori made a big deal of that picture to me and my husband at the time as if there was more to that ……..with glaring eyes. It was weird. (That was after the hot tub daddy-daughter 3yrs of age talk about jealousy at night alone because of John in her tummy while mom was visiting from out of town a very unusual time for a daddy-daughter talk in the hot tub at night alone about jealousy and while I came for a visit to see my mom. Was Kristen jealous of John before he was even born? The picture of David’s hand (he is 6 foot 6) under my arm as he hugged me while I was in a bathing suit, is that’s a crime. Mrs. Keira Knightly in Atonement standing up having sex which my sister Tootie would never do being that it would be impossible LOL (she would have to have really long legs) and not being the most creative female in a sexual kind of way. Not like she enjoyed sex having to be enlarged (CUT) at the same time as having that baby so that she might enjoy it even though pregnancies usually does the trick of enlarging. We are talking about a big prick. Obviously a problem in that department but 250 thousand dollars a year was worth it. LOL

Am I supposed to fall on my sword because Gary has a big prick and big problems with it? Am I supposed to allow them to cheat my mom and dad because Gary has a big prick,? Am I supposed to take the blame for his big prick even though he was quite proud of it at the frat house showing it off dancing on a table? And Tootie was quite proud of it showing the pictures of it to Kay? Am I supposed to lose my reputation because he wasn’t satisfied with his wife? Am I supposed to take responsibility because his prick was too big for her to enjoy sex? Am I supposed to lose my reputation for his kids? Am i supposed to shut up about it and take abuse from his wife because Gary has a big prick? Am I supposed to watch Atonement for his wife’s insensitivity towards me having been molested in my sleep lying next to her? Am I supposed to shut up about it to protect the kids? Is that protection or stupidity? Or maybe they don’t really matter, what matters is money to them and their reputation at the cost of my reputation trying to protect their future with their sick dad and sick mom as it turned out.

What about my kids? What about their reputation?A trip to New York is supposed to make up for the lies about me and the collusion of their kids in those lies by their silence. They got rid of every photo of me in their mom’s house except for the ones I painted (which I would like back, thank you) Is that bizarre? LOL Called me a devil in a card/book from Kristen which was showed to me by their mom with a purpose of some netherworld type reasoning. Am I supposed to accept the splitting of inheritance money ahead of schedule as in before my mom dies and accept that a shepherds hooked bird feeder out side her window is good enough and a supposed wheel chair I haven’t seen yet? Am I supposed to accept being rebuked as Satan by the younger sister because I won’t shut up. Am I supposed to accept her lies in rewards to what I know she witnessed and heard from Tooties family and Gary exposing himself and Kristen talking about blissfully dying without breath for my mom and now I am supposed to accept that I misunderstood what was related to me about it by a ferocious liar who is storing 35 thousand dollars of her moms money in a savings account? Am i supposed to shut up about it because of the family devotion to me and my mom? Am I supposed to shut up about it to make Kristen an angel sent by God as Diane put it in an email who may have been corrupted by daddy and mommie years ago in many ways even if my mom is at risk? Am I supposed to trust Kimberly with my daughter? Would anyone trust that? Yet I can’s stop it because she is old enough she just does’t know the whole truth in regards to what kind of people Tootie and Gary have become. I don’t even know the whole truth. I am pretty positive it is much worse than I can imagine. Will that trip make up for the abuse?

I do so wish they had gotten over it along time ago.

Then I wouldn’t have to worry or be resentful.

A lot of what happened is still a mystery but as long as everyone is lying

we won’t ever get down to the nitty gritty

to fix it.

I thought Christians had courage!

Gary’s dad was in the oil business -Conoco Oil- and I guess that makes it A-OK. 

Wink wink nod nod

I guess I’m multi tasking in this post which my sister questioned my ability to do asking rudely  “Can’t you multi task?”  while I was talking on the phone and she was yacking at me and I couldn’t answer her because I was trying to hear the person on the phone as she was flip flopping around my home for two years while getting her divorce off and on and in her trailer. She had it so rough getting an allowance from her husband, dating, and hanging out with Joe Martin, and then my mom which is suspicious. I think she found a new source of money after Joe Martin.

Yea there may be strength in numbers but the reason for the numbers is they have no courage!

Numbers vs Deuteronomy a Y in the Old Testiment and when David numbered them many people died. Good people.

David also put a man in the front lines so that he would die and so that he could wed his wife. Their baby died somehow or another. I think David was Catholic. I don’t think he was the same David that slew Goliath with a stone and a sling. Replacement theology.

A lesson.

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Trevi Fountain in Rome

  1. trevi(Noun)

    A person from the Trevethin area of South Wales, either resident or native of the town.

I think Trevi has something to do with the number three as in the three synoptic Gospels,

A rewrite in history more than likely or David lost his MOJO. Perhaps we should find out what Josephus, son of Matthias, who stole the holy books during the time of the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem and was hired by Rome for propaganda purposes by the Flaviouses (their adopted son) and was a traitor to his people and obviously edited the Holy Books from whence the bible is TRANS-ILLITERATED from, I think.

Trevi also could mean 351 the opposite of 153 in the Gospel of John.

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It says David was according to the books of Samuel the second king of the UNITED KINGDOM of Israel.

I think he might have been the second king of the UNITED KINGDOM as in ENGLAND. LOL

There are some temples that were unearthed and rebuilt in certain places when LBJ built some dams and Egypt gifted Jackie Onnassis with some things from Egypt. One of the temples I believe may be located in Spain, perhaps in England, Manhattan etc One of the temples had their entry built backwards.  Hence all the number signs 153, 531, 351,135 as codes, for some who might know the meaning. Not sure which one’s entry was built backwards but they might be little portals of some kind for certain people who know their purpose or signs of some kind. Reminds me of “The Mummy” the movie. Always scared me as a kid. Sounds whacky I know but often religion has been whacky. I hope you read about a big whacker, the following:

The Fruits of the Vatican < link

It says in the Gospel of john (verse 3:16) about those shall not perish who believe in Jesus of the Gospel of John but it has been corrupted as well by those in Rome and Rome builds parishes and England builds shires, dividing the land and the people. Both have ish in their divisions. ( left-overs of ish out of their divisions. (pears/spear/spare/rapes/reaps and res)

I think Rome represents ish as Ishmael as in possibly has something to do with Shi-ites vs Sunni muslims. Don’t know but they are at odds with each other often. But since finding out that Abraham might be the Father of lies since he is supposed to be the Father of Isaac, Jacob and etc depends on what you read and since he came out of the land of UR and lied a bunch and since the Koran and muslims believe that Abram came out of the land of UR and we think Abraham came out of the land of UR I think we have a problem with some texts and rewriting of holy things. Hs name was shortened to Abram according to the bible and according to Muslim faiths his name was elongated to Abraham.

Ham usually means pork and pork usually means money ill-gotten for fattening someones bank account by thievery on the backs of the people (slavery) so I doubt his name was elongated.

Also has a great deal to do with SODOM AND GOMMORAH which I believe might be Mecca and Medina located in the land of sin near each other which Abraham camped between meaning Sodom and Gommorah. Could be an unfulfilled prophecy since they are beheading and hanging gays and anyone that gets in their way and probably without a trial etc That’s sinful. We still haven’t found out where Sodom and Gommorah are but Saddam does sound like Sodom but a lot of muslim people have that name. So it might be a good idea for some changes over there unless they want to be Sodom and Gommorah. It’s possible especially these days with Iran and Iraq and Saudi Arabia which seems to have bewitched everyone to attack Iraq over a bunch of Saudis attacking the USA. Then they were attacking Syria over chemical weapons to get us off the track I think. Misleading the USA with the help of the Vatican and their false INTEL. Not sure about Syria but since SOME OF THE UN AND VATICANITES (NUNS) were running around in paint masks in sarin gas contaminated areas (WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE) and come to find out some were poisoned with poisonous rice sent by way of India it seems possible that we are getting mislead. Doesn’t it? It makes it hard to believe them about anything.

Could be that David is the Father of Lies too because of what he did. Replacement type stuff. Rome lies all the time so it would not surprise me.

It’s like slavery. The South dug in it’s heels and a lot of people died needlessly more than just about any war. It’s obvious that slavery is bad (is there anyone in the world that would like to be a slave?) so even if there might have been some good slave owners there were more bad ones. Now we have unions causing havoc in the police forces digging in their heels and people are getting hurt and while some unions are good more of them are bad and hurting people and the various police force as well by hurting the good cops and their stature in the communities. Then you have the various mobs from different countries and some even involved in the church of Rome. I’m sure some mobsters are good but the majority are not good. They use other mobs to dig in their heels so that they can keep power in the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church has dug in it’s heels and are causing problems. The Chinese do not need more problems. The Roman Catholic Church cannot solve their problems and don’t intend to IMO they just want Chinese Catholics to be ruled by Rome. Has the USA been improved because of Roman Catholicism except to those that prostrate themselves to it. Like I said Catholics are getting special access, preferential treatment and ARE BEING INDULGED because it helps the Roman Catholic UNIONS.So I think what happened is exploitation of people in different countries because their rulers weren’t smart and didn’t care about them other countries came to exploit that problem by hiring them at low minuscule wages which was better than nothing then Catholicicism comes in to unionize them (organize) to get higher wages to expect more and also exploit them and make a profit and prices go up and it excalates into a competition between companies  so I think that is what the hard hat is kind of about. With the world heading to a one world government working with world wide communication system the companies are having a hard time profiting and basically the One World Government/Religion doesn’t work with Capitalism and can only work with Communism/Fascism type governments and people get hurt by that as well. Then pretty soon people won’t earn anything. Innovation will cease because the guys at the top are lazy and greedy. People will revolt because only a few will live well and back to a free market eventually. The companies ought to be on the side of the people if they want to survive. The government will try to entice the people with telephones and a socialist heath care system or whatever works only to control them and screw the companies and eventually turn on the people (hospices) because they will not allow them to come to the top like cream in milk because of their innovations or patents on things they might invent out of need or creativity in a free market and then you have slavery again at either extreme. Creativity is part of freedom. Freedom inspires creativity. Then pretty soon everyone will wear scarves on their heads (like the russians did in Soviet Union) or burkas as in the Muslim Countries and or Catholic countries and create a bunch of nuns and priests. Everyone will be unhappy even the guys at the top always trying to keep the people down and getting killed doing it.

One of the Ex’s brother had a job sitting on his butt most of the time (there is a name for it) because he had the skill to do all the jobs at the car company and was used only when someone was sick or on vacation. A whole lot of waste in that. They were unionized and catholic. Gets a pension now. Prices went up and car companies lost their buts (many of them) when they could have hired temporary workers and trained them but didn’t because of the unions and laziness and had those people on call so that they might eventually rise to the middle anyway and a few to the top. The top obviously didn’t want that but not considering they might not be able to work either or die it is kind of stupid but would put those union people out of profiteering for most of the time doing nothing but complaining and trying to bully the union members and the non union members just to have their control. Free market Capitalism is less wasteful and allows more creativity. There is always favoritism in any type of rule and the poor you have with you always but our country works best with a healthy and vibrant middle-class in many different kinds of ways socially, mentally, physically, psychologically, and spiritually. Catholic countries usually are mostly poor if you haven’t noticed and those that devote themselves to Mary usually are dirt poor and get ravaged and usually have a lot of tent cities and women get treated like shit, and lots of bankruptcy. (Detroit, and other cities, and countries lie: Haiti, Vietnam, Chechnya and many others)

Catholics (and those religions united with them) many of them are getting a free ride because of the unions and also are discriminating against those that don’t bow to the pope and themselves (even though they nothing about whom they worship) and are getting preferential treatment because of that (devil may care) attitude abut truth vs lies in the bible because they don’t read it and usually are instructed not to but don’t mind excluding those that did (for the most part) and using bully tactics at the schools and via the ways that they do socially to isolate and punish them (revelation type judging punishing some and indulging others), some for nothing but because of natural beauty or ugliness or beliefs (SOLID) and because of something spiritually undiscerning (mob mentality) of those serving that entity and losing their own minds in the process


Weather isn’t discriminating

(nor are earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, wars, famines, diseases, solar storms, asteroids, nuclear accidents)

even when we try to control some of those things with HAARP not like it can tell oh that house has catholics in it, etc Fema does discriminate as the Hurricane Sandy demonstrated favoring some usually catholic but you still lost your favorite things: such as irreplaceable pictures, pets, and lives, set back financially, etc. Not all storms are controlled by HAARP. Not all earthquakes occur because of HAARP. It’s hard to tell which are witch.

God does discriminate: SIX DAY WAR ought to enlighten the world. Just because you have a majority doesn’t make you stronger or smarter. KEK KEK KEK

My dad was in Greece at the Parthenon and said to the taxi driver “Take me to the Parthenon.” and the taxi driver said “you are at the Parthenon” or something like that. It was kind of a funny story that he didn’t mind telling. It isn’t necessarily our brains that make the difference or our haughtiness. Sometimes they are the problem and an Achilles Heel languishing in it’s arrogance only to be destroyed by sheer madness of it’s own making. I did not want to be molested. Okay? I may have worn a dress that said in someone else’s mind “take me” but it did not say that to me. LOL Just because a girl wears a bikini does not mean she desires to be raped. She wants to get a tan and go swimming is what it means and doesn’t want to be dragged down by the weight of her cloth. It’s a comfort zone of that particular person about her own body doesn’t mean she wants someone else’s husband. Some women don’t like that in another woman so they assist in their folly to punish other woman because their man wasn’t satiated with his own woman who is not comfortable in her own body either because it isn’t that great or they are too lazy to do anything about it but abuse other women who do or are blessed by their age, heredity, and attributes. Those women are just “too easy” if you ask me.

I went to my little sisters at the second to the last visit to see my mom and sat on the couch where Gary sat because that was the only place to sit. I can’t remember if he was there first or I was but there were two couches and one chair and his wife sat in the one chair. So I kept my back to him while having fun with family. He lingered a lot and finally she called him over to rub his back and he went and sat at her feet for a rub. But it took a while and was uncomfortable for me. My little sister knowing the troubles we have had bedded them in one room with a bed and my brother in the other bedroom (because he was so ill even though he really wasn’t at that time) and me in the dining room but tried to get me in the living room by the back door, but ended up on the floor of the dining room, and got to use the inflated mattress that the Kircher’s brought. It was comfortable, but uncomfortable. It was disrespectful of me, purposeful IMO because of my beliefs vs hers. I’m satan to her and the devil to Tootie’s daughter. It’s ridiculous. That was the weekend Tootie tried to get the family to watch Atonement, me for the second time and I have no idea how many times she watched it herself. Probably a lot. Luckily no one wanted to watch it and I don’t think were aware of her meaning. But because my brother deferred to waiting to deal with molestation another time because the kids were not grown up all the way though they weren’t that young emboldened my sister and her hubris. That’s why my brother was wrong. We should have handled it better at the time and she and he might have been rehabilitated. I think she tried to prove to Kay that Gary was quite comfortable being nude dancing on a table at a frat party doesn’t mean he has the right to expose his penis at family reunions or sneak up on a person asleep and molest them. Keep the penis in the Hanes even if you have to double fold it or buy bigger Hanes. Any right thinking person would assume he has a problem and would deal with it appropriately if she loved him and if she loved her daughters. She uses them. She obviously didn’t love them or her former family and it was about the money she gained each year from his family. Cozy relationship with bad intent and I’m sure I’m not the only one but molesters tend to pick on only a few because it’s easy. He used his wife for the rest and to protect his folly and paid her quite well and the others that went along are just patsies. They used to invite people to their house to eat but bring your own meat. That’s the kind of people they are.


Have ye any meat?

And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat?
Dates were considered meat and were fed to Islamic followers after their fasts such as Ramadan and for travel because we didn’t have cars and dates could be dried. Dates also mean chics. Obviously, meat means piece of ass, male or female. In context, supposedly this was Jesus after he had died and risen running in his Nikes from Beth-any to Jerusalem in a New York minute, mosqueing (mocking) the Gospel of John’s Jesus when he met his disciples at the Sea of Galilee.
Then Jesus saith unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They answered him, No.
In context, he showed them where the 153 fish they caught were located.
At the hospital 6 weeks visit after my huge operation my ex then my husband was rubbing my back at Parkland Hospital in the waiting room with a bunch of other sick people. We had to wait 6 hours because of the shortage of doctors that day and I was threatened by a woman and her husband verbally abused me in the hall I really like your back and something else I can’t remember now but it was derogatory and spiritually an affront to me. I was in a lot of pain. I had a 14 inch incision all the way to the organs in the stomach area from ribs downward. It was supposed to be 6 inches I was told but ended up being more. When you have one of those your back aches often because your muscles have been cut in half. So obviously this back thing is related somehow to Gary and Lori in a spiritual sense years later. I was discussing God with two black men in the waiting room, one a preacher’s son and an older man. We happened to be sitting across from each other. I was sitting next to an italian man who was whining about his pain from kidney stones that he was having at that time (Just kidding). Everyone in the waiting room was talking about their health problems and then his biker guy in the back of the room and his mate were not happy with me and threatened me and blamed me and the room went silent you could hear a pin drop. So i went to the lady in charge and asked for the police to come and they did. My husband at the time just sat there dumb-founded so he was a lot of help which is kind of weird, because of how he behaved during thoffice problems with my family. They wanted him to bring a lawn mower for them to their house and I was being abused and trying to deal with it and he knew it. So was basically too was their patsy for his prides sake. I went to the hall to get out of the room from those weirdos and waited for my doctors appointment. The next time I saw her after he had been escorted away by the police she was totally oblivious to how she had behaved like she was not in control or was possessed at the time she threatened me with her cain in the waiting room blaming me for his belligerence about waiting for 6 hours as if I caused the doctor shortage that day. The strangest thing, but so are my sisters! Like they are possessed such as Rebuking me a bunch in the name of Jesus Christ. A girl can only take what a girl can take and I took it for long time and now I’m dishing it out with a big ladle. This is my al-anon without the anonymous. Anyway it was a team effort and still is but it will have an ending for my sake. Religious bullshit kind of team effort. I have a good memory.
I wrote a post I’ll have to find about Ben Carson the very quaint neurologist. The candi-DATE who said, “You get what you deserve.’ He was stationed at that breakfast for Obama as if Obama had no idea what he would say. It was a total surprise. PLANT PLANT PLANT
Did the teacher, Christie McCauliff in the Space shuttle Challenger disaster that exploded in space get what she deserved?
Does an O-ring a bell?
Those 6 million jews got what they deserved, didn’t they? Woman who wear bikinis get what they deserve when drugged and on alcohol as Hannity likes to exploit, but he won’t give up his six pack a day or his religion that exploits the masses and 6 million jews. You would think he had a conscience. How about 6 million consciences?
Did the prom queen that was killed by the floods in Texas get what she deserved for the Faithers?
Was she the intended target, or a decoy?

Nor are nuclear accidents discriminating. It hurt Japan, the USA, the Oceans and the weather: How does a cloud produce water? It doesn’t produce it’s own source of water out of nowhere.) When Chernobyl occurred it didn’t just affect Russia only in the short term, it affected Europe in the long term. (Probably a lot of bald people in Europe now!

The first time I went and tried to be civil about the problem I was having with Gary, it should have been successful. it should have stopped then and there and it didn’t. I could have healed well, forgave, and not have had to go through so much needless BELL-IGERENCE and enormous health problems and some mental and a lot of sadness: I wouldn’t feel the hate and disgust I feel now and they would have avoided much in return. But Tootie and Gary became belligerent about it and towards each other deep inside which I think increased the problem towards me. We all have problems and make mistakes does not mean we continue to make them just to save face. Instead we should try to learn not to and be understanding of human foibles especially when drunk and not enable it by drinking more or trying to set up/attack the person who is trying to help and cope in order to make them look worse or make them look false. You can take credit for driving me to a point that I searched for truth and found some but it seems instead are in alliance with a bunch of ants who rely on Faith and their numbers vs. Belief. There is plenty of ignorance in the world, but that’s no excuse. That is a never-ending mistake and won’t work because I have dug in my heals against that kind of crap and I have help because of whom I believe and I don’t think there is anyone that can fight that power. It’s futile and destructive to the faithers and the drunks. You are only a multitude of cogs in a wheel insignificant to the wheel when it has plenty of them to exploit and much more to lose.

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My Dog Has Three Legs Your Dog He Got One by Paul McCartney

It’s gonna hurt to lose those three legs, isn’t it?

In time, I’m sure you will agree.

There are heels and there are heals.

“A dog returns to it’s vomit as a fool returns to his folly.”

Sure were a lot of Stanfords at that poisoning party for me!

Coincidence? Paul McCartney was sitting in an airplane at some airport in New York when the Twin Towers were attacked.

I am a prisoner in a way but not because of forgiveness or lack of forgiveness.

Have you ever heard the quote “if one tells the truth, have one foot in the stirrup?”  (I used to live on Stirrup Lane! Coincidence? and on McCommas too but that’s another story for another blog post coming! The bible used to be without commas because that was how they wrote back then without commas. I wrote a blog post in part about the commas and the difference a comma makes in a sentence to it’s meaning) So get prepared, but don’t get ready.

 Problem is I have nowhere to go and have to confront my enemies. They want and hope to contain me. Some people take their merry time so I just gonna let them. Can’t do what I want, when I want, otherwise I would have already. My time will come, I think because I know that I handled it as good as the best could have. People are really strange. THe ex too. Not sure what he gets out of the deal a platonic relationship with someone who doesn’t really like him. IT’s kind of robotic in a way.  PRIDE.

. For example I found this where those other pictures came from somewhere on the internet. For example:

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That’s crazy! Got to have come from England. They stick their kids out in their carriages on their front porches or used to for air then send them off early to let someone else raise ’em. Looks like my little sister as a baby. (Coincidence) She was a pretty cute baby. Always got to wear pink. I had to wear blue. Said berry instead of very. My Shirley Temple buddy. Our family lotus blossom.

What KNUT JOB Screw BAEL would do that and why? Someone delusional?

I don’t think very many people like what I write and why I write it. 

When in the hospital a few times back a woman and her son came to visit the woman next to me. Her son suffered from a form of mental illness (schizophrenia) and admitted it to me in a short conversation and the woman with him looked like ‘the Queen of England” in drag (not all dolled up.) She kind of treated him like a nitwit. Told him to “Shut up” as I recall. Then others visited that same woman next to me for a few days and one looked like my cousin’s wife Betty except with blond short hair who kept repeating over and over again to that woman, “You were on Morphine for a day” … many times it was getting obnoxious listening to her. Poor woman. Very strange people. Morphine isn’t that big a deal: I was on it for a while before, during, and after my first operation. It helps sometimes when in pain. She was like a broken record and what was strange about it is the way she did it in a monotone voice too so it was like some form of brain washing going on. Looked like a little field mouse. I was glad to leave that room when I did so I wouldn’t have to hear that voice seeming to need attention and wanting to be the caretaker of this woman and so that everyone else around her knew it or would capitulate to her nonsense by her incessant “You were on morphine for a day.” Even if she hadn’t been on morphine for a day she probably ended up believing she had been. It was odd.

I live in this world. I can’t take a space ship to another world. That’s why America is America. Before coming to America as pilgrims had a place to go and escape, but the world is smaller now. We were chicken shits, not really! It took a lot of courage to head out into the ocean (since the world was flat.) Also takes courage to face what we really have no choice but to confront. I can’t help it some people I know are really mixed up.

Now we have to deal with what we ran away from or it will consume us. 

monolith2015-05-07 at 6.03.27 AM

My Family Monolith and what JFK is talking about is Cyclopean!

We are opposed, around the world, by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.


It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published; its mistakes are buried, not headlined; its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. ~ JFK

I’m trying! LOL

I think the reasons for those secret societies and why they cropped up is because of the monstrosity in middle of the living room and of earth. The Roman Catholic Church. That’s why they came to be as dangerous as they are and the problem with them is that they were infiltrated as well. So the answer is to get rid of the Roman Catholic Church for starters. IMO


“I was a radio”

was one of the quotes of the people that were witnesses indirectly) of the JFK assassination. I know Judge Jeanine would be sad about it but my gosh when all we get are lies and propaganda from those that are supposed to be reporting the news truthfully seems to me they have also contributed to that tumor. Better yet get rid of their Intelligence. ONe way is the way that Judge Jeanine has reported about that could happen to the USA and it’s cities. That would certainly affect them and their power. Then we might not have the Benghazi Debacle blaming a video tape with riots staged in a few cities concurrently. Obviously they are responsible as well as the Red Cross and the British Embassy that left early, as if they didn’t know?

It would make a bid difference that’s what difference it makes.

Then maybe four American guys could be out walking on the street and not get attacked!

It’s like getting rid of the huge tumor then get rid of the contributing factors. OR get rid of the contributing factors and sit of the supply to the Roman Catholic Church. Or do both!

Sounds like Peter attacking Malachus but the difference is when someone actually turns around and says “I was waiting for you to say that” after saying something about her looks in my living room and it’s the woman on Outnumbered with the big cat eyes you know there is problem at Fox News. Or something about our dog being unleashed when it jumped off the truck and Oreilly is aware of it, thats intrusion into the privacy rights of American citizens and I think it comes from Catholic Ideology and their tools probably in collusion with the NSA in UTAH which needs to be reined in and brought down so they may never want to do it again. It’s coming regardless of what America doesn’t do  I guess it depends on how they want it peacefully or at a great loss to them?

It’s not like they haven’t done the same in the past as history has recorded not just in the World wars but way before to Jerusalem.

That is how they steal ideas and patents. Thwart others from succeeding. I had a patent at the patent company for a design I made and O’reilly comes out with a book called “Killing Patton.” I think that is illegal and might make a great lawsuit if I could find a lawyer that would help me. It seems like I have been discriminated against for my beliefs a few times (3 at least) by Fox News and had my privacy infringed upon by Fox News because of my beliefs which are not as delusional as their own behavior against my beliefs and whoever is helping them. In fact I would say I have a pretty good grasp of the situation worldwide and the deception and their bully tactics employed to keep people down and unable to pursue their happiness: The American dream and the right of all citizens. Drove down the alley and saw an easter egg.

Doesn’t that sound highly ILLEGAL and worthy of SEIZURE OF THE PROPERTY of the ones invading my space. I’ll just take the proceeds from his lousy books and movies, his station and show, instead. Then I’ll pursue my dreams and ideas because they are good ideas and so are the basis of my beliefs far superior and more discerning than what he thinks or has faith in. We’ll see.

How about the bullying (physical and emotional) of my daughter at public school who ended up in a hospital a couple days later? That wasn’t intentional? Jesuit discipline? She was a FRESHMAN cheerleader and had only kissed a boy at a church function at that point in time and they were calling her a whore at school. Helping her trip on the stairs at school. So she is no longer in public school and has to wait till she is 17 to attempt to get her GED. Affecting her personality and her self image and believe me it hurt her and created possibly a health risk to her for later. That’s when I felt my dad and a gesture by him was when she was hurting and in the hospital. THere are so many examples but I think Roman Catholicism is seeing it’s last days maybe hours. I can’t wait for that day I see it’s Final Moments. I think I’m gonna get to see it.

Can’t wait to see the FINAL MOMENTS OF O’REILLY AS WELL. NOT PHYSICALLY but in every other way. I don’t call his comments discipline I call them really immature and devoid of a conscience. But like the pope thinks he is good. LOL

THAT”S NOT FAIR he said once after I changed my shirt. A long time ago. Around the time he was making fun of a painting of Beatrice Arthur as if he has a right when he’s one of the stupidest guys in the world making fun of other stupid people.

Course he’s bragging tonight about his movie Killing Jesus getting nominated for some award. IT may have something to do with those in Hollywood who can’t speak out without getting hung or dying while operated on. I’m sure O’reilly had nothing to do with it.

I never saw the video tape of him giving this speech just the transcript and his voice on tape so I imagine it was what he planned to give at the World Trade Center in Dallas when the wife of John Connally said, “You can’t say that! Dallas doesn’t love you.” and he didn’t get to (at the World Trade Center) and probably partially why he was killed. But I guess he figured on that and had it get out anyway. Nellie Connally said she said, “You can’t say that Dallas doesn’t love you,”  when he was shot at that moment.

What a difference a comma makes!

Nellie Connally went in and out of an English accent especially at the hospital with John Connally as did Billy Graham at times especially when talking about the Beatles. It’s in one of my posts on the subject of JFK which are quite a few. It was about,”Does a leopard change it’s spots?”

When my mom was a little girl with her younger brother Ted in the drivers seat and not supposed to be she said: “Why don’t you, do that!” LOL and he did and they got in big trouble. The car rolled backwards and I guess ran into the street and rammed into something, probably the curb, but it was the way she said it prompting him. My mom is a stinker and taught me a lot. She met the queen when we were overseas at a luncheon she was invited to. Never talked about it though.

When I first got married she sang at the door in the morning of the first Christmas Felice Navidad. I think she had her reasons. One was she was drinking. LOL I think that was what the brass rubbings were about expressing herself in certain way while in England. Something weird happened.

Pope trying to be a good guy even though he is a Jesuit:


Can’t make a deal with the devil and be a good guy nor steal characteristics from a martyred man’s necklace for his courage. Sorry good try but not feasible! How about ridding the church of the Jesuits, giving back the treasures stolen that are hidden in the Vatican, return all the money laundered, destroy the Cloths of Turin, allow priests to marry, and in fact require it, stop lying to everyone and destroy all relics and shrines devoted to Mary, etc that’s just for starters….

YOU ARE NOT A GOOD GUY LOL You are a little prick pimp among many (deceiving and being deceived.)

Honestly the best thing for the world is for it The Vatican and the Popery to be destroyed and start over. I’m sure we can locate a good artist for all those new ceilings and things.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Sentenced To 8 Months In Prison For Corruption

Wasn’t this in the news a few years back? So he has to do it again?

Model Nicole Trunfio poses breastfeeding her son on Elle cover

“When I saw the cover of me breastfeeding, which was unplanned and just natural, I teared up and thought, ‘Wow this is such a special moment where my worlds have collided’,” Trunfio said.

She didn’t know? LOL Nobody looks like that breastfeeding without a lot of help. Doesn’t suede stain easily? Maybe it was sprayed with scotch guard 24 hours a head of the photo shoot. She is pretty and a good role model.

Darlee Routier 2015-05-28 at 3.35.22 PM

Darlee Routier

Darlee Routier 2 days after 2 2015-05-28 at 3.31.52 PM Darlee Routier 2 days after 3 2015-05-28 at 3.31.43 PM Darlee Routier 2 days after2015-05-28 at 3.32.55 PM

Two days after she allegedly killed her sons

Darlee Routier grave 2015-05-28 at 3.28.25 PM

Darlie Routier having a birthday celebration for one of her sons at his grave with silly string and her family who I guess enabled her strange behavior before she went to prison

Darlee Routier should get life imprisonment without parol because she was used by evil and was possessed. That’s why she did what she did to her kids. It was her religion and her name that got her in trouble and being weak minded because of her FAITH and being the way she was obviously then, demonstrated in the pictures of her. You can tell she was a bit insane by those pictures of her at the gravesite, 2 days after, and the evidence. NO DUST DISTURBED on the window sill of where the supposed intruder entered with a slashed screen but left the dust on the sill untouched, etc. Picking up the knife and then making sure to let them know as soon as possible that she had it in her hands. ALIBI ALIBI ALIBI and maybe woke from a dream to do the killing. The shadow of a man she saw was probably real. It was a demon which left after the evil deed was done sent from hell. The one boy fought back that’s how she got hurt more than likely. I bet they were Graham’s crackers. LIKE GRAHAMS ALIBI THE DAY OF THE ASSASSINATION VIA HIS WAYS ON RADIO ETC. WHICH CAN BE TAPED. HIS FRIENDS. DON”T EVER TALK BAD ABOUT EACH OTHER AS PREACHERS. HIS BOOK “JUST AS I AM” WITH HIS ALIBIS< HIS LETTER TO JFK ABOUT A POSSIBLE AFFAIR, THE TONE OF IT>ETC.

I think she should not be put to death but given lots of attention for that possession and lots of psychotherapy. I don’t think her kids would appreciate her being put to death for being possessed. IT”S A POWERFUL THING WHEN SOMEONE IS TAKEN OVER BY DEMONS AND IN THIS CASE. THEY DON”T SEE WELL FROM THEIR VANTAGE POINT.



Please check out this site by me:

Merangue’s Blog

The Mother of Jesus Christ: SHALOM!

I Am the True Vine


What is the smallest seed in the world?

The Parable of Faith – Part two

Pope Benedict XVI and the Mustard Tree

Parable of the Mustard Seed Part 4

The mustard in the Bible versus the Quran (1)

Check out a good site by me called

Merangue’s Blog

with many links to good posts, I think.

Dancing With God

Put this ad in and linked it

because I think sign language would be good to learn and productive

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March 27, 2015 Posted by | Assassination of President Kennedy, Austin, Dave Perry-Miller Homes, Dr. DENHAM, DR. DENHAM OF AUSTIN, Lri Homes, Methodist Hospital, THE ARC, THE ARC OF SAN ANTONIO | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Michelle Obama, School Lunches, and Benghazi



First of all, do you trust a woman whose eyebrows are almost at her hairline?  Pretty soon she won’t have a forehead. Now that is fakey. Her rap is very  fakey. Another attempt to be cute which isn’t. It gets old and she is getting very, very old. Screen shot 2014-05-29 at 9.56.04 AM What I eat is no one’s business. It is one thing to teach about health and healthy foods and vitamins. However, I don’t see the schools being told to give vitamins to the kids. Why not? (When Obama took office didn’t he have something to do with the vitamin business and limiting them? I sort of recall that and it seems to be connected to Michelle’s business) While we are at it kids at public schools should get vitamins. Not only that there should be an exercise room with a sauna at school for those kids that don’t get on a team. Why not eyebrow lifts for all the kids and their parents so we can look like Michelle Obama. I think we should have her teach the kids how to dance as well. The kids should get cheek implants just like Michelle so we can have fakey cheek bones. I think the kids should receive some free wigs for different occasions. R & R is important for one’s health so each kid should get a free trip to Hawaii.

If someone wants to eat a potato they should have the right to eat a potato. Fresh foods tend to get wasted because the freshness doesn’t last. The Obama’s love to waste OPM. If a parent wants their child to stick to a certain diet they can send their kid to school with a bagged lunch. I remember cafeteria lunches and I stayed away from some of the fresh things they served because they didn’t look so appetizing and partially because of the people serving the lunch. Making them into cute little shapes isn’t gonna change that. Remember the wise advise for parents and those who like to act like parents: Choose your battles? I think the safest way to feed kids at school is to let them bring their own lunches. It would save a lot of money OR the schools could give vouchers for lunches at nearby restaurants that serve healthy food. However if they must eat at school I think kids ought to be able to have choices and to make choices and learn how those choices affect them. If they want to put the calories and the information about the foods that is served  at schools where the food is served so that kids might make better choices and choose how much extra they want to spend that seems fair to me. Not all kids are the same and some need more calories and more carbs than other kids and Michelle has no right to determine their intake based on junk science. Some kids are athletes and need more food or less depending on their practice schedules and games. Some girls need more iron in their foods if they are menstruating or they need folic acid. There are all sorts of different health issues for kids that cannot be determined a head of time. What happens if all the kids become allergic to hummus, then what? Some kids can’t have peanut butter. Some kids can’t eat strawberries. Michelle Obama not only looks ridiculous, she is ridiculous. She had a conversation on the Jay Leno Show or the man that replaced him Jimmy Fallon about kids and talked about kids standing on bar stools. That is how much she knows about kids and remember the conversation she had on the air about being a single mom? (Who was the dad? Does she suffer from false memories too?) I think she and the people with ties to the Obamas plan to profit off the foods served at public schools and I think that should be investigated because it may be a mountain under that mole hill. She is trying to appear cute and a lover of children yet she was at Benghazi with arms in one hand and a syringe in the other and that is not cute, which is usually the case for people who try to be cute. Like the pope who told a little story about stealing mercy from a dead man hoping to gain fans with his cute little story and it just made him look like the dick that he is. She laid a guilt trip about the kids in her plea for her lunch program. People died at Benghazi and she more than likely is responsible so why would you trust your kid’s diety to eat what Michelle thinks is good to eat? Did she feed the men at Benghazi? Does she feel guilty about Benghazi? Were they not allowed to eat potatoes? How about Yams? Can you imagine what she would be like at a restaurant telling everyone what to order. If she had good sense she would stay out of the limelight, but she doesn’t even have good sense. Screen shot 2014-05-29 at 11.05.13 AM I bet she takes muscle building drugs to appear fit, the kind that are illegal. Perhaps there needs to be an examination of her health by a doctor that is not a democrat to see if she is fit enough to tell 200 million people how to feed their kids. Like I said, it is one thing to advise and another to control another person’s diet. I think Michelle and her husband should eat prison food but am willing to wait till they have an investigation into Benghazi that is real and they are allowed to tell where they were and what they were doing Sept 11th 2012 and prove it. I would like to see President Obama explain his remarks at the UN and explain his remarks at the Correspondent’s dinners. Tell us the meanings of his strange remarks such as:

“Only Michelle has the right to bare/bear arms.”

A similar thing was said about Jackie Kennedy after JFK was assassinated and the television commentators including Ed Barker said “No one was was holding her arms” because he seemed aware that she shot JFk about 50 years ago and obviously she was a jackal so to speak sitting in the car with JFK with smoke rising from her gun as his head was shot. You can read about it in the article:

JacQueline Kennedy and then Came Lot

CHUCK HAGEL: I don’t question the Presidents sincerity, his motivation with this. I never have! Nor anyone in his administration.”

OH REALLY? WHY NOT? He never has questioned Obama’s motivation.?

What did Obama mean when he said “Only Michelle has the right to bear/bare arms? “What did the President mean when he said “In my second term I will in the war on Christmas.” Was he sincere? Why won’t he tell us where he and she were on September 11th?

What was Chuck Hagel doing on September 11th and where was he? 


” I don’t want to ever look back and have the regret that I didn’t have the courage

and I didn’t do what I could to at least project something”






NO WONDER OBAMA PICKED YOU! I’m guessing because I don’t know though I will check: Hagel must be a Catholic! IT is ATYPICAL!

A person who doesn’t question motivation is a person who doesn’t ask why. Basically Chuck Hagel is a human drone. That is really eternally dumb.

Hosea 4:6

I regret your lack of courage!


You will regret your lack of courage!


Your kids will regret your lack of courage!

 Notice how the hand grips the object in his hand like a syringe would be held. Notice the shoulders are very similar.Screen shot 2014-05-29 at 2.26.37 PM

Notice small forearms. Notice face is swollen as if having had surgery for appearance sake. This occurred before the second term.

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Notice the sandals and rolled up jeans. The stance is very feminine as well.

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Now who looks more like the man in the middle posing at Benghazi?

Saddam’s illegitimate son ie Saddam’s bastard son or Michelle Obama

or are they both Saddam’s offspring?

Is there any question that the man on the left is not the man in the middle?

Is there a pretty good possibility that

Michelle Obama

is the man in the middle?

Check out the new picture and her shoulders and her chest and compare it to the man at Benghazi.

The new picture of her freaking out about immigration in New York playing the blame game. LOL

It is her at Benghazi.

IF she knew what was good for her she wouldn’t do many appearances because she keeps exposing herself.

Thank you Jennifer Lopez!

Michelle Obama: ‘We Have To Keep Fighting As Hard As We Can On Immigration

“The first lady highlighted LULAC’s history of improving education through the story of its former president,

Felix Tijerina, who hired teachers out of his own pocket so Spanish-speaking students could learnEnglish and continue their education.”

“Jennifer Lopez introduced Obama at the event.”

The maid of manhattan, no less. A good movie and actress but she is on the wrong side and hanging out with the wrong person.

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I think LULAC was involved in the assassination of JFK,

Film surfaces of JFK night before assassination

I tried to show in this next post what I noticed and hope that you pay attention to the parts that I time coded and wrote about in regards to the LULAC farewell party for JFK with Jackie especially goes into a kniption fit as if she is out of control …some of the audience …how JFK was acting as if he didn’t understand what was going on that night and  a woman that makes a sign as she is leaving as if to say it isn’t what it seems. I know I have another post more detailed about that particular night but will find and add to this post. It’s been a while since writing them. Mel Gibson may not be so integral to this post but I was trying to get attention for my posts and he was having some troubles at the time in the press and it seemed like a good idea at that time to use his popularity.

Mel Gibson and President Kennedy’s Assassination


as well and the coverup with their LADER. You can read about it linked on Merangue’s Blog in regards to posts about John Connally’s wife….the other shooter who shot John Connally in the back. He lived but the interview of John Connally at his bed in the hospital with his wife shows some funny behavior of his wife and she sports an English accent like Billy Graham does from time to time. Sounds very much like one of the ladies who was a witness about a puppy dog which was actually a Lamb Chop puppet. The conversation with John Connally’s wife and LBJ and Lady Bird Johnson on a plane after the assassination is also very telling. The night before JFK was assassinated he met with LULAC in Ft. Worth. He looks drugged as if he is not aware of what is happening or who he is. Jackie acts very strange as well (as if possessed by Pope Benedict). Some of the people attending are recognizable that are in the background and one of the participants gives hand signals to alert whoever might watch it that it is not what it seemed. It is worth reading about and watching the you tube of Jackie and Pres. Kennedy at that celebration in Ft. Worth. I think LULAC probably is a Jesuit organization. You can read about it on the many articles I wrote about it linked on Merangue’s Blog. South America specifically Columbia is where the drug Dragons Breath grows and is used to drug people to be slaves. It was at the table in Ft. Worth at the last breakfast JFK attended before he was assassinated and Jackie licks at them, literally. JFK and Jackie visited Columbia to the diamond mines. DIamonds are big business because of weddings etc. Incidentally the Brits had a Diamond Jublilee recently on the 50th anniversary of the assassination of JFK. Some people in Columbia and in africa get paid a dollar a day to mine. And some don’t live very long because of it and the conditions that they are FORCED to work in. They call those diamonds Blood Diamonds. It is all related to the times we are in now. I believe Obama knows a great deal about the JFK assassination and the special car they rode in that speared JFK in the neck and necktie that same necktie supposedly stopped a bullet fired from the book depository (that single bullet that killed JFK speared his neck and necktie , shot him in the head and shot John Connally in the back and wrist) before the head shot by his wife jackie Kennedy.

it IS what it IS.


who think they are the chosen people. LOL While I do appreciate the destruction of Islamic holy sites

beheading isn’t my cup of tea. Is it yours? Obviously you would have to be possessed to think so and to team up with Michelle Obama.

I hope you will wake up soon!

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Michelle has Jennifer Lopez and is under her skin and is controlling her.

I have seen it happen before. She is using her and possessing her.

Pretty soon she will be licking every time she opens her mouth.

I hope people watch Jennifer in the future to see her tongue hanging out a lot to see what I mean, kind of like Bernie Goldstein slobbers when he talks. This photo looks exactly like the photo that Michelle had with Oprah Winfrey. Like she is proving something in her photos. It must mean a lot to her to know stars. I wonder can she act or sing or just bitch about food. The most tasteless food on earth she promotes for profit/prophet.

It’s a symptom of demon possession. It was a very big symptom during the assassination of JFK and the aftermath. Probably the same thing occurred during the Lincoln assassination as well and more than likely during the occupation of Jerusalem when Jesus was crucified. It isn’t a laughing matter it is a symptom of destruction of Jennifer Lopez. So I hope she wakes up and tries to do what is good and breaks off from support of the OBAMAS who are cold blooded killers.

Boehner kind of has the same thing happening to him that is why he has a hard time talking…..often. They need to ditch their religion and start believing in God I AM that I AM who freed the slaves of Egypt. That is what Jesus came to tell us in the Gospel of John.

IN the CBS transcriptions that I transcribed I also took snap shots of a lot of licking and tonguing going on that I noticed of the journalists, Jackie and JFK, his son, the world leaders, the Dallas politicians, and many witnesses. It was how the coverup had legs because everyone was lying even as ridiculous as it was. and it must have to do with the religion of Roman Catholicism and it’s daughters, because they were the one’s doing it. It think it also had to do with the drug Dragon’s breath which is now infamous for making people do whatever it’s host tells them to do. I think it may be an ingredient of the Eucharist served to it’s parishes to mock Jesus who said I AM the bread of life and as a population control and politician control etc and of whoever needs controlling. A Jesuit Roman Cath-O-LIC trick IMO. they would do anything for the pope because they take a vow to do anything so it is not above them to do that. Basically a vow to the devil. That is why the world is in the shape it’s in today is by poisoning the people. Certainly not because of the virtues of Roman Catholicism. The drug works depending on the amount given for about 4 days. It makes people do things they would never do otherwise and I believe it is the tool to keep people needing a false religion and buying forgiveness because they are guilt ridden by that same host. A Catch-22 essentially. It may even be in some foods and drinks sold to the people. It doesn’t take very much to affect an individual and cause a life of turmoil in it’s aftermath. It is sick but it is being used. It is why OBAMA CARE was approved and lauded even though it’s a lie. It is how the OBAMAS extort money from CONGRESS. It is how ROMAN CATHOLICISM STILL HAS LEGS EVEN THOUGH THEY ABUSE THEIR PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD. It was the main drug used for the JFK assassination. I believe I witnessed and I did write about it in the CBS NEWS Transcript on JFK in an interview of him with Jackie and some reporters who whispered: DOES HE KNOW? He said a few strange things in that interview about girls. Jackie was controlling him then or the press was. After his death she tried to make his relationship with his kids sound funny too. Innuendo about her husband in small ways. She aped Marilyn Monroe’s voice even though she really had a New York accent and was not soft spoken. I think she is responsible for Marilyn Monroe’s death. ANYWAY you ought to try to learn about it IT MIGHT HELP YOU AND YOUR FAMILY SURVIVE the Power of lies and their tools of the trades of religion. It’s a great way to sell lies and get people to buy or sell your products. O’reilly ought to know. Let me also warn when the truth comes out quite strongly usually that means there is gonna be a BIG BANG of some sort soon so I wouldn’t waste time trying not to see it. You know when you see a star in the night sky and you see it’s light you are looking at the past because of the amount of time it takes light to travel in space. Perhaps the scientists who claim that earth was created by the BIG BANG THEORY are actually seeing the future because I don’t think it is light they are seeing in their theory.

Wood not that be a coup?

Here is a post with quite a few licks in it:

CBS News and JFK Part 6

Here is the post with that interview of Jackie and JFK when he talks about little girls and the press or whoever is present behind the camera says Does he know. It is hard to hear but listen real hard as JFK enters the room I believe. Charles Collingwood seem to be involved IMO in the doping. Charles Collingwood lets on (exposes himself) that he knows the reason for the assassination of JFK on the last transcrip and it is about religion. So you might check that out if you are interested.



Be sure to check out the man sitting on the curb at the sign the moment JFK gets stabbed in the neck before the head shot who saunters off to the field with the long legs and the short pants when you watch the Zapruder film of the assassination. Looks familiar.

Obama to GOP: Instead of suing me, “do something”

“President Obama mocks House Republicans’ planned lawsuit against him, saying they’re suing him for doing his job while they refuse to do their own”

He knows he has them under control because he has them drugged. It is a good bet that is why he mocks so boldly. REALLY? REALLY? REALLY!

It’s easy and nothing he does isn’t REALLY


He thinks he has a lot of time to kill and he is DEAD WRONG.

Have you ever noticed his audiences always look like they are Stepford Wives. Thanks for that comparison by Andrea Tantaros today on The Five. They laugh on cue in a weird kind of way when really he isn’t that funny most of the time on most of his lame speeches. It’s quite ERIE. Really? Yea he really lacks some good writers these days! Do they pay these kids or drug and pay them?  One speech I watched there were many spanish people behind him and they looked like they couldn’t even understand his language but were being cued ahead of the cameras. Remember when he helped a pregnant woman during a speech who feinted fainting on cue by the girl next to her who elbowed her. What if they were drugged to do that?: talk about fakey. Is that lame? Would it surprise anyone that he would do that to look like he has fans and support? WOULD NOT SURPRISE ME after all that I have seen of Obama on his tours and everything else I have witnessed.

Would that make Bob Beckel happy to know that might be how he operates?

Michelle and Obama just want MO MONEY to kill.

Definitely its a pretty good possibility because the man in the middle is kind of pretty. If you take into account Obama’s own words about Michelle  bearing arms at a press dinner it makes sense that they needed to find a vegetable (the man above that looks like he doesn’t have a clue to take her place just in case the fire is getting to close to the White House with the new hearings by Trey Goudy and his team of investigators. They had to come up with another diversion of the myriads so far and locate a possible replacement for MIchelle just in case Michelle and Obama are having marital problems he might want to appease Michelle so she won’t turn on him;) 

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More proof emerges that Benghazi attacks not spontaneous

School complies with Michelle O rules and bans birthday cupcakes…

Does she look normal to you? Why would anyone stop cupcakes at school? IS that insane? Yes it is. Not like the kids do it every day and when they do get to have cupcakes at school it is a big special deal for them. Not like the kids eat 24 of cupcakes each. I wish she would just get in the business of selling videos about eating healthy like Jane Fonda did about working out. She didn’t force everyone to workout but because of her know how and personality in spite of her past with the Vietnamese she was able to make a business of working out. She didn’t make laws about it. It must be because of Michelle’s lack of imagination that would make her try to force schools to  feed kids the way she would feed other peoples kids and use her position to obstruct freedom like halting lemonade stands for kids who are learning to make money. It’s really sad and shows her overbearing type personality and lack of respect and understanding of and for others.

Michelle Obama faces off with GOP on school lunch rules

I’m sure there is some money in it some how for her and her friends. The problem as I see it is making schools adhere to her program puts kids at jeopardy with terrorism like was seen in Syria in their food. Many were poisoned. I think it is better to be diverse in what is served to kids in the public school system so that food terrorism has little chance to be widespread. After the hummus and walnut listeria recently you would think that others would see a possibility of a problem down the road with food terrorism. She was a big promoter of hummus as you recall and yet it caused some major health problems. Even retaliation against her demands could cause a crazy nut terrorist to possibly retaliate for some other reason such as what the White House does in foreign countries or who they piss off. I think it is better for each area to serve what they think is decent for the kids. Does the public school system need a federal mom like Michelle Obama or her federal heart that went out to the victims of Hurricane Sandy as she embarked on her strenuous federal journey to Hawaii for a long vacation? She didn’t seem to have much of a heart or she would have stayed and acted like a First Lady like Jimmy Carter’s wife would have done. But instead she went to sojourn on the beach with Oprah who complains about prejudice because someone didn’t show her a $37 ,000. purse. Talk about Oprah pettiness. But she is a good companion for the Obamas because of her frivolous complaints. Michelle was not elected for office. Until she is, her demands are rhetoric and obnoxious. She ought to just make recommendations and back it with information to teach good health and be an example to others instead of forcing herself upon kids of America. DID SHE SET A GOOD EXAMPLE IN BENGHAZI? AMERICAN KIDS don’t need a single mom who lacks heart. If she does more than recommending she ought be investigated for possible duplicity to make some companies rich off her demands probably as a payoff or bribery. She ought to be investigated in regards to Benghazi as well. Would you trust her with your kids if you knew she was at Benghazi killing people? Should you trust her until she is investigated for her part at Benghazi? I don’t trust her one iota. I don’t trust her intent possibly to inflict harm on American kids at school. I think she is that unreliable, maniacal, and a killer at heart.

Study Says Plants Can HEAR Being Eaten

Pope Francis Calls Exploitation Of Nature Sin Of Our Time

Roman Catholicism is rank with exploiting every country in the world, exploiting the gospels, exploiting the truth, exploiting kids, exploiting their own goya (their flocks and those that don’t know any better) and he is doing it even more. He should be ashamed of himself for being a pope because it is against GOD the creator.

Next thing you know she will be telling people how to diaper babies or how to grow tomatoes and make laws which would be on par with her lunch program fiasco. Women that do that think they are better mothers and are petty type people. Reminds me of a friend of the family telling my mom and dad how to diaper my kid. They used to have to use cloth diapers with pins and rinse dirty diapers in a toilet. We have come a long way in convenience diapering. It took a lot of nerve of this woman who was naturally  a busy body obnoxious know-it-all type personality which appears to be Michelle’s huge personality flaw ( like her mother who made a big splash in China for the same type behavior)  besides appearing at Benghazi showing off her arms and  what looks like a syringe which in my opinion was used on the person dragged around at Benghazi. Just a good guess but by the way she was holding the object (syringe) in her hand it seemed to be a very symbolic gesture like Obama Care is to Obama and references to insulting Islam by Obama at the UN after Benghazi were also symbolic and emblematic of the problems in America now because of the Obamas and their Benghazi experience.

Sources: US letting Benghazi

suspects off hook, recent arrest ‘small potatoes’

For instance, Michelle!

It boggles the mind that we attacked Iraq because of 9-11 even though it was a bunch of Saudis that attacked the US. IT boggles the mind that this guy is arrested who looks as if he doesn’t know his head from his you know what when we have a picture of a man/woman Michelle at Benghazi and everyone ignores it.

IT boggles the mind that the messenger is always under attack when the message is obvious to anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear and anyone with half a brain should draw the same conclusions unless everyone is appeasing the attackers because of their businesses having to do with the business of oil and because they would rather not use their brains and be a lemming just for the sake of the other lemmings ahead and behind them accomplishing nothing but confusion, death, deception and utter ridiculousness:

Weary Benghazi suspect cooperates inside D.C. courtroom


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This is in retrospect to the three times Peter denied Jesus.

Three times Jesus said “Do you love me more than these” and Peter replied that he loved him three times.

Obviously mocking.


Book: Obama instructed Clinton to use video explanation afterBenghazi attack


ˆIt was a set up IF YOU TAKE INTO ACCOUNT WHAT Putin said shortly after Benghazi and the video excuse was floated through the Vatican by the Jesuit Father Fredriko Lombardi . So lots and lots of insiders with a religioius bent to them are involved so there must be good reason that these religions are involved.

President Obama blows Jay Carney goodbye kiss: ‘Can’t un-see this!’

(Is it any wonder that Michelle is harassing children about food.)

Obama's Head Liar Fell On His Sword: The Best of Jay Carney

But that OBAMA kiss made it worth it for Jay Carney. We never did check to see if he was a Schizoprenic. I truly think he is. No one could lie so much if he didn’t believe the lies unless he was sick. He looks like a schizoprenic and entertaining strange thoughts.

What do you suppose Obama meant at the second term Correspondent dinner when he said:

“In my first term, I sang Al Green;

in my second term, I’m going with Young Jeezy. 

In my first term, we ended the war in Iraq;

in my second term, I will win the war on Christmas.”

ABC’s Jonathan Karl Just Mopped The Floor With Jay Carney Over That New Benghazi Email

By the way, did the war end in Iraq?


Obama Girls Enjoy “Best School Lunch In America”

While Other Children Reject Their Inedible “Lunches”

Had to include this comment from the link above because it is so funny: Avatar

Pelosium: A major research institution has just announced the discovery of the densest element yet known to science. The new element has been named Pelosium. Pelosium has one neutron, 12 assistant neutrons, 75 deputy neutrons, and 223 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 311. These particles are held together by dark forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called peons. The symbol of Pelosium is PU. Pelosium’s mass actually increases over time, as morons randomly interact with various elements in the atmosphere and become assistant deputy neutrons within the Pelosium molecule, leading to the formation of isodopes. This characteristic of moron-promotion leads some scientists to believe that Pelosium is formed whenever morons reach a certain quantity in voting concentration.

Pretty interesting conversation with Bob Beckel of The Five and Jesse Watters of Watters World about federal workers yesterday Wednesday May 28th. It got kind of heated and I think Bob Beckel lost his composure if you can call it that. Maybe Bob Beckel should hit the beach and hang out with his peers.


Exclusive: Joseph Farah warns, ‘There’s nothing Christian about appeasing evil’

HIllary has written a book distancing herself politically from Benghazi to stay above the fray while at the same time taking responsibility for Benghazi because the buck stops with her even though we all know that isn’t true. The President just recently met with her for a private lunch hoping no one would notice because it wasn’t on his schedule and now he says she is worthy of the job of President. How would he know?

Takes a person who is worthy

to know whether another person is worthy

and neither is worthy.

What did they do at lunch? Afternoon Delight? What difference does that make? Evidently not much.Ask Michelle oh but she’s too busy telling kids what to eat.

Does this make a difference?




Hard Sell For ‘Hard Choices’ Says Hillary’s Running In 2016

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Confident without conscience

God Help Us.

Can you imagine being married to this woman?  She is one disgusting woman.

She should have learned to cook in the kitchen instead of cooking at the State Department.


Does the world need Hillary to choose them? I don’t think so. LOL


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Flipping out….losing it…out of control…

Hillary is hoping no one will call her up again for her testimony (and so is Obama) and that this book will suffice. Can’t imagine anyone would buy the book or want to read it. After losing it (her composure if you can call it that) in front of the whole world in regards to Benghazi how does she or Obama think that will help her?

I would imagine her book is as interesting as the Obama Care journal and no one read that.

Fact Check: Clinton’s Benghazi chapter has holes

 Catherine Herridge


 Except for Catherine Herridge who takes her job seriously like no other person on Fox.

However I still can’t understand why Fox and all the other news stations never bring up the hoax aspects of these entertaining events that have occurred while Obama has graced us with his presence in the White House.

I’m kind of suspicious that they can’t bring up the hoaxes or they would not get a pay check and that pay check is more


than the truth.

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Where was Hillary during Benghazi since she took responsibility for this mess.?

Watched Greta and Bret of Fox news grill Hillary and she really had a hard time looking them in the eye most of the time…she is such a diablolical …..!

She didn’t even care where her friend Ambassador Chris Stevens was during Benghazi. She knew him, seemed to like him, even seemed proud of him but said what difference doe it make.Was he walking on the street, was he in Rome, was he playing tennis with Georg Ganswein? Was he lying n a morgue with lots of makeup on looking stiff, yet happy? Was he a little seedling?

…what difference at this time does it make?

What year did President Obama say “Only Michelle has the right to bare/bear arms?”

The Correspondents dinner that Obama said those words in green above was 2009. Benghazi happened in 2011. So we have a two year lapse of some kind and I imagine that is why Hillary spoke about “real time” vs some other time. I believe Benghazi was filmed for later use to threaten those under Obama’s regime. This is what happens to those that insult Islam (after all he had a speech to make a few weeks later at the UN): To make his petticoats (and you know who you are) quiver at the thought of betraying him which makes me think of a quote in the bible about betrayal:

“Whoever betrays the son of man will wish he had never been born.” A very interesting statement because on the one hand you have the Son of Man and on the other you have he.

He does not necessarily mean the Son of Man. The statement could be speaking of two totally different people: He and the Son of Man. Double Entendre of some kind but Obama thinks he knows that kind of talk but  OBAMA speaks in triple entendres often mixing sounds with spelling and meaning for his own BENEFIT, such as moat vs mote, transparency vs. truth etc. A cat and mouse game in a way and dark sentences kind of stuff. Sandy the hurricane happened around this time in 2011 and is related because the person in the picture being dragged around who is not Ambassador Chris Stevens I believe lived in New Jersey. So it is a bit of a conundrum kind of deal but nevertheless it happened. I know the purpose for Obama because he stated his purpose at the UN. The rest of the cloth’s purpose will be determined later and hopefully the layers of this event will be ironed out soon with the hearings with or without help from the Democrats, Hillary, and some Republicans and the Justice Department with the masterful Holder at it’s helm , the IRS, Department of Defense.


So far they are kind of BLOWIN’ IT.


or death.

 We knead to get a grip on the truth of the matter whether or not it matters to Hillary, though it should matter to her.

 USA captures Benghazi suspect in secret raid…

No one was allowed to interview the witnesses at Benghazi and in fact were given lie detector tests weekly to keep them in line, but they are able to interview the new captive ABU Khatallah with a Saddam Hussein hair (or an ALLAH hat) that was trapped  I tell ya by the press and apprehended by the FBI in Libya of all places talking about religious freedom, uh, huh, uh, huh. Must be tough to find a Libyan that will lie for the Obama administration and for HIllary. I guess they think we are dumb. And also probably are afraid of the new (bi-partisan, LOL) hearings of Congress around the time of publication of Hillary’s book and her many interviews hoping to get a pass and a nod. Is that a lark or what?


Capitol Hill divided over Benghazi capture

“Democrats applaud the capture of suspect in 2012 Benghazi attacks but Republicans raise concerns about prosecuting him in court rather than military tribunal at Guantanamo.”   Video | Full Article

Maybe it will help them in the elections.

Hearken: You can try to alter it and obscure it, but it doesn’t change it. You can’t take back the speech at the UN by Obama a few weeks later which was the smoking gun (the motive) for Benghazi. THE MAN DRAGGED AROUND AT BENGHAZI (LIKE IT OR NOT) was a witness (and was not AMBASSADOR CHRIS STEVENS to everyone’s dismay) against ISLAM in biblical terms. A BIBLICAL WITNESS. 2015 ought to be an interesting year being the end of TEN YEARS  (one hour with the beast) which is prophetic. Now I have no idea when that ten years started but I’m guessing about the time the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT WITH TEETH got it’s start. I do know the blood red moons is significant as far as signs in the sky. IF YOU WANT TO HIDE YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND THEN go ahead and be foolish, BUT WHAT YOU GONNA DO WHEN THE CURTAIN GOES DOWN, hmmmmm?

I know where I’m going…I’m gonna head to the O-SHUN and lie on the BEACH. RELAX AND HAVE A PINA COLADA’)

U.S. Patent And Trademark Office Cancels Redskins Trademark

Redskins lose trademark,

Harry Reid says team will be ‘forced’ to change name

Can you think of anything more redundant than this ridiculous endeavor?

What will Harry Reid tell God when asked what did you do when given fair warning at Benghazi for the american people and the world?


Harry Reid will tell God:

I was fighting for a name change of a football team to add injury to insult and trying to protect a turtle to RIP off americans to invest in a wind farm.



 US Marine held in Mexico suffering ‘inhumane’ treatment 

Source: New hearing set for U.S. Marine held in Mexican prison

Really too bad about Mexico and the relationship we have with Mexico.

They can’t send back a marine with his belongings which seems to be an act of war against a citizen of the US which is an act of war with the USA. I think they are testing America and ought to be given a test back.

I think Americans should cease all travel to Mexico and cease all buying of Mexican goods until the Marine is sent home with all of his belongings. The military have incarcerated him to antagonize the USA and deserve a quick response such as an invasion if they don’t quickly send him home unharmed.

And if that doesn’t work I think we should invade their land and expand the USA so that there no longer is a country called Mexico anymore and then we won’t have illegal aliens or problems on the border anymore because the illegal aliens will actually belong to the new expanded USA and their won’t be a need for a 15,000 mile border fence anymore. We could get rid of the Mexican military, their cartels, and eat their lunch to solve a few big problems (such as the corrupt mexican military and the despicable mexican cartels) that we have had for quite a while because they prefer to be assholes rather than be good neighbors. They are causing trouble in the USA, to the USA, and they act like an enemy to our citizens

sow let’s be their enemy.

I’m sick of the double standards between the two countries and hope we can change that problem and if they keep it up we will change that!

We could depoliticize immigration real quick by an invasion and a take over Mexico and Central America.

We could call the new state: NEW TEXAS.

Or for that matter we could call the new state TEXMEX.

The Mexican people and Central American people would rather live in the USA that is why they keep coming to the USA even illegally so lets make their country livable again. It would help the oil business in the USA as well. It would reenergize North America in all the ways possible. And instead of a 15,000 mile wall we could shorten it to be about 100 miles by annexing Mexico, Central America, and the Panama Canal.

And in essence would


and De-Catholicixe Mexico and Central America since they are the root of the problem of Islam

which would benefit all of us.

Burn down their missions and their shrines etc

It would solve a plethora of problems and difficulties and would definitely be worth the effort.

It’s not a coincidence that their problems stem from the religion of Roman Catholicism

and the religion of Islam stems from Roman Catholicism

and we just don’t need those problems. PERIOD PERIOD PERIOD






take them to Ellis Island until they can get legal as others do when becoming citizens. Get Obama’s entourage (the federal workers WHO CANNOT BE FIRED and the IRS) to attend their needs food water electric clothing etc until they can become legal the right way AND DEDUCT FROM THEIR PAYCHECKS MONTHLY FOR THE EXPENSE.

These are predominantly Catholic countries. Can’t they take care of their own children in their own countries? Don’t they have freedom in their own countries? Aren’t they content to live in their own countries? Why do they want to live in America? What makes them want to leave their own countries?

I think Pelosi ought to wash their feet when they cross the border for her pandering the drug cartels that make these people want to leave their homes and their country. It is her religion after all that exacerbates the problems in these countries and then expects them to support her as a ROMAN CATHOLIC democrat WHO CREATED THEIR LOUSY ECONOMIES AND JOBLESSNESS AND CRIME. WHY DOESN’T PELOSI GET THE VATICAN to open up the evidence in their laundering of money, abuse of children, child deaths in nunneries to cover up who knows what and more than likely filtering american tax dollars gotten by illegal tricks and drug running money not to mention paid killers all to pay for their lavish lifestyles living in palaces and entertaining the world leaders that Hillary put in place.  When will the Pelosis of the world demand that the truth come out about the abuse of ROMAN CATHOLIC ENTITIES AGAINST MANKIND IN THE PAST AND IN THE PRESENT AND IN THE FUTURE UNTIL THEIR DAY IS DONE. THEN SHE WILL BE WHINING FOR MERCY AND NOT RECEIVE IT WHEN THAT DAY COMES AND IT IS COMING SOON….VERY SOON. SO SOON THAT IT WILL COME UPON HER AND IT WILL BE TOO LATE FOR HER AND HER CLAMS!

Pelosi: Border breach ‘opportunity’ to serve ‘God’s children’… 

Democrats Find Great Political Opportunity in the Misery of Child Refugees Flooding the Border

Rick Perry Won’t Back Away From Obama Border Conspiracy Theory

There’s a conspiracy and it’s a diversion for one. Second if many of them could be involved in the drug cartels that are involved with ISIS it should be a concern to Americans. Obviously palestinians use their kids for terrible reasons I sure hope these people aren’t using other people’s kids for the same type of crap. Why would a parent send their kids without a chaperone to another country? Did they sell their kids? Were their kids taken from them with threats of retaliation if they snitched about it? That is what drug cartels and Islamic terrorist do to get kids to do things they would not normally do. What did Obama say at the UN after Benghazi about Mohammad? It ought to concern you what he said and how he meant it. Flooding America with kids is a bit strange and they walked all the way through Mexico to do it. I would say something is terribly wrong in Mexico and Central America and the kids being used as pawns in a dirty game of war. The Democrats ought to be ashamed for making it a ploy to get more votes. This is not normal behavior and if the Mexican population is up in arms about these kids why don’t they complain about their other country Mexico and central America and demand that something be done to them. But instead they seem to ignore these signs for some reason and I suspect it is dirty politics again at the expense of a bunch of kids and their moms. PRetty stinky if you ask me. Nancy Pelosi ought to be ousted from her position for being such a shit.

When told not to question these people

where they are temporarily being housed

definitely stinks to high heaven

and is a big sign that it is a conspiracy.

June 30, 2014

Pope tired but smiling amid new health concerns

I think he ought to read the bible and revelation and try to get a grip on who it is talking about…..and fall on his face for his part in the deception of the world about all the things he certainly is aware or should be aware of by now. I found him to be offensive to watch especially in Israel at the wall. I guess when you put on a white robe it clouds your mind and makes you stupid.


Are Roman Catholics not producing jobs and income for their people in their own countries?

That ought to tell you something.

Holder Impeachment Sought by Ringleader of Resignation Push.






Obama Admin Forbids Lawmakers From Taking Photos Of Illegal Immigrant Facility

But one congressional staffer invited to tour the facility called the planned tours “a dog and pony show.”   “Don’t talk to anyone, don’t record anything you might happen to see, but come visit us and we’ll give you a sanitized story with only the photos and accounts we want you to have,” said the staffer, who requested anonymity.

“This isn’t some totalitarian closed society trying this tactic, this is our own government.


They clearly wouldn’t be offering up this kind of dog and pony show if they weren’t hiding

a very ugly truth somewhere.”

I think you ought to talk to the people and find out what they might know. Just because you are being told not to talk to them doesn’t mean you shouldn’t talk to them. They might be able to shed some light on why they would travel the distance they have traveled just to be inside the USA. Something really ugly may have happened to their parents in Central America or they may be running from insurgents of Al Queda or some other Islamic group in Central America. I don’t understand why anyone would listen to Obama’s instructions or his administration and their LIMITING Qualifiers and Factors. Obviously this is a dirty trick of some kind. I don’t even want to venture a guess because of Obama’s propensity for evil.

It would not be a bad idea to get lie detectors and interview the illegal immigrants

about why they came

who sent them and why

(who paid for their trips, etc)

and who their families are in the USA, etc

and get the truth out of them.

Separate the ones that tell the truth from the ones that are lying and incarcerate and send back the liars.

If you can force lie detector tests on the State Department employees involved or knowledgeable about Benghazi (the witnesses)

to keep them silent

why not use lie detectors on illegal immigrants?

They give lie detector tests often to  job applicants why not illegal aliens and connect a photo id of the person interviewed?

Legalize the truth tellers!

Then do an investigation with the information given and tie it to whoever belongs by that information.

It would depoliticize the good applicants for citizenship!

Get the dna of the bad ones (liars) and tie to their photo id from then on we have information and can investigate them for crimes with dna evidence etc. And charge the countries for the bad ones they send over with tariffs, trade embargoes of the companies or groups that might be involved etc. If it is a religious organization doing the shenanigans do the same, etc. It will help to pinpoint the logic and the intent of this huge surge of immigrants. I know they use good people who are probably being used as a cover so they should get a free pass if they are truthful but not the ones aren’t truthful. Get to the bottom of this crisis or opportunity as Nancy Pelosi expounded even at the loss of life, health, and well being of some of the people involved. She is an opportunist obviously….Obama Care is evidence and so is her  intentional disregard for the truth in regards to Benghazi, the IRS scandal and probably all of the other DEMONIC conspiracies she is involved with “for her faith.” IF there is nothing to hide she should not be against lie detector tests for the illegal immigrant flood flooding our nation from a broad!

Urban Dictionary: broad

Urban Dictionary

I had to add an explanation because all the definitions I’ve seen here are inaccurate. Broad refers to the distance between the vagina lips of the human female. That way if there is an islamic intent or ISIS or Osama Bin Laden off shoot group hoping to cause trouble and to invade our country via Central America we can alleviate our fears in this country and uphold our freedom and invitation to those that deserve freedom.  And for those that want to destroy America like the Nancy Pelosis for her faith and ignorant opportunism can get screwed by the investigation as it unfolds. Obama asking for 3.7 billion dollars for the invasion that has occurred as if he didn’t know that it would happen. Talk about extortion. He is blackmailing our country for another reason…I guarantee it. Look what happened to IRAQ, EGYPT> LIBYA and SYRIA. He is a bad operator and we need to strangle the shit out of him with his lackeys such as Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Eric Holder, and Chuck Hagel, etc etc etc. who would sell America it’s destruction.


But John Boehner disagrees but thinks that the immigration fiasco is the last straw. Who is he kidding anyway?  Talk about douible-speak with wobbly legs.. This guy should lose his seat for not having the guts to stand up to Obama. Must be an un ugly truth in his denial of  impeaching Obama. Obama should have been impeached a long time ago and Boehner knows it .What is he waiting for…… a horse head in his bed? Quit with the crap and get on with it….IMPEACH OBAMA AND MICHELLE FOR BENGHAZI and everything else …throw the book at him. Impeach him on his lawlessness. Are you a mouse or a man? Maybe there isn’t a difference in your eyes. 

Boehner disagrees with Palin on impeaching Obama

Michelle must still own his balls! He should move to the EU where he won’t be respected except to do their business here in America which is not do his job and hold up impeachment calls. I hope he isn’t elected again for that stupid remark against impeachment. He doesn’t deserve to be elected because obviouly Obama is lawless and Boehner knows it.  You will go down in history as a traitor to your country as well. You must have had Michelle’s lunch recently probably laced with drugs to control him. It isn’t that hard to do as the JFK assassination proved. Don’t eat with the Obamas or eat with their friend or you may act like a bone head.

Is Boehner Catho-lic?

I asked the question and now I will look it up.

Yep he is…no wonder he speaks doublespeak and is a coward. He was trained that way.

That was a deja vous moment because I feel like I have done that before in regards to Boehner.

He is a rat actually only a little mouse in the House of Representatives and has Obama’s back because he loveth Michelleth the lunch-lady.

I hope it gets rough for him so that he might change his mind and do what any man with his nuts still attached should do in his stead. DO you care about your children and their future. I do’t think you do or you would do what is right, instead you continue to do what is wrong and continue to be gutless. God will forget them if you don’t try and deservedly so. They will end up in Burkas, I guarantee it regardless if they are male or female. If you know what you are doing and intentionally are doing it in the House of Representatives I hope you lose control of your bowels so that you can’t go in public because of the shame of your decision to be a cover for Obama and Michelle. You are a traitor to mankind and women if you are aware of what you are doing and for what. a smile from Michelle? Perhaps he should have a tree planted in his name so he can be a plant like Ambassador Chris Stevens and then eventually a parking lot because his mom or MIchelle will forget to water him. LOL He is obviously a plant for the Vatican holding up impeaching the most lawless President America has ever witnessed.  I hope he feels the pain.

McCain: Forget about impeaching Obama and take back Senate

I guess McCain wants his job next time around. Talk about self promoting and doing nothing in regards to the lawlessness of Obama because he doesn’t care. He actually tried to steer Palin not to tell the truth when they were running together for the Presidency. I hope Palin remembers. He was for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the loss of a POW war buddy may be partially why he is so reticent to impeach Obama. He cozied with Ambassador Chris Stevens who did not die in Libya but was an agent for Rome as is McCain. How would anyone take him seriously while he played video games during Hillary’s hearing about Benghazi. Is that what Senators are supposed to do? Is that what he gets a paycheck to do? Hillary also was a good buddy of Ambassador Chris Stevens. It was a set up and they know it. McCain is not a hero. He is a mouse that follows the rats. He is an accomplice to the destruction of America and is not for America but for seeking an everlasting job in the Senate no matter the cost and loss of life. It is time for him to go. He has made way too many mistakes as a Senator and is not good for his state either. A lot of strange things happened in his state starting with the assassination of someone who was an attorney having to do with Fast and Furious. I am suspicious he is an accomplice to Fast and Furiouis as well. He certainly was an accomplice to the first coup in Egypt which probably is related somehow to Fast and Furious. He is an accomplice to the attempted disarming of Americans to be sitting ducks to Islamic terrorism. He is a traitor to his country. He is a traitor to his POW war buddy. He is a traitor to God. He is an accomplice to the murders that occurred in Egypt during the first coup. He is an accomplice to the murder of a witness at Benghazi—biblically speaking and others, an accomplice to the silencing of other witnesses about Benghazi and he will regret his life very soon. He is a slobbering stupid ass chump for Obama and Hillary and lacks any good qualities and should be imprisoned for his part regarding Egypt and Libya. I think he may be responsible for the murders in his own state of the people at Safeway which included children and may be an accomplice to their demise and to the head shot of Gabrielle Giffords. He is a curse for the Republican Party and should be expelled from his party for his dereliction of duty as a Senator and actually he should never hold another job in any regard and should be put in a mental  hospital to retire his ugly self. He is a supporter of ISLAM and it’s deplorable treatment of women like the treatment of Gabrielle Giffords who was used by her own husband and probably set up by him as well for political  Obama type games having to do with the constitutional rights of the average US citizen. Obama is the destroyer. Possibly Gabrielle Giffords was targeted because of her beauty and her race, and the competitive nature of  Hillary Clinton. Hillary hates other women. Her  husband’s weaknesses have caused many of their problems and injured many people. She could never satisfy him sexually or romantically but they use each other politically because of their talents (hood wink the public) and who they serve: The Jesuits, Roman Catholicism, Billy Graham etc  and have tried to destroy people along their MARY way and not to mention Vince Foster who was shot in the head and who was not taking a walk in the park and a few other democrats such as Ron Brown, JFK’s son, wife, sister-in-law and baby) Because of the Clinton’s problems and who they serve people have been really messed up and who benefitted? Is that what American Democrats respect? COLD BLOODED KILLERS? Instead of dealing with their problems ( I know cuz I have seen what women do to other women in that position and it is evil to use your power that way. ) She also is an enemy to women and the freedom of mankind even to make mistakes being the Jesuit prime rib! they offed many decent people for their own reputation. That is PURE EVIL. McCain also is a traitor to the freedom of mankind in general, a traitor to Israel because during the Egyptian Coup many missiles were tunneled via Egypt to the Palestinians during the coup and after the  coup so he is also an accomplice to the murder of Israelis as well and the havoc they had to endure during that time even the dragging of a man thought to be a spy but not tried or convicted  but as an example of their lawlessness to act like animals and heathens by the freaks of Islam and Roman Catholicism on motorcycles in the Gaza area at that time.

He is a  blithering babbling coward and

In my opinion he deserves HELL and HIGH WATER.

By the way why does Chelsea Clinton make so much money for a speech? What the hell does she say: My mommy says this though she can’t look anyone in the eye for she knows she is a liar and my daddy bought me that. How about teaching Chelsea what her mommy and daddy do and who they serve and how many deaths they are responsible for of friends, no less. Maybe she deserves a horse head in her bed to remind her who her parents and their supporters really are. I really don’t mean it about the horse head but the thought of the type of people they are and the crimes that definitely surround them should be taught to Chelsea Clinton so she might learn to blush about her parents who have hurt so many people in horrendous ways. Haiti is another example.

It is nothing to be proud of.


Isn’t It Rich?

“The Clintons were fiercely protective of Chelsea when she was a teenager, insisting on respect from the media and getting it. They need to protect their daughter again, this time from their wanton acquisitiveness.”

Yep, because she will be used by evil, it’s inevitable, and will God remember their child?



Marvellettes – Don’t Mess With Bill

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 Because he is a mess.

Billy Graham and the Praying Mantis

Hope you read how the first three gospels came about:

The Synoptic “Q Source”




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Back to illegal immigration and the crisis on the border

Congressman King (not speaking of Peter King) had a great idea about foreign aid of the countries involved including Mexico IMO who  definitely is involved in this crisis and reallocate that money going to those countries to the crisis at the border to care for the kids and the mothers. No more foreign aid to those countries any more. Also take that foreign aid that goes to those countries involved and put it towards securing the border. We don’t need more money we need to reallocate the money in a better way. Those countries aren’t using foreign aid for their kids and their mothers so we should use their foreign aid for that purpose in this country at the border and solve the border crisis for the future. Obama definitely will not use the money he is asking for correctly or he would have gone to the border if he had been concerned one iota but even then he isn’t concerned he just wants the money.

Is there a Presidential vacation on the horizon? LOL

Rep. Chavez is a liar (not speaking of Jason Chavez.) She just wants the money to give to a bunch of judges and send the kids back and do nothing about the border. That  is definitely dishonest extortion. King is right and she is wrong and she is playing politics. Too bad about her lack of honesty. Thank goodness Rep.King is honest in this regard. I wonder are the judges Rep. Chavezes friends? Is this an attempt at a pay off of some sort or is this an attempt to bribe some judges? I think so. We don’t need more money we need to reallocate money from the countries who are involved and we don’t need to pay off a  bunch of judges who more than likely are Obamamites. Congress ought to hold the line, secure the border, and handle the crisis without the dems and without MOMONEY and without OBAMA. Who needs their help, they suck, and they have no regard for the truth. Pretty amazing.

Why does Bernie Goldberg look more and more like Pope Benedict with an eye lift?

He looks pretty weird. Though I am not against eye lifts the guy looks weird anyway and is from the gutter for sure. Could care less about the lawlessness of Obama probably because he gets more air time to make money talking about his nonsense.

Obama lets rip on trip out of Washington

He thinks his job is to fund raise and play pool, Is that what Presidents are supposed to do?

What a bunch of nonsense. He is an Islamic monster full of rhetoric and definitely the worst President or leader ever known to mankind.

OBAMA should be impeached and imprisoned, then forgotten.

What is wrong with our leaders that they won’t even attempt to impeach.

Honestly, Obama deserves to be assassinated and hung by his heels for what he has done here and abroad.

Impeachment is the least that he deserves.

Michelle deserves to be tarred, feathered and kicked into the country of MALI to accept her reward.

He and she are PIGS! No pigs are much better then they are. I like pigs.

THEY ARE HYENAS and deserve to eat each other and their friends who obviously are evil.

Now he is reaching out to Israel because Israel is beating the HAMAS. FUCK HIM. HE DESERVES WHAT HE WILL RECEIVE: ETERNAL DEATH!

Definitely should be a quarantine period for the immigrants to make sure they are not infected with some major bad diseases because it is not past terrorists to use kids and women and the silence that has been threatened upon those that are interested in this surge of immigrants is suspicious to say the least. Kids need protection but silence is not protection even in the case of child molestation or sexual predators even though Roman Catholics and their popes try to hide the truth. Silence does not protect kids and usually is intended to protect the guilty and in this extreme case it should be investigated. I am very suspicious of Roman Catholicism and Islam in this extreme crisis since most of these people are raised by Rome since their countries are Roman Catholic….aren’t they? ANd they were not helpful in regards to their priests, were they? Isn’t Nancy Pelosi Catholic? OR is she Islamic? Or is she islamic Catholic? Same difference.

Now Fox News (probably forced to) advertise the sisters in the nunnery of Roman Catholicism with sweet baby voices advertising their care of the elderly because they love to be noticed and of course they act all schmaltzy giving up their lives to care for others and the Vatican loves to use them as well; I guess they like to be used for a false religion. If they cared for the truth at all they would not be nuns or help on the deception that Roman Catholicism thrives on. They thrive on the elderly and the helpless to be needed to get those almighty dollars. They are fakes. The stories I have heard about nuns aren’t good from other catholics even Walter Veith. Many are sadistic creeps but it’s all a show. They love to wear BURKAS as well. Does that make them virgins? Does that make they holy? Can’t they be original in their costumes? It’s a show even for the naive who love to be seen doting. I would rather listen to Hannah Montana then hear fakey sweet voices with Mary faces looking stupid. At least Hannah Montana, has a great voice, is original, and once was a really sweet girl and a cute actress as I remember. I know she got attention doing her dance recently but I think she is so much more sincere than any nun I have ever seen except Maria of the Sound of Music and that was just a movie trying to redraw the actions of the Catholic Church in World War ll when millions of Jews and Russians, gypsies, gays and other types that were not germanic or of the aryan race were killed with the aid of Roman Catholicism’s dirty deals with the Nazis and Islam and Mussolini. They made the movie to rehabilitate their image. Very few nuns were good. IF the nunnery would cease to exist Hannah Montana wouldn’t have to dirty dance to get attention that she deserves with her GOD given talent. It keeps happening…. nuns being involved in the subjugation of women all over the world and for some reason nuns are always in the thick of it. If they had any courage they would never wear their costumes and instead act like real people on the real world and learn the truth about God and Jesus and teach it. But alas they don’t. They just love the attention they get acting like “little marys.”  It is called being PIOUS. But Catholics think piety is good. Pious is making a hypocritical display of virtue. There was even a pope that took on the name of Pope Pius. I think he was very pious as well around the time of WWll. Is that dumb or what? They are worms.They don’t fear God either…..they fear man. Kind of mixed up but thats piety at it’s core. If they had knowledge of the crimes of Roman Catholicism since it’s incepcion they would be ashamed of their stupidity and their complicity .

  The movie The Sound of Music really had me fooled  for a while, but then so did Mary Poppins. LOL

DOES THAT TELL YOU ANYTHING ABOUT THEIR RELIGION THAT THEY WEAR BURKAS….ISLAMIC WOMEN also wear BURKAS. Catholic nuns pray with beads…Islam does the same. They pray Hail mary’s also. I have no idea if Islam does but it would not surprise me. When Jesus fed the 5000 men and their families he requested that the apostles pick up the left overs so none be lost. Well if you go by sounds it could be he meant so NUN shall be lost. I think it was his way of saying nuns are lost. I think he didn’t want them to be included in that miracle or take credit for it as often they try to take credit for miracles or give it to the Catholic Church or Mary. Do they think statues of Mary actually cry. That is insane but they promote that kind of ridiculous stunt in their religion. That is very screwed up, isn’t it?  The Vatican doesn’t mind using them either. I think they caused a lot of trouble in Egypt in the first coup in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood. Is that good? No, but they were involved. They are agents of the Vatican and the pope.  I wish Israel would get wise to their duplicity in their country and oust them from their country for good. JFK said something similar about nuns at his “last breakfast” about the house of none or NUN. He was crying at that breakfast and soon after his wife shot him in the head. She was assigned to her husband and set up by Cardinal Cushing but he didn’t realize it till it was too late. Cushing also was involved with their family and funeral. Always interfering of course in the affairs of men. He set him up so to speak. I don’t think God respects nuns at all, but they are like an army of women keeping women subjected to being second class citizens and they do a DAMNED good job of it too. Some are just very naive being deceived themselves and some are very PLAIN JANE LOUSES. You can read about it in my transcriptions found on Merangue’s Blog. By the way the land of Cush is mentioned in the bible. Is it normal for Mary “their idol” to tell kids false prophecy and have them hover or is that demonic? I consider it to be demonic but nuns probably think it’s a miracle to lie to kids that they are supposed to care for.

Anyway can nuns fly or are they merely flies?

Speaking of a bug here is another show off that loves to be seen:

Billy Graham and the Praying Mantis

He is a shill of Roman Catholicism as well.

There is an elephant in their critical thinking if they ever tried to learn about God and his son. But they don’t and instead they pray to the Egyptian god called Amen as do most Christians because they don’t know any better. Partially because they didn’t bother to read theOld Testament and the part about the Ten Commandments and how it came about. They just don’t get it as most people don’t get it in that regard. Look what is happening in Israel now. They allowed an invasion by the pope and his minions and are fighting against those in their own country that want to parcel out their land to their enemy OBVIOUSLY and ROME IS ALL FOR IT! And of course Obama is too. Is that a conspiracy? YOU BETCHA! Do nuns think Israel is Palestine or Israel? I doubt they support Israel, nor does Obama. Does that tell you something? It ought to.

Israel ought to annhilate the Islamic temples and islamic religious sites that are in Saudi Arabia such as Medina and where the box that Ramadan encircles yearly in their zombie like state at Rammadan to make a GREAT STATEMENT about the evil prophet and religion of ISLAM that Obama champions because it would help to end an evil ideology.

It is time to destroy it

and other sites that threaten them. I always heard that cutting off the transportation of the enemy and it’s power source such as oil pipelines is good way to end a war and to secure one’s country. It’s time to do the hard stuff to survive because you can never appease Obama and his friends. It doesn’t work that way. He is pure evil and they won’t stop until they are stopped because they know not what they do. They are driven by evil. Prolonging the inevitable is only hurting Israelis. Taking out the oil pipelines and nuclear sites may put them back in the Dark ages but it was their choice in the first place to attack Israel. It might affect Europe’s economies since they will be without power more than likely in a lot of places, but does Europe protect Israel or America? NO. They  entrap Israel in various ways to destroy Israel as they do America. They need to be disabled from doing so and oil seems to be the access they have to destroy Israelis. If terrorists can’t drive how they gonna get there by walking around a box that isn’t there anymore?

I think Netanyahu has the courage to protect Israel I hope he steps up to the plate and bats some real good home runs in the right directions.


The only way to end a war is to win the war, quickly, decisively, and without hesitation.

The Six Day War ought to set an example of how to win.

Blair: Israel won’t be able to destroy Hamas

How does he know what Israel is capable of doing. Wishful thinking and rhetoric. He needs to be kneaded. LOL

They are capable they are just very thoughtful but thoughtfulness can be a weakness and that is where islam has an edge.

But God is not with Islam. Evil is with Islam because it is a false religion bent on the destruction of Israel along with many other religions that bend their way.

Mark Regev the Prime Minister says they are willing to do what they have to do to protect Israel. I hope you and Netanyahu take my advice.

It really is the time to act boldly. Obama is the destroyer and he is trying to extract more funds from America using Spanish children for his dirty shit you are encountering now. For their sakes even you should be bold and destroy the holy sites of Islam to teach a good lesson and destroy their oil reserves and pipelines and of course their nuclear production sites which is their other way of destroying Israel. It is time to fight hard and resolutely and don’t waste a minute diplomatically it will only delay what has to be done. It has to be done by Israel because America has been weak and is sick because of their false faiths in doing nothing and backing the very ones that would destroy you and America because of their oil which is an anomaly because of their investment in an evil empire when we have oil in our own country so it isn’t because of need but EXTREME avarice AND BECAUSE THEY ARE DECEIVED.

The Vatican should be destroyed as well for their lies and their creation of Islam and their mistreatment of people all over the world. Fatima should be destroyed and all the other falacious sites and lying wonders they hold dear at the cost of many lives and souls. They are guilty of everything imaginable and isn’t it a coincidence that just recently Pope Francis was at the wall in Israel and now Hamas is using Iranian missiles to try to kill Israelis? They use their creation to hurt mankind and ought to be destroyed. They are money launderers because they are doing great evil and rely on children for their cover.

Someone has to do the hard things to change things on earth and it might as well be the chosen people that do it for everyone else. It is your duty as the chosen people because God is I AM.

I Am That I Am (The Sign) -Revised *

I AM THAT I AM (Part two)

The problem with most Roman Catholics is

“they know not what they do!”

If they would read their bibles and discern on their own it would help immensely! They are being used by their leaders of Roman Catholicism and the leaders of Islam and they betray GOD and his Son by their ignorance and even “the elect”.

I wish you would read what I found out by being



You can find many of those articles linked  on

Merangue’s Blog.

Here is a sample post:

Judge Not, That You Be Not Judged

I hope you check it out.

I don’t hate Catholics since most of my friends growing up were catholic but they didn’t read the bible, most of them that I know of. Nor did I for that matter until I noticed a lot of shenanigans via television evangelists and their relationship to Rome and making “beaucoups” of money acting like assholes with their heads cut off or talking about money most of the time and asking for it most of the time. The difference between them and Rome is they danced a bunch for it where Rome just steals it from countries and it’s population in numerous ways via taxes and uses the press for their innovative ways to extract what they want to live their arrogant ways. Even Pope Benedcit said faith was one of those tactics which is defended to the extreme by many faiths which you can read about:

Pope Benedict Says “Faith was the True Enlightenment”

It is incessant ridiculous how faith is defended

and what is faith?


 IS ISLAM FAITH OR IS HINDUISM FAITH OR IS VOODOO FAITH? Is Buddhism Faith? then there is the Ba’hai faith. It goes on and on.

“KEEP THE FAITH, BROTHER” is ridiculous and meaningless adage if you don’t understand who or what to believe.

Well if you don’t read your bible

how the heck do you know what you believe?

Is faith worried about Global Warming? Is that faith? OR IS THAT INSANE?

That is the question!


Now Climate Change is the new slang for “we want yo money” because their science has been disheveled in regards to Global Warming just like their science was in regards to the earth being flat etc.People that swim are witches is another example. OR kids born with moles were of the devil is another scientific crap that Rome dished out on it’s own people. Yet people still identify with Roman Catholicism and consider them to be a moral authority. Is it moral to kill kids with moles. Kill swimmers? Kill Protestants. Kill Jews. Is that good science or incestual insanity? Roman Catholicism is a dumb faith and those that defend it are ignorant  bullies and think because there are many in the faith that makes them right and it is a HUGE FALLACY and cowardly not to discern and critique and make sound judgements with information given and history lessons of the past about ROME and it’s faith. That includes many in the PRESS who are BLIND AS BATS but they fly together sucking blood from those they find. I’m tired of hearing the press ask stupid questions and going along to get along to receive their paychecks and keep their stature. IT STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN. Only a few dare (and they know who they are) in small ways and it isn’t enough already. Mostly the regular people who put out you tubes are doing the educating who have courage to investigate the scams and the diversions (and they did it for free) created by OBAMA and his defenders such as It’s Gone Baby Juan especially since Benghazi

and mealy mouths such as Harry Reid.

Fox news is trying to find out who will support Obama for the 3 and some odd billion dollars to take care of Central Americas kids because that is how Catholics get money using and abusing kids. Don’t give him any billions. I hope Americans stop paying taxes to stop up the lawlessness that those dollars are buying to help Rome and Islam kill Jews in Israel and kill children crossing the border because of malfeasance of their parents, their religion, and their governments and ours who want to destroy the US even at the cost of their children probably because they aren’t the ELITE and are mere peasants. That’s evil and very Roman Catholic/Islam. Like I said it is time to test them with lie detector tests and send back the liars with lunches made by Michelle. Not really but send them back and stop buying Roman catholic icons and shut down their holy sites and their businesses as well for their extortion of America using kids. Obviously kids are taught to lie sometimes so they need to be enticed to tell the truth and they may be fearful of telling the truth but there are ways to get them to tell the truth and lie detectors seem to be trusted by the State Department. So lets use them in this case. Get real regular people and re-enlist WAR VETERANS who have an understanding of war in other countries and of terrorism and deserve to be employed and treated with respect and trusted to help handle this situation since they fought for this country. The army ought to be involved. Some teachers and some nurses, etc in the towns that are dealing with the crisis and use the reallocated money that normally goes to those countries involved and instead handle this crisis on the borders (WE DO NOT NEED JUDGES!) to help where these kids are concerned to get them to tell the truth and also to organize an investigation into who sent them and why and like I said if they tell the truth eventually give them a quicker passage to legalization. 72 hours is not enough time in this crisis and is a ridiculous law in this case. We are at war with Islamic terrorism and the battle ground is in Roman Catholic countries and Islamic countries and is entering our country so we need to act like we are at war but at the same time be reasonable to those civilians caught in the middle which looks like most of these people are just that, in the middle. From the pictures I’ve seen they look like regular people but I guarantee some should not be allowed to enter who are mixed in with the decent ones. It may take some time to get the truth and separate the ones that should not be allowed to enter and we should allow as much time as it takes to figure it out for the sake of the ones that are caught up in the middle and for our sakes.Eventually send back the ones that need to be sent back.

It is a theater,

a battleground type theater

and we need to be diligent. 

I hope our government won’t give Obama the money and puts the National Guard on the border.

We do not need the UN forces either for they are useless in this situation.

Ted Nugent Revealed a

‘Staggering’ ‘Hidden Secret’ to Glenn Beck This Morning

That He Says The Media Has Been Ignoring

“Rock legend Ted Nugent revealed a “hidden secret” on Glenn Beck’s radio program Wednesday that he says the media has kept hidden for 26 years: he and other hunters donate roughly 250 million meals each year through programs like Hunters for the Hungry.

“We process and we cook and distribute 250 million hot meals of pure, nutritious, low-fat, low-cholesterol, wild organic venison,” Nugent said. “250 million meals a year, Glenn.”………

“As Beck prepares to go to the border on Saturday to feed and clothe illegal immigrant children,

Nugent said he and his “protein soldiers” will come and help.”

That is the American Spirit you gotta love and why people want to come to America. Reminds me of what Jesus said to his disciples

John 4:32

32 But he said unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of.

Wasn’t it Mark Twain who said that “good fences make good neighbors.” He also described “Palestine” as a decrepit place until Israel was forced to retake the land God gave them and the land they bought as told in the Old Testament. Mark Twain was right. Good fences make good neighbors and we need a good fence on our border to protect against America being turned into a decrepit country. Be nice to figure out how to make an underground fence to avoid the tunneling going on. Ants use tunnels and usually follow their leader/lader usually with one mindset which is very occult like in a way. We are not communist so it is a fence that is used not to keep people in but to keep the enemy out and control through legal ways who gets to come into America in order to protect those within America even the ones that are Spanish.

One of my most favorite cities is San Antonio and it is highly influenced by Spanish art food music and people. I think America can handle this crisis on the border, but not under Obama’s leadership.  He’d rather play pool.

I think Sarah Palin could handle it though because she cares about the truth and likes kids, she is a good mother,

and a good leader.

I also think Mayor Guiliani could be helpful seeing how he handled the crisis in New York City.

On the Kelly File, Kelly remarked that Obama funded the Iron Dome. I believe that is not true.. Do you really believe Obama helped to fund the Iron Dome for Israel? That was started in the Bush years or even earlier, possibly the Reagan years. I think Kelly is misinformed. Obama in his first term at the very beginning was snubbing Netanyahu with his very first phone call he had with Netanyahu right after he was elected  and in his office at the White House. DO YOU REMEMBER THAT OR DO YOU ALSO HAVE MEMORY LAPSES LIKE MANY DO THESE DAYS?. OBAMA had a photo-op of himself with his feet on the desk purposefully in the foreground *his heels* of the picture to insult Natanyahu. That was an early sign to me of his intent towards Israel and one of the things besides calling Palin a fish with lipstick that alarmed me about Obama.  He started the war on women then. Other things I noticed were his problems with his microphone or a glare in his eyes causing him to falter in his speech on the campaign trail lapsing into nonsensical verbage because he was wasn’t able to see or hear what he was supposed to say by something used to aid him. Netanyahu may have had meetings with him and if money was supposed to go to Netanyahu, do you really think it got to Netanyahu? I doubt it, but I don’t doubt that the press would lie about it to confuse the citizens of the US in subtle ways on Fox News.

The Iron Dome was in use by Israel before Obama was elected, that I do know.


 And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.





HE IS A EPIC DERELICT COWARD AND A HEDGE FOR LAWLESSNESS and he will regret it too, but alas, probably too late to help him!

HE IS A SLOTH and looks eerily like one too! I guess he doesn’t believe prophecy is being fulfilled and coming down to the wire baby

and he ought to switch sides real quick if he aspires for his own good and the good of others! I think he doesn’t know what is good for him from what I can tell by his lack of action to protect America, it’s laws (which is his job) and from his “unusual” comments and his chump behavior with Obama similar to the behavior of the mother of AWOL Bergdahl.

Real sleazy!

He is in for a VERY RUDE AWAKENING like the Pharaoh of Egypt. It didn’t go well for him.

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(It ain’t over till the phat lady sings, Juan Juan, Juan. Juan Williams looks like a snake, hence I think he is a snake! He is disgusting to me in his premature celebration of the silence about Benghazi! ) He will rue the day he acted that way and said what he said so early in the murderous scandal obviously being a key part of the murderous scandal and cover up for Obama.

It’s gonna get rough for Juan Williams, I hope.


A Fistful of Dynamite starring Rod Steiger and James Coburn!

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Do you believe GOD THE CREATOR and JESUS would allow earth to perish by GLOBAL WARMING?


Oh you didn’t know? Well, that’s because you didn’t bother to read it in the bible.

It was not the water that was the problem, it was SIN and LAWLESSNESS!




Duck, You Sucker (aka A Fistful of Dynamite)




PLEASE TALK TO EVERYONE YOU CAN AND FIND OUT WHAT IS GOING ON with those that have come across the border! There is no good reason for silencing the lambs. Are their parents receiving money to send their kids away? Is this a union type insurgence like they do in Rome to get an audience for the Pope often times to get publicity? Is this is front to overwhelm the US and a diversion? If you don’t ask and investigate you won’t know until it is too late which is very dumb. WHAT KIND OF PARENTS SEND THEIR KIDS TO A FOREIGN LAND WITHOUT A GOOD REASON?

Obama Admin Forbids Lawmakers From Taking Photos Of Facility…

Agents changing diapers, heating baby formula for surge of children…








A NUN PROBABLY MADE IT UP TO SHUT UP THE ORPHANS HER RELIGION WAS ABUSING! AND the more they can get of immigrants the better to show off and extort money from our government. That is their scam.

It’s like a sick nurse. Needing patients to force their care upon. Why not take care of them in their own country?  Because they screwed up their country, that’s why and they plan to screw up our country. They pretty much control those countries and launder money. Why does Rome and the Vatican the hub of Roman Catholicism launder money …because they get it illegally and they extort it and they cultivate it in illegal ways and use Islam as their hammer. It’s their tool. ANd the tool has enlarged itself. Obama doesn’t care about his legacy he only uses that excuse to destroy. Pretty soon he won’t have legs, I’ll tell you that much. Islam was created by a nun and Mohammad. If you listen to Walter Veith’s studies and videos about the creation of Islam and it’s relationship to Catholicism it might make you wise to the deception going on in America today. He was catholic and did quite a bit of research. Obviously he saw some problems with his religion and how it treated him and his family. If you don’t take the time to get wise it might be to your peril. Better try anyway if you care about your family and your friends most of whom are living in self deception because they did not bother to learn the truth.


Border Patrol Threatened With Criminal Charges for Speaking to Reporters…



 They are acting like one, hence they are one!


 I GUESS THEY DIDN”T WANT TO STAY IN MEXICO…..WHY NOT? Isn’t it a good country? I guess not because they went through it to get to America and Mexico knew it too. They are not our friends or they would have warned us and they didn’t unless someone is not telling us that they warned us but then look how they treat the American marine. Not well. Yet we are expected to open our borders to them and their compatriots in Central America and are they not Catholic as well? Yes most of them are Catholic. So why didn’t Mexico house and feed and care for their neighbor’s children? Don’t they love them? Don’t they have compassion for their kids? They came at least 1200 or more miles without notice? GIve me a break. Isn’t Mexico big enough?




I think it iS time for an intense investigation of Eric Holder who may be running the show. As long as Eric Holder is free not to do his job then the Administration is free to abuse it’s citizenry

including CONGRESS. He needs to go.


 I would propose that since the Central Americans don’t care about their women and their children most of whom I presume are Catholic probably who are using them as a front of an invasion of an assault on the United States with bad intentions to overcome the border patrol then probably they should be sent back to Mexico. Let Mexico feed and house these people since they didn’t warn America of their migration and MEXICO certainly knew about it otherwise the immigrants would not have had the strength to make the trip without a lot of help. We should get the national guard to aid the border patrol and send the immigrants with sack lunches (sandwiches and other nibbles) back over the border where the traffic comes into America and stop the traffic back and forth through the USA in particular that highway George Bush opened to Mexico and squelch that idea using the illegal immigrants that were sent by them.



If the Pope is wiling to sacrifice his pope mobile, shouldn’t his catholic parishioners be willing to give up their kids for the sake of the Roman Catholic delusion to help out Obama.

Pope Francis ditches bulletproof Popemobile…

‘At my age I don’t have much to lose’…

He surrounds himself with the mob, why does he need a bullet proof pope mobile anyway?

It sounds a bit heartless but they don’t care about their own kids and are trying to make it hard for our kids at someone’s directive! (probably the vatican.)

IF so the Vatican should be charged legally and financially for their part in this human trafficing.

It is the Vatican via Pope Benedict who wanted a world without borders and also a world government with Teeth

and they are trying to force America into their fantasy ie take control of America and we can’t allow it.

The reason why is because they can’t afford their own parishioners and want the world and mostly America to subsidize and finance their own blunders.

Obama honors WWII, 9/11 generations at Normandy

mocking of course because any reasonable thinking person would realize

that this is what Obama loves : to mock because he is sick and suffers delusions and has nothing better to do and only has a short time 🙂 Expect more of the same!


Abortion, Faith, and Duck Dynasty


Watched the Duck Dynasty Dad on the Sean Hannity show as they made duck calls together and found it interesting that he thinks the women who married into his family are attracted to their beards. LOL

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It isn’t the beards. It is apparent that his faith and his beard are way overgrown. They are attracted for other reasons which I won’t elaborate on because it is self evident, but some people would rather believe a lie and that goes for Mr. Duck Dynasty. 

(WINK WINK : Personal news flash message to Phil and you know who you are: I remember very well a person because I have a good memory “who liked my back” harassing me at the hospital after my operation and his companion a gnarly woman who was not pretty who threatened me  caused a big scene at the hospital and he had to be escorted out by the police. HMMMM. That’s interesting.)  I remember a few other events too. Pretty bad ones.

VERY VERY INTERESTING! I don’t think it bodes well for you, know what I mean? 

i will remember you

by Sarah Mclachlan

“Don’t let your life pass you by, weep not for the memories.”

Don’t take it to heart. just take the warning for your families.

IMO the USA is being destroyed by blind faith!

The amount of abortions in the USA since 1973 is estimated at 56,859,828.9

The amount of people living in the USA is estimated at 318, 000,000.

That would mean if you cut the population in half to account for females that 1 in 2 females have had an abortion since 1973 .

If you consider that at least half of them are female children that would make

1 in 1 female have had an abortion since 1973.

If I were the Duck Dynasty family you ought to rethink your faith and get a real grip on what is true and what is not true because you are living in LALA LAND. That goes for Sean Hannity as well.

Most women will not admit to an abortion because it isn’t anyone else’s business, but their own. Why?  Because it isn’t anyone’s body, but their own. Most men don’t know whether their wife, sister, or daughter have had an abortion because it is private information for good reason especially if one thinks a female is attracted to a beard or a whistle, it makes sense doesn’t it? You condemn your own mother, sister, and daughter and eventually their girls when you even bring up the subject of abortion as if you have any understanding of truth or God. Same goes for homosexual marriage.

Let me ask Mr. Duck how homosexual marriage hurts him? Did it stop your daughter-in-laws from being attracted to your sons? Did it stop your sons from being attracted to your daughter-in-laws? Did it stop them from marrying?

I dare you to give up everything you own and give away all your money and then lets see what happens:

You might learn something about your beard and your family.

‘We’re Up Against Evil’: ‘Duck Dynasty‘ Star Phil Robertson 

I guess it depends on what you consider to be evil.

If you dare to compare the gospels you might actually learn something! Because unless Jesus was crazy he could not have been the same person in all the gospels.

That should matter to you.

Most of the posts I have written that compare the gospels are linked on Merangue’s Blog. I hope you take a gander.

Dr. Ben Carson Calls Out Former Dem Governor With Very Simple Question: ‘I Rest My Case’

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Matthew 14:29

And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.

Robin Cook > Quotes > Quotable Quote

“If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s a duck!”

Meaning of the saying “walks like a duck…”?

“The term generally applies to situations that may have been presented as one thing but are actually something else.

It can also apply to situations that are self-evident or obvious to anyone. “

I dare Sean Hannity to give up all that he owns and give away all of his money!





By the way send your wealth to me the writer of:

Merangue of Merangue’s Blog (, Blue Skies (beyondthelies of, The Turret (biblecontroversiesdotcom of, CBS News and JFK Transcriptions (cbsnewsandjfkcommentary of, Eye of the Needle (wordsdohurtus of , The Drawbridge (biblecontroversies of, The Keep (managra of

and be sure to send an e-mail to let me know where to pick up the check or money orders:

(I will let my readers know if I hear from them or receive one thin dime!;)

They didn’t LOL

Syrians Head To Polls In An Election Expected To Go To Assad

What a stunning couple! I can see why the syrians are enamored with Assad and his beautiful queen.

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 I think his people really do like them and there must be good reason that they do since their country has gone through a ton of hard times. Usually the opposite happens so they must be doing something right

unlike Obama and Michelle.

I wonder what that is? or why that is? Maybe because he doesn’t lie to his people? Could that be the difference? Yea I heard Sheppard Smith talk about them poisoning their own people but then why do his people like him so much. Probably because the truth is he and his wife don’t poison their people but the insurgents and the rebels and their spies do poison people. In fact Christians were protected by Assad until the rebels interfered (from Saudi Arabia and other places probably Qutar etc)

those rebels that Obama backs.

Of course I don’t think Obama much cares for Christians if Benghazi is any indication of his mindset and his determination to keep people quiet about Benghazi and all the lies afterwards.

I think Assad was snookered by his Islamic brethren to hide chemical weapons to protect his brethren and they entrapped him because they are the kind of people that trick their brethren, kind of  like OBAMA. I think he has been trying to keep those chemical weapons away from the rebels to protect his brethren and his people and his good nature to do the right thing. I ‘ve seen interviews of him and he seems to have some decency, unlike Obama. I think his intentions have been good through complex times in the middle east..

I know many would disagree with me but I think I read people pretty well, especially nowadays. She is quite beautiful naturally and I think that disturbs the females in the other Islamic Kingdoms because in my opinion she is the fairest of them all looks wise anyway. And you have to admit he has good taste which is a good indicator of his sight.

Unlike OBAMA.

Arming the Syrian rebels may be what Obama is hiding in regards to Benghazi and I think it might be wise to find out if that is true. I think it is way more than that but it probably is partially that and also that Obama probably is jealous of Assad, IMO. (so is Michelle, more than likely being so unblessed in the looks department in comparison anyway. She has come a long way though but needed a lot of help with surgery and drugs which is okay but can be partly psychologically unbalanced because of her rough beginnings. Although as a child she was darling but grew into something not so cute without any cheeks and fangy teeth when she was a single mom and so on and so forth. However she has improved and maybe if she would ditch her hubby might have a chance to sparkle more but then she chose him and he chose her and that  is a bad sign.) WHo knows what is in store for her down the road especially since Benghazi. Either she was set up by her husband or she was there with a syringe in one hand and a weapon in the other. When Obama said what he said at the Correspondents Dinner she seemed confused as if she did not know the meaning of what he said and if you watch it you can’t miss her response so me thinks she may have been set up. They do that in Islamaphobia because Islamic men don’t give a crap about Islamic women or Christian women or for that matter black women or any women or females including Afghan girls on a school bus or in a village at school in Nigeria.

It takes a village to raise a child, said Hillary; HMMMMMMMM. Does it?

Move Over Benghazi; Here Comes Bergdahl

Wishful thinking on the part of the press. Solly Charie but Benghazi will keep rearing it’s ugly head until all is said and done and everyone is totally aware of the ramifications of Benghazi. It’s biblical and biblical type things are nagging and we are just peons in it’s shadow.

It’s about Islam, it’s prophet Mohammad and their desire to cleanse the world of un ISLAMIC people. Or rather Obama’s desire to cleanse the world of what he thinks is his duty to cleanse by  humiliating and killing all that is decent in each person. He is a master at confusion and a real big FUCKUP. Because he is such a BIG FUCKUP he wants to FUCK UP EVERYONE ELSE. IT’s the desire to hide the truth I found in the bible comparing the gospels and since I started to write about it THE SHIT HIT THE FAN because ISlam and it’s mother Roman Catholicism just don’t want to give up power for truth and would rather destroy the world instead because of EXCESSIVE PRIDE. I happened on the truth by accident and was just trying to share the truth for nothing and have had to endure lots of shit in return which of course pissed me off because after a while it gets old. I can’t change what has happened or other people and their intent but I won’t sit still for the BS to appease assholes. Benghazi is about a witness against OBAMA and ISLAM and THEIR PLOT to RUIN the WORLD with the HELP OF THE VATICAN because they have an uneasy alliance but are two peas in a pod.

They like to inquisitionize everyone else in the world to punish everyone

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hence the Courtyard of the Gentiles in Paris because they abused kids, are plain old abusive and sadistic.

It’s their nature that is why the Pope thinks he can steal mercy from a dead man’s neck around the same time that Ariel Sharon of Israel passed away.

(“Ariel Sharon was considered the greatest field commander in Israel’s history, and one of the country’s greatest military strategists.[2] After his assault of the Sinai in the Six-Day War and his encirclement of the Egyptian Third Army in the Yom Kippur War, the Israeli public nicknamed him “The King of Israel”.)

Like Samson who shared honey with his family but failed to tell his family that the honey he shared came from the carcass of a lion. (The Lion of Judah?) 

Anyway, I think it’s kind of prophetic!

It is kind of confusing but it’s because there is madness in their methodology!

Is it a coincidence that the prophet of Islam has the word mad in his name?


I don’t think it is coincidence I think it is predestined. I think it would be wise for people to get acquainted with my blogs and definitely the bible and do their own comparisons to see if what I have stumbled upon might be true. Because the timing is fluky and in accordance with the ATTEMPT AT A One World Government with teeth. IN THE DAYS OF THE TOWER OF BABYLON IT GETS STRICKEN PRE-EMTIVELY AS IF GOD KNOWS THE INTENT OF THE GIANTS OF OUR WORLD WHO HAVE REALLY BIG EGOS AND THINK THEY ARE GODS THEMSELVES or gods among men LOL AND OF COURSE GOD DOES KNOW.

Richard Martinez

The Face of Mental Illness

Richard Martinez, Father Of UCSB Shooting Victim: Elliot Rodger’s Parents Need Support, Too

“I go down the street and every body feels sorry for me.”

Yea they do! You would too if you were them.

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Cats In The Cradle-Harry Chapin

My child arrived just the other day He came to the world in the usual way But there were planes to catch and bills to pay

He learned to walk while I was away And he was talkin’ ‘fore I knew it, and as he grewHe’d say “I’m gonna be like you dad You know I’m gonna be like you”


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Just change the hairline and you got a match.

Father of Santa Barbara Shooter Elliot Rodger Meets With Victim’s Dad

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Isn’t it odd that OJ SIMPSON WAS CAUGHT the 2nd time BECAUSE HE WORE BRUNO MALI SHOES? Italian shoes or rather I should say Italian African shoes.

PERSECUTION: NOW THERE IS A MOVIE WITH A PRIEST HELPING A MAN – AN EVANGELICAL NUT JOB – WHO WAS PERSECUTED BY CONGRESS? He laid bare his own self and Congress had nothing to do with it. Trying to include himself being persecuted by the IRS. ASPY. IS THAT BILLY GRAHAM TRYING TO FIX HIS IMAGE USING HOLLYWOOD. (Like I said not all priests wear priest garb.) SURE SEEMS LIKE IT, BUT I COULD BE WRONG. Though it looks as if he was in the area recently with the little massacre by some kid who had a problem with girls but was a hoax helping OBAMA cover up and distancing from Benghazi to confuse. ANYWAY the movie is called PERSECUTION. I HAVE NO IDEA WHETHER IT PASSES THE MUSTARD TEST OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE BUT ALMOST ANYTHING COULD.


And Gretchen Carlson of Fox News  is starring in it


but it was on Huckabee’s show recently. Is he an evangelical too? Their hero is Billy Graham and Franklin Graham because he is their demolition man and a great source of income because of it.



Assur also is joined with them: they have holpen the children of Lot. Selah.
Shew me a token for good; that they which hate me may seeit, and be ashamed: because thou, Lord, hast holpen me, and comforted me.
Now the Egyptians are men, and not God; and their horses flesh, and not spirit. When the Lord shall stretch out his hand, both he that helpeth shall fall, and he that is holpen shall fall down, and they all shall fail together.
Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries.
He hath holpen his servant Israel, in remembrance of hismercy;
It’s the authorized version by King James. AKJV
I’m sure it was just lost in the translation, right?
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Rev. Wilkerson who was killed in a car wreck either avoiding or ran into by a truck full of wood after writing a blog referring to the stated purpose of Billy Graham? Who did JFK’s son visit before he was killed? He visited CUBA’s leader and BILLY GRAHAM and he was vying for the same seat as Hillary Clinton.  Hillary won of course by default of JFK jr who was not able to vie for it anymore you might say.
WHO WAS IN THE PICTURE WITH EISENHAUER? RATZINGER BEFORE HE WAS POPE BENEDICT AND HIS BROTHER BUT YOUNGER not in clergy uniform at an airport which is at the library/museum (At the moment can’t remember which one LBJ”S or Eisenhauers but it is on my blog posts about JFK’s assassination. LULAC was also involved.
Here is the post with that picture in it:

President Kennedy and the Secret Service

This post goes into the cars that presidents of countries are provided and our country which I think is a avenue of controlling world leaders and their passengers as you will read about in the post.

Did Eisenhower know that it was the future pope and his brother…I doubt it since Eisenhower helped quite a bit in WWll and they were enemies since the Pope had been a nazi. However the photographer must have known, don’t ya think? It is supposed to be Rowley of the Secret Service who the Rowley Center in Maryland is named after where Presidents get their recommendations and their guidance (I think daily). Which means US Presidents are under their control and they are also under their so-called protection.

Found this on Huffington Post today so I know that I’m being watched closely in terms of just adding this picture to this post. I knew a long while ago after I bought a purse I saw someone taking a photo of me. Which is highly unusual since I did not know the person and he disappeared after that. I didn’t really appreciate it but not much I can do about it. I just noticed it with my little eye. I didn’t quite understand the meaning then but I kind of think I do now sort of. I have been through some rough times over that purse too. It twern’t no $37,000 purse though it was about 40 bucks which is a lot for me but it is a very nice purse with fringe. While I doubt the story of the picture is significant and I don’t care to know what it says it is a message but it isn’t quite correct. It ain’t over till the phat lady sings but very illuminating. WHO cares if it is illuminating it doesn’t exactly help much. More of a mock as was the picture below it was a mock.

Are they satisfied with the way things are now? I doubt it. If they were do you really think they would be interested in what I do? I’m just a small potato. LOL

What It’s Like To Win And Lose At The Same Time



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Ratzinger and his brother on the right with Eisenhower.

One of the first places Obama went was to Germany to visit Merkel to effect the economy and create austerity  to stick it to the people and he broke some arms as well in EUROPE. You might check out the news stories then and their tactics right out in the open in the news. I don’t remember Obama in the Senate at all but supposedly he was a Constitutional lawyer before that, I don’t remember that either and no one knows where for sure he was born. More than likely he wasn’t born. Kissinger helped him get elected and was hired by Pope Benedict for some reason though I don’t know that he got the job. Haven’t heard much about him since Obama was elected but someone was in his ears or eyesight when he was campaigning because he would falter without that holpen when a flash of light occurred in his eyes and regressed into a somewhat normal human being so he must be being controlled by something as well and that something is in his eyeballs. LOTUS/Potus and he got his suggestions for each day from the Secret Service and their  installation in Maryland. That pregnant woman that swooned in his audience was behind him but he was looking at the direction of something ahead of him and probably a cue so he would know when to holpen her. Flashes of light in his eyes seems to affect his speech. Try it out and see what happens if you are able to flash lights in his eyes. He will get unglued if you do. That is his weakness. Probably his right eye. He probably is blind in his right eye except for what ever has been placed there. Notice he pulls down his eye lid often with his fingers.
I kind of have a formula for the amount of time left according to the bible.
Time, times and the dividing of times may mean 7 plus 2 (7’s) divided by 2 which is:  21 divided by 2 which is 10 and a half years. How long was Obama a Senator? 2 years?
There’s that 10 years with the beast and there’s that 6 month period at the end which is more of a judgement period which is from heaven and not a manmade type judgement period.  There isn’t much time left folks. Probably about a year at the most. We are not getting the real news of what is occurring especially in Israel by our press be assured of that.
We are in tribulation (just in case you didn’t know)
and so is Israel.
O’reilly knows when he gave that advice recently about not enabling that most people are in a position that they have to enable because they have been entrapped by Rome and their minions and Islam but believe in God IAM THAT IAM and you will get help/holpen regardless of what they try to do having you in their sights etc NSA and the media via your tvs and their agents (for they know not what they do because of their false religion), but God does know what they do and how the do etc..
O’reilly is an ass hole. Don’t let him fool ya he does not know what is good for anyone and especially doesn’t know what is good for himself

real judgement comes!

Truth matters and O’reilly doesn’t seem to get the truth just loves to ridicule it and rewrite it but his prophet won’t profit him then.

Not even a smidgeon!
“You gotto know when to hold ’em, know when to to fold ’em, know when to walk away, and know when to run……..”
Shall you not know?


Santa Barbara Survivor: ‘He Smiles at Me and Just Starts Shooting’

Eye witness to Santa Barbara rampage who said the shooter smiled at her but missed hitting her

now has been shot not once, not twice, not three times, not even four, but five times

and they say it is the first time she has spoken since the shooting

which is not true.

This is the second time on camera she has spoken about it (and she was standing up the same day and she wasn’t shot even once! She said she was shot at supposedly but since this is a hoax they found someone willing to lie so why not embellish her lies with more. ) She sort of set herself up.

I guess she just forgot about her first appearance or she has been hypnotized or somehow convinced otherwise!

The man that layed by her side Kyle Sullivan already has a tee shirt on that says Not One More because he has been through this so many times and it is just getting to this young man that he had to express himself through a tee shirt. He found a police officer and laid by her side till the officer who could not keep up with Kyle came to assist the young man. They are bonded together by this hoax and I think she is contemplating that in this picture and realizing that it might be like being married to Tom Cruise for the rest of her life which would scare any woman. EGADS

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How many of those tees does he have? Wonder how much does it cost? What’s his percentage? What’s hers?

Anyway she said that her dead roommates were both incredible beautiful people although I must say she is prettier then either of them and she wants them to be remembered that way. Then why not pick better pictures of them? Anyway she seems to think that what she says about her roommates is how they will be remembered. Guess what: Probably not. You don’t get to decide how someone is remembered by your own fake/false memory. What a conceded thing to say. LOL. I doubt I will remember them ever. Is the CULT of Scientology involved in this charade? She said her friend was a very passionate loving individual (of course she was) and the other friend she said she had never met anyone who was more willing to lend a helping hand (of course she was that is how it is when they are shot by a mass murderer. The people they shoot are the most phenomenal people who need people) and I bet if she had been able to express herself on a piece of paper with crayons not one empty space would be left on the page. The crayon marks would fill the whole page. (NEWTOWN MOM who didn’t really have a child but thought she did.) We are talking about some really stupid people! Screen shot 2014-06-01 at 1.03.57 PM

She felt

like she was telling her mother she loved her (hmmmmmm) but in reality she says that is what she actually did. Her mom felt that way too.

Now they are sister and brother bonded by this



“Now it’s 2014 and Secretary of State John Kerry is delivering a speech denouncing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as I write this. I’ll bet the Ukrainians are wishing they had some of those conventional weapons right about now.”

In other words Obama set up the Ukraine to be Putinized. Obamanized…… because I don’t think Putin is in control of Putin ..

I think Obama is controlling Putin. It think that dinner in regards to Syria with Putin and Obama and other leaders was their last. Just a good guess.

So disarming Americans is not going to happen no matter what.!!!!!! NO matter how many hoaxes occur we will always possess guns and amo, common sense and rebelliousness to Islam because we know that it can’t survive what is going to occur in the next couple of years, because that is all they have left. I hope they come to terms with their shortness, small space, and little leg room etc etc etc

Revelation 17:9-11

And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains (7 DEADLY SINS & SIN BAD and the 7 seas alliance between Rome and Islam, hoodwinks, and their betrayal, bungled for destruction), on which the woman sitteth (ROME)10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. (Caught on open mike, Obama tells Medvedev he needs ‘space’ on missile defense) and (Pope Benedict XVI Resigns. The 7th Head Who Continues a Short Space?) 11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. (Has to do with POPES since the treaty of Rome I think or some treaty dealing with the statehood of the PAPACY around the time of Mussolini) SO I’m, guessing that Obama is a pope or someting like that or he is controlling Pope Francis or vice versa ie. self deceptive type relationship: I lie to you, you lie to me, and we both destroy each other …mutual assured destruction;) 


Her dad is mildly angry that it happened, and that it still happens

and wants to change it.

( a bit unre-hearsted….. I guess it happened again since the Santa Barbara incident?)

Good luck with that. He has the energy of a snail. I think he is the one holding her below or leaning on her, his bread and butter, his ticket to ride, his tongue-y captive gnawing on her tongue for the beauty of it, while she is wounded (5 times).

Anyway now Bianca knows she has a purpose although she doesn’t  yet know what it is. (Be sure to get a day job.)

And that is remarkable. 

🙂 I’m a stranger and I’m smiling too.

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If they were telling the truth there would not be these funny inconsistencies!

Grisly sight: IV Deli Mart owner Michael Hassan, left, and his employee clean up the store where part of Friday night's mass shooting took place by a drive-by shooter

Thank goodness this blood is clean. What would happen if it were infected with some kind of blood disease these guys would be in BIG trouble but since it isn’t blood then they must be safe. I’m sure the detectives don’t mind not having to clean it before they investigate it. Ridiculous.

Santa Barbara Drive By Mass Shooting Hoax Exposed

Can anyone fathom it? The store-keepers get to clean up the evidence, the blood from Mr. Martinez. It’s no surprise, though. Why pay civil servants and a HAZMAT team to clean up mere tempura paint?


Santa Barbara Shooting Hoax Questions Answered

Santa Barbara Drive By Mass Shooting Hoax Exposed

BBC News

Sudanese death sentence woman to be freed soon: government official

Reuters  – ‎31 minutes ago‎
KHARTOUM (Reuters) – A Sudanese woman sentenced to death for converting to Christianity is expected to be released soon, a government official said on Saturday, after Khartoum came under diplomatic pressure to halt her execution.

 Tough trade for Obama 5 taliban assholes (his friends) for one beret.

Probably his friend, too!

I’m sure Obama will basque in this for a while because of his dementia. What else can he do to get attention?

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If only we could see them riding horses shirtless.




Why does the you tube of Bergdahl showing his dog tags start out a metal silver color and then they reshow the dog tags tinted red.

Did they dip it in blood?American blood?

It seemed intentional and taunting, didn’t it? WHY?  Because it filled the screen and was meant to be noticed.

Ed Beckel is a fat ass and drunk on his own liberalism. One day Ed Beckel will drink his shame. He is disgusting. I hope he shits in his pants when he is sent to an Islamic country to face his liberal friends. I have no respect for his laisez-unfaireness about Islamic hard core creeps being released for a traitor possibly or degenerate ballet dancer with degenerate dad and mom helping Obama distract. Ed Beckel is incorrigible  and cannot be convinced even with evidence. I guess he considers grace to mean anything goes.  In any case if Obama is involved more than likely Bergdahl is being rewarded for intentionally murdering some americans to be accepted by the Taliban and dining with them with his little red hat. If he is tried and gets the death penalty I hope Obama will receive the same sentence for aiding and abetting the Taliban.

Susan Rice  there are no words to describe her except she already showed her hands the weeks following Benghazi and she is definitely not clean no matter how much she tries to wash them  they will always be dirty.

So Obama swapped an Islamic follower who helped to get 6 other guys killed for 5 other Islamic followers and who knows how many americans died capturing these guys.

Talk about a set up. Obama is mocking America and so are the Bergdahls.

As far as the compassion of Mr. Bergdahl

would he be willing to donate his farms and ranches in Idaho and all his assets to those soldiers and their families

who lost their lives to look for his derelict son? Is he sincere?

Put his ass-ets where his mouth is and prove his compassion?

Budhists don’t like owning things anyway so why not prove his Buddhist Calvinism, Islamic grace, and compassion. I certainly would be convinced if you did that. By the way Ameen is Amen. So when american Christians pray do you think you should say Ameen or Amen? I don’t think you should say either, do you? By the way the gospel of John didn’t say it and neither did the first two books of the bible. I certainly won’t believe one more word from Bergdahls mouth, your wife’s mouth or your kid’s  mouth otherwise if you aren’t willing to donate your assets to the families that gave up their children so that your son could live or died because of your son.


Your dangling limp armed wife owes them too! I think she thinks she’s a model or something LOL. They don’t do that.

Anyway since your son doesn’t like Americans or America seems donating your land in IDAHO to those families in the US military shouldn’t be a problem and you as a family could move to Afghanistan and beget more kids there instead with your new love relationship with the Afghans terrorists.


Obama could join the Bergdahls and give up all his assets to the soldiers families that lost their lives trying to find Mr. Bergdahl. It would be a small gesture and would prove your compassion and that there isn’t anything unclean about what you have done beyond a reasonable doubt in regards to the trade of 5 terrorists for a delinquent derelict awol traitor, after all their lives are worth more than your assets an the Bergdahls. Then everyone would back off from criticizing this trade by Obama and the intent what ever that is…but of course there is intent of some kind. But to prove that it was for compassionate reasons and that there is nothing dirty involved and would help the declining reputation of the Obamas and I think you might actually win over some Buddhists and followers for Islam and your prophet

and if you did so that would certainly be worth the gesture

because if you really believe that shit

then it is worth it.

Do you believe that shit, or don’t you? PROVE IT!

Cyndi Lauper – True Colors

“So don’t be afraid to let them show

Your true colors,

your true colors are beautiful like a rainbow

And I see your true colors shining through that’s why I love you”

Harry Reid could join in this compassionate donation and prove his intent as well. ANd instead of fighting for a name change of the Redskins might show his

true colors


U.S. revives group to fight homegrown extremists

The Bergdahls are homegrown extremists you idiot.

Why should we reserve judgement on this trade since so far Obama has not told the truth thus far about anything nor have his appointees  which must include an awful lot of the press? The national press especially.

The reason the press say to reserve judgement is because they don’t have any judgement and want to continue to suck the system for their paychecks. They really don’t give a crap about the truth and never have. They just don’t want to take chances with their positions which IMO are undeserved.

Obama honoring the soldiers that died in WWll at Normandy and just last year the open air memorials were closed in support of Obama during the government shut down.

It’s Easy to be a Dick Head and no one knows better than Obama how easy it is.

Ed Henry knows it’s easy. He’s there with the  White House team so it seems Ed has joined Obama. A trip to Europe is all it took. It’ snot that big a deal . I lived there and wasn’t that impressed. Just a bunch of monumental fools.

It’s Gone Baby Juan Williams

“It’s Gone Baby Juan” Jubilant Williams in regards to Benghazi hoping it would just go away and now that this controversy will be another diversion from what occurred at Benghazi and what wasn’t done in regards to the men at Benghazi said that Bergdahl should be considered “a prodigal son” and from that point of view it is true we should be glad to get him back out of the enemy camp and to discern what he did and why though he doesn’t want to see his parents yet would we have gone to the trouble if he weren’t a Radical Islamic prodigal son? How about the soldier in Mexico. He didn’t desert and he wasn’t a collaborator and he is in prison ie a cage and Mexico is supposed to be our neighbor and yet we don’t hear anything about him from It’s Gone Baby, Juan or President Obama or Susan Rice or anyone in the administration. Do we have evidence that Bergdahl was living in a cage in the dark or is this just another OBAMA story. If we have evidence why not show it to the american people so that we might have a better perspective of the situation he placed himself in and to prevent others from deserting their post in the military to the enemy Taliban in Afghanistan. How can it hurt to show the pictures of Bergdahl in a cage? I bet they don’t have any evidence. LOL



because he isn’t a prodigal Islamic son.

It’s not gone “the Benghazi baby”, that is, Juan, and there ain’t nothin’ you can do about it. And if you ignore it, you ignore it at your own risk to yourself, your own body, mind, and soul…..Juan. You are as transparent as a camiliian with buggy eyes that you buy at the circus that changes colors.

Cockroaches are transparent when they are in the dark for a long time. I’m sure you know about that!

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John 1:5

And the light shineth in darkness;

and the darkness comprehended it not.

“It’s Gone Baby’ Juan Williams just doesn’t comprehend, he just blindly defends Obama


John 3:19

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world,

and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

This was not a miscalculation on Obama’s part. He knew it would be insulting to american soldiers and their families and to decent Americans. He wanted to insult them that is why he has his hands all over Mrs. Bergdahl. This is a diversion for Obama and the controversy involved is his MO. He loves to mock decency and truth anytime he can. He is sick and evil. He wanted to get back at soldiers for complaining through the VA controversy avenue and this was payback, plain and simple, and another distraction for Obama that is why he sent out Susan Rice out to lie  for him again. This is about Benghazi and trying to distance himself with the line “we don’t leave anyone behind.” etc when that is exactly what they did a few years ago purposefully. He is trying to torment the republicans, good soldiers, and anyone he can and me. He knows he has a short time and pretty soon he has to pay the piper and in the meanwhile will try to make it hurt as many people as possible. He is like a Caligula and gets off on his manic maniac crap. He will try to take as many liars with him and Susan Rice will regret her stupidity for sure. She has about a year to go as do many others. I know that many in the press think Obama is sincerely misstepping when he does the stupid stuff he does but you have not characterized him well. He is evil and everything he does proves it. But evil isn’t smart…it is easy to be evil and stupid people tend to go that way because it is so easy to go that way. That is why in the bible those that were possessed were like dumb animals.

Though there are exceptions and this horse proved it;

Horse goes for a dip in kiddie pool

It takes intelligence to be good. Think about Arafat. Did he appear to be smart? Do these terrorists that were traded appear to be smart? If they were smart then why hasn’t Afghanistan progressed more in the ways that most countries have? Because they are backwards and stupid that is why. Does Obama appear to be smart? If he were he would have increased the economy etc but since he is so dumb he covers it up with a plethora of hoaxes and other stupid things because he doesn’t have a brain. He doesn’t have courage either or he would have tried. He lacks a heart because he is prideful which is stupid and because he is such a failure the worst president ever i dare say in any country ever known to mankind but he struts as if he a has accomplished something which is stupid. Anyone can fail as bad as he. Most Arab countries are stupid and evil hence Islam: a very stupid excuse for a religion where people stick their head in a vagina and walk around  a box. How insane is that? Although Christians tend to stick their head in their sand that is why we still have Obama and he hasn’t been expelled from this country or impeached for the many crimes he as committed because I guess they think he will just go away. Stupidity gets larger the more it is given the license to be stupid. I think Obama was inbred and without true bread he doesn’t get it which is dumb. His administration is the stupidest group of people I have ever witnessed. It is easy to be a dick head. Anyone can do it.

Beau Bergdahl doesn’t look very good. A clone of Brad Pitt after a nuclear accident. The blinking is kind of weird. I think it hurt that the Taliban would trade him for the others. I think he thought they were his friends and was crying because they didn’t really want him around anymore.

Who kept up his appearance ie the shaved head like a Buddhist priest? Not easy to shave your head from behind so someone was helping him appear like the stupid buddhist calvinist islamic do do bird and in a way mocking Americans who stoop to being so stupid. WHy in the world would an american go awol in Afghanistan . Who would be that dumb to want to hang out with the Islamic taliban. That is dumb, isn’t it? But if you had the parents he had it’s no wonder.

Should be interesting to see what he has to say to the press in regards to his attitude to the US government since his stay with the Taliban or whatever they are.

Lucky for him he wasn’t shot in the face on his way to school.

I sure don’t trust any of this exhange. Perhaps he has been infected with something? Maybe he is a martyr  for their cause to release their top men. Let’s hope Obama gets a close up with him for publicity sake and the joke turns on him.

These guys look familiar to me. Maybe it’s the beards.

Do they have a reality show too?

Critics of Taliban release worry prisoners will re-enter insurgency

Agency Critics of Taliban release worry prisoners will re-enter insurgency


(He sure looks like a skinny Putin look alike.)

Now can Obama get one woman and her kids from Sudan and one man in a Mexican prison off the hook, unharmed, with their possessions and in a safe place

or does he need a stacked deck again. Talk about hokey. We are talking about the Sudan and Mexico (how hard can it be?)

We aren’t at war with them yet, are we? WHy hasn’t he even brought it up. Why hasn’t Bob Beckel holding Obama to task on the marine on Mexico and the Sudanese woman except that Bob Beckel is a shill for Islam too by accusing only radical Islam which is a lie and Bob Beckel knows it. He is a slob for Mohammad!

You would think a Marine who served more than two months without complaining actually for a few years and saved lives might get some attention before the one that abandoned his post  and deserted his post and caused the deaths of many  soldiers because his two month stint made him disillusioed. I think it happened way before he enrolled in the military and because his dad influenced his irrationality because his dad is a freaking dickhead wimp of an Islamic worm which is typical of Islamic worms. They only feel namely when they shoot a girl in the head for going to school or whip a woman in public because she is pretty and they can’t control their own penises because I guess they wet themselves which makes them want to rape her for making him wet himself. They really are a mess and even to the point of walking around a black stone to the right in circles mumbling like whipped dogs.

Now Chuck Hagel prefers the British people that act like they are Americans and speak Afghan….RIght?

He owes the Brits for something maybe because they have the goods on him.

CHUCK HAGEL IS A STOOGE for the Brits like 

Billy Graham was s stooge for the BRITS and ROME (VATICAN)

I guarantee that this swap by Obama and Chuck Hagel is deceptive to the nth degree. Anything Obama does is fraught with lies. The woman who is the supposed mother standing with Obama is totally enamored with Obama (like she would do absolutely anything for him and I mean anything….she looks like that english comedian) which is par for the course. Boy is she gonna be disappointed when all is said and done. Who wouldn’t be ….everything he does is a schtricnine.

Bowe Bergdahl: Strong, well-rounded and easy to talk to, friends say

UH HUH. Yeah I bet.

Former captive’s parents ‘ecstatic’

“Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s parents appeared Saturday with President Barack Obama.
Bob Bergdahl spoke part of his message in an Afghan dialect, saying his son is having trouble with English”
Yeah, I guess you forget your native tongue after 5 years.
Yet he was in Afghanistan a whole two months before he was caught which sounds kind of hokey. Maybe he wanted to be an afghan, hence his language forgetfulness. In any case why would a ballet dancer want to go to afghanistan, so he could insult Americans? He wanted to insult our intelligence as does Obama weekly/weakly. Probably a friend of the Chicago Mayor, also a ballet dancer. Gods among men or so they think….LOL. Ballet dancers like to go to war and go awol to get prisoners released who are terrorists because that is what dancers do: Go awol and blame America for his CHARACTER weaknesses. But Obama said it is the right thing to do so he could pay off someone and get 5 deadly afghan terrorists who like to kill Americans and shoot little afghan girls in the head that want an education and get himself off the hook for a short while to impress some table cloth heads and for the BRITS. The left want it both ways. How about taking their fists of solidarity and sticking it up Obamas ass instead. Ask if releasing some Afgan terrorists will help the women in Afghanistan get an education? I guess to Democrats who have no character it is the right thing to do so more afghan girls can get shot in the head on a bus going to school because they really care about afghan girls less than they like afghan terrorsists. Must be nice being a pow and getting better treatment than afghan girls. Must have been some money involved.  Send Angelina Jolie and MIchelle to talk sense to those terrorist and don’t forget they destroyed Buddhist world monuments because of that solidarity because Islam wants to rule over them as well and to show that Brad Pitt is full of shit. He only makes films about it to make money. He is as spiritual as a slug after salt is poured on it. They are holding out marriage between the two because they think we care. And guess what, we don’t. It makes no difference and it made no difference for gay rights either.They needed that little girl for their BULLSHIT such as Bring Back Our Girls BS too. She is getting an education in Afghan/Islamic/British Futility because she was utilized for their BULLSHIT. They use abuse of girls for their own pockets. OBAMA must need something from them as well. He never does anything unless it helps himself such as a great diversion from Benghazi. God how many diversions do we have to endure before someone gets him in the Fleet chair? How many diversions before someone with some character in our government or press or hollywood (if there are any) asks about why Michelle Obama was at Benghazi with a syringe and arms? We still don’t know where Obama was because he wasn’t at the White House but was with Michelle obviously.

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Obama and Mrs. Bergdahl joined at the hip one or the other holding the other up like a prop yet I think it has gone to Obama’s head or something has anyway. It looks like he grew a turkey caruncle that turkeys usually grow on their chin but Obama grew it on the side of his face, a tumor of some kind but a pretty big one. I wonder if that means something? Her putrid Islamic husband following like a whimpy dog behind Obama which I guess is the new Islamic trend.Screen shot 2014-06-03 at 1.20.54 AM His head then gets kind of smeary looking like maybe it isn’t Obama anymore. She dangles her arms on the side of her body as if they are numb. Perhaps Michelle injected her arms with novocaine so that Obama and her husband could get a better shot like throwing sausages down a hallway. Easy COTTAGE CHEEEEZZZY!

At least his beard will be good for something.

The guy will do anything for attention. It is sad to watch a grown man act like french green bean. Probably wore him out. That’s why they tell athletes not to have sex the night before a game. Course we know Obama is no athlete. Can’t even dunk a basketball. Loss of seman causes weakness and wobbly knees. In this case though I think it came from his cheek.  

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But her prodigal son doesn’t want to speak to his family. OD!

The Gitmo detainees swapped for Bergdahl: Who are they?

Bergdahl release arrangement could threaten the safety of Americans, Republicans sayMcChrystal on Bergdahl: ‘We don’t leave Americans behind. That’s unequivocal’

McChrystal on Bergdahl: ‘We don’t leave Americans behind. That’s unequivocal

Except at Benghazi, which this and all the other things Obama has attempted to do because he is trying and hoping will divert attention from Benghazi.

Wounded Warrior star (the one that can’t walk McChrystal with his daughter runs beneath him) says we should not rush to judgement about Bergdahl.

Retired General McChrystal resigned because he is so trustworthy. We should not judge till we get the facts….but as McChrystal knows we never seem to get them, the facts that is, helping the administration and the Obamas to lie, cheat, and steal from Americans not to mention kill them for the sake of ISLAM. But McChrystal doesn’t really care about that because he would rather defend another bad deed to keep his own head above water because of his great courage and star in a scam that I’m pretty positive he prophets from for his support.

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He has a way with women. NOt sure what that way is but it is kind of silly. Let’s say the women are silly and he is really gross! the woman above supposedly lost a child at Sandy Hook Elementary and the man to the right her hubby is all too concerned that Obama is doing his usual. The guy on the right is an actor and is using his wife for some reason or other and I don’t think they had children anyway but Obama must have made a big impression on her because she acts like a member of a cult being coddled by it’s leader who has mesmerized obviously just like the limp Bergdahl mother/wife.Obama reminds me of JIm Jones of Jonestown, Guyana who was very convincing and poisoned themselves for him.  I recall that lady in the press who said she thought Obama never loses. But she was wrong he is losing and not only his base but his own mind. Hauling out Bergdahl;s limp mother showed his desperation but who was he trying to impress that is the question. He appeared to be trying to prove something like Michelle does with her selfies of Oprah and Jennifer Lopez with that sleazy grin on Michelle’s face like saying see I got a way with it at Benghazi and they are mine. The look in her eyes says quite a bit. Where as the others really aren’t giving that same look. Michelle is a meeeeaaaannnnnn what ever it is she is. I mean look at the women’s expression in both pictures as if they just an’t do enough to be his. It’s really really really macabre.


Michelle posed with Susan RIce and Obama kissing her hand with her leg up kind of tough like with some politicians of the way past dead kind which is on another post and I don’t want to rummage today but the pictures following were Jim Jones pride and joy and I think the Obamas have that same spirit and intent. Remember the unarmed woman trying to escape the WHite House gate area with her baby. I wonder if she was one of the ones that tried to get away from his stick with me argument and Congress applauded her death by the Secret Service and the Park Police because I guess she was some sort of threat to them . The only way she might have been a threat had nothing to do with her arms. Why they applauded I have no idea but I think they must be part of his cult or they are drugged by his cult to be under his control. I would love an explanation on that particular event and the reaction by Congress I heard on Fox News about their exuberance for her death during the Government shutdown. Her family didn’t even know why she was even there being from Connecticut, but then Conetticutt s also where Newtown the site of the hoax mass shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School took place and many of the clergy were Roman Catholic who celebrated the deaths of children with out birth certificates or death certificates even though it is the law to provide as public information because it obviously was a hoax to distance Obama from Benghazi

but Eric Holder doesn’t care he just cairs. You don’t want to go there, buddy remarks about something that was unfair. It is your job Eric Holder “to go there because it is unfair. “

CAIR – Council on American-Islamic Relations – CAIR


A few american politicians and others were murdered at this mass suicide.
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People like Jim Jones, MIchelle Obama and Barack Obama are very dangerous people who don’t need people for too long. remember what Obama said to the federal workers during the GOvernment shut down. He was pleading for them to stick with him and it lasted two weeks? LOL But he is a cult and his followers are part of it along with the ones in our government like Holder who also looks like his totally lost in his own crusade. Jim Jones reminds me of Huckabee. Maybe we will hear about that woman at the White House gate in the next loop.

Now Bergdahl is re-enlisting because he wants to be in the government because he was just being silly in Afghanistan shaving his head etc. It was a desire to know what awol means.

Thanks we don’t need your education…..

Pink Floyd – We don’t need no education

“Trading five senior Taliban leaders from detention in Guantanamo Bay for Bergdahl’s release may have consequences for the rest of our forces and all Americans.

Our terrorist adversaries now have a strong incentive to capture Americans.

I’m sure that was the point for Obama as if he gives a crap about some detainees.

He is testing the resolve of our government whether they have wobbly knees or a set of standards.

A red line test.

That incentive will put our forces in Afghanistan and around the world at even greater risk,” House Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard P. McKeon (R-Calif.) and the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, James M. Inhofe (Okla.), said in a joint statement.

Lawmakers were not notified of the Guantanamo detainees’ transfer until after it occurred. The law requires the defense secretary to notify relevant congressional committees at least 30 days before making any transfers of prisoners, to explain the reason and to provide assurances that those released would not be in a position to reengage in activities that could threaten the United States or its interests. Before the current law was enacted at the end of last year, the conditions were even more stringent. However, the administration and some Democrats had pressed for them to be loosened, in part to give them more flexibility to negotiate for Bergdahl’s release. A senior administration official, agreeing to speak on the condition of anonymity to explain the timing of the congressional notification, acknowledged that the law was not followed. When he signed the law last year, Obama issued a signing statement contending that the notification requirement was an unconstitutional infringement on his powers as commander in chief and that he therefore could override it.

That’s because adhering to the Constitution means a lot to Obama,

hence Obama Care.

If Obama isn’t held accountable and the Defense Secretary Hagel doesn’t stand up to Obama more Americans will be hurt or killed and it will be the fault of those that don’t do their duty that they were sworn into office to uphold and if they don’t even attempt to do what is right

then why vote for REPUBLICANS at all.

And if Chuck Hagel doesn’t do his duty he is fair game for assassination

as are the rest of the Democrats in office!




and even by the Republicans who are feigning their revulsion. I don’t see them calling attorneys or judges and demanding some action against the lawlessness of Obama which makes me think they are playing a game on the citizens of the US. I’m not impressed whatsoever by the inaction of the Republican Party. I sure hope that changes because if it doesn’t the citizens will catch on soon enough and may be a bit harder on the Republicans for their trickery. Sort of like a double double cross. I hope the Republicans take that seriously.

That is how important holding Obama accountable for breaking the law is

and it should be a wake up call to all those that have been elected

and pre-selected  such as HAGEL and HOLDER, etc.

Mannequin in Obama mask hung from Missouri bridge

It’s about time:) ISNT IT?


There is a limit to the patience of Americans and it looks as if it is getting kind of iffffffffy for Obama and his administration.

Will this affect campaign finances? LOL


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It’s only fair…..

He served with distinction says Susan RIce about Bergdahl and she said it was the video that caused the  assassination/executions at Benghazi:)

She is believable isn’t she. Geez  what the hell is wrong with that chick? Does she think we are idiots?

IS it wrong that I prayed for Obama to die a very horrible death? and the demise of those that support him? Is that wrong?

I don’t think it is, anymore.

I believe in miracles… sexy thing

since you came along

After what I’ve been through and after what I have seen that the Americans have had to endure since Obama came to Washington

I think it is

The Right Thing for Obama and his friends.

It’s one thing to talk about what is wrong with what Obama has done, it is another to do something about it.

Believe me, the majority of Americans would love to see a change in the Presidency

however it happens….(regardless who he surrounds himself with to protect himself… like his daughters)

that’s a lot of Americans!

If I were Obama I would send them to a safe place such as QATAR….probably the only safe place!


Obama however is not being very protective of our kids so why should we care what happens to his kids.

Which begs to be answered …are they his kids?

I doubt he has the right stuff inside his little black balls.

It’s probably only hair in there.

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Ted Cruz should never have gone to IOWA and played into the hands of the shills of Roman Catholicism. I unsubscribed to his politics. I thought he was special but he just talks about the Constitution and really all he cares about is his job, his status but doesn’t do anything, but for one brief moment he was a great man and then he joined the ranks of the faithers by integrating you into their fold like THE BORG, the tool of Roman Catholics and Islam. Keep it, brother. It won’t help you and I sure don’ t want it.

Ted Cruz and Personal Responsibility

Pope Benedict Says “Faith was the True Enlightenment”

Read it and weep!

Screen shot 2014-07-06 at 4.03.11 AM Now Climate change is the new enlightenment:

Climate change could make red hair a thing of the past if Scotland gets sunnier

What about orange tabby cats. Will they suddenly have brown or black hair. Will blonds also go dark? These guys that make up this stuff are absolutely insane.Red hair and freckles have to do with genes not the climate. Climate Change does not affect genes any more than Climate Change will affect the fables of the past. Freckles are angel kisses, at least that is what my mom said to me so I figured I was kissed quite a bit. Do I believe her story? Of course not, and neither do I believe that Climate Change could make red hair a thing of the past. However Global Warming could cause red hair to become a thing of the past? LOL

What about red potatoes? Will they become blue potatoes? How about red onions and red roses?

Red herrings?

red her·ring
  1. 1.
    a dried smoked herring, which is turned red by the smoke.
  2. 2.
    something, especially a clue, that is or is intended to be misleading or distracting.
    “the book is fast-paced, exciting, and full of red herrings”

    Immigration from Central America and Mexico to America is a lot like Climate Change.

    An intentional diversion.






You can’t win politically with Obama. He needs to be arrested, imprisoned, tied up so he can’t move his body parts with a TNT bundle in his mouth and up his ass and persons ready to light the fuses at all times. He is dangerous and evil and until the Republicans and Democrats get real the world is at risk of being annihilated because of him. He has a way of controlling people and making them his little monsters but if he is blindfolded and hogtied it will help to control him.

Now TED CRUZ is out front defending the woman in prison for being married to a Christian man (I can’t figure out why her husband isn’t in prison too since he is the Christian man that she is married to) who just recently had a baby. Does that make sense? But instead he is on television making her case. Did the Islamic nuts forget  about that man? By the way, is Kabbalah Christian? Is Kabbalah Kab-allah? I noticed her tattoed hands which seems as I recall to be Kabballahian, but I could be wrong. Nevertheless she doesn’t deserve to be whipped, in prison, or facing a death penalty for being in love and getting married and having a baby. It’s absurd and so Islamic to punish a woman as if it was gong to affect the country she lived in whether she married who she married or not. They just don’t like her because she is a woman and probably there is way more to the story than her faith. Ted Cruz probably is doing it for the group that helps Christians in foreign countries like Jay Sekalow and probably are affiliated with the IOWA TBN’ers, CBN’ers and their lawyers to receive funds, gain attention, and other tactical things to keep their parishioners occupied and donating. This is also one of Greta Van Susterne’s pet projects and Greta and Franklin Graham are pretty close in terms of faith. Why doesn’t Franklin Graham get Obama to help this woman? Then Ted Cruz could try to help Americans which is his job.

Hey Ted ,why not defend an american such as the marine in prison in Mexico? He served honorably and with distinction too and didn’t desert or so they say.

Speaking of deserts I wrote this a while back comparing the gospels about “a desert place” which I hope you will read:

A Desert Place (a Different View)

But in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says “Don’t go there.”

Hagel was in on the swap so he doesn’t care about American kids because you are not supposed to make deals with or about terrorists as I recall.

So Does Chuck Hagel care about the law or our kids?

How about his kids?

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Hagel: Captive’s life was in danger


Hagel Defends Trade of Guantánamo Prisoners For U.S. Soldier

What a hateful comment. There are legitimate concerns to trading one man’s life for the others who may be captured or killed as a result of the trade. Everyone is happy for this young man and his family but the result may very well be that there are unhappy outcomes for many others.
What is the motivation for Hagel defending the trade of Guananamo Prisoners? 


So free some terrorists to make sure everyone’s life is in danger.

Makes perfect sense to me.


Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel proposes big cuts in Army in 2015 budget

Perhaps Chuckie needs a cut in pay so that he might learn to question motivation. It is necessary!

What is my motivation, CHUCK?


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The mystery of love

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He didn’t do it for American kids (who can speak english), that’s for sure.


(I think he prefers the UK over the US any day.)

Here is Chuck Hagels motivation:

“Love is a dunghill, Betty, and I am but a cock that climbs upon it to crow.”
A DIVERSION FOR OBAMA and a mock and chuck kiss ass hagel is willing to bend over. That was hard.


Why Does Iran Endorse Chuck Hagel?

The video has Hagel referring to Palestinians as “living in chains,” and explains that terrorism is a tactic to deliver freedom to those who have been denied it. Every real American knows that, we are a nation built on terrorism.

Chuck Hagel: “Palestine in Chains”

“It is where our freedom comes from,

just as Hagel describes terrorism

as a way of delivering freedom.”

He certainly proved it!

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The truth is

Palestinians: THEY LIKE CHAINS!

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CUTE FAMILY. I HOPE HE LIKES HIS KIDS AS MUCH AS WE LIKE OURS! I can tell he likes the one furthest away. That’s obvious. IF anything happens to our kids because of his actions he ought to suffer the same pain. WHat one does when holding the position he holds is important and not to be taken lightly. I think he took it lightly which is too bad and will deeply hurt him one day. (She looks like one of “The FIve” Andrea Tanaros HMMMMMMM)

 You have laid bare your pride and joy and for what? Prestige? She is why you got your job…I guarantee it. INTENT MATTERS!

I bet you thought you were special. LOL  But I bet she is special to you and he knows it. He knew you didn’t care about motive so it was easy.

And she will have to live under the stupid Sharia Law because he is ISLAMIC and you work for ISLAM which is SHARIA LAW and they worship a vagina.

In fact they stick their head in it.

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But at least you are in solidarity with Susan Rice who tells the truth no matter what.

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Luke 21:22

For these be the dayof vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.

Republicans attack Taliban prisoner swap

“Republicans attacked President Barack Obama for “making deals with terrorists” to release a US soldier held captive by the Afghan Taliban
as a row grew over whether Bowe Bergdahl was a hostage or a prisoner of war.”

Did Bowe Bergdahl go AWOL in Afghanistan?

Christian Science Monitor – by Brad Knickerbocker
I recall at Camp Bastion a few American soldiers deaths caused by the action/inaction of some british soldiers.
I hope this isn’t the case in this particular instance, because that would be treasonous.

“Sgt Bergdahl is reportedly struggling to speak English after five years in captivity and his father caught Mr Obama’s aides offguard on Saturday when he began to speak Pashto before the television cameras at the White House. “I’m your father, Bowe,” he said in the language of his son’s captors.” PASHTO IS AFGHAN OR IRANIAN LANGUAGE.



“Two Marine generals were dismissed this week for an attack on their base in Afghanistan, but why hasn’t the civilian leadership ever paid a penalty for their incompetence and failed leadership? John Kael Weston on the civilian-military divide when it comes to accountability.


Intent is 9/10’s of the law!

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Now Woodchuck Hagel is blaming the Pentagon. I suggest you start to care about motive, Mr. Hagel before you are buried by it.

Otherwise you might find yourself motivated to find out why you are in prison one day because you DID NOT CARE about the consequences of an action

driven by some form of intent that you didn’t bother to discern or question.


How can you be a Secretary of Defense if you aren’t aware of the POSSIBLE REPERCUSSIONS AND CONSEQUENCES of an action. IT’S A PARABLE.

(I wonder if we aren’t doing the training of terrorists for the cause of terrorism for places such as Qutar and Saudi Arabia aiding the Syrian Rebels and Palestinians and Hezbollah etc etc etc. That would be treasonous too, wouldn’t it?)

This is why Benghazi is important (a witness) because I believe it won’t be long before it is revealed as in Revelation and no matter what we do we just can’t escape it. That is why it won’t go away no matter how hard Democrats and the Obama Administration try to obscure, confuse, and divert from it. The war on Christmas that Obama wants to win that he in his own words spoke at the Correspondent’s Dinner. TAKE HEED AND QUIT MAKING EXCUSES.

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 Maj. General Dahl is going to investigate the Bergdahl case.

I wonder is Admiral Berg gonna volunteer to help?

Absolute Lunacy, but then ISLAM is full of a bunch of Lunatics. Hence, the moon symbolism.

Perhaps the Dali llama might be able to assist with the state of mind of Bergdahl and then last but not least Brad Pitt.

Maybe we should send Bergdahl to Tibet for 7 ears?

We could mix up the 7 ears with the 7 seas and the 7 deadly sins and make a really cool drink.

Benghazi: How to do the hearings right

(Charles Krauthammer)

Oh they will get new facts because it is unavoidable and that is what has the Chucks all up in arms.

How much wood would a Woodchuck chuck

if a Woodchuck could chuck wood?

It isn’t as if we have much choice in the matter in that regard. I disagree with Charles about the goals of the committee but it will be the concerns of the Democrats to soften the findings as they have a habit of doing because they are influenced heavily by habitual burkanian enforcers.  It will unfold itself and there isn’t anything anyone can do about it. Those enforcers will learn a few things along the way as well. Trey Gowdy will do a fantastic job and has proved his worth by his efforts and his trustworthiness. I didn’t make up what Obama said at the UN and it was said in regards to Benghazi. It is a huge sign and it will blow everybody out of the water when they begin to understand the implications of those words tucked in between a bunch of BS and what it means to them and their loved ones.

Revelation 18:21

And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying,
Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down,
and shall be found no more at all.

Revelation 21:1

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
Now if we could just know for sure what city that is…I think I know.
And I think that city knows too!
This creep will be kissing your baby girl and slobbering all over her if you don’t buck it up and be a man. That is as gross as gross can be and she will hate you for her future of your shame. I hope you get the picture clearly of that shame because it can’t get any worse than that? He is so disgusting. So disgusting HE SHOULD BE SHOT and put out of his misery. But his face contorts show a person who has been cursed by his own mental illness. I hope Susan Rice and Hagel get it on with him forever. Myself, I can’t wait to see his demise and the look on his face when he realizes his fate. Same goes for those that protect him from what he deserves and prolonged his tenure.

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 IF you don’t fight Obama then you surrender to him and he is evil. It is a choice. If congress doesn’t have him indicted and arrested then they have gone along with him because by now everyone knows he is impeachable and indictable. He is a traitor. If they don’t react soon like within days they might as well hang themselves. But for those that do fight and don’t surrender it will go well for them regardless of the cowards that are in office sitting on their power doing nothing in regards to saving their country and their citizens such as Eric Holder and dick head above. He will regret his transparent attempt to recuse himself of blame. ANd worst of all for him he will have to watch his own kids deal with what he didn’t do especially when they see the affect it has on their children and they will know he was a coward and he will lose their love and respect and it will follow him to his death and after. That is really sad but par for the course for the mice of mice and men. Just desserts! Don’t expect a mansion in heaven, okay? Cuz you won’t even get to go there. But do expect to hear this over and over again:

I never knew you.

I never knew you.

I never knew you.


And the rest of the people who give a crap about their country will remember Chuck Hagel this way: Man, what a dumb ass.

Snowden is a far cry better man and patriot and human being in his little finger

then the whole body of Chuck Hagel who sold his own family and their souls down the river.

One day Chuck’s family will say We Never Knew You! because they won’t remember him …no one will.

Lindsay Graham

Senator Lindsay Graham has threatened to impeach President Obama if he releases more prisoners; Why?

If you aren’t willing to impeach him now for what he has done, you never will. Empty threats and believe me Obama Knows they are empty or otherwise the Senate and the House of Representatives and the Supreme Court and every other aspect of government would already have begun the process. Islam knows weakness and out government is weak and they know it. When you threaten to impeach after another breach of the law then you are just giving him another extension and it is getting to be redundant to hear our government officials threaten and now IMO it means absolutely nothing. Obviously they fear Obama too much to be useful in their positions and jobs.

The picture above isn’t Susan Rice although it does look like her or what she would look like as a child, but it’s not.

It is someone famous though. Guess WHO? The person in the picture didn’t like Jewish wrestlers at the Olympics and made a big todo about it.







Luke 21:36

36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.


Care for a walnut dip


Depends on your intent!

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Dust in the Wind – Kansas

“…..All they are is dust in the wind…..”

….It slips away

And all your money won’t another minute buy….

Gun Store Sign: ‘Will Trade Obama To Mexico’ For Jailed Marine…


Vatican and Holy See news

Revelation 18:15 The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing, 16 and saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls! 17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off, 18 and cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city! 19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas, that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate. 20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her.

Pope says about two percent of priests are pedophiles: paper

But the Vatican issued a statement saying some parts of a long article in the left-leaning La Repubblica were not accurate,

including one that quoted the pope as saying that there were cardinals among the abusers.”

Why?  Because they wear red?

No wonder they have problems!

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Pope makes first official visit to the Holy Land

Pope Francis calls Israeli-Palestinian stalemate unacceptable

What a dweeb!

Pope Francis throws farewell curveball: Peace prayer summit in Rome

Pope Francis Prays At Wall Separating Israel, West Bank

GROSS! The wall will never forget Pope Francis.

Get a hose.

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He is so dramatic. I wonder what he was thinking? Probably:

I hope they buy my concern. They ACTUALLY practice this stuff: how to look like they are deep in spiritualness and he probably was taking a short nap!

But thinking also:


I was against Nixon as a young person then but he ended the war in Vietnam. And the Great Society that LBJ put in place where is the evidence of that? I am sure he meant well and probably I haven’t discovered his real contribution yet. I think some conversations he had with Nellie and Jackie were illuminating and a few photo ops with Billy Graham were helpful for my posts about the assassination of JFK could be his evidence and considered a contribution. Are the democrats evidence of a Great Society changing the name of a football team and forcing Obama Care upon our nation through trickery and probably drugging of the opposition via federal workers (Vatican agents) and the union mentality of our government with federal workers who cannot be fired or teachers for any reason, it seems who really have done great harm to our country. Democrats sitting on their thumbs in investigations just to protect their own livliHOODS without a care for what is good for our nation. Is Obama’s lawlessness evidence of a Great Society? Is the lawlessness that is occurring all over the US in great numbers and exceedingly multiplying by the day evidence of a Great Society? It never was like this before Obama took office, but it is now. OF course he is the DESTROYER and the DECEIVER of all time and the Democrats don’t care even though he is EVIL. Probably because they profit like Gore via the Vatican as our country descends into anarchy and  the dems soon to their own destruction.

Is Michelle at Benghazi proof of a a Great Society?

Good intentions with bad results. The society it helped are the very ones who didn’t deserve it because they would applaud a murderer who almost decapitated his wife (a few feet away from where her children were asleep with lit candles all over the house) all because of a glove that fit tightly like a good Palestinian would do just because of the color of his skin. How small can a race baiting race get?  Complain about a $37,000 dollar purse?  Try to enforce a food product to public schools just to make a profit and who knows what the other reason but I think I do: To eventually poison kids nation wide because Michelle has a malignant heart disease. Try to disarm the public of their constitutional rights to defend themselves? The constitution was for your race as well but your race also has to defend it or it is useless for your race.

Do you really think your race deserves freedom to do great harm? I think your race was tested and your race failed the freedom test (to do what is right) and at the very least not applaud because of the color of his skin a murderer of his ex wife. Certainly it wasn’t because he was a famous rich foot ball player, was it?

 I would not be very proud if I were you.

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Really stand up Pope. LOL. What a you know what!

Pope Francis: Immigrant Children Must Be ‘Welcomed And Protected’


He is worried about the attack on families now because of his past that he can’t escape and hopes to distract with his nonsense.

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800 babies buried in septic tank at Irish home for unmarried mothers

…….”The women were ostracised by the conservative-Catholic society and were often forced to hand over their children for adoption.”….

…..”Conservative Catholic teaching at the time denied children of unmarried parents baptism and therefore burial in consecrated lands.”…….

You would think he would have concern for the fact that the Roman Catholic Church is described in detail in Revelation but it must be spiritual blindness that obstructs their common sense and being a child trafficker. Maybe they are color blind. LOL. It is bewildering to see such a stupendous braggart offering his spiritual ineptness for peace in the Middle East. Perhaps if the Roman Catholic Church stayed in Rome and didn’t interfere in the world things would be better.

It goes to their head when people flock to his pope mobile to walk along side the mafia and touch his ring. In a way the pope people are to blame for enabling them like many people do for alcoholics. If they would stop donating and attending all things Roman Catholic it would help the world.


Too bad she isn’t original.

Abbas, Peres to plant olive tree at Vatican ceremony

Why not just transplant the tree that is now the dead Ambassador Chris Stevens? This tree planting GESTURE is So Stupid and means absolutely nothing. What a ridiculous habit, they do this kind of stuff BECAUSE OF WHY …WHO KNOWS BUT IS IS USELESS AND INSIGNIFICANT. GROWN MEN FLATULATING FOR THE POPE, THAT’S WHY !



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A malignant malicious dick head.


Hillary Clinton says Benghazi probes won’t deter possible White House bid

Benghazi should deter her,

Benghazi should deter her,

Benghazi should deter her,

Benghazi should deter her!

Hillary Clinton should not be allowed to run until she tells the truth about Benghazi instead of having a hissy fit about Benghazi. No one who has  hissy fits in front of Congress when being questioned about their part in a criminal act such as Benghazi should be allowed to run for any office in government and who had a fake blood clot in the brain to avoid being questioned and silenced others from testifying such as the witnesses. She should have a physical to determine if she has a chip in her body and if she had some type of control apparatus inserted in her body and find out what really occurred before she was allowed to testify to delay her testimony and altering her testimony.

Now in an interview with Diane Sawyer she says :“I take responsibility, but I was not making security decisions.” What the hell does that mean? Does she even know? What does she take responsibility for? The intentional death of a few good men? She doesn’t take responsibility for security decisions so it must be something else she is taking responsibility  for……perhaps she is taking responsibility for the coverup?

Hillary: The more they see her, the less they like her


Did Hillary provide the telephones to the attackers from the State Department thereby keeping it an inside set-up job?  Was Benghazi a State Department plot of some kind? No wonder it doesn’t make a difference whether the victims were walking down the street or inside the compound because no matter what they were gonna be dead for Hillary and the White House, hence no help was sent. I’m sure Vince Foster wasn’t taking a walk at night in the park in Virginia where they found his body and I bet it made a difference to him. The park police found him, I believe. I read that the telephones the Benghazi attackers were stolen from the compound…I doubt it. Did they know each other’s phone numbers too? Did they know the passwords? Let’s get real.They were provided for the attackers to locate the intended victims using technology such as are in our cars. Just like the e-mails from and to Lois Lerner of the IRS  to the White House, the State Department, the Justice Department, and probably Secretary of Defense have disappeared into thin air because of a glitch. C’mon, are you kidding me? (Does the NSA have those e-mails? I’m sure they do.) Obama loves giving away telephones. Probably a reward for doing some of his dirty work alongside his wife. Where was Obama the night of Benghazi…we still don’t know and more than likely the trip to Nevada the next day for a fund raiser was a helpful part of his alibi.

Chelsea Clinton said that her dad told her to be a very good girl and do the right thing……do they know what the right thing is? To them the death of Vince Foster deserved to be covered up….is that right? Biting a woman’s lip to bleed after raping her was right for Bill Clinton. Writing a book about herself and claiming responsibility for Benghazi was the right thing to do for Hillary just like the rebel groups of Islam do all the time when they slaughter people. They love to claim responsibility. It’s not like they are very helpful when it comes time to tell the truth about the details and help in an investigations of their crimes which is just like HIllary. She is a thief and a liar. Oh and her financial woes after her White House tour are pitiful. She uses people for her own purposes which are not good and not right. I highly doubt Chelsea knows what is right any more than her parents. One thing for sure she should never wear those shiny leather pants again for any occasion. It isn’t right. Is that the kind of lesson her dad was talking about.

I think Hillary is way past her prime and should definitely not be even remotely a possibility for the Presidency. I think she is nuts as she showed at the hearings. I don’t like her yet I was embarraassed for her when she lost her composure at the hearing and of course it made me mad too, but it was a part of her coverup for the Obamas and for herself and those involved just like hiding the witnesses etc and everything else afterwards that has occurred. Even the shoe incident was embarrassing and what she said afterwards. Really dumb.

Woman Claims She Saw Missing Malaysian Air Flight While Sailing In Indian Ocean

“The more interesting observation Tee made was that the plane was not alone.

“There were two other planes well above it — moving the other way — at the time,” she said. “They had normal navigation lights. I remember thinking that if it was a plane on fire that I was seeing, the other aircraft would report it.”

Mystery disease turns Oregon’s sea stars to goo

“A mysterious disease that is turning sea stars to goo has taken off along the Oregon coast, with up to half or more of the creatures being infected in just the last few weeks, scientists say.”


Didn’t this occur last year as well?

ERIC CANTOR lost his election and I think it may have had to do with him being jewish possibly




That is what Islam wants and will destroy those that do eventually. IT’s tough not to compromise because it is easier to compromise but a losing tactic when it comes to Obama and ISLAM. Catholicism also compromises with Islam hence their natural inclination out of fear and because they think they can control Islam. Islam is death. Roman Catholicism is death and leads to death.

Compromise with Islam and Obama is death, plain and simple.








Anderson Cooper Decimates GOP Rep’s Anti-Gay Argument

I don’t trust psychiatrists, psychologists, or religiologists on this particular mindset. I think as long as they have the same rights as straight people then we are adhering to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.








For instance :

Romney backs fellow Republican Brown’s Senate run

in New Hampshire

Getting Brown in the Senate would be a good start. He is a very good choice and would serve the Senate well. He is very intelligent. well mannered, calm, sensible and sound in judgement

a genuine article.

He is reliable and a true statesman. I have watched him on the press and found him to be above the fray in politics and I like his style. He teaches by his behavior and knowledge when talking about issues that are on the forefront of the news and doesn’t play at it with illegitimate  issues using scare tactics and attention getting ploys by the likes of Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi and their lackeys.  He is definitely an asset to America and it’s politics. Far superior to the average politicians we seem to be overrun by in Washington DC. It would be nice to see some intelligence injected back into the Senate because it definitely is lacking..
















Three Ways Eric Cantor Ticked Off the Right









Catholic war on women using abortion. They think they are the moral authority so they use this weapon steadfastly.. Not realizing that using birth control is pretty much the same thing. But American Catholics don’t use the pill, IUD’s,  Rubbers, or even pull out early in intercourse do they? However their counterpart makes whores of women and children without remorse. NOW FOX  have caught on camera a woman that looks like a famous comedian attacking people who are anti abortion. It is the war on women because guess what men can’t have abortions. Catholicism and Obamaism will do anything to create doubts in people about their beliefs. They  love to make women doubt. They have done it in the past about many issues and will continue to do so because they are sore losers. They are a false religion and they can’t handle it that they were duped. It is like trying to put a vise on people even though they helped to make the world a bad place. Many shall come in my name: what are Hannities famous last words on his show. I don’t hate Hannity but he is deceived as well but at least he tries with many lapses of memory. I didn’t dupe ya Hannity, but your religion did. They don’t believe in forgiveness either unless you are Catholic and tow their lies and pay for indulgences and I ain’t buying it. Go sell your snake oil somewhere else.

Noah found grace/favor in God’s eyes. So Grace did not come from Bethlehem. If Jesus was born part man part God was it the side of man or the side of God in him that grace originated?

Think about it.

God forgave a lot of sin before Jesus came. The Hebrews were not perfect humans and even Moses sinned.

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DO Catholics ever read the Old Testament?

“Before Abraham was I AM.”

Roman Catholicism and Islam are drunk still on women and persecution.

It’s just a manly tool to create doubt in the believing women who have aborted/miscarried/birth controlled in the past to keep women down in their gutter.


I am the way the truth and the life.

I am the bread of life.

I am the door.

I am that I am.

I am the resurrection.



Hobby Lobby (one of my favorite stores)

Hobby Lobby doesn’t want to pay for abortions or contraception which they have the right given by the Supreme Court not to. I’m not afraid of their stance because they believe in the freedom to not buy it for women they hire. Taking away freedom of a group or a company is a trap by democrats to enforce their Health Care upon Americans which is also a trap.  The problem with dems is they don’t want to take responsibility for a terrible economy with a huge unemployment rate and the press hide the real stats about the economy so that  Rome can inflict their pain and persecute believers and those that don’t support their agenda. Used to be women could afford their own contraception because they had jobs and their husbands and boy friends or families had jobs that paid them enough to afford their own healthcare.The could also afford an abortion because they had a decent job. Healthcare has gotten very expensive because of the insurance business. It is like having to pay for indulgences to be forgiven for sins. If you cut out the middle man it should get less expensive for drugs and doctors and healthcare. It’s like cutting out the priest between man and God. But they found a new way to stick it to the population via Obama Care and joblessness. if they would or could or had the know how to make a good economy all of this controversy would be a moot point. But they don’t want to  because they might lose the vice they have on mankind. Government needs to  back off of businesses and all the regulations they inflict upon businesses especially small businesses and the self employed and hire Americans instead of people from other countries that don’t have citizenship and buy american products and lower taxes for companies and the population the economy would begin to blossom and eventually grow. Companies would not need to go overseas to compete against overseas companies. Instead dems want to inflict upon the population their doctors, their nurses, their judges, their ideology, their wind farms, their ridiculous regulations and their leaky ways to rob and steal from everyone else  to keep power and won’t take responsibility for  joblessness and a very very bad economy which they are responsible for. They want to trap people just to do it their way so they can be kings and it is making our economy to implode upon itself. They want government to pay for everything ….but we are a government of the people. They want to place their own people hence you cannot fire a teacher, a federal employee etc which is fascism. There is no movement in the economy of workers because they can’t be fired for doing a bad job. There is no reason for employees to behave correctly such as Lois Lerner. The reason for those stupid regulations is so they can get Amercans to pay for the  people they prefer that agree with their ideology by force. It is stifling to not be able to fire a bad employee. The reason it is that way in government is so they can control government and hence make it not of the people or by the people but of Rome and Islam. Sort of  polarizing. It’s a game they play at our expense. Nancy Pelosi knows it. Remember how she snookered everyone about Obama Care? She is an evil and ugly woman and a fascist at heart.

Boehner is right to say “when will Obama take responsibility for something” but on the other hand Boehner’s stifling religion of Roman Catholicism (which is also Islamic because they created the religion of Islam as a  force to punish the people. Their baby which seems to have overpowered many Roman Catholics) is part of the problem stealing/funneling tax dollars to attack Israel and to keep the economy their own device to persecute women, gays, gypsies and believers which is a disaster for a free people. And a disaster for everyone eventually. It is evident by the results we face today. It’s a silent killer because people are afraid to speak out against it even in our government.

It’s called Fascism.

On a personal note

If you would like to see my art work please visit:


Jury begins hearing Ventura’s defamation case

Fighting for the truth takes quite a bit of time and sometimes brings hardship. Jesse Ventura tried to question the Warren Commission and others who leaped at the chance to blame a single bullet from a window at the Book Depository in Dallas as the cause of JFK’s assassination when it was obviously a bullet fired by Jackie Kennedy at her husband sitting next to her. She also worked on the Warren Commission report. A drone a human drone which Obama and his ilk use quite often.

In the end those that attempt to find the truth and have the courage to investigate or report about convenient lies will be the winners. Doesn’t it seem like we are living through a ground hog day. I think so to help people wake up and to eventually get it right.

Some people anyway. There are some who are plain jane without conscience but is it any wonder in this world where the rights of parents are diminishing. I think those that try to find the truth do justice for their children and their future because of the verse in the bible about those that don’t care about the truth God says he will forget their children. Though our children are attacked in many ways by the force of evil somehow he hasn’t forgotten mine and he won’t forget yours if you start being a force for good and start to care about the truth and do something about it. And I don’t mean by eating lunches designed by Michelle Obama (what a waste of human flesh her BS she loves to dish out. Can anything be more ridiculous than her ridiculous battle to change public school lunches and probably intended to hurt many.) School leader complains about bake sale restrictions: We can’t fundraise ‘selling carrot sticks’… It is easy to be a coward as Obama’s friends know all to well.  In the end of life as we know it they will regret their ease with the deception that they help to prop up and advance. Probably turn into nuns, LOL.  The earth will not be destroyed but there is going to be a great upheaval which seems to be occurring more frequently.

I hope others do their part to do what is right and question evil and try to expose it. It is the duty of mankind to try. I think God expects it even though it is a great struggle.

Like I said Silence is not golden…..It is the lie of Rome to maintain their degradation of mankind using Islam, their Frankenstein (THEIR CREATION to appease evil) because misery loves company but it is coming home to them to roost.. Reminds me of the louse in the Liam Neeson movie Rob Roy who said Love is a dunghill, Betty, and I am but a cock who climbs upon it to crow who met his grisly end. Though fiction it is a great personification of man’s fight with evil forces that will overcome Rome and it’s evil friends. Course the movie depicted the evil of the rulers of England who seem to be compli-ant with Rome.

But it takes time.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, you know,

nor was Britain, for that matter.

Benghazi comes to mind as well as Camp Bastion recently;) where Brits had knowledge beforehand but didn’t bother to expose evil and Americans were killed.

However prophecy says in one hour Rome is destroyed. One hour is a ten year period that is experoenced with the beast and I believe we are in that hour near the end of that hour. So gear up the end of the Roman Empire including Roman Catholicism is very soon. Course one hour could literally mean 60 minutes and have two meanings as far as the ten toes time and the time it takes to destroy the Vatican and the Roman Empire. I assume though I don’t know probably includes the British empire that coexists and complies with Rome and I believe it includes Islam. So there is a lot of destruction about to occur . They can run but they can’t hide. It’s gonna happen because of AVARICE and DECEPTION and those who are a part of that deception will be destroyed;) by their own hand essentially. Pretty sad but there are some that will never try to do the right thing. How do I know that this is the hour? I don’t know but am suspicious because in that one hour are the ten toes. The ten toes are  the countries of ASEAN (islamic countries) who hate the woman (whoever that is) and want to burn her with fire. I think she is Rome but Rome wants the woman to be Israel. Could be Britain too. Because of the basis of the crown and the things foretold about the throne of England and it’s meaning. In any case it is foretold and I think the starting period may have been 2005 with the formation of a world government with teeth espoused by Pope Benedict and the countries of the UN. There are certain clues about it but I will not include them in this post except for a few because I have already written about it in many other posts that are linked on Merangue’s Blog. So ten years from 2005 is 2015 or early 16 depending on a few facts and that last 6 month period. Pope Benedict was elected as Pope in April of 2005. He visited Israel in 2009. He was born in an INN in Marktl am Inn, Germany. Jesus was born in a stables, and this guy was born in an inn. Course if you anagram where Pope Benedict was born and anagram where Jesus of the Gospel of Matthew was born it is kind of interesting. Jesus was born in a manger …german…etc. because there was no room at the Inn. A HUGE SIGN PROPHETICALLY. Pope Benedict also was born with the name Ratzinger…not a good sign either. And of course there is the Benedict Arnold who was an american general who defected to the British. HIs choice of names and symbols are also interesting which I wrote about in a few posts which can be found on Merangue’s site. Some funny kind of comparisons in a way. G8 meeting in Aquila was in 2009. Which may have something to do with the “seventh and of the eighth” prophecy in regards to the anti Christ. He resigned in Feb. 2013.  He said he would still be around (not sure if that was a threat or a warning.) He was a nazi in his youth though not sure that was his fault. He called for a world government with teeth in 2012 which is his fault and so did Al Gore with their new enlightenment…Global warming and world government and it is working so well, isn’t it?

Pope Francis is trying to protect the rainforest now which has been Prince Charles fettish for quite a while.

In any case, earthly things are culminating very quickly in regards to revelation.

I think probably Pope Benedict’s  election is the date to add ten years to get that hour (which is ten years) but I could be wrong but that would mean big changes in 2015 and I think the end of Roman Catholicism and Islam. I’m not a prophet but have done my homework in regards to prophecy and study of the bible comparatively to the ordinary priest and extraordinary priest who never compared the bible gospels, but instead magnified it’s agreement which, of course, isn’t true.

Another sign: Nine years ago Israel turned over the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians and it became a fortress of terror soon after. SO I don’t think much time left of that 10 year period. 

And another sign:

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But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet,
 standing where 

it ought not,

(let him that readeth understand,)
then let them that be in Judæa flee to the mountains:

There Obama stands where

he ought not to have stood!

It is self evident.


‘I,’ ‘Me,’ ‘My’—Obama Uses First Person Singular

199 Times in Speech Vowing Unilateral Action

How many signs does one need?

Do you know why it stood in front of the Lincoln Memorial on Martin Luther King day.

 I think because it thinks it is God

and because of what Jesus said that upset everyone in Jerusalem at the time:

Before Abraham was I AM.

Do you understand?

Abraham was about to kill his own son and instead was able to use a ram/lamb (not sure which because of the language barrier between Asia and the West r’s and l’s and not sure it matters whether it had horns or not but it was provided to be in place of whatever sin was being covered for and I don’t think it was just to test Abraham to see if he would kill his own son because God asked him to because God knew what Abraham would do and didn’t need to test Abraham since he had a relationship already, but more of a shadow of things to come or demonstration of forgiveness and how bad sin is and the atonement of it as was done and that God provided it, I think) he found on Mt. Moriah and they didn’t have dna tests back then so Sarah’s hand maid who had a child might not have been Abraham’s son (not like she married Abraham) but still was given hope for a great nation when she was ousted from Abrahams tribe because of the jealousy between the women because both women were put into a hard position whether by a mistake by Sarah, or misbehavin’ by the hand maid who became that because of the taking of Sarah earlier on but received freedom from her first master via that whole thing that happened because Sarah was pretty for her age and women weren’t exactly treated right back then nor were their male relatives and whether because of  misfortune or bad intentional intervention she was blessed as well when she left which should be a sign not to be jealous (it’s pretty involved but humans do have a tendency to get entangled in drama LOL) , and because of the book of Exodus during which God introduces himself to Moses who introduces to the Hebrews (* who seemed convinced as if they knew his name) and the Pharaoh (who resists doing the right things quite a few times but meets his end eventually and isn’t convincible and FULL OF PRIDE) and frees the slaves and gives the Ten Commandments to Moses.

Trying to act like it cares about freedom when we all know it doesn’t because it is INSANE and EVIL. Martin Luther King cared, Lincoln cared, I think JFK cared when some black leaders were killed. Obama only CAIRS about its deceptions and its lies. That is all that it has done since it took office.  

But I’ll even add a couple more interesting facts:

Do you recall what Bill Clinton said on the campaign trail before the second term? One was about lying. Why would you vote for a man who repeatedly……lies to you……? etc and then the other was about a cookie jar and he said  “Boy I am in trouble.”

Do y0u recall the gift Obama gave to Pope Benedict when he met him the first time around at the G8 meeting in Aquila Italy? A mantel of a religious leader of a particular Christian religion. Now why would  a President be giving the mantle of a religious leader to the Pope? Does that make any sense? As if that religious leader had been overcome somehow. THis may have to do with the event where Pope Benedict met with a bunch of CHRISTIAN FAITH LEADERS WHO CAME TO KISS HIS RING. Perhaps the mantle was one of the religious leaders that didn’t bow down to the POT POURRI in ROME.

And of course the Pope  trying to force the  Neocatechumenal Way upon the Japanese Catholics and their resistance to it hoping to delay it by 5 years because of the rise in suicides and their concern that the Catechumenal WAY was harmful to it’s people and then the big earthquake and tsunami hit Japan creating a big human and earthly disaster and Franklin?Billy Graham?BGEA came to the rescue because he and his dad are the demolition men because of the money (I’m sure) and Obama said another was on it’s way in a message to someone on the internet. Do you remember that?

Do you recall the broken bones Janet Neopolitano, Hillary Clinton, Pope Benedict (his arm broke while attempting to take a bath which was also prophetic) and Harry Reid’s car braking down on the highway and his bruised cheek with a 2 year gap I think inbetween? The French leader also received a broken bone. The Argentinian leader had a head injury of some kind after refusing to dine with the Obama’s. Hillary had a head problem when she was supposed to testify. Sen Inouye dying right before their trip to Hawaii after the Hurricane Sandy that struck New Jersey and after Benghazi to make their




bruised reed shall he not breakand the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth.
Granted REID and REED are spelled differently but they sound the same.
These are a few of those very interesting facts that don’t bode well for the Obama’s!

The gift given to Ghadaffi the leader of Libya and his death soon after  Maybe with 2 year gap in between. I think he was beaten to death. A car company with a lot of problems. Now why would a President be giving an American company to a leader in the ‘middle east’? id he need the use of some car for some reason.

What was the prophecy about steps? 

Libya and Ethiopia will be at his steps and Egypt shall not escape.

The boot of Rome and EUROPE sits right above these countries like steps.

But the prophecy says he so that wouldn’t count because Obama is an it not a he.

Of course Michelle’s cheek implant surgery and other things around the time of Benghazi where the man with the syringe and arms at Benghazi looks like Michelle with a swollen face with out a wig. Then she went with bangs for a while probably to enhance the difference.

Mom of Murdered Obama Gay Lover Speaks Up

Remember that infamous interview with  Michelle Obama who said that she had been a single mom in an interview but that Obama was there *meaning at the White House, I assume) and he was saying there is no there there in regards to the Benghazi set up yet supposedly those children of Michelle’s are Obama’s girls by Michelle but then she was a single mom so that was a bit strange.  The interview had to do with the girl that was shot in Chicago at a park and was not the intended victim of the gang shooting but she died. Her name was Hadiya Pendleton 15 years old. She had been at the White House in the choir at the inauguration ceremony at the White House and soon after she was shot in Chicago. The Obamas were trying to get the gun laws changed at the time as well and made many appearances about it and all the other hoaxes. This is a hoax as well, I think. Michelle has said we have to save our children often. I think she is covering up for their abduction.

There is a saying in the bible in the Gospel of Matthew where “Two woman will be grinding at the mill and one shall be taken and one shall be left”

 SHE WAS TAKEN…..not killed. Stolen. For her good looks. I’m sure Obama noticed her. I’m sure Michelle noticed Obama noticed.

I have hence seen her in a book for sale on Amazon. I’ll get back with you to show you the other side of the story when I can find my book which disappeared but I can also just buy it again. I’ll photo it and then let you be the judge. I could be wrong of course but when I saw the picture I was amazed at how much she resembled Hadiya Pendleton. SO when I can I will include the picture when I am able to reattain the book or tell you that I was wrong when the time comes because at this time that being one of my favorite books is missing. Anyway in the book it says “you’re playing with fire.” I think it is her. One of the ladies that supposedly died at the Boston Marathon was a next door neighbor of mine a while back. I recognized her. So I haven’t checked to see if she is still around but it is her face. Another girl was a witness of the Sandy Hook Elementary who had a problem with her tongue a bunch and I knew her in my youth. So lots of shenanigans going on and it may have something to do with me because of my posts and possibly offending some religious ducks, nuts and loons. Lots of deceptive stuff going on so is it any wonder? Funny thing is I’m not trying to deceive anyone. I have nothing to gain by doing so in fact if anything I have had to take some rare and unusual discrimination and abuse for telling what I thin I know and what I think I see besides my comparisons of the gospels and my conclusions about the JFK assassination which is pretty evident if you have an understanding of the religious goings on at the time and get in close and start to put it together. But now I see why my life was not a piece of cake. I have been waylaid, abused, deceived, pushed around, and persecuted. It is definitely self evident. These religious groups most of them are really nasty people and have succumbed to evil for numerous reasons along with their powerful friends. Believe me when I say THEY DO NOT BELIEVE the truth or believe that it matters, but lately I have noticed them kind of shivering like Bill Clinton on that cold day he was campaigning for the Obama’s.

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Hadiya Pendleton Shooting Death: Chicago Teen’s Slaying Strikes A Chord Nationwide

So child trafficking may be Michelle and Barack Obama’s business for probably some rich cats in arab countries, more than likely.



The heel episonde photo op of Obamaa heels on the desk with Netanyahu on the phone  prophetically:

Obama showed a photographer the soles of his shoes while talking with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the phone in 2009, offending many in Israel

Obama showed a photographer the soles of his shoes while talking with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the phone in 2009, offending many in Israel

Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted up his heel against me.
I speak not of you all: I know whom I have chosen: but that the scripture may be fulfilled, He that eateth bread with me hath lifted up his heel against me.
I WONDER WHO PROVIDED DRONE WAEPONRY TO HAMAS? I don’t really wonder it’s pretty obvious who did.

Israel says it’s downed drone along southern coast

They think the drones came from Iran from what I gather and have heard on the news. Who has a bad habit of using drones….OBAMA. He may have provided the drones to Iran or the Gaza. Drones were used at Benghazi and a lot of other places that Ran Paul spoke out against at least being used in our country. Many have been speaking out about drones in lots of places all over the world and I think they are complaining about American drones partially because of the death toll and some innocents losing their lives and I thought that was what drone usage and it’s proliferation was meant to prevent.  I were Israel I would try to figure out who made it. Obama may be using drones for his own purpose to blackmail anyone that gets in his way. I remember he had some interesting things to say about some families of Europeans in a threateningly kind of way I think to get them in line and there was a few years back a massacre of a bunch of kids in Europe at a camp somewhere. And as I recall he threatened the families of European bigwigs after that but somehow these kids died before that. Somehow using time for nefarious reasons. Which reminds me of this airliner that was just shot down is Malaysian 777 just like the one that disappeared recently and never was found. I don’t think when we say drones we ought to limit its capacity because I think there are a lot of human drones walking around as well. Like Jackie Kennedy and Nellie Connally were drones/assassins in the car with their husbands. I do know that drone usage occurs even as small as a cockroaches in the military for spying purposes. I saw a report about it. Dolphins have been used to lay mines and dismantle them by the Navy. I think drone usage is way more sophisticated than most believe and can even spy on the population via plain old bugs like the kind that look like sticks. etc. The mass movement on the border may involve drone usage as well to lay down some nasty sicknesses. The drone doesn’t necessarily know that they are the problem either but assist because they are under the control of something or another. And if the Israelis do figure out where it came from ought to figure who made it and destroy their capability. Most people that live in Gaza are dirt poor so it is their leaders that cause their own peoples demise using the Palestinians as they would a  cockroach because the respect them so much.

Last year and the year before when Obama was trying to disarm the public there sure were a lot of explosions at plants around the USA that produced bullets and things having to do with making incendiaries such as fertilizer plants. The one in Texas was quite large and on the east coast there was another big explosion I doubt they were accidental and many people were killed and lost their homes. He didn’t ask the people to leave ahead of time either to give them fair warning. He let them die a horrible death and he is their President like the Hamas would do. Also the rebuilding on the coast of New Jersey sort of got a bad turn and had to be rebuilt again. I think someone said that they saw something that didn’t look normal before the fires. I think the same probably in the fires in Arizona and California. And I just can’t forget about those storm chasers in Oklahoma who may have witnessed something like storm seeders. A few of them died like some of the fire fighters in Arizona who got trapped while fighting fires for others. I bet the saw something too that made them undesirable in a unilateral sort of way.

Israel's Netanyahu says Gaza offensive

Israel’s Netanyahu says Gaza offensive “may take a long time”

He looks different than normal. He acts it too when in interview with Brit Hume. Sluggish and not the same personality in total. Very slow. HMMMMMM

He looks more like the politician that just went to prison recently in Israel for bribery or something like that. Not the same man I remember in his speech at the UN and other times. Totally drugged or something. Netanyahu was and probably still is definitely more energetic, decisive, strong, stately and smarter/quicker, like a leader than what I just witnessed. This replica though I don’t know how Olmert acted or spoke isn’t Netanyahu. I do remember well Netanyahu. And that little act with Fox News and Brit Hume was not Netanyahu. This happened before at the wall where our press or someone tried to fool the press by imitating Netanyahu.. Plus Netanyahu has bigger forehead as I recall and isn’t so thin. NO offense.

And I got the message loud and clear via Netanyahu that it wasn’t him. Thank you. I really do appreciate it’)

I think what may be occurring is the future really does belong to those that reject Islam and their profit/prophet

and the others fell backwards because they are backwards…like in the dark ages.

Either Olmert got out of prison earlier or something weird happened …probably Obama happened or Olmert was trying to hold down some indigestion like a burp.

Honestly that was bad acting.

Yep I think in reality it is Ehud Olmert or a copy of him who was charged with bribery. Good try. I ain’t buying it. Thanks but no thanks you can swallow now.

Listen I have watched Netanyahu for years and have always taken pride in his demeanor and his stand. I know about his brother who also was very decisive and I know that he doesn’t act like that or ever has. It’s not his style. He may be thoughtful but I think whoever played him was over thinking it. LOL


I think this was in response to my denial about Obama funding Iron Dome and 2 days later or so Netanyahu comes out  thanking Obama for the Iron Dome that Kelly of the Kelly File claimed and I challenged? C’mon let’s get real. The timing is too too too much, don’t y a think? LOL




Haven’t heard a peep out of Ehud Barack!

Here is Obama at Petra a big fortress that many thought would be the hiding place for Christians when tribulation occurs. It s a place that is carved out of a mountain. Here is OBAMA visiting Petra with force last time he went to Israel. Was he just checking to see Petra as a tourist with heavy arms? Why not just get a pope mobile. I guess Michelle isn’t really the only person who should bear arms after all. Anyway it seems a bit heavy duty armory…….even more heavy than the Secret Service, doesn’t it? More like war type arms.

Maybe his timing is off kilter!

SO as usual the press isn’t being honest like they weren’t about Benghazi and still aren’t, or about the hoaxes such as Sandy Hook Elementary massacre and the many other hoaxes since Benghazi. They are in essence working with Obama not being a watchdog as the press is supposed to be to keep this President honest but he has never had to worry about that. The workers for these stations and the press are here to soak the public for a big paycheck and so are most of it’s guests. Like Hollywood.

I don’t see why an interview with Benjamin Netanyahu would need to be scripted if something weren’t terribly wrong. We shall see. FACE THE NATION IS A CBS NETWORK WHEREAS BRIT HUME IS A FOX NETWORK COLLABORATOR BUT I DON’T KNOW HOW FAR UP THAT GOES. Because of our oil dependency  and pure greed  (because we could be independent if we wanted to be independent  oil wise) newspapers were owned by Islamic nations so I would not be surprised if it is the same with the television and internet news. 

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Former Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert

given 6 years in prison for taking bribes

Hey Brit how did you get your start? Was it a cigar that got  you going?

For Greta it was a murder trial that went awry.

Strange beginnings, huh.

Last year or two years ago she tried to free a marine from Mexico who subsequently was the weatherman on Fox for a few days acting very silly strange (he was an actor) and now she is trying to free a marine from Mexico but he looks very different. I wonder if he too will be a weatherman on Fox for a few days. This marine  divulged more information even in jail about his injuries etc and supposedly had PTSD yet if yu ask me he seems quite measured and in sound mind even tempered  for the circumstances he is in etc

Could the marine held in Mexico be why Obama doesn’t want to visit the border? A moat or a mote of some kind? I do know the marine was able to get himself into solitary confinement and in a better prison situation which was quite an amazing feat as was his attempted escape which was pretty impressive. Why Mexico won’t release him is really fanatical but their lawless government is quite disreputable and must be under the influence of Roman Catholic Jesuity types. I wonder what they are afraid of? Their prisoner? I hope he gets released because he obviously didn’t mean to even be in Mexico. What a travesty and illustrates Mexico’s lawless nature. I don’t think in a year or two Mexican leaders and their military will be laughing/snickering then. I doubt they believe it but they will soon and will regret their nature. Sometimes that kind of indifference isn’t cured and instead have to pay the price with their own destruction by their own hand like is occurring in Gaza lately. It almost seems as if the first marine that was released was a facsimile of this marine and making fun of him in their depiction and in their subsequent weather report. It is rather perplexing to be sure especially when this kind of junk is occurring. Kind of like that adage what came first: the chicken or the egg.

The strange 2 year gap-2 and a half year gap seems to be the time involved in these Ground hog times to educate …..IN MY OPINION those that are unknowledgeable about the bible and as a witness against the OBAMAs as was the man dragged around at Benghazi.
It sure seems like Obama has been in office longer than he has probably because so much bad shit has happened and it is hard to digest in one’s mind and I think God gives us time because He cares and knows it is hard for mankind to digest so much crap all at once. I really believe God is trying to reach us and help us to remember and put it together and take courage and stand up like men and women should for instance, Sarah Palin calling for impeachment when no men in our government
seems to have the courage to do what is right except for a few who have tried and are trying Trey Goudy for one, and a Texas Senator who pissed off the Tea Party Ted Cruz who gave a great speech with those unforgettable words “I don’t like green eggs and ham, Sam, I AM” until he got a bit way laid in Iowa by those FAITH LEADERS who more than likely kissed the Pot Pourri’s ring Roman Catholic religion who launder money gotten illegally. And another time by a motorcycle gang and a Cruz car being forced to run a motorcycle down and beaten up and hopefully will be able to stand up again and rise to the occasion. Not sure what that was about the motorcycle gang but I too know some Cruzes very personally so it may have to do with that but it was reported on Fox news and never heard much about it again until I saw a little girl running out  of a mall in Mali. And then all the false events that have occurred since Benghazi just to cover it up.
“Many shall be offended in me” which I believe has to do with the Covenant with Many of the Synoptic Gospels but not in the gospel of John.
And there is a false covenant that occurs and is spoken of in the bible which should alert the average christian
that may be just maybe they are mixed up with a bunch of nuts and loons such as SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY and those in our government who are undermining it to destroy Israel and America and the world because they aren’t the CHOSEN People and they are jealous but instead of doing what is right and being truthful would rather make a big mess. Pride goeth before a fall and it is FFFFAAAAAllllllllIIIINNNNGGGG. It’s called Replacement Theology.
During the JFK assassination and it’s aftermath the reporters and the State Department called that event THE FALLING AWAY!
“I’m not Trying to Hurt you, baby, I’m Just trying to work you!”
Congress is as slow as molasses but grinds away at it because the Obamas have surrounded themselves with agents of ISLAM and the VATICAN. Maybe that has to do with the smoking flax that is unquenched in the prophecy of Matthew and Isaiah above.

There are certain places I would just as soon not live and that is New York or Rome or London. However I have no idea if that is reasonable. LOL Definitely no where near any Islamic country because they are not going to be a problem anymore by the end of that period. I don’t think Washington DC will be around either especially if they don’t get wise and stand up and quit appeasing evil. Anyway it will certainly be an interesting year or two. If I were in government such as the House of Representatives or the Senate I would head to their home states and weather it out pretty soon. Obama is not worthy of attention and can’t extort money if you don’t let him and staying in your state would help in that regard. No point in dealing with him If I were working at the Pentagon I would consider quitting and going home to weather it out. You forfeited and squandered  your power to evil protecting evil by your actions in the middle east for access to oil and for the money which you had in your own country and lost your sensibilities and are incapable of altering the future because you blew it. and have been infiltrated by traitors who are allied with England, Rome, and Saudi Arabia and because you ignored the signs and didn’t believe.

Jonah Goldberg is against Impeachment and he says rightly so. He is absolutely wrong and is deceived and deceiving of course because that is what happens when you are deceived you become a deceiver..

Son of Jonas do you love me more than these?

John 21:15-19

15 So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs. 16 He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep. 17 He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep. 18 Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When thou wast young, thou girdedst thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not.19 This spake he, signifying by what death he should glorify God. And when he had spoken this, he saith unto him,

Follow me.

The 9-11’s ought to have been a signs, but instead were used as an excuse.

The Obamas will be destroyed ….and never will be heard from again pretty soon. He laughs and plays pool but he doesn’t know his own end and his limitations because he is insane and so is Michelle. They are not seeing the “writing on the wall.” and “are found to be wanting” that is why they want more money for a crisis they created to protect themselves from justice such as Benghazi and regardless it will come for thee.

His space/time is shrinking and like the witch in the Wisard of Oz,  Barack Obama and Michelle will experience a melt down.

In a way they are already showing signs

that they are having a melt down:

Bergdahl’s mother



and school lunches.


I think Obama is afraid to go to the border yet says it is stronger than ever. I think he knows something is there that he doesn’t want to witness which might affect him.

I wonder what that is?

Obama Visits Texas, but Not Mexican Border

Illegals Continue To Walk All Over Obama, Now With Obama-Themed Shoes [PHOTOS]

INTERESTING. Maybe this is what that is – the reason he is afraid to go to the border. Once upon a time people put a quarter or a dime in their shoe just in case they needed to make a phone call but that doesn’t seem to be why a picture of Obama would be in their shoe. More like a photo id for some strange reason perhaps so they might know who they are ……. Well, I’ll leave that blank and to the imagination.

Heel, toe, heel, toe etc


Otherwise he would be heading that way to make another photo op but instead he plays pool and laughs about whatever makes him laugh which usually is in his madness. I have noticed his descent off of planes on the tarmac his legs seem to be getting weirder looking. Reminds me of how Juan Williams walks. Kind of like the crooked old man. Very primitive looking….hmmmmm. His gums are receding as well as you can see in the picture above in this post. I think his body is falling apart a little here and a little there. Tsk Tsk.

I’m Melting! – The Wizard of Oz

How do I know the immigration crisis is a Roman Catholic ploy ….because Pope Benedict said he wanted “a world without borders.”  He is involved and so is the Roman church as well as Obama and his administration. The 1995 starting point of the ten years hour period started (I think also besides ASEAN, the ten toes) with the visit to Israel by Pope Benedict and his shocking yet well received wish for a one world government with teeth and a one world religion and finance with them in charge of course.  Gore also wanted the same. The Gore followers Global warming/Climate Change/ soon to be Global Cooling scare mongers the sky is falling chickens actually are followers of Islam and Catholicism they just don’t realize it and are being used for their numbers to help Rome and Islam the ones that will imprison them, judge them, kill them, rob them, abuse them etc. The idea originated in Rome because they have weapons that actually have caused that kind of reaction to the atmosphere that they took advantage of using HAARP and other  installations to heat the atmosphere with microwaves. All Al Gore did was take off with the idea he knew would be supported by Rome and profited by it like a profiteer would. It’s kind of a classic turnabout that the ones that don’t believe would follow Rome and Islam and not realize it. Reminds me of the people that flog themselves. So it is a religion in a way …a false one again and another road that leads to Rome. How does it feel to support Rome and Islam? Does it cause any kind of remorse. It ought to. The bible says to come out of her my people so that you don’t PARtake of her sins meaning Rome, giving clues in Revelation about their dress: the purple and red ones (the cardinals) and the bishops (the ones that wear purple).. Doesn’t that convince you it is the Vatican that is the cause of that remark in Revelation? It ought to unless you have lost your marbles. There isn’t anything they can do to avoid their end even though they try hard to confuse…..IT IS COMING REGARDLESS OF BOEHNER AND ALL THE OTHER AGENTS OF DECEPTION> YOU CAN”T STOP IT NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO:) MIGHT AS WELL TRY TO DO WHAT IS HONEST BECAUSE YOU MAY NOT HAVE MUCH TIME LEFT AND THEN WHAT WILL YOU DO WHEN YOUR TIME RUNS OUT? WHAT YOU GONNA SAY TO GOD THEN? HMMM? OBAMA SHOULD BE IMPEACHED WITHOUT QUESTION AND YOU THINK AN ELECTION WILL MAKE THE DIFFERENCE..



ASEAN and the nations included are the same that the plane disappeared and was not found but heard pinging for a while recently near the time that Michelle went to China to play ping pong!


 Just because someone dies doesn’t mean their purpose and their efforts are gone forever. I have been helped greatly by a few people who have died in some great ways. They aren’t gone they are still around and they are trying to help us and themselves on the other side. I’ve witnessed it personally quite a bit and has really been a great help to me. We are not alone.

I hope people start to notice and listen making good sound judgements as to who might be trying to influence them. There is good and there is evil.

Didn’t Jesus die? Didn’t he say he was the resurrection? Actually He said, “I AM the resurrection”

in the Gospel of John when He raised Lazarus.

Sarah Palin on why it’s time to impeach President Obama

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 Republicans need to act like Republicans.

And not listen to Eric Holder who has been a Shuck and Jive Chump for the DECEIVER:

OBAMA who can’t and doesn’t know how to speak truthfully because he is the biggest LIAR I have ever witnessed.

If people want to believe in Obama, why would he lie to you if he is to be believed? Even BILL CLINTON SAID SO. OBAMA is a FAKE, A COPY CAT, IMITATOR meaning he apes what he thinks will make you believe him and the FATHER OF LIES: THE DEVIL DID ENTER THE VATICAN AND IT WAS OBAMA. IMO




BY THE WAY It doesn’t say just the USA or ISRAEL it says the EARTH



Revelation 12:12-17

12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.”

The Woman Persecuted

13 Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male Child. 14 But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent. 15 So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood. 16 But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth.17 And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.[a]

Ignoring the witness at Benghazi won’t make it go away. So those that do shorten their own time and space while those that don’t ignore prolong their time and space.

As for me I’m going long!

 Doesn’t it seem like people are dying like flies that is because Obama is the lORD OF THE FLIES. That in itself ought to scare the crap out of everyone on earth because it may be you next. Anyway the followers of oBAMA follow him because he stinks to high heaven and they like that. They love his f-lies.

Obama’s lawless buddy Eric Holder is only a maggot SLOTH.

Holder sees ‘racial animus’ in opposition

Probably had just looked in the mirror!

White House contests subpoena of top Obama political aide




I think the act was to protect the fact that federal employees are union members because they can’t be fired and are working for a foreign country and for another  countries purposes so that American wouldn’t figure it out and they made this so they would not expose themselves so we would not find out. What difference otherwise would it make who they showed support for in a free country?.

Methane explosion? Meteorite crater? Scientists baffled by gigantic 262ft hole that has appeared at Siberia’s ‘End of The World’

Journey to ‘the end of the Earth’ finds giant crater

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The article says that it definitely wasn’t cause by a meteorite twice. What about the meteorite that hit russia a few years back. Looks like water down in that hole. Perhaps it was a comet that hit which are made of ice, at least I thought they were.  IT was either a piece of a comet or a meteorite that hit russia around the time that the vacation cruise liners had some problems I think it was Carnival cruise line. Don’t you remember? I remember.

They just forgot that they had found it in the winter sometime or other which I doubt they will tell us. Looks like a fishing hole.

Russian meteorite crash

There was a storm on the sun called a Coronal something or other that happened near the and of 2012 in July scientists are saying.

Here are but a few pictures of american meteor striked areas and they sure look like the one in Russia that scientists say is caused by changing temperature? C’mon: two years ago or maybe just a year ago there was a strike from space and everyone ought to remember that. This is what they look like:

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The reason for the dirt around the crater in Russia is the area next to it was dug up to pile up the dirt around the crater in Russia to cover up that a meteor strike actually occurred as you can see by the video included tries to not show. Maybe they were trying to fill in the hole or make it look like an explosion from beneath caused by methane gas because of climate change but on the left side at the bottom of the video you can see there is renovation occurring next to it that is why there is exposed dirt in the video and not green grass.. SO if you watch the video pay attention to that part of the video. 266 feet is nothing compared to what is in New Mexico and Arizona obviously. Icy weather and snow may have made the difference in Russia as to how it reacted with its terrain either that or something was shot down from space and exploded in Russia. It was when the Carnival cruise liner had major trouble and there was no water to help with the passengers OR WS IT THE ROYAL CARIBEAN CRUISE LINER ANYWAY THEY DIDN’T GET HELP TO THE PASSENGERS FOR A LONG TIME AND THEY COULDN’T WASH UP OR AND HAD TO POOP OUTSIDE THEIR ROOMS for so long and Jay Carney was lying a whole bunch about something or other ….probably Benghazi and trying to cover it up because at that time people were curious about it. I KNOW THERE WAS ANOTHER BIG CRUISE LINER THAT HAD MAJOR TROUBLE BUT THE RESCUE WAS QUICK COMPARATIVELY AND ABOUT A YEAR APART. Anyway there is a build up of dirt around the crater in these pictures also and over time wind and weather smoothed out the dirt on the sides ….who knows for sure especially if they are trying to cover it up like Benghazi, but it ain’t a methane explosion from beneath caused by global warming that’s for sure. I think it was part of a comet. Also was around the time that Senator  Marco Rubio had a glass of water and was kind of clumsy about that water during his speech for the Republicans State of the Union response to Obamas State of the Union address in February 2013 OR RATHER 2012 which he had a hard time talking because his throat was dry and then so did Sean Hannity afterwards on his show in response to the water fiasco by Rubio to help him out (which wasn’t that big of a deal and was funny. Everyone knows the feeling I’m sure) and everyone made jokes about it.

I found the articles in another post

The Execution of Benghazi

It’s a doozy and real long because it just grew really quickly which is typical of the Obama Administration but it was around the time Dorner was surrounded and died and lots of other things that might help people refresh their memories about what was occurring at the time of those signs from space.

Here is the specific articles about the asteroid and the meteor at that time:

Football-field-sized asteroid buzzes past the Earth

Meteor strike injures hundreds in central Russia


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A BIG SIGN!!!!! The big sign is not the water fiasco WHICH COINCIDED WITH THE CRUISE LINER THAT HAD A VERY SLOW RESCUE, but the thing in the sky everyone witnessed that flew into Russia WHICH LOOKED LIKE A SHOOTING STAR. Like the four BLOOD red moons this year and the next on certain days that are biblically significant and are BIG SIGNS of tribulation and of course BENGHAZI occurred around then as well whether in real time or not and no one knows where Obama or Michelle were at the time but photographs reveal she was there with arms A BIG GUN and Obama did talk about her arms and no one is telling the truth about it either or even bringing it up.

But Benghazi was in September  2011 and the State of the Union Address was in Feb. the year of 2012 that this occurred. Right? Not 2013.

However Putin did say it was a set up of some kind in his geese stunt. Was he lying? OR JUST TRYING TO MIX SOMEONE UP. THAT WAS SEPT 5TH 2012 WHICH WAS BEFORE BENGHAZI SUPPOSEDLY ON SEPTEMBER 11TH 2012.



On the evening of September 11, 2012, Islamic militants attacked the American diplomatic compound in BenghaziLibya, killing U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith.[6] Stevens was the first U.S. Ambassador killed on duty since 1979.[7]










• The Affordable Care Act was signed into law toreform the health care industry by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010 and upheld by the supreme court on On June 28, 2012.





The man at Benghazi being dragged around who is not Ambassador Chris Stevens is the WITNESS AGAINST ISLAM and the UN SPEECH by OBAMA shortly after in 2011 about the future not belonging to those that insult Mohammad the profit of ISLAM because I assume Obama was insulted since he gave his motive at the UN a little afterwards to scare and to intimidate those around him making an excuse of Benghazi making little of it ie making light of it as he does about everything that has gone awry in the US LIKE GOING TO LAS VEGAS TO RAISE MONEY THE DAY AFTER BENGHAZI









 The report I just saw on the news tag beneath the live show says that the planes was 25 miles from the Russian border so does that mean it wasn’t even in Russia’s air space but still in the Ukraine air space or 25 miles inside Russia ?  Dem’s are gearing up for a conflict though, it seems before they should be since we don’t know yet how the plane was shot downed but they say that Russia got the black box and are saying it is a coverup. Strange to say the least but maybe it isn’t what it seems. I think it may be another deadly diversion for Obama.

McCain just said that this missile they assume hit the plane was not a usual shoulder to target  kind of missile (forgot the term he used just heard the term which is surface to air missiles) and those that use it would have to have been trained. He said Russia trained them. Who might I ask trained the pilots to fly planes that were used to fly into the Twin Towers in New York City? America trained those pilots and that is not good enough proof. I think we better hold on to our britches and be patient instead of going half cocked. Remember McCain’s support of the Muslim Brotherhood coup in Egypt? Why would anyone trust him now? So a new twist on this event because that would mean America is responsible for the plane missiles that struck the Twin Towers since we trained them which is so Obama -eeeee to twist this around for a diversion while he goes fund raising.

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Before the first Malaysian airplane went down China was being pressured (but I can’t remember why) but I think it was by Europe and Rome. A couple days later Michelle went to China with her mom and kids and played ping pong while everyone was looking for the pings of the black box. Then there is this article which seems to indicate that the Malaysian airplane went down in China. So we may not be getting the real story whatsoever. I do know that when the Ukraine change of government was going on Sheppard Smith seemed to know more than he should and usually when a country is taken over by another country especially in a communist country they don’t allow a foreign news program to have free access to film it’s takeover or it’s troops. . Putin isn’t that dumb is he?  SInce when has Putin been so blaze about the press in his part of the world? I don’t think he ever has allowed the US press that much freedom to say what they want to say etc. But in any case I thought Sheppard Smith said some weird stuff then when the Ukraine was going through it’s coup and the leader of the Ukraine disappeared with lots of money. Maybe he was on the Malaysian airline that disappeared and this one since it seems to be the same and maybe the pilots took down the plane with it’s passengers asleep (it was night and they might have been gassed or denied oxygen going to high in altitude as they did in the first incident in ordet to steal the money and down the plane) and ejected from the plane after taking the money from this leader of the Ukraine. So I don’t think America ought to take this news or that news so naively since Sheppard Smith was involved. He isn’t the most sensitive guy as far as giving a crap about truth or people getting hurt. “Now look who’s on top of the world” I wrote a bit about it in another post on one of my blogs. He is a charlatan, a creep, and a peeping tom;) Barack Obama went to raise funds after hearing the news for two different events as he did after Benghazi in Las Vegas. Sounds like the same kind of attitude about money which seems to be all that matters to Obama, doesn’t it? Yea the Malaysian airliner went down probably FO THE MONEY and for some kind of revenge more than likely. Like immigration reform and the crisis on the border trying to extort from Americans 3.6 billion dollars. I don’t think Obama cares about reform or the child immigrants. DO YOU THINK HE DOES? And I think ROME is involved as well because of the pressure on China and if I were Israel I would be wary what the money is going to be used for such as Hamas type weapons.

The Vatican is involved I kid you knot.

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Passenger posted joke about plane disappearing

as he boarded jet

It seems like Obama is paying back Putin for his geese stunt to relate that Benghazi was a set up. What do you think?

Secretary General of the UN Bank Ki-moon says he wants a “TRANSPARENT” International imvestigation. Something like that but the word TRANSPARENT was used and is getting a bit old ISN’t IT? Does that sound familiar? Why does everything have to be TRANSPARENT. WITHOUT SUBSTANCE ….IT IS GETTING WEIRDER AND WEIRDER. HOW ABOUT THE TRUTH. A TRUTHFUL INVESTIGATION BUT IT SEEMS LIKE THAT IS A BAD WORD TO EVERYONE. SO CLICHE USING THAT WORD “Transparent”AND WHO MADE IT FAMOUS FIRST….GOOD QUESTION!


Why would they say “where are the pilots?” in this russian language talking tape that is being reported about the shootdown. Obviously they would be dead unless this attack was not from the ground such as a surface to air missile but possibly from an aircraft. Oh well . I think it sounds fakey. Unless the language is being mistranslated by someone who would maybe not know it is a mistranslation. In other words IT DOESN”T MAKE SENSE. There was a a lot of speculation about the two pilots in the last Malaysian airplane disappearance so does this have to do with them which still has not been accounted for? Is this the same plane minus the pilots? Anyway asking about the pilots seems very unprofessional as well. Maybe the people responsible don’t speak Russian very well. It sounds like a third worldish type ordeal and unsophisticated to some degree. And just a few days earlier:

U.N. Security Council condemns North Korea missile launches

Is Dennis Rodman involved?

How do we know that the downed plane was shot down by the Ukraine or Russia…Maybe North Korea did it which is a very good possibility.

Decoying missile launching in North Korea for the one in the Ukraine. North Korea’s leader is quite a rebel to his own people and is on a par with Obama as far as being crazy and evil.


Gaza Crisis: Israel Evacuates Diplomatic Families in Turkey Following Attacks

I noticed that the lady who knew all about Tsarnevs family and their lifestyle and published a book about it  a week later who is the Fox News Contributor  K. T. McFarland isn’t exactly someone I would trust. Tsarnev was supposedly the Boston Marathon Bomber but there sure were were a lot of holes in that event as was documented by some brave American civilians who care about the truth in their video you tubes on line showing the victims who were fakes, showing the fake blood, and the black bag in front of the fence and behind the fence and all the other deceptions involved.

Turkish PM Erdogan says Israel ‘surpasses Hitler in barbarism’ O Gee really? Why because of the article above? TIT  for TAT? How about Turkey mowing down a bunch of civilians ie executing them. In fact wasn’t it a village of people during the Nazi days? Weren’t they also Christians? Not Catholic? Weren’t they mostly women and kids too? I recall that they did execute them like the Nazis did the Jews.

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Maybe Gog and Magog is the Ukraine and Turkey?   I don’t know but I do know that for years it has been assumed to be Russia.

Kerry makes mic gaffe on Gaza


The picture >>>>>> with Jackie Kennedy in her white gloves though it looks like there is this appendage coming out of the glove like a claw or a real long finger around the guys wrist but it’s hard to tell having received red roses and having already greeted the shipping tycoon Onassis in Turkey  (I guess.) I think those are Turkish hats called a Fez. It appears to be after the assassination but it could be before the assassination. It’s hard to tell but she eventually married Mr. Onassis after she shot JFK. IN this set of pictures which are in the post I wrote linked in this post about the Covenant With Many it looks as if Onassis and her aren’t that acquainted yet so I think it is before the assassination. Maybe that is why she wore white gloves all the time. Later or before she said she was the hunter. Of what? I don’t remember her being a hunter like the ones that shoot deer. And since she shot Pres. Kennedy I think she meant similar to the Jackal. She had a thing about her name and how to pronounce Jacqueline with the Quelle accented. Quelle means to put down forcibly or to suppress. The Synoptic Gospels were inspired by the Q source but no one knows how or why or who or what or when or where, more than likely because they didn’t ask or it was kind of veiled so we couldn’t really see. For eons Catholic weren’t even allowed to own a bible much less read it and then told not to discern it. Gee I wonder why? To make them blind followers, to deprive them of seeing, and to create their children to thrive upon. Hence the immigration crisis. It wasn’t for the children it was for the Roman Catholic Church and to help Obama with his delays in regards to Benghazi for one. If they can’t see or understand then obviously they know not what they do, But eventually there comes a time that they need to understand and to see. And we are in those times. Actually we are near or at the end of those times and in the dividing of times and near it’s end too I think.  However what they do for evil with evil intent God can do wonders and can make good of those kids if we try to be wise in our government and include them in our country. Just because someone has tatoos doesn’t mean they are evil. They may want a chance and weren’t given one in the past.  They probably did it to protect their own life and of their family like Abraham  did when he let whoever it was take Sarah for a while because he was fearful of being killed. Probably hurts a lot less than losing a finger or a thumb or their life in other words they were compromised. Instead of leeching off them we could try as a government and a people to get the economy on the right track without austerity and while helping them help ourselves.

Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton don’t have tattooes, that I know of, but I think they have been far more dangerous to the world IMO,

It will take a real thinker and doers and people that believe to do that and Obama isn’t thinking correctly because of that vanity of the Pharaoh. We don’t need talking shopping carts either. Tax reduction or overhaul, stop punishing the self employed, simplify the tax code (IRS) by thousand times a thousand ways, bring jobs back to America, produce our own oil with the help of our neighbors Canada, Mexico, and Central America, etc. Build a good defense on our border with the help of the military and build a few more prosperous cities on the border or build up the ones we have like some more San Antonios with  different names or we could have San Antonio 2 and 3, or San Diegos 2 and 3, etc. That is what makes San Antonio prosperous is the military presence. If we have more of those kind of cities on the border with military presence we are creating a fence in a way in those areas and with a good police presence, of course. Not  ones that can’t be fired, nor union type. but with accountability.  We have the room in this country for a few more cities so obviously we have the room for these people. I’m sure there will be exceptions in their presence but we have the same in other cities as well. We need to return our country to regard laws as much as possible but if you make a zillion of them no one can grow in that kind of atmosphere except for the ones that already have and that is not right. That is UN American. We need to get back AMERICA without the UN. WHO needs them ….WE DON’T.


Like sticking a fast growing weed near slower growing plants of fortune.

Jack Lew isn’t right either But then have you noticed his signature? He writes like a Muslim in loop de loops because he is drunk on it. LOOPED. Obviously companies go overseas for cheap labor and lower taxes because they want a world government really badly and will destroy the US if they can in the process. The IRS is in on it obviously. And some bankers and some UNers, the Royal Crown, Rome the Vatican, the EU and Islam (Saudi Arabia mostly because they like it this way) and a lot of other ass holes but I guarantee ya no woman or man in the USA or the world will be content soon if it doesn’t change course because it will not stand. I linked the story.

 Iron and clay do not mix.

We can’t afford to keep you guys propped up and the weight is too heavy. When it crumbles at the bottom the top and the middle fall down.

And the top usually end up way deeper below because they are so damned heavy;)

And all that money and wealth will not another minute buy when it does come down.

How did Karl Rove become an American? Immaculate conception? We don’t want to be like that because we will if we listen to his line of BS. I have never seen such a snob without a reason. (Statistics aren’t the whole story.)

Jacqueline and others obscured the truth over time in regards to the assassination ,,,,,put down with a lot of lies, books, Warren Commission (which she helped to edit) etc. and the plan of the world community for a one world government and a one world religion with teeth that is why Pope Benedict and his mentors started the Recathlicising of Europe when he did..  (So did the Vatican Council and other things related)

In the distant past as far as the bible is concerned I think the Synoptics evolved without much discernment because there are a lot of  absurdities if you compare them to each other and to the Gospel of John and comparatively with the Old Testament.

Computers have been helpful as well as the writings of Josephus and some similarities within and inquiring minds who have tried over the years to understand those absurdities and dispute them as well.  I guess that is how Protest-ants came into being and many others over the years such as Martin Luther. Walter Veith also who has opened up some big myths and with reason figured out some interesting alliances. He has a bunch of good interesting you tubes about those things which is a great way to get started on a very interesting journey. And it’s free. I hope you also read some of my adventures.




Here is a picture on Huffington Post which I guess they want us to think is Netanyahu:

Screen shot 2014-07-18 at 8.56.23 AMIt looks like Obama more than it does Netanyahu especially the expression in the mouth and chin which is Obama when he is mad.This is not Netanyahu! Thanks for this picture which helps me to know you guys are nuts.Huffington Post:


Here is an article with the supposed conversation that Fox News had on by the supposed Russian Separatists in the Ukraine but this time “Where are the pilots” is not in the conversation. HMMMMMMM ON the news when hearing it they sounded more GERMANIC than they did Russian kind of like Netanyahu sounded really slow and over rolled his H in Hamas as if showing a great respect for the name of HAMAS. Fox or whoever owns it is changing the stories of the news as they go Maryily along. When they see a flaw in their story they alter it for some other purpose.

I guess they got caught in a lie and took out the “Where are the  pilots?” part of the conversation. Which means that there is more to this story than meets the eye. Rewriting and reediting a conversation. INTERESTING leaving out the red herring of the conversation.

Smoking gun? Intercepted calls point finger at Russian separatists in jet downing

ANyway be assured you are being lied to by the news and not just Fox either. IN the end times the world is against God and it sure seems they are acting that way with a little help from OBAMA and his DOOR MAT Michelle. Don’t you like your own hair MIchelle? Do you resent your own natural hair that you have to put on a wig/ DOes that mean you have a resentment of African people as well? You can always braid your hair…… Sounds like a real problem psyco-logic-all-y Remember that moment in Africa and Nelson Mandelas funeral? That’s respect ain’t it? For both Mandella and Michelle. But they are sick and demented…what do you expect from a madman and his single mom who has a thing for Hummus. YOu didn’t mnd going without a wig at Benghazi why not just throw that wig away and let everyone see you as you were that night full of pride bering arms for the Muslim Brotherhood you LOVE a long as you don’t have to live by their rules.  I call that as it is sexist and crazy. A woman hater. Isn’t that off the wall? Definitely unfit to lead women and evil. As you can see I have no respect for crap.Just like Billy Graham who was Big Brother and awarded the Big Brother Award by LBJ Michelle is Big SISTER and should receive a Big Sister AWARD. Now they have come up with a shopping cart that tells the food stamp recipient buyer what is a good healthy buy  at the grocery store vs what,  a cupcake? Remember the big push for Food Stamp recipients recently that Bret Baier had a special about becauae they are gonna get tax payers to fund Food Stamps and shopping carts. Talk about desperation. Does she own the company or Susan Rice?

Regime Wants Talking Shopping Carts to Tell Food Stamp 


Turns out the plane crash shoot down by rebels in the Ukraine was a conspiracy to kill a bunch of AIDs researchers and to get Hillary Clinton elected. No wonder Sheppard Smith was involved in the Ukraine crisis. Oreilly’s idea? What about the Israel researchers of the drug Marijuana without the THC for cancer? Not a good enough cause? I guess Bill and Hillary needed to regroup and realign their base that they told to “Don’t ask Don’t tell ”  for years. DID IT HELP? DEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS STINK TO HIGH HEAVEN What about Vince Foster? What about the bubble trouble? what about Haiti? What about all those other mismanaged countries driven to desolation? This is a hoax obviously and the chinese victims be damned of the real Malaysian airliner that more than likely went down. Hold on Obama is gonna help you up like the fainting feinting pregnant woman because he needs you right now. Think again, it is just another ploy to manipulate/massage/comfort/raise some funds somehow. It’s a global tragedy! What about Benghazi? The Clintons were broke after they left the White House so they needed to make some money real quick? Is this the liar’s club rally? Obama reminds me of that old white man named Will Fritz who was leading the supposed assassin of JFK in the garage who acted surprised when the shots rang out after the car honked when Jack Ruby a strip club owner who was dying of cancer could shoot him. I think the plane was taken down by the mob of the Jesuits which run the Vatican, the Unions, their unfireable federal workers in the Senate and the House of Representatives and the White House, the State Department, the CIA, the Justice Department, the IRS, the press, Department of Defense and all their employees who cannot be fired for doing a bad job or for illegal activities, or for crimes against humanity etc. they just play musical chairs kind of like priests of the Vatican do when caught abusing their parish children or laundering money, and obviously a lot of other things because they are a cult. They will do anything to help the Pope because they make a deal with the devil so hence they are Mohammad’s servants as well and it leads to death.


CBS News and JFK Part 6 This is about that garage assassination of Oswald and much more if you want to check it out.


Just read on Rush Limbaugh’s site Malaysian Plane Shot Down Over Ukraine? that the Malaysian airliner/plane that was shot down over the Ukraine was shot down at about 34,000 feet and surface to air missiles can only reach about 15,000 feet so I guess it wasn’t a surface to air missile that brought down the Malaysian airliner/plane and I looked up surface to air missile distance capability and anyway why would the Russian military who ought to know better about S2AMs since they do know better say “Where are the pilots?” However this says that the Russians do have the capability Four Russian Surface-to-Air Missile Systems that Could Have Shot Down the Malaysian Jet but still why would the Russian military allow themselves to be heard saying stupid things like “Where are the pilots?”  and why shoot down a Malaysian airliner why not  a US plane or a European plane etc why the same plane type as disappeared on it’s way to China? And why would they take that part of the conversation out of the conversation between the Russians or the Ukrainians or whoever the heck was talking like a Russian 24 or so hours later? Remember what happened in Syria and the conversations of the supposed military about the gas poisoning basically setting up themselves by the UN this is very similar and smacks of BULLSHIT AGAIN. RUSSIANS ARENT THAT STUPID HOWEVER THE UKRAINIANS MIGHT BE. I don’t know the Ukrainians but it does rhyme with iranians with a UK in front. Kind of reflective of what is going on in Israel in a way. It was their leader of the Ukraine that ran off with their money. The American military general on Fox is 99.9 percent sure how the attack was done. That is amazing. Do they know how the other plane disappeared too? No they could not figure it out and still haven’t. So how do they know to the 99.9 percentile what happened in the Ukraine? Do they know why the conversation was altered as well and by who? I think they know not what they do. I don’t have a thing for Putin either but I sure don’t for Obama.However Putin seemed to handle the situation with Syrian President Assad quite well so far but Obama wanted to bomb the countryside. I know Obama cares about money and the Ukrainian leader (who stole a bunch of money in the billions I think) and disappeared smacks of Obama. It’s his MO. That is what he cares about, certainly not about the victims in Benghazi or anywhere else. And since no one is willing to impeach him for his many crimes much less ask the right questions but they sure know how to dance around from asking the right questions, don’t they? Why not ask why Michelle is at Benghazi with her huge armory and a syringe in her hand? Why not ask Barack why he said, “only Michelle has the right to bear arms?” Why not ask what he meant by that? Why not ask why he doesn’t use the word truth instead of transparent?   Why not ask what he meant about the baby JEEESUS. Why not ask what he meant about the war on Christmas? Why not ask what he means about anything. Why not probe him more and act like the press is supposed to act? THEY ARE AFRAID. Silence is GOLDEN and besides it is their paychecks on the line. They probably have been threatened or bribed, maybe drugged. That is what Benghazi was intended to do and it seemed to work. “The future must not belong to those that insult the prophet Mohammad “etc  is what he said soon after Benghazi at the UN. Why not ask about that? I insult the prophet a bunch and I’m still here and I will continue to do so because it is my pleasure to do so and I know that Obama deserves it to show that the future does belong to those that insult his prophet/profit/Islam, etc. and does not belong to those that  cowtow to Obama and to prove that he is a liar which everyone knows that he is a liar but they don’t seem to care. It’s called Freedom of speech and it is worth fighting for because without it you will never get the truth. Getting the witnesses at the State Department and other agencies to take lie detector tests to keep them silent is emblematic of why no one is willing to ask or probe or talk. They are silencing them from being truthful. I don’t trust anyone in the US  government. They aren’t any better than the Russian government that is for sure. I don’t trust the press in Russian any more than I trust the press in the USA. The way the news is these days probably instead of waiting 15 years later they will have Putin admitting shooting down a plane in days just to REV things up for OBAMA. IT IS GETTING REALLY MUNDANE TO WATCH OBAMA’S FOREIGN POLICY AND AMERICAN POLICY THAT LEADS TO THAT BULLSHIT. They know not what they do but they are definitely milking it quickly like they did the JFK assassination and still do. I guess the military need funds? Why not do the right thing and help to get Obama impeached and imprisoned? You are supposed to protect America not the UKRAINE or the EU or the Vatican or Turkey or the World government. What the hell are you doing? Do they pay you or does America pay you? Start protecting AMERICA first. It’s about oil that they refuse to produce in America even though we have it. The Ukraine has oil that the EU needs and so America is gonna start WW3 over it. The EU by now ought to be strong enough to protect themselves  with their EU government they created and their access to oil that they fawn over or they can buy it from Russia. Might actually create competition in the oil business which would be good for everyone. The airplane is an excuse for Obama because he wants to keep the oil business the way it was for his prophet/profit. I think Obama may be the guilty one in this shoot down. He does it all over the place with his drones why wouldn’t he try it in the Ukraine to keep his buddies in Saudi Arabia in control of the oil market. It might loosen things up in Russia and be good for their people and the Ukraine and it might begin a better relationship between the europeans and Russia and the USA eventually if we depart from the oil market in Saudi Arabia since they did attack us in NEW YORK CITY. Isn’t the Royal Crown of England in tight with the Saudis? Didn’t Prince Charles have some kind of Paulish event on the road to Damascus? Meaning he either is Islamic or he feigns to be even though he went to the Vatican about his divorce. So the Vatican and Islam don’t want Russia to sell oil because they want to control it. Did the EU warn us about Benghazi when they left? Even the red cross left early and obviously knew something was afoot. Did the Vatican warn us? Did they warn us about Camp Bastion? The Brits left their post so that our troops could be attacked. No, they didn’t care about our troops (in fact it was purposeful to have our troops killed) and apparently nor do our generals care about their own men and women in the military. How about the coup in Egypt? The first one that caused mayhem in their country. Didn’t the Vatican also help the Muslim Brotherhood? I think they did. We can start producing our own oil in this part of the world and then Saudi Arabia, the EU, The Royal Crown and the Vatican will no longer be controlling world affairs which so far has been atrocious. And Obama can slither back into the hole he came from.

They are still lying about the JFK assassination. BUT WHY DO THEY CONTINUE TO LIE ABOUT IT that is the question. It’s been over 50 years.


Rev. Wilkerson, Evangelicalism and the Covenant With Many


JFK and Nellie Connally Part 2

And for all the pleas by Sean Hannity which are reasonable for reasonable people, but Obama isn’t reasonable. You won’t convince him because he isn’t interested and doesn’t care like the Pharaoh of Egypt in ancient history with the Hebrew slaves wasn’t reasonable the same goes for Obama. HE IS MAD as in MOHAMMAD and will not relent. Do you remember the movie DELIVERANCE? Obama basically is like those people that lost their marbles.The pharoahs wanted to keep power so they had children with their sisters, cousins, and children etc which had problematic consequences over time and they started regressing in the evolutionary process of their particular species of man because of that greed, paranoia, cruelty. like the starfish turning to goo in the oceans because of those characteristics and the consequences of that stupidity. HE is BRAINLESS, GREEDY, AND EVIL. Think about what they did at the start of Obamas tyranny for the people in Germany. IF you create and economy on purpose to punish people you actually are destroying your source of income and eventually you won’t be able to squeeze blood out of a turnip that you create. That is unreasonable but that is what Obama did with Merkels help in Germany for some strange reason but because OBAMA is an austerity kind of guy just like in the Gospel of Luke and loves to bully everyone because he thinks he is God. IE it went to his head. The Hebrews did escape eventually and had to cross the Red Sea or was it the REID Sea and the Pharoah chased them because of that excessive pride and God opened up the sea to allow the Hebrews to escape and swallowed up the Pharoah and his men with that same sea. SEE?

I guess the Pharoah thought he had trapped the Hebrews because of that sea, since God is God and the Pharoah is not anything can happen.

For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me.

I AM the Lord thy God.

You can read about where austerity and the false austere JESUS made it’s mark:

Indulgences and the Parable of Usury


That is what the Catholic Church is doing to itself by their  hateful persecution. Eventually it turns it’s ugly head on itself and it is obviously working and it’s just a matter of time before it is over. That is not very bright but it is their way. The unreasonable celibacy rules and the forbidding of marriage for their priests of the church of Roman Catholicism is another example yet they claim to be the direct descendants of the apostles. Hard to do that if you are celibate ISN’T IT? They aren’t allowed to marry all to protect their purse and from being held accountable for what their clergy do. Both are imploding and will continue to do so until they eventually destroy themselves and/or each other because they are not reasonable men and women. They don’t care about the truth, not even a smidgeon. It is a cult and so is the religion of Islam. They walk around a stone and a vagina for heavens sake. The plane that went down over the Ukraine is probably the fault of Obama and reasonable people ought to add it up, do the math, and figure it out. You need to wake up. Like the unreasonable example of prejudice of Oprah a 37 thousand dollar purse that she was denied was a ridiculous example of prejudice yet she spilled her beans on that one. By the way OPRAH is an anagram as well. Another symbol on that memorial in Israel that was chiseled out of stone where many people were poisoned in Israel who were following whoever it was that poisoned them many years ago was also a harp. Also consider the potential harm done by the installation called HAARP in ALASKA using microwaves to alter weather, to warm the atmosphere, to create very bad storms, hurricanes, tornados, to causes droughts, earthquakes and tsunamis even ones that change the axis of the earth itself, and affect land in a myriad of ways to use to cause possible sink holes? Is that reasonable?. I don’t think it was a mistake to get Gov. Palin to run for VP with McCain against Obama when Sen.McCain told her not to say certain things and not to rock the boat and to get someone else instead as GOVERNOR in ALASKA who would be more congenial to the desired effects for the alliance between Rome and it’s purpose using HAARP these days knowing that Obama was intended to win with a lot of help using computer technology to make the American vote meaningless. etc. That is why politics isn’t gonna help a whole lot anymore or for that matter an election. Obama knows it. IT OUGHT TO BE OBVIOUS TO ANYONE WITH A BRAIN. You can harp on and harp on and harp on about it but Obama is a liar and his followers are liars too: To themselves and everyone they lie to in order to protect Obama and their CUSHY lifestyles. If the world economy is destroyed by their own hand, what will they do then? Same goes for the Vatican. You screw your own selves in the end.

Sean Hannity urges Obama to stand up and lead (video)


It would really help to get rid of the vagina in Medina in my opinion. I recall reading about a man who worked for the circus (Jay Carney sounds like a circus type word) and that rock inside the black box years many ago. There is something to it and it needs to be destroyed. Just like the box cutters on the terrorists in the planes that brought down the buildings in New York who were from Saudi Arabia where Medina is located. THERE IS A METHOD TO THE MADNESS. It’s an eye sore it is cultic it is idolatry of an ideology that needs to be given a lesson for their terrorism. They did it to Capitalism and to the buddhist sites in Afghanistan seems like it should be only fair to do the same to them. It will make a difference in their mindset and their determination about their false beliefs using terrorism. It will weaken their resolve and give them doubts about their god and their prophet and adversely have a harsh affect on Obamas profit which is used to cause havoc everywhere. It needs to be halted just as those temples given as gifts to Jackie Kennedy need to be destroyed as well for her help with the construction of the dam in Egypt. There is one in the Netherlands (where that plane appeared and was shot down in the Ukraine similar to the one that disappeared flying from Malaysia to China), one in Spain though constructed wrong, and one in New York in Manhattan where planes flew into the towers. I don’t know of any others but probably one in Benghazi and one in London I would imagine and probably Rome. I think they are time portals of some kind to the underworld. It may sound crazy but then so does what started the Vietnam war etc. phantom ships, possibly phantom planes these days trying to cause another even bigger war,  phantom events ie and hoaxes, phantom rescues, dark shadows, etc. HAARP ought to be destroyed as well and those other places around the world that are doing similar things to the world for their profit/prophet. I’m sure Obama knows about them because he uses them to deceive. “I don’t care whose children they are they can’t fly planes down in Manhattan,”. or something similar was joked about at a Correspondents dinner with the President in his first term. The Press laughed so they must know.What did he mean by that statement? Obviously in reference to the planes that took down the Twin Towers.

By the way the tunnels that the Israelis are supposedly destroying in Gaza that house arms for the Hamas is not a new idea. Rome has a bunch of tunnels under it’s city as well. There’s a lot going on with a lot of deception to make a brouhaha of some things. I think there is a need for an undergound tunnel device so that fences are tunnel proof.

Read about the claw a little more:

CBS News and JFK Part 3

Salute No Man

JFK and Nellie Connally Part 2


After Jackie killed JFK she had her son salute his dad’s casket at his funeral. A very famous moment. The JFK assassination was the same year as the Second Vatican Council to try to make the Gospel of Matthew preeminent was one reason (it already was the first gospel of the bible so it seems they were quite worried about something else), the beginning of Opus Dei (a very secret Catholic society), the beginning of the Neocatechumenal Way (a very pushy group of people that don’t like to be delayed as was in the case of Japan before the tsunami) and other things going on in Dallas about human rights, and many other things. In the 80’s the Dallas Theological Society did some changes too in regards to the bible as I recall probably to make it more compatible with their future plans for a one world government and a one world religion and one big mess!

Remember Moses came down the mountain and dropped the Ten Commandments or they broke somehow ( because the people were dancing around a golden calf they made with their gold) and Moses had to go back up the mountain again?

In the late 60’s and early 70’s there was a big campaign to get rid of the Ten Commandments. The golden calf. I wonder who or what that is? When was Barack born….we aren’t sure because he doesn’t have a legitimate birth certificate that we know of anyway.

I think it was a sign.

By the way what color are the uniforms for the Israeli army? Green or khaki? Now they are wearing more of a green camouflaged uniform of the USA it appears as if they are in the jungle?.Very odd. I think it is odd anyway. Because that’s not what I remember about the Israeli army in the recent past. Did they decide they wanted to be in the American army instead? And why would they be using the tunnels they are bombing. That is the footage I just saw of green camouflaged uniformed troops running in the tunnels supposedly in Israel. Doesn’t make sense. Unless it is the uniform also of another country such as IRAN? Doesn’t make sense at all to have your army running through tunnels you are bombing with your army. Rather idiotic. Or are they egyptian? Hmmmmm we shall eventually find out .It is where many tunnels originated, isn’t it? But perhaps since I heard that the population of Israel jews was 5 million maybe it was footage of another time. They are past the 6 million population now, I guess Fox News assumes all of us are stupid.

I wonder why the very american woman journalist in Russia would quit about the white washing of the downed plane in Ukraine. Shouldn’t she have quit a long time ago in regards to other things like the takeover of the Ukraine or Syria etc If they are white washing now wouldn’t they have been white washing then? Maybe she just got the job so she could quit to be on the news for Geraldo Rivera because he is soooooooo sooooooo honest. I think he still believes in the single bullet theory of the JFK assassination and anyway has never disputed it that I know of.

Sorry to hear about the actor James Garner dying. Loved his skill in acting and his humor, but I thought he already had died quite a while back.

James Garner, star of TV and film, dies at 86

I saw this girl in the picture below on the news in the hospital and she was crying and breathing at the time. Either they didn’t help her in the hospital purposefully or she is asleep or something. But it is hard to tell since Palestinians love to make photo ops with their children they use as a human shield. It is hard to trust people like that no matter what is going on. If they do that kind of thing which we know that they do they shouldn’t have children. She is really cute but she was alive, that I do know, and it looked like she would live. It reminds me of the girl in the bible when Jesus of the Gospel of Matthew brings her back to life.

Chief Priests and the Legion – Revised This post is about a little girl in the bible that dies supposedly and is healed but no one is supposed to relate the story which they do. It tells about the people around the little girl who were weeping and then started laughing. Anyway you might check it out. It’s a matter of trust and if you use your kids as shields it’s hard to believe you care about them or they aren’t just acting because they have been taught to lie and so it is hard to take seriously. Like Obamas tears or anything Obama says or does. More than likely it’s not true.

Even the films of the palestinians fighting over water with a bunch of women looked contrived because I saw a few people smiling about it in their ranks. So there is definitely a lot of BS going on. In fact I thought they didn’t even look Palestinian more like from India or somewhere else such as Iraq/

It’s a game. Catholics are in on it because they know not what they do, SOME OF THEM. People have no jobs or make very little the taxes we pay are in the high prices we pay or not being able to find work (the right kind of help) Basically being held captive and you know it and I know it to prove some stupid points. It is called insanity, jealousy, its ridiculous, and it won’t last very long. They love to say people are enabling their joblessness etc like Oreilly and put you in a spot maybe because they are being blackmailed to do it. Though I doubt Oreilly is because he really likes his position too much and loves to elicit compliments for himself even from 2 year olds. It’s their game so we have to see what they will do next because they are not well. Now O’reilly is showing his true colors about Obama. ALL THESE PRESS PEOPLE WHO ARE AGAINST IMPEACHMENT BUT LOVE TO RILE EVERYONE UP ARE ASSHOLES AS WELL. THEN SHUT DOWN YOUR STATIONS AND SHUT UP. Everyone knows he deserves it. IT’S A GAME OF SOME PSYCHOLOGICAL FREAKS IN THE PRESS AND GOVERNMENT WHO ARE TRYING TO BREAK THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE TO THE MAGNITUDE I HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE AND IT IS DECEPTIVE AND IT’S REDUNDANT. IT’S THEIR  TRAP AND IT IS CRUEL THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO PUT IT: ITS PUCKED UP. YOU AIN’T GONNA BREAK MINE AND  YOU DON’T HAVE MUCH TIME. BETTER TRY SOMETHING ELSE. YOU CAN ONLY REGURGITATE SO MANY TIMES MEANING THE WEALTH CIRCULATION BEFORE IT LOSES IT’S FABRIC. (IT’S WORTH) SAME WITH THE BS.

The chunks are getting smaller

and smaller

and smaller

pretty soon it’s gonna look like bird poop and taste like it too.

I guess Oreilly really likes Kerry and HIllary both state department employees who are not fireable because it is the Catholic Union thingy.

Is it working well out there in the world with Jesuits running the show?


Screen shot 2014-07-21 at 5.44.47 PM

I think I figured out the mark of the beast prophecy. It isn’t the mark it is a mark and I think it has to do with karma. (again an anagram) When Pope Benedict and the world leaders got together in Aquila Italy for the G8 meeting the wives of the leaders also attended some events but one picture really stood out and that is Pope Benedict XVll with a bunch of wives of world leaders and everyone of them wore black except the one from India. She wore a colored outfit. She was given exclusion from the general rule to wear black around the Pope. When Jackie Kennedy went to India something kind of changed (her ankles and her calves which got thicker more than normal which is kind of apropo considering  the golden calf event.). Later she said she had wished that her husband could have received what she received in India so I think either he was doing something else or he was already dead by then. Anyway it seems these are the days of vengeance because Rome got caught with their pants down.(Laundering money and abusing their kids obviously if they are laundering money they are in cahoots with those that murder people such as the cartels and the mobs) They take the hindu mark on their heads on Ash Wednesday. So Hinduism is their baby. They have a lot of babies, don’t they, but they don’t take very good care of them, do they?

I tried to show that the Romian Catholic Church included in their religion Hinduism and Islam and all the others.

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

The things they are able to buy and sell are the souls of men. And a lot of books to transubstanciate a lot of lies.

You might want to read this post:

Joseph of Arimathea (A JUST MAN)

There are 7 hills/mountains around Rome and Brazil and a few other places. Makes sense that the new pope is Brazilian Pope Francis

The seven hills (of Rome) are:[1]

Then you have the 7 Deadly Sins which are lies

The Seven Seas

These things are all tied to each other.

The Court of the Gentiles is “part and parcel” to what is occurring that was built at Notre Dame in Paris which means Your Lady of Paris. I wrote about it and it is linked on the site called Merangue’s Blog with quite a bit of help, influence, etc. They fulfilled this prophecy because they wanted it and probably will receive it unto themselves.

John 3:16 really takes on much more eminence after these things

Why do you think Roman Catholic Church separates groups by their parishes.Because they don’t believe John 3:16

I like this quote by Abraham Lincoln and gives me hope. Labor unions were not why he said it in my opinion though I think he was misunderstood in that regard in the article written. I don’t think he meant the labor party either but it could be taken thatta way by the person who wrote the article if he wants to add another meaning. He said it because of free enterprise of free people. Labor works if it is allowed to work and sometimes creates capital and anyway he doesn’t say labor union nor labor party and he certainly knew the term “union” so I think he would have added that word to this quote if he meant it that way, don’t you think? He, after all, was a Republican;) and he freed the slaves.

A kid wants to make money so that kid makes some lemonade sets up a table and tries to sell it. That is labor and deserves the higher consideration. It took effort ie labor.

One Quote From Abraham Lincoln Might Just Surprise You

May 29, 2014 Posted by | Michelle Obama, Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Minimum Wage, Obama Care, and Insurance Fraud

Defederalizing Health Care is the answer. They don’t git it.

On Fox News lately of Insurance Unreliability: A young girl who has Leukemia and receiving radiation treatment recently who was insured but because of the Obama Care debacle her insurance was dropped and now cannot receive radiation treatment is a good case in point. Obviously insurance did not protect her. Individual mandated insurance is not the answer. Why do I say that? Because that is what Obama wants therefore I know it is the wrong way, because he is a proven liar over and over again. Her doctor should treat her with the therapy if he really thinks it is a cure for her disease regardless of the insurance debacle. In my estimation he was soaking the insurance company her family had bought into. She should be sent to a County hospital such as Parkland in Dallas for a better chance and better doctors. By the way I know that Parkland also does medical research so it is not just a place to come for care. Many hospitals do research but what I can’t figure out is why with all the money and research hospitals there are no cures. When Polio was a big problem it didn’t take that long for a cure. I recall that Israel was working with marijuana and a cure for cancer and was successful but now we don’t hear about it, so what happened….Obama and Iran? Just watched a bit of Kerry speaking to Congress about the deal they have struck with Iran., If Iran isn’t guilty of trying to build nukes then why do they have the ingredients to build nukes. If Iran doesn’t intend to use the ingredients they possess for nukes on their neighbor Israel and other neighbors then why did they make the threats to eliminate Israel and what country will be next and why have they not tried to negotiate with Israel itself? I think Obama is playing blackmail with Israel using Iran and playing blackmail with America using Obama Care and my suggestion is Israel should do what it needs to do to defend itself (whatever is necessary) and America needs to oust Obama and help Israel. And I think Kerry while trying to juggle a bad situation and put the best light on it (their bad deal) it is a bad situation and a bad deal. You can’t negotiate with terrorist nations and you can’t negotiate with liars. But it seems they try, don’t they.

Iran and Obama, both are terrorists and both are liars.

Not putting aside drones!

I would think the timing is quite right now but that is because Obama is in Africa right now with a bunch of other heads of state and their only escape is an airport.

If that isn’t perfect timing, I don’t know what is.

You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.Rahm Emanuel

In essence turn the tables.

Otherwise since Israel is suspicious of Iran because Iran wants/wanted to destroy Israel in the past what good does it do to have Kerry/America/the Vatican/the World making deals with Iran as if it will allay the suspicion of Israel. If anything I would be even more suspicious of all those mentioned. If Iran isn’t interested in moderating the suspicions of Israel by negotiating with Israel then obviously they are up to no good. I met some Iranians in America but they were americanized and they seemed to be very nice law abiding people so I know the general population of Iran probably are not bad people as a whole. And I know that the Israel people as a whole are nice law abiding people. Benjamin Netanyahu seems to be a very wholesome leader genuinely worried about his country’s safety. If I were Iran or the spiritual leader of Iran and the military leader of Iran I would think it would be wise to meet with Netanyahu and more than likely would be much more productive than meeting with a surreptitious American diplomat Kerry appointed by a very dishonest President Obama who have blundered in Egypt a few times lately and betrayed who they dealt with. Of course Iran would have to prove it’s trustworthiness which seems like a daunting hurdle because of it’s past support of terrorism. I would rather make deals with Netanyahu because I think he is an honest broker. He may be difficult but you get what you see whereas with many others you get screwed. Not like Iran isn’t difficult either. The people of both countries are very similar but it’s the form of government and religion that seem to not mix well and Iranians don’t seem to be a very happy people so it must be Iran’s government and Iran’s religion that must be the problem. Inhibiting and abusing women in every way possible is a good indicator of the Iranian affliction and their deficiency as a nation and shows that their beliefs are substandard and cultic acting. The men don’t even trust themselves which shows they have problems in the trust department. The women don’t even get to go ice skating. That is absurd. I guess women are not allowed to have wholesome fun.

I don’t wish that Iran is destroyed or it’s people and I hope they get free of the black cloud that seems to be over them and I do hope that as a country in all the ways possible would get their act together and build a good relationship with Israel for both their sakes because it certainly would be worth the investment to try instead of heading towards destruction for Iran especially under the tutelage of Obama because so far Obama’s success rate is beneath the zero mark. From the looks of Rouhani and I have no other way to judge but he seems kind of deep. I would think he could lead his country by investing some time with Netanyahu and working things out between the two countries and influence the military men and scientists to invest their time in other ways such as inventions, cures, and art (their forte). Creativity seems to have been squashed in recent years and ought to be rewarded instead. The Iranian women ought to be given the freedom and a chance to develop their skills with education and treated with respect and are probably the most untapped asset the Iranians have that is being wasted.

These Stylish Iranian Women Won’t Let A Dress Code Hold Them Back

“Iran isn’t exactly known to the Western world as a hotbed of inspiring trends in fashion. Under Islamic law, women must dress modestly in loose-fitting clothing that doesn’t draw attention to their figures, with a hijab at least partially covering their hair. Dark colors are encouraged so as not to arouse men (who are apparently wired like bees). Nail polish, sandals and leggings have also been banned by police, who have a long history of arresting women for their sartorial offenses. But there are signs that could all be changing:”

Some cool dress, yet feminine. Who’d have thunk?

And Iranian prisoners such as American Pastor Saeed Abedini ought to be released as an act of goodwill toward America and Israel. Forget Obama because I agree he doesn’t care. He doesn’t care about Israel, he doesn’t care about Iran, but probably plans to only use them and they would be nuts to go along with Obama. A great gesture by the Iranians to America would be to release American prisoners and Christian prisoners. That would really mess Obama, Kerry, Chris Matthews up, wouldn’t it?



Then the Iranian leaders could send selfies with Benjamin Netanyahu and the freed prisoners and get a bunch of press attention.

Believe me I know America has it’s drawbacks and made some big mistakes, Obama for one, but women do have opportunities. Learning to use them wisely is confusing, but at least we still have them.




Medications aren’t going to be covered in some parts of Obama Care and looks to me like his plan is to kill one way or another. Now Obama wants to control what cities get what drugs and controls how doctors conduct their business. REALLY BAD SITUATION!

Dr. Ben Carson says that Obama Care basically is making doctors into government employees.

Don’t they have enough employees?

So what happens when there is a government shut down because Obama wants to extort more money from Congress for terrorism? IMO

What happens if Obama wants to stay in office more than his 2 terms?

You see by giving the doctors over to Federal Government control or rather Obama Control because he seems to be controlling the whole thing which is not democracy the people have no power. The Congress has no power. That is BS. That is TYRANNY!

Does anyone remember what happened in Germany in WWll? First: It was control of the doctors and everything else soon went to shit. And everyone eventually was affected. Started with the jews, the gypsies, the gays, etc. Everything became militarized to the point that even the german civilians were unhappy and afraid of their government.

IT might be time for a revolution.

Prophetically speaking and Revelation wise:

An hour with the beast is 10 years or so I have learned.

And by my estimation although not a good sign there is about 1 year and half left, maybe 2. So you can follow Obama to hell if that is your inclination…..

The hour (I think) started with Pope Benedict and his grand vision of a world government with teeth.

(The young man that dresses him Georgie Porgie Puddin’ and Pie Pulled out a plum and said what a good boy, Am I?  Known for his looks and tennis shorts has traits similar to the Hearsts…sounds like a funeral car) HERES A GOOD REAON NOT TO FOLLOW THE RCC:

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Makes me think about the warning from Jesus at the Sea of Galilee to Peter: “When thou get old another shall gird thee and carry thee where thou would not. Follow thou me.”  From the Gospel of John. He ended up in Rome. Fair warning to the RCC and their partners in crimes against the truth and against humanity. Keep it up and you will wish you hadn’t very soon.) Putting Santa Claus ahead of the truth is really stupid. To base your beliefs on a tradition is O’reilly stupid. 

Then came Notre Dame Courtyard of the Gentiles in Paris,

and so on and so forth.

Things have certainly deteriorated in many ways around the world, haven’t they?

Roman Catholic Cleric Uses Christmas Address to Slam Israel





SO IT’S OKAY. I got my coke for the day!

Just fair warning to those who wonder why things are so bad in the world.  AND WHEN YOU SEE THESE PICTURES OF GROWN UP MEN IN THESE SILLY FROCKS DO YOU WONDER WHY THINGS ARE BAD IN THE WORLD? And to the others who don’t care or don’t believe you will when that day comes and when you drink what you dish out and more. So I would suggest you try harder to be nice and maybe open the book and try to figure it out for yourself. I have done my best and my part to decipher the implications, the meaning, and the timing. That is all I can do and all the hostages in the world isn’t gonna help you. Like in the days of Moses they will be released:)

I know I will get my reward….. not sure what it is yet but when it comes I think I will know it. 

I have nothing to do with the timing ………it just is, for you. Life will go on with or without you, take your pick. The earth was established forever. Those that are victims now will get their lives back and you won’t.

Dire Straits – You and Your Friend

(In my estimation and belief Mandela probably would have lived longer if it weren’t for Obama. Now look what is happening in Central Africa to the Christians. I’m sure it was planned to deceive. Everything Obama does is deception because he is trying to fulfill revelation, tribulations and deceive because he is totally insane and unfit for his statute and vice-versa! ) 


 The whole point of medication is to cure or subdue a disease but if drug companies are going to price the medication out of reach of the diseased then I dare say they don’t deserve buildings, equipment, researchers, time or space, donations, attention, or any kind of support or respect. Insurance cannot possibly be why Polio was overcome. It was dedication and great desire to cure a disease. Insurance pays commissions of insurance sellers etc for the most part and very little goes to research IMO. (Like the unions that destroyed car companies and everyone lost.) Otherwise with the amount that has been accrued by insurance by now would have cured every disease known to mankind. I get the feeing that drug companies are trying to control doctors like the President is trying to control the other branches of government such as Congress. Without Congress there is no need for a president. Without doctors there is no need for drug companies. If our federal government would back off and let the free market work there would not be the abundance of insurance agents and IRS agents with nothing else to do but feed off the talented. They have become like a disease that feeds off everyone else to the point of cannibalism and pretty soon the IRS will eat the insurance agencies or vice versa. Let’s hope so, anyway. The talentless eat the talentless. Then doctors can be doctors and do what they do best.

That is the main problem with insurance. Fraud.

When someone buys life insurance someone will receive money when that person dies which is a great incentive for the death of that person which can lead to fraud by those who might have something to gain such as a big check.

The History of Health Insurance

Health insurance does not save lives unless of course politics by companies and the government make it deadly.

Good hospitals, good doctors, good education, good nurses, good equipment, good drugs, and good care saves lives. Bad ones don’t save lives and that is why insurance has caused failure of the field of medicine because it protects the bad and drives up costs of health care for the individual and makes business for the good doctors more expensive. Personal accountability of doctors and their businesses needs more work to drive down the cost of insuring their businesses but I know that doctors tend to protect each other and that is part of the problem and why we are now dealing with this monster called Obama Care. As Benjamin Carson said in some interview, “You only have yourself to blame.” Kind of haunting words, but that could be said of every misfortune that occurs. Doctors need to be held accountable by other doctors and establishments and patients for their own good and for the population they serve and that occurs usually naturally in a free market system except for the pandering similar to Billy Graham and the agreement he made with other pastors not to bad mouth each other: Basically protecting their hydes at the cost of good pastoring.

New Affordable Care US health plans will exclude top hospitals

The business of health needs insurance to protect against fraudulent claims, against bad medicine, bad care, bad doctors not for them.. Every big city ought to have a good county hospital supported by property taxes and consumption taxes (add a penny or two to what is sold and bought to pay for the county hospital.) Dallas County has a wonderful hospital called Parkland Hospital open 24 hours a day and serves surrounding counties. Doctors come from far and wide to work there, to educate themselves and to gain experience. Patients come from far and wide also because of it’s reputation. One advantage is that a doctor can choose to live in the county of his choice, or in the city of his choice etc. Insurance helps to assure the maintenance of equipment, buildings, and the business of health care but does not protect the individual from sickness or death. Doctors need to be insured because it is their talent that needs protection. It is their business that needs protection. It is their equipment that needs to be protected in case of failure, in case of damage, or replaced for many reasons. Doctors could earn access to equipment at these hospitals that they cannot afford in their own business for their patients who pay them for it when they are billed. You cannot replace a person such as a patient. They are not objects. A person, place, or thing. While they are in the category of a noun they are special because they come first and they have names and birth dates. They have personality, thoughts, brains, hearts, and they have life and a soul. Each County hospital ought to be a place for re-educating doctors and updating their talents and knowledge and equipment and they could still have their individual businesses outside the county hospital where their patients come that they build through their talents and knowledge via the hospital care they give and through their own business practices of their individual business/s and the building of trust with their patients. A bond that should not be broken except by their own relationships by either party: the doctor or the patient.

70% Of Calfornia’s Doctors Expected To Boycott Obamacare

In order for the doctor to make a good living as they deserve to earn after many years of of education via student loans the work they do at the County hospital could be how they pay off their education debt and their monthly insurance debt for their individual businesses and practices and help to pay for their equipment and the updating of their equipment and also their service would help educate other doctors and build relationships with others in the field of medicine each honing their skills constantly by participating at the county hospital weekly or monthly or whatever is agreed upon at whatever hospital that they apply such as specialty hospitals, county hospitals, cancer hospitals, children’s hospitals, etc. depending on upon their circumstances, their talents, and the needs of those hospitals. Individuals cannot possibly keep up with the nuances in medicine and the bad doctors or their reputations or their negligences but each state can and should regulate bad medicine by a record of their performances or lack of, their interaction with others in the same field etc and they should be regulating them and each other…….not the patient. Free Market place health care where the patient goes where and to whom they want to go because of reputation, price, trust, a good record, etc., just like any other business.

If via the consumption tax when one buys a product we add a cent or two to the dollar could pay for these doctors and hospitals etc

and everyone would be assisting and paying into health care even illegal immigrants.

We could tax food for health care since everyone needs to eat

and everyone needs health care at one time or another.

Kind of a unique relationship between the two (food and health care) and ought to be tied together for that cause and would not exclude illegal immigrants since they eat as well instead of requiring the patient to be insured.

That means that from the time you are a baby the taxes on your food are going to healthcare. Food Stamp recipients can also pay the tax on the amount they use in food stamps. Food Stamp surge lately can be tightened and corrected of the fraud involved as Bret Baier of Fox News has aired:

Fox News Reporting The Great Food Stamp Binge With Bret Baier

If President Obama wants to make himself great and to be remembered fondly he ought to improve what the Feds started a long time ago such as Public Education and cleaning up the fraud and waste in the Federal Government and quit puffing himself. He ought to renig on his promise about repealing Obama Care and instead put Obama Care in the trash by repealing it and call a spade a spade. Obama Care is a bad idea and a failure and you might as well get used to it. Big Deal. Sorry for the colloquialisms but they apply in this time when it comes to Obama Care and if you can’t handle them then you are thin-skinned and ought to dress in layers.

Confucious says: Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.

I gave some ideas in another post about public education on another blog called The Keep which I hope you will read and consider:

Ted Cruz and Personal Responsibility

My experience with insurance agents is I never met one person in college who desired to to be an insurance agent. It’s what people do who don’t get to do what they want to do or were trained to do in college because of the lack of jobs. WHose fault is that? Over taxation and federal squeezing is the direct cause for our stunted economy and especially since Obama took office. It is similar to the real estate business and the IRS. When I grow up I want to work for the IRS. It is a food stamp career. A federal trap. That needs to change. These career fields would shrink if our government would ease and lower taxes and make better trade deals in favor of Americans instead of masturbating the laws in favor of their own private and public businesses investments and do what they were sent to Washington DC to do but somehow get waylaid and bribed by lobbyists who could care less about the future of America. Being a Senator or Representative is not supposed to be a ticket to wealth. The less our Representatives and Senators hang out in Washington DC the better. They should be contending for the people of their state and it’s future, not their own bank accounts and the more they reside in their home state the more likely they will care about their home state and it’s people. They should be exempt from buying real estate in the DC area. They should have to reside in an apartment or condo that is paid and provided for by their state and it’s constituents. since the closing of the White House to the public it should become a museum and the President should live at Mount Vernon in Alexandria Virginia as past presidents in the past. They are not royalty and to allow them to live as royalty confuses them as the Obama’s have proved grotesquely. If Americans are on a picnic budget so should the President and his first lady be required to exist on a picnic budget. Presidents were not intended to be treated as kings. They are supposed to serve us not themselves. They are our servants.

Lower Taxes and Create Jobs

I have a few ideas such as: Gas stations ought to have at least one gas station attendant who washes windshields, checks the oil, checks the water in the engine, checks the air in the tires, who fills those needs and gases up those that can’t such as old ladies and old men and cleans the area and gives directions, like they used to do and were actually providing a service with the product. Nice to have both and many customers prefer it and they are usually right. Teachers assistants. Playground attendants who actually watch the kids on the play ground. Hall attendants who stop bullying and keeps the peace at the schools etc. If Obama attempts to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour (to distract from Obama’s failures and to gain support for his failure, Obama Care) it will put a crimp in big business such as McDonalds and Walmarts etc and their prices will go up and their franchise business will decrease which will give rise to small businesses and family owned businesses. I am all for it. I like both those businesses but the choices have diminished because they undercut small businesses. It’s cyclical. What is good for the gander ought to be good for the goose. If income taxes are lowered it will help everyone: Rich, middle class and the poor. And Walmarts, McDonalds, and family owned and/or small businesses will flourish and everyone will be happy including workers with the many choices big and small, otherwise everyone will fail including OBAMA and his future generations including his beloved daughters.

 Replace the machines with people behind the counters at Walmarts and grocery stores. I would rather have a person than a machine when I check out.

Only use machines for work that people cannot do.

Hire operators for telephone information instead of a automated voice that doesn’t understand most of the time. I would rather get a person on the other end than a recording.

If you pay someone in the US a certain wage for their work you should have to pay what is comparable to that wage for someone over seas. In Africa they pay a person a dollar a day to dig for diamonds which is slavery. Blood Diamonds should be illegal and those that are in the business of abusing workers overseas and in our country should be prosecuted and put out of business. We do not need sweat shops just to put others out of business or to maintain dominance over small business or undermine them. They should reimburse the people that have been abused in those workshops or diamond mines etc. The reputation of the companies involved should be made public knowledge and their products and businesses should be laden with a huge fine to halt the abuse or should be put out of business all together.

How to stick it to the poor:

A congressional strategy

If you watched the Bret Baier about Food Stamps and the fraud involved then it is right to hold people accountable for taking advantage of the system such as the beach bum musician who probably can’t make a living playing music because he wasn’t that good and ought to join the Federal government and become an IRS agent, federal worker, or an appointee for Obama. Probably be just as imaginative. Obviously the binge has been purposefully established to cause havoc and cheat America and is politically a ploy to make Republicans look bad when in reality they are trying to be responsible and those trying to sell food stamps to people that don’t want it or need it should be investigated and fined and brought to justice for their participation to undermine our system and bring it to failure against those that really do need it. The fraud needs to stop. Ex-Mayor Rudy Guiliani took a great approach before the twin towers were destroyed by helping those that didn’t have jobs find jobs and made a huge dent in the cities problems for the unemployed. I guess the drunk powers didn’t appreciate his success at the time. I listened to him on some news show relate his approach and learned to respect his stewardship for the people. We need more of that kind of nobleness of character.

Mark Levin interviews Paul Ryan on the new budget agreement

Haven’t listened to this but Paul Ryan is like a Peter King and double speaks at least he did at the first fiscal cliff trying to push Republicans around calling it

“the abyss”

fiscally speaking right after Benghazi as a diversion for Obama in regards to Benghazi, IMO. I thin k he knows something or knew something at the time that others were not aware of in regards to Benghazi and tends or seems to be in control of John Boehner probably through unusual kind of knowledge that helps bad politicians to sway other ones.

Timing odd for that kind of language as if he knew more about it at the time and seemed to affect the Republicans quite a bit at the time. He probably knew quite a bit about the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as well before the second coup as did a few others such as Lindsay Graham.

Spiritually speaking, I think Paul Ryan is an Obama drone. He undermines the Republicans and those that really have improved their party with their courage such as Ted Cruz who scares them because he is the genuine article in my estimation. I’m sure Ryan’s budget agreement will be welcome to those that want to kick the can down the road and cover up their bad diplomatic interventions. I used to like him but after Benghazi and his funny comment about the fiscal abyss I kind of learned to dislike him and mostly distrust his motives. He seems like an O’reilly.  In other words: A narrow minded moral giant and a shill like Billy and Franklin Graham are for the RC. (Don’t forget about the tsunami, the nuclear accidents, the Neocatechumenal way, Pope Benedict, and Obama and their handling of Japan before, during and after the crisis as if they were aiders and abettors of the whole mess.)

Simplify the Tax Code and Lower National Debt and take the Herman Cain approach.

Just because he is a conservative black african male

doesn’t mean he didn’t have a good idea.

I think the consumption tax would be helpful and simplify our tax debacle.

Herman Cain was attacked in a way that is used regularly by those with certain knowledge they should not have in the personal lives of men and women that they have no right to pursue and I think it has to do with the Big Brother Award that Billy Graham received when LBJ was President and could be our biggest foe in government a big sign about his purpose to derail good men and women who make moral mistakes in their personal lives as if Billy Graham isn’t a huge moral mistake himself and for many others.

Mechanical drones: Forget drones delivery of packages because that puts a lot of people out of the work force and we do not want mechanical objects to replace human dignity.

(Put chairs or sofas in Walmart clothing areas by the fitting rooms so the clerk can sit and sort clothing. Work does not have to be punishment.)

And another reason is what will Obama do when 10.000 of those little drones descend on the White House

from all different directions with little packages. Will he run again?

No telling what might be inside some of those little packages that might cause a great deal of confusion.

Not a threat just an educated observation of the possibilities of a lot of threats

expecially in response to the intentional undermining of our health care system and businesses in America

and the dissatisfaction of many people in the US and other countries.

Confucius says: Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire.


Hardball?? How Chris Matthews rolled over for Barack Obama

…….”aside from drones” ……..

“Matthews’ curve-ball question was asking the president to compare two potential 2016 rivals, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. Obama ducked, praising them both, as Matthews must have known he would. And then he let the president deliver a long, final disquisition without interruption.”

That question was asked a while back and Obama reacted exactly the same way as I recall so it was a bit practiced or is Obama a drone also?

Wooden eye…. wooden eye! I think it’s Obama’s right eye.

Reminds me of the Michael Hastings accidental car explosion and seems likely he might have been assassinated.
Possibly Colonel McChrystal of Nazcar Racing and a Wounded Warrior might know.
Course so might Gen. Schwarzkopf?
Maybe the DOJ Eric Holder has some answers?
Where did the money go that was supposed to go to the Obama Care Web Site? Six hundred million to a trillion dollars. Who received this money? OR is that a secret?
Why doesn’t the Press, Congress, the Justice Department figure out who received the money?
Oh Really, O’reilly?
As far as O’reilly show (Tues, Dec. 10th) about drugs, unfettered abortions (not true because they are fettered just not to the extent O’reilly would prefer but jokes about an older women’s boobs in a painting as if that is moral) and atheism being the cause of lawlessness. I would say in part they may be partially responsible and certainly are obnoxious but Christians certainly don’t help matters in many ways. O’reilly has a show that props Hillary Clinton when ever possible and diminishes any other possible Republican candidate except Chris Christy because he might as well be a democrat and wouldn’t have a chance against Hillary Clinton. They ought to run on the same ticket. Bill Oreilly isn’t very honest, but O’reilly thinks he himself is the classic Christian. If you think dishonesty makes good Christians then he might be right. However he isn’t thinking right in his head because he is so dishonest and vice versa. It is self evident. He is so obvious it’s gettin’ sickening to watch him. I like Chris Christy personality wise he seems like a nice fellow and humorous but is not Presidential material and definitely a push over. We really need someone like Ted Cruz who isn’t afraid and stands up when he needs to stand up for the people and for our form of government. We need people like Herman Cain who have good ideas that will help our country get back on the right track. Sarah Palin has stood up for the people and their rights even when not in office and would be great on a ticket against Hillary being a woman and being outspoken about our form of government when most if not all of the Democrats and the White House and his appointees were defending closing open air memorials at great expense and effort and trying to cause as much pain for a free people when ever possible.They are the control freaks that the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights were written to protect us from. I’m not saying that Republicans are all good but there are a few that can be named as cited that stand up for freedom and should be rewarded for their courage against a mob who are drunk on power like Obama and his mites.
He didn’t build the United States, did he?
Honestly, if I could think of a Democrat who represented our form of government to any degree I would bring up a name but so far I haven’t seen any Democrats stand up for truth or for our Constitution and the Bill of Rights ( I think many Dems are in the Republican Party and definitely in the acting press trying to weaken it because it’s so easy and easy is sleazy least resistant which is pitiful) but instead want to change our government to a socialist/fascist form of government and are doing everything in their power to overtake and destroy what they are supposed to defending.
If Obama had tried to start Obama Care as an alternative to other options at hand without destroying other people’s businesses it might have been impressive. He is just an ignorant arrogant bully and should run for president in Iran if the shoe fits. They don’t play basketball either. He ought to go ice skate with his brethren in black in their shrinky dink ice rink.
The Constitution and the Bill of Rights is the protector of honest men and women of all kinds and that is why so many that are dishonest try to undermine it for their own gain and to take over other peoples businesses and control other people’s careers and even their health. Next thing you know they will try to tell us who to marry, how to marry etc. Already trying to teach kids to add wrong. Pretty damned good sign something is wrong with their thought processes. Like they are missing a link in their brain. Synapses of the brain gone amiss and askew. There won’t be freedom to love who you want to love, or buy clothes or products from who you would like to purchase from and soon will tell us who to worship just like in Egypt with the Pharaoh. It is getting awful close and eerily similar to the days of hebrew slavery, the collision of MOSES with the Egyptian Pharaoh using NOAA and HAARP and all the other bloodsucker followers who lack ideas mostly because they ignore them such as Obama does purposefully because he is a LIAR and DECEIVER, a THIEF, a TERRORIST, a DESTROYER, a LITTLE SPOILED PRICK with a huge EGO because he is the first black President……..WHO CARES!

People Not In Labor Force Soar To Record 91.8 Million; Participation Rate Plunges To 1978 Levels

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The Obama-Castro handshake

that shocked

the world

Why is anyone shocked by a handshake? Yes it matters to some degree, but it should not surprise anyone with half a brain. Obama has done so many things worthy of impeachment yet no one who has the power to impeach him even tries. Isn’t that why we have a Congress and a Supreme Court? You can’t impeach him because he greeted someone you don’t like. I don’t think it is constitutional. I know Ted Cruz and other Cuban Americans were offended by this handshake. I was offended when the little boy who crossed the ocean (because of his mother) and was sent back to Cuba a few years back (because of his dad) by Janet Reno/Clinton Administration/Jeb Bush was governor of Florida and by those that had the power to let him stay about the time the woman on feeding tubes was not allowed to be fed anymore even against her families wishes because her husband wanted to let her die even though he might have and more than likely he played a big part in why she was in the condition she was in, which seemed totally unfair and against all decency. Both seemed very Patriarchist but if Hillary is so influential could have stepped in, but didn’t. I don’t know much about Raoul Castro and I’m not Cuban. I do suspect his bent to be both Communist/Socialist and Jesuit which both are very Catholic but charity is the key for Catholicism whenever they deem it appropriate with OPM. Makes them look good especially at Christmas time. Whether Capitalist or Communist charity makes the giver feel justified and improves their own image. IN the long run does it help? IN the short run people sometimes need help especially women with kids. You can’t let them starve in America.
Charity is not the answer. Charity is just a mask and helps the poor eek by, but it is Better than nothin’. Whether or not Mandela was a communist (As O’reilly claims)  by choice or not I think he cared about his race and his people and others. I think he was in between a rock and a hard place, being used for sure i.e. a pawn and did the best he could under those circumstances but I have no personal knowledge of his contributions and/or his compromises he did seem to make a difference to many people in his country in a good way and probably eased a lot of tension between the races. He believed in forgiveness for peace, which was extremely big of him in his time.
Capitalism isn’t exactly fair either especially if you own a diamond company and force someone to dig for a dollar a day. If you take Vladimir Putin of Russia for example probably thinks Communism is the best kind of governance yet he personally lives like an extreme Capitalist and I think is Catholic or a form of Catholicism in his beliefs. Look at the popes and the Vatican same difference. They live like kings in palaces and are generous with OPM at Christmas especially, travel the world shaking hands and kissing babies and each other and have photographers to capture these moments so we can see their great work and their charity and their tolerance for those they overtax, rob, and deceive.
Pope Francis impresses many for his way of living I guess because he “walks the talk” or whatever that adage is and now is on Time magazine. He still is deceiving spiritually whether purposefully or not. What makes America and it’s form of government superior to most others is The Constitution and the Bill of Rights which we should try to uphold based on good spiritual insight whether or not some take advantage of the system or not. There will always be thieves and those that take advantage and those that try to upend it, diminish it and/or ridicule it and it is based mostly upon Capitalism, freedom, respect for privacy, respect for human rights, and fair competition, freedom of religion which many call faiths and a lot of other good things. 
Fox News recently and in past few days showed a woman running for some post in government being questioned incessantly about Benghazi which was a mock. She didn’t know anything about Benghazi as her answers to their mocking suggested because she didn’t know anything about the middle east she said. Here is a map of the middle east and it does not include Benghazi: Screen shot 2013-12-12 at 10.23.51 AM Benghazi is in the country of Libya which is in the continent of North Africa to the left/west of the country of Egypt beneath the country of Italy (das boot) which is of the continent of Europe and a member of the flimsy conglomeration named the European Union and I think one of the main power brokers of that glob of nations although many of those countries seem to be vying for top position. They don’t really agree on much of anything. Have they figured out their currency yet? I don’t think it much matters they just want to steal American tax dollars and destroy the American Medical success, the American currency, Americas success so they can run it and govern America.

Pope Benedict XVI

and His Power of Suggestion

  explains a bit more about Benghazi and the Sea/See/C

which in Revelation is no more (See Sea C) but hard to know what is meant since it might have been transliterated (which is scary considering the initials of JC but then might make sense if you take into consideration the location, the power and dispower, the thing Jesus said after the Sermon on the Mount recounted from the Gospel of Matthew, maybe all of the above, because of the confusion. Like parish vs. perish and statue/statute )

Fox  News thinks they are superior to other agencies in the press and in some ways they have proved it and others they have disproved it. They are IMO based mostly on Catholicism as so many faiths are based on Catholicism which is what is meant by “daughters” in the bible. Catholicism is the mom and she is very intrusive. If you haven’t noticed Catholicism is in every country of the world but just because they have managed to encroach upon others does not make them right. Communism has done the same thing in big and small ways. It is because it is easy. Most things that are easy are pretty worthless. Not catholics or communists themselves obviously but the system. Both systems obviously are compatible and eerily similar. What is difficult and hard to do is to keep our form of government the freedom it professes which it takes work and intelligent managers to keep. Take the human body as an example our Constitution and Bill of Rights are the cells that fights disease. The cell membrane of a cell that protecst the cell. Communism and Fascism are the disease. While we tolerate Catholicism and other faiths we protect the individual from contamination if they so desire. Catholicism tends to use communism and fascism (Islam) to invade and ignore other evidence to unite under their mothership. The Bill of Rights and the Constitution helps to protect the individual from their encroachment and we ought to elect those that consider individual rights as important as their own faith. It does help if you believe in God and in the right one and can differentiate between the gospels because they are different in some respects by that I mean the Gospel of John vs the Synaptic Gospels.
I have no idea when Jesus was born. Catholics and many faiths say it is on the 25th of December and that may be so and it may not. The bible says he was 33 years old when he died and yet the bible also says he was not quite 50 years old. I have celebrated Christmas all my life as a tradition. The gospel of Matthew says Jesus said “Tell no man that I am the Christ” after he had given the sermon on the mount and healed a maniac and after feeding a bunch of people. It seems a bit odd. I wrote about that subject and confusion which is linked on Merangue’s Blog. I’m not trying to abolish Christmas. I don’t want to base my beliefs on a baby in a manger and the mother with a halo depicted in many icons and pictures. I would rather base my beliefs on the words and meaning of what is recorded that is believable to me and my experiences such as the miracles in my life and other evidence I encounter on earth. If I base my beliefs on something that is nonsense such as I have written about in some posts I would not believe for long. Each of us who read the bible should have the right to discern using our own common sense and our own personal experience and ought not to rely on the clergy even though for a millennium the Catholic Church didn’t even allow people to read the bible, to own a bible, much less discern that is how much they like to control to the point of controlling one’s thoughts.
The big difference between the synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of John is confusion. That is why I prefer the Gospel of John and that is why I believe it. He was/is believable. There are parts of the Gospel of John (a few chapters that are confusing still such as the meeting with Nicodemus) but I have a feeling they were added to and altered, slipped in, but to be dishonest about the contradictions in the bible and between the gospels and say they harmonize is “wishful thinking.” Same goes for the OLD TESTAMENT. 
The Story of Abraham, Lot, Sodom and GoMorrow will be my next challenge. I think there is a lot of added assumptions to that story that need to be questioned,  clarified and/or at least discussed. I will link it as soon as I start and finish it
Catholicism is the great addender of the bible like Obama is to Obama Care. Probably why the bible is called the living bible because it is allowed to be altered by clergy whenever they decide. There isn’t much of anything that isn’t a sin of some kind in Catholicism and there isn’t any sin that can’t be forgiven or forgotten if you buy it with a donation: they call it an indulgence, which is pandering and obscene since that is not how you are forgiven but that is where charity began, IMO. That is why Catholics tend to be smug. They made a business of it. Should make you wonder why Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple because he was afraid as Bill O’reilly pointed out recently? A false sense of security, but that is what they are taught so you can hardly blame them for their smuggery. It’s their sin. Hence the saying goes in Revelation – Come out of her my children and do not be a partaker of her sins or something to that effect because she was drunk. Her, meaning “the mothership.” That is the impression Pope Francis exudes to me IMO. Smugness. To others he is a saint. Probably a bit of both in reality.
A SMUG SAINT as so many are.
Laying that aside and knowing many wonderful catholics and others of other faiths however inferior they’re faiths may be or my beliefs to them and even though we don’t always agree can we agree to concentrate on dumping Obama and Obama Care for heaven’s sake! I have a dream and that is that Obama stays in Africa and never comes back. I bet they could teach him a thing or two. Perhaps Egypt would be a good place to dump him with a sign on his back saying: My name is Barack Obama from America and I screwed you a while back. It’s just my nature.
Strange to watch Obama taking a selfie at Mandela’s funeral/memorial and Michelle concentrating on something as if he wasn’t even there and just a few hundred miles away Christians are being threatened by Islamic thugs. Obama and his experience seems to be a communist in away and Islamic/ Christian in another if it helps him. I don’t think he likes free enterprise but he may have his reasons but that is what America is about for the most part except for welfare, food stamps, Medicare and few other safety nets for the sake of the poor and the unfortunate in their time of disarray. Many go through it some time in their life. Some of us live on the edge. In the depression the rich also suffered and some could not handle it committing suicide because they got caught without their pants down. It can still happen but the safety nets are for them too. Those safety nets have worked good enough in the past they just need better maintenance and management as Ayotte recently discussed on Fox News. I think Obama prefers Mandela over Lincoln because he is black and African Americans respect him so in order to have a following he pandered him as well plus even while taking selfies at his funeral and paying astute attention with respect and shaking hands with tyrants.  He is one himself so why is anyone surprised. We all act funny sometimes though at certain kinds of events such as funerals and weddings, etc. because of emotion but he is the President and should have had more respect knowing it would be publicized but he does not  RESPECT and in a way was mocking Mandela, IMO. It is his nature to mock good people while at the same time confusing his base with meaningless words. He has many layers of that in hisself.
As Americans we need to protect our government and its premises because every inch we give in to the enemy of those premises they will take a mile. Now Bloomberg wants to force 1-6 year olds a flu shot. Used to be a choice now it’s force fed. Does he know something we don’t? (Some people make cures or drugs for diseases, but others create the diseases. That guy is a fruit cake.) I think Obama would best serve those in the Middle East or Africa with the exception of Israel. (Slavery was a staple of Egypt … North Africa and the Middle East. It did not start in America though it was exported and lingered.) That way they could serve him and his disregard, disrespect, and disdain and basically dissing everyone and everything, freedom and human rights except himself of course, because I don’t think he believes in those kind of things for others but thinks he is those things that’s why he sits where others have gone before. He’s a pretender. Wants to be those things for others in the place of those that were those things.
He want’s slavery again and will DISMANTLE our health system to get it and dishonor our Constitution and Bill of Rights and we can’t let him have that option to control. 
Insiders Reveal Obama Framed Assad for Chemical Weapons Attack
I can’t verify this because I’m not an insider but it would not surprise me one bit because it was another diversion and because ever since he got into office nothing good seems to come from Washington DC but deception and coverups and bad bills. If he did frame Assad he had a lot of help.
Still wondering why Fox News, our government, and all the other press haven’t reported about the Hoax of Sandy Hook Elementary/ Newtown Massacre Hoax. Following is a you tube by a woman who has done some very in depth research on Newtown. I picked out quite a few quotes in blue grey print I thought might interest anyone reading my post and might entice you to listen to her you tube about the Sandy Hook/ NEWTOWN HOAX:


The Sandy Hook HOAX: Very Important New Video – Sofia Smallstorm Unraveling Sandy Hook!

……”Pistols for the US government were supplied by America’s first gun manufacturers in Middletown. Home to Colt and Remington, Connecticutt was where the American Firearm’s Industry was born and in Newtown itself you will find the National Shooting Sport’s Foundation Headquarters, one of the largest gun lobbies in the country. and that is the reality that brings us to the story of a village in a town with a school that saw a shooting catastrophe one week before the Solstice of Solstices in December 2012.”……

…..”Ambulance crews learned that no bodies were coming out. They would be kept in the building to which only the police had access. Ambulances were made to wait down the street at the firehouse.”…..

…..”This was what was posted on an internet forum about the emergency response at Sandy Hook. I’m gonna read it to you: The main sticking point is the EMS’s did not behave within their normal scope. A mass shooting would have trauma helicopters flying children out one after another preforming CPR the entire way to the hospital and patients would be declared dead at the hospital after extensive measures were taken to try to save lives. I’ve been in the ER for 5 years and we get all code blue patients. We get 80 year old patients that have not been breathing for 20 minutes with no chance of survival and we preform CPR and necessary intervention with the chance that patients may regain a pulse.”…..

……” A few months ago I had a conversation with a couple of EMT’s. They told me everybody uses START Triage when there is an MCI (Mass ) They told me in exactly these words: The police cannot pronounce people dead. We can’t pronounce anyone dead unless they’re decaptitated and it’s totally obvious. We have to take everyone to the hospital. That’s where they pronounce them dead. The police don’t have the authority. We don’t have the authority.”……

….”What did Dr. Carver mean by,  “I hope they, and I hope the people of Newtown don’t have it crash on their head later” and why was it decided that the parents would not be allowed to identify their dead children which is an extreme departure not only from protocol but from instinctive parental behavior and nature. It is unthinkable to most parents to simply be told by authorities that their child was in a massacre and is never coming back. Wouldn’t parents want to see the red jacket, the blue pants, the little blonde head, the pink sneakers regardless of the injuries just to make sure?”….

……”So I’ll say it again: Danbury Hospital was only 12 miles from Sandy Hook and though the sirens went off at 9:35 and there were ambulances galore we learn from the Huffington Post that only three victims arrived at the hospital at 10:30, a whole hour of delay. Why did it take one hour to transport three victims only 12 miles?”….

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For some reason this woman looks as if she is using her middle finger on her cheek…..>>>>unless she has a very long thumb.
The man on the left is in another you tube laughing before he preforms and acting debut about his child at Sandy Hook which I will retrieve asap. from another post to include in this post because this picture helps id him.
I don’t think they are married, do you? Looks like he is bullying her to me and getting off on it. She looks as if she has been abused and when you see him in this you tube you have to agree he is disgusting!
“We were told about other subjects running through the woods that morning. One heading straight for the Masonic Lodge only a kangaroo jump away from Sandy Hook. This person dressed in camouflage no less was caught and let go because he said he was a parent (heir apparent? masonic language. Prince Harry probably footed the bill for this diversion for Obama) and he didn’t do it. He was reported to be Chris Manfredonia and his address 35 Charter Ridge Drive is directly behind the Lanza house. The 2-D (two-dimensional) story from the LA Times is this: Chris Manfredonia whose 6 year old daughter attends the school was heading there Friday morning to help make gingerbread  houses with First Graders when he heard popping sounds and smelled sulfur. He ran around the school trying to reach his daughter and was briefly handcuffed by police. In the 3rd dimension, the real world, why would a parent dress in camouflage to make gingerbread houses with little children unless he planned to run through the woods later? So I’m going to suggest here that certain players may have been brought into the real world 3-D setting beforehand to mix into it and create the event.
Strangely lots of people in the Sandy Hook story were new to town. New Town. A great blog Sandy Hook truth (dot) wordpress (dot) com tells us that many of the houses around Sandy Hook Elementary were bought on December 25th, 2009. That’s Christmas Day. They are now sold up for sale and/or Fore Closure……………..”

“Many of you are familiar with Agenda 21 officially revealed at the United Nations Earth summit in 1992. Agenda 21 is a vast platform to move the world into uniformity and sustainability…….”

“…..Okay, now note that these are closed caskets. These were not open caskets at these funerals except for one. So the father of Emily Parker was caught on hand held camera laughing as he stepped up to the microphone and getting into character like actors do when he made a public statement about his daughter’s death. It was this video that got out there causing so many people to question the identities and motives of the visible Sandy Hook parents who seemed way to complacent and accepting of the violent killings just days and even hours before their public interviews. Many have remarked on the absence of real tears, the swollen eyes, puffy faces, and red noses we should have seen.

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Crying, called lacrimation is a physiological adaptation response to dramatic circumstances or a welling of emotion. There is a direct connection between tear ducts and the limbic system in the brain. The emigdula being the part of the brain that triggers physiological reactions to emotional situations. Crying is actually a coping response releasing toxins and lowering stress. People lose composure when they cry, the need to lessen their emotional load being so strong that they don’t care how they look or even behave. Fluid from the lacrimal glands better known as tears runs copiously over-flowing into the nasal passages. heart rate increases as does sweating and the gasping reflex may be to regulate or increase air flow and oxygen. We are literally drowning in a sea of fluids. All in all, often beyond our control and when it comes to loss of a beloved we remain in it’s grip for days. So here’s the famous Robbie Parker video:”

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Shows the video and is the same one I was talking about above and I took snap shots so you can watch for yourself on this video linked that I am partially transcribing for convenience because sometimes we miss much in oral and written can be helpful in other ways,
Obviously the first picture is before he gets to the podium and is laughing. The second is getting into character and the third taking deep breath acting extremely upset hardly an talking with lots of spit in his mouth as if unable to speak and he isn’t laughing anymore. I hope you watcheth the rest of the you tube which includes information about the Ba’haith faith whicheth seemeth to bewitcheth themeth involveth in this Newtown Sandy Hook dilemma-ith. She mentions it as a death cult but martyrdom seems to be rewarded/revered by the Catholic faithith so maybeith that is whyith Megyn Kelly of Foxith Newseth enableth this junketh.

Islam alsoeth doeth the sameth, but they calleth it jihadith!

Pretty sickening and VERY insane.

Sofia Smallstorm talks about the donation fund themselves that were set up days before the hoax. and the school was honored by the press themselves and alluded to the town as being a CIA town of some kind.

…….”His (Dr. Carver) famous words, “I hope the people of Newtown don’t have this crash on their heads later,” suggests that something abnormal was going on and might be eventually exposed.”……….

…….“This is the most difficult part of the story. The portraits look quite real ( shows a few pics of the supposed victims of Newtown) but there are a few very low resolution pictures. Who are these children? Are they alive today or not? Are we seeing pictures of children taken several years ago so it is harder to identify them today? That so many of them are inserted into what we know as the family pictures suggests they may not be present day members of those families.”……..

…..”The only open casket funeral that we got any details of was Noah Posners’ and his face was covered with a cloth except for his closed eyes (weird) This was perhaps supposed to prove that there were real bodies and real victims but we are again having to rely on report and the appearance of something without being able to verify it for ourselves.”……

…….”In mid May of this year a curious development arose a Newtown clerk was refusing to release death certificates of victims of the Sandy Hook shootings supposedly to protect against identity theft and to shield the families from added distress. Death certificate information which includes mothers maiden name has always been available to the public for all kinds of research purposes. To have this withheld from all those that do not vitally need it as the town clerk  put it suggests that there might not be any death certificates at all and issuing a false certificate is a violation of the law.”……. 

She mentions Hearst too, which is kind of interesting. Could be a big clue’)

 Seems Christmas Day is a theme of Newtown. I wonder why?

Guns, Christmas, kids, mental illness. Many layers in this hoax. If getting rid of guns isn’t accomplished I’m sure Obama and his fanatics will find something else to go after to confuse, manipulate, and control the public  not to mention charge us for it…… mental illness, perhaps? Speaking of charging that is one of the themes in the post linked called:
 Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven
 I think Obama is mad at medical experts because they have outed him and Obama Care is a response to that outing. Seems everything he does is responding to one debacle after another and keeps growing by leaps and bounds.Some people don’t want to find cures because it puts a crimp in their business or the business of chumps.

Obama marks Newtown school shooting anniversary with call for gun control

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And tonight Megyn Kelly of Fox News had some families of this “Newtown tragedy” on her show tonight and grieving with them about different things on the anniversary of this HOAX. Megyn Kelly acts as if it is real. She didn’t even want to mention the names of the killers because of some stupid reason even though regardless that it’s a hoax and she knows it yet she says Santa a lot, Is it because she doesn’t want to falsely accuse the killers that she knows didn’t massacre a bunch of kids?

For Christmas sake

are we supposed to enable this kind of crap?

Of course, Obama wants to enable this kind of crap so he won’t have to deal with Benghazi.

Obamas mark Newtown anniversary with moment of silence

Obamas mark Newtown anniversary with moment of silence

“Dec. 14 – President Obama and the First Lady lit 26 candles in a moment of silence to honor the 26 victims of the Newtown shootings. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).”

Silence is really gonna help, isn’t it. Lighting a bunch of candles in honor of kids that weren’t really killed is so deep.

Megyn Kelly Lashes Out

Megyn Kelly

This is about her racial profiling of Santa so that we won’t deal with false flag/false stories/false massacres ie hoaxes at schools.
Megyn, why are you ignoring the evidence? Do you gain something by enabling a big hoax?
Sean, Juan, Bill, what the heck are ya doin’?
Makes one wonder what else is a hoax if you can’t even recognize this one. I like her show lately about Obama Care and I think she has been very aggressive, but what about Newtown? Benghazi? Seems that the bottom line is really all that concerns the press ……………………..
becauseth they are
yellow belly malingerers. (new word for O’reilly)
If you dare you might have this woman (Sofia Smallstorm) appear on Fox on your many shows and spend as much time as you have bereaving and enabling the hoax and you might “heal thyself.”
How about interviewing Mr. Parker? You could try to figure out what kind of mental illness created this insanity?
So far they haven’t even tried which is astounding.
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 Tough to trust anything said in the press and by our leaders anymore..
Are the press not allowed to talk about it? It’s a Really Strange Dilemma.
When they see the articles about the hoax do they just go blank or something yet report news such as it’s anniversary as if it is real complaining about the politicalization of the event. Talk about babble. And then the obvious coverup and hiding of evidence. A new book about the mother was highlighted on Fox News a few days ago. The author had hung out in Newtown and gleaned information he could not possibly know such as how and why the mother supposedly handled her son. The author acted and sounded like a mobster intellectually. I’m not a rocket scientist but even I could tell he was full of shit and dumb. The press though is rather confusing to me because they seem to be going along with it willingly. So it means to me they are kind of aiding and abetting Obama and his deceptive maniacs and it must be based upon faiths.

Widow: I love his killers  Well, I’M NOT IMPRESSED!

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She must have been sorry she married the guy.
Anderson Cooper also interviewed the Sandy Hook families with great care as he interviewed the woman who lost her teacher husband in Benghazi about a month ago who forgives the killers of her husband and wants to show God’s grace through her forgiveness of them yet Sandy Hook was a hoax so what do you bet that this teacher’s death is a hoax too.  Just like Megyn Kelly Anderson Cooper also doesn’t want the killers name repeated out of respect for the people that did not die.
Seems that the press is suffering from a strange kind of mental illness

BEST NEWS: McDonnell parents live through Grace

Her name happened to be GRACE.

Here is a story about GRACE Al Qaeda style:

Al Qaeda: We’re sorry about Yemen hospital attack

and GRACE Houston style:

Joel Osteen’s Credo: Eliminate the Negative, Accentuate Prosperity


Mitt Romney, Alec Baldwin, and silly apologies

I forgive Alec Baldwin for his anger outbursts and would love to see if he has the acting ability to cry. He is funny and a good actor, but can he cry?

The silly stuff about Mitt Romney’s family is a bit contrived. When I was a kid my mother usually dressed me in blue and my little sister in pink. Nevertheless he should accept the apology because it was harmless as far as I can tell. I recall Mitt Romney and his wife expounding about raising children that some were successes and some were failures. Sometimes the failures become successes long after one raises them but depends on what a person equates success to. For some it’s making a lot of money or popularity and to others it is other things and sometimes parents aren’t aware of their children’s successes, their talents, or their possibilities!

The crying of the comedian was the contrived part of this ridiculous event and since when have families been “off limits” in politics, religion, and Hollywood?

In regards to the gender issues and the colors pink or blue, and marriage

Did the Bill of Rights say “except for gays?” Did God say in the bible that forgiveness was excluding gays?

Did Jesus mention gayness?…..however Paul did say it in a round about way in the New Testament.

IF as Duck Dynasty quoted the bible about the gays receiving recompense in their bodies as women do when they get pregnant (and believe me sometimes it feels that way): how about the male in the heterosexual relationship who doesn’t get pregnant …and how about lesbians. They don’t get aids. Does God mean to say that gay men are punishable but it is okay for females to be gay? I think it means that certain parts of the body have risks in females and males. It’s not about being progressive….it’s about fairness and the Bill of Rights which is very fair. Not everyone in the USA believes the same way about God, Moses, Jesus, Peter and Paul. Is it better for a gay to marry a straight person because of social rules sometimes making the straight person miserable and at risk? Isn’t it better to let them marry who they love? Doesn’t mean if you disagree that you have to preform the ceremony or attend the wedding, but the Bill of Rights protects their freedom to pursue happiness too because this life on earth is not heaven. IF you don’t believe in God and believe in evolution shouldn’t gays have a chance to progress? Shouldn’t they have the experience of marriage and/or divorce so that they may learn about the pros and cons of both as heterosexuals have been exclusively allowed to experience? Often times it is experience that causes one to either experiment in homosexual/lesbian behavior or become that way caused by heterosexual resentment, bullying, over-bearing parents, or homosexual/lesbian secrecy such as in the Catholic Entity. If priests were allowed to marry then maybe they wouldn’t inflict their secret sexuality on other people’s kids (OPK) or less often. Obviously it happens and also in heterosexual circles as well. And it is the victim who gets confused and usually unfairly punished because of the secrecy and reputations being tainted while the one that inflicts their sexuality on OPK’s gets protected as we know happened before Pope Benedict XVl resigned and I think the reason may be because they use their church to protect child predators and create them like they created whores in the past male and female because they wanted to protect the church from divorce and scandal. Which in my opinion has caused a great neurotic backlash on the lay people and their kids in retaliation since Pope Benedict XVl resigned  to protect the false teachings in my opinion of their church (and their allies)  such as protecting the child predators by their secrecy and musical chairs like the Department of State in Obamas terms as President with Hillary in charge. Instead of firing them they moved them to another job. Sexuality is confusing no matter what gender or sexuality oftentimes and to deny a basic human right of marriage is petty. Honestly I don’t think a person has a right to be a priest unless he or she is married to another human being for a period of time because they lack experience in life and should not lord over those that are married and if they don’t have kids they shouldn’t lord over the ones that do have children.

If I had a family member who was gay I would want them to be happy and find someone to love that loved them and be protected by the laws the same as me. I’m not always comfortable around gays, blacks, lesbians, and rednecks, or any other group in groups like men etc but if I deny them the freedom that I enjoy I would never be comfortable around them knowing they would naturally resent me.

Catholic school not cool with gay marriage, totally cool with gay divorce

Very lovely interview by a very cute young lady interviewing a married gay couple who seem very nice and happy together. Hope you listen to the interview because it’s pretty informative and seems very sincere and might help those like me and others to have better understanding of gay marriage and what it means to them. To me, what I take is that they care for each other a lot and are worthy of respect (not that they need my approval.) It is hard to get over the obstacles of gay marriage being straight and yet they seem to have done a pretty good job being gay. Nice people.


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Back to the widow who loves her husbands killer:

I guess Obama doesn’t want to be accountable about the first attack at Benghazi on September 11th that he blamed on a video which wasn’t true and appeared at the UN to say his speech about Islam and Mohammad. And Unesco obviously associated with the UN and Britain run the school this man supposedly taught the Libyans about Faith and now she is gonna teach us about grace. But if Sandy Hook Elementary isn’t really real, is this unusual grace she reveals to Anderson Cooper really real?
I guess the Baha’ ithers have a lot to doeth it. (The UN/RC manufacturedeth piece of shiteth worldith religioneth)

Widow of American teacher forgives attackers who killed her husband in Libya

Here is my article about Newtown written soon after on another site and about other issues:

 Newtown – A Hoax?

I think Obama watched Love Story with Ryan O’neil and Ali MacGraw too many times. It was only a movie.

“Love Means

Never Having to Say You’re Sorry”

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I forgot my key.

You can say you are sorry for the Obama Care Bill and I think it just

might work, if you repeal it, that is.

Just admit it. You screwed up.

It isn’t working.

Speaking of keys this is a really short post I pecked a while back which I hope you will read in case you missed it:

 Keys of the

Kingdom of Heaven

Kind of humorous, too.  You have to admit there is some inconsistency in them thar keys
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worth considering at the very least.
Similar to the funeral of Mandela and the sign language interpreter:

Sign language interpreter at Mandela memorial: I was hallucinating, hearing voices

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I enjoyed his signing and it was kind of funny.

How in the world did he get this job?

Lately, I have noticed a big push to incarcerate or institutionalize people without due process using hoaxes such as Newtown and that seems very dangerous. When the President of the United States and world leaders can’t even tell the difference if someone is  signing or just making gestures I sure don’t want who he appoints to decide who is crazy and who is not crazy under the guise of protecting the populace.

I think someone ought to give the man who signed at the Mandela funeral some art supplies (paints and canvas) stuff that can’t hurt him or others! I bet he would be quite productive and it might help him therapeutically much more than imprisoning him. I’m no doctor but he held his composure pretty well for having hallucinations and hearing voices, if that is true? I hope someone watches out for him and keeps him out of trouble. He made history for sure.

If they can’t differentiate between a hoax and a real event, if they can’t differentiate between a lie and misspoke about 50 times about doctors by Obama, how can we trust them with our health care, our children, our future, our schools, our protection, our businesses, our hard earned money, our form of governance, our way of life, our finances, our free market, or our personal lives? 

When I watch Rahm Emanuel’s brother who helped to create Obama Care defend Obama and Obama Care you have to wonder if he isn’t crazy himself. He certainly acts like a nut. Watched him on Fox the last few days and he just doesn’t make any good sense especially when asked by Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday this last Sunday about the things Obama promised about 

keeping your doctor.

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Belligerent Zeke Emanuel Again

Helps the Anti-Obamacare Cause

in Sunday Chris Wallace Interview 

In my opinion Ezekiel Emanuel is much more dangerous than the man at the funeral signing and less imaginative.

Dems supported Obamacare until it affected them, Johnson says

 Really daring of Johnson! What happened to courage?

Did Obama shrink the Republican testicles? We know the Dems lost theirs a long time ago but c’mon Republicans get your act together and impeach Obama……..Erase Obama Care………Do what you have to do to do it…….Shut the government down until you succeed.

‘Duck Dynasty’ dad blind to reality

Duck Dynasty’s dad tells what he thinks about his beliefs and he gets railroaded. He has a right to say what he thinks IMO. IF the network wants to get up in arms about it or whoever is up in arms about it they could have not shown that interview. They did air it and all they had to do is say they don’t agree with him just like they do for advertisements and documentaries. They could write op eds about how they don’t like what he said but to lose a job over it for that alone is insane. The people that watch Duck Dynasty watch because they like the characters/people that are on and some that watch may agree with the dad and others don’t.  I had an uncle who said a few things I didn’t like but not nearly as crudely but I loved him and ignored those things I didn’t like. He had a right to think his way. I had a right to accept him as is or not. Gettin’ ridiculous. If you think Hillary Clinton gives a hoot about gays GET A LIFE. It didn’t matter to her whether the men at Benghazi were taking a walk and were attacked or whether it was a planned attack. You think she cares about anyone else other than her popularity and her image. What about her friend Vince Foster yet gays usually support her regardless of these few examples of murder/suicide but there are many more.  Is that nice or is that naughty? It isn’t right just because you have been marginalized in the past to support someone who doesn’t care about someone else even though it was her job to give a crap and to answer the question instead of getting hysterical.

I don’t like beards. Are all the bearded people in the world gonna fire me off my job? By the way I don’t watch their show and have never seen it, probably never will tune in to it because reality shows for the most part are BS and I’m not a fan of that kind of entertainment. (I didn’t like the one about the rich girls losing weight or about the warehouse auctions either because the “cause” of those warehouse bids bugged me.) I did not examine the statements but it seems to be a set up for some strange reasonings. A&E did not have to air the conversation or whoever aired it didn’t have to so they must have wanted a reaction. Who knows the intent, but definitely premeditated for our consumption. Another diversion I guess.

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A few days later  Joel Olsteen of Texas appeared on the news to extol his sweet faith, grace, and prosperity for all to see. I guess he just didn’t want to be forgotten amid the firestorm of Duck Dynasty taking credit and kudos whenever he can collecting on the coattails of others for prosperity’s sake. What would you expect from such a noble creature, I mean preacher. Another smug saint. He doesn’t lack self love either.

Miley’s New Video Might Be Racier Than ‘Wrecking Ball’

Is that fox fur?

Miley Cyrus
Mike Huckabee Drags Obama Into Duck Dynasty Controversy Why: to split the Republican party so that Hillary may win? A premeditated baton race? Something smells about the Duck Dynasty fiasco, Joel Olsteen, and Mike Huckabee, doesn’t it?
Maybe it’s that Jesuit alliance.
Timing is everything.
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Tonight he is including in his show the case of the child who now is brain dead from a routine operation to remove her tonsils. I agree with the premise that the parents or anyone that loves her should have the right to make decisions regarding her future. Terry Shiavo’s brother was the guest star on the show and I think Huckabee while standing for life (which I truly think he is sincere about his stance especially abortion) had to get the abortion issue into this particular case. It is different than abortion. I know Huckabee wants to run for President or was thinking about it and I hate that he put the two together.
The wishes of the mom and dad should be honored in this case and every case over the government, the hospital, and the doctors. The doctors and the hospital were somehow negligent or I don’t think she would be in the physical state she is in (I’m suspicious) and I think their disposition to her state of mind and body are questionable since it covers their behinds to allow her to die. I hope she wakes up and proves them wrong and the mom and dad win every conflict between the two forces for their kid and for their state of mind and heart. It’s their girl. The hospital should accommodate the families wishes  and as the brother of Terry Shiavo said “why are they in a hurry” or something to that effect. The doctors language when referring to their daughter proves he is not emotionally involved with their child in the least. Prejudice (gender…race…religion)? Does the doctor not believe in miracles? Does he think his successes in medicine were only by his own hand? Was she a medicare recipient? A number? A financial burden? The fact is she could wake up and miracles do occur?

Miracles happened to me.

(Her name is interesting Jiha without the d? I am suspicious this is another diversion since there have been so many hoaxes for political and religious side trips since Obama took office and expecially since Benghazi. I would be an idiot if I weren’t suspicious! Knowing that the Obama’s and those that support him are on a crusade to control our very Thoughts, Minds, and Body and they have no right to that presumption. )

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This jerk called Jonathon/Jonathan in his clerical garb of Fox News doesn’t agree …..hmmmmm. I wonder why? He wasn’t wearing them when he was in Colorado last year for the Marijuana festival right before the floods in Colorado. What’s the hurry Jonathon? He wants her terminated for some strange reason. Is it up to Jonathon?  I think he is in support of Obama Care and doctors, hospitals, and death panels over parental rights which is sooooo Catholic as if they can raise them better………Ever hear of deception? Ever hear of special treatment for some and not for others? Get married, Jonathon! Have your own kids then maybe you can come to the same conclusion when it is your own child. He hasn’t evolutionized because he hasn’t experienced marriage and children of his own. How would he know what is best for their child or for the parents? How would he know if her soul has left her body? Is he God? He doesn’t have the courage to raise his own kids…what the heck does he know. Tries to stand on the side of science….Catholic science. That is what Obama Care is about folks is the take over of our medical care by Rome and it’s allies. I can’t help think about the dark ages and who made them dark. Experience and history has proved that Rome is deficient…Remember your religion burned people at the stake…they accused a person who could swim of witchcraft…they crucified people….they would not allow them to read….when the people learned to read they would not allow them to read the bible….they spoke in latin so that no one knew what the heck they were doing or saying because they loved mystery way more than the truth.

They send smoke signals when they elect a pope….need I say more?

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The mother of the child said her child moves when she is with her and I think it is best to trust the mother and what she experienced over Jonathon’s plea to override the mother’s instinct. I would rather trust her than the blithering whim of Jonathon of Fox News.
What does Peter Pan think?
Jonathon appeared again on Fox News to say that Faith and Science agree. How cold does it have to get to say that Faith and Science were wrong about global warming? If they were wrong about that what else were and are they wrong about? Many things. I think it was faith that started this global warming frenzy, wasn’t it, which turned into Climate Change which shows they lacked faith in their assessment. Why is Jonathon so interested in this girl being terminated and trying to put faith and science in partnership with this girls health? It is very strange behavior. I think that girl has more life in her than Jonathon. Talk about soul less ness. Shall we terminate Jonathon? He walks and talks but is dead inside.
Fox and Shepard Smith are sure worried about this girls body parts. Why? I think they want to make life and death decisions over parental rights. Control freaks is what they are. He is pissing me off too the more I think about his intervention on Fox. Using his collar and his schleppy faith to pressure this woman to give up on her girl, a peer type pressure but using his religion/cult. I think he stinks to high heaven.

Would you want this dildo making decisions for you?

By the way Terry Shiavo’s picture before her accident or non accident looks very different than I remember her back then. Now she looks like Monica Lewinsky with short hair and before she was athletic with long hair etc. Maybe that was before she transitioned into the other person.
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Ted Cruz really would be far more fair IMO since it seems after his conversation with Dianne Feinstein about human rights/equal rights to protect oneself (which IMO gay marriage protects gay people as marriage protects straight people as well unifying both people into one) contained within
The Bill of Rights and the US Constitution
and his conversation on the floor of the Senate for many hours
where he seemed to forge a huge turning point for Americans in regards to educating Americans about the pit falls of Obama Care
with some help from some friends in his gentle fashion. Reminds me of Reagan!
The fact is that certain sins are caused often by experience turning people one way or another. Generational sin and abuse. NO one knows for sure what makes a person gay. Some say you can force yourself not to be gay others deny it. I’m not gay so I have no idea but Paul in the New Testament says that effeminate cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven and just because someone is effeminate does not mean they are gay. And who gets to determine if someone is effeminate? IF you have a lisp does that make you effeminate? I think it is an inexact science and therefore marriage (an inexact science) should IMO not be denied willing adults. So to exempt certain people from rights that other adult people have in the US is wrong and cruel as stated by our laws. Now in other countries it may be different. I could be totally off base on the issues of gayness biblical wise but I have known some really wonderful gay people and seen some rotten ones too just like regular sexed people. I think still that the laws that are most important and apply evenly are the Ten Commandments and yet we all break those commandments. Even Moses broke the Ten Commandments the first time around, but they are a very good standard to try to live by and to observe even though we may interpret them differently because we are each a bit different and grew up differently. God chose the Hebrews and said they were a peculiar people unto him. So the Hebrew God liked peculiar people. The fringe. Maybe he wasn’t into hems. I don’t think he likes the mistreatment of people ie slavery. I think he does not like tyrants and those that think they are gods themselves. He proved his strength and power and might over the Pharoah of Egypt to let the Hebrews leave their enslavement. You would think most people in the world would agree with those principles. I think sex should remain private that is why I am against the NSA because I think they abuse the privacy rights of Americans and others and some use those windows to exact punishment primarily to blackmail people to control them politically and religiously and in other ways such as setting up temptations etc. I don’t think God appreciates our government spying on it’s own people. IF not then why did God get mad when the people were numbered and counted which is why I think the Consumption tax is the fairest in the land. We should not have the right to know how much one person earns and neither should our government which I believe leads to a lot of bad blood and temptation for blackmail etc. I have a feeling that the NSA is an offense to God and his people. I think Obama Care is an offense to God as well because I think he knows it’s intended purpose and it is not coverage. That is why we should change our tax system to a consumption tax. That way government doesn’t need to know every detail about every person God made.
I could care less if someone has five wives or five husbands. If they are willingly married it is their business. Solomon of the bible had a bunch of wives and I don’t recall any complaints. But it is against the laws in the US because Mormonism is a relatively new religion. I don’t know when the rules of marriage changed or how but I don’t think it is necessarily right or wrong. I don’t recall Jesus saying anything about polygamy or for that matter anything about homosexuality in any of the gospels. Maybe those references got lost in the translation….transliteration….. or were destroyed. I don’t know. Think of it if  King Henry the 8th might have allowed Anne Boleyn to keep her head if the Pope and those making stupid rules had stayed out of everyones lives. Talk about being in the Dark ages and barbarism: Princess Diana might have been able to live to see her grandchildren. 

Ananias and Sapphira

(Manger an Ana-Graham of German/Ananias (there were two of them, I think …and I’m guessing that is where the Anabaptists simulated who were often persecuted but then the Grahams (Franklin Graham) also suffered recently with the IRS persecution of the Right wing Tea Party tax exempted or so he says. I think he did not want to compete with those other businesses in the business of donations and tax exemption. Cleaning house, so to speak, similar to Ananias who supposedly was killed for not reporting the price that he sold his land or perhaps it was Sapphira’s land by marriage scaring the heebjeebies for those in Jerusalem at the time. Thinking they would die for lying about their donation to the church. WHy should they have had to report anything?  Sapphira also was supposedly killed although she doesn’t seem to make it to any other books of the bible so maybe Ananias took care of two problems with one stone. Pretty coincidental. Of course he probably was a spy too and didn’t really die and then he appeared at another house of Peter who lived with the tanner. More like a set up artist. That is why if you haven’t noticed a stark difference between the Gospel of John and the Book of Acts then you are brain dead. They don’t harmonize.
Caught Billy Graham and his English accent in one of my posts and wrote a bit about it which you can find on Merangue’s Blog. Billy Graham wrote a book/excuse about trying to warn Kennedy about an assassination attempt too but just couldn’t reach him and Kennedy’s son met with him about his dad’s death before he died in a plane crash with his pregnant wife and sister-in-law and her family sued the Kennedy’s. I think Billy Graham made a pledge with his other preacher friends to never talk bad about the other….Geeeez I wonder why? He did get caught telling Nixon that the Jews didn’t really know what he really thought about them. I guess he didn’t like them….GOOD GUESS!?…Though Franklin Graham gets air time on O’reilly’s show and Greta’s show on Fox quite often pretending and because he calls himself a preacher everyone believes him. Kind of stupid considering the evidence. The Republicans aren’t really republicans, many aren’t anyway. Many are fakers…faking out conservatives with their CHRISTIANITY act. 
Bethlehem-Elizabeths Hem? HMMMMMMM. Queen Elizabeth is German. Now Bethlehem is being renovated, HMMMMMM. With whose taxes…Obama Care? Lots of strange stuff goin’ on, eh? I would call the Grahams spies for ana-other countries, but well respected spies and set up artists! I hope the Republicans clean house too and do the job they were sent up to Washington to do. Get rid of the Paul Ryans who are fakes.)
Effeminates really don’t care about those women, do they? The Laws of Moses are in the bible and I have no idea if God is involved in them. They are on paper and were not written in stone as the Ten Commandments were created. Wonder where the rock/paper/scissors game originated from?  There seem to be an awful lot of rules in the Laws of Moses but I have no idea if they were inspired by God. Some do seem to be protective of health and other things and seem to have been learned over time and experience probably learned and taught via the Hebrews 40 year trek through the wilderness after their slavery in Egypt. More like warnings against diseases and things caused by those kinds of activities. Eating certain type foods because of contamination, gay diseases, heterosexual diseases, cleanliness diseases, handling of the dead, women disease prevention, etc. I have not paid as much attention to that part of the bible as maybe I should have. I think mostly because there are so many rules in them. They may be really important. I tended to concentrate on comparing the gospels. The bible is pretty extensive. I do suspect an awful lot of addition to it and subtraction of it has occurred and propaganda via the Roman occupation of Israel and Islamic/Egyptian reoccupation of Israel, at the time of the destruction of the temples and destruction of Jerusalem a few times, and at the time of the death of Jesus, etc. The priests of RC are not allowed to be married because they were afraid that the divorce decrees might deplete their coffers. So I think that is why many priests are effeminate like Georg Ganswein. Do you really want the church/religion that propagates effeminate priests makin’ the rules? Let them marry. How in the world can they know about families if they aren’t allowed to have their own. How can they understand raising of kids if they can’t be married and have children of their own? How in the world can they understand divorce if they can’t be married? Being raised in a family is not the same as having one of your own.

How can they have any understanding of others and give sound or sane advice about these issues to their followers unless they can experience what others experience. Might as well make a chair or a table and put a robe or frock on those pieces of furniture and call it a priest for as much as they can possibly have any insight or understanding into anything human.

If the RC can’t keep their coffers full after allowing marriage and divorce then it is because they can’t handle being human. It is because they can’t handle marriage, they can’t handle kids, and they can’t handle divorce and are of the lesser species of humans.

Do we really want lesser species of humans ie effeminates interfering

into the affairs of mankind?

Should anyone who isn’t married even be allowed to be a priest? That is the question! If they can’t marry another adult human being they shouldn’t be priests because they have no experience. You got to have experience for that job, don’t ya? Or are they afraid to experience marriage, kids, and sometimes divorce themselves which seems to me to be effeminate. Fearful of relationships.

If they don’t want to be married maybe they should be made into eunichs.

IN other words if a priest isn’t willing to marry another human being then they ought to not have weiner schnitzels and have their nuts cut off. That way they don’t interfere in the sexuality issues and parenting abilities of others.

 Just because you can kiss some else’s baby doesn’t mean you aren’t effeminate. Have your own children and learn to raise kids so that the rest of us can determine if you have the ability. Oh but he drives an inferior car and lived in an apartment so that makes the Pope experienced. BIG deal! He sells indulgences so that makes him a scoundrel.

The new and improved and grotesquely massive NSA happens to reside in Utah – the Salt of the earth area of the USA where the Mormons reside and makes me distrustful of their influence over the NSA since Mormonism is highly influential in Utah. I consider mormonism to be a cult and I don’t like the idea of a cult spying on the US citizens for their gain. I had a mormon friend and she told me about some of the abuses of the Mormon religion and I have heard of other examples. Not saying all mormons are abusive because they aren’t. Same goes for the RC. Billy Graham says that Mormons are now not a cult even though once they were a cult to him but I think that was because he thought Mitt Romney was gonna be President and he likes to influence the presidents of the US and tends to profit by that influence. Mormons think they are not a cult. So do Roman Catholics etc. I guess it is a matter of opinion but since I’m neither I don’t like either religion and don’t want them to have power over my beliefs and I’m pretty positive they don’t want me to have power over their beliefs. I think Islam is a cult too. Does the RC and Mormonism want Islam to have power over their beliefs? I doubt it. 

In Islam they marry kids. (A sort of adoption that is unfair to the female child. That is slavery) That kind of marriage I’m against.  And I’m against marriage without permission of the other person which is also slavery, IMO.

Now the Alabamians duck callers are upset at the four dancers gyrating who were dressed in women’s clothing I guess which is reported on Fox News as an outrage but then you have to wonder would they mind watching (or having their kids watch) Elvis gyrating and catching women’s underwear in Alabama? Or an Elvis impersonator catching underwear. Obviously this was a stunt for some political purpose and could have been avoided but there must have been good reason to include them in the parade even though Alabama isn’t known for it’s tolerance. I guess the shock value? If that’s what Alabamians want in their parade…. isn’t it up to the people of Alabama? I guess the foursome like to be abhorred by some and obviously suffer a debilitating sickness in their minds because they do not help others who are gay that want respect. Isn’t that the point? They were not trying to earn respect but they were trying to upset you. That is kind of sad and you have to look at them as untalented show offs who don’t give a hoot about respect for their fellow gay friends. Like an alcoholic who decides he wants to not be drunk and his drunk friends won’t let him. So they really aren’t friends, are they…just drinking buddies?

I wonder who put them up to it and asked them to join the parade? The Obama regime? Just pity them for their pitiful display and their own self humiliation. Think of it as a carnival such as watching the Obama Administration lie to you through their spokespeople Susan Rice and Jay Carney and whoever else steps up to the plate to cover his

“lead from behind.”

So far been the lousiest president and administration known to mankind so he needs all the “hep he can git.” Perhaps if he had thought out his premise for his legacy and his terms as president with the right intentions things might have been more successful for him, but he blew it from the start.

Myself, I’m not into parades of any kind. I don’t go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras either. The only processions I enjoy usually have beautiful horses because they don’t have an agenda.  I have been to the Queen’s birthday parade but I was forced to go and it was not exactly my cup of tea. However it was fun to see the guys with the big tall red hats.

Back to being Naught or Nice:

Bill Clinton fakes crying at Ron Brown’s funeral

How about Ron Brown’s funeral when Bill Clinton pulled his fake crying like the dad at Newtown for his dead daughter who apparently didn’t die. Is that naughty or is that nice? You think Clinton cares about gays? Don’t ask, don’t tell. And what did he do for you? He didn’t even care for his political lackeys. I would venture to call it silencing ….like the mob does to their friends and enemies. At least Duck Dynasty’s dad is telling what he thinks honestly though controversial to gays but not controversial to the bible. There are lots of sins in the bible and I haven’t met anyone that wasn’t a sinner in some form or fashion. (I think though the bible calls homosexuality an abomination but I really don’t want to review it in the bible to be positive about the distinction. I think humans tend to figure out new ways to sin or reinvent sin as we go like drugs and language. I think homosexuality is a part of the Law of Moses but not totally sure. To me the important laws or primary laws are the Ten Commandments given to Moses which I think are Universal laws, where as the laws of Moses were to protect via their experience and documented for future generations as fair warning!) So get over it.

I guess as long as you lie about it, it makes it okay. As long as you are a fake, it’s okay.

He has a right to express his opinion otherwise if he isn’t able to verbally express his opinion should anyone have the right to discuss anything controversial? Might as well turn off the TV, radio, and the internet for everyone.

Silence is Golden

Seems the left believe in silencing opposing views. Where did this saying come from? The link gives an explanation that it came from Egypt whether true or not it is a RC saying for sure and it is meant to quell opposing opinions and opposing beliefs.

“Silence is a woman’s best garment.”

It is to control others such as those that say “Don’t ask, Don’t tell.” Same difference.  Marriage between gays did not occur because of the Clintons. That I know. I do know that the opinions of others were swayed by US CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHTS activist TED CRUZ and yet his religious beliefs are his own. I do know that since I have learned about the difference between the Gospels things changed that way not without a lot of resistance, but nevertheless honestly dealing with sins, behavior, and laws makes a BIG difference. 

If you don’t want to hear opposing views and opinions TURN THE TV OFF

or whatever is yanking your chains. I DARE YOU!

Political Correctness has got to cease their agendas! If the politically correct pushers want to tell others how to say something or what is politically correct to say then go back to Europe! Now the politically correct are holier than thou. There is nothing correct about political correctness.I suggest the politically correct ought to be wearing a veil/burka. Here is an example of going way over board in political correctness and what’s worse it’s a comedian. I think he lost his mojo:

Steve Martin apologizes, offers explanation for ‘unfortunate’ tweet

I happen to like African American names because many are very creative but Steve Martin can’t even make a silly joke about African American names, that is ridiculous. Apologizing? It is because of that kind of overreaction to criticism by the politically correct that puts fear and supersilliousness into others. Steve Martin is a stooge. Political Correctness is FAKINESS. You think Eddie Murphy would apologize for something so innocuous. I hope not. What is the world coming to ….The death of comedy and Steve Martin can thank himself for torturing us. If I were African American I would be more insulted that he apologized.

Political correctness is political corruptness ie political schmoozing

of the politically inept.

Speaking of inept on 12/22/13:

Susan Rice defends Benghazi interviews

She defends telling lies for Obama. She calls Benghazi a false controversy….What the hell does that mean? Did she know or didn’t she? When did she know it wasn’t a video tape that caused the murders at Benghazi? The falseness happens to be what she said about a video tape causing Benghazi and she got caught in the false controversy, her lies and Obama’s lies….didn’t she? She looks pretty intense and pissed off about it too. Madame Susan doesn’t like to get caught and I think she had much to gain by lying. Just a good honest guess. Who is she married to anyway?

Her lies?


Is telling the truth about the NSA a crime? Whose government is the NSA working for? Eric Snowden’s government. If Snowden is a US citizen he has the right to tell the truth about the deception going on at the NSA. It is his duty as a US citizen and should not be tried in court and should be able to reside in the USA without hindrance. Remember WE THE PEOPLE…….?

Eric Snowden should be given a lot of slack because he told the truth about the NSA to his fellow citizens and they don’t want to be beholden to the citizens they are supposed to be protecting because they are not protecting us but intruding upon us for their own benefit and who they really are beholden to. I would not trust the Obama Administration and many on either side of the political aisle in regards to his freedom or his rights. The NSA is an abomination. The CIA, the State Department, the Secret Service, the FBI, the Justice Department, the Press are abominations. Even the Supreme Court has lost it’s purpose by allowing Obama Care and determmining it is legal. It is obvious if you consider what occurred at Benghazi that none of these abominations care about the truth whatsoever. They have lost their boundaries for their purpose and abused the rights of others for their own agendas which does not include the safety and welfare of Americans here or abroad which is the job of the Federal government but no longer tends to that purpose but instead to cheat, rob, manipulate and abuse it’s own citizens. Since the assassination of President Kennedy that ought to be obvious.

The man that sort of told the truth and sort of lied about the NSA also did a service to the USA. Just not adept at secrecy and lying for the NSA. Military men are kind of that way. Sworn sometimes to secrecy yet more often than not, honest. He obviously works for the NSA and was protecting it. At least he didn’t take” the fifth” because his response before Congress was helpful in that it kind of got the ball rolling to distrust the NSA but to act like he is a liar is deceptive and another diversion for sure. What about Congress? They won’t even question the parents of Ambassador Chris Stevens, the Obamas, the Benghazi witnesses, ….that is a kind of deception and dishonest and protective, isn’t it? Yea it is. 

In fact all six abominations mentioned are working for another power

and it isn’t AMERICAN!

The Boston Marathon bombing is another good example of abuse of US citizens. One particular respected woman in the press and a contributor to Fox News wrote a book about the supposed terrorist’s family within days and it became obvious to me at that instant that they had been watching and manipulating this family for quite a while in order to set them up and to eradicate whoever they wanted to eradicate for a distraction for the Obamas against his achilles heel, his failures, and the murders at Benghazi. A few similarities of Camp Bastion and Benghazi come to mind too which involve our supposed ally. That is how evil our government has become. Can’t get much worse than that! Well maybe it can:

Billionaires Dumping Stocks, Economist Knows Why

Seems to me they are purposefully trying to affect the market as a statement of some kind and/or pressure of some kind. I don’t buy the excuse given by the “economist.” Well let’s hope they don’t succeed in using their muscle to screw Americans. I guess Soros and his buddies are trying to help Obama with Obama Care, eh? They must have something to gain by Obama Care as if they don’t have enough.

Dennis Rodman

What is the deal with Dennis Rodman? He sings happy birthday to a tyrant who executes his own uncle, lover and who knows who else, etc. I saw a clip on O’reilly and the whole team is kissing Rodman’s ass by going along? The people in North Korea live in fear of a mad man. Rodman lies to everyone saying the Korean idiot is a nice guy. Rodman reminds me of Obama as if he is possessed by Obama which I think is Obama’s talent…possession, lies, mocking and other bad things. I think it is Michelle’s talent as well or why would there be a picture of her at Benghazi wigless and with arms hence the references to Michelle’s arms “Only Michelle has the right to bear arms” at his Press dinner and his charge since to disarm everyone else in America. I’ve said it before and I will keep reminding readers that he said it and there was bad reason for him saying it because obviously she used them for him at Benghazi.

They use their friends like toilet paper. 

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Hard to find a large picture of this anymore because at first they used it mockingly until she became recognizable. Muscular biceps, thin forearm (men with muscular biceps usually have muscular forearms so this is definitely a female), heels on sandals (at a terrorist scene?) puffy face from surgery, rolled up jeans, sizeable butt because the way the jeans fit a woman’s figure except shy in the breast (Michelle is shy there also)….this is a female or transgender and if you compare her mouth, nose, new eyebrows it resembles to a great degree Michelle after surgery and folks she has had surgery and lots of botox. Don’t know what is in the hand that is up but I think it is something like a syringe because of the way she is holding it. He said those words….I did not make them up. He did. I would not have noticed except for his own words he said to mock about Benghazi “Only Michelle has the right to bear arms” and his UN speech afterwards about Islam and all the lies and diversions since.

President Obama at 2013 White House Correspondents’ Dinner 

 President Obama at the 2012 White House Correspondents’Dinner

2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner

2010 White House Correspondents’ Dinner

President Obama: The Future Must Not

Belong to Those Who Slander the Prophet of Islam 2012



He is really great at lying and sounding so sane yet he sent men to afghanistan for political reasons as we just found out 30,000 of them. Did he try to send help to the men in Benghazi? Did he tell the truth about Benghazi? Did he ever admit that it was not a video tape that caused the murders in Benghazi? He is a false front, a false face, a false faith. I have transcribed a good portion of the speech for you to read and recall:

President Obama: “………That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks. The crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. Now I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video. And I believe it’s message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity. It’s an insult not only to Muslims but to America as well. For as the city outside these walls make clear we are a country that has welcomed people of every race and every faith. We are home to Muslims who worship across our country. We  not only respect the freedom of religion we have laws that protect individuals from being harmed because of how they look or what they believe. We understand why people take offense to this video because millions of our citizens are among them. I know there are some who ask why don’t we just ban such a video and the answer is enshrined in our laws. Our constitution protects the right to practice free speech. (That’s why the man that produced the film was imprisoned for quite a long time) Here in the United States countless publication provoke offense. Like me the majority of Americans are Christian (yet he said that America is not a Christian nation earlier but I guess it didn’t fit this time for political reasons) and yet we do not ban blasphemy against our most sacred beliefs. As President of our country and Commander and Chief of our military I accept that people are gonna call me awful things every day and I will always defend their right to do so. (Applause) Americans have fought and died around the globe to protect the right of all people that express their views even views that we profoundly disagree with. We do not do so because we support hateful speech but because our founders understood that without such protections the capacity of each individual to express their own views and practice their own faith may be threatened. (IS HE FULL OF SHIT OR WHAT?) We do so because in a diverse society efforts to restrict speech can quickly become a tool to silence criticism and oppress minorities. We do so because given the power of faith in our lives and the passion the religious differences can inflame. The strongest weapon against hateful speech is not repression (How about the IRS oppressing the Tea Partiers?) it is more speech. (So The CIA restricted the speech of it’s operatives and witnesses of Benghazi and made them take lie detector tests so they would keep their mouths shut, I suppose) The voices of tolerance that rally against bigotry and blasphemy (and what Prey tell is blasphemy?) and lift up the values of understanding and mutual respect. Now I know that not all countries in this body share this particular understanding of the protection of free speech. We recognize that (throws up his hands) but in 2012 at a time when anyone with a cell phone can spread offensive views around the world with a click of a button, the notion that we can control  the flow of information is obsolete. The question then is – how do we respond? And  on this we must agree there is no speech that justifies mindless violence. (Applause) Gives a look of superiority as if …well, I guess it is called supreme insanity.) There are no words that excuse the killing of innocence/innocents (not sure which he meant). There is no video that justifies an attack on an embassy (because it didn’t have anything to do with it). There’s no slander that provides an excuse for people to burn a restaurant in Lebanon or to destroy a school in Tunnis or cause death and destruction in Pakistan. (Forget the drone attacks and  he pronounces Pakistan like the alternative way to to say tomato for that added diplomatic effeminate punch). In this modern world with modern technology for us to respond that way to hateful speech empowers any individual who engages in such speech to create chaos around the world. We empower the worst of us if that’s how we respond. More broadly the events of the last two weeks (even though he said later that there is no there, there in regards to Benghazi and spoke about bumps in the road when Palestinians on motorcycles dragged a man to death) also speak to the need for all of us to honestly address the tensions between the west and the Arab world that is moving towards democracy. Now let me be clear just as we cannot solve every problem in the world the United States has not and will not seek to dictate the outcome of democratic transitions abroad. (Just dictate Obama Care on the US citizens giving special treatment whenever he dictates to special interest groups in order to gain favor) We do not expect other nations to agree with us on (using Clinton’s thumb) every issue. Nor do we assume that the violence of the past weeks or the hateful speech by some individuals represent the views of the overwhelming majority of Muslims anymore than the views of people that produced this video represents those of Americans. However I do believe that it is the obligation of all leaders in all countries (he is now the world leader in his cotton pickin’ ego) to speak out forcefully against violence and extremism. (Applause) It is time to marginalize those who even when not directly resorting to violence use hatred of America or the West or Israel as the central orgnanizing principal of politics. (how does he plan to do that marginalization?) Iran developing nuclear weapons doesn’t really count even though they have made some threats to Israel in the past? And Saudi Arabia sending men to burn down the twin towers in New York and sending men to Syria to cause trouble there and I think again in Iraq as we transcribe) for that only gives cover and sometimes makes an excuse for those who do resort to violence. How about this article:

 Al Qaeda controls more territory than ever in Middle East 

So much for Obama’s foreign policy which isn’t really policy.

This is his foreign policy and they could give a shit about anyone else and deserve nothing:

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 This is one of those bumps in the road that Obama mused about at the time:

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Obama at the UN continued: “That brand of politics: one that pits east against west and south against north, Muslims against Christians and Hindu and Jews you can’t deliver on the promise of freedom. To the youth it offers only false hope. (lost in his train of thought …ie rambling) Burning an American flag does nothing to provide a child an education. (DUH. We never assumed that it did oh sage master nor do I think the ones that do burn flags for one moment thought that it did). Smashing apart a restaurant does not fill an empty stomach. (starting to sound like Mohammad his prophet: Do worms have legs? Does an elephant fly? Does a donkey speak?) Attacking an embassy won’t create a single job. (Whew such wisdom is astounding) That brand of politics only makes it harder to achieve what we must do together: (like he did when the government shut down- closing open air monuments, and before that closing the White House to the citizens and before that Obama Care) educating our children and creating the opportunities that they deserve.(Uh HUH such as getting children to work in Maine to help it’s economy instead of hiring adults and paying them decently) Protecting human rights and ext …  extending democracy’s promise.

Understand America will never retreat from the world. We will bring justice to those who harm our citizens (except Michelle) and our friends (except Michelle) and we will stand with our allies. We are willing to partner with countries around the world to deepen ties of trade and investment and science and technology, energy and development All efforts that can spark economic growth for all our people and stabilize democratic change (like in Egypt) but such efforts depend on a spirit of mutual interest and mutual respect. No government or company, no school or NGO will work in a country where it’s people are in danger. For partnerships to be effective our citizens must be secure and our efforts must be welcome (like the neocats and it’s way were welcomed in Japan). A politics based only on anger one based on dividing the world between us and them not only sets back international cooperation it ultimately undermines those who tolerate it. All of us have an interest in standing up to these forces.

Let us remember that Muslims have suffered the most at the hands of extremism (because they are extreme).

On the same day our civilians were killed in Benghazi a Turkish police officer was murdered in Istanbul only days before his wedding. (Did Michelle stop by there too?) More than ten Yeminis were killed in a car bomb in Sana (Probably a drone strike for a diversion….cover) Several Afghan children were mourned by their parents just days after they were killed by a suicide bomber in Kabul. The impulse towards intolerance and violence may initially be focused on the West but overtime it cannot be contained. (is that a threat?) The same impulses towards extremism are used to justify war between Sunni and Shia and between tribes and clans at least not to strengthen prosperity, but to chaos. (Uh did that make any sense?) In less than two years we have seen largely peaceful protest bring more change to Muslim majority countries than a decade of violence and extremists understand this because they have nothing to offer to improve the lives of people. Violence is their only way to stay relevant. They don’t build, they only destroy. It is time to leave the call of violence and politics of division behind. On so many issues we face the choice between the promise of the future or the prisons of the past. We cannot afford to get it wrong. We must seize this moment. And America stands ready to work with all who are willing to embrace a better future.

The future must not belong to those who target Coptic Christians in Egypt. (He didn’t complain about it and supported those that did such as The Muslim Brotherhood and as far as I remember was silent about it.) It must be claimed by those who in Tahrir Square who chanted Muslims and Christians we are one. The future must not belong to those who bully women it must be shaped by girls who go to school and those who stand for a world where our daughters can live their dreams just like our sons (Woman’s vote) (Polite Applause, of course) The future must not belong to those corrupt few who steal a country’s resources it it must be won by the students and entrepeneurs (so force them with a tax called Obama Care so that they can’t afford anything else much less plan their future with an ever changing bill and take away their choice in doctors) for workers and business owners who seek a broader prosperity for all people. Those are the women and men that America stands with. Theirs is the vision we will support.

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam! 

(snuck it in, but what about the right to free speech?)

But to be credible those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images of Jesus Christ who are desecrated or churches that are destroyed or the Holocaust that is denied. (that should take care of almost everyone he needs to schmooze!) (Applause by about half of the audience) Let us condemn incitement against Sunni Muslims and Shia pilgrims. It’s time to heed the words of Ghandi (oops forgot one) ‘Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of true democratic spirit.’ (Waits for applause and receives it.) Together we must work towards a world where we are strengthened by our differences (defiantly says) and not defined by them. That is what America embodies. That’s the vision we will support.

Screen shot 2014-01-09 at 12.29.41 AMAmong Israelis and Palestinians the future must not belong to those who turn their backs on the prospect of peace……”

(Tough to do when one watches men drag another man on ROCKY pavement or ignores the pleas for help as in Benghazi or tries to disarm Americans with hoaxes and real events rendering them defenseless so that ISLAM may annihilate them. Nobody forced the men to ram the twin towers and many (Palestinians) celebrated like they do when they throw Israeli men out of buildings, etc. There is such a thing as reasonable evidence that ISLAM is anything but peaceful or tolerant and definitely untruthful in every way and seemingly possessed by evil. Hard to trust the possessed when they are possessed and hard to trust a President who says what he says about Michelle’s arms and there she stands at Benghazi carrying some kind of arms and fire raging behind her with something in her other hand as if she seized the moment and yet no one dares to question her or confront the President that he lied about the video tape even when he knew it was not true. Hard to trust a President who shirks his duty as President to protect the people overseas and in the country he serves in and who ignores, disrespects and intentionally attempts to weaken and destroy the Bill of Rights and the Constitution which is his job to uphold regardless of his beliefs which are ISLAMIC extremism…no doubt about it. If the prophet of Islam can’t take slander, he isn’t worth it!  Nice sweet empty words which amount to a waste of everyone’s time to hear except to expose his real agenda and to justify his inaction at Benghazi and his coverup afterwards. There is more but I don’t think it is necessary. Maybe later.)

The Obama’s are like the nightmare where you are trying to get to the end of a hallway and it keeps getting longer IE the diversions such as Chris Christie a day after the book about Obama sending 30,000 troops to Afghanistan knowingly for political reasons (and religious ones though unstated but any idiot by now has to come to that conclusion.) I imagine if this goes well for Chris Christie to make him look good they could easily control him too. I still think he was set up for their favor in a weird kind of way. Either way it works for the Obamas.
It is their MO. And if Boehner says “he remains a contender” then you know he will be their puppet using the three M’s. 

It’s official: Pope has not abolished sin, says Vatican

“Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi told Vatican Radio that “this affirmation that the pope has abolished sin” was wrong.

Fredrico Lombardi

 ought to know. He was the first one ‘on record’ to come up with the excuse of the video tape causing a riot for the murders at Benghazi. I wonder who told him? God?

Shouldn’t the US Congress question his grace about that assumption? 

This ought to be a big clue about who is running our government. If you control information, communication, miscommunication, disinformation, federal workers the White House, the Secret Service, much of the military and much of the press you might be running the whole shabang.

I don’t know how much the Catholic ENTITY makes off indulgences but it must be quite a haul especially using the NSA.

I wonder what Jesus meant when he said:

Matthew 23:9

And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
Here’s a few links to some posts about No Man which makes me think possibly Jesus was talking about priests:


Salute No Man

Tell No Man

And in the Gospel of Matthew Jesus warns that when Jerusalem is encompassed by armies that they who are in Jerusalem should head for the hills (actually I think it says the mountain of God) or something to that effect which seems rather obvious.(I think specifically it is said that those that are in Judaea should flee) 

If armies encompassed a city it might look very suspicious to the inhabitants of that city that those armies were up to something, wouldn’t it?

 Was Jesus cryptically warning that when they see Jerusalem encompassed by priests head for the hills (mountain of God)?

 And I don’t mean Hillary. Hillary plans to run for President now and I guess she thinks she has the answers . She doesn’t. She still hasn’t figured out why it matters whether 4 men were killed one way or the other at Benghazi. She became hysteric-al at the hearings about Benghazi. Her method to avoid telling the truth. She shouldn’t be able to run for President until she does figure it out and tells the truth about Benghazi. (Who needs hysterics in the White House.) I have kind of spelled it out using Obama’s speech at the UN, if that helps. What we need is Ted Cruz to run and win back some sanity in the WHite House. And if Hillary runs we should get Sarah Palin to assist Ted Cruz to win back the White House, regardless of how the press feels about her makeup. Talk about silly!

By the way, where did the word hilarious come from?

Mountain of God has me stumped but it just occurred to me that it might have something to do with the mountain that Moses received The Ten Commandments. Maybe they know something we don’t about the Mountain of God. Perhaps other mountains like Everest ? Not sure what is meant but I think “spiritually speaking” most of all.


Reminds me of a blind sheik and a puppet at best!

She has her moments but this isn’t one of them.

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Here is an exerpt by Rush Limbaugh:

“During Clinton running around with Monica Lewinsky, she enabled him to stay in office. She enabled him to stay married. She took all of that, and it’s her turn — and it was her turn in 2008, until Obama came along, and then the party powers chose the young black guy over the… uh, over her.  She’s been a dutiful soldier since then.  So now it’s her turn, and they tell us she has a “diverse resume” and all of this. 

What about competence? “

What about


Not saying he or she murdered these people, but to disregard them and not get to the bottom of who did …… FASCIST and UNACCEPTABLE.

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John 7:5-7

For neither did his brethren believe in him. Then Jesus said unto them, My time is not yet come: but your time is alway ready. The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.

If you read Salute No Man you might understand what I’m referring to and now Bethlehem is being renovated with some kind of funds from some untold source as asked somewhere in this post ‘where did those millions and millions of dollars for the raunchy Obama Care web site actually get funneled or rather tunneled to? How about the fraud in our government’s safety nets mentioned by many, yet never investigated and curtailed.

Rome has a mass of tunnels beneath it I hear…catacombs and passages etc. Which brings to mind the Neocats who seem to have germinated quite a bit through apomixised exponentially in the last few years and pollenated parts of Jerusalem in the process and probably Bethlehem too.

Seems like a neon sign to me.

Pope to travel to Holy Land in May amid peace push

VATICAN CITY (AP) — “Pope Francis says his upcoming trip to the Holy Land aims to boost relations with Orthodox Christians. But the three-day visit in May also underscores Francis’ close ties to the Jewish community, his outreach to Muslims and the Vatican’s longstanding call for peace between…”

Please read

 Keys of the

Kingdom of Heaven

 Check it out if you haven’t already because I’m kind of promoting it in this post. It might make a lot of things make sense that otherwise don’t.


Neil Cavuto lectured America on cutting Obama some slack today December 11th. There are no words to describe how disappointing Neil Cavuto’s political outlook is and his total lack of understanding and empathy for the average american. Very smug also. The guy must be in la la land if he thinks it is justifiable to cut Obama some slack. WIMPY Cavuto is close enough. The guy isn’t even interesting and is as dishonest in his interviews. Watched Neil Cavuto interview Rand Paul and while not shocked by Cavuto’s doublespeak it still is gross to witness. I think he needs to get a big rock and hide under it till he gets with it in his head and begins to grasp his confusion. A very deceptive person I just don’t think he realizes it which is very odd. He is just really weird. Extremely shallow man. And his looks do not betray him! I wonder how he would have reacted if he got caught with his pants down when the depression hit America.

With $3M From Andreessen And Others,

Doctor On Demand Launches To Bring A $40 (Virtual) House Call To Healthcare

Interesting concept! I don’t know the consequences of this kind of treatment but for regular type sicknesses it might help to alleviate long waits, exorbitant fees for regular type sicknesses, and unneeded contamination of others sick with more serious problems and the doctors and nurses at the Doctors offices which can’t hurt, can it, especially if your personal doctor or preferred doctor is included in this business. Saves gas too. In fact it could create jobs for delivery people to deliver the preferred medication or drugs from the doctors preferred pharmacies to their patients and/or they could create their own pharmacies for nominal sicknesses. Saves the doctor precious time and could be a 24 hour service 7 days a week, no matter the weather.

I don’t want doctors to lose their power, productivity, or profit because their investment in their knowledge is immeasurable especially when you find a doctor that you have learned by experience and over time to trust and rely on for sound medical treatment and I want them to be able to rely on their patient’s patronage that they established between them. It’s a two-way relationship and especially important when you have kids to have a doctor that you trust. I don’t want to support a doctor I don’t trust or don’t like personally, or who is a jerk, or for what ever reason is applicable.  I want to keep my doctor in business because he deserves my support.

I’m sure there will be limitations such as a yearly or bi-yearly checkup for certain type ailments but still it could actually be more profitable for doctors because many times people on the go decline to see their doctors and for many other reasons. So in the long run I think doctors might actually rake it in. But I worry it might be a trick of some kind since everything lately seems to be leaning that way.

Obama Care



Obama Care needs to be shut down and if it takes another government shut down or two or three to do it

then do it!

It is crucial to dismantle the program in it’s entirety. I don’t know why some conservatives are so afraid of a shutdown. I sure didn’t blame the Republicans for the shutdown nor did anyone I know, but I did blame the Democrats and Obama for their stubbornness about a terrible bill with terrible consequences.

I think the majority of America (99.75%) will blame the Obama administration and the Democrats and are relying on the Tea Party and many others to defy it, defund it, degrade it, debunk it, and destroy it before it destroys America, our health care, and our economy

even if Paul Ryan and Boehner bow down to their new found friends in the Democratic Party.

Get Boehner off the booze ….it might help!

Watch John Boehner’s epic rant against tea party groups

(He is losing his footing.) If he was as good at his job as he pretends he would never have attacked the best movement his party has had in recent years and I bet Paul Ryan and Michelle have lot to do with it. She is only toying with you.

The selfie episode at Mandela’s funeral was to give you false hope! And you fell for it. It helps Obama and you helped him by dissing your own party and capitulating with Paul Ryan, his stooge/shill. How do you think Obama got elected in the first place besides being rigged in the first place. Not hard to do with computers. If a government agency can take a snapshot of a person on their personal computer in their  home they can hijack the elections. He had a lot of help…..Paul Ryan was his ace in the hole. (Paul Ryan scares the female voters.) The Obama’s are pros at deceiving even in their personal ways to get MO MONEY. She used to ignore Boehner, remember? Rolling her eyes at him so everyone else would notice, etc. More than was necessary because she was trying to get his attention and make him desire her attention. It’s a woman thing. I bet she made him feel powerful too. so powerful that he would rebuke his own party in the news to the press. Not normal for the Speaker of the House. Not very cool.

Dick Morris: Boehner Eats His Young With Attacks on Conservatives

The shut down backfired because Obama and his minions and the press and everyone who has a brain knows they are afraid to confront Obama and they caved too soon. He was losing it mentally which was evident trying to tell the federal workers to stick with him (his cloak) similar to Jim Jones of Guyana, but fear got the best of everyone. You don’t cave till you accomplish your goal. The first shut down was barely noticeable except for the open air monuments and while it was a bit of a nuisance it is worth it to shut down Obama Care. If the weather was bad would you go to an open air monument? So you proved you could go to one by moving fences and barriers. BIG DEAL We still have Obama Care being forced upon Americans most of whom don’t want it. We still have a President breaking laws along with his appointed ones. So what if they acted like assholes about open air monuments. That is the point …… we are dealing with assholes and a tyrant similar to other tyrants in the world and we have to shut it down

because they are assholes.

In order to regain control of our government before it is too late. Git it? Next time support the cause and dig in deeper and don’t let the press scare you. It’s their job to be alarmists and most of the press are in Obama’s camp they just like to pretend they are fighting for you, but they aren’t.

Next time Support Ted Cruz and whoever stands up for freedom and our rights by shutting down the government and let the tyrants and his federal workers and appointees stew in their own poo poo.

Emails reportedly suggest Christie’s office involved in controversial lane closures

The New York Times reported Wednesday that emails indeed show his deputy chief of staff, Bridget Anne Kelly, suggested closures to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey two weeks before the incident. “

Pretty strange kind of activity. Doesn’t fit Christie’s personality to me anyway. Maybe he is being set up as a way to get him undue attention or to pressure him. Hard to know but that seems to be the way of politics these days or rather more than ever. Similar to what happened in the Government shutdown to punish citizens and cause confusion, like they don’t want to be accountable. Duh ——————————————–

How long was the last shut down a few days? That was soft. I expected it to be much longer and couldn’t believe the shallowness of that shut down. Did it accomplish anything? It was symbolic and symbolism has it’s worth. It did expose Obama by the reaction by closing open air monuments etc. Only politically which is not enough. It was practice though and it was mighty interesting to see their reaction so it was a lesson about them. Next time we ought to go for a lot longer and see if it accomplishes the goal. It was about 3 weeks but in those three weeks Obama showed what a dick he is and begged for his federal workers to stick with him. Most did. If the shut down had lasted a lot longer I guarantee he would have chucked Obama Care. Next shut down needs to last a long time to achieve a victory without promising federal workers one thin dime. Obama Care is holding America hostage and  the medical business hostage and doctors and their businesses and business in general hostage etc. Time to hold the federal government hostage in return and take that card of hostage power from the Executive branch of government once and for all that they hold and against everyone and destroy it. The Executive branch is way too powerful and top heavy and needs to be sized down and it needs to go on a diet and until Obama cries U.N.C.L.E.

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and invests in a one way ticket with this guy to Uganda and takes his Ba’hai-ethers with him to his paradise.

Honestly, the money that is funneled/tunneled from our taxes and not accounted for should be halted. I think we are assisting unknowingly (some knowingly) in the near future encompassment of Jerusalem and many of the events that we are experiencing since Obama took office such as the hoaxes and real events such as the coverup of Benghazi to keep our eyes off what occurred: to distract and confuse. And in my opinion war veterans ought to be sensitive to the new tactics of war unless they have lost their good sense and should not freak out when the administration stoops to new lows such as closing open air monuments proving that the President and his administration are petty narcissistic tyrants…a fact which we already knew. WWll is over but now we are in a new kind of tension with a new kind of  threats and for the sake of their grandkids veterans and patriots might step back and support government shutdowns for the sake of their grandkids. What’s more important? A statue? a grave site? or getting our country back in the right hands and under our control (the people), fiscally accountable, and out of the hands of a terrorist fascist using drones, the NSA, the IRS, Obama Care and many other horrendous activities to destroy what those war veterans fought for and their brothers in arms died for. Freedoms and the pursuit of happiness, etc. Certainly the war vets that lived through WWll care about generations to come… they not?

  Otherwise their sacrifices were in vain and those monuments are meaningless.

Natasha Leggero’s Stunning ‘Not Sorry’ Response Over Controversial Pearl Harbor Joke

The shutdown was important and could have been a success, but wasn’t.

The group who bussed in vets may have been duped or may be duping Americans about what is really important. Very superficial integrity and played into the hands of the press and others to obfuscate the ambition and the mission of the shutdown. While it made the group who funded the bussing look like they are patriots the failure of the shutdown was the result. THE CONCLUSION WASN’T PATRIOTIC! In fact it was cowardly, shallow, and weak. We would never have won WWll worrying about a monument or two.

Remember Monte Cassino? 

 Next time we ought to try to succeed: That is the point, isn’t it?

It turned into a political game and this isn’t just a political game any more.The Shutdown was and is a great tool ie a strong card to hold and to be implemented and should be tested again and again until he falls. What else can be done besides impeachment by the Congress which seems to have been ignored. His appointees won’t even obey the laws. Someone has to hold the line and hopefully will have the courage to keep fighting Obama and Obama Care. And the American people if they know what is good for them and their children will oblige whoever does have the courage. Anyone have any better ideas? Speak up.I suggest next time that the Senators and Congressmen and women go to their states and hunker down with their constituents before the shut down begins and hold the line as if your future depends upon it….. because your future depends upon it.

GOP Struggle Widens as Boehner Rebukes Hard Right

Paul Ryan uses his principles but he doesn’t really own them. He uses them to bash women over the head very much like O’reilly. It’s their nature since it is nearly impossible to be guilty of sins that only women can commit.

There’s Something About …. his faith which he shares with Obama.

John Boehner on the other hand struggles with his principles and wants to be respected. She played her hand but at least John Boehner wasn’t duplicitous, just outsmarted and thinking with the wrong head for this:

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I hope next time he won’t fall for false impressions especially on America’s dime and appreciate the strength of his party which are the principles he is supposed to uphold since he is a Republican/conservative. and was elected to esteem those principles and defend them (The US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, remember?) in which he erred this time around. I think someone who struggles with their principles is usually a lot more honest than those that don’t in this day and age. So let’s hope he does better next time around and doesn’t get way laid by the Obamas and Paul Ryan.

These are my personal political observations of Michelle’s game with John Boehner.

Can this marriage be saved? GOP, hard-right groups at odds

“In the recent dust-up over the budget deal, the outside groups suspect that Boehner has a hidden motive. They suggest he’s anxious to put economic fights in the rear-view mirror so he can tackle contentious immigration legislation early next year, before the first round of March primaries in Texas and Illinois.

The groups’ suspicions were heightened by the recent high-profile budget success of Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., who favors a way out of the shadows for the estimated 11 million immigrants living in the U.S. in violation of the law, and in Boehner’s hire of a Senate staffer who worked on bipartisan immigration legislation for Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.”

Because Paul Ryan wants to own you, CONTROL you and get tax dollars.

I think it would be wise for illegal aliens to stay in the shadows until the leaders of our country regain their sanity.


JapaneseTsunami, Gooey Starfish, Shellfish, and the West Coast

There may be pre-knowledge when Obama met the Chinese at the beginning of his first term in office. I wrote about the Neocatechumenal Way that was a point of contention with the Japanese Roman Catholics who resisted the Neocatechenal Way enforcement because of the rise in suicides since their involvement in Japan. They wanted to wait 5 years. Then a tsunami occurred and affected their nuclear installations.

Japan Quakes after Confirmation of the Neocatechumenal Way

Lots of tweets of course from stars and there was one from Obama about “another on it’s way” but I can’t find the tweets. Either talking about another quake or Franklin Graham coming to Japan. Not sure what he meant and I doubt he would explain. I don’t know anything about computer technology and if someone else can tweet in someone else’s name etc. One interesting point is the Arms of Pope Benedict on this post linked above has a picture and since has changed to include not just one Moor but two now, which is weird. Odd that it would change, isn’t it?

Notice in the article that Pope Benedict said that the Lord had approved of the Neocatechumenal Way. I wonder who he meant by ” the Lord?”

China bans shellfish imports from US West Coast…

‘High levels of arsenic’

China Imposes First-Ever West Coast Shellfish Ban

And they love to serve Americans Sushi

“Is sushi chinese or japanese?”

What is sushi? – Not just raw fish –

“Is sushi equal to raw fish? No. Raw fish is called sashimi in Japan and is not the same as sushi. Sushi indicates foods that use rice seasoned with sweet rice-wine vinegar. Of course, raw fish is the most popular ingredient in sushi, but the main element of sushi is Japanese sticky rice. There are many kinds of sushi, which don’t include raw fish. Cooked fish, shellfish, and various other ingredients can be combined in sushi.

History of Sushi – Came from China –

The origin of sushi is not Japan. It is said that sushi was introduced into Japan in the 7th century from China. People began making sushi to preserve fish by fermentation when there were no refrigerators. Since salt and rice were needed in order to ferment fish, sushi became to be closely related to rice in Japan. Then, it developed into current sushi which combine fish and rice.”

My sisters and my brother and his family went to a really posh restaurant in California near LA and one sister ended up in the hospital and almost died the other was really sick with her husband. The restaurant did not want to be held accountable. That was about a year or more ago. I imagine it isn’t gonna get any better and would think most people would not eat sushi or raw fish anymore considering what is occurring to the starfish and what happened in Japan recently and their intense secrecy regarding their nuclear sites not to mention that Obama seems to want to hide the evidence of sick people in the future using Obama Care. It’s an educated guess. More than likely he doesn’t want anyone to know he might be responsible and with quite a few other collaborators and we know that he does not like to be held accountable under any circumstances. Deny, deny, deny. Refuse to comply with Congress (Sebellius) create diversions anywhere possible whenever necessary and refuse to repeal his coverup.

World Health Organization sees cancer risk rising around the world

I bet they do.

1400% Radiation Hot Spot Found on San Francisco Beach

Never Before Seen Conjoined Gray Whale Calves Discovered Off West Coast

Pretty interesting. I think the reason they are lying is because they are responsible. Not sure intentionally responsible, but responsible nevertheless in order to force the Neocatechumenal Way on Japanese Roman Catholics when they resisted. Probably didn’t think about the repercussions such as nuke sites being at risk of nuclear meltdown, or did they? Like a double-double cross. One group trying to do one thing and another taking advantage of an opportunity and then came Obama Care perhaps to coverup.

Alex Jones is selling Iodide on his site and has a you tube promoting a certain type because he thinks that North America and the Northern Hemisphere is at risk of radiation caused by Fukushima. Funny name Fukushima. I don’t speak Japanese! I have looked at the at that word and anagramatically it is interesting. ISHn’t it?

Obama Care’s phone number was similar to the first two syllables in substance as the name Fukushima.


 Ishma-el ……. El is a diety. Ishmael was Abraham’s first son.


John 8:58

Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham wasI am.
I wonder what Jesus meant?

Before Abraham was…. could be transliterated to Ahead of Abraham but then that would conflict with The Son of man hath not where to lay his head in the Gospel of Matthew and Gospel of Luke:

And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath nowhere to lay his head.

Luke 9:58 And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath nowhere to lay his head.
(‘Course where and when are two different concepts Before…Ahead…Not where, but when), ….Capiche?

I guess the Department of Health and Human Services is ordering a bunch of Iodide supplements that protect against radiation sickness. 14 million of them. I wonder how many federal employees there are in reality. Seems to me that the west coast should prepare and be given the first dose if it is true. I had heard in another article it was 70 million which might help the people on the West Coast, if this is true.

Is The Government Stockpiling Iodine

In Preparation for Fukushima Meltdown?

Pelosi says to “embrace the suck” ….. I wonder what she means and why she is all giggly about it. Reminds me of the Obama Care advice she offered You have to pass it to read what’s in it and she was giggly then as I recall. Not a good signal when she giggles. WICKED LADY!

They Sucked Me into This Budget Deal

Rush Limbaugh

” Did you know that Paul Ryan interned for John Boehner?  I read that today.  There’s a Washington Examiner some story. 

I didn’t know that, that Ryan interned for Boehner way back when.  “

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So what did he know and when did he know it?

Doesn’t Paul Ryan look a bit overbearing? Like Boehner is under his spell!


Yep it’s gettin’ tough and it’s gonna get tougher, I suspect, Thank God.


Americans need to wake up!

Rand Paul Suing Over NSA Policies, Senator Tells Fox New

Just to reiterate they are watching you through your TV screen and listening to your phone calls.

Who are they?………ask FOX!

“Guess who’s on top of the world and who just got knocked down a peg or two,”  said Shepard Smith.

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Does plastic freeze?

Apparently these chicks haven’t! They be talking about Sarah Palin and the Pope. Such depth is hard to come by and these girls proved it.

Mind numbing conversing goin’ on here.

Did you approve of her makeup? ….that is the question!

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Sarah Palin Makes Controversial Comment On Pope Francis

They’re cool though, aren’t they?

How “progressive” is the Bill of Rights?

Sarah Palin stood up for it, how ’bout you? Did you stand with Ted Cruz when he needed your support or did you piss and moan about the Government Shut Down? : The difference between pandering and acting progressive or standing up against tyranny and handouts. Today they are voting on unemployment benefits so that Obama and the “progressives” may win votes and steal OPM instead of standing up for freedom, free market, independence, and a healthy economy so that the unemployed can find jobs and be free, also to enjoy the rights endowed by our Creator.


One quality about Sarah Palin you cannot deny is her sincerity.


Aren’t you tired of liars. Hasn’t the Obama Administration taught you that at the very least?

(I’m giving credit where credit is due:)

Obama says that unemployment benefits don’t inhibit a person from wanting to look for a job.  Not true. It does inhibit some but the worst part about it is it is slight of hand by the feds to appease the jobless with handouts and appeases them from desiring a better government that is accountable to the people. It masks the real problems in our government and that is lousy leadership in government so that they may own your ass.

Rome loves handouts and so do Democrats: it makes them feel powerful and gives them that feeling of charity, makes them look good, gets votes, enabling dependence and slavery because they don’t do what they are supposed to do such as getting the economy back on track so that those that are unemployed might feel empowered by their own progress in the job market as well. Why? Because they don’t know how to get it back on track. They like to tell people what they can and cannot eat, how large a drink, who will be their doctor, and pretty soon you too are wearing burkas and they love to take credit for everything.

Why did the Secret Service kill that woman in the car near the White House? Because she dared to drive a car? Or to steal her baby?

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Do you think they should be

allowed to vote?

NSA won’t say whether it spies

on Congress

“The NSA provided a preliminary response Saturday that said Congress has “the same privacy protections as all U.S. persons.”


That is partially why Congress needs to vacate Washington go back to their states send mail the slow way, get some walkie talkies because between the NSA spying and the “federal workers”  who can’t be fired and spies on both sides of the aisle (but mostly on the Republican side to destroy and make the Republicans, the Constitution, and Bill of Rights powerless)

there is no privacy for Congress.

What happened to liberty and Rand Paul.  He wants Snowden to go to prison and wants a class action lawsuit against the NSA and Obama wants equal pay, unemployment benefits for a life time, and take tips from waitresses for a period of time so he can steal from them too. Like I said the Consumption tax is the fairest and no one will have to give their salary or information about how much they are worth to anyone and save themselves a lot of headaches and save their own necks.

GOP is losing on unemployment insurance — and running scared

Time for a government shut down if the Left/Dems do not want to stop fraud and abuse as Senator Ayotte suggested to get their bill passed for the unemployed than it is apparent that they want unemployment and fraud. The lady at Fox that interviewed her acted like a loon as if Senator Ayotte was on the wrong track for wanting to stop fraud and abuse….why? Probably Fox News and other press agencies receive benefits somehow from that fraud and abuse that goes to millionaires and billionaires and people that do not exist. It is possible that is how and why they double cross the Rep’s in the press. They don’t want anyone to know who it really goes to because in a roundabout way it probably goes to them and they don’t want the Rep’s to find out that they actually are undermining them by double crossing them and the unemployed via Rome and their allies of Islam. I know that Ayotte is Catholic but that doesn’t mean that you aren’t being double-crossed too because in the long run it will destroy your freedom which is slipping away because of false pride and the abject ignorance of catholics. Remember the dark ages hurt catholics too and their mystery is the root cause of ignorance to keep you in the dark.

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Screen shot 2014-01-09 at 2.29.18 PMDon’t read your bible it might enlighten you. Just skip on your tippy toes through it like Tiny Tim and the two lips. Wake up before the lies and Obama’s shit flies in your face and you have eat it yourself like Chris Christie is facing now and you have to watch your kids eat it. That’s what happens to those that defend Obama …they become toilet paper for the  Obamas. Take a REAL stand for accountability and help your fellow man in REALITY instead of exacerbating the lies and the downfall of your own freedoms and your own lives. Ayotte is not stupid she just doesn’t understand.  The Dems and the false Rep’s want their cake and eat it too. If the Republicans have any courage and any sane Dems they will win against fraud and help the unemployed by shutting down the government, ridding the government of future and past fraud involved in Obama Care by repealing the law, which will help the unemployed in the long run find jobs that Obama Care is taking from people and their personal doctors they chose over the years as well as fraud that is robbing the people. This time go all the way until the insane Dems and false Reps cave in to common sense and sanity.

Hopefully, Rand Paul isn’t using his lawsuit for political gain but if he really was a patriot he would start impeaching the President. Not like Congress doesn’t have a plethora of evidence against President Obama already. You had enough evidence a long time ago. I feel like Congress might be more successful buying a voodoo doll of Obama and sticking pins in it. Why is it so hard to pin this guy down and question him before Congress? He isn’t that sharp just resourceful which provides plenty of evidence as well. Don’t you want to see him on the other end of the cattle prod. Believe me he will lose his composure quite fast and provide everything you need to impeach him because of that short temper and enormous ego. I imagine a few 8 hour days of questioning and he will fold, maybe a week. Remember when he was heard to say 56 states in the USA. Now that is not sharp! Quiz him about his knowledge. He is ultra sensitive like a china doll and will break humsef. Be sure to check for hearing apparatuses so he can’t cheat. I recall at one event when running for the office he lost it. Not sure what caused it …….a flash in the eyes, but something happened to cause him to act and sound like Dennis Rodman. Remember? Find out what it was that caused his discombobulation and befuddlement and prepare to insure it occurs again and again and again. It might be something in the eyes that has been implanted enabling him to read and repeat and then

occupy him.

Find out everything he does and doesn’t know. That ought to be interesting.

Push his Islamic buttons.

(Be sure to put him in the fleet seat and hammer him, agitate him, get him riled up. He will cop an attitude and expose himself. Be sure to flash him yourself. Get Senator Mikulski to do the same. Really work him in into a lather and he won’t know what to do or say. You can’t be conventional with this person.

He isn’t normal.)

The UN speech and the lies by Obama and his appointees

after Benghazi should have been

reason and evidence enough.!!!!!!

If an artist is allowed to urinate on a depiction of Jesus we have the right to insult Islam and Mohammed.

The future belongs to those who do insult Islam and Mohammed, if they so desire!

It’s called freedom.

Remember 9-11? That was a whole lot more than an insult that was an act of war by ISLAM and MOHAMMED.

It was not caused by Saddam Hussein, as evil as he was. The attackers were Saudi Arabian, not Iraqis! We sort of missed the mark by a long shot and should have destroyed Mecca instead. Not very intelligent….If we had conducted WWll the same way we would have attacked Thailand after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor …it makes as much sense! And if we had attacked Mecca instead we would not be having the troubles we have today. Just because the Saudis were being trained in Afghanistan doesn’t mean we should attack Afghanistan either. Did the Afghanistan people come to America and slam planes into the twin towers? No the Saudis took over parts of Afghanistan to train the Saudis and control parts of Afghanistan. Who destroyed the monuments in Afghanistan? Weren’t there some real big ones that were obliterated? Yes there were.

Afghanistan Taliban Muslims destroying Bamiyan Buddha Statues

I linked the two pages to show the ones that were destroyed in Afghanistan so you may see. The USA trained the Saudis to fly planes but did Americans fly planes into the towers? No. This is a Saudi Arabian and Mecca poison. You want to make a difference destroy Mecca and the oil they profit from for their prophet and it’s followers to afford to go to other countries and displace other people to do their dirty work. I know they sent people to Syria as well. It is their belief to do what they do. So you teach them that their prophet and their religion is shit. Voila. )


Now look what has replaced it.

Twin Towers Replacement: Mosque and Islam Cultural Center

Posted on May 8, 2010 by chillguy33

“The much heralded “religion of peace” will replace the Twin Towers with a mosque, and an Islamic Cultural Center.

My guess is that the $100 Million cash will come from the vast hoard of unexpended “stimulus” funds Obama has diverted (stolen) and amassed in his reelection coffers.

New York Morons (capital M) want their daughters to marry handsome Muslim polygamists and experience clitorectomy. Obama change. Islamic culture which is ? Stoning women with a sun-tan qualifies in New York as culture?

The “religion of peace” is actually the religion of conquest; but we knew that. In New York, this amounts to “culture.”

$100 million mosque slated for site near Ground Zero


G.W. Bush Quote

 ‘When I take action, I’m not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10 empty tent and hit a camel in the butt.’

He also said that Islam was not the enemy……….Guess what he is absolutely wrong again. Islam is not a religion of peace. That is the lie.

They lie about anything and everything that is how they succeed which is the power of deception. How do you think Obama learned to lie so easily.

The False Prophet is Mohammad.

I believe the man at Benghazi being dragged around was sent to me as a witness to me. I had some unusual major problems and I believe he helped me and that some miracles happened to me that I witnessed. I saw them. I witnessed the miracles. He was a witness to me that what happened at Benghazi and the vast amount of lies afterward about it by the Obama Administration and the speech at the UN by Obama revealed to me that Obama and his wife are evil. It made me notice what was said at the UN soon after Benghazi and by others afterwards such as Susan Rice and made me notice all the other things too such as the disinformation etc and that is a witness. The shutdown and the response by Obama and his administration proved they are evil. The response of the Obamas to the hurricane Sandy were evil…she sent her heart to them and went to Hawaii and schmoozed the military at the funeral of the Senator from Hawaii Senator Inouye because they need the military to do their evil. There is more of course about them that proves they are evil but it gets redundant to repeat. When will our government realize it and oust them? When will Americans wake up? The hoaxes…..that is deception all to divert attention. That is what happened in the middle east as well. Divert and get us beating around the bush so we don’t hone in on the problem we have which is Islam and the false religions that support it by aiding and abetting their war on the world because “a woman rides the beast” profiteering by her offerings and the offerings of others by going along and enabling it and vice-versa. It is a mutually advantageous relationship one covering for the other. There is deception in the bible as well which we can learn by. There were evil kings told about which deceived etc and Christians keep saying they believe in the bible…. all of it verbatim, but do they believe in those evil kings as well? Obama’s theme is faith… in his lies?

Do you have faith that the future must not  belong to those that

insult Islam and it’s prophet?

That is what he said at the UN soon after Benghazi amidst the lies about a video tape causing Islamic extremists reacting to a video tape excuse offered by the Vatican by Fredrico Lombardi, Susan Rice repeating it many times, Hillary Clinton’s hysterics “What does it matter…” at the hearings to avoid answering questions, and Obama denying it even happened saying, “There is no there there” which turned out to be lies. Do you have faith in those excuses? Those things occurred but do you have faith in those excuses? Do you have faith in Obama Care? That is how he plans to make a future which doesn’t include those that insult Islam and it’s prophet. Do you have faith in his blind hope? I sure don’t.


How many times has he double crossed the people of America? So keep the faith because to me it is worthless.

Remember what gift he offered Pope Benedict xv1 at the G8 meetings? A mantle. Wonder why, don’t you? It was relevant.

On Fox News Tues. January 7th Bill O’reilly had pictures of men in Fallujah Iraq who supposedly are related to Al Queda and guess what they were wearing? Tablecloths just like they wear in Saudi Arabia on their heads and in Italian restaurants they dine on them. Interesting huh. Here is another link to some pictures of new fighting and conquest in Iraq:

Al-Qaeda-linked force captures Fallujah amid rise in violence in Iraq

So far Obama Care is a failure I believe it will fail. So far Obama and his administration haven’t succeeded at anything except little by little dismantling our rights and our hopes as a free country. I think until Obama is dismantled and impeached we ought to forget about celebrating Independence Day because it obviously is a farce (Pharisee) and a joke.


The Obama experiment has been a succession of failures, unfortunate events, cover ups, hoaxes, a multitude of lies and great confusion.

That’s pitiful!

I don’t think it is possible for the Obamas to be anything butt scumbags!

Would I lie to you 

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Cruz Calls President ‘Dangerous And Terrifying’

Ted Cruz: Democrats will rue letting

President Obama’s lawlessness slide

More blog posts at : Merangue’s Blog

December 8, 2013 Posted by | Food Stamp, Health Care, Obama Care, OBAMACARE, Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

America Land of the Nuns and Dishtowels



land of the free,

home of the brave

nerfing into


land of the nuns,

home of the dishtowels.

We need to get a grip and oust Obama from office

and anyone under the influence of the mob



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Do they look alike?

Not to me.

I believe he was the target…>

I believe Ambassador Chris Stevens is alive somewhere and this was and is his enemy.  I think they were enemies because of who they serve. Ambassador Stevens served the Vatican. Obama, Susan Rice, and Hillary also served the Vatican which serves or is served by the UN.

The Weather report:

Matthew 16:1-3

16 The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven. He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times? Greta’ Van Susteren’s show On The Record of Fox News sometimes has weather reports, could she have, may she have been, I think she might be aware of the times?

Sean Hannity of Fox News had two guests on Feb. 18th, 2013 who have written an e-book since the Benghazi execution which was September 11th and already have promoted that book about the actions of the men at the scene of the crime. That is miraculous to have the information provided and even the dialogue between the people involved and yet the American people don’t even know where Barack and Michelle Obama were for those 11 hours, nor the Senate and Congress. I say 11 hours because it started out to be an 11 hour event that shrunk to 8 hours over time one of the reasons was not enough time to save some people and this interview brings it back to 11 or more hours.

I watched this video and noticed the man being interviewed got caught by the camera in what appears to be a BIG LIE.



‘Benghazi: The Definitive Report’

“Book pieces together night of terror strike”

Sean Hannity: Now a new E-book claims that the attacks may have been retaliation for some off the books counter terror operations that were run by John Brennan and that’s the Presidents nominee for CIA Director.

And joining me now are the authors of that new book Benghazi: The Definitive Report former US Army Ranger Jack Murphy and former Navy Seal Brandon Webb. And by the way on the floor of our studio we projected a map of Benghazi.

Now, before we get to the book we’re gonna go through the timeline of events from that night. Guys welcome uh to the program. Good to see you both.  (they mumble ) Look this is important because you’re saying that events that we don’t know about could have precipitated these attacks. Good Summary?

They are the experts so why say it’s absolutely accurate to say


This is lawyer jargon and is absolutely “meaningless.” 

Jack Murphy: Yeah. Yeah. That’s absolutely accurate.

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Sean Hannity: Okay. And… Alright. So let’s start with the timeline of events.

Jack Murphy: Its began at approximately 9:40 at night when the attacks were initiated with RPG’s hitting the consulate, actually the temporary mission facility that we know now that we call it the consulate. Uh, at that point the local militia guards were unarmed they fleed (FLEAD?). They were only armed with bats (BATS?) essentially, so when they see this mob coming they take off. They cut and run. The attackers breached the main gate and they overrun the compound? Uh, uh, at this point Ambassador Stephens er is going into the safe room inside the consulate and the DSS agents were retrieving their tactical gear and making a call up the higher to say they’re getting hit. So by 10:05 ? What you have is…

So what about the bloody hand prints on the walls inside Benghazi.

Is that the cutting and running? This is BS.

If all the deaths happened on the rooftop,

then what happened inside?

Looked like torture and execution to me on those walls.

Bloody prints of fingers dragging down on the walls inside…..Remember?

What was that, for effect?

Sean Hannity: Can I just stop you right there?

Jack Murphy: Yeah.

Sean Hannity: F for those that said this was uh in retaliation for a you-tube video and this was a spontaneous demonstration: they had mortars, rocket propelled grenades. This was not, this was not spontaneous.

Jack Murphy: No, it’s not spontaneous. And in the State Department they talk about arresting or detaining a Libyan policeman who’s taking pictures of the consulate with his cell phone that morning.

Sean Hannity: Right.

Jack Murphy: So there were people planning this attack ahead of time.

What does a cell phone have to do planning ahead of time?

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Sean Hannity: Okay, back to the timeline.

Jack Murphy: So by 10:55, 10:05 PM. Excuse me. Ty Woods and other Global Response staff members from the nearby annex about half a mile away were preparing to go to the consulate and rescue the State Department’s personel who were tied up there and Ty Woods was really instrumental in uh setting, putting together that rescue effort and insisting that it go forward and go in there.

Sean Hannity: Now, he was told to stand down and I interviewed his father and his family…

Jack Murphy: By the…..

Sean Hannity: We, we still don’t have answers to that question.

Jack Murphy: It, it, it was actually the person who was in charge of the annex that initially said, “No. it’s not our job to go in there.” Um, but Ty actually convinced them otherwise, and to his credit that person actually reversed course and agreed with Ty.

So who was in charge of the annex?

How does an ex-Navy-seal or an Army Ranger know? 

Obviously, he has been given the details by the way of ” the higher.”

And who might that be?

Sean Hannity: Did he convince them or did he disobey orders?

Jack Murphy: I,  I think he convinced them.

(turns back to the right at Brandon Webb laughing)

Does he look trustworthy?

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I was under the impression he disobeyed orders

so what is that whole story about?

Stand down, etc? 

What about the footage that we have seen numerous times with armed men threatening each other on a rooftop……..

was that “the convincing”?

How do these guys know all this and where were they 3 months ago?

These two men are on Fox News with Hannity to put a stop to the investigation

with false information, IMO.

 Fox News made a diagram of buildings with stick figures moving here and there in

 to look official

and ta da FINI. 

How would he know if Ty convinced them?

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WebbI think, you know, Ty just showed a lot of initiative. He was a senior guy, years of special operations, and he just said, “look eh”,  knowing and being overseas and being in these conflicts before, he said, “We need to act now to save these americans. If we don’t move now, and go, more people are going to die.”

(So was Ty not american? Maybe Tiger Woods knows?)

Hannity: Okay, back to the timeline.

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(Obviously has notes, I guess 3 months isn’t enough time to get it memorized)

Murphy: By 11 PM, the eh attackers completely overran the compound and the uh team uh from the uh annex is making their way to the consulate to conduct this rescue operation.

Webb: Um, once they’re at the annex the…. basically, the attack slowly followed them back and so the one. The one difference between the uh the State Department uh Compound and the CIA Annex is that the CIA had a very heavily fortified position. I mean, they had their act together when it comes to security so they, you know, throughout the night they were fending off uh small attacks. And then 5 AM the team from Tripoli (Libya or Lebanon?) comes up and it, it’s important, the the the the team from Tripoli is important, because here you have a group of CIA JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command) Operators and which included Glen Doherty (licks)

“The Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) is a subunified command of the US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM).  It is charged to study special operations requirements and techniques, ensure interoperability and equipment standardization, plan and conduct special operations exercises and training, and develop joint special operations tactics.”

who were trying desperately to get up to Benghazi. (gulps) Um, you look at why it’s important is because ultimately the 2 JSOC, uh Joint Special Operations guys; they had uh a device called a Rover, which is essentially – you, it beams down the the  predator drone for ..(probably lazer but not sure of the word he said)… device. So that now they have an increased situational on the ground (licks) at the CIA Annex and they ultimately made the call when they saw that more and more attackers were amassing outside of the gate: Glen went up to the roof, saw Ty, they embraced and they were still engaged in the fight. Then they got bracketed by three mortar rounds. The first one hit Ty, uh killing him. The second one hit Glen. The third one uh injured one of the other security guys on the rooftop.

At just before 7:30 they made the decision Hey, we gotta get out of here.

(Who made the decision? JSOK Operators?)

So without that, without those guys coming up from Tripoli and having that Rover Device to to get the Predator footage, the the decision to evacuate everyone may not have been made and they may have been overrun themselves.

What is the Predator footage? I guess it’s the drone footage, but of what?

So the Americans were there for 11 hours before they the (predator guys) made the decision to get out of there after Ty and Glen were killed and the two other security agents were shot.

How about the DSS agents who were getting their tactical gear?

Defense Security Service (DSS) 

“The Defense Security Service supports national security and the warfighter, secures the nation’s technological base, and oversees the protection of US and…….”

Were they saving the equipment first?

And where are those americans? Didn’t Senator Kerry debrief them somewhere in Europe? Sen. Lindsay Graham mentioned that Senator Kerry now Sec. of State interviewed the rescued people involved, yet they have disappeared. How come our government isn’t allowed to speak to them? Is that why Sen. Kerry is now Sec. of State because he was willing to be involved in the coverup?

(Close to 11 hours has passed, not 8)

Here is a site I found that kind of demonstrates drone kills. In it they blow up a white pickup truck driving down the road and there is a voice that gives them the target and the other two people follow along as if it is not real. Interesting to watch however I would not want to be on the other end of this strike or behind it.


WATCH: The Safeway to kill:

Inside a Predator Strike

“It’s a video made by Raytheon Corporation, a major US military contractor, to promote its Common Ground Control System (CGCS). The CGCS is hardware/software package that enables drone operators to conduct surveillance and execute strikes anywhere in the world, from the security of a military base in the US. “

Behind the Predator Drone


“Raytheon Company is a major Americandefense contractor and industrial corporation with core manufacturing concentrations inweapons and military and commercial electronics. It was previously involved in corporate and special-mission aircraft until early 2007. Raytheon is the world’s largest producer of guided missiles.[2]

‘Tornado clearly targets conservatives’: Daily Show creator faces backlash over insensitive tweet

Another safeway to kill would be to use a weather manipulator such as HAARP and target your destruction in a large swath such as occurred in Oklahoma for two days. Of course tornadoes are a natural occurrence but they also can be produced with the right factors being manipulated such as can be done with HAARP. So this woman isn’t necessarily off the mark when she made her intuitive insensitive tweet kind of like when I posted on this particular post my opinion about Angelina Jolie before I knew she was contemplating her new breasts because of her fears of breast cancer. Why is it so hard to believe that our government under the leadership we have now is not above using a weapon such as HAARP to kill and threaten others? Look what happened in Japan when the Pope insisted upon the Neocatechumenal Way for the Japanese Catholics who were resisting. Japan had a tsunami. Obama tweeted that another was on it’s way after the Tsunami, what he meant was the Way ie Franklin Graham and his minions etc. The Way that Nancy Pelosi adored because she was in love with Dr. Zhivago -Rahm Emanuel- who believed in using crises to gain an advantage. This is the new era for bullies and weapons of mass destruction under the guise of mother nature. In the case of Obama it is to punish and redirect attention because of his crisis of Benghazi he is now enduring because he is against having to be held accountable. He is a monster, but he is black, a Democrat, a good speech giver, has a sense of humor, and Islamic….

so it’s okay.

 (20 third graders died? I wonder why they weren’t evacuated)

Obama to make statement on Oklahoma disaster ===ought to be a good one! I wonder if he will cry.

Oklahoma’s Preemptive Strike Against Sharia Law

Okla. residents took shelter in basements, bathtubs

(This blood and sadness looks real unlike the hoaxes of late.)


Check out this post called:

Michelle Obama, Where’d You Get Those Peepers

Back to the interview with Hannity:


Hannity: And then we learned through Leon Panetta’s testimony that he briefed the President only when it began and the President never re asked for an update throughout the rest of the night.

Webb or Murphy: Yea.

Hannity: These guys were under fire and we didn’t send anybody to help them. Now let me get this last question in. The premise of your book The Definitive Report beyond the timeline that we’re going through here you claim that there were incidents that the American public had never heard about where we attacked them. (incredulously)

Attacked who? What are they talking about and who is telling these guys we attacked them “whoever” they are. Sounds like an excuse to me.

It’ not my fault….

sounds like OBAMA

because someone is trying to warn the American people about OBAMA

which is an attack on OBAMA in his mind

even though he does the killing or has his mob do it.

(His shell was pierced and he had to react ….kind of excuse. What else could he have done kind of pyschology! Sort of like you only have yourself to blame kind of mentality.)

 Brandon or Murphy: Yes. Yea.

Hannity: In that we might have precipitated this and that then puts I think a lot more clarity on maybe why it happened and also then it it does there’s no explanation at that point why we didn’t at least eh eh ac abide by the requests by Ambassador Stevens to give him more security.

Murphy: I I think one of the big take aways from all this is that the State Department didn’t have any visibility on these operations. They didn’t have the where with all to even know that this counter attack, that this blow back from other operations is coming. THEY COULN’T HAVE KNOWN.


However, there was an escalation of terrorists attacks against american assets inside Benghazi over the summer. Uh and that alone should have been enough to elevate their security ……….

Brandon: I think we saw the State Department really not prepared in Benghazi. The requests were were going up the chain of command. They, they weren’t being responded to so the State Department was in a very poor situation when it comes to security to begin with.

Hannity: So before the security was denied, during no help came except for Ty and and the other guys and after they lied. True?

Brandon: Yea yea. There’s no accountability. People are they’re in this political game of musical chairs, but you know it it’s important to us ta to really to get the truth. I mean our bias in this whole thing is to to make sure these heros are represented. Their story is told and if there’s any bias it’s to get the truth.

Hannity: All right, guys. Thank you very much. Appreciate your good work here.

Murphy: Thank you.

Yea, right.


John 16:2-4

They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me. But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them. And these things I said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you. Excellent article about Benghazi (one of the first) Good questions. Please Read:

LYONS: Benghazi cover-up continues, nearly six months later

and another good one with good questions:

GAFFNEY: Unanswered questions about Benghazi

Mystery persists six months after killings

……..”Specifically, what was the urgency of Stevens‘ last official act — an evening meeting with the Turkish consul general?”……… HMMMMM Syria comes to mind ……..”Why did the president insist for as long as two weeks after the episode that the video was involved, prompting him to declare — among other troubling statements — at the United Nations on Sept. 25, “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam”?……. Here is another very good article: Comprehensive investigative report

Body of lies from Benghazi to Barack

by Doug Hagmann “…..Because easily obtainable evidence exists that the video was not the cause of the violence but a made-to-order excuse for it,…..” (First mentioned by the Vatican spokesman for Pope Benedict who is Father Lombardi and repeated by our President to the UN, Susan Rice and the State Department! ) “…..To bring more specificity to the above, it would appear that there is a possible connection between the dissemination of the controversial video with the 2008passport office break-in scandal that involved improper computer access to the passport records of Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and John McCain. The latter is an enigma in its own right, having its own level of complicity and complexity. Additionally, that particular event appears to involve other events at its periphery, including but not limited to the murder of the key witness in that case, Lieutenant Quarles Harris Jr……” On April 8, 2008, Obama continued to comment on the fact that the confidentiality of his passport records were apparently compromised. It was on this occasion when Obama admitted, for the first time in any public venue as a presidential candidate, that he traveled to Pakistan in 1981. One wonders whether Obama would have disclosed his Pakistan trip at this time had it not been for the uncertainty that the information was already “in play.” (Is the theater the same theater in the JFK you tubes? Probably is linking (as does the neo-nazi religion of Od) I am to the Vine theater. Trying to anyway, but seemed to have petered out in that regard. ) This is definitely a religious conspiracy! Lots more in that article worth reading! Isn’t that where Osama Bin Laden was living?

Death of Osama bin Laden

2001 was the year of the first September 11th attack on the World Trade Centers and it seems to me President Obama has come to finish off America’s economy. Could be he was the person behind the eight ball of that first attack. His first Correspondent’s dinner in his first term as the President he mentioned a few things about touring Manhattan and about resting on the 73rd day of his term. It would be great if someone asked him to explain what he meant. The second term Correspondent dinner he said :

“In my first term, I sang Al Green;

in my second term, I’m going with Young Jeezy.

 In my first term, we ended the war in Iraq;

in my second term, I will win the war on Christmas.”

Wonder what he meant? Clinton said he wanted more cookies. Please read:

Tell No Man

GOP congressional leaders meet on Libya, vow coordinated inquiry into terror attack


“Graham told Fox News, in an interview with Bret Baier, that he’d spoken to survivors who claimed they had been told not to talk. “I’ve had contact with some of the survivors. Their story is chilling. They feel afraid to tell it. It’s important they come forward to tell their story,” Graham said. “Some are back working for the government. Some are still injured. The bottom line is they feel that they can’t come forth. They’ve been told to be quiet.” THAT IS UNAMERICAN, but very much like the MOB WITNESSES AFRAID AND TOLD TO KEEP QUIET. THAT IS RIDICULOUS!


IF we can get an answer to that question it would open many avenues to research. THE ONLY PEOPLE WE KNOW THAT HAVE VISITED THE WITNESSES ARE KERRY, OBAMA, AND GRAHAM at WALTER REED ARMY HOSPITAL.

Benghazi’s Silenced Witnesses Hidden In Plain Sight?

Posted 03/26/2013 06:31 PM ET “Benghazi Scandal: A Virginia congressman says the witnesses to an act of war on sovereign U.S. territory are being held incommunicado in a Washington, D.C., hospital by their own government. Free the American 30″……” …….”It matters to GOP representatives Frank Wolf of Virginia and Jim Gerlach of Pennsylvania, who have written to new Secretary of State John Kerry asking him for the names and contact information for each of the individuals who survived Benghazi.”…….

Obama Inc. Intimidating Benghazi Survivors into Keeping Quiet?

Sean Smith’s mother, Patti Smith, was told to keep quiet by someone. She is complaining about the response she received by Hillary Clinton, Pres. Obama and Leon Panetta when she was interviewed by Sean Hannity. Why doesn’t she expose the person who told her to keep quiet? Why didn’t Sean Hannity ask her to tell? What good does it do to keep quiet? Then she is invited to some ceremony for her son but she has to pay her own way which is silly. Then her daughter-in-law in the Netherlands (married I suppose to Sean Smith) is telling the mom she has to go through her and that she was not invited and would have to pay her own way to the ceremony for her son. This is the most bizarre response even from the daughter-in-law. The ceremony sounds very false and is going to be for used for some political agenda. If I were the mother I would tell who it is that is keeping her quiet and not attend the ceremony.

Mother Of Slain Benghazi Officer To Sean Hannity:

‘They Want Me To Shut Up

Letter: Obama has forgotten four Benghazi deaths

“I got a bit of a chuckle when President Barack Obama vowed last week to never forget the 20 children killed in the Newtown massacre: “Shame on us if we’ve forgotten. I haven’t forgotten those kids.” “He has, however, conveniently forgotten the U.S. ambassador and three other brave Americans who died in Benghazi last year.”….

And those deaths at Newtown were a farce as I have tried to show in many of my posts. Of course he won’t forget them. He is keeping them close so he won’t have to deal with Benghazi.

What are they getting, money?  While Pope Benedict has resigned the article below has some good links about the connection of Roman Catholicism and Islam by Walter Veith. Might educate the average person about some big similarities, coincidences, and possibly a covenant between the two religions. I would think that would be worth investigating if you care about the truth. The inclusion of many religions is Rome’s conquest because they are behind the conglomeration of all religions with themselves being the mother hen of them all. I hope you take time to listen to Walter Veith’s you tubes. Quite revealing. Please read:

Pope Benedict XVI and His Power of Suggestion


Scientists trace origin of destructive giant meteor in Russia as coming from ‘Apollo’ asteroids (Video)

Funny, because Benghazi is one of the sites of the Apollo Temples. The place of the skull kind of temples.
Wonder if it is connected in “signs and wonders” kind of way?


The Hebrew term Abaddon (Hebrew: אֲבַדּוֹן‎, ‘Ǎḇaddōn), an intensive form of the word “destruction”, appears as a place of destruction in the Hebrew Bible. In a vision in the New Testament Book of Revelation, an angel called Abaddon is shown as the king of an army of locusts; his name is first transcribed in Greek as “whose name in Hebrew Abaddon” (Ἀβαδδὼν), and then translated as, “which in Greek means the Destroyer” (Apollyon, Ἀπολλύων). The Latin Vulgate, as well as the Douay Rheims Bible, has an additional note (not present in the Greek text), “in Latin Exterminans”, exterminans being the Latin word for “destroyer”.


According to the Brown Driver Briggs lexicon, the Hebrew abaddon (Hebrew: אבדון; avadon) is an intensive form of the Semitic root and verb stem abad (אָבַד) “perish” (transitive “destroy”), which occurs 184 times in the Hebrew Bible.

Hebrew Bible

The term abaddon appears six times in the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible; abaddon means destruction or “place of destruction”, or the realm of the dead, and is associated with Sheol.

I think Congress and the Senate

ought to get some answers

from Barack and Michelle Obama.

ABC cuts first lady’s claim teen killed by automatic weapon

“Questions today in America’s 2nd amendment debate after First Lady Michelle Obama chose to discuss the need for a new gun control in her opinion during an interview with Good Morning America. During that interview the First Lady said that 15 year old Hadia Hendleton who was shot and killed in Chicago just after she had preformed in the President’s Inauguration. The First Lady saying that she was shot because quote “some kids had automatic weapons they didn’t need.” a detail not supported by police or apparently the facts. Chicago authorities have said they believe the fact that this child was killed by a handgun. However, in the video clip the mention of automatic weapons was edited out.” Listen: Michelle Obama: She was standing out in a park with her friends in a neighborhood blocks away from where my kids grow grew up, where our house is and she was caught in the line of fire. I just don’t want to keep disappointing our kids in this country. I want them to know that we put them first. So that in the piece that aired on TV they edited out the bit about the automatic weapons. ABC claims they did that for the sake of time.” She knew what she was saying and added irrelevance about a chemistry test, because that’s what liars do.

I think the problem Michelle Obama

had with this young lady

who was killed was that

she stood out.

WHY IN THE WORLD DID SHE SAY this stuff? Pretty weird. I think Michelle Obama is a very jealous person.  My dog died yesterday the same day Michelle Obama gave advice about dog exercise and dog food. Interesting. My dog was about 18 years old and her name was Lady. My other dog Buck was shot about a year ago by a neighbor’s visitor who was drunk. They were young and feuding over the mistreatment of a girl. The abuser pulled the gun. We did not realize our dog had been shot because dogs hide pain. Both dogs had legs. Soon after he had died we saw 2 dogs on the run both black labs and were able to catch one, the other disappeared (looked like Buck) and returned the dog it to it’s owner.


As far as North Korea and it’s leader Pyongadong and his aunt overseer maybe they have gone the way that the Egyptian Pharoahs did via inbreeding and is affecting his/her brain.

I don’t think Michelle likes criticism either…..


Now, the Pope has left his post and retired for the sake of the church. Says he’ll be hidden. In Catholic prophecy he is the 2nd to the last pope for their church system, but who knows whether or not in reality whether he isn’t really the last pope to reign. Lots of eerie coincidences! I know it sounds weird, but it was because of this incident that made me realize Obama was very bad news and because I think the man on the right at the top is one of the two witnesses in  revelations of the bible. One thing for sure he warned me that our government is not ours anymore. The Vatican gave the excuse for Benghazi – the Video Tape – on the 12th of September before anyone else did, after a few mob riots at other places in Egypt then Susan Rice did her appearances and then Obama did his appearance at the UN blaming the video tape for the execution of a few americans at Benghazi (could be more since we don’t know what happened to the others…they sort of disappeared into thin air). Somewhere in between these appearances Hillary Clinton distanced herself from this evil video tape, also. A video tape is no excuse (and ridiculous) for what happened, but now we have the Definitive Report which is ridiculous too. The man who made the videotape is in jail, supposedly. And since then Obama has managed to create crisis after crisis about anything he can mostly “the economy stupid” to distract from what occurred and a few massacres, martyrdoms, and murders and some merciless bumps in the road soon after Benghazi when Israel was attacked: article-2235635-1621f8b1000005dc-779_634x404 ….because he was exposed for what he is… a drool for the Vatican and Islam and they are drools also which basically are the stinkin’ mob. Obviously a false religion promoting a false religion the religion of the mob. They will use anything or anyone to keep power because they are evil cowards. (legion of ants, locusts, fleas and worms)

America’s unique relationship with the Vatican

“Q: How important and you were an important part of this, of course during your years, how important is the relationship between the United States and the Vatican? Secretary Jim Nicholson: It’s extremely important to, to the world. The Vatican has diplomatic relations with 194 countries. And the Vatican, the Catholic Church is one of the largest purveyors of the human assistance in the world. And a great deal of the resources that they get to hand out to people comes from the United States because the United States government, the United States people, and Catholics in the pews are very generous and they send a lot of money to Rome and the church does a very able job through it’s missionaries and it’s volunteers non-governmental agencies in administering that. Perfect example was the great amount of assistance that we gave to Africa. President Bush led us on that uh in in fighting off malaria and and aids. I was very involved as our ambassador in that. Uh, . So, so that coupling of our our natural resource base and their their missionary zeal, their commitment to human dignity, and helping people have a better life is a, is a very important partnership to people in the world today, but especially those people more underprivileged and underdeveloped…….” 2013-03-12T155906Z_1659475366_LR2E93C18E8WZ_RTRMADP_3_POPE-SUCCESSION

Is this ridiculous?

CONCLAVE CONVENESThe costumes are stunning.
These guys are all over the world messing it up. Can’t wait to see their offspring start to dress like the swiss guard. The Afghan President Karzai is attempting to follow, but prefers a green and blue motif, though lately he looks more like a nun.
It’s hard to imagine why any world would want guys in red with white lace and red hats with a gold braid down their back to rundown the world, but soon they will make a vote for a pope and give a sign with indian smoke signals. Scary, but just as scary is Obama and Jay Carney and their circus of actors.

Bob Woodward: White House is using my spat as ‘sideshow’

Reps escalate demands for information on Benghazi survivors, suggest ‘cover-up’

Published March 12, 2013

Where Are the Benghazi Survivors?

———————————————– Here is another sign of sorts: Eric Bolling and Ed Beckel of Fox News exclaimed today that they could not understand why the American public were so mesmerized by the Arias murder trial. I had never even heard of her till I watched it on Greta’s show on Fox News and not just once, but many times on Fox News. What a twist! Talk about turning cause and effect into effect and cause! That’s why. Here is another case of turning cause and effect into effect and cause:


It isn’t because he cares. It’s because he doesn’t. It’s a political ploy so he can rape the country and destroy. He just needs women in a bad spot to hide behind for his cover/veil and to bow down kind of like some Palestinians do with their children and use them as human shields. If he cared about anyone he would tell the truth about Benghazi. He would want his administration to testify about it and not keep the other witnesses from the Senate and House of Reps. He creates chaos by getting his drones to create mass shootings that are fake to disarm America and at the same time arm his friends in other places and the mob.  He would try to have a plan to balance the budget and not vacation all over the place. He would set an example and of course he has done the opposite. He is a in your face blatant liar! 

He would not have said the things he said at his Correspondent’s Dinners.


Obama will give up portion of his salary

What a twerp. Pitiful tripe.

Please read: Sour Wine

Western-Backed FSA Use Child Soldiers in Syria

Not only that Geraldo Rivera aired/erred on his show the other night some naked pictures of Arias and I guess that is considered to be okay because it’s a news talk show? I don’t think it is okay. Was it necessary? So now Fox News is into the pornography of a defendant in a murder trial? Something wrong with this picture, except not surprising since the Grahams seem to have some control of that station either spiritually or financially, or maybe both. Talk about twisted. Maybe their ratings have been down and thought a few naked pictures of Arias would pick up more viewers? In answer to Eric Bolling and Ed Beckel it seems to be premeditated mesmerization of the trial of Arias by Fox News, but for what purpose? I could not convict her of murder because she doesn’t even remember murdering her boyfriend. Where’s the knife? It wasn’t her and the gun that killed him, it was someone with a knife as far as I have ascertained. Those 4 roommates need to be questioned more since they were with the body for 4 days in an apartment. I could convict her of attempted manslaughter of her boyfriend. I could not convict her of premeditation to kill because I don’t know that she intended to kill him or whether in fact she did kill him. Just because she lied a bunch after shooting him is telling of her shock at what she did with the gun, her fear, and her self preservation. I think this is a group murder because of the odd circumstances with the friends and roommates, their religion, a place called Margaritaville that did not exist and his body hanging out for four days in a bath tub with his so called friends/roomates in an apartment stinking up the place. I think she was used as a fall guy for a mob/church type killing. At face value it doesn’t add up. I think she is the coverup for his death. Basically I think this is a cult murder. Bob Woodward is  another good case in point. He broke the story about Watergate and he was a hero. Now he broke the ranks and stood up and admitted being threatened by Obama’s legion (reminds me of Billy Graham kind of tactics) and everyone else attacks him. Talk about a bunch of cowards. How about standing by his side and act like a real man or woman instead of like french chickens. It’s like when a woman gets raped and reports it and gets attacked for standing up for herself. (the Islamic way.) If you don’t stand up now, it might be you next.   You would think the press would care about freedom of the press and the responsibility of the press. No wonder America has problems. Things sure have changed. The hippie generation turned into the NIXON. Like the planet of the apes with stupid social scientists making up excuses for the signs in the earth and the heavens. The religion of GLOBAL WARMING wow that’s pretty stupid only apes could have managed to come up with that idea and only stupid apes could have believed it.

Social Cohesion

Shared social responsibility: securing trust and sustainable social cohesion in a context of transition,

Brussels, 28th February – 1st March 2011


Is it because we have no bread?


Matthew 16:7

And they reasoned among themselves, saying, It is because we have taken no bread.

Mark 8:16

16 And they reasoned among themselves, saying, It is because we have no bread.

How is it That Ye Do Not Understand?

Folly of the Synoptic Gospels

Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven

I Am That I Am (The Sign) -Revised*

I AM THAT I AM (Part two)

Merangue’s Blog

Wartime rape preventable, actress Jolie tells G8 ministers


Great speech, I guess. She is stunning in appearance and there is Kerry behind her.

I wonder if Angelina Jolie might be able to convince Kerry and all those adoring men behind her to answer some questions about Benghazi, provide the silenced survivors for questioning by our government or is she a pawn of OBAMA and KERRY,


she seems to have enraptured the G8?

Does she have the guts or is she just a poster woman for the UN?

It’s hard to tell because nothing seems to change for the better…it just gets worse for the average Jo

via the UN and looks to me

like it’s just a place to pose and pander as is the Oscars.

I get the feeling she is their and her

Unknown Epiphany of Womanhood

What do the simple folk do? DO? SO THEY SAY….. 

They Got Married Really Fast

(And then CAME LOT.)

ZZ Top- She’s Got Legs

NO,no. Please, don’t rape me.

No, no. Please don’t inject me!

Did  it serve a purpose? Did it help? It helped her.



AP/ April 11, 2013, 10:51 PM
I know I have offended everyones idol but like Obama drapes himself in women,
so the poster woman drapes herself in children for reasons that are
beyond reason. Being beautiful isn’t all it is cracked up to be, but that is what you sell…unattainable beauty
and a tweek of charity. I have mixed feelings about her because on the one hand I’m jealous of her beauty (I’m only human lol although I don’t linger on it too much) and on the other I have enjoyed some of her movies one in particular (I can’t remember the name) where she steps off of a mine to save her lover in Chechnya I think which I found to be a very good movie. But she represents a power I do not appreciate and I think they have used her without her full knowledge and not in good faith such as the panda bear picture below represents to me. It is the UN and those that uplift it. They want our money, our rights, our freedom, our blood, our sweat, our hopes, our dreams, our privacy, our futures, our jobs, etc
for their charity at their discretion. It will never be even or a level playing field. Have you noticed that the rich get richer and the poor and now the middle class get less and less your way. It is apparent that the UN, and it’s abusers are benefitting a great deal and apparently you are one of the beneficiaries. It is not nor ever will be fair or good as long as you and they need and take OPM and interfere as the UN is famous for without accountability using the press and victims to flourish just like they always do.
A tease and an appease! A VICOUS DILEMMA
Just pompous nonsense and a facade which you have been ensconced
in other words
I watched some of the reactions of the men behind you as you gave a part of your speech and it was a bit comical kind of like a spaghetti western even though it isn’t funny akin to someone like Brigitt Bardot convincing Rod Steiger’s character in the movie
a Fistful of Dynamite about good manners which I don’t think she starred in that movie but you get the picture.
I think your intentions are good but I guess sometimes good intentions aren’t enough. A bit hard to believe.
Being a poster girl for adopting children or a good actress is believable.
I’m glad Angelina Jolie is doing well since her new surgery and can live her life the same as before. I was sorry to hear she had to contemplate this because of heredity and the probability of going through what her mother went through but the lady on Fox news who had the same decision to make seems to be a good lead in this kind of dilemma. I’m sure it is hard for her and brings back some tough memories about her mom. A few years back I went through surgery for an acute peritoneal abscess and acute sepsis and almost died. I was full of pus for an unknown reason. Stress was part of the problem caused by what stressed me out. I was having a personal crisis. The first time I went to emergency they misdiagnosed me took me off the antibiotics (big mistake) so 24 hours later I returned when it got much worse and had they left me on the antibiotic I would probably have avoided a whole lot of pain but who can know for sure. Still I was lucky to have great doctors the second visit who knew what they were doing. I have a 14 inch scar down my torso and did not have reconstructive surgery but let the two sides grow together and now I have two belly buttons:) Thought about imbedding jewels down the scar but thought nah it might just cause more trouble. Inhibits me from some things now and I live with it and it still hurts depending on my activities. It did slow me down quite a bit. Hopefully for Angelina Jolie it won’t slow her down for very long. The reason I added my personal information even though I’m an average woman of no great stature or beauty and no one really cares about my body is because I felt like a big jerk for having written what I wrote about her but the fact is I did. I still feel the same about her being pandered and pandering to the UN and Hollywood however the timing was unfortunate. I apologize for that and the best that I can do is add her to my prayers which I already have.

Obama Tells Wealthy Gathering He Wants To “Institutionalize” Crisis Atmosphere

Crisis institutionalization is a bad idea because it causes stress. Stress makes people sick. I suppose it would make Obama Care seem needed if he can cause sickness by instituting a crisis atmosphere however it would not help the people who are affected by crises. It’s a crazy stupid idea and I would call it just EVIL. Many people suffer from post traumatic stress syndrome which I was told by my doctors that I might have been suffering because of my personal crisis at the time, the trauma of the operation, and the sepsis. It is inhumane to contemplate the idea that Obama told to the wealthy and much more inhumane to implement it. I hope he regrets his stupidity and insensitivity to the average man and takes his dangerous ideas and toys and leaves his post as President of the United States for being stupid enough to voice it. It seems obvious that he is producing some of these crises since he wants to institutionalize them because of the affect they have on the people. That is sick. When a President loses his right mind he should be impeached and that idea alone is reason enough to impeach him.

Obama pissed offf

That is a vindictive expression! 

This man is full of pure hate

and it’s no wonder he comes up with ideas

as foul as a belly full of puss.

Would you leave your child with him? Or would you leave your ailing parent with him?

Why would you leave him in charge of our government?

Michelle Obama, Where’d You Get Those Peepers

I love horses and these are shots of a beautiful horse and a beautiful actress in an artful way but if you are of the persuasion, religion, or culture that deems that art is evil you might get a wrong impression. I don’t consider art evil. THAT IS MY PERSONAL OPINION. I’m an artist so I have an appreciation for good art but we don’t need to urinate on each other. However other countries that make women wear burkas would probably gasp, threaten families, isolate family and friends, chop off limbs, behead, crucify, imprison, torture, maim and scar, bomb, and drone others to make an insane gesture for an insane reason for a political agenda and it is starting to resemble the US. I think our country is headed that way and it is worth fighting back and against those that would have us head in that direction. What happened in Texas and in Boston are Huge indicators of government, politics, religion, and power gone mad.

Obviously our country has it’s problems and needs a bit of tweeking but I believe that that can be done by a loving Father and his son in his way in his time and his fashion as he did with me and other people in spite of a rabid power that perverts knowledge, love, hope, faith, beliefs for personal gain, personal ambition and personal pleasure at the expense of others and mostly against women and children and the disadvantaged using their victimization, mental illnesses, crises or weaknesses for their pleasure, personal and political advantage.


Recently I looked up Marilou Henner from the sit com Taxi because I remember a few years back she said “they know everything about you” at least that is what she meant and I just found bunches of you tubes where she and others remember everything they have done on any date in their past which seemed like a big switch from her earlier statements, As if she was snatched in a way. Something strange is going on there but the difference in statements is what caught my attention now.

I heard that the NSA (National Security Agency) are building a huge complex in Utah and I think it is related to her earlier statement. I think they are abusing our rights and intend to further impinge on our rights for their security. I wonder if the events occurring lately isn’t in their interest. Maybe we should ask Marilou Henner or Charlie Sheen, Mr. Neocat, since on that same show about the NSA he said “We’re winning.”  WInning what?

Degradation of our personal lives? Selling out?

Or protecting OBAMA from responsibility and accountability from Benghazi with other crises. Create havoc and move the lines like the fence at the Boston Marathon. Create hoaxes whatever they can to blur the truth of what is really occurring. But thank goodness President Obama is familiar with West Texas and knows how tightly knit the community is. Thank goodness for his well wishing the community flattened because he wants you to think he feels their pain and that he cares recently sent in his condolences.

“President Barack Obama, who was preparing for a prayer service in Boston for the victims of the marathon bombings, sent a message of condolence to West. “A tight-knit community has been shaken, and good, hard-working people have lost their lives,” he said.”

Texas explosion: residents of West shocked by devastation

It works for him:)

Devastation, that is.

The friends of the young man who is being hunted around Boston just barely more than a kid say he is a normal guy, didn’t harbor bad feelings and the friend sounds truthful and in his right mind. But Fox news madonna rolled her eyes at the kids description as she related the story I guess because the press have tried him in their court of the press. I believe the friend more than madonna of Fox News because he knew him and O’reilly’s madonna did not know him.

Hey, BIll O’reilly check out the OOOOPS mistake down below and be honest.

I get the feeling he is being set up or was set up.

That is how the mob works. They set you up and entrap you. That is how they make slaves or sleeves as Obama kidded about in his first Correspondent’s dinner. He has many departments to work with within our government to do just that  and it costs money, tax dollars to be used for his master plan and to help him corrupt everything.

Now Fox news is saying he was in a Honda Civic which is a different vehicle than stated before. Whatever works for their crises for Obama and it keeps blurring pretty soon he’ll be in a corvette.

Watched the family members talk about this young man and the angry ones seem to point to guilt and the sad ones and the closest ones to this man point to innocence. Fractured family but something stinks.

IN any case the white bag by the fence was discriminating in that its kill zone avoided the runners.

THAT IS A VERY SMART BOMB and a very smart fence.

I’m pissed with Fox News and all those that know that they had films of the bag in front of the fence line then later changed it to behind the fence line when it was caught to be a fabrication and they for whatever reason ….big paycheck  go along with the deception. Conveniently forget. I’m watching and so are many other people and they are catching on to your duplicitous BS especially O’REILLY. A BLOW HARD BULLY and LIAR. FOR WHAT, because you are CATHOLIC? YOU HAVE THE JUDGEMENT OF A RAT BECAUSE YOU BENEFIT BY IT> YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY STUPID. You  could care less that people are being maneuvered, manipulated, and brainwashed, mind controlled and set up via their religion which by the way stemmed from your religion.  The lies keep you in your job and in your lifestyle. The reason or an excuse was given for the creation of the religion of Islam told by an RC clergyman had something to do with securing Jerusalem.  I don’t know how true that is since it seems to be at war with Jerusalem. I would say more like securing Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

I hold out reservation on Sean Hannity

because he is sincere in his job

and seems sincerely to be a good honest person and tries to get to the truth.

I hope he stays that way!

Boston in lockdown for manhunt: Eerie photos of empty city streets hit Instagram


The cop that was killed at MIT or the MIT Policeman that was killed looks like a male version of the actress by the name of Tovah Feldshuh from the miniseries called “The Holocaust.”

Boston Marathon Explosions, Sean CollierWireImage_2978563

OOOPS did someone make a big mistake?:)

And are we using some smart technology with face imaging?

Someone is, that’sssss for sure….probably at the NSA complex in UTAH.

Obama thanks Putin for help in Boston

I bet he did. I hope he thanked him for West Texas too.

It’s interesting to see little men with huge egos brimming with

over confidence abusing the power in their hands

right before they lose it.

Texas Explosion Criminal Investigation Launched By Law Enforcement Officials

Why in the world would Reed give a box with explosive ingredients to a friend right after the explosion unless he was either setting up his friend or getting rid of evidence or his friend is lying. VERY ODD.

The first emergency phone call said it was a bomb. I don’t think it was an accident, more like punishment …like the sequester type punishments that have occurred because we are dealing with insane leaders and distraction from Benghazi as all the events that have occurred since Benghazi.



got them spooked.


It was Betty Davis that said:

“Fasten your seat belts. It’s going to be a bumpy night”

Can I get a Witness-

Marvin Gaye

“Celeste lost both legs below the knee and Sydney has severe injuries as well, cousin Alyssa Carter said in a fundraising page set up at The page had raised more than $277,000 by Thursday morning.

Family members said Celeste was being incredibly positive. Her sister, Carmen Acabbo, told WJAR-TV that Celeste joked she “would be a hairstylist on wheels now.”

That is incredible. I guess it’s worth it…. losing limbs in return for some dough.

That’s gratitude for ya. AMAZING GRAVE.
She was probably super high on pain medication.

Bill O’Reilly Attacks Alex Jones and Infowars for Daring to Ask Questions

About Boston Bomber Narrative

Off and on watching Fox news on Sunday April 21 and amazed by their total hard core stupidity. I’m hoping they get better. One man described the alleged bomber in the hospital as being “dumb as rocks,” because of his alleged school grades at college. The man describing the alleged bomber seemed to satisfy that description as well as the blond at Fox News defending the singing of Sweet Caroline at a game. IT WAS SURREAL. I get the impression she took offense at my blog post about the Boston Bruins display. I get the feeling she wishes he won’t get a trial and hoping he gets the death penalty (even though there is no proof so far that I have seen that he is responsible in the least) because he will be 20 years old in July. The same woman of Fox News just said today that the alleged bomber became a citizen on September 11th this last year.


Just heard it had been all over the news for the last three days. Funny I never saw it but I do think it is relevant.

By the way the pictures of the brother that allegedly died doesn’t look like the same man as the first man at the Boston Marathon in front walking with a bag. This is getting to be absolutely ridiculous and am licking forward to Glen Beck’s Revelation on Monday.



Threatens to ‘expose’ secret of marathon attack

if administration doesn’t confess

Beck was in Oklahoma with his Operation Blessings to help after the tornado that hit Moore Oklahoma. I wonder did the administration confess or is this opportunity in Oklahoma and Operation Blessings your reward? Shouldn’t you have exposed the secret by now? Yea you are real trustworthy.

Saudi report: Michelle O visited ‘person of interest’


So why do the Saudis get a get out of jail free card?


Looking like a set up for the Chechnya brothers because they are not rich to cover the rich Saudis. I guess we may find out tomorrow.

Witness: Tamerlan Tsarnaev Run Over By Cops, Not His Brother

“…..But a witness to the incident went on a talk radio station and said

the police ran over Tsarnaev with an SUV and then pumped bullets into him……”

On Greta Van Susterne’s show on Fox News she had a guest who was a high ranking policeman who at the time was in a helicopter tell about the first brothers demise by his younger brother yet she doesn’t include this woman who states she witnessed the cops killing the older brother with SUV and multiple gun shots.

Eyewitness Boston Suspect was run over by police SUV , no bombs

I think Saudi Arabia is the numero uno enemy to the world.

Their religion of Islam, their stupidity because of their stupid Mecca, their lawlessness and the appeasement of the world to them in response because they wear dishtowels around their head and long dresses and the women look like tarps and tents and the stupid people that walk around an object meditating and they defend all the above:



This is why Obama is Obama: Remember the movie Deliverance with Burt Reynolds? It was the problem the Egyptian Pharoahs encountered and that is why they could not understand Moses (too stupid to understand where his power came from and fought it to their demise) and because they thought they were GODS (ego and pride)

and I think Lot may have had the same problem eventually.

Have  you seen the picture of the man they are deporting for the Saudi Prince? I think he suffers from the same problem.

Anyone that directs their people to walk around a stone at mecca once in the lifetime has got to be nuts.

Can someone destroy their little rock in Mecca, PLEAZE.

I’m not joking. It seems to be a source of their madness and a good lesson.

The source of their angst.

If we really are at war with terrorism then destroy it. (It could not be any uglier) We could commission France to make a Statue of Liberty or loan them ours.

It might help them to get a grip. That may be why they are nuts. Chances are it’s emitting harmful rays that make them want to do all of the above mentioned. You might have to korantine them for a few months but it might be worth it in the long run. Just think of it as a Fertilizer Plant, if that helps. Remember it was Saudis that ran airplanes into the twin towers not Iraqi’s. But instead we protect Saudis because of their Mecca which by the way has a unique relationship with Synoptic Jesus, and then we go to war with Iraq? Does that make sense?


OOOPS did someone made a big mistake:)

And are we using some smart technology with face imaging?

Someone is, that’sssss for sure….probably at the NSA complex in UTAH.

THe days of Deception are definitely upon us and they will use any technology to spin. Good try.

They could be brothers. Very similar characteristics.

Hey if Allah was so great why didn’t he protect the older devout terrorist brother?

Instead the younger undevout terrorist lived.

I’ll answer that: he loves to kill you. He loves death. He likes to feel your pain. It soothes him.

Misery loves company. That’s why he gets his people to walk around aimlessly around this ugly eyesore.

That’s why he makes women wear burkas. Keeps them down and uneducated. He loves false promises like paradise, and ten virgins etc

because he is an ass. Remind you of anyone? Yep, he does period. Obama, period. I double that.


Why Does It Matter Hillary?

Please read:

JFK Assassination, CBS News and the Second Vatican Council

Here is an interesting show on Sean Hannity and I think it is related to the NSA. I plan to delve into this interview in another post:

David Stockman says budget is ‘doomsday machine’

….We’re in a big mess. It’s been brewing for decades and no one in particular is at fault but we’ve believed a lot of things that aren’t true….”

I think HAARP is the doomsday machine.


3 teens arrested for assault after girl’s suicide

I don’t think some of us older women and, of course men, have done young girls a favor, do you, Jo?

IT helps if young girls are told how the system works for some but not for others. I think the UN doesn’t have the right answers, and you don’t either because you are a product a facade WHILE others are really trying to cope. I’m sure you are very nice, but let’s get real.

“She was compassionate about life, her friends, her family, and would never do anything to harm anyone,” the site says. “She was in the process of developing the ability to cope with the cruelty of this world but had not quite figured it all out.

“Ultimately, she had not yet acquired the antibiotics to deal with the challenges present for teens in today’s society.”

I guess we ought to ask Greg Gutfield of The Five, the friend to women in harm’s way.



Back to Angelina Jolie




Maybe Justin Bieber ought to be the poster boy for the UN which seems to be more appropriate and a good comparison to following the man in this report: Officer accused of having Trayvon Martin targets & Officer: Trayvon Martin target a ‘no-shoot training aid’

Then why bring it to a shooting range? Makes no sense and is ridiculous. Very similar type perversity. Definitely something insidious or someone insidious is involved in this event.

It is apparent that Justin Bieber has been diseducated.

At least Jane Fonda believed in what she was doing in her films and actions even if she may have offended good people. Seems rape is a dark desire for some diseducated people but I think Jane Fonda dunged the belle in her portrayal.

Here are a couple of sites with tons of information about the inconsistencies of the

Sandy Hook mass murder used by Obama to coverup Benghazi.

Sandy Hook Truth


Sandy Hook truthers are not giving up


McCain, Graham ‘hell-bent’ on getting Benghazi answers before Brennan vote


Andrew McCarthy on Benghazi:

‘Decisive action could have saved American lives’ [VIDEO]

……”In the interview, McCarthy also claims that the Obama administration continues to work with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to find agreement on U.N. Human Rights Council Resolution 16/18, which would deem it unlawful to incite hostility toward religion. “What we are effectively doing is codifying the Shariah blasphemy standard under which any criticism of Islam … is deemed to be a capital offense,” McCarthy said.”……
Boy you are deceived Juan.  You defend the administration because he is the same race (I suppose) as you. Do you defend Michelle for her lies above about the girl that was shot? How she was shot? Why she was shot? All of which Michelle Obama in her short interview explained. Do you defend that? Isn’t that political? Fox News paid the most attention to the execution at Benghazi but as I have said over and over again why didn’t they report about the man that does not physically match Ambassador Chris Stevens? No one has reported about it. Why not? Are ya blind? You can read my other posts about what Benghazi is about on my other sites listed and linked below and the various posts about it. This is not political. It’s because you do not believe that you have made it political. He is a witness in the biblical sense of the word. Believing is tough but helpful these days and it requires work because of the deception of the world.
Sec. of State Kerry talks about justice and a witness at Bethesda now, all of a sudden, 6 months after Benghazi. Jason Chaffetz Rep. Congressman from Utah interviewed by Greta Van Susterne why not subpoena the witnesses and he seemed to have many innocuous reasons for the lack of progress. He is an A-men kind of fellow as he espoused in the interview and I suspect that that is the reason for inaction. He also sounds like the voice on the tape with Senator McConnell talking about Ashley Judd and her weaknesses in the past supposedly leaked which seems contrived at best. Jason Chaffetz is from Utah and the NSA is building that HUGE complex mentioned above.
Here is a link about A-men and please check out the links provided:

The Stones of Amen

Jason Chaffetz was educated at Brigham Young which is owned by an LDS Church (the Mormon Church) because they too are deceived. He represents the wrong interests.

Billy Graham and The Synoptic Dilemma: The Beast

Shape-shifting Jesus described in ancient Egyptian text


Luckily I was blessed with some really cool miracles that help me to remember which seems to be a problem with many people in the world they just keep forgetting and I think that is a result of not believing. The forgetfulness of the world keeps them blind. I would suggest reading the Gospel of John to help in that regard. Maybe the problem with the Barack Obama is belief. He forgets from one day to the next what he has said especially when it comes to the economy or is that to keep people off balance so he won’t have to deal with Benghazi? Probably. Forgetfulness is contagious in Washington DC. as we go from one crisis to the next over the same contrived things. Now there is news of a witness or survivor of Benghazi at Walter Reed Hospital that no one knew about for 6 months, but obviously they knew they just forgot to tell us. I bet Mr. money bags Secretary of State John Kerry knows, he seems to be the heir apparent to the buck stops here as he bribes Egypt. I get the feeling America is well off when he can dole it out to the Muslim Brotherhood. The Hood. What did Kerry get in return?

Kerry, in Egypt, Ties $250M in US Aid to Little-Noticed Reform; ‘Outrageous,’ Says Congressman

How about the other witnesses that survived? Where are they?

Kerry in Egypt ‘with a poor hand of cards’ as IMF money mean cuts and tax increases

The aim of Kerry’s visit is to persuade Egypt to pass a set of unpopular reforms in order to qualify for a $4.8 billion International Monetary Fund loan package, with the US also promising to provide $450 million of financial help of their own to Mohamed Morsi’s government because of its promises of economic and political reforms. RT: Why is America appearing to side with what the opposition are calling a hardline authoritarian Muslim Government, after its vocal support for democratic change in the region? FWE: Well, It’s very good question. I think there’s a double-faced policy in Washington. The backing of the Muslim brotherhood goes back to the CIA’s role in Egypt back in the 1950s when they saw the Muslim Brotherhood as a potentially useful tool to put in their bag of organizations that they manipulate around the world. Then they brought the Brotherhood into Saudi Arabia in the 50s when it was banned in Egypt. And from there the Brotherhood has expanded out. Now they’re playing a key role in all the countries with the Arab Spring. I think some people around president Obama have the delusion that they could control what’s basically a political Islamo-fascist movement. It’s not a movement for democracy by any stretch of the imagination. And that’s what this Brotherhood is – it’s a secret society. 

White House cancels tours due to sequester

Burning Questions About Benghazi Still Abound

Biden should be arrested and put in prison for his expenditures in London and Paris. That is evil to spend that kind of money for a night or two and then talk about nuns. He is  insane and so is our government for allowing it.

Hotel Contracts for Biden Trip to London, Paris Totaled $1 Million

“These costs are nothing out of the ordinary. They are in line with high-level travel across multiple administrations, ” the State Department official said. “ BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS There is nothing that Biden or Obama can do for anyone that is worth over one cent. In fact they should pay the Americans back with 1,000, 000, 000 times what they have spent. Worthless pieces of crap.


Better yet don’t come back. Cut off their funds. Let Biden and Kerry stay with the nuns. Let Obama stray where he is with the Palestinians in the West bank and send him some  checkered dish towels to wrap his head in and ditch these good for nothing rats. And send plenty more of those checkered dish rags for their Secret Service rats too. They need to cover their heads also. Let them be at home with their buds. Mecca-KSA-AFP

Saudi Arabia to investigate Egyptian brawl in Mecca

Just threaten their families, that auto work then behead all the dish toweled men
and castrate all the men that are named

Biden Schmoozes With Nuns in Latest ‘Being Biden’ Audio

“Time has come” for a carbon tax

Al Gore should be charged with fraud. What a liar. Send him to Saudi Arabia to live and buy him one too. PLEASE AMERICA DO THE RIGHT THING. THIS IS THE PERFECT OPPORTUNITY!!!!!  



Today (Wed. March 6th) Rand Paul is filibustering the Senate on the Brennan nomination over drone attacks of americans on american soil:

Rand Paul slams Attorney General Holder for ‘refusal’ to rule out drone strikes in US

Senator Graham and Senator McCain I guess didn’t appreciate the filibuster. I thought it was fantastic and very American especially when dealing with an issue as important as drone attacks on Americans.

Drones Are More Important Than Benghazi to Lindsey Graham

I hear that a few in the Senate have tried to stop drone attacks of Americans on foreign soil.
I agree because the constitution applies to an American overseas, doesn’t it? We don’t become foreigners just because we leave the country. Wouldn’t the American military agree? I don’t like the drone attacks on foreigners either. I know we are at war but we are not the mob. I don’t like innocent casualties and anytime we can avoid it I think we should. Being a powerful military doesn’t mean we should abuse that power. I think Obama has abused it for his own agenda not in defense of our country, but getting rid of his and Michelle’s
 personal enemies.
McCain is out of his mind if he calls them wacko. Talk about going over the deep end. However, the tweets were funny and harmless unless you have a big ego problem. The tweets about monkeys etc. I’ve made a few myself that might be considered racist but I don’t consider myself to be racist. However these days with all the sensitive people and their sensitivities I don’t think anyone on earth could pass the mustard except Chris Matthews, Collin Powell, and Bill Cosby.

Sen. Rand Paul on top issues facing Congress

I like his views for the most part.

I think marijuana should be decriminalized. Get the criminals out of the business and treat it like cigarettes and alcohol and be given absolution to the indicted or incarcerated for possession or small sales of marijuana. I have used marijuana, effexor, cigarettes and alcohol and tried a few other things in the past.  Alcohol is fine if used in moderation and I think the same for marijuana. I don’t think anyone should drive under the influence of any drug or alcohol (or fly planes!) or operate any kind of machinery or be in charge of kids or in authority of others where others can be affected but I believe privacy in a home is imperative unless kids are hurt sexually or physically. I think emotional and mental abuse is prevalent in most homes to some degree just because that is how people treat each other most of the time even in those fine dignified classy ones. People live in an imperfect world and tend to shed the effects of that world on those around them especially between the sexes or under the influence
 of the various cults that people tend to flock. (and that includes peer pressure and mob rule, but that seems to be unavoidable within those groups.) 
I have seen so many ads for drugs on tv that cause so much harm and yet under some circumstances are good.
I know the harmful effects of any drug can be bad, but sometimes their use is good and vice versa.
When people are broke and without jobs I would imagine a little flexibility in these areas is a good gesture,
especially in regards to marijuana. I know when I was deeply depressed marijuana helped me for at least a little while a few hours anyway to let off or vent some anger because it made me laugh if off for that short time but that was enough to alter my devastation. It helped. I know it is not the best answer, but at the time it was available.
Once my dad who is the straightest man I ever knew became severely depressed and went to get an anti-depressant from his doctor which is highly unusual for him and within a few months was out of his depression, but anti-depressants can also be harmful because it makes many complacent with their status or condition or underlying problem, like a mask. GOod article about psychiatric drugs being by perpetrators of some horrendous crimes and I think it is the facilitator to many things going on lately such as the Aurora theater massacre. Since WWll there are groups that use drugs to manipulate innocent people to do very bad things using drugs and other techniques within our government and in the civilian population:
The giant, gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting
But as a kid marijuana and alcohol are not helpful. Got me into a lots of troubles. I’m sure there are extenuating circumstances though even for kids. Also when I was young and high strung and out of control/frantic my mother gave me a fraction of a pill (can’t remember the name of it) and it helped.  It didn’t happen a lot but there were a few times I needed it. My dad said his girls were neurotic and most girls are neurotic especially around their periods.
I think prescription drugs often are worse than marijuana.
People definitely should not be killed or imprisoned over marijuana, that is for sure. Most people that use marijuana are law abiding citizens in every other aspect of their life regarding the laws of the land even more so than alcohol users. Alcohol use can cause aggression in some people and I have never witnessed marijuana to do what alcohol does in that regard.
I think the effects of marijuana hurt the user more than anyone else
 such as being silly stupid (but sometimes that is helpful), paranoid, uninvolved, lazy and unmotivated while the use of alcohol usually hurts others more than the user because alcohol can cause severe aggression of all kinds. Most rapes, fights, physical abuse, sexual abuse, incest, and murders, I believe, occur under the influence of alcohol. I guess it is relative to each person, but marijuana is far less dangerous than alcohol except for it’s criminal ties to the underworld, gangs, the mob and drug pushers but such was the history of alcohol. If we can alleviate that aspect of the drug it would make a huge difference, in my opinion.
I would rather be around a person who is stoned than a person who is drunk in a physical way because I would feel safer. I think marijuana and the content and strength of the drug that is in it could be better controlled than it is now and in the past. The “coolness” of it would be lessened which would make it less desirable.
My cousin spent time in Huntsville Prison for marijuana. I don’t know the details but he is one of  the sweetest young men you could meet, but he had had about 6-8 step dads in his life. Is it any wonder he was a bit mixed up at an early age.
I don’t have that excuse because my parents were for the most part pretty devoted to each other most of their marriage. My excuse was drugs were everywhere when I lived in Virginia and the Viet Nam war was occurring and  I was very peer impressionable and my dad was away at war. I think the  propaganda about “Just say no,” is a good deterrent and other modes of teaching in regards to drugs, alcohol, DUI, and sex. (Helps with the social taboos.) And let Law Enforcement concentrate on the DUI’s and hard core drug dealers, illegal gun dealers who are more likely to commit real crimes such as rapes, murder, kidnapping and child pornography and sex trafficking especially of youths, cult crimes and money laundering.
Now I rarely have a drink and when I do I only have one or two. I haven’t had pot in years. So I grew up quite a bit. 
I find it interesting that the President, the Senate and the House of Reps and all the people that work in those areas of our government and the other areas of government and the Press (with a few exceptions! ) seem more apathetic to what happened in Benghazi than does the public at large and I wonder what it is they are taking as their drug.
Must be OPM that makes them apathetic which hurts everyone.
I agree with Eric Bolling of “The Five” on Fox News about the legalization of gambling. It is allowed here and there, but not everywhere. It’s a risk but no one should lose a job over it, or their reputation, or their life. There would be more competition and laws to govern when disputes arise such as when someone gets in over their head and can’t pay and instead of some mob or mob boss handling it, the courts could handle it.
Get the criminal ingredient out of the business.
Basically take the legs out of the mob and deal with them on more serious issues such as child pornography and the sex trade, murder, hard drugs and arms trading and take their legitimacy from beneath them and concentrate on arming the enemy, such as:
Eric Holder and the Obama Administrations involvement with Fast and Furious and Benghazi and the arms traded there and put into the enemy’s hands. If we are at war with terrorism then why send money and weapons to Egypt if they are intent on the death of Christians, Americans, and Jews via terrorism. How about the Syrian rebels. No one knows where they stand and yet Europeans and some Americans want to arm them. 
Isn’t that a crime?
 It should be!

Libya Imprisons American for Allegedly Proselytizing

Christianity in Benghazi

This is very disturbing. Why has it been kept out of the news? 
I guess the RC is probably responsible because they are in control of Islam and want to be on top.
Please read about their relationship to Islam and their manipulation of the Islamic people and vice versa:

Pope Benedict XVI and His Power of Suggestion

IT’s sickening

but the first person to come up with the Benghazi excuse

the video

was Father Lombardi

the Pope’s spokesman at the time.

Roman Catholicism, the Vatican,

the Jesuits

and Islam

have a nefarious relationship

that needs to be choked off/defunded


witch use OPM!

The pretty lady on The Five mentioned that maybe the new pope might be able to get these Christian prisoners/proselytizers freed. Yea probably since he has that kind of control of the Islamic peoples. It would make him a hero in the RC parishioners eyes too I would imagine. More than likely Senator Kerry wouldn’t even try, nor his predecessor. I wonder if Billy or Franklin Graham have any pull in the area….. I would imagine they do being shills for RC. It’s amazing we are having this problem giving millions of tax dollars and weapons to our enemy when they just want to kill Christians, Americans, and Jews. Why don’t the want to kill the RC? Is it because they aren’t Christian, but CRYSTALIANS or to put it another way Crystal Meth-ians ie slaves If you read

Obama is Slaying the Senate

you will understand why I say that about RC’s. Is that why they don’t mind the Pope and his input? They bow down and kiss his ring and have given each of them the royal treatment.

If Catholics care about other Christians they will stop the vicious circle by not attending their RC churches and giving their hard earned dollars to a system that supports ISLAM. And the same goes for Islamic nations to not support a system by giving their hard earned dollars or whatever is their currency to their churches/synagogues/temples to a system that supports the Roman Catholic hierarchy or the Islamic hierarchy. Same with the Jesuits and any other cult. That would help to stop the madness. Gain control of your governments and stop the misuse of OPM.
(Other peoples money)
IF you care about your own freedom and your children’s futures you will not attend or donate
to their cause:

your slavery.


The Church Does Not Speak for Me: 6 Quotes by JFK on Being Catholic and a Politician

Bill Cosby says those who oppose Obama are racist

So Bill Cosby if you opposed George Bush, were you a racist? Bill Cosby and Catholic nuns have a special agreement which you can read about in the post. He seeded for his wife and who knows what else he received. Obviously, he is in the depths of deception and paying the piper, and a backscratcher as well. The actors need american tax dollars for their lifestyles of the rich and famous selling out the americans for those needs:) NICE HUH? such as:

Harrison Ford on sequester: ‘Accidents are going to happen’

when FAA closes air traffic control towers [VIDEO]

Obviously, this is black mail because of Feinstein’s loss today against the 2nd amendment rights of the average person in America.

But instead they would rather have pretty haircuts for free and fair weather friends in Hollywood.
You would think Harrison Ford could object a wee bit but he’s acting as if he’s all for it when in reality sequestration is being used as an excuse to hurt and punish Americans. All it would take is thoughtful and diligent work in all areas of government to size it down to cut the fat, fraud and abuse, find and cut the funding to the enemy with arms, tanks, money and who knows what else. I guess this actor is just a wimp. I won’t be wasting my money on his movies.

Michelle Obama: ‘This Is Your House, Too’

A conversation and  some stroking of Harrison Ford by Michelle Obama. MIGHTY STRANGE! I guess there is a Hollywood movie called 42. He must be starring in it, I don’t know.

42 (number)


  • In Japanese culture, the number 42 is considered unlucky because the numerals when pronounced separately — “shi ni” (four two) — sound like the phrase, “unto death”.[12]
  • There are 42 principles of Ma’at, the Ancient Egyptian personification of physical and moral law, order, and truth. In the judgement scene described in the Egyptian and the Book of the Coming/Going Forth by Day (the Book of the Dead (which evolved from the Coffin Texts and the Pyramid Texts)), there are 42 gods and goddesses of Egypt, personifying the principles of Ma’at. These 42 correspond to the 42 Nomes (Governmental Units) of Egypt. If the departed successfully answers all 42, s/he becomes an Osiris.
  • 42 is the number with which God creates the Universe in Kabbalistic tradition. In Kabbalah, the most significant name is that of the En Sof (also known as “Ein Sof“, “Infinite” or “Endless”), who is above the Sefirot (sometimes spelled “Sephirot“).[13] The Forty-Two-Lettered Name contains four combined names which are spelled in Hebrew letters (spelled in letters = 42 letters), which is the name of Azilut (or “Atziluth” “Emanation”). While there are obvious links between the Forty-Two Lettered Name of the Babylonian Talmud and the Kabbalah’s Forty-Two Lettered Name, they are probably not identical because of the Kabbalah’s emphasis on numbers. The Kabbalah also contains a Forty-Five Lettered Name and a Seventy-Two Lettered Name.
  • The number 42 appears in various contexts in Christianity. There are 42 generations (names) in the Gospel of Matthew‘s version of the Genealogy of Jesus; it is prophesied that for 42 months the Beast will hold dominion over the Earth (Revelation 13:5); 42 men of Beth-azmaveth were counted in the census of men of Israel upon return from exile (Ezra 2:24);God sent bears to maul 42 of the teenage boys who mocked Elisha for his baldness (2 Kings 2:23), etc.
How about Harrison Ford and Janet Napolitano
tying a good taut knot in marriage
or did he already drink her blood.

I guess he drank Michelle’s blood

or did she drink his because she does appear to have some teeth.

Nefarious indeed!

Again this is about religion and the fanatics of the Preeminence of the Gospel of Matthew as I stated earlier that is why JFK was assassinated and the executions occurred at Benghazi. Now Michelle is a busy single mother….has she ever been a single mother? But her hubby Barack is there……huh. O’reilly? Weird chick! How does her garden grow?


Obviously, the incognito worship of ALLAH


Remembering Ambassador Christopher Stevens

“……. Ambassador Stevens liked being out among the people……….” Similar to Pope Francis…….. Kabbalah is an exclusive group. You have to be important and just the right shape and size.

Thieves and murderers are in the White House

and they are not good


they wouldn’t have to stoop so low. Beyonce Knowles new cultic song comes to mind: BOW DOWN This is a cult and that is why we have these massacres, sequestrations, fiscal crises occurring in America. I believe that one of those men in Benghazi was a witness and as far as the genealogy of Jesus I wrote about that in two posts on another blog, but specifically part two of this series. It’s a catch-22! It’s pretty deep stuff but shows the deception occurring then and now:

Abomination of Desolation: Part one


The Abomination of Desolation Part 2


#BENGHAZI: The Sound Of Silence


Marine Corps Veteran Questions DHS on Huge Ammo Buys

Big Sis Refuses To Answer Congress On Bullet Purchases

DHS questioned over decision to let Saudi passengers skip normal passport controls The Sequester is affecting the amount of border patrol agents at our borders by about 5000. I think Nepolitano (with Obamas direction) is very integral to Pope Benedict’s desire to have a “world without borders” an essential ingredient to a one world government and an illustration that this Sequester is Vatican inspired and basically castrating Americans purposefully. Of course, who will lead this one world with out borders??????…….. the Roman  Catholic Pope and the Vatican as it seems to be doing incognito. Pope Benedict said he would be “hidden” after he retired, like the hidden taxes in ObamaCare. I guess he really didn’t retire. (Hard to know whether the RC Vatican is run by Islam or vice-versa  one is an apologist for the other using each other to get their way in any witch way they can. ) HARRY REID LINKS MARINE DEATHS TO SEQUESTRATION He is insane and so is his boss.

Jim Carrey mocks gun enthusiasts in

‘Funny or Die’ ‘Hee-Haw’ spoof

Jim Carrey needs to read about the hoaxes involved in all the mass shootings in my blogs so he won’t be so foolish.
Does Jim Carrey make money on his mock of gun enthusiasts? Probably. Jim should move back to Canada if he doesn’t think the 2nd amendment of the Constitution is worth standing up for. Americans do think it is worthy of protection because it protects our rights. I love his humor but he is wrong. I bet he thinks giving 300 million to the Palestinians is good and of course he is wrong again. Does Jim Carrey want to defend himself against terrorists, murderers, rapists, thugs and thieves with his humor? Would his humor have prevented the animals dragging a man around with motorcycles? Maybe he should move to the West Bank and see if there isn’t a need to arm oneself against that kind of mercilessness with more than comedy. Perhaps it is okay with Jim if our government rapes him and his bank accounts and everything he has earned such as his homes such as occurred recently to the people in Cyprus?
Would that send a message to Jim? Does Jim Carey have children? Does he want his kids to wear burkas and have their hands chopped off for stealing food? That is what will occur if we give up our right to bear arms to defend ourselves against tyranny and real insanity.
“He was allegedly forced to confess after the authorities threatened to torture his mother.” The leaders of Saudi Arabia rob the people and then rob them of any rights such as a fair trial and get confessions by threatening torture of their family members and publicly execute them to scare everyone else. This is the worst kind of government and the worst kind of leaders, but AL GORE is their ally. We definitely do not need to do business with this government, because they are insane. Not only that their religious leaders walk around a meteor in Mecca and consider that spiritual and expect others to do it once in their lifetime.

Mercury Meteorite?

Green Space Rock Found In Morocco May Be First From Innermost Planetr-MERCURY-METEORITE-large570

Next thing you know the Moroccans will set up a shrine around this meteor call it the holy spot and expect people to walk in mass around it. King Abdullah is slimy, gross, and a coward of the wurst kind.

Wouldn’t it be just plain wonderful if that place disappeared to show how insane their religion is?
 Obama is slimy, gross, and a coward also.

King Abdullah, President Obama hold talks

June 3, 2009

The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz and U.S. President Barack Obama held bilateral talks at the King’s ranch in Al-Janadriyah today. During remarks to the media, President Obama stressed the value of his relationship with the Saudi monarch. “I’ve been struck by his wisdom and his graciousness,” he said.  The U.S. and Saudi Arabia “have a long history of friendship, we have a strategic relationship.” President Obama said he purposely chose Saudi Arabia as the first stop on his Middle East tour because the Kingdom is a key ally and the

 cradle of Islam.

Obama: “The Future Must Not Belong To Those Who Slander The Prophet Of Islam

Obamas words and his actions speak volumes.

Why you do what you do and say what you say

and the results of your words and your actions are just as telling.

It makes a difference how.



Turkish pianist Fazil Say convicted of insulting Islam

I hope the future will belong to a world without ALLAH and he is forgotten like a piece of poop being flushed down the toilet:)

Same goes for Obama and his mob!


The people who lack tear ducts and mucous membranes

Kind of like Obama himself (in his own hand) and they live in Connecticut and they want information about gun owners in America,

but Obama doesn’t want to give the Americans information about Fast and Furious or Benghazi. Will it fly?

U.S. victims of mass shootings seek control over donations

It seems that donations are highly sought after by victims families. I have watched a multitude of you tubes of these so-called victims of mass shootings within a few days after their so-called victimization seeking money. It ought to raise ones suspicions of the intent of these   volunteers.

Kind of like Paul Ryan more worried about the contrived “abyss”/fiscal cliff than the truth of what happened in Benghazi. He certainly tried to scare his side of the aisle which gave Obama and his cronies more space to distance themselves from the executions.

Here is another licking video of the supposed victim being remembered by her dad who is acting

obviously coerced by the likes of the press CNN to be exact and Piers Morgan:

Here is a snap shot from the video you tube and the you tube.

The snap shot is taken at 1:01.

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This is a sign given over and over again by CBS news and many others when JFK was assassinated and with Newtown which I believe is a big hoax to get us to disarm the public to render us helpless.

Video memorializes slain Newtown student

CNN also was involved in another Newtown fraud and I think they are deeply involved in the Newtown cult. Please scroll down to the part about the massacre called


in the article below:

Boehner, Chris Christie, and Obama’s Image

It ought to give you goose bumps. Very much like the Jim Jones cult, even the woman who interviews the kids looks like his relative. Very cold and calculating b…..! Here is a good example of the licking phenomenon:

CBS News and JFK (A Lot of Lickin’ Goin’ On) Parts 59-60

Here is another example of the Newtown hoax

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(Before It’s News)

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Conn. passes bill that prevents release of photos, video from Newtown shooting

I wonder why?

‘Evangelicals could be put on watch list, denied guns’

“Tony Perkins ties Army rhetoric with proposed background checks”

Maybe for good reason since they seem to be involved in some scary cons but using innocent people.

Wolves in sheeps clothing conning their own sheep. That is the ultimate betrayal. If the press would be honest, and if the clergy would be

honest it might help protect their own families, neighbors, friends, loved ones,

husbands, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, sons and daughters, and even the clergy and the press themselves, etc.

Very twisted stuff goin’ on.

Families of Newtown

Lots of pictures of families of supposed Newtown victims in all sorts of locations and with many expressions and not one tear drop or wet skin just acting yet the press overlooks it. I wrote this last addition today Monday April 8th and I just found a you tube from Fox News of an interview with Megan Kelly of a man who is definitely trying to prove he has mucous membranes and tears and fails again.

Now Michelle Obama is trying to prove that she has mucous membranes:

WATCH: First Lady Tears Up During Speech On Gun Violence

But still can’t legitimately cry, but trying very hard.

“My what big teeth you have grandmother,” said little red riding hood.

Time to start wearing garlic.

Michelle Obama Steps Into Gun Control Debate

Obama spoke Wednesday about meeting with Pendleton’s classmates in February.

“It is hard to know what to say to a roomful of teenagers who are about to bury their best friend,” she said. “But I started by telling them that Hadiya was clearly on her way to doing something truly worthy with her life.”

Yea, because the Obamas mission is “truly worthy” and that is why this young girl died ……for the OBAMAS!


The OBAMAS are evil and twisted. PERVERTED

April 8, 2013

Newtown parent: More gun control is not the answer

He snorts and sniffles and uses a handkerchief, but it seems kind of coincidental. Knowing the failure of the gun control activism by Obama and his friends/cronies and the town of Newtown participants Mark Mattioli is going for hospital mental illness substantiation. This is amazingly ridiculous.

He was asked about the mental health system that he feels that there is a major failing in mental health initiatives and talks about the Governor of Connecticut who is slashing the budget to hospitals by $550 million and tells us that the hospitals are the ones that treat and diagnose mental illness and how are they supposed to do that when these DOLLARS are taken out of their system. This is fakery.

He is asked about his “Global Response” and Mark Mattioli said he had a plan of how to make this world better and his son was a part of that plan.

(The GLOBAL PLANS of mice and men often go awry.)

This is such BULL-CRAPIOLI!

Here is Obama the Master Manipulator of women. Interesting picture:


I bet she thinks she is special in his gaze
and the man behind is very very very
sinisterly aware
of that control.

But first he has to get them some $dough

I bet he’s determined but with the wrong attitude and design. What does he gain?
His freakin’ followers can annihilate all his enemies:
Christians and Jews and anyone against his prophet.
He is an imitator. That is how he tricks people.
If he was a good guy he would testify about Benghazi and Fast and Furious. He is evil and his intentions are evil.
IF he cared about the US and it’s citizens he would not punish them with his insanity. She is his slave and one of many. Her relationship with him is like Pelosi’s relationship with Dr. Zhivago mayor of Chicago. They know how to woo their prey. She has worked very hard for his agenda and he is making her think he is hers.


and so is the man in the background.
Here is a you tube of President Obama again trying to get Americans to disarm using victims of Newtown and all of them are smiling in a surreal way and he falsely promises them that their children are not forgotten, totally disgusting, like he is their guru the kind of hold that Jim Jones had on his followers:

Chilling Details Emerge on Newtown School Shooter Adam Lanza


Newtown – A Hoax?


Obama is Slaying the Senate

JFK Assassination, CBS News and the Second Vatican Council

Now we have a North Korean idiot making ridiculous threats right after a visit from a basketball player friend of Obama named Dennis Rodman. Obviously the North Korean Leader is getting something in return for his little madman act to help Obama’s distraction from Benghazi. Probably american tax dollars. This is getting redundant and Obama is irrelevant as is the leader of North Korea. I think both of them have a inbreeding complex in their whittle bwains hoping everyone else won’t notice this stupid game.

Honestly has Obama accomplished anything worthy of a twit? He is a dumb ass.

Anyone, even the dumbest in the world, can destroy, but very few can build because it takes brains and know how.

All he is is a “go fetch it, boy” for the Vatican



Anyone can shoot better basketball two422. I bet the North Korean leader as short as he is could do better. LOL

I know Sarah Palin could dunk more with her eyes closed.’

Tonight he celebrates a Soul Concert

OBAMA encapsulates the term SODOMY.


If anyone in Washington has guts they would impeach him so where are the real men?


April 11, 2013

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show:

Mark talks about the 16 Republican Senators that voted against the Constitution today

and voted for the gun control law to be presented next week.

Click for full recap and show notes


Was Benghazi an attack on Americans

by drones on foreign soil?


Is Obama (and the State Department and CIA and others) trying to free themselves of responsibility for the attack of a few Americans at Benghazi with the drone issue by legalizing it after the fact? Leading from behind policies. Drone StrikesTed Cruz Repeatedly Questions Holder On Hypothetical Use Of Drones In US By the way there are lots of kinds of drones. Not just flying ones. There are human drones. Charles Krauthammer on Fox news used Civil War as an excuse for using drones to kill americans today Wed March 6th. So Charles where did you grow up? Germany? Your name certainly is telling. You got something up your sleeve? When the press turns on the people with lies, half truths, twists and turns, etc. No wonder we can’t get to the truth about Benghazi because the press is hiding the truth. What a jerk. Now, President Obama wants to meet with the Republicans. I hope some of you won’t….the ones with brains, hearts, and courage. He is your enemy and there is no point in meeting with him because he will just lie to you because he is evil. The financial crises we have experienced over and over again this year and last year are to cover the Presidents hyde in destroying Americans and America. He will never do what is right for America because that is not his purpose. There is no point in dealing with him on these issues whatsoever, because he flips on a dime because his intentions are to destroy Americans and America. The same goes for Michelle. They will use any person willing and any government entity willing to do the job and their will if you let them. He is playing games with the government, our country and its people. Until you figure that out you are being used by him one way or another and in essence a pawn in his stupid game.

Obama lunches with Ryan after dining with GOP senators

Obama Invites Ryan, Van Hollen to Lunch

I guess they’re hungry.

He’s a little man handed power by unbelievers. Here is an article about Bill Clinton flipping: Bill Clinton flips on gay marriage — is Hillary far behind?


This article talks about arming the Syrian rebels via Benghazi with aid of Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, through Croatia etc all of these muslim countries. Why?

I guess they don’t like Assad of Syria

(for crimes against his people?)

as much as Abdullah of Saudi Arabia

who chops peoples heads off for small unproven crimes.

A bit lop sided. Obviously cruelty isn’t the real reason. However when President Clinton was in office we had the wars in Serbia, Croatia the Yugoslavian wars etc (prophetic) so there is a connection. The Clintons were and are just puppets, I think. Gore was VP and never received his kingdom (prophetic) in the Book of Daniel. I think Assad’s name is sort of a clue to these cults. Pope Benedict was very concerned about names. Something to do with trying to outsmart or fulfill prophecy of the bible ie self fulfilling kind of ideology which is scary I think Plus his wife just had a baby and that seems to be threatening to this mass cult synosis Obviously, the RC and it’s daughters and the Islamic connection with fanatics and zealots suffering from Synoptic fever syn-drone, their preoccupation with the preeminence of the Gospel of Matthew duplicitousness, yingin’ and yangin’ everyone, even themselves for the proppers of the worship of Mary and baby Jeezes  (as Obama said at his Press dinner) probably Neuro using H.A.A.R.P. against the Gospel of John (freedom from the above mad alliance). There is probably some truth in this article, but definitely lots more going on here than that. Lets see the survivors now:) It ain’t the economy as demonstrated by Obama, our government and others. It ain’t just about OIL either.

It’s about religion, their demonic cults,

slavery of women

for sex and protection,

(like the bereft woman with Obama in the picture above)

money,  power

and the Great Deception.


and self deception!
Both feeling “the pain.”
Not their pain but the pain of others because they like it.
I think it’s called demon possession.
The bestselling author of “The Spooky Truth” series wants to teach kids that pulling back the curtain
on what the government doesn’t want us to know can be fun! 


That’s Billy Graham and the affect he had on these people and others isn’t good.

Does Benghazi matter to Billy and Franklin Graham?

Why Does It Matter Hillary?

The Gates of the Boston Marathon and the Bag


Biden: The ‘affirmative task

‘ before us is to ‘create a new world order’


Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan leader and U.S. foil, dies

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez dead after battle with cancer

Stands like a woman in rolled up jeans and sandals!
Where was Michelle Obama the night of Benghazi?
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 Lawmakers demand access to survivors injured in Benghazi attack

Pakistani girl shot by Taliban appears on video saying she’s getting better

Another case of human drones trying to silence

a very beautiful smart young lady!


JacQueline Kennedy and then Came Lot

Tuesdays show on Greta watched her female guest who read a fascinating book or account of the friends of the family of the alleged terror Boston bombers. Talked about how these people went to get weekly “Facials” and how they watched this family who started out as a normal immigrant family to religious family to religious zealots family to conspiracyists to terrorist family.

And this account is already out now.  3 days later?

M y   t h a t   w a s  f a s c i s t- l y  q u i c k.

That is fascinating. This woman is a jerk and so is her fascinated fan and propaganda-ist BS ie  the woman on Gretas show. How does this female know what is a normal immigrant? Does she study normal and abnormal immigrants? Did she tell the authorities that she suspected them? Is it her job?

Evil inspired by online Al Qaeda magazine

Oh She’s a Fox News National Security Analyst.

Her name is KT McFarland also talking about the magazine INSPIRE. Promoting it in fact.

That is because she is an 

anal      yst for National Security zzzzzzzzzzAgency perhaps? SLEEPING ON THE JOB I  GUESS. CUSH-Y JOB EH?


It must be fascinating. Too bad a lousy job was done in intervening  and preventing the maiming of people.

But I guess the study was worth it so you could bad mouth anyone that thinks

conspiracies are occuring in our government or the world.

Just looked her up and boy her looks sure have changed which I have linked.

I feel like I’m in a time warp.

I bet you hate Alex Jones too.

Does Alex Jones spy on you?

timthumb.phpDo you spy on Alex Jones? Probably

Has Alex Jones made bombs?


Has the National Security Agency made bombs?


If it smells like a rat, IT’S A RAT. She stinks…..>  But let’s not judge her before she goes as low as she can go.

I have a feeling she ‘s gonna swan dive…….. full of grace………starting to take on Napolitano’s characteristics.

I’m sure she is “exceedingly sorry.”

Obviously she ticked me off as I watched her fascination.


They just sell grace is all. Eventually it isn’t enough dough. It’s addicting stuff…OPM

As a child I was attacked by a swan, I guess that was a sign.

You may think my idea about Mecca is far fetched.

It should have been the first thing targeted after 9-11 because the pilots were Saudis with box cutters (big clue),

weren’t they?

The fact is it would have been the appropriate response with ample warning to disperse the people to safety and eliminate their reli-ants on their false worship, the Beyonce kind of worship.

and it would have helped them in ways to0 numerous to count and helped the rest of the world,

but instead we went east to Iraq which is really weird. Rolling over, so to speak. DID IT HELP? Of course not and the USA was spiritually inept and all the Presidents and his men were being led by MR. ANT, Billy Graham.

Billy Graham and The Synoptic Dilemma: The Beast


I wonder why there are conspiracy theorists?

Turkey protests: Clashes continue despite PM’s warning

The man that is being dragged around by the Libyans at Benghazi who is not Ambassador Stevens helped me to see that Obama was evil and it was a big warning to me. I hope whoever reads this will take it seriously. Benghazi should not be overlooked or swept under the rug. There is way more to Benghazi and the Senate has only skimmed off some of the fat and barely scratched the surface. Obama should be ousted as President and put on trial as he suggests for the bomber in Boston.

He knows who, what, and why he sent them there. It’s time for him to be arrested.

It’s time for the American people to hear the truth.

Michelle Obama, Where’d You Get Those Peepers


(pssssst….. that is who and what he represents. It’s his weapon of choice!)



Disturbing situation involving John Kerry and Michelle Obama

The Execution of Benghazi

Benghazi: 6 Months Later



CBS News and JFK Parts (Second to Nun) Parts 33-35

April 3, 2013 Posted by | Abdullah, Ambassador Chris Stevens, Assad, Benghazi, Benghazi Hearings, BEST SELLER, BGEA, Billy Graham, Boehner, CBS News and JFK, Charles Krauthammer, Dallas, Egypt, Eric Bowling, Evangelicals, Fiscal Cliff, Fox News, Gospel of Matthew, Great Deception, Hannity, Islam, JESUIT, JFK, John Kennedy, John Kerry, Krauthammer, Libya, Loyola, Michelle Obama, Obama, OBAMACARE, Paul, Pope, Pope Benedict XVI, Pope Francis, Rand Paul, Rick Santorum, Roman Catholic, Roman Catholicism, Ron Paul, Sean Hannity, Second Vatican Council, SECRET SERVICE, Secret Service Agents, Secretary of State, senate, Senate Hearing, Sequester, Shroud of Turin, Synoptic Gospels, Syria, Tell no man, Terrorism, The Clintons, The Five, the Great Deception, The Jesuits, The Preacher and the Presidents, The Seventh and the Eighth Pope of Revelation- Benedict XVI, The Shroud of Turin, The Synoptic Gospels, Uncategorized, Vatican | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Why Does It Matter Hillary?

Clinton: Benghazi Won’t Affect Whether

I Run For President

Actually, it might!

Hillary said:

What difference at this point does it make?

I think if you were the parents it might make a difference at this point.

If you are in jail because your first amendment rights have been tread upon it might make a difference.

If you are an American citizen with the threat of losing your constitutional rights it might make a

BIG difference.

(Before It’s News)


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Unseen Footage Of Sandy Hook Shooting (Shocking New Evidence) – Video

Friday, February 1, 2013 13:50

AND CAN’T even  SHED A TEAR yet her voice cracks a bunch

If you don’t want to swallow Islam and it’s lack of rights and it’s lies it might make a difference.

If you are a woman and don’t want to be

ruled by a woman hating religion it might make a difference.

IF you care about the truth


There are reasons this happened

although Hillary ‘swept up’ the House and outsmarted most of them!

Obama had already slayed the Senate.


Obama is Slaying the Senate



The Execution of Benghazi

Why doesn’t it matter to Hillary Clinton?

Obviously, it does not matter why to Hillary Clinton!

Partly the reason it doesn’t matter why to her is because of her lack of belief because of her Jesuit education and upbringing and her propensity to lie being a lawyer and being taught to lie to avoid responsibility. That’s a pretty bad combination and hard to overcome in order to understand the importance and the depth of what I believe occurred at Benghazi.

Here is a good post which I believe is applicable:

Judge Not, That You Be Not Judged

How in the world do you FORM AND PURSUE A FOREIGN POLICY without knowing why?

Why is important.

Knowing why makes a difference in knowing direction and knowing intent.

Did the men at Benghazi die because there were men walking around? No

Did they die because Hillary is a woman? No

The reason they died is important.

That is the question that needs to be asked by the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives.

Also, it would be smart to compare the pictures of the man dragged around by the Libyan mob purportedly to be Ambassador Chris Stevens

who is not Ambassador Chris Stevens and why he disappeared for so long. (11 hours?)

Sounds like a set up to me.

Did Ambassador Chris Stevens set up this debacle and these murders?

I think Ambassador Chris Stevens knows why.

Is Hillary protecting Ambassador Chris Stevens and his whereabouts?

Could he be hiding out at the Vatican?

Ambassador Chris Stevens was very active in all the countries mentioned below….not just Libya.

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Compare their hairlines which are remarkably different. The man on the right is younger by about 20 years. Their hair characteristics are different. Their foreheads are different – the man on the right has a bigger forehead. Their eyebrow shapes are different. The man on the right has a higher arch on the rightside edge of the eyes. Their eyelids are different. Their hair color is different – one is blond and the other is brunette. I’m a portrait artist and I can tell. The man on the right is tougher and manlier than Ambassador Chris Stevens by a huge measure.

These are not the same person.

So why  is Hillary Clinton not revealing what she knows is a misrepresentation?

She met with Chris Stevens.

She knew him!


Here are some reasons why it matters:

Because our foreign policy is directed by the Vatican since they followed their lead. The Vatican provided the excuse on September the 12th via Father Lombardi the Vatican Spokesman. That matters. Obviously, they directed the other protests in the other countries ‘to cover’ the murders of 4 Americans. The Vatican controls the arab people and the terrorists. 

The Red Cross was pretty aware because they left early.

Our State Department followed the excuse from the Vatican and fed it to the public.

Our President followed or he lead theVatican and fed the excuse to the public and to the world via the UN.

Obviously, our State Department is nothing more than agents of the Vatican.

That’s why.

They want to feed us the religion of Islam.

Yet Islam wants to murder Americans.

US gift of F-16 fighter jets headed to Egypt

If you watch Sean Hannity’s show last night linked above for Tues. Jan. 22 2013

which is a video of Morsi of Egypt

it’s pretty evident they don’t care for American people just their money and arms shipments.


Because Islam is a bad religion.

Our first amendment and our 2nd amendment rights are in jeopardy because Obama, Roman Catholicism, the Vatican, and Islam

don’t care about our first and second amendment rights.

That’s why it matters.

Any group that wants to feed us the religion of Islam

must be the deceiver .

So therefore Roman Catholicism must be a bad religion.

Anyone who tells me Islam is a good religion is a deceiver

which includes Hillary Clinton!

The Vatican must be bad if they want to deceive the American people and take away their constitutional rights.

Obama, Clinton, Advocates for gun control, Gore, Vatican are deceivers.

This is the Coat of Arms of Pope Benedict.

Notice the red crosses at the bottom.


Obviously the Red Cross has another purpose.

Part of the book of Daniel is being fulfilled.

That’s why it matters.

I must confess I don’t understand it.  I’m not a prophet or an expert in prophetic biblical writings,

but it sure looks like some similar things are occurring.

Daniel 11:31

King James Version (KJV)

31 And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength,

and shall take away the daily sacrifice,

and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.


32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries:

but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.

33 And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days.

34 Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries.

35 And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.

36 And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.

37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women,

nor regard any god:

for he shall magnify himself above all.

38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.

39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god,

Islam= Allah

whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory:

and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.

40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.

41 He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown:

but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.

42 He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.

43 But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt:

and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.

44 But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him:

therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many.

45 And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain;

(Temple of Apollo in Libya?)

yet he shall come to his end,

and none shall help him.


I think the abomination that make desolate is


It was not much of a choice.


Daniel 11:20-21

20 Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom:

but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle.

21 And in his estate shall stand up a vile person,

to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom:

but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.

 Gore? Kerry? 

Gore praises Obama for speaking ‘powerfully’ on climate change

Both are flattering each other

Climate change was also birthed by the Vatican before Gore took the ball and ran with it.

Hillary was also flattered a bunch today at the hearings.



Red Cross

Our Relationship with

the Federal Government


“The relationship between the American Red Cross and the federal government is unique. We are an independent entity that is organized and exists as a nonprofit, tax-exempt, charitable institution pursuant to a charter granted to us by the United States Congress. Unlike other congressionally chartered organizations, the Red Cross maintains a special relationship with the federal government.

We have the legal status of “a federal instrumentality,” due to our charter requirements to carry out responsibilities delegated to us by the federal government. Among these responsibilities are:

to fulfill the provisions of the Geneva Conventions, to which the United States is a signatory, assigned to national societies for

the protection of victims of conflict,

to provide family communications and other forms of support to the U.S. military, andto maintain a system of domestic and international disaster relief, including mandated responsibilities under the National Response Framework coordinated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).”

but instead they left.

(Not to mention Sandy’s victims still with little help from the Red Cross

and probably just for those that are of the same religious ilk)

So maybe the red cross knows about the other witnesses of Benghazi…and of course the Vatican probably does too!
No one has been allowed to interview them. Were they debriefed in Germany? Supposedly that is where they were airlifted.
But what seems to matter to most to the Senate and the House of Representatives is to flatter Hillary Clinton
because that is what they did most of the time today in the hearings
except for a few courageous people: Ron Paul, Ileana Ross-Lehtinen, and Ron Johnson.

But they still ignored the identification dilemma of

Ambassador Chris Stevens.

Most of the representatives did not do their homework or they would have asked more questions instead they pandered.
Pandering is the biggest characteristic of the Obama administration and pandering usually is accompanied with deception.
I have never witnessed so much of it in all my life as I did with these hearings. John McCain might as well have been wall paper for all he is worth. Milk Toast!  If they had done their homework they would have asked about the appearance of the ambassador and the man dragged around.
They are protecting Obama and the others involved sow they must be involved if they need to be protected.
therefore the panderers share the guilt of this massacre and others that follow
because they are aiding and abetting the murderers of these men by protecting Obama, Clinton, and the others.
They did not make a good faith effort in their determinations.

They did not make a good faith effort to gain

any information…

they didn’t need to because instead they acted as a shield for Clinton and Obama, with exception of a few people.
Now, John McCain is trying to change his image from milk toast to aggressive at the Hagel hearing. What a joke! Why?

Because he also knew that the man dragged around was not Ambassador Chris Stevens, because he also knew Ambassador Chris Stevens:

Chuck Hagel, John McCain Clash Over Iraq Surge (VIDEO)

 Screen shot 2013-02-01 at 11.52.36 AM
And to top it off on September 15th, 2012 Vladamir Putin said:

Putin Turns Photo Ops Into Soviet-Style Agitprop

……..”Of course it was a set up.”…….

………”Of course there are excesses,”……..

……..”Well of course they were planted!”………

……. “Of course it was a set up.”……..

 “Actually, if President Putin has gills, I’d say he’s entitled to show them off. If an American politician confessed to having gills, we’d see an attack ad that went,

“Can an aquatic organism really represent your interests in Washington, D.C.?”

Screen shot 2013-02-01 at 11.54.14 AM

Supposedly talking about his geese and tigers,

yea right, more like sending a message to someone

via the press.

Timing is very suspicious!

Was Putin referring to Ambassador Chris Stevens
as the representative who did the setting up?

McCain: After thinking ‘long and hard,’ US should suspend aid to Egypt

He doesn’t know what thinking is. I doubt he ever had an original thought. Could it be that he is having one now? I doubt it. It isn’t possible.

So who is yankin’ your chain?

Gee I wonder about McCain and his intent. I don’t think it is good. He supported arms when Muslim Brotherhood was in power and now he doesn’t after they are not in power. He is buds with Ambassador Chris Stevens. He is on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Did McCain have anything to do with Benghazi? Wouldn’t surprise me he such a mealy mouth kiss ass soft spoken never stand for up anything. Has no depth of anything, just there. I know he is a war hero because he survived torture in Viet Nam but who paid the real price for his freedom. Worth looking into. I wonder what the real story is. Neither adds nor subtracts from anything, just bleh. Couldn’t even stand up for a filibuster with Rand Paul. I hate career senators who don’t even read what they pass in the Senate like Obamacare etc He is one of them. He is a dumb ass. I hope he gets voted out next time. He is worthless IMO.

Read more:

Remember what Obama said to President Dmitri Medvedev in March 2012
that he would have “more flexibility” after the election and that he needed more space:
What is it about space and Obama always needing more space?
When Obama says he needs more space does he mean he wants more daylight?



the Son of  Senator John Kerry?

Why did Senator John Kerry at his hearing in response to Senator Ron Paul’s question about

whether Senator John Kerry would work with Senator Ron Paul on Benghazi (execution/massacre/terrorist attack/video) say

“If you are looking for daylight between me and Secretary Hillary Clinton,

uh that’s not gonna happen here today (laughs) on on that score……”?

(I think I found the reason which you can discover below about the little daylight between them,

and I mean “a little daylight” a long time ago!

Had to be a little daylight cuz some men are little.

And some men are


“”I’ve done what was possible to do,” Clinton said

I bet it was difficult! A miracle!

Which reminds me of the mustard seed parable:


What is the smallest seed in the world?

The Parable of Faith – Part two

Pope Benedict XVI and the Mustard Tree

Parable of the Mustard Seed Part 4

Hillary Clinton works last day as Sec. of State

On Jan 26th, 2013 Jeanine Pirro of Justice with Judge Jeanine 
nailed Hillary’s weaknesses and Hillary’s made up stories about Benghazi
and the aftermath of the congressional hearings.
Here is the you tube of the show:

Judge Jeanine: Clinton ‘did the Washington side step’

Hillary said there was not real time video and said they got the surveillance videos some weeks later

that was the first time we saw any video of the attack.

Jeanine Pirro mentions that Charlene Lamb the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State said when she testified

“I could follow in real time what was going on in the Command Center.”

What does real time mean?

Is Hillary lying? Why?

Did she forget about Charlene Lamb’s testimony?

Was Hillary at the Command Center

at the same time as Charlene Lamb?

Hillary should have to testify again to answer these kinds of comparisons to other testimony about Benghazi and against the casual comments made by her staff and President Obama before she leaves office and before she is replaced? Then President Obama should have to testify before the congress also. Joseph Biden and anyone in the Command Center that night should have to testify before anything else is allowed to be done by the President, Biden, Hillary and their collaborators.

I wonder if Bill CLinton is involved especially after his teasing comments at the Golden Globe Awards Ceremony about the deals he did not make. Maybe those deals are part of the coverup of Benghazi and maybe he should testify about those deals.

Maybe he knows about Benghazi.


You tell me there’s an angel in your tree
Did he say he’d come to call on me
For things are getting desperate in our home
Living in the parish of the restless folks I know 

Burn down the mission

If we’re gonna stay alive
Watch the black smoke fly to heaven
See the red flame light the sky

They did it once before in Waco……..

If Congress doesn’t call in the people that were at the Command Center

during those hours of the attack at Benghazi for testimony

should they be paid for not doing their job?

And does that mean they are involved in Benghazi?

Still I wish Judge Jeanine would acknowledge (if she gets this post) that

 the identification dilemma of Ambassador Chris Stevens, if she has noticed.

On a brighter side of this tragedy Judge Jeanine still has the right to bear arms

and can bare her arms with dignity and honor

not only that – her arms exceed Michelle’s bare arms,

because Judge Jeanine is so so so much brighter than Michelle Obama

because Jeanine Pirro really  has tried to obtain information in a good faith effort.

She did the very best coverage about Benghazi of them all and a few of Greta’s investigators did also..but not Greta. I think Greta is competing with Judge Jeanine and just could not win so Greta brought in Franklin Graham and he needed her as well because in the end for Greta it’s about ratings and not the truth that matters and as for Franklin Graham it’s about money and not the truth that matters.

Michelle needs to cover up and Obama needs to shut his fly trap about bearing/baring arms

and own up to his part in the executions of americans.

Really there is no comparison between the two

because Jeanine Pirro wins hands down because she has great beauty, brains, courage and a lot of soul.



Still all of the Fox News Shows and personalities have come up a bit short of my expectations

and shirked their duty (as the press)

to their jobs, to their families, to their friends, to the american people, to the world

and most of all to God.


Do we deserve freedom when we can’t do what is right?

It’s hard when your government, the religious institutions – the clergy, and the press

are against their own citizens, their own families, and their friends and future generations

by hiding the truth often times because of ignorance, protecting their salaries

instead of telling the americans the truth.


That is why Obama and Hillary can mock!

The news story about the romance between a football player with a non-existent woman was part of the mock and received a lot of coverage and attention via Fox News after Franklin Graham came to Greta’s rescue

and yet not once did anyone dare to compare the two men even after the obvious differences

were made evident and in my opinion crystal clear. Clearly they are not the same person.

It spoke volumes to me about the lack of integrity of Fox News,

Picture 10

but I saw it coming when Franklin Graham pressed upon Greta Van Susterne for her allegiance to his ministry which is his veil and by now you ought to know that.

He is a fake.

I have to assume he is involved…timing is coinci-dental.


The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree (Billy Graham)

Murder, martyrdom, ridicule, and the silencing of others is his fruit.

JFK Assassination, CBS News and the Second Vatican Council

Remember JFK?

Please read:

Beware Oh brother, beware don’t you listen to the words.

The tender lies….

Their identifications make a huge difference as to the meaning/purpose of the event

and it’s proven



If you don’t ask how will we ever get any answers? Sure Obama and Clinton and many others are lying but at least confront them about the plain and obvious discrepancy of the main characters involved. Who is tying your hands on this question?

If they are, then obviously it is super important and the ones that are tying your hands are also involved in the coverup!


The deaths that come after because of the lack of your earnestness on this event might occur

because of that failure.

Are you willing to take responsibility for those deaths?

At least ask the question in public to Obama and Clinton so that they are held responsible,

instead of you.

In Dallas the audience at the noon luncheon were blamed for the death of JFK by the clergy because they did not believe….

all they had was faith and hope

i.e. like having Obama and Clinton…

and it is just

i.e. Graham

not enough!

So far that combination is a bust

Game Over

Because The Truth Matters

disregarding the truth leads to failure and death

(which I’m pretty sure that Graham had lots to do with that failure probably because he tanned you

ie. stopped you in myriad of ways from asking and confronting by using his pressure.

He is very bad but effective at keeping others from truth and freedom)

Thank you, Greta.

Who needs enemies when you have friends like that. I’m sure JFK could opine to that.

Orange Juice anyone?

You got squeezed!

Greta is one of the Fox News watch dogs. She is there to steer the others.

It won’t be long and she’ll be barking at them.

Of course, you could use Rush Limbaugh. I’m sure he’s willing:) ruff ruff

Picture 11

Got pain?

you need a rush?

Thank goodness … I stopped listening to him a long time ago. He got old.

Who let the dogs out? oooh oooh oooh Who let the dogs out? oooh oooh oooh

Very funny  ……>Bo Obama Receives Visiting Dognitaries From Furuguay

Cause of Super Bowl power outage remains unclear

Lawmakers propose liability insurance for U.S. gun owners

By Ian Simpson

WASHINGTON | Wed Feb 6, 2013 3:30pm EST

(Reuters) – “Lawmakers eager to reduce gun violence in their states are proposing mandatory liability insurance for American firearm owners as a new way to limit deaths and injuries.”

And how does it limit deaths and injuries?

They are incorrigible!

It won’t stop till Obama and his legions and spiritual dopes stop causing school massacres and murder (Fast and Furious, Benghazi etc.)

The problem is Obama savors it.

He loves the misfortune of others.He needs a little of his own misfortune. It might help him:)


The Dividing of Times – Part One

Maybe you should read:

Why Callest Thou Me Good?

Who did TIME puff?

Billy Graham

Who told TIME to puff Billy Graham?

William Randolph Hearst

Are George Ganswein (the pope’s handler) and Ambassador Chris Stevens


It was two very powerful Knights of Malta,

William Randolph Hearst and Henry Luce that made “Billy Graham” a household name.

Henry Luce was also known as “Father Time” of Time Magazine:


by Chris Pinto

Here is what the Roman Catholic Pope said in regards to faith:

“With regard to material things, our knowledge and our technical accomplishments are legion,

but what reaches beyond,

the things of God and the question of good,

we can no longer identify,”

Benedict added, saying that faith was the “true enlightenment.”

Pope Benedict Says “Faith was the True Enlightenment”

It’s purpose was to be a tool, obviously created by Roman Catholic dogmatics, that eventually

“Petered out” I guess.

Now the “true Enlightenment” is “Global Warming” and “Gun Control.”

Tomorrow it will be something else because they are “grasping at straws.”

The last picture of the man in this post came from

CBS News and JFK Part 3

after the assassination of JFK in Dallas at Andrews Air Force Base in Virginia where JFK’s body arrived in a casket was taken to be flown by helicopter to Bethesda Naval Base and where LBJ and his wife were paraded around when LBJ gave his infamous short speech:

“-It is a sad time for all people. We have suffered a loss that cannot be weighed. For me, it is a deep, personal tragedy. I know that the world shares the sorrow that Mrs. Kennedy and her family bear.

I will do my best. That is all I can do. I ask for your help, and God’s.”

They were paraded around by the man in that picture

who is supposed to be Secret Service Chief Rowley.

But it is also a picture of Franklin Graham.

Go Figure! 


I did a few post about Josephus Flavius which might help you to understand what we are dealing with

and what others dealt with many years ago:

Joseph of Arimathea (A JUST MAN)

Josephus and His Footprints

I hope you read them!


Daniel 8:24-26

24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.

25 And through his policy also he shall

cause craft to prosper in his hand (TIME? Magz?);

and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many:

he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

26 And the vision of the evening and the morning which was told is true:

wherefore shut thou up the vision;

for it shall be for many days.

The press have an important job but is most often misused and misappropriated

take for instance the effect the press had at the Gulf of Tonkin:

“A pattern took hold: continuous government lies passed on by pliant mass media…

leading to over 50,000 American deaths and millions of Vietnamese casualties.”…..”

That’s a lot of deaths and that is one reason why the power of the press is so important,

Scary, huh.

Ex-Navy sniper killed at Texas gun range

“Recently, Kyle spoke out against weapons bans. In a video interview with,

Kyle accused President Barack Obama of being “against the Second Amendment.”

“After leaving the military, he founded Craft International, a military training company.”

The killer said he sold his soul for a truck? Who Kyle or the killer?

Kyle did have a price on his head, but was Kyle about to make a hit for money?

Or does someone use people with mental disorders such as ptsd easily suited to succumb to bad spiritual cues (Synoptic Q?) to kill another person or a friend? Been happening a lot lately, hasn’t it? How did they know each other? He the killer had just gotten out of a mental hospital. Green Oaks Psychiatric Hospital which is accredited by the Joint Commission. Is this a pet project of Colin Powell?

All those suicides in the military…..more than ever before…..hmmmm.

Is it the medication or is it the spiritual deception?

Of my own personal experience with the military my dad was in the army, went to West Point, went to war college in Carlisle, went to a few wars a few times for a few years and worked at the Pentagon under Westmoreland at the time of the Vietnam War. He was a straight arrow….one of the straightest I ever saw in the military. He went to a gathering with my mother once and had a bad experience with my mother while working at the Pentagon and my mother told me they had been drugged. We knew a lady who was married to a Colonel who had been raped by men, being drugged by men in the military about that same time. It was a horrific experience for her to overcome as I recall.

They or some in the army at the Pentagon test drugs on people. It is not above some in the military, probably in the psychological warfare division (or department) of the military to use people and test drugs on their own people and I imagine it isn’t past Gen. Colin Powell to do the same. He did not rise through the ranks on his own merit as he would like everyone to believe. He used a bit of Conyers race baiting as a crutch/his staff.

Like Billy Graham in the religious/political realm was a stooge,

Colin Powell in the military/religious/political realm is a stooge. Now he is Obama’s stooge/drone. He’s a back scratcher.

The military has some wonderful straight arrow type men but I know that it also includes some real big stooges that are not taking care of the men that serve or their families. Figuring out who they are would help the military immensely.

There is no excuse for the suicide rate in the military

and I believe it is purposeful and possibly disguised murder to look like suicide

with the evil intent to weaken our resolve against Islamic terrorism.

They serve a different purpose.

Kyle was of the faith of the Knights of Templar.


which also don a red cross but theirs is a red cross hairs.

He was just recently on the O’reilly Factor of Fox News talking about his book and his recent slam dunk

of the wrestler and former Navy Seal Jesse Ventura.

The killer said he sold his soul for a truck, obviously in a bad state of mind, but it is a clue.

Templar is a temple for the military to protect a temple.

When Jesus was crucified they say he was crucified at golgotha….the place if the skull. I imagine it was at a templar or the military temple that protected the temple. The templars use a skull as symbolism. Free masonry, knights of the temple, etc.

Obviously, this was a hit but luckily they have someone to pin it on. Some one with a mental disorder.

Maybe a human drone.

That is convenient.

You could pin it on the president and his wife,

they certainly qualify and I don’t mean it lightly.

They seem to be Vatican drones. (It was the video tape, right?)

I’ve thought about it and my thinking on this is justified!

I think it would be legal now to pin it on Obama and Michelle.

It works for me, how about you?

Panetta: Drone Strike Decisions Don’t Come Lightly

 ”The Pentagon chief says he realized when he became CIA director that he was “making life-and-death decisions.”
As a Catholic, he says, he’s “got to really think about it.” 
What amazes me is the casual response to this news by the media and everyone in government positions!
It is insane

Malta is an island above Libya and below Italy

that looks like a bee.

The Knights of Malta originated there

partially because of its strategic location.

Very Important location!

This is where Paul shipwrecked literally and spiritually.

They thought he was a god…

and eventually he thought he was god, too.

William Randolph Hearst and Henry Luce were Knights of Malta

and Billy Graham is their puppet

although they may actually be his puppets!

Depending on how you look at it because they did him a service.

 Like Greta Van Susterne and Franklin Graham and Haiti.
(you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours)
but who is really getting reamed?
That is SODOMY!
 Benghazi is very close to Malta
and the US definitely has forces and friends there
that could have intervened within minutes.
 There were photographers there, were they given pre knowledge to be there?
Who do they work for?
The Vatican? The President?

This new news about drones is an excuse

for the murder of 4 americans in Benghazi.

I’m very suspicious that the deaths of these 4 men may have been caused by drones!

That is why I’m against the drone warfare against americans and in general because if the President is the enemy of mankind,

should he be given freedom to use drones against mankind?

If the president is the puppet of the Vatican should he be allowed to make decisions about whether or not one person or another is the enemy. I don’t think so. I’ll tell ya one thing it will backfire on him if he is given the power to make those decisions. That may be his end……also.

To Obama and the Vatican the witness is their enemy because he exposed them, but to humanity he is a God send.

It is insane to allow the president or anyone else to use drones to kill american citizens anywhere.
The administration is freaking out and trying to cover their asses
ahead of  Panetta’s testimony this week and others to come.

Am I nebbish?

But I would put Rep. Mr. Conyers in that category talking about what to call an illegal immigant!
Not only that he’s a pain in the ass to listen to!
How he ever got his position is a travesty. Would  Ahmadinejad like to take Conyers to the moon? Can you imagine?
I still laugh when I think about it, even if just a road trip.
I would think future immigration recipients would seriously reconsider
their desire to legally immigrate to the United States!
Israel……..Benjamin Netanyahu do NOT deal with OBAMA.

He is your ENEMY. He is our ENEMY.



Obama Will Visit Israel This Spring

Obama To Visit Israel For The First Time Since Becoming President

He is a master twister of words and deeds.
And that includes anyone that id be-holden to him..
If you truly care for your country and your people have nothing to do with them.

“The threat is addressed to the daughters of Jerusalem.”


(Barack and Michelle Obama are insane!)

 “WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The government has authorized the killing of American citizens as part of its controversial drone campaign against al Qaeda even without intelligence that such Americans are actively plotting to attack a U.S. target, according to a Justice Department memo.The unclassified memo, first obtained by NBC News, argues that drone strikes are justified under American law if a targeted U.S. citizen had “recently” been involved in “activities” posing a possible threat and provided that there is no evidence suggesting the individual “renounced or abandoned” such activities.”

You don’t suppose Kyle the Sniper was killed by a drone?

A drone is also a bee. A male bee, a worker bee, that protects a queen bee of a hive.

How about a maccabee?

1 Maccabees and 2 Maccabees are part of the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox canons,

but not the Protestant or Jewish Hebrew Bible.

Killer bees are Africanized bees…..Islamicized Roman Catholics. I believe these kind of drones executed 4 men in Benghazi. (not Ambassador Chris Stevens. He is somewhere and I bet Senator Kerry would know where he is hiding out)

When Obama uses words they are not to be interpreted as the normal man would interpret them.

He transliterates words!

That is why he seems to never mean what he says.

He double-speaks with a.forked tongue etc! So if a memo is found talking about drones don’t assume he means what others mean. He may mean “drones” in a myriad of ways. He is mentally ill like Caligula was mentally ill. Same goes for those that are in his inner circle. They think they are from above and can do whatever they please such as Fast and Furious, Benghazi etc  Like Hillary and Bill Clinton and Eric Holder.

This sleazy attitude comes from never being held accountable!

Please read:  The Stones of Amen

They love to mock as they tread on everyone else’s rights.

Ted Nugent Blasts Piers Morgan, Defends Gun Owners: ‘Would You Leave Us The Hell Alone?’ (VIDEO)

“It’s a simple inanimate tool that tens of millions of American families own, that have never caused a problem, never had an accident and will never commit a crime,” said the rocker, who previously has suggested he is ready for an armed revolt if the government were to attempt to take away his firearms. “You have the aberrations that are such a minute percentage.”

It’s not like they leave us much choice!
They want an armed revolt and maybe they should
receive it!

How To Exercise Your Problem Areas Away:

The Best Arm Workouts For Post 50s


Obama and Clinton: The 60 Minutes interview

Screen shot 2013-01-29 at 3.12.44 AM

60 Minutes Interview

(The BuddyHood of Obama and Hillary )

The hearings were a debacle for the most part which is why President Obama is rewarded Hillary Clinton
with the show “60 minutes” appearance  Sunday the 27th of January.
Of course, he is mocking the americans that care about his criminal involvement in Benghazi
and is using Hillary Clinton who is flagrantly willingly aiding and abetting.
He is rewarding her for covering him probably making his VP jealous so that he will desire an appearance with his boss some day just in case Joseph Biden might have to testify,
but most of all Obama was mocking America. He loves to do that.
They are a diabolical mess,
but highly incontinent 
Smug, aren’t they?

The Onion Demands John Kerry Tell The Truth

About His Swift Boat Service

Kerry: Clinton and I agree on Benghazi

Senator Ron Paul asked:
“And it makes a big difference whether or not the American people have the confidence that the President and the administration is being truthful with them. So I guess my question is, “Do you agree with that point and are you willing to work with me or do you basically kind of agree with Hill Hillary Clinton that Ahhh, (waves hand around), that’s kind of yesterdays news and let’s let’s  move on?”
Senator John Kerry said, “Well Senator, if if if if if you’re trying to get daylight between me and  Secretary Clinton, uh, that’s not going to happen here today (laughs) on on that score, but I think you’re not I think you’re talking past each other.”
Which basically means he is playing politics with the truth which is not truth and that is laughable to Senator Kerry and he does not plan to work with Senator Ron Paul at all because he doesn’t care whether the American people have confidence in the President and the administration’s truthfulness on the matter of Benghazi.



Then why bother allowing SENATOR KERRY to have

the position he desires.

IF he is unwilling to work with you then why would you want to work with him?




 He looks crazy as a loon.

I think Ambassador Chris Stevens is son to Hillary Clinton and Senator Kerry. Senator Kerry looks just like ambassador Chris Stevens.

Skinny too. No wonder. HA!

Same eyes. same brows, same body type, same insanity,

same indifference (ie stupidity).

Now he’s mourning,

SO sad So sad, BUT WILL IT FLY?


CBS/AP/ April 7, 2013, 8:30 AM

Kerry mourns first diplomat killed since Benghazi


Kerry Struggles to Get Turkey to Mend Israel Ties








Although it is a miracle that they even could perform, I would not call it a “love child” as in

Another Love Child Scandal

more like a devil’s child willing to do the devil’s work.

Ambassador Chris Stevens set them up and

had a few good men

and the man that was the real target

(who is not ambassador Chris Stevens)


and made an example of

if you don’t accept Islam as a believer in the real Jesus of the Gospel of John (because they love power and money)

not the Synoptic version of Jesus

because Roman Catholicism actually created Islam (their protectorate and partner)

and now the real ambassador Chris Stevens is probably playing tennis with George Ganswein,

the pope’s Secretary and primp/handler.

Chris Stevens’ mother speaks out on death in Libya

Ambassador Chris Stevens’ Mother: ‘Not Productive To Lay Blame’ Over Benghazi Deaths

Slain Libyan Ambassador’s Mom:

“He Was Trying to Do Something Much Bigger”

of the woman who was supposed to be Ambassador Chris Steven’s mom. 

Kerry: Obama Offered Me the Job

a Week Before Susan Rice Pulled Out

White House refuses to comment.

Because the thimble fit:)
Obama likes to be the dominant male.

Call in Joseph Biden!

Because we demand the truth.

What does real time mean? I guess I should say ‘a real time’?


Hillary said she sent Ambassador Chris Stevens there

and Obama said he sentthem” there.

Who is Obama talking about when he says “them”?

The Libyan Mob?

Are they his drones?


Who is the photographer?
Chris Stevens?

Was he taking a photograph in real time?

Screen shot 2013-01-24 at 8.51.19 PM

Our President should be called in for questioning. A.S.A.P.

Former Mayor Rudy Guiliani appeared on Sean Hannity’s show
tonight Wed Jan 23rd and he said that

why was important

in answer to Hillary’s question of “What does it matter?”
although he doesn’t know why, but that figuring it out would be immensely important and essential to know why for those pesky policy decisions in foreign policy. Hannity said when Mayor Guiliani figured out why to tell Hannity.
I’m trying to tell you both and anyone else that cares why;

that this is about beliefs.

While Hillary says she is for religious tolerance there are many in Islam and Roman Catholicism that disagree
(even though they pretend that they are)
that is why people are dying in school massacres and terrorist acts.
Islam does not adhere to her religious feelings. Roman Catholicism also does not adhjere
because they help to facilitate these massacres and terrorism in conjunction with Islam.
I also like to allow religious freedom, but not at the expense of everyone else’s rights and their lives
that don’t agree with Islam and Roman Catholicism and their agendas.
I don’t believe Hillary Clinton really is for religious tolerance, but she wears it to cloak herself just like Obama cloaks himself in defending women’s rights. Islam and Roman Catholicism cloak themselves in peace. Democrats and liberals wear the cloak of disarmament as they go for the throat.
Large foibles in their character to confuse.
Obama ‘Must Go For The Throat,’ ‘Declare War On The Republican Party’
For instance, I don’t think Hillary tolerates the Sabbath being Saturday.
I don’t think the Clintons tolerated David Koresh of the Branch Davidians of Waco. They demolished them using the government machinery and their agents and Janet Reno.They could have ordered Janet Reno to stop, but they did not and that was on Clinton’s watch.
Now when the Roman Catholic priests were accused of child rape (pretty similar type accusations as that of David Koresh of the Branch Davidians) I did not see them demolish them.
What’s the  difference?
Hillary’s religion aligns with the Roman Catholic Dogma. Obama’s religion aligns with Roman Catholic Dogma.
She was educated in a Jesuit environment and so are/were many of her colleagues in Washington D.C.
I don’t think Jesuits tolerate Judaism either, but in fact are arming the enemy of Judaism as we speak with a lot of help from the ignorant members of the House of Representatives, the Senate, the President, the State Department , and the Pentagon, and the arms dealers. That is why there is a tunnel from Egypt to Gaza that we helped to fund with american tax dollars that benefit their dogma for the Egyptians, Roman Catholic Hierarchy, Islam, etc.
I don’t think Hillary tolerates the Seventh Day Adventists.
She pretends she does, but underneath she seethes resentment because she was raised that way.
-the Jesuit way
The Jesuit Way is/was murder and assassinations, etc. History has shown that that is what the Jesuits accomplish for the Roman Catholic hierarchy and then the Roman Catholic Hierarchy absolves them. And it works both ways because the Pope gets absolved only by a Jesuit leader.
Hillary Clinton and George Bush wished the Seventh Day Adventists congratulating them for a date that their prophet (I don’t know her name) calculated would be the return of Jesus (prophetically speaking) a few years back,

which is kind of funny

since Hillary said she was no more responsible for the attack at Benghazi
then President George Bush was for the September 11th attack in New York at the World Trade Center
….or words to that effect.

Strange alle-Gory

Both Hillary and George Bush had you-tube videos made of their congratulations of this religion (the 7th Day Adventists) that I think in reality they both were actually were mocking. I have these posted in the “Vatican and the Bohemian Grove” post that I wrote a few years back when I started this blog and a few other blogs. Most of my links have been de-linked since then such as the Vatican and Arab League sign agreement and Clinton lies about Bohemian Grove links. (That one showed Bill Clinton in a bit of a rage about the subject of the Bohemian Grove.) There is one link also with Donald Rumsfeld giving some clues about Flight 93 being shot down over Pennsylvania which is relinked here and some other information to be determined said by him and the reaction of the Secret Service (I think) who are stunned standing behind him. Pretty interesting.
At the time I watched  the you tubes to the Seventh Day Adventists I thought both Clinton and Bush were pretty disingenuous because it’s odd they would both go to the trouble to make a you-tube genuflecting their admiration. But they both have had power at their disposal which I think they both misused whether or not they are responsible for those attacks that happened on their watch. Whether they ever have meant harm to anyone or not, their power has been misused by someone who does have the power to misuse and has power over them and their decisions or lack of decisions.
Here are those you-tubes from Hillary and George Bush to the 7th Day Adventists:
President Bush and Seventh-Day Adventist
Senator Clinton and Seventh-Day Adventist
Did those you-tubes seem sincere to you?
Actually George did sound sincere in his you tube about freedom of religion (imo)
but why make it at all?

Hillary does not sound sincere.

SO I guess this was a Republican vs Democrat or a strange bi-partisan 150 anniversary of the 7th Day Adventists.
Did they make one for Roman Catholicism’s anniversaries? No.
 Why in the world would two prominent politicians be so concerned about this date and this religion
if it was meaningless to them?
I haven’t noticed any other politicians make you-tubes concerning a prophet or a false prophet?

That is perplexing.

To be honest I don’t know much about this religion or their prophecies, but became concerned
when David Koresh and his followers
were annihilated/desolated by the Clinton administration
and this is about the time when mass murders and terrorism in our country started to accelerate.

Both Hillary and her husband Bill and the Bushes

are followers of Billy Graham.

Did Billy Graham help to make these you-tube statements?
What would it matter to either of them what the 7th day Adventists believed or their anniversaries or their prophecies?
But obviously it did matter to them

I wonder why?

David Koresh:

“In 1981 he moved to Waco, Texas, where he joined the Branch Davidians, a religious group originating from a schism in the 1950s from the Shepherd’s Rod, themselves disfellowshipped members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the 1930s. They had established their headquarters at a ranch about 10 miles out of Waco, which they called the Mount Carmel Center (after the Biblical Mount Carmel), in 1955.”

“David Koresh (born Vernon Wayne Howell; August 17, 1959 – April 19, 1993) was the leader of the Branch Davidians religious sect, believing himself to be its final prophet. Howell legally changed his name to David Koresh on May 15, 1990. A 1993 raid by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and the subsequent siege by the FBI ended with the burning of the Branch Davidian ranch outside of Waco, Texas, in McLennan County.

Koresh, 54 other adults and 28 children

were found dead after the fire.[2] “

That’s a lot of adults and kids burned to death!

No one of them stopped this mass murder and this was the Clinton Administration.

Even Billy Graham was silent!

I think Billy Graham has played a very important role in that regard and with many presidents before the Bushes. Franklin Graham is now good buddies with Greta Van Susterne and obviously influencing her version of the news. The Clintons were very involved with Billy Graham and they prayed together etc even in private:) with a photographer there to catch that moment. The Bushes were very involved with Billy Graham. He seems to be sort of a link to Roman Catholicism and we know he is their ambassador ‘incognito’ ALTHOUGH he was outed a long time ago. It seems that everyone that becomes president feels a need to visit Billy Graham as did even President Obama. It’s like a prerequisite in politics.
Even Mitt Romney felt a need before the election. Of course Billy Graham was under the impression Mitt Romney was going to win the election and the right supported Mitt Romney of the religion of Mormonism and Billy Graham and his son backtracked on their views of Mormonism being a cult. I guess he thought Mitt Romney was going to win because the press reported that it was a good possibility at that time.
All these believe that the Synoptic Gospels blend with the Gospel of John,
yet these gospels are dichotomous to each other.
Same as the causes that Hillary and Obama champion
ie the cloaks that they wear to their actions
which are dichotomous to each other.

I would call it “deception even unto themselves.”

Kind of like the quacks in the sphere of medicine.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it probably is a duck, speaking of which: 

Billy Graham and the Praying Mantis

I don’t think Hillary Clinton or the Grahams are tolerant of my religious views either
which are that the Synoptic Gospels are in fact Roman Catholic/Islam influenced
and do not shuck and jive with
the Gospel of John which is the gospel that I believe.
Here is a post about the Synoptic Jesus saying he is not good.
The Synoptic Gospels are the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
The Jesus written about in the Gospel of John does not say that he is not good so someone is 
obviously disparaging Jesus in my estimation in the Synoptic Gospels.
Here is the post to explain:

Why Callest Thou Me Good?


Another reason IT MATTERS IS






One thing for sure their deaths at Benghazi warned me of the danger of ISLAM and Roman Catholicism

and the dangers our leaders

pose to Americans.


You know you are on the right track when you disagree with Farrakhan

Obama’s daddy:

Farrakhan: Right To Bear Arms An Outdated Concept

Pentagon ends ban on women in frontline combat

Pentagon to open frontline combat roles to women

Pentagon announces decision to lift ban on women in combat roles

Because Obama, Leon Panetta, and Colin Powell probably plan on implementing

the draft to punish women

because in actuality

the spirit they worship hates women

(the Roman Catholic/Islamic influenced Synoptic Spirit of Jesus).

That’s my opinion!

Daniel 11:37

37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers,

nor the desire of women

nor regard any god:

for he shall magnify himself above all.

Timing of Women in Front Line Combat is extremely suspicious

And Eric Bolling said on “The Five” of Fox News Thursday, Jan 24th

“Why today?”

I agree that it is suspicious on the heels of the schmoozing of Hillary Clinton at the hearings the day before.

I think she resented the very few who actually confronted her so that

she lost her cool

when she revealed her indifference by saying,

“What difference at this point does it make?”

I think the truth is getting too close for their comfort.

I think they are preparing to escalate the war against terrorism to a wider arena

(Mali/Algeria/North Africa/Syria),

I think they are getting ready for a draft

and they want to include our daughters, 












Probably imparted to the Congress by MItt Romney’s running mate PAUL RYAN

a stooge for Obama and also a follower of Billy Graham.

(Stooging is a characteristic of Billy Graham and his followers.)

Watch where your tax dollars are going to grow big business and big government in Washington D. C.

Watch Hannity’s guest explain on his show on Jan. 25th called Boomtown.

They do not want a tax revolt because their businesses depend on our tax dollars using the tax money  they rob from us that is why they are delaying the Budget agreement till then because they are afraid of a revolt; but if there isn’t a tax revolt they will continue to abuse the American public and get rich off our hard earned money while at the same time punishing us.

IT is Time For a Tax Revolt

to get their attention and make them serve us instead of us being served

and to abolish OBAMACARE

which is also killing small and medium sized businesses. The big businesses have lawyers and all sorts of ways to avoid paying

and are laying it on us. It is not like we get to see their tax returns.

This is total anarchy by our government. Our money is their power and it should stop!

Now President Obama is giving the religions a tease and a pull

by changing the reproductive rules in his Obamacare as if he respects religious freedom and testing their resolve against his persecution.

Will they be slayed by him?

Will they stand up for americans or are they against american freedoms and the constitution?

He is schmoozing them now because he needs them now. Do they care about the individual american or just themselves?

He wants the Obamacare to control our fates.


after he uses them he might change his mind when they least expect it.

Government control of whether or not we live or we die!

Clinton warns of growing threat to US in North Africa,

says ‘we are in for a struggle’

Published January 23, 2013

It looks like the men

(if you can call them men)

are gearing up the women.




Dick Morris has a point about the Senate and Obama:

Senators, Hillary Miss The Point At Hearing

“If President Obama blamed the attack in Libya on a film, knowing that it was not a demonstration but a planned terrorist attack

and did so two months before an election, then that is an impeachable offense.

That’s what difference it makes.”

Did the Senate know?

Was it purposeful because they want to sell arms to Egypt

and they were actually involved in the change of leadership there and in Libya etc

because of their beliefs.




How would Joseph Biden know? Because he had to have watched and was aware of the events

as was the President

and Hillary Clinton.

If you read the article it is obvious they knew.

I think that these men were executed for their beliefs

and were made examples of

to the people at the White House, the Pentagon, the CIA, the State Department etc

to separate the goats from the sheep sow to speak.

That’s why there were so many odd and preposterous statements (for two months afterwards)

by everyone campaigning for Obama, including Bill Clinton.

(They continued with him through his temptations.)

This whole Senate and House of Representatives hearing on Benghazi is a coverup.

Video: Dems rule out any lack of Hillary Clinton awesomeness

as potential cause of Benghazi attack

Megyn Kelly of Fox News interviews guest Michelle Malkin about the one moment that counted in the hearings

and of course Hillary’s leeches were upset because they like her left-overs and her lies (such as Barbara Boxer.)

Like a shark (host) and it’s parasites

which clean the shark.

By the way how fair is this committee that is chaired by Sen. John Kerry?

He more than likely wanted this hearing to move on so he can get the sleazy job he desires.

Did Sen. Rand Paul cross the line at Clinton hearing?

Not a bit.! In fact, he was too kind!

I thought he was more honest than not and seemed so sane and normal, unlike the Democrats and quite a few Republicans

acting like total fools falling all over themselves

to feed on Hillary’s toe jam and teeth tarter.

I guess it’s profitable?

What occurred at Benghazi matters


and forever.


Christian pastor held in Iran missing from jail, says family


Does a Leopard Change His Spots? This one does!

(Panetta’s hearing- lots of lying)

After his speech at about 10:25 CST a Fox news reporter lady interviewed a man…..I am assuming he is a representative…I did miss his name who looked like an older Keifer Sutherland who also looked like Billy Graham when he was about 50 years old. Pretty weird as if inhabiting this man’s body. Billy Graham is a camelion. I proved it in my assassination of JFK posts when Billy Graham visited a singer named Johnny Cash. Johnny Cash has an extremely large nose especially as he aged. When Billy Graham visited him he took on Johnny’s characteristics. It was Billy Graham at that age that was inside this other man at the interview on Fox outside in the hallway at the Panetta hearing.

Just thought I should alert Fox News and those in our government

the camelion is with you at these hearings.

He can jump from one person to the next.

Jesus, in the Gospel of John, said that He knew what was in man and so He did not commit to man.

This is who he meant!

Here Billy Graham is with Johnny Cash:




Here is another picture of Billy Graham with a golfer Arnold Palmer and his nose gets smaller


Here he is with LBJ when he was a bit younger and he takes on LBJ’s features;

Ill find it when I can.

Here he is as Jack Ready Secret Service agent the day of the assassination of JFK:


He can’t seem to get rid of the flip in his hair. LOL

Here he is as Rev. Wilkerson from the BGEA site:


Pretty weird huh!

Billy Graham himself said:

The devil relies on our disbelief

He ought to know.

He is an evangelical I.E. an EVIL ANGEL

So does what happened at Benghazi matter?


My other blogs on similar subjects:

Eye of a Needle

The Drawbridge

The Keep

CBS News and JFK Transcriptions


Merangue’s Blog

Many posts are comparisons of the Synoptic Gospels to the Gospel of John

and many are about current events in light of my religious outlook and y beliefs

and many are about JFK’ s assassination and the involvement of the clergy.

January 23, 2013 Posted by | Benghazi Hearings, Eric Bowling, Fox News, Hillary Clinton, House of Representatives, John Kerry, Mayor Rudy Guiliani, Obama and Clinton: The 60 Minutes interview, Panetta, Ron Paul, Sean Hannity, Secretary of State, Senate Hearing, Terrorism, The Five, The Senate, Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Obama Hobnobs with Crackheads

Ecclesiastes 3:1-3

3 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

A time to be born, and a time to die;

a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

Boehner starts second speaker term vowing end

to one-on-one meetings with Obama

Yea….there is no point in mano y mano meetings whatsoever with him.

You can’t believe anything Obama says so what is the point. In essence, I think he has been mocking everyone one way or another. Some realize it and still some don’t, but I think you know now he is untrustworthy and a liar. Took me a while too. I did not vote for him but was willing to accept him as President and followed along until I realized he stinks.

Benghazi was the ultimate warning for me that he was bad.

When I supported Barack it was about:

Do unto others as you would do unto them and gay marriage. Not because I like sodomy but because of the heart of a homosexual and their right to express it. It was a tough issue for me being straight but then it occurred to me that it cannot hurt marriages of straight people whatsoever unless they let it. Where they get married is a struggle for them but at least they can express it where they can or where it is available. Sodomy is not just physical. It’s screwing the people, your neighbor, your own friends with bull…. like Nancy Pelosi getting people to take ObamaCare with out reading it.

 Abortion also was a struggle for me because of my past and what happens to girls in our society and other societies because of many factors. I love babies, although it took me a while to appreciate them in my life. Until you have one of your own you can’t even begin to know how special they are and how hard they are to raise but when my sister had hers I began to understand.  I weighed in on the issue because of the election and because I noticed that we are ambushed within. The protests in one state (Ohio, I think) about right to life and the failure of their mission although the success of their mission because of the members within their coalition who were actually against right to life by their “all or nothing” approach, which basically leads to nothing accomplished and nothing gained. Compromise would have been advisable in this situation but instead the baby was tossed out with the bath water.

Knowing when to compromise and when not to compromise would be helpful, especially in this case.

A little here, a little there. Certainly more information can’t hurt anyone except those that want all or nothing. It’s great if you are on the all side, but not so great if you are on the nothing side.

I thank God Laura Ingraham isn’t God. I want to check if she has made any inquiry into Benghazi.

Not much. Hmmmmm. I wonder why? I just read a bit about her and I think she is capable of sympathy when hit in the face with hard choices. I hope she will learn from her past. The reason I am a bit hard on her is because I heard that there is no excuse for abortion in her estimation, but I disagree. I’m ashamed I had one. Obviously when abortion became legal there were reasons for the legality of it but since then we have learned much more and it seems we should be willing to inform an abortion seeker with that information and technology in order to make a more informed decision since the affects linger for some people the rest of their lives. You would think right to life proponents and abortion rights advocates would not be adverse to instilling into the process better science at their disposal for that woman if they in fact really care about women and the feminine children who are hit in the face.

When people send rockets and satellites out into space they use new technology for a better safer experience. They are constantly upgrading like people do with computers so why not do the same for the woman or feminine child in the case of unwanted or unplanned pregnancy and in her decision making process and avoidance and prevention?

I think men and boys need to be trained as well.

It isn’t as if God doesn’t notice the men and boys involved and absolved.

Just because it’s legal doesn’t make it right but at least we should be fair if we really, really care.

Commentary: Morality is never one-size-fits-all

Leonard Pitts Jr. | The Miami Herald

The Fiscal cliff debacle seems to have been a landmark in nonsense, but it was frustatingly interesting to see how some reacted to it like Paul Ryan warning about the ABYSS. Abyss is mentioned in the bible in Revelations and he knows it. He is afraid of it…..I think. How the financial state of the US became a fiscal cliff seems evident by the junk sown into bills such as the one that passed in the House of Reps and in the Senate and I was impressed by the no’s that voted, but will check the list of names who voted no.

Boehner voted yes, Cantor voted no. That I do know.

Diplomacy is compromise and it seems to be what politicians do best and worst but to the detriment of our finances in our government and to the detriment of the people that supposedly they represent except for the few that had their pet projects sown in and hidden in between the bread – kind of like the gospels. I don’t think Obama compromised too much but the Republicans did. With the spending limit or spending mountain I think it is time for the Republicans and Democrats to hold the line this time.


What’s with Jack Lew’s signature?

Likely next Obama U.S. Treasury Secretary

Outrage over beheading of Sri Lankan woman by Saudi Arabia


Screen shot 2013-01-12 at 4.34.42 AM

What does Jack Lew’s signature have to do with the article above?

 Compare the signature with the handwriting in this article.

So is Jack Lew from Sri Lanka or was he born in Hawaii too?

Why doesn’t Obama get someone like Donald Trump for the Secretary of Treasury? Like get someone who actually knows how to make money in the real world?

And I’m not a fan of his but when it comes to money he has proven himself in the real world.

But I guess Obama wants to distribute American money to other countries with Sharia Law.


One good way to hold the line would be to dismantle the ObamaCare and it’s mandate. Stand behind Ted Cruz and make it happen. That’s a bunch of money most states don’t want to spend nor need nor do most doctors or patients or businesses. It is an abomination and Obamas attempt for more power to be able to physically and fiscally hurt more

americans (the ones he dislikes), their businesses, and jobs. That would save a lot of spending and people and save a lot of head aches.

Has any President asked for unlimited spending ever? That’s like giving a 2 year old a credit card. It is unreasonable and ridiculous. Don’t give him anything.

It is time to hold the line.

It wouldn’t hurt for every place that money goes in our system

to give up 10% of what they normally get and cut instead where they can. Let each of these places figure it out and give them 10% less. I’m sure they can handle it themselves. That would help. Ear mark that 10% and put that 10% to the deficit including the military immediately on thew debt to sub-stantially decrease the debt. The military should not have to take the brunt of the cuts but I’m sure they can find 10% in their excessive spending and cut in the right places to keep enough power. It would be impossible for any branch of government to have to figure it out for all the places money goes so let the places it goes figure it out. I’m pretty positive they will do a better job of it since they know their own business. And it might have some inequality in the cuts but there was inequality in the bloating. It is just the way it is.

Education can do the same. It is not rocket science. Their judgement in their cuts will reflect upon them so hopefully they will do it right.

10% pay cut to members of the House, Senate and the President, CIA, Fema, Secret Service, FBI etc, and all those beneath would help too.

10% cut in spending to every place that spending goes.

10% across the board.

Be an example to the people.

As far as Christie in New Jersey aren’t you ashamed of the pork that slowed this bill down? Why don’t you complain about that? How about Fema? Why didn’t you deal with their lack of performance? How about Obama, Why didn’t you deal with him and his lack of performance? Because he gave you a photo-op? He used you and you used him. (Now everyone is falling all over Christie. Why? Because he made a speech? Or because he hugged Obama? I think everyone is acting drunk in that respect)  Same to most everyone involved in this disaster and yet the people had to suffer for it. Obama’s arm on your shoulders, or his dry weeping, or putting a green ribbon on a desk in the Oval Office is unreasonable faith. It’s like watching  Georg Ganswein and other priests (or whatever they imagine themselves to be) adjusting the robes and fawning over Pope Benedict kind of like a documentary I saw of a funeral of a North Korean leader and the way the people acted was so insincerely sad, yet very sad they had to convulse for a camera appearance.

Thank goodness it was misty outside.

Screen shot 2013-01-13 at 5.30.55 PM

North Korea holds funeral for

‘Dear Leader’ Kim Jong-il

I wonder if they didn’t have mouse traps squeezing their toes to help their bad acting.

Really is pitiful. I would be totally embarrassed if I were a leader there. Hopefully the one that followed will at least attempt to sow something more humane, meaningful and sincere. It’s not that hard to do. Fear and spiritual depravity is agonizing and empty.

Mark Levin Reacts To Obama Presser: “We Have An Imperial President”

But Ann Coulter thinks its ridiculous for Republicans to talk of impeachment and she would rather blame the mentally ill for the massacres vs guns. Does Ann Coulter think she is sane? What about your book Demonic? I didn’t read it, but perhaps your idea of God and Jesus are not quite correct. Maybe you ought to read Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven or these articles:

How is it That Ye Do Not Understand?

The Fig Tree – Blessed are the Barren

 Prophecies of the Betrayal of the Son of Man

 The Temptation of Jesus Christ

In The Garden of Gethsemane

Folly of the Synoptic Gospels


What is the smallest seed in the world?

The Parable of Faith – Part two

Pope Benedict XVI and the Mustard Tree

Parable of the Mustard Seed Part 4

Sour Wine

Salute No Man

Tell No Man

Or other articles on

Merangue’s Blog

I think it is ridiculous not to impeach Obama.

The mentally ill are getting screwed by their doctors. It’s so easy for doctors of the mentally ill to manipulate them, as if that hasn’t happened before. They use drugs.

Well for instance how sane is it for Lance Armstrong to have drugged himself to gain an edge and notoriety. Everyone lauded him, he made a lot of money. A doctor gave him instructions on how to fool everyone. Obviously not all doctors are trustworthy. They did get a way with it for a while though and obviously it was about money. The same can be said for the churches and all of their businesses.

Just because something is between two pieces of leather with words in between and slap the words Holy on it doesn’t make it so.

If one gospel contradicts another gospel doesn’t it mean one is probably incorrect or was altered? Just because a person is called a priest or a pope doesn’t make them good.

Just because someone says they have faith in God doesn’t mean they are good.

Even Jesus of the Synoptic Gospels (Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke)

said he was not good. Do you trust him? Is he ridiculous? Or was the Jesus written about in a few gospels mentally ill himself?

Or maybe it was the writers of those gospels that was mentally ill?

Why Callest Thou Me Good?


Obama is Slaying the Senate


Please read:

Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven



Chris Christie drops bomb on GOP leaders

Charles Krauthammer: Larger Sandy Relief Bill Was

‘Rape Of The Treasury’ (VIDEO)

There is a lot of blame to go around on both sides of the aisle.

The democrats have taken the game to record lows what else can the republicans do but do the same, but it is time to do what is good for America on both sides of the aisle.

Don’t raise the ceiling. Don’t give the Egyptians any money. Don’t give Obama an inch to move and do his evil. Get rid of ObamaCare cuz he doesn’t care! Don’t even try to dis arm Americans. Obviously all the pork and other expenditures are being funneled to the wrong places to aid and abet his agenda and those that are with him.

Listen to advice from Sean Hannity:

Who’s to blame for playing politics with Sandy victims?

(Listen to the second interview about Bobby Schmuck who is a personal aid to Obama.
Can it be any plainer that Obama is mocking everyone even to people who have lost everything? Is that love?)
Another example of mocking:


I Will NOT Take Your Guns Away

White House weighs broad gun-control agenda

in wake of Newtown shootings

He is a fruitcake which reminds me of another post called:

The Fig Tree – Blessed are the Barren

which might help you to understand his frame of mind. My estimation is he doesn’t have a frame of mind because he’s all over the place or his mind has been had and was taken over by something way out on a limb somewhere between here and there.

Maybe it was Gollum that took Obama over because Obama couldn’t resist hobnobbing with a bunch of crackpots.

Something happened along the way, and it was not good like in the book of Daniel:

and he shall magnify himself in his heart

On Hardball Politics Shines Bright at the Golden Globe with ‘Lincoln,’ Game Change’
talks about Jodie Foster coming out which I thought that was a done deal a long time ago, but Hardball Chris Matthews said drinking was allowed at the Golden Globes and thats why it is one of his favorite award shows. If that’s the case maybe Jodie’s coming out again was to remind Mel Gibson where she stood, perhaps he had forgotten:)

Bill Clinton Makes Surprise Appearance At Golden Globes

Bill Clinton Introduces “Lincoln” – Golden Globe Awards

They laughed, but did they understand what Bill Clinton said?

Screen shot 2013-01-14 at 4.22.21 AMTalked about the unsavory deals that had nothing to do with the BIG ISSUE that Obama made to push a bill through the House of Representatives and disimplying that Clinton himself knew anything about those  deals and sheepishly the audience laughed.

Talk about madness.

And he licked…….>

Presidential Absurdity at Golden Globe Awards:

Bill Clinton said Lincoln was responsible for them being there at the

Golden Globe awards ceremony because Lincoln ended slavery.

So if Lincoln hadn’t ended slavery there would not be a Golden Globe Ceremony in California?

Should we put that in our text books to ponder?

So then I could surmise that the Golden Globe Awards is why there was a civil war about a hundred years ago?

He is just absurd as those who bought his a-b-s-u-r-d-i-t-u-d-i-t-y.

No wonder our country is in trouble.

This looks like an unsavory deal:

Harry Reid Denies Bribery Allegations


“Jeremy Johnson, the Utah man who has been charged with felony bank fraud, money laundering, and other offenses, told federal investigators that he had funneled $600,000 through Utah’s attorney general, John Swallow,  to influence Reid in an FTC investigation.”

Harry Reid denies allegations….

House GOP release bill

to reverse Obama’s pay raise for federal employees


Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution


Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.Section 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.



fit into that category???

Section 3.No personshall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

Section 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.


The Civil Rights Act of 1866 had just granted citizenship to all persons born in the United States if they

were not subject to a foreign power.

Obviously Obama, Susan Rice, and others including Hillary said it was a video tape that caused Libya’s massacre of Americans in Benghazi. The excuse originated from the Vatican and therefore they were subject to a foreign power when they lied and continued to lie about the cause of the murder of Americans even to the UN.

Isn’t the Vatican a foreign power?


Would Benghazi be a good enough reason

to oust

President OBAMA

and his Little Men

and take away their citizenship?

Isn’t that the real reason for the new immigration law proponents to go after the 14th amendment to protect the citizenship of those in our government (themselves) who are subject to a foreign power as displayed by the Obama shields Sheila Rice and others and including President Obama when they lied knowingly about the cause of Benghazi.

The excuse came from Father Lombardi spokesman for the Vatican—-A foreign power.

Catholic World News

Vatican spokesman, responding to Libyan violence, decries provocations against Islam

CWN – September 12, 2012





How about MALI?

IT was inspired by the French wasn’t it? We sent drones to help. France is a foreign power!

What’s the deal with this blind sheik in prison and this other half blind sheik in Algeria?

When you look at him it’s hard to tell which eye they’re talking about. Is it the left eye or the right eye that’s blind.

Screen shot 2013-01-18 at 5.58.57 PM

Mokhtar Belmokhtar

sounds like

mock tar belle mock tar

(Mr. Marlboro)

Makes his money with kidnappings,

smuggling cigarettes, and diamonds.

Officials: One American Confirmed Dead in Algeria Hostage Standoff

Anyway he’s upset with the French interfering in North Africa. He is right, the French are meddling again to aid and abet the Vatican. Trying to get us involved in another arena.

It is a lucrative business…..the business of war. Obviously, the French have much to gain as do others as if it makes us safer……that’s not the point…..

It’s their sea Mare Nostrum.

Please read:

Pope Benedict XVI and His Power of Suggestion

It’s Benghazi testimony they want to avoid.

Are all sheiks blind? Was Anderson Cooper a sheik for a short while?

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Kind of like these pictures. Which eye went blind? The left or the right?

Anderson Cooper Goes Blind for 36 Hours – Video

Anyway this terrorism is more deflection orchestrated by Panetta,

and the French are always willing,

(and the Pope)

to avoid dealing with Benghazi

and Hillary is very involved because she does not want to divulge the truth.

Even if she tried it would probably be impossible for her to be truthful.

They are calling this terrorism and yet they couldn’t call Benghazi terrorism.

Isn’t that od?

Maybe it depends on who is kidnapped?

The sea could actually be beneath.

Mali joins list of US ‘terror’ boomerangs

“In Washington yesterday Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, said the US was ready to increase its role. “It is absolutely essential that we broaden and deepen our counterterror co-operation . . . with Algeria and all counterterror efforts in the region,” Mrs Clinton said. “I made clear that we stand ready to further enhance counterterror support . . . ”

So Miss Peace isn’t so peaceful when it comes to what’s beneath…..

How to avoid the issues involved in Benghazi! Do what the French do….cause trouble everywhere else.

Gettin’ somewhat predictable!

“Why would he oppose calling the Iranian revolutionary guard a terrorist organization? [It’s the] same outfit that’s on the ground now in Syria killing Syrians, same outfit that was exploiting the most lethal IEDs into Iraq killing Americans.

Hagel wants to normalize relations with Iran and Iran wants to hang a Christian Pastor. Does that make any sense?


Chuck Hagel’s Roadmap to Normalize Relations with Iran

Saeed Abedini /

Iran May Hang Imprisoned U.S. Pastor

For the first time in a long time I agree with Juan Williams and comments Charles Krauthammer

about Iran and the Christian Pastor today on Fox News Friday Feb. 1st.

Just Let Him Go and make his wife a happy woman. Prove that the US State Department is a useless and corrupt organization (which it is) and let the Christian Pastor out of prison to join his family.

GOP Rep:If Obama uses executive power on guns, I’ll impeach him


6:07 pm on 01/14/2013

Obama is impeachable now!

Otherwise this is the kind of country we will have before long if you don’t stand up to Obama and his thugs:

Do You Really Care? This could be someone you know in the future if you don’t stop him.


If you don’t set an example the people will have to settle it in April

and everyone will lose lots more.

And don’t blow off and skirt the massacre in Benghazi.

There was a reason that it happened

and purposefully avoiding that reason and obfuscating the crisis and it’s meaning is stupid and asinine

which I believe is what the “Fiscal Cliff/Abyss” was all about.


Don’t ignore the coincidences as if people don’t die so Obama can vacation in Hawaii and pander the military such as the opportune death and funeral of Inouye while most deaths overseas in military deaths are suicides, or what happened in Arizona to Gabrielle Gifford’s and others nearby who were important too but largely ignored and then going to Newtown (she’s being used), Fast and Furious, or Newtown, or Sandy, or Hillary’s fall. They are related. Whether they are democrats or republicans, black, white, or asian, indian, christian, or not they are being affected in harmful ways for an image or an appearance to benefit and protect Obama’s image and his demonic power.

These are not coincidences and ignoring them is insane.

Accountability needs to be applied to him and his murdering bandits.


Military Suicides Reached Record High In 2012

It is not an epidemic. I believe these men are systematically being killed/martyred to look like suicides.

The massacres are not an epidemic either they are manipulated cultic political martyrdom of others to further an agenda.

Radical Religion On The Rise In The Military

Aaron Swartz was ‘killed by the government,’ father tells mourners

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“……Swartz was accused of stealing articles from JSTOR, an academic database at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Swartz was a longtime activist for an open Internet and it brought him into conflict with prosecutors who accused him of 13 felonies.”……..

…..”Swartz’s family posted on a memorial website: “Aaron’s death is not simply a personal tragedy. It is the product of a criminal justice system rife with intimidation and prosecutorial overreach. Decisions made by officials in the Massachusetts U.S. attorney’s office and at MIT contributed to his death. The U.S. attorney’s office pursued an exceptionally harsh array of charges, carrying potentially over 30 years in prison, to punish an alleged crime that had no victims.”….

…..“Aaron wanted so badly to change the world,” said Stinebrickner-Kauffman, choking back tears at the service.

“He wanted it more than money. He wanted it more than fame.”…..


“When things are hard — and he said it is the important things that are hard, you have to lean into the pain. With his trial and what he is facing the last two years, he finally fell into the pain,” Stinebrickner-Kauffman said, according to the Chicago Tribune.


That is mocking how he died!

Didn’t he hang himself?

Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman, Aaron Swartz’s girlfriend is speaking out.

Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman: Aaron Swartz’s Girlfriend

“While I can understand she is feeling hurt, and I am very sympathetic to Aaron’s friends and family, there are a few things to keep in mind. One, suicide is never the answer. There is something unstable going on in ones brain BEFORE anyone thinks of suicide. Secondly, he broke the law. If “the risk was too much for him” he should not have broken the law. Simple as that.

I hope the family finds peace, as does Taren. It must be hard to carry that around and have been the one to find him dead.”

Strange sort of a pathetic warning by Laurelei Livingston

I think it would be wise to stay clear of this group of people of Right Entertainment The Sum of Us All

Laurelei and the girlfriend seem to be playing a sick con game.



Why do we still know so little about Adam Lanza?

Because he lived in the cloud.

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“……“The only person who recalled dealing with him was the town hairstylist, who had trimmed Lanza’s hair. Think about that: Except for using the bathroom and eating his meals, getting a haircut was just about the only thing Lanza couldn’t do online. All the things he apparently enjoyed were accessible to him without leaving his room. He could find community among gamers. He could order computer parts. He could buy books without ever visiting a bookstore. That he smashed his hard drive before the shooting spree was tellinga digital suicide preceding his physical one…….”

 “……”I come to this not as a Luddite but as a gadget-obsessed freak who stands in line on Apple’s product-release days. Yet I see in my life the ways technology enables us to live alone together, connecting less with the breathing humans around us and more with data and digital humans on a screen. “Alone Together” is the title of a searing book published in 2011by Sherry Turkle, an MIT professor who has studied our computing lives for more than two decades. “Our networked life,” she writes, “allows us to hide from each other, even as we are tethered to each other.When I called Turkle to talk about Lanza, her response was simple: “He’s my guy. These are my people.”……..”

So is MIT involved?


 I think the reason the hard drive was destroyed

was because the police involved destroyed it.

(Probably the clergy told them to destroy it.)

In the 1991 massacre in Colleen Texas the killer who gunned down 22 people was a seaman. I assume some seamen take sea sickness pills. Devil’s breath is an ingredient in sea sickness medication. I wonder if he accidentally took too much.

“Mr. Hennard earned his living on the high seas in the Merchant Marine”

a drinker and a drug abuser. Yet they did an autopsy and no drugs were found in his body ….but what kind of drugs were they searching for?

Is there a test for all drugs?

Wasn’t gun legislation a result of this massacre?


Obama is using you and abusing you and you need to confront him, make him confront it and investigate him and Biden, Panetta, and all their mob ties and obviously the Vatican in regards to Benghazi.

And don’t eat or drink whatever might be poisoning you by a particular drug in any form such as the one that renders the person a slave and in the control of a demonic power.

I’m talking about Devil’s breath

which I think is affecting all of you in many ways in Washington.

I think that may be partially what is causing Supplicity in Washington DC.


in your party or in the other party or on any committee, even family

because they may be under the influence.

Who you serve is also affecting you.

Read the Gospel of John and learn it. It will help you!

You can read my comparisons of the gospels which might help on the sites

listed at the bottom.

Boehner promises Republicans

he’ll fight Obama over debt ceiling

Double trouble: House GOP eyes default, shutdown

Obama To Major Garrett:

‘This Is The United States Of America, Major!’ (VIDEO)

Now he is threatening everyone and he needs to GO.

He double talked about leverage about the Americans people:


and the keys to that prison need to be permanently thrown away.



Dreams From My Father Not


Obama Clinton biting lip after Ramadan in Florida

savoring the massacre at Aurora with his friends

and tomorrow this maniac is gonna use some kids

to further his warped agenda

and will pander his friends and look like a hero,

but to those who know their God he looks VERY SICK.


Wed. Jan 16

Watched the Gun Control conference with Obama and looks like he backed down quite a bit from what the press reported he would do. The kids were cute and weren’t abused and their letters were very sweet.

Maybe Obama fears impeachment?

He put it in the hands of the Congress from what I could ascertain. Another way a bunch of people can make a bunch of speeches and lather up the people and avoid investigating Benghazi.

Anyway the conference proposals appear to be a way to spend more money all the while looking responsible. Not one thing he said sounded like would make a bit of difference to a cult bent on causing and creating havoc. It’s obvious truthfulness in investigating Aurora and Newtown is fixed and held up to influence politics. I would call it nonsense at this point in time.

By the way changes in magazine content of assault weapons will only affect new ones purchased…..right? As if a criminal can’t hold other magazines or other guns…it’s ridiculous. Maybe he just wants to sell more guns.

Will it affect who is the seller of them?

One thing he did say that caught my attention is holding those accountable that sell arms to drug dealers and criminals.

How about Fast and Furious? 

How about Eric Holder?

Or does he get a pass? If so? Why?

Because lawfulness is meaningless to Obama.

Does Congress have anything to do with Fast and Furious? I’m pretty sure it’s related to Benghazi in some form or fashion.

This was Obama’s way to lay the blame of  any new massacres on what Republican Congressmen does or does not do. Now the Democratic hoard will come out with speeches and press pundits guilting anyone because it works for them and is babel for reelection and lays the real work on the Republicans because Democrats don’t really work or read their bills as in ObamaCare they just push them like a drug dealer does their drugs stuffed in between.

Don’t buy them. Don’t read them. Just burn the bills they send to the Republicans in Congress so you don’t have to vote on them or read them, because they don’t read them so why should the Republicans be bogged down having to read and decipher them. Instead send stuff their way so they have something to do to earn their paycheck. Keep them busy.

Stuff them with pork to go after Biden and Obamas side businesses and other Democrats side businesses.I have a feeling manufacturers of his style of weapon are in his pocket. Really a great way to affect Obama and Biden is through their pocketbook….

Don’t raise the Debt ceiling and don’t listen to Paul Ryan…He’s a liar and a fake.

He is really an Obama man and always was

and he also is a misogynist.

Bankrupt them.

Don’t fund Egypt or Lagarde and their agendas either.

Hannity: America’s lecturer in chief scolds Republicans


The conference on gun control was totally a political piece of lint the size of 23 executive plunders,

another shield,

another deflection from investigating Benghazi

which might shed light on those cults

affecting children and future obscene massacres of law abiding people.

Of course I haven’t read any of the 23 executive directives or orders, etc.

Probably meaningless fodder for the press and the public.

Please read:

Tell No Man


“Obviously, there are two different Jesus’s written about in the New Testament!”


Ignorance is the biggest problem we have in America

and a lousy education system

that doesn’t include common sense teaching.

There would be many lives saved if kids were taught the basics of life and how to conduct it.

But those in high places like it that way because it keeps them in charge. They would rather trick and bully the people using their ridiculous notions about saving one life…..while turning a blind eye to Eric Holder or covering up Benghazi or blaming media for mass murders.

Should we blame the theaters?

I think it’s time to ban theaters, plays, musicals, golden globe award ceremonies, the inauguration ceremony and the inauguration ball and those that participate to their own shame, actors and actresses, singers, musicians, producers and directors, the press,

and red carpets.

I am amazed by the cowardice in those high places.

It’s astounding.

(It may not seem important now but when the American people are broke

will they buy movies, dvds, go to theaters and concerts?…..


(I would humerous to hear about an inauguration for Obama where no one attended. But no such luck as it turned out they spent about 50 million buckaroonies on parties and the whole affair.)


Rapper Lupe Fiasco thrown offstage during pre-inauguration event after anti-Obama rant [VIDEO]

Paul Ryan Booed By Inauguration Crowd

Ryan announced last week that he would be present for Obama’s public swearing in at the Capitol, calling it his “obligation.”

It’s your duty not to attend but since you are a pandering idiot you are obligated.

Today he is attempting to strengthen the party and mostly himself. Sat Jan. 26

He’s trying to be less transparent:)

Obama gut-busting lunch menu tops 3,000 calories No hummice?

Hannity tonight had a show about the arms we are sending to Egypt to Morsi :

US gift of F-16 fighter jets headed to Egypt

And astutely Sean Hannity asks, “Why do I think we are being played for suckers here?”

Then the two gentlemen didn’t answer the question but said the most important thing here is tomorrow Hillary Clinton will be testifying and the following day John Kerry will be coming in to testify and thinks that we need to ask Kerry ….not Hillary Clinton just Kerry even though he was not Secretary of State about the arms being shipped to Egypt and great sums of money. I guarantee they won’t ask the right questions of Hillary about Benghazi on purpose to avoid any problems because they don’t want the public to really know the truth about Benghazi. They have had plenty of time to design a show for everyone involved to waste tax payers money and continue deceiving by asking irrelevant questions so she can answer irrelevant answers to tidy up the whole affair. We shall see what occurs. I’m not sure Hillary had much choice in her involvement or her testimony.

I think her hands are tied to protect the guilty.


So is Islam harmless? Should we accept Islam? Does Islam use terrorism as a weapon? Should we accept a religion that props up Islam as legitimate? Should we trust a religion that props up terrorism? That’s what Roman Catholicism did in the case of Benghazi. That’s what Barack Obama did in the case of Benghazi. That’s what Hillary Clinton did in the case of Benghazi.That’s what Susan Rice did in the case of Benghazi.

Should we prop them up too?

Should you attend the inauguration of Obama?

Should you ask your congressmen and women and the senate to impeach Obama?

He has plenty of impeachable offenses

so what’s holding our government back from holding him accountable?

Are they afraid of him?

Where are those witnesses from Benghazi? They disappeared. Did they go to Algeria or are they hiding them somewhere else?

Algeria hostage crisis: Most weapons used in attack came from Libya



Blue Skies

Eye of a Needle

The Drawbridge

The Keep

CBS News and JFK Transcriptions

January 6, 2013 Posted by | Benghazi, Boehner, Cantor, Charles Krauthammer, Chris Christi, Debt ceiling, Donald Trump, gun control, Hannity, Jack Lew, Krauthammer, Nancy Pelosi, Newtown, Sandy's victims, Sean Hannity | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment