Blue Skies

Bible Prophecy (Truth & Deception)

Fetality and the Elderly

Using Fetal Heads for Products

For what?

What are fetal heads used for as products? I would love to know how one can use a fetal head or their brain! I want to understand how one can possibly believe a bunch of nuts because they act like nuts that are on those videos talking about the prodecures involved which I have never seen those procedures . I don’t think they have seen it in reality. I think it’s their imagination.

This is the show of The Five who are defending Ben Carson’s stand on life and his believe that it starts at conception which is the French View and many others. Course a lot money riding on his viewpoint which could be the resin for his viewpoint.

“Only Eric Bolling of the Five has had the courage to watch the videos all the way through,” said Dan Perrina and she admires him for that courage (BIG FUCKING DEAL. HE’s  A LIAR) and doesn’t have the courage. I don’t have the time nor the desire to sit through a bunch of hired nuns/guns and listen to their fantasies about something that is not occurring at least not in the way they say it is occurring or for the reasons they say it is occurring and is

used as an excuse to kill the elderly

 without even a mention.

What does that say about The FIVE?


The reason it was done that is, in reality, was as a procedure was for the spinal cord fluid and brain stem research I think to help those that had some disabilities caused by falling off a horse. For Superman. Christopher Reeve who we witnessed in Congress on TV pleading for the privilege because he fell off a horse and broke his neck but lived but was paralyzed from the neck down.

I have no idea what Congress did in that regard. I only saw snippet of it on TV and I was young at the time. I thought they nixed the idea. But it is not a new idea it started around 1963 with the assassination of JFK in Dallas.  This was around the time skin serums were being sold via TV and claiming it was the fountain of youth from a European Company that had some form of baby by-product in them using the embryonic sac that a baby is born in and that comes out before a baby is born when water flows out and I didn’t use it once I realized. First of all it was confusing what they said in the pamphlet so I didn’t quite get the gist of their claim.

I don’ t have a problem with someone who thinks life begins at conception. It’s called germination.

A seed is watered and germinates above ground because the soil is so shallow. It develops roots as it grows and develops upwards also.

We are not plants. And humans develop differently than a plant. Plants can’t walk and talk so it is hard to compare the two but the plant world is life. Are we plants? I think the nuns and the guns planted in Planned Parent hood are plants.

In the bible of the Old Testament there is a plant that is very very hard to pull. By pull i mean out of hiding and pull up. I think they are called mangroves I mean mandrakes but they are probably harvested in mangroves that were farmed and Rachel of the bible employed them. Like I’m saying in essence making girls and women get pregnant using devices: alcohol and other things to have a harvest and then blaming the women of course other women, but not herself. GET MY DRIP, DRIP, DRIP, DRIP. They have long roots but they don’t grow downward, but sideways around people and their possessions. They spread out over a wide area to cling to the dirt. There is a special way to uproot them that has to be employed in order to not have them grow again from their roots that is lets say if they are cut. You have to get the whole thing or you are wasting your time.

It’s magical. Mangroves were used by Rachel as a way to get people to fall in love as in witchcraft and other things They scream when you pull them out like you would a dragon or an evil spirit inside a human being. It is thought to be a fable, but I don’t think so. They can look like people and act like people but they aren’t people. They stand in the place of people and do a lot of dirty, nasty work inside people to mess with people including who they impersonate or possess.

Hence what I saw in a photo may very well likely be that kind of work. Michelle Obama with arms that Obama himself mentioned at a press dinner is a good example and she looked like she didn’t understand what he meant. I saw her expression as like, “What?” and she was laughing, embarrassed a little to be highlighted by his comment, unless it was an act. She was not wearing sleeves in her magenta pink dress I think and has pretty muscular arms but in the picture at Benghazi it was those same arms and shoulders her neck and same face though swollen from surgery 46 days ahead of the next election. She was not wearing a wig so had her natural hair what accommodates wigs easily. The Election day is a big day for the first lady to look her best and many people do have surgery so it’s not a sin to have plastic surgery and she did look great after that. She didn’t look that bad before it but had aged and weathered as we all do. Everyone can look real bad and I have seen some other pictures of her at her worst I think her worst. I have seen pics of Goldi Hawn at her worst and other actresses. Photographers love to show them at their worst. They get paid lots of money for those photos like my sister probably got paid for her shots. Like Princess Fergie and some actress with cellulite on and off season of her career or life. It’s degrading because they usually go after women to degrade them expecially famous ones but sometimes men as well. It’s really bad though to go in their living room or on their porch sunbathing or as in Fergie’s example in her yard behind a fence. It helps for the regular people to see once in a while some of those pictures that aren’t posed to not feel quite as gross for not having those attributes or traits because of lack of money or time or their injustices to their figures and face like when they are on the street wearing sunglasses. I don’t want to see them at their worst if i don’t have to I like to see them look normal if I can but I don’t often buy magazines about stars (I don’t know if I ever have bought one) but they are on the aisles at the grocery store for our edification and i do every once in a while flip through one while waiting in line if I have the privilege of buying groceries and those magazines make a lot of money degrading stars in many ways and propping them up because they end up being products instead of people which is done in various ways besides photos. And of course they touch it up if they like you and they touch it down if they don’t like you.

Most people do not travel during or after surgery especially via airplane because of possibility of blood clots and other problems they might have after surgery, so if she was there at BENGHAZI after surgery she took a big chance but in her other hand was a syringe. OF course depends where she had surgery and what kind of transportation she used.  You can tell it is a syringe  because of how her fingers grasped it unless she was squeezing a resin bottle, but they have tried to make the picture less clear since I wrote about it quite a while ago soon after Benghazi occurred.

There are better ways to travel these days. It’s not for everyone just for thrones that get to use it.

Hence Queen Elizabeth not dolled up.

“Mary, Mary, quite contrary”


Mary, Mary, quite contrary
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockleshells
And pretty maids all in a row.

We all have doubles and maybe triplets and quads etc. There are people that look similar because I think there are just so many variables in traits of people but they can be combined in may different ways and then make up and so forth.

They use old shows to make us think they are young and shows that didn’t make it early on and store them for later use to fool the public and to make money. All the while we thought they made their money in one great movie and they or others were working like slaves to produce a bunch of stuff that one person could not possibly produce in a life time and the same with authors unless they did it in a vacuum or somewhere else.

During the JFK assassination investigation that I pursued I found out about some places that seem to be a types of temples where I think there were passages inside them. Ley lines? Travel spots. LBJ was a builder of dams early in his career and unearthed these places or so it was written about. I can’t say for sure. I wasn’t there. It seems there are at least four places that were rebuilt in other places to use. One in Spain, one in Manhattan, one in the Netherlands, and one in another place and probably others. One in one place was rebuilt the wrong way and so had a different result of that blunder all having to do with the number 153, 135, 531 etc. anyway Jackie Kennedy received some things from these places as gifts from Egypt for their help unearthing some places and her help somehow or another. She was the one that shot JFK or her double.

Which also has to do with Josephuses footsteps I wrote about a few years back that others have tried to write about as well or have written about and problem solving type the riddle of those writings about the footsteps having to do with poisoning and suicides especially of the jews and enemies of Rachel using tunnels and other things.

“Another shall gird thee and take you where you would not go, follow me.” is what Jesus said to Peter who denied him three times when the cock crowed three times during that night of the arrest when he followed Jesus to see the end which was not the end because other people witnessed the crucifixion and when he said follow me was after the crucifixion a few days later at the Sea of Galilee. Meaning he went to see the point the stuff that happens in-between we don’t see behind the scenes such as the inquisition Jesus went through and maybe some other things we don’t know about not written about in the bible because we are not privileged enough to know about it or trusted enough, etc.

Then after the Gospel of John is the Book of Acts which goes into what happens either before or after the Gospel of John. Some of it is after but seems like it is before so it’s kind of confucious. It’s kind of gross some of the things that did occur and extremely cruel for money, power, and control.

During the trial and after Nicodemus or Arimathea begs for the body of Jesus. That can be construed differently then what is normally relied upon for the masses. The body could mean the people of Jesus. The body could mean the DNA of Jesus. The body could mean his body in actuality to bury and probably other meanings as well. (Could be talking about Necrophiliasm. Making love to the dead or having sex with the dead.)

Hence the Synoptic gospels.

Jesus of the Gospel of John is the only one that props truth.

Remember it was Pontius Pilate very piously said, “What is truth?”

But back then people did not punctuate sentences so it could mean something else.

Could mean he said “What is truth!” and then after the decision to kill Jesus washed his hands.

as in


 which we heard a bunch about from evangelicals recently (avenging angels used to confuse the masses, the fallen angels or those that are deceived by them which of course don’t know any better than to deceive because it is what they are taught to have faith in and it’s not their fault it’s the deceivers fault and GOD knows it)

obviously opposite in a sideways kind of way to


WHICH IS A NAME of GOD possibly the only name of God and he is the one saying what it is (his name) in Exodus but there are other names of Gods that are written about in the OLD Testament and the NEW Testament. Some having to do with his traits or just from the times when people worshipped devils, demons, plants, animals, and things.

When doing the JFK assassination the woman with Jackie in the limo (John Connelly’s wife Nellie) when he was shot in the head by Jackie Kennedy or her double with big calves was dichotic speaking. When he was turning that fateful corner she said as he neared the time of his death she said. “You can’t say that Dallas doesn’t love you” because of the crowds that greeted him however they changed the course the route of the drive at the last minute. I don’t know if he was aware of that change but it is written about in the transcripts I transcribed as best I could and at that moment a shot was fired or that may have been when he grabbed his throat. Now if you change the punctuation it could mean something else. Not saying she did it on purpose but from within she chose those words. IF you put a comma or a period after the word “that” then you have a whole different meaning.

“You can’t say that,. Dallas does’t love you.” There may have been the word anymore after it but I don ‘t want to check because it is not important to this reasoning.

He was about to give a speech at a luncheon at the Trade Center in Dallas and it was gonna be a good one. I think he was thinking about what he was gonna say and how he was gonna say it and she probably overheard him

“Thinking in a Lincoln.”

Course he might have fooled her with his thoughts knowing what was gonna happen because he made a taped version later to be released just in cases he didn’t get to say it in Dallas when they made a switch hand off at the airport and it was handed over to some people in Dallas but that could have been a trick as well. THE WOMAN ON THE RIGHT TRIES TO GET THE EXCHANGE GIFT THAT HE IS HOLDING BUT HE HOLDS ON TO IT AND GIVES IT TO THE GUY IN THE LEFT PICTURE.

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Think about this we hear in our mind not just in our ears and sometimes those thoughts aren’t ours. One of the Pauls said we would be judged by our thoughts and that is not true. I don’t believe that. How could we think if that were the case. When we think we think thoughts that aren’t always what we would have thought if we could. So in a way JFK was having a conversation not just with himself and the same for the people involved and they testified to it. I documented the handover and so that the average viewer would notice using snap shots of a video to demonstrate because if you don’t look real close you miss it. Course he could have been handing over a button as in nukes but one lady tries to get what he hands over and he makes sure he hands it to someone else and he walks off with it. I imagine he might have been involved in a switch of some kind having to do with the people he loved. It is done now in IRAN with hostages so could be he was dealing with a hostage situation then or a kidnapping. He did a gesture of his lower button on his jacket during that time as well, twisting it.

My mom when she was a young girl with her brothers and playing around because she was a tom boy and very silly which is some of what I loved about her because she was a stinker and very funny (with a great imagination) was playing in their automobile with her youngest brother Ted. He was a tot or a little older said to him “Don”t you do that” when he had his hand on the part of the car that would unlock it to roll either the clutch or the gear shift and changed her tone and inflection to make it mean Don’t you. Do that.  I think she said it in a few different ways and he did that and the car rolled. I’m sure her eyes were big and she had big ones to begin with but she was prankster in way in her personality. It was a lesson. My brother and I did the same kind of stuff with the words: “Fuck you”, saying it to each other in many ways being silly one night and not meaning it but being funny. And it was.

My brother and I had a lot of fun together growing up. He told me in my mind/heart somehow “to never stop exploring.” He does’t talk to me anymore since quite a while ago after the last trip I saw him and we didn’t really get along at all partically because of my beliefs and his and my sisters faith but we got along after we smoked a nub of marijuana and got a tiny bit altered. He was very into what he was reading a book called The God Particle so it is a start and the last time I saw him after we drove down Purgatory Road. The last thing he wrote was “Delusion much.” it had a question mark but that could have been added on the way to my e-mail box.

We explored together a bunch as kids and as adults in a different way.

When at an army base known for educating about war that we were stationed (a war college) we made some friends. I had a boy friend named mike and he had some siblings one named Dallas. My sister rolled in a Volkswagon with Dallas on the way to date a boy at West Point because of strong winds. Later we visited them in Hawaii when on R&R the second time. The mom was a senator and I went out with the middle boy who took me to a movie to see while I was there. I think it was an irish type movie about woman who was in love with a ghost and how she was treated like a whore by the townspeople, I can’t remember why, probably because she was different. The townspeople were kind of like the people that met the travelers on a river raft in the mountains who were not made well as in inbreds and that movie was called: Deliverance. However they weren’t quite as bad as the ones in Deliverance they were mentally as bad or worse because the young man in Deliverance could play the banjo quite well so he was different than the other inbreds in and around the area but he was still dangerous because he wasn’t right in the head.

It was a long movie and lots of interesting characters to say the least in that depiction, I’ll add the name later of the movie I saw when I recall it. I found it: Ryan’s Daughter.

He later died in a car wreck hitchhiking in the states soon after. I don’t know the details just that he had island fever and wanted to do some traveling. I saw his older brother on a bridge walking and bouncing a ball recently. We didn’t talk I just recognized him and he did not recognize me.

It wasn’t our Volkswagon it was their Volkswagon although we used to have two Volkswagons. It totaled the Volkswagon and they were lucky to live with out too much of a problem physically. I don’t recall any physical damage to my sister but I think Dallas was injured. Her leg. I could be wrong about whose Volkswagon it was because I was only a kid. We did get another car and it was olive colored in another state later on and one of the Volkswagons had had an attempt upon it’s ownership when a guy went AWOL. I love Volkswagons the ones in the past because of their output in mileage and they were so easy to fix. I don’t think they are as good anymore, but cute.

Anyway these portals or what ever they are (temples) are in different order in one place and affects their names and their language and their meanings as does punctuation.

I am terrible at punctuation as far as the rules go but I think I do a good job as far as the meaning goes and tend to do less punctuating as a rule which is convenient.

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SOMETHING WEIRD ABOUT THIS. Looks like something in her throat like a straw and she has arm around something .

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ROY KELLERMAN THE SS AGENT THAT JFK TRUSTED AND HE IS LOOKING AT A CAMERA THAT HE KNOWS IS THERE. THE REST DON’T SEE IT. HAS A LOOK LIKE MY DAD. Kind of like he is saying: watch this or watch carefully and I noticed Jackie behind him and some other faces and started to examine. I’m probably not right about everything b/c nobody is correct about everything. But lots of stuff going on in matter of seconds or less and in those frames.

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Woman in front looks as if she is trying to get what is in JFK’s hand and then he hands it to another person. A relay. Spy stuff.

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look way deep inside

The first shot or second was not a shot but something thin sharp and long went through his tie and the tie stopped the object which is impossible. The wound came from the car and entered from the back like an automatic type contraption built into the car that went back out the same way it went in to the tie because of the wound it made which did the same and if he were shot in the neck his neck wouldn’t be there anymore and a massive amount of blood would have bled at that time and it didn’t. The car and the jab in the back was designed to hold him in place so that Jackie could finish him off with a shot to the side of his head with the gun she was handed in her roses at the airport with he noise make the puppet Lamb chops to shock and awe the spectators and a device to injure and drug JFKs secret service agent and friend (which I document from the films with snapshots to illustrate what happens to him afterwards) just to be sure so all the crap you read about the assassination is cover up and like the many things written about the bible – a flood to divert and very much like Benghazi and the books written about it and shown on Fox for the most part and a lucrative way to make money for those that are leeches of life and leeches of the living: The mob and they run the show in the Vatican and elsewhere. They think they do anyway. I think it’s changing.

And I don’t want to get stuck on the that and the this or the me’s, the i’s, and the you’s etc right now to express myself but there is difference for other reasons.

Funny ad about it in the Geico ad with the me and the you and the you and the me.

When I was a tot i followed my brother to school one day. The school called and told my mom because I was sitting in the classroom. They sent me back through the field and she said she could see my head bobbing up and down through the tall grass. I don’t remember it except by what she told me about it. The house we lived in had a pole in the middle of the room. My dad at that time had a broken back or sprained his back and was in a bed but I was only a tot and remember the film of him on a stretcher much like the stretcher that JFK was on when his back was broken somehow with Jackie. Same timing, I think. Some similarities that are kind of eerie.

We went overseas by ship. Took about 8 days. It was impressive when I first saw the ocean and the ship and it even had a theater. Watched Bambi. I was about 7 years old. Weird out in the middle of the ocean. The skies and the water. The reason we went by ship was because I had hearing problems so it was the safe way to go.

When living overseas my mom had a date with the Queen of England. We also saw her at a parade in her carriage and all the stuff about it I think it was her birthday and it was filmed by my family while we sat on the bleachers. They are really into hats and parades over there. Went to a private boys school for a while and then to a public school. That experience was quite an experience and kind of magical. we toured and camped it and other countries while there and sometimes inns. I didn’t know that was why we went overseas but that is all it could have been. We had a twisting party and JFK was assassinated during our party. We could barely see it on TV because the reception was so bad and no telling if we were getting it in REAL TIME but however long it took to get to us.

 Now when one says











which is why were WERE DEFEATED


and as I said i got some messages from them that they were aware.

We can change our future but GOD can change our past present and future depending on our awareness and if GOD feels like it.

What will this man do asked Peter to Jesus and he said What is that to thee, follow me. (If I wilt that he tarry) he said that too in there somewhere.


My mom used to like to scare me for fun. LOL. She would take out her teeth after a party and liked to see me freak out because I was a scaredy cat. She was acting like a warlock and fearing me which is what you do when you are a warlock in a game of WOW and it is defeating when you get feared. It wasn’t cruelty it was entertainment. I don’t recall her ever hitting me. She pinched me a few times but not very hard.  She cussed once that I know when she said shit. I forget why but it was a first and the last time that I ever heard her cuss. She put me on restriction a few times. but that was pretty much it. On the other hand the siblings did kind of get physical sometimes. I saw my older ones acting like they had some turf fights and my youngest and I had some turf issues like when I drew a line in the bed so my sister wouldn’t cross over but she did because she was kind of cuddly and I would kick her. I hope I wasn’t too hard on her. For the most part we got along and i think my dad and my brother had one physical antagonistic confrontation and neither won because both were pretty equal forces but it hurt their relationship for a while but they healed and learned to respect each other. My brother liked to get behind me and hold my shoulders and stick a knee in my back to make me submit with my knees on the ground which he never outgrew pumped my stomach a few times till I couldn’t breathe for fun and once smeared some snow in my face but nothing harmful it was how we played. When we were young dad had a paddle he never used  twice as big as a ping-pong paddle and twice as thick. I don’t think he ever used it he just showed it once in a while. Only once could he catch me to spank me because I was very good at dodging and that was when I told some girl she going to hell or something like that for something she was doing, said, or did on the playground where we played tether ball (and i felt like the whole neighborhood watched it was embarrassing) which was one of my favorite sports besides horseback riding and dodgeball which I usually won. The boys hated me at school because they couldn’t get me out of the game and I like tennis too as long as I don’t have to run too far. I used to like to play it in a cage with a wall for practice.

My mom had a lot to get over in her life being an abandoned poor black child by her dad who left his wife of seven kids for a rich woman without kids but in actuality she was white. My grandmother when she was left by her husband had her teeth removed to avoid costs since she still had kids and had teeth problems and didn’t want to have to worry about it and she was a bit freaked out having to cope. Like i said in another post the kids sent her money when they worked a little here and a little there. My grandmother was kind of a pioneer and a member of the Daughters of the Revolution. DAR She was a bible believer though I don’t know what she knew or didn’t know because we never talked about it which is too bad. She had great sense of humor and suffered quite bit losing one daughter who was said to have committed suicide off a roof of a building a two story or one story building hanging her laundry and found to have bleach in her body when they did an autopsy. I found out from my mom that she had been driven down a dirt road by her husband/future husband in order to abort her pregnancy but I didn’t know when that happened after her two kids or before. He got custody of the kids which my mom also was hurt by because she didn’t just lose her sister she lost touch for the most part of those kids. She did reach out and write and visited them but he moved far away and made it difficult. I think what happened was it was a cover up. She probably was poisoned with bleach. You don’t jump off a building from one story or two if you want to commit suicide you pick a high building to make sure it works. She did break her neck from the fall, I think, so this haunted my mom plus witnessing the Pearl Harbor from the roof top of some homes in the area or near the area when they saw the planes come in.

Kind of eerily like what happened to my niece who witnessed 9-11 from a rooftop in Brooklyn.

And Paul McCartney witnessed from an airplane on the tarmac. Not that he had anything to do with our family but I was thinking at the time of adding a song of his because I do that sometimes in my writings where it fits, but I forgot which song. Maybe later I’ll figure it out.

My little sister had a friend whose son did the same thing (jumping off a building) with one shoe and one sock on. An unusual way to dress because usually you put two socks on and then the shoes. He was an engineer or going to be one like my dad was interested in as young man so he wasn’t stupid and he lived in Chicago. His parents were holy rollers. They prayed over him (laid hands on him I think they call it) the day he did what he did so it had no good effect or affect. He had complained or reached out to others about his paranoia of being stalked spiritually and physically and they thought he was out of his mind, I think, delusional which many are these days and not by accident. He had I think touched my sister’s boob one night just to see what it was like. She had had implants so it is kind of natural to be curious. I think he is the one. I did the same thing as a girl to a girl named Penny. Everyone laughed about it and didn’t let me live it down as families do. It was there and I wanted to know what it was like. I don’t think it was anything to die for, I’ll tell you that much. Even Penny laughed embarrassed and blushed big time but she was a young teenager and she laughed about it. I doubt my sister would think her boobs were to die for. She had kind of an open heart in some ways. They did not have an affair because i think she would have told me since she told me lots of things that were not good about herself or from guilt and she felt a little guilt perhaps because of the divorce. She didn’t tell me everything but she was for the most part an open book which I appreciated though I have mocked her since I was handled the way I was by her and others. Like shit. I was trying to also wake her up during my travails ant hers.  It was probably used against her somehow but it wasn’t anything to cause a death over. It is a natural thing that isn’t that bad. So anyway he felt he was being hunted and he was ignored till that day. She went to his funeral and gave her prayers and good wishes to the parents during the divorce so it seemed to be a way to see her family that she desired still because she loved them which is very natural for her. We all think things out of order. So it wasn’t her that caused his death it was something else. I think I know what it is it is who she was indoctrinated by and the kind of system it is. An occult. Jealousy. The Journeyman. He was only a young man and had a beer or two, I wasn’t there but I imagine that was the case with this thing that happened. I would imagine my sister would have blushed unless she was drunk or high on booze and she was indoctrinated by the antics of some friends and family not to give a hoot. When she was young she was maybe too sensitive but still had sensitivity when she grew but alcohol kind of blurs things and feelings. It was an unfair and tragic occultic crap. Like the dust of the temple I wrote about in regards to jealousy that is written about in the bible and like what Gary did to his daughter at a young age whether anything happened out of order (which it probably did some guys don’t like brunettes especially when the wife they hate is a brunette. It has to be something like that and that is a type of psychopath that does that because she is overbearing and she is very very overbearing and probably black mailed the family possibly with innuendo or something? or it is because of me and my ideas threaten them? or just a plain ole collision ) outside in the jacuzzi or not he did it to me and my mom and his wife and thereby our family because it spread like a wildfire the effects and the bad feelings. It was gross and needless. The baby hadn’t even been born so how could she have been jealous. Sure she had jealousy in her towards her older sister as everyone has jealousy at one time or another with siblings, friends, marriages etc. it’s a part of life and is something that has to be reined in by the person who is jealous and it takes practice. So when you hear O’reilly snort know that usually is what he is snorting about. I have heard it in the ex. What a night. Whew.

The occult has to do with this person who talked about girlie magazines in regards to pornography and can’t seem to get with the times. Franklin Graham, a sex pervert full of false guilt. He used that expression to sound like a little boy or those pictures you see of Jesus on many catholic walls with his eyes looking up as if “who, me?” There are pictures of Billy Graham and Franklin Graham praying or thoughtfully looking up and it’s propaganda BS. They knew they were being taken of him being holy which he isn’t. He has a lot of holes.

I don’t know if you have been in a church to see people when they have to sit through a bad sermon but they fidget and fuss etc. They are forced to sit and watch some idiot lighting candles and walking down the aisle with whatever it is that they carry in robes and lace and chant the same thing over and over again. It’s sickening and I doubt GOD is honored. Like sticking little flags on my dad’s grave. Meaningless BULLSHIT and then to take a picture which is why I’m trying to get through to my sister and I compared her to a woman that was alleged to have murdered her two kids in their sleep and on their birthday sprayed silly string on their graves with her family watching her which is even worse. obviously the woman had problems and they did what many do with alcoholics go along laughing about it as if it is normal and like with politicians holding them unaccountable to their duties thereby propping up shit.

I heard a story that GRETA told about how a POW that was kept from death at a camp in Japan or some island involved and was taken out of the camp because he had some kind of talent and i think it was hitler who did it for this POW. Anyway it was some kind of perverted indoctrination of some kind. That’s how low these assholes are and to think she thought it was a good story. It wasn’t a good story because HITLER killed 6 million jews and then and I don’t know how many Russians and Americans and English and French and Italians and Germans  and so forth. She is kind of macabre and likes to tell stories about weird crimes that are unsolved. She travels with Franklin Graham on trips where kids get shoe boxes full of shit after calamities that Christian donate and feel good about themselves which is cool except that one is feeding the others appetite and many of those christians are the ones profiting because that shit is bought from somewhere and I don’t think you get a choice where and who it is bought from.

 God says I AM A JEALOUS GOD in some of the commandments i have seen and not some I have seen. I think it was added. I don’t believe GOD is a jealous god. Why would GOD be jealous of a false god. It’s ridiculous,.And why would he tell us he had a bad trait. Only a god would be jealous of GOD because he hasn’t the power of GOD or the creativity of GOD. It doesn’t make sense and in my opinion a bunch of rubbish. The reason GOD doesn’t want us to have other gods before us is because of the confusion which I have encountered and because it is dangerous. Not because he wants our love more than this other god or needs it. He can just go out in the universe and create another universe which is why god is jealous of GOD. The reason that was added was because one of the commandments says Thou shalt have no other gods before me. So some asshole added the addition to it out of jealousy. So often times there will be two sentences or three of four and you have to kind of separate or part what you read. Like an egg: the white from the yolk. One makes a heavy cake when not separated and the other an angel food cake which is not bad for health unless you add too much sugar and stuff and each person does it from their perspective but it changes when you read, learn, and experience more as you go along. Building blocks. But there are those that don’t want you to do that and refuse to grow up and do a lot of things to undermine you growing up.

My mom did not breast feed us. I didn’t notice the difference. We were raised on bottles and canned food often which was the style/fad at the time. The first time I saw her bosoms was on a camping trip up north in a shower we shared at Yellowstone National Park. I was amazed by them and could not take my eyes off them and I bet I embarrassed her. One of the times I saw her last she said I love them and we asked what she was talking about looking down at herself under her gown. She was talking about her bosoms. And my sister and I told her we loved them too. That was when she was in one of her weird zones but it was cute as can be. Someone somehow may have made her feel funny about them because they were doing some mental stuff to her at The Arc to prove her lack of mental skills like Dementia to prove COPD which encompasses just about every disease known to man kind of like GLobal Warming encompasses everything to do with Climate Change which is like saying we have seasons which we already knew (COMMON CORE CRAP) and perhaps it was spiritual as if they did not suffice anymore but that wasn’t what we loved about her only it was her everything even with the bad. She had a drinking problem that lasted many years but it was not a daily thing or even weekly. It came in like storms on a GRETA lake up north. We could see them coming. LOL and learned to recognize what was ahead.

But they were bad storms when they came sometimes. Letting off steam and probably hormonal as well and those demons we all have for a number of reasons.

Women have it worse in some ways because of their treatment but some don’t seem affected by their demons and some do because some are attacked harder than others. Catholics tend not to be too affected by their demons usually because they are catholic. They forget and are indulged. Some of us don’t forget so easily and aren’t indulged. Some of us are less a threat to the status quo than others. Some put on their blinders and while it helps a horse to cross a bridge it doesn’t help when a snake is nearby.

Instinct and experience helps etc. and so does GOD when you learn about Him.

I never saw my dad hit my mom. I was told about it and she a few times languished in her bruises though I didn’t bite. I kind of ignored the languish so that may have made her less trusting but I knew her pretty well pretty deeply and understood her I think the older I got. She had fair skin, very fair and delicate. I saw him drag her down a hallway by her arm once when she was really bad. Just happened to be the person who caused trouble for me was there that night. He was also there the day that my dad had a TIA. All the bad things that happened Gary was there. (even visited me at my abortion, which was weird.) When I showed him some stuff about Sandy Hook Elementary Hoax he seemed amused and like he knew what it was. Though my sister his wife didn’t buy that it was a hoax but she only watched the man who went up to the podium and was laughing and then started crying about his dead daughter and was the one that was holding a woman at the scene of the hoax who was slanting her eyes with her finger like she could not see very well and acting as his wife and my little sister used to do that as a child to see better and looked chinese when she did and we used to called our Lotus Blossom for other reasons but that was one and then we realized that she needed glasses but since has had laser surgery for her eyes and sees way too much. WOW. They also vacationed at Augusta yearly and took my dad once for some reason.  near the end of a healthy life. “While membership is strictly by invitation only and limited to around 300 high-paying members per year, Augusta is still a must-see for any golf fan.”  They went by invitation. And he would have reason to be attacking me now. But i did get my hope chest and a few portraits one my mom did and one small one portrait that I did but forget to put masterpiece the 8′ by 10″ portrait that is hanging on her wall that I gave my mom. My best portrait and I had already given one that was pretty good to my older sister but I think its a claiming kind thing because the picture of my little sister in the same pose behind my mom’s head when I got some strange notes and pictures of my mom from my sister which alarmed me. They also hung out with the Bushes up north. I find that interesting.  OIL BUSINESS. Conoco OIL. Mr. John Kircher was the President of Conoco Oil his wife was named Dorothy as well. They called her Dottie. and they lived in Greenwich, Connecticut in a mansion and Texas in Houston for a while. They went to SMU. The Kirchers. Gary Kircher. They had a 2nd/3rd wedding in Durango, Colorado. Had a potato farm up north. The night when we were together in San Antonio for birthday celebration for my mom when I was watching their grandkids on the walkway as we all walked and Diane said “Don’t watch their kids. Let Tootie do it.” right by the river at night and she had three then running wild and has since added more. Diane was drinking and wanted me not to care and because Lori/Tootie didn’t really care. They let everyone else do it which was typical so Diane was right but you can’t do that with kids. Gary was thinking about my butt because he had to mention it when I was adjusting my clothes getting up from the table and made a special point of talking in my ear about it and they sent underwear in the hope chest inside a bag . THEY ARE SO FUCKED UP! I have to send the ex to ask for the portrait that I painted that took months again because she doesn’t want to give it back. He didn’t ask even though he was there. DUH. She also worked for the Republican party in Dallas and a very successful real estate agent. But didn’t remember when Diane’s first husband saved their son from drowning that’s how much she cares about her own kids. Billy Graham was the Bushes mentor and many of the Presidents except Truman because he knew he was a crook. He had common sense. Anyway my little sister does not look like that woman except what she did with fingers to her eyes to unblur her vision it looked more like Greta as a witch. They have similarities especially because of the eyes and in between and facial surgery and like my older sister in ways that I don’t like. She’s not a pretty thing to begin with but she certainly looked better than she does now. IMO.  And when my sister was drunk when I kicked her out she had been over at their house and when I had my first COPD attack eating those walnuts with listeria and the sour grape. I think I was set up. LOL So this is cooked up by the Bushes and Billy/Franklin Graham. It was a weird night and I said as I was about to leave, “Enough of this bullshit!” I was right. Remember what George Bush said about wanting him back. What a choice. Stinks.

Baha Men, “Who Let the Dogs Out” 

Anyway John Boehner Left the House recently and Paul Ryan Took Over

Rep. John Boehner ends tumultuous speakership with budget fireworks

WASHINGTON — John Boehner’s speakership will … and a short-term spending deal about to expire, Boehner said he was simply making good on his promise to “clean out the barn” before he leaves the House and …

I guess he was pooped but I think he was right about those false prophets in the House making promises they know they can’t keep.

It’s because of Billy Graham and Franklin Graham and the BGEA and GRETA VAN SUSTERNE. Gary was the one that gave me a website about a conspiralist which I’ll have to find it. I included it in another post what he was suggesting was going on. He liked to collect Roman things and Nazi stuff. Not only that he for a long time slept with a gun under his pillow because of his courage and then eventually under his bed which is kind of dumb. Real nice people. I bet he did rape those women with a ski mask in Dallas. The Kirchers treated them each year to a ski trip (probably in Colorado and trips to ride horses possibly on their potato farm but I think they did it on a ranch as well.) When he took his young daughter about 2 years of age before their John was born (my sister was very pregnant and he was still in her naval) for the Jealousy lesson to the Jacuzzi at night in the back yard he carried her there in his arms. It may have something to do with when I wouldn’t let him carry me to the car for my cigarettes or matches. It was ridiculous. I think he resented my mom being there because she was a good mom and he was drinking beer sitting in his chair. They live on Glen Aire if anyone is interested. I think he resented my dad because he was good dad who was not there (not sure why) but I think it may have been a Grandmother’s Day at Hockaday Private School for Girls in Dallas.) Now I know why my sister did the CAN_CAN crap with the 500-CLub. Because my mom did it as young woman but much better. MOCKING MY MOM but probably was something that influenced her and them inside her. Tootie wasn’t much of a dancer or anything else. a cold fish. She couldn’t do the hula worth a shit either and my mom did:  I guess you have to have grace. They don’t dance much but my mom and dad did. They loved to dance together and he knew how to hold a dance partner. You didn’t mess up even if you didn’t know the dance.

I think Gary was the demon. His own little sister changed her name which may have something to do with the stupid movie I had to watch about the couple whose little sister said she was raped and ruined their life. I have no idea why she changed her name, but I ain’t stupid. She went to college in Ft. Worth and got involved with a criminal type and had to leave and had to be guarded etc. Then married a real jerk who wan insane and married her for money and had two kids, two boys and got a divorce ……..Her name was Elizabeth.

Gary enjoyed throwing his first daughter into the air very high especially near ceiling fans and enjoyed the reaction of others getting scared and she loved it because she was a tot and didn’t know better. Proving he was in control even in a tight spot.

When Gary would put things together that had to be built he never did it all the way like swing sets there were always screws loose, or electoral things there would be wires exposed and things that might hurt if an accident occurred.

And if you followed Gary in another car like on a trip he loved to make it hard and dangerous switching lanes at the last minute in heavy traffic especially in SA, TX. I have no idea what that disease is that caused him to do these things. Like tickle his first daughter from a far reach to touch her in the wrong place and I saw her ration she jumped up and was not enjoying it.

I think it is the difference between a sociopath and psychopath and think he went to the right in regards to those two terms but he was able to hide it around others for the most part but I don’t see how they could not have known that there was something not right he left clues but because his dad was MR. KIRCHER who drank a lot who put on airs because he was the

PRESIDENT OF CONOCO OIL he got a way with a lot.

Obviously he was showing us what was wrong with him:

he had a screw loose and wasn’t wired the right way.

It was a sick way of showing it and it took a lot of time to put it all together because things happened in fragments and over a long time. I think alcohol made him worse and he probably should have been on some kind of medicine but it went unnoticed. As far as jealousy he was jealous of his brother the doctor and Mr. Kircher I think enjoyed making him jealous treating his first son like a king and he was not that smart as you think and mistook how to deal with his second son. So the jealousy thing in the jacuzzi with his daughter was a lot of things all rolled up in one and he wanted us to see for some reason. I guess we were supposed to figure it out for MR. JOHN KIRCHER and for his mom MRS. DOTTIE KIRCHER. They raised him, didn’t they know? They knew something but didn’t warn us.

His dad did said he was caught by company he worked for at something he did that was illegal or wrong and it changed his life somehow and that is what my sister told me. Entrapped? I don’t know cause I don’t know what it is but I they used it against him.

I was gonna change my name after my operation. I was pretty messed up. I did divorce eventually but kept the name for the kid’s sake, but I plan to change it when I think the time is right. I like my last name that I grew up with it has a nice RING besides the fact that I love my family (It was a wonderful time) and it’s easy to remember because our last name was ROOT.

The woman that fell off the roof who had bleach in her system she was my mom’s big sis

 her name was Lorene the same as my big sis.


but that’s what happened!

My sis didn’t even have a middle name, isn’t that kind of weird, but we called her TOOTIE

Little Richard, Tutti Frutti

I think she earned her nickname as Tootie when she was a kid via her best friends “the Rattans”,

the one that called me and gave me the GRETA advice:)

i guess I could have said when Nancy called me that day

why don’t you ask Gary

but I’m sure he would have said

I have no idea what she’s talking about

So i did what I did

and let it play itself out

Know what I’m talkin’ about?

Frank Sinatra I Did It My Way


‘My mom met John Glen a long time ago. (the astronaut). I think it was him one of them that were famous. He had some strange stuff happen to him out in space I think. Which might interest some people. I have seen strange stuff as well like quiet flight at very fast speeds one second it’s there and one second it’s gone kind of stuff. Had light light up my room and soon got pregnant 14 years after I was married, but it was weird and no sound but it was like a helicopter without sound between the houses or something. I wasn’t the only one to witness it. Shits happening. I guess my family are in the number 14 or something. Perhaps it’s genetics.

 I don’t remember mom bruising that night or the day later but I could be wrong. The few times that happened when she languished in her bruises I didn’t see what he did. I’m not saying he did or didn’t but I used to get scared when she was drunk. It upset the whole family and usually it was around Christmas time or special celebrations. I remember once when she had a bottle in her hand and I was walking ahead of her down the hall and i got the chills running down my spine because she could have killed me with that bottle but she didn’t. She never hit me or pushed me or anything just said some shit. LOL. She accused my brother of stealing her diamond wristwatch which was no big deal and he hadn’t taken it because she found it later and he wouldn’t have stolen it anyway.  Sometimes we as a family huddled in one room when she got drunk in order to sleep. It may have been only once but I remember Gary was there huddled between us. So she had her demons. She had thrown up a few times though I didn’t see it. I heard about it from my little sister. She sang Felice Navidad at about 5 in the morning to me and my husband on the other side of the door when we were first married. LOL. It was weird but she was kind communicating something IMO and didn’t know how or what she was trying to say and I didn’t ask later but it sometimes was her way and I have often thought about it retrospect. What she meant. I loved her. I sure remembered those things so it must have mattered I’m not sure I would have remembered otherwise and maybe that is what it takes.

Sometimes I think maybe something came from within and caused those bruises and blamed my dad and she may have hallucinated it being drunk. I don’t know. It could have been she was possessed sometimes because that is how drunks act. But let me make it clear it wasn’t everyday, or every week it was once in a while that she did that so it made it more confusing because it was so rare so it took us a while to learn how to deal with it. If she did it everyday we would have been able to determine the problem quickly that’s what made it kind of weird. But the bad times that she did over do it kind of got bigger over time in our minds. You tend to remember weird things more than things that are normal. I guess you call it negativity when most of the time it was pretty cool.

Catholics sometimes bleed out of their palms and suffer that kind of thing which is spiritual and demonic. They also are proud of bleeding eucharists as if it is a good sign from God. I had my hives, my nervousness, my panic attacks, and my anger. He probably lost his temper though because he couldn’t stand it when she was that way. Nobody could stand it. She was not herself which was really sweet, loving, intelligent, funny and graceful and many other great things that I could not fill the world with how great she was/is and the same with my dad for me. I would go through it again and again to be with them.

He took us finally to a place for families of alcoholics to learn how best to manage when it cropped up. And we learned not to cross her and to vacate the premises or whatever was convenient but we didn’t hold her accountable. It wasn’t like she didn’t know. She knew but over a period of time every one would cool down and get back to normal. That’s why they say its a disease because it is partially a disease. So he would leave the house sometimes overnight but usually for about 4 to 6 hours or more to avoid trouble and to avoid being implicated or losing it and causing more havoc. She made some bad phone calls in the middle of the night but I think she may have had her reasons but it made her look bad. Some people know how to get under one’s skin. She got better and for the most part rarely drank after a while but it took some time. I think she was frustrated with the world and from what I can tell she had reasons to be upset.

Her art helped her quite a bit and she communicated through it and the movie theater helped my dad quite a bit and golf.

I guess in regards to my dad aspirating on a pill they gave him at a hospital they could have done the straw in the throat to let him breath. It was hospital after all. I guess they don’t do that at hospitals, just in restaurants and in movies? Where they cut the throat a little and stick a straw in there. They call that a tracheostomy:The terms tracheostomy and tracheotomy are often used the same way. Tracheotomy is the name for the operation, but tracheostomy refers to the actual opening in the neck. But I remember it was called a tracheotomy. They did it in Mash. Jackie in the picture has a straw in her throat and a tray with something on it that she is hugging. I think it was a Methodist hospital in SA where he aspirated and the Methodists in Dallas played a big role in the assassination of JFK. At the time it was the largest Methodist congregation in the world and they weren’t alright in the head. You can find out about that as well in the JFK stuff I wrote about which is quite extensive. Too bad about medicine field now and what did the Republicans do about it when they had the chance? Ted Cruz what about those promises you made and others. Are you holding it hostage? I think that is what Planned Parenthood Debacle is about partially holding hostage health care and using Hospicing of the elderly as a threat. Some really bad politics going on. All of these issues should be separated and not one looming on the other such as the bills in Congress adding shit in which messes up our country.

Massive ‘crack in the Earth’ opens up suddenly in Wyoming’s Bighorn Mountains

One night when they got older living in SA their front door blew off the hinges and there was no storm, I don’t think. Anyway I think it has to do with faith and chapter 4 or 5 in the Gospel of John and the secret admirer which isn’t a secret so why does it say it was a secret?: It talked about the weather, but it wasn’t the weather. I think he was besieged by something bad that had hunted him down (my family). They lived through it but it was if they had been stalked by something invisible. Their door front was fixed. Dad wrote a synopsis of  his and my moms life an accounting stapled it and gave it to the kids put into folders.

NIcodemus. Old Saint Nick. As in Santa Claus ie SATAN.

and shoe boxes of shit

“Simon, Simon Satan hath desired to have you the he may sift you as wheat.” is what Jesus warned in one of the Gospels.

in place of who or what? Not sure.

You want a talk about courage. My mom was a LEO and it was a good fit.

She had courage the kind that old Mr. Eric Bolling and Miss Dana Perino wouldn’t dare dream about.

Change isn’t easy and it isn’t always clean.

Anyway I know she’s still there somewhere cause I felt her I get communications in weird ways but I have learned to listen and to separate the white from the yolk for the most part. I have learned how they communicate when you can’t see them. I can differentiate if it’s evil or good as far as I can tell depending on the context of what I’m experiencing and common sense,

When my niece was going through her stuff after New York she moved south because it wasn’t a good experience for her.

During a family reunion my eldest sister te insisted  that we get my mom a little white poodle mix of some kind from Mexico or near there and got her daughter a Cocker Spaniel to keep with her in her apartment they rented for her and we all moved her in to that apartment having her tuff from up north and in her families home moved in so it was not just a vacation it had a purpose. She didn’t like to work so she got everyone else to do it for her. LOL That is how my sister worked it. Kind of piled it on a reunion/vacation. It wasn’t like she was effortless, she wasn’t’ into sweat type work/physical labor. You could spend a day with her doing errands and she loved the company and details were her thing. She would drive you nuts with details. So we moved her daughter into an apartment with a spaniel and found a white mix toy poodle because my mom had everything she needed. It was a brainstorm that she poked up. That was the year we went over the border to Mexico in the middle of the night and had dinner with my tot in a stroller and at the time I thought she was nuts. I had never been there and they wanted to go and assured me it was okay to go and so we went to Mexico.  we lived through the night and a had  good meal and a few drinks. Although I don’t remember the meal that much it was more of an experience.

Anyway my niece met her future husband and had a bunch of kids. I don’t know what happened to the cocker spaniel because I never asked but I never saw it again.

I don’t remember much about the vacation because that was the highlight of it but it could have been the same time my sister and i had heard that olive oil was good to put on the hair when out in the sun so one of those days we put it in our hair and sunbathed on the beach. We looked ridiculous and laughed about it later. It didn’t really help though it is good for the hair it was how much we used and not what you should do on public beach,

I don’t really know what happened to the lithe white dog but I heard my dad entrapped on it or it was underfoot and may have crushed his head on mistake. I do remember my dad sitting on the back porch with the dog on his knee and seemed very serious with his hand on the dog in deep thought. I think I was sitting with him or he was next to me. Surreal.

I don’t think it’s wise to give old people something they can trip on. DO YOU?

 These BOOBs are made for walkin’

and that’s just what they’ll do

One of these days these BOOBS

 are gonna walk all over you.


Republican Debate

3rd Debate I saw the look in Gov. Christies eyes when he was asked a question he already knew. And i noticed they didn’t ask Ben about the debt and what he would do. He isn’t running for Physiciadent.

Raising the retirement age is good and makes sense keeps people active and it’s better for their health (to pay for entitlements and if you raise minimum wage use the difference to do the same until entitlements runs out.).  Rand Paul

Dying Cancer Patient Sees His Beloved Horse One Last Time

“The emotion was overwhelming and there wasn’t a dry eye in the ward.”

Finding cures is another good idea. Huckabee. Get rid of health insurance and they will have a reason to.

Get out of our bedrooms and who we marry or divorce.

Starting at zero and knowing where it’s going is very macro and very smart. Carly Fiorina

I think Trump could definitely change the finances of government and is very practical which is very good and would make good trade deals.

Kasich proven himself imo in his own state and is a fighter and I think very honest but still too involved in social issues and he probably should continue doing what he has been doing in his state since he is so successful. Why switch horses. bigger is not better. Maybe your state will get bigger. 

Im’ sorry to say the others are not thinking out of the box even though I think all of them really care about this country.

Screw the unions and let the market and the talent rise to the top and is good for competition and the ones that aren’t talented can find something else to do which is obvious. Sometimes that’s GOD’s will to get them to the talent he endowed them with or can foresee them do and for a number of reasons besides economics and if you aren’t into GOD you can figure it out. Use temporary workers to fill in the gaps and to find other good talent training a work force giving them opportunity for non temporary jobs. It’s a great way to find talent for companies and for a worker to figure what he or she is good at. And some will start companies once they figure out what they are good at creating opportunities for others even the elderly.

It will create a more fluid kind of an economy and more fair.

That’s my opinion.

Medicare and Medicaid are fine as long as it’s not used to fund ObamaCare because it’s a tax. Scrap it.

Go to Consumption tax it will eventually even the debt out naturally using Fiorinas ideas about smaller government and starting at zero.

Get rid of the IRS and forget about the debt until it is viable. Get rid of the signs about it and quit telling us because it is debatable whether it really exists.

Forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors from the Lord’s Prayer

without the amen

Everyone will be more likely to make better decisions spending wise based on what they have instead of the waste in spending we are guilty of in the US and the House of Representatives will have something to do. They should be able to handle what the IRS does because they are the purse so they should be held accountable and in control of the consumption taxes they collect.

We don’t vote for the IRS.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Favorite Ruling Of Her Career

Screen Shot 2015-10-29 at 12.14.33 AM

I think the bible put it backwards in the Synoptic Gospels.

Mankind was betrayed by the sons of men as in amen.

I also agree with what was said by Kelly of the Kelly File (I don’t know if it is her real name) at the end of her show. The very last things she said after the discussions about the debate seemed very true.

It isn’t easy doing what they do but how about what they are eating at school!

Fourteen generations is somehow involved.

The Odd Parallels Between Kennedy and Lincoln 

and it may have to do with the false covenant.

Before Abraham was IAM.

stirred up the people at that time when it was said by Jesus in the temple i think and written about in the Gospel of John.

You knew Abraham….you are not yet 50 years old? They asked. If he had been 100 years old would it have been possible? and everyone thinks Jesus died at the age of 33-36 years of age or something like that.

All of the religions/faiths say that Abraham was the Father of the religions/faiths and we are not supposed to call any man father in the bible it is written as no man instead of any man….because of the priests called fathers which they aren’t supposed to be fathering kids especially if they are celibate.

So we have two famous Abrahams and there was also a covenant made having to do with penis doodles.

A Covenant was made with some PRIESTS? at the Last Supper in the Synoptic Gospels which had to do with blood before Jesus was crucified.

I have no idea about Abraham Lincoln but maybe we were not told of a covenant.

And then Kennedy there might have been a covenant that we were not told about as well. I do know that the Vatican propped him up in chair up high as they do kings in the past with priests holding him up at the Vatican and then he was assassinated.

It could all be related in a pattern kind of way.

Kind of like Jacobs ladder children’s game,  criss crossing each other using DNA string.

The Lost Tribe of Dan who may not be lost it may be everyone else.

DNA: Say D is 1 N is 3 A is 5 which if you use Jesus in the Gospel of John is 153.

N is also used in math to denote power isn’t it? or unknown power or something like that at least in equations.

Something to think about.

I don’t know how many generations between the two but there is a pattern. Maybe 14?

Then the generations are written about in the Gospel of Matthew possible 14 again and there is a catch -22 which I wrote about having to do with the abomination of desolation and few other writings in the bible Zechariah and some other places which you can find these posts and perhaps study yourself to further knowledge about it since it might be one day when we don’t get to further knowledge because we didn’t even try even though we knew something is very wrong because everyone seems like they are suffering from PTSD since Obama became President.

Merangue’s Blog

isn’t it funny the word abomination very similar to OBAMA in sound and austerity is used in the Gospel of Luke and Obama also used that term to control the people and put them down.

Politico on Drudge

Bush Campaign manager confronts CNBC PRODUCER comments:

Do you like puppies? do you still hit your wife?

Ed Taylor

The questions seem quite different than the Dem debate.

Dem question: Do you like puppies?
GOP question: Do you still hit your wife?

9-11 was in 2001 about 14 years ago?
Hmmm I wonder what that means?
Might be a count down of some kind.
Not sure DNA is gonna work this time. We shall see.
My dad was a libra.
When my dad spoke about my mom he put her first.
Dorothy and I is how he referred to their relationship.
When he named his business it was Dorwalt and he did most of the work, but she helped him and he helped her raise the kids.
He didn’t call her the wife, my old lady, etc.
He didn’t say you ain’t pretty but you are good for having kids.
Course she was pretty in her time depending on how you judge that kind of thing.
When women have kids they kind of give some of their beauty away which helps to multiply otherwise no one would.
The more you have the more you lose. LOL Not sure that’s true, some people age well.
She had a miscarriage or two and no one seemed to care. We didn’t talk about it except I knew about it. It was between kids. I guess GOD aborted them for no reason or her body wasn’t ready and I guess that soul just disappeared. sorry charlie fetus. What happens to miscarried fetuses souls?
OR did they not get one yet until they were born.
Why would we need to replenish it? Restore it, etc.
The great deluge?
The Greta Delusion?
I recall when she said Game Over and a tree was split by the wind in my yard pretty soon after. I remember when Billy Graham had an interview with her and sort of fit inside her. I wrote about it and it is in one of my posts. I saw him adjusting.
Joseph of Arimathea was a just in the Gospel of John and they omitted the word man for some reason
(it could have been in the Gospel of Luke but it’s in the bible)
 Billy Graham authored a book called
Just As I Am
standing where he should not? (I think he does it a lot) His own wife said he slept with his eyes wide open
 He said he never got on an elevator with a woman which is weird! why? maybe because he might blossom. (He must have changed his mind.)
(Let the reader understand) which was in the Book of Daniel and moved to the Gospel of Matthew recently.
We filled the earth and now we have to subdue

To hospice i.e. to watch death is not the way.

In the bible and in Genesis times they lived about 900 or more years. So obviously hospicing is not the way. My mom wanted to live to 105 to outlive her grandmother my great grandmother. Instead she was hospiced by my sister 2 weeks before she died and whoever else was involved for some reasonings she had. She did not have COPD. She was missing a part of an artery in her chest that the doctors early on in the middle of her life found out as I recall.

[200 years from now are people only gonna live to approximately 50 years of age?]
So let’s not be stoically stupid.

Who should control our own bodies?

Chancellor Merkel, President Obama, Pope Francis?

Ourselfs, perhaps?

Me, myself, and I

not it.
Abortion is a glorified miscarriage unless we enjoy it.
Miscarriage is a glorified abortion unless we don’t enjoy it.
It was not fun, except for the men (and women) who exploited it for numerous reasons mostly to self grandizement of their careers and those that love to chastise females and their families and other occult reasons. They had fun. Did they do the same to the women and their families that had miscarriages resulting in the same thing? No usually they gave them treats and indulged them and many of those miscarriages were purposeful.
Here honey, I’m so sorry you slipped on the ice getting the groceries out of the car when I was at home. Here sweetie pie, I’m so sorry you fell off the swing when I pushed you too hard. Here my dove, I’m so sorry you were poisoned with the food that I brought you after you threw up that morning, I wonder if it’s related. Here dear slut, I’m so sorry you were in the woods when I shot that gun or on a bike and fell off the cliff when my leg for no reason kicked your wheel. Here my dear love, I thought you could swim.
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My brother’s favorite actress, Natalie Wood

Let’s get real.

I gave Rand Paul credit and I shouldn’t have because now he is saying to raise the age for medicare hence a hospice admirer. Is he stupid?
We should lower the age of eligibility for Medicare and Medicaid
and raise the age of retirement. It will work itself out.
God never said for people to retire, did he?
Did God say:
And when thou is 60 you may retire and get a watch.
Men as a whole just won’t give it up.
 Jesus didn’t commit to man because he knew what was in man.


Maybe we should have a retirement age for Congress, the House, The Senate, the Press, and the Presidency and raise the age of eligibility. Would that do the trick?

I bet it would. I bet it would end the cronyism in government and naturally it would make it smaller.

This is a prick.
The chain came off the gear of our garage a few minutes ago which might be some sort of a set up or a sign, don’t know, but the timing is weird.
But there is a thing about a chain in the book about
The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea
I guess the chain holds back the unicorn in the crest of someone in the Royals,
a mythical creature.
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And there is a unicorn or a one horned creature in the Book of Daniel.
In the bible it talks about something that is held back
On Fox they just said
“out of the track” in reference to something and she laughed.
Geez I wonder what the ex was doing a few minutes ago before the chain came off.
He is catholic and he probably does’t remember.
Donald Trump said that he negotiated the debates from three hours to two hours and they said it was always two and he said you know that’s not right basically in a nice ways saying you are lying after they basically said he was lying.
I have no idea if he’s telling the truth but it was a short exchange of ideas. He didn’t exactly elaborate a bunch which I appreciated. It was sickening to watch Ted Cruz and his act especially his pronunciation of the word  question and that’s what he did. Basically impressing for donations. He knows he’s not gonna win.
Why does he persist? MONEY
During the  assassination of JFK at the airport there was a guy there and he looked like he was muslim but VERY different than the ones you see in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Libya, etc and to the places we have witnessed via TV and the news. And it was like he was in control of the whole thing at that airport. Pleasant look on his face as if knew what was gonna happen as if it was his delusion. There was something in the sky that wasn’t normal when JFK was at the airport that I noticed. It wasn’t a plane or a helicopter it was something else.
This person reminded me of the guy you see in weird movies about space and a race of people that are not human who think they are gods type of people and Obama acts like he thinks he is a god but he is actually possessed so he isn’t, know what I mean?
Madness isn’t superior. It’s Possession and very Excessive as in Excession which is what occurred in Dallas with JFK in 1963
I see Obama when he talks if you watch him and stop the film a bunch some weird shit going on with his eyes and eye lids. Like someone else’s eyes using Obama eyes and eyelids. Sort of like a blind sheik who can see. And I think Obama is possessed BIG TIME.
You have to stop it a lot to see what I see.
In the JFK assassination stuff I transcribed to see some things that might help you see things going on these days because it is similar and related and check it out on Merangue’s Blog and then he has a huge diatribe about some jacket in this film. Definitely madness in his eyes so he is in there somewhere and being used.
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This is a really weird picture of his mindset and his hand is kind of weird too .sort of a salute


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Anyway he seems to have the heart and ego and madness of: Isaiah 14:12-14

Check out what he does in this video at o:40/2:08 and 0:41/2:08 and he mocks the bible. I wonder if he had anything to do with it.
There is another video I have no idea at the same site and I have no idea what he sees in it.


And he brings up in the sides of the north in Isaiah which could have something to do with the sermon mount sermon.

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Morphing is easy to do in the film industry and using computer technology. But this is what they present.

It has a song in there I’m assuming is called “Somethings Wrong With the World” which is kind of a cool song but the hand could be poser shit on top of film but this eyelid thing is significant. I think he possessed by many, not just one. I see a bunch of people in him and I think they want to be seen warning ya. His mannerisms are really weird like he is the Prince of the world and he is just a slave too.

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He is trying to read his own mind and looks cross eyed.

IT’s the BLIND SHEIK that’s what is wrong with the world. Looks like he is having some conversations in there but ones that have kind of morphed too much.

He looks possessed and acts it too.

I think he needs to be exorcised and it might help to get rid of that blind sheik in him for starters.

He looks as high as someone on heroin and as if he is listening to Jimi Hendrix trying to multitask between it and the music of ISLAM thinking about his loved ones, and trying to take a cat nap. He needs some analyzing.




examine methodically and in detail the constitution or structure of (something, especially information), typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation:

“we need to analyze our results more clearly”

He also visited Billy Graham. It’s something these guys do for some reason and he is not good for our country.

I saw Denzel Washington as well but I think he may be holding him back and making a difference. Keeping him more sane and also showing us. Keeping him saner.

We all take in the people we see, our peers and theirs, the things that impress us and they affect us and we use those things and it is hard when there is so much and so many and we have to feed the good dog in us and starve the bad in us for control of ourselves. Listen to the good voice and ignore the bad as much as possible though it helps to weigh our thoughts but we have to be smart about it. Sometimes those good things in us sleep and sometimes they are aware same with the bad. Sometimes the bad have information that we would not have seen otherwise. Working it out inside us. Evil is dumb because it’s easy. even our enemies have something to say because they are dealing with the same things and other things and you have to listen if you want to learn things. Awareness.

There is time and time has seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks , months, years, decades, centuries and all those others in-between. In those seconds are other times that are even smaller. We see things sometimes that we don’t recognize or catch but they are still there in our psyche. When you go into shock like when in a car accident time slows down our perception. That is why shock and awe is used on the population to slow down our perception to control us such as the JFK assassination, 9-11, attacks upon us in order to control us and to have power over us. That is why war is hard on people and those that HAVE TO fight. War is hell but necessary sometimes yet we have been mislead by certain people that used war for their personal gain and not for the people. Doesn’t mean the military is evil but the politics often is. (War is usually cut and dry as far as the physical but there is so much more going on. Sometimes to divert and fool the opposition. Not like they are gonna tell everything because they can’t tell us everything.) And then the insiders write a ton of propaganda based on their misconceptions, interpretations, perceptions to make a bunch of money on these shock and awe situations and to affect us. I didn’t buy those books much. But I did read the CBS transcripts of the assassination and I did learn but it took a few times. Watched films and stopped them to discern often over and over again to gain information from the different characters involved. I got a ton of information that way. I didn’t play them backwards but I bet there is information that way as well. We are not all on the same plane, and then think about other worlds, underworlds, over worlds, inside worlds, and how they perceive and communicate, they do. Even the smoke and the air when the Challenger went down had information: (A wrench and a Y as in WI as in ISLAM and possibly the Chinese as in the game system and The Game/Game over/Greta and who she travels with and computers the cause for the glitch a wrench. Like sometimes doctors leave a tool inside their patient;)), I read what I thought was important in other events. Gleaned. Their are double and triple meanings because sometimes other people talk through the people involved or witnesses etc. Such as in the assassination:the Lamb Chops puppet and some thought it was little white dog and it was a noisemaker but it had meaning to some people.  Some are helpful and some are not. Even the colors have meaning of what they wear and why. JFK was said to have picked out Jackie’s dress and he might have had his own reason but something inside him may have influenced that decision if she was telling the truth. Psychological warfare and sending messages to things often we are not aware of to others who are aware. Spiritual warfare as well. We are also dealing with the occults and many faiths which often are wrong. I saw the ex president of IRAN (who was a believer of some things-prophecy) and I can’t remember how he spelled his name

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

but i thought he ran real quick from Obama once spiritually, I thought anyway when Eric Holden (Dep. of Justice) bowed-wowed to Obama. Could have been propaganda and manipulating scenes and photos but that is what I saw.

Think of film: lights, action, and speed and other things same with our vision and our perception.

I did not see Senn Lindsay Grahams debate but watched him a bit on TV and I think he is pretty smart in some things because of experience in different ways. I think he needs work on the Russian aspect of his vision. I think Putin needs to do the same thing. I don’t know what I think about him. It’s hard to say.  I know I hate McCain. He’s a chump.

We need some vision in the office of President and so far I haven’t seen it except in a few,

but only in part.

Trump, Graham, Kasich, and Hillary seem to possess it to some degree and while Ben may act thoughtful so did Obama in New Jersey, Billy Graham in his photo ops as well as his son Franklin Graham but they were posing. Thoughfulness is important but you need other things. My dad had other things beside thoughtfulness. He wasn’t a wimp. I saw him going through things because he was being attacked inside especially when he was weak which is the opportune time for some to attack a man like my dad when you can drug him, and when they are old and young and when everyone around you is going nuts. Some people say what you want to hear which is not believable if you aren’t fair and by fair I mean fairness with reason.

The USA needs someone with a vision, common sense, and belief. Someone who can part intelligence from different sources and be a good judge of character and someone’s intent with fairness. I remember this when I first started my stuff and everyone has motives and you should always question them in others and in yourself or you will never see. It’s human nature.

I used to be totally against Hillary Clinton but I think something happened to her and made a big difference and I think it is what she went through in regards to Benghazi. Things and experience change people. I still think she knows things but may not realize it nevertheless it was not a small change. We will see.

White House says will not release emails between Obama, Clinton

in any case I don’t think our idea of control is in our control and it will come out eventually but probably not via e-mails. I don’t think she knew what she saw or understood it even if she might be somewhat involved but I bet she was used,


I don’t think people like Mr. Schooze funny man sidekick for O’reilly (though I enjoy his humor) in our government realize what is going on behind the scenes in government and in the press and what we are up against as a people besides our own demons we are up against theirs and their major and minor personality disorders and flaws which are many and some stupidity. It’s daunting, but not impossible.

The most exciting candidate is Trump. No nonsense kind of candidate.

Maybe he is in the bible.

Tarantino is doing good. Calling murder what it is. Calling the murderers the murderers and the murderers the murderers. Not exactly sure what he meant and I’m not sure he even does. I doubt it had to do with one specific murder or a specific cop. There is problem in the police union and they have to get rid of the shit in their own eyes. They’re task is daunting because they have to deal with criminals on a daily basis and nuts and the lower human element in all of us but they still have to clean it up in themselves. As far as his timing goes for his outrage if you read Ezekiel it makes sense. A wheel within a wheel. Notice the reaction of the unions?

The reason I don’t think he knows what he means is because he says names don’t mean shit….. well……..his first name is Quentin as in San Quentin so I think they mean something, don’t you? But I read that on line and then saw it again another way the first name is what i’m talking about. Nevertheless obviously there is a lot of misinformation, propaganda, etc going on and there are reasons for that good and/or bad. What is good for the goose is good for the gander and i guess until changes are made it’s gonna continue………what do you expect it to do? 

I have heard O’reilly talk about black on black crimes so the problem must be the blacks but recently heard a person argue that most white murders are white on white crimes which is true and I guarantee that most cops that are killed are killed by other cops. Like those two in a car and some at Ferguson etc but it’s easier for cops to pin murders on a civilians because they are cops and can work deals for pleas, barterism, and for things and probably use the money they get to help them cover a lot.  I think Chris Dorner was one that was set up by other cops for some reason and then they didn’t really try to arrest him they just burned him up because they didn’t want him to survive because of what he knew and probably would have implicated the ones that burned him out. Probably has to do with drug cartels in our country the mob which obviously infiltrate the police so they can move about. The unions are not helping the situation and protecting themselves because they like the power they wield and other cops are afraid to speak out that is why unions need to go. The sheriff that gets a lot of air time on Fox is who I’m talking about as an example. He is afraid so they use him to substantiate their views. “Who ya gonna call,” asked Judge Jeanine. I don’t want to call him that’s for sure.

When I went to make a complaint about a police officer I talked to one “he gave me the wrong papers” said the next one I had to talk to who said he would get back with me and he never did. They skirt about and they wear you out. This is how they work which is very corrupt. The one that I was complaining about did me a favor later but he owes me some after all that. I don’t consider us even though I’m sure he thinks he does but since it was a set up we still aren’t even even.

You think I’m stupid, Stupid? You better think twice.

Watched Tarantino again who did not apologize but he did explain himself and it was a good explanation and he should not have to do more than he did because it is true what he said. He doesn’t have to get specific we have all seen what is going on with the police and the people. Each case is different but there seems to be a theme, we aren’t stupid. Problem with the system is, it is unfair. Not all crooks have a history of being crooks as O’reilly says, my cousin went to prison at Huntsville for a few years for marijuana possession and he was a good kid and remained a good person through it all. Everyone knows not all cops are bad but it is bad when they as a whole won’t stand up for the truth which will destroy their institution allowing the bad to takeover. Basically feeding the bad and not the good.

Blame it on the unions because they are to blame and certainly are propping the bad.

Viggo Mortensen: Police Unions Condone Brutality By Attacking Quentin Tarantino

“As disturbing as the police brutality that we’re talking about — these instances of abuse of power that have unfortunately caused the death of people, unarmed citizens — as disturbing as that, if not more so in the long run, are the people who are condoning it, these heads of police unions, by going after Tarantino instead of sitting back and going, ‘Yeah, we know there are some issues.’ It has become endemic because these people are condoning it. That’s what they’re doing when they go after the messenger like that.”

Seismic Station in Alaska Records a Disturbance That Wasn’t an Earthquake: ‘Something Big Moving Out There’

I liked the questions at the debate because they were kind of unusual. Certainly two hours can’t give us what we need to make a decision. You can learn a lot from questions as much as from the responses. (not answers because many weren’t but had some good information)

Jeb Bush should have attacked Chris Christi but he got mixed up and attacked Rubio who said somebody made you think:

why do you persecute me (in essence)

it isn’t gonna help you.

wrench ranch wrenxh ranch wrench ranch wrenxh ranch

Manson stuff.

I WILL TRY TO LOCATE THE PICTURE OF THE BLIND SHEIK WHO SORT OF SEES though his lids but he was weird looking and acting at the airport BUT I HAVE TO SEARCH IN MY FILES AND LOTS OF ENGLISH ROYALS HANGING AROUND THAT AREA before they leave the airport after they meet the crowds.

Rev. David Wilkerson and Evangelicalism

As far as the new starfish eating themselves. I think it might be impossible for a starfish to eat itself (not like they have knees) but they are turning to jelly as they were a while ago. Japan has to leak out radiation and the cleanup from Fukushima in stages a little bit at a time. That was a decision that was made because they have nowhere to put it. The oceans are pretty hardy.  I would stay away from tuna which collect mercury in their systems and sushi for awhile, probably crab meat and things because as recall bunch of crablike things hitting the beach in Mexico and moved up the coast or something to do with BAHA because they weren’t getting the plankton they need which produces oxygen. As I recall the plankton provide a third of the world’s oxygen but that could be a myth. So you can see why it has to be done in stages. It was a bad man made accident having to do with the Neocatechumenal Way.

Millions of starfish along Pacific coast are dying due to a mysterious disease that causes the sea stars to devour themselves

What if a day is seven years then what is an hour? I came up with that poser because of the ” a day is a thousand years as a thousand years is a day” (that peter says in the bible) and how it was determined that an hour was ten years which is 100th of a thousand years and so from there the term 24/7 b/c of the convenience store 7-Eleven.

I thought it might be interesting. If only I were a mathematician. I will think about it when I’m in my right mind, maybe.

How do 7,000 people just disappear in the EU camps?

Physical Evidence Scant, Focus Is on Statements in Kayak Case

Some form of communication I think is what this story is about

  1. As far a the Kayak story on Judge Jeanine my little sister was gonna buy some kayaks for the little lake her house oversees in Texas that she was able to get with the money from her ex by their divorce decree. Her present husband by the same first name didn’t put in a dime he has already been married two times before she was on his mind and he was at the hospital at the time when my mom died being hospiced and they couldn’t make up their mind between the ARC the hospital or the hospice is what I was told  that my little sister was beside herself while this occurred. But it was for that $35,000 that her present husband wanted to hurry along. o I think the plug has to do with that decision that she kept of my mom’s money in her savings account until my mom died and wanted to hospice earlier on we nixed that idea and then my other sister thought it was a good idea for her COPD that she did not have. But they use that term to cover a whole bunch of things that are caused purposefully because of their incompetence in the medical industry since Obama took office.

    It’s called a coup in AMERICA DUH

    Hospices is just one of their tools to Roman Catholicize and eventually push Israel into the SEE.

    Not guilty plea in Hudson River kayak killing case

    If we don’t get our shit together we are all gonna die:

    Course Country Joe McDonald didn’t have any brains and didn’t know why we were there, but he should have asked. Instead everyone got high or drunk and blamed the military it was their parents.

    It’s called World War Three they just forgot to tell us for some reason I guess they didn’t want us to know. But then why was Hitler the third reich in WWll? So possibly this is WW 4 or perhaps between the two.

    But I think we missed something in the beginning and history rewrote itself but possibly the first world war started in

    A MANGER or a stable.



    and not only that but

    Pope Benedict XVl was born at Markti am Inn in Bavaria.

    But lately it started again in Japan with the Neocatechumenal Way with Pope BENEDICT XVl and the tsunami in JAPAN when the JAPANESE RC refused the Neocats Way and asked for a 5 year delay because a rise in suicides when they experimented on them which caused a nuclear accident using HAARP technology called microwaves and blamed Global Warming and now it’s called Climate Change.

    War profiteering

    That was Gore’s idea.

    Actually it was borne at the Vatican

    as was the Benghazi video tape excuse, as was Hospicing by Muther Teresa who then was made a saint for her GRETA IDEA for a good coverup, etc

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    Notice the woman in blue/green? Pope Benedict with the wives at the 35th G8 meeting in July 2009 Everyone else had to wear black. I have no idea if she is Hindu but nevertheless what is the deal plus why is she wearing a green quilt?








    Talk about radical!

    Do you see a pattern here?

    (It was the sarin gas, no it was the rice that was shipped. It’s about the Golan Heights. REMEMBER?)

    First they came………


    because he was jealous that we won the war and now we have to do it again

    because we let our guard down and trusted his BULLSHIT.

    I DIDN’T but many did still most of us got sucked into the shit by those that did.  LBJ awarded him the big brother award even still and NIXON caught him on tape

    and that’s why he was booted from the hill in reality and I guess the VIET NAM WAR was a mistake and it had to do with the FRENCH who have this very bad habit at NOTRE DAME. HEROINE. THEY ARE USERS OF MEN and they work in conjunction with the VATICAN so people like Christina Lagarde can keep tanning on her yacht using our tax dollars and heading the International Monetary to fund it based on a false premise that we owe a huge national debt and we don’t and that would be a good place to start and forgive them for their pleasures and forget about the inane debt because we don’t o it they owe us because of our parents.

    Our generations owes a debt to our parents and to our kids to do the right thing. Let’s proceed and progress:

    I think it might be a good idea to admit the truth that the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seeds and may be it will help to get us on the right track because I think that is where this started a very long time ago.

    And not allow our government to fund hospicing our parents using medicare and medicaid because it is twisting the truth about their purpose being Free (without a doctors care which is ridiculous) and because they were born it’s retribution with malicious intent and they fought for our freedom and because we are supposed to honor our parents. It’s a commandment. Death watch/hospice does not honor our parents! so many are using abortion to hold us hostage to kill our parents and accept the hospice crisis even though abortion was legalized because they don’t want our parents to live long lives and want to rule our personal lives tempting us with their lies: inheritance/retirement savings/(they sold their house to get in on the deal at the ARC in SA Texas and I think was a mistake) using free insurance type incentives. Basically punishing our parents. Those that are for hospiciing don’t want us to have possession of our own bodies. they want to make those decisions because they think they have the moral authority to decide who and when one should get pregnant to twist up our lives and they make those things happen in various ways mostly using booze and other agents. We have to stand up for our freedom to plan our own lives without their interference.

    Jesus doesn’t say anything about conception in any of the gospels but he talks about being born if that makes a difference to all you moral laurels.

    I don’t respect those that say life begins at conception because they don’t respect me!

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  2. The strangest thing my elder sister did was make a big deal with my Aunt Patsy who was my God mother and my Aunt Mary Helen.

    My sister made them give me her Vintage Rosenthal China made in Hand Malerei, Germany  6831 that was my grandmother Gams that my Aunt Patsy I guess took when my grandmother died.

    They were in the Title Company Business which was in front of the parking lot when I almost lost my legs while leaning into her car to get her samples out for decorating her house and another van backed up ran into her car door and the car that I was leaning into and squished my legs in between them the car door and the car, and boy did I get sick. Luckily it didn’t break my bones. I turned kind of green, I think, because I guess I was in shock and I wanted to throw up but I couldn’t.

    And Tootie demanded they give me the green elephant that my Aunt Mary Helen had that my dad brought back from Viet Nam.

    And made me go along. She acted like it was really really important.

    I wasn’t really into china porcelain that much except when I painted it with my mom and learned how to do portraits. I wasn’t really sure of what was going on but I think they were at war with each other Aunt Patsy and my sister Tootie.

    It was a strange thing to do but she seemed adamant.

    I added this because I thought it mighty be important. We don’t always understand what and why people do the things they do and I still don’t get the meaning of it but I think there is something to it.

    Anyway some very big birds in the very big tree a ways off just went nuts as if they were laughing really loud for about 5 minutes. I wish I knew what they were laughing about because it was obviously what they were doing in a bird way.

    The Ten Commandments

    Mustard is leaven and makes bread rise and Leavenworth was a Federal Bureau of Prisons so I think it is a BIG SIGN.

    8. Mustard & Leaven

    but it was also a poison ingredient used in mustard gas and other things like Agent Orange which caused a great deal of sickness in Viet nam and sarin gas and other bad things and seems to have affected a lot of people making them drunk on parables that had some value but were not true because it isn’t the smallest of seeds but grew fast maybe too fast like the RCC.

    Former U.S. senator, actor Fred Thompson dies

    I told the ex when he had a chance to call my sister about that portrait that hangs in her entry way that I painted and gave to my mom which she took of my mom’s possessions because I don’t think she should have it after all that has happened but he didn’t say that but this is basically what she said in return

    She said that she loved me and that the portrait she considers it to be the most valuable art (or valuable thing?) that she has in her home and that it would be fine to return it if I give her something of mine in my house to replace it which is insane.

    And I said “that’s not right!”

    And my ex understood and saw her point. Brown nosing my sister which is one of the problems we have.

    She’s a toughie but this is the chick who used to schtick peas in her nose so she wouldn’t have to eat them.

    How do you deal with people like that?

    Peace, peace and there was no peace.

    Because, even because they have seduced my people, saying, Peaceand there was no peaceand one built up a wall, and, lo, others daubed it with untempered morter:
    And in those times there was no peace to him that went out, nor to him that came in, but great vexations were upon all the inhabitants of the countries.
    I think the house that the wind blew out the front door was a sign but I didn’t recognize it at the time.
    It was like Pearl Harbor or Fukushima, a surprise attack. I think the dream Joseph had about the wheat bowing down it actually was grass. When the Pharaoh hired Joseph he fed the people the wheat he stored because it was meet. (14 year period 7 he stored and 7 they ate.) The wind made the wheat/grass lay down in the dream didn’t mean they were bowing 


    to him.

    There was a wall built around the Vatican about 20 feet high. The fact is they want to control everything.

    The people, the grass (marijuana), and the wheat (the food for the brain, the body, and the soul).

    That is the problem we have. CONTROL FREAKS! That is where much of their money is made and laundered and how they are able to entice the young to pow-wow and get screwed in various ways.

    It is the line that we have to take from them. A front line. By legalizing marijuana it definitely will help to keep the mob at bay and keep the mob away from the young.

    OHIO voted against it which made O’reilly snort because I suppose he and his friends think booze is better and it isn’t. It’s poison for the most part and what it does to the mind.



    I believe in moderation and that’s what we should try to enforce and there are various ways to do that once you legalize it. (strength, the amount, the location, the price, the tax, improve it making it better for who buys it so it’s not laced with a bunch of crap,  push out those who buy and sell it illegally vs legally so they will want it buy it legally, making the rules in regards to it, etc) and so far the tools at our disposal on controlling alcohol intake have not been utilized either which would definitely help like limiting the amount they’re able to consume at a restaurant or bar and do the same at the alcohol stores that sell it to help limit it’s use. A yearly allowance of alcohol and make it more precious, and when you go over the line you pay twice as much and then three times and then get the feds because the person needs meds. Utilize a sin card when purchasing alcohol and weed with limitations. As far as eugenics the problem is not necessarily the DNA but what we consume.

    “The American eugenics movement was rooted in the biological determinist ideas of Sir Francis Galton, which originated in the 1880s. Galton studied the upper classes of Britain, and arrived at the conclusion that their social positions were due to a superior genetic makeup.[8]

    Now come on which do you think is superior:

    This?                                                                                                             or                                                                                          That?

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    Diana was what helped their impishness for their next generation.


    I don’t think it’s always up to us to raise the standards I think it comes with some help from God but even so only an idiot can’t see the difference.

    The problem is that when you marry generation upon generations within the same sphere it deteriorates their makeup, I think. And because of their position they think they have achieved something but was passed along and if they were so great why all the troubles in Great Britain and the world.

    Prince Charles had to dip down beneath him to find something better to lift up his genetics and then he wouldn’t share it with those he pretends to apotheosize. That’s what partially brought down the Pharaohs and their kingdom.

    I know he is into veggies but there is more to consumption than just food. Common Core probably was born somewhere besides by the Bushes and intentionally sent to dumb down our nation which O’reilly and Watter’s World (with his collar up) love to share. I bet if you went overseas and did the same thing it wouldn’t be any better. I know that the school I was sent to after a boy’s private school in England was RAF Greenum Common and the only thing I remember about it was a big cement playground and swings that swung very high and an hour long ride on a bus and watching a kid on the side of the road that was run over. I don’t think I learned anything except that some of the English were jealous and didn’t like our presence for some reason. My brother had ink smeared in his face at a private school by his teacher because he made an ink blot with the ink pen on his paper by mistake. When I went to the privates boy’s school I ran races and won and received a motorcycle as my reward. I didn’t really like it. I still won the race. There was definitely competition between the english and americans even though we helped them but I don’t think the Royals were too happy with the results I think they were on the wrong side of their nation undermining it.


    Why let the mob have control of marijuana and the kids? They call it the gateway drug then control the gates and the gateway and so far the tactics that have been used have failed and out of control so I think to do that you have to legalize it and which will help to cut off the mob when you circumcise it. It will definitely help.  It’s a popular drug because it is fun and for the most part harmless compared to alcohol. Marijuana makes men and boys less potent and less driven by sex, less belligerent, and less likely to brawl and rape, makes doing menial tasks more pleasant, and girls like it for various reasons, it helps when in their periods with their angsts and helps those that are upset with each other to agree to disagree, etc. And I watched a panel with Bret Baier and the same old ideas about the drug war were discussed as if they haven’t learned much course they are on the payroll of Fox.

    To win the war on terrorism and drugs you have to have control of the gates.

    When we gave up control of the Panama Canal we opened the gates. My mom was born in Panama so I think it’s important. She was at Pearl Harbor too and I think there is a connection. I think the reason for all these family connections is partially because we were attacked without notice and because we were a good family once and because of the truth which I think I found because of the crap going on around us but it’s not like the enemy is gonna show their cards and so we got trumped. (THE BRIDGE) I only learned to play bridge for short while so I wasn’t that good but my parents played quite a bit. And not only my family but our country was trumped as well but it isn’t over yet. I don’t mean to disparage Trump but I think it’s a sign of some kind and not to be taken lightly. I think the world has also been trumped because of the Tower of Babel.

    I think Carter gave away the Panama Canal and did that while dealing with the Iran hostages crisis (a diversion) and it was a nutty thing to do but probably was a coup that he may have been a part of.

    Either do that or blow up the gates so no one can use them.

    Anything O’reilly thinks you better understand is the opposite of what we should think!

    Has he ever said anything about the hospice crisis? His kind made Muther Teresa a saint that’s how much he cares for the elders. But he sells those wheel chairs. He should give them away for all that he and his have done. He is a War Profiteer and touts the sale of his book he advertises each night as if that’s a big deal. Now Judge Jeanine is selling her book “He Killed All of Them” without even interviewing the killer because she didn’t really want to know why. And she will succeed to profit off death instead of trying to circumcise it. What is wrong with learning why to figure out what and who and the reason behind it i.e. THE WHY! It’s intentionally being deaf, dumb, and blind as if not asking why makes you a saint. It’s doesn’t. It makes you part of the problem. It will open our horizons if we take back control of those sidelines.


    QUELLE to kill or put down


    The Synoptic “Q Source”

    (a post I wrote a long while back and I’m positive it could be improved but will give you some clues.)

    That is what the marijuana issue is about circumcising the mob so we can get a handle on it

    and until we do we are fucked.


    Noticed O’reilly change his tune about why all of a sudden now he’s attacking George Will and vehemently and snorting real loud.

    In any case another thing my sister did: she threw her sandwiches out on the roof (but I don’t remember what kind (probably pimento cheese kind and maybe spam sandwiches) from a window on the second floor. I’m sure it means something besides that she didn’t like them I just haven’t figured it out yet but wanted to add it in my memoirs. She was older then I think and it might have been after she rolled in the Volkswagon with Dallas on the way to West Point, not sure but we didn’t live in many 2 story homes and it was the same year I think the cat got lost in the vents and in the walls of the house and we had to get the firefighters to save the cat once it found its way to a place we could see her. Strange because throwing sandwiches on the roof is something a tot would do but she was not a tot.

    Probably the Neo Cats of the Neocatechumenal Way (They started in 1963 so probably installed stuff during the JFK times) are listening in between the walls of the house using the NSA (anyway the cat was part persian what ever that means.)

    Today on Fox they compared the Russian airliner that went down in the Sinai desert that killed a bunch of people and 25 children to the explosion in the air of the Challenger because of the sign of the smoke in the air that was made a “Y” compared to the debris that was collected to make the same sign on the ground a “Y”. I guess a piece of French cheese called Brie caused the debris to magnetize into a “Y” to respond to the sign of the smoke in the air of the Challenger that the currents of air formed caused by the explosion was French Camembert and what was already there in midair and was not caused by man collecting the smoke in midair. There is a deference.

    deary me it’s not the same thing in response to this and my last post which is really weird.

    They prefer Camembert to Brie which are pretty much the same damn thing repackaged differently as was

    Napoleon when he ousted the Pope that caused the deadly wound that was healed with a new deal

    or why ERECT the Court of the Gentiles at Notre Dame in France, for no reason? Just in case you didn’t know that is prophecy about judgement and killing people that don’t go along with the Roman Cafroglicking of the people. I think it has to do with the Jesuits since they seem to be involved in all sorts of places that have been news which usually isn’t good and the Pope is also a Jesuit. (And so is O’reilly a supporter of the Jesuits because he likes their tactics.)

    I DON’t. I think they stink to high heaven.

    Lateran Concordat of 1929 – Papal Wound Healed!

    Lateral is sideways!


    I wonder did the French cause the downing of the Russian air liner leaving Egypt? I suspect they did being the Queen of Clubs, their working the other strait for access to oil and Iran on the other strait of Hormooz.

    That’s why they introduced french underwear to split the farts in too. (upharsin in the Book of Daniel haarp)

    “And Egypt shall not escape” They have to control Egypt to have control of that strait. Right? Miss Isis. Jaqueline

    CAN-CAN here  and a  CAN-CAN there ……….  everywhere a CAN-CAN

    We ate a lot of canned food because my parents were not rich and had 4 kids and it probably wasn’t good for the health high in salt so my dad had high blood pressure but then it was the way it was back then. People didn’t know back then what we know now.

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    That’s why they introduced french underwear to split the farts in too. (upharsin in the Book of Daniel)

    Funny because when I visited a family farm as a child I somehow entered a cow pasture and was in the middle of a bunch of cows and they started to moo a bunch and started to get closer and closer to me. Someone saved me. It was scary. I didn’t understand what they were saying but they were communicating and surrounding me meandering closer and closer. Same place I had my first peaches and cream/milk for breakfast.

    Jackie Kennedy clubbed her sister over the head as a young woman at least that’s what her sister said.

    I noticed lately on Fox a news story about some guy hitting someone over the head from the back of the car and it was not like that in my case. Twisting things, the kayak story on Fox, lots of other things they do on Fox. I don’t know exactly what they are doing but it isn’t right. Trying to scare people and play with their minds and partially why we are having problems in this country. Exaggerating and lying to everyone and on the internet. Not sure of the mental state of those that are involved. Trying to influence and put thoughts in our head. I have accounted some things that are unpleasant about my family as an example to demonstrate some things and because it is important for understanding what is going on and the attempt to silence the people and I have counted on God to protect them in order to do it because He can can.

    How hard can it be to admit that the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed? Only a bunch of mentally deranged nuts can’t do it!

    Pretty bad when people write false information about your own mother in her funeral brochure. RIDICULOUS!

    Not only that I have a bone to chew such as the story of moses and the burning bush. I think that is fabrication of the story of Moses. Lots of insertions and/or assertions. I’m sure it has to do with the mustard seed and the BUSHES. George Bush saw God in Pope Benedict’s eyes: He saw himself. George Bush the dad who lost his daughter in his biography :  blah blah blah I saw the possessed look on his face. BULLSHIT!

    Perhaps she was the Bush that didn’t burn.

    They take after Hitler’s friends. Rudolph Hess or someone like that. One of his men that I think the Vatican hid and then our government got involved with the Vatican snuff. I think it has to do with the occult. IT’s NASTY!

    Do you want to evolve?


    Battered by scandals, Rome set for mega mafia trial

    I think in regards to my sister I’ll let her keep the portrait and make me another even better, I think, like I did when my other sister scrunched my pastel painting of lady in the The Kingdom of God

    in her RV

    when she unexpanded her space and I did it two times later and I definitely improved it with the practice that I needed. One of the last things my mom said was to “keep painting” and I think it is good advice because they taught me the ropes of the art and they knew how to love.

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    One other thing she said when I visited my mom with my younger sister at a different time we sang You Got To Have a Dream and my mom said “A voice in my head said I think you should leave.”

    It was pretty cute and I think she was talking to both of us since we both sang the song.

    It ain’t that easy being cheesy but I see it down the road and I will take a big leap after I work on myself.

    2 Protesters Rappel From Balcony at Colts-Panthers Game

    I rappelled  with the Rangers and I met the person who sabotaged me. So I don’t think I’m gonna leap because I’m not a frog!

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    Taxing the rich and raising the minimum wage ain’t gonna help. It’s like the difference between camembert and brie. It’s a trick that’s why they call it a leap of faith, you see, to get more of your taxes and it solves nothing at all except that the federal government and their employees get a pay raise and the federal government grows and prices go up so that the extra you make equals nothing at all. Kills small business that’s why Walmart and Target are all over the place and then they raise their prices when their competition go bankrupt.


    Consumption tax

    is the answer to raise incrementally as we keep our promises to those we still need such as the elders,

    because the Nouveau Rich will pay more of the taxes that way as they consume more than they need!

    Walmart Raising Wage to at Least $9

    It’s really F…ed UP!

    We have to try to learn from our mistakes

    if we want to be free.

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    Listened to Rubio on Greta’s show and Rubio said that if someone misspends while they are overseeing such as the Department of Defense spending 43 millions of dollars on a gas station in Afghanistan worth $500,000 or something like that they should be removed from their post BUT NOT ONLY THAT they should also have to pay back what they allowed to go on along with those that they entrusted with that kind of money that are responsible for the waste and mismanagement of the funds they received. Obviously it is more than those two excuses such as: fraud, deceipt, and money laundering and stuffing their own pockets somewhere down the line. That is the only way to stop it. Removing from their post isn’t enough they should have to pay it back with their assets and possibly jail time, because someone worse will step in just like what happens when you remove a world leader and end up with something worse. If they are gonna take such an important post they ought to be accountable and clean up the institution they are heading and take it seriously or they don’t have a right to those taxes at all that support them.

    And not only that possibly those things they invested in ought to be burned down legally if is proven they stole from those funds that were earmarked and wasted to make a point but that could be a bit overboard nevertheless it needs to be more than a mere changing of the guard.

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    Merangue’s Blog

    Trump and Carson are getting Secret Service help which means they can’t make a difference. The NSA is offering it for their protection and I think it’s the opposite intention to control them instead. They ought to turn it down they would be better protected if they believed God instead. And whoever wins the office of President should get the Secret Service out of the White House and have it vacuumed of all the hearing devices that are there and plug up the tunnels and have it wiped clean or live somewhere else which is probably the easiest thing to do and then don’t ride in the limos and use your own car or you will be mincemeat and under their control.

    Ben Carson, Donald Trump Receive Secret Service Protection

    Isn’t it funny the establishment that are against borders built a 20 foot wall. Get the Vatican to tear down it’s walls.

    I’m not gonna give up. So it’s a stalemate and I guess we’ll have to wait to see who wins. I think I’m on the right side because I’m not out there doing stupid stuff anymore and I haven’t forgotten which seems to be a big problem for the rest.

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    If illegal immigration is a problem there ought to be an adjustment made in the borders. For every illegal immigrant you should take so many feet from the border to expand to make up for the increase. If 20,000 cross over multiply that amount by how many feet to house them with a yard say 2000 square feet of land into Mexico and make it America per illegal immigrant. Just keep moving the border each time a group comes in. I imagine that would help. It’s a decent option since we have had so much illegal immigration because of their failures in their own countries. I think you have to count the breeding one person can do especially if they are Catholic. Figure most families are abut 3 generations at a time. If they aren’t Catholic you would count it to about a multiple of 12 and if they are catholic figure it to be about 144 and multiply them by the 2000 squares feet for each person that comes in illegally. So if they aren’t a Catholic it would probably be about 24 thousand square feet of land and for Catholics 288 thousand square feet of land which is a pretty good deal. But again you would have to adjust those numbers because usually there are 4 generations but for Catholics you have to add one more for stealing one generation from the other. And that is what is happening because they don’t like to control themselves using birth control or abortion and laud themselves for their big families and their ignorance, so then you would have to make another adjustment and add one more for Catholics for that inconvenience. 4 generations and for Catholics 6 generations. And then you would have to consider what they might do to a country such as killing their opposition and replacement theology and they take it literally so you might have to add about 10 more for that. Anyway the Pope tripped on the steps and had 5 mob guys to prop him back up. SNL (who the ex said wasn’t any good anymore which I haven’t watched in a long while) decided to cave I guess in regards to Trump for the unions I suspect and because some latinos kids in a video saying some very bad stuff and even had a grandmother and I didn’t watch what they said or did except in a glance but that’s so typical of Rome and the unions to use kids and grandmothers because they are insane. Losing their moral authority isn’t gonna fly very soon.

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    Like a big mushroom cloud.

    You better watch OUT! It’s happened before!

    I think you crossed the line.

    Shall you not know it?

    IF we have 12,000,000 illegal immigrants (*now Kasich says it’s 11 million* Did he send some back?) we already own Mexico (758,249 sq mi) and we already own Central America (524,000 square miles ) =1,282,249 square miles Cuba square miles is 42, 803 add that to the total and you get 1,325,052 so we should cuba as well. The square miles of Columbia is 52,491 sq miles and Venezuela is 352,144 sq miles so you add that to the total and you get 1,729,687  

    SeaWorld Employees Place Orcas In Plastic Bags Of Water While Cleaning Tanks

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    If you total the square miles of South America all together it is 6.89 million sq miles we own all of them. We own Cuba, we own South America and we own Central America

    So Trump is right about illegal immigrants to be sent back in droves by the millions

    or we take over those countries and/or

    they pay America what they owe America yearly in taxes.

    I think it would be a good idea to reclaim those countries as part of the United States.

    I guess that is why the South America is America we just forgot that it was also America,


    Possibly while we trying to free the europeans they undermined us and colonized the southern part of America.

    They called us the Sleeping Giant!

    I can’t believe that was just the USA.

    I think the reason is that ROME did something to make us forget

    and we need to oust that church.

    (Probably because of Dragon’s Breath.)

    What’s in a name? AMERICA and America is US.

     The way to re-own them it is to take over

    the Panama Canal

    and clean out the mob from those countries and send them back to the Vatican

    or they will reclaim the United States of America.

    That is why illegal immigration occurred was to take over the USA for the Vatican

    and we can’t let them.

    What’s wrong with Ted Cruz’s tie: It’s way too long when he sat down with Neil Cavuto, that’s whats wrong with his tie.

    It was profane.

    I’m sure it was purposeful folly! Vetting. vetting with the same design of material a Saudi wears on his head. The new style of ties. VETTING IS THE NEW BUZZ WORD OF THE PRESS. HAVE YOU NOTICED? A FAD! I GUESS TED CRUZ KNOWS NOT WHAT HE DOES OR WHY, MORE THAN LIKELY.Screen Shot 2015-11-14 at 8.15.50 AM





    Trump’s ‘Saturday Night Live’ gig draws ire of Latino activists


    IT should never have been shown on any media and is a disgrace.


    But they showed the show an hour later so I guess it was a bunch of fluff. Some funny stuff so I guess the ex was wrong about SNL.

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    It was quite funny in parts I watched about half of it and then left. I couldn’t stop thinking about what has come down the pike and kind of get where I feel like suicide but what keeps me afloat is I want to witness the end of the RCC. I think it’s soon, I hope. Then I will be satisfied.

    Land for people.

    God established the earth forever so it would be a good deal for America but maybe not for you.

    Bada Bing Bada Boo

    (instead of Land for Peace)


    When Pope Benedict XVl retired or left the popeship it was quite dramatic and left in a white helicopter. I was very hard on his popeship at the time but I felt  like my dad had something to do with it. It was very emotional experience for me and I think he helped to give him courage to say some things and to be a bit different and maybe vice-versa, probably. The last house my dad built and designed with my mom’s help was on Sawgrass and an english tutor style home and I think it was a sign whether at they time he knew it. My dad flew in helicopters when he was in Viet Nam and jumped out of them as well. He also signed up for the jet pack design when they asked him what he would like to do. A survey type thing but they gave some options and he really liked that kind of thing. He had imagination. 101st airborne. They loved England and so did there kids. It was very magical in some ways!

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    Report: Ben Carson lied about West Point acceptance

    As far as Ben Carson and his West Point Scholarship debacle about his Scholarship offer from Gen. Westmoreland it seems to be hinged on a few words or a misunderstanding however my dad worked as Secretary for Gen. Westmoreland (during or around that time) and thought he was a bit tall and a little bit stupid (an air head) his head in the clouds so it’s not necessarily that great of an offer because of who was behind it. People are impressed by men that are tall didn’t mean he had much more to offer but he wasn’t black so he couldn’t play basketball. Just kidding! Anyway there seems to be some distance in time between what Ben Carson thought occurred between him and Gen. Westmoreland as opposed to what occurred on the records which seems to indicate something strange going on. In regards to the Pentagon and the military things got super strange for my family and our friends in the military especially near the Pentagon because of political shit. Like hearing Geraldo who recently said 5 % unemployment when 90 million are out of work. Politics, politicians and the press do a disservice to our people and need to get their heads out of the clouds and come down to earth. That’s where it started to go whacky was when we were near the Pentagram.

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    Lots of very bad stuff which I have inserted in other posts and I think it’s emblematic of what it represents. I don’t mean war because sometimes it’s unavoidable I mean spiritual deception, disintegration, and confusion like the book of Acts in the bible and the Tower of Babel.

    A guy from the mob has appeared on Fox News and says the root of the problem is the deteriorating family and of course not the mob which is an O’reilly angle.

    Blame the victim.

    An an interesting thought just came to me in my misery that the ex’s mom’s nickname was Nubby, when her real name was Violet, in real time I think.. Not sure why so I plan to ask him, I assumed it was because of her club thumb which the ex inherited. Luckily the kids didn’t.

    As in NUBIAN, maybe. The kind from the SUDAN.

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    The other day we ran out of coffee and had some bags of coffee beans on the counter. Then I looked up and there was some ground coffee high up in the cabinet so I used it for a few days. While in work space/room/garage the ex started to walk out with some coffee beans in his arm tucked under his arm pit to grind the coffee and I said we had some in the cabinet. And he was surprised. It was like he was a robot or something the way he did it. Then I saw a COSTCO ad with a purple tiger and I thought about does a tiger change it’s stripes? Like the leopard that changes his spots? Anyway we ran out of coffee very fast like in a couple of days. It sounds petty but he has tried to kill me a few times so it’s not that paranoid to be paranoid. He said he wanted to bury me and me to bury him a few years back when I was divorcing him but he meant it romantically or something which wasn’t very attractive. And recently told me “mind over matter” as my blood pressure went sky high and my pulse in the 140’s and went to bed and could have cared less and various other things that have occurred. I wondered out loud why we were out of coffee so fast because it was at least 2/3 full or 3/4 full a few days ago and he got very defensive. Told me I was accusing him. Overly defensive but I was in my mind accusing him but I didn’t say it. Got very upset with me about it like he had been caught and he said I go through coffee because I drink it all day. Not necessarily and drink it pretty weak when I make it so I decided to buy individual bags of coffee instead on the side. NO JOKE! It was weird. So far about 2 individual bags a day. But what got me was the way he walked out with the bag under his arm tucked in the arm pit as if trying to get one by me and look innocent and he is snot. OH I forgot to add because of the psychology I think is important he started to vacuum which he does house work when he gets caught. Cleanliness is next to Godliness catholic stuff. There ain’t any way to keep the house clean with 6 cats and 4 dogs. Only one I am responsible for. The other pets my kids brought home for various reasons and we can’t seem to get rid of Zeus the black labrador who is evil in my opinion. Funny he rarely makes coffee and made some today. So I drank it. It’s some sort of strange macabre game. I will never forget how he reacted way overjoyed almost to the point of leaping about his moms good health right after my mom had died as if he won something, and he didn’t. I think he may be in for a big surprise.

    Turns out her nickname was Nubbins and eventually morphed into Nubby and her son/my ex thought it had something to do with her fingers. Anyway when I went to a certain hospital and ended up in mental ward for a few hours just for admitting I ha thought about suicide in a certain period of time being honest about it and the woman that was  guarding me in the hallway and looked an awful lot like her but she was much darker and talking about divorce to some nurse and it was obvious because of the number of years she included about it was near the same as mine. It was a strange experience but I didn’t check out her fingers. I should have but like many things that occur I wish I had said of done this or that but I tend to weigh things later, etc.

    “Scientists have successfully genetically altered a goats embryo with the DNA of a spider.”

    Speaking of spiders do you remember this video and I think there is another one as well:

    Raw Video: Spider Bugs Pope

    Pope Benedict XVI Greets Shuttle, Station Crew

    May 21, 2011

    This is not the video but

    as I recall in the other video he was not in Prague but seemed to be at a place like NASA and he was outside because the wind was blowing and also the spider was on the camera lens and not on him but it could have been another place that launches rockets/space vehicles but was earlier than 2011.


    They have a space observatory type place either at the Vatican or at the castle that he resides in or did reside in at Castel Gondolfo! He was pretty interested in space signs and wonders and astronomy.

    And Obama did talk about something in space and to let it out of the box and let it stretch it’s legs to teach a lesson that will not be forgotten for a long time. That was around the same time as the Safeway shooting in Arizona of Gabriel Giffords whose husband or his twin  is in space and a district attorney was also killed who was involved in Fast and Furious and other people.

    Not everyone thinks Starbucks’ new holiday cups are so great

    Screen Shot 2015-11-08 at 8.54.46 AMπretty wild abut the news story on Media Buzz on Fox about the Untold Story of John Lennon and you have to wonder why people embellish/lie sometimes. Why would they make Yoko look kind of crazy. She kind of didn’t mind being herself an artist I don’t think she needed help in that regard. I do I know often people I have known get mixed up as to who did what in regards to some past memories in families. I do know that Billy Graham said somethings about John Lennon but I can’t remember what it was but I think it was after John Lennon said that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus or something like that and made some people mad but I don’t think he meant any harm by what he said and I doubt Jesus would have retaliated unless he were a false Jesus. I do know it was the religious nuts that got mad about what he said and seemed to be incensed. Most people knew what John Lennon meant but I think that was why he was killed in reality. Retribution and used a mentally unstable person to do the deed. Real men don’t have a vendetta because of something so small. Kind of like what Tarantino said and it was way overblown and the unions and some of the press got mad as fire ants. Totally unreasonable reaction. Pandering to the mob (and possibly the Grahams have some control of those unions) and maybe from fear. I have a reference by Billy Graham somewhere in my posts about JFK because it was relevant and also his accent etc.: Does a leopard change his spots?) I think he may have something to do with it in a spiritual sense somehow affecting events in a very bad way. But because four people say one thing and one says another doesn’t mean they are right. However, I would think that Yoko Ono remembers pretty clearly what she did since it was her husband and backtracking is kind of schmaltzy by Dr. Lynn.

    Did he get paid to lie?

    Funny though: the one that took credit for a lot in regards to the Emergency Room experience of the death of John Lennon Dr. Stephan Lynn has the least memory of the events. Perhaps he put himself in their place but the sheepish reply was a bit weird (meaning he knew he lied if it’s true) to his doctor friend blaming it on the press. Reminds me of those heroes in France that received the highest medals of honor The Legion of Honor medal from the President of France Bertrand  I mean Hollande and they the heroes mentioned having black outs during the event which is convenient and they don’t even know what Bertrand, I mean Hollande said during the ceremony because they didn’t understand French which is ridiculous. I’m sure they had an interpreter.

    I wonder why Roosevelt Hospital didn’t respond to

    The untold John Lennon story

    And why Yoko Ono is speaking out

    Conclusion of this Post

    The Untempored Mortar is INDIA and/or Pakistan

    *(and may involve other places that are mixed up)

    The ink smeared in my brothers face when he was a kid because he made an ink blot on the page.

    The elephant my sister insisted we retrieve from my aunt was green that my dad got from Hong Kong when he was in Viet Nam and had an R&R.

    The elephant that Jackie rode in India and received something that JFK couldn’t because I think he was already dead.

    The Taj Mahal is in India.

    She changed her appearance after her visit to the Taj Mahal and everything was opposite after that because of the reflection pool in front of the Taj Mahal. It was a sign of some kind. She suddenly had big calves and her purse was in the other hand in front of the the Taj Mahal. Then the man at the airport I think was the blind sheik.

    India has nukes and so does Pakistan.

    Pope Benedict allowed one woman to wear green and all the others had to wear black at the G-8 meeting which coincided with

    the accident my ex had before that infamous trip up north when the Indian Ocean had a tsunami which tilted the Earth’s axis was with a man who ran into him in the fog and totaled our car which ran amok at a gas station and the man was from India. The man from India was very erratic and lied his ass off. Barely missed the gas tank at the gas station.

    Perhaps Benghazi is about the fog. I mean frog. LOL

    The woman who almost poisoned me with a bad prescription that would have given me seizures because it was an overdose and would have killed me (but I caught the mistake because they had to overnight it which didn’t make sense because it was always readily available medicine) when I went to the hospital that JFK died in was from India.

    The very latest doctor I saw just a few days ago was from India a woman from India or Pakistan because it hard to tell the difference and she lied to me about the prescriptions I would receive and didn’t give me the right medicine for my prescription even though she said she would because the another nurse told me she didn’t know how to use the computers, I guess. Maybe she lied as well.

    She knew i had something in my finger that hurt and wouldn’t pull it out. Told me I might have to have it lanced eventually. She refused to fix it. She’s a doctor.

    Seems to me a conspiracy of some kind with doctors from India trying to kill me or make me sick or not heal me etc for no reason just because they are considered to be smart and aren’t necessarily all there. immigrants that have been given a green card because they were educated but by whom?

    The woman that allowed the baby to fall out of the shopping cart on cement floor at the grocery store because it wasn’t her child. She was just a nanny and didn’t care at all. I witnessed it. Not sure why she didn’t care but they have so many kids they can’t keep up with them and to her it was just a job not a child. They get married when they are 12 years old because of their religion and have some problems as a result. It affects women and girls like others I have known. IT’s abusive and abuse breeds abuse and negligence.

    The poisonous rice that was sent to Syria came via China through India and it was not Sarin gas that killed those people in Syria. It was a farce. It was the poisoned rice.

    I think that is the untempored mortar of the wall of the Vatican , I think that is Isis (Jackie Kennedy),  overpopulated country because of their beliefs, the green elephant is the big clue.

    So the jealous god is from India and the religion is Hinduism and has something to do with the Taj Mahal and nuclear weapons.

    That is my guess with all of the clues I have been given.

    The green elephant in the room and the snot in the wall probably has to do with India and Pakistan and the Taj Mahal!

    And the Gospel of Matthew and the mustard seed?.

    I think there is gonna be some trouble there soon and that is where there is a great amount of population which could add up to about one third of the worlds population which may be prophetic because 1/3 of the population dies eventually because of war and famine and may had something to do with Iran.

    Makes sense in a weird way. All these people and their signs. They probably are Indian Persians and not to mention but I will the cat (she was part persian) that got lost in between the walls in the house at Carlisle Barracks (which is a war college), but we did find her and got her out with the help of the firemen who saved her when she could be seen in-between the vent slats on top of the house. Then Greenum Common  in England. The RAF? Cement. Lately noticing Hillary and the Fiorina wearing green. Birth control and abortion are also involved because of their idiotic notions about life beginning at conception and not when born which is not true. Life begins when you are born otherwise if you aren’t born you aren’t born. Know what I mean?

    I know it sounds weird but these are the signs I have accumulated over MANY years.

    May have something to do with the Neocatechumenal way may be causing trouble over there, that’s my guess. Some strange stuff going on there. Definitely has something to do with Catholicism birth control or lack of because of Catholic beliefs and a plane went down with a christian man in India early on when the Pope Benedict was the pope and this guy was very popular. It adds up to something going on doesn’t it? Black ops. etc.  Peas in the nose. The green giant. And I think it has to do with Obama who probably is part persian or something. Maybe from Iran. Makes sense doesn’t it. Maybe Bobby Jindal may be involved somehow happens to be governor of Louisiana which is very Catholic because of the parishes Perish the thought France and England which colonized India didn’t they or England did. It’s all kind of mixed up like mixed veggies.

    John 3:16

    The carrots that were given to Pope Francis by Obama. Don’t know what he was talking about but it happened. There are wild carrots that actually poison people that grow in the wild. I heard about some kids that died that way a while back eating them. Could be how they clone themselves, those kind of carrots so they can continue to populate the world with their poison. Rape young girls and get to a hospital  etc.


    Bethlehem, Elizabeth and the leaping in her belly leaping frogs, etc

    Those cows, they also worship cows in India.

    Refusing to believe that the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seeds because of faith FAYET a new concept to enlarge the mass which is silly since it isn’t the smallest of seeds but very parabolic. DUH

    Not understanding truth or caring about truth which is poisonous because TRUTH MATTERS and has to do with Jealousy and way too much pride.

    Probably because I figured it out 

    and you didn’t.

    Of course I had a lot of hep getting there because of the flies, I mean lies and the coverups etc.

    I investigated those things and learned a lot and i didn’t sell out.

    The last visit to the hospital one woman told me that her husband didn’t retrieve stuff from their home to bring to the hospital when she had her babies and I guess she was trying to compare to what my ex did for me while I was there . We live a block away so it isn’t that big of a deal. LOL. I am getting a lot of crap for my divorce from the Catholic Church and from my ex.

    Now I am supposed to take some steroids a bunch the first day so I hope it’s not poisonous. You can imagine how suspicious I have become because of the events lately.  And the ex came in concerned that I take them which is unusual in a way. Being concerned. LOL Plus the doctor wouldn’t give me the stuff for my nebulizer machine even though she said she would so she lied. OR someone lied about the prescriptions. This happened similarly at the last hospital I went to before this one. IT’s ridiculous. The doctor the Pulmonologist was an ass and didn’t listen to what I had to say and could have cared less. The nurses basically run the place. The doctors check in for a second or two just to make an appearance. Things have got to change the medical field is Pucked up,

    Anyway I’m supposed to take 40 milligram pills of steroids 8 today (5 mg each) and for two more days, then 4 for three days (20mg), then take 2 tablets for three days (10mg), then one tablet (5mg) for 3 days and they are all in the same bottle so I think I will space them out just in case. It’s really getting hard to trust them. The ex brought in the phone which is unusual and said for me to make sure to take my pills.

    Anyway you can imagine why old people get mixed up with their medications because it is convoluted in some ways.

    The doctor who prescribed them is Dr. Sylaza Kantamneni!

    The pharmacy is Walmart on Rusk Road in Rockwall County. .

    Just in case something happens.

    The ex is the one that went to the pharmacy. We went through this before and had a big mixup with the drugs that I would have died if I had taken for the nebulizer because it was doubt the strength and the pharmacist had to have it overnighted and I got suspicious and had the ex check it out and he called the doctor who said “absolutely not” even though she prescribed it and the pharmacist told the ex I would have had a seizure and died if I had taken it now a whole new situation which could be kind of scary.

    You can see why I am a bit paranoid, can’t you?

    While I was at the hospital on the last day there the sky marks in the sky made a big Y right out my window.

    Anyway I called the pharmacy and talked to Karen Green the pharmacist and she said that that medication is cool that I just got but I warned her about my ex and the last experience between the doctor and the pharmacy and him. Now she is gonna call the hospital and talk to the doctor to find out if I am supposed to receive the nebulizer medication (NUbe) for my Nebulizer machine that I was promised and the ex said that the doctor made a mistake to see if he is lying or they are lying. So I am supposed to call her back to see what is going on. Crazy shit.

    You would think I would be receiving the nebulizer medication but for some reason I didn’t  receive it even though she promised and I thought the nurse went back to check it and acted as if I got it on the new prescription and she checked because the doctor left the hospital so I had to stay an extra few hours waiting for the prescription I never got or so the ex said. That’s insane and the nurse said it was because of computers was why the doctor didn’t prescribe it in the first place because she didn’t know how to use it and she straightened it out yet I don’t have the prescription still. So I called the pharmacy to have them call the doctor to check it out and am supposed to call her back because the ex just changed our phone number because he changed the way we get internet in the last day or two so I don’t know our home phone number at the moment. Doesn’t it seem like some kind of trick going on? Sure does to me especially after what I went through before this time.

    Called her back and still no answer from the doctor to her.

    Then called the next day and turns out she was a fill-in Pharmacist and the Pharmacist on duty today said that they did not receive a phone call from the doctor from India or wherever and they usually don’t. I said I wish she had told me that in the first place. I get more information from a pharmacist than you do a doctor which is ridiculous. Not the fill in though who was less than helpful. Anyway I think I’m gonna  hire the Black Panthers and pull a Patty Hearst and get a machine gun and demand all their nebulizer medicine. LOL That is how bad our medical field has gotten that you almost have to take such measures for something so easily produced and needed, I paid my taxes the years I smoked. Hell I could have sued the doctor for malpractice for prescribing me overdose if I wanted to but I didn’t so I think they deserve a Patty Hearst/Black Panther run on their Nebulizer medicine for not cooperating and prescribing what she said she would prescribe and in the first place it should be over the counter and not have to be prescribed. It’s ridiculous. I will hope and pray that those in charge of stupidity in regards to those kind of medications get pleurisy and call it COPD and don’t get disability or relief or my pity and we can watch their death. Oh well another Fukushima release might do the trick. Give Pelosi what she deserves. Have you noticed ink pens are shit these days and I found out it is because they are made in China. We need to start producing good pens in America that last more than 2 days. That would be a great place to start manufacturing something simple, stupid. Make them last at least 6 months. Then we don’t have to buy them by the 100’s and can be a space saver type pen and time saver not having to try to write and not be able to write until you find the 30th out of a hundred.

    We have to change the way the medical field is being run because it is not right anymore and probably why my dad died and my mom. Purposeful fuck ups to kill off the elders our parents who protected this country for years. We need to fix it. I’m pissed off to say the least because they were my parents and I loved them. And because India and Pakistan and the catholic way overpopulating the world because of old notions about birth control and abortion etc. Finally the ex a catholic though not active but already poisoned by it being raised that way that the countries that immigration has occurred in Europe and America are from Catholic countries. And trying to Catholicize the USA and it is ruining our country but he doesn’t notice the prejudice of Catholics because it hasn’t affected him but I have noticed because it has affected me in many evil ways.

    They do not have the moral ground and should not have authority.

    How many catholics does it take to read a bible. THREE.

    One to hold the book, one to turn the page, and the pope to read a verse and ponder.


    Must have attended Texas A&M

       Aggie Jokes

    My eldest sister told me that three was the nuber of perfection when we got off the elevator at the hospital my mom stayed at the second to the last time she was in a hospital when they said my mom was naked all day long and we had been with her for 5 hours that same day and she was dressed but when we came back from lunch she was naked. Three or four men walked in the hallway to the elevator when I told my sister that three was not the number of perfection and that I don’t believe in perfection and they laughed as they got on the elevator as we got off the elevator and Monty the nurse is the one that said that my mom had been naked all day long which was very stupid so I complained and in those five hours Monte wasn’t in my mother’s room. She never showed up but supposedly was my mom’s nurse. Then we got some other nurses to help my mom get redressed because she was too weak to dress or undress herself and Monte overlooked the other nurses and didn’t help. That’s plain old dumb about the number three being the number of perfection but my sister was educated by the BGEA and the english woman across the street and the women’s retreats in North Carolina that she attended and her husband Gary’s ideology . I hope she wakes up! The woman that was an angel that heaped her during her surgery when the German doctor screwed up and cut her ureter and almost killed her till they figured it out and she had to deal with a bag for a while. The woman that acted as an angel at the hospital resembled this woman and obviously assimilated her appearance sort of like the women did that followed Jacky Kennedy chicness wearing her style of hat etc at their last breakfast, I think :

    Screen Shot 2015-12-02 at 6.59.00 PM

    Anne Graham Lotz

    after the apostles lost Judas Ishcariot because he was hung and his bowels came out as told by Peter to a bunch of people (and I guess everyone knew it or Peter witnessed it) who had little fires over their heads (I think that was when he explained what happened) they cast/drew lots to replace him as an apostle because I guess they had to have 12 at a time. DOZEN that sound like a dumb reason, but that is what is written about in the Book of Acts.

    “A baker’s dozen, also known as a big or long dozen, is 13.”

    Sort of a business decision of some kind.

    Anyway the woman that assimilated Anne Graham Lotz look suggested that people shouldn’t get operations on a Friday because often doctors are overworked because of their strange schedules and 12 hour days, etc.,

    and I suggest they usually are dying to go on vacation.

    Anyway they took her under their winkles and screwed her up even more than she already was and more than likely why she didn’t remember on her own accord that one brother in law of the same name as the next one my little sister married saved her son from drowning and had to be reminded by me because she was too busy trying to take shitty pictures of him hugging me as if that’s a sin and probably why she did many bad things later like not inviting me to my mother’s funeral that she arranged and probably why many facts in the brochure of my mom that I received by my daughter were incorrect about her own mother, facts she should have known and probably why on one visit we shopped for two hours or so for her to find a pair of flip flops because she had a blister while visiting to see my mom yet “money was no object” she said. Probably why she wanted to see the movie called Atonement again with the family as if that was entertaining. Sorry it wasn’t, and we didn’t watch it to soothe her soul about her and her Hubbard.

    My little sister was indoctrinated by the BGEA as well and saved $35,000 of my mom and dads money in her savings account till my mom died using medicaid/medicare and the hospice situation she and her husband desired. It wasn’t hers it was my mom’s money. 35 more days till the next Republican debate and Fox news calls it the “death watch” by the man I saw as a boy giggling on stage because my sweater unbuttoned and my breasts popped out though they were contained in a french bra and I think it was his mom who turned around and scowled at me but didn’t tell me why I had to figure it out and he looks older than me and I was at least three times his age then if not more. I think I was four times his age at least.

    Dallas was where the supposed 2nd Vatican occurred changing things in the bible and the non-denominationals were involved. Bible believers changing the word. Appeasing.

    paul simon song I know what I know

    So we have a problem and it ain’t gonna fly.

    A house exploded in New Jersey due to gas explosion and I heard on Fox about a day or so ago someone on that network said “turn up the gas.” or something like that.  (Nov-12th) There can’t be very many reasons a person would say that on the news, can there, unless directing some kind of directive. It was a woman that said it and she was part of a panel discussing stuff with kind of long hair if that helps and also they were not talking about cars, that’s for sure. Could be wired or something. They say some pretty suggestive stuff sometimes like “I was waiting for you to say that” like they did to me when I said “she has such pretty eyes” about the cat lady (the one on outnumbered) and she turned to the camera just to say it right after I said what I said because they are in touch with people in their living rooms and they are seeing you and listening in on some people.

    Might be mob related and possibly REVING it up.

    New Jersey home explosion kills one, injures 15

    1 Dead, 15 Hurt After Explosion Levels New Jersey Home: Officials

    The Latest: Person unaccounted for after New Jersey house explodes is found; 1 dead, 14 hurt

    Home explosion caught on police camera injures 15 in New …

    Fox News better watch out what they say, I think.


    “This is for Syria” said a witness of a masked man attacking Paris said Shephard Smith.

    Does Mrs. Heinz live there?

    Honestly, if it were of Assad’s regime or his people that they would want to attract more interference in their country. Do you think he wants more trouble? Oh but Obama does. He is dying to go there. He has been wanting to do it since he got in the White House.  RIDICULOUS. Obama certainly was prepared. Sends 50 special ops to Syria. ISIS threatens Russia and then France gets attacked. It obviously was kids that were killed because of the bands name ( I have no idea) I can imagine it’s very difficult situation. I doubt it was ISIS I think it would be someone who wants us to to to Syria to get involved in a morass of a situation that we should stay away from and let Russia handle it. Probably some Saudis organized this because they started it in Syria and commissioned it in the first place like they did in the USA when we were attacked on 9-11 and we reared up and attacked Afghanistan and then Iraq as if that makes any sense WHATSOEVER. Should have held the Saudis accountable and it might have not turned into this INSANITY and we should have held Florida pilots responsible for teaching them to fly airplanes. Whose idea was that? So now Bertrand, I mean, Hollande says they are gonna conduct a war without pity against who but they need our support. Did they ever help AMERICA? EVER? I don’t hate the French ……I hate their lies. They aren’t too friendly and love to mock as in MOSQUE….. MOQUES and aren’t past anything in the past to get people to war.  REMEMBER VIET NAM? It’s their way and they want the USA involved. And OBAMA is more than happy to give his hand (TIME) which isn’t gonna be very long in fact it’s getting shorter day by day. WHY WOULD ISIS advertise themselves to get the USA to fight them for France? That is what you have to ask. To elongate the Vatican’s life to draw it out because of it’s death knell is tolling and they know it. They want the USA to save it from what: themselves killing Christians in Syria. They want to get that little important spot and have been of a long time The Golan Heights. Replacement Theology. They are the Eternal City they think. yet the Gospel of John doesn’t agree.  They would sacrifice their own people to do it because they don’t give a shit. It’s politics.



    Paris is also known as the City of Light where Notre Dame is located

    and where the Court of the Gentiles is located

    and Jesus in the Gospel of John said his burden is light.

    Screen Shot 2015-11-14 at 3.18.34 AM

    It’s possible even perfumes, makeup, toothpaste, coffee, tea, sugar ………all sorts of ways to control people.

    I think Rome is involved……I don’t know but it sure seems like they have their hand in doing all sorts of bad things. The Courtyard of Notre Dame is prophetic self fulfilling prophecy and if I were Paris I’d get rid of it.

    Rome introduced The Court of the Gentiles through Pope Benedict XVl and it was to court people (gentiles) about an unknown god using music and other amenities but in the bible it is a place of judgement. (HEBDO) Also Raqqa is a place of judgement which used to be part of Turkey (Paul of Tarsus) now part of Syria and Obama is going to Turkey tomorrow. Coincidence? 

    Why would the French get in bed with Obama after what he said at the UN about ISLAMS prophet/profit and after HEBDO? So who was killed in France? Americans? Jews? Who designs those awful Vatican guard uniforms? It’s gotta be the French. Who is in charge of the International Monetary Fund? Is that the profit Obama is  talking about? Christine LaGarde who is from France.

    Thank god it wasn’t Geraldo’s daughter who got killed. So who is in bed with the French? Who is in bed with Obama?

    She called on air and he and her had some emotional words and it was…….. well, it’s hard to explain. “Do you want to come home?”

    Screen Shot 2015-11-14 at 1.31.41 PMThe Press? Spain?

    And to top it all off Greta Van Susterne is looking more and more like Billy Graham and the guy on the right looks like the guy that was in a cage in Syria with the weird music that was burned up alive. REMEMBER? The JORDANIAN Pilate? The one that Isis drug around for show and then we got to watch some really gory videos of Obama’s favorite music. Talk about deception. So who is in the past and who has a future? I guess we will find out pretty soon.

    Screen Shot 2015-11-14 at 1.54.35 PM Screen Shot 2015-11-14 at 1.54.22 PM

    Uncut: Medal of Honor recipient Florent Groberg

    Islamist militants kill 19 in attack on hotel in Mali’s capital
    Did it happen to be shopping center as well? Now Fox News is saying that what happened in Mali is because the US is not helping France enough. It was suggested in a round about way. What in the world do they want? MONEY? Was Mali a French colony? I have no idea but it makes sense that it might be.

    Obviously Libya was: Give me Liberty or give me death.




    If only the King of Jordan ABDULLAH SCHMOOLLAH had parachuted with his men! HE JUST PUSHED THEM OUT!



    VIDEO: The Islamic State Burns Jordanian Pilot Alive in a Cage Screen Shot 2015-11-14 at 3.09.13 AM

    Well the Paris attacks happened just in time for the Democratic Debates so they can concentrate on terrorism instead of the economy , stupid. What a life saver!

    TALK ABOUT DILL-USIONAL AND IN DENIALScreen Shot 2015-11-14 at 2.19.29 PM


    One of the Jesuses in the Synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) one of them talks about being in danger of hellfire and damnation if they say the word Raka or some variation of spelling in regards to it and I say it and I don’t fear it. It is on the border area of Syria and Turkey but it was a part of Turkey in bible times. Paul of Tarsus/Turkey also said that men would be judged by their thoughts which is ridiculous especially in this day and age because of subliminal information and subliminal type tactics that are easily achieved by cell phones, internet, computers, tv’s, radio, anything that can influence the thoughts of mankind. Everyone especially in this day and age has to sort through thoughts to arrange them in their own mind and to make choices and try to use good and sound judgements. It’s a part of living life. Problem is alcohol and drugs and especially drugs people don’t realize are affecting them especially if they have been compromised with a substance they don’t know they are partaking of such as Dragon’s breath (seasickness ingredient grown in Columbia where diamond mines are located and other places, the Hanging gardens of Babylon) and the perfect place to include it would be in the Eucharist (or any other food used in religious rites and who knows what else) and so devilish too since Jesus of the Gospel of John said he was the Bread of life and that substance (Devil’s Breath) makes slaves of people for about 4-5 days who are not in charge of their own thoughts and actions. It may sound outlandish, but it isn’t. It’s documented what it does and you can look it up on the internet. “Nothing propinks like propinquity” Diplomat George Ball saying to control leaders and famous people etc whoever they want to control to do what ever they want to do. I have no idea of the memory affects of that drug but it’s just one of many tools that are used and spiritually things people say and do that are on the wrong side of things are apt to do them without a drug and may not remember doing it or understand that they were and are used by evil. I see it all the time. Catholics forget a lot. It’s in their DNA. Bred into them. The foxes have holes (in their memory like sieves). That is why you have to denounce Catholicism and then you will start to notice a bunch more. It might save your life because you are nothing in comparison because there are many involved: “Love is a dunghill, Bette, and I am but a cock who climbs upon it to crow.”

    One of the terrorists of the Paris attack that so far has an estimated death count of 158 said, “I am from ISIS.”

    Too bad he didn’t give his full name, his DOB, his address, his social security number, his dog tags, his license, his phone number as well and sell his biography while he was at it!

    You betcha!


    By the way just watched one scene of the attack in Paris on Fox news and it’s the same place that was attacked during the HEBDO attacks a place that was very well lit inside and was a glass store front. So I think what is going on is they are reliving it with different results different people different date. Sort of a cyclical repeat of what happened before or one was warning about this one.

    Anyway on Chris Wallace Fox News Sunday Miss Perfection was in her apartment near by the attack and narrowly escaped and it was very surreal for her. And then a can of carrots fell out of the refrigerator. Incentive. Must be a male shortage in France. Didn’t Obama give some “carrots” to Pope Francis recently?

    Finding a Syrian passport on one of the attackers was too too too much!

    wee wee wee, wee wee weeScreen Shot 2015-11-15 at 11.19.13 PM

    I suppose her flat roomies weren’t good enough specimens to showcase. She means serious business. Anyway if you’re interested in getting involved in WWlll and possibly a nuclear showdown come to Paris the City of Light and you might have a good time or you could end up in a cage in Raqqa.

    Jack Keane needs you!Screen Shot 2015-11-15 at 11.01.31 PM

    The way I look at it if you aren’t gonna fix it permanently, then don’t bother you will only make it worse.

    By that I mean get rid of the ideological inspirations (Mecca & Medina) that drive muslims wild and affects their minds  like the Taliban did to the Buddhist monuments in Afghanistan by blowing them up. I guess they wanted to send a message and it worked. Made big news. And we are still there dealing with them and it should have been handled along time ago by blowing up their monuments in Saudi Arabia.


    ……..Continuation of the WHAT THE FRENCH ARE GONNA DO

     I got kind of sidetracked.



    The sooner they do it though the sooner I will gain what I want. Go ahead and we will be able to watch as a certain group of people have to bury their weapons for months (6 months which might be talking about bible times which are much different than regular times so could be longer) of the dead that occur because of some kind of gas or nuke or whatever it is that immediately melts the tongues out of their mouths. Read about it in the Bible and get prepared. I don’t think gas melts the tongues out of mouths immediately but I think that usually means some kind of nuclear designed weapon and then contamination. And when that wind blows you better hope you are in the right spot.

    North? West? East? South?

    Not to mention those crops. Food and cattle.

    You better hope God is on your side. Doesn’t seem like God is on France’s side as of tonight.


    who am i to go against the wind Paul Simon

    I thought France was for open borders?

    140+ DEAD


    That’s why we let them get away with sending Saudis to New York to collide with a few buildings because Obama said at the UN

    “The future must not belong to those who slander the profit/prophet of Islam.”


    Can you imagine what would happen if those Abominations of bullshit MECCA AND MEDINA were destroyed?

    Might make a big difference and turn some red and white heads around. I think those places are driving Muslims insane. Might save a lot of lives!

    Like the honey bees that get infected with killer bee sense. Attacking everything that even makes a tiny noise or like a fire ant if a person

    stands where he should not!

    Remember Paul of the New Testament? Remember the story about when he landed on Malta a place in the Mediterranean Sea (a very strategic spot at least at that time) that looks like a bee or an ant depends on your perception of the shape of the island/s. He did something that made the people think that he was God and he was with Luke the doctor. Paul moved about because he had backers and financial support like a pope would travel about.

    Anyway it was when his ship wrecked on the island. And I have a feeling he’s in Virginia because of something in my past that I remember that may have been provided to me for some reason. Don’t know of course. Lucius, the doctor of the church, I mean. I don’t know about Paul but there were times Lucius wasn’t with him and sometimes he was with him but gave him courage when he was with him. It may have to do with Microwaves because of that sign, tip, clue, from the past. 


    Screen Shot 2015-11-14 at 12.11.39 AM

    Anyway we will be hearing Fox News, the politicians, the diplomats, and their clergy say a bunch of times, “Our hearts and our prayers are with you.” as if they memorized it and which they say about everything they report that’s bad which is a lot and I doubt that they have hearts and actually pray much. Like saying, “Bless your heart.” and has become an overused and an empty cliche. If they really meant it they would tell the truth and they would admit that the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seeds for starters.


    Maybe it is time to test FAYET.

    Anyway as I understand the bible ISRAEL GROWS TREMENDOUSLY FOR SOME REASON.

    Ever hear the expression BEYOND JORDAN?

    One thing for sure ISIS has a problem with direction. ISIS Jihadi John threatened Rome from Cuba and and ISIS threatened Russia and attacked Paris. Does that make sense? Maybe this will actually have something to do with that sign about 1600 furlongs as in possibly referring to The White House (1600 Pennsylvania) and the Vatican and the blood rising up to their horses bridles.

    By the way saw a great Seinfeld show about a woman walking around in a bra and everyone was freaking out while I was at the hospital. Very funny show sometimes.

    Anyway just had dream about trying to find lipstick in my purse. A real long drama about it. Before that in the dream a lot of people hiding.

    While I was at the hospital this last time I woke myself up from a very bad dream it was starting and I wish I could remember it but it was about the world. A secret I figured out or the secret came to me and then it disappeared from my memory. I’m sure it will come back to me soon maybe in another dream that occurs. It didn’t look good for the world!

    We found that part persian cat in the woods in Virginia when she was a kitten. we assumed see was persian she could have been parisian we don’t know because she didn’t have papers.

    Screen Shot 2015-11-11 at 3.17.15 PM

    Victoria’s Secret 2015.

    VETTING Ben Carson

    As far as vetting goes Ben Carson is obviously lying if he says he was offered a scholarship by Gen. Westmoreland unless it wasn’t Gen. Westmoreland that offered it to him. As far as vetting goes he admitted to getting an organ after he was caught having used one didn’t he? and not before and admitted that he could tell it was human after much ado about abortions.

    That’s a lie Ben just in case you didn’t know it.

    Then he said we should tithe 10% to the White House as if it was the temple,

    did he not? Obviously much of it being laundered to Rome or we would be see in an improvement in  our economy.

    Whether you were at Kennedy Center or where ever it was someone was up there that looked like they were up to no good a mechanic and the Challenger blew up in the air.

    I wasn’t invited to be a speaker at a prayer breakfast for the President, but you were which made you enormously famous. How did that happen? Was it a mistake or good fortune? Did Gen. Westmoreland offer you a scholarship if you attended?

    What is the smallest of seeds?

    Notice Christians never answer that question? Wonder why? How about Islamic faithers?

    If you really were TRULY a neuro surgeon you should know the answer to that question and you wouldn’t be afraid! BRRRRRRRRR

    You say you come from an outrageous family of 28 or so and only one turned out good which is not a good sign obviously bad DNA distribution and so we are so supposed to be impressed that it took that many kids to come up with Ben Carson and not one sibling will corroborate your legend not one neighbor will attest to your stories which proves that more is not better. Do they pay a 10 percent tithe to Washington DC?

    Ben Carson West Point controversy divides Republicans
    I’m not running for the office of President Ben Carson,

    but you are!


    He is an imposter, that’s all there is to it.

    I heard a little bell ring in my right ear. DING.

    What proof do you have that the Chinese are involved in Syria?

    asked Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday/

    However, I think Ben Carson is right about the Chinese being involved in Syria not necessarily on the ground or providing arms but they sent the rice that was poisoned or somehow tainted either in China or in India or on it’s way to Syria and a bunch of people died because they didn’t have their HASMAT gear/suits like the people in Africa when Ebola struck because only the doctors were protected until it was noticed. MR. HEINZ i.e. JOHN KERRY after having dinner with President Bashar Assad and his wife Asthma and with his well-connected wife MRS. HEINz; what’s in a name? (the same guy who met the many witnesses of Benghazi in Germany after it occurred and we never saw them again) and who readily blamed Sarin gas for the poisoning of the Syrian people because of a taped conversation of someone in the Syrian military who was stupid enough to be taped by the Germans and happened to be in the right spot to be overheard by the Germans in order to blame Bashar Assad’s regime.  That’s why people were not wearing real masks at the Sarin gas contaminated areas because it wasn’t gas it was poisoned rice. So that is involved, isn’t it?


    So it appears it wasn’t a very congenial dinner?

    In the bible it states clearly that Damascus would be a burdensome stone to the world and I think that includes China.

    Bashar al-Assad Blames Paris Attacks on France’s Foreign Policy

    Anyway after all that and the Paris attacks being blamed indirectly at Syria because of ISIS or so some suicidal maniacs said via Fox News Bashar Assad has the gaul to say that France and ipso facto the USA and the EU have some foreign policy problems.

    Maybe it’s NATO?

    The europeans often accused the West of being wild, Geez Louis.

    Kerry Vows ‘Despicable’ Daesh Will Be Defeated

    John Kerry’s explanation today was bullshit. What’s going on is way more than he would like the people to think but for him it’s about the survival of the Vatican/and their baby and it’s control. It’s his bed and he is married to it.

    His Kush.




    Oh, What A Tangled Web He Weaves

    “In the last few weeks we have seen Republican Presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson defend himself against the press for allegations of lying about his past. This got me thinking, is he telling the truth about anything? I have to admit that I’m anxiously waiting to hear him say the words, “I’m not a doctor, but I play one on T.V.”……….

    Now Fox is saying that Ben Carson is so kind because he won’t reveal the name of the person he stabbed unless the press is kind and won’t harass tons of people he wrote about etc.

    The guy is nuts and what’s worse is the press. Just because someone talks softly does not make them good. I know some people who know how to seethe their anger in various ways that no one would suspect their evil intent for instance Popes in the past and present and President Obama. It’s called being of the devil. If you believe there is evil going on in this world than you have to assume there is someone behind it. It just doesn’t happen out of pure dumb unluck. Immigration is part of it and it was intentional not by those that immigrate but by those that made it impossible for those immigrants not to immigrate causing havoc and they came from Roman Catholic countries. Is that a surprise? Hey if they lose their rule they want everyone to be destroyed. You have to overcome the Roman Catholic way that is why they didn’t allow catholics to read their bibles for eons.  A WORLD WITHOUT BORDERS. GLOBAL WARMING. CLIMATE CHANGE. NEOCATECHUMENAL WAY. OPUS DEI. UNIONS, BAD UNIONS, BAD COPS, BAD CLERGY, DON’T TALK BAD ABOUT SOMEONE IN YOUR FIELD EVEN IF THEY HAVE COMMITTED CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY IN ORDER TO PROTECT EACH OTHER IN THE RELIGIOUS FIELD AND BECOME A ONE WORLD REUNION, DON’T FIRE  BAD DOCTORS AND NURSES IN ORDER TO KEEP THE INSURANCE BUSINESS IN BUSINESS, DON’T FIRE FEDERAL EMPLOYEES AND BAD TEACHERS, LIFT UP THE BAD NOT THE GOOD, DON’T LEARN FROM MISTAKES, DON’T TURN IN CHILD MOLESTER PRIESTS JUST MOVE THEM TO ANOTHER PLACE, APPLAUD THE POLICE EVEN WHEN THEY MURDER THEN PANDER THEM AND THEIR UNIONS BECAUSE WHO YOU GONNA CALL TO GET SPECIAL TREATMENT:

    To ex·ac·er·bate

     To make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse:

    Create AUSTERITY


    All of this kind of activity is EVIL!

    You can read about it in the Gospel of Luke

    which illustrates the Abomination of Desolation!

    Fascism grows this way and so does Roman Catholicism to Catholicize the world.

    You scratch my back I scratch yours (BGEA).

    Call evil good and call good evil.

    Don’t reveal the hospice situation of the elderly and vets and use abortion as an excuse even though it is legal, make people get insurance even though it does not prevent death, sickness, or the ills in society, don’t find cures just insure to create a very sick population which is a scam because once there was no insurance and we had to find cures and people did, use Obama Care to hide purposeful man made catastrophes and for the purposes of fascism and ruin a country from within. Tax the shit out of everyone except those in Congress. Don’t hire certain people but make excuses for their unemployment (deception), create a national debt that doesn’t exist, it’s all about making people submit to Roman Catholicism. Divert. Political correctness so you can’t describe a person so crime can run rampant so good cops can’t work in a safer environment and people can’t live in a safer environment.  There is so much more to it but it would fill the world if books were truthful. It’s the flood in order to keep you blind and many people died and are doing it again. History repeating’ itself. Lots of books out there, aren’t there?

    Pontius Pilate: what is truth!



    Hey, if you can’t even admit that the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of the seeds

    you got a problem and deserve a:

    Mad World-Gary Jules

    and it will destroy you.

    If you read Revelation Roman Cathlocism doesn’t survive in the end so it would be wise to get on the right train if you want to be a part of


    He didn’t need a seed not even one that isn’t the smallest of seeds.

    He didn’t even need a woman or a man.


    Who is the Greater? The one that needs a man or a woman, a little seed or one that doesn’t need either. Who do you think will win?

    Before Abraham was I AM




    The Great State of Mexico votes …..

    The Great State of Brazil votes…..

    The Great State of Central America Votes……

    Consumption tax and lots of business

    for everyone.

    I bet the Bushes would feel threatened but they might get over it.

    The only thing is it would not work unless you give up and denounce Catholicism & organized religions

    since basically they are the same but with different formats and instead

    Believe in I Am That I Am and grow up and not grow out.

    I think it would be worth it.

    Independent thought and a personal relationship with God instead of en-masse and getting lost in the translation.

    I heard that Hillary Clinton said at her debate that we are not at war with radical islam. No, but they are with us. Bernie Sanders said that the most pressing problem of the world is Climate Change because climate changes. I heard that Assisi of Egypt had some strong things to say about the religion of Islam to his Muslim neighbors portraying itself very anti peace because he thinks it is the religion of peace which it obviously is not a religion of peace.  I agree with Newt Gingrich that the problem is psychological at least to some degree but the truth is spiritually the world and it’s religions are at war with God because of deep seated deception and that is why the world has the problems the world has including climate change and I don’t think that will be rectified until the world isn’t at war with God. I think the world can be cured but it takes a while. Obviously since the GREAT DISCOVERY that the MUSTARD SEED isn’t the SMALLEST OF SEEDS and no one wants to admit that it isn’t the smallest of seeds then there has to be something up with that kind of adversity which isn’t diversity because it seems to be a world wide calamity

    which is RIDICULOUS. Anyway there is a story at the bottom of the page about my sister and my cousin which I didn’t witness but heard about and I think that is what is kind of occurring world wide.

    Screen Shot 2015-11-12 at 4.56.43 AMI thought this: Alter of Pacis (ARA PACIS) might be what was transported to Israel in a big mac truck when Pope Benedict XVl visited the Dome of the Rock, the very first pope to actually do that or so it was rumored and it would take a BIG MAC TRUCK to do that but it could have been something else really big but the entourage blocked off the roads so none could see what was in the truck. When they did their sermon in Israel televised that was when I felt I heard “On the Precipice.” Then soon after all that fluff their were many tunnels from Egypt to Israel (within a few years) so it could have been more than one thing or tunnel digger equipment. But a Palestinians did say they were blindfolded to the tunnels and ordered to dig. Not sure what it was that they brought or why Pope Benedict felt a need to visit the Dome of the Rock. Never did say what they transported and I’m positive they wouldn’t tell us if it was something to undermine the Israelis. Could be they took whatever it was to Notre Dame in Jerusalem or other numerous places that are Catholic leased or owned in that city. But those tunnels were elaborate and wired that Sean Hannity showed us a while back.

    The Mayor of Rome Alemanno (the one with the cain) did some weird things around that time as well having to do with the “wound that was healed.” involving the Vatican Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone of the Catholic Church and some taxi drivers unions and talked about conjuring up something invoking. He’s a Celtic Catholic I think. Cleaned Rome of gypsies after one young gypsy girl was murdered, I guess he had to clean it up. (Might incriminate him or his son, you know what I mean? wipe clean) Anyway he set up some strange signals and he also visited Jerusalem. Didn’t hear much about his visit. I’m sure it was important whatever it was or he wouldn’t have bothered. I have been watching for quite a while and for good reason. He has a son who is also in politics and looks just like him in another country in Europe.

    1. make (something) appear unexpectedly or seemingly from nowhere as if by magic:
      to invoke:to call forth by incantation: conjure
      It could have been who I saw in that face in the restaurant with my daughter who looked possessed and freaked her out when she saw him as well. For no reason he would direct his attention at me from across the room and eventually I told her to check it out this guy is acting weird and she turned and flipped back real fast because it scared her. He was with some country folk but what we saw was in his eyes. A maniac.
       Mayor Allemanno loves the Catholic Church and the unions. Gee I wonder why! He’s a Nazi that’s why.
      Screen Shot 2015-11-12 at 5.57.46 AMThe vent fell in the garage on an old air conditioner all by itself.
      Fox morning news has a guest on saying “Lighten up, don’t blame, don’t whine, drink it up. This is so-so Catholic.” Forget what we do and let us (them) keep doing it.
      F… THEM!
       What about 6 million jews and all those new intended victims?
      They have no conscience because they indulge themselves on a regular basis. The Roman Catholic Church needs to be trained to have one. Maybe they should be wearing training pants.
      My aunt and my mom left the room where their tots/babies were in their cribs (a boy and a  girl) and came back to find both kids eating their poop. I guess they hadn’t changed their diapers soon enough. I THINK RICHARD DID IT FIRST.
      enough.Screen Shot 2015-11-13 at 6.29.44 AM
      I hear that Paris tourism will be for the most part closed . The eiffel tower and other places that are public sites. Sounds like the government shut down in Washington D.C. a few years ago and the closing of our monuments which are suppose to be free just out of spite for not being beholden to Obama and his federal workers who Billy Graham is counting on.
      Screen Shot 2015-11-15 at 12.13.48 AM
      This is why the massacre occurred in Paris that’s how small some people acts who think they are god.

      Low and Behold

      Notre Dame is gonna hold some events honoring those that died.
      It’s syphillis of the mind of the BGEA and who it shills for all for a rally in support of Notre Dame.
      Why can’t we take these bastards out? asked the reporter who sounds exactly like Carlos Sheen (Martin/Charlie or a Sheen) in regards to ISIS because of our military might to Obama at G20. First of all it would help if you would remember who you are. You are an actor, not a reporter and you are Roman Catholic and I think pentacostal. That’s why.
      It depends on what is is!
      There are more than one group called ISIS and I imagine some aren’t on the same side.
      Just like those in the Vatican itself are having internal problems because one faction wants to control the others as they have for years and years. Some of those that are creating anarchy in their countries or other countries may be brutal but have been reacting to the fascism/unfair practices/insane control in their countries and ours. So some may be very confused but that is what happens when you lie to the people and all the tactics used to keep them profoundly deceived and call it civilized.

      Paul McCartney – Too Many People

      Ordering Austerity was a big mistake and extremely stupid and kind of a clue especially if you have read the Gospel of Luke.
      I think Syria would have been better to have been left along and there wouldn’t be Syrian refugees. They lived there for many years and while Pres. Assad was there as well so whoever invaded Syria in the first place which I think was Saudi Arabia is involved. They were funding it somehow. Why?
      That is the zillion dollar question.
      “The future must not belong to those that slander the profit/prophet of ISLAM.”
      We decided to be a little different since things are so different and instead of Turkey we are gonna have roast beef brisket.
      Screen Shot 2015-11-16 at 5.04.56 PM
      As stated a few times by me my mom told me she wanted to live to 105 years of age to outlive her grandmother and one sister kept $35,000. in a Savings Account UNTIL my mom died of my mom’s money and they hospiced her instead FOR 2 WEEKS AND SHE DIED! And there are two other siblings besides me and if you add up $35, 000. times three you get $105,000.
      Is that perfection?
      The last conversation with my oldest sites she said mom ha died and that she knew she would not have wanted to live that was: with COPD a wide variety of things that might cause breathing problems real and manufactured and so she got mom a hospice cair-giver which means she was planning for my mom to die and which means that is the purpose of the hospice cair-giver to allow death at any opportune moment instead of trying to save her life hence the argument between the staff/doctor at the hospital, the hospice cair-giver and the retirement center on what was prudent to do for my mom and she died during that time hence it was purposeful fair given to my mom to make it happen and money was no object as my older sister said when she bought those flip flops.

      Whoever took on the name of the cair of Ho-spice and promotes that kind of treatment is the




      who is being awarded sainthood by the Pope Francis.

      They tend to do that in the Catholic Church such as fulfilling the prophecy of

      the Court of the Gentiles at Notre Dame.

      The reason told to me by my mother-in-law for her love of the Roman Catholic Church was the latin used which made the church mysterious because they didn’t understand the language of pig latin or latin which is a dumb reason to love a church which was the

       Mystery of Babylon!

      Anyway those that influenced them, the policies that influenced that kind of action, the religions and government institutions involved may have made a very bad turn for themselves that will bite them back so hard and it will hurt. My parents were good people and deserved much better. Anyway I think about that story in the bible about Lazarus and it helps because I think that is what will happen to those powers that deceived my family and many others. Shouldn’t have done that to my mom and dad.

      Terrorist Alert: U.S. State Dept Warns Americans Abroad to Steer Clear of Vatican

      Their Jubilee is approaching soon. I think that means a 50 year celebration. When was the last one, 1963?

      Probably be wise to allow the Syrian refugees into the USA! It’s why we are here and are supposed to do since we are America and might actually be good VETTING for America!

      By the way have you noticed that Fox News (Vatican) has kind of stopped harassing Planned Parenthood and those that had abortions lately since the crises of ISIS. I guess their self  preservation has taken hold of them and it just isn’t as important to them as their surviving terrorism.

      Abortion has taken a backseat so to speak.

      Funny how that is.

      Screw other people’s babies, eh?

      Republicans to Obama: Keep Syrian refugees out

      August 2013 was the Queens Jubilee Celebration. And this year is the Vatican Jubilee Celebration/ Jubilee Celebrations occur every 50 years or so. Sure it wasn’t the 12th?

      “The jubilee year will begin on December 8 and run until November 20, 2016. December 8 is one of the holiest dates in the Catholic calender as the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and is also the date on which the Vatican II council closed in 1965.”

      ” The council, through the Holy See, formally opened under the pontificate of Pope John XXIII on 11 October 1962 and closed under Pope Paul VI on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception in 1965.”

      But they didn’t mint any coins on the date of the Immacualte Conceptions but minted coins on the 1963:

      1963 John XXIII Second Vatican Council

      So in actuality the Jubilee should have been two years ago since the 2nd Vatican Council was in 1963.


      yet the Queen’s Jubilee was in 2013.


      I think I saw a putty cat!

      Pope declares jubilee in powerful reform signal

      It’s the Immaculate Jubilee he is trying to thrust upon the world but they are body searching people that come to visit the Vatican. DID MARY SHIT IN THE WOODS?





      They call them ananus!

      When traveling in Europe on our family camping trip the first time I saw a hole in the cement posing as a toilet was either in Spain or France. It was disgusting. Luckily there was an ocean near by called the Mediterranean Sea.


      Massacre of the Innocents

      “The Massacre of the Innocents is the biblical narrative of infanticide by Herod the Great, the Roman-appointed King of the Jews…..”


      “……….In Matthew‘s account, magi from the east go to Judea in search of the newborn king of the Jews, having “seen his star in the east”. The King, Herod the Great, directs them to Bethlehem, and asks them to let him know who this king is when they find him. They find Jesus and honor him, but an angel tells them not to alert Herod, and they return home by another way………”

      Kind of weird and kind of twisted!

      I guarantee infantice occurs mostly in Muslim and Roman Catholic run countries of the world and that is no accident.

      I have been trying to figure out the part of the verse that says the birds of the air have their nests and I think that has to do with Look-Out perches which on a ship are called Crow’s nests.

      In hunting, a crow’s nest is a blind-like structure where a hunter or a pair of hunters commit themselves to stalking game.

      On Fox news Bill O’reilly says nightly, “We are looking out of you.” or “we are watching out for you.” When Jesus says the verse about the foxes and the birds and calls Herod an old fox he is talking in reference to the temple since it was called King Herod’s temple run by the ROMANS (NOTRE DAME in Paris and it’s Court of the Gentiles) and Herod wanted to kill Jesus at that time. O’reilly wrote a book called “Killing Jesus.” Kind of wild, huh? And it was Herod that had some baby boys killed up to the age of three years old.

      So there may be more to what is going on at Fox News than meets the eye.

      note: Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis said she was a hunter.


      Job 41 [Full Chapter]

      Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down? Canst thou put an hook into his nose? or bore his jaw through with a thorn? Will he make many supplications unto thee? will he speak soft words unto thee?
      I’m praying for Rome’s destruction
      (It is very deceptive and evil, insidious, controlled by the mob and has created havoc by it’s deceptions all over the world and they can’t see the forest for the tree but Kerry thinks it is “civilized” controlling others in every aspect of their lives. )
      and all of the other ones in the world and the destruction of some sites mentioned already and every business they are involved in. I prayed about it a minute ago and I will keep doing it when I remember to do it.
      Those places and those people that are a part of this junk knowingly deserve their own destruction ASAP.


      I hope it’s really soon.

      In the bible it says that God puts it into the heart of a certain unknown army to destroy the Vatican. It will happen.

      We just have to teach them geography!

      Screen Shot 2015-11-21 at 7.34.25 PM

      Watched Watter’s World with Jesse Watters and his panel laughing about how if the Dems thought that terrorism was caused climate change they would actually fight terrorism

      How about this comparison:

      If Catholics knew that Catholics caused Islam and ISLAMIC terrorism they might actually fight them.

      Radical Islam is Radical Catholicism.


      Islam was created with the help of a nun and it is not a mere coincidence.

      It may be too late by the time they figure it out. If it can happen in nature it can happen to ROME.

      Ain’t That A Kick In The Head – Dean Martin


      Maureen Dowd Slams Hollywood Sexism: ‘It’s a Sick Society – Like the Catholic Church and Saudi Arabia’

      Watched the movie directed by Angelina Jolie and it was fantastic. Made the Italien olympic athlete into Jesus with PTSD of WWll and she did get to see the Queen of England afterwards or during (propaganda) but in order for her to be a director I guess this is what it took. I wish they had beaten up a great white shark to eat but maybe next time. Not sure the queen can help it either. She did a good job in any case. Anyway I guess Fukushima was called for, huh? Surprised that this story wasn’t made into a movie when all those WWll movies were made. Guess it wasn’t believable at the time or didn’t pass the smell test while those that were involved were still alive. In the past the Protestant Queen Elizabeth has been portrayed as a queen that liked knowledge and pursued it whereas the queen of england in our times is more of a figure head like a barbie doll as is her family.

      Recently my ex said that he loved the film by Angelina Jolie and I agreed it was good but totally unbelievable and he said, “What’s not to believe?” He’s was raised Catholic.

      Huckabee on Fox said that the Syrian refugees should stay in Syria and let the BGEA (with donations from Americans handle them.) I know that Angelina Jolie was a spokesperson for Syrian women for quite a long while.

      Maureen Dowd Slams Hollywood Sexism: ‘It’s a Sick Society – Like the Catholic Church and Saudi Arabia’ –

      I think Maureen Down is right at least this time It’s a sick world where men aren’t men anymore. We didn’t have computers way back when to search for information *knowledge shall increase* and had less chance of comparing things of the bible and now we do and we don’t exercise it to get it right which takes a lot of gaul to ignore it like ignoring the vetting of our vets and their wives using stories without evidence about Planned Parenthood. By now you would have thought there would had been a real investigation by Congress of the makers and actors of the you tubes about the malpractice occurring that has been revealed by a bunch of vatican nuts.


      This is why.

      When good is evil and evil is good.

      I had a dream about the pope and actually had a conversation with him and there were these things that came from the sky that were quite scary ORKISH and were in the clouds attacking and hunting people on the ground and the trojan horse was a huge black dog. Anyway I told him he had to change, or else.

      I said, “Do it for family, do it for friends (DIFF-DIFF) or the cult of the RCC and it’s  people which are many will get left behind.

      Buck had a big neck: the lady that had to be bucked was Notre Dame and the lady had to lay down.

      The rest of the dream I was running around with Rand Paul trying to find my car and a certain neighborhood in Alexandria, Virginia while this big black dog was looking for something or someone. It was night time so the dog didn’t see us between houses and none else was around. By big I mean it was the size of the radiated giant in that movie about a person who grows into a giant because of radiation that gets caught up in telephone wires. Very scary dream I guess you would call it a nightmare but I too suffer PTSD and had to take a pill last night to sleep  prescribed for stress and anxiety.  At one point I was climbing cobblestones which was quite inconvenient because they had already been paved.

      “If you’re going to tell the truth, you better have one foot in the stirrup.”

      Pretty weird dream.

      Then while looking for my black rimmed glasses that I lost somehow in the house I uncovered some change on the table and hoping the ex wouldn’t notice but he did and scarfed it up. It wasn’t that much change,

      maybe a dollar or so. He was raised Roman Catholic.

      Kind of funny.

      The Smell Test

      Listened to Hal Lindsay for about a minute the other night. I thought “I wonder what he has to say.” and he was reading something Paul said in the bible about being killed all day long and other things that is part of being a Christian and it fit with the sickness that has been taught in the name of Jesus. Basically promoting martyrdom and masochism. I think he was a sick man. I think Hal Lindsay sitting on his little perch is sick as well because he is teaching what Paul taught and this kind of teaching fits the picture above of Obama with his eyes crossed. Teaching pacifism.

      Female genital mutilation

      For reasons  behind female mutilation alone the Islamic sites (MECCA AND MEDINA) need to be obliterated along with the Vatican because it is partially their fault for not allowing birth control for years and their stance on abortion, aids prevention devices, etc because of their insanity. Obviously the Vatican influences Islam and vice-versa.

      One of the reasons is because Saudis and other muslims think women smell. Geez they are smelling themselves. Men’s ejaculation stink. That is why God made it (sperm ejaculation) to go inside of a woman instead of on the outside on their belly or thigh to avoid pregnancy but we have evolved and have birth control devices and drugs. I love the way I smell when I have sex with myself but I hate the smell of sperm. Honestly. Real men like it too. I have a good sense of smell and believe me their is a difference between men and women. Only a sadistic psycho would think a woman stinks. The only time women smell bad is when they are menstruating and that is why God via Moses had them separate from the rest of the people because it is foul and considered unclean but a necessity for life or if they are working out in a field in the sun which they are not meant to do. I know when I started to get going in real estate my nemesis was afraid I would show him up because he wasn’t that good at certain aspects of it and wanted to keep me down. It’s an insecure man that is this way but there are plenty of them *(mary types).

      “Sperm or Semen is created in the Vas Differens by mixing Water, Sugar and other things from the male body.The Sperm is then transferred up into the Semenal Vessel where over 100,000,000 Sperm cells are held until Ejaculation.”

      Without menstruation there would not be life eventually even with modern day technology. Sperm smell is equivalent to the smell of menstruation. It is because it comes from inside your body and is stored in there for a while. Where as the lubrication that is involved in sex that women excrete is meant to smell good to a man in order that men would be attracted sensually and actually be able to perform and the nose is one of the senses God gives humans to attract them and it is an attractive smell. The reason the clitoris smells good is like the difference between an oxygen tank that can explode and an oxygen generator. The clitoris excretes as it is generated whereas sperm is stored inside a worm sometimes for months or more and when it is lucky enough to find a willing partner it is like an oxygen tank and it stinks like a gas and that is why there is a thing called a rubber. Not just because of disease, or prevention of pregnancy, but because sperm stinks. I certainly would rather have it in a rubber bag than on me and I’m sure most women agree if they were truthful. I guarantee Robert DeNiro of Taxi Driver and others who do that kind of business would rather not smell it or clean it up because it stinks.

      The reason Jesus said to Mary not to touch him after he had risen and before he went to the Father was because she wasn’t clean because more than likely she was menstruating at the time and back then they didn’t have Tampax, Kotex, etc. And another reason because the worship of Mary has caused so much woe to females and it is obvious a particular Mary was not admired by a particular Jesus. One of them (Mary, the Catholic one) was a woman hater. Back in the old times women used cloth as a kotex and had to rinse them etc like parents recently in the past had to rinse kids diapers in the toilet to get the poop off and then put into a washing machine once we (THE USA) invented those great devices. Probably if women were equipped with inventions like washing machines it might help the sexuality and sensuality between muslim men and women that are full grown and educated. If you don’t educate the females she won’t know what she should do and will listen to some stupid women’s wives tales who weren’t taught either or some insane Islamic (Vaticanized muslim) who enjoys a woman’s misery. They are a sick society and they need a revolution.

      Obviously their religion is a problem and misinterpreting the bible is another problem and why we can’t seem to know who the REAL enemy is.

      Women’s natural lubrication device the clitoris does smell good but the problem is when a female is young or too young it doesn’t smell so good because they are kids and aren’t into their femininity yet. They run around like boys and their bodies aren’t developed and that is why they might smell worse because it was meant to deter real men. The problem is the age of the female that muslims like to assault. Saudis like to screw little girls and they are more likely not to smell good because they don’t have things working correctly in a sexual way until they are of age in their bodies and minds because God made them that way and then girls have to learn how to deal with their female cycles, moods, the pain, the hassles and all that it entails. Saudis and muslim men just want to screw little girls because they aren’t man enough to seduce a woman with all of her faculties working because not all muslim men’s faculties are working obviously (they forgot to evolve) and they don’t know how because they were not taught how. Probably why they wear those red and white checkered table cloths similar to Italian table clothes you see in Italian restaurants but decided it looked good on their head instead of on a table, that’s pretty weird to begin with and they use them to wipe their stinky head sweat and spilled sperm as they ejaculate when John Kerry walks by. French and the English used to wear wigs, same difference. In some courts they still wear a wig.

      The lubrication that comes from manipulating the clitoris is what makes sex good and pleasurable for both female and male. It is numbing for the vagina for her comfort and for the penis to preform for a longer period of time without ejaculating the moment it enters the vagina hence creating a great deal of dissatisfaction for both female and male involved. It possibly is what swells the vagina to make it more comfortable for the male: “Making a silk purse of a sow’s ear.”  A line from the movie Rob Roy starring Liam Neeson and Jessica Lange.  I don’t think my sister had a clitoris or knew she had one because she asked the doctor to make her bigger in the entrance of her vagina i.e. to have herself enlarged during the time she gave birth the first time in order for her to enjoy her husband who was quite large in the penis department. I know because he showed himself to me on a family trip. I don’t think she knew that she could help sex along by manipulating herself during sex and before sex thus making herself produce that good juice for their enjoyment so that sex isn’t only a duty but a fun experience otherwise she would be bleeding and sore for days not wanting to experience sex anytime soon as in rape.

      Why Did People Wear Powdered Wigs?

      They need some good hairdressers in Saudi Arabia? I’m not sure I have ever seen a Islamic man’s hair. Is it curly? Is it frizzy? Does it look like pubic hair? Is that the problem? There is such a thing as a wig, toupee and other inventions! They themselves are the epitome of a wetback. I think they don’t think too highly of their own race (self loathing) because they have been taught not to more than likely hence rolling out the red carpet for a pope and if they had they would wear normal clothes and get with the times. Some sort of mental illness involved. They come to the US to screw american women who still have their clitoris using diplomatic immunity and rape drugs so what is good for the elite is not good for the regular guy and partially why there is this thing called ISIS. They also want to be on top. They are having a revolution because of the elite and because their religion teaches them shit so why interfere? Maybe their revolution will evolve the race of muslims and the Saudis a degree or two or even more. They certainly need it. Our American revolution evolved us as well after our Civil War. I hope America stays out of their business because in the long run it might be a good thing. Europe might suffer but who started the mess to begin with?

      One world government? Notre Dame? The Vatican?

      If we get involved as a country in war in the Middle East we should be attacking Saudi Arabia since they attacked us in New York on 9’11 and we should attack their ideology (Mecca & Medina) as they have attacked everyone else’s ideology such as Capitalism in New York. That is if we want to conquer it. If we want to win. There are people that don’t like to succeed or are afraid to succeed and others that won’t let you succeed. FOr the life of me I cannot understand why American and the supposed free world protects their enemies ideology. They will not protect your ideology when push ones to shove. I’m sure there was a company they were trying to teach a lesson to that was housed in those two buildings that were rammed with airplanes and the lesson should be taught back to them. In the long run it would be helpful in the minds of those that practice the religion of Islam to know that they can’t get away with terrorism without a very good response. I imagine if every time there is an attack of terrorism a response by destroying some mosques would be very helpful to eradicating a major nuisance that teaches that terrorism works and has become a way to take away the rights of others in a free society as a whole. Every time a clit is slit a mosque ought to burn down. I think terrorism might eventually be a thing of the past if those that are threatened by terrorism would respond in kind to an ideology that attacks civilians and is obviously mad if they are guilty of clit slitting, that is INSANE. Instead they want to attack Assad’s presidency when we should be ousting Barack Obama.

      Did President Assad fly airplanes into the two towers in New York? Did Putin? 

      They were Saudis, every stinkin’ one of them.

      Obviously ISIS isn’t going to beg to be attacked in Syria by attacking France. That is ridiculous. Leaving a passport should be a clue to those that were attacked that ISIS isn’t the real culprit. It’s ISLAM that is the problem.

      If they are stupid enough to cut off the clitorises of their own women

      they deserve to lose power in the world

      and they deserve to lose control of the oil industry.

      Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers,

      nor the desire of women,

      nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

      Lagarde International Monetary Fund, regard, lamb, ram

      I think Hollande of France and those that are afraid to deal with Islam succinctly (Cameron) are ashamed of the past. Can you imagine?

      The sign of Jonas in the 70’s generation was Jones Town, Guyana

      I linked the verses that are applicable to the sign of Jonas.

      Jonas was a prophet and was a sign to the Ninevites and also the Son of man who is Jonas. These signs come from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke!

      Peter in the Gospel of John is the son of Jonas and was told to follow Jesus of the Gospel of John. Obviously there is more than one Jesus.

      The last thing I saw about Guyana (could have been Kenya) was a woman who had twins that she named Barack and I think the other she named was Paul Ryan.

      It has something to do with cloud nine and the fish people which I think are Roman Catholic.  Possibly if you want to get off that wheel you might follow the Jesus who talked about truth and things like that if you want to make a difference.

      John Kasich Video Links Donald Trump To Nazi Germany

      John Kasich is sick. 

      The Catholic idea of a Covenant with Mohammad, the false prophet/profit?

      Do you want to win the war on terrorism? Do you want your daughters, granddaughters, great granddaughters to have their clitorises slit in order that they might appear to be immaculate for an Islamic fuckhead. Unless you are another Scott Walker you ought to not compare what your own religion fostered in WWll.

      I like Miriam Ibrahim  but have not read her book. She was received by the Pope in Rome who I think helped to get her released along with Ted Cruz because at the time it was convenient politically and I think she may had been used by Rome. Hopefully she will depart from that mindset. Roman Catholics and evangelicals maybe partially why she was slit in a round about way because Islam came from the religion of Roman Catholicism via a nun and a false prophet Mohammad. It was the VERY least the Rome Catholic Church and evangelicals could had done was to help to get her released but they owe her much more than freedom. They ought to cut their own gonads and eat them at the VERY LEAST.


      Lt. General Thomas McIerney on Fox I thought had a good perspective on the shooting down of a Russian fighter over Syria by the Turks. Basically he said that the Turks should not have shot down the Russian fighter jet. The reason I added what I interpreted that he said is because Fox News tends to forget or have memory lapses. Maybe those are the holes. Like movies that are edited and much ends up on the floor. I think they (the Turks) are protecting a part of Syria RAQQA probably since it used to be part of Turkey. Anyway I think they want it back. That is their intent IMO for shooting down the Russian fighter because as the general said they used to be secular society and now have made a wrong turn in their leadership heading toward Sharia Law and Islamic-ness so it would make sense that they want some territory that has to do with their religion and it’s history.



      Tortured for Christ?

      When I was in my early teens a General’s daughter (He was Italian and Roman Catholic) told my mom that I was a bad influence on his daughter who was 2 years older than me. I never dared to have booze and pot parties at my parents house when they left town. She did and quite a few. Mu mom responded by taking us to a psychologist. It didn’t help. His wife whom I saw only a few times rarely spoke and looked like a ghost. I think she had bad mental problems because he was dick obviously and blaming me for how his daughter behaved. I loved her and considered her to be a good friend but I didn’t date a guy who put cigarettes out on my arm and hand….she did. I thought she was beautiful, talented, and sweet but she was not perfect. CAPICHE?

      I knew of a couple of guys that she dated one was italian and I doubt was the one but the other was a police captain’s son. He was blond and had a crush on her. I didn’t know him but he was the guy that drove by my house the day I found quite a bit of pot in my drawer in my bedroom when I walked into my room. The house was dark, unlocked, with the front door wide open, my mom was at work and I walked into my bedroom and a drawer was pulled out on my desk and there it sat in the drawer a big bag of pot. So my little sister and I freaked out and I threw it in the storm drain. I was being set up. It was a joke between my sister and I for years but what was eerie about it was after that occurred he drove up in his red Camaro. He reminded me of a young Chris Matthews.

      Jesus in one of the gospels said, “Simon Simon satan hath desired you that he may sift you as wheat.” SANTA MARIA…SATAN….NICODEMUS…Joseph of Arimathea WHICH IS COARSENING!


      Screen Shot 2015-11-24 at 7.54.44 PM







      You can read about Racca/Raka/Raqqa in the Synoptic Gospels. It used to be there in the bible (I can’t find it at the moment but I have a good memory about it) but it’s an ever changing book it seems. Anyway it said whoever says racca to his brother is in danger of hellfire and damnation. I have no idea the meaning of that word (might mean hellfire and damnation) but it makes me think of torturous. Obviously it is kind of a cursed place. It was a deranged threat or warning by the Synoptic Jesus. There may be a reason for that threat or it may be warning having to do with end times type prophecy as if it might be a sign of the times we are in and possibly a tipping point. I would take it seriously because it is so out of place in the gospels, IMO.



      There is another thing that is said by the Synoptic Jesus: Some scribe said I will follow you anywhere and he says The foxes have holes the birds of the air their nests but the son of man hath nowhere to lay his head. I think I can fairly say that that is kind of an odd response. LOL

      In this day and age we have Fox News, the President of Turkey (Erdogan) his name starts with ER pronounced air, not to mention but I will anyway the Muslim Brotherhood (whoever says to his brother Racca/Raqqa/Raca is in danger of Hellfire and damnation. ), etc. Kind of coincidental and maybe a warning to Erdogan and/or to the Muslim Brotherhood. Could be saying your prophet is not worth dying for even though Obama said at the UN the future must not belong to those that insult the prophet of Islam.

      Turkey’s President Erdogan sure looks like Jordan’s King Hussein as if they are cloned brothers except I think he has a hair-lip (no offense). Reminds me of my aunt who was in a receiving line sometime or other and made a huge social faux-pas and when a person with a hair lip received her she imitated his voice thinking he was joking because I guess it wasn’t apparent that he had a Cleft Palate except for his voice. Anyway she was immensely embarrassed.  LOL

      Seems like everyone has skin in this game!

      I think protecting some skin is really important. ISLAM STINKS!

      France and Obama are chumps now and perhaps they will get their due due.

      And the way that the French (Parisians) used the situation they may have created to get people to go to Notre Dame. It was sort of predictable and definitely a grand maneuver. What are the three M’s of a psychopath/sociopath? Manage, Maneuver, Manipulate and that is what the French are proficient at doing. REMEMBER VIETNAM? IT WAS FRENCH INSPIRED. WE DIDN’T WIN IN FACT WE HAVEN’T WON A WAR SINCE THE BGEA AND THE GRAHAMS WERE PUFFED IN AMERICA.

       WE WON WWll but they hadn’t puffed Billy Graham and we attacked Japans IDEOLOGY and it worked. We didn’t have much choice because they attacked us and we had to fight a war on two or three fronts and they were suicidal using kids so it had to have been a bad ideology as ISLAM is a bad ideology and should be dealt with as harshly a Japan was in war time. Just because they shake hands with members of the Vatican and their agents like Kerry doesn’t mean they aren’t the enemy. The ideology of Islam is the enemy because it doesn’t stop. It might help with ISIS if we attack the ideology of ISLAM in Saudi Arabia. They might stop.?????? Obviously Saudi Arabia is not planning to stop because they think they have the upper hand. If our country is not willing to attack their ideology (MECCA & MEDINA) they must be in agreement with the ideology of Saudi Arabia and hence ISIS is needed to help to equalize the confusion. I have not yet heard one military person mention the possibility of attacking the ideology of Islam so I don’t think until I do hear someone in the military be brave enough to “do the math” and speak it out loud that they are serious about the war against terrorism. It can’t be that difficult to do! It can’t be that difficult to realize that they are the enemy. They attacked us and they were from Saudi Arabia no matter if they were hanging out in another country that they should not have been in. The Saudis have to contain their own people and if they aren’t gonna try and they didn’t and take responsibility for their people and they didn’t they need to be held responsible by those that they attacked. THE USA. Screw EUROPE and their interests. 

      THE USA MATTERS and we lost more than 200 people. We lost more than 3000 people. What happened in Paris doesn’t even come close and they had plenty of warnings. The people had plenty of warning unlike the american public. Did France come to our rescue or did they help to give us the correct INTEL? I DOUBT IT or we would  not have attacked Afghanistan and eventually Iraq. We would have attacked the country that raised the children that attacked us. We might as well have attacked Finland and makes as much sense as what we attacked. Obviously France was protecting it’s interests over our interests and probably was in charge of NATO at the time and whatever other groups that help to misdirect us that we have allied with for the protection of EUROPE. Obviously we get intel from the Vatican because of what was put forth by the Vatican in regards to Benghazi came from the Vatican. And we get it from Germany because of the false tape of the military officer in Assads military that was caught on tape lying on tape so that we would help Colin Powell (because he is a light black man like Obama who isn’t really part-african) with his assertions for why we attacked Iraq instead of Saudi Arabia. If this were a game of darts we would have missed the board.

      Anyway that is why Islam MOSQUES us

       as in MOCKS.

      Just because someone has a french accent does not make them superior.

      President Hollande is as dumb as the King of Jordan.

      Obviously there is something else afoot when it comes to foreign affairs. I think I know what it is. That stupid little mustard seed that isn’t the smallest of seeds and the incompetence of man to cope with the truth

      I AM THAT I AM

      and deal with it like REAL MEN. Yea it kind of is the seed that broke the camel’s back and kind of breaks down the fat in the bible,

      but it isn’t a total loss. LOL It kind of is a betrayal of the son of man, isn’t it? But it is understandable because of the reaction it has received in our day and age which should be above that kind of stupidity and should have grown up enough to handle it with intelligence. Matured. Evolved. I think the public has exceeded the intelligence of the government and it’s employees at this point in time. Instead Obama and Hollande are gonna blame ISIS for climate change and try to whiz that farce by the public. Next they will blame Assad because a tree fell in the forest and they didn’t hear it.

      Here are some posts that are written on those subjects that were written quite a while back but seemed to have caused some problems with the pea sized brain with S_L_O_W synaptic impulses of those that can’t admit they are wrong and they were wrong.

      I Am That I Am (The Sign) -Revised *

      I AM THAT I AM (Part two)

      The Mother of Jesus Christ: SHALOM!

      I Am the True Vine


      What is the smallest seed in the world?

      The Parable of Faith – Part two

      Pope Benedict XVI and the Mustard Tree

      Parable of the Mustard Seed Part 4

      The mustard in the Bible versus the Quran (1)

      Harry Truman called Billy Graham a charlatan but history has somehow changed that view point. It’s so catholic. Luckily a few people remember unlike Catholics who tend to forget because Foxes Have Holes. They do however tend to act out their angsts.

      But what is that to thee?

      Screen Shot 2015-11-24 at 7.00.24 PM

      I THINK THIS MAY HAVE TO DO WITH MARY OF FATIMA AND HER LIES. Many of the so called immigrants came who are supposedly from Syria are coming also from Croatia and other places where she appeared. She appeared in Portugal in 1917 but if you have seen the video of it, it is paranormal and I truly believe an honest broker would not appear to children because of their vulnerability and lift them in the air which is like that movie called the Exorcist. So obviously she was a very dishonest broker whoever they saw or thought they saw or were coaxed into lying about but Catholics love to use kids. Fat-i-ma (I am Fat) obviously anti-God. The sign of the cross that Catholics make as they pew-pew. The world will be at war with God and that is why we have a major hornets nest occurring these days in our country and all over the world which coincides with Catholic and Islams desires to Catholicize/Islamicize the world and the one world government that has been a major disaster and will implode and is imploding. Jesus obviously didn’t think the catholic Mary was immaculate or he would have let her touch him.

      In May, 2000, the long-awaited “third prophecy” of Fatima was finally revealed by the Vatican. For some, it was a relief and for others an anticlimactic disappointment

      I think I agree with Meriam Ibrahim who got me going on the clitoris tragedy going on in Islamic countries when I watched her interview and I think she is right about learning from the Israelis. I think the American police need to be militarized and run by the military but be a branch of the military under the direction of the 5 branches of the military somehow. I think we need to copy what the Israelis do in that regard. They need oversight because of the unions that are indulging police brutality. I know that the military for the most part is honest because they are taught to be that when they go to places like West Point etc. They had high standards I don’t know about now but when I saw Lt. Col Thomas Mcieney he seemed pretty honest though I have disagreed with him on occasion and I have no idea what branch of the military he is in or his religion we need that kind to control the police and we need to oust the unions which have been Catholicized/islamicized and are like the mob which usually means ROME.


      I agree with this guy about Islam but not about ISIS because I don’t think it was ISIS that attacked Paris.

      It was the Columbians hired by Saudi Arabia.



      The Jesuit Oath Exposed

      “My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a Reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among other Protestants, generally to be a Protestant; and obtaining their confidence, to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and even to descend so low as to become a Jew among Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope.”

      “You have been taught to plant insidiously the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and to incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace; to take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.”

      One of Billy Graham’s victims was a preacher who wrote about the exact subject on his last blog post and was killed soon after in a car accident: Rev. David Wilkerson who was puffed by Billy Graham as well. He eventually resisted and exposed Billy Graham which I wrote about in the JFK posts which you can read about on Merangue’s Blog. Lots of good stuff on there.

      The Jesuits are even instructed to impale babies;) Planned Parenthood Debacle hoax or real,

      but the Jesuits are involved and definitely some nuns.

      Then there are the Masons and the Free Mason Society which obviously are involved in some secret stuff. Many Presidents and writers of the Constitution as well as Benjamin Franklin were involved. But Billy Graham was a confident with many of the Presidents in the last century and a shill for Roman Catholicism. I think he was also a Mason. So they infiltrate each other and work off each other in various ways. And it gets kind of HARRY.

      ” In Europe of the middle ages and beyond, the Catholic Church ruled with an iron fist. Galileo was placed under house arrest till the day he died for claiming the Earth revolved around the sun. In those oppressive times, secret societies served a vital function, as they were one of the very few ways to preserve and foster knowledge suppressed by the church.”

      Sea of Galilee….knowledge 


      and now honoring Mother Teresa (Jeb’s foster mom) who I have read about that didn’t have any semblance of truth which is typical of a church that wants to decide who lives and who dies, who works and who doesn’t work, who attains success and who doesn’t, who decides what segment of society should lose their clits, who decides what knowledge should be allowed and mocks the ignorance they foster, who decides if females should be barefoot and pregnant so that they may receive more donations and more pew sitters, who decides if one is worthy in their eyes, who decides what women/girls to humiliate and which to stand on a pedestal, who marries who and who is allowed to divorce:  Basically communism with a heavy dose of a fascism. And so my belief is that the Vatican, Mecca and Medina should be destroyed for the sake of humanity and then every time a clit is slit a mosque and a catholic institution should be destroyed, and every time an older person is assisted to die (as in assisted murder) a mosque and a catholic church should be destroyed because it is evil incarnate and if that doesn’t convince them, and every time a massacre of civilians occurs then their businesses such as oil, their modes of travel highways and byways, their tools to enslave (the mob) is destroyed because they will devolve mankind if we don’t react in kind.

      So far the military is dancing and they ought to be in the fight to win and should start with the ideology! But that’s what happens when people are deceived thinking they can’t live without mosques and churches that deceive for a prophet and deceives the men that die and are maimed and eventually murdered using assissted murder that is sanctioned by the biggest church on the planet. Their mode of Thankfulness. But every once in a while to get attention they are awarded a wheel chair bought with donations by O’reilly or a hurrycane which is part of the mock of the American military and the elderly that they abuse and if you think being Catholic or Islamic will protect you, your beloved wife, your children or being pretty will protect you when those wrinkles start to grow and those boobs start to fall…


      There is no honor among thieves!!!

      The military ought to get their shit together and win the war against the ideologies that foster terrorism which means


      They teach the shit they should eat the shit when the shit hits the fan.

      Screen Shot 2015-12-01 at 7.41.59 PM

      It shouldn’t be that the future belongs to those businesses and to that kind of tyranny or to those businesses

      that support those kind of ideas IMO.

      It’s a take off of what I read in the Gospel of Luke written about in this post and Obama’s adamant design about profit and his prophet at the UN early in his administration.

      What he said at the UN was a big SIGN of his intent and his kind of diplomacy such as using terror and climate change as his mode to govern the world to enforce Roman Catholic and Islamic Ideologies which SUCK BIG ASSHOLES! I hope Obama and his merry men get a burning ember up those ass holes as well until they change their tune.

      The 10 Most Elite Secret Societies In History

      Anyway I think they have all somehow met on the same road.

      And there is going to be a Great and Terrible Day of the Lord

      and if you call it a game that day will be the end game

      and it won’t be a GRETA DAY (GAME OVER)!

      Luke 23:50
      And, behold, there was a man named Joseph, a counsellor; and he was a goodman, and a just:

      Here is a post about Joseph of Arimathea which kind of applies to that last statement”

      Joseph of Arimathea (A JUST)

      Actually Luke doesn’t say he is a good and just man……

      Luke says he was “a goodman and a just:”

      Leaving off  “man” after just?

      (if  you can call him a just)?




      I Am the way, the truth, and the life.

      So I guess James Foley and O’reilly are not into truth or life or the way.

      I want to see the Mosques depart from our country or be destroyed. I don’t believe freedom should be free for those that don’t believe in freedom (Islam) or want to Catholicize the world which is not freedom. They don’t allow jews near the temple mount in their own country so why the hell do we indulge them? I think they should not be allowed to congregate without oversight and being monitored by the military especially these days and we would be stupid to allow them freedom. We were very hard on the Japanese and we need to be very hard on Islam. They are at war with us, no doubt about it. Not internment camps unless they earn that privilege, but VERY strict oversight even of the ones that speak softly because I don’t trust their lies and nor should anyone else. They never speak against what they should because they are cowards hence are part of the problem. I don’t want Obama in charge of our military because he is ISLAMIC. He should have been arrested by the military about 8 years ago or so for fraud (place of birth) and for being a traitor to our country and to the world IMO. He does not love the world. He does not care one iota. He CAIRS but he does not give a shit about freedom or people. Whoever colludes with him will regret it.

      He speaks in DARK SENTENCES as the bible forewarned. HE IS THE DESTROYER but luckily he has been held back by truth.


      “The future must not belong to those that insult the prophet of Islam”

      and the whole world heard it when he said it at the UN which is not an insignificant point because whatever was meant by that prophecy is something the whole world would hear. So some very clumsy attackers attack France leaving behind their ids, dog tags, ss numbers, papers so they could be identified within a day or so which if they were ISIS from Syria they would not be that easy to identify but were obviously mostly from France itself which would make it easier to identify the persons involved and because Hollande doesn’t want to offend the prophet of Islam even though he acts as if he is defending those that do offend the prophet of Islam is going to get involved in a war in Syria because he thinks his future depends on it because he believes Obama who is a known liar and a fraud. Talk about dark. BLIND.

      President Hollande of France is probably defending Christine Lagardes job of spending American tax money and obviously prophet means profit to the French government. He will be one sorry son of a bitch.

      OBAMA knows he is going to be impounded for a thousand years and wants to take as many with him as he can and that includes Muslims, Islamics, Catholics, and the FRENCH

      When men don’t stand up for women (clit slitting and stoning of women for adultery) they don’t deserve a country. Islam does not deserve to rule over people or to teach BULLSHIT.

      Neither does Roman Cartholicism deserve to teach the people any more. THEY FAILED!!



      They don’t know the difference between truth and fiction and need to go find a ditch and lay in it in SYRIA perhaps.


      Nevertheless I must walk to day, and to morrow, and the day following:
      for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem.
      I admit I thought this was one weird thing that was said by Jesus in the Synoptic Gospel of Luke (or so it says). It made no sense whatsoever and since prophets tend to have perished out of Jerusalem perhaps it is meant for a particular prophet such as the one that doesn’t like to be insulted.
      Maybe this verse is referring to the prophet/profit of ISLAM that Obama was referring to when he said what he said at the UN.
      I think he was referring to Mohammad, but I don’t read minds. However God does, but I do not believe he judges men by their thoughts as Paul of Tarsus, Turkey said but in this case it might be different. But it doesn’t make sense in the order of words written which is very bewildering and seems to infer he is a prophet which does not sound the same as the Jesus in the Gospel of John who does not call himself a prophet. He doesn’t say, “I am a prophet.” DOES HE? and I would think he would have said that if he considered himself to be simply a prophet, a caster (exorcist), a pedicurist, one who fixes things like elections and marriages, or a doctor. Either Jesus of the gospels had multiple personality disorder or one of them isn’t the same as the other persons, because his personality changes a bunch and not only because of the different authors but what he says and does.

      In context Jesus was responding to hearing a threat from Herod and says32 And he said unto them, Go ye, and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures to day and to morrow, and the third day I shall be perfected.

      Anyway in the verse above (Luke 13:33) he must walk 3 days and then the part of the verse (Luke 13:32) he only walks 2 days and is perfected the third day. So he is kind of contradicting himself. 

      Sounds like an inference to the Bushes walking Walkers. Two times, and then perfected on the third time – (roman) JEB who I guess doesn’t get elected from what I can ascertain.  Also I think a bush of the bush family was somehow or another one of the guys in the press room at CBS during the assassination of JFK. I mentioned it in the CBS news transcriptions that I transcribed where he adjusts his belt up (girds himself) and appears to be George Bush pacing and directing what they could do and could not do or could say or could not say and there are some thugs in the room with the reporters and the reporters seem to be stifled by their takeover at the time and it is quite apparent if you watch closely. they had to be discreet about what they said but they did give some clues. Gary did the same thing when I walked through the office towards his bosses office. LOL. He girded himself adjusted his belt. He didn’t expect it though he should have because it wasn’t the first time I had confronted his affront.

      (I was very diplomatic and I didn’t even bring up the past only what happened at the office and the reason for that is because it wasn’t their business what he did in the past or what I did in the past, but the office manager laughed. She didn’t care and I think she knew. She threatened me about another man at the office who said I spilt a drink in his car which was laughable because I didn’t though I had a drink but he wanted to prove that I met him in his car and he was lying for some reason probably to protect himself and his job. I told her I had permission to meet him though he didn’t know I had permission because he didn’t ask and nor did she so when it came up it didn’t hold ANY water which I’m sure was a real pisser for them. They were trying to scare me. I told my husband what I was doing before I did it and he went along with it. It wasn’t as if I wouldn’t have done it without permission, but I was trying to be careful because I was dealing with some very big assholes and I was trying to gain some information from him because of the things that were going on at the office and at the real estate school I attended. They knew I had a case for sexual harassment on the job and they were protecting their business hence what occurred at the real estate school and the other man. So i was being followed and harassed even more and ended up very sick in hospital near death because of their harassment and it hurt deeply because they were family. Nevertheless I was morally in the right place comparatively and stood on higher ground and I survived. I didn’t sue but should have but I was too weak physically at the time which affected me in many other ways. I also uncovered some shenanigans: illegal stuff going on with a deal at that office that I learned was illegal when I went to school that my sister and her husband and the real estate company had been involved in involving one of their clients but it wasn’t worth my life. I kind of stumbled upon it but it wasn’t my aim/point (I could have cared less about that aspect for the most part but they knew I knew because they were watching me, and they were afraid of me so they had all their big guns on me and I think it was for the benefit of my sister that she had done something illegal so that the office and the company would protect Gary and her. Sort of sneaky stuff. I guess it would be considered VICIOUS and VILE to the nth degree. PRE-PLANNED. I was basically one person against many fuck heads. I was new to the business that my sister really wanted my help so that her husband could do what she did but he didn’t really want to do what she did. She offered me the job and used it for vengeance for the past when he violated me in my sleep. Absolutley ridiculous. The company was Virginia Cook on Forest Lane and the manager’s name was Sheila Rice, a real bitch; My cousin whose husband was in the oil business the one that said that it was impossible to have experienced an earthquake in Texas, a geologist, said that Gary was “the Golden Boy” of the family during her visits while I recuperated and told me about the pictures my sister showed her of Gary dancing on a table nude and drunk at a Frat party that she seemed proud of or she wouldn’t have showed them to our cousin who is in my estimation a son of a fool! )

      When a person loses a great deal of money on the stock market

      such as what happened on that fateful Tuesday in October

      who keeps the money?

      Back to CBS and what I discovered during my investigation: It was sort of a takeover of CBS News at the time. (Which you can read about via the links provided on Merangue’s Blog having to do with the CBS Transcriptions of the JFK assassination which had to be done twice because of the information that was gleaned after the first time through it.) Anyway something to do with the burning bush which is an insert/additive possibly to the bible about standing on holy ground having to do with Moses when he meets whoever was talking to him from the burning bush that didn’t burn in the desert I think it was in the desert. Could be referring to their daughter. Tells Moses to de-shoe himself because he was standing on holy ground. Possibly rewriting of history. Mocking perhaps? Smack dab in the bible which if I were evil I would go straight to the bible to alter it if I wanted to impugn the truth and take over the world which seems to be the intent of Islam and the Roman Catholic Church which makes them evil for having that intent. It could be a kind of fair warning to the Bushes.

      Who takes off their shoes when standing holy ground? The Japanese?

       Which is where George Bush Sr. tossed his cookies, wasn’t it in Japan.?

      Then, of coarse, the Dutch with their Holland-ish shoes because their shoes make a lot of noise?

      Screen Shot 2015-12-02 at 3.55.47 PM

      I don’t think it is a tradition of the Jews? It’s definitely an asian tradition.

      Georgie porgie pudding and pie and pulling out a plumb saying

      what a good boy am I.

      Kind of weird very. LOL

      Anyway you can read about it via the links on

      Merangue’s Blog

      The Bushes have a lot to do with Augusta, THE MASTERS golf tournament in Georgia

      and I am positive the rewriting has an awful lot to do with the BGEA, Billy Graham Evangelical Association.

      I suppose if one can rewrite history history itself can be redone.

      My dad at a breakfast on a family trip asked if he ordered his breakfast or did he throw it up jokingly unlike what BIG George Bush Sr. did once when he lost his cookies literally I suppose from that cookie jar. My dad got to eat his breakfast. However he did attend one of those golf tournaments with the Kircher family as their guest once and that is when things started to go sour, VERY SAUER, in my family and I think that was a sign, but things have a way of changing. I’m certainly counting on it.

      Also sounds kind of like Obama. I shall write it like Obama’s directive at the UN:

      It cannot be that a future belongs to those that insult the prophet of Islam.

      for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem.

      Sounds eerily similar.

      Will there be an IMAX theater at the Climate Summit in Paris?

      Another danger of ‘climate change’: Giant flying boulders?

      I wonder why the words are separated between the “to” and the day specified. It sounds lunatic-like but he might have been meaning Fox News ahead of time. Strange name for a news programming, isn’t it? Why not “Doves Fly News” or “Birds of the Air News”

      Lež News

      I think the press needs to be overseen as well because I think they are doing a lot of lying and are being controlled. It’s obvious. Until we have a free press again there is no point in tolerating their propaganda and their games.

      I do cures either has to do with tanning or fixing marriages because Catholics hate divorce from their religion which usually is the cause of the divorce or both and because Roman Catholicism clergy don’t marry because of the money aspect of divorce and what it does to the church. Divorce is better than the alternative such as knocking off the spouse for money (or beheading) which happened in the past or locking up a spouse in the Tower of London all because of the idea that divorce is a bad thing. Often it is a good thing. In olden days divorce was blamed on the woman not producing a male child in a timely fashion when other reasons were the true cause.

      As far as divorce being caused by wives not producing male offspring in a timely fashion

      “The father provides an X or Y chromosome; the mother always provides an X chromosome. Therefore, the sex of the child is determined by the chromosome of the individual sperm that fertilizes the egg.”

      but we didn’t know that when King Henry Vlll was King of England

      and because marriages were arranged for a dowry such as John Kerry and because like dipshits don’t want to work. Roman Catholicism is basically a male institution of guys who like to hold up a book and one to find the verse and one to adjust the braid on the back of the pope like the Hearsts relative or son Georg Gaenswein. They call them hanger-ons. Yes-men.

      Anyway I don’t think this is the real Jesus though he might think he is. LOL  I think he is an exorcist and planning to be healed on the third day. I don’t think it works from what I have read in the bible and I think it probably is a real pisser to those that are uncovered and why the nations rage because they are freaking out because it ain’t gonna work out as planned which is apparent:

      The real Jesus did not want to commit to man because as a rule they were/are asses because they were/are taught to be asses.

      A society grows up and evolves because of a

      few smart women.

      Anyone can have 20 children and possibly out of 20 kids come up with a fraud such as Dr. Ben Carson. Or like my brother- in-law Gary Kircher (his dad was President of Conoco Oil for some time) try to cause problems in a family by taking his two year old daughter out to a Jacuzzi at night in front of his wife, mother-in-law, sister-in-law to teach his two year old daughter about jealousy before she had a chance to be jealous or their son. I do remember the night that I had had enough of the shit with Gary and wanted to sleep and couldn’t because he was acting weird and had been drinking was the same day I think that my mom gave me a new dress and it was a blah and red peasant dress that laced up the front. I think my sister was jealous that she gave me that dress or that I wore it. She didn’t stand with her husband but hung out on the other side of the room most of the night which was kind of weird. Maybe they were not getting along and didn’t announce it at the time. She seemed to be acting kind of snobby like at Kimberly’s first wedding. HAUGHTY. I hoped her to shop for her dress but I guess that wasn’t good enough which believe me was GRUELING.

      (When I jacuzzied with his family or him and his wife his legs would stray my direction so you can understand he was not intending to do good with/for his daughter or for/with his family. And I have laboriously written about other things he did so it wasn’t my imagination. Though when we met years earlier about his problem he said he would go to church and was already a Baptist which he did attend church and neither the Baptist church nor the Non-Denominational church helped him but I doubt he asked for their help he just attended. If he had asked for help I doubt they would have given him the right kind of help and either would have kicked him out of their church except that he had money. You have to want to be helped to be helped. The non denominational church that believed in the bible fundamentally had a school and taught “Be Careful Little Eyes What You See” and incrementally raised their prices yearly and eventually were to expensive for my children and other families. It is the bible that had their own bible with meanings on the side of the verses in order to interpret the bible for you which is the Schofield bible. They were involved (I think) in the 1970’s or 80’s with the rewriting parts of the bible for the unification of the churches to assist in the Roman Catholicization of the US and to help people like Rick Warren’s who got his start then. The Warren’s (though not sure the same family) wrote the Warren Commission Report about the JFK assassination which lied about the whole affair and was first published by Doubleday Publishers who hired Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis as an editor of Doubleday Publishers and I think for the Warren Report for a while and it was her with the smoking gun or someone that resembled her. As with the Warren Commission the bible was corrupted by the many Jesuses (warning that many shall come in my name) that came in his name injected into the bible in various ways at various times by various authors and mostly at the direction of the Vatican. Soon after Kennedy’s assassination we got embroiled in the VietNam War via the French (it had been their colony – the President of Viet Nam dedicated his country to Mary before that (I think) and soon was assassinated with his brother – LBJ was the President of the USA when we bit the bait and soon JFK’s brother was assassinated and via Nixon who exposed Billy Graham were able to leave though he resigned because of a break-in called Watergate-Kissinger was his confident and Kissinger was hired later by the Vatican [who Billy Graham was a shill for] because of money laundering charges, drugs, and pedophilia accusations of their priests to fix their reputation and Kissinger by grooming Obama and because of his reputation helped to get Obama in office as the President of the USA. Religion is not good. It’s best to read the bible on your own and research it on your own with lots of information out there to sort through and eventually you will get something resembling truth if you are interested. I prefer the Gospel of John to the others but it has been corrupted as well in parts especially chapter 4 by the secret followers who obviously were’t a secret but secreted but it takes time and critical thinking to identify the areas that are corrupted and why. Parts of the Old Testament have also been messed with such as the Jealous-Nesses and Nellies of God when the books were stolen and taken to Rome and edited by Josephus son of Matthias adopted son of the Flaviuses who hired him for propaganda purposes in Rome after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans a few times. In this day and time he probably would be a part of the press.

      Obviously catholicism isn’t good!

      Why Callest Thou Me Good?

      Schizophrenics sometimes think they are Jesus. Remember the guy doing sign language at the funeral of Mandela. I don’t know if he is a schizophrenic but there are mental disorders that humans suffer from and it’s not their fault often times. And maybe because prophecy type stuff is kind of confusing because of time and hard to understand and certain religious groups tend to try to self fulfill prophesy such as at Notre Dame and the Court of the Gentiles. There are people and entities that mess with our minds. I CERTAINLY CAN ATTEST TO THAT PROBLEM in order to drive us nuts or manipulate humans such as the NOTRE DAME PARIS MASSACRE TO RESTORE FAITH OR FOR A REVIVAL AT NOTRE DAME and TO GET PEOPLE INTERESTED IN BOMBING THE CRAP OUT OF SYRIA. THE THEATER SHOOTING IN AURORA COLORADO IS ANOTHER EXAMPLE. THE MAN INVOLVED WAS UNDER THE CARE OF A PSYCHOLOGIST AT A BASE  THAT DOES SECRET TYPE WORK NEARBY THE THEATER IN ORDER (TO ASSASSINATE SOME PEOPLE SUCH AS THE WOMAN WHO WORKED FOR FOX SPORTS NETWORK AND HAD BEEN AT ANOTHER  MASS SHOOTING AT A MALL IN CANADA A FEW MONTHS BEFORE.) TO CATHOLICIZE THE WORLD! ONLY INANE NUTs WOULD TRY TO HAVE A ONE WORLD ORDER! APPARENTLY IT HASNT SUCCEEDED.

      As far as the third day if y0u count a thousand years as a day than this is the third day from 2000 to 3000 A.D.

      My sister who was BGEA’d by the English woman acrose the street told me on the elevator that three was the number of perfection because she was taught that probably when she went on a woman’s retreat in North Carolina.

      1. a chief officer, magistrate, or regional governor in certain countries:

        “the prefect of police”

      2. BRITISH
        in some schools, a senior student authorized to enforce discipline.
        Fox News now has an ad very similar to the one asking for donations for the Jews because they are hungry doing the same for Walmart employees . They are mocking and Fox News is aiding and abetting the mock.

        I think they have lost their marbles.

        Screen Shot 2015-11-27 at 12.37.42 PM

        “This is the Lord’s doing and it is marvellous in our eyes.”

      (PS: I love this portrait. I painted it years ago with pastel when I started to learn about pastels. Might do it again for the fun of it.)

      Fox News said that Obama has been notified about the hostage situation in Colorado near a Planned Parenthood  so everything should turn out okay. Just kidding of course.

      UPDATE: Gunman near CO Planned Parenthood remains at large…

      Roman Catholicism clergy and their secret societies DO NOT deserve to rule over people either and should be monitored and watched closely by the military for quite a while. They have abused their rights and the rights of others and Roman Catholicsim has to cease to be allowed to get away with what they have caused. They need to lose their power in our country at the very least. They should not be allowed to be in any position of power until we get a handle on terrorism because I think they are aiding and abetting the Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia type insanity for their own benefit. IT’S SICK!

      800 Colombian Soldiers Hired by zionist Saudi regime to Fighf in Yemen with $1000 Weekly Salary

      Must be feeling desperation and can’t spell. Obviously a connection between Saudis and Roman Catholicism! 

      Who pays the Saudis to pay the Columbians?

      I think Armageddon is going to involve Turkey because of the name of the President of Turkey. Sort of an anagram. And because of Raqqa and because of Paul of Tarsus, Turkey. I have no idea what happens in Armageddon but I don’t think it will be pretty!

      30 People Were Injured In A Bloody Pillow Fight At West Point, So It’s Banned Now

      On 11/25/15 This happened already and was in the news at least a few months ago.

      The True Story of Thanksgiving

      provided by Rush Limbaugh which I appreciate. I happen to love Thanksgiving much more than Christmas. Lots less pressure and you don’t have to eat turkey if you don’t want to and you don’t need to buy gifts. Friendly time. Christmas is a farce created to help big business get their asses out of a hole because of taxation so I don’t buy before Christmas anymore or very little and like to give my kids money after the 1st of the year to take advantage of the sales and to buy what they want thus not being a part of the problem indulging big business from it’s own overstock, etc. People ought to celebrate after the first of the year in support of small businesses until things change in favor of small business and the self-employed tax wise and given a chance to compete, otherwise you get what you deserve TYRANNY, ANARCHY, and eventually a REVOLUTION especially now that we know their game.

      It’s hard to because my kids were raised on Christmases until I got wise. It’s hard because of the public schools and private schools teach what they teach about Christmas and they expect a lot, so you have wean them off Christmas. It’s a scam what occurs at public schools just like the one year bible to keep people from the truth that I’ll bet the clergy have a lot to do with so they can live easy on the people they are supposed to shepherd and teach instead they do it for their own edification and lusts. That is a few of the reason that the unions need to be eradicated in federal government, police, health business, teachers unions and tax breaks for religious businesses need to be eradicated so that they either get with the program of fairness and accountability or they go to the consumption tax, demolish the IRS, and give the power back to the people which is undoubtedly fair.

      Another way to help is to buy from small businesses to help them grow or succeed however many small business are owned by big businesses. I don’t have an angst against a business that is big and capitalizes on it’s products but when they take away the rights of others to do the same they have stepped over the line and when they inhibit some (quite a few) from working or succeeding they deserve to lose their business. So to me the best route is the take advantage of deals which are after the first of the year when stuff is dirt cheap. It’s picked over but worth the wait or another way is to buy throughout the year which I never do. It got so bad in my family my daughter had a panic attack on Christmas eve and we had to get her a paper bag to breathe in. That’s ridiculous. More suicides occur around this time of year because of the pressure socially and financially. I imagine there are  more alcoholic related deaths as well because of the partying that is involved. My mom used to have more of her drinking bouts near Christmas because of the pressure and high expectations that are not ever fulfilled. I remember I found a painting I loved at a very nice shop in San Antonio with a quail or some similar bird. It was a very small painting with a very cool frame carved like feathers. I hinted at it so many times and I didn’t get it and was sorely disappointed. I had no idea of the price but it never occurred to anyone else that I wanted it, I guess, and possibly my hints were intentionally ignored, but after that experience I started to resent Christmas. That is not why I do what I do now although maybe in small part. Our Christmases grew and grew until they were unaffordable and very stressful partially because my family some of them were quite well off and their Christmases grew and grew. It got out of control. Then the night before having to wrap gifts was grueling. I have two girls and when I give them money after the first they go together and have a lot of fun shopping and spending a few days together otherwise they wouldn’t and they get what


      When they were very young they didn’t know what they needed. Christmas is bewitching but that is not necessarily good for a population when you do the math such as watch people fight over a sale on items to give to their kids for Christmas, and watch Santa beg for money ringing a bell, etc.

      I’m still working it out because their dad is the way he is and it tends to make me look bad in their eyes, like a fuddy-duddy but the truth is we are getting sucked under a rug because of Christmas, overtaxation, price gouging, inflation (inflated prices), a lot of waste, insurance that is outrageous, unaffordable, and unreliable causing our population to expect the least in the field of medicine and even the hospice crisis for the elderly (assisted murder) which is ignored by those that call themselves


      By the way I have noticed that the immigrants I have seen in the news tend to be better dressed than me. So there is a game involved in immigration in ways we don’t realize. Used to be immigrants looked like they were in rags. The ones I have seen look like they shopped at Old Navy. Of course I am investing in my talent and working on a some skills so don’t waste too much money on clothing for now and in comparison its astounding. I basically starved myself of clothing, hairdos, makeup, etc until I get my business going someday and eventually will be able to give what I have collected to my kids otherwise I wouldn’t have anything to give them and hopefully will be able to change my appearance. Might not because of the anti disposition of those to my way of thinking and it has been difficult but I will never surrender to their unenlightened and cruel ways and means. In my opinion, the world has become irrelevant.

      Watched for a short while the show called Holy Money about Propaganda Fide and the Catholic Church and the Evangelical arm of the Church and out of the many billions they get 2.7% goes to charity I guess because they about that much truth. Problem is they don’t account for what they take in often so there is no telling if that percentage is far less.

      Roman Catholicism is like snot you can’t wash off. You have to burn it.

      Reminds me of an old friend who actually starred in a movie as Jesus years after we knew him. His dad had something to do with the nuclear site in California. I think he had it built, financed it, or something. Not really sure. He talked us into going with him to parts of California to showcase him to music producers etc. We didn’t have any money so thought he was gonna pay for it. He knew we didn’t have money at the time and he kind of hijacked us on the tail end of vacation/month trial gig in Vegas. He was well off. Nothing good came of it. At one point he sang to us with his guitar on the side of our bed while we were trying to sleep one night and I guess came up with the words as he sang which basically was Misunderstood. It was gross. It was like that snot. He sent us a bill including the price of some grapes he bought. We did not pay him. His house was full of newspapers row and rows up to the ceiling that he collected. Very weird person. He could sing and write, but he was as obnoxious as a person could be. Finally we did get rid of his friendship by not answering the door one night when he came for some reason and we could not stop laughing though we tried to be more mature about it. We had to turn off the lights etc. I can’t remember all of the circumstances of that particular night just that it was gross. I felt a a little bad about it but he was really gross. Sometimes there is not a nice way to do things giving a wrong impression like in the movie Dumb an Dumber:

      Dumb and Dumber ‘There’s a Chance’

      What I conclude to some degree about some males in my family (not my dad or my brother) is they punish another woman when they can’t punish the one they are upset with. My brother-in-law Gary Kircher punished his daughter (and me) or acted like it because it was his wife that was jealous of other females and their relationships I think and VERY overbearing so he took it out on other females because he feared his own wife and she let him which is the worst part IMO and my other brother in law who bragged that he beat me up to his family up north that I learned from his brother (which he didn’t ) but he did beat up another girl, a friend of the family’s daughter. I didn’t know them that well but it was what I heard trying to rape her.


      As far as my older sister goes I think it’s why she got to spend $250,000 a year or more. And she spent it trying to look like she had class.

      In the Bible 

      The Gospel of John (chapter 21:1–14) includes the narrative of the miraculous catch of 153 fish as the third appearance of Jesus after hisresurrection.[6]

      The precision of the number of fish in this narrative has long been considered peculiar, and many scholars, throughout history, have argued that 153 has some deeper significance. Jerome, for example, wrote that Oppian’s Halieutica listed 153 species of fish, although this could not have been the intended meaning of the Gospel writer because Oppian composed Halieutica after the Gospel text was written, and at any rate never gave a list of fish species that clearly adds up to 153.[7][8] It has also been noted that the Tetragrammaton occurs 153 times in the Book of Genesis.[9]

      Screen Shot 2015-11-30 at 11.35.33 AM


      Not twelve apostles? hmmmm.


      1. the abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief.
        12 apostles plus 5 disciples equals 17
        but Jesus did not commit to man so I doubt the last fact is relevant!

      By the way the 153 fish I think has something to do with the Presidential candidates since everyone of them made abortion their issue though not necessarily by their own free will but because the RC press made them.

      There were 17 Republican candidates which is the amount of integers in the

      153 (number)

       and I think what might be meant in regards to that number

      and the fish that were caught by the fishermen on the boat with Peter

      that Jesus amassed on the right side of the boat

      but Trump who said he didn’t respect anyone that got caught though I’m not sure what he meant by that could be talking about infidelity or other things but he was pressured to give his opinion on the controversy of

      Planned Parenthood

      (by the press)

      and a bunch of stuff was alleged to have occurred at the Planned Parenthood though never proved but only alleged and seemed to involve Roman Catholic indigents probably doing the Jesuits work (devils) of impaling fetuses to oppress and burden women, girls, and their families and was brought to our attention by Fox News who have holes and I think some of their holes serve two masters and more than likely serve quite a few masters besides the obvious two masters but they can’t reveal them or they would lose their jobs and possibly lose more than their jobs

      and might get a new hole which some of them deserve.

      (and lately O’reilly has been on the war path defending his stances. You can tell because he snorts!)

      When asked forcibly on the question of Planned Parenthood Trump called it brutal and the others called it barbaric.  I think those were the words he used which happened to be the most liberal viewpoint on the issue of Planned Parenthood of the whole bunch and could have meant many things by that reply other than what was assumed such as the intentional undermining of the Planned Parenthood and the right it gives women (families and men involved) to have safe abortions in opposition to abortions performed by the Roman Catholic Mob in an alley or in a rudimentary bldg/warehouse/shack without the proper equipment, drugs, and proper physicians, care, etc. losing mother, child, sister, daughter, friend, embryo and/or fetus which is barbaric to the nth degree

      but in any case I think Jesus may have meant:

      up to 17 weeks and including the 17th week for embryonic age and possibly after that is considered a fetus meaning that the embryo is rudimentary up to the age of  17 weeks and including 17 th week and therefore is not a fetus but an embryo


      up to 17 years of age and including the 17th year of the female (possibly at any time when the fetus is a fetus)

      after the age of 18 years of age up to the 17th week and including the 17th week of the embryo with exceptions for rape, incest, and the health of the mother because all three affect the mother’s mind to make quick decisions and have to deal with some very nasty people and possibly be forced to report them for the sake of their wellbeing or we could leave the decision to abort between the mother, Planned Parenthood, and their God because it takes time to figure it out. Most of us aren’t given a choice what religion our families are born into or were raised into and takes time to gather evidence and access the evidence to determine what is believable and to develop a critical brain because of the many deceptions we have to overcome and other factors needed in progress.

      Ted Cruz: GOP isn’t ‘condom police’

      “Cruz said the charge that conservatives are anti-contraceptives is a “made-up, nonsense example.”

      “As I noted, Heidi and I, we have two little girls.

      I’m very glad we don’t have 17,”

      he told the hundreds of people in the audience.”

      Now not sure why that is in the article but it is yet I can’t find the tape of Ted Cruz saying this in particular about the number 17 but there are recordings of what he said before and after this particular concept. But later there is a recording of Peter King saying that Ted Cruz has a big mouth though probably not in context with this idea however they seem to talk in code.

      A GOP Presidential Candidate Just Told A Room Full Of Donors

      To Get Real About Rape and Abortion


      “Cruz, who opposes abortion, even in cases of rape and incest, said it comes down to the issue of winning. “The only Republicans who have ever won have run on all three legs of the conservative stool: They have run as fiscal conservatives, social conservatives and national security conservatives. If you chop off one of those legs, you don’t get to 51 per cent.”


      “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”

      KARL ROVE?

      Screen Shot 2015-12-03 at 11.34.25 PM

      Most people aren’t convinced till later in life who God truly is and isn’t and sometimes people are still bewildered since history doesn’t care much for the truth and tends to rewrite itself with the help of O’reilly who has demonstrated and gloats about the ignorance of his potential book buyers using his chosen pupil Jesse Watters of Watters’ World to mock and sell O’reilly’s lies. A deviated septum in his own right especially after O’reilly taught him that Hitler wasn’t a Christian. I think he was Roman Catholic or a mix of both but definitely mixed up.


      In human development, a fetus (/ˈftəs/; plural “fetuses”), also spelled foetus, is a prenatal human between its embryonic state and its birth.

      Medical Definition of FETUS

      :  an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of its kind;specifically :  a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth—compare embryo
      THE 153 FISH/17 INTEGER  would mean women after the age of 18 or 19 years of age and above would need to abort if they were to abort the fetus/embryo before the 18 week and probably would have the wherewithal to know, with the exception of rape, incest, and her health and ability to care for a baby AND THE MENTALLY DISABLED.
      Many woman that do not have the ability to raise a child lose their children early in their development after they are born. Financial ability is just one aspect but since our leaders believe in enforcing austerity they bear the blame for many abortions and many deaths of children in various ways after they are born and the elderly which they are purposely ignoring such as TED CRUZ and all the other candidates on both sides based on their stance on abortion which is based on fallacy and lies holding the elderly hostage over Planned Parenthood as Obama and his imperial friends holding the threat of terrorism hostage over climate change in order to rape the public of it’s funds either with hoaxes and real massacres. He’s a liar as i have come to find out and cares only bout how much he has amassed while running for President as if that makes a difference to the voters. They don’t get to spend it. And since most politicians don’t keep their promises that get them voted into office they too bear the blame for many deaths of mom, dad, embryos, fetuses and children. False prophets.
      Many women continue to have periods (menstruation) throughout their pregnancy tricking them because humans are not perfect. They should be allowed a great deal of leniency as well. I think it takes a few weeks probably 17-18 days for a pregnancy test to be considered reliable. All these things take time and can delay a prompt reaction that is doubtful if in the hands of men to do if they were a female. Such as occurred with Obama Care and all those unkept promises but there sure was a lot of

      weeping and gnashing of teeth.

      I could be wrong but it seems possible that is what was meant by Jesus at the Sea of Galilee.



      WHAT ABOUT A FEMALES right to freedom to make female decisions about her own body?


      Trump cancels event with black pastors after other clergy raise concerns

      We have been barraged with a lot of shit about abortion by the Press and the Roman Catholic church and pastors of the black race who kiss the BGEA’s ass but it is this population of woman who have had more than those in other races so they don’t want to forgive their own women of a legal reaction to unwanted pregnancy which is their right to do under the laws of the land and possibly and in my opinion sanctioned by Jesus of the Gospel of John. (It was only a half century ago they weren’t allowed to sit in the front of the bus and it was a woman who changed that, not a man.)

      Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come.
      Anyway on Fox News a few Californian Muslims one associated with Cair apologized or expressed grief for the victims of the massacre in a social services complex in San Bernardino, California, etc.  I think they didn’t have much choice and more than likely was a political move to allay justified fears of not only radical Islam but average Islamic ideology which is radical in order to further their cause. Interesting this occurred a day after Obama (like Caligula) met leaders in regards to climate change and terrorism tying both as if one will be used to help the other advance and both are bad. Hostage situation to delay a good response. It is their strength and it works for them. Blackmail everyone and putting everyone at risk. There is no nice way to handle ISLAM because they won’t and don’t understand a nice way. Political correctness only encourages them when what works for them ought to work for us but in a different way. I would if I were in charge of Department of Defense or the Pentagon destroy a Californian mosque, for starters in California and I would go for the biggies (Mecca and Medina) in Saudi Arabia and I bet we would be hearing a lot of apologies and a lot of names, locations, and be getting a bunch of help. What happened in San Bernadino obviously was planned to some degree. And possibly destroy the White House if need be because IMO OBAMA is behind the cue ball of the murders in San Bernadino by what he said the day before more than likely. It is what he says: those dark sentences that need to be taken seriously even though he says them coyly. When Muslims and followers of Islam say it is okay to insult the prophet of Islam then I might think they were sincere and when they say it is not okay to slit clits, it is not okay to behead gays, it is not okay to stone women for adultery, etc. then they might be somewhat believable like about: 1/000,000,000,000 of a chance to be taken seriously. Recent history is hard to forget. Just like it should have been okay to insult Jesus by saying the Beatles are more popular than Jesus, but Jesus didn’t assassinate John Lennon, a lunatic in Highland Park, Dallas, Texas (a very exclusive neighborhood where the women tend to dress alike often like paper bags you get at the grocery store) shot him in New York under the influence of someone or something that is responsible for the assassination of JFK in Dallas Tx. How he got there is another story.
      At this point after all the things that have occurred since Obama took office I would be rounding up the Islamic people that are in this country like happened when Japan attacked us because if it is fundamentally clear that they are influenced by evil and those COY cues. Their religion teaches them that they will get with 100 virgins by doing suicidal massacres and that has got to stop. Obviously they want us now to attack Qutar but lets start from the beginning 9-11. Thousands were killed. Playing us with this last attack/trick more than likely and a few good strong bunker busters at Mecca and Medina and the Iranian nuclear site would probably do the trick or change the tide. I’m positive it might change a great deal of the Muslims populations and their ideology. They might recognize and comprehend that their god and their prophet/profit is SHIT.
      When my daughter after much harassment and hospitalization because of the physical problems that occurred due to the harassment left school to go to another type of education  business eventually and was approached by an Islamic girl. She was trying to engage my daughter with propaganda for the purpose of radicalizing her, but she didn’t bite. She was only a junior in high school at the time the Islamic girl approached her and her friend. Don’t believe anyone because they might be making a fool of you especially if they are Muslim and/or Islamic because they have declared war on the USA but lying is their forte.
      What was their response to 9-11?
      Except for the Palestinians.
      Screen Shot 2015-12-04 at 7.20.15 PM
      I think the lawyers for the killers family think Americans are dumb.
      They are feeling a back lash and are afraid and they should be afraid of a back lash. Touting their belief in freedom of religion and 2nd amendment rights and the amounts of bullets they own and guns which is predominantly a male inclination for target shooting, etc. Sorry if that sounds politically correct but it is the truth.
      Screen Shot 2015-12-04 at 5.04.17 PM
      Trying to make the man involved in the shooting seem normal and his thug picture makes him look like a thug. He looks like he thinks he is superior and has a problem with others in general which is the problem with Islam. Often when Obama says things he looks very normal but what he says isn’t normal. A good sign of a sociopath. Any good and determined enemies of the USA are going to try to appear as if they are normal in order to gain ground in their quest to Islamicize the world but they aren’t gonna tell ya that is what they want to do in a country that is based on freedom of religion but use it for their advantage which is what they are doing, IMO.

      Would they mind?

      Would they mind while we at war with Islamic terrorism if their mosques are cordoned off temporarily for a few years or more until we are not at war with Islamic terrorism? Would they mind if we investigate the mosques?  Would they mind if there are cameras put into their mosques to be watched over by the NSA and the FBI for the safety of the USA citizens including themselves since all they do is pray in those places, they don’t actually meet to plan terrorist activities. Would they mind for the time being and for the well being of the USA citizens and the freedom it offers to citizens of other countries to step back and allow truth tests on their segment of society just to be sure of their intent or their state of mind and to gain trust?
      A small sacrifice by the believers of Islam for the good of the USA
      and it’s freedom!

      I doubt it.

      We didn’t achieve the freedoms we have easily. Why should those of the Islamic religion achieve it easily in the USA without some offer in compromise temporarily

      to prove allegiance to those freedoms and to the USA!

      The Japanese-Americans did (because OBVIOUSLY there were spies) though reluctantly

      and it was tough on them

      but the Japanese were contained on an island and were a lesser threat to civilization.

      It will be tougher on believers of Islam

      if they don’t offer in compromise

      real soon!

      Why is it that these Islamic lawyers are not using their talent and brains in Islamic countries to help the women that are being stoned to death for adultery, clits slit for the fun of it, gays beheaded and thieves losing their limbs, helping woman earn the right to drive, etc?


      Do they believe in these rights for women and gays?


      We have plenty of lawyers in the USA (good and bad), we don’t need more however you cannot say that about Islamic countries and shouldn’t they take that needed skill back to their religion and their countries where it is needed the most?

      A small sacrifice for the good of Islam (which is not good) and muslims.

      Or are they relying on the USA to do it for them? If so then get right to the point and take out those ideological places that spur them to believe they are invincible: Mecca and Medina. Until you do they will believe it and keep terrorizing and taking whoever is in the room with the few jews (the intended targets  obviously) such as roman catholics, african americans, presbyterians and whoever is there at the time. They don’t care especially when they are possessed by their spiritual leader: Mohammad who hates everything other than followers of Islam.

      I would add after that for Roman Catholics as well after we overcome Islamic terrorism to be sure of their allegiance to freedom since their religion has the same goals as ISLAM along with the MOB: To rule the world.

      And then after that the W.A.S.P.’s!

      After that the mud daubers!

      It would help the cause of freedom in the USA and for the religious freedom of Islamic citizens in the USA to take the first step of disarming themselves and their brothers and open themselves to logical scrutiny of our protectors in our governments since Islamic terrorists took the first step in New York on 9-11!

      Here is what they looked like:

      Screen Shot 2015-12-04 at 6.29.54 PM




      Then the same goes for Roman Catholics and the mob after we overcome the infamous threat of Islamic tyranny and terrorism.


      Deductive Reasoning

      Deductive reasoning, also deductive logiclogical deduction or, informally, top-down” logic,[1] is the process of reasoning from one or more statements (premises) to reach a logically certain conclusion.[2] It differs from inductive reasoning or abductive reasoning.

      Deductive arguments are evaluated in terms of their

      validity and soundness.


      An argument is sound if it is valid and the premises are true.

      It is possible to have a deductive argument that is logically valid but is not sound. Fallacious arguments often take that form.

      The following is an example of an argument that is valid, but not sound:

      1. Everyone who eats carrots is a quarterback.
      2. John eats carrots.
      3. Therefore, John is a quarterback.

      This is what americans sacrificed in WWll:

      World War II Rationing


      People offered scrap metals, their utensils, and other things in order that we could win the war on systematic ethnic cleansing and fascism. It started with the Japanese because they started it with us. It should start with Muslims (Islamic, Christian, or whatever faith) for this effort peacefully, otherwise ……..

      Rationing might be on the horizon for americans if they don’t quit being politically correct and ignorant and expect what is prudent in regards to muslims and those of the Islamic faith that have waged war with civilized nations and eventually the RC and the mob after that which have done the same to civilization and should be apparent to them as history can’t help but demonstrate over and over again and should stop protecting unearned trust of those of the Islamic faith and muslims who live under the most savage circumstances in their countries which is self evident because of their religious beliefs. I think internment camps for muslim-americans might be on the horizon. It should be self evident to Roman Catholics the affect of their religion on the countries they have overwhelmed who immigrate away from those same countries on a regular basis and often in great multitudes.


      Some really good posts:

      Merangue’s Blog

      Another problem that needs to be overcome is the male attitude towards older women who have sacrificed quite a bit in order to have children. Often men cheat on their wives while she is pregnant for various reasons and don’t appreciate wisdom of older women. Young women take advantage of older women because of naivety and ignorance about men not realizing that youth is fleeting and men take advantage of both

      have cake and eat it too

      which is morally wrong and shameful to do to young ladies and to motherhood.

      Granted often marriages suck once you realize what you got yourself into but women deserve much more alimony since they are held back immensely.

      Divorce has taught me a lot about who I married. He was worse than I gave him credit for and if I had known what I know now I would have divorced him a nanosecond after my second child was born. Some things I can never forget or forgive that I have enumerated quite a bunch in my posts that were said or done by the ex. For the life of me I can’t figure out why he keeps me around or what he gets by keeping me around. He must get some kind of compensation somewhere by someone. The latest outburst was that I was worthless and I know he does not possess much pity because of the other outburst MIND OVER MATTER except that he truly wants to bury me and holed me up like a piece of dead wood to be some kind of trophy for his religion as in the Angelina Jolie movie, Unbroken.

      I am hoping he is wrong and deceived and that I am right and will get my right of way instead with all the hopes I have and only God knows.


      On a personal note and I hate to be a tattle tale but it has helped me and it is my right:

      The Ex (former RC) admitted that my sister did offer my painting back to me and didn’t want to fight about it a month or so ago and what he said she said was that it wasn’t worth arguing about even though she said it was the best art work she owned and for him to pick it up and we never spoke to each other since she made the offer of trading it for something comparable in my home. This is also after he insulted me and told me I was worthless and then soon after a man who was in school in the field of art and who came to the house said my artwork was impressive. The ex didn’t tell me till a month later because he said he forgot. LOL.

      Reminds me of what happened to my little sister on New years Eve an the dress debacle with her husband for not showing off her boobs because of his partner at the time’s wife was showing her boobs (a competition amongst men about whose boob job is better) and a man came and complimented her looks.

      What kind of personality trait is this phenomenon?

      I have no idea what this trait is in reality but it is really F….. UP!

      So I wonder about that invitation to my mom’s funeral and the information she might have relayed to him? Of course they don’t send out invitations like a wedding but I wasn’t even apprised of the funeral and all the other things that go into that kind of a gathering until my daughter was there a day or two by their invitation and paid for with the funds they have kept of my mothers money. Of course I didnt want to go and stated it in my home because of the comfort zone that has been established for my family to me because of unwanted incestuous tendencies and unwanted punishment/excuses for those tendencies and my obvious detachment to family ties because of those tendencies stated by the guilty parties to isolate and ostracize me in order that I might return to the fold without their regrets, remorse, apologies, and admissions. LOL.

      The ex told me I needed to learn to compartmentalize which in my estimation might be why the US has so many problems. I disagree with Forbes even though he finds it extremely offensive that what was offered to the victims is mere platitudes very much like the Beatitudes. I didn’t get comforted when my mom died from BGEA’s followers (my sisters) or from the RC (ex.) In fact he was in competition with me in regards to his mom’s health vs. my mom’s health and which mom deserved to be given physical therapy which turned out to be his mom because she was RC (who had pictures of Jesus in her home and a BIG bible on display while he grew up at least that is what he told me that she never read and warned her kids not to touch it so they would not learn from it) which he then expressed mocking GLEEFULNESS right after my mom died without any deference to my feelings and believe me he was wrong. My mom deserved physical therapy! She was so much more gracious than his mom and to his mom as well. She wrote letters and invited her to stay with her etc. It was his religion that promoted and even sainted assisted murder of the elderly, vets and their wives, who fought wars for our country. (His dad fought also WWll and had a heart attack because of a wound he received in WWll on D-Day which probably was the cause of his early death in the long run but he told his wife that she wasn’t pretty but good for having babies which she resented or I would not have heard about it. She did have five sons and he was the fifth son of a gun. Perhaps he didn’t really try to win the war because of his religion [a spy among the real soldiers or a Nazi sympathizer? KInd of like the Islamic sympathizers today defending freedom of religion even if it wants to rule the world like Roman Catholicism wants to rule the world ] and thus was wounded, only God knows. Probably was compartmentalizing his-self when he received his eventual and consequential deadly-wound.) He was a mechanic that worked at several gas stations in his career and also worked for his brother who owned an oil business that distributed gas and oil in Lindstrom, Michigan. (Not sure of the city) HMMMMMMM.

      A PATTERN!


      I found out those details because I asked the ex just now.

      Anyway I don’t think the ex knows what he does and I think it has to do with his religious upbringing because he saw her point (my eldest sister) about me offering her a substitute for my painting that I painted that was of the same value back to her (which i already had given her a painting the first of anyone in the family of a young girl that was beautiful and not a family member but she probably forgot but it hung in nearly the same place as the new one she absconded) which was ABSURD and SELF SERVING to punish me for divorcing him in a

      no-fault divorce settlement because it takes two to tango.

      “Forgive them father for they know not what they do”

      kind of shenanigans

      because I think they do know what they do and then they forget what they did and didn’t do

      till it’s beneficial, advantageous, timely, and convenient for them to tell.

      In the meanwhile, I have to try to get through this crap as best as I can in very harsh circumstances which has been very difficult for me understandably and why it is necessary for me to take anxiety medication to assist me through panic attacks because of my pain and suffering which is extremely deep and needn’t have been if I were dealing with people with understanding. All of this could have been handled so well many years ago! It’s rather sad the lengths people will go to have it their way and got paid very well for their shit.

      Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 1.25.04 AM

      My other sister didn’t tell her ex spouse (whom she still loved who lost his granddaughter on her third birthday party because she drowned in their pool and loved the rest of the family that knew her) that I painted the portrait of their granddaughter so that they would think she found an anonymous artist to do it and paid more than what she paid, which at first was free and then she gave me 100 bucks for it out of her measly divorce settlement that her new husband will live on for the next two years and have been living on for a few years already besides the $35,000 she got from my mom’s estate after the two weeks she was ho-spiced that she put away in that savings account till after my mom died because I guess it wouldn’t look right. I never met her grand daughter but she kind of struck me when I saw her picture on the funeral brochure because we were having some family problems: me and my brother-in -law and sisters. I think my sister wanted some credibility back which is kind of normal since she was kind of bullied out of the family and made to feel worse than she was because they were just as bad in many ways which I have enumerated in other posts. But she had no mercy for me when I got divorced and in regards to my mom but wanted to keep that money or her new husband wanted to keep that money of my moms. It’s confusing because in a way my little sister was going along with what her husband wanted and what he wanted wasn’t his. I imagine in two years he won’t want her either.

      My youngest sister also is a subject of the BGEA. She said I was Satan and the Devil for revealing my problems to the family finally in toto as best I could because they threatened my mom in strange ways but mostly by having her ho-spiced because they loved her so much and wanted to advance Muther F…..’ Teresa to saint hood for ROME and promote an opportunity for generations to come to scarf up what is not theirs which is typical, isn’t it? To quicken others for inheritance sake. TO TEMPT YOUNGER GENERATIONS! But my little sister isn’t very bright and drank too much which she learned at Texas Tech and at Texas A&M with her boyfriend.Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 11.01.46 AM whose dad was a preacher for the Presbyterian religion. Guzzling vast amounts of beer. “…..some Presbyterians played an important role in the ecumenical movement, including the World Council of Churches.” IE the One World Government and One World Religion with Teeth!

      (Their grandson go his sister was killed at a gun range by accident in the last few years or at least we think it was an accident. Was that the third generation after the dad that might have been involved?)

      Maybe it doesn’t pay to backtrack, devolve, and appease!

      (Rick Warren’s son died of suicide as I recall! I know he was involved in the ecumenical movement (One world religion). Maybe Rick Warren doesn’t really care about his own son that was born. Probably cared more for the unborn of others who abort. Platitudes. And maybe if he changes so will his son.

      Read the scriptures: in them you think you have life…..maybe you don’t. Maybe you ought to read the scriptures and not take the pope’s word for it or Bo Diddles. I think only the Old Testament had been written at the time and The Gospel of John kind of sums it up except for chapter 4. which screws it up. You don’t have to be born again you had to be born and believe eventually when you are able to learn without all the deceptions going on around you or even amid the deceptions. The reason for the born again is for confusion about rudimentary ideas about abortion and to prop the BGEA: St. Nick. ) What happens to babies that are born but die 6 months later for all the reasons that they do. Well trust God on that but they never got a chance to be born again as is understood by the evangelicals. They probably got to be born again because they didn’t have a chance to believe in their short life. The same people that put forth their rudimentary ideas are the same people that make life hard for people, for women, girls and their families and then get you to donate to their business of someone they have inducted into their evangelical family with lies so they can give junk to the poor that lost their family because of their politics (HAARP) which is evil to support their ideology. He also knew what would occur later I’m sure to the scriptures but there is truth in them but you have to find the truth. Do you think Islamic terrorists have truth without knowing anything about it? I doubt even Forbes has life even though he is a rich man. You can kind of see it in his eyes. How would we ver have known anything if we didn’t read about it. The Pope? Santa Claus? Plus he was talking to some assholes when he said what he said who were guibbling with him about cooking corn on the Sabbath. Silly stuff. I know I do because I get the signs and I understand them as well because I have fine tuned my understanding which most people don’t even listen much less care, because they are taught not to notice by Christians churches and aren’t aware which tends to change under some circumstances but there is a war going on around you to either silence, equip you, warn you, make you aware, make you not care, and other things that you can’t see. Instead they are taught to speak in tongues that no one not even the one doing it understands what they are saying which is self evident. By allowing Mecca and Medina to inspire terrorism (which it does) you are allowing many people to die because of it, or lose limbs, or stoning of women for adultery, slitting of clits, etc and bear responsibility for their ignorance and end up deserving the terrorism we witness in the news or because of political correctness and antiquated Roman Christian ideals that are based on fallacies about freedom of religion because it isn’t free!
      Nor is the press free! The USA is not independent.
      FEAR and IGNORANCE. Terrorism is working because of fear. You have to have strength of character and understanding to know what it’s gonna take to stop it. 

      ….I wonder what Paul Ryan

      and those eager beavers and those moral laurels in

      Congress think about that?

      Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 11.47.29 AM

      What does Mr. Forbes think?

      I do ask for signs even though the Gospel of Luke says it is an evil generation that asks for signs, but I don’t believe it is evil to ask for signs, and I got one the other day as I was about to do something and my blanket that I put over my shoulder when I get chilled by the climate change (it was cooler) recently and a string of it was snagged on a dumb bell that I had situated on my computer table on the side of my dad’s picture because I was gonna try to do some arm exercises while I sit and write though I don’t do that and I should. Now you might think that it was saying I was a dumb bell but that is what my dad called Gary (my brother-in-law) to me once and I remembered that he said it. I didn’t compartmentalize it because it was immediately what I thought when it occurred. It was a sign to me a good sign and for you if you “get my drift.” It was good because I was feeling bad and it helped me and I got a good chuckle. You should ask for signs and you should look for those signs to help you do the best you can in lousy circumstances because that is how God and our loved ones that have died communicate if God allows it and He did allow it. It is not evil to ask for signs. Another sign I got was when the trash men were doing their tasks and yelling to each other while I was in the garage tinkering and one said (which I picked up on this particular segment of the conversation): “Do the best that you can,” and it hit home. I get knocks behind me, in front of me, to the right, to the left, etc., and lots of signs often and I have learned to listen because of my writing, and because of my circumstances that are out my control at the moment. They help me.


      Take that to heart. It happened and it might be helpful to those who have swaggered or regressed a bit. And as I said my mom did say that she knew and others knew about what I was involved in: my writing even though she was in a nursing home and didn’t have access to a computer. That’s a miracle. But my little sister who taped her saying that was supposed to send me the tape which was extensive and never did send it for some reason but more than likely because it was proof. I think be causes she got sucked in by the BGEA and hopefully she will get out of that occult and be my Shirley Temple and Saturday morning cartoons buddy again hopefully not in a nursing home, LOL.

      My mom was very lucid at times especially when in the hospital and when on prednizone. i remember the doctor at the Arc tested her for dementia while I was there and he wasn’t very nice so I noticed she was defensive and feeling attacked by his questions and there seemed to be more going on than meets the eye. I think that was what he was doing testing her memory. But at the hospital and sometimes even at the rc her memory would be quite proficient so it wasn’t a full time condition which dementia is a flu time condition so I think she was affected by the drugs given to her at the Arc for other problems. When mys sisters were still acting as sisters we visited a few times to find my mom without oxygen which an affect memory, of course. She was once below 78 percent which is very bad could have been lower but it was ridiculous and she was bent over when my little sister went to see her because that is what you do when you can’t breath and it took some phone calls to get them to take care of her. Drugs can also affect oxygen level and other outside antagonist. She had sinus troubles most of her life. The reason my ex said that his mother probably got the therapy my mom didn’t get had to do with her dementia but as I said she didn’t have it when on prednizone for the most part. His grandmother took steroids for a long time. If you multiplied his mom by ten she wouldn’t even rate to my one mom in talent, grace, friendliness, personality, or beauty and sweetness, IMO. My mom was aton more interesting too. To have a conversation was struggle with his mom though she was bitter because of her life and did not get along with coworkers because they never did their jobs as well as she did. My mom sometimes would lean over and grab my feet and massage them gently which she used to do to my dad as well. It was so sweet. The difference partially and  probably was in who she married, how they were raised and how they believed. As a daughter in law which is obviously a critical judge of a person his mom was like a flat note in a song or a cold fish, but she was a good cook. When two of her abusive alcoholic sons divorced it wasn’t their fault and of course it was their fault. They went out with the boys regularly but didn’t like it when the girls went out with the girls. Double standards. The girls got wise. She lauded over men and women were not as important to her and she had five sons. Her sons could do no wrong as Catholics laud about

      IMMACULATE Mary their Mother of God 

      who Jesus would not allow to touch him before he went to be with His Father.

      (Not hers)

      So my educated guess is Mary wasn’t Immaculate in his estimation.

      The ex’s mom, my ex-mother-in-law didn’t like her mom. Not for sure why but when her mom died her mom said something like: “I won’t go with him” in her delirium and it pleased my mother-in-law at the time which is weird. I guess her mom wasn’t nice to her husband or her and they didn’t get along. She thought maybe it was her husband meeting her mom in purgatory or something. Could have been someone else. Her mother was not catholic but when I met her once she seemed very warm to me when she spoke to her grandson. Odd comparison. My ex’s mom could hug but it was more of an expectation then a hug. That could have been how I was feeling towards her. It was obligatory both ways I think. I remember watching her reaction to something about my ex at the time my husband (her son) about something that wasn’t nice and it was a weird reaction and I was offended by it. Ridicule. She wasn’t that nice as she tried to act. Once when we went shopping together which was a drag (obligatory) some guy noticed me and I can’t remember what he looked like probably a long shore man or a lumber jack and she kind of acted funny about it. It wasn’t a big deal, but bigger in her mind.

      She loved growing violets, which coincidentally was her name. That is weird. I had not put the two together as why she might like them so much. My dad on the other hand had a green thumb and liked to shape mountain laurels in the south, and grew tulips in England in little groupings, and grew roses and knew how to trim them three sets of leaves of some amount in a cluster and then snip to grow more roses. His name was not Rose, Tulip, or Mountain Laurel, or Golf.

      She loved to read romance mysteries.


      If you have read one you have read them all.

      We Remember The Victims of the Terrorist Attack in San Bernando, California

      (As Hannity said on his show do you remember the victims names of gun violence in Chicago to one of his guests who admitted he could not name them all and nor could Hannity or he would have tried.) So when they say they won’t forget the victims

      big F……’ Deal!

      Fox loves to twist words. Using Bo Diddle, a cop, the most ridiculous character in the world but the fact is I believe in self defense and the 2nd amendment as he says he does unless between a civilian and a cop which he doesn’t believe a civilian has a right to defend themselves if a cop is involved. The terrorist would have used deadly force on anyone that defied his will and would have found ways to kill even if he didn’t have a gun such as the box cutters. Catching people off guard and the fact is we don’t know what other weapons they used in 9-11 because all we have is the testimony of a person who died in an explosion who was the Post Master General’s wife and she was seen later in Poland.

      How gracious of them, “We will remember you in our prayers,” is another platitude often used on Fox News by the lady with cat eyes. If she did pray she would be praying all the time. She is weird.

      Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 12.56.22 PM

      She has holes!

      My little sister wasn’t interested in art which is too bad because she might have wanted my mom to live to that ripe old age of 105 that she wanted and to surpass her grandmother and because we should want that to be the goal of our GREAT COUNTRY: TO SURPASS THE LAST GENERATION. We used to have the MOST sought after healthcare in the world and people far and wide came to be tended to in our country and instead we got hi-jacked by politically correct nonsense to confuse the masses and promote Islamic and Roman Catholic ideals which are substandard and easier to achieve

      and I guess instead decided to devolve as the romans have done in the past often times.

      I think we should not allow ships to cross the ocean anymore to devolve even further.

      WHAT SAY YE?

      Those evangelicals, I’ll tell ya, they got a screw loose. Radical.

      Here is some more of my work but instead a pastel on watercolor paper of the woman that played in the movie Kingdom of Heaven who I thought was quite beautiful and so I took a snapshot because it was striking and painted it with my own adjustments. It took me three times to get it right because my sister destroyed the first one on mistake in her RV and scrunched it. She was gonna try to sell my art but anyway it took her a few months to admit to me what she had done to my artwork and not just this one but a few others as well. She was afraid to tell me which was kind of silly and I was nice about it. I enjoy it so it wasn’t that hard to do again and improved it. She never did try to sell it and told me I needed to sell my art dirt cheap like her skills which she has. She did help to start and it might have been her idea the apartment aspect of her first husband’s business, but she didn’t get credit for it. Maybe this is why.

      You can find my artwork and other examples on

      BY THE SEA

      and some porcelain art that I was able to photo though photography isn’t my forte And I plan to add that other picture that my eldest sister is going to give to the ex eventually that I painted and gave to my mom because she taught me how to paint portraits on porcelain.

      Porcelain Portraits and Art by Beatrice Root

      And eventually I hope to paint again because my mom wanted me to continue painting.

      Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 1.29.44 AM


      Have you noticed Kelly of the Kelly File and her alarmist style which I would consider her to be  a pro at freaking people out (an alarmist) and she gets paid extremely well for her roll. It’s the pace of her voice when talking about whatever she talks about. What occurred is alarming and  we got to see the terrorist dead in his pool of blood dressed in his gear but I am suspicious of the circumstances and the stories we are being told about the San Bernadino event.

      There are some conspicuous details that shouldn’t be overlooked.

      1)The timing after the Climate Change Summit and Obamas veiled threat. (To Jews?)

      2)How the weapons were obtained.

      3)The victims religion. One was a jew. The main victim. And another was also Jewish and probably the others that were with them it was their misfortune.

      4)The lawyers for the killers of the jew and others that got in the way and what they had to say and their motives for what they said vs fighting their fight for freedom for men and women in Islamic controlled countries that prop their religion but that would be against their religion, wouldn’t it?

      5) ISIS claiming responsibility (after the fact) yet the wife involved in the mass shooting came from Pakistan and visited Saudi Arabia and she did not join ISIS at the time of her trip. I think she suffered postpartum depression more than likely because she had an ISLAMIC ass for a husband who was rattling her chains and I think when the bible talks about sowing (evil) at night I think there may be some dream/internet sowing going on with buzz words/cues to spark a reaction at a certain time to make planned attacks at a certain time specified such as after what Obama said at the Climate Summit…dark sentences. Cueing them. That is why it is important to monitor Islamic people and muslims in this country because even if they are innocent they may be being used while not realizing it. It’s like with Hillary if you don’t ask certain questions she isn’t gonna answer in regards to Benghazi. She may not know what she saw or understand what she witnessed or heard or understand it’s importance but it might be IMMENSELY important. Like a missing piece of a puzzle.

      As far as Sen. Lindsay Graham and Sen. John McCain traveling to the middle east to get questions answered in regards to ISIS or terrorism why on earth would muslims/arabs or Islamic people tell them the truth? WHat is in it for them? These are the two guys that helped to bring the Muslim Brotherhood to Egypt and from what I gather they funded them as well by the things that Lindsay Graham was reported to have said in regards to the money they threatened to stop sending to Morsi of Egypt. So why Judge Jeanine would take what he said seriously is beyond me. I think he use to have some sort of knowledge about things over there but things have changed dramatically because they are in a position of power unlike they were before the USA stepped into their messes. We are their enemy and they know it. LOL. Look what happened to the guy who helped the USA in regards to Osama Bin Laden. He ended up in prison and the USA did not save him!

      We don’t need to be compensating for the silent majority of muslims in this country. When they get the upper hand in this country they will not be kind or gentle to anyone including Catholics and Evangelicals. Look what happened to James Foley.

      If I had a magic wand I would bomb the shit out of Mecca and Medina on their holiest days and I wouldn’t feel bad about it either. I would pray that God would get the people out of there that should not be there during those days and proceed.

      Family Lawyer Brings Up Terror Suspect’s Online Allegiance to Islamic State, Then Stuns With Analogy

      “All there is thus far is some nebulous thing that somebody looked at something on Facebook,” he argued. “I mean, any one of us may have looked at something on Facebook. It doesn’t mean we believe in it. I’ve checked out a Britney Spears post and I hate Britney Spears music.”

      I have no idea what she is doing music wise because she tends to gear her music for the young and females in her art or at least she used to because they tend to buy music and go to concerts. So an Islamic lawyer doesn’t like her music, who cares. He shouldn’t because her music isn’t geared for Islamic men in suits, is it? Isn’t he a bit old for her style of music? But I bet he likes her in a lustful way and it must disturb his ideology to have those feelings. Better learn to control those feelings.

      Everyone has those feelings but you had to learn to control them.

      She is beautiful and she works at it very hard because it’s her bread and butter. She is known former dancing as well which is part of the entertainment besides the music which there are a few that are good songs like: Oops I Did It Again. It’s funny as well. I have no idea of the meaning nor do I care. I enjoyed her dancing for the most part because she is energetic and entertaining but never bought her music.

      It’s the American way.

      Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 1.10.12 AM

      Why would he check out her post,

      if he didn’t like her music?


      Do Islamic men use closets?

      And now Paul Ryan is going Islamist on the USA. I bet he doesn’t like Britney Spears music either.

      When was the last time he decided to grow a beard?

      You would think under the circumstances that we are under he would shave it for appearance sake,

      wouldn’t you?

      Is he an evangelical?

      EVIL angel?

      Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 12.45.44 AM

      I believe it’s my turn to get paid really well and receive my rewards.

      *And for those females who want to turn off their husband during sex or to shorten the experience start talking about shopping and how much you spent or say I think your boss called a little while ago, or look at the ceiling or walls and talk about painting, or tell a good joke or say “that’s okay, maybe another time.” as if he isn’t doing well! Whooooosh-the sucking sound!

      Amazing Evidence For God – Scientific Evidence For God a Catholic site has some interesting facts in one of it’s programs about biological life but they still have a few things in it that aren’t correct in my opinion or unprovable but they put it like it is proof which is too bad. But you can learn from it never the less. Talks about the complexity of the human cell and the universe etc to prove a point…… but so is a brick. It’s made up of microscopic stuff that we can’t see that hold it together LIKE GRAVITY FOR ONE but we don’t use every brick we receive especially a half a brick or bricks still in the process of baking. BRICKS ARE AMAZING IN THAT THEY MAKE A HOUSE, ETC. BUT THEN NEED SOEONE TO BUILD THEM INTO A HOUSE.

      I guess that is why some planets don’t have life and some stars explode etc.

      In the bible there is a place in it that talks about the world wishing someone wasn’t born who happens to be he. Not all life is good but made up of the same components. Hitler also had cells. Obama has some too but he definitely ain’t good. Comparing terrorism to cancer but shows how insane he is. He probably is addicted to it and it has become predominant theme in his term as President of the USA. And it seems the victims families want everyone to collectively mourn which is probably what Obama likes because he likes to feel UR pain.

      UR. vs RU?

      a take off of the name given to Moses for God to give to the Hebrews

       I AM THAT I AM


      It’s like this:

      Global warming, a trend in climate is now Climate Change

       Terrorism, a tactic in warfare is now Cancer. 

      Both global warming and terrorism

      are BULL SHIT and both are blackmail, no offense!’)

      It also says in the bible that whoever is speaking he knew them in the womb, but did they know it?

      Did the sperm cell that made it to the egg know what he was doing?



      It was forced into entering by ejaculation and landed by chance on the right spot at the right time. Did the egg say thank you? (Mine did not the first time it occurred because I wasn’t prepared! The second time and the third I was prepared and let it progress and purposefully didn’t take even a half of an LSD once I realized I was pregnant and fed it good food like high protein drinks sometimes daily in succession, went to the doctor frequently, was married at the time as well, etc I did have trouble with smoking because I was addicted but slowed down as much as I could and tried not to drink alcohol once I realized my condition,)

      Did the sperm say I love you to the egg and the egg say I love you in return! It didn’t the first, second, or the third time, but I treated it lovingly because I wanted it regardless if it was a male or a female WHEN I WAS PREPARED FOR GOOD REASONS AND EACH PERSON IS DIFFERENT THAT WAY!)


      Did the sperm select the woman? Did the woman select the lucky sperm?

      Did the sperm care if it was rape?






      Another thing as far as patterns goes: When my eldest sister had to find some flip flops (for about two hours) and in her words the cost was no object my little sister gave me a pair of used flip flops where I stayed  that looked exactly like the ones my eldest sister bought but very worn. I didn’t think much about it at the time but there is a pattern to these things that occur and even though it sounds insane it is for real and with the other things that have occurred similar it’s like some sort of imitations going on for some reason to confuse and deceive. Since both were involved in hospicing my mom I think they are the imitations and both collectively had memory but individually forgot some real important things such as my eldest not remembering that my brother-in-law the first husband of my little sister saved her sons life from drowning in their pool when he was about 3 years of age the same age as his granddaughter that did drown years later on her third birthday party a week after her birthday in another home that they moved to when they moved up in status and wealth. And I had to remind her but at the time she was more interested in taking pictures of me being hugged by him when he came home from work to greet his house guests and family to prove some insane point which she showed to me an my husband later with a BIG GLARE in her eyes. It was absolutely inane. She was the one dreaming about kissing him (the first husband, David) on a bridge while my little sister watched and told my little sister which is really odd for someone who was viciously attacking me with stupid photos. I did have dreams of her husbands prick in my face but I didn’t want to have them. It was after my operation when I nearly died and I was suffering from PTSD and he had exposed hisself quite a few times in strange ways over the years and had done some very shitty shit to me and so had she and it was not desirable to me nor did I want to kiss him sexually though as a family member I did on his cheek greeting him but it was not because i desired him. IN FACT, I WAS NOT TURNED ON BY HIM ONE IOTA! HE WAS NOT MY TYPE AND HE WAS MARRIED TO MY SISTER. I THOUGHT OFTEN HE WAS AN IDIOT. I DID MY BEST TO GET ALONG AND WE WERE ALL FRIENDS. We were trying to be normal amongst a freaking pair of nuts while she was trying to prove I was the one causing it which I didn’t realize was her game all that time. I thought better of her than I should have. There is a difference between kissing and kissing but to her it was proof I asked for it and I didn’t. I didn’t sneak on my belly while I slept to fondle me while being two to three inches distance from her. She said three was the number of perfection so I wonder what she meant by that or why she said it later in life?

      Anyway the picture of David and me was harmless but his arm was under my arm and we hugged quickly and I was in a bathing suit and he was in his work suit: BIG FUCKING DEAL. Anyway the picture made it look like his hand was near my boob which it was but it was not grasping it. LOL

      There is some psychology in this of some kind.

      Then saying that that the cost is not object about some fucking flip flops and then taunting me about not visiting my mom in mother’s day because I was in the hospital myself for my own physical ailments. She told me it was going  to be wasted and in hr words “money down the tube” a $400 ticket to San Antonio if I didn’t go and get the cash even though I didn’t buy the ticket, she bought the ticket but it was in my name. I didn’t get the cash partially because she was so bitchy about it and I thought I was being set up again, which I dare say I think I was being set up by her for some reason and probably has to do with the money she hoped to get from my mom’s estate by hospicing her soon after. A fucking $35,000 more than likely, the same amount as my little sister put in her savings account till after the hospicing was to occur.

      So it was like being between a bitch and a bitch and being harassed throughout and sent taunting letters with photos of my mom saying weird shit like “her eyes are clearer now” and her eyes were closed in the picture with a very sad look on her face that would make anyone that loved her cry.

      My mom wanted to live to 105!

      I hope my sisters fuck each other over real good.







      When my dad had a TIA at the hospital visiting my sister Tootie/Lori and her husband Gary for the birth of their daughter’s kids (she has about 5 now or so, their grand child). They had to drive in 5 or more hours he started to talk with weird words kind of backwards but not in the right order etc Gary was sitting on a ledge. His eyebrows went up and down like he was amused by it. I told my dad not to talk anymore because every time he tried it talk got worse. I knew he knew what he was meaning but it wasn’t coming out the right way. Tootie and mom went to find help in the hospital where this occurred. Gary was amused by it while it was occurring, never got up or anything. I remember hearing weird sounds like we were in an echo chamber though I don’t know what that is like but it was spiritual and it was alarming. It was surreal in a way because of the sounds like in a very hollow place. Very strange so I knew it was important besides what my dad was doing.   It was amusing later on in a funny way because he survived it and got the potassium he was light on because probably the meds he had been on getting ready for a trip, driving the trip, and going to the hospital etc without a nap more than likely. Tootie pushed people to their limit. You would go shopping with her and often it was excruciatingly long experience – I may be exaggerating but seemed like 8-12 hours. I think Gary resented her and took it out on her family who tried to help them because of her obsessive nature and his fucked up nature. To decorate her homes she would obsess about the materials for days and days. Gary sat the whole time observing and I will NEVER forget his expressions. I think she obsessed because of him to find solace but she was paid well for her troubles because money was no object.

      He could have cared less.

      My dad cleaned up after my sister when she was puking and having diarrhea at the same time when she poisoned herself with Calamine lotion when she swigged it thinking it was Pepto Bismol in my little sister’s kitchen in the dark (while we were watching The Last of the Mohicans when Gary exposed himself while on the floor at a family gathering) but her husband didn’t help her, my dad helped her. Diane and I were amused by it because of how she acted with pink stuff on her lips and told us what she had done. We called poison control.

      Gary didn’t help.

      He observed and came down and told us what my dad was doing.

      He could have cared less.

      It became a joke because it was foolish to do in the dark: to swig from a bottle in someone else’s home in the dark but kids do that kind of thing like I did with sour milk once as a kid and I never did that again. I’m sure she heard about it from Gary and it probably pissed her off.

      Seemed like everything that could go wrong in the family always involved Gary

      and whatever it was that he brought to the table


      My dad expected the same in return I would imagine in regards to his wife, her mom.

      He put my sister in charge of the estate to care for my mom and from what I saw and heard

      near the end she didn’t uphold her end of the bargain,

      not even close.

      I saved Kristen’s kid from falling off a very high ledge that would have killed him because there was no barrier and he was a curious boy. By saving I yelled at him to go back from beneath because no one  was with him and he listened. Kristen wasn’t there at the time but her mom and dad (Tootie and Gary) didn’t notice that he was missing. We had to walk through a neighborhood down a steep hill to get to the bottom to see the little lake by the ARC in San Antonio and he must have not followed us and it was their grand child, not mine. I hardly knew him.

      That may be the trip when I watched Kristen’s kids walking the river at night all Gary could think about was my underwear. NOt all he could think about but made a big deal to whisper in my ear about them as I got up because I guess he was amused and couldn’t stop himself from letting me know he noticed.

      He could have cared less about her kids.

      He or she could have said “hey thanks for watching out for my grandkids.”

      A son of a fool!

      I will never forget when he pushed my forehead with the palm of his hand to degrade me after tussling my kids foreheads and hair and my husband at the time and then came to me and pushed it and then asked the ex to bring the lawn mower over to the house because theirs wasn’t working and after I told the ex not to “Don’t you dare, he did anyway.” This was before I went to his boss. He was trying to scary me from telling on him. I didn’t get much support.

      Another time driving in San Antonio and I was following in heavy traffic he sped up so that I couldn’t follow easily and changed lanes a bunch. Fucking with me. He was a real sweet heart.


      A $100 million home in Dallas: Is real estate at its peak?








October 28, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Perversion of Mitt Romney

As far as I know Jesus never said anything about gaity, effeminism, lesbians, or homosexuals.

In my opinion they should have the same human rights as others have. I do not think this is a slippery slope. It is common sense.

They should have the right to marry.

Now the bible says we should not eat shellfish…because of the health risks, but it is not one of the Ten Commandments.

Do we say that people who eat shellfish cannot marry?

 We have progressed in this rights struggle for people of different races, creeds and the female gender; we allow them to marry, why stop now?

How does marriage hurt a feminine man or a manly woman?

How does marriage hurt a homosexual or a lesbian?

How would that human right hurt the people in our country?

I think it would make them and us safer.

Did God say he was against homosexuals getting married? Not that I recall but He does not approve of the sexual act because it is unnatural and obviously a health risk.

Because God loves humans he tells them about the health risks ahead of time to help protect them no matter who they are, homosexual or heterosexual. African or Roman. Jewish or Palestinian. American or Russian. ETC.

Obviously, each and all of us are imperfect by His design.

I haven’t seen, neither met, nor known anyone that was perfect.

He created humans with flaws or we would be perfect and since angels fell they must have been imperfect too!

That face sure looks familiar to me!

Cardinal John Patrick Foley

“(November 11, 1935 – December 11, 2011[1][2]) was an American Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. From 2007 until 2011, he was Grand Master of theEquestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, an order of knighthood under papal protection, having previously served as President of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications from 1984 to 2007. He was elevated to the cardinalate in 2007. He provided the commentary for the American television viewers of the Christmas Midnight Mass from St Peter’s Basilica, Rome. However, in 2009, he retired from that role after 25 years. The commentary has been taken over by Monsignor Thomas Powers of the Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut, an official in the Congregation for Bishops….”

“During his tenure, the Archbishop once sparked outrage in the homosexual community by describing the AIDS pandemic as a “natural sanction for certain types of activities.”[12

Makes you wonder who is responsible?

He also defended the Church’s exclusively male priesthood, once saying, “Jesus clearly did not ordain women to the priesthood, nor did he authorize the Church to do so.”

How would he know?

When angels think they are God. 

Is Cardinal John Patrick Foley a relative to Jackie O?

Compare the picture above with this picture of Jackie

you have to admit they do look similar.

Shape-shifting Jesus described in ancient Egyptian text

“I Come as a Pilgrim”

“The Pope held out a special hand of reconciliation in advance to Catholic homosexuals, who had been outraged at comments made by Archbishop John Foley, the American who heads Vatican communications. Foley had described the scourge of AIDS as a “natural sanction for certain types of activities.” Aboard Spoleto, John Paul said homosexuals “are in the heart of the church,” along with “all people who suffer.” In his first-ever remarks on AIDS, the Pope said, “The church is doing all that is possible to heal and especially to prevent the moral background” of the disease.”

Read more:,9171,147603,00.html#ixzz1v2Q22l8k

^These guys are nuts IMO! They love suffering….keeps them afloat.

Not only homosexuals received the “natural sanction” spoken of by Cardinal John Patrick Foley but so did other people like hemopheliacs. I dated a man who died of aids along with his brother, both were hemopheliacs. Both were happily married and productive men. Before he died he did reveal to me that his investigation of the aids contamination in the blood supply had to do with

the Red Cross, and in particular Elizabeth Dole.

 Weird picture of the Doles and the Connallys

I guess  “natural sanction for certain types of activities.”

 is not very exact

kind of like the Mustard Seed Parable.

 Please read about natural sanctions in this link:


The Parable of Faith – Part two

Pope Benedict XVI and the Mustard Tree

Parable of the Mustard Seed Part 4


D.C. gay rights groups evacuated after bomb threats

What is a marriage called when a gay person marries a straight person?

Half gay marriage? Half straight marriage?

How about if the other person isn’t aware of the other persons sexuality? What if the person isn’t even aware of their own sexuality?

Then what? Does that mean they are forever married until death even though it is a bad arrangement?

I don’t think it is fair to draw a line on this human right. I wonder how many unnecessary tragedies have occurred because of this type of hypocrisy especially when it comes to arranged marriages over the history of this world. How many murders have occurred to coverup ones sexuality because of what “the church” deemed legitimate?

Anne Boleyn and others come to my mind!


 I would rather see a homosexual have one partner and learn about marriage than live wildly and not learn about marriage. Marriage tends to stabilize a person which is good for many reasons. Depriving a person of a stabile loving environment is cruel and certainly doesn’t help.

Marriage is a private relationship between adults so they should be able to marry as long as the other person wants the same,

just as I believe a person has the right to a divorce if things don’t work out, without ramifications.

I should have the right to raise my child my way without hindrance from others such as my government and my government school system. I should be able to homeschool if I so choose with out interference from my government. It is not my governments business how I raise my child.

 Sodom and Gommorah

I believe the reason the angels blinded the crowd wasn’t because of their sexual orientation. It was because they were demanding attention from the angels and forcing themselves upon the angels, Lot, and his family. They had no right to do that and Lot should not have offered his daughter to them. They were forcing themselves upon Lot, his family, and the angels. That is why I believe they were blinded.

God did not destroy Rome or Greece and I think they also had homosexuals living in their countries. But our bibles tell us that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed.

Did Jesus destroy homosexuals when he came?

I don’t recall that he did, but he healed people with various imperfections.

Why was Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed?

The bible says that it was because the sin of the people had basically gotten so bad that God could not ignore it anymore. It wasn’t just the homosexuals.

It was everyone in those cities.

I do not know what Gomorrah means but this is what it says is the definition:

Go·mor·rah 2

A wicked or depraved place

Sodom means:

Sodomy – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sodomy refers to anal sex or other non-penile/vaginal copulation-like acts, especially between male persons or between a person and an animal.

So we have wickedness, depravity, anal sex and beastiality, and I don’t know what the other non-penile/vaginal copulation means ….maybe oral sex, heavy petting and other things. I do not believe it means private masterbation as wickapedia states, but I could be wrong.

So basically the two names of the two cities doesn’t exclude a particular gender. The definition of the names of those two cities does however seem to point to sexual sin and wickedness. 

Men, women, children, and animals were destroyed.

Obviously sin was rampant amongst all the people and tolerated by Lot and his family.

Abraham made a deal with the angels hoping to spare the two cities, if the destroying angels could find a certain amount of righteous people would the destroying angels spare the cities from destruction. I forget the amount that they agreed upon but it was not just a few but it seems they could not even find that amount because the bible says those cities were not spared.

From that I glean that it is a good idea to allow righteous people to be righteous,

because it is those people and their righteousness that keep the world safe.

 In the Gospel of John after Jesus had arisen he said

John 14:1

Let not your heart be troubled:

ye believe in God, 

believe also in me.


We should help people to believe in humane, thoughtfully, kindly ways within the laws of the countries and not persecute believers or non believers, or disembowel them and kill them, lie to them, or torture them, or trick them because they are imperfect.

Christians are imperfect.

Nobody said that a believer was perfect.

Christians should not expect perfection in non believers either.

Non believers should not expect perfection in believers.

Angels are imperfect too…..

Putting someone on the rack doesn’t improve them.  I don’t expect the Roman Catholic establishment to be perfect either. They have made huge mistakes but should also have to live by the laws of the land and own up to their mistakes. They have accomplished some good things too and we cannot discount their service in some capacities.  Most Roman Catholics are wonderful people and imperfect.

The Roman Catholic Church established a Court of the Gentiles

about the same time as they felt they were being persecuted

because of their abuse of children

and not because of their beliefs.

That is the lie.

It is not a coincidence.

Now the RCC and the Pope and their “protection”

won’t allow anyone to see their secret files,

because they percieve themselves to be HOLY and above the laws of the land

but want us to suffer their subtly maniacal inquisitions

with the powers that they have established for over 2000 years

through deception..


I believe if they own up to their mistakes they as a church could be healed and survive because they are human.

Obviously that power has corrupted them.

If they go down we all go down. That’s how these cowards do business.

Abusers of mankind!

Vatican Investigating Girl Scouts

for Links to Safe-Sex Education Groups

Ignorance is their ace in the hole, you might say. That is why there was such a thing as the Dark Ages when the lay people were not allowed to read the bible, in essence, they want to discern for us and deceive us. It is their power. Everything they do is toward that purpose. Education on the other hand gives power back to the individual and out of their hands.

Wikipedia head joins Vatican meeting, talks about abortion controversy 

Wikipedia and peace

“Honduran Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga of Tegucigalpa told the meeting that while people today are better educated and have greater access to information than in the past, they are becoming less human because education is focused so heavily on hard science, that it leaves aside questions about the meaning of human life and destiny.”

“Church sites, though, need to have filtering software and participants who can exercise “social control” on those who misbehave.”

Obviously they want to control us their way. Please read:

The Fruits of the Vatican


There were 2 other cities in the plain besides Sodom and Gomorrah which were destroyed.

It is quite possible, since no one knows where these 4 places are located,

that Sodom and Gomorrah is a prophecy.

Don’t discount that possibility.


What is sin?

Wickedness, depravity, bad behavior, and bad morals.  The bible says that homosexuality and beastiality are an abomination. Disobeying the Ten Commandments is considered to be sin.  The rapid decline in the morals of this country by the average citizen seems to coincide with the dismissal of the rule of law.

Whose law?

God’s law.

We have so many new laws in this country, much more than we had 50  years ago. Obviously, it isn’t the addition of these new laws, but the dismissal and disregarding of God’s law in our country that is affecting our country.

Lawlessness and disobedience 

Most of our kids don’t remember or were not alive when debates about the Ten Commandments were occurring in this country, but I remember it was my generation that rebelled against the monuments of God’s law. As I recall, it was the atheists that were the initiators of this mission, because they don’t believe in God. Free love and the hippie movement were also accepted by some of the population and are now standardized in our relationships in various ways. Abortion also was debated and now we have legal abortion for the rights of the mother and against the rights of the baby. the drug trade and drug usage prospered, homosexuals started to come out of the closet.

 I believed in a government separation of church and state.

I went to an Episcopal church for a couple of years in my early teens.

The Church I attended was hit by lightning and burned up. It coincided with a Gay/effeminate Rector taking over the position at about the same time that the church had invested in a new organ. I noticed the new rector because he swished down the aisle and I thought he was weird, but at the time I did not know about homosexuality in any form. Clueless!  When my family attended this church on many Sundays both my brother and I would get nauseated and have to leave early. It was a real symptom. Either something was wrong with me and my brother, or the church. Well, my brother and I did not get struck by lightning or burn up. So obviously something was wrong with the church. Maybe it meant that God does not approve of a homosexual leading the church. I cannot say for sure. Maybe God did not approve of the church itself. I highly doubt the organ was the problem, but it also burned in the church fire . Neither did the rector. The fact is I can’t remember if I didn’t have that same symptom before the new rector. Maybe it meant that God does not approve of a homosexual leading the church. I cannot say for sure. Maybe God did not approve of the church itself. I highly doubt the organ was the problem, but it also burned in the church fire. Maybe God didn’t like the model of the organ.

We ought to regard and erect the monuments of God’s Law

to remind the humans and the angels about

the Ten Commandments

that God designed

so that our children and other generations to follow

might have the chance to marry.

I have read a lot of the bible but I have not read the whole bible. I have compared the gospels for a number of reasons and I have chosen whom I believe. The Gospel of John. I am not positive in my conclusions to the 100 percentile, but He makes sense to me. I cannot say that the things told in the other 3 gospels did not occur, but does that make it true and I guess by that I mean the content and the conclusions made by the three synoptic gospel writers and all of their quotes attributed to Jesus.

The Gospel of John gives details that are not present in the other three gospels. He names names of the people in his gospel as if he knew them and was a witness. He makes sense. Jesus doesn’t come off as a fruit cake or a tyrant in this gospel. The other three gospels make Jesus sound like a lunatic and I don’t believe them for that cause. I think he was preceded and shadowed by lunatics and copycats.

Think about the coverup of the assassination of JFK. It is similar to what happened to Jesus except that JFK did not say he was the Messiah. He did have a message though and he paid dearly for it.

I do know that when I started to compare the gospels and write about it, it seemed to stir up a lot of controversy. That was not my intent. Maybe it is just coincidence, but I don’t think it is. I think it is a real threat to the establishment of religion, but that was not my intent either, but it is scary to see how deceptive the clergy have been.

I think it should be a human right to worship whom you believe.

I do not believe I have the right to kill, maim, or force others to believe what I believe. But I do have the right to express my beliefs. It is a human right, just like African Americans have the right to work in public businesses, worship, eat, sleep, drink, marry, drink from a public water fountain, buy a house in any neighborhood, get loans, own a business,  and go to a public school or public college without hindrance because of their race.

I do not go to their bedrooms because it is private.

It is none of my business what they do there. 

It is between them and God

and whether they believe or not is between them and God.

1 Corinthians 6:9
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate,

nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

Who is this referring to? Obviously not mankind

The bible says that the effeminate do not inherit the kingdom of God …..

who determines that measure of manliness that does inherit the kingdom of God?

Mitt Romney? George Bush? Billy Graham? Cal Thomas? The BGEA? The RCC?

The Secret Service? Meryl Streep? The Jesuits? Putin? Hillary Clinton? Mel Gibson? Simon Cowell? Hollywood? President Barack Obama?

Ellen DeGeneres?  Steven Tyler? Randy Jackson?American Idol?

I suspect that “the effeminate” are the cowards that aid and abet that power that abuses mankind.

That is why Revelation says:

Revelation 18:4
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

By remaining you empower the enemy of mankind and that is cowardly, which is effeminate.

It is not how manly or feminine you are,

but whether you are an abuser without remorse of your fellow human like a Nazi.

Here is a site you should listen to and hear. Has quite a few you tubes worthy of contemplating about the Roman Catholic Church and other subjects:

 Stephen Fry dismantles the Roman Catholic Church

“The Roman Catholic Church faces permanent disruption and banishment in at least five countries if it does not comply with ten “non-negotiable measures” by September 15, 2012, according to a global coalition of

survivors of church rape and torture.”

Catholic Church Faces Disruption and Banishment

as Irish Cardinal Set to Resign

 by Kevin Annett

This isn’t small potatos. This system is abusive worldwide!

Are Human Rights

the same or different

than Moral Rights?

I don’t know.

God gave us the choice to believe Him or not to believe. 

God has the right to judge us however he sees fit to do so as a country and individually.  He created us.

His standard is written about in the bible and it is up to each of us individually to decide and make choices that please him or displease him.

It is a high standard if you include the other books of the Old Testament as well as the other books of the New Testament.

The Ten Commandments are pretty basic though.

Our country was born by invading this continent with lots of different peoples that escaped from other countries of all different religions and races.

Our government is supposed to represent the people that are here.

That happens to include homosexuals because they are human, as far as I know.

Human rights. What does that mean?

It means if you are human you should be able to enjoy the same rights that other humans have legally.

I believe that includes marriage,

but not sodomy.

Privacy is a human right. Sex is a privacy right.

I’m not sure about that,

but it makes sense to me.

I don’t believe it was intended by God for people to be homosexual, but obviously it was a possibility. I don’t think He approves of sodomy or any other sin. Did God intend for marriage to be between a man and a man? No, I don’t think so since He doesn’t approve of sodomy, but it was a possibility. The bible says that God will deal with sodomites. It is not my business what happens in their bedroom. It is between them and God. My sins are not their sins, and visa-versa. Unless of course done in public eye.

What is public?

Well if our government and religious institutions are disobeying our privacy rights that might include what we do in the privacy of our own homes via computers, the internet, tv, telephone

and anything wired electronically, etc.

Are babies not human?

Do they have the right to live?

They can’t speak till they learn to speak and they in fact are dependent on their human mothers womb until they are designed in the womb

created by God

so shouldn’t they be protected by humans and their human rights

since they are human too and so that they may enjoy the right to marry?


How about children?

They have a right not to be sexually abused by their teachers and the clergy so that they might enjoy the right to marry and not be screwed up in their future relationships and marriage. The clergy should be forthright and offer assistance and openness of their accounts and records

instead of hiding and stalling. 

Do the right thing.

It is a human right,

unless you are not human.


If homosexuality is a learned trait then I leave that to Our Father and Jesus to heal the person of this trait when He decides is the right time for that particular individual. Same goes for a Hindu or a Buddhist, etc. Our Father reaches a person however and whenever that He does. I don’t think forcing the religion of Christianity upon another person by using bully tactics like Haarp or other facilities to cause mayhem and earthquakes (which I believe is occurring now) is the right way. If God Himself intervenes that’s His business!!!!! But I know that lately our government and other governments are using these places to scare and intimidate people.

I can’t say positively that HAARP is responsible for the tsunami/earthquake in Japan last year, but it seems highly likely and should be investigated.

But if it was a judgement from God then what did it mean?

Here are some interesting coincidences that were occurring at that particular time as far as I know in Japan involving the Pope, The Neocatechumenal Way, Roman Catholic leaders and the Japanese people. I’m sure this is just the tip of the iceberg but nevertheless ought to be scrutinized. Please read:

Japan Quakes after Confirmation of the Neocatechumenal Way

Maybe the power that is used at places like HAARP have been around longer than we know.The reason I say that is because of what happened at Yodfat. Please read:

Josephus and His Footprints

Using bully tactics like keeping files on every person in the country to blackmail them, coercing them, is DIS-GRACEFUL.  Our government or the clergy should not be doing this to anyone and it seems that they are, from what I have witnessed and written about in my posts.

It is that kind of business that in essence is a Disgraceful Force that might incite Our Father to intervene such as what occurred at Sodom and Gomorah.

Things are pretty rotten in America and the world

and have been declining for a long time.


I believe we have misinterpreted our bibles.

I also believe we have misinterpreted the signs,

partially because of the powers and those that wield them

who want us to misinterpret these signs.

I do not have any power over any one so I am not responsible for what is happening in our country and abroad, nor do I want to have that power. But I am speaking out and at this time still have a right to voice my opinion and display what I have uncovered over the internet and what I have learned as a believer in God and Jesus written about in the Gospel of John.

I came to those conclusions by reading the bible and comparing the gospels and comparing them to the Old Testament.

and disregarding what is obviously fraudulent and maniacal.

The Fruits of the Vatican

Mitt Romney’s 2006 Rally Against Gay Marriage

Pope Benedict XVI and His Power of Suggestion

Obviously, my beliefs do affect how I react to human rights, people in general, religion and government.

If these facilities are using their power to incite, coerce, create signs such as earthquakes, tsunamis, the right to earn money or inhibiting buying and selling, behavior modification via electronic devices or anything wired to force people to accept a religion or belief or behave in a bad way then I would say they are INHUMANE. I would say they who are doing this obviously don’t agree with humans having human rights and are waging terrorism against the public. If that is true then a homosexual married couple might be at risk from those that are against this human right and humans in general.

Case in point:

Cracks in the Washington Post story on Romney’s ‘pranks’ emerge

A question emerges in reading the Washington Post piece on Mitt Romney today: How can Romney’s old pal Stu White tell the Washington Post that he has “long been bothered by the Lauber incident” — and then later admit to ABC News that he was “not present for the prank” and “was not aware of it until this year when he was contacted by the Washington Post”?

Romney Friend Stu White Says Campaign Wants Him to Counter Prank Accusations

“One former classmate and old friend of Romney’s – who refused to be identified by name – said there are “a lot of guys” who went to Cranbrook who have “really negative memories” of Romney’s behavior in the dorms, behavior this classmate describes as “like Lord of the Flies.”

The classmate believes Romney is lying when he claims to not remember it.

“It makes these fellows [who have owned up to it] very remorseful.  For [Romney] not to remember it? It doesn’t ring true.  How could the fellow with the scissors forget it?” the former classmate said.

In a radio interview Thursday morning,

Romney offered an apology for the pranks,

but said that “homosexuality” was never on his mind”


Which reminds me of what God said to Abraham when Abraham took his son Isaac to Mt. Moriah to sacrifice him.

After Abraham had built an altar and had bound his son and was about to kill Isaac in the act of sacrifice,

God intervened and told Abraham not to kill his son and said 

That sacrificing Abraham’s son Isaac was never on his mind.

Then Abraham found a ram with its horns caught in the bushes

which God had provided.

Then Abraham sacrificed the ram/lamb (depending on which bible version you read) instead.

I’m sorry and need to apologize

for the above statement:

I made a mistake because I went back to read about Abraham and Isaac and what I had written that God had said (that sacrificing Isaac was never on his mind) is not true. I don’t know how that happened honestly, but God blessed Abraham for his fear of God and his willingness to offer Isaac his only son. I really thought I had read the above but now I cannot find it.

Please read the link:

Genesis 22

And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.

10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.

11 And the angel of the Lord called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.

12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him:

for now I know that thou fearest God,

seeing thou hast not withheld thy son,

thine only son from me.

13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son.

14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen.

15 And the angel of the Lord called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time,

16 And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the Lord, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son:

17 That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;

18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.

But what about Ishmael? Wasn’t he also Abraham’s son? Hmmm. I guess from this God did not consider that Ishmael was Abraham’s son.

Maybe because God knew something not revealed? 

Maybe God knew they would be abusers of mankind.



Still I know that we do make mistakes in God’s name and in the name of Jesus as I have demonstrated so personally. Sorry!

Please read:

Binding of Isaac

“While it is often imagined that Isaac was a small child, some sources claim he was an adult (noting that Jews are considered adults at age 13). The Talmudic sages teach that Isaac was thirty-seven, likely based on the next biblical story, which is of Sarah’s death at 127 (she was ninety when Isaac was born). Bishop Ussher’s chronology would place Isaac at about 20 years of age.”

Genesis 22:14 states that it occurred at “the mount of the LORD”: in 2 Chronicles 3:1Psalm 24:3Isaiah 2:3 & 30:29; and Zechariah 8:3, the Bible seems to identify the location of this event as the hill on which Solomon was said to later build the Temple, now known as the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.[c

Obviously, people jumped the gun

and made some horrible mistakes

in the name of God and in the name of Jesus

and do the same now!


John 8:57-59

57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?

58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you,

Before Abraham was, I am.

59 Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.

For the longest time I have tried to figure out

what Jesus was trying to communicate

when he said in the Gospel of John:

” Verily, verily, I say unto you,

Before Abraham was, I am.”

Is this what he meant?

The reason I say that is because the Temple Mount was built on this site

where the event spoken about in Genesis 2:2 occurred

with Abraham and his son Isaac!

I even thought maybe the exodus of the hebrews led by Moses from Egypt might have occurred

before the event spoken about on the Mount where Abraham and Isaac made their sacrifice,

but now it is quite possible that Jesus in the Gospel of John

was talking about the event with Abraham and Isaac on that same location.


Communication between humans is tough sometimes. I noticed through experience that men have a tough time communicating with each other where as women have an easier time communicating. Men are imperfect that way. Women on the other hand are more emotional and tend to be imperfect that way.

Even angels were imperfect.

We humans and angels were made with flaws for a purpose. It is our nature to be imperfect and until God perfects all of us we have to cope with those imperfections in ourselves, each other and the others,

because who knows if God will decide to turn the tables and when.

 In any case, we should try to persuade our peers, clergy, friends and neighbors, families, and our government to do what is right.

Just because we are fighting terrorism does not mean we should do the same and become terrorists ourselves. Believe me we will win the war on terrorism if we fight the war

the right way with integrity and mercy!

How we go about doing it is just as important as accomplishing it. Murdering each other, wire tapping each other, raping and pillaging, invading each other’s bedrooms,  intentional disinformation, blackmailing each other, vexing people, impersonating another person, stealing and robbing, starving people, leaving an individual helpless and unable to protect themselves by disarming them, prohibiting each other in inhumane ways is the wrong way to attain human rights

and it is the wrong way to change a person’s belief, spirit, and heart.

Lawlessness vs Lawlessness = Lawlessness

Lawlessness + Lawlessness = Lawlessness

which is in essence


Are we at war with God or OG?

Opinion: On gay marriage, Latinos agree with Obama


“Once Gay Americans are through celebrating President Barack Obama’s “personal” support of Gay marriage equality, they will learn that Obama’s “evolution” changes nothing. Obama’s new position is a bullshit cop-out.

This comes on the heels of an cynical Obama campaign pirouette where Team Obama trotted out first Secretary of State Hillary Clinton then Vice President “Crazy” Joe Biden to say they support gay marriage and imply that the President would too–after the election.

Now, incredibly, Obama says Gay marriage is a state issue. That’s what they used to say about abortion and before that, slavery. Now Obama tells us that gay couples should be able to marry but he doesn’t believe they have a right to do so. Obama would leave the question to the states–in other words -the status quo. This is like saying that public schools ought to be integrated but if the people of Mississippi disagree, well he says, “let the states decide” …”


By the way, what is the 2nd Commandment

of the Ten Commandments?

What is wrong with saying

“do unto others as you would have them do unto you?” 

There are always going to be extremes on any issue. I don’t think we should make determinations of any issues on that basis,

otherwise I would suggest outlawing marriage for heterosexuals.


Biden apologizes to Obama for marriage controversy

uh huh.

The Trickery and Treachery of Mitt Romeny

Tim Carney & Tamron Hall Throw Down

“What I am asking about is how the campaign has handled this situation, how he handled the Colorado reporter, how he handled same-sex marriage where

he said he agrees with gay parents be able to adopt,

but he does not agree with same-sex marriage? “

That’s a misnomer.

Homosexuals are good enough to raise kids

but not good enough to be married!

Does Mitt Romney not like orphans, kids, and homosexuals?


May be Mitty Romney shavout.

Mitt Romney’s 2006 Rally Against Gay Marriage

This man is sinister, sick, demented,

and speaks in dark sentences!

Romney’s lame response on bullying allegations

It is okay if you’re gay … Stop Bullying Now!

This you tube is about bullying of kids and suicide. But since I posted this in my article I can’t seem to get to the you tube on this link above. So try the link below:

This is what is called “social control” and believe me it is calculated.

What Romney can accomplish at Liberty University

Sometimes looks are deceiving and sometimes they aren’t.

He reminds me of George Ganswein,

the Pope Benedict’s Secretary the man who dresses the Pope.

Romney apologizes for high school ‘teasing’

The times we are living in are treacherous and the leaders we have in our government and religious institutions are as confused as we are because of the treachery and need our help and prayers. We should try to obey the laws of the country we live in as best we can and hopefully all of us can get through the deceit and treachery eventually.


The Monarch, Devil’s Breath, and the Eucharist

Evangelicals, Taxes, Jobs, and the Consumer

May 11, 2012 Posted by | "CODEWORD BARBELON – DANGER IN THE VATICAN: THE SONS OF LOYOLA & THEIR PLANS FOR WORLD DOMINATION", American Idol, Assassination of President Kennedy, Babylon, Bible Contradictions, Bible Controversy, False God of Rome, false Synoptic Gospels, George Ganswein, Girl Scouts, Gospel of John, Great Deception, It is okay if you're gay ... Stop Bullying Now!, JESUIT, Merangue's Blog, Notre Dame of Paris and the Courtyard of the Gentiles, Obama, Perversion and Mitt Romney, Perversion of MItt Romeny, Pope Benedict XVI, President Obama, Roman Catholicism, Romans, shavout, Synoptic Gospels, Synoptic prince of this world, The Abomination of Desolation, The Assassination of JFK, The Clintons, the Great Deception, Vatican | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Billy Graham and the Praying Mantis

Praying Mantis

A colloquial name for the order is “praying mantises“, because of the typical “prayer-like” stance, although the eggcorn “preying mantis” is sometimes used since mantises are predatory.[2] In Europe, the name “praying mantis” refers to Mantis religiosa. The closest relatives of mantises are the orders Isoptera(termites) and Blattodea (cockroaches), and these three groups together are sometimes ranked as an order rather than a superorder. They are sometimes confused with phasmids (stick/leaf insects) and other elongated insects such as grasshoppers and crickets.


The scientific name Mantodea comes from the Greek words μάντις meaning a prophet, and εἶδος for form or shape. The name was coined in 1838 by the German entomologist Hermann Burmeister. The common term mantis is also from the Greek word μάντις for prophet.[3][4]


One theory for the evolution of the species is that mantises evolved from proto-cockroaches, diverging from their common ancestors by theCretaceous period, possibly from species like Raphidiomimula burmitica, a predatory cockroach with mantis-like forelegs. Possibly the earliest known modern mantis is Regiata scutra, although more common (and confirmed) is Santanmantis, a stilt-legged genus, also from the Cretaceous. Like their close termite cousins, though, mantises did not become common and diverse until the early Tertiary period.


Praying Mantis
Ogre of The Insect World


Billy Graham praying


Billy Graham having a private contemplative moment

caught on camera, of course.

Did he know he was being photographed?

And again Billy Graham looking down and forlorn, or maybe just thinking alone?

Did he know he was being photographed?

Billy Graham looking up.

Did he know he was being photographed?

Franklin Graham praying, I think.

Did he know he was being photographed?

Hey he’s wearing his little finger now!


Franklin Graham’s profile.

Did he know he was being photographed?


Billy Graham, Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton praying,

or just all three being sullen together.

Did they know they were being photographed?

Clinton seems to be aware he is being photographed!

Ka Qing, Ka Qing!

Sorry Sarah!

Donald James Lawn

Author of

The Memoirs of John F. Kennedy: A Novel

Doesn’t he look like Bill Clinton’s clone?

bill clinton and larry king off air

 More interesting articles:

Merangue’s Blog

February 14, 2012 Posted by | Beware Oh brother, BGEA, Bible Contradictions, Bible Controversy, Billy Graham, Castlefin Press, Evangelicals, Great Deception, Roman Catholicism, SAMARITAN'S PURSE, Second Vatican Council, The Clintons, The Memoirs of John F. Kennedy: A Novel, The Preacher and the Presidents, The Q Source, The Synoptic “Q Source”, The Synoptic Gospels | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Beware Oh brother, beware don’t you listen to the words. The tender lies….

The Beast

Speaking with his tongue which he does quite often.


For instance Franklin Graham representing BGEA:


5 things we learned from Franklin Graham

By Dan Gilgoff and Eric Marrapodi, CNN Belief Blog Co-Editors

5. Graham didn’t direct the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association to remove its website’s reference to Mormonism as a cult shortly before Election Day. But he agrees with the move. “I didn’t even know it was there. We have like 10,000 pages on our website,” Graham told us.

Graham said the reference isn’t coming back to the site. “I don’t want to be involved in calling people names,” he told us. “I want to reach people for Christ, and how can I do that if I’m calling them a name? I don’t even like the word cult; it sounds like dungeons and dragons or something.”

Give me a break….he didn’t even know it was there?

This guy is full of deceipt.

It’s okay to change your mind. It was a self-serving gesture for your ministry and an alliance to benefit you, and nothing more.  

Talk about disingenuous!

False dilemma

“……The presentation of a false choice often reflects a deliberate attempt to eliminate the middle ground on an issue. Eldridge Cleaver used such a quotation during his 1968 presidential campaign: “You’re either part of the solution or part of the problem.”[4] Another example would be the former US president George W. Bush stating that the world had a choice to make; “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.”……”

Luke 9:50-51

 49And John answered and said, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him,

because he followeth not with us.

 50And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us.

How about Benny Hinn?

Here is a you-tube of an example of Grace in the form of Benny Hinn a product of Billy Graham’s Evangelicals and Roman Catholicism

which I tried to transcribe a portion:

Benedictus Hinn Slaying himself I guess
Benny Hinn – Servant of God – You must See this

Benny Hinn – Casting Out Demons & Devils from people (1)

“Look at me. You’ve been oppressed by a devil. You’ve had demons literally try to kill you. You’ve had the devil himself try to kill you. I see when you were a child about three years of age. Someone put a curse on you. You remember that? “

(Woman shakes her head saying no.)

“You don’t because you were three years old.”

How does he know?

(Then Benny Hinn says something hard to translate and then says:)

“…….you are free in the name of Jesus From the top of her head to the soles of her feet she’s free.”

(Then Benny Hinn yells and pushes her: ) 

“She is free in Jesus name.”

(Then the crowd erupts in applause and he raises his hands in the air and says something I cannot translate:)

This is junk! Oh, it may be real, but it is still junk!

Were Christians really thrown to the lions?

“4. Roman executions typically were considered a form of public spectacle. “

In the gospels and the following books the person who curses a person is Paul! And the other time a curse is mentioned by Peter in regards to Jesus becoming a curse and implicit in that assumption is Judas, the slaves that were hung in the south,  and anyone who hangs on a tree which could have another meaning….such as.Christmas Tree Decorations/ decorators. 

1 Corinthians 16:22
If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.

Please read:

The Grace of Anathema Maranatha

In Roman Catholicism the only person allowed to curse an anathema marantha is the Pope and his Bishops.

Which of course you have to wonder: Was Saul/Paul a pope?

He sure traveled far and wide as do popes in our time.

Anyone who curses a three year old is sick.

What Bennie Hinn offers this woman is a false dilemma. A False Jesus. One that kills, maims, curses, possesses,

and ultimately destroys.

The devil posing as a healer.

What he offers her is Paul. Ba’al!

This is the way of Deception. However, Thank God we do have someone that loves us written about in the Gospel of John. And He is aware of what occurs in these arenas!

Please read:

I Am That I Am

I AM THAT I AM (Part two)


Here is a link with information From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia about Benny Hinn:

Benny Hinn

“Toufik Benedictus ”Benny” Hinn”


Hinn was born in Jaffa, in 1952, in the then newly-established state of Israel[3] to Palestinian Christian parents. He was raised within the Eastern Orthodox tradition.[4]

Soon after the 1967 Arab-Israeli War (a.k.a. “The Six-Day War)”, Hinn’s family emigrated to TorontoOntarioCanada, where he attended but later prematurely left the Georges Vanier Secondary School. In his books, Hinn states that his father was the mayor of Jaffa at the time of his birth, and that as a child, he was socially isolated and was handicapped by a severe stutter, but was nonetheless a first-class student.[5] These claims, however, have been disputed by critics of Hinn.[6] As a teenager in Toronto, Hinn converted from Greek Orthodoxy to Pentecostalism, eventually joining a singing troupe made up of young evangelicals. According to a 2004 CBC report on Hinn, his newfound religious devotion during this period became so intense that his family became concerned that he was turning into a religious fanatic. Hinn was taught the bible and mentored by Dr. Winston I. Nunes of Broadview Faith Temple in Toronto.[7]

speaking in tongues

Again speaking with his tongue 

Benny Hinn – Billy Graham’s Little Ant

The Devil is tricky: Very interesting parable and very quaint except that the problem with it is the false dilemma such as what occurred recently in Japan. Please read: 

Japan Quakes after Confirmation of the Neocatechumenal Way

Benny Hinn was raised Eastern Orthodox tradition which is another form  of Catholicism, one of many. Then he became Pentacostal which is still another form of Catholicism, one of many!

They created it as another false choice!

Where do you think “All Roads Lead to Rome” originated?

Same choice offered for the “little ant parable of Billy Graham.”

They create a dilemma, and they offer solutions to makes you think you have overcome! 

They interfere so that they may intervene! In legal terms it would be called “Entrapment.”

The Fruits of the Vatican


“In criminal law, entrapment is conduct by a law enforcement agent inducing a person to commit an offense that the person would otherwise have been unlikely to commit.”

In moral law it might be perhaps causing unwanted pregnancies by introducing drugs, propaganda and making abortion legal. Or causing joblessness through hate or prejudice causing a person to steal for food, deal drugs, prostitution etc.

The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia

While our troops fought in Vietnam drug use among youth definitely increased. Itis not by accident!


You are not given a fair choice!!!!!! 

Like the nurses you hear about that create near death experiences in order to save you when in fact they are the enemy obviously. It gives them a false sense of power over others. Makes them think they are Gods angels or God himself.

Like Sophie’s Choice.

Billy Graham and Benny Hinn are products of Nazism…Facism…..Roman Catholicism!

(Above picture is a snapshot of Billy Graham posing as Jack Ready a Secret Service Agent at Love Field Airport in Dallas the day of the assassination of JFK. He is signaling someone after Jackie Kennedy received a Lamb chops puppet which she hid under the red roses, the same red roses that she mused about receiving in later interviews , and failing to mention the puppet! I would guess that is where she hid a weapon used to kill JFK and/or to create a diversion which Roy Kellerman did mention hearing a flurry of gun shots. Whatever was hidden inside the puppet was important enough for Billy Graham/Jack Ready to make a signal to someone….probably another agent/press/clergyman)

They are



 ”Tyrannosaurus was a bipedal carnivore with a massive skull balanced by a long, heavy tail. Relative to the large and powerful hindlimbs, Tyrannosaurus forelimbs were small, though unusually powerful for their size, and bore two clawed digits.

Their massive skull is Golgotha:

The place of the skull where Jesus of Nazareth was nailed to the cross.

 Their works are their veil!

They are evil.

They are Evangelicals: Evil Angels: Beasts


CNS exclusive excerpt: Msgr. Ratzinger discusses his brother, the pope
Q. Do you also watch television together? Does the Holy Father have a favorite program?A. Well, before the news, there used to be a television series “Inspector Rex.” We always used to watch it, because we like dogs, too.”

John 16:2-4

  2They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh,

that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.

 3And these things will they do unto you,

because they have not known the Father, nor me.

 4But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them. And these things I said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you.

US election 2012: Rick Santorum says JFK makes him sick

The pictures of Billy Graham are snapshots from Greta Van Susteren’s interview of him talking about the Bush family .

Greta Exclusive: A Conversation With the Rev. Billy Graham

The last picture is of a man  (who I think is none other than Billy Graham in disguise) at the airport with JFK in Dallas less than an hour before the assassination right before he enrages

because he is caught on camera signaling to someone with his two claws

as Jacky receives something at the fence line.

Revelation 16:10-11

 10And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness;

and they gnawed their tongues for pain,

 11And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains (panis?=demons)

and their sores (roses?),

and repented not of their deeds.


Please read all of the parts of the

The Covenant with Many

Rev. David Wilkerson and Evangelicalism

CBS News and JFK (The first few hours)

The Stones of Amen

George Gänswein, Pope Benedict XVI, and Mel Gibson

Mary’s Spikenard and Luke’s Parable – Revised

Other articles can be found at

Merangue’s Blog

New and Revised Articles

January 11, 2012 Posted by | Assassination of President Kennedy, Benediction, beware, BGEA, Bible Contradictions, Bible Controversy, Billy Graham, CAMELOT, Corinthians, Evangelicalism and the Covenant With Many, Evangelicals, False God of Rome, false Synoptic Gospels, Gospel of John, Gospel of Luke, Gospel of Mark, Gospel of Matthew, Great Deception, Loggins and Messina, Pathway to Glory, Rick Santorum, US election 2012 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment