Blue Skies

Bible Prophecy (Truth & Deception)

The Perversion of Mitt Romney

As far as I know Jesus never said anything about gaity, effeminism, lesbians, or homosexuals.

In my opinion they should have the same human rights as others have. I do not think this is a slippery slope. It is common sense.

They should have the right to marry.

Now the bible says we should not eat shellfish…because of the health risks, but it is not one of the Ten Commandments.

Do we say that people who eat shellfish cannot marry?

 We have progressed in this rights struggle for people of different races, creeds and the female gender; we allow them to marry, why stop now?

How does marriage hurt a feminine man or a manly woman?

How does marriage hurt a homosexual or a lesbian?

How would that human right hurt the people in our country?

I think it would make them and us safer.

Did God say he was against homosexuals getting married? Not that I recall but He does not approve of the sexual act because it is unnatural and obviously a health risk.

Because God loves humans he tells them about the health risks ahead of time to help protect them no matter who they are, homosexual or heterosexual. African or Roman. Jewish or Palestinian. American or Russian. ETC.

Obviously, each and all of us are imperfect by His design.

I haven’t seen, neither met, nor known anyone that was perfect.

He created humans with flaws or we would be perfect and since angels fell they must have been imperfect too!

That face sure looks familiar to me!

Cardinal John Patrick Foley

“(November 11, 1935 – December 11, 2011[1][2]) was an American Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. From 2007 until 2011, he was Grand Master of theEquestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, an order of knighthood under papal protection, having previously served as President of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications from 1984 to 2007. He was elevated to the cardinalate in 2007. He provided the commentary for the American television viewers of the Christmas Midnight Mass from St Peter’s Basilica, Rome. However, in 2009, he retired from that role after 25 years. The commentary has been taken over by Monsignor Thomas Powers of the Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut, an official in the Congregation for Bishops….”

“During his tenure, the Archbishop once sparked outrage in the homosexual community by describing the AIDS pandemic as a “natural sanction for certain types of activities.”[12

Makes you wonder who is responsible?

He also defended the Church’s exclusively male priesthood, once saying, “Jesus clearly did not ordain women to the priesthood, nor did he authorize the Church to do so.”

How would he know?

When angels think they are God. 

Is Cardinal John Patrick Foley a relative to Jackie O?

Compare the picture above with this picture of Jackie

you have to admit they do look similar.

Shape-shifting Jesus described in ancient Egyptian text

“I Come as a Pilgrim”

“The Pope held out a special hand of reconciliation in advance to Catholic homosexuals, who had been outraged at comments made by Archbishop John Foley, the American who heads Vatican communications. Foley had described the scourge of AIDS as a “natural sanction for certain types of activities.” Aboard Spoleto, John Paul said homosexuals “are in the heart of the church,” along with “all people who suffer.” In his first-ever remarks on AIDS, the Pope said, “The church is doing all that is possible to heal and especially to prevent the moral background” of the disease.”

Read more:,9171,147603,00.html#ixzz1v2Q22l8k

^These guys are nuts IMO! They love suffering….keeps them afloat.

Not only homosexuals received the “natural sanction” spoken of by Cardinal John Patrick Foley but so did other people like hemopheliacs. I dated a man who died of aids along with his brother, both were hemopheliacs. Both were happily married and productive men. Before he died he did reveal to me that his investigation of the aids contamination in the blood supply had to do with

the Red Cross, and in particular Elizabeth Dole.

 Weird picture of the Doles and the Connallys

I guess  “natural sanction for certain types of activities.”

 is not very exact

kind of like the Mustard Seed Parable.

 Please read about natural sanctions in this link:


The Parable of Faith – Part two

Pope Benedict XVI and the Mustard Tree

Parable of the Mustard Seed Part 4


D.C. gay rights groups evacuated after bomb threats

What is a marriage called when a gay person marries a straight person?

Half gay marriage? Half straight marriage?

How about if the other person isn’t aware of the other persons sexuality? What if the person isn’t even aware of their own sexuality?

Then what? Does that mean they are forever married until death even though it is a bad arrangement?

I don’t think it is fair to draw a line on this human right. I wonder how many unnecessary tragedies have occurred because of this type of hypocrisy especially when it comes to arranged marriages over the history of this world. How many murders have occurred to coverup ones sexuality because of what “the church” deemed legitimate?

Anne Boleyn and others come to my mind!


 I would rather see a homosexual have one partner and learn about marriage than live wildly and not learn about marriage. Marriage tends to stabilize a person which is good for many reasons. Depriving a person of a stabile loving environment is cruel and certainly doesn’t help.

Marriage is a private relationship between adults so they should be able to marry as long as the other person wants the same,

just as I believe a person has the right to a divorce if things don’t work out, without ramifications.

I should have the right to raise my child my way without hindrance from others such as my government and my government school system. I should be able to homeschool if I so choose with out interference from my government. It is not my governments business how I raise my child.

 Sodom and Gommorah

I believe the reason the angels blinded the crowd wasn’t because of their sexual orientation. It was because they were demanding attention from the angels and forcing themselves upon the angels, Lot, and his family. They had no right to do that and Lot should not have offered his daughter to them. They were forcing themselves upon Lot, his family, and the angels. That is why I believe they were blinded.

God did not destroy Rome or Greece and I think they also had homosexuals living in their countries. But our bibles tell us that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed.

Did Jesus destroy homosexuals when he came?

I don’t recall that he did, but he healed people with various imperfections.

Why was Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed?

The bible says that it was because the sin of the people had basically gotten so bad that God could not ignore it anymore. It wasn’t just the homosexuals.

It was everyone in those cities.

I do not know what Gomorrah means but this is what it says is the definition:

Go·mor·rah 2

A wicked or depraved place

Sodom means:

Sodomy – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sodomy refers to anal sex or other non-penile/vaginal copulation-like acts, especially between male persons or between a person and an animal.

So we have wickedness, depravity, anal sex and beastiality, and I don’t know what the other non-penile/vaginal copulation means ….maybe oral sex, heavy petting and other things. I do not believe it means private masterbation as wickapedia states, but I could be wrong.

So basically the two names of the two cities doesn’t exclude a particular gender. The definition of the names of those two cities does however seem to point to sexual sin and wickedness. 

Men, women, children, and animals were destroyed.

Obviously sin was rampant amongst all the people and tolerated by Lot and his family.

Abraham made a deal with the angels hoping to spare the two cities, if the destroying angels could find a certain amount of righteous people would the destroying angels spare the cities from destruction. I forget the amount that they agreed upon but it was not just a few but it seems they could not even find that amount because the bible says those cities were not spared.

From that I glean that it is a good idea to allow righteous people to be righteous,

because it is those people and their righteousness that keep the world safe.

 In the Gospel of John after Jesus had arisen he said

John 14:1

Let not your heart be troubled:

ye believe in God, 

believe also in me.


We should help people to believe in humane, thoughtfully, kindly ways within the laws of the countries and not persecute believers or non believers, or disembowel them and kill them, lie to them, or torture them, or trick them because they are imperfect.

Christians are imperfect.

Nobody said that a believer was perfect.

Christians should not expect perfection in non believers either.

Non believers should not expect perfection in believers.

Angels are imperfect too…..

Putting someone on the rack doesn’t improve them.  I don’t expect the Roman Catholic establishment to be perfect either. They have made huge mistakes but should also have to live by the laws of the land and own up to their mistakes. They have accomplished some good things too and we cannot discount their service in some capacities.  Most Roman Catholics are wonderful people and imperfect.

The Roman Catholic Church established a Court of the Gentiles

about the same time as they felt they were being persecuted

because of their abuse of children

and not because of their beliefs.

That is the lie.

It is not a coincidence.

Now the RCC and the Pope and their “protection”

won’t allow anyone to see their secret files,

because they percieve themselves to be HOLY and above the laws of the land

but want us to suffer their subtly maniacal inquisitions

with the powers that they have established for over 2000 years

through deception..


I believe if they own up to their mistakes they as a church could be healed and survive because they are human.

Obviously that power has corrupted them.

If they go down we all go down. That’s how these cowards do business.

Abusers of mankind!

Vatican Investigating Girl Scouts

for Links to Safe-Sex Education Groups

Ignorance is their ace in the hole, you might say. That is why there was such a thing as the Dark Ages when the lay people were not allowed to read the bible, in essence, they want to discern for us and deceive us. It is their power. Everything they do is toward that purpose. Education on the other hand gives power back to the individual and out of their hands.

Wikipedia head joins Vatican meeting, talks about abortion controversy 

Wikipedia and peace

“Honduran Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga of Tegucigalpa told the meeting that while people today are better educated and have greater access to information than in the past, they are becoming less human because education is focused so heavily on hard science, that it leaves aside questions about the meaning of human life and destiny.”

“Church sites, though, need to have filtering software and participants who can exercise “social control” on those who misbehave.”

Obviously they want to control us their way. Please read:

The Fruits of the Vatican


There were 2 other cities in the plain besides Sodom and Gomorrah which were destroyed.

It is quite possible, since no one knows where these 4 places are located,

that Sodom and Gomorrah is a prophecy.

Don’t discount that possibility.


What is sin?

Wickedness, depravity, bad behavior, and bad morals.  The bible says that homosexuality and beastiality are an abomination. Disobeying the Ten Commandments is considered to be sin.  The rapid decline in the morals of this country by the average citizen seems to coincide with the dismissal of the rule of law.

Whose law?

God’s law.

We have so many new laws in this country, much more than we had 50  years ago. Obviously, it isn’t the addition of these new laws, but the dismissal and disregarding of God’s law in our country that is affecting our country.

Lawlessness and disobedience 

Most of our kids don’t remember or were not alive when debates about the Ten Commandments were occurring in this country, but I remember it was my generation that rebelled against the monuments of God’s law. As I recall, it was the atheists that were the initiators of this mission, because they don’t believe in God. Free love and the hippie movement were also accepted by some of the population and are now standardized in our relationships in various ways. Abortion also was debated and now we have legal abortion for the rights of the mother and against the rights of the baby. the drug trade and drug usage prospered, homosexuals started to come out of the closet.

 I believed in a government separation of church and state.

I went to an Episcopal church for a couple of years in my early teens.

The Church I attended was hit by lightning and burned up. It coincided with a Gay/effeminate Rector taking over the position at about the same time that the church had invested in a new organ. I noticed the new rector because he swished down the aisle and I thought he was weird, but at the time I did not know about homosexuality in any form. Clueless!  When my family attended this church on many Sundays both my brother and I would get nauseated and have to leave early. It was a real symptom. Either something was wrong with me and my brother, or the church. Well, my brother and I did not get struck by lightning or burn up. So obviously something was wrong with the church. Maybe it meant that God does not approve of a homosexual leading the church. I cannot say for sure. Maybe God did not approve of the church itself. I highly doubt the organ was the problem, but it also burned in the church fire . Neither did the rector. The fact is I can’t remember if I didn’t have that same symptom before the new rector. Maybe it meant that God does not approve of a homosexual leading the church. I cannot say for sure. Maybe God did not approve of the church itself. I highly doubt the organ was the problem, but it also burned in the church fire. Maybe God didn’t like the model of the organ.

We ought to regard and erect the monuments of God’s Law

to remind the humans and the angels about

the Ten Commandments

that God designed

so that our children and other generations to follow

might have the chance to marry.

I have read a lot of the bible but I have not read the whole bible. I have compared the gospels for a number of reasons and I have chosen whom I believe. The Gospel of John. I am not positive in my conclusions to the 100 percentile, but He makes sense to me. I cannot say that the things told in the other 3 gospels did not occur, but does that make it true and I guess by that I mean the content and the conclusions made by the three synoptic gospel writers and all of their quotes attributed to Jesus.

The Gospel of John gives details that are not present in the other three gospels. He names names of the people in his gospel as if he knew them and was a witness. He makes sense. Jesus doesn’t come off as a fruit cake or a tyrant in this gospel. The other three gospels make Jesus sound like a lunatic and I don’t believe them for that cause. I think he was preceded and shadowed by lunatics and copycats.

Think about the coverup of the assassination of JFK. It is similar to what happened to Jesus except that JFK did not say he was the Messiah. He did have a message though and he paid dearly for it.

I do know that when I started to compare the gospels and write about it, it seemed to stir up a lot of controversy. That was not my intent. Maybe it is just coincidence, but I don’t think it is. I think it is a real threat to the establishment of religion, but that was not my intent either, but it is scary to see how deceptive the clergy have been.

I think it should be a human right to worship whom you believe.

I do not believe I have the right to kill, maim, or force others to believe what I believe. But I do have the right to express my beliefs. It is a human right, just like African Americans have the right to work in public businesses, worship, eat, sleep, drink, marry, drink from a public water fountain, buy a house in any neighborhood, get loans, own a business,  and go to a public school or public college without hindrance because of their race.

I do not go to their bedrooms because it is private.

It is none of my business what they do there. 

It is between them and God

and whether they believe or not is between them and God.

1 Corinthians 6:9
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate,

nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

Who is this referring to? Obviously not mankind

The bible says that the effeminate do not inherit the kingdom of God …..

who determines that measure of manliness that does inherit the kingdom of God?

Mitt Romney? George Bush? Billy Graham? Cal Thomas? The BGEA? The RCC?

The Secret Service? Meryl Streep? The Jesuits? Putin? Hillary Clinton? Mel Gibson? Simon Cowell? Hollywood? President Barack Obama?

Ellen DeGeneres?  Steven Tyler? Randy Jackson?American Idol?

I suspect that “the effeminate” are the cowards that aid and abet that power that abuses mankind.

That is why Revelation says:

Revelation 18:4
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

By remaining you empower the enemy of mankind and that is cowardly, which is effeminate.

It is not how manly or feminine you are,

but whether you are an abuser without remorse of your fellow human like a Nazi.

Here is a site you should listen to and hear. Has quite a few you tubes worthy of contemplating about the Roman Catholic Church and other subjects:

 Stephen Fry dismantles the Roman Catholic Church

“The Roman Catholic Church faces permanent disruption and banishment in at least five countries if it does not comply with ten “non-negotiable measures” by September 15, 2012, according to a global coalition of

survivors of church rape and torture.”

Catholic Church Faces Disruption and Banishment

as Irish Cardinal Set to Resign

 by Kevin Annett

This isn’t small potatos. This system is abusive worldwide!

Are Human Rights

the same or different

than Moral Rights?

I don’t know.

God gave us the choice to believe Him or not to believe. 

God has the right to judge us however he sees fit to do so as a country and individually.  He created us.

His standard is written about in the bible and it is up to each of us individually to decide and make choices that please him or displease him.

It is a high standard if you include the other books of the Old Testament as well as the other books of the New Testament.

The Ten Commandments are pretty basic though.

Our country was born by invading this continent with lots of different peoples that escaped from other countries of all different religions and races.

Our government is supposed to represent the people that are here.

That happens to include homosexuals because they are human, as far as I know.

Human rights. What does that mean?

It means if you are human you should be able to enjoy the same rights that other humans have legally.

I believe that includes marriage,

but not sodomy.

Privacy is a human right. Sex is a privacy right.

I’m not sure about that,

but it makes sense to me.

I don’t believe it was intended by God for people to be homosexual, but obviously it was a possibility. I don’t think He approves of sodomy or any other sin. Did God intend for marriage to be between a man and a man? No, I don’t think so since He doesn’t approve of sodomy, but it was a possibility. The bible says that God will deal with sodomites. It is not my business what happens in their bedroom. It is between them and God. My sins are not their sins, and visa-versa. Unless of course done in public eye.

What is public?

Well if our government and religious institutions are disobeying our privacy rights that might include what we do in the privacy of our own homes via computers, the internet, tv, telephone

and anything wired electronically, etc.

Are babies not human?

Do they have the right to live?

They can’t speak till they learn to speak and they in fact are dependent on their human mothers womb until they are designed in the womb

created by God

so shouldn’t they be protected by humans and their human rights

since they are human too and so that they may enjoy the right to marry?


How about children?

They have a right not to be sexually abused by their teachers and the clergy so that they might enjoy the right to marry and not be screwed up in their future relationships and marriage. The clergy should be forthright and offer assistance and openness of their accounts and records

instead of hiding and stalling. 

Do the right thing.

It is a human right,

unless you are not human.


If homosexuality is a learned trait then I leave that to Our Father and Jesus to heal the person of this trait when He decides is the right time for that particular individual. Same goes for a Hindu or a Buddhist, etc. Our Father reaches a person however and whenever that He does. I don’t think forcing the religion of Christianity upon another person by using bully tactics like Haarp or other facilities to cause mayhem and earthquakes (which I believe is occurring now) is the right way. If God Himself intervenes that’s His business!!!!! But I know that lately our government and other governments are using these places to scare and intimidate people.

I can’t say positively that HAARP is responsible for the tsunami/earthquake in Japan last year, but it seems highly likely and should be investigated.

But if it was a judgement from God then what did it mean?

Here are some interesting coincidences that were occurring at that particular time as far as I know in Japan involving the Pope, The Neocatechumenal Way, Roman Catholic leaders and the Japanese people. I’m sure this is just the tip of the iceberg but nevertheless ought to be scrutinized. Please read:

Japan Quakes after Confirmation of the Neocatechumenal Way

Maybe the power that is used at places like HAARP have been around longer than we know.The reason I say that is because of what happened at Yodfat. Please read:

Josephus and His Footprints

Using bully tactics like keeping files on every person in the country to blackmail them, coercing them, is DIS-GRACEFUL.  Our government or the clergy should not be doing this to anyone and it seems that they are, from what I have witnessed and written about in my posts.

It is that kind of business that in essence is a Disgraceful Force that might incite Our Father to intervene such as what occurred at Sodom and Gomorah.

Things are pretty rotten in America and the world

and have been declining for a long time.


I believe we have misinterpreted our bibles.

I also believe we have misinterpreted the signs,

partially because of the powers and those that wield them

who want us to misinterpret these signs.

I do not have any power over any one so I am not responsible for what is happening in our country and abroad, nor do I want to have that power. But I am speaking out and at this time still have a right to voice my opinion and display what I have uncovered over the internet and what I have learned as a believer in God and Jesus written about in the Gospel of John.

I came to those conclusions by reading the bible and comparing the gospels and comparing them to the Old Testament.

and disregarding what is obviously fraudulent and maniacal.

The Fruits of the Vatican

Mitt Romney’s 2006 Rally Against Gay Marriage

Pope Benedict XVI and His Power of Suggestion

Obviously, my beliefs do affect how I react to human rights, people in general, religion and government.

If these facilities are using their power to incite, coerce, create signs such as earthquakes, tsunamis, the right to earn money or inhibiting buying and selling, behavior modification via electronic devices or anything wired to force people to accept a religion or belief or behave in a bad way then I would say they are INHUMANE. I would say they who are doing this obviously don’t agree with humans having human rights and are waging terrorism against the public. If that is true then a homosexual married couple might be at risk from those that are against this human right and humans in general.

Case in point:

Cracks in the Washington Post story on Romney’s ‘pranks’ emerge

A question emerges in reading the Washington Post piece on Mitt Romney today: How can Romney’s old pal Stu White tell the Washington Post that he has “long been bothered by the Lauber incident” — and then later admit to ABC News that he was “not present for the prank” and “was not aware of it until this year when he was contacted by the Washington Post”?

Romney Friend Stu White Says Campaign Wants Him to Counter Prank Accusations

“One former classmate and old friend of Romney’s – who refused to be identified by name – said there are “a lot of guys” who went to Cranbrook who have “really negative memories” of Romney’s behavior in the dorms, behavior this classmate describes as “like Lord of the Flies.”

The classmate believes Romney is lying when he claims to not remember it.

“It makes these fellows [who have owned up to it] very remorseful.  For [Romney] not to remember it? It doesn’t ring true.  How could the fellow with the scissors forget it?” the former classmate said.

In a radio interview Thursday morning,

Romney offered an apology for the pranks,

but said that “homosexuality” was never on his mind”


Which reminds me of what God said to Abraham when Abraham took his son Isaac to Mt. Moriah to sacrifice him.

After Abraham had built an altar and had bound his son and was about to kill Isaac in the act of sacrifice,

God intervened and told Abraham not to kill his son and said 

That sacrificing Abraham’s son Isaac was never on his mind.

Then Abraham found a ram with its horns caught in the bushes

which God had provided.

Then Abraham sacrificed the ram/lamb (depending on which bible version you read) instead.

I’m sorry and need to apologize

for the above statement:

I made a mistake because I went back to read about Abraham and Isaac and what I had written that God had said (that sacrificing Isaac was never on his mind) is not true. I don’t know how that happened honestly, but God blessed Abraham for his fear of God and his willingness to offer Isaac his only son. I really thought I had read the above but now I cannot find it.

Please read the link:

Genesis 22

And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.

10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.

11 And the angel of the Lord called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.

12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him:

for now I know that thou fearest God,

seeing thou hast not withheld thy son,

thine only son from me.

13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son.

14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen.

15 And the angel of the Lord called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time,

16 And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the Lord, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son:

17 That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;

18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.

But what about Ishmael? Wasn’t he also Abraham’s son? Hmmm. I guess from this God did not consider that Ishmael was Abraham’s son.

Maybe because God knew something not revealed? 

Maybe God knew they would be abusers of mankind.



Still I know that we do make mistakes in God’s name and in the name of Jesus as I have demonstrated so personally. Sorry!

Please read:

Binding of Isaac

“While it is often imagined that Isaac was a small child, some sources claim he was an adult (noting that Jews are considered adults at age 13). The Talmudic sages teach that Isaac was thirty-seven, likely based on the next biblical story, which is of Sarah’s death at 127 (she was ninety when Isaac was born). Bishop Ussher’s chronology would place Isaac at about 20 years of age.”

Genesis 22:14 states that it occurred at “the mount of the LORD”: in 2 Chronicles 3:1Psalm 24:3Isaiah 2:3 & 30:29; and Zechariah 8:3, the Bible seems to identify the location of this event as the hill on which Solomon was said to later build the Temple, now known as the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.[c

Obviously, people jumped the gun

and made some horrible mistakes

in the name of God and in the name of Jesus

and do the same now!


John 8:57-59

57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?

58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you,

Before Abraham was, I am.

59 Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.

For the longest time I have tried to figure out

what Jesus was trying to communicate

when he said in the Gospel of John:

” Verily, verily, I say unto you,

Before Abraham was, I am.”

Is this what he meant?

The reason I say that is because the Temple Mount was built on this site

where the event spoken about in Genesis 2:2 occurred

with Abraham and his son Isaac!

I even thought maybe the exodus of the hebrews led by Moses from Egypt might have occurred

before the event spoken about on the Mount where Abraham and Isaac made their sacrifice,

but now it is quite possible that Jesus in the Gospel of John

was talking about the event with Abraham and Isaac on that same location.


Communication between humans is tough sometimes. I noticed through experience that men have a tough time communicating with each other where as women have an easier time communicating. Men are imperfect that way. Women on the other hand are more emotional and tend to be imperfect that way.

Even angels were imperfect.

We humans and angels were made with flaws for a purpose. It is our nature to be imperfect and until God perfects all of us we have to cope with those imperfections in ourselves, each other and the others,

because who knows if God will decide to turn the tables and when.

 In any case, we should try to persuade our peers, clergy, friends and neighbors, families, and our government to do what is right.

Just because we are fighting terrorism does not mean we should do the same and become terrorists ourselves. Believe me we will win the war on terrorism if we fight the war

the right way with integrity and mercy!

How we go about doing it is just as important as accomplishing it. Murdering each other, wire tapping each other, raping and pillaging, invading each other’s bedrooms,  intentional disinformation, blackmailing each other, vexing people, impersonating another person, stealing and robbing, starving people, leaving an individual helpless and unable to protect themselves by disarming them, prohibiting each other in inhumane ways is the wrong way to attain human rights

and it is the wrong way to change a person’s belief, spirit, and heart.

Lawlessness vs Lawlessness = Lawlessness

Lawlessness + Lawlessness = Lawlessness

which is in essence


Are we at war with God or OG?

Opinion: On gay marriage, Latinos agree with Obama


“Once Gay Americans are through celebrating President Barack Obama’s “personal” support of Gay marriage equality, they will learn that Obama’s “evolution” changes nothing. Obama’s new position is a bullshit cop-out.

This comes on the heels of an cynical Obama campaign pirouette where Team Obama trotted out first Secretary of State Hillary Clinton then Vice President “Crazy” Joe Biden to say they support gay marriage and imply that the President would too–after the election.

Now, incredibly, Obama says Gay marriage is a state issue. That’s what they used to say about abortion and before that, slavery. Now Obama tells us that gay couples should be able to marry but he doesn’t believe they have a right to do so. Obama would leave the question to the states–in other words -the status quo. This is like saying that public schools ought to be integrated but if the people of Mississippi disagree, well he says, “let the states decide” …”


By the way, what is the 2nd Commandment

of the Ten Commandments?

What is wrong with saying

“do unto others as you would have them do unto you?” 

There are always going to be extremes on any issue. I don’t think we should make determinations of any issues on that basis,

otherwise I would suggest outlawing marriage for heterosexuals.


Biden apologizes to Obama for marriage controversy

uh huh.

The Trickery and Treachery of Mitt Romeny

Tim Carney & Tamron Hall Throw Down

“What I am asking about is how the campaign has handled this situation, how he handled the Colorado reporter, how he handled same-sex marriage where

he said he agrees with gay parents be able to adopt,

but he does not agree with same-sex marriage? “

That’s a misnomer.

Homosexuals are good enough to raise kids

but not good enough to be married!

Does Mitt Romney not like orphans, kids, and homosexuals?


May be Mitty Romney shavout.

Mitt Romney’s 2006 Rally Against Gay Marriage

This man is sinister, sick, demented,

and speaks in dark sentences!

Romney’s lame response on bullying allegations

It is okay if you’re gay … Stop Bullying Now!

This you tube is about bullying of kids and suicide. But since I posted this in my article I can’t seem to get to the you tube on this link above. So try the link below:

This is what is called “social control” and believe me it is calculated.

What Romney can accomplish at Liberty University

Sometimes looks are deceiving and sometimes they aren’t.

He reminds me of George Ganswein,

the Pope Benedict’s Secretary the man who dresses the Pope.

Romney apologizes for high school ‘teasing’

The times we are living in are treacherous and the leaders we have in our government and religious institutions are as confused as we are because of the treachery and need our help and prayers. We should try to obey the laws of the country we live in as best we can and hopefully all of us can get through the deceit and treachery eventually.


The Monarch, Devil’s Breath, and the Eucharist

Evangelicals, Taxes, Jobs, and the Consumer

May 11, 2012 Posted by | "CODEWORD BARBELON – DANGER IN THE VATICAN: THE SONS OF LOYOLA & THEIR PLANS FOR WORLD DOMINATION", American Idol, Assassination of President Kennedy, Babylon, Bible Contradictions, Bible Controversy, False God of Rome, false Synoptic Gospels, George Ganswein, Girl Scouts, Gospel of John, Great Deception, It is okay if you're gay ... Stop Bullying Now!, JESUIT, Merangue's Blog, Notre Dame of Paris and the Courtyard of the Gentiles, Obama, Perversion and Mitt Romney, Perversion of MItt Romeny, Pope Benedict XVI, President Obama, Roman Catholicism, Romans, shavout, Synoptic Gospels, Synoptic prince of this world, The Abomination of Desolation, The Assassination of JFK, The Clintons, the Great Deception, Vatican | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Beware Oh brother, beware don’t you listen to the words. The tender lies….

The Beast

Speaking with his tongue which he does quite often.


For instance Franklin Graham representing BGEA:


5 things we learned from Franklin Graham

By Dan Gilgoff and Eric Marrapodi, CNN Belief Blog Co-Editors

5. Graham didn’t direct the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association to remove its website’s reference to Mormonism as a cult shortly before Election Day. But he agrees with the move. “I didn’t even know it was there. We have like 10,000 pages on our website,” Graham told us.

Graham said the reference isn’t coming back to the site. “I don’t want to be involved in calling people names,” he told us. “I want to reach people for Christ, and how can I do that if I’m calling them a name? I don’t even like the word cult; it sounds like dungeons and dragons or something.”

Give me a break….he didn’t even know it was there?

This guy is full of deceipt.

It’s okay to change your mind. It was a self-serving gesture for your ministry and an alliance to benefit you, and nothing more.  

Talk about disingenuous!

False dilemma

“……The presentation of a false choice often reflects a deliberate attempt to eliminate the middle ground on an issue. Eldridge Cleaver used such a quotation during his 1968 presidential campaign: “You’re either part of the solution or part of the problem.”[4] Another example would be the former US president George W. Bush stating that the world had a choice to make; “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.”……”

Luke 9:50-51

 49And John answered and said, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him,

because he followeth not with us.

 50And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us.

How about Benny Hinn?

Here is a you-tube of an example of Grace in the form of Benny Hinn a product of Billy Graham’s Evangelicals and Roman Catholicism

which I tried to transcribe a portion:

Benedictus Hinn Slaying himself I guess
Benny Hinn – Servant of God – You must See this

Benny Hinn – Casting Out Demons & Devils from people (1)

“Look at me. You’ve been oppressed by a devil. You’ve had demons literally try to kill you. You’ve had the devil himself try to kill you. I see when you were a child about three years of age. Someone put a curse on you. You remember that? “

(Woman shakes her head saying no.)

“You don’t because you were three years old.”

How does he know?

(Then Benny Hinn says something hard to translate and then says:)

“…….you are free in the name of Jesus From the top of her head to the soles of her feet she’s free.”

(Then Benny Hinn yells and pushes her: ) 

“She is free in Jesus name.”

(Then the crowd erupts in applause and he raises his hands in the air and says something I cannot translate:)

This is junk! Oh, it may be real, but it is still junk!

Were Christians really thrown to the lions?

“4. Roman executions typically were considered a form of public spectacle. “

In the gospels and the following books the person who curses a person is Paul! And the other time a curse is mentioned by Peter in regards to Jesus becoming a curse and implicit in that assumption is Judas, the slaves that were hung in the south,  and anyone who hangs on a tree which could have another meaning….such as.Christmas Tree Decorations/ decorators. 

1 Corinthians 16:22
If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.

Please read:

The Grace of Anathema Maranatha

In Roman Catholicism the only person allowed to curse an anathema marantha is the Pope and his Bishops.

Which of course you have to wonder: Was Saul/Paul a pope?

He sure traveled far and wide as do popes in our time.

Anyone who curses a three year old is sick.

What Bennie Hinn offers this woman is a false dilemma. A False Jesus. One that kills, maims, curses, possesses,

and ultimately destroys.

The devil posing as a healer.

What he offers her is Paul. Ba’al!

This is the way of Deception. However, Thank God we do have someone that loves us written about in the Gospel of John. And He is aware of what occurs in these arenas!

Please read:

I Am That I Am

I AM THAT I AM (Part two)


Here is a link with information From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia about Benny Hinn:

Benny Hinn

“Toufik Benedictus ”Benny” Hinn”


Hinn was born in Jaffa, in 1952, in the then newly-established state of Israel[3] to Palestinian Christian parents. He was raised within the Eastern Orthodox tradition.[4]

Soon after the 1967 Arab-Israeli War (a.k.a. “The Six-Day War)”, Hinn’s family emigrated to TorontoOntarioCanada, where he attended but later prematurely left the Georges Vanier Secondary School. In his books, Hinn states that his father was the mayor of Jaffa at the time of his birth, and that as a child, he was socially isolated and was handicapped by a severe stutter, but was nonetheless a first-class student.[5] These claims, however, have been disputed by critics of Hinn.[6] As a teenager in Toronto, Hinn converted from Greek Orthodoxy to Pentecostalism, eventually joining a singing troupe made up of young evangelicals. According to a 2004 CBC report on Hinn, his newfound religious devotion during this period became so intense that his family became concerned that he was turning into a religious fanatic. Hinn was taught the bible and mentored by Dr. Winston I. Nunes of Broadview Faith Temple in Toronto.[7]

speaking in tongues

Again speaking with his tongue 

Benny Hinn – Billy Graham’s Little Ant

The Devil is tricky: Very interesting parable and very quaint except that the problem with it is the false dilemma such as what occurred recently in Japan. Please read: 

Japan Quakes after Confirmation of the Neocatechumenal Way

Benny Hinn was raised Eastern Orthodox tradition which is another form  of Catholicism, one of many. Then he became Pentacostal which is still another form of Catholicism, one of many!

They created it as another false choice!

Where do you think “All Roads Lead to Rome” originated?

Same choice offered for the “little ant parable of Billy Graham.”

They create a dilemma, and they offer solutions to makes you think you have overcome! 

They interfere so that they may intervene! In legal terms it would be called “Entrapment.”

The Fruits of the Vatican


“In criminal law, entrapment is conduct by a law enforcement agent inducing a person to commit an offense that the person would otherwise have been unlikely to commit.”

In moral law it might be perhaps causing unwanted pregnancies by introducing drugs, propaganda and making abortion legal. Or causing joblessness through hate or prejudice causing a person to steal for food, deal drugs, prostitution etc.

The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia

While our troops fought in Vietnam drug use among youth definitely increased. Itis not by accident!


You are not given a fair choice!!!!!! 

Like the nurses you hear about that create near death experiences in order to save you when in fact they are the enemy obviously. It gives them a false sense of power over others. Makes them think they are Gods angels or God himself.

Like Sophie’s Choice.

Billy Graham and Benny Hinn are products of Nazism…Facism…..Roman Catholicism!

(Above picture is a snapshot of Billy Graham posing as Jack Ready a Secret Service Agent at Love Field Airport in Dallas the day of the assassination of JFK. He is signaling someone after Jackie Kennedy received a Lamb chops puppet which she hid under the red roses, the same red roses that she mused about receiving in later interviews , and failing to mention the puppet! I would guess that is where she hid a weapon used to kill JFK and/or to create a diversion which Roy Kellerman did mention hearing a flurry of gun shots. Whatever was hidden inside the puppet was important enough for Billy Graham/Jack Ready to make a signal to someone….probably another agent/press/clergyman)

They are



 ”Tyrannosaurus was a bipedal carnivore with a massive skull balanced by a long, heavy tail. Relative to the large and powerful hindlimbs, Tyrannosaurus forelimbs were small, though unusually powerful for their size, and bore two clawed digits.

Their massive skull is Golgotha:

The place of the skull where Jesus of Nazareth was nailed to the cross.

 Their works are their veil!

They are evil.

They are Evangelicals: Evil Angels: Beasts


CNS exclusive excerpt: Msgr. Ratzinger discusses his brother, the pope
Q. Do you also watch television together? Does the Holy Father have a favorite program?A. Well, before the news, there used to be a television series “Inspector Rex.” We always used to watch it, because we like dogs, too.”

John 16:2-4

  2They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh,

that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.

 3And these things will they do unto you,

because they have not known the Father, nor me.

 4But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them. And these things I said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you.

US election 2012: Rick Santorum says JFK makes him sick

The pictures of Billy Graham are snapshots from Greta Van Susteren’s interview of him talking about the Bush family .

Greta Exclusive: A Conversation With the Rev. Billy Graham

The last picture is of a man  (who I think is none other than Billy Graham in disguise) at the airport with JFK in Dallas less than an hour before the assassination right before he enrages

because he is caught on camera signaling to someone with his two claws

as Jacky receives something at the fence line.

Revelation 16:10-11

 10And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness;

and they gnawed their tongues for pain,

 11And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains (panis?=demons)

and their sores (roses?),

and repented not of their deeds.


Please read all of the parts of the

The Covenant with Many

Rev. David Wilkerson and Evangelicalism

CBS News and JFK (The first few hours)

The Stones of Amen

George Gänswein, Pope Benedict XVI, and Mel Gibson

Mary’s Spikenard and Luke’s Parable – Revised

Other articles can be found at

Merangue’s Blog

New and Revised Articles

January 11, 2012 Posted by | Assassination of President Kennedy, Benediction, beware, BGEA, Bible Contradictions, Bible Controversy, Billy Graham, CAMELOT, Corinthians, Evangelicalism and the Covenant With Many, Evangelicals, False God of Rome, false Synoptic Gospels, Gospel of John, Gospel of Luke, Gospel of Mark, Gospel of Matthew, Great Deception, Loggins and Messina, Pathway to Glory, Rick Santorum, US election 2012 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Mel Gibson and President John F. Kennedy (Part two Mel Gibson, George Gänswein, Joseph Ratzinger and The Covenant with Many)

JFK Blows The Whistle on Secret Societies!

You will miss the point of this post if you neglect Part 1

which is linked in the following title!

In part one of this trilogy

The Covenant with Many

I stumbled upon a coincidence of Joseph of Arimathea/Josephus Flavius marriage to the church

and the marriage of Jackie Kennedy to Aristotle Onassis (the Greek Shipping Tycoon)

and this is how this particular post came about!

Part two

After my conclusions about the Kennedy assassination I was intrigued and curious why Jackie Kennedy would be so bold as to kill her husband in broad daylight in front of cameras and people etc. I went through quite a few emotions and ideas kept popping in my head about his supposed affairs….except vaguely and over time reading about them with Marilyn Monroe. I always still had a deep respect for our President and his stance publicly for truth and openness and I have always hated that he was assassinated. I also hate the secrecy associated with the findings about the assassination! His private life might not have been perfect, but he seemed like a Perfect President. And probably there is more to the story than what meets the eye!

I have always thought highly of Mrs. Kennedy and her kids. After looking at many pictures of her she is even more beautiful than I remember. Compared to the woman on the screen in the Zapruder film I just wasn’t satisfied with my conclusions, even though I think that woman did assassinate President Kennedy.

To start I would like to divulge again that I am a portrait artist and I notice features a little more closely than the average person. So I decided to compare pictures of her to see if possibly, by chance, that the woman in the Zapruder film might be someone else. I found quite a few pictures and compared them to each other to see if and when she might have been replaced with a double. I know that sounds preposterous, but there is no doubt in my mind after seeing the Zapruder film over and over, and studying it closely, that she looks and acted very guilty, yet Jacky Kennedy doesn’t seem to be the type of woman to be so calculating and cold. The person on the screen in the film acts like a professional hit woman. So after writing the article The Covenant with Many and the deception involved and how the assassination of President Kennedy seems to cor-relate in very strange ways, especially Jackie’s marriage later to Aristotle Onassis, I had to look into it deeper than I ever have.


I kept running into the dilemma of mirror image confusion. If you take an object and stick it in your right hand and go to the mirror it will be in your left hand. In many of the pictures of her she would part her hair on the left and sometimes on the right.

For instance:

(I put the web addresses for you to put in your title bar to go to the picture to see it larger because my blog will not show it large enough to see a clearly)


This is the first lady at Taj Mahal on one of her many trips. In the picture above her purse is on her left arm and the part in her hair is on the left and her leg is poised forward on the left when facing her (or her right) and on the picture above that it is the exact opposite. I spent a long time pondering and studying these pictures because she is wearing the same dress and obviously it is the same day, right?

Then I realized the mirror-image dilemma.



But we do now!

Most people rarely change their part from the left to the right, or visa versa. But with mirror-image I could not get past the confusion,

until I put her with another person …..her husband.

Men never change their parts, especially back in those days. So I studied a bunch of pictures of them together and in every shot I could find of the two of them together, their parts were always on the same side. His would be on his right when facing him and hers was on the right when facing her when they were side by side.

So if you looked at them they were two right parts, like they matched.

Both have their parts on the right above.


Again, again  and again!

Both have their parts on the right again!

Both have their parts on the same side again like parallel as the other two above!

And again. Hard to see but their parts are on the right.

Again, both President Kennedy and Mrs Kennedy have their parts on the right when you are facing them.


Now her part is on the left


 Isn’t that Mary Ferrell in the picture below

with the president and the first lady

 in a red pillbox hat?

She has collected all sorts of things dealing with the assassination of President Kennedy and has a non-profit organization called the Mary Ferrell Foundation

but I think she profits in a round about way selling books using another front called History Matters. They sell books about the assassination and it takes you to her site as I linked the title  at History Matters and it took me back again to Mary Ferrell Foundation site and the book sells for 29,95:The War Conspiracy 

probably just one of many,

but I don’t want to waste any more time on her scam than needed! BARF

Selected Book

The War Conspiracy
by Scott, Peter Dale
Publisher: Mary Ferrell Foundation, 2008

Buy this at the MFF Store$29.95 (plus shipping)

In the past she also worked for the Governor’s office in Houston

and is considered a historian, but her site says :

“….On November 22, 1963 Mary was at work in downtown Dallas. Upon hearing the news of the assassination of President Kennedy…..”


It appears she was at the airport in Dallas!

Mary Ferrell Foundation Press

“Introducing the Mary Ferrell Foundation Press! The Mary Ferrell Foundation

is now a print publisher as well as

the largest electronic publisher of JFK assassination records”

In order to download PUBLIC DOMAIN files you have to be a member and that costs


to keep them in business!

In other words she gets you coming and going!

She is only protecting a legacy…….



Here is another pic

and his part is still on the right when facing them.

Both parts in the center.

So something has changed!

Last Meal

Their parts are opposite each other as they sit next to each other on the same day of the assassination.

Hers on the left and his on the right.

HIs part is on the right and hers on the left as you face them!

Now their parts are on the inside. Hers on the left and his on the right.

This woman is not Jackie Kennedy!

Not only did her part change ……..but so did her shins. Jackie Kennedy had sort of boney shins and the imposter has thick shins in comparison. Shins don’t change over the years except with extreme weight gain. Eventually, I will update this post with examples. The woman at the funeral of JFK was not the real Jackie Kennedy….unless Jackie replaced her legs with someone else’s legs.

Newly Discovered Footage of JFK’s Final Moments

also shows the parts of both President Kennedy and woman in the car with him

in this you tube linked in purple/ blue above!

Below is the Zapruder film for you to see the cold blooded assassination of our President

by what I believe is a double of the first lady.


Somewhere, somehow, something happened to Jackie Kennedy

and she was replaced!

Perhaps on her trip to India?

Here are 2 you tubes linked to study:

Hi quality footage of JFK Assassination

The Undamaged Zapruder Film

335 of the last sequence of the slow motion concentrated on President Kennedy,

Jackie Kennedy has something in her hand behind his back, because it is perpendicular to the horizon.

It is either heat and smoke, or has been touched up to hide what she is holding!


The link below (Part One of this trilogy) has a few you tubes of the assassination

and one in particular that examines the Secret Service and their innocence

and seems pretty accurate,

except for the fact that the woman representing Jacqueline Kennedy

does wave in the direction of the Secret Service guard,

and he backs off and shrugs 3 times,

even though he was supposed to be on the heel of the car protecting the President.

However, the video about the Secret Service occurs as the vehicles are leaving the airport called Love Field and not downtown Dallas where the assassination occurred.

The link below has the whole article and the video to examine.

Below this title and link is a snippet of Part one!

Mel Gibson, George Gänswein, Joseph Ratzinger


The Covenant with Many

“Here is what I see NOW:

“She is fiddling with him as he is shot the first time, then Connelly looks back and she looks at Connelly and he is shot, she looks back at her husband and gets closer and under him and he is shot again and the blood spray goes up, then

it looks as if she has something in her right hand after the second shot

(perhaps a silencer and it looks like Captain Hook’s arm without the hook?).”

And it seems to be emitting gas/heat! And if I am correct it probably came with her red roses!

Possibly, lost that object when she pushed her husband over and fled to the trunk of the car to get whatever was back there,and it looks like a tube of lipstick because of the way it stays on the trunk of the car. She pursues it on the trunk of the car and gets it and gets back and hunches down with everyone else.


*April 2nd 2011 Just watched this video again a few times and it looks like she is the only one that seems to be busy …..very active….and in control…….everyone else seems to be reacting.

Everyone else seems to be in slow motion and she is in very fast motion.

Whoever her focus is on seems to be before that person is shot! IMO

Which is very disturbing!”

Basically, what I am trying to say in above snippet of the post is that she is running
circles around everyone and most people in a state of shock do not react so quickly
unless they are the perpetrator!

Jackie triggers a killing mechanism?


Supposedly, Jackie would not change her clothes before the swearing in of

Lyndon Johnson and said

“I want them to see what they have done.”

That is called deflecting and pointing the finger elsewhere.

Murderers don’t usually need to be reminded, so who is she speaking of?

And as far as having her husband’s brains in her hands, or in her lap

…….how could that possibly be if she was on the trunk of the car

picking up things (perhaps caps?)

unless she picked up his brain parts

after she hunkered down

with the rest of the people that seemed to react normally,

besides the fact that she was not Jackie Kennedy, IMO


Jackie thought it was odd that she received red roses in Dallas in one of her infamous interviews spinning her Camelot myth. Did the weapon used to kill President Kennedy hidden within the red roses?

IF so, then,

who was the florist? 

Part 3 in the link below called

Rev. Wilkerson, Evangelicalism and the Covenant With Many

goes into more details about the red roses and the strange object that Jackie receives at the fence line of people at the airport (Love Field) in Dallas from a mysterious man

that the red roses help to conceal and reveal.


Jackie’s Pink Suit– more examples two Jackies

“It was at President Kennedy’s request that she wear the outfit in Dallas.

He said she looked “ravishing in it.” 

(Susan Mary Alsop, 1963)”


Who in the hell is Susan Mary Alsop

and how would she know what Kennedy said about the pink suit?

Is she related to Mary Ferrell? 



Here is the film shot from the opposite direction as the Zapruder film and seems to match exactly which substantiates the Zapruder films accuracy IMO!

Orville Nix, version 1 (AVI, 3.41 MB)
Orville Nix, version 2 (AVI, 2.25 MB)


 I started to notice a lot of articles creeping into the Internet about Jackie being part Jewish, as if that has anything to do with this at all, and I realized that the propaganda machine was active, very busy, to deceive, cover up and deflect.

Case in point:

Another you tube suddenly appeared with News coverage about the Kennedy’s visit in San Antonio before the assassination.

This old man had kept a movie of the Kennedy’s for almost 50 years in a drawer ‘all neat and perfect’

in his attic desk and just decided to donate it.

In my opinion, it’s a fake.

President Kennedy looks like he is out to lunch, as if he is not really there, or in another place.

His actions and expressions do NOT fit the scene. And, of course, the man that

donated the film mentions that President Kennedy is confused and gives his own excuse

for why the President is acting confused!


Jackie wore her hair parted on the other side that night also. I think that was the point of this you tube…..
covering their tracks….so to speak. If you watch the you tube it looks suspicious and is very confusing, a film full of mayhem that could easily be manipulated and, in fact, if you study the film, it has a lot of discrepancies. Why anyone would go to such trouble -all of a sudden- and it magically appearing 50 years later is suspicious in its entirety. President Kennedy looks like he’s drugged. It just does not fit!!! So I am including this you tube in this article.

Jackie is wearing gloves when she enters

and then when she gives her speech she’s not wearing her gloves

which is Very Very out of character for her.

I think someone has made a big error in this film.

They forgot the gloves!

That’s what happens when you are in a hurry.

Not only that, but they forgot to invite the Connally’s.

That Day in Dallas/ Nellie Connally

By Robert R. Rees,
CyberProfile Contributing Editor

However, the Connally’s were on every other activity STRANGE and, in fact,


— the sudden appearance of this FILM, that is!!!!!  

Why would the Connally’s be excluded?

The whole event I have described, the odd behavior of the people involved, the exclusion of the Connally’s, leads me to believe that this was the critical point,

a watershed event

in regards to

the assassination of President Kennedy!

All I can say is, in time, all things will

be revealed and, I hope, whoever is involved


in propaganda to deceive 

will change their course and do the right thing while they still have a chance

before it is too late!

Film surfaces of JFK night before assassination

Zoom in and Check out 1:54/4:22 expression of Jackie in this film which I took a snapshot shown below. Very odd, and I would call it demonic, as if she had had a fit,

or a glitch!

Does this look like Jackie Kennedy?

Check out the woman near the end of the film who seems to be trying to say something  with her hand at 3:43/4:22. Perhaps she is an unwilling participant in a very ugly scam!

Then from frame 2:07/4:22 Jackie Kennedy looks at least 10/20 years older sitting with her bare hands in her pockets.

This film is full of holes!

Now compare this FREAK IN THE ABOVE FREAK SHOW to the poise of the real Jackie speaking spanish!

Jacqueline Kennedy speaking spanish

and her part matches her husband’s part!

I wonder if the film that suddenly surfaced didn’t steal bits and pieces from this film and many others,

but just made a few errors in the new “timely” film just now donated

because this old man all of sudden decided to part with

his sacred treasure!

There is a big difference between the women in each of these films besides the obvious


So why would this old man come up with this film 48 or so years later and decide to donate it – at this time – when he had it in his drawer the whole time?

Why would some of the news stations and press combine it with another film and put sound behind it, even though it was a silent film?

Some of the broadcasts that were aired ought to be investigated for fraud.

IT is as if the Press is hiding something that they are complicit in!

Why embellish the film?

Could it be they want you to swallow it,

hook, line and sinker?

They have the tools to deceive and they are deceiving you!


Life Magazine supposedly had the Zapruder film and parts were destroyed!


Who do they work for?

Who does the man at the Museum of The Texas School Book Depository work for that received this film and helped to affirm it’s worth?

Does he have no levels or standards of  integrity for a film to be accepted as historical evidence? I guess anything goes.

Even I could layer a film as bad as that one!

It is soooooooooo obvious that this film is layered!

Even Diane Sawyer (who acts drunk on herself, IMO) of ABC News aired it and they did their own layering for you to accept it!

If they try to spoon feed us this film and add, of course, the other one of the same night …

does that make it true?

Because their are two films of the same scam

does that make it true?

How about 3 or 4?

Who do they serve?


For if they know or have an inkling that they are deceiving

they should quit,

but they don’t because they have to support their life style!


Basically, what happened that day:

The power of the Presidency was stolen by the Treasury Department!

The Treasury Department heads the Secret Service

which is supposed to protect the President

and his wife !!!

So we lost a branch of our government that day,

our elected President, and his wife!

That’s why there was cover-up!


JFK & Marilyn Monroe Photo: ONLY Picture Together Unveiled (VIDEO)

Only Photo of JFK & Marilyn Monroe Together Unveiled, On Sale

Trove of John F. Kennedy photos from White House are sold at auction

IF you look real close this is a picture that has been manipulated also.

I have read so much pure junk and innuendo about JFK and his brother Bobby

and a recent released photo of JFK and Bobby with Marilyn Monroe that

was “saved”

from a dryer

Up for auction, only photo of JFK and Marilyn Monroe

together moments after she sang sultry ‘Happy Birthday’

IT is a strange photo with President Kennedy looking away.

He was embarrassed:

Because it is not him

he was wearing a grecian hair band?

 he could not figure out which side

to part his hair

on that occasion!

It is not even Robert Kennedy or Marilyn Monroe!

Marilyn Monroe had a soft rounder nose and plumper lips and two shoulders

not just one and a half!

Compare her nose to the nose on the woman in the other picture. There is a big difference! IN this picture her nose is not as boney or as long as the one above and her lips are plump comparatively. Even the woman’s body is different. Marilyn Monroe was always clumsily over-weight in a very attractive way and the woman above is slender and even the breasts are different and smaller!






(that is why it was found in a dryer of all places )





It is called DIS – INFORMATION!


HERE IS ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF “CC”ing of Marilyn Monroe: Marilyn Monroe alleged sex film surfaces

A Marilyn Monroe expert, however, says the actress in the film is someone else, considerably heavier and less feminine than the legendary film star.

“That’s not Marilyn. The chin is not the same, the lips are not the same, the teeth are not the same,” said Scott Fortner, who has a sizeable collection of Monroe memorabilia, including a belt he said proves how much more petite she was. “Marilyn was a tiny little thing. And I know that for a fact. I own her clothing.”


Strangely, Oswald left a strange message that has to do with MM and CC-ing men and women,

but we will get to that in another post!

Hersh’s Dark Camelot

The three people that these actors above represented were cut down early in life and I think I know why:

To fulfill prophecy in order to deceive!

It has something to do with the head wound prophecy in Revelation: 

Revelation 13:3 

  3And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death;

and his deadly wound was healed:

and all the world wondered after the beast.



Please read:

The Seventh and the Eighth Pope of Revelation- Benedict XVI

By the way, in his letters when JFK used the code letters


I don’t think it is in reference to Marilyn Monroe,

but rather

Mary Magdalene.

I found a few places that use MM for their identification!

They are MANY!

But for $$$$$$$$ and the public’s consumption they have made a

Mountain out of a Mole!

I found a few places that ALSO use


for their identification!

Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America (M.M.)

[MM] Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America (Maryknoll Fathers)

M a r y k n o l l    O f f i c e   f o r    G l o b a l    C o n c e r n s

ANd the association of Billy Graham also uses MM:



Agency Mission:

“World Medical Mission is a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse,
 an international Christian relief and evangelism organization specializing in meeting the needs of victims of war, poverty, natural disasters and disease”

 Samaritan’s Purse

More like the big fish ate the little fish. Basically, the son of Billy Graham took over a ministry. Whether foul play was involved…who knows.

The founder died from Leukemia soon after the friendship with Franklin Graham!

John 12:6

 6This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put theriein.

Below is a letter from Billy Graham to JFK which refers to those rumors about JFK

before he was elected President:

Letter From Billy Graham to John F. Kennedy

The signature on wickopedia of Billy Graham

Billy Graham, August 10, 1960.  The Honorable Jack Kennedy, The United States Senate, Capital Building, Washington, DC.  Dear Senator:  I trust that you will treat this letter in the strictest confidence.  There is a rumor in the Democratic Party that I intend to raise the religious issue publicly during the presidential campaign.  This is not true.  In fact, I would like to commend you for facing it squarely and courageously.  There was another matter concerning malicious gossip that I had overheard about you.  I took it immediately to two of your closest friends and they clarified it.  I promis you it has not gone beyond me.  It is most unfortunate that political leaders are subject to these types of ugly rumors and gossip.  I shall probably vote for Vice President Nixon for several reasons, including a long-standing personal friendship.  I am sure you can understand my position.  However, if you should be elected President, I will do all in my power to help unify the American people behind you.  In the event of your election you will have my wholehearted loyalty and support.  With every good wish, I am cordially yours.

IF this letter was truly written by Billy Graham, which I cannot verify, it is sickening!

The signature is very demonstrative, especially the m!

Paragraph two is very telling!

He says he took it to two of JFK’s friends, but that it did not go past him ……kind of a misnomer.

You don’t go to two friends to clarify a rumor or, for that matter, write it in a letter

if you want to keep it secret!

So what was the intent of the letter?

If you read  between the lines, I would call the letter a veiled threat, otherwise why bring it up.

What friends? Was it Mr. Graham’s job to clarify rumors of JFK

or was he just alerting the Senator

that he had some goods on him? 


Kind of gross!

Please read the link 

Rev. Wilkerson, Evangelicalism and the Covenant With Many

to see why the letter from Billy Graham

“is important”

in this tragedy


Billy Graham Regrets Political Involvement, Again
“The 91-year-old evangelist thinks he may have “crossed the line.”

” Eight days later, however, Graham convened a gathering of American Protestant ministers in Montreaux, Switzerland, to discuss how to derail Kennedy’s campaign. The follow-up to the Montreaux meeting was a closed-door gathering of 150 Protestant clergy at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington on November 7—the purpose of which, once again, was to sound the alarm about the dangers of a Roman Catholic in the White House.”

Sounds like baloney to me,
regretting political involvement , that is.
Take a look at the picture following….I think he rather enjoyed politics!
President Lyndon B. Johnson presents Billy Graham with the

Big Brothers

of America Award

and both seem to be having a very big laugh.

I think President John F. Kennedy, Senator Bobby Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe,

the supposed lone assassin with the magic rifle Lee Harvey Oswald

and many, many others were unfortunate victims of a

mafia filled church, drunk on power and deception,

that tried to make our country heel!

The mafia is obviously their creation!

They do the dirty work for the church and the church absolves them and themselves. 


They are the scum of the earth!

Rome’s secret weapon for recatholicising the EU

“This brings us to Benedict and Rome today.  Readers will be well aware of the Vatican’s efforts after World War II to dominate Europe through the Treaty of Rome.  This strategy was spearheaded by the “St Benedict for first European” campaign conceived during World War II.  Pius XII may have been silent about the holocaust but he certainly made waves when one of Benedict’s early monasteries, Monte Cassino, was bombed by the allies.  Churchill, unworried, correctly observed, “the enemy fortifications were hardly separate from the building itself”. But Pius castigated it as an “atrocity bombing”.  He and his two successors, John XXIII and Paul VI, 

all vowed to use Benedict’s European credentials to bring the continent to heel.”

We are the allies that bombed Monte Cassino!

Please read: The Synoptic “Q Source”

Special reference to Billy Graham and his part in this affair in the article linked!

John 16:2
They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh,

that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.





Now, we have lost our government in total to the

World Government headed by Rome!

Obviously, it was the Vatican and the Pope and their legions



who arranged the death of President Kennedy and probably Jacqueline!

But thank goodness it won’t last!

Courtyard of the Gentiles

Revelation 11:1-2

1And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.

2But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not;

for it is given unto the Gentiles:

and the holy city shall they tread under foot

forty and two months.

That’s about 3 1/2 years we have to put up with this nonsense!

Time is ticking!

They are the legions that want to make you believe them, nothing, or anything and everything,

but the truth!

That is their end/purpose!

The President and First Lady after the First Anniversary Inaugural Salute Dinner, 1962

Photo Credit: Cecil Stoughton, White House/John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston

 I zoomed in on the hands, bottom of dress,

and the man’s face behind Jackie.

I guess the photographer needed to add people and shadows….to make it look real?

How about that eyebrow and the side burns on the man behind Jackie….

maybe Cal Thomas was attending?

In regards to Cal Thomas, he was just recently accused of Plagiarizing by a ridiculous Texas editor

(I call it relating)

Accused Of PlagiarismCal Thomas Admits He Should Have Credited 


Lyndon Johnson Swearing-in Nov 22, 1963

The Most Revealing Wink Of The 20th Century










Bill Clinton fakes crying


 I checked out this you-tube filming from the car behind the limo of President Kennedy and I took some close-up shots of the hands of Jackie’s double, because of Jean Hill’s testimony and press statements linked of seeing a white puppy dog between the President and his wife at the time of the assassination:

President Kennedy’s Fort Worth visit on November 22, 1963. (5:18-5:47/8:10)

which she was ridiculed for that observation. Since reviewing, I thought it might be possible that she was seeing Jackie Kennedy’s gloved hands as their limo passed by her. So I keyed in on those hands and they seem rather large in comparison to her husband President Kennedy. White gloves can appear larger in video. White always looks larger and affects photography in funny ways, but nevertheless her/his hands seem extremely large especially the one closest to the President.

I am including a comparison of her/his hand waving and the President from this film following:

See the QuickTime Movie taken by Dave Powers

Zoom the view of these pictures to see better!
Her hand is opening and his hand is pointing forward on the right. Compare the relationship to their heads!

Her hand looks really huge like a man but even larger.

Her hand is closed again and it looks like a rose with thorns on the arm. Kind of an odd shape if you zoom in.

(and it looks like a silencer)

Jackie saluting behind and to the right possibly to a Secret Service guard (the one that is supposed to shield the President?)

Her hand size is about the same size as her head..maybe larger!

His hand is a little forward, but seems dramatically smaller in comparison to his head and normal.

Her hand looks abnormally GIGANTiC???


I can see why Mary Moore thought she saw

fluffy white puppy between them.


Truth may be stranger that fiction

in an automated kind-of-way!


The look of love is in your eyes

THE FACE OF EVIL IN DALLAS 1963 Sticking out her tongue

This is JacQueline sticking out her tongue again

President Kennedy and the Secret Service

goes into why she sticks out her tongue often!

Some of these guys supposedly boasted that they got the SOB 

(JFK) and the little bastard (Bobby Kennedy)!

At Bobby Kennedy’s assassination a woman with a polka dot dress was seen, but disappeared.

Maybe he is that woman!

David Sánchez Morales

“During that operation he acquired a reputation as the CIA’s top assassin in Latin America.”

After the communist revolution of 1959, Cuba restricted religious practice, this led to persecution of many Catholics at universities and jobs………
…..From 1959 to 1961 eighty percent of the professional Catholic priests and Protestant ministers left Cuba for the United States. Relationships between the new government and congregations were tense, the new Cuban government was very limiting and suspicious of church operations, blaming them for collaboration with the CIA during the Bay of Pigs invasion and stockpiling arms provided for a “counter-revolution“.

I believe that Jackie was not really Jackie but a hit woman – how far fetched could it be that maybe she was a he and a hit man that was very effeminate with very large hands like in the picture above.

The one hiding his face
that has his arm around his companion on the right!

Kind of like

Mel Gibson, George Gänswein, and the Pope

In my latest article

Courtyard of the Gentiles


Please read articles below:

The Covenant with Many

Rev. Wilkerson, Evangelicalism and the Covenant With Many

JFK and the Secret Service

JacQueline Kennedy and then Came Lot

I Am That I Am (The Sign) -Revised *

I AM THAT I AM (Part two)

I Am the True Vine

The Synoptic “Q Source”


The Fortress

April 2, 2011 Posted by | SAMARITAN'S PURSE, Uncategorized, WORLD MEDICAL MISSION | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment